A Flawed DiamondChapter 31 free porn video

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Meredith saw the cars parked near Brock's house. She recognized Zoe's Jeep, Melanie's Prius and Tara's Mazda. She considered simply driving past and putting off her confession for another day.

Instead she turned into Brock's driveway behind his vehicle, identical to the one she drove. She had spent the past few hours building up her courage to talk to Brock. If she drove away now, she might never bring herself to be open and honest with him again.

He deserved that much from her. He deserved a lot more than just that. She knew the others would learn the truth eventually so there was no use in putting it off. Still, she hoped she could disclose her actions to Brock in private rather than with an audience. She was certain Susan was there and she wasn't sure she could stop from throttling the girl if a look of glee crossed her face.

Brock had given her a key so she could come and go as she wished. But she didn't use it. It felt wrong to simply open his door and walk in given what she had to tell him. Her hands shook as she reached for the doorbell. She was surprised when the door opened before she could ring it.

"Hey!" Brock said. "This is a surprise."

He glanced to where Meredith's hand was poised over the buzzer.

"Don't tell me you've developed manners all the sudden," he joked. "If you have, at least we've finally found someone to teach the rest of us."

"Can I come in?" Meredith asked. Brock saw the look on her face and knew good news was not in the offing. Still, he nodded.

"Of course," he said. "You don't even need to ask. The food is gone but there is still some beer if you want one."

"No," Meredith said. "Uh, I was hoping we could talk – privately – for a few minutes."

Meredith figured Brock would either lead her to his TV room or to a bedroom for their discussion. Instead he led her through the kitchen and out back to the pool. She spoke to everyone as she passed. Most, but not all, smiled and greeted her in return.

"She fucked him over," Susan said when the door had closed behind Brock.

Melanie and Tara frowned but nodded. They were not impressed with the look of abject happiness on Susan's face.

"Wipe the smirk off," Emmy hissed. "Yeah, you're probably right. But this is going to hurt him and there is nothing to gloat about. Grow the fuck up, Susan."

Out beside the pool, Brock took a seat in a chair. He expected Meredith to sit opposite him. Instead she stood in front of him like a repentant schoolgirl. Her eyes were lowered and her lips were set in a frown.

"Are you OK?" Brock asked.

"No," Meredith answered. "I'm an idiot."

"We're all idiots from time to time," Brock replied, hoping to lighten things up.

"I'm a bigger idiot than most then," Meredith persisted. "Brock, I've tried to think of some way to say this. I haven't come up with anything. So I'll just say it. I think I did something really stupid the other night."

Brock nodded but didn't speak. He had been expecting the news to come, despite what he'd told his friends. Still he was grateful that Meredith had shown the courage to come to Los Angeles in person rather than call him or let him find out from someone else.

"I think I had sex with someone Saturday night," Meredith said. She had said this to herself a thousand times since Sunday morning. She still couldn't stop the tears from starting.

"You think?" Brock asked unable to stop the grin on his face. "Aren't you the one who always gives me shit about not knowing things I should?"

"It's not funny!" Meredith said.

"It kind of is," Brock replied. "Why is that you only think it? I know you stayed in New York with your friends."

"They're not my friends," Meredith said. "My friends are in there. Or at least my former friends are in there. My friend is out here listening to me confess that I cheated on him."

"I'm still your friend," Brock told her. "But I'm still interested in why you said 'think'. Are you trying to lessen your culpability?"

"No!" Meredith said. "I'm completely responsible for ruining everything. Me, damn it! There are gaps in my memory. But I woke up with someone in my bed on Sunday morning."

"And went out with him again on Sunday night," Brock said.

"No, not him," Meredith told him. "I got really upset and I told him to get the hell out. But I did go out Sunday. There were people crashed in my hotel room. I went out with them. I figured I'd already ruined my life so why should it matter."

"So you woke up in bed with some guy," Brock said. "Did you know him?"

