A Flawed DiamondChapter 25 free porn video

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Brock took a seat on the couch as he considered Zoe's words. They could have so many meanings.

"We're not brother and sister?" he asked.

Zoe's mouth twitched slightly.

"I think we are," she said. "That's not what I've lied to you about."

"Just tell him," Meredith advised gently. "It will be fine. You'll see."

Zoe nodded slightly.

"When I asked you yesterday if you minded about, uh, well, Emmy," she said. "I wasn't just asking because of her. You see, I'm that way, too. I'm a lesbian."

"OK," Brock said as he glanced from Zoe's face to the faces of Randi and Meredith beside her. Surely, he thought, there was more to the situation than this. Zoe just stared at him. He wasn't sure anything else needed to be said.

"OK?" she asked. "That's it?"

Apparently, Brock was wrong. Something more did need to be said. He just didn't know what it might be.

"Uh, I'm happy for you?" he tried. "Hell, Zoe, what more do you want? I don't care that you're gay. I mean, not in the slightest. Unless, you know, you start making comments about how great Meredith's boobs are or how nice Randi's butt looks. Nope, even those I'd be OK with, I guess. I'm not sure exactly what you want me to say."

"Well, let's see, when I told my mom she gave me a lecture about how hard my life would be unless I reconsidered my choice," Zoe said angrily. "When I told my best friend, she immediately worried that I had been perving on her in the shower. So, I guess maybe I did expect something more than 'OK.' I know what you said yesterday but it's different when it's a family member."

"Really?" Brock asked. "Well, it's not for me. Look, Zoe, I can't tell you how happy I am that you are part of my life. I'm thrilled that I'm getting to know you. It has nothing to do with the fact we share 13 chromosomes. It's because you're a really great person. I'm really proud that you're my sister. This news doesn't change that."

"Thanks," Zoe said sincerely.

"You should go ahead and get it all out," Randi said.

Zoe nodded again.

"It's about Emmy," she admitted. "The reason I suspected she is gay is because she told me. She told me because she identified me pretty quickly too. So lunch yesterday was actually a date. We like each other and we want to go out together. I know you like her. Actually, she knows you like her, too. I should have told you from the beginning but I wasn't sure how you'd react. So is it still OK?"

Brock shrugged.

"She means is it OK with you if she and Emmy date," Meredith clarified.

"Sure, why wouldn't it be?" Brock asked. "Although it does put me in a bit of a predicament I guess."

"I thought it might," Zoe said sadly.

"I suppose we can work it out," Brock said thoughtfully. "I mean, as it stands, I'll have to threaten to beat up Emmy if she hurts my little sister. But at the same time, I think I'm obligated to threaten to beat you up if you hurt my friend. The problem is, I'm scared of each of you individually and I don't even want to think about what sort of bodily harm you could inflict if you team up on me. I know! Al's her uncle. I'll get him to threaten to beat you up. There, problem solved."

Zoe had started shaking her head midway through Brock's speech.

"Seriously though, I'm happy for you," Brock said. "Emmy is really a nice person. So are you. I hope you're both extremely happy and you both realize how fortunate you are to have found the other. If things don't work out, I really hope you can remain friends."

"If it gets to the point where we end things, I'm sure we'll both ask your advice on how to accomplish that," Zoe said. She glanced over her shoulder to Meredith and Randi. "I guess you were right. I'm sorry I was such a wreck when you found me."

"It's no problem," Meredith assured her. "No one you've been close to has been willing to accept you for who you are. I knew Brock would and now you know we do, too."

"I should get going," Zoe said. She was still wearing her uniform.

"Why don't you just stay here?" Brock asked. "I have plenty of room."

"Oh, I don't want to be a bother," she said.

"And you're not," Brock replied.

"I have some clothes that will fit you," Randi offered. "It's late and you've had an emotional day. I think you should take Brock up on his offer."

Zoe's glance shifted between her two friends.

"I sort of figured that one of you might be staying here tonight," she admitted.

"Hey, that's a great idea," Meredith said. "I was going to go home but we could all stay here. It will save me from driving back over in the morning and it will save Randi that arduous walk through the fence. Why don't you go wash up while Randi gets you something to wear for bed?"

