A Flawed DiamondChapter 38 free porn video

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The groups intermingled at the party and enjoyed the evening. Brock saw one of Melanie's guests dancing with one of the sheriff's deputies. He saw Loralei chatting with one of the party crashers. Susan and her date seemed to be making the rounds from group to group. Al and Esmi hadn't come off the dance floor in 35 minutes and Mandy was dancing with several different guys as Josh laughed at her antics. She even dragged Brock out for dance. Hailey had smiled the whole evening but it grew wider when Brock took her on the dance floor. Her friend gave him a smile when he escorted her back.

Brock had just walked away from talking to Jen when another of the club security members found him.

"We have a slight problem, sir," the man said. "We have someone else who isn't on the guest list but insists upon being allowed in. She is someone we'd normally permit in but Miss Raver gave strict instructions. I'm afraid she has become belligerent."

Brock looked around to see who might have been omitted from the guest list. He couldn't think of anyone, certainly not someone the bouncer might recognize.

"Who is it?" he asked.

"Jana Jones, sir," the man replied.

"Crap," Brock muttered. "Well, she's not invited. So you'll just have to turn her away. Be nice about it. I don't want to see or hear about it in the tabloids. Just tell her politely that it is a private party and her name isn't on the guest list."

"We've tried that, sir," the man said, looking at the floor. "That is when she got belligerent. I fear the only two alternatives are to permit her in the club or to call the police."

"I'll get my sister to deal with it," Brock said. "She is the police."

Brock spotted Zoe and Emmy talking with Cynthia at the bar. Cynthia was sipping a white wine and Zoe and Emmy were both working on mixed drinks. He didn't want to put Zoe in a rough spot but he wasn't sure what other choice he had.

"I've got a slight problem," Brock told his sister. "And I need your help."

"OK," Zoe answered immediately.

"Don't be too eager," Brock said. "There is an A-list celebrity outside demanding to be admitted. The club staff has done what they can to get her to leave but she is adamant. He said he thinks we can either admit her or have her arrested. I don't want to do either. I was hoping you might be able to talk some sense into her."

"Honestly?" Zoe asked.

Brock nodded.

"Brock, these people think they are the most important thing in the world," she said. "I can go out there and talk to her but it will wind up with her in handcuffs and everyone in a brawl with her entourage. Why not let her in? I mean, heck, you let in everyone else who showed up."

She smiled and winked.

"It's that woman whose been bothering everyone," Brock admitted.

"Then turn Randi loose on her," Emmy said. "We can take bets. Hell, bring out the Jell-O pit and let them at it. That would be cool."

"Sounds interesting, but I don't think so," Brock said. "By the way, I think you've had enough to drink."

"I just started," Emmy said. "That was a comment from the heart, not from alcohol."

"I'll deal with it if you want me to," Zoe said.

"No, I guess I'm going to have to deal with it," Brock said. "Do me a favor, keep Randi and Meredith occupied."

"If you get the Jell-O pit out, I can keep them occupied," Emmy offered with a laugh.

"Next time," Brock promised.

Cynthia Lu fell in step beside him as he walked toward the entryway. As they got closer, the music faded enough they could hear the woman yelling.

"Perhaps I might be of assistance," Cynthia offered. "I am used to dealing with people whose ego is three sizes larger than their intellects."

"If you're willing to try, I'm willing to let you," Brock said. He stopped short of the door and let Cynthia exit alone.

"Young lady, that is quite enough," she said loudly.

"Do you know who I am?" he heard Jana Jones yell.

"I do," Cynthia said. "Do you know who I am?"

"Some security flunky," Jana said dismissively.

"I am a Special Agent in Charge for the United States Secret Service," Cynthia stated, conveniently leaving out the retired portion of her title. She pulled out her credentials and displayed them. It said in very small print that she was no longer active – small enough that it was almost invisible unless someone looked closely. "Do you understand what that means?"