"Sort of," Meredith said softly. "He was Travis, the guy in the Halloween photos that pissed you off."

"So you stayed in New York to party with a guy you told me that you had not encouraged?" Brock asked. For the first time there was an edge to his voice.

"That's not it either," Meredith answered. "I met some cool people on Friday night. They were all going out to a big party on Saturday. He showed up there, too. I had fun on Friday so I told Randi I would meet her in Boston on Sunday."

"Which you didn't," Brock said. The anger was still in his voice.

"No, I didn't," Meredith agreed. "She, well, she was really pissed at me – for staying in New York. No, she was really pissed about me about a lot of things. She was pissed that I let Travis follow me like a puppy dog all night. She was pissed that I didn't tell him to get lost when I should have. Staying behind only added to it."

"And how about what you did Saturday?" Brock asked.

"I haven't told her yet," Meredith said. "I thought I should tell you first."

"So tell me," Brock said. "Tell me how it was you came to be in bed with a guy you barely know on Sunday morning."

"We were drinking," she told him. "And some other stuff."

"Drugs?" Brock asked with a note of incredulousness in his voice. "Jesus, Merie."

"And Joseph," she finished the joke she had shared with Brock more than once. This time there was no humor in her voice. "Yes, we did some other stuff – coke, mostly."

"Mostly?" Brock asked. "God damn it. I thought I knew you better than this. Look at what that shit did to your sister. Your dad must be beside himself – if he knows."

"He knows," Meredith replied.

"What else?" Brock asked.

"X, some weed," Meredith admitted. "I was drinking Manhattans and Long Island Iced Teas since two o'clock in the afternoon. By nine or 10 p.m., it seemed like a good idea. Then Sunday morning came around and it seemed like the worst idea in the world."

"So you passed out and someone raped you?" Brock asked. "Is that what you're saying?"

"No," Meredith replied. "At least I don't think so. I remember everything until about midnight. That's when we all went back to my suite to party."

"You said 'all'," Brock said.

"Yeah, there were, I don't know, 10 or 12 of us," she said.

"So it wasn't just you and Travis?" Brock asked. Again, the anger was evident in his voice.

"No!" Meredith said quickly. "I was never alone with him. Not once."

"Until you had sex with him," Brock said.

Meredith wiped away a tear and shook her head.

"Maybe not even then," she said. "For all I know I could have had sex with 10 or 15 people or in front of a crowd at Yankee Stadium. I honestly have no idea how I wound up in bed with him. I know I didn't want to. But I still did."

"So you don't remember any of it?" he asked. Brock tilted his head in a questioning manner.

"None," Meredith said. "I had convinced myself that I dodged a really stupid bullet. I mean, I was still dressed in my night clothes when I woke up."

"You were dressed for bed?" Brock asked. He wanted to make sure he had the right idea. "And you were sure that you hadn't fucked the guy."

"Until I was in the shower," Meredith told him.

"Oh, Christ," Brock spat. "Damn it. You didn't make him use protection?"

"I don't know," Meredith answered.

"Well, the evidence in the shower would be pretty damning, I'd think," Brock shot back. "Plus I think it would remove any doubt from your mind."

Meredith stared at him in confusion.

"I don't see what the two have to do with each other," she finally said.

Brock rolled his eyes.

"What did you find in the shower?" he asked. He figured that he might as well make her come out and say that she had semen leaking from her twat.

"A hickey," Meredith said sadly.

The answer was so far from what Brock had been expecting that he laughed.

"A hickey?" he finally said. His response made Meredith angry even though she knew she had no right to be.

She lifted up her shirt to show him her breasts.

"Yes, a hickey," she said, pointing to the bruise. "On my tit. How do you think it got there if I didn't let someone put it there?"

Brock looked at Meredith's breasts, still encased in her bra. Then he glanced away for a moment.

"So there was no other evidence?" he asked.

"Like what?" Meredith shot back.

