Selfish MomChapter 4 free porn video

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Jane Mensch had just gotten home from her duties as platoon commander when she received a call on her cell from Matt Kendall, son of her new submissive, Debbie Kendall.

"Hello? Jane Mensch here. Oh, hi, Matt! How are you?" Jane's voice went from commanding to charming in an instant ... she was actually a little wet at the thought of what might happen soon.

"Oh, hell, ma'am. I am fine. How's Mom?" Matt asked her nervously.

"Well, first of all, you don't need to call me 'ma'am', except when we're on duty. I know that I'm your platoon commander, but the platoon is moving out, as you know. I don't plan to stay with it when it does. I've been offered a civilian job with the state. This was just temporary until the state was cleared of enemy and able to function. West Virginia is now more or less securely in the right hands. I've had enough combat to last me for a while. That wound was plenty of Hell on Earth for me.

"The Militia is going to push for longer-term enlistments now that the earliest emergency phase is over. Volunteers to carry the fight to other states. Are you planning to head out with them? I hope not. I'm sure that you can find work with the State that will keep you around your mother more than that ... around me, too. Let's face it. You've lost your father, your left eye, and the harmony of your family due to the Communists and all. This was only a temporary mission for you, to avenge your father and help bring order to your community. Not everyone in the Militia is a professional soldier. We all know that.

"As for me, I fully intend to keep your mother in great shape and make her ready for what follows, though I don't know if you still want her long-term or not. Do you? Part of me, I must admit, doesn't want to give her up as a regular partner, though I would gladly share her favors ... and mine, with you. She's no pain slut in the classic sense that I intended, but she's so delicious that I have trouble parting with her," Jane confessed.

"Well, that's not entirely up to me, anymore ... Jane, should I call you that, then? You see, Dad's alive. Yes, my father. Tom Kendall, he's alive and back. Only thing is, he has a lover, too ... a man named Jamie. In that vein, I think that it's high time for a family meeting. The fraternization issues were just some of what made me us think of it, among other things. A lot of radical changes to the Kendall family, and you and I ... and Dad, Mom ... Shannon, and Jamie, have all been part of them. But, yes, I have wanted to fuck you for a while, I'll grant you that, just as I've wanted to fuck Mom.

"I just hope that the family meeting can resolve much of this. Where everyone fits in this grand design, if you will. For what it's worth, though, I hope that Dad agrees to let you keep Mom. I've never seen her happier, and he's been happy, too, with Jamie, which gives me hope that you can keep Mom. As far as I'm concerned, you're basically my stepmother. Part of my family, if you will. Dad wants to hold it tonight, if you are okay with that. We can grab whatever food everyone wants and sit down for a nice little supper as we clear the air and decide together on what needs to be done. Including what Mom wishes, to be honest. She needs to be free to speak her mind in this case," Matt declared.

"Thank you. I agree. Your mother is ... well, very special to me. I think that I might be falling in love with her, in fact. Hard to imagine, ain't it? I would love to know if she returns my affections, and that means taking a risk of heartache," Jane agreed, who began squirming suddenly as her pants were slid down by Debbie so that she could eat her out.

Something in the tone of Jane's voice indicated excitement, and Matt had enough of a wild imagination to guess why. He chuckled and wrote a note to Shannon...

Mom is eating Jane out, I think. That slut, I love her a lot more these days, knowing what I do.

Shannon giggled and wrote back...

Ask to talk to her. I have a thing or two to tell her, even before tonight. I can elaborate later.

"Um, Jane, may Shannon and I speak to Mom, for a second, that is?" Matt inquired.

"Sure, but she needs to finish what she started afterward. Alright, babe. Talk to your son and daughter. They have something to say to you," Jane told Debbie while brushing her pussy against the schoolteacher's ass.

"Mom?" Matt said.

"Matt? Oh, Matt ... please forgive me! Can you forgive me? I was so terrible to you. Am I still your mother?" Debbie pleaded.