"The president is inside?" someone else asked.

"No," Cynthia replied. "However, several people with close ties to our government are inside."

Brock found himself chuckling. He figured Zoe and the other police officers were tied to the government as was Melanie and her guests. Hell, he thought, Randi had done a concert for the First Daughters. She should fall into that category. Everyone paid taxes. It was a good line.

"The guest list for this private party includes those they wished to attend," Cynthia continued. "As you have been told, repeatedly, you are not among those people. I will now ask you to vacate the premises quickly and quietly. Should you choose to disobey a direct order from law enforcement, I will have no choice but to see you arrested and charged. Am I clear?"

"Come on, Jana, let's roll somewhere else," a new voice said. "You don't want tied up with the feds. That could get messy in a hurry."

"But he's in there!" Jana said. "The Tweet said they saw Randi Raver going into this club. If she is here then he is here."

"Are you sure?" the calm voice said. "Think about it. Why would a baseball player be invited to hobnob with government types? It's probably just a bunch of Senators' underage kids who want to drink and screw without getting caught. Randi Raver is probably letting them do lines of coke off her nipples or something."

"Miss, I suggest you keep a civil tongue," Cynthia said in a tight voice. "Regardless of what is transpiring behind those doors it should be evident that this group is unwelcome. Now I'm going to give you 10 seconds to vacate this area and leave the vicinity. After that, I will forcibly remove you."

"She's not kidding," a male voice said. "Look, if you want to stay, it's fine by me. But do not expect me to intervene when she removes you. That is far outside of my contractual duties."

"Fine," Jana said. "But you tell Brock Miller to call me."

"I'm certain if Mr. Miller is inside, he knows of your presence," Cynthia stated.

Jana was almost to the door when she spun around.

"He is in there!" she yelled. "Why are you hiding from me? All I want is a date, for God's sake."

"Miss Jones," Cynthia said. Brock could hear from the way her voice descended that she was moving away from the door and toward the retreated group. "Your 10 seconds are up."

"I'm leaving," Jana replied tersely. "But only because I want to. Not because you made me."

"Believe whatever you wish to believe," Cynthia replied.

She gave Brock another small smile when she returned to the main part of the club.

"Are you really Secret Service?" a bouncer asked in awe. It was the most impressive performance of verbal de-escalation he'd ever seen. Most confrontations like this one ended with either bloodshed or arrests – usually both.

"I am retired," Cynthia replied. "You might not have noticed but I added that word very quietly. I wouldn't want anyone to think I had misrepresented myself."

"You rock," the guy said as he resumed his post.

"Yes, I do," Cynthia said, taking Brock by the arm and leading him back into the club.

It was in the wee hours of Monday morning when Brock, Meredith and Randi arrived back at the house. Neither of the young women had consumed alcohol and Brock had nursed two beers over the duration of the party.

Both Meredith and Randi had told him he was free to cut loose – just as he had told them the same thing (so long as Randi was inconspicuous as she imbibed). The trio had decided they would play host and hostesses for the event. So they made their rounds and made sure the groups interacted – not that their intervention was required. The different groups seemed to mix and mingle seamlessly.

"I'm too tired to fuck," Meredith said as she came in the door and plopped down on the couch. "Never thought I'd say that."

"Maybe we should just fuck you then," Randi joked. "Or you can just lay there while Brock and I have a go."

"Slut," Meredith giggled.

"Prude," Randi retorted. She sat down beside Meredith and tilted her head back on the couch. "That was more energy than I thought it would be. Jesus, I've spent eight hours dancing at a club and not felt this wrung out."

Brock locked up the house and joined the women in the room, taking a seat opposite Randi, with Meredith in between.

Meredith gave him a look then shifted to his opposite side. Then she and Randi lifted his arms and snuggled in on his shoulders.

"Better," Meredith said. "You're the meat in this sandwich, not me."