"Uh, well, a crusty spot on your stomach or your back?" Brock asked.

"What?" Meredith asked.

"Fine," Brock said. "I'll just stop dancing around it. Did you find dried cum on your body or wet cum in your pussy?"

Meredith's eyes widened.

"Uh, no," she said. "But I was in the shower. If it was on my skin, I might not have known."

"You'd have known," Brock said. "Sperm gets really funny feeling when it mixes with water. It sort of turns into a gel and it's really hard to get off your skin."

"Really?" Meredith asked. She had always wanted Brock to cum inside her mouth or her pussy. She had never dealt with dried semen on her skin.

"So at least he wore a rubber," Brock said. "That is at least better for you. You don't have to worry about HIV or syphilis or Hepatitis-C."

"Oh, shit," Meredith said. Her legs started to shake. "I didn't think of that. Oh, God."

"Sit down," Brock said gently. "Like I said, at the very least he wore a condom."

"What if he didn't, you know?" Meredith asked.

Once again, Brock laughed. At least the surge of anger that surged through Meredith got her to stop shaking. Brock saw her face and held up his hand.

"Meredith, I guess it's OK to be blunt with you," he said. "There is absolutely no way a man had sex with you without cumming. I don't care how much coke he snorted or how much alcohol he drank. If he got inside you, he came."

"Oh," Meredith said. "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure," Brock said shaking his head in disbelief. "Look, again, I'm just going to say this. You have the tightest pussy I have ever seen. I've, well, you know, I've had sex with virgins before. And you probably also know I'm not going to be appearing in porn films anytime soon. I'm just average down there. So unless the guy had a dick the size of a needle, he came. If I had to bet, he probably came pretty quickly. Still, you might want to have some blood work done to be sure."

"Oh, OK," Meredith said.

Brock tilted his head again and pursed his lips.

"Were you hurting the next morning?" he asked.

"My head felt like it would split open," Meredith answered. "When I saw the mark on my breast my stomach started to hurt. I just sat down in the tub and cried."

"That's not really what I meant," Brock said. "Were you hurting, uh, down there? Did your pussy hurt? You know, like it does after we've done it."

Meredith looked up at him quickly.

"No," she said. "I'm usually really tender for a while after we do it. But I wasn't that morning. Still, you said it could have been quick."

"It could have been," Brock agreed. "Uh, can you lift your shirt again?"

Meredith looked him for a moment before she lifted the hem of her T-shirt. Brock leaned forward, and then pulled the cup of her bra downward. Meredith thought he was going to bite her or something.

"Have you looked at this?" he asked.

"I saw it," Meredith said. "I saw hickeys in school. I don't need to see it again."

Brock nodded then pulled her shirt down.

"Can I see your hand?" he asked.

"My hand?" Meredith wondered. Still, she held both of them out to him. Brock turned them over to inspect the outside. Once again he started to laugh.

"It's not funny!" she said again.

"What happened to your hand?" he asked.

"I don't know," she replied. "I fell or something, I guess."

"On Saturday?" he posed.

"Yeah," Meredith said. "It was scraped up when I got in the shower. I noticed it when I was holding my knees and crying."

"Can I ask you something?" Brock asked.

"Of course," Meredith replied. "I will answer anything you want to ask. It's why I came out here."

"Two days later," Brock pointed out.

Meredith lowered her head again.

"I was ashamed," she told him. "I was so mad at myself. I was so sad because I'd betrayed you. I just wanted to die. I knew my... , well, our life was over anyway. I knew we were over. So I just didn't care anymore. I'm sorry. I should have come straight out. I should have never put myself in this spot. I should never have put you in this spot."

"Well, that's all true, I suppose," Brock agreed. "OK, here's what I want to ask. Please be honest and please consider your answer before just spouting something you think I want to hear. Promise?"

"I promise," Meredith said. "I'll promise you anything you want."

