Selfish Yvonne
- 3 years ago
- 23
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Jane Mensch had just gotten home from her duties as platoon commander when she received a call on her cell from Matt Kendall, son of her new submissive, Debbie Kendall.
"Hello? Jane Mensch here. Oh, hi, Matt! How are you?" Jane's voice went from commanding to charming in an instant ... she was actually a little wet at the thought of what might happen soon.
"Oh, hell, ma'am. I am fine. How's Mom?" Matt asked her nervously.
"Well, first of all, you don't need to call me 'ma'am', except when we're on duty. I know that I'm your platoon commander, but the platoon is moving out, as you know. I don't plan to stay with it when it does. I've been offered a civilian job with the state. This was just temporary until the state was cleared of enemy and able to function. West Virginia is now more or less securely in the right hands. I've had enough combat to last me for a while. That wound was plenty of Hell on Earth for me.
"The Militia is going to push for longer-term enlistments now that the earliest emergency phase is over. Volunteers to carry the fight to other states. Are you planning to head out with them? I hope not. I'm sure that you can find work with the State that will keep you around your mother more than that ... around me, too. Let's face it. You've lost your father, your left eye, and the harmony of your family due to the Communists and all. This was only a temporary mission for you, to avenge your father and help bring order to your community. Not everyone in the Militia is a professional soldier. We all know that.
"As for me, I fully intend to keep your mother in great shape and make her ready for what follows, though I don't know if you still want her long-term or not. Do you? Part of me, I must admit, doesn't want to give her up as a regular partner, though I would gladly share her favors ... and mine, with you. She's no pain slut in the classic sense that I intended, but she's so delicious that I have trouble parting with her," Jane confessed.
"Well, that's not entirely up to me, anymore ... Jane, should I call you that, then? You see, Dad's alive. Yes, my father. Tom Kendall, he's alive and back. Only thing is, he has a lover, too ... a man named Jamie. In that vein, I think that it's high time for a family meeting. The fraternization issues were just some of what made me us think of it, among other things. A lot of radical changes to the Kendall family, and you and I ... and Dad, Mom ... Shannon, and Jamie, have all been part of them. But, yes, I have wanted to fuck you for a while, I'll grant you that, just as I've wanted to fuck Mom.
"I just hope that the family meeting can resolve much of this. Where everyone fits in this grand design, if you will. For what it's worth, though, I hope that Dad agrees to let you keep Mom. I've never seen her happier, and he's been happy, too, with Jamie, which gives me hope that you can keep Mom. As far as I'm concerned, you're basically my stepmother. Part of my family, if you will. Dad wants to hold it tonight, if you are okay with that. We can grab whatever food everyone wants and sit down for a nice little supper as we clear the air and decide together on what needs to be done. Including what Mom wishes, to be honest. She needs to be free to speak her mind in this case," Matt declared.
"Thank you. I agree. Your mother is ... well, very special to me. I think that I might be falling in love with her, in fact. Hard to imagine, ain't it? I would love to know if she returns my affections, and that means taking a risk of heartache," Jane agreed, who began squirming suddenly as her pants were slid down by Debbie so that she could eat her out.
Something in the tone of Jane's voice indicated excitement, and Matt had enough of a wild imagination to guess why. He chuckled and wrote a note to Shannon...
Mom is eating Jane out, I think. That slut, I love her a lot more these days, knowing what I do.
Shannon giggled and wrote back...
Ask to talk to her. I have a thing or two to tell her, even before tonight. I can elaborate later.
"Um, Jane, may Shannon and I speak to Mom, for a second, that is?" Matt inquired.
"Sure, but she needs to finish what she started afterward. Alright, babe. Talk to your son and daughter. They have something to say to you," Jane told Debbie while brushing her pussy against the schoolteacher's ass.
"Mom?" Matt said.
"Matt? Oh, Matt ... please forgive me! Can you forgive me? I was so terrible to you. Am I still your mother?" Debbie pleaded.