"I planned to get you both drunk and take advantage of you tonight," Brock said as he slipped his hand off two shoulders and onto the women's breasts. "I thought I might talk you into a threesome or something."

"You didn't even pinch my butt when I was crawling in the car," Randi objected. "I left it out there for you and everything."

"I didn't want to molest you in public," Brock replied.

"And what stopped you while we were in the car?" Meredith asked with a laugh. "I tried to get you interested in my hooters and you wouldn't even look."

"I looked," Brock pointed out. "You are wearing your purple bra."

"It's lavender," Meredith corrected. "And you saw that before we even left. Nope, you just completely ignored them the whole night."

"At least they didn't feel lonely," Randi quipped. "I saw every other guy in the room checking them out."

"When they could pull their eyes away from trying to look up your skirt," Meredith replied.

Brock wondered if they women were seriously sniping at each other. Meredith had worn a white form-fitting tube dress that showed her cleavage wonderfully. Randi had worn a red silk top with a short (faux) leather miniskirt that stopped only an inch or two below her butt cheeks. All the women had gone out of the way to dress to impress but Brock thought the two he was sitting beside looked the best of all.

"I thought you both looked really sexy," Brock said. "But I always think that."

"Flatterer," Randi said with a laugh that Meredith shared. "You're already going to get us into your bed. You can save the smooth talk for Jana Jones."

"Did you hear about that?" Brock asked.

"About what?" Meredith wondered, sitting up and slipping her dress off her shoulders. She unhooked her bra and let it drop, too. Brock didn't answer the question. He just sat and looked at her breasts.

"I needed out of that thing," Meredith remarked, gesturing to her bra. "I can pull the top back up if you're distracted."

She shifted again and lifted the fabric back over her shoulders.

"No help," Randi cracked. Brock was still staring down at the hard nipples poking through the fabric. If anything, Meredith looked even sexier than she had a moment before. Or at least she did until she reached up and pinched Brock's nose.

"What were you talking about?" she asked.

"Jana Jones," Brock said. "She showed up at the club demanding to be let in."

"When was this?" Randi asked. She sat up, too. Rather than remove a bra she wasn't wearing, she unzipped her tight skirt and slid it down her thighs to the floor.

Brock hadn't been certain Randi was wearing panties beneath her skirt. She had threatened to go "full Lohan" on him several times during the week. After seeing what she wore beneath it, Brock wasn't sure why she wasted her time in pulling the undies up her legs. The small panties she wore were almost transparent – and clung so tightly to her that he could have counted her pubic hairs if he tried.

She responded exactly as Meredith did. She gave Brock a few moments to enjoy the view and then pinched his nose to get his attention.

"I asked when she showed up," Randi said with a smile. In the preceding weeks, the trio had tried just about every possible sexual position and combination they could think of. Yet Brock still gave his full attention to them whenever they were around. It made her feel warm inside.

"Early," Brock said. "Emmy wasn't wasted yet."

"She kept trying to get me to show her 'The Ladies'," Meredith giggled. "I told her that she had to show you hers before I could show her mine."

Randi cleared her throat.

"You were saying?" she asked.

"She showed up, made a scene and Cynthia showed her the door," Brock replied.

"Why didn't the bouncers turn her away?" Randi asked.

"Come on, think about it," Meredith said. "If you show up at a club and get turned away by the staff, you're never going to go back there. That club makes money by people like you and Jana Jones showing up. They foisted the problem off on someone else. It's typical Hollywood."

Randi frowned and Meredith shifted her attention to Brock.

"I've pretty well been content to let you ignore this problem," she said. "But I think it's time you spoke to her and explained the situation. I know you thought she'd just go away. I think tonight shows she won't."

Brock sighed and nodded his agreement.

"I'll call her in the morning," he said.

"Afternoon," Meredith corrected. "I might be too tired for loving tonight but I'll be raring to go after some sleep."

