Bet Your Sweet AssChapter 12
- 2 years ago
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“Do you, Flora, take this woman, Shelly, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for rich or for poor, in sickness and health, to love, honor, and obey, until death do you part?” Dad asked Flora, who brightened at hearing those vows.
“Si, I do!” Flora blurted in an ardent mix of English and Spanish.
Flora had opted, to the extent that there was one between them, to assume more of the traditional, submissive role in their same-sex marriage, This included swearing to obey Shelly Simsar, taking her last name, and assuming the role of housewife. She was more comfortable acting that part rather than an independent, working woman, and it showed. She was positively glowing in her bridal gown as she took her wedding vows, which conspicuously (and thankfully) omitted any notion of “forsaking all others.” The fact that both Shelly and she wore strap-on dildos beneath their dresses with thigh harnesses and feel-do functions didn’t distract from this fact at all.
Neither did the fact that both of them were freshly fucked. My hot jizz still leaked from Shelly’s asshole, while Dad’s oozed down her thighs from her succulent snatch. Dennis’s cum was still fresh inside Flora’s twat, even as Aaron’s spunk dripped out of her pucker. We men of the family had done these fair ladies right, if I dared to say so myself. This was a home wedding, which made it a bit easier, to say the least, and we were all set to head out for our honeymoon cruise that very night. It was a fairly intimate business, small enough that the audience fit easily into the living room of our relatively new house.
Some of Shelly’s friends and a few of ours attended, but most didn’t. Only Shelly’s brother Tigran of her own family was present, along with his wife, Sally, who worked for the same real estate office. He was so welcome for this that I had belatedly presumed to invite him and his wife along for the honeymoon, which thrilled everyone. Sally in particular was curious about our lifestyle, openness, sharing, etc. Tigran was a bit shyer about asking such questions, though he was normally a more assertive and independent kind of man. There wasn’t a shy or reserved bone in Sally Wang’s body, of course. She hadn’t left repressive Singapore to stay demure, that was for sure.
“Do you, Shelly, take this woman, Flora, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for rich or for poor, in sickness and health, to love, cherish, and protect, until death do you part?” Dad now asked Shelly, who licked her lips as she looked at her new bride.
“I so fucking do!” Shelly cussed in her absolute sincerity.
“Then, by the powers vested in me by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, I now pronounce you wife and wife. You may kiss each other now,” Dad beamed as he formally pronounced them wed, their rings flashing everyone with their silvery glare.
Shelly grabbed Flora, dipped her low, and gave her a steamy French kiss that looked like it could melt a welder’s mask. There was certainly no shortage of tonsil hockey involved in that lesbian make-out session. Flora whispered something in Shelly’s ear and the latter giggled in response to the secret before replying with one of her own. Flora winked at me in particular and gave me a big thumbs-up sign. I blushed in spite of myself, truly curious as to what the nature of the gossip was and what it had to do with me.
“Alright, now time for the next set of vows,” Dennis announced, taking over the officiator’s role from Dad, “who gives this woman to be married to this man?”
“Her mother and I do,” Dad spoke up as he took Natalie’s arm for her wedding to Aaron, Mom walking right behind them.
I stood as best man, of course, as Aaron was my close friend ... with strictly oral benefits by now. I should add that the oral was all very one-sided. Aaron sucked my cock. I didn’t suck his. That was an arrangement that suited both of us quite well. Aaron was honestly such an adorable subbie boy-toy that it wasn’t funny, but it was very cute. He was often and increasingly content to go last in terms of fucking the ladies, though he still enjoyed the act quite well. He also fluffed for all of the guys and gals, sucking, licking, and rimming as much as he could. He definitely ate a lot of creampie when it was juicy and slick from so many loads, including his own.
“In addition to wedding bands, Aaron and Natalie have opted to take a special step to show their mutual commitment, particularly his obedience and loyalty to his Goddess wife. My son has proposed, and she has consented to him becoming her cuckold husband in whatever sense might please her. Yes, he has taken that final step toward happy and willing cuckoldry at the hands of his Hot Wife. For this purpose, he has a particular request of his best man to take a spot next to Natalie and himself. He has a favor to ask of you, as does your sister, Nathan, formalizing a relationship that has been in the works for some time now,” Dennis’s bulge showed in spite of his obvious discomfort over this specific deal.