"Mom ... whatever happened, you'll always be Mom. You did a terrible thing, but so did I. You know that I had a hand in what happened to you with those soldiers. Sorry about that. Please forgive me for putting you in that tight spot, to begin with. It was supposed to be a test, Mom, and then Shannon was gonna be mine, no matter what, because she is mine at heart. I love her ... and I still love you. I forgive you," Matt said, even crying a little.
"I forgive you, too. It was a test, but I failed it. I will live with that shame for the rest of my life. I will just have to make up for things as best I can. I don't blame you for what you did. In fact, it turned out great for me. Look, Matt, I was a terrible person before. I am ... trying to be better now. I am a very different woman, and I owe that to you ... and to Jane. I am actually happier now. I just licked Jane's pussy, right before I talked to you. I would never have thought of doing that in the old days, well, at least not seriously, except that one time when you offered me a threesome. I wanted to do it, too, but I didn't dare ... I thought that it was wrong, but now ... I would love to take you up on it someday, if you ever want it.
"Still ... I belong to Jane now. She's my lover, my mistress, my true soulmate. I loved your father, still do, but ... well, he's dead and I have changed too much to be the same woman that he married, even if he still wanted that girl. I wronged him, anyway. I wish that he was still alive, that he would show up, so I could beg his forgiveness, not only for being so rotten to him, but also for being unable to return to him as his wife, not ever again. I want to stay with Jane. I'm sorry, but it can't be helped. I love her more than I've loved any person that I've ever met," Debbie explained.
"Oh, Mom, you're always going to be my mother. You might have had a nasty side, but you still took great care of us, took us to school, made our suppers, read bedtime stories to us, took us on picnics, wiped our runny noses, and all that. So you had flaws. Doesn't mean that I don't love you and miss you. In any case, there is a family meeting to resolve some things coming up tonight. Jane's going to make sure that you attend and can say what you truly feel. To be honest, though ... I really want to fuck you soon. So does Shannon. That threesome offer still stands. Always. Permanently," Matt beamed at that bit, "and speaking of Shannon, she wants to talk to you now. She's been jumping up and down, eager to talk to you."
"Okay, thank you ... Matt. Thank you for more than you know. I will be glad to speak to Shannon. I have a lot of patching up to do there," Debbie admitted.
"Oh, Mom! You were so angry! I know that now. It was terrible, yes, but you acted when you were angry. I get it. You've changed ... for the better. Besides, it turned out well for me. The only sex that I had with those men was some blowjobs and only by my consent, to thank them for the ride to Matt's and for the drive-thru fast food that they bought me from Grunt Burger. Trust me, Mom, I'm okay. I won't forget the good things that you've done for me, too, just as Matt said.
"Yes, it hurt my feelings, but I know that you've changed and maybe your mother's intuition told you that I would really be safe. You were angry with me. I was with you, too. But I'm not anymore. From what I hear, you've paid for it a bit, anyway. Plus ... I admit that I get very wet at the idea of a threesome with you and Matt.
"Well, possibly a foursome. You see ... Dad's alive, Mom. Daddy came back! He's got a boyfriend, but he's back and he still loves you. He just loves this Jamie guy in the same way that you love Jane. You're not gonna be mad, are you?" Shannon informed Debbie, who fainted for a second.
Jane helped Debbie up and she took the phone back, saying, "Sweetie, if your father is back, I have a lot of explaining and making up to do before I could ever think of judging him for whatever he's done. God knows what he's dealt with since the Commies grabbed him, poor, dear man. Thank you, anyway. Thank you for telling me that my husband is still alive and thank you for forgiving me. Alright, family meeting tonight? Wild horses couldn't keep me away and Jane clearly wants me to attend. Thank you for calling. I love you both more than you realize. I'm glad that I haven't lost you forever. Tell your father that I still love him, whatever else happens tonight. Now, if you'll excuse me, Jane's sweet pussy is begging to be licked."