"Mom ... whatever happened, you'll always be Mom. You did a terrible thing, but so did I. You know that I had a hand in what happened to you with those soldiers. Sorry about that. Please forgive me for putting you in that tight spot, to begin with. It was supposed to be a test, Mom, and then Shannon was gonna be mine, no matter what, because she is mine at heart. I love her ... and I still love you. I forgive you," Matt said, even crying a little.

"I forgive you, too. It was a test, but I failed it. I will live with that shame for the rest of my life. I will just have to make up for things as best I can. I don't blame you for what you did. In fact, it turned out great for me. Look, Matt, I was a terrible person before. I am ... trying to be better now. I am a very different woman, and I owe that to you ... and to Jane. I am actually happier now. I just licked Jane's pussy, right before I talked to you. I would never have thought of doing that in the old days, well, at least not seriously, except that one time when you offered me a threesome. I wanted to do it, too, but I didn't dare ... I thought that it was wrong, but now ... I would love to take you up on it someday, if you ever want it.

"Still ... I belong to Jane now. She's my lover, my mistress, my true soulmate. I loved your father, still do, but ... well, he's dead and I have changed too much to be the same woman that he married, even if he still wanted that girl. I wronged him, anyway. I wish that he was still alive, that he would show up, so I could beg his forgiveness, not only for being so rotten to him, but also for being unable to return to him as his wife, not ever again. I want to stay with Jane. I'm sorry, but it can't be helped. I love her more than I've loved any person that I've ever met," Debbie explained.

"Oh, Mom, you're always going to be my mother. You might have had a nasty side, but you still took great care of us, took us to school, made our suppers, read bedtime stories to us, took us on picnics, wiped our runny noses, and all that. So you had flaws. Doesn't mean that I don't love you and miss you. In any case, there is a family meeting to resolve some things coming up tonight. Jane's going to make sure that you attend and can say what you truly feel. To be honest, though ... I really want to fuck you soon. So does Shannon. That threesome offer still stands. Always. Permanently," Matt beamed at that bit, "and speaking of Shannon, she wants to talk to you now. She's been jumping up and down, eager to talk to you."

"Okay, thank you ... Matt. Thank you for more than you know. I will be glad to speak to Shannon. I have a lot of patching up to do there," Debbie admitted.

"Oh, Mom! You were so angry! I know that now. It was terrible, yes, but you acted when you were angry. I get it. You've changed ... for the better. Besides, it turned out well for me. The only sex that I had with those men was some blowjobs and only by my consent, to thank them for the ride to Matt's and for the drive-thru fast food that they bought me from Grunt Burger. Trust me, Mom, I'm okay. I won't forget the good things that you've done for me, too, just as Matt said.

"Yes, it hurt my feelings, but I know that you've changed and maybe your mother's intuition told you that I would really be safe. You were angry with me. I was with you, too. But I'm not anymore. From what I hear, you've paid for it a bit, anyway. Plus ... I admit that I get very wet at the idea of a threesome with you and Matt.

"Well, possibly a foursome. You see ... Dad's alive, Mom. Daddy came back! He's got a boyfriend, but he's back and he still loves you. He just loves this Jamie guy in the same way that you love Jane. You're not gonna be mad, are you?" Shannon informed Debbie, who fainted for a second.

Jane helped Debbie up and she took the phone back, saying, "Sweetie, if your father is back, I have a lot of explaining and making up to do before I could ever think of judging him for whatever he's done. God knows what he's dealt with since the Commies grabbed him, poor, dear man. Thank you, anyway. Thank you for telling me that my husband is still alive and thank you for forgiving me. Alright, family meeting tonight? Wild horses couldn't keep me away and Jane clearly wants me to attend. Thank you for calling. I love you both more than you realize. I'm glad that I haven't lost you forever. Tell your father that I still love him, whatever else happens tonight. Now, if you'll excuse me, Jane's sweet pussy is begging to be licked."

"I will, Mom. Love you, too. Tell Jane that we love her as well. She's taking good care of you, right?"

"Very good care, sugar. Now, let Mommy eat her girlfriend's pussy, please."

