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I struggled with the category for this story. I know some will disagree, but I threw caution to the wind and put it in Loving Wives!

I’d like to thank my editor, Newell Post, any remaining errors are mine.

“You’re so selfish!” I screamed at him.

Rob just looked down at the table, as he usually did when I went on one of my rampages.

“I’ve really about had it with these moods of yours,” he said. “You have your life, a good life. Why is it selfish of me to want a good life of my own?”

I wished I had a good answer for him.

We dated in high school, and I was married now, but not to him.

Like most high school sweethearts, we believed that our love was one for the ages, that we made Romeo and Juliet seem like the Hatfields and the McCoys.

Unfortunately, also like most high school sweethearts, it simply wasn’t to be. I would love to say that it was something dramatic, like one of us got caught cheating, or my father hated him; instead, we were just going in two different directions. I was going off to college, and he was going to trade school.

That didn’t stop us from taking each other’s virginity on Prom Night, and banging like bunnies all summer. We knew better than to try to maintain a long-distance relationship, and wished each other well as I headed off to school.

We made many promises to stay in touch, maybe we even meant some of them. We did have some time together over the holidays, but time and distance did their thing, and by the end of the school year we were effectively over.

We did run across each other occasionally over the summer, but it really wasn’t any different than with any other old friends.

By the time I graduated from college, I had lost contact with Rob.

I dated many guys, but never seemed to find “the one.” Part of me wondered if I was still hung up on Rob, but I quickly discounted that idea; Rob was in my past.

I was beginning to wonder if I would ever find love again, and then I met Adam. I immediately felt a connection with him, and it wasn’t long before we fell in love. If I’m to be honest it wasn’t the hot, passionate, burning love I had with Rob. It was more a warm, comfortable love, but I believed, I still believe, that I truly loved and love Adam.

I was looking forward to having a family with Adam, but somehow the timing just didn’t seem quite right, and after we had been married a couple of years, Adam was transferred, and we had to move.

I got a job as the office manager for a contractor, and was just settling into my new job when Rob walked in, and when I saw him, some of the old embers started to glow.

“Yvonne,” he said, “what a pleasant surprise. What brings you to town?”

“It’s nice seeing you, too, Rob,” I said. “My husband Adam just got transferred here, and I was lucky enough to land this job.”

I saw his face drop when I mentioned Adam. I think that he was hoping to rekindle our romance, but that, of course, was impossible.

“Maybe we can get some coffee later,” I said, “catch up on old times?”

“Sure, that’d be nice. When and where?”

“Can you do 10 o’clock, Dunkies on the corner?”

“That works. See you then,” he said as he turned to go back to work.

“Rob...” I said, and he looked back.

“It was nice talking to you again,” I said, maybe with a little more emotion than was proper. He seemed a bit off guard, just nodded and went back to work.

He was already sitting with his coffee when I walked in and ordered mine. We made the idle chit-chat that old friends make when they meet again after several years.

“I see you’re not wearing a ring. How is it that some hot babe hasn’t hooked you yet?”

A sad look came over his face.

“There was one girl. I really thought that she was the one, but our paths went in different directions. That was six years ago, and I just haven’t been able to find that special someone yet. I know that you’re married. I assume that Adam is treating you right?”

“ ... Oh, yes,” I said, hoping that he didn’t notice my hesitation. “He’s the best, I couldn’t ask for a better husband.”

“You’ll have to introduce us sometime.”

“Yes, of course,” I said, but somehow, I knew that would never happen.

We were soon meeting daily. We talked about everything and about nothing.

Soon I was sharing things that I didn’t even tell Adam. I wish I could say why; I’ve never been unable to talk to Adam about anything. Was it because Rob was there?

“I’ve noticed that you seem very nervous when the subject of Adam comes up,” Rob said. “Is everything okay with you guys?”

I could tell that Rob’s old feelings for me were returning, and I’m ashamed to admit that I didn’t try very hard to discourage him, and then the other shoe dropped.

“Yvonne, I’ve been falling back in love with you, but you’re married to Adam and I respect that, and I will NOT be “that guy.””

“I’ve missed you, Rob, and I still love you, but I also love Adam, and I could never be unfaithful to him.”

Even before Rob’s “confession” I could tell that his feelings for me were growing, but he never tried to move our friendship beyond the platonic, though we were getting dangerously close to having an emotional affair.