"Well, let's not get crazy," Brock said with a half-smile. "So, what I want to know is this: Is this just a way to get me to end things with you so you don't have to end them with me?"

"No!" Meredith said instantly.

"Please remember your promise," Brock said.

"I don't need to remember my promise," she insisted. "No, I don't want to end things. I wish there was a way we could get past this. But so much of our relationship is about trust. I, well, I don't think I could forgive you if the roles were reversed. I can't expect you to forgive me. But if you somehow can, I promise, I swear, we will never be in this spot again."

Brock nodded and thought for a moment.

"Do you still trust me?" he asked.

"Yes," Meredith replied without a second of hesitation.

"OK, then I want a third party to review the evidence," Brock said.

Although Melanie, Tara, Zoe and Emmy had remained at the table, Susan had drifted over to watch the action through the doorway.

"What is he doing?" she asked. "She's flashing him like its Mardi Gras or something."

"It's none of your business," Tara pointed out.

"Like hell it isn't," Susan replied. "I was his friend before he even knew the rest of you existed."

"Yeah, and a true friend you've proven to be," Melanie hissed. "Now sit down or I will sit you down. I'm getting pretty fucking tired of your games."

Suddenly her hand shot to her mouth and she glanced at Tara. She was certain that Brock had told Tara of Susan's teenage plans. If not, she was going to find out about them now.

"This is exactly what you hoped would happen 10 years ago, isn't it?" she asked in an angry tone. "You think this is going to be like how you set him up with Tara. You think you're going to swoop in and mend his broken heart. Not likely, sister."

Tara turned her eyes first to Mel and then to Susan.

"Set him up with me?" she asked.

"Oh, you didn't know?" Melanie asked.

"Stop it," Susan said quickly.

"I think she needs to hear this," Melanie said. "Do you want to tell her or should I?"

"You don't know a damned thing!" Susan yelled.

"I know everything that Brock knows," Melanie countered.

"Go to hell," Susan said. "I'm not going to listen to this. I'm going home."

"You rode with me," Melanie pointed out. "So, who tells the story?"

"I don't want to hear it," Tara said. She started toward Susan but Zoe stepped between the women. "I suppose I already know it. Even if I don't know all of it, I can piece it together. She was probably right but it's still a shitty thing to do. And this time won't work out for you any better."

"That's not what I want," Susan insisted. "And I'm sorry, Tara. I was a dumb kid and it seemed like a good plan. I mean, seriously, you didn't have the best reputation."

"No, I didn't," Tara admitted. "But I was your friend, too."

"I know," Susan said. "That's why I never interfered. I mean, I planned to once I saw you had no intentions of dumping him. If you hadn't told me all those lies I probably would have never butted in at all."

"True," Tara said. "So I'm as much to blame as you are. First off, for how I treated guys back then and secondly for lying to you and telling you that Brock and I were intimate when we weren't. I will say, however, you're lucky I've changed in the past few years. You might have gotten Brock away from me back then but I would have pounded your ass into the pavement for doing it."

"I thought it was worth the risk," Susan said.

"You were certain that Brock would protect you," Tara amended. "So I would have had to find you alone. I would have bided my time. Still, you got the worse end of the deal."

"Brock got the worse end of the deal," Melanie said. She was about to continue when the door opened and Brock appeared.

"Melanie, can I borrow you for a moment?" he asked. His voice sounded normal to her. He showed no indication that he was upset or angry.

"Sure," she asked. She walked through the door when he motioned for her to follow him outside. Meredith was standing by a chair.

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Mrs. Crane's Fountain of Youth Part Four: Horny Naked Chef Shirley had planned to put in some work in her garden at the weekend, and she had stopped over at the mall to pick up a few things for the job. As she drove back to her place her cell phone rang. From the assigned tone she knew it was Jamal. She felt a sliver of wet heat rise in her loins as she clicked on her hands free button to take the call. “Oh sweetie that’s great news, I’ll see you at 6p.m. then,” she said at the end of...