“Nathan, Master, we’ve already signed over ownership of our bodies to you, and quite proudly, my sweet brother. What we’re about to ask is a bit more ... extreme, but please agree to this. This is what Aaron wants and I admit that, while a bit jolting to me at first, it arouses and stimulates me more than a little. Perhaps because it’s a guilty pleasure or because I know how much fun we’ll all have ... and because you and I will especially benefit, but Aaron will also enjoy it.
“Please, become our Bull. Formally. Officially. Accept one of the two keys to Aaron’s cock cage, the other one being mine. Don’t worry, the cock cage was his surprise, his idea for us that I only recently accepted. He really wanted this, didn’t you, babe?” Natalie turned to her fiance, the groom, who blushed and grinned so widely that I knew that he actually wanted to be a proper cuck.
“What happened to not being into that kind of thing?” I asked them both, more than a little floored that Aaron even had a cock cage, let alone that Natalie and I would have keys to it.
“I ... thought that I wasn’t. And maybe back then, I wasn’t. But it’s grown on me. The more I thought about it, the more it’s excited me. It wouldn’t mean that I never get any action, of course. It would mean that I fuck whoever my keyholders permit me to fuck and no one else. Everyone else I fluff, mostly at the direction of others.
“And it would mean no more masturbation. I won’t be able to jerk off anymore, but I would, I trust, get regularly milkings and sometimes a ruined orgasm. I especially want to spend most of my honeymoon fluffing, watching, and eating my Goddess while she gets humped and taken any which way she can. She assured me that I would be rewarded with some pussy and ass from the ladies, herself included, and that is wonderful news to be sure. I don’t deny that I still have all of a man’s normal sexual urges in addition to my submissive kinks.
“The best reward, though, is knowing that my Natalie is satisfied as she should be. Especially by our Bull, by you, Master. I also hope to be pegged and sissified, made to wear ladies’ clothes, go naked at times while others are clothed, that kind of thing. Face it, Nathan. I’m a cuckold, a sissy, a voyeur, a sub, and a wimp ... and I’m happy to accept my true nature,” Aaron assured me as Natalie and he accepted my collars.
“With these collars, I accept your submission to me as my willing love and sex slaves, Aaron and Natalie. I require of you service, loyalty, and obedience, in return for my protection, guidance, and discipline. I am your Master now and you my slaves, but I love you all the more for it. I also accept this key as a token of your submission to me and to your bride, your Goddess, my sister, who is to be your Hot Wife, to whom you shall have the role of cuckold as well as husband.
“I also present her with this anklet as a gift in that same vein. This is my surprise. I knew that she was to be a Hot Wife, of course, just not about the outright cuckoldry. So be it. I accept the role of Bull to you, with the condition that I alone have final say about all things concerning your sex lives and marriage. Natalie, my love, attach your key to the anklet. As from this moment, your bodies are mine to do with as I choose, and I am pleased to see two of my slaves get married,” I smiled at the couple, making Natalie in particular blush at the “my love” part.
I finally admitted to myself and others that I felt a dark excitement and pleasure in owning another man and his wife so absolutely. This was especially true when said wife was also my twin sister. I would own the fuck out of Natalie, that much was clear. She was my slut now, just as she was my sister and Aaron’s wife (or would be soon). I knew that I would be a good and sensible Bull and Master, letting Aaron enjoy a lot of time free of the cage, but when I wanted him caged, he would be caged and remain so until I was ready to liberate him. I trusted Natalie not to release him contrary to my wishes, though she was free to do so otherwise.
“Let me see the cock cage,” I insisted, even as it was brought to me.
“The moment that you say ‘I do,’ Aaron, I’m going to slip this cock cage on you and lock it, so bear that in mind as you take your vows to my sister. Drop your pants so that we can all see your prick ourselves, all of us, and there won’t be a barrier or obstacle to caging your cock. Ready?” I tested Aaron’s sincerity.
Sure enough he dropped his pants to expose his dick to my gaze and that of others. Natalie kissed the top of Aaron’s head and lowered herself to kiss the head of his prick, too, in obvious delight. She knew what a big deal it was for him to finally surrender to his true sexuality and turn over control of his sexual pleasure to her and me. It wasn’t the easiest thing in the world to confess to all and sundry that he was a willing and happy cuckold, a servant to his wife and her brother in this case. She knew that he knew that the odds of him physically siring most of the children became slimmer the more that I fucked her and the less that he did. That was no small sacrifice on his part.