I could tell that Rob was getting frustrated with the situation, and he tried several times to break things off, but I was always able to pull him back.

We were getting close to the breaking point when it happened.

“Yvonne,” Rob said, “I think we should cool it for a while.”

“What do you mean, “cool it?””

“Yvonne, I can’t do this anymore,” he said. “I need space because I’m getting attached and I don’t want to ruin what we have or be responsible for hurting your marriage.”

“I need you, Rob,” I said, “you’re like my “comfort zone.” I can talk to you about anything.”

“Have you forgotten about Adam, your husband?” he asked. “Why don’t you talk to him?”

“I DO talk to him about some things,” I said, “but there are ... some things that I just can’t.”

“I’m sorry, Yvonne, I just can’t do this. I’m developing feelings for you that a man shouldn’t have for a married woman. I know you will never leave Adam, and I would never ask you to. As long as I’m involved with you, I’ll never be able to find a woman that I can love without restraint, who can give me all her love, as you should be doing with Adam.”

Which brought me to my latest outburst.

“You’re so selfish!” I screamed again. “You know how much I need you, yet you’ll just walk away?”

“I’M being selfish?” he asked, incredulous. “You’ve got Adam, a great guy who loves you to death, but would deny me the space to find a good woman, yet you say that I’m being selfish? Hey, pot, see any kettles around here?”

I could feel the pressure building and my face must have scared Rob because he just slumped down and sighed in defeat.

“I was going to just suggest that we simply cut back on our meetings,” he said, “but I can see that simply isn’t going to be possible. I think that we should take some time off, let things cool off. Maybe later we can re-establish a more normal friendship, with proper boundaries.”

I took a couple of deep breaths, and with what felt like a Herculean effort, pulled myself together.

“So, you think that after you cut my heart out, we can still be “friends?”” I said, dabbing my eyes with my napkin. “Well, you can just go fuck yourself, Rob! You walk away from this table, don’t bother coming back. Maybe I’ll tell Adam that you tried to seduce me. I don’t think things will go very well for you if he sees you.”

“Well,” he said, “thank you for clarifying things for me, Yvonne. You won’t have to worry about me coming back ever again.”

Throwing a few bills on the table, he got up to leave, and I jumped up and grabbed his arm.

“Please, Rob, no, I didn’t mean it,” I said tearfully. “Please, take all the time you need, but please, please, come back to me.”

I could see his eyes filling with tears as he gently pried my hands off his arm.

Taking both of my hands in his, he looked into my eyes and kissed my hands gently.

“I’m sorry, Yvonne,” he said, “Good-bye.”

He turned his back and walked away, leaving me quietly sobbing behind him.

What was I going to do now? I could sort of see Rob’s point; he loved me, and I loved him, but we could never be together, yet I still needed him.

Adam could tell something was wrong as soon as I came in the door.

“What’s the matter, Baby? You look like you’ve lost your best friend.”

That started a fresh flow of tears, and Adam immediately wrapped his arms around me.

Without thinking, I said, “I just had a big fight with my best friend, and I think that I’ve lost him forever.”

Adam drew back.

“Him? Him?!” he said. “How can your best friend be a “him,” when I should be your best friend?”

Adam’s reaction frightened me. There was no way that I could tell him that Rob was my first love.

“I’m sorry, Adam, but he’s my oldest friend. We go back to high school. We drifted apart when I went to college. I was shocked when I found out he worked at my new job.

“We met occasionally for lunch or coffee, and it was like we were never apart. We just talk, Adam, we haven’t done anything that wouldn’t pass the “husband test.””

“Except that you haven’t told me about these meet ups with your “oldest friend.” I have to wonder why? I’m also curious about this big fight. Just what was it about that left you so miserable?”

Fuck! I couldn’t tell Adam the truth, but there was no believable lie I could think of.

“I ... I can’t tell you,” I said through my tears.

“I guess that tells me all that I need to know,” he said as he headed towards the door.

“Adam, don’t go, please don’t go,” I cried.

“Are you going to answer my question?”

I just shook my head as I stared at the floor.

“I didn’t think so,” he said, then I heard the front door close.

What was I going to do now?

I felt lost.

Both of the men in my life had left me, and I didn’t know if I could get either of them back, or which one I wanted back. Rob was right; I am selfish!