3 years ago
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A Wicked Addiction

He jumped slightly as the co-worker slapped him on the back “hey Jerry, another long night?”. Jerry looked up at the tall slim man who appeared to be around 24 years old “Yeah, you could say that.” Jerry grinned and then stretched back in his seat, “How about you?”. “You know me I live to party.” The two shared a chuckle then went back to work. Jerry hated his job, he hated typing all day long writing sensless computer codes for someone elses profit, it just didn’t make sense to him. He did...

2 years ago
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Mom loves CUM

My mother is a whore. She's a dirty slut who takes it anywhere and anyway she can get it. For pleasure and for money. And most of the men in the town have had their go with her. Of course to most ordinary nineteen year old guys to hear that said about their mother would be almost the most offence you could possibly cause. But I loved to think it about mine. Then again, my relationship with my mum wasn't the average kind and she certainly wasn't the average kind of mother. We'd always been very...

2 years ago
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The Capture and Training of Aryana

The highway might as well have been desolate, of all the cars that traveled along I53, not one had slowed to pick up Aryana as she stood thumbing from the break down lane The highway might as well have been desolate, of all the cars that traveled along I53, not one had slowed to pick up Aryana as she stood thumbing from the break down lane.? Every few hours she would walk for a while, then try again in a different spot, but it was getting close to dusk and she wasn?t too keen on hitching...

1 year ago
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Mr R takes me home

I have been indulging in Mr. R’s cock for a few weeks, but I feel myself getting bored. He refuses to get between my legs and roughly eat me out just the way I like and there are more than a few men who are willing. For those of you who have not read part one I am an eighteen year old with long hark hair and firm 32C breasts. My hour-glass figure does not leave much to be desired with my full pert ass and flat tight abs. As I was saying, I felt myself getting bored and so I decided on a little...

4 years ago
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How I fucked my guy friends while our girlfriends

One night my friend called and invited me and my girlfriend over to his parents house for a get together. Everybody had fun we all drank a it was a good time but by the end of the night we were drunk so me and my girlfriend asked if we could spend the night. Of course my friend said yes, that's the logical thing to do. My girlfriend and I cuddled up on the floor to go to sleep. In the middle of the night I had woken up and apparently me and my girlfriend had been bumping our bodies together or...

2 years ago
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Bellas Birthday

Bella woke up excited. She jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom to get ready. No time to waste. Shower. Put on that cute, sexy, PERFECT outfit that she had agonized over for the last three days. She looked in the mirror, she looked amazing. She knew all eyes would be on her all day. She fumbled around in her dresser and took out her birth control. She glared at it, hating that she even had to have it, but took it anyway. Fucking Zane. If it weren’t for him, she wouldn’t need it, but then...

1 year ago
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Als der Wecker klingelte, dauerte es eine ganze Weile, bis Maike sich aus ihrem Traum reißen konnte. Denn wie so oft hatte sie von ihrer Leidenschaft getraumt. Maike wünschte sich nichts sehnlicher, als das dieser Traum einmal in Erfüllung gehen könnte. Aber bis jetzt war an ein Ausleben der Gefuehle nicht zu denken. Bis auf die Aktionen mit ihrer Schwester. Aber das stand auf einem anderen Blatt. Ihre Schwester provozierte sie nur, wenn ihre Gefuehle ein Ueberdruckventil brauchten. Sie wachte...

2 years ago
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A Princess in Abyss

It’s dark. Luckily there’s still some moonlight. In the riven mountains wrapped by a pea-soup fog, a young lady in fancy dress was running, as if being chased by some nightmare. Suddenly she fell down. Alas! Such a pity! The expensive dress got partly stained by dirt, and somehow torn up a little bit. Never mind. It’s still a fine dress. Gorgeous, in fact. It’s a perfect dress for princess, showing her charming figure flattering. Her breath was soft as a feather and sweet like a lily. Her...