"Do it, Mommy. Make me proud. Eat that pussy like it's going out of style. Eat it twice, no thrice, for each of us."

"I will. I promise I will," Debbie hung up and got busy doing just that, licking Jane's twat with unashamed enthusiasm.

"Shannon and Matt love you, too, apparently," Debbie winked at Jane as she swirled her tongue around Jane's clit.

"Well, they'll have plenty of chances to show it tonight. If I'm right, and God, I hope so, there's gonna be a nice little orgy tonight. A very hot, sweaty clusterfuck, with tongues, cocks, and fingers very busy indeed, exploring mouths, pussies, and asses. Imagine me sucking your husband's cock right in front of you, baby. Won't that be sexy as hell?" Jane encouraged Debbie with her dirty talk.

"Oh, fuck, yes, Jane ... or Mistress ... or honey, whatever you want to be called right now. I love calling you all of that. I would love to eat your pussy while you suck Tom's cock, or maybe join you on my knees, sucking it with you," Debbie said between teasing licks of her lover's cunt.

"Would you rim his ass while I suck his dick, or maybe suck his balls?" Jane taunted Debbie, who was now eating her in earnest.

"Oh, hell, yes, I would! I would tongue that ass with pleasure. I would make it up to Tom for all of the things that he wanted to do to me and I never let him do. Maybe someday soon, I can get with him and let him do whatever he's always wanted to do to me. Plus some things that I've wanted to do to him, but never let myself. Make amends. Wait, where are we meeting?" Debbie asked.

"Oh, shit, I never checked! Let's call back and find out," Jane told her, "but don't dare stop licking my pussy while I talk. Not this time. If we're lucky, they can me cum under your tongue."

Calling back, Jane heard Matt chuckling, "Hey, Jane ... guess Mom went back to work eating you out, didn't she? Shannon's sucking my dick, too, right now, in fact. Aren't you, Sis?"

"Yeah, I can tell. You have that sound in your voice that happens when a man gets his dick sucked. As if you can't do another thing and think straight right then. Anyway, about that meeting," Jane asked, having her own pussy devoured by Debbie.

"Yes, that ... how about 8 tonight? The old Kendall house. It's been cleaned up by Dad and Jamie and they're staying there for the moment. They're ordering pizza, in fact. Not what it used to be, of course, but Hugo's still has some good toppings. Mostly ham, pepperoni, and sausage. If you want veggies, vine-ripe tomatoes, onion, mushrooms, or black olives. Plenty of cheesy sticks or breadsticks with marinara sauce, too. Neutral ground. Everyone meets together, speaks their minds, and with any luck, we fuck each other silly and sore. We'll try to keep the hurt feelings to a minimum, as much as we can without being false to ourselves," Matt informed her of what Tom had told him in a voicemail.

"Works for me. Beer okay? I'll be happy to bring some along," Jane offered.

"Sounds great to me. God knows that we Kendalls are a far cry from the teetotaling Jesus Freaks we were before this whole thing went down. Too much has changed since then," Matt grinned, "Sure, beer would be a great surprise and help get everything comfortable with this faster."

By eight, of course, Debbie had eaten Jane out three times already, and her jaws were a little sore, but Jane was only too willing to give her a break and return the favor, so both of them had the taste of pussy on their lips and tongues as they showed up at the Kendall, Debbie more than a little wet and horny still, as well as nervous ... she was about to see her husband again for the first time since some time before Thanksgiving ... and her son for the first time since Thanksgiving night ... and Shannon for the first time since Black Friday. Yes, she was very eager, but also very worried.

"Don't worry, babe. If it helps, I'll make you strip and you can spend the whole evening naked. Who's going to stay that mad at you when they see your gorgeous body au naturel? Imagine the look on Tom's face when he sees that your body has no hair at all ... that the depilatory cream has removed every trace of body hair from you, including that lusciously smooth ass of yours ... and that I match you in every way for that. Most of all imagine kissing him while tasting of pussy. I bet that he'll love it, if he's like most men," Jane winked at Debbie as she slapped her ass on the way to the door.

