Auntie's IslandChapter 1: Something Was Not Right free porn video

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Hello there. My name is Ann Jackman, and I have been asked by Auntie to put together this little tale for you. I say "put together," because, save for these few opening lines (plus one or two at the end), you will hear no more from me in our saga (at least, directly). Others, at Auntie's behest, have done the writing; and I will act in the role of editor. I've never been an editor. I rather like the idea. It has a literary flare, does it not? Editor. Yes, I like it immensely.

(By the way ... a word about those lines at the end: I REALLY like chapters that leave the reader hanging ... and since I AM the editor, that might just happen. If this thing is posted in segments, and you come to what you're worried might be the end, remember: it ain't over until this skinny bitch has sung! Know what I mean? In other words, you might have to "tune in again next week.")

This is (as Douglas Adams would put it) part four in a trilogy, which a few of you may have found in the more esoteric corners of the internet. All three of the previous pieces are included as parts of a complete novel entitled: THE ADDICTED NATURAL. The first part of that particular chronicle introduced Fred and Brenda Fielding (Brenda being the real heroine in the entire series ... as she is in this segment, as well). The second part of the story tells of the lovely Dee, who was so confused in her former life, she did not realize, at first, that her only road to true happiness was through complete physical and emotional surrender to someone she loved. And in the third piece of the tale, you met little Willie, who I had the pleasure of raising as if she was my own daughter here on Auntie's Island ... until she was so savagely taken away from us. If you have not read that tome, I'm afraid I must insist that you peruse it as an advanced reading assignment. I hope you do not find it overly dull. I loved it ... but then, I'm a randy old broad who truly knows how to appreciate a dirty book.

The four people I just mentioned comprise the major part of our staff of writers. It will be MY mission to choose which rendition of a certain event is most clearly presented, depending on whose perspective was most accurate and which parts of their written narratives are germane to our plot.

However, before I turn the stage over to them, please allow me to briefly outline the purpose of presenting the experiences chronicled herein. This will be about destiny ... whether it exists; why we most often choose not to believe in it; and what we can (or should) do about it if we do. It is about the extent to which a woman will go to surrender herself, her body and her soul. And, it is about change ... for we all change. Oh my, how we can change! And virtually everyone in our tale does. Dramatically.

Our story has a tinge of mystery. For Auntie's Island harbors a deep, deep mystery of its own. It always has. Always. I know what it is, of course; and, as is the case in all good mystery novels, I will present certain clues to the reader as we progress. Some of you will figure it out before our tale is done. Others will be so disbelieving about the whole thing, that the nature of the mystery will be lost on them entirely. But belief is something that you either choose or not.

And lastly (unlike Douglas Adams), there will be no part five in our trilogy. This will be the end.

Live with it.


Willie was like a bouncy little girl, and once again, I had to question whether we had been correct in our assumption of her true age. She couldn't sit still, and once or twice since our plane had landed, as we were waiting for the taxi, waiting for the ferry, she stood and bounced up and down, hopping like a little girl, clapping her hands, squealing in girlish laughter. Unable to contain her pent up energy, she once again launched herself upward into Fred's arms, clutching at his neck, holding him, kissing him.

Brenda looked tired, but stoic and happy for her young lover. Our young lover. She had taken a turn with little Lizzy, taking the baby into the ferryboat's dingy lady's room to change her, rocking her tiny three-month-old body in her arms until she slept a little. But now she was fussy again, and Brenda plopped down on the long outdoor bench and handed her daughter ... my daughter ... our daughter to me, and took a moment to look around at the scenery that was so exciting Willie.

Barbados was hot, humid and breathtakingly beautiful. I couldn't tell if the water was especially shallow or especially clear, or both, but the bottom always seemed to be visible. The fish that swam around us were like the fish you buy for an aquarium, bright and colorful. Seagulls flocked around the stern of the small passenger ferry, squawking and screeching, swooping and diving. The air was clean and wonderful. A large man wearing some sort of seaman's uniform sat heavily on the bench facing us, leering openly at us. His eyes swept up and down Brenda's body, shifted to my breasts, back to her again.

