Flawed Red Silk 12 linked stories
- 3 years ago
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Tara was cleaning up the kitchen when Brock came back in the house.
"Quite the domestic," Brock said. Tara knew he was kidding. She hated to clean. In fact, she had a maid service for her downtown apartment.
"Up yours, Hotshot," Tara responded.
"Seriously, I can take care of this," Brock said. "I'm sure you have other things to be doing."
"Not a one," Tara replied.
"Really?" Brock asked.
"I'm doing research for a couple of analysis pieces I'm taping on Friday," she said. "Outside of that I'm good. Both schools are off this week and both play cupcakes next week. But guess what? I'm going to be in the booth for a nationally telecast game the Saturday after Thanksgiving, UCLA and USC."
"Wow!" Brock said. "That's fantastic. I'm sorry I didn't get to listen to your debut. I guess I sort of lost track of the days."
"It's OK," Tara said.
"It's not," Brock replied. "It was important to you. You're important to me. Therefore it is important to me. Jen could tell us which mathematical property that relates to but I can't. You know A equals B; B equals C; thus A equals C."
"I'm not too worried about it," Tara joked. "But thanks. I know I was busy last week but I wasn't too busy that I couldn't have at least called."
"You didn't want to put up with me," Brock said. "I can understand that. Still, I have no excuse. I promise I won't miss the next one. Are we good?"
"We're good," Tara said. "You seem, I don't know, you seem more at ease than when I saw you a week ago."
"I finally got my chance to be angry," Brock explained, continuing with what had been bothering him since the incident at the ballpark.
"So, how's Zack doing?" he asked casually after he finished his explanation.
"Good," Tara said.
"So it's a good thing you're not affiliated with the Dodgers anymore," he said.
"Maybe," Tara admitted. As an employee of the station that had the rights to the Dodgers broadcasts, Tara had been forbidden to date any player of the organization. Now that she was with a new network, those rules were gone. "We're not that far along. We talk to each other and send e-mails. He's a really nice guy."
"I thought so," Brock said. "I was hoping he could go fishing with J.C., Sam and me next week."
"He might be able to," Tara pointed out. "They're shutting him down at 45 innings. He pitched a bunch there at the end of the season and they want to let him rest."
"He was a horse in Game 2 against the Phillies," Brock said. "What did he wind up going, five and a third or something?"
"Five-and-a-third innings, 78 pitches, no earned runs and only three hits allowed," Tara replied. "He saved the bullpen, not that it mattered."
"It could have," Brock said. "We voted him a full playoff share, you know."
"I do know," Tara said with a laugh. "I'm a reporter. I have sources."
"He told you," Brock said, elbowing Tara gently.
"Well, yeah," she admitted, elbowing him back. "You ever think of going into broadcasting? You know, when you retire."
"God, no," Brock said. "The happiest day of my life was when SportsNet hired you to do the on-field interviews. I could chat with you like we're doing now. Before you showed up, I was terrible."
"What do you plan to do once, you know, it's over?" Tara wondered. "Have you thought about it much?"
"I plan to fill my bathtub full of all the money I've made and roll around in it for the next five years," Brock said with a smile. "Actually, I haven't considered it. My degree will be worthless by then. I guess I'll start to figure it out when the end comes near. If it happened today, I'd design computer games or work in the IT department of some company. I'm not really hurting for money, you know. But I've found I'm really bored."
"Yeah," Tara said. "So you don't plan to be like that guy from the White Sox and hang on until you're 43?"
Brock shrugged.
"I hope not," he said. "That guy is still really good. I mean, he's won 10 or 11 Gold Gloves. To me, he's a Hall of Famer even if he has hung on a season or two too long. No, I hope that I'll recognize it when my skills start to erode. I don't want to become a journeyman utility infielder. I'd love to spend my whole career with one team. So if I start to slow down, I hope someone will pull me aside and let me know it's time to move on."
"It's going to be tough to let it go," Tara remarked.
