Autumn in the Forest
- 2 years ago
- 40
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Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday were typical school days. The evenings were pretty normal, too ... dinner with Mom, homework, some computer and TV. Wednesday evening, I helped Mom make some things to take to the Barkers the next day. Before I went to bed, I logged on to wish Mia a happy Thanksgiving. Just as I pulled up MSN Messenger, the phone rang. I looked at the caller ID. It was Mia's number, so I grabbed the phone.
"Brody?" Mia said, her voice strained. Suddenly she burst into tears.
I started to panic. "Mia? Baby, what's wrong? Talk to me?"
"She's gone," she sobbed. "I tried to talk to her and I pushed her away. She's gone! What have I done??"
My mind conjured up the worst, and that, coupled with the heartbroken cries of my lover, pulled tears out of my eyes, too. I'd always tried to be Mia's protector, and now I was failing. I soothed and calmed her as best I could, aching inside that I couldn't reach through the phone and wrap her in my arms. At one point, Mom stopped on her way to bed and listened a little in the doorway with concern in her eyes.
Eventually, Mia calmed down to a whimper.
"Mia, I love you," I said with all the emotion I could muster. "I'll always love you. No matter what happens, in the end you and I will always be together." She sniffed, but didn't say anything, so I continued. "We can work through this issue, because there is nothing we can't handle together."
Mia sniffed again. "OK," she answered, her voice so tiny and vulnerable.
In my peripheral vision I saw Mom trying to get my attention. I'd forgotten she was standing there.
'Is everything OK?' she mouthed to me.
I shook my head. 'Not sure, ' I mouthed back. 'I'll tell you in the morning.'
She waited a second, watching me was a funny look. Then she nodded. 'I love you, sweetheart, ' she mouthed, and then disappeared down the hallway.
"Tell me what happened," I said to Mia.
"We've always spent the night before Thanksgiving together. It was our time, you know? Shay would usually stay at our house because of her parents, then we'd spend Thanksgiving together, first at my family meal and then at hers. Anyway, I figured this would be a good time to try to work some things out. I mean, we'd have all night, right? So I called her up this morning and asked her when she wanted to get together this evening. She kind of hemmed and hawed. I guess I'd finally reached my limits. I started getting mad, so I asked her what was wrong. She said she'd kind of agreed to go to a party with some of her volleyball teammates. I said 'I thought this night was ours' and she said that she kind of had to go to the party. So I said I'd go with her. She said she'd have to ask, but I could tell she didn't really want me to. Anyway, she called me a few hours later and said I wasn't invited, that only certain people could come. So I said 'So you're not going to go, right? You're coming here?' She was quiet and was like 'I can't, Mia. I'll just have to see you tomorrow.'"
Mia paused and sniffed hard before continuing. "Anyway, I guess I snapped, because I said if she didn't want to be with me anymore, then she just needed to tell me and to quit stringing me along. I didn't want to be with someone who didn't want to be with me. She said I was being overly dramatic and that when the volleyball season ended things would slow down and go back to the way they were. Things just kind of escalated and I finally said I thought we needed to go our own ways for a while. She agreed and hung up. Brody, what am I supposed to do now?" Mia choked back a cry. "I feel so alone. I've lost one love and the other is thousands of miles away!"
"Mia," I pleaded. "I wish I could be there for you. If I could I'd wrap you in my arms and make it all better."
I was at a loss as to what else to say. I was angry and frustrated and discouraged. I wanted to protect Mia, like always. I wanted to call Shay up to give her a piece of my mind. Yet, a part of me didn't think that was fair. I kind of empathized with the redhead. There was an incredible amount of pressure to try to fit in. I got the feeling from all my chats with Shay that she didn't particularly like all these activities but felt obligated, like she needed to conform to be part of the team.
I could see both sides of the fence, so I did the only thing I could do and comforted Mia. I encouraged her to give Shay until the season ended, then they could work things out. That was only a few more weeks. Plus, I'd be there in about a month and maybe together we could figure it out. I reassured her we'd make things work.
"I love you, Mia," I said again, as intensely as possible. "Don't ever forget that. I don't know what's going to happen, but I'll do everything I can to help you deal with it. I promise." I heard a floorboard squeak from the hallway. Mom was probably just finishing up her nighttime routine and was heading to bed.
Mia sighed as she had several times during our conversation, but this time it seemed more hopeful. "I love you, too, Brody. I meant what I said this summer, that I knew what I wanted, and that I was willing to be patient until you and Shay knew for yourselves. It's just been a lot harder than I thought. I know I've been preoccupied with my own drama, but I want you to know that I still think of you as my best friend. I promise to always be here for you whenever you need me."