Dennis cleared his throat and turned to the happy couple, “Please exchange the rings.”
“With this ring, I thee wed and take thee to my troth,” Aaron put the wedding band on Natalie’s finger as she fought back tears of joy (and so did Mom ... and Lizzie).
“With this ring, I thee wed and take thee to my troth,” Natalie repeated as she slid the ring onto Aaron’s left hand ... she caressed his palm as she did so as a special token of her affection for him.
“Do you, Natalie, take this man, Aaron, to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for rich or for poor, in sickness and health, to love, cherish, and cuckold, until death do you part?” Dennis recited the slightly altered vows that were supposedly quite legal.
“Gladly!” Natalie puckered her lips as if to kiss Aaron and even caressed his fleshy face, “how could I refuse a chubby sweetheart like him?”
Aaron blushed a bit and his boner was still quite impressive for such an obvious beta or cuck.
“Do you, Aaron, take this woman, Natalie, to be your lawfully wedded Hot Wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for rich or for poor, in sickness and health, to love, serve, and obey, until death do you part?” Dennis asked his son, who was misty at the chance to publicly declare his true feelings about my sister, his bride.
“I motherfucking do!” Aaron winked at Natalie as I slapped that cock cage on him, not even trying to protest as I locked up his prick at last.
Instead, Aaron pulled up his pants and zipped them as if there was nothing odd or remarkable about there being a cock cage under his tuxedo and boxers. Natalie winked at him and put her hands down the back of his trousers to rub his cheeks a little. Both of them had goofy grins on their faces as the finality of Aaron’s new cuckold status hit them. This was a far cry from our initial bet and boy, had that wager taken all of us down real rabbit hole into a very different kind of Wonderland! Natalie winked at me now as she attached the other key to her new Hot Wife anklet that I had given her as a wedding present.
“Then, by the powers vested in me by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, I now pronounce you cuckold and Hot Wife. You may kiss the bride, as may her Bull,” Dennis concluded with the adjustments that we requested, fighting the urge to delight and gloat too much about the idea of humping his son’s wife in front of him soon on their wedding night.
Naturally, as the legal husband, Aaron got the first kiss in and it was truly passionate from both ends. Natalie was extremely grateful to have such a sweet and submissive hubby who freed her to completely submit to her own brother. When I planted a lip lock on Natalie, she greedily accepted my tongue down her throat and made it abundantly clear that she adored me equally, but differently, from Aaron. She loved him as much as me in her own way, but the reverse was also true. She was the protective, dominant Goddess, governess, babysitter type with him, whereas she was the submissive sister and sex slave with me. The pecking order was well established between us by now.
“And now, for the final wedding for you youngsters,” Mom teased us younger folk.
Mom officiated our nuptials as Flora and Shelly took the roles of mother and father respectively, the latter standing in for Flora’s late husband. They all watched with real fascination as I collared sweet Bianca, taking her as my slave bride at last. My Latin cutie was about to become mine in every sense of the word and she took pride in the fact. I looked forward to the wedding night, among others, including to the inevitable threesomes where I would fuck them in turns as Aaron fluffed for us. Then, of course, I would let Aaron out of his cock cage to consummate his marriage and get a turn with Bianca as well. I also grinned at the image of the ladies pegging the fuck out of the little cuck.
“With this ring, I thee wed and take thee to my troth,” I slid the band onto Bianca’s finger as she looked at me with teary delight, as if at last daring to believe that it had happened.
“With this ring, I thee wed and take thee to my troth,” Bianca repeated, adding, “I will be, everyday of my life, your abject slave and yet the princess that you love to pamper so much. I will never let you down. I swear.”
“Nor will I, babe. You’ve become my partner in crime in so many ways,” I teased her, but I was in deadly earnest ... Bianca was so steadfastly loyal that she really would hide bodies for me, I was convinced of it.
“Do you, Bianca, take this man, Nathan, to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for rich or for poor, in sickness and health, to love, honor, and obey, until death do you part?” Mom recited the far more traditional vows in our case, as I would truly dominate my wife unlike Aaron and some other men.