"Oh, yeah," Brock agreed. "But it happens to all of us. Al is a season or two from moving to left field. Josh is going to have start playing some first base in a season or two. Guerra might look like he's 12 but he's in his mid-30s. He's been playing pro ball for 18 seasons, if you can believe it. I noticed toward the end of the season that he was wearing down. I think I got charged with a couple of errors because he was too slow getting to the bag and the ball sailed into the outfield."
"Want to hear a rumor confirmed through an anonymous source?" Tara asked with raised eyebrows.
"So long as it doesn't get me into trouble," Brock replied.
"They're going to shop Cerutti around at the Winter Meetings," Tara confided.
"Cardozo's ready," Brock said. "He really crushed the ball in September. Besides, Cerutti's an asshole."
"He really is," Tara confirmed. "But I think they're going to give Josh first chance to win the starting job."
"Oh, hell," Brock muttered. "They're not thinking of starting Courson behind the plate, are they? He's a good catcher but he can't hit worth a shit."
"Yeah, I always wondered why he even bothered to carry a bat with him," Tara said. "It would be easier for him to stand and watch three pitches with his hands empty. Hell, he could even keep his gear on. It's not like there is a chance in hell of him getting on base. But no, they're going to keep him as a backup. He'll probably catch once a week and do some late-inning work. The rumor is that Baltimore is trying to move Sanchez or Wellstone. Both could be starters and they've got another kid in Double-A that's supposed to be the shit."
Brock considered the possibility.
"It would probably cost Cardozo to get him though," Tara added. "I know he's your buddy."
"It's a high cost," Brock said. "But not for a good catcher. I hope they're not planning to showcase Zack."
"Not that I've heard," Tara said with a frown. "I think they're going to groom him to take over the closer's role. Stimson hits arbitration next year. I've never agreed with a high-priced closer. Even the worst closer succeeds 80 percent of the time. Stimson isn't much higher than that. It's the difference between 88 wins or 90 for a good team. Still, he's going to want $10 million a season. I figure the Dodgers will non-tender him."
Brock smiled and nodded.
"You know, if you'd fart or belch a couple of times it would be just like hanging out with one of the guys," he joked.
"And if I took my shirt off, it would be just like hanging out with the girls," Tara rejoined.
"OK," Brock said with a big smile.
"You missed your chance, Champ," Tara said. "Tara's Titties are off limits to all attached boyfriends. So, things are going to be OK with Meredith?"
Brock sighed and shrugged.
"I don't know," he said.
"So you weren't really convinced that nothing happened Saturday," she said.
"Oh, no," Brock corrected. "I'm positive that she didn't screw anyone else. It's like I told Zoe, I trust her. I think she proved me right by coming here and telling me face to face."
"So what is it?" Tara pressed. "You're not worried that she'll do drugs again, are you?"
"No, that's not it either," Brock answered. "It's complicated."
"So use big words when you tell me," Tara said with a grin. "I promise to be impressed."
Randi's frequent journeys to join Brock and Meredith in bed were a secret. She lived next door and would simply slip through the back gate and enter the house. No one knew that she came over almost every night Meredith was there – almost always with Meredith's invitation.
"We have some other issues we need to resolve," Brock said. "I can't really go into them. It's not that I don't trust you. It's just, well, it involves someone else."
Tara's face lit in a huge grin.
"You're nailing Randi, too!" she said. "I knew you did her good after the Emmys but I thought that was, you know, a one-time thing."
"It hasn't worked out that way," Brock said.
"And Meredith wants it to end?" Tara asked. "I can't see that. She and Randi are tight."
"Yes they are," Brock said with an exaggerated leer.
"That's not what I meant and you know it," Tara said, blushing and shaking her head.
"I knew what you meant," Brock said. "And, no, Meredith doesn't want it to end. I do. I'd like Meredith all to myself."
"You're hitting them at the same time!" Tara said. "Oh, this is too good. You dog. I wondered why Meredith gave a little smirk when I mentioned Susan and I doing you. It's because she and Randi just stepped right in. You aren't missing a thing."
"I'm missing time alone with someone I love," Brock pointed out.
"Oh," Tara said. "So, it's like, all the time?"
Brock nodded.