That reminded me of what I'd said to Cassie. It seemed like a good way to get Mia's mind off of Shay.
"Speaking of that, I could use your help for something."
"You know that girl who hosted that party I went to?"
"The one you fucked?"
Harsh, but true. I almost went on the defensive until I heard Mia giggle. It'd been EONS since I'd heard her giggle. Music to my ears. I let the sound resonate around my head.
"Um, yeah," I answered sheepishly. Mia may have been able to joke about it, but I still felt guilty for doing it without her knowing. "Her name's Cassie. Anyway, we've become friends, and..."
"Friends, huh?" Mia interrupted, her tone full of mirth. "Just what kind of friends?"
"What? No! I mean, not like that." I was stammering, a direct result of 'the Mia Effect'. No one could get me flustered quite like Mia.
"Relax, Brody. I'm just teasing you. What about Cassie? Why do you need my help?" From Mia's tone, I knew she was having a momentary reprieve from her despondency. I patted myself on the back for changing the conversation.
"Well, right after we ... you know ... had sex, Cassie confessed to me that she thought she was actually a lesbian, but didn't know how to go about dealing with that or how to find someone to be with. Stuff like that. She knows about you and Shay." Ouch. Dammit. I was trying to steer the conversation AWAY from Shay. Better keep moving forward. "I asked her if she'd like to talk to you, maybe get some advice or something."
Mia, bless her heart, didn't even hesitate. "I'd love to! Brody, I'd love to meet all of your friends, even if it's just through IM or over the phone or something. It'd make me feel like I was more a part of your life."
I breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't catch my reference to Shay—or she chose to ignore it—and she was actually excited to talk to Cassie. We talked about that a little, and when we hung up, she actually sounded happy.
Of course, neither of us knew the shit was getting ready to hit the fan.
Thursday morning dawned like just about every Thanksgiving. I woke to the smell of fresh baked bread, which, just so you know, is something everyone should get to experience at least once every couple of weeks.
I practically floated to the kitchen, already savoring a big slab of bread drenched in butter and covered with jam.
Mom shot that to hell.
"Don't touch the bread. It's for dinner."
"Awe, come on, Mom. Just one slice?" I tried to sound pitiful.
She pushed me away from the wonderfully yummy treasure. "No. Eat cereal or something." I tried to give her my puppy dog eyes, but she just grabbed my shoulders, turned me and pushed me towards the pantry and the cereal. She swatted my butt for good measure, but that was NOT the right thing to do, considering our heightened sexual senses. My penis jumped in my boxers, and as I was getting my food, I kept catching her stealing glances at my, um, lower body.
I ate quietly and watched Mom working in the kitchen. She was making a pumpkin pie, too, which only added to the wonderful scent in the air. Mom was dressed in her robe, a very nonsexual bulky terrycloth one that went down below her knees. She looked damn sexy in that, too. God, I had it bad.
Finally, with the pie in the oven, she turned and looked at me. She took a sip of her coffee before talking.
"I talked to Shelly last night, and she told me what's going on between Mia and Shay."
I shrugged.
"Do you want to talk about it?" she asked as she sat across the table from me.
I suddenly realized I DID. I had been internalizing everything going on with Mia and Shay and now I felt the intense urge to tell someone. So I unloaded. I told her everything: Shay joining the volleyball team and getting really busy; Mia feeling neglected by her best friend; Shay gradually pulling away from me and Mia; Mia's worsening depression; their fight; my feelings of helplessness, feeling that I was losing my girlfriends and that they were drifting apart and there was nothing I could do. When I was done, I actually felt better. Not much, but at least a little.
Mom, on the other hand, looked contemplative. "I asked Shelly if it would be alright if you called Mia a few times during the day, just to check on her. She said that would wonderful. Would you be willing to do that for Mia?"
My face must have said it all, because Mom laughed. "OK. I'll take my cell phone, and you can sneak away a couple of times to call her." She pointed her finger at me as she tried to look stern. "Don't abuse this, young man. Ten minutes max for each call."
"Thanks, Mom." I turned to leave.
"Brody?" Mom called. I turned back to her and caught the look of love as she smiled at me. "I'm really proud of you, son." That particular line always made me feel warm and fuzzy, and I blushed as she continued. "You've grown into such a wonderful young man. The way you've handled the situation with Mia and Shay shows a sensitive side that a lot of guys twice your age never seem to show. You've also shown maturity and wisdom that is very impressive." She cocked her head to the side and I noticed her eyes flick down my body and then back to my face. Her eyes got that funny look again. "Add in your physical charms, and I bet there are lots of girls whose hearts are all a-flutter."
