An ClochánChapter 11 free porn video

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It was 0300 hours at An Clochán when Breacadh woke up Briana's Clan with, "Sensors are detecting unusual activity between us and the ravine on the NNW side."

"Did you alert Amy's Clan?"

"Yes. Erica wants all of you to meet them in the Security Control Center."

"Okay. Wait, all the cruisers are on that side of An Clochán."


"Then have Súsanna's and Caoilinn's Clans join us there. Tell them to wear tac suits. Is there any activity among our visitors?"

"Our visitors are all sound asleep. I'll advise Súsanna's and Caoilinn's Clans to meet you in the Security Control Center wearing tac suits."

"Erica, what's up?" said Briana when her clan entered the SCC where several of Amy's Clan were watching the consoles.

"Our activity scans began showing some odd readings beginning around 2200 hours. We ran system diagnostics which showed that the sensors were functioning correctly. After that we made some adjustments to the scanners' and sensors' coverage so that they overlapped. Backups were brought online so we didn't create any holes with the adjusted scanning. Perhaps the most puzzling aspect is that the odd readings are sporadic. Just after we had Breacadh wake you, we overlaid the odd readings on our site map and as you can see their seems to be a pattern."

"Can you add terrain features to the map?" asked Adam.

"Crap," said the group when they saw the string of events that progressed toward An Clochán from a ravine some 10 km NNW. The breaks in the events were when the terrain obstructed line of sight from An Clochán.

"Add the site grid around the cruisers and show activity for the last 4 hours," said Cass.

"Damn, it looks like we have intruders," said Charlotte. "So where are they now?"

"Well based on these latest readings, about three kilometers from the parking area heading back toward the ravine."

"Let's look closer at the time sequence for their activity in the parking area," said Briana.

"We need air support," said Adam. "Any FOC, we need Star Fighter support, now!"

"Adam, this is Iarracht FOC. What's up?"

"We believe there are intruders on the ground between An Clochán's parking area and the ravine NNW of An Clochán. From our sensors, it appears that they are moving back toward the ravine."

"Two flights are responding. Raven and Osprey will be on station in less than 20 minutes."


"They will contact you shortly."


"This is a time lapse activity report for the parking grid," said Amy.

It showed twelve objects come onto the grid then divide into groups of two before approaching the Iridien cruisers. Each group went to three locations under each ship and stayed there for a few moments before going to the next before leaving.

"That is strange," said Súsanna. "Why would you go to all this trouble to just walk up to the ships and then leave?"

"Our cruisers have a tamper sensor that alerts the crew if someone has tried to enter the ship," replied Caoilinn. "If someone manages to get the ship to fly once the sensor has been tripped, it will self-destruct. It wouldn't surprise me to learn that the Iridien's have something similar."

"Well considering the events of yesterday, my guess is that someone in the fleet must want to kill off the Iridien Spec Ops teams in a way that causes us to be blamed."

"Yvonne, there is a lot of conjecture in your statement," said Sal of Caoilinn's Clan. "But it makes sense if you believe that the Iridien Spec Ops units are ones that the Dutsuz would have the most trouble subverting."

"Adam, this is Raven1. We are several minutes out. What's the situation?"

"You guys are quick. Can you see our map?"


"Good. We are pretty certain we were visited earlier by at least twelve intruders. Currently they are heading toward this ravine." As Adam spoke, he highlighted the map to indicate the areas. "Can you do a low level recon of the area? Based on the information we have, I would suspect that there is at least one cruiser in the ravine, and probably two."

"Okay, beginning a run now."

Those in An Clochán SCC and Iarracht FOC watched the progress bar move across the map.

"Sloppy," said Charles as four blips showed up on the screen. "Those appear to be four man terrain transporters, but we only saw twelve people on the grid."

"Raven1, confirm four groups."


"Can you put spiders down along their apparent path to the ravine?"

"Osprey2 is preparing to do that now. We are going to check the ravine."

"Good. We will be sending two teams out on IPTPs."

"Which teams?"

"Súsanna's and Caoilinn's. Can Osprey flight scan the area outside the habitat for thermal anomalies?"

"Sure. Why?"

"Those transporters you identified carry four people. There were only twelve people shown entering the parking area."

"Adam, copy your request," said Osprey1. "There will be a lot of data clutter around the habitat making looking for people tricky. Breacadh should be able to screen against the normal data so we will make several passes. If they move between passes it should make them easier to spot."

"Osprey1, that is what we had in mind. Thanks."

"Breacadh, are the activity sensors still active in the sections we've mothballed?" said Briana.

"They were activated when you identified intruders on the parking grid. Some have not validated and they should have by now."

"Hmm ... set alarms on all exterior doors to sound silently," said Briana. "Increase the sensitivity of motion sensors in halls leading to exits and mothballed sections."

"In progress. Will advise if they don't validate or there is activity."

"We're ready," said Súsanna. "We will go out through the large air lock and circle around to the right. Caoilinn is going to go the other direction. Our IFF will be on once we get outside."

"Okay," said Erica. "Be careful. The Star Fighters are there to support you. Use them."

"Yes, mother," chorused the groups. "If you see something on the map you think we missed, tell us right away."

"We're going out through corridor 19," said Briana.

Erica watched anxiously as the three teams left. Everything they were doing they had practiced over and over again, only this time it was for real. As Fidelma came into view she placed her hand on Erica's shoulder.

"Erica, relax. We've done all we can to prepare for this. This time we have a little more of an advantage than we could hope for."


"Yes. These intruders apparently don't respect their enemy."

"Briana's Team," said Breacadh, "exterior door 5 of Section 42A is being opened."

"Copy," replied Cass. "Eltha, Cindy, would you approach from the inside. Ellie and I will come in through the door. Breacadh, once we are inside, seal the doors and slowly pressurize the section."