"I will, Mom. Love you, too. Tell Jane that we love her as well. She's taking good care of you, right?"
"Very good care, sugar. Now, let Mommy eat her girlfriend's pussy, please."
"Do it, Mommy. Make me proud. Eat that pussy like it's going out of style. Eat it twice, no thrice, for each of us."
"I will. I promise I will," Debbie hung up and got busy doing just that, licking Jane's twat with unashamed enthusiasm.
"Shannon and Matt love you, too, apparently," Debbie winked at Jane as she swirled her tongue around Jane's clit.
"Well, they'll have plenty of chances to show it tonight. If I'm right, and God, I hope so, there's gonna be a nice little orgy tonight. A very hot, sweaty clusterfuck, with tongues, cocks, and fingers very busy indeed, exploring mouths, pussies, and asses. Imagine me sucking your husband's cock right in front of you, baby. Won't that be sexy as hell?" Jane encouraged Debbie with her dirty talk.
"Oh, fuck, yes, Jane ... or Mistress ... or honey, whatever you want to be called right now. I love calling you all of that. I would love to eat your pussy while you suck Tom's cock, or maybe join you on my knees, sucking it with you," Debbie said between teasing licks of her lover's cunt.
"Would you rim his ass while I suck his dick, or maybe suck his balls?" Jane taunted Debbie, who was now eating her in earnest.
"Oh, hell, yes, I would! I would tongue that ass with pleasure. I would make it up to Tom for all of the things that he wanted to do to me and I never let him do. Maybe someday soon, I can get with him and let him do whatever he's always wanted to do to me. Plus some things that I've wanted to do to him, but never let myself. Make amends. Wait, where are we meeting?" Debbie asked.
"Oh, shit, I never checked! Let's call back and find out," Jane told her, "but don't dare stop licking my pussy while I talk. Not this time. If we're lucky, they can me cum under your tongue."
Calling back, Jane heard Matt chuckling, "Hey, Jane ... guess Mom went back to work eating you out, didn't she? Shannon's sucking my dick, too, right now, in fact. Aren't you, Sis?"
"Yeah, I can tell. You have that sound in your voice that happens when a man gets his dick sucked. As if you can't do another thing and think straight right then. Anyway, about that meeting," Jane asked, having her own pussy devoured by Debbie.
"Yes, that ... how about 8 tonight? The old Kendall house. It's been cleaned up by Dad and Jamie and they're staying there for the moment. They're ordering pizza, in fact. Not what it used to be, of course, but Hugo's still has some good toppings. Mostly ham, pepperoni, and sausage. If you want veggies, vine-ripe tomatoes, onion, mushrooms, or black olives. Plenty of cheesy sticks or breadsticks with marinara sauce, too. Neutral ground. Everyone meets together, speaks their minds, and with any luck, we fuck each other silly and sore. We'll try to keep the hurt feelings to a minimum, as much as we can without being false to ourselves," Matt informed her of what Tom had told him in a voicemail.
"Works for me. Beer okay? I'll be happy to bring some along," Jane offered.
"Sounds great to me. God knows that we Kendalls are a far cry from the teetotaling Jesus Freaks we were before this whole thing went down. Too much has changed since then," Matt grinned, "Sure, beer would be a great surprise and help get everything comfortable with this faster."
By eight, of course, Debbie had eaten Jane out three times already, and her jaws were a little sore, but Jane was only too willing to give her a break and return the favor, so both of them had the taste of pussy on their lips and tongues as they showed up at the Kendall, Debbie more than a little wet and horny still, as well as nervous ... she was about to see her husband again for the first time since some time before Thanksgiving ... and her son for the first time since Thanksgiving night ... and Shannon for the first time since Black Friday. Yes, she was very eager, but also very worried.