Like you, Mom? I smiled back at her. "Thanks."
Thanksgiving is absolutely the best holiday ever created. So says a growing teenage boy with a hollow leg and a high-speed metabolism. I ate until I couldn't move. Mrs. Barker is a damn good cook. Mom's been known to put together an awesome meal or two herself. I had thirds before I collapsed, pants unbuttoned, on the couch to watch football. Jeff didn't put away as much as I did, but he was scrawny. Actually, he wasn't scrawny, but he was smaller than me, so I teased him pretty regularly about being scrawny. Mom and Mrs. Barker were in the kitchen chatting with Grandma Barker, who was a really, really old woman. She was actually Jeff's great-grandmother, and was like 90 or something. She was pretty spry though, and had a biting sense of humor, kind of like her great-grandson.
I looked at the clock and realized it was a good time to call Mia. They ate an early dinner and we ate a late one, so our family dinners ended up being at almost the same time. I pulled the cell phone from my pocket and stood up to find a private spot to make my call.
Jeff held his hands up in front of him, his hands bent at the wrists. He let his tongue hang out and started panting.
"Grrrr..." he growled, then started barking like a stupid puppy. I glared at him as I passed.
"Aah, puppy love," he crooned behind me, then sighed dramatically.
I just shook my head. Jeff was a jokester, so you didn't take him too seriously. Sometimes he could piss you off, but for the most part he was just an all around funny guy. When he wasn't being an ass.
This was my second call to Mia that day. The phone rang four times before someone picked up.
"Just a second, Brody. I'll take the phone to her." It was Shelly. "I'm glad you called. She just tried Shay's house to see if they were still going to get together today, but her parents said Shay was pretty sick and didn't want to be disturbed. Mia's pretty torn up."
"Dammit," I muttered, feeling frustrated and helpless again. For a split second I remembered that there was an adult on the other end, but decided I didn't care.
"Here she is," Shelly said.
"Hey," said Mia, her voice quiet and sad.
"Hey, yourself. Your mom told me that you haven't been able to talk to Shay today."
Mia's next words were full of antipathy. "Her stupid parents said I can't talk to her because she's sick. Said she doesn't want to talk to anyone. Fine, she doesn't want to talk to me. At least she could have the fucking decency to tell me herself." She was quiet for a second, then said in a muffled voice. "Sorry, Mom." Then she was back. "I swear her mother was gloating over the phone."
During my various chats with the girls, it became apparent that Shay's parents actually were disconcerted that their daughter was in a lesbian relationship. Mr. Spurlock, Shay's dad, was ready to put a stop to it, but his wife convinced him this was just a phase that she would outgrow. Apparently she was feeling vindicated.
"Mia, maybe Shay really is sick and truly wasn't up to talking."
"Ha," Mia huffed. "She seemed just fine yesterday when she was going to her party with her friends." She said the last word with contempt. "Probably a hangover or something." Then she sighed. "I just don't know what to do, Brody. Everything I try is thrown back in my face. It's like she doesn't want to even try to fix things. I've tried being nice. I've tried confrontation. I've tried catching her off-guard. I've tried letting her call the shots. She just seems to pull further and further away, like she's actively trying to end our relationship without just saying 'we're through.'"
I thought for a second, trying to think of what to say. Something in what Mia was saying tickled my brain. I did a quick mental run through of all of my interactions with Shay. I wasn't sure, but I began to piece together Shay's motives and actions over the last few months. I needed to mull this over before bringing it up to Mia.
"Are you going to keep trying to call her?" I asked.
"No. If she wants to see me or talk to, fine. She knows where I am. I've tried. I'm tired of being hurt over and over again."
I decided to change the subject. "You know what happens in four weeks?"
That perked her up. "I can't wait, Brody! I'm going to wrap you up and not let go of you for the whole two weeks."
"That might be kind of difficult," I laughed. "I mean, I'll need to pee."
"Then I'll hold it for you while you go. I've always wondered what it looked like, you know when a guy pees. So you'll satisfy my curiosity and then you can satisfy my urges, one right after the other." I heard a muffled voice, to which Mia responded. "Sorry, Ana."
That made me laugh. "Is your sister eavesdropping?"
"She says she was just walking by, but I know better. I catch her snooping around my computer and my room all the time. She's a 17-year-old virgin who really, desperately needs to get laid." She chuckled. "Maybe you could do that for her while you're here."
My heart thudded hard in my chest for a second. Was she serious? "Uh..." was all I could say. My hesitation must have clued Mia.