"Don't say anything," he pleaded. "I mean, if it was anyone but Randi, I probably wouldn't care. But you know how things like this take on a life of their own."
"I won't say anything," Tara assured him. "So Randi is like, I don't know, with you guys."
"Every night Meredith spends here, Randi does too," Brock said. "When Meredith doesn't stay over, neither does Randi. Twice I have been with each of them alone. Even then, the other came over to spend the night with us."
"And you're complaining," Tara said. "I think I better burp or fart just so one of us is acting like a guy."
"It's not like that," Brock protested. "It's just, look, I like Randi. I really do. When I agreed to this, I didn't really expect it to last for four months. When she came back from tour, I figured she would move on. Nope. In fact, she is here more frequently than before. We're going to have to sit down and figure this out before it causes things to come to an end between Meredith and me."
Tara and Brock shared a few more beers and she decided to accept his hospitality and spend the night. They shared breakfast before she went back to her apartment to shower and change clothes.
"So, you're doing nothing for the next few days?" Brock asked.
"Not a lot, no," Tara replied. Then she smiled. "And you're not either. We can do nothing together. We've always done nothing well."
"We have," Brock replied. "Uh, I was thinking, I haven't really been out of the house much in the past couple of months. Once I figure out when Meredith is heading back to work with Randi, let's go out for dinner and maybe find something fun to do afterward."
"Sounds great!" Tara said. "We'll figure it out later. Still, I need to get going. Call me later and let me know if you want to do something tonight. I understand if Meredith is still here so I won't wait by the phone. But I was getting a little bored, too."
She left and waved to Meredith at the gate. Meredith waved back and continued to Brock's house. He saw her coming and waited outside.
"How's Tara doing?" Meredith asked after she gave Brock a hug.
"She's well," he answered. "She had a booth gig last week and it went well. She's going to doing a national telecast of UCLA-USC in a couple of weeks."
"That's really great!" Meredith replied.
"She spent the night," Brock told Meredith.
"Well, duh!" Meredith answered with a laugh. "I didn't figure she drove back out to share breakfast with you."
"I didn't want you to think I was hiding anything," he said. "She's interested in Zack Duffy."
"I know she is," Meredith assured him. "Even if she wasn't, I don't worry about you. I never did and I never will. You can have a houseful of naked bimbos in here and I know you won't do anything because you've promised me you won't. You're not the one who screwed up, Brock. You don't have to justify yourself."
"Well, neither do you," he said.
"Yes, I do," Meredith rebutted. "Last weekend, well, I don't want to go into it. You know what I did. Even I don't know why I did it. But it's done and I hope we can move past it. There will be no repeat. I promise you that. I've promised my Dad that and I've promised Randi that."
"So you've spoken to Randi?" Brock asked.
"I figured she would have called you this morning," Meredith said. "Well, I guess she was getting things set up in Providence. She said everything is really organized in D.C. So I can stay here a couple of days and just meet her in Jacksonville on Thursday. If you want me to, that is."
"Of course I do," Brock replied.
"So, we've got my stupidity out of the way," Meredith said. "But I got the impression that you wanted to talk about other things, too. I also promise to make sure I'm considering your needs when I'm worried about other people. It was really wrong of me. Is that all?"
Brock sighed.
"There is one other thing that has been bothering me," he said.
Meredith turned to face him on the couch they shared.
"Tell me what it is," she urged. "If I can fix it, I will."
"It's not that easy to fix," he admitted. "It's, well, I think we need to spend more time alone together."
"We were together almost every day for a month," Meredith pointed out.
"Not really," Brock said. "There was always someone else here."
Meredith figured out where Brock was headed.
"Oh," she said. "I, huh, are you saying you want to exclude Randi?"
"Not exclude her," Brock said. "But lessen her role in our lives. I know she's your friend but, well, it's you that I'd rather spend time with."
Meredith looked away.
"You're right," she said. "It's not that easy. Brock, I guess I should just say this. I love Randi."
"I know," he said. "I love her, too."
"No, Brock," Meredith said. "I mean, I love her. Just like I love you. Not as much, at least not yet, but I love her. And she loves you. I mean, she really loves you. Plus, well, I think she loves me, too."