The group of transporters was just entering the ravine when Súsanna's and Caoilinn's teams approached them from both sides. Caoilinn called out to them in standard language, "Halt! Lay down your weapons and raise your hands."

All the intruders jerked when they heard her voice in their head sets. The driver accelerated as the others looked around. Seeing the Órarduine on both sides of them one said, "Take 'em out." They immediately began firing in the general direction of the Órarduine. It was all they could do due to the bouncing of the transporter.

After Súsanna's and Caoilinn's teams ducked for cover and began firing at the bouncing transporters. They quickly realized that it was more effective to aim at the rocks on either side of the transporters. This threw rock fragments toward the intrucers. They carefully followed the intruders toward their waiting ships. On arriving at the first ship, the driver jumped off his transporter and ran toward the access panel intending to open its entry ramp. He was hit as finished entering his access code which resulted in his entry not being confirmed. When the ramp did not begin to open, another entered the code again and confirmed it. Once the door opened, he quickly dragged the injured driver up the ramp while the others continued firing at the approaching Órarduine Security teams.

The Órarduine laser fire hit all four ground transporters rendering them useless, with many of the intruders wounded as a result. The Órarduine intent was not to kill the intruders, but to demonstrate that they could. Several shots also hit the edges of the ramp before it closed.

"Súsanna's, Caoilinn's teams, pull back," said Raven1. "We will take it from here."

"Ravens, shields up. Raven1, Raven2 disable cloaking."

While Raven was giving his commands, the Órarduine Security teams moved rapidly away from the two Iridien cruisers. They moved a safe distance away, but where they could still watch the ships. While they were slightly exposed, they were not easily seen due to the tac suites altering their appearance to blend into the surroundings.

"Intruders in the Iridien cruisers," said Raven1 in standard language. "Stand down, now!"

"Here is your answer!" screamed a voice over the radio just as their laser fired at the two visible Star Fighters. Their shields deflected the beam toward nearby rocks causing them to explode.

"One last time," said Raven1 to the intruders. "Stand down. Exit the ships and surrender."

Raven1 and Raven2 shifted so that if they were shot at again, the beam would be deflected toward the other intruder. They had just made the move when one of the intruders fired again. The deflected shot hit punched a large dent in the side of the adjacent ship.

"Raven flight, engage enemy." As he spoke, Raven1 and Raven2 peeled off to the right and disappeared as they resumed cloaking.

The two cruisers lifted off the ground and turned toward the two Órarduine security teams. The teams were wondering if they had made an error when laser shots hit the back of both cruisers. The cruisers quickly began to rise and turn. They had only risen a short distance when another volley of laser shots hit them. This time bright flashes came from both of them as they began to gain altitude.

"Erica," said Osprey1, "we are being scanned by a targeting system."

"We see it."

"It has locked onto me," said Osprey2. "Shields on max. I am cloaked and it still has a lock."

"ACFC, fire when ready."

"Target acquired," replied An Clochán weapons control. "Fire!"

Outside the habitat, there were four brief flashes of light upward toward the NNW sky. They were quickly followed by four more flashes. All the flashes seemed to converge at a point well above Mars.

"Erica, lock is broken."

"Copy." Just as Erica spoke the An Clochán lasers fired again for the third time. Shortly after they fired a large ball of fire erupted in the sky high above Mars.

Meanwhile, on the ground Súsanna's and Caoilinn's Teams were hastily making their way back to An Clochán. Their paths across the Martian surface could only be traced by the small swirls of dust they stirred on their passing.

Overhead Raven flight was joined by Osprey and two other flights as their engagement with the fleeing cruisers continued. The cruisers' shields were minimizing the damage from the laser fire of the Star Fighters until suddenly the lead cruiser slowed, and then exploded. The debris struck the left side of the second cruiser almost eliminating its shield. The Star Fighters pumped multiple rounds of laser shots into the remaining cruiser until it disintegrated.

"Erica, both cruisers destroyed," said Raven1.

"Copy. Good work."

"Well, I am not sure we can take credit for the first one."


"It just seemed to explode. It is possible a shot crippled an internal system that caused the explosion. We need to evaluate our tapes first."

"Whatever. As far as we are concerned, you did it. Thanks to all of you."

"Iarracht FOC, we are returning."

"Copy. Raven and Osprey cleared for return. Condor and Hawk flights continue recon on An Clochán."

"Copy. Approaching An Clochán. Alert the AIs, we will be doing repetitive recon runs."

"Copy. Do them with nav lights on."


"Turn your nav lights on when making a run. It should make anyone on the ground edgy."

"Good point. Hadn't thought of that. Will add shields."


While the activity was taking place overhead, Eltha and Cindy were waiting to enter Section 42A. They had paused so that Breacadh could restore the atmosphere to the Section that they were in. The rest of Briana's Clan entered Section 43A just before Breacadh began restoring the atmosphere.

"Based on the marks outside," said Cass, "it looks like all four came in the same door."

"Breacadh, you still detecting only two people, correct?"

"Yes. Several of the sensors are in an unknown state so the accuracy is not known."

"We are going in without our tac suits," said Eltha.

"The sensors are detecting a faint trace of the Dutsuz spice."

"Okay, we are inside," said Cindy.

Cindy and Eltha carefully checked out each room as they moved down the corridor. Just before they entered the fifth room, Eltha said, "They are in here."

"Yes, I can sense all four. They are expecting us to find them."

"I see that as well. Let's do it." With that Cindy eased open the door and carefully looked inside. Seeing no one, she slipped through the door, with Eltha close behind her quietly closing the outer door. They waited a few moments until their vision had fully adjusted to the low light before easing the inner door open. Inside they could see two men standing next to a table covered with packages. They were opening the packages while apparently paying little attention to their surroundings. Eltha and Cindy moved quietly into the room.

