Testarossa Di Toscana free porn video

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“Quickly, Gil, we’re about to land,” the sexy, young brunette sitting next to me on the plane purred in to my ear as she picked up the pace of stroking my cock.


We had met in the Toronto International Airport, while waiting to board our plane. I was seated at a table, replying to emails on my phone, when a young, sexy brunette tripped and fell on me. She gave out a short yelp and wrapped her arms around my shoulders to keep from falling on the floor. She immediately laughed once she realized what had happened.

“I am so sorry and so embarrassed. Did I spill water on you?” She had asked as her hands slid over my shoulders while she stood up.

She studied my face and thought my goatee made me look sexy and menacing at the same time. She got aroused at the thought of how rough and hard I could fuck her.

I chuckled and replied, “No damage done. Are you okay?”

“I’m fine. Embarrassed, but unscathed. I truly am sorry,” She repeated.

“No worries,” I smiled at her.

She extended her hand and introduced herself, “I’m Vivian.”

I squeezed her hand gently and replied, “Pleasure to meet you, Vivian. I’m Gil.”

Vivian smiled back and asked, “Where are you headed? Business or pleasure?”

“I’m flying to Rome and then to Florence. On Business. And you?” I asked.

“Oh!” Vivian exclaimed, “We’re on the same flight. I’m going to Rome also. All pleasure though. It’s a graduation present from my parents. I’m booked on an eight day tour. Never been to Italy. I am so excited!” Her face lit up like a fireworks display as she spoke.

“It’s beautiful. I am sure you’ll have a great time, Vivian,” I replied.

I admired her young, early twenties, body. She was dressed in blue jean shorts and an oversized, white t-shirt tucked neatly in to her shorts. She had slim waist and hips. The flare of her hips was barely noticeable. Her breasts were smallish. I couldn’t quite make out their size and shape through the baggy t-shirt. And cute, she was incredibly cute. Big, brown eyes, slightly pinched up nose, and a sexy smile.

“Gil. Is That French?” Vivian asked me with a smirk on her face.

I chuckled and replied, “I’m Italian. It’s short for Gilberto.”

“Mmmm, I do like the sound of Gilberto, spoken in an Italian accent. Very sexy,” Vivian giggled. “Say something else in Italian for me, Gil,” she coyly smiled as she asked the question.

I glared at her and softly growled, “ Voglio veder’ti spogliare, e inginocchiarsi davanti a me.”

Vivian moaned, “Ohhhhh, that sounded delicious. I can’t wait to be in Italy! What does that mean?”

I grinned as I answered her question, “I want to watch you undress and kneel before me.”

Her cheeks flushed and her eyes widened. An electric current flashed through pussy, causing her clit to tingle long after the current had disappeared.

“Eh-hem, okay. I asked for that, I guess,” she nervously repied as she fidgeted with her long brown hair.

I smiled and asked her, “You aren’t embarrassed by what I said, are you, Vivian?”

She looked away from me and mumbled, “Emabarrassment is not what I am feeling right now, Gil. Of that, I am certain.”

A voice over the loudspeakers announced our flight was boarding.

“That’s us,” Vivian said and grabbed her carry-on bag, “Pleasure meeting you, Gil. I hope your business trip goes well.”

“Enjoy Italia, Viviana,” I grinned.

She bit her lower lip and winked at me.

I waited for the line to thin out before I made my way to the plane. Once onboard, I made my way to my seat.

“We meet again,” I chuckled.

Vivian turned to look up at me and smiled, “You got the window seat.”

“Yes, would you like to trade seats?” I asked her.

“No. I am good where I am,” she coyly replied.

We were travelling business class. The row we were in had two seats, as opposed to the rows of three seats in economy class. A serving station was in the aisle next to us. It blocked the view of the passengers across from us. They couldn’t see us, and we couldn’t see them.


Vivian fell asleep, two and a half hours in to the flight. She was curled up in her seat and her head rested on my shoulder. I let her stay in that position as she slept. No need to disturb her much needed slumber. She had told me that her friends had taken her out the night before, and that they all had gotten shit faced. As she slept, she dreamt of what I had said to her. The thought of undressing in front of me and made to kneel before me, made her very horny.