"If everyone is sure," Zoe said.

"We're sure," Brock said. "And I'm the only one who gets a vote."

"We let him believe that," Randi said with a smile. "But it's really not true."

Zoe chuckled as she headed up the stairs.

Brock was met with approving gazes from the two women left in the room.

"That was handled perfectly," Meredith said. She pulled Brock forward to kiss him. He was a little embarrassed to kiss Merie with Randi standing so near but Randi didn't appear disturbed. In fact, when Meredith released him, Randi pulled him forward and did the same thing.

"Ooh, raspberry lip gloss," she said when she'd finished. "I want to try that sometime."

Meredith shot Brock a quick glance and pulled Randi into a warm kiss. Brock remembered when Meredith had done the same thing to Jen a few years earlier and he laughed aloud.

Randi seemed to realize what had just happened and pulled away quickly.

"I've got to get her some clothes," she muttered before she shot out the door.

"That probably didn't go as you planned," Brock said.

Meredith shrugged.

"She kissed me back," she said with a laugh. "So it must not have been too traumatizing."

Randi was still blushing when she returned to the house carrying clothes for Zoe. Brock took the shirt and shorts from Randi's hands and passed them to Meredith with a meaningful look.

Meredith gave Randi a short kiss on the cheek as she passed and seemed to whisper something in her ear because Randi's lips twitched into a small smile and she leaned the side of her head against Meredith's for a moment.

Brock patted his lap and held open his arms to Randi as soon as Meredith's butt was out of view up the stairs. Randi snuggled against him while he embraced her.

"Merie has a weird sense of humor," Brock said.

"No shit," Randi agreed with a laugh. "Don't worry about what happened. I wasn't upset."

"You sure seemed upset," Brock supplied. Randi burrowed a little closer to him.

"I've kissed girls before," Randi assured him. "I mean, I've goofed around. I'm not like Zoe and Emmy. But I've even sort of made out with a girl as a dare once."

"OK," Brock said. "I just didn't want you to, I don't know, get the impression that you were some sort of sex doll or something. Meredith always goes for shock value."

Randi chuckled slightly. He felt the vibrations against her shoulder.

"It wasn't that she kissed me," she said softly. "Like I said, I've done that a few times. It was that I enjoyed it. I promised not to go full-Lohan on you, remember."

"I remember," Brock laughed. "About the last thing in this world I want is for you to be uncomfortable. I'm not really sure about all this but I know that I expect you to tell us if things are getting out of hand or if one of us says or does something that makes you uneasy."

"Thanks," Randi said. "We're going to have to sit down sometime and figure out what's happening. I wish I had more time here but I have to leave Friday for my Labor Day gigs. God, I wish you could come with me or that I could be here with you."

"Merie might be able to go," Brock said.

"She is," Randi told him. "I mean, sorry, I think she was going to talk to you about that tonight or tomorrow. Don't be mad."

"I'm not mad," Brock told her. "First off, she's her own person and capable of making her own decisions. Secondly, I'm going to be gone a lot of the month. Tonight was the first of 30 games in a row. We have a bunch of day games over the next few weeks because we're travelling so much. You could both be sitting on this couch 24 hours a day and I'm not sure I'd be able to see you much."

"You know, Meredith has never really been anywhere in her life," Randi pointed out. "She said she's only been out of California once and that was when she was seven or eight years old."

"I'm sure it will be fun for her to see some new things," Brock opined. "I read where you were going to be back East at the start. We're in Pittsburgh on the same day in late September but we're playing during the day and you're there at night. Where are you playing there?"

"I'm not positive," Randi said. "It's someplace I've never played before."

"PNC Park?" Brock asked.

"Maybe," Randi replied. "I can't keep it straight. That's why I have an assistant. You might know her as Meredith."

"If I can swing it, I'll stay to watch you in Pittsburgh," Brock promised. "You've been to 50 of my games and I've never seen you perform."

"What about yesterday?" Randi asked, pulling back from him and wiggling her eyebrows. "I would say that was truly an inspired effort."