"So, that was why you wanted me to keep eating you, huh? Not that I minded. You know me. I love to lick your cunt," Debbie confessed as they knocked.

"Well, that and I just wanted to enjoy your fine tongue ... oh, and taste myself on your lips. Apparently, I don't taste too bad," Jane laughed, as Tom answered the door.

"Jane, is it? Nice to meet you," Tom started to greet her with a hug, but Jane planted a lip lock on him that made it clear that she was no lesbian ... bi, yes, but no lesbian.

"Wow, that was some kiss!" Tom grinned, barely to catch his breath before Debbie Frenched him, tasting very much of Jane.

"Debbie ... wow, honey ... that was the best kiss that you've given me in literal years!" Tom said, before kissing his wife yet again.

"I should hope so. None of the kisses I gave you ever tasted like pussy back then," Debbie giggled.

"Yes ... I noticed that she tasted like you and you ... evidently taste like her. Hey, baby ... it's been so long. So much has changed. Not sure that you'll like all of the changes. That's your call, of course. I get a bad feeling that I won't like every change, either, but I'm afraid that life moves on and as much as it will hurt us, we must enjoy the pleasure and deal with the pain," Tom tried to figure out what to say.

"Oh, yes, speaking of which ... where's this Jamie guy? Relax. I don't want to hurt him. I want to thank him for keeping you alive and sane for all of this mess. For taking such good care of my husband, even if he also fell in love with you. Why wouldn't he, though? You're a great man. I should have appreciated you better when I still had you. Look, honey ... you're right. A lot has changed. I think that we're all about to learn just how much in a little bit here. Good idea to have beer and pizza, I think, by the way. Oh, you didn't know about the beer, or did you? Jane's idea," Debbie said as she walked inside and found Jamie.

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Hello all dear readers, mera naam Bittu hai, aur meri age 23 years hai. Mai dikhne me thoda bohot handsome hu, ISS ka bohot purana reader hu lgbhag 4 salo se Aur maine ISS ki lagbhag sabhi kahaniya padhi hai.Par aaj tk kbhi story submit krne ka mauka nahi mila, Ye incident mere sath 2 din pehle ghata. Me Amravati (Maharashtra) me rehta hu aur by profession I am a Medical Rep. this is a real story happened to me that’s why I am writing this. Waise mai apni gf k sath boht kuch kr chukka tha bus...

1 year ago
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MyFirstSexTeacher Alyssa Cole Briana Banks 22481

An easy way for broke college students to make money: steal the answers to all assignments, quizzes and tests from Professor Briana Banks’s classroom, then sell them to all the students taking her classes! That’s the idea Chad White and Alyssa Cole have, and it seems to be working out perfectly…until Professor Banks walks in and catches them red-handed! Where she once trusted Alyssa with the keys to her classroom, she’s now about to go to the dean. Unless! There’s always a catch. Professor...

3 years ago
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Wonderful foreplay before we fucked. Sometimes like rabbits. More often slow and erotic variations. In due course I persuaded her to sit on my face while laying on my back while I licked her to orgasm and cupped her magnificent ass with my hands. “I am watching myself in the mirror honey. That looks so good, pity you can’t see what your tongue is doing to me.” Part of the turn on for both of us while doing this, was me telling her, “Another naked female should be sucking my rock hard cock...

2 years ago
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Out of the Blue meeting prt 2

A few months into the relationship it was decided we had to meet face to face, we knew each other pretty intimately we had exchanged photos both clothed and unclothed, I had even taken photos of myself trying on cloths and sent them to Wayne.     We had also masturbated together while chatting online.   Our relationship, up to that point, was like nothing I had experienced before and we thought it was time to meet.   I had a couple of days off and planned it all out.   First I...

Straight Sex
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Accidental Cuckold story found online

I’ve been married to my wife for 6 years. We have an average, normal sex life. Nothing crazy. Although, she does like to suck my dick and usually does every time we have sex. She is really good, too. Definitely the best head I’ve ever had. She can deepthroat my six inches pretty easily. We have sex once, maybe twice a week, if I’m lucky. I’d like it to happen more often, but she gets up early for work and I work retail (sometimes closing shifts). Most days she’s asleep by the time I come home....