She stirred in her seat and lazily stretched as she woke from her six hour slumber. She smiled to herself when she realized she had fallen asleep on my shoulder.

“Thank you,” she said to me.

I nodded and smiled at her. Her clit still tingled. It felt like little needles were gently probing the sensitive nub. She bit her lower lip and squeezed her thighs together at having dreamed of me and having me next to her when she awoke.

“Fuck, he makes me horny,” She thought to herself.

Vivian reached for her duffle bag that she had placed under her seat and excused herself. She went to the bathroom to pee and change in to a sun dress. She removed her bra and panties while a wicked plan formed in her mind.

“Easy access for you, Gil. If you want it,” Vivian mischievously thought to herself as she slipped in to the dress. “I bet you got a big, thick, Italian cock. Mmmmmmm, I want to suck it dry before we land.”

“Much better,” she smiled at me when she returned.

I immediately noticed the absence of her bra. A blind person could have seen her hard, erect nipples poking through the thin, silky material of the purple sun dress. Vivian was pleased that I openly admired her perky breasts and protruding nipples. She slowly bent her knees and leaned forward, giving me a prime view of her small perky breasts, while she took her time sliding the duffle bag back under her seat.

My cock twitched and quickly became engorged.

Vivian took her seat and turned to me, “I’m a bit cold, would you like to share a blanket with me?” she coyly asked me.

I stared at her and replied in a low growl, “Only if you hike your skirt up over your hips first.”

Vivian didn’t need any convincing, she grabbed a blanket, placed it over both our laps and proceeded to lift her dress over her hips, “Is that an order, Gil?” she asked with mischief in her voice.

“Yes,” I grunted back my reply.

“Yes, Sir. Do you want me to spread my legs wide for you?” Vivian leaned close to me and whispered in my ear.

I bit her jawline and softly growled, “Just wide enough for me to have full access to your lovely, young cunt.”

“Unnnnnfffuck, Sir,” she gasped and spread her legs wide.

I nuzzled at the side of her neck and gruffly whispered, “Tell me how naughty you’ve been with your cunt.”

“Ohhhhhhhuuuuuuu, very naughty, Gil. Please punish my dirty, little cunt,” she softly moaned her reply.

I slid my hand roughly in between her legs and grabbed a fistful of her dripping cunt.

“Mmmmm, you’re dripping, Vivian,” I whispered and slid my tongue in to her ear.

“You made me drip, Gil. Telling me you wanted me naked and on my knees at your feet. My pussy almost exploded when you said the words,” she softly panted.

“Slut,” I softly growled at her and began to massage her cunt.

“Uhhnnnn, harder, please,” she begged.

I squeezed her soft, wet flesh hard and dug my fingers in to her puffy outer cunt lips.

“Uhnnnn, fuck, yes, just like that,” she whimpered.

I released her cunt from my grip and slid two fingers inside her. She was on fire. I pushed my fingers hard inside her, knuckles deep.

“Fuck my fingers, you filthy little girl. Slowly,” I panted in to her ear.

“Ye-e-es, as slow as you want me to,” Vivian moaned.

I waited till she got in to her rhythm, till her hips rocked smoothly back and forth. I pushed deeper in to her and pressed my thumb on clit.

“Mmmmmmuuuuunnnnnn, fuck, Gil,” Vivian panted her approval as shivers shot through her.

“Is my dirty little girl going to cum,” I whispered in between sharp bites to her neck.

“S-s-s-so cl-close,” she moaned softly.

I slid another thick finger inside her and pressed harder on her clit, “Filthy whore, cum now,” I ordered.

Her cunt tightened and almost squeezed my fingers out of her slick hole. I pushed against the resistance and kept my three fingers buried deep inside her. Vivian’s body tensed and stiffened, as a quiver started to build deep in her belly and rumbled through every inch of her young body.

“Fuuuuuck! That felt soooooo good! Thank you, Gil,” She purred in to my ear when her orgasm subsided.