"The other two are behind us."

"Yes. I feel their presence."

"Put your hands up," said Eltha as the lights were turned up. The two men reacted by reaching for their weapons as they dropped the package they were opening. The packages bounced off the table on to the floor. On hitting the floor they broke open spilling the spice.

"Touch that weapon and you're dead," said Cindy in standard language. The two men stopped moving and just looked at them. "We told you to put your hands up. Do it now!"

At that moment, the two men behind them yanked their heads back by pulling on their hair. When Eltha and Cindy opened their mouths to scream, a lump of spice was shoved into their open mouths before they were covered by a hand. At the same time, the two men they had confronted knocked their weapons away. Their wrists were then pulled behind their back and fastened together.

"Hmm ... didn't expect it to go quite this way."

"Just relax girls, we won't hurt you. The candy we gave you is good for you as it will help you relax. Once you are relaxed, we will remove the restraints. We only used restraints so you wouldn't hurt yourselves."

The two holding the women smiled when they felt them stiffen slightly and nodded to the others. After a few minutes, the two holding their heads slowly released them to let them stand on their own. Their wrists were still fastened behind their backs.

"Guess, we did that part correctly," said Eltha.

"Yea, the spice has pretty good flavor but it sure has a strong taste. It is different to what Sarah's Clan described."

"But, they took theirs with food which would mask the taste."

"They said the drug would be effective after ten minutes," said one intruder.

"Yes," replied another. As the four men waited, they inspected the two women, felt their bodies, and ran their fingers through their hair and mane.

When one of the men found their tails he said, "Would you look at this?", as he pulled Cindy's tail from between her ass cheeks. Each of them then took a turn fondling her tail and ass.

"These people sure have nice bodies," said another intruder as he ran his fingers between the lips of her cunt. "Nice warm cunt. Damn, the lips move too," he added as Cindy's labia grasped at the finger stimulating her cunt causing her natural juices to flow. "Shit, she is getting wet already."

Another intruder was squeezing and caressing Eltha breasts when milk began to ooze from her nipple. "Look at this," said the man as he pulled on her nipple releasing more milk.

"Time is up," said Briana. "We are just outside the door."

Hearing Briana, Eltha and Cindy pretended to wake up. "What are..."

"We are here to help you," said one intruder in friendly voice. "We are your friends and have brought you a gift." Pointing to the boxes he said, "In those boxes is some very special spice that offers great benefits to those who consume it. It is a very precious gift that we freely present to you. We encourage you to share with your family."

"Why did you come in this way?" asked Eltha with a puzzled look on her face.

"We came on some Iridien cruisers. We wanted to surprise you this morning with these gifts, so we came in here to prepare them for distribution while the others sleep. Now that you are here, you can help us distribute these gifts to your friends."

While they were talking, the rest of Briana's Clan entered the room unseen and surrounded the group.

"Your spices do have a very good flavor but the taste is rather strong," said Cindy. "I don't think anyone will like them once they know this is what you fed Sarah's Clan."

"We wouldn't do that..." said the intruder just as his arms were pulled behind his back. His eyes bulged at seeing the others with him struggling as their arms were also pulled back. Both Eltha and Cindy watched the four men struggle as restraints were fitted around their wrists. A restraint was also placed between their elbows tight enough to pull their shoulders back.

"What's going on?" stuttered one intruder, his expression beginning to show a bit of fear.

"We're preparing you for a trip to interrogation. What else do you think we would do with an intruder?"

"We came on an Iridien cruiser. We came as friends with presents that will make your life more enjoyable."

"You are full of shit," said Cass. "The stuff in those packages is the spice the Dutsuz gave Sarah's Clan in hopes of enslaving us. You were obviously sent by them to try it again, here."

"Those spices really enhance the flavor of food."

"Yes, they do," said Eltha. "For some species, they also have a secondary effect. For some, consuming the spice turns it into a drug as it is digested. The impact of the drug is to make the individual very receptive to suggestions and distort rational thought. Why else would you stuff some in our mouth?"

"You can't hold us," smirked another intruder. "Others will come to rescue us, and they will destroy this place when they do."

"Who knows you are here? Three Iridien cruisers were destroyed this morning." Just as Cass finished speaking more people arrived. Photos were taken of the prisoners and packages of spice. All four prisoners were stripped and then placed in long rectangular boxes, in spite of their struggling. Their struggling and fear grew as they saw a clear cover placed over the top of the box, leaving barely enough room for them to move. During the whole time the Órarduine did not say a word. Once the boxes holding the men were sealed, they were stood up so that the men could watch the next events in the room. Each package was placed inside a glove box. A probe was inserted and after a few moments a green light flashed as the display showed the composition. The contents were then poured into a liquid where it quickly dissolved. The whole sequence was filmed. Periodically the liquid was placed into a bottle and sealed.

When they finished, Briana looked at the four men and said, "We just turned your threat into a spice that is acceptable to us. Now let's go to somewhere you can tell us more about yourselves and who sent you." None of the four men realized that they had heard Briana telepathically as she had also spoken verbally.

The boxes holding the men were stacked onto a trolley and covered with a heavy cloth. A box containing their clothes was placed on top. Once everything was out of the room, two Órarduine began spraying it down with a solution to neutralize any residual spice.

"Well that screwed up a good night's sleep," said Briana as they watched the prisoners being taken to the holding area.

"I wonder how they will like their new home," said Ellie.

"Well at least they will get a daily bath," replied Anita.

"But, they won't realize that for a while."

"Eltha, Cindy," said Erica, "are you guys okay?"

"Yes, I am," replied Eltha.

"We plan seeing one of the doctors after breakfast," replied Cindy. "I think our spouses are planning on hovering over us until then."