2 years ago
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Daughter Wife

Daughter Wife   Jim Calderon took his 18-year-old daughter to a restaurant near the end of the school year. She had just graduated a couple of months before and was not going to college right away. Instead, she was going to work for a year or two before deciding what career she wanted to follow. Jim had been searching for another job, and had a couple of interviews lined up, both of them in towns hundreds of miles away. “I hope you get the one in Portland,” Stacy said to him as she finished...

2 years ago
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339 a matter of coastal cuckolding 6

Part 6 It was Monday when she saw Edwin again, She, went in the busy shop and gave him an envelope with a christmas card, and a brown envelope, saying “your mail Mr Tomas, sorry its late it took a little thought, and persuasion,” and Edwin found he was watching her arse wistfully, as she was leaving him with his customers! The weather was horrible and with only a week to christmas eve, it was a dreary time, brightened only by the buying of presents for brothers, their partners, Tim`s mum, Edwin...

2 years ago
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Nisha Aunty 8211 Episode 1 Home Alone Bored

Date – 15 May 2017 Today is 15 May. I am traveling to Surat. Harshit uncle is a 46-year-old working in an MNC company. He is kind of a workaholic person who does his job from 9 am – 8 pm. His wife, Nisha is an extremely sexy and a hot 43-year-old woman. She is a housewife. Having no children, she spends most of the time alone. Harshit uncle was the one who gave me a room to live. He was my friend’s uncle. On 16th May, I reached their home in the morning at around 6:30 pm. Nisha aunty opened...

2 years ago
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Cuckolded sissy slut

My partner was a really kinky bitch. I remember going to her house and having wild sex all weekend; sucking on her tits and pussy, and fucking her all weekend long. On the Saturday night she stuck a finger in my arse and I was suddenly changed. It all escalated from then on in.That first finger had hit the spot, causing me to crumble. My legs were spread as she fingered my hole. 'Get up,' She said, and I did. She guided me so I was facing away from her. I was watching her in the mirror, as she ...

4 years ago
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Dots and Dashes of ColorChapter 3

For those of you anxious to experience Mr. Marcus's further adventures with the Cocksworth twins, wait no longer. How had the twins been sexually active before meeting Mr. Marcus? Who is K-Man? What is the truth about the Big Dick they chat about? Can Mr. Marcus ever trust the twins? The story thrusts forward! Best Laid Neighbors of Mice and Marcus I sat in the living room, reading the Sunday paper on Monday afternoon, when there was a knock at the front door. What's with that? We have...

3 years ago
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Chasing the Last Road to StockholmChapter 11

He had broken the locked doors of time all suspended He had smashed through all barriers of hard disbelief He stood, cap in hand, before the Fairy Queen, pleading And she laughed, took wing, flew away Dancing with the Fairy Queen! (B. Lake) 2019 ZERO HOUR +10156 Boots started yapping at the door, announcing the arrival of the postman for their daily tussle over bills, flyers and the occasional letter. I shook my head, smiling. Boots was one year old – a present from my sister as an...

1 year ago
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Moms Diaries

It had been nearly two years since I'd left, going straight into the service out of high school. It felt good to be home again, though it was still going to feel different even then. For one, dad had died the year I had graduated. That alone had made my leaving all the harder on mom, but she at least had a sister she was very close to, who had seen her through much of that difficult time. Though she lived an hour away from where we did, mom never failed to at least travel to see her once a...

3 years ago
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Katangarsquos School for Sissies

Dedicated to Tiffany The early years were beautiful for Keyano. Many days were spent along the shore with his mother and two older sisters. However, it didn’t take him long to know he was quite different from his family. His skin was slightly darker, and his features were exceptionally soft and smooth. He later learned that his father was a soldier and was killed during the war. With the US presence dissipating in the region, Keyano’s mom found it hard to feed a family of three, and so she sold...