Brock was still chuckling when Meredith and Zoe came back down the stairs, Zoe dressed in a pair of loose shorts that Randi had provided and one of Brock's T-shirts.

"Her boobies popped out of the side of your shirt, Randi," Meredith said with a smile, giving Zoe a hip check. "So I had to improvise."

"I should have thought of that," Randi added. "Sorry, Zoe. I wasn't trying to embarrass you or anything. I just grabbed the first thing I saw."

"No problem," Zoe said, sitting down in a chair across from the couch where Randi was still perched on Brock's lap. Meredith shifted her friend's legs across her own lap as she sat down beside Brock. Brock put his arm around her and she put her head on his shoulder.

Brock was happy that Zoe appeared much happier than when he had first seen her.

The four young adults talked and joked for a few minutes until Zoe yawned.

"I'm sorry," she said. "I didn't sleep well last night. I think I'll just head off to bed."

"I'm not going to be far behind," Brock added.

"Just as long as it's a different bed," Meredith joked.

"I really do have to get some sleep," Brock said a few minutes after Zoe had wandered upstairs.

"I think bed is a great idea," Meredith said with a grin. "Last one in Brock's bed is a rotten egg."

She had shifted positions with Randi so Brock wrapped his arms around her waist to hold her in place.

"You get a head start," Brock told the little blonde girl sitting beside him. "Hurry, I can't hold this wildcat for long."

Still, Randi didn't go anywhere.

"I can sleep somewhere else tonight," she said, glancing to her friends beside her. Meredith was trying to twist out of Brock's grasp and Brock appeared to be trying to tickle her. Randi was certain that Meredith really didn't want company but was trying to be nice.

Neither Brock nor Meredith answered. Instead they shifted slightly until they both could reach Randi – which they did, dragging her across them and starting to tickle her ribs.

"I will never lie to you," Meredith said. "I doubt Brock will either and I hope you never lie to us. If one of us didn't want you to share a bed with us tonight, we would have spoken up a lot earlier. If you don't want to, that's fine. I've never, not once in my life, spend the night alone in Brock's bed. I've slept beside him a few times but I always had company. Tonight, I hope that company is you – otherwise I'll have to drag Zoe across and that would be awkward."

Randi was still laughing from having four sets of fingers digging into her ribs but she nodded her head.

"I want to," she said between gasps. "Now let me up."

Brock ceased tickling but Meredith took the opportunity to tweak Randi's boobs. Randi looked at her for a minute, frowned, and then pinched Meredith's nipple through her shirt.

"That's the only way to handle her," Brock advised. "If she picks on you, you pick right back."

"I liked it," Meredith said, sticking her tongue out at both of them. "So you might want to find something less pleasurable if you want me to stop."

"Who said I want you to stop?" Randi asked with a saucy grin – just before she jumped off Brock's lap and headed up the stairs. Brock dumped Meredith on the floor before racing off after Randi. Randi and Brock were exchanging high fives when a scowling Meredith entered the room.

"I do not like the dynamic that is developing," she said with a pout. Over the years, Brock had learned when Merie was pretending to be angry. Randi apparently hadn't because she started to apologize. Brock cut her off.

"You're just mad that I'm porking her and not you," he said. "Get over it, Cherry Girl."

Meredith responded by pulling her shirt over her head and jumping into Brock's arms.

"Oh, I plan to get over it pretty damned soon," she said. She yelped when Randi swatted her on the butt that Brock was doing his best to present as a target. "Hey!"

"Looks like I found something she doesn't like," Randi replied. "I thought you were seriously pissed at me."

"She's not," Brock said. "You'll learn to pick up the signs. It took me a while but I can usually figure out when she's goofing or serious. Still, it's good to know we have a way to bring her to heel if we need to."

"Put me down, you oaf," Meredith said, leaning her head forward to nip Brock on the ear. Rather than put Meredith on the floor, he lifted her upward, burying his face in her cleavage and giving her a raspberry between her boobs.

Randi burst out in laughter as Brock finally put Meredith down.

"That's called motor-boating," Brock announced proudly. It was a term he had picked up from one of his minor-league roommates. Until Meredith, he had never had the opportunity to try it, let alone use the word in a sentence.