"You really didn't need to take that risk."

"True, but I didn't see it as much of a risk considering the circumstances. When does the questioning start?"

"Probably tomorrow. We want them to experience a full day in the box. Shitting and pissing on yourself is humiliating, but when others see you do it, the impact is greater. That is why the boxes will either face each other or stand behind the one way mirror on the hall wall. To accentuate the impact of the odor, about the time it gets cold, the box will be flushed with hot then cold water. If they try to injure themselves, their movement will be restricted even more."

"Let's go eat," said Adam. "I am hungry."

"Cathan said that we don't need to join them with the visitors for a while," said Abaigeal. "So why don't we take a short nap after Cindy Eltha are done with the doctors?"

"Sounds like a great idea," responded several of her spouses.

Adam said, "Do we want to eat before or after?"

"Well let's decide that after we see how long we are in Medical.

"Sounds like a plan," responded several.

As Sarah's Clan was leaving for breakfast Terry said, "Amy, are you planning on upgrading An Clochán's perimeter sensors?"

"Yes. A group will start programming them this morning. Once it is dark they will be placed so that we have three sensing rings around us at 2, 5 and 10 km."

"Will these detect any intrusion?"

"Yes. We were lucky last night that the sensor scans were setup the way they were. Our teams did a great job of noticing the pattern in the data and its implication. The additional sensors will be placed to give us a 10 km circular grid. While the resolution won't be as fine it will yield results similar to what we have in the ship parking area."

"Okay. Any more prisoners?"

"No. Security teams are combing the deactivated portions of An Clochán now. The section where Briana's Team captured the four has been completely neutralized and washed down."

"Everyone is going through the wash station on return, correct?"

"Yes. Connie told me that they checked out fine."

"Briana's, Súsanna's, and Caoilinn's teams," said Terry, "congratulations, you did a great job this morning."

"Thanks," replied the three teams.

"Were there any injuries?"

"No," said Súsanna. "However, we didn't think far enough ahead, so when the intruder's cruisers lifted off we were in a rather exposed position. Our camouflage was active, but the cruisers have big guns."

"How do you think your visitors will react on learning of the intruders?"

"I suspect they will be pissed, especially if their ships were tampered with. Cathan's and Kara's teams were going to be with them today. I don't know if they have been told yet."

Over breakfast Sarah's Clan conferred with the other Command Staffs, using their mind-link. The intelligence report indicated that there were three Spec Ops cruisers missing from the Alliance of Worlds fleet.

Chester said, "Well we know that the intruders were from the Alliance of World fleet. Our four prisoners are Dutsuz. At least two of the cruisers appeared to be Iridien Spec Ops ships. The curious thing is 'what were they doing around the Iridien ships'? It seems pretty clear that this was initiated by the Dutsuz."

"We don't have any reservations in telling our visiting Iridiens about the attack," said Tiff of Siobhan's Clan. "We could have Cathan or Kara tell them, and ask if it makes any sense to them."

"We're agreeable," replied Molly.

"Agreed," said Maureen. "We need to know more of Olua's people and government. Wait, did we place Ferrets on their ships?"

"Yes," said Star. "They were fully activated when the intruders were detected. All the Intelligence departments are monitoring the incoming data."

"It is almost time for our morning meeting," said Sarah. "Let's link all locations and let Amy give a run down on this morning's attack. We have a lot to do today, so Amy should ask to limit discussion to only those points that need to be addressed today. The Iridien visitors are at breakfast at An Clochán."

"Well in that case, either Cathan or Kara will need to tell them," said Kelly.

"Agreed," replied all the Command Staffs.

"Star," said Sarah, "see if we can schedule a connection with Egulle and Orgaine to begin in three or four hours. I think we ought to look at the data from the Ferrets before we talk to them."

"You may want to push it out some."

"Okay. See if we can set it for around six hours from now. That should give us enough time to get a sense of what is taking place on the two Dutsuz ships."


Just then the holographic image of Amy, Erica and Dorothy on An Clochán appeared in all ships' dining rooms. "Good morning," said the three in unison. "Today our meeting includes all locations as we want to tell you of an event that occurred on Mars earlier this morning." With that the three described the engagement with the intruders in some detail, but without getting into specifics. They closed by explaining that the defensive perimeter was currently being augmented by Star Fighters with ground support scanners and that the perimeter was being reconfigured so that it could detect a broader threat which would be in place over the next 24 hours.

Amy said, "We would like to hold our normal question and answer session until dinner as there is much that needs to be done today. However, if there are any questions, now is the time to ask."

A loud deep voice from the back of the room said, "I say we get to work. Questions can wait."

"Yes!" came the loud response.

"Cathan," said Antopolis, "could we check our ships? Only two of each team will need to go out."

"That is possible."

"Actually, we should only need to inspect the outside as the hatches were sealed. The entry pad will show if the team login was over ridden."

"Let's get the group together first. We need to know more and prefer to have everyone participate. Besides, there isn't any rush in checking your ships, is there?"

"No. Based on what was said, I suspect the entry pad had the intruder trap tripped. If those on the ship do not verify their identity to the ship within a short time after departure it will automatically self-destruct. The purpose is to keep them from being hijacked."

"Interesting. What happens if you are on them?"

"There are a couple of resets, but you have to know the situation in order to use them."

"Clarence," said Sarah's Clan late that morning, "what have you learned from the prisoners?"

"They don't like their accommodations. They do not appear to be Spec Ops team members. We are certain they are from the Dutsuz world, but apparently there is more than one species. The boxes are doing their job. We are using the visual stimulation to learn the thought process of their language."

"Good. Let us know as soon as you learn something."

"Will do."

"Shannon, what have you learned from the Ferrets on the Dutsuz ships?"

