Vanessas Erpressung
- 2 years ago
- 31
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Week commencing May 11 Had an accident on Wednesday while I was doing the washing-up, and broke a plate. Jon immediately put me over his knee and gave me 10 smacks with his hand. It was all over before I really realised what was happening. But not quick enough for me to miss the lump in his trousers that was pressing into my stomach. When it was over. I thanked him for giving me what I deserved, and asked him if could show him how sorry I was, by giving him relief to the bulge in his trousers. No sooner that he had said, "yes," I unzipped him and took him in my mouth. He has good staying power because it took me nearly 10 minutes to get him to cum. I kept sucking until he had gone soft.
The good weather didn't hold, and by Thursday, we were getting thunderstorms. Half way through the Thursday night, I went into Jon's room, and ask if I could get into bed with him. As usual for the middle of the night he just grunted and went back to sleep. I woke up next morning, with Jon on top of me, holding my wrists above my head, and pumping in and out of me. It's a brilliant way to wake up.
Saturday May 16 It was now 3 weeks since I started my new job, and after breakfast, Jon sat me down and asked me what my feelings were. He said that I should speak freely, and that nothing I said would be the cause of any punishment. I told him all about the thought that I had had the previous Saturday morning. He seemed pleased, but said that I should get out more on my days off, and meet a few people. He also suggested that I start looking for a part-time job, and asked me what I would like to do. I said that I wouldn't mind working in a pub for a couple of nights, or in a clothes shop for a couple of days a week.
Jon said that we would go to the little dress shop where we had had some fun in, and ask the girl there if she knew of any jobs going. Jon told me that he was pleased with the progress that I was making with my new life style, but was a little disappointed in the lack of mistakes that I was making. I then told him that I was his to do as he pleased, and if that meant punishing me for no reason, then I would not complain. He could use me as and when he wanted, for anything he wanted. I told him that my only concern was that he would allow other men to abuse my body, and that I wanted to keep it for him alone. I was then told that I had no need to worry on that count, there were too many unpleasant diseases around for him to risk getting one. Jon also told me that he was going to be away on business a few times over the next few months, and that we might even go on holiday abroad in the summer. I am really looking forward to that, I have never been abroad before and now understood why Jon had me send in a passport application form.
After the talk, I cleaned up, put a dress on, and we went into town. When we got to the centre of the Shopping Centre, Jon told me to go to the little dress shop where Kelly worked, and ask her if she knew of any jobs going. I was then to go to the market and get some material and a pattern for a Tennis dress. I was the to meet him back where we were, in two hours. I was pleased to see that Kelly was on her own in the clothes shop. She told me that she didn't know about any jobs, but would ask around. We started chatting, and before I knew it, I was telling her all about Jon and my job. As I was telling her, I happened to notice that her nipples were pushing out the front of her cotton dress. After about 15 minutes, she said that she had come across a dress that made her think of me, and had put it to one side, in case I came in again. She asked me if I had time to try it on, and when I said okay, she told me to go into the changing cubicle and that she would bring it into me. As I went into the cubicle, I saw her turn the 'open' sign on the door, and lock it.
I took my dress and shoes off and waited for her. After a couple of minutes, she came round the corner with this white dress, well, the front and back of a dress, the sides consisted of what I can only describe as 'shoe laces', all the way up. As she was helping lace it up, she said that she really liked the dress, and thought about buying it herself. I said that she would look good in it, and asked if she had tried it on. She hadn't, so I said she should, and why not try it after me. She said okay, and continued lacing. When she had finished, I said that I liked it, but would have to let Jon see it first. With that, Kelly started unlacing me. After the dress was off, she hung it up, and then asked me to help her out of her dress. This surprised me a little, but I started un- doing the buttons down her front. When I was near her breasts, she suddenly turned, brushing her left breast on my hand. She wasn't wearing a bra. When it was all undone, Kelly just let it drop to the floor, revealing that she too had no knickers on. There were now 2 naked women stood inched apart. We both just stood there looking up and down each other. She didn't have any pubic hair either, and there was something between her legs, but I couldn't see what.
Kelly broke the silence by giving my right breast a quick squeeze and saying "come on, I can't keep the shop closed for long." Helping her pull the dress on, I had to bend down, and with her legs being slightly apart, I could see that the 'something' between her legs were in fact 2 gold rings about the size of wedding rings. One in each lip. I asked her about them, and she said that she had had them done last year, and that they added more possibilities to her sexual pleasure. She spread her legs wider to give me a better look. "What do you think?" she asked me. "Nice idea" I said, "but I bet that it hurt like hell."
"It was worth it" she said. All this time my face was right in front of her shaved pussy, and I could smell her, see her lips getting bigger, and the juices appearing. I just couldn't help myself, I just kissed her mons, and slid my hand up her leg. She pulled the dress off, pulled me to my feet, and gave me a long French kiss. My right hand had never left her pussy, and was probing deep into her with absolutely no resistance. The kissing and groping went on for a while before there was a knocking on the shop door. That shook us, and Kelly said, "not the time or the place" and started putting her dress on.
As we walked from the changing rooms, I told her that I would talk to Jon about the dress, and she said that she would let me know if she found-out anything about a job. With that, Kelly opened the door, and I was off.
In the market, I found what I was looking for and went back to where I was meeting Jon. He wasn't there yet, so I say on a bench and waited. Not wanting to have crossed legs when he returned, I put the shopping bags on my knees. When he finally arrived, he just said, "come on," grabbed my hand, and pulled me up. From there, we went to the kids department in C&A, and I had to pick the right size school blouse, tie, pleated skirt, and white ankle socks. These were in the colours of a big school in town. On the way out, Jon reminded me that all my dresses and skirts had to be no longer than 5" below my pussy. He also told me to wash the blouse a lot of times to get rid of the 'starchiness' and make it thinner.
Nothing else of any real interest happened that day, we didn't even go out that evening.