It was after two p.m. when Randi and Meredith finally released Brock from his sexual bondage. They hadn't bothered to tie him up. They hadn't needed to. Instead, the two of them had licked and sucked and nibbled on anything they could get their mouths on since the group awoke.

After a shower and some food, Brock sat down to call Jana Jones and get the situation straightened out. Randi took his phone out of his hand and passed hers along.

"She already has my number," she explained. "She doesn't have yours. Plus it will make her wonder if we weren't doing the slap and tickle a little while ago."

"I planned to mention explicitly that you and I were doing the slap and tickle a little while ago," Brock pointed out. Randi glared at him until he smiled to show he was kidding.

Brock had expected – and probably hoped – to simply leave a message. Instead the phone was answered before Brock heard it ring on his end.

"Jana Jones," the voice said.

"Uh, hello, this is Brock Miller," he said.

"Hold one moment, please," he was told. He heard the voice who answered the phone yell to someone else, despite that fact it appeared she had tried to cover the mouthpiece.

"Hey, Jana, it's Brock Miller calling," he heard.

"Go to hell," another voice shouted. "That's not even fucking funny."

"I'm not kidding," the first voice replied. "At least that is who he said he is. The number said he's calling from Randi Raver's phone number."

In a moment, a new voice came on the line.

"Hi, Brock," Jana said in a voice that was completely different from the one she had used to curse out her assistant. This one was silky and light – and completely fake, Brock realized.

"Miss Jones," Brock began.

"Please, call me Jana," she said.

"Miss Jones," Brock repeated, "I was hoping this call could be avoided. I've heard from my agent and from several friends that you wished to contact me and to possibly go out. I'm sorry, but I'm not interested."

"Not interested?" Jana asked.

"I think you're very attractive but to be blunt, I don't enjoy the whole Hollywood thing," Brock said.

"You go out with Randi Raver," Jana said. The first trace of anger had seeped into her voice. "That slut is total Hollywood."

"I'll thank you not to call my friends names," Brock said. "I had no idea who Randi was when I met her. I got to know her before I became aware of her profession. You couldn't be more wrong. Randi is not a slut and she is not a fame-hound."

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I looked over at them as they watched me intently. “Why would you think that?” I took a minute to admire them as they looked at each other again. Strait brown hair just past their shoulders, big crystal blue eyes, and faces that landed them a modeling job at ten. With tight lean bodies and perky B-cups that looked on the verge of becoming a C, they were almost identical except Hope had a small circular birthmark on the top slope of her right breast. “We first started to think about it on...

2 years ago
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popping that cork

Sophie was exhausted. She had been working behind the bar for six hours tonight, new years eve. Back from university for Xmas break, she was lucky to pick up a few shifts at the local pub, to top up her student loans. It helped that her dad drank their most weekends.Most of the regulars knew her and her family, and would chat to her about uni and her studies. None of them were her age.There is another temporary barman, Tim, another student, a couple of years older, who is constantly trying to...

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Slave Pt2 The buying and training

The room was large and had doors leading off it. There were slaves in different areas of the room, in different positions, some male some female. Each slave was in a position or area that had to do with what they wanted, or what they were good at. A petite female slave watched him from her place on the floor, a black collar on a thick chain forcing her to stay sitting on the floor, while a bar between her feet forced her legs apart by ankle straps. He smiled to her, but continued to gaze around...

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Fulfill My Dreams With Girlfriend

Hi friends, this is Rahul from Jamshedpur I submit my first story here which is totally amazed me what I done? I contine with story it’s all around 6 months back I was just wanted to have anal sex with my girlfriend named Varsha. But i don’t want to heart her feeling about me. I feel scary just because I don’t want to loose her but after a long time one day we are having rest in home from our work. So, I called varsha to meet she agreed to meet at park near to her house. I reached there a time...