“Si, I am His ... I do!” Bianca shouted, though it wasn’t clear in her case if she meant “si” in Italian or Spanish, since both were part of her heritage (and she was fluent in both).
“Do you, Nathan, take this woman, Bianca, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for rich or for poor, in sickness and health, to love, cherish, and protect, until death do you part?” Mom asked me in turn.
“Hell, yes!” I grinned as I stroked Bianca’s hair and realized for the thousandth time that my Latin bride was stunningly beautiful.
“Then, by the powers vested in me by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride,” Mom declared as I took Bianca in my arms and made out with her so passionately that she probably could smell last night’s dinner.
When I finally came up for air, Bianca pressed her head to my shoulder and rested it there as I held her tight. I heard throats being cleared, so we stopped after a moment. For that moment, however, I let Bianca know that she was safe, she was mine, and that she would always have a home with me. I let her know, in case of any doubts, that she was my bride and part of me as surely as Natalie and my family were. In fact, she was now definitely part of the family, as her surname was now Sikorsky.
It was now time for Dennis and Lizzie to tie the knot again, this time as an open marriage, followed by Mom and Dad renewing their vows. Neither of those were unusual in character, and they both took a bit less time. Little was said. Little needed to be said. Everything that could be said among those couples had been spoken in the past. I officiated for Mom and Dad, while Aaron did the same for his folks, none of us commenting about the way that his cock strained against its steel cage in his pants.
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Babette - Collared By: Rachael Free It was a relaxing day as I sat on my front porch getting some sun. It was my day off and I didn't want any interruptions. My job is very stressful and taking time to just relax is special to me. I am a programmer and work a lot of hours. The only good thing is that I work from home. I don't have much interaction with any coworkers and do all my work over the internet. I only have one sister in my family and she lives in Hawaii so I rarely ever get...
"I can't believe you're making me do this," Natalie said as she stood on the hotel balcony at three a.m. with the wind blowing through her strawberry-blonde hair. Her eyes scanned the parking lot, and though she didn't see any signs of life, someone down in the darkness would be a lot harder to see than she would be on the balcony - dimly lit as it was. She could see the excitement in Gene's eyes as he caressed her shoulder. "You lost the bet fair and square." "We are so going to get...
The day of the Michigan Democratic Primary... I awoke to a pussy on my mouth, riding my face, while a very slick snatch entrapped my cock, much to my delight. I didn’t really care whose twat covered my lips, as I slid my tongue inside it, devouring it with as much fervor as I would lick a soft-serve ice cream cone or eat a pudding. The owner of said cunt definitely didn’t object to my oral attentions, as I licked her repeatedly, soon adding her taint and her butt-crack to my menu for the...
SRU: Sweets By Gina R "Spells? Yeah right." James (17, male, 5 foot 6) was no believer but he was in a habit of checking out any new store in his local mall, unless it was a girl's shop of course. In fact he could not even remember seeing this shop in construction and tried to think what it replaced. The shop was at the far end of the mall and he didn't come down this way often so maybe that was why he could not remember it. He walked into the shop, which was called 'Spells R...
Beth and her mother went to visit her aunt Ann. Ann was home from the hospital after giving birth to her son. Going in Beth asked where Robert was. Her mother put her hand on her shoulder and said not now. Ann said he has to stay there for a couple of more weeks. As they say talking Beth noticed Ann rubbing her chest. Ann said, I'll pay for it if you'd go get some takeout. Beth's mother asked if Beth could stay. Smiling Ann said of course. As Ann rubbed her chest again Beth asked, why did you...
The six of us watched Lord of the Rings: the Fellowship of the Ring, largely so as to unwind and recover a bit, not to mention subconsciously see how we clicked as a group dynamic. We certainly shared an interest in Tolkien, as well as one in George R.R. Martin with his A Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones) work, though I also dug Harry Turtledove’s books myself. In any case, we speculated a lot about the offscreen stuff that might have happened, realistically, which would have been on...
Fiction by: Zappa06415 “Ditto That”… Beth was becoming the love of my life. Little could be said, or done to stop this rush of emotions coming over the two of us. In one weekend of epic sensuality, this much I knew was true. There wasn’t anything I wouldn’t do for this woman-child. My child! After coming down from the most electrifying orgasm Beth had ever had, we slowly made our way from the shower, grabbed up our towels and dried off with nearly a word said but there were...