"We haven't sorted all the details yet, but it is definite that the attack was a Dutsuz plan. The slow-down is because we are still sorting out their language, but that is now progressing fairly rapidly. Currently it appears that they intended to sabotage the six Iridien cruisers at An Clochán. This was to be done by tripping the unauthorized entry sequence. Their intent was as you suspected. They would claim that we destroyed the Iridien ships, along with the teams, without provocation and demand retribution."

"Oh, wait. Blaming us for destroying the cruisers was a backup plan. The prisoners were sent to compromise our Security teams with the spice drug then use them to drug everyone else. They certainly are persistent bastards. Based on their phrasing there may be others we didn't catch."

Same as An Clochán
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Gail's modeling has picked up and now she is being asked to model even more skimpy outfits. The photographers love her tattoos and want to show as many of them as they can in their shots. Gail has always been very critical of herself and how she looks and now that most of her naked body is being photographed she decided she needed to tone up a little. She was already a member of a local gym but she felt like she needed a real trainer. One day while working on her Instagram page she saw she had...

3 years ago
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Bonfire Bonanza

The bonfire roared, even in the pitch darkness surrounding us I could see everyone clearly. Senior year parties were tradition in any part of the world with teenagers, and for once I was happy to oblige. I'd never been one for parties really. People more often than not look through me rather than at me. But fuck it, it's time last time I'll see any of these assholes right? One last hurrah. Everyone had been drinking (at a highschool party, who would have guessed?), but some people were...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Southern Hospitality

I had made it a mile or two down the road when the warm glow of headlights appeared behind me. I turned around and stuck out my thumb. A classic 50's pick up truck pulls over and I hear a sweet southern drawl call out to me, "Hop in, Sug." I sit down and shut the door and turn to thank this kind stranger and thats when I see her face. A sweet caramel brown skintone with long straightend black hair. I guessed her to be about 5'8" and 110 pounds. She smiled at me and asked where I was...

1 year ago
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I let my wife fuck two guys

My name is Greg and for many years my wife of 10 years has had a fantasy of wanting to be fucked by two guys at the same time. I would say this fantasy started maybe 5 years ago back before we had our two children and through the years it has become more and more of an obsession with my wife, she has seen many movies on the internet involving Double penetration and the idea of this being done to her really turns her on. Let me tell you more about my wife. She is a very beautiful 40 year old who...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Community TooChapter 36

Dan Richards' turn: The avalanche continues. Dan 2.0 went to Louisiana for a progress meeting on the project we're doing there in a facility near his home. He came back with Ed Allen and Ed's new wife and addition to the Sisterhood, Dana. And we're moving from the original apartments, home for the last couple of years, to the new community at the airfield. Airfield. Conspicuously absent is Wally. So we're moving from the apartments to the houses -- it's Saturday morning, so we have...

4 years ago
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Zombies Werewolves Vampires and Other Improbable ThingsChapter 17 Like Someone Saying Fix My Problem Instead Of We Have A Problem

If the knocking was less of an attempt to kick down the door, I would have ignored it. "What?" I yelled. Ashley shook her head at me as she opened the door. An older man and Crystal ran in. "We have a problem!" they yelled. The way they looked at each other led me to believe WE had two different problems. "Out of the way!" John-John yelled to the people standing in front of my door. Joey, Elizabeth, John-John, Bianca, and Mr. Valence ran into the room. They were carrying the Left...

2 years ago
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Ensuring the Family Tree Has BranchesChapter 33

Philip had fucked Summer that morning as she'd straddled his lap and ridden up and down on his hard horny cock until he blasted his cum deeply up inside her pussy. But, now more than ever, Philip was wanting to get Summer knocked up as well, and he'd made a plan that he'd fuck her that morning and then again that afternoon before she left to go home to her own husband and child. He sent word by his pregnant secretary Beverly that Summer was to come to his office at about 4:30 and sure...

4 years ago
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Web of lies draco malfoy fanfiction P

Bella’s nanny, Percy , had been her only constant companion through all her years as an orphan , and even before her mother had died she had never failed to take her of Bella , Even when the ministry of magic had battered down her door and killed Althea Blythe as she slept. Bella thought often about her mother who was killed when she was 9, she had never known her father so had never really bothered with him, but her mother was always on her mind. Percy sensed Bella’s mind beginning to...

4 years ago
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My Respected Teacher

My Respected TeacherBy: Londebaaz ChohanAhhh!! Jacob Madison; my 10th grade History teacher. He looked hardly 20 years old but surely he was older. Not very tall like 5’ 7”, slim, medium frame body of hardly 125—130 lbs. at the most but cute looking. The best of the best part attracting me to Mr. Madison was his so perfectly rounded ass globes. Every time he stood in front of the class; discussing, explaining and teaching the British history, walking on the platform like rostrum or podium from...

1 year ago
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Nicol Gets an Education

MF,MMMF,mmF,Exhib,HumI just turned nineteen. I graduated from high school last year and I have several jobs. I work as a waitress at a restaurant in the evening four or five nights a week. It depends on how often they need me.I also work for a cleaning service, cleaning homes during the day. One of the houses I clean once a week is my neighbor's house. Not right next door, a couple of houses down. He asked me about cleaning his house when he found out I was doing it and I do it for him without...

1 year ago
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The deadly body of Taki

The warlord had set guards on the entrance to the inn he stayed at, on his way to the tomb site. He was very upset about the delays in obtaining access to the grave, and the workers, many of them forced, would certainly pay the price. Taki could see 2 guards below her. As they wore sturdy helmets and body armor, the back of their heads was not a viable target. Confident in her abilities, the dark-haired female decided to end them both in a flashy way, one that would minimize noise and...