"You're supposed to shake your head from side to side," Meredith told him with a sad look. "Jesus, I'm the virgin and it still looks like I'm going to have to teach you everything."

Brock was amazed. He had noticed the opportunity the first time he had seen Meredith's unfettered breasts and had plotted a way to do it that was funny – but didn't run the risk of interrupting something if Meredith took it the wrong way.

"Seriously?" he asked. "I mean about the head-shaking thing."

"Seriously," Randi confirmed, rolling her eyes. "Jesus, Brock, you act like you're the first person to ever do that."

As if to prove it, she buried her face between Meredith's boobs, blew a raspberry and shook her head. Meredith was laughing uproariously and Brock was thankful that Zoe had selected a room at the far end of the house.

"Here, try it now," Meredith offered, unlatching her bra and letting it fall. Randi shrugged slightly and then repeated the motions farther down on Meredith's chest.

"Fine," Brock replied. "Damn, now I'm going to have to find something else. That was pretty much my whole repertoire of sexual slang."

"Ooh!" Randi said. "I have one. Have you heard of the 'Etch-A-Sketch'?"

Brock and Meredith exchanged glances and shook their heads. Randi beamed and she grasped both of Meredith's nipples and started to play with them by turning her fingers to one side and then the other as though she was tuning a radio dial.

"I'm trying to draw a smiley face!" Randi said, still smiling broadly.

Brock couldn't help but laugh at Randi's antics.

"It appears to have worked," Meredith said, also laughing. Randi seemed to realize she was still playing with Meredith's nipples because she pulled her hands away as if it were a hot stove.

The trio was still joking about other things they'd heard about as they got ready for bed. Meredith seemed to have no compunction about stripping down to only a pair of thong panties. Brock, despite himself, noticed they were not black.

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When Violet Myers’ boss fails to show up for a meeting to sell the company this big titter is pushed into the situation of saving the deal. She brings out her best assets and lets her boobs do the work as she offers them up as proof she deserves a major compensation. Boy, does this man from New York agree. Tommy Gunn gets lathered up and wet in spit as he fucks her sweet mouth and deep cleavage rack before taking part in some fine wet pussy. All over the place they fuck as she rides his...

3 years ago
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Julies Cut AO

“Johnny, Johnny, can you hear me?” I heard Julie calling out. I went outside and replied “Yes.” “Come here, through the back door, I cut myself badly?” she shouted. I ran into her house and upstairs in the bathroom was Julie, naked, with a cut near her vagina. All most near her femoral artery, I looked at the beautiful and naked Julie. Seeing the towel with blood I got her to show me the wound. Seeing it was a deep shaving cut. I got her to hold pressure whilst I got some supplies. I...

2 years ago
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Is It Incest When You Arent Related

“Knock, knock.”I jumped at the sudden tapping on my bedroom door. Taking a moment to compose myself, I answered. “Come in, Kellie.” It had to be Kellie, she was the only other one home.The door opened hesitantly, something out of character for my — ward, I guess is the best legal term. While I loved Kellie like she was my own daughter, the truth was she wasn’t and while she calls me ‘Mama K’, she stubbornly refuses to drop the ‘K’. I knew it makes some sort of separation, but I was not going to...

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Your Weekly Massage

A substitude masseur strokes your fantasies.Laying on your tummy, naked, you wait for your weekly massage. Much toyour chagrin, in walks a substitute for your normal masseur. You quicklytry to cover up with a towel but fail as it is caught under you. Totallyembarrassed, you give up, as he greets you with a smile. He is tall anddark, broad shouldered, with intelligent blue eyes, strong looking armsand hands.He asks, "What will it be today? Shoulders? Full body or somethingspecial?" Again he...

3 years ago
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Rebekas story part 3

Rebeka's story part 3 I was sitting on a pretty conventional chrome-framed kitchen chair with padded armrests and cross-struts connecting the legs. Richard came towards me with several lengths of bright white nylon rope "dont worry Rebeka" he soothingly told me "just relax" He very deftly tied one and then another wrist to the padded armrest, then at the elbow too, so the whole of both forearms were secured very firmly to the chair. My breathing rate had increased from normal to a...