"Don't worry, babe. If it helps, I'll make you strip and you can spend the whole evening naked. Who's going to stay that mad at you when they see your gorgeous body au naturel? Imagine the look on Tom's face when he sees that your body has no hair at all ... that the depilatory cream has removed every trace of body hair from you, including that lusciously smooth ass of yours ... and that I match you in every way for that. Most of all imagine kissing him while tasting of pussy. I bet that he'll love it, if he's like most men," Jane winked at Debbie as she slapped her ass on the way to the door.
"So, that was why you wanted me to keep eating you, huh? Not that I minded. You know me. I love to lick your cunt," Debbie confessed as they knocked.
"Well, that and I just wanted to enjoy your fine tongue ... oh, and taste myself on your lips. Apparently, I don't taste too bad," Jane laughed, as Tom answered the door.
"Jane, is it? Nice to meet you," Tom started to greet her with a hug, but Jane planted a lip lock on him that made it clear that she was no lesbian ... bi, yes, but no lesbian.
"Wow, that was some kiss!" Tom grinned, barely to catch his breath before Debbie Frenched him, tasting very much of Jane.
"Debbie ... wow, honey ... that was the best kiss that you've given me in literal years!" Tom said, before kissing his wife yet again.
"I should hope so. None of the kisses I gave you ever tasted like pussy back then," Debbie giggled.
"Yes ... I noticed that she tasted like you and you ... evidently taste like her. Hey, baby ... it's been so long. So much has changed. Not sure that you'll like all of the changes. That's your call, of course. I get a bad feeling that I won't like every change, either, but I'm afraid that life moves on and as much as it will hurt us, we must enjoy the pleasure and deal with the pain," Tom tried to figure out what to say.
"Oh, yes, speaking of which ... where's this Jamie guy? Relax. I don't want to hurt him. I want to thank him for keeping you alive and sane for all of this mess. For taking such good care of my husband, even if he also fell in love with you. Why wouldn't he, though? You're a great man. I should have appreciated you better when I still had you. Look, honey ... you're right. A lot has changed. I think that we're all about to learn just how much in a little bit here. Good idea to have beer and pizza, I think, by the way. Oh, you didn't know about the beer, or did you? Jane's idea," Debbie said as she walked inside and found Jamie.
I like being the center of attention. I know I’m selfish that way. Oh, I admit I like having sex with other couples. It’s great to have the sustained all night sex brought on by the excitement of swapping and sharing, and it’s great to have the touch and taste of another woman at times, but somehow the sex is always more reserved then if I’m alone with one man or better yet, two men. Women tend to be more guarded around other women. At least I think it’s true of me. Alone with men it seems I...
Despite her beliefs, Debbie Kendall silently cussed to herself as she saw Despite her beliefs, Debbie Kendall silently cussed to herself as she saw the roadblock. There were about 6 soldiers in dark green uniforms at the checkpoint, inspecting everyone?s documents. Anyone suspected of bringing an adolescent of any age to the border for the purpose of smuggling them into Ohio or other neighboring states would face the full wrath of the warlord?s new penal code. This legislation...
“Wow, those grits are the best I’ve ever had!” Debbie Kendall exclaimed, enjoying the breakfast that Jamie made for her ... their ... family. “Thank you, ma’am,” Jamie winked at her, making the schoolmarm blush. “Hey, no need to ‘ma’am’ me, is there? We’re all lovers now. Call me ‘Debbie,’ or else ‘honey,’ something like that. I think that we’re going to be a very close family now, and you’re definitely family,” Debbie winked back as she devoured the morning meal that this wonderful man...
Meanwhile, at the Kendall house... Tom Kendall finally limped his way inside his house, after months of some of the strangest, most horrifying days of his life. Well, not entirely horrible, to be fair. He had been in the Communists' custody for a grand total of 17 days, during which he had been beaten, kicked, choked, shaved, and otherwise tortured by his captors. That experience had ended abruptly when the Communists who held him were ambushed by the rising new force of the Republican...