"I'm kidding, Brody. There is only one Greenwall girl that will be getting laid by you." Another muffled voice. "Yes, Mom ... Brody, Mom says I have to get off the phone now because I'm embarrassing Ana and pissing off Sam. Will you be able to call me again later?"
"Yep. When I get home from Jeff's house. He keeps teasing me about being your loyal puppy, so I don't want to give him any more fuel."
She giggled. "I always wanted a puppy! Who knew I already had one?" She made a kissing sound into the phone. "Love ya, Rover!"
That night, after Mom and I finished off some Thanksgiving leftovers we brought home from the Barkers, she began to pack for her weekend with Brian. I had just finished my last phone conversation with Mia, so I padded down the hall to Mom's room to chat before going to bed.
I was feeling a bit melancholy about Mom being gone. She went out of town for a night here and there for work, but this was two nights, with a man no less, and she wouldn't be working. She'd be playing. My feelings about that surprised me. A part of me was jealous. Another part of me was aroused by the images my oversexed teenage mind conjured up of my mom and Brian doing all kinds of things. Actually, it was Mom and some imaginary guy. I mean, I'd never seen Brian. Mom had said he looked so different from Dad, so I pictured a thinner, shorter guy with really dark hair. Truthfully, I didn't actively envision Brian. There was just a guy doing all kinds of sexual things with my mother.
Anyway, another part of me, probably the most powerful part, was just hopeful that Mom could find someone who could fill those needs she had, needs that I couldn't fulfill, particularly over the long term. She was right; what she needed was more than just sex. She needed companionship, and the reality was I'd go away to college in a couple of years. I didn't want her to be alone. I loved her too much to see her alone for the rest of her life. I wanted Mom to be happy, and I knew being the center of someone's life day in and day out would go a long way to making her happy.
It was this final part of me, the one that wanted her to find someone to be her lifelong companion, which led me to her room for one last discussion before she left early the next morning. I stopped at her open doorway and froze. She didn't see me at first, because she was busy holding a really silky piece of lingerie in front of her and examining it in the mirror. I salivated as I pictured Mom dressed in that thing. My penis expressed its approval, too. The lingerie was a pale blue babydoll with spaghetti straps and what looked like a really low neckline. I could see her reflection in the mirror as she evaluated herself, and I knew it would barely reach the top of her thighs. She was holding another tiny piece of the pale blue fabric in one hand. I assumed that was the panties. Damn, Brian was a lucky son of a bitch.
Mom scrunched up her face, sighed and picked up another bundle of fabric. This one was really sheer. It was basically a translucent bra and bikini panties with a robe that also reached just down to the tops of her thighs. The robe was as sheer as the rest. My penis approved of this one, too.
I must have made a sound or something, because suddenly Mom whirled around and tried to hide the lingerie behind her back. She blushed with embarrassment.
"How long have you been standing there?" she asked irritably.
I just gave her a warm smile. "Long enough to know that Brian is one lucky guy."
She blushed again, then sighed.
"It's no use," she said, forlornly. She threw the two sets of lingerie into a heap of clothes on the bed. "Whatever I pull from my closet or my drawers either says I'm an old maid or I'm desperate for a man." She plopped down on the bed and rested her chin on her fists, her elbows on her knees.
I took a moment to inspect the tableau in front of me. Every drawer on Mom's dresser was open, some with clothes hanging out of them. Her closet door was open and bare hangers hung haphazardly or were scattered on the floor. Her suitcase was open in the middle of the bed. I stepped towards the bed and peered in. It was empty except for some basic toiletries. Oh, and a pair of socks.
I was standing close enough to Mom that I nudged her foot with mine. "If all you take is that pair of socks, I think THAT says your desperate."
She huffed, but then smiled. She flopped back on her bed with a mournful moan. As she lay on the pale green comforter with her feet on the floor and her arms stretched above her head, I felt something almost carnal pass through my veins. She'd never looked more beautiful and vulnerable than she did at that moment. Her shoulder-length blonde hair was pulled into a ponytail. She'd removed her makeup and was still clad in the shorts and t-shirt she put on when we got home from the Barkers. The shorts were short enough that I could admire her long, toned legs, and they were tight enough that I could admire her world-class ass. Her t-shirt was not tight or loose, but just average, giving a hint of the shape and size of her breasts. In her current position on the bed, with her arms above her head, the shirt exposed a healthy expanse of her stomach. Sure, she was starting to develop a little softness around her sides and belly, but she was still trim, and I think it just made her look more womanly.
The whole look around the room took only a few seconds. My examination of Mom took three or four times that, long enough that she lifted her head to look at me. She fidgeted under my gaze.