4 years ago
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Kathys Family HoneymoonChapter 2 The Sharing is Widened

Jenny was the last to stir the next morning. She felt something behind her on the bed, and turned to see Barry spooning up against her, his hard prick pushing against her bottom. Looking to the other bed, she saw that it was now Ken and Jared sandwiching her mother, with Jared enjoying her pussy, as Ken's prick filled her anus. "It's about time to get you used to back entry as well" Barry's voice murmured in her ear. She immediately felt greasy fingers probing her rectum and she felt a...

3 years ago
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Kims Big Night Out

Hubby spies on wife and gets the shock of his life.Something amazing happened to me the other night that changed my life forever.My wife, Kim, is a smoking hot redhead, 35 years old, 5'6", 32-28-36. We have been married for 10 years, and it has been a great 10 years, full of passion, love, and fucking amazing sex. She even invited another woman into our bed once, which was incredible, though it hasn't happened again.Last Friday, Kim told me she wanted to go out dancing with the girls, and would...

4 years ago
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BSC09 the Fall and Rise of Jared ReznikChapter 20 On Cloud Nine

The thoughts of Jared’s day were still running through his head as he entered his own home in Upland, California and quietly closed the door behind him. His early morning meeting with the president of BSC, his apparent good success with the students so far, and his little ‘fling’ with Cindy Black in one of the college’s storage closets ... had all had such a profound affect on his mood. He walked in through that door floating on air not knowing that another little happy surprise was about to...

2 years ago
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Best Surprise Before She Left

Hey all.. Thanks for your love and interests… Keep sharing your desires and Turing up @ After the kitty party with the ladies i was awarded with 5k bucks and i wanted to party … I called up Anjali my office & sex mate for last month and shared all that happened … She was happy and excited. We went to party at local club in Hotel Park .. Had few drinks and danced…we were enjoying to our core as it was only 2 days left for her depart as she was getting married and flying to Australia. It was...

2 years ago
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Kathleen Ch 1

Chapter 1: A long Lunch Several years ago I was visiting an old friend when a neighbor of his dropped in. As a connoisseur of large women I was immediately interested since the lady, introduced as Kathleen, looked to weigh almost 250 pounds. About 35, her short blond hair framed a delicate face with large blue eyes, an incredibly smooth unblemished complexion, and full lips, which, I soon discovered, parted often into a quick, stunning smile, usually accompanied by an honest but sexy laugh....

4 years ago
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Dad Watches Daughters First Time

I'd been peeping on her for some years now, each time was as exciting as the last. She was now 21; she'd been going out with Mark for a few months. He was a nice boy, very mature, and he treated her beautifully.It was a warm Saturday Evening, I was supposed to be Interstate, but the trip had been cancelled at the last minute. Because of the original plan, my wife was visiting her sister in Queensland and I found myself alone in the house.I was about to go to bed; I'd switched off all the lights...

2 years ago
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Nirvana on FireChapter 5

Raven sat in Jamieson's broken down Chevy four door with Jamieson and Rocky Rhodes. They had all watched Marco for the last hour. He was definitely dealing something. Every five minutes or so another person would walk up to Marco and trade envelopes. "Are you sure you want to go through with this Mandy?" Rocky asked. "Undercover work ain't for the faint of heart." "It won't be my first undercover assignment. Just my first drug buy," Mandy replied, opening the door. Mandy wore her...

1 year ago
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Farm HelpChapter 3

"Yes it does, doesn't it," she replied softly snuggling into the covers and pillow. "Good night." "Good night, sleep tight,..." "Don't let the bed bugs bite," she finished while grinning at me. "Good night Charlie." "Good night Pam," I said snuggling into my own share of covers and pillow. I still wanted to go upstairs and see my little nymphs but I couldn't see any way to do it, have a shower and then get back into bed with Pam and not have her notice that I was gone. So I...