1 year ago
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MySistersHotFriend Demi Sutra 24351

Trophies are proof that you’re the best, and Demi Sutra wants to the best. That’s why she’s meeting with Peter, her friend’s brother who’s a personal trainer. Demi’s done what she can to get her statuesque figure in shape for the body contest, but she needs a little more toning and fine tuning to get it where it needs to be. Peter’s more than happy to help her, but when he tells her the cost, including the discount, she’s dizzied by dollar signs. She knows he’s already about half mast after...

2 years ago
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Bhai Ko Seduce Karke Chudwaya

Hi dosto………me Iss ki bahut badi fan hu..me iski kafi kahaniya padti hu…pehle me kabhi apne bhai,maa,papa aur bhi relatives k liye galat khayal nhi rakhti thi but iss ki stories padhne k bad mje pariwar me chudne ka bhut swar ho gya … Meri family me maa seema 36 age.ek housewife hai..papa beer bar chalate hai..mr. rakesh age 40….meri ek behan hai.mujhse choti hai kirti 18 …mera bhai bhi mujhse chota hai raja 18…me 21 ki hu.college me padti hu…..meri behan aur bhai school me padhte hai.. Ab me...

4 years ago
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My first introduction to voyeurism

My first introduction to voyeurism was about 20 years ago on holiday; I was in my early thirties. I had always enjoyed watching women on the beach topless. In the hotel pool changing room I noticed two small holes had been strategically drilled into a cubicle wall. One was at chest height, the other just below waist level. I was curious and took a look, both spy holes provided a surprisingly wide view of the next cubicle. I decided to wait and see if anyone came to use it. After a few...

2 years ago
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Archiekins Part 4

Archiekins Archie Submits to BBC - With a Push from Veronica by Mistress Tawny Suede Part 4 Chapter 25 - Getting ready Saturday morning! The Prom was that night! It was awkward scheduling but the only night that arrangements could be made was after the school year ended. Archie was now finished high school. His marks had suffered during the past month. He had studied very little for his final exams and he had barely passed each exam. But his overall marks through the year...

1 year ago
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Sucking a complete stranger

One night, maybe 6 months ago, I was checking Doublelist for men to suck. It was getting late and I was needing to be used even more than normal.I came across this guy who seemed interested so I chatted him up. We talked about me sucking him and what he was going to do to me. After a while, him being non-committal, I asked him if he was going to let me suck him or not. He had been going back and forth, seeming interested and then being hesitant. He told me he had a girlfriend but he wanted a...

3 years ago
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Seduction to Hell

**Disclaimer: All characters are aged 18 and above, all characters and locations are fictional, and content will be removed if given a reasonable request with a reasonable reason** *Conditionals are used and custom names are available* Welcome to Seduction to Hell. This is my first story about the protagonist (You) having to select your choices throughout the day and events that will occur. These choices will matter to whether you will be seduced by the demons or dominating them. There are two...

2 years ago
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The Female Doctor bares all

This is a TRUE story. It happened to my then girlfriend when she was at a baby shower party at some ones house. This is how she described it to me. The party had been going for about 3 hours and there where only 6 them left now. The lady hosting the party, a female doctor, a female politicion who was the member for the local area, a very pregnant lady, another lady and my girlfriend. They where all close friends of the host. They where in the lounge room sitting around talking. She said the...

2 years ago
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The Studio and the Shemale Pt 3

4 years have now passed since I went to work for George as his apprentice. George has semi retired and left me to run the Studio with Amanda as my receptionist. Amanda and I are still as in love as ever. We leave our flat and walkk to the Studio at about 12 and stay open till quite late in the evening. Most of our work is with shemales now but we do have a few crossdressers on our books and we will do photographs for crossdressers if they want it. Amanda or Jessica will do their make up.We have...

1 year ago
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First Oral Experience With A Hot Milf

Main m.H mai ek city m rehta hu or ye story 2013 ki hai main us time 23 yr ka tha ek part time job karta tha or college, us time pg kar raha tha or ek naya room rent pe liya main apne friend k sath rehta tha or mere room k darvaze k samne hi ek window tha jaha se mujhe ek lady dikhti thi jo bahot sexy thi 1 month tak to chup kar dekhta tha Fir ek din notice kiya ki vo b mujhe ate jate dekhti hai fir pata nahi kew main b nazre milane laga or vo bhi, ek din chat m vo b thi or main apni chat p...