Sunday May 17 Went to the Gym again, and I had to wear my white lycra shorts and top. I felt funny wearing something over my pussy. Jon made me work real hard, and I got quite a sweat on. The leg stretch wide machine was interesting, and I'm sure that a couple of men that were looking, could see my lips creeping out from the 2" crotch. I enjoyed the exercise cycle again, and by the time that I got off, the 2" of crotch was deep in between my lips, the short, shorts were revealing the bottoms of my cheeks, and both shorts and top were wet with sweat. A couple of the men and a teenage girl were all staring at me when we went out. I'm sure that there would have been more men looking at me, if they hadn't been so engrossed in their own workouts.
We went swimming after that, and Jon told me to go like I was. The pool was reasonable quiet, with only a few young teenagers in there. After we had done a couple of lengths, Jon lifted me out, and sat me on the side. I looked down, and my white lycra clothes were virtually transparent. I jumped back in and told Jon. He said that in that case, I might as well take the shorts off. Not wanting to hesitate, I took them off, and gave them to Jon. He then made me swim another couple of lengths before we went over to the 'bubble' machine. I got some funny looks from the teenagers, but I don't think that they were sure of what they were seeing. After all, I was under water. The 'bubble' machine was nice, all those bubbles erupting from the bottom of the pool. I'm sure that if I had stayed longer, I would have cum. Jon gave me my shorts, and told me to meet him in the spa. Good, I thought, more bubbles. When I got in, he asked me for my shorts again. When I gave them to him, he put them on the side behind his head, and then put his costume on top of them. It was a good job that there was no one else there, as I then had to sit in his lap while he fucked me. It was a bit painful to start off with, but once he got in, it was good. We managed to look 'innocent' for quite a while, even when two of the teenage girls joined us. If only they had known, and how they missed seeing our shorts, I will never know. I didn't manage to cum, but Jon did. All this time, the girls were busy chatting, and just ignored us. I got 'off' Jon and sat beside him, with my chest out of the water. When one of the boys came and joined the girls, he couldn't take his eyes off my breasts. I may as well have been completely naked. Jon slid our shorts back into the water, and we put them on. When we got out, I stepped from the bottom to the top, so that I had to take a big step. This really made the boys eyes open. I think I had made his day. I bet he didn't get anything like that sight from either if the girls he was with.
We went into the steam room and lay on the bench, and I ended up with my feet facing a man that was in there. If there hadn't been so much steam, then he would have got a right eye full, but that didn't stop me getting excited thinking about it.
Week commencing May 18 On the Monday, Kelly rang. I was her day off, and she had some news for me. She asked if she could come round. Remembering that Jon had said that it was okay to have friends round, I said yes. I was doing the vacuum cleaning in the nude when the door bell rang. Without even thinking, I opened the front door to see Kelly. "It's a good job it was me at the door and not the Postman" she said. It was only then that I remembered my state of dress.
"Jon likes me to be in the nude as much as possible, even when he's not around" I said, "besides, I've got used to being like this, and I even get a bit of a thrill doing all the housework without any clothes on."
"Well, that's just fine by me" Kelly replied. As we were drinking coffee, Kelly told me her news, a Shoe Shop just round the corner from her shop was looking for a part-time assistant, Thursdays and Fridays, but I needed to go and see them as soon as possible. I said that I would talk to Jon, and if he was agreeable, then I would go there in the morning.
After the coffee, Kelly asked me if she could have a look around the house. I had shown her every room but the 'punishment' room and started back down stairs. Kelly said, "what's in this room?" I blushed a little, and told her what I called the room. She said that she MUST see inside, and opened the door.
Inside, she asked me what Jon used to tie me to all the rings that were all over the ceiling and walls, I opened a draw, and let her look. She picked up a the handcuffs and then the tawse and said, "I bet you have a lot of fun with these, can I try them?" Before I could reply, she grabbed my wrists and put the cuffs on me and pushed me onto the bed. I just lay there as she pulled her dress off. She was then as naked as me. She climbed onto the bed, and holding my arms above my head, climbed on top of me, one knee on either side of my chest. I wasn't struggling, so she let go of my arms, held my head and kissed me. We tried to swallow each other's tongues for a few minutes before turning round and spreading my legs. She looked down and said, "Wow, what a clit, I'm going to enjoy this as much as you are". With that, she was sucking my clit and pushing her tongue into my hole. This was the first time that a woman had done that to me, and I have to say that I was enjoying it, So much so that when I opened my eyes and saw her shaved pussy and those rings, right in front of my face, I reached up and started licking her pussy. Her clit wasn't as big as mine, but her lips seemed to be bigger. Maybe it was something to do with the rings, or maybe she was just VERY aroused. She was certainly wet enough. I came first, and had trouble concentrating on what I was doing with my mouth. A couple of minutes later, she came too. I have never heard another woman have an orgasm before, and was a little surprised at how much she screamed and moaned. She collapsed beside me, and we both laid there for a few minutes. I didn't know what to say, I had enjoyed it, but it wasn't as intense as when Jon punished me, then fucked me. Kelly got up first, put her dress on, and started walking towards the door. As she reached the door, she turned and said, "That was good, must do it again sometime." With that she was gone. I just had time to get the cuffs of and take a shower before Jon came home.
That evening, I told Jon about the job, and he agreed to me taking it, if offered. There was only one condition, and that was that I was to stick to his rules about dress code. I told him that that was just fine with me.
Tuesday morning, I put my least revealing dress on and went to the Shoe Shop. I got the job, and was given a skirt and blouse to wear, and told to be back there on Thursday morning. I also bought a pattern and some material for a Tennis Dress that Jon had told me to get. He also told me about some 'alterations' that I had to make to the style. When I got home the sun was out, so I decided to spent the rest of the day starting an all-over tan in the back garden. At the bottom of the garden, there was a 3 rung open fence, the open fields, and there was only one small part of the back garden that was over-looked, and that was by a house that Jon told me had only an old man living in it. Apparently his wife had died a couple of years ago. I was still laid out on the patio when Jon got back from work. "Like sun-bathing Vanessa?" he asked. "Yes Master" I replied. "Well then, after you have got me some food, you can spend another couple of hours laid on the grass further down the garden."