3 years ago
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Mistis Adventures Part 102

The evening had wound up relatively quietly. They had made love, and were sleeping in each others arms. Each enjoying the warmth of his/her partner. Billy and Cathy were both smiling in their sleep, dreaming of a bright future, and spending a long and happy life together. Robbi and Bruce were laying like spoons in the bed, Robbi's head on Bruce's outstretched arm, the other across her waist, his hand was cupping her Mons, even in his sleep he was enjoying the feel of the warm, soft mound,...

1 year ago
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A Twist in The Tale Part Two

The rest of the day was consumed by work and we both relaxed a bit. Friday came around, Jo told me she would follow me home in her car so as not to arouse any suspicions in the office. Linda was waiting for us in the lounge, she was wearing a low cut top, a long skirt and sandals. “I’ve ordered in a takeaway, it should be here soon and then we can get down to business. Jo your rooms ready, I’m sure you want to freshen up and change into something more suitable. And then you and Alan can have...

3 years ago
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Craving You in the Night II

Sobbing softly, I bury my face into my pillow, unable to bearThe breathless wonder, excruciating ecstasyOf having a man such as you, not just fucking me, but withEach breath and beat of his heart, oh! dear God, fucking me!What makes another man feast his feverish eyes upon my body,As though I were a wanton woman just for the taking,Coming for me, know how willing I am to have and feel him driveHis feelings for me deep into the ravenous craving they're awakening!How I live and breathe and long...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Chasing Dove Chapter two

Introduction: I apologize if you thought it was boring and i find it funny that someone mentioned there not being a plot, I hadnt realized there was one plot in one chapter instead of the whole story building and developing. What type of books do you read? Are you fucking kidding me? Dove you know Im allergic to cats. Dove held the cat protectively against her chest. You know Im allergic to cats, Carter pointed at Hunter, who shrugged and looked amused. You arent even here most of the time,...

1 year ago
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StepSiblingsCaught Kendra Spade Following Sisters Instructions

Kendra Spade needs money for rent, so she has turned to doing jerk off instructional videos. Her stepbrother Rion King has come over to check out Kendra’s new pad, but he walks in on his stepsis making her latest vid. Once he has spotted his bigtit stepsis with her shirt up and one hand stroking a dildo while she masturbates with the other, he can’t take his eyes off the tableau in front of him. Kendra keeps going with her video until she notices Rion, whereupon she freaks out....

3 years ago
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a quick tune up part 3

continued part 3. please leave comments and let me know what you think.It took a few days for mike and I to recover from the night he returned from the airport but then we got back into our routine of having sex every day or at most every other day. Most times it wasnt as wild and exciting as that night but we both were very satisfied after. Over the years Mike had gotten me quite the collection of toys which worked well at keeping my needs under control. One thing i missed when he was...

2 years ago
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Cooking With Nigella Lawson Part II

The following morning after Nigella's visit I awoke with the memory still fresh in my mind. My dreams had come true and I had fucked my all time favourite celebrity and I couldn't help myself as I smiled at the memory.I got up and headed to the kitchen to get breakfast. When I entered I was presented with a wondrous sight. Nigella was still here and she was preparing breakfast and she was in her apron and nothing else.She was at the stove and cooking up breakfast. She heard me come in and...

4 years ago
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Our Plan To Get Out Of This

If you haven’t already read what has happened to us, go back and catch up. The short version is that we had some storm damage at our house, and an electrician who was doing the repair work found some pictures and videos of my wife Lisa in the attic.  He ultimately blackmailed us into allowing him to have sex with her.  He said it was going to be a one-time thing, but eventually, he came calling again, and the second time, he turned up the intensity, doing things to my wife that I still can’t...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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It was the summer vacations .it was hot n sultry n there was no power .we were really bored.we,in the sense ,me ,my cousin veena n her younger brother ram.i was 16 ,she 15 n he only 8.we didnt know what to do n w had started to sweat .my eyes fell on veena .my ,had she grown in a year .she must ve been 5 1″ ,her boobs clingin to her t-shirt bcos of the sweat n their size n her skirt was above her knees .she was tryin to fan herself n her boobs were jumpin in her T. looked like she wasnt wearin...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Vikalita Delicious Hardcore Fucking Dream Girl