The more I thought about it, Adam seemed like a lost cause. Any chance I might have to get him back would require complete honesty, but I don’t believe that he could stand my being completely honest.

The problem was, if I did leave Adam, would Rob still be there for me?

I decided to trust in Fate.

I would try to patch things up with Adam. I did love him, even if not with the passion I felt for Rob, and if things did work out, I didn’t see any issues with Rob.

My mind made up, I picked up my phone and called Adam.

“Hello, Yvonne,” he answered.

“Adam, I think we should talk.”

“About what? I think we said all there is to say.”

Here goes nothing.

“I ... I’m ready to tell you everything; the whole truth.”

“The truth,” he said. “Will the truth set me free?”

“I don’t know, Adam, but if we’re to be over, I don’t want it to be because of secrets. I hope that we can come back from this, but if we can’t, I won’t fight you.”

There was a brief pause.

“Okay, Yvonne, I’ll be over tomorrow after seven. Please have plenty of coffee, I have a feeling we might need it.”

“Thank you, Adam, I’ll see you then.”

Now I just had to figure out how to both tell the truth; and save my marriage.

The next day, Adam arrived promptly at seven, and took a seat on the couch. I brought in a tray with a carafe of coffee, a couple of mugs and cream and sugar. I started to sit next to Adam, but his raised eyebrow moved me to the opposite end.

We each prepared our coffees and took a sip, when Adam spoke.

“Okay, Yvonne, this is your show. You have the floor.”

I took a deep breath to settle myself, and began.

“As I told you, Rob and I were high-school sweethearts. I have to admit that at the time we believed we were deeply in love, though who can say what would have happened if our paths hadn’t diverged after high school.

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You suppose the dreams started just after you hit puberty - the fog clears, an immensely large maze appears before you. There are many features you can see from outside the Maze - the walls start as tall shrubbery, grassy, thick and impenetrable; but further along some are rocky formations, like miniature cliffs, some are cold, hard steel and yet others are a fleshy mass, wet and warm to the touch. The Maze is not level, but it rises and falls at various points, it seems to go on forever -...

2 years ago
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The Succubus and her Butler

Succubus princess Nyla is 18 and in college. She has a butler, Remley, to watch over her because she gets in trouble sometimes. A girl sat at large desk with paper set in front of her, very intent on the page. She was scribbling furiously. Every so often she’d reach for a different pen in front of her. The only things that made her any different from a normal girl studying was her elaborate gown and slightly pointed ears. “Nyla, would you like something to drink to help you study?” Remly...

4 years ago
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Fringe Benefits Ch 02

Shawn yawned as he pulled his shoulder-length dreadlocks behind his neck with a thick rubber band. He studied the running toilet carefully and then went to work with his tools to put the throne back in working order. It took him only a few minutes to remove and replace the defective part. He emerged from the stall, took down the “OUT OF ORDER” sign, and hefted the strap of the tool bag over his shoulder. The restroom was practically empty as the final flights were arriving and Shawn’s second...

3 years ago
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Memorial Day soldier return Love

Introduction: Veteran returns to find his sister has grown up Please rate and comment Prior: Memorial Day soldier return Mary cut off the main trail toward the old picnic grove. I couldnt figure why she took this route until I saw her head to the old washroom building. She stopped by the door. No, You not thinking? I grimaced. She grabbed my hand and pulled me in. We were a sweaty pair. Her face was dripping and her t-shirt was all wet, her breasts stood out against the clingy shirt. We...

2 years ago
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switching bodies with my niece

There's some parts that are kind of gay, depending on how you look at them. Some readers had problems with me not noting that my last story had gay stuff in it. It also has a young character involved. So be warned, but enjoy if you go on to read this. Please let me know what you think by writing to me at [email protected] I woke up feeling really odd. Nothing in my body seemed to feel right. Did I get drunk last night; was I in my own bed; was I even in my own house? I threw the...

1 year ago
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The Corner Shop

My name is Susan Smith. and I go to a mixed secondary modern school near London. I am fairly tall for my age with long blond hair and blue eyes like my mum, I suppose you could say I’m quite a pretty girl, possible a bit too slim but mum said that would change as I got older. I lived with my mum and my younger sister in a rented terraced house with a small garden in front, not that far from the school. So I was able to walk to school every day with my little sister. We’d lost our father...