Half an hour later, I was laid spread-eagle on a sheet of polythene while Jon was tying my wrists and ankles to fence posts, bushes and trees. Anything he could find to keep me spread wide. He then got the garden hose, disconnected the sprinkler, and proceeded to play with my clit until I was wet enough for him to push the hose into my hole. It didn't take long. He moved it in and out until I was close to cuming, then stopped and then went and turned the tap on a little. Wow, what a feeling. As the water trickled in to me, the pressure building up made me cum. As I started to calm down, the pressure kept going up, and I felt like I was going to burst and started struggling. Jon propped something under my head, so that I could see my swollen belly, then quickly pulled the hose out. If I hadn't of seen it for myself, I wouldn't have believe it, the water shot out of me, and went about 15 feet. Jon said that we were going to do that again, but the next time, I had to try to hold the water in, and then squirt it out a bit at a time, on command. By the third time I had got the hang of it. Jon untied me and I stood up, and tried again. I had really got the hang of it, and could direct it by leaning my body. Jon said that it was a nice little 'party trick'.
Thursday saw me going into the Shoe Shop at 11 o'clock. I had shortened the skirt to Jon's 'approved' length, and I got a look of disapproval from the Manager but she didn't say anything. I was shown the ropes, and it wasn't long before I served my first customer. As I was squatting down to help this woman, I suddenly realised that I was in the ideal position to flash my pussy to the customers. I would have to be very selective, but this could be fun. I was a little disappointed to find that I hadn't found one suitable person before the end of the day. In fact it was the Friday afternoon before a young man asked me to help him. Instead of squatting down with my knees facing sideways, I let them face him, and kept them a few inches apart. At first he didn't notice, but then I knew he had, because a bulge started to appear in his trousers. After I had finished fastening the shoes, I asked him if they were alright. He said that they were too tight and could he try a size larger. I nearly asked him if he meant shoes or trousers. When I got back with the larger size, I kept my knees even further apart and gave him a better look. He really took his time deciding if the shoes fitted. Fortunately, or unfortunately, he decided that the second pair fitted, bought them and left.
Saturday May 23 Nothing special happened today, Jon had to go to work, so I was on my own until early evening. When he did get back, he was so tired that he fell asleep in front of the TV. I spent part of the day making the Tennis dress from the material that I bought earlier in the week.
Sunday May 24 We went to a different Sports Centre in the morning, and Jon taught me to play Badminton and Squash. The squash was hard work, and no one saw me when I had to stretch up for a high shot, but the Badminton was different, the court was one of many in a big hall. I don't know which was more embarrassing, bending at the knees and risking someone seeing between them, or bending at the waist and risking someone seeing my bottom or my breasts. Jon's 'alterations' were to make the front lower, and the arm holes a lot bigger. The worst came when I slipped going for a shot, and went full length face down on the floor. I didn't hurt myself, but I'm sure the view from behind must have been 'interesting'.
In the afternoon, we went for a walk in a local park. I had to wear Ben and the progress was slow. When we were in a wooded part, Jon told me to take my dress off, and he had me up against a tree. I didn't need any encouragement because of the effects of Ben and I didn't even take them out when he fucked me. I was a bit worried when he pulled me down onto the ground and we went into what Jon told me was the '69' position. I didn't want him to swallow one of my balls. His mouth and teeth sucked and dug into my clit and hole as I sucked him clean. I think we both came at about the same time.
Week commencing May 25 At work on the Thursday, I had 'flashed' 2 men and one young woman. Older women just don't do anything for me at all. Friday was a bad day and a good day. I got sacked at the end of the day. The manager said that she didn't think I was suitable for the job. I think that she was jealous of the attention that I got from some of the customers. The good thing was that I had worn Ben all day, and it wouldn't surprise me if I had been dripping my juices when I squatted-down in front of the only 2 customers (1 twice) that I served that day. One woman about my age, and a middle aged man. The woman didn't buy any shoes, but came back about an hour later and tried-on about 6 pairs. I kept getting glimpses of her knickers, and each time, the wet patch was getting bigger. The man didn't know where to look. I got the impression that he wanted to look, but felt as though he shouldn't. Poor man. Jon wasn't worried that I had been sacked, and I'd certainly had some fun.
Saturday May 30 The most memorable event of that Saturday was in the Evening. Jon had me put on just a T-shirt and shoes and took me to a swimming pool up the Motorway. All the way there, I was thinking that I was sure that I hadn't seen him pack any swim suites, just towels. As we walked into the entrance, I knew I was right, and why we didn't need them, everyone was naked. There must have been over a hundred naked people, all of different ages, men and women, boys and girls. I saw quite a number of people who had also shaved their pubic hair off, and one woman with metal rings in her labia, just like Kelly. There were some really gross looking people. It was then that I realised that clothes were not just to keep us warm and look 'pretty', they were there to cover the fat ugly lumps. I had to admire some of those people, if I had a body like some of those, then I could NEVER take my clothes off. Anyway, that apart, I found it a very relaxing, natural evening. There was almost nothing sexual about it at all. Well, there wouldn't have been except that I was wearing Ben, and that had caused my lips to be swollen and open. I couldn't stop looking at the hundreds of cocks. I've never seen so many, of every different shape and size.
It was so natural, swimming in the nude, and being able to relax doing it. The last time Jon made me swim with no bottoms on, I was so nervous and excited, but I suppose that that was the chance of being caught. The water- slides were fun, all that water being forced, at speed, against my pussy. On the way home, I told Jon that I had really enjoyed myself, and asked if we could go again. Jon told me that we would, and that we would also go on other Naturist events like walking, camping and holidays to warm places. This made me really happy, and to show it, I asked him if I could, then I leaned over, unzipped him and gave him a blow-job.