"Personally, I think if you looked just like you do now, Brian would be willing to be your slave for life," I said, almost without thinking. My penis jumped in agreement. The movement must have been noticeable in my boxers, because she glanced down at the bulge I was growing there, blushed and let her head fall back. Her breathing seemed shallow, and her blush didn't go away, instead extending down her neck and beneath the collar of her shirt.
I continued to admire her form, and she continued to fidget. She also continued to lay stretched out for my viewing pleasure. If the moment was doing to her what it was doing to me...
"So, were you heading to bed?" she asked from her prone position on the bed.
"Actually, I wondered if you wanted to try on your outfits for me, to get my male point of view."
She looked at me, her expression clouding. I held up my hand to stop her.
"I'm kidding," I said, even though I wouldn't mind seeing her in some of those clothes. I mentally cleared the thought from my head. Why had I come to her room? The reason momentarily escaped me. I paused so I could focus. "Actually, I wanted to talk to you before you leave tomorrow."
"I thought you were going to get up tomorrow to meet Brian and see me off."
"I am, but I know how I am before 6:00. I may not be coherent enough to hold a conversation, and I have something I really wanted to tell you."
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LesbianBy Marc Rollins Tannia. I first met her at work. I worked at a pizza parler in New York, near my apartment. I won't give the address or the name, but it was a popular place for the kids to hang out. We both worked in the back, making pizza, cutting pizza, and all of those other little tasks people like us did. The first day I was there she trained me, showing me the ropes. She was about 5 foot tall; give or take, i never really asked, just guessing. She had the longest jet black hair i...
By Jimmmy D. Tannia. I first met her at work. I worked at a pizza parler in New York, near my apartement. I won't give the address or the name, but it was a popular place for the kids to hang out. We both worked in the back, making pizza, cutting pizza, and all of those other little tasks people like us did. The first day I was there she trained me, showing me the ropes. She was about 5 foot tall; give or take, i never really asked, just guessing. She had the longest jet black hair i...
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Introduction This story came about through email exchanges between me and a woman I met through Literotica. We live about 1100 miles apart, have never physically met, and probably never will. We decided to write a fantasy together by exchanging emails. I wrote a section, then she responded, and this back-and-forth continued. Please excuse the frequent lack of explicit cues as to who is saying what. It was always clear to us, but you’ll have to figure it out for yourself. This entire story is...
Introduction This is the second of the four chapters of this story, and will read better if you start with the first chapter, which also explains how this story came about. —————————————— Part 6 I lay on the table for a few moments reflecting on what had just transpired. I was so aroused, my nipples hard, my pussy dripping. My mind was spinning. Victor’s response to my decision to have an undraped massage brought as many questions as it answered. As I thought about this, my hand travelled...
This may or may not follow on from the short story "Stuck in the middle with you". You don't need to read that first but it might help.Yet another weekend on her own, everyone else visiting other relatives whilst she had to stay at home and finish off some work. Work which had surprisingly taken a fraction of the time it should have now there were no other distractions to be had. So half a day into a weekend alone and she had nothing to do. Boredom, as it always does, had set in very quickly...
Ben and Dave were brothers who now co-owned their Dad's old hunting shack in northern Wisconson. Dad was gone, but the boys tried to get up there whenever they could. Both were all grown up, living in different towns and working very different jobs. Dave was married and had two sons, worked 9 to 5 at a legal firm, and had weekends off. Ben, 2 years older, was single, worked shift work at a manufacturing firm, and usually worked weekends. They tried to hunt together at least twice each...
PROLOGUE Autumn 1980. Me and Paul had been mates. Not best mates, but mates nonetheless, and good mates. I was 18 and worked in a bank. Paul was 20 and in the army, stationed mostly in Germany but also doing his stints in Northern Ireland. As such, we only met up when Paul was on leave, and trust me, a good time was always had on those rare occasions! The hangovers were not so good, but hey, we were young - we recovered quickly. But this story is not about Paul, I only mention...
"Mavis, do you feel like taking a side trip to the Falls?" It wasn't the hypnotic lure of Niagara Falls that made Bert suggest it. He'd seen them plenty of times. It was just that it had been a quiet ride in the car—a nervous kind of quiet. He thought it was a good way to stir up some conversation and jog the mood to something more vacation-worthy. He took his eye off the interstate traffic for a moment to glance at Mavis, silent in the passenger's seat, looking out her window. "Niagara...
It was one of those late September evenings of which we get one or two most years. The sun had shone all day, and the warmth remained even after the sun set Cheryl and I had arranged to meet at the Crown and Cushion, a small, intimate and very comfortable country inn just to the west of Fleet, where I was living at the time. As it was a Monday, I hoped that the Crown would not be too busy, and I was lucky. I could hear that there were quite a few in the Public Bar, but the Lounge we had to...