I slid my fingers out of her satisfied pussy and slipped them in to her mouth. Vivian eagerly sucked and lapped her own cum off my fingers.

“Jerk me off,” I ordered.

“Yessssss, Sir,” She purred and slid both her hands under the blanket.

“You will finish me off with your mouth and swallow every drop of my cum,” I snarled in to her ear as she undid my zipper and pulled out my throbbing cock.

“Fuck yes, Sir!” She panted softly; anticipating milking my thick cock of its sticky, hot liquid from deep in balls and swallowing every delicious drop.

Vivian played with my balls as she stroked my long, thick shaft. Her eyes widened when she realized how big and thick I was.

“Fuck, you’d split me in two with this, Gil,” She thought and smiled to herself.

Vivian stroked and ran her finger tips over the slit of my cock. She collected the precum on her fingertips and brought her fingers to her mouth as she moved her other hand from my balls to my shaft. She made sure I was looking at her before she sucked the clear, sticky liquid in to her mouth and savored its musky flavor before swallowing it. She slid her hand back under the blanket and began to jerk me off with both her hands. I groaned softly at the sensation of her delicate, soft hands pumping my cock from tip to balls.

“Mmmmm, you have a beautiful cock, Sir. I am sure you would hurt me if you ever fucked my tight, naughty cunt with it,” She purred in to my ear. “Do you want to hurt my naughty, tight, little cunt, Gil? Vivian pouted.

“I’ll make it bleed for me, if I ever get you alone,” I half growled as I closed my eyes and threw my head back.

“Yes, please. Make it bleed,” Vivian panted and imagined her tight, little cunt stretched and filled as I drove deep inside her.

“Fuck, stroke me faster,” I ordered.

Vivian obeyed and leaned in closer to me as she flipped her hair off her face with a snap of her head. Preparing to dive under the blanket and claim her reward. I tensed my legs as cum travelled and built up at the base of my shaft. Vivian slid her head along my chest and under the blanket. She took my cock in to her mouth and sucked on the head. I exploded and filled her mouth with cum.

“Mmmmm, thank you, Sir,” she whispered as she wiped a droplet of cum from the corner of her mouth and quickly sucked it in to her mouth.


The plane’s wheels squelched as they made contact with the Leonardo Da Vinci Airport’s runway.

I leaned in and kissed Vivian on the lips, while the limo driver held the car door open for me. I felt Vivian’s hand slip something in to my jacket pocket.

She broke the kiss, got up on her toes and whispered in my ear, “Text me and I’ll send you naughty pictures of me,” she giggled to herself and skipped away.

When I was in the limo, I reached in to my pocket and pulled out Vivian’s panties. She had written her cell number on them with lipstick. I smiled to myself. I sent her a text saying that when we got back to Toronto, I would keep my word to her and fuck her till she bled for me.


The flight to Florence wasn’t as eventful as my cross Atlantic journey. I was glad to be in a limo and on my way to see Alberto Di Zafferi, a billionaire real estate mogul. He was sixty years old, a short, stout man with a bad hair transplant. But no one would dare say it to his face. I knew of him, rumors floated around that he made the bulk of his fortune buying and selling oil illegally. But, this was Italy. As beautiful as she is, she does hide many ugly things.

Alberto called me while I was being driven to his house. More like a castle than a house, from the pictures I had seen of it.

“Gil, let me apologize for not picking you up personally from the airport. I am in the middle of a crisis and won’t be home until tomorrow night,” Alberto apologized to me in a thick Italian accent.

“Think nothing of it, Alberto. I will stay at a hotel tonight. We can schedule the inspection for tomorrow or the day after. It’s been a while since I have been Italy. I think I’m getting sentimental,” I chuckled.

Alberto laughed and replied, “Non ti credo per un atimo!” He said that he didn’t believe me for a second, in Italian. “You are a master criminal with a heart of stone. I’ll go bankrupt after I pay you to restore my Adrianna’s castle.”

Adrianna is Alberto’s trophy wife. He is thirty years older than her. The pictures I have seen of her in high profile magazines were stunning. She is, without a doubt, one of the most beautiful women to ever grace this planet. La Testarossa di Toscana, that is what she is called in the media. The Redhead of Tuscany. Her reputation is that of a domineering, fiery redhead. She is outspoken, privileged, intimidating and has an ego to match her beauty.