Sunday May 31 This day was very quiet, that was because I was tied-up (literally) for most of the day. After breakfast, Jon told me not to bother to put a dress on, because I wouldn't need it. He told me to 'assume the position', and I had to wait like that for ages. When he did let me get up, my legs were so numb that I could hardly stand. I had to follow him up to the 'punishment room', and lay spread-eagle on the bed. I was then tied to each corner using thick cotton rope. After that, Jon put the ball-gag and blind-fold on me. At the time, I didn't know what he was doing next, all I could feel was the bed bouncing up and down, as if he was walking on it. Then I started to feel something touching my pussy, it was touching me, then not, then again. I had no idea what it was until it stopped moving, then rested just touching me. The bouncing on the bed stopped, then I realised what it was, just as soon as Jon switched it on. It was a vibe. Jon had suspended it from the ceiling, and it was just touching my pussy AND vibrating. The next things that I heard were the bedroom door closing, then Jon's car engine start, so I presumed that he had gone out and left me. After about 10 minutes, I started to get a bit excited and wet. As I started to get higher, I was getting really frustrated, I could feel the vibe, but it was outside me. I wanted it in me, and there was nothing I could do, I tried to shuffle my body as much as I could, but with it being suspended, it just moved as I did. I was getting desperate for it, and I could do nothing. This was worse than getting spanked, or even the cane.
Eventually, I came, and came again. The next thing I remember was Jon opening the door and untying me. I just grabbed the vibe, and pushed it right in. The relief was fantastic. As I got off the bed, I noticed a big wet patch on the bed, where my butt had been. I guess my juices really had been flowing.
That night, Jon took me to a quiet country pub, and bought me too many drinks. By the time it was getting to closing time, I was a little drunk, and Jon had to help me walk out. I haven't a clue if any of the other customers saw my bum or pussy, I just wasn't thinking, and I can't remember. Week commencing June 1 A quiet week, starting with a headache. Nothing special happened, and I spent a fair bit of time on Jon's PC bringing this journal up to date.
Saturday June 6 Jon seems determined to get me fit and Jon took me for another bike ride. This time though, I had to use the other bike, the one with a hole in the saddle. I didn't know what the hole was for - until then, but knowing Jon as I have learned to, I should have guessed. Just before we set off, Jon got the butt plug, and pushed it up through the hole. Jon then told me to make sure that it was in my vagina when I got on. We set off, and I just hoped that I didn't have to get off in a hurry.
We cycled out of the suburbs, and into the country. The saddle was a bit painful to start with, but after a while (and my juices had started to flow), I started to enjoy it, and really started peddling fast. Jon told me to slow down before I got too tired to ride home. We stopped at a pub for some lunch before cycling home. There was quite a 'plop' as I got off the bike, and the bike got a few funny looks and smiles from the locals while we were having lunch on a table outside. By the time I got home, I was really desperate for it, and pleaded with Jon to fuck me while we were still in the garage. He did, then told me to go and sit on the fence at the bottom of the garden for 30 minutes as a punishment for being so persistent with my pleading. Oh, forgot to say that I took my dress off in the garage before he fucked me, so I was in the nude. I got a splinter in my butt while sat on the fence, and had to ask Jon to remove it. You should have seem him laugh.
Sunday June 7 Jon thought that we would go to a swimming pool somewhere different today, so we drove to a small town towards Birmingham. We went to the sauna first, and that had separate changing rooms. Jon told me to wear just a towel and meet him out the other end of the changing rooms. When I got there, there was a big room with a relaxation area at one end, and a small workout area at the other end. When Jon came out, we went into the large sauna and sat on one of the benches. There was one other couple in there to start off with, but shortly afterwards, a group of 5 teenagers (3 boys and 2 girls) came in. The teenagers all wore swimming costumes, but the other couple looked as if they just had towels on. Everyone sat in silence until I whispered to Jon that my feet were cold. As I was sat at one end of a bench and there was still lots of room, Jon told me to lift my legs up, turn sideways, and put my feet on the bench. This left me with my knees bent, and my feet near my butt. I thought about what I might be showing, but Jon was the next person along the bench, so someone would have to lean over him if they wanted to look between my legs. The teenagers started talking about their previous night in the pub and I stopped listening. I was looking at Jon, and thinking that this was different to our previous weekends swimming, when I realised that one of the teenage boys on the bench opposite was whispering to one of his mates. He in turn whispered to the other boy, and they kept glancing over towards me. At first, I didn't take any notice of them, but then I realised that they were diagonally opposite me, and although they couldn't see my pussy by looking between my legs, they could see it by looking between my thigh and ankle. I decided not to notice, and whispered to Jon to tell him what was going on. He whispered that he had realised, and that the teenage girls, who were opposite him, were trying to look up his towel. With that, he turned his head towards me, and opened his knees. I was looking at one of the girls, and her eyes opened wide. I wanted to get a better reaction from the boys, so I 'shuffled down' a bit, giving them a better view. After a few more minutes, the heat was getting too much for me, and I asked Jon if we could get out.
We went round the back of the sauna, where there are a couple of showers facing each other, both with tatty old curtains. We both had a shower, and I noticed that Jon had a semi erection. Just as I was about to turn the shower off, the other couple that had been in the sauna came round the corner, and could clearly see both of us. I smiled at them, turned the shower off, and put my towel round me, and then looked at Jon. He had just turned his shower off, and pulled what was left of the curtain back, to be confronted by the woman, who was looking down at his semi. No one said anything, and Jon wrapped his towel round his waist, and we went into the relaxation area. We got a drink of water, and went and lay on 2 of the 'sun' loungers. There was no one else there, but there were some newspapers, so Jon threw one to me. We were both laid there, with papers on our bent up knees that weren't together, when the teenagers came in and sat on the other beds talking. I could see from the corner of my eye that they were all quickly glancing over to us, then back, but non of them said anything to, or about us, so I didn't move. I looked up at Jon once, his knees were about a foot apart, so he must have been showing as much as me. After about 5 minutes, Jon put his paper down, and said, "come on, we're going for a swim." "Grab your clothes, and meet me at the entrance to the changing rooms." As I went into the Ladies changing room, I stopped after going through the door, and held it open a bit. I could hear the teenagers saying things like "did you see that?" "They didn't have any pubic hair" and "he had an erection". One of the boys said, "did you see the size of her clit?" This made me pleased, and I let go of the door, collected my things from the locker, and went to meet Jon.