"Oh, fuck, Daddy ... this is just incredible! Fuck meeeeee!" Shannon Kendall begged her father, Tom, for him to ram it deeper inside her sweet pussy, his cock taking her exactly where she needed to go for the first occasion of father-daughter incest. Shannon had already slept with her brother, Matt, many times, had given head to a few soldiers now in the back of a van, and had experienced lesbian incest with her own mother, Debbie earlier that evening, after months of fantasizing about...
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It was too much for Jamie to stop himself, between Amy’s hips moving so vigorously and enthusiastically, to her warmth and wetness on his dick, to Tom’s cock plundering him so ruthlessly. He completely lost it, shooting his spunk deep inside his sweet Amy, spilling his seed inside at last. She came very loudly and eagerly, the reunion complete and delightful to her now that she had Jamie’s seed inside her again. The excitement of this reconciliation was too much to resist. As Jamie filled...
Author’s Note: I apologize for those a bit jolted by me breaking the fourth wall here in this chapter, but there are reasons for it in the context of this chapter. Plus, my daughter thought it was a great idea and I agreed with her. “Do you, Jamie, take this woman, Amy, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, to love, cherish, and protect, for better or worse, for rich or for poor, in sickness and health, for as long as you both shall live?” Jane Mensch...
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It seems like we have been apart for months even though I have only been away on business for three weeks. Even speaking on the telephone morning and long into the night wasn’t enough. Oh sure, the sound of your voice and how we would make love over the long distance lines (I am convinced the static on the lines was caused by our hot talk), just isn’t the same as being able to hold you in my arms and make long, slow and tender love together. The meetings broke up a day ahead but I decided not...
Cherry Kiss is a nasty girl and she has always had an eye for her personal trainer. Today, while she is stretching out, she spills a little water on herself. That leads her to take off her tight top, exposing her perfectly perky titties and her hard nipples. Her trainer catches her in the act and moves in to give her a sensual body massage. Then, she hops on his cock and takes an intense ride, rubbing her clit until she is in a total frenzy. This girl moans like an animal as she takes his whole...
xmoviesforyouBefore I went out to walk on the morning of my meeting with Borscht, the assistant Director of the FBI, I had to do all my morning things. The first was to get my ass out of bed. I had not slept well at all the night before. It was simple anxiety, which I didn’t anticipate. I wasn’t at all surprised by its arrival. I got up, went to use the bathroom, then came back and went into the kitchen to heat the double double hot chocolate. I heated it just enough to take the refrigerated chill off...
Josh hung up the phone. He was definitely turned on now. His pants open, erection in hand, Josh got up to go grab some jergens and go to the computer. He thought he had some time before his mother got home to check some porn and maybe blow a load. But once he turned the corner, he saw his mother in the kitchen.Elaine looked right at his hand, holding his cock."Oh shit...." Josh stuffed his cock back into his pants."How long you been home?"Elaine studied him carefully. "Long enough," she...
It all began with several phone conversations with my newly divorced sister-in-law, Deedee. She would call and ask my opinion about different guys she'd met and before long our conversations turned sexual. We would talk about different things that turned each of us on. For example, Deedee likes sex best from behind, doggy-style and I am turned on by a fine heart shaped ass and also like that position the most, so we found we had similar turn-ons. Our conversations continued to get more and more...
IncestSurprisingly, it was only two weeks after Lana's placement in institutional care nearby that she was released to go home with us. She still had twice-a-week appointments with a therapist up in Riverdale who was on the list of those counselors and therapists approved by the Human Smuggling Trafficking Center (HSTC), an outfit created in July 2004 by the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Homeland Security, and the Attorney General. Everyone involved in her treatment wanted to be assured...