Willie flung herself onto the bench between us, kissing Brenda on the cheek with more than chaste affection. "We're almost THERE!" she squealed. "I can see Daddy Jonathan's boat ahead in the marina!" She kissed her again. Lizzy started crying.

The man's eyes were all over us. He practically started drooling at the sight of Willie, and to my awe, he rocked himself onto one ass-cheek, stuck his hand down the front of his trousers, and adjusted his obvious erection before he put his arm back to his side and relaxed. His gaze settled once again on my breasts.

"I think you should feed the baby, Dee," Brenda said calmly.

I glanced nervously at her. She was staring at the man across from us.

"Um ... okay. I'll take her into the washroom," I replied nervously.

"No, here," she said, never taking her eyes off the man.

I couldn't believe my ears. Finally, it struck me that she intended to humiliate me in front of this awful sailor. "Oh, Brenda," I pleaded. "Please let me..."

Her lips drew up in a sinister smile. Willie, finally realizing that something was happening, looked questioningly between the two of us, at the man across from us, then back at me. "Go ahead, Dee," Brenda said gently. "Do as I tell you."

I felt myself blush crimson. I reached up with one hand and undid the bow holding the harness straps of my sundress, pulled one side down, fully baring my right breast, and drew the crying Lizzy to my nipple. She immediately sucked it into her voracious mouth, reached up with her tiny little hand, grasping the side of my large breast and hugging it, as her cries subsided into pleased little rhythmic grunts while she fed. I looked up at the awful sailor. He was staring, goggle-eyed at the scene in front of him. I suddenly realized that I was breathing too deeply. My embarrassment was having a familiar but unwelcome effect on me, along with Lizzy's greedy little sucking mouth on my tit. I shifted in my seat, hoping desperately that the moisture I felt between my legs wouldn't leave a spot on my dress. No one spoke for the longest time.

"Willie, go get Freddy and ask him to bring us the stroller, please. We're almost there," Brenda ordered softly.

Willie seemed to become cognizant of her surroundings again with a start. But before she moved to obey, she turned to me, a hand on my bare arm. "Are you okay, Dee?" she asked, concerned.

"Yes, I'll be fine," I said huskily, looking at her, thankful for her concern.

She cast another glance at the leering man, then leaned upward toward me, and before I realized her intent, she was kissing me fully on the lips. Then she was up and moving toward Fred. She was skipping. Like a little girl.

Fred came back from the front railing pushing the stroller, his brow wrinkling when he saw what I was doing in so public a place. But he took in the scene and nodded, his eyes settling on Brenda for a long moment.

"I don't think we'll need the stroller for now, Freddy," she told him flatly. "If you can take it and the other things, we'll follow along with Lizzy."

"Sure," he answered. He nodded a sort of friendly/serious greeting to the man across from us, then picked up the diaper bag and his large backpack, and started walking toward the gangway, which had just been lowered. Lizzy was finally asleep, and as I rose, Brenda turned me so that she could tie the straps of my dress again.

The leering man stood, too. "I'm gobsmacked!" the man said in a deep cockney accent. "This is jus' unfair, this is! One bloke and three gorgeous ladies! Ain't fair!"

"You're absolutely right," Brenda told him emphatically. "It ISN'T fair! We've all BEGGED him to get another girl so we could get some rest, but he won't listen!"

Willie threw back her head and laughed merrily, slipped her hand through my free elbow, and arm-in-arm-in-arm, we flounced off the boat, leaving the leering sailor in our wake.


Willie ran up to the strong, dark man in the large boat shrieking "Daddy John! Daddy John!" and launched her lithe young body into his arms, burying her face into the side of his neck as he lifted her off her feet and twirled her.

"A hundred thousand welcomes; I could weep. And I could laugh; I am light, and heavy: Welcome!"

He favored each of us with a quotation as Willie introduced us. For Dee:

"By Jupiter, an angel! Or, if not, An earthly paragon!"

For me:

" ... a most exquisite lady. She's beautiful; and therefore to be woo'd: She is a woman; and therefore to be won."

And lastly, Freddy:

"Rest you fair, good Signior!"