“Come on over here and get comfortable while I think up a story,” I suggested to Vanessa. “I know I’m not allowed to play with your pussy while I tell it, but what about your boobs. Can I play with those. I need something to inspire me.” “Well,” Vanessa considered, “normally that would be totally against the rules. But if you admit that you have lost totally already and that I am the absolute winner, then all rules can be suspended.” “Oh, hell,” I conceded, “you romped it in. Against your...
Vanessa leaned back against me in the bath as I played casually with her soapy nipples. She turned her head and kissed me lightly on the lips. ‘Isn’t this bliss?’ she sighed. ‘I love bathing you,’ I said, ‘but I can’t wait to dress you too. I love the feeling of looking after all of your body’s needs.’ ‘All of my body’s needs?’ laughed Vanessa. ‘Next you’ll be wanting to wipe my arse for me after I take a shit. Hey, I felt your cock twitch. Don’t tell me that thought turns you on.’ ‘It’s a...
The afternoon sun was streaming through the bedroom window when I awoke from a dream that Vanessa was casually and luxuriously sucking my cock, to find that she really was casually and luxuriously sucking my cock. ‘Hmmm..mmm,’ I sighed contentedly, ‘nothing like waking from a wet dream to find a wet reality.’ ‘Well reality’s not the only thing that’s wet,’ she replied. ‘I’ve been playing with myself again but it’s no substitute for the real thing. I hope you don’t mind that I started getting...
The next day I had set up my easel on the beach outside my cottage and was once more attempting to paint a landscape that someone might actually want to buy. Once more I was failing miserably. My heart just wasn’t in it. “Howdy, neighbour,” called Vanessa as she strolled up the beach towards me. She was wearing a navy blue short-sleeved blouse and white pleated skirt that fell just below her knees. When she reach me I noticed that her blouse was undone just enough to reveal that she was wearing...
Vanessa’s phone call woke me from a deep sleep. ‘You’d better stay up your end of the island for the next half hour,’ she warned me. ‘I’m going for a swim.’ ‘Thanks for the warning,’ I replied. No sooner had I hung up the phone than I grabbed my binoculars, positioned on my bedside table for just such an emergency, and ran down the path to Vanessa’s beach. I didn’t bother to put on any clothes. After all Vanessa wouldn’t be seeing me, or so I thought. Fifteen minutes later I had taken up my...
This is a memoir of my first time meeting a man. I’d been crossdressing for many years. I had many fun nights dressing up and playing with my toys but I wanted something more. I liked to get on the phone with guys and play around. I had my favorite toys to use, especially my eight inch dildo and my butt plug. I really got into my phone sessions, but I felt like I wanted to go further. There was a nice guy who I had been talking to for a while, and I got to know a little better than the...
At first it seemed a bit strange to be reading aloud a story written in the first person by a woman. But somehow, knowing that Vanessa had written the story, I found it a tremendous turn-on. It was as if I was not just possessing her body from the outside as I had already, but from the inside. When she played with her body or the bodies of other women in the story it was with my hands. When she saw them it was with my eyes. ”I run a health club for women only’,’ I began. ”Alot of women would...
‘Does it feel good when I do this?’ Vanessa asked, briefly clenching her pussy muscles around my cock as she pumped up and down on it. ‘It feels like your pussy is wanking me off,’ I cried. ‘My pussy is wanking you off and sucking you off and fucking you all at the same time. Isn’t she a naughty, clever little pussy,’ she explained, her voice quavering and breaking in the ecstacy of the fuck. I grasped the cheeks of her bottom, wet as they were with freely running sweat, and rolled her over...
For five years I had lived on the island totally without human companionship. I saw no men but the old guy who ran the supply ship, and no women at all. And I was happy. An artist needs his solitude. In the hurley-burley that we choose to call society, the deeper voice of the soul cannot be heard. Man alone with nature, that’s the way it should be. Like Thoreau at Walden Pond, Hemingway battling it out with the marlin in the Gulf of Mexico, Amundsen eating his own huskeys to stay alive at the...
Last month I met the most amazing man. We met at a book store. I wasn’t paying attention and I bumped into him. When he helped me up, it was love at first sight. We have been dating for a month now. Tonight is, our one month anniversary. He is taking me to a new Italian restaurant in town. I picked out a black dress, black lacy bra and black thong. I had a Brazilian wax a few days ago, in case we have sex. I am so excited to be with Mark. I am just wondering, if we will finally have sex...
It was no good. I just couldn’t get her out of my mind. I was back on the other side of the island where I lived in a small cottage over-looking the beach. I had my easel set up on a slight rise that gave me a perfect view of the sea and the beach and the rich green vegetation that covered the island from the edge of the beach to its central rocky outcrop which rose to about 20 metres above sea-level behind me. I was trying to paint, but it was no use. The large rocks that gave the beach its...
Well, I know a lot you guys don?t find Janeway hot and sexy but I happen to do ?Well, I know a lot you guys don?t find Janeway hot and sexy but I happen to do. Well when I was a younger man and she was younger. But I still find her kind of sexy for a mature woman. So sue me for using my talent to have a little fun with what I consider a hot older babe. I enjoyed writing it. How you enjoy reading it.???????????????????????????????? ??? ??????????????? CAPTAIN JANEWAY CAPTAIN?S...
From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "The summer of 1890 was to be the start of my new life. At fifteen years of age, I was to be presented to society and I had expected that I would then be considered an adult. That, at long last, I would have a say in my own life, my own destiny. That was not to be, though. I was still just a doll to be dressed and used as decoration in the home of my powerful parents. I was made up and dressed and used to impress the visitors who came...
It was the year 2001. 15-year-old Newt looked at himself in the mirror. He could see some of his mother Laverne’s African American features looking back, but also blue eyes and a lighter skin tone that must have come from his unknown father. He growled, angry. Why didn’t his mom ever tell him who his father was? Her insistence that she didn’t know didn’t make any sense! She said that Newt didn’t look like who she thought his father was, and she hadn’t been with any blue-eyed white boys. His...