I laughed at Alberto’s comment and replied, “I told you from the start, Alberto. If you are looking for the cheapest price, I am not your man.”

“Adrianna has sworn to cut your balls off and eat them with figs, if she isn’t happy with your work,” Alberto laughed hysterically as he remembered the look on his wife’s face as she had spoken those words to him.

He had purchased the castle as a present for Adrianna’s thirtieth birthday. She fell in love with it and wanted it restored so that they could live in it.

“She will be more than happy with my work, Alberto. No need to worry about my balls,” I chuckled.

Alberto laughed and replied, “I know we both will be. You come highly recommended. And, you will stay at my house tonight. I refuse to have you stay at a hotel. Adrianna and our staff are waiting for you. Please make yourself at home and do not hesitate to ask for anything. I must get back to the negotiations. A domani, Gil.”

“Ciao Alberto,” I replied and ended the call.

I looked out the window and took in all the beauty of the pristine country side whizzing by. A beautiful ache filled my heart. The smell of chamomile filled the inside of the limo, as we drove by a field of it growing in the wild. I had been away far too long from my beautiful, Italia. I missed its sights, sounds, flavors and smell. The open displays of affection. The passionate and animated lover’s quarrels, in busy Cafés. The smiles and greetings that always included hugs and kisses on the cheek. How a family sitting down for a meal was more of an honored, chaotic ritual, than just eating at the same table. And the wine, that intoxicating liquid elixir that inspired the very first of philosophers. ‘In Vino Veritas’.


The limo drove past the guarded gate and let me out in the circular driveway. The front doors of the mansion opened and three servants greeted me and took my bags. The butler greeted me and motioned me to follow him inside the spacious, marbled foyer. The house looked more like a museum than a place of residence. I was led to one of the guest rooms and informed that dinner would be in one hour.

The clicking of a woman’s high heels echoed through the hallway towards me. The sound reverberated off the marble floors and each click was momentarily amplified before it disappeared, and just as quickly was followed by another. I could picture Adrianna strutting gracefully towards my room to greet me and welcome me to her home.

She appeared in the doorway and said my name. I turned around as I loosened my tie.

“Welcome to my home, Gil,” her voice sent a slight shiver through me. Her thick, northern Italian accent made every word that left her full lips, sound like a seductive melody.

I was captivated by her stunning pulchritude. Every picture of her I had seen, as beautiful as they were, did not do her justice. I was tempted to think of her as a goddess and a mortal woman.

“Adrianna, ciao, and thank you,” I replied.

She was dressed in a white, sheer silk gown that had a high slit on the side. The delicate fabric hugged every luscious curve of her body. Her triple D tits were perfect. Her thick, fire red hair, flowed over her shoulders and on to her cleavage. It looked like a shimmering, crimson river, lazily caressing the flesh of a goddess.

She gracefully turned around and walked away without uttering another word. I felt my cock begin its ritual of filling with blood and swelling, growing and stirring beneath my pants. Her hips seductively swayed with each confident step she took. Her round, firm ass cheeks jiggled ever so slightly, each time her heels made contact with the marble floor.

“You’re one lucky bastard, Alberto,” I thought to myself.

I didn’t feel insulted or belittled by Adrianna’s actions. She is the type of woman that is lusted after by everyone. After all, I was hired as a consultant for the restoration of her castle. To her, I was hired help.

I undressed and headed to the shower. Before I could step in to the ridiculously large stall, with ten shower heads. Each strategically set in the walls, ceiling and floor. I heard the sound of heels on marble again. Adrianna’s voice was animated and loud. She was complaining to Alberto, in Italian, about having to entertain a barbaric American. The tone of her voice reflected just how spoiled she was. Alberto did not get a chance to reply to anything she was saying. She spoke for minutes on end, before she huffed and ordered him to be home that instant. I chuckled and stepped in to the shower.

“Sometimes, the fucking you’re getting, isn’t worth the fucking you gotta take,” I laughed and thought to myself.