It was late autumn and the bright chilly weather required warm sensible dress for a trip out to the Nature Park. So Jade, my young niece, climbed into the rugged 4 x 4 with me, wearing her long warm red coat; and what we planed to do was altogether bizarre. Jade’s parents at the time, were exceptionally busy in Washington preparing for the forthcoming election; so they had welcomed the idea of her visiting her Uncle Ben. In fact it had been a God-send as my life had become stale of...
She looks at me with love. Her deep blue eyes are a little unsure but she knows in her heart that there is no one but me. I glance back at her giving a small smile. She blushes for being caught staring at me, while a strand of her dark hair falls to her face. She looks down being embarrassed. I take her soft chin in my hand and gently tilt it up so her eyes match mine. I brush the soft hair away so I can look at her completely. We stare deeply into each other for a long time. I glance at the...
LesbianI quicklygrabbed my shirt and pulled it over my head. Jason stood up to reach for the door but there was a quick knock and it swung open before he got to it. I flopped down onto the bed to make it look like nothing was going on. I tall man stepped into the room. “Hey dude mom and dad are…” He trailed off as he looked over and saw me. “Uhh, Greg this is Autumn. Autumn this is….” Jason tried to get out but Greg quickly interrupted him. “Why hello there doll face.” “Um, hi.” “May I ask why such a...
My father, the Great god Pan, told me once that I was not like his other progeny. Oh, I had the ears and tail of a horse, of course (whinny!) but I was different. I was a Greek satyr, not that bizarre creature the Romans would introduce to the world with goat horns and goat ears and goat legs. And I had the powers of a demigod. I would live almost forever, and I could see into the future, just a bit. Not everything. And I was just as lustful as my brothers and sisters, but I did not mate with...
Fantasy & Sci-FiI hate what I became. Some monster that I don’t even recognize anymore. I did it for the thrill. The love. The love of being the seducer of men who come to me for a good time. They would send me a message, begging me to help them and I would oblige. Every time. Don’t get me wrong. I was still a virgin. Just not when it came to my words. With my words I would undress myself and kneel in front of them naked. I would take their pants off and run my nails over their already hard dicks. In my i.m.s...
This story starts at the end of 10th grade. I was in a new school for the 5th time in 4 years. I was never one of those quiet new kids that sits in the corner and never makes any friends. I was loud and had an opinion that you were very likely to hear. I made friends and had guys that liked me (they always go for fresh meat) but I never really dated and didn’t have a best friend. I started in about mid-April. Having to start at a new school is bad. Having to start in April is shit. I remember...
As we sat, finishing our meal, you spoke. “That lunch was great!” “It really was, the food here is excellent,” I glanced at my watch “but it is almost four so we should probably get going.” “Yeah, speaking of time, why did we eat such a late lunch today” you asked. I simply smiled. “Because we won’t be back until late for dinner.” Approaching the exit, I opened the door to the restaurant. The sun shone in like a divine light illuminating the path to paradise, and paradise it was. As we...
He dragged me by the hair from the bathroom to the basement. I tried to keep up with him, but he was going too fast and was swinging me, so I kept slipping. So I was half-dragged down two flights of stairs naked, and thrown onto the basement floor. The heating vent was shut, so the basement was freezing cold, or at least it felt that way to me. The cold and the fear together combined to make me shake enough that I was feeling muscles twitch and jerk involuntarily all over my body, and I...
Mom was right in a way, though. Over the past year or so, Dad had been getting worse, I thought as I worked. He had developed a hair-trigger temper, and his punishments had gotten worse. He was also drinking more, so it was hard to tell which was causing which. Paul had been my safe haven for a little while, but once he returned to work, I could only manage to sneak away occasionally to be with him. On one level, I knew some of the things we did were wrong, but I loved the physical and...
The leaves are a golden yellow, the breeze is fresh and cool. The sky is a bright blue that is only seen the crisp mountain regions. Looking up through the trees, the sunlight plays with the leaves, creating dancing shadows on the forest floor, the smell intoxicating with dry leaves, fresh air and the scent of you. What an Adonis you are, standing there among the trees without your shirt, dark fur curling on your chest, muscles showing strong arms and shoulders, blue eyes reflecting the sky’s...
A seasonal Clef story Preface: (If you have read ‘Summer Nights’, you can bypass this.) Oswald MacDonald (call me Mac) met and fell for June Jones during a battle of the bands at Naked City nudist colony. His band, Slip Stream, won the contest and a recording contract. Her band, Jonesville, won nothing but got a lot of gigs from the publicity. Their romance flourished over the summer, but now that it is fall school and working with the bands is causing friction. **************** I knew it...