4 years ago
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Wife Under the control of another man Part 2

Another Fantasy I am a fantasist regarding my wife. This is the continuation of the first part of this fantasy so please read part 1 first It turned out Dave kept in regular contact with my wife after the weekend we spent at his home. I only found out because I walked on them having a skype chat. I found this odd as she had hardly talked about the weekend at Dave’s and had shown no interest in repeating it. I asked her what they chatted about and her answer was ‘this and that’. I emailed Dave...

2 years ago
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A New Beginning and Beyond Book 1 In the BeginningChapter 37

Waking up, I felt refreshed for the first time since arriving. What with the jet lag and injuries, I hadn’t had the time to unwind and relax. There was still about an hour before I had to leave, just enough time for a shower and breakfast. I was drinking anything I could as being dehydrated probably played into me passing out the first day. That wasn’t going to happen again if I could help it. Moving also was a bit easier, and in another day, I might be able to ditch the crutch. Grandmother...

3 years ago
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Cabin boy III

Going into the cabin Tim said to undress. As I stripped he watch me as I took my shirt off. When I was pulling down my shorts Tim said don't move, stay just like that. Bent over with my butt facing Tim, I stayed bent as he looked at me. I watched him undress quickly and lay on the make shift king size bed. Laying down Tim said come here. I stepped out of my shorts and climbed up on the float. Tim rubbed his dick and balls, putting a show on for me. He reached out and pulled me to him, and...

2 years ago
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An Anonymous Relationship 3

Chapter 6“I’m a total slut!” crossed my mind as I turned off the ignition to my car.I looked across the street to the parking lot of the strip club where I could see my father’s old pickup truck parked. I walked toward the entrance to the sleazy porn shop. I knew what was about to happen but while my stomach churned I knew I wanted this more than anything.I stepped into the store and my nostrils filled with the smell of sex. The old man that sat at the cash register just looked at me and...

2 years ago
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Test Driving Me

I was made redundant at the begining of the year, but luckily I got a job selling 'prestige' 4x4's in Leeds. Part of the job includes taking vehicles to clients homes to ensure that they fit in driveways and garages etc.I had an appointment with a couple at their home, so I arrived outside a very nice house at the appointed time, parked up, went to the front door and rang the bell. Within a minute the door was answered by a handsome man in a bath robe about 60, grey hair, tanned and in good...

2 years ago
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Thailand Morning

 I handed my Thai Baht currency to the Bartender and checked my handbag.  I knew that if I waited till 6PM for Jason I wouldn’t be back at Sunjahi Hotel in time for me to meet Holden’s parents.  I texted Jason about meeting him after 8PM and he agreed that me being late for that would get me in trouble.  The following year Holden hadn’t been around to see his parents and because we meet annually it was the only other real time that I got to spend with him too.  Holden didn't have much time for...

3 years ago
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Angies An AdultChapter 9

“This pizza is pretty awesome, folks! What do you think, Mom, Dad?” Angie teased her parents, while sitting on Allan’s lap, “How about you, honey?” “Hell, yeah, it’s some terrific pizza for sure! Good thing, too! I need some calories back, having burned so many earlier. It’s a wonder that I didn’t fuck myself to death, and my poor prick badly needs to rest for a bit,” Miles Sloane told his daughter, eliciting only half-serious sympathy from her, her sisters, and their mother. “Yeah, you...

3 years ago
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My Wife and the Old Man Next Door

It was a nice day and so I had decided to walk to and from work. I usually drove but the old guy next door had woken me up, mowing his lawn at a ridiculous time in the morning. I decided that the best way to get rid of my anger would be to walk it off and enjoy the sunshine.My next door neighbour was an aging man, who seemingly spent most of his time half naked in his garden. He wasn't in too bad of shape for an old guy, quite a slim, slightly athletic physique. He had silver hair, which was...