Dan stood at his front door ready to leave on his date with Susan Armstrong. “I want you to make sure that Susan has a good time on her wedding anniversary,” Wendy said adjusting his tie. “You sure look handsome in you dark suit.” “I’ll give her a good going over,” he replied receiving a playful slap on the shoulder from her. “You know what I mean. Treat her like the beautiful and sensual woman she is and make her believe, that at least for tonight, you are her loving and passionate...
THE STOCK-TAKE By Susan Brown I was a good salesman. I had actually won the monthly best salesman award on no less than ten occasions in five years. I worked in the menswear department at Doyle's, a big department store in the middle of town. It was Doyle's proud boast that they would never be beaten on price and quality and they rarely were. Anyway, that's enough of the sales pitch. I was sorting out some socks, they always seemed to need sorting, when the Department...
Trouble!By CarrieAnne???????????????? The girl had been hogtied with a twist?her long blonde hair had been pulled back into a ponytail and tied to the knot holding her arms and legs together.? This made her look up, towards the ceiling.? This also allowed her to see the hand coming at her.? He didn?t backhand, but rather slapped her hard on both cheeks leaving bright red handprints behind.? His smile was cruel.? The fact was: Gregory was not a nice guy!??????????????? Elaine had met...
It was back in the days when hooking up thru Craigslist was a thing. It was a Saturday morning. I had the dildo working the whole for 2 hours, even though my 2 regular guys pound me good the night before and again this morning, dumping a few loads in me. I was still horny. I can’t help that I have always been a whore and cum pig slut. So, the next logical step was to put an add on Craigslists. My add had all my favorite title: “Power Bottom into Groups, Dildos, 420 and Poppers- BAREBACK ONLY”....
The other day I was sitting around the house hanging out with one of my good friends named Lisa. It was then that we hit it off. Lisa is a super hot chick, 22 years old and ripe as a peach.She had smooth milk chocolate skin, big firm breasts, dazzling brown eyes and a J’lo type booty. I always lusted after her but I didn’t wanna try anything to make her uncomfortable. I never wanted to do anything that would hurt our friendship. But to my surprise, Lisa had an attraction to me too. She ended up...
"Hey, can I ask you something?" Richie said. Melinda flinched and almost bumped into him as they walked up Green Avenue. "What?" "Why the hell do you keep looking at me like that?" Melinda frowned. "Looking at you like what?" "Like I'm gonna drag you into some dark alley and fuckin' rape you or something." "Oh, I have not! Anyway, there's hardly any dark alleys in this part of town." "That ain't the point," Richie said. "Stop sounding like your nerd...
Posted: October 05, 2009 - 09:14:11 am “What do you think about Pensacola, Florida?” Mark asked while chopping the cilantro into the small pieces. “I don’t think about Pensacola, Florida,” Molly answered wondering what the reason for the question was. “Start thinking about it,” Mark said. “Why?” Molly asked looking up from the tomato she was dicing. “I think it would be a good place for our restaurant,” Mark answered. He picked up a pepper and started to clean it. “Pensacola?” Molly...
I carried Kara over to our bed, placing her down gently. Linda and I lay down on either side of her - hugging and kissing her exhausted little body, indulging ourselves with touching her naked flesh. Kara seemed completely overwhelmed. She held out her arms to both of us - clutching weakly. She didn’t really return out kisses, instead just accepting them passively; her eyes were mostly closed - fluttering open every now and then as we groped her. Kara might have been exhausted, but from the...
Hello, my loves! This is the first chapter to my new possible story, ‘Status’. It takes place in the same universe and country as Possessions, but is based in a different keep. This particular chapter is just an intro, with no erotica in it, but the story will start to pick up in the next few chapters and we will get to the ‘good parts’! Let me know if you’d like me to continue, or move onto something else. ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ The men ambled around the fire, eating large plates of the...
My worst enemy has always been my hard dick. It has gotten me into more trouble than you can believe. It has also given me a lot of pleasure and a fair amount of pain. The latter is what this story is all about. She was a tall sexy blonde and she had been dating one of the guys on my softball team. She came to every game, sat in the front row and gave me a hard on every time I looked her way. For three months I had been looking at her and lusting and wondering why I never had a chance at...