Freddy laughed, shook his hand and said: "This is not Venice, sir, and I am no Merchant," and Jonathan was clearly pleased that someone had correctly placed his chosen quotation.

"Daddy, stop!" Willie cried, laughing, and then turned to us. "He never says anything of his own if he thinks the stupid 'Bard' said it better!"

"She speaks poignards, and every word stabs!" he declared dramatically.

We settled in for the long, two hour boat ride across the calm, sparkling sea south of Barbados to the place Willie had continuously been calling "Auntie's Island." (It was with amazement that Dee had finally found the small speck on an online maritime chart and discovered that was the actual name of the place.) The baby was asleep in her stroller, securely buckled in and surrounded by life preservers, which had been tied to it in case of emergency. Willie and Freddy were up front with Jonathan, pointing, gesticulating, laughing. Dee lounged in a deckchair beside Lizzy's stroller. I sat in the rear ... the stern ... in a plastic chair, and I put my feet up in the seat and wrapped my arms around my knees, thinking.

Something was not right.

Perhaps it was my own mood, which had been swinging rather dramatically of late. Maybe it was just runaway hormones. I'd been off the pill now for three ... no, going on four months, but of course I still wasn't pregnant. It was much too early to start thinking dark thoughts, but a girl thinks them anyway, I guess. Maybe my grumbling nerves were a reaction to something Freddy wasn't providing ... and I don't mean sex ... although, it had been a few days since THAT had happened, too. He hadn't hypnotized me. That could be my problem. It often was. I needed that. I craved it.

Willie's giggling laughter made me look up at her. SHE could be the problem. She WAS a problem, of sorts, though it's very, very hard to describe, and I could NEVER tell HER about it. I'll try to write it down here. Maybe I can make you understand. You see, there's something that makes me different from other girls. If someone needs something, I find that I HAVE to help them. And it isn't the case with just anybody ... because, let's face it, everybody needs SOMETHING! But, that's how I met Willie. She needed me, and so I helped her. But when her problem was finally rectified, she still needed me ... there was still some problem that needed solving ... still some need that was left unfulfilled. Sometimes, I can be with a person, talk with a person, hold a person, and it's as if that person's problem ... that person's need ... just melts away. When that happens, it always seems to leave me feeling kind of drained ... but happy, too. It gives me a feeling of satisfaction; sort of a "job well done" kind of feeling.

But I'd done that with Willie time and again over the past six or seven months. And now, she LOOKED happy. She SEEMED contented. And no one could see it except me. No one noticed except me. Willie still had a need ... buried deep down inside. There was still something she had to do ... no, something I had to do ... to fulfill that need of hers. Like I said, if I had tried to explain it to her, she would have denied it. Not even SHE knew it was there. But I did. She had a need. And I needed to help her.

Oh, I wished Freddy would hypnotize me.

I thought back over the past few months. I don't know why I got online and searched for Willie's "Auntie" that day. And it had been sheer luck that I had stumbled across the right webpage. Willie had been absolutely certain that her Auntie was dead, absolutely positive that she had watched her die. We had simply taken it for granted. But, there she was, not only alive, but open for business again, helping children who had "psychic gifts" refine and accept their way of life. I had told Freddy first, of course, and asked his permission to break the news to Willie. She had been so surprised, when we told her, that she'd fainted dead away. And there were tears of joy. And there was this trip planned by the whole "family," though it was not so urgent that we couldn't wait until Lizzy was three months old to make the trip with us. Willie had talked to Auntie at least once a week while the plans were being made.

Why hadn't "Auntie" flown up to Illinois to visit? Why hadn't she come with Jonathan to Barbados to meet us? Was she still hampered by her wounds? It might have helped my peace of mind it I knew what she looked like. We'd never even seen a picture. Willie thought she was beautiful, but then, every child is raised to think that her mother (or lacking a mother, her aunt) is beautiful.

Was she really a succubus? Should I be worried about Freddy? Should I be worried about myself?

No, I was worried about Willie. She needed something.