3 years ago
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Inseminated at Sarahs Stud

Monday dawned bright and clear. Janie was beside herself with excitement, she really wanted to be impregnated, her very being ached for it. Roger was less enthusiastic and a little subdued but he had no part in the decision. Janie called the tune here."Good morning Janie," Sarah greeted her as they both arrived, hardly giving Roger a second glance. "Ramon is ready for you, would you like to examine him and make sure that he is the stud you selected?"Janie nodded, and Sarah took her through to...

1 year ago
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Lustful Family And Friends 8211 Part 3 Shopping With Sis

Day 4 (Continuation) After keeping the erotic filthy novel back on the table, it’s time for me to meet Ana and Alina at the shopping center. I arrive at the boutique. Alina is already inside, and Ana has just arrived. Ana: Hey, girl! Hi Aafi! Alina: I thought Rachel would come with you? Ana: She had a thing with her sister, so I asked Aafi to join us. Alina: Cool! Ana: Let’s find some things to wear. Just wait here, Aafi! What follows is a strange ritual of aimlessly walking back and forth to...

1 year ago
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JAV Babe! Where the fuck can you go when you are horny as hell for JAV pornography? Well, you could fly over to Japan and buy the hot shit in one of the numerous porn stores in the country. You may have to deal with a horny fuck behind the counter trying to dry hump your leg, though. But, hey, if that’s the kind of adventure you want to experience, you go and do you!For everyone else that does not want to have to deal with battling traffic in Japan and getting accosted by a porn clerk that’s...

Asian Porn Sites
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From the chat room in my bedroom A hot fuck Pa

Hi all, its my 1st story in here, i hope you will enjoy it (be kind i am not an english native speaker)I met this woman in a chat room and asked her for a date after some long chats!At the first date i invited her to my place, so i can cook something for her and have a glass of wine.She accepted and i knew she wasnt there for my cooking skills. She was 1.65 with red long hair ,a pair of medium sized round breasts, regular weight and a super hot ass, a dream of every man!After we ate the...

3 years ago
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Cabbie ride in South india

This incident happened a few years back but it was sooo enjoyable. It is about a trip with a cab driver who took me for a ride ( or i rode him) and how we had a great time. Well i guess you all know i am a CD and i travel often to places. I usually cross dress when i am alone in my hotel room. So i was on a trip to chennai and booked into my hotel and called my client to confirm meeting time for next day. They told me next they were not available due to some urgent work out of town and will...

1 year ago
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BadTeensPunished Pyper Prentice Tied Up And Punished

Charles Dera waits in the dark for his stepdaughter Pyper Prentice to come home. Pyper sasses Charles as he calls her clothing slutty, then flashes her ass at him. He sends her to her room, but their peace doesn’t last too long. Pyper screams, bringing Charles to her bedroom where he finds her tied to her bed and gloriously naked. While he’s untying her, Pyper pulls his cock out to start sucking it. He resists at first, but then decides that they’re going to do it right. Now...

1 year ago
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Good Morning

I woke up to Alan’s hand moving slowly up my nightie, and his hard dick pressing against my ass. I had gotten wet before I even woke because Alan had been licking and, massaging every part of my back and ass. He decided to lift my nightie higher so that he could play with my tits while he was still behind me. As Alan lifted my nightie I lifted my hips at the same time so that he would be able to fully remove it. After my nightie was on the floor at the side of the bed, Alan reached around me...

4 years ago
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Her Mouth Is Made For It

"Mr. Thompson will see you now," the attractive executive secretary to the Senior Vice President told Lesley as she waited outside his office for her two o'clock appointment. Lesley stood and smoothed her skirt before picking up her handbag and briefcase. She walked into the large office and extended her hand as Mr. Thompson, Brian, was moving towards the door to meet her. "Tammy, so great to see you today. I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long." The office door now closed behind them by...

2 years ago
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Child MagusChapter 3

Raven's house was small – a one bed, one bath that worked perfectly for her single lifestyle. As a Magus, she lived alone because a standard relationship with any one person wouldn't work. I understood the dangers of that first hand. Danielle was worn out, like she was suffering from exhaustion, simply because she had been having sex with me – and it wasn't from my prowess in bed. The real kicker was we were only together two to three times a week. Things would have progressed much more...

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