Betsy and I had been married for a little over twelve years. We were living the American Middle Class Dream. Three great kids, our own home, two cars in the garage — the whole bit. I had always thought that ours was the perfect marriage. I loved her and I'd always thought that she loved me, but I recently found out that my loving wife had a secret life — a life that cast doubt on whether she had any feelings for me at all. I'd be insulting Betsy if I said she was a stay at home mom who...
Sally looked up from her microscope. She smiled upon seeing the slightly dazed expression on Betsy’s face. “So how was the date Tuesday night?” “It was great,” Betsy answered. “So what did you do?” “We had dinner at the condo,” Betsy said. She’d had a stack of ten large pizzas delivered to the condo before he had arrived. There were still a few slices left. “That’s convenient. When did he leave?” “What’s today?” Betsy asked. Sally’s eyebrows shot up. “It’s Thursday.” “He left...
Betsy opened the door to her condo and said, “Come on in, Sally.” Sally took one look at Betsy and then asked, “What happened to you?” “What?” “You’re glowing,” Sally said. “I had a date last night,” Betsy answered grinning broadly. “You had a date, and you didn’t tell me?” Sally asked feeling a little hurt. Betsy shrugged her shoulders and said, “According to my staff, I was in a tizzy.” “A tizzy?” “Yes,” Betsy said while stepping back so that Sally could enter the apartment. “I...
*Warning, contains rape theme at the end of the story.* Betting Night By J. Setak I wouldn't say that I had a problem with gambling; it was just my way to get a kick out of life. It was great. Usually, on a Friday evening I would go to the casino with my friends and lose some money on the poker tables or roulette. I loved one of the Casino's that was near me called, "Tyler's Casino", purely out of superstition. I had won the most amount of money that I had ever done at this place...
Four-fifteen on a lightly raining morning marked what appeared to be the start of social disintegration in the life of Betsy Milton-Stewart. Betsy awoke to hear her husband Royce cry, ‘I don’t feel well.’ He coughed and gurgled, starved for air, dying of a massive coronary at 4:15. A former star athlete and regional Young Businessman of the Year winner, Royce (40) was publisher of The Sentinel, the morning newspaper for Milton Falls and outlying settlements. Regrettably for Betsy, that...
SIX Matilda McBride served lunch on the deck of her rough sawn timber-clad home that overlooked the Milton River, only half a mile upstream of the falls that gave the town its name. Easily the most vivacious widow in Milton Falls over the age of fifty, Matilda was dressed in a wildly splashed pink, yellow and green colored shirt and tight jeans that revealed only an entree of ‘dropped’ ass. Matilda had indirectly told her new friend and business associate, Betsy Milton-Stewart her age. In...
It was my first night at St. Marta's School for women, and had woken up when my roommate slid in to my bed with me.I had arrived with all the other girls, supposedly all raised in a religious environment, and all having a mother who had gone here before us. My mom and dad had never let me date, and the internet was something sent by the devil to lead me into temptation. I had been a little shocked at some of the language the other girls used when the nuns weren't around, but tried to not let...
With her business finished in Vancouver, Betsy stepped out of the jet looking fresh and alert. She was happy to be back in Hawaii. She was hungry and needed a little exercise. She somersaulted off the top step to the ground below. It wasn’t that great of a height, but it was enough to boost her energy level up another notch. Stacy followed behind her, looking a little worse for wear. It was obvious that she was tired. She had that rumpled look that came from sitting in a plane for too long....
Betsy topped the hill leading into town at a nice sedate run. At least, it was sedate for her. She was purposefully keeping her pace slow, so as to not look too anxious. Her eyes went immediately to the little store below. She smiled upon seeing that Chuck was seated outside. She frowned when he got out of his chair and raced into the store. She smiled when he came back out of the store carrying a sign. He held it up for her to see. It read, “Stop and try my Hawaiian Fruit Blast.” Her smile...
The table was loaded with enough food to feed a small army: scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, ham, toast, hash browns, pancakes, porridge, and fresh fruits. The offerings filled the little serving trays and bowls, from which the people gathered around the table could assemble their own meal. Betsy grabbed a substantial portion from each tray. Charlie took some eggs, toast, and fresh fruits. Candice ate a bowl of porridge, and some fresh fruits. There was no conversation while they ate. Betsy...