From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "Langdon Beech-Thorndyke III was 'a catch.' Mother and Father thought that he would be a perfect match for me. He was twenty three and I was fifteen. My parents hoped that we would become betrothed that summer and then a grandiose wedding would follow in three years after I turned eighteen. This was my sister's summer, though. Miranda would be married in August to a Vanderbilt cousin who she barely knew. The opulent affair...
From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "Beauty comes from pain, Louisa. A proper young woman does not present herself unless she is properly coiffed, properly made-up, properly attired and wearing the proper accoutrements. That, Louisa, is what 'proper' means." Of course, I tried to argue. That is, after all, what an adolescent is supposed to do, but my mother would just purse her lips, shake her head in disgust and repeat that one sentence that she spoke most frequently...
From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport' ~ "The day of Miranda's wedding was cloudy and overcast, so perhaps Aunt Ada had been correct. Perhaps God would not waste a beautiful day on a wedding that would lead to a loveless marriage. Instead of using the vast tents that had been erected on the lawns at Golden Bluffs, everything was moved into our grand ballroom, which was large, but could not accommodate everyone who'd been invited. So, tables were also...
From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "The week prior to Miranda's wedding was a hectic and crowded one at Golden Bluffs. All of our relations came to Newport for the event and many of them stayed with us. Unfortunately, we also had many friends and business associates staying as well, which did lead to some difficult choices. Father was a self-made man who had family he wanted in attendance, but they were from a lower rung of society. So, since the rooms were assigned to...
We entered the outmost orbit of the Dover System ten hours before the deadline. Har-Hi who stood next to me sighed. “I wished it would have taken longer. This is what I am born for, to be aboard a ship and roam the stars’”. I felt the same way and agreed with him, saying. “Me too.” The doors opened and Wetmouth stepped through, taking her seat behind the small science station at the rear of the bridge. I observed Har Hi who acted as the OPS officer of our little crew dedicating sensors...
This is a true story about the light of my life. She passed away from cancer years ago and I wrote this to remember her. She was an amazing person who left this world a better place. Enjoy. A true story This is a true story about the light of my life. She passed away from cancer years ago and I wrote this to remember her. She was an amazing person who left this world a better place. Enjoy. My wife and I were attending a car show in Newport Beach. It was at the Newporter Inn, a classically...
SwingerWe all had a good night’s sleep and used one of our own Cargo skimmers that was part of the Destroyers equipment to fly back instead of walking and were told to join all the other cadets in a large assembly hall with flags of the Union hanging from the ceiling where I estimated perhaps 600 senior Cadets had gathered. There were no chairs, everyone was standing. At one end of the assembly hall was a raised platform and a lectern with the Newport Academy logo. I saw an Admiral coming in. I...
We begin with a mini-montage of life in Newcastle-upon-Tyne ... A shot of Gray’s Monument, of the busy Eldon Square shopping center, St James’ Park football stadium, before we find ourselves in a busy street, looking up at an impressive, and very modern looking 5 story glass fronted building. We can see through the glass walls, seeing the staircases and offices inside. And then, stepping into frame from the side, trying not the block the architectural masterpiece – another masterpiece of...
We start this week’s show with establishing shots of a Geordie-land’s infamous night-life. Along the Quayside, teaming with young bodies as the youth of the Toon move from pub to pub, barely wearing enough to protect them from the cold northern wind. Then we’re around the corner on a street with four story buildings on either side of a wide street, with plenty of pedestrian space infront of multiple pubs and clubs. Everyone looking very relieved that the lockdown is over and the party has...
"What's going on here?" Vanessa Hudgens asked Alyson Michalka as they walked past a trio of teenage girls. "Is this why you couldn't go out tonight?""AJ's having a sleepover and I got roped into keeping an eye on them since my parents are out of town," Aly explained."How cute," Vanessa said, letting her eyes wander from AJ to Selena Gomez and finally to the third member of the sleepover, Demi Lovato."Hi Vanessa," AJ said. "We're going to watch School Of Rock if you guys want to join us.""Ooh,"...
Vanessa is 36 years old, married to her high school sweetheart, Brian. Brian is 5 years older than her. He is not the fittest guy for his age even. He has gained a few pounds over the years. Vanessa however, still looks after her appearance. She has maroon red dyed curly hair at shoulder length, 5"4", 32C cup, a size 8 and very attractive. Some people make jokes about beauty and the b**st but there is always a degree of truth about it. She also has a seductive look that comes naturally and she...
Mark was still mortified the following day and called in sick rather than face his boss, Ezra DeZam. But DeZam surprised him, and came by his motel room to see how he was and to impart some important information to him. “Listen Mark, here in Monroe, some of us play it fast and loose. We have good reason for it. Other folks have tried to fit in here ... this climate sucks. We get torrential rain followed by floods and the humidity and heat are enough to drive you crazy. Seemed like everyone...
The next morning Vanessa opened her eyes, she hoped that it was Shorty that is next to her. She suddenly felt an itching sensation inside her pussy. It felt like a million little micro nerves tingling around the inside of her pussy creating a ticklish sensation. She tried to brush it off and forced herself out of her bed, still feeling a bit sluggish and hit the shower. Brian has prepped Kelly to school. That's the good thing about Brian, he doesn't mind to do share the load, sometimes even...
The three workmen were slaving away in the back garden, in the hot sun. Vanessa watched them from the upstairs bedroom window, getting more excited by the second. Under her robe she was wearing a beautiful red basque with a red g-string, black stockings and five inch heels. This was topped off with the tiniest lycra red halterneck dress which barely concealed her ass or bulge. She undid her robe and looked at herself in the mirror. Her long blond hair and heavily made up face looked as good as...
As Joseph stepped through the first door to the conditioning chamber, he once again considered his paraphrasing of Genesis, “On the seventh day, God made slave girls.” Repeated testing had proven that a typical girl’s will could be broken within five to nine days, with most being broken after a week of torture. He stepped into the chamber to determine if this was so. After Vanessa’s electric stun wand treatment a week ago, she had been lowered to the mat to lie unconscious in her own waste....