Before I had the chance to close the shower door, Adrianna appeared in the doorway, holding a bowl of freshly picked figs in one hand and called out my name. When she realized I was naked, a flash of surprise appeared for a split second across her face and disappeared just as quickly. The stories I had heard of hear were true. She truly was strong willed, independent, and capable of standing her ground against anyone. I felt sorry for the many politicians that had openly criticized her recently. What I wouldn’t give to be a fly on the wall, when she tore in to any fool that made a disparaging remark about her in the media.

Adrianna set the bowl of figs on a table and sat on the bed, crossed her legs and leaned back with her hands on the mattress. The split in her gown opened and exposed her shapely thighs just to below her hips.

She looked at me and calmly asked, “You feel no shame about being naked in front of another man’s wife?”

“The other man’s wife is free to leave my naked presence, if she chooses to. I did not invite her in to the bedroom, nor will I ask her to leave. That would be rude of me, Adrianna,” I replied just as calmly as she had asked her question.

She huffed and let her eyes linger on my cock for a moment, then said, “Maiale,” under her breath, calling me a pig.

She had been more horny than usual lately. The sight of my toned, naked body made her pussy moist. As much as she wanted to deny it to herself, she thought that my cock was magnificent and would love to see it fully erect.

“I am Canadian, Adrianna, not American. I was born in Italy. My parents immigrated to Canada, when I was very young. I can assure you that I am not a pig, I am every inch a man,” I replied with a hint of sternness in my voice.

She turned her head away from me and huffed again, “My husband Alberto is ten times the man you are. Do not flatter yourself, Gil. A real man gets hard when he sees a beautiful woman,” She replied in a mocking tone.

I liked her. I was impressed with her confidence and nerves of steel.

I smiled and replied, “True, Adrianna. Perhaps I don’t find you beautiful.”

My words struck a nerve in her. Fire burned in her eyes.

“I do not care about what a pig finds beautiful. A real man would kneel at my feet the instant he saw me,” She scoffed at me.

I chuckled and replied, “I have read about women so beautiful that men would gladly kneel at their feet. I don’t believe that you are one of those women, Adrianna. No offence, but, you have too many flaws to be considered beautiful, even by a pigs standard.”

Adrianna jumped to her feet and thought twice about approaching me. She quickly regained her composure and smiled at me.

“I like playing this game, Gil. I am impressed and turned on by your boldness. You are a fool if you think you can win,” She thought to herself. “I will make you beg for me to allow you to cum and then deny you the pleasure.”

“Please, Gil, tell me why a pig,” She smiled and lowered her head as she spoke, “like you, would not think I am beautiful? You have my full attention now.”

“I don’t think a woman like you would take kindly to criticism, Adrianna. Please don’t take this the wrong way. I would fuck you, if you got me drunk enough. But, in my eyes, you are a very plain looking woman. Nothing special at all,” I replied with a slight chuckle in my voice.

The fire in her eyes raged, her jaw clenched for an instant and she calmly replied, “I have put powerful men in their place. I am not afraid of speaking my mind and certainly am not intimidated by the opinion of an American pig.”

“Tsk, tsk, Adrianna. I will remind you again, I am Canadian. Very well, you have convinced me. Even though you are not beautiful, you do seem to be of average intelligence,” I replied and walked over to her.

Her eyes followed my swaying cock and balls as I got closer to her.

I grabbed her chin and turned her head from one side to the other. I faked a look of deep concentration for a moment and said, “Yes, I am certain now. Your nose, Adrianna, is much to long for your face. I wouldn’t describe it as hideous, but, you really should think about cosmetic surgery. In a few years, people might confuse you for Cyrano de Bergerac.”

Adrianna slapped me across the face. She stood defiant in place and wagged her finger at me, “Even a pig should expect to get slapped if he insults a passionate woman,” She said with a wicked smirk on her face.

I quickly replied, “I think you are confusing passionate, with frustrated.”

She slapped my face again and remained still, staring me down. Letting me know that she would not move or back down from me.

“Why did you slap me again, Adrianna?” I asked her.