Brock closed his eyes for a moment. This was not the answer he had expected.
"I don't think of her like that," he said.
"Not yet," Meredith added hopefully. "I know you really care for her. And I think you love her like that at least a little."
"So you guys have been, uh, getting closer on tour?" he asked.
"As in having sex?" Meredith asked. "No. Not at all. I've kind of wanted to at least play around some. But she said that we have a duty to you. You and she don't do things when I'm not around. She's not going to do things with me when you're not around. That's what I mean, Brock. She is completely in love with you. That's mostly why she was mad at me for staying in New York. That's totally why she was mad at me for Halloween night. She was completely pissed that I would flirt with someone when you weren't there. I was hoping that we might, well, I wanted to keep her with us always. I think that's what she wants, too."
"I'm not sure it's what I want," Brock admitted. "I thought this was just short-term, until she found someone she wanted to be with."
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All that I really cared about was that the sun was out and the long winter finally appeared to have lifted. The day I met Honey, women were the last thing on my mind—for a change. I’d looked forward to getting out on the bike for weeks, and I’d set the whole of Saturday aside to head off to my favorite ride. There was a work emergency overnight, so I was about an hour later leaving than I planned and after traffic delays I got to the trailhead much later than I wanted. Looking back, fate was...
Melissa Moore was the smartest girl I ever knew, at least before I got to college. She was one of those kids who crawled out of the crib reading her picture books. She was so smart, but she didn’t flaunt it, she just got her A’s and smiled. So I was surprised when she came and sat across from me at lunch when we were both juniors. She was a very pretty girl with a rapidly maturing body, fun to look at and think about, and she dressed kind of casually. “Got a question?” she said, with a grin.
Hi guys, mera name Shubham hai. Aur main ek multinational company mein software engineer hu. Main Patna mein rehta hu, aur meri is story ki rani bhi patna ki hi hai. Ye mera pehla sex experience hai, jo main aapke sath share karne jaa raha hu. Ye baat 2 saal pehle ki hai, jab main b.tech. mein padhta tha. Meri is story ki heroine hai meri mami, jinse mujhe behad pyar hai. Jab main chuttiyon mein aata tha, to wo mujhe regular invite karti thi apne ghar pe. Ek din ki baat hai. Mami ne mujhe apne...
Introduction: Exactly what it says – my sister fancied a 3-some with me and Colin Susan announced a few days later that she had wanted to have a threesome with me and Colin. She had declared it was only fair as I had been with her and Lynne and she was keen to broaden her horizons. I think she was also curious to see the pair of us together and although Sue hadnt told Colin that I had been watching the pair of them through the keyhole when she and Colin had sex, I felt sure Colin wouldnt mind...
Pool Party in VictorvilleBy Victor Lima(MMF, wife sharing, slut wife)After my assignment in Ankara, Turkey came to a conclusion, the company asked me if I’d like to take a VP position in one of the regional centers in Victorville, California. Having never been to California, we jumped at the promotion opportunity and the chance to get back into sunny weather. While England is home for Linda, she still likes the weather in the southern US a lot better. Packing up things in England was hectic,...
Introduction: This is continuation of part 1 of this fictional story. This is the continuation of the first part to this fictional story. It is purely fiction, it is a story. It involves love between a man and young girl, if you do not approve do not read. These are fictional characters, any real life similarities are strictly coincidental and unintended. Not a life life was harmed in the writing of this fictional narrative. ————————————- ————————————- It was lunchtime, so I headed to a...
Hi dosto kaise ho maje me naa,.. meri pichli kahani ko bohat jano ne pada aur ache se responce diya me sabhi pathako ka dhanya waad kart hu.. aur aap logo koam age aaise hi stories likhar intertent karungaa..aap log muje aaise hisuppor karte rehna.. to chalo aap ko bore naa karte sidhe story par ate hai.. Sabhi ledies anjali bhabhi ke gar gapshab karne baiti hai aur babitaji komal bhabhi ka secrect kolti hai ki unhone sodi ke saat maje kiye hai ,,, sabhi log achabit hote hai sunkar khas kar...