It was a hot summer’s night in middle of August and I was walking back home from the shopping centre, walking along the pavement. I stopped suddenly and looked around me and saw just occasional vehicles driving past. I sensed someone behind me so I whirled around but nothing or noone was there. My heart was pounding against my chest as I slowly began to walk again when I heard the click click of someone’s shoes on the pavement behind me. Once again, I whirled around and once again there was no...
PartnersBy Richard1. The BeginningI was living a pretty ideal life. I had a good job and was newly married to Jessica, my beautiful and sexy wife of three months. We had just purchased a new house in an upscale development. Jessica and I had what I considered to be a great sex life. We must have made love almost four or five times a week. Even better, Jessica had jumped right into my love of bondage sex adding spice to our lives. Many evenings I tied her to our bed in the playroom...
Climbing down from the ledge was relatively easy. Relative being the operative term, since it was snowing, late at night, and we were all tired. Somehow or other, Annekke Crag-Jumper did not live up to her name and managed to fall and break her leg. “I swear, if I didn’t know any better, I think you did that just so you could share my bed when we get back to Proudspire Manor.” She looked pale from the pain as she took the healing potion I handed her. “Any time you let me share your bed is a...
Suck Sex! There are plenty of porn sites on the World Wide Web that specialize in all sorts of formats of pornography, from the well-known and ultra-popular porn tubes that the majority of porn consumers known and love like ‘YouPorn’, ‘XHamster’ and so on, to other porn tubes that focus on different genres of internet pornography such as amateur homemade videos, hardcore BDSM fuck flicks, Japanese adult videos and so on. It’s undeniable that we live within a porn-fueled society which for better...
Indian Porn SitesTo kick of her best friend’s bachelorette party, Layla London offers Blair Williams a relaxing Nuru Massage. When the bride finds out Nuru is a naked massage, she resists until her BFF reminds her how often they saw each other naked back in college.The nervous bride relaxes after a shower and a rubdown with oil. In fact, she’s really impressed with her best friend’s massage talents, and she can’t stop gushing over how great a body weight massage feels on the tension...
xmoviesforyouChapter 1 and 2 here - had been a week since I got my little stepsíster Penny to give me her handjob before I covered her face in semen. Obviously, it had sunk in just how much of a mistake and sign of sexual weakness it was on my part. I'm supposed to be the new older brôther she could trust, not someone to take advantage of her insecurities. Now, I had to worry about not just her telling my parents, but perhaps one of her friends or...
Mary and I met on a ship, travelling from Portsmouth to Wellington New Zealand, she joined the ship at Sydney Australia. We were attracted at once and even though I had a couple of girlfriends on the go ( I had been on board for 3 weeks) we shared a bit of banter in mixed company. One evening she came out on deck and I was talking to one of the other girls she interupted and stepped in almost, I spent the rest of the evening with her and saw her briefly the next day and played with her 2...
Katie-Girl called later that morning. “You’re not mad because we took your car, are you, boy?” She was testing me. I had to be careful here because if I got mad, it would disappoint her. “Of course not, honey.” Yes, I said that. “Where is the psycho?” No, I did not say that. “Thank you, Cully. It’s meant the world to Tommy. And to me too, boy. That’s very kind of you. And he looks so cool driving it.” She never said that about me behind that wheel. No, she had. Three times. “Where’s...
As I bent down, my hand reached towards the crop. My eyes carefully followed the tip of my finger as it traced an imaginary line along the length. Pausing at its end, it lightly stroked the smooth black leather slapper, as if it were admiring its potential. The outer edges were decorated with two rows of slightly off white stitching that contrasted well against their background. The slapper attached neatly to a thin shaft that was tightly bound in black leather and extended for about two feet...