I decided to think about something else for awhile. The incident with the staring sailor on the ferry still bothered me. Not because he had stared ... all guys stare. Rather, it was my telling Dee to bare herself in front of the guy. Dee thrilled at the very concept of humiliation. She thrived on it. She NEEDED it. And so, of course, I needed to help her fulfill her need. It's just what I do. But nobody ever thinks about MY needs!

Oooh, that sounded so selfish! I took a deep breath. Willie called me empathic. Maybe she was right ... not that monikers really matter. Perhaps I felt the desire for subjugation and humiliation so strongly because Dee felt it so strongly. Perhaps this was just some sort of emotional transference on my part. I thought back again to that day three weeks ago. It had been nothing more than a silly game for everyone else ... and it SHOULD have been nothing more than a silly game to me, too. But oh! I shivered, despite the hot Caribbean sun. Oh, it had been one of the most exciting days of my whole life!

It was the day Freddy "turned the bunch of bananas over," as he put it. I had complained to him, on one of my moodier days, that I wished I didn't always have to be "top banana" in his little harem. That, and the concept of "Naked Dee Day," which we celebrated from time to time (like I said, just a silly game), gave him the idea to make ME the player in our periodic charade. He had circled the day on the calendar, just to tease me; but neither he nor anyone else had the slightest idea how dramatically the whole concept affected me. I found myself standing in front of that damned calendar ... just staring at that red circle around the number 23 with "NBD" in red ink next to it (for: Naked Brenda Day) ... letting my imagination run rampant ... letting unbidden images fill my head ... feeling the moisture between my legs. The night before, it was my turn to go to bed with Freddy, and I couldn't sleep, thinking about it. My tossing and turning woke him up, and he flipped on the bedside lamp. With a flourish, he produced the pocket watch from his bed stand. So much for a sleepless night.

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Chapter 1: Something Was Not Right Videos

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The Maiden and the Minotaur Part 1

The Lottery had taken place and the name had been drawn. Only in this Lottery, if your name was drawn you were far from the winner. Ariadne, the youngest daughter of Aegidios, a simple shopkeeper in the village was the name drawn this time.The town drew the name of a virgin girl every three months in this Lottery. You see, this was Pelatrea, and this town was cursed.Long long ago, there was a young woman in the town, an extremely lovely woman, who caught the eye of Zeus, the most powerful of...

Monster Sex
1 year ago
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Aunties Fat Ass

Note : This story is completely fictional! I was at one of my familys many get togethers when aunt sue walked in, She was recently divorced and a very sexual woman. She had cut off denuim shorts on that showed her ass crease at times. and she wore a tanks top that her huge tits spilled out of. She was thick and sexy. blonde hair blue eyes and was around 42 years old.We always were close and she hugged me immediatly and kissed my cheek with her juicy lips. I told her she looked great since we...

2 years ago
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Wasps 2 the Local Galactic ArmChapter 7

A fleet of 2,000 space tubs could cover a width of 2,000 miles when they were lined up side by side. Their FLIR had no trouble covering a width of half a mile on either side, so they were able to sweep for hidden nests very effectively and very efficiently. Hadron IV was a small planet with very few mountains, so it was swept in only three days. A few nests were found, but they were easily destroyed and the question was now raised: "Now what?" Very little destruction was vented on the...

2 years ago
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Wasps 1 Invasion EarthChapter 3

One of the rescued men was a licensed radio engineer who worked part time at the University radio station. He suggested that they use the radio station to broadcast for anybody who wanted to join them to show up at the dining hall. The station was still operable because he could hear the carrier. He said that they could make a tape which would loop back on itself and send a repeating message up to about one minute long. Bill agreed to make such a tape and he and the engineer left for the...

3 years ago
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Wasps 1 Invasion EarthChapter 8

The Xytal must have supplied most of the technology used by the Wasps. The humans reached that conclusion because the almost "magical" power supply was used to power so many of the marvels used by the Wasps. Nobody could see the Wasps having the intelligence to adapt that power supply to other gadgets. The only significant item for which the humans had not found a service manual was the pyramid, itself. And it wasn't for the lack of trying. Every one of the thousands of books in the...