Hello thanks for the response for my first story jinhone meri pahli kahani nhai padhi unhe bata du ki mera pahla sex meri mami ke sath huaa tha wo meri badi mammi ajj jo kahani mai app ko batne ja raha hu wo uske kareeb teen char sal bad ki hai Mai engineering kar ke Bangalore me job karne laga tha iss beech meri choti mammi bhi sadi kar kke aa gayi thi but dur rahne ke karad hamra jyada interaction nahi tha lekin wo fair colour gao ki mast chori thi uske curve ek dum Greece ki godess ki tarah...
Halloween Sisters By Carol Collins It all started innocently enough. I, Jim Stone, was very busy on a project for work and barely remembered giving my beautiful but mischievous wife permission to select my Halloween costume when she selected hers. It was a decision absence mindedly made that would affect the rest of my life. I finished my ten-hour a day seven days a week project two days before Halloween. I planned on...
My name is Sandy, I'm a 26 year old wife and this is the story of my first interracial experience. My husband was out of town for business; he was going to be gone for three weeks. After about a week and a half I couldn't control the desire to have my physical needs met. I decided I would hit the bar the next night and find a suitable guy. It was a little after eight when I began to get ready. I fixed my hair and makeup, put on my favorite black silk halter top that highlighted my natural 44B...
Neil grinned to himself as he waved from the beach at the retreating sailboat. It putted out of the cove on its little engine, headed for the open sea. Neil rubbed the bulge in his shorts thinking about how he had made that little prick with the feathered hair suck his cock. "Man that was too cool, watching that little rich fuck choke on my cum." Neil thought, and waved again. It wasn't about being gay; it was about making some young, rich prick with a hot wife do something he would...
Once I had recovered again, I began to feel guilty. Not only had I – unintentionally, but still – watched my friends being intimate, which was entirely inappropriate, but afterwards instead of consoling her when I knew she'd be upset, I couldn't even control myself for five minutes without having sex myself. Despite my total lassitude and complete lack of a spinal column, I sighed and sat up. "Love?" Alistair sounded half asleep, and I smiled at his drowsy frown. "I'm fine. Have a nap...
Lauren wasn't expecting the blast of cold water to come shooting out of the outdoor faucet when she twisted the handle. She jumped back, handle in her hand as the water gushed out of the broken faucet in the flower bed.Lauren wiped the water dripping from her face as she backpedaled to escape the unexpected fountain. Sputtering and shaking her head, she stood in the front yard trying to figure out what to do when suddenly she heard a voice from next door."Lauren, don't worry, I'll be right...
Chapter – 1 The Beginning Day one of their journey through school they met, Kim Driver one of prettiest girls, the most athletic and the toughest kid in kindergarten, Ron Clark squirt kid afraid of nothing, tried anything but always got hurt and Lori Ferst little princess, teachers pet and didn’t like to get dirty. They hit it off and became friends. Ron loved doing everything that Kim was interested in and Lori was curious about why they did the things they did. The three carried on that way...
I ease myself down, slowly taking your young, virile, and, I must admit, impressively large cock into my impatient wetness. "Oh God, you're so tight!" you moan as you feel the length of my cunt caress your member, all the way to your scrotum. It feels so good with you firmly embedded deep within me. Rolling my hips, I let you part way out and pull you all the way back in. With my arms extended, palms against your pecs, fingernails barely scraping your hairless chest, I...
Fantasy & Sci-FiJanet's Experiment - By chuck--------------Story Codes:F/m F/m+ D/s BDSM bondage consensual humiliation romanticSynopsis:This story was inspired by a comment in the forum section describing a favorite fantasy in one sentence: "Mmmmm...a room full of male subs each begging me for their turn to cum and the one who gets to is the one who pleases me most, while the others watch in jealous agony..."--------------It was Friday afternoon. I was bored and had no prospects for the weekend. I found...