3 years ago
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A Boy and His Powers II

Her legs were long and tanned to perfection, further adding to her appeal. She had done some modeling throughout her mid teens but my mom wanted her to focus on school and avoid some of the nastier sides of modeling. The reason I didn’t think about Amelia as the gorgeous piece of ass that she was, is because she was my older sister. Still, with my newfound powers, I was determined to make her mine. I made my plan. My parents were still at work when we came home. Amelia was 15 so she drove me...

3 years ago
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I was bored. Seriously bored. I was supposed to be out in the yard fixing a truck, but the rain, the first in months, had been so heavy I'd come inside and sat down. Surprisingly, it had also turned quite cold. It wasn't as if I could just ring a mate, I grumbled to myself for the hundredth time that day, a grumble I'd had every day for the last six years, ever since the whole family had uprooted themselves from our ancestral sheep farm, just outside of Kendal in Englands Lake district, to...

2 years ago
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My wife entertained my friends

Friday I was on my way home and my cell phone rang, it was my wife and she asked me to stop and pickup four cases of beer. What I asked . She said just bring home some beer and she hung up. I thought that was strange, I don't drink much and she never drinks beer. I picked up four cases of Budweiser and headed home. When I pulled onto our street I noticed several vehicles parked in front of our house. I grabbed two cases of the brew and headed into the kitchen. I could hear the stereo playing...

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Helping Out The Sitters

I had swung shut the door for the cab, waving again to the pleasant older man who had given us a lift home from our friend's house party.  It had been the first time out in a bit for us and my husband Mark had certainly taken advantage of the night. The cabbie had been great about it, helping me settle him in the back and letting me sit upfront.  I’m sure he wasn’t overly upset with having a chatty and obviously buzzing auburn-haired woman sitting beside him.  Since it had been a relaxed little...

1 year ago
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Sister Mary Jeans StruggleChapter 2

Living here at Saint Mary's we all had to do our chores to help out everyone would be assigned different things and of course we all got rotated between them all. The only chores that I really like, are working; are the laundry room and the kitchen. The outside chores (the yard, flowers and stuff like that) I did not care for. Whenever I was given one of those I would trade with another girl and take her laundry room detail or kitchen detail. The house cleaning inside I sort of liked, only...

2 years ago
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The next day

Finally giving in lead to a whole new life. Around 1 AM I told Bob I needed some sleep and he should go to his room. As he layed behind me cuddling and his hard cock still pressed against my ass, he reached over and kissed my neck and said he needed some sleep as well. I'd never known a few kisses on my neck by another man could be so erotic. We both got up to dress and he said maybe we'd see each other for dinner that night and I agreed maybe so. After Bob left, I took a shower and realized...

2 years ago
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Happy Halloween CaitlinChapter 4

The crimson haired beauty was facing the wall wearing a blindfold made of impenetrable shadow. Kneeling on her bed her arms outstretched and lashed to the crossbar of her large brass bed. She waiting once again for the lash of a whip crafted from the spine of a man. Feeling that whip strike her tender offered ass and go straight through her body and scream its way through the pleasure playground her head had become. Each lash was its own climax within her. She arched her back and lifted her...

2 years ago
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Omegle encounter 1

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!You and the stranger both like cyber, and anal.Stranger: hiYou: hiStranger: you M?You: yesYou: u?Stranger: nopeYou: cool :)Stranger: 27 FYou: nice, I'm 29 mStranger: excellentYou: you like cyber cam to cam chat?Stranger: nopeStranger: just text for meYou: okYou: are you interested in anal sex?Stranger: very much soYou: wowYou: same hereYou: i love to cum insideStranger: yes I love it dripping down my legYou: yeah.... ohhhh....You: I love the...

2 years ago
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Training of Women

I was on the subway and I saw this beautiful woman that I had to have. I stayed on the train until she got off and I followed her until a convenient time I could introduce myself. I told her that I was a movie mogul and that I saw her on the train and wanted to give her an audition. She was quite flatted, but said she was not interested. I asked her to go to lunch and discuss what I had offered. She was hesitant but finally said OK. I told her I had a place in the upper New York...

2 years ago
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Hot Invigilator Became Sex Partner

Hi I am Ramesh, 19 year old doing my degree in reputed university in Bangalore… i am doing my second year degree.It was happened a year ago during my Preparatory exams on that day i had a tough exam i have gone with tension to the exam hall.Suddenly a teacher came to the exam hall WoW she is so sexy ….. She was beautiful…. She is white in colour … with extremely massive boobs and hot butt… She wore a saree that day.. as she wont take any subjects for me so i am her for the first time .. after...

3 years ago
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Nina Gets Spanked for Lying

38-year-old Nina was still back home although her Mum was away and she was under the disciplinary control of her 18-year-old niece Megan. Nina woke and immediately felt the twinge of soreness right across her bottom and remembered the reason was the severe spanking her niece had given her the previous day. The third discipline spanking she had given her in just five days. Still, that was again behind her, so to speak, and Nina got up, looked in the mirror and saw the expected bruises splattered...

1 year ago
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A Birthday Party Turns

Jay was so much looking forward to his sixteenth birthday. His mom by adoption had promised him a few surprises and a small gathering to celebrate the occasion. Aunt Karen had a busy day planned and would be home by six, she promised.Karen was his biological mom’s best friend, and before dying in a horrific car accident, she had asked Karen to watch over Jay because she trusted her and believed she would be the best person to care for her son if anything happened to her.Alas, two years ago mom...

1 year ago
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"Now its my turn, you had your fun with that woman from The Ladies Guild the other day. I have said nothing, but I will if I don't get what I want.""What the fuck are you on about?""You know exactly what I am on about, when you and your lesbian friend made out the other day, during your Guild lunch. I know all about it. Like I said, now its my turn, otherwise I will ruin your precious reputation."The look on her face said it all. She hadn't known that I knew about her little romp. She also knew...