2 years ago
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My First EverythingChapter 13

As soon as we got to the fork that marked the beginning of the town, Clara took off, with a little wave of goodbye to me. Kate was going to just ride after her, but I had my hand on her bike frame. "Stay here. You and I need to talk, in private." "I didn't get a chance to tell her 'bye. What did you say to her?" "Kate, she and I talked about the little tricks you've been playing, and the lies you've been telling. If you aren't real careful, Clara is going to give up on you....

3 years ago
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A Different Susan but Another Wild Night

I seem to have good luck banging horny women named Susan. My last story was about Susan J, who came over for comfort and ended up staying for a facial, anal, and more.This time it's about Susan M. She was an odd soul. Huge breasts, big ass and hips. Definitely a smaller BBW. Susan had a great singing voice and had toured for a while as a backup singer for some folk singer or another. And she sang at small pubs in Dallas from time to time. We saw each other occasionally. From the first night,...

1 year ago
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PureTaboo Lauren Phillips Jane Wile Estranged Bedfellows

SCENE OPENS to Evelyn (Lauren Phillips) anxiously pacing in the living room. She seems nervous as she keeps looking at the door. Bella (Jane Wilde), Evelyn’s step-daughter, passes through the room, cheerfully greeting her but then becomes worried when she sees Evelyn’s anxiousness. When Bella asks her what’s wrong, Evelyn admits that she’s nervous to meet her new step-son, Ty, who is also Bella’s estranged step-brother. He is coming to stay at the house and should...

2 years ago
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Yes Ive tried PeePlay

I've pissed in my own mouth a couple times. You know that urine is sterile when it comes out. It just deteriorates and becomes rancid fairly quickly. Some people drink it everyday and claim certain health benefits from doing so. But not first thing in the morning, like in some stories I've read. No way. It's just too concentrated, and I can tell you that from experience.I had a nice married couple that I "bulled" for over a year. She was 35, short blonde hair and very petite, 5'2" and maybe 110...

3 years ago
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All I wanted was a simple life pt6

I awoke the next morning, surprised to find Mistress Tara still by me nearly naked, I looked down my tiny cock was hard with morning wood, where was it when I needed it last night I thought, I eased myself out of the bed and looked in the mirror. Looking back at me was a figure wearing black stockings, garter belt and a half on blonde wig, my body still showed the bikini tanlines and my tiny cock stood to attention.... what was I? Man? Woman? Transvestite? My mind swirled as I...

2 years ago
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Age Is Just A Number

Hello guys. Hope you people are doing well. People may know me by my stories. For new readers, well this is Rakesh, age 22, cute lad and now in my last days of engineering. Well, this narrative isn’t mine and one of my acquaintance. He wanted to share revenge sex story with the world as things like this can actually happen. Feel free to give your views after reading it at or you can Hangout me if the email address fails to work for you. Lets Start. Hello this is Sandeep. I am working as a...

2 years ago
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Long Life and TelepathyChapter 9

You're making a mistake, Leah told herself. You should have called him to make your report. Seeing him alone will make the pain fresh and intense again, not dulled a little by time and distance like it is now. You had a choice; you made the wrong choice. No, be honest. You didn't truly have a choice. You had to see him again. Touch him. Feel his touch. Be with him again. When he'd told her with a thought that he still loved her, the choice went away. Loni, huh? Beautiful! She looked...

1 year ago
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Family Love Part 1

Penny was in her bedroom applying sunscreen to her naked body when she looked out the window. Her parents were in the yard by the pool. They must have come home while she was sleeping. Penny looked a little closer and realized both of them were naked. Intrigued, Penny stopped what she was doing and watched.Penny’s father Mark, stripped off his bathing shorts, his cock bouncing free. He was tanned with a light dusting of chest hair. He was muscular and well built. Penny was sure that his...