“Because I wanted to, pig,” She calmly replied, “I told you that you are not a man. A real man would never insult a woman. A real man would be begging for me to allow him to kneel at my feet by now.”

I half growled my reply, “I think you are confusing a real man, with a pussy. There is only one reason for me to be kneeling in front of you. Hell will freeze over before I beg anyone for anything.”

My cock began to stiffen and grow, not because Adrianna slapped me, but because this fiery redhead had a passion burning deep inside her, the likes of I had never seen before. Adrianna’s eyes widened when she saw the fire in my eyes as I spoke. Her cunt tingled from the inside out. She felt her juice build up inside her and slowly trickle out of her aching hole. She wanted to be taken roughly, she ached to be manhandled and fucked senseless. It had been years since she had been properly fucked. Most of her orgasms were from her toys. She longed to look at her body in the mirror, the morning after a good hard fucking, and see marks on her skin.

She slapped my face again and lowered her eyes to my stiffening cock and then back to hold my gaze, “I knew it, another pig that likes to be dominated by women. Is that because your cock can’t get hard anymore, Gil? Is your bark worse than your bite?”

Her words said one thing, yet, the look in her eyes said something else, begged for something else.

“My cock works perfectly fine. There is nothing submissive about me, Adrianna, in the bedroom or out of it. If you want to taste my bite, just ask,” I replied.

My phone rang and vibrated. I had thrown it on the bed before I had undressed. Adrianna picked it up and swiped the screen. Vivian had texted me a picture of her wearing a bikini she shad just purchased at a boutique.

“Is this your daughter, Gil?” She asked me, holding the phone in front of my face.

“No. It’s the charming young lady that was sitting next to me on the plane. My daughter is a bit older.” I replied.

I took the phone from her and threw it back on to the bed. Adrianna turned her body to watch my phone fly through the air and land on the mattress. She deliberately brushed the back of her hand across my cock. And did it again when she turned back to face me. The second time she let her hand linger longer on my cock, and smiled to herself when she felt it twitch under her touch.

We were both horny for each other. The sexual tension between us was intense and ready to boil over. Each was aware of the lust for the other, but, we both were too stubborn to be the first to give in.

Adrianna looked down at my cock and said, “Enough of your little slut. Continue to tell me what is not beautiful about me. I am strangely amused by your piggish observations.”

“Are you not ashamed to openly stare at another man’s cock, while your husband is at work?” I sternly asked her.

She laughed and looked me in the eye as she replied, “You are a pig, and you have a pig’s cock. I am amused and disgusted by looking at the filthy thing.”

“Is that why your cunt is dripping? I can smell your arousal,” I said to her as I stepped closer and pushed my cock against her belly.

She didn’t flinch. She stood her ground, smiled and answered, “If my cunt is dripping, it’s not because of you, pig.”

I gripped her slender neck with both my hands and grinned when her body betrayed her. A small gasp escaped from her throat and I felt a quiver shoot threw her goddess like body. I released her throat and brushed her long, red, scented hair off her tits and shoulders.

“Tilt your head back,” I growled.

“Make me,” she spat back at me.

My cock was fully erect and throbbing against her belly to the rhythm of my pounding heart. Adrianna held her breath and focused on the throbbing of my cock that shot through her belly and gently shook her insides and stimulated her swollen clit. I grabbed a fist full of her hair and yanked her head back. A low gurgling grunt escaped from her throat.

“Don’t fucking move,” I growled at her.

I tore open her gown and exposed the fine lace bra that held her big, full, soft tits in place.

“Pig!” She snarled at me.

I took hold of the top of the cups of her bra and tore it in half. Her tits jiggled and jumped against her chest from the force. A growl gurgled in my throat at the site of her tits. I grabbed each of her breasts and pulled her closer to me. Adrianna stared at me wide eyed, defiant and head strong as ever.

“Your tits, they’re grotesque. Much too big for the rest of your body. I don’t see how any man could find you attractive,” I said to her as I pinched both her nipples.

“Ahhhh! You are a barbarian. What do you know about beauty?” She scowled at me.

“Turn around,” I ordered.