3 years ago
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Blood of BrothersChapter 15 Warpath

Drake dragged his sword as he wielded it. The blade was by no means light, but it seemed as he lost the strength to wield it, it gained the strength to wield itself. The battle had been long, and now it seemed no end was in sight. The on-lookers didn't shout encouragement. No witnesses spoke. He fought the monster he had once called Sage. He fought for his life. He had been betrayed by the man who had been a father to him. The monster lifted his sword and abruptly charged. Drake brought in...

1 year ago
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lactating hot wife Chapter 4 Jill takes two

Previously: As you may recall, Glenn, my husband's best friend and college roommate, was staying at our home during the summer of 2015. I had given birth to my first child, Amy, less than a month earlier.  The first two weeks of Glenn's stay went smoothly, however, my life changed completely one Friday evening in early June. My husband, Chris, convinced me to breast feed our daughter in the living room while he and our house guest watched. It sounded innocent enough, but the sexual tension was...

Wife Lovers
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Sharon Amy

Chapter 1 Awww that feels so good Mistress Amy Sharon moaned as Amy fucked her ass & cunt with nine & ten inch cucumbers . Amy had brought her home about 25 minutes earlier & after have a glass of wine each , Amy was now fuckin her new momma bitch with the veggies . Once Sharon reached orgasmic bliss , Amy sat on the stacked old hags face , Sharon had 40d natural slightly saggy tits , which she slapped while Sharon ate cunt . Sharon was an expert pussy licker , often she would lick pussy...

3 years ago
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Nikis Family LifeChapter 17 A Tail at Home

Carol heard the front door open and assumed that Max and Niki had returned, it was still too early for Roger to be getting home. She had been glad that Max was out most of the day, as she was still not sure how to react after all that had happened yesterday. It was easier to be by herself, alone with her thoughts, with her memories of the day before - though that was going to change soon. Grabbing the small basket of clean laundry, she left the small utility room and headed towards the...

1 year ago
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A Good ManChapter 4

Tom could only stare his mouth hanging open. "Your daughter? 500 years?" "Yes," Azel said, "you haven't realized just how long we live have you Tom?" "Well, I knew from Frilly that many lived a long time but you ... and she ... how... ?" Tom started. Laughing Azel replied, "I'll try to explain. You see, mages barring injuries or total depletion of their energy can live 3-5 thousand years at present I am only 3000 I am the youngest on the council. My mate and I were young, we...

1 year ago
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A Love So Beautiful

I was your typical 22-year-old college graduate... broke, desperate for work, and dreading the inevitability of repaying my college loans. With a useless degree in English Literature, my prospects for a good paying job were minimal at best. A few of my close girlfriends had tried dancing to make ends meet, and I was constantly being begged to give it a shot. While I never considered myself a prominently radiant woman, I was just becoming comfortable with my Spanish features (think Reubenesque)...

1 year ago
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GloryHole Valentina Nappi Third Appearance

Everyone knows Valetina Nappi is a slut, but just look at her now! She’s in a dirty bookstore, at the Dogfart section, and flirting with the black dude behind the counter! If that wasn’t enough, she already knew about this place…and their video arcade! After all, this place is notorious for perverted behavior and “cruisy” gloryholes! Yep! In a couple minutes, she’s back in one of the private booths, and, of course, the store clerk let her in there for free!...

2 years ago
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Living Doll

When I was a little girl, I had loved playing with dolls. I would dress them up, brush their hair and create lives for them. I had Barbies and Sindy’s that lived alongside the fake ones who didn’t look quite right that my mum had bought cheaply, but nonetheless they had all served their own purpose. They lived in my dollhouse in my bedroom and I built an entire world for them, admittedly with the Barbies at the top of the social ladder very shallowly because they were prettier with better...

2 years ago
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My Girlfriend Came at the Gynecologist

My Girlfriend Came at the Gynecologist.Back a few years ago I was dating an incredibly sexy but prissy woman, who pretended that she didn’t like sex but would orgasm multiple times during it.She always dressed very class with a tiny hint of sexuality and had very conservative views. The time came for her to go to the gynecologist she seemed overly concerned about it and asked me to go with her. I did think a woman her age would have been to the OBGYN multiple times in her life and that it was a...

3 years ago
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My true story Part 4

Tonisha sat nervously at the breakfast table. At any moment, she expected someone to inquire about the strange sounds coming from her room the night before. She looked across the table at Lynn. How would she act this morning after a night of forbidden sexual passion? The ear to ear smile on Lynn's face quickly answered that question.Lynn seemed oblivious to the situation around her. She obviously wasn't thinking about the upcoming game. Her face was aglow from the all night lovemaking session...

3 years ago
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Alessa Lombardi Free At Last

       My husband had finally packed all of his things, and was now standing at the front door, staring at me from behind dark sunglasses. His mouth was a straight line, tight, his eyebrows drawn together. I wasn't sure if he'd been angry or feeling regret. I couldn't have cared any less at that point. I just wanted him to walk out of that door, and hopefully out of my life. He opened his mouth to speak, but I held up a hand.       "No, Chayton. Just leave," I said.       "Alessa, come on, we...

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The story of Aliaranna Pt 1

She slides out of her bed and gets out of the covers onto her own feet with a suffle. She stretches out her back before moving towards the wooden door and opening it then suddenly being filled with the colors of pink translucent curtains. Aliaranna smiles at the women on 7 beds sitting there nude smiling back. She looks them all over, "Good morning my latina sluts." Aliaranna says with a toothy grin. The girls call back, "Good morning mistress Aliaranna." Aliaranna looks them over...