3 years ago
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How Julia came to stay

Introduction: I comfortes a work mate, and was rewarded On Friday nights, since there was no one waiting at home for me, I used to stay late at work, catching up, or even getting ahead with my chores. This Friday night, when I was about to leave, I noticed a light coming from Julias office. Julia was a very attractive woman, about my age, who dressed smartly, who always had a smile for me when we crossed in the corridor or came together in a business meeting. I believed her to be happily...

4 years ago
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My Love Proposal Converted Into Sex

Hello my dear friends. Let me introduce myself, I’m Ramesh from Chennai and working in software firm. I’m normal and casual guy among friends circle, I’ve somewhat big dick with 17cm. I become a fan of iss site from 1 year and read a lot of stories in incest and group category. I would like to share my experience with you which are happened couple of months before with my friend. My friend name is Latha (name changed for her safety) doing M.Tech in college. We are good, close friends till now....

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Fantasy ENF

Welcome to a world of high fantasy. A world where Elves, fairies, orcs and humans all coexist, along with countless other creatures. A world of magic and steel, kings and castles, dragons and maidens. Despite how different this world may seem, many things are still the same. For one thing most women of any type still have powerful senses of modesty. In this story we will follow different women in this fantasy setting as they are stripped and revealed to the world. Author's note- feel free to...

1 year ago
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atricia was sorer than she had ever been before, and she had been with more than a few men who had been amply endowed. She sat up in the bed and was met by a more intense pain coming from her rectum. She had surely been fucked for all she was worth. This was the one thing that she hadn't expected from her best friend's brother.It started out as a way to get back at Stephanie for sneaking around and taking her white elephant before she had a chance to make her move, but she ended up getting more...

2 years ago
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Katies Begining Saturday

The feeling of her nipple being stroked was a different way to be woken up she decided but once she had identified who was doing she relaxed. Pity she thought as a more erotic scenario flashed through her mind. But even if it was only Katie it was a nice way to be woken up. I t may have been even better had Katie actually been awake but it soon became apparent that she was asleep and the stroking of a nipple a dream or just a comfort thing. Either the way the reaction was predictable and...

1 year ago
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Choti Behen Soni Ki Seal Todi

Hi….Frnds.. Mera nam Pappu hai. Mai iss ka bahut bada fan hu. Ye meri peheli kahani hai mere aur meri sagi behen Soni ke bich. Pappu aur Soni ye hamare pet name. Ab mai mere family ke bare me batata hu humare ghar me papa mai aur Soni rahate hai. Hum Maharashtra ke rahane wale hai. Meri age 24 yrs hai aur Soni ki age 22yrs hai. Mera abhi abhi clg khatm hua hai aur job search kar raha hu aur Soni clg me jati hai. To ab story pe ara hu. Meri hight 5.8 feet aur Soni ki 5.5 feet hai uska figure...

3 years ago
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Bob Whites CoveyChapter 20 Nothing Is As Easy As We Thought

With the start of fall term only days away, a move to Athens wasn’t feasible, but preparing for a move after Christmas was possible if they pushed hard. As they did with most of their studies and projects, the Covey identified a team and team captain for each area to be addressed. The weekend following the extraction in the park, they were sitting in the family room. Roycealee led off first, “Each of you needs to use UGA’s website to contact y’all’s department and let them know you plan to...

1 year ago
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BSC01 The True Meaning of BSCChapter 12 Now Its My Turn

Danny just stood there thinking about what Becky Bartell had just suggested to him. He looked at the naked Becky then he looked at the naked Janet. He looked at all the other naked girls that had gathered round and Danny still wasn’t totally sure if he was alive or had died and gone to heaven. It just seemed all too amazing to be true. Eventually he stood up straight and shook some of the water from his head then walked very slowly up to this beautiful naked creature called Janet Rivers....

3 years ago
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Cactus Flower

Author's note: This is a work of fiction and fantasy. References to the Iraq/Afghanistan Wars and Marine Corps Aviation in general as well as to Headquarters Marine Corps (HQMC) and the Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps in particular were done for story background. There is no actual resemblance to real persons or factual happenings. These characters and events took flight solely in the "theater of my imagination." There they will remain. Suffice it to say, I have nothing but...