When our new employee Vanessa was first introduced in our sales meeting, Natalie had shot me a wide-eyed look. Her slender form slipped into the room and as she took her seat, I noticed her tight bum curving under her black skirt. The curly locks of her black hair pinned behind her head allowed a look at her elegant neck. I had looked back to Natalie, whose smirk revealed that she knew the exact contents of my filthy mind. That had been weeks ago and since then, smiles had ramped up to...
LesbianAuthor's Foreword & Acknowledgement It probably goes without saying, but the main story, while set in the ‘present day’, does predate the COVID pandemic. It reinforces the point that this story is purely an erotic, fictional fantasy, developed solely from the present author’s weird imagination. The events & individuals portrayed are completely fictional & not based on any actual real-life cases from either group to my knowledge. The following story is set in a particular context, & partly...
FetishI leaned against the fence watching the cheerleaders practice their routines. The sun was warm on my back and a drop of sweat ran down the side of my face. I wiped it off, not sure if it was because of the heat or me being horny. Vanessa did a few cartwheels and came to a halt only a few yards from me. When she saw me she waved.“Hi, Ben!”I waived back but didn’t have time to answer her because she ran back to her friends. She was so hot in her uniform and long tanned legs. When she jumped or...
TeenIntroduction: Vanessa, my wife, gets it from a thick stick Vanessa is my wife of five years. She is half Latino and half Irish and she is quite the stunner with a luscious smile sporting perfectly straight white teeth, a well rounded apple bottom bosom, and beautiful perky tits and even thicker luscious nipples. Thats my perfect wife. She dresses very classy too. She never dresses like a skank. She wears long skirts and flat shoes and gowns that hide her beautiful hour glass figure. This was...
I’m five feet eight, slim, a little too slim in the breast department for my own liking but I hadn’t had any complaints. My eyes are brown as is my hair which is cut short. I live in my own house and have done ever since my divorce ten years ago. I’ve had a couple of flings but nothing too serious. About nine years ago a nice couple moved in next door. They had a teenage daughter called Julie and one night she knocked on my door saying she had forgotten her keys and could she come in for a...
LesbianI’m five feet eight, slim, a little too slim in the breast department for my own liking but I hadn’t had any complaints. My eyes are brown as is my hair which is cut short. I live in my own house and have done ever since my divorce ten years ago. I’ve had a couple of flings but nothing too serious. About nine years ago a nice couple moved in next door. They had a teenage daughter called Julie and one night she knocked on my door saying she had forgotten her keys and could she come in for a...
Introduction: I havent written in a while so please be nice. Enjoy Vanessa looked up into Zachs eyes and smiled. The brilliant blue always got the best of her. The light gleaming in from outside made them both retreat to the covers and hide from the outside world. Zach reached out to Vanessa and touched her delicate, cold face. They both stared deeply into each others eyes until Zach chuckled, breaking the bond, and rolled on top of Vanessa, pinning her arms down. Vanessa giggled cutely and...
Vanessa had it all planned out meticulously. She had taken the day off and planned on doing a bit of last minute shopping before checking into the hotel in the early afternoon. She eventually decided on buying a massive dildo to get her ready for the party. This would give her plenty of time to take a long bath, shave and make herself look as alluring as she could. Her date would arrive about nine and hopefully, as he had said, would be bringing a few friends along as well. He had explained to...
It is not uncommon for men of a certain age to experience erectile dysfunction but this was of little comfort when it started happening to me a few months ago. Vanessa was certainly not mollified by knowing she was not the first woman to discover she had a malfunctioning husband on her hands. “Don’t worry, sweetie, we’ll try another time,” she said, or similar, the first couple of times, but her patience wore thin as the failures mounted. It was always the same. I would get hard, no problem,...
This character has nothing to do with the Isaac in Midnight Plush (q.v.). The idea for this story came in a dream, and that was his name in the dream, so I didn’t change it. This is the closest thing to a traditional short story I’ve submitted, and I would really like solid critique on it. Especially, did I do a good job of writing from a man’s point of view? Oh, and I guess I should state this explicitly, based on some so-called ‘feedback’ I’ve gotten on other stories: Everything I write is...
Hi lads. As normal, all my stories are true and I’ll only change names to protect identities. Don’t forget to comment after reading if you enjoyed it Happy reading guys. ***************************** Another boring day in the North East. With money to burn, me and my friend (lass) decided to get the train from Darlington through to the Metrocentre. If you’ve done this trip, you know you have to transfer at Newcastle. Newcastle station itself is a dull dreary place, loud and unexciting. But...
Hi lads.As normal, all my stories are true and I'll only change names to protect identities. Don't forget to comment after reading if you enjoyed it :)Happy reading guys.*****************************Another boring day in the North East. With money to burn, me and my friend (lass) decided to get the train from Darlington through to the Metrocentre. If you've done this trip, you know you have to transfer at Newcastle. Newcastle station itself is a dull dreary place, loud and unexciting. But there...
This story happened a few years ago. Every time I remember it, I get an erection. It all started one day when I went to an administrative office to do a paperwork. I entered, they gave me a turn, I sat down to wait. While I waited I read a book I had brought. After several minutes another person enters. He sits in front of me. When I saw her I was surprised by her beauty. Was beautiful. She had blond hair, light eyes, small nose, thin red lips, very delicate skin. I was wearing a shirt through...
Halfway through the shitty romance movie Vanessa begged me to watch I noticed her squirming around on her end of the couch. I take note of this since she tends to sit through a movie without moving like some jacked up zombie. She suddenly turned to me and said "I have to go to the bathroom, pause the movie for me" then rushed off towards my bathroom. I paused the movie and sat there waiting for her to come back. After almost 5 minutes had passed she came back "you all good?" I asked "yeah...