1 year ago
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I Was a World Cup Widow

FIFA World Cup. World Cup. Football. Soccer. No matter what it was called, it meant the same thing to me: no sex. We'd been married for a year, together for three, so I'd never experienced the World Cup during our time as a couple. I'd heard about it and knew it was a big soccer match; or football match if you lived outside the US. It was May thirtieth when he casually remarked, much as if he was discussing the weather and not his number one, recently rekindled obsession, "Oh, I forgot...

4 years ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 35

Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 35 Travelling into town had it's reasons other than to give Paula and Kelly something to do. Kelly was to meet her mom at around 3:00pm as normal. But in the time that remained, Laura followed the girls and let them decide where to go. "Paula, have you tried tying your hair back yet?" asked Kelly. "Not really. I still think it's too short," she replied. They were taking a break from window shopping and sitting on a bench. Laura was at a...

1 year ago
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1 Stormy MondayChapter 32

Julie sat at her study desk, her back to the body on the floor of her bedroom. She brought up a word processing program on her ancient pc. Then she reached to her rack of CD's and selected two to place on her desk. She pulled the lyrics inserts from the CD cases, and tore out two of the pages. She sat at the desk, staring at the lyrics sheets before her. Eventually, she began to type, stopping and staring at the words flickering on the screen after completing every line; sometimes after...

3 years ago
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Teen bondhu

Shilajit baba maa’r ek matro chele. Baba maa dui jon’e chakri koren. Shilajit der dui tola bari chilo, er modhhe or baba maa thakto nicher tolate r shilajit thakto upor’e, ekdom eka eka. Okhane kew ese ok disturb korle o like korto na. Shilajit Jadavpur University theke civil engineering korchilo. Priyanka ra dui bon, tader modhhe priyanka boro. Priyanka B.A. porto jogomaya devi college’e. Priyanka’r bon ekta English medium school’er class eleven’e. Priyanka porasuna te joto bhalo chilo, or bon...

2 years ago
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Christina Taken

The elevator opened and he glanced out and saw Christina. "Oh Christina," he called. "Can you help me put this tie on?" nodding to the one he was holding. "Sure Jordan," she replied stepping into the shower room. As she did, Jordan stepped up and closed the door, locking it. Turning back to Christina, he grabbed her by the throat and slammed her hard against the wall. "Listen slut. Today, you're mine and will do everything I say or I'll cut you badly," puling out a switchblade...

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Nikkie Part 1

After breaking up with my boyfriend of almost a year and a half, I was not sure of what to do next. Though I had dated in high school and had a few boyfriends, none of them were serious relationships. Rather, there was a group of girls and guys that always hung out together. We went to concerts and movies and even went camping a few times.  A few of the girls hooked up with one or the other of the guys occasionally, but there was never anything serious. More like friends with benefits. I knew...

2 years ago
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06 HomeChapter 18

Present – Erast – At Bob's country bunker Shit! I hated to fire those two shots, but the damn banditos had already seen me. It would have been better if I could have slipped back to the Country Bunker and sounded the warning. Once again I'm dodging like crazy, trying to keep trees between me and them. As rounds whistle past me, I mark the location, put the Winchester over my left shoulder, put my right hand on the butt stock and use my left thumb to pull the trigger. I know I might get...

2 years ago
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Tammy Takes A Road Trip

One evening the three of us, over dinner, decide to take a road trip to no where but just waste a day. We agree to leave Saturday around noon, and we'll flip a coin to see what direction to travel. Saturday morning I tell you that what I want you to wear. I've selected a mini skirt, a tight, button up cashmere sweater and a pair of heels. "I want you to button up the sweater just high enough to keep your tits from slipping out from under the sweater but no more. I want everyone to see your...

3 years ago
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Future PerfectChapter 20

I handed Grant the data terminal, and spent the next few days walking around in a daze. Somewhere, Jenny was possibly frozen in a state of suspended animation, waiting for me to awaken her. I had no idea whether she ever arrived at her destination, or even where it was. All I knew was that locating it would become my top priority. Just the possibility that Jenny and I could be together once more gave me fresh hope, and determination to prevail against the odds. As expected, Matthias arrived...

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