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Laurens First time

I did not write this story this is a real first time story My first time was at high school, I joined the swim team and very quickly made friends with a girl my same age by the name of Sarah, she was a fantastic swimmer and had a beautifully developed body and I used to look longingly after her, because I was kind of skinny then and thought that she was so much more womanly than me. I was with Sarah in the change room one afternoon after swimming comps and just by chance all the other girls...

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Finding a Stripper3

Hello, I have a story to tell that you may find interesting. My name is Marty Harris and I am a school teacher and football coach in a small community in the mountains south of Seattle. I love my job and my students. I guess I am a popular teacher as many of my students and alums keep in contact with me after school, practice or even graduation. This story begins after I had visited a friend and former student teaching colleague of mine who taught in a similar small town about 2 hours from...

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My Wife Her Bull THEIR Vacation

If your read my last story, "Our First Night In The Cuckold Lifestyle", you were introduced to three characters. My wife, Liz, her bull, Darren, and myself. You can read up on all the details about us in that story. If you're still reading to this point I assume you're all caught up and ready for this story.This takes place last summer. "But honey you promised you were going to be able to get off work for our beach vacation next week?", my wife, Liz, asked me. I felt terrible--honestly I never...

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My Daughter in Law day1

away I decided to drive there, I was pretty tired when I got to their house. We sat, had a couple of beers and visited for a while. We were catching up on what was going on in our lives. As always when around my daughter in law , I couldn't keep my eyes off her. Becky is barely five foot tall and might weigh one hundred pounds. Her boobs are large in proportion to the rest of her petite body. She has the perfect little round ass that makes my cock hard. Her long brown...

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A Voyeurs Dream

A couple of weeks ago my wife and I deecided to go to a strip club in south Florida. She wore a short black dress with spike heels and nothing underneath. She is 5'10" tall with long strawberry blonde hair, 36 DD breasts, a tiny waist, long toned legs and a fire red bush straight out of a 1980s playboy centerfold. We rented a limo and went to a bar to have a couple of drinks to loosen up. It was around 10pm when we pulled up to the strip club. My wife was getting a lot of attention as the...

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Ensuring the Family Tree Has BranchesChapter 16

Crystal and Pam both laid on the bed next to Philip's groin so they could enjoy licking his cock clean and getting him hard and ready for another round of fucking with both of them. Both young women loved having sex with Philip but for totally different reasons. Pam, Philip's daughter, had held sweet incestuous desires for her father that he hadn't realized existed until his first sexual encounter with her. Crystal, however, had been a reluctant lover with Philip at first, put off by her...

4 years ago
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My Sexy Angel Lilly Aunty

Hi ISS readers I am Prajeeth.This is my first ISS story but have to say that this is not a fake story.Okay I will say you the incident that happened 2 weeks ago first of all. I would like to say about my aunty Lilly. She is 34 of age and has a sexy body that makes everybody to feel like having sex with her and during my semester holidays. I went to my aunty’s house for the vacation there I found that my uncle was out of station and he would not be available for a week. I was expecting this kind...

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Dare girl goes astray 03

Chapter 3 ‘The BDSM Ball’ Andy from the party and her clothes which as a submissive would have been deposited at the door would be burnt. So she would have to make her way home stark naked. mistress Mandy had already agreed to attend the Ball with Andy’s sister Christine, and had provisionally agreed to go as Christine’s Submissive. Although the final decisions were as always made at the door of the venue, by the simple rule of Subs enter nude but Doms enter fully sexually attired. Therefore...

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veronicas story

I didn’t think I had fallen asl**p, but I guess I had, because he woke me up. His hand gently lighted on my shoulder, the warmth of him reminding me that my skin was chilled. ‘Mmmmmmm that feels nice’ I murmur. ‘I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.’ ‘Its ok, I was barely asl**p.’ ‘Barely sounds good,’ he quipped, moving his hand down my back to caress one buttock. His hand moved gently over my backside, swirling slightly to catch the curves. ‘May I have your permission to touch skin?’ ...