3 years ago
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A Fathers College Visit

Ron Williams had driven four hours to go visit his daughter, Melanie, who was in her freshman year at Stearman University. Melanie was the oldest of his four daughters and while her mother, Ann, stayed at home with the other three girls, Ron had taken three days to just go and see how their oldest, Melanie, was getting along. When he got to the town where the college was located, he drove to the house that Melanie shared with her roommate, Bev, and he knocked on the door to see if he could...

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Working late night

It was turning 8pm and the boss had a few employees working late including his secretary. She was a cute 20 something year old with fiery red hair, slender legs, a nice round buttocks and a perfectly sized pair of tits. She started to get fed up and was ready to go home and had planned to run herself a warm bath to relax in and play with herself to relieve some tension. As she walked towards her bosses door she realised his blinds were closed. Looking around to check no one was close she peered...

Straight Sex
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My First Sex Experience With My Landlord8217s Daughter

Hi I’m rajveer singh sisodiya from bikaner living in jaipur i m sharing my first sex experiance with my landlords daughter pooja it was realy great because it was first 1 . I was in my b.e third year till then men e ladkiyo se baat bhi nahi karta tha meri schooling bhi militry school mene hui thi veha bhi girls nahi thi aur Collage mene bhi ek se ek badsurat ladkiya thi. Engineering thir dn year mene mere room partner mukesh ka accident ho guya zisme uski leg fracturemho gui uske gher wale wahi...

1 year ago
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The Boy Next Door The following summer

Chapter 1 Trish was really looking forward to getting her maid back for the summer. Mark was due to return home today, and she was looking forward to picking up where the two of them left off the previous summer. Over the winter she had decided to keep increasing her feminization of the young man, and mentally started ticking off some of the things she had planned for him over the coming months. There were the obvious things such as going lingerie shopping, taking him to her...

4 years ago
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Cumming like never before with his bigirlfriend Teacher pt 20

The school year had ended. Teachers had finished grades and I was packing up my room for the next year when there was a knock in the direction of my open door. I turned and saw Tia Malik, a recently graduated student and girlfriend of my baby daddy, Kevin Freeland. Tia had lost some weight since the beginning of the school year and had developed from a somewhat plain girl with future lower back problems to a full-blown exotic bombshell... with future lower back problems. “Hi Tia, I didn’t...

2 years ago
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The Frontier

This story is the adventure of Carl, a 17 year old Alaskan, who has a run in with an ancient spirit. This spirit had been roaming the earth since its conception and had since gotten. She had decided to start entertaining herself by playing with mortals. And in doing so, over the eons, she had created several myths all around the world. But in the time of this story she was working on a new project... that lead into a whole new one. She ends up bestowing powers onto Carl; these powers...

3 years ago
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She wore a see through top in a resturant

Mandy, my wife and lover is about 5’8′, wavy blonde hair, quite slim and very attractive. Her well defined breasts are a perfect 36c, which I think are just divine, although she will not always readily show off her assets. However ,if the mood is right, she will become more adventurous especially with help from the odd glass of wine. Both Mandy and I get aroused by our exhibitionistic foreplay and in fact, it really turns me on knowing that carefully selected guys get the opportunity to enjoy...

2 years ago
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Girl Gets Her Man Ch 19

Dan wasn’t sure what to wear. He’d been very comfortable in how he dressed around Jo, until today. ‘Why not just wear normal Dan stuff? She liked it yesterday. But, yesterday, we weren’t going to have sex. I’d had some ideas about what we’d do, but this is so sudden.’ He’d been waiting until the end of the semester to even think about approaching the situation. He settled on a long sleeve t-shirt and a pair of jeans. ‘Yeah, not too formal.’ He picked up the phone and dialed her number. It rang....

2 years ago
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Straight to Bi to Gay

All my friends knew me as a straight guy. I dated women, and I "acted" straight, whatever that means. They didn't know I'd had relations with other men. Mostly in college. And relations means sex. I didn't date another guy, just sucked and fucked, in some one night stands. Experimenting? Maybe. But, I knew I did like the man-on-man action, as much as I liked getting pussy.As I got older, I tired of the one night stand thing, and went on to just date women. Until I realized how crazy...

3 years ago
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Finding the Perfect Mate

FINDING THE PERFECT MATE by BARBARA Hank's hesitation was to be his doom, or at least he thought it would be. Why had he just laid there when she talked about a skirt? Did she know? What was to happen to him? How had he gotten himself into this mess? It had all started out innocently enough. His employer was sponsoring a company retreat in Las Vegas. In part, it was the usual "What's new in Electronics" thing. More importantly, it was a means of...

1 year ago
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Barbee's day had been too long and too hard, one of those demanding, nothing-goes-right days that makes you want to scream your head off. But it was over now and all she had to do was get through the rush-hour traffic and make it home. Everything would be all right then. Of that, she was sure. Turning into the driveway faster than she should, Barbee knocked the gearshift into park, grabbed her purse, and nearly stumbled in her rush out of the car. She barged through the back door with only one...

4 years ago
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The Trouble with Roommates Chapter 5

**Thanks for all the great comments, everyone! It means a lot that you are enjoying the series so far. Nicole has some interesting things in her future, stay tuned.** Nick tossed and turned in bed. As hard as he tried, he couldn't get the blowjob off his mind. He could still smell Brian's manly scent, could still hear him groan "good girl", could still feel and taste the cum splashing the back of his throat... He couldn't pretend this was just a silly prank any more. He'd sucked...

2 years ago
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Home for Horny Monsters Book OneChapter 12 Welcome Home

Mike opened his eyes, staring at the waning sunlight through the canopy overhead. Scattered rays were dying, a sign that the sun was sinking toward the skyline, ready to slumber until the break of dawn. The forest was quiet – a complete lack of animals meant that the only sound Mike could hear was the occasional rippling of the leaves as the wind brushed them against one another. Lifting his head, he knew that he needed to get back. Though his slumber had been restless, he had clearly slept...

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