Betsy willingly returned to her secret weekend retreat ready for more. She would be turning 40 very soon and considered the prospect very frightful. Lately she seemed to be daydreaming more and more and it was all about her journey through life. Betsy loved dreaming with her eyes closed and watching the animated images of her life story pass across her darkened eyelids. Lately she was obsessed with fantasizing especially about some of the lewd and erotic events that happened over the...
Betsy took a seat at the head of the conference table in the modular office. Once again, she was dismayed by the barrenness of the office. There were six plain metal desks, three to each side of the room, facing the front door. The chairs were plain ‘office mega-store discount chairs’ that, in her opinion, were just plain ugly and looked uncomfortable. There weren’t any partitions to give even a modicum of privacy. There were no personalized knickknacks or photographs on the desks. There...
Betsy seemed like almost the perfect mate. I was 28, single, had been very successful the first three years I worked for the most prestigious law firm in Austin trying lawsuits against large multinational corporations that tried to screw average people, and was tired of the dating scene. I wanted a woman to share my life with; and kids. Everything about Betsy said she was the one. Betsy was 22, a college graduate, and worked in pharmaceutical sales. It was not surprising that she worked in...
Wife LoversBetsy sighed. “What’s the matter?” Sally asked. Betsy was doing dumbbell hammer curls with a pair of twenty pound weights. She sped up her repetition rate. “I’m never going to meet a guy,” Betsy said. “Yes, you will,” Sally said. “I’ve never had a boyfriend. I’m still a virgin,” Betsy said. “Same here,” Sally said. Betsy said, “Maybe you are still a virgin, but at least you’ve got a boyfriend. At least you’ve been kissed once.” “I don’t have a boyfriend,” Sally said. “What about...
It was approaching lunchtime when Betsy stepped into Sally’s darkened laboratory. The only sources of light were the fish tanks, and the base of the microscope. It was enough light to see by once the eyes became adjusted to the low level, but that always took a moment upon entering. The soft burble of the aquariums running provided a background noise that one noticed initially upon arriving in the room, but which faded from awareness after a few minutes. The effect of the darkness and soft...
Betsy awoke as a result of a hand shaking her shoulder. She opened her eyes to find Sharon kneeling over her. The light was just barely bright enough from outside to see Sharon. The woman put her forefinger on her lips in the universal gesture not to say a word. She then beckoned Betsy with a finger to follow her out of the plane. Curious, Betsy followed the woman. False dawn was rapidly approaching. It brought with it enough light to see her surroundings fairly well. She could leave for...
The contrast between the lush Hawaiian tropical paradise and the harsh dry Arizona desert is not only visually striking, but is a shock to all of the senses. The rich sounds of birds, the odor of plants growing wildly, and the feel of humidity in the air is so different from the silence, the dull smell of sand, and the desiccating dryness. It is a wonder that both places can exist on the same world. Making the transition from Hawaii to Arizona was softened by the long flight between the two...
Betsy had jogged past the building a hundred times in the past, but had never gone inside. This particular morning, she noticed Lucy walking towards the entrance. She changed the direction of her run, and headed towards the door. “Lucy!” Lucy stopped while opening the door. Betsy had slowed to a walk. Lucy looked over at her sister-in-law wondering what she wanted. In a way, it was hard getting used to watching Betsy walking rather than running. She held the door open, and waited patiently...
The crack of a high powered rifle firing was clearly heard above the din of evening traffic. A second later, there was another shot fired. The majority of people didn’t even appear to notice the sounds. A handful of students stopped and looked around, before deciding that it had been nothing. Betsy sighed. “First the sniper, and then the spotter. Scratch two more evil minions,” Betsy muttering her interpretation of the two shots. Rather than returning home to her condo, Betsy headed towards...
The middle aged man ran across the parking lot, glancing fearfully over his shoulder for signs of pursuit. He tripped over a concrete parking lot divider, flying face first towards the pavement. While attempting to catch his fall, he let loose of his briefcase. It skittered across the pavement. Ignoring his cuts and scrapes, he scrambled forward to catch his briefcase. His suit was torn and dirty as a result of his fall. Betsy had detoured from her parkour run across the roof of the...