I spent the next couple of days with Dor being embarrassed beyond belief and having the absolute best time of my life. I had to check on my apartment, pick up the mail and get a few things and I told Dor she was going to have to come with me. She said, “I’ll come baby but why do I have to” and I said, “In case I run into my neighbor”. Dor said, “That’s really a true story, I thought you told it to me to justify cheating on your ex”. I told her it was really true. We got to my apartment building...
Lesbian?? ????? Jack nervously sat looking over his cards and watching the expression on the huge black man sitting across from him at the table. ?? ?Come on, Jack. Show me what you got!? ? Jack?s fingers were shaking as he placed the cards on the table. Jack had a pair of queen?s. ? Leon began to laugh hysterically as he slammed his hand along with his cards on the table for Jack to see. ? ?Let me see what you gonna do now, my man?? ? ?Leon. You know I don?t have any money. Please,...
"Hey, boss," Lance interrupted as she watched her group mingling and celebrating. "Just wanted to say thanks, for all this." 'Boss' was how they all addressed her, even Lance, although she knew they referred to her as Gina behind her back. She didn’t like 'Ms. Thornton' because it irritated her, a constant reminder her of her failed marriage and the fact that she'd been alone these fifteen years since. She kept herself fit and she dressed well, but she'd never started socializing...
Group SexMichelle was exhausted. Everything was finally in place in her new apartment, after a long week of painting walls, cleaning, and disassembling and reassembling furniture. One thought had kept her going, however: she knew that as soon as those helping her had left, she'd get to try out something new.A suction-cup dildo had long been in her collection of sex toys because she'd always been intrigued by its possibilities, especially those involving exposure; now she finally had the chance to try...
MasturbationA Little Indian….I was working for a large firm in the late 1990s and I was working on a project in Belgium where we had folks from India working with us. One business analyst that we had on our team was fresh out of college and was seeking to move away from India. She was a small petite girl, weighing not much more that 80-90lbs, small barely b-cup titties, a very girlish round face. We were working together and I asked her out for dinner. I was struck by her beauty, those brown eyes and...
WHILE RIDING IN THE MERCHANT’S WAGON, Steven thought of a story he should tell in the evening. But his thoughts were constantly interrupted by another town coming into view or by the merchant’s desire for talkative company. “We had another brother once,” said the merchant. “In fact, it was not until we lost him that my brother and I realized how important we all were to each other. He was a bit simple, mind you, but a good lad and I fear he took the brunt of both my brother’s and my...
Hello Friends I am Nirakar, I’m a regular reader of ISS and I am a big fan of this website. Reading stories here influenced me to write my own story. This is not only a story but this whole incident actually happened with me. Short information about me, I am from a small town and completed my engineering. I have average height of 5’6″, fair complexion, age 25.I was interested in sex from very early age and started masturbating since the age of 12 .I don’t know how other guy here get fuck mate...
Hi, everyone. This is a real sex story. Ritu came to her bisexual friends Ankur and Sid’s hostel room. Catching Ankur giving Sid a blowjob Ankur jumps back in horror. Both the boys are naked and completely hard already. Ritu enters and closes the door behind her and walks in between them. Ankur still on his knees. And Sid still froze in horror. She knew they were bisexual, she knew they were a couple. Still, they were caught having sex. Ritu turns to Sid and kisses the corner of his lips and...
It was getting into late afternoon and we had settled down. We were lying on the dead leaves and pine straw when she spoke. "Joe, I am so sorry. I never imagined what you were really going through. I Love you, Joe! So much!" I lifted her chin and looked her in the eyes. "I love you too, Lisa. I always have. Thank you for listening to me, today" "That is what woman is supposed to do, take care of her man," she smiled and continued, "Speaking of which, why don't we go home and I will...
We were on vacation, it was about 130am I was awake do to the other guests not so quietly walking down the hall. I had just rolled over when I heard a knock at the door. Assholes I thought . I tried ignoring it but it happened again. My wife got up and was pretty pissed, She was ready to chew some ass. As she opened the door. I heard Dominos, here is your pizza. I got out of bed and stood behind my wife as she told the guy we didn't order any damn pizza. The guy had a hard time concentrating as...
Group Sex