I always liked Quebec City. It truly is a beautiful town. It’s North America with French flair. Conversely, you could think of it as France sans the bad attitude. The Old Town, vieux-Quebec, feels like a town in the old continent, populated by nice Canadians. After you’ve been there a while, you understand why Quebecers want to preserve their culture, even to the extent of being treated differently than the rest of Canada. They are different, and they have plenty worth preserving. I’m sure...
My father, the Great god Pan, told me once that I was not like his other progeny. Oh, I had the ears and tail of a horse, of course (whinny!) but I was different. I was a Greek satyr, not that bizarre creature the Romans would introduce to the world with goat horns and goat ears and goat legs. And I had the powers of a demigod. I would live almost forever, and I could see into the future, just a bit. Not everything. And I was just as lustful as my brothers and sisters, but I did not mate with...
A Walk in the Park It was one of those soft, cool New York days that make everyone want to be outside, since such weather is so rare. Dave had decided on a sweater, though it wasn't absolutely necessary, but the last few blocks of his walk home would be on the lee side of Central Park, and the breeze might come up. Anyway, he loved wearing sweaters in the fall. The newspaper flew out of her hand just as he turned on forty ninth to walk over to fifth. It was almost a reflex action to take a...
Preface: (If you have read "Summer Nights", you can bypass this.) Oswald MacDonald (call me Mac) met and fell for June Jones during a battle of the bands at Naked City nudist colony. His band, Slip Stream, won the contest and a recording contract. Her band, Jonesville, won nothing but got a lot of gigs from the publicity. Their romance flourished over the summer, but now that it is fall school and working with the bands is causing friction. I knew it was too good to last. June was a...
It was a month before Nell rang. Ralph was delighted to hear her voice and said so. "Nell! How nice to hear you! Are you well?" "Yes thanks, fine. And you?" "Also, thanks." "How's your wife?" "No change really. The odd moment of lucidity but the gaps between are getting a bit longer." "Oh, Ralph, that's miserable for you both." "C'est la vie. Have you been up to anything exciting? Has your choir started to practise for your Christmas concert?" "Not yet. Next month...
Nell rang on New Year's Day to wish him a happy New Year. She told him that she had had to slap Matt down quite hard when he started once again on her moving whereupon he had gone into a sulk for a couple of hours. She had overheard Helen telling him forcefully to pull himself together. Ralph wondered whether he was ever going to meet Matt. He rather hoped not. Whereas before Christmas they had only contacted each other about once a month they found themselves doing so twice as often. It...
From Midbourne access to the south of the Plain was easy with very little riding on the road. Nell did not press him but did make Ralph trot and canter rather further than he had been able to in the paddock at home. She also for the first time made him gallop which he found most exhilarating and had to do some more. They were out for all of two hours and, despite feeling pleased with himself and having enjoyed the morning immensely, Ralph was whacked. He said so. "Shower!" ordered Nell....
They had lunch with Peter and Libby and the rapport between them and Nell was immediate. "We're all golfers so we must have game," cried Libby. "Bags Ralph for my partner!" "Not fair!" retorted Peter. "Oh!" exclaimed Nell looking crestfallen. "I was only referring to your hair," replied Peter quickly. "Oh well, in that case..." They managed a game before the wedding which reinforced the feelings Peter and Libby had for Nell. The latter had actually taken in Ralph's advice...
Life went happily on. Ralph and Nell played golf regularly. His long time playing partner and wife had moved during the summer. Ralph teased Nell that he only chose her to fill the gap. They rode and Ralph became a confident horseman and began to learn to jump. They continued to sing with their respective choirs working up to the Christmas concerts. They also went to concerts and the theatre from time to time. In some trepidation they invited all their children and families for Christmas....
When they arrived home Ollie picked up Tilda and gave her a protracted hug and a kiss. He then hugged Ralph. "Thank you, Dad," he said quietly. "I always knew you were pretty special but now I know you're very special." Ralph smiled and patted his back. Jenny was next. "Well done, Dad," she whispered in his ear as she hugged him. "Nell's so proud of you. Mum would have been too." "Mum wouldn't have had to contend with Matt," he whispered back. "Don't worry, my darling Dad....
My father had one real friend--Paul. Dad kept getting into fights—usually verbal--with most other men, but Paul worked with Dad, lived right around the block from us, and Paul was bigger, so those three reasons combined more often than not kept Dad in line when Paul was around. That didn’t mean that I didn’t still get slapped, hit, kicked, and yelled at, but it didn’t go on for hours if Paul was there. “Autumn!” Dad would yell when he and Paul would get home from work, “get your ass down...