Some babes just like a good hard fucking and in this Hands on Hardcore scene you can appreciate the beauty that is Vikalita treating hot stud Willy Regal to a sexy session that any man would like to receive… The saucy siren, dressed up in a tiny black dress, pulls it up so that her lover can lick her cock hungry twat before she gets her lips around his dick. With her long hair, beautiful face, and stunning body, it will be a challenge to contain yourself while watching this delicious...

3 years ago
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Photography for Profit and Pleasure

In the 1970s I was freelancing as a photo-journalist. I took photos at concerts and interviewed the bands, selling my articles to rock magazines. My parents owned a busy restaurant in London and lived on the two floors above. Everything was going well until my father suffered a mild heart attack. Not so serious, but his doctors told him that he had to take it easy. Instead of hiring a manager, my parents insisted that I move in with them and help run the family business.I did whatever was...

2 years ago
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The first time I shared my asian wife with another

I'm a 35 year old white male and I am very lucky to be married to an american-born asian (chinese) woman. She is 10 years younger than me, which improves my good fortune even more! My wife does not have the absolutely most beautiful face in the world. I mean she is cute, but she is not going to sign up for a beauty pageant. But what she does have is a killer body. She stands 5’ 2”, weighs 105 lbs, natural and perky 34B breasts and a nice tight ass. Her lips are the type that look perfect when...

3 years ago
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Bound to My Clothes 4

Bound to My Clothes 4 Obviously, she was going through with this. I can't believe how out of hand this has become. I tried to calm my fears and hope that this was just a test. I still loved Becca and I still wanted to work things out. I had demonstrated the lengths to which I would go to prove to her that I loved her and that I wanted her back. Right now I was proving it by standing in our living room, wearing a gag, an evening gown, a bra, panties, pantyhose, and...

3 years ago
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The Layby

I have been here, in this spot, for a very long time. I wasn’t always in the state I am in now. I have changed over time, and time has treated me, shall we say, inconsistently.Inconsistently may be a strange word to explain time, but bear with me.I have witnessed many things in all my states of being. In the good old days, when I was something other than I am now, I only knew of birds and insects and animals, of all varieties. They populated me, lived with me, and I with them. I called them my...

1 year ago
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ArdRiChapter 6

As the sun rose, Michael was restless as he started planning his day. The scheduled must be cleared, and he wanted a full day planning session with his NUSF commanders, Shamus Mac Lochlainn, and the R&D designers from the weapons division. He felt as if someone was staring at him, looking around, Colleen had her eyes on him with a determination he had not seen in a long time. Colleen told him there was much to do today, however the day would go much better after his daily exercise and a...

3 years ago
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Shower With sis

Brittany turned the shower off and got out. She began to dry herself, and marveled at how soft the cotton towel felt against her smooth skin. She felt her nipples harden as she dried them and then she saw her reflection in the mirror."I wish I was a cup size bigger," she thought as she cupped her firm B-cup tits in her hands.She followed the line of her body down and thought, "I do have a firm body though." She smiled. She had just shaved and her pussy and legs glistened in the soft bathroom...

3 years ago
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The Bath

Introduction: Part 2 of A Good Morning I hear the water running as I walk through the front door. I toss my keys on the coffee table by the sofa and lay my jacket on the armchair. I walk through the house looking for you. Youre not in the dining room or the office as I walk by glancing in them. Peeking my head around the door jamb, I look in the bedroom. I dont see you there either. So I do what I shouldve done in the first place. I walk inside the bedroom and strip my clothes off. I unbutton...

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