“Make me, if you are the man you claim to be,” She snapped back.

I grabbed her shoulders and spun her around. I wrapped my arms around her chest and squeezed her against me. I bit her shoulder and pushed my cock in to the small of her back. Adrianna was breathing hard and heavy. Her cunt was ready to explode. I tore her dress and panties off her in one quick motion.

“Your ass is much too big, Adrianna,” I growled as I slapped her perfect ass cheek hard. “I am surprised that you are not made to wear a license plate across it, when you walk in public.”

“It’s not yours to fuck, pig. What you think, is nothing to me. You will never fuck an ass like mine,” She replied, letting me know that she likes to be fucked in her ass.

“I am getting annoyed at you calling me a pig. I will make you stop calling me that, if you say it one more time, you filthy whore,” I sternly warned her.

We both knew that she was calling me a pig to get a rise out of me. She wanted to be used, but was too proud to ask me to fuck the shit out of her. This was all part of foreplay for her. She was getting wetter and hornier by the second. So was I.

“Your legs are okay, I’ll give you that. They could be sexy if you toned them up a bit,” I continued to torment her, “But, your ankles are a lost cause. They are much too thick.”

“Animal! When I spread my legs, gods tumble to the ground from the skies.” She snapped back.

“Spread your legs, whore. Show me how used your cunt is. I bet you’ve had a thousand cocks in you. You are used goods, worn out, worthless meat, to be used and forgotten once a man shoots his load in you. I wouldn’t fuck you with another man’s cock,” I snarled.

Adrianna snapped at what I had said to her. She turned around and dug her nails in to my chest. The fire in her eyes and cunt was raging out of control. I would make her suffer a little longer. I was going to do things to her that she would be too ashamed to repeat to her closest confidant.

“My cunt is also not yours. I would never let a barbarian like you near it. Who I allow to fuck me, is none of your business,” She hissed at me.

I reached down between her legs and squeezed her dripping cunt. She quivered and moaned out loud.

“You are soaked between your legs. Are you sure you don’t want to give your cunt to me?” I replied.

“Never in a million years! You disgust me!” She snarled back.

I rubbed her cunt slowly and she rocked her hips against my hand. She was hot. She was beautiful. She was full of passion. She was every man’s dream fuck. I wanted her, all of her.

“And what if I decide to take you, all of you?” I growled.

The sexual tension had hit critical mass. Neither one of us could play this game much longer. Something had to give.

She mocked me and forced a laugh, “A pig like you doesn’t have the balls to take me.”

I pulled her hair and yanked her head back, “I told you stop calling me a pig.”

I reached to the table where she had set the bowl on and grabbed a fig. I crushed the fig in my hand and slapped one of her perfect tits. I rubbed the fig over her tit and sucked on her, soft, full tit. I licked and bit her nipple. Adrianna moaned and gasped at the feel of mouth. She bit her lower lip and pulled my face in to her bosom.

“Get on your fucking knees, whore,” I growled.

Adrianna hungrily obeyed. She wrapped her arms around my waist and smothered my cock with her face. She licked and kissed it from tip to balls.

“Your cock is beautiful,” she panted.

I crushed another fig in my hand and rubbed it over my balls, “Eat,” I growled.

Adrianna lunged at my balls with her mouth and eagerly licked and sucked the smeared fig off my balls. When she had licked my balls clean, she grabbed my cock at its based and tried to suck the tip in to her mouth.

I slapped her across the face and growled, “No.”

She looked up at me and nodded.

I dragged her by the hair and threw her on the bed. She turned on to her back and spread her legs wide.

“Destroy my cunt with your big, beautiful cock. Make me feel like a woman. Please, Gil,” She begged in a raspy voice.

I eased myself on top of her and placed the tip of my cock at the opening of her cunt.

“Make me,” I growled.

“Aeeeeiiiii! Gil, you are killing me. Please, please, please fuck me. Make me cum, I need to cum. Give me la piccola morte,” She begged, I could feel the painful urgency in her voice.

“Beg me,” I snarled.

Adrianna shot her hips off the mattress in hopes of jamming my cock inside her.