Autumn had been thinking about the toy she had seen while online shopping all day. And now that it was bedtime, she sure wished she had it already. Autumn had broken up with her boyfriend after finally realizing she was more “part-time pussy” than a full-time girlfriend. And while she was glad to be rid of the jerk, she was missing the cock that he brought with him. Tommy sported an eight-inch long, two-inch thick cock that Autumn had enjoyed filling her pussy ass and mouth, but it was the time...
ToysI quicklygrabbed my shirt and pulled it over my head. Jason stood up to reach for the door but there was a quick knock and it swung open before he got to it. I flopped down onto the bed to make it look like nothing was going on. I tall man stepped into the room. “Hey dude mom and dad are…” He trailed off as he looked over and saw me. “Uhh, Greg this is Autumn. Autumn this is….” Jason tried to get out but Greg quickly interrupted him. “Why hello there doll face.” “Um, hi.” “May I ask why such a...
Love StoriesI hate what I became. Some monster that I don't even recognize anymore. I did it for the thrill. The love. The love of being the seducer of men who come to me for a good time. They would send me a message, begging me to help them and I would oblige. Every time. Don't get me wrong. I was still a virgin. Just not when it came to my words. With my words I would undress myself and kneel in front of them naked. I would take their pants off and run my nails over their already hard dicks. In my i.m.s...
First TimeThis story starts at the end of 10th grade. I was in a new school for the 5th time in 4 years. I was never one of those quiet new kids that sits in the corner and never makes any friends. I was loud and had an opinion that you were very likely to hear. I made friends and had guys that liked me (they always go for fresh meat) but I never really dated and didn’t have a best friend. I started in about mid-April. Having to start at a new school is bad. Having to start in April is shit. I remember...
Love StoriesThose who are reading this I hope you have read the previous parts, if not please read it before proceeding. He got up, got dressed, and asked what I wanted for dinner. I asked for mutton biryani. He left the room to get dinner ordering me to not get dressed until he arrives. He came after around 15 minutes with food. We had our dinner with my boobs out and mangalsutra dangling over them. He was dressed in full. After having dinner I said that I am a little tired and feeling sleepy, he also...
THIS IS THE LAST AND FINAL INSTALLMENT OF THIS SERIES I HOPE YE ALL ENJOYED IT, I WOULD LIKE TO REMIND EVERYONE THAT THIS STORY IS ENTIRELY FICTIONAL AND THAT THE CHARACTERS IN THIS STORY ARE ENTIRELY FICTIONAL ALSO, FINALLY THERE’S JUST THING LEFT TO SAY... ENJOY! After Fergus had left I noticed I had given him the wrong tape by accident and that his tape was still in the camcorder, ‘never mind’ I thought, ‘I can always hand it to him in school’. Sarah was now completely broken,...
I Fucked My Aunty Instead of Cousin_Part-II Hi ISS readers, I think all you know me. For the new readers, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. I was born in a middle class Bangladeshi Muslim family and serving in a public organization. I’m married and having two kids. My whole life is lustful indeed. As I gained some practical experience about sex at my childhood, I became a sex-maniac and whenever I got chance I tried to fuck any aged girls or women with many tricks...
IncestWe'd left the resort to head back down towards the airport since our flight was scheduled to leave at oh-dark-thirty in the morning. Since this was rural China there was a good chance we wouldn't even be missed until we missed our flight. It would be a minimum of 12 hrs before they even started looking for us. Of course there was no cell service, but I turned on the flashlight to see if I could find anything useful. There was a small first-aid kit and flashlight but of course the...
Summer of 93”Borrow HimPart IVArriving in the back yard I fired up the swim spa and we all jumped in. Natalie was still getting the details of our interlude from Maggi with emphasis on “Lewd”. Maggi and her girlfriends always loved talking about sex with one another; I was getting a rare look into the woman’s inner circle.Maggi and Nat got out after a couple minutes and sat up on the bar stools. They were still nude and put down towels to sit on. Maggi was spreading her legs and pointing to her...
It’s not easy being beautiful. Jayne King often wondered what it was like to be an average person. Jayne was always hassled or whistled at. She was used to getting attention from men and women.You see, Jayne had an abnormally large chest. Oddly enough, she didn’t have implants. If she was walking down the street, people would cat call out to her. She would get very embarrassed by the sexual comments towards her.She was constantly hit on at bars and clubs. Not only did Jayne have a...
Office Sex