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Wendys New Pet

This is a story. It is only a story and should remain only a story you should no more try this then you should try reinacting a cereal kill in a movie. Reality is never as good as fictions so don't ruin it for yourself. Wendy's New Pet It had been a month into summer vacation and Wendy, a cute thirteen-year-old red head who looked like a live action version of the Peter Pan character, was still on cloud nine from the events at the start of the summer. On the first day of break her mom, step-dad...

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Cuckold Wife PT1

I awoke in a stupor. It took me a long moment to remember exactly where I was, looking at my watch I noticed that it was nearly three in the morning. "Jesus" I thought "Jess is gonna kill me." I slowly gathered myself and arose from Fred's couch. I was alone. I guess the party was over, and I couldn't help but feel a touch of anger over the thought of no one waking me to let me know. My name is Timothy Grant, I'm 35 and I'm a Regional Sales Rep for a national supplier of high end office goods...

2 years ago
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A Solemn GoodBye

Jenny Roark had been with her boyfriend, Darryl, for six years. They had dated since high school and survived a long distance relationship during college. When they got back together and after graduation there was something different. Jenny knew that Darryl hadn’t been loyal, nor had she for that matter. During college, she figured, it was permissible to explore your own sexual identity. She had many sexual encounters, with men and a few women, but she always kept her heart focused on...

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My Friend Sue

Sue and I were neighbours that occasionally bumped into each other in the village. One day Sue invited me back to her house for a cup of coffee. As we sat on the sofa together I got the distinct feeling that she fancied me. I brushed away the thought until she said ‘do you think me tits are too big?’ I couldn’t believe my luck! ‘I suppose its possible’ I said, feeling my 8′ cock growing harder In my boxer shorts. “Why don’t you show me what they look like?’ I said adventurously. Sue pulled...

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New school

Hi there, I am Irene, I was new in school and this guy called Josh just look at me every time he saw my like he would wanna eat me on a slice of bread. One day after josh's football practice... he walked to me when i'm reading a book. "wanna go out?" he asked. "look, i did not like u at ALL" i replied. josh walked to his friend and said " i don't understand, EVERY girls in this school like me.. even the teachers." he said to his friend, Mark. "u should trick her, that's how i do with my ex." he...

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What Happened

What Happened by Samantha White Well here I am at the Church waiting to get married, no problem there then you say, congratulations, I wish you all the best. I would say thank you, but there is one small problem, my name was Tom, and I was a man, now I'm called Mandy a proper woman in every way and now who is marrying someone, because I've been programmed to with constant feminising programs, by my wife or should I say ex wife Jane. It all started about two years ago, I have...

3 years ago
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Exboyfriend kidnapped and humiliated her to take revenge

Both George and Jenifer were normal couple until George found that Jenifer is not loyal to him. So, when he found that she not loyal he broke up with her. After breakup also he was not able to forget her. When they were in relationship Jenifer never allowed him to fuck her so, he decided to take revenge from her by fucking her like whore and humiliating her and to keep her like his sex-slave for the entire life. So, he planned to kidnap when she return from her music class at...

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The 12th Of September

If the story I am about to relate seems incredulous, I, as the protagonist, was far more stunned than you as it unfolded.The 12th of September was like any other day. What I didn’t realize was that it would become a life-changing experience. As my doorbell rang I walked to the door and opened it. In retrospect, I must admit that there was something very familiar about the person standing in my doorway.“Hi,” I said inquiringly after opening the door.“Hi,” he answered in a thick accented Italian,...

Gay Male
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Kitty Teddy LLC Ch 03

Author’s note: This is where the real world starts to intrude. Just a head’s up, things will get very dark shortly. Thanks for editing to clairegerm. Interlude: 25th Anniversary Cindy: After the date it was more phone tag and more Aunt Francine. She came to town for some girl talk and Chinese food. Mom likes to remember feeding Aunt Fran a dumpling. Aunt Frannie says mother hogged the bed and she should have slept on the rug. Chapter 5 – Roasting Marshmallows in the Afterglow Sean: ...