I slapped her across the face again, “Beg me,” I repeated.

“Yes, slap me again. Make me beg for your cock,” She pleaded.

I did. She moaned and wiggled her ass against the mattress.

“I’m begging you, please, Signore. Fuck me. Claim me.”

I had made her wait long enough. I dropped my body on top of hers, and plunged my cock deep inside her with a savage thrust of my hips. Adrianna lifted her shoulders off the mattress and wrapped her legs and arms around me. Her mouth was frozen open. I began to savagely pound her cunt with my cock.

“Whore!” I grunted in to her ear with each upward thrust that reached deep in to her belly.

Her cunt was a gift from the gods. Never had I felt such heat and slickness, clamping around and caressing my cock meat.

Three thrusts were all it took for Adrianna to cum. She screamed and shook so hard that I had to keep her hips pinned to the mattress, to keep her cunt from pushing my cock out of her.

“My goddess whore!” I growled in to her ear one last time and shot my load in to her.

“Yessssss, yessssss, mio amore! Fill me. Fill your goddess whore with cum. I will keep it safe deep inside me, always,” Adrianna purred to me.


Adrianna was purring and tracing my goatee with her finger tip, as she lazily lay across my body. She lifted her head and placed a gentle kiss on the corner of my mouth and asked, “You admit I am a goddess, Gil?”

“Yes,” I replied to her.

“Thank you, mio amore. I have never been called a goddess whore. No one would dare talk to me like that. You are lucky that you are still in possession of your balls,” She snickered.

“The way you sucked on them, I am lucky to still have them,” I snickered back.

“I want to be a goddess whore only for you, for as long as you are in, Italia. I am offering myself to you, Gilberto. No one has ever treated me the way you have, or fucked me the way a goddess deserves to be fucked, until you did. Promise me you will take me as your goddess whore,” She said, her tone was humble and sincere.

“You are mine, for as long as I am here. I agree to own you. Now, fetch me wine and figs, my beautiful, goddess whore.”


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Just like that, it was time to go to Montauk. We would be staying at Beth and Hans’s house for three weeks, as usual. I was both anxious and excited about what the trip would bring. I was taking my guitar, of course, but I was also going to learn to use one of my dad’s old cameras. Melissa had helped me put together a small kit consisting of a Nikon camera body and three lenses. My dad had acquired this SLR system to be his main photographic tool. My mom said it would be a suitable setup to...

1 year ago
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"E qui!" Cheers erupt in the small group of ragged men dragging their feet on the pavement. The bar doesn't look like much. A neon sign, a stainless steel door, tinted windows with black iron bars. A place for desperate souls lost in Rome.The inside is exactly how you imagined it. Neon flooding the room, dirty tables, a bored bartender. A stunning blonde in a bikini is grinding herself against a pole on a small scene. Her massive chest looks as fake as the marble on the counter.You check your...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 69 A Heros welcome

"Dear mother and father," Ayeka wrote. Now siting in her side of the divided room she shared with Sasami. "I hope this writing finds you in the best of heath. I must confess I have been remiss in my correspondence with you, but with father's quite verbal abatements as to my 'living in shameful denial of my family duties' Nothing I could offer would have done more than simply aggravate the situation. To that end, I hope this pronouncement will gladden father's heart, as I wish to...

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Being seduced by Sam

I was in my early twenties fresh out of my hitch in the Military but still craved a good work out. This is where my story begins. I had signed up for a trial membership and really liked what the gym had to offer me in the way of a work out. The problem was i didn't have a work out partner as i needed one to help me with my form and to spot me on the bench and while i was doing squats. I was matched with Sam because of the time when we preferred to work out usually late night or early morning...

1 year ago
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Monica my ex and fun with her pt 4 Room service maid fucking

We had never played like this before, so even though she knew very well what I looked like, I felt uncomfortable for a while that my hard cock was expanding from above and I was standing straddling her head. But soon the strange feeling passed when I felt her hands on my buttocks and she started to press lightly so that I could drive my long cock into her mouth. I started to like it. I was even more surprised when, while licking her pussy and pushing my cock from above into her mouth, I felt...


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