“I see you were using the pods again,” Marion White, the ships First Officer, says as she enters the galley to see Regina on the deck naked. “Unauthorized use of company property for personal pleasure is not allowed you know.” Regina lifts her head from the deck and blinks away the sleep. “Why don’t you just shove it up your ass,” she sneers. Marion walks over and pulls out an egg from a pod and pops it in her mouth. “You know, I don’t know what makes you so special.” She takes a seat and...
Vanessa stared at her surroundings as she walked behind her owner through the house. The mansion seemed huge to her, certainly far larger than anything she had ever lived in before, although she no longer had any coherent memory of where that was. She padded naked as he led her through the rooms into the kitchen. Once there she saw that two of the other slave girls, Marcy and Jane, were working, washing and drying dishes. Unlike her they were wearing the abbreviated French Maid costumes....
Newlywed Husband Learns the TruthLisa is a very large woman in her early twenties. She is about 5'6" and weighs about 380. She is definitely what you would call a SSBBW.John is a skinny, dorky white guy in his twenties.Pastor Lamont is in his late fifties, with gray hair and a gray goatee.John and Lisa had dated for almost two years before he proposed. They had a great relationship, but she told him she was going to wait until marriage to have sex with him. Lucky for John, she allowed him...
Vanessa sipped her coffee, enjoying the warm breeze and the evening sunshine as she sat in the park with Dieter, her boyfriend.Had Dieter been more attentive, he would have noticed that she had a faraway look in her eyes, as she stared away into middle distance to her left. Any psychologist would tell you that she was remembering, and her cute smile, showing her neat white teeth, affirmed that the memory was a pleasant one. What Dieter did not know either, was that as she sat there in the...
My dick grew semi-hard even before we got out of the car.I knew I wanted to attend the Newport Naval Academy even before my father set the DeSoto's parking brake. Beyond the car window, about twenty feet away, three good-looking boys stood talking. Their tight white uniforms hugged their lithe teenage bodies rather provocatively. My parents insisted on a military type school. I was on my way to becoming a little punk and strict school discipline would "straighten" me out. Well, the "out" part...
An establishing shot of a modern looking school – all identifying signage is digitally masked for privacy reasons, but anyone familiar with the area would immediately recognize the stylized architecture of the building. And then our host steps into frame infront of the sign ... Sexy dimples, and big fake tits pushing out of the top of her sexy black PVC mini-skirted business suit, dominate the first impression. We can’t help but stare at those perfect orbs of flesh as they seem to attempt an...
Once more we fade in on our darkened ‘bedroom’ set. A rusty old metal bedframe, with headboard and footboard, plus a dirty, threadbare mattress laying on squeaky springs. There are no sheets, no blankets, and no pillows – just stains, mostly caused by our the guests who have appeared on the show this year. We pull back from these stains and turn to the side of the set – looking into the darkness of the unlit depths of the room as a figure approaches, feet clicking, or clomping, on the...
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! This warning is possibly not needed for this particular story, but I am including it because it is needed for most of my stories. If you decide to read other of my stories make sure that you read the disclosures and warnings at the beginning of each story. All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any...
How do you explain to your fiancé that there are dark secrets – even ghosts – in your family history? And that some of those ghosts are not fully relegated to the past.It was a crisp, but not cold, end of October evening in the “middle ground” just north of Vidalia, Louisiana, when Shelly stepped out of the woods and walked across the harvested cotton patch toward a small square of grass and weeds that stuck out almost like an island into the empty field. If you looked closely at that square,...
HistoricalHow do you explain to your fiancé that there are dark secrets – even ghosts – in your family history? And that some of those ghosts are not fully relegated to the past.It was a crisp, but not cold, end of October evening in the “middle ground” just north of Vidalia, Louisiana, when Shelly stepped out of the woods and walked across the harvested cotton patch toward a small square of grass and weeds that stuck out almost like an island into the empty field. If you looked closely at that square,...
HistoricalLooking at the wedding invitation in his hands from his frat brother, Tyrone Milton let his thoughts drift back to the end of his junior year in college. The invitation came from Brad Wilton, the frat brother who had beaten him out of the coveted office of president of the fraternity for their senior year of college. He began to fume as he tossed the invitation off to the side of his desk. "That fucker! I owe him one!" he muttered loudly. The fraternity that Tyrone and Brad Wilson had joined,...
Vanessa, eine Reporterin, war im Fernsehen oft zu sehen, wenn es um Gerichtsfälle ging. Mit 39 Jahren sah sie sehr attraktiv aus. Sie hatte braune schulterlange Haare, meistens hochgesteckt und eine BH-Größe von 80 D. Meistens trug sie dunkle Kleidung. Sie hatte fast immer einen Rock an. Bald wurde Chris, Anfang 30, ein Dozent wegen angeblicher Vergewaltigung einer Studentin verhaftet. Doch er hatte nichts damit zu tun. Die Studentin war die Tochter von einer Freundin von Vanessa. Dadurch dass...
…02:00…Peeping cautiously around the corner into the corridor, Vanessa saw the security guard pause outside Room 101. He peered through the barred window in the door and checked the video screen in the wall before walking on. She looked at her watch. Just after 2am. An hour before he’d be back to check again. 60 minutes to do it. No time to waste.As soon as the guard had turned the corner, she was sprinting bare-footed down the corridor, stolen key-cards in hand. Holding her breath, she pushed...
Monster SexThis is a true account recording of an event I experienced as a girl during my student years in Newcastle England. At Uni first year, like most foreign students live in Halls, but unfortunate for myself, as a late starter was boarded in a flat, the upper attic, in a house across the river in Danmark street, Gateshead. Being a Scandinavian girl with all the typical traits associated to females of that origin, I did stand out somewhat, in a very grey looking place, habituated by equally grey...
Sorry if the title is misleading, but young sex and i****tuous sex are the turn-ons for girls like myself and horny guys wanting a dirty female for fun. Of course as a girl on the legal limit, getting a man inside you is just a nod or a wink away. Drinking from a beer bottle and noticing a guy eyeing you, is fun when you give the bottle an extra push into your mouth and withdraw it with a lip sucking extraction, slow and deliberate, to get the message across that this could be your cock and...