3 years ago
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The Adventures of Anna Clarke Pt 2 Daves House

A week had passed since Anna had sex with her favourite student, Adam. He had not turned up to any of his lessons that week. His excuse being that he was ill but Anna knew it was because he was embarrassed at his lack of endurance. She was worried about him so she decided that she was going to pay him a visit after she finished work. Once arriving home she headed straight into the shower, dried herself and began to get dressed to go over to Adam’s. Tanned nylon stockings, her favorite, were...

4 years ago
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Virgin Girl

Introduction: The old pervert is back, after a few months of being way too busy… Heres the start of the story of a man who finds himself alone with a young, virgin girl…. Want more – let me know. Leave a comment, a PM,! I suppose the only excuse Ive got is that I was horny. I cant say what it was that day that made me so hot. I swear I had a hard-on all day. I even jacked-off that morning, twice, once before getting out of bed and again in the shower. I was so horny that even though she wasnt...

4 years ago
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My girlfriend made me a cockslut

First time getting anal from a girl and where it leads... (to getting anal from a guy, clearly).This is a stand-alone story, not part of a series. If you like it, click 'like'. I crave validation! If you don't like it, click 'like' anyway. I'm not proud. The first girlfriend I had after I finally got a place of my own was the one who helped me realize how much I like to get fucked up the bum. I'd never given it any thought. Always considered my ass was just there and not anything to do with...

3 years ago
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Truth is Better than Fiction Part II

A couple of weeks went by after having met up with Riley,the sister of my wife’s best friend in an unsuspecting adventure with another friend. I knew that sooner or later, Riley would come calling, solo. I was out mowing the yard when I felt the buzz of my cell phone in my back pocket. I glanced at it and it was Riley. I stepped under a shade tree and returned the call. “When you finish mowing,” Riley remarked, with not even so much as a greeting, “Do you want to come by and shower?” Beth, my...

First Time
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James and Des Ch 02

Chapter 2: the next morning James sat on the bed watching her sleep. She was so beautiful. He watched her perfect breasts rise and fall with the slow, peaceful rhythm of her breathing. She shifted on the bed, let out a soft moan in her sleep. James felt a thrill run up his spine just from that little sound. Last night seemed like a blur. They had made love twice after the first time, then fallen asleep in one another’s arms. He had lost his virginity to this absolutely gorgeous woman, and she...

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the one rule in my house is if you cum you eat it

the next day i saw pete in his front garden and gave him a flashdrive 'here watch this make sure you are alone when you do' i told him 'if you want to talk about it come round mine when your wife isn't around'it wasn't long before he was pounding on my door he really didn't look very happy i had given him a carefully edited copy of the tape i made basicly him asking'please may i wank my cock off please will you play with the head and fuck my arse with your finger while i do and please will you...

1 year ago
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My First Gangbang

I had been to a party with my brother. He had met a girl and they had gone off together leaving me alone. Some of the guys I had danced with during the evening offered to drive me home. As I knew a couple of the guys I accepted the offer. One of the guys sat in front with Al and the other two sat in the back with one either side of me. Al had taken my virginity when I was 18 and we had fucked for about 6 moths afterwards I noticed the car was heading away from town. “Hey! This isn’t the way to...

First Time
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Memories of Daddy Pt 3

As I sat on the trunk of my car in the dark parking lot, I knew I'd done the right thing. I finally had my father right where I wanted him; here and alone with me in the dark. He was staring at my naked tits and pussy. He had only two choices and they were fuck me or don't fuck me. We had spent weeks playing this game every Tuesday and Thursday morning a silent, naked game of Peek-a-Boo. On those mornings, my father would walk in on me while I was in the shower. He would pretend to not be there...

3 years ago
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BimboSlave Housewife Takes Care of Family

Today is a special day in our house. My Master-Husband is getting ready to go on a business trip for a week. This is exciting because it leaves me home alone with our teenage son and our dog. I am so thrilled for this wonderful week ahead of me. As much as I will miss my Master, I will enjoy the alone time I have with my son, and tending to his needs. In our house Master always comes first above everything but this week little Master will be the top of the house, and I am sure he will take...

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Collared by Bruno Chapter 3

She checked the setting one more time hoping to find a way out of the collar. In the corner, she saw a little bell icon she hadn’t seen before. Clicking on it took her to the software developers’ website. When Tomiko scrolled to the bottom of the page, there was an update section for the software. It matched the version she had installed on her laptop. “In striving to make our software as user-friendly as possible, we have selected some of the most popular add-ins based on how you used our...

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