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Die Tochter des Wirts

Es war ein ganz normaler Abend in einer Kneipe in einer Kleinstadt.Gegen 22.00 Uhr war nur noch ein Tisch mit vier Mann besetzt, die Karten spielten. Jürgen ging zur Toilette dazu mußte man hinter der Kneipe noch einen Raum durchqueren. Als er mit Händewaschen fertig war hörte er eine Frauenstimme aus dem Vorraum. Du dazu fehlt mir momentan das Geld, aber nächsten Monat kann das schon anders aussehen. Die Kneipe von meinem Vater läuft auch nicht so besonders, da kann ich ihn im Moment nicht...

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Designer Children Part 8

Chapter 18 The mermaid and the dolphins were best friends. Every morning, they raced through the water to play hide-and-go-seek in the big seaweed forest. Then, after lunch, they swam to the reef to see all the beautiful coral. Like the rainbows they saw in the sky sometimes, the coral was in all colours. At the end of day, the mommy dolphin would take her babies home, and the mermaid went home to her family in the big castle at the edge of the seaweed forest. "Wait. No, that's not...

2 years ago
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In The Lap Of Himalayas

Hello, friends, it’s my first story. I am Danny () . I am from Rajasthan, India. This story is about a beautiful lady (say Shweta) from Gujarat who was with me on a tour to a dhauladhar range of Himalayas. I am 24-year-old guy hailing from Jodhpur Rajasthan. The story goes like this. I was on my way to trek triund on a cold morning of January 2016. It was my first trek and I was damn very excited about it. I carried stuff to keep my body warm there. I had sheelajeet for the same purpose. When I...

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The White Wolf 00

The legend of the white wolf explained Story tells of a white wolf, pure as the moon, and his mate black as the night sky. The purity of the white wolf was said to even out the evil in the black one. Their love was one of legends, it was told then when the time of the white wolf came there would be peace among all packs. The two mates were to be so loved by all that they would conquer the world. This story was translated from an ancient wolven script and part of the legend was lost along the...

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The vibrator of his ex

I warn every small 5inch white boy out there, if you do it one time you are done and eventually will become addicted to big nice cock sliding in youeven if you think it coudnt be done to you, it might just happen, because big cocks needs small tight holes and small cock boys have 2 pretty holes for big cocks love even if you think that friend with a gf coudnt want to fuck you, the truth is, big cocks love to fuck and get into a warm mouthi was in a party drunk having fun and got wasted , he was...

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Unexpected Lessons

I had been dating LeeAnn for about six months. We were both ninth graders and in most of the same classes. Her parents, especially her father, were pretty strict, wanting to know where we go when we're out on a date and they also wanted to meet my folks before we first had a date. These days, that's pretty strict. But, I think they approved of me, I get good grades and am a pretty 'straight arrow' kid, not a trouble maker or anything. So, it was the summer before we became sophomores, and...

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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 33

When I stepped off the elevator, I ran into Wendy Skelley. I ran into her so hard, I had to catch her to keep her from falling. “Josey, I’ve been looking for you. I saw you and Bailey together earlier, then you were gone. You fucked her, didn’t you? Come on, you can tell me. I want to know all about it. I hope you impregnated her too. Do you have a few minutes? Come go with me, I need you.” She was pulling my arm toward the long white drapes near the back wall of the lobby. I looked around...

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My Daughters Best Friend

I became a single father when my daughter was only eleven years old. Her mother died from complications with breast cancer. I was heart broken to say the least and I was even more scared dealing with the idea of raising a teenage daughter. During those trying years, there were plenty of times that my police academy training left me ill prepared for the challenges that I faced at home.My daughter Kayla grew into a beautiful young woman with dark black hair like her mother's. Her skin was fair...

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