2 years ago
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Aunties Handjob pt 2

As I followed Sally in I could see Joyce and Mag’s chatting Aunty Joyce smiled, Sally said that herself and I was going in her bedroom for a while and listen to some music Mag’s nodded her head as Joyce said you 2 behave in there and laughed, Yer right I sure wasn’t going to be a gentleman, as sally shut the door she told me to sit in the chair and smiled saying now no playing with yourself, I laughed and said of cause I won’t you can do that after and winked.I sat opposite her as she removed...

4 years ago
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Wasps 2 the Local Galactic ArmChapter 8

The attack on Loki II started off the same as the attack on Loki IV, except that there were few SAM sites to deal with. Instead, they had spotted where the Wasp fighters had launched, and those places faced the full fury of the spacetubs' attack. Again, the destruction wrought by the kinetic warheads was awesome to behold! Massive craters were left whenever more than one of the rockets hit in the same place. The first rocket penetrated the ground, and that absorbed a significant portion of...

3 years ago
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Wasps 2 the Local Galactic ArmChapter 9

There was no question in anybody's mind that Freya must continue scouring the galaxy for Wasps. Until they found otherwise, they had to assume that they were the only beings capable of halting the Wasp menace and cleaning up after them. That was the thought when the first of the unmanned spacetubs (very logically called USTs) was delivered to Freya. The USTs had the same capabilities as the regular spacetubs, except that they were flown by pilots who were located on Earth and were...

1 year ago
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Vishwas And Akila 8211 Part I

Hello folks, after reading some stories in the, I felt like coming up with something as a contribution. I am no regular reader of the site, but certain content made me re-read them. I am no good story writer, but still, trying to come up with something. So here is imaginary story that revolves around two people Vishwas and Akila. Please forgive me if there are (certainly, they exist) any mistakes in this long story. Everything in this story is imaginary and is a work of...

3 years ago
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Son of the Minotaur Ch 01

Some things are just so weird that they have to be written down. Normally I wouldn’t bother, but this is too weird. We actually call this a ‘true lie’ in my circle of friends, something that while true it sounds like a lie anyway. Well, here’s my true lie. Guessing from the fact that this is an erotic story archive you are reading this from, yes this is about sex. First, let me tell you a little about myself. My name is Joe, simple and easy. I am a very hairy man, always have been from the...

3 years ago
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Aunties Handjob

I had always been staying at my aunts Joyce's from a young age near the seaside, she was pretty cool very modern and well fit, always hanging round with me and my mates and getting us fags when we asked her, really we liked her hanging round because she wore short skirts and low tops, she had a fair size pair of tits, and a bra that only held the mounds in by chance, she knew this and played on it, most of the time it gave us a hard on that we had to get rid of, except one particular day it...

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The Wasps

??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? The Wasps Page 1. ??????????? Sometimes, a spectacular approach to torturing a woman just presents itself. All of a sudden the possibilities are there and it's all too enticing and fascinating to pass up.??????????? So it was with the wasps. Some call them hornets or yellow jackets. All I knew was, get them mad and they would sting like Hell.??????????? It didn't take long with the Internet to determine their behavior. Only...

2 years ago
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Wasps 1 Invasion EarthChapter 4

Coolie said that she would be more comfortable riding in the same van as Sue, so she joined that group for the rest of the trip. Coolie remembered Bill from her course work at Auburn, he was her favorite professor. Likewise, Bill had always been impressed by Coolie's work, so he was delighted that she would be joining him in the lab. Bill was already plotting how he could make her the prime chemist on the poison production job. They were doing well on the trip until they had almost reached...

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Wasps 2 the Local Galactic ArmChapter 4

As soon as the first uninfected slugs were found, an effort was made to contact them. No matter what was tried, the slugs seemed to be totally nonreactive. Finally, somebody had a brilliant idea: the sensors that the AI had used were brought into play. There was definite activity with their brains in the range the AI considered to represent sentience, but no sensible contact could be made. Then there was another brilliant idea: maybe the cognitive rate for the slugs was too slow for humans or...

3 years ago
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Aunties Stockings Moms Pantyhose

0. PrologueA lot of crazy things all occurred over a few weeks that shifted my unhealthy sexual preoccupation with my Mother and Aunt from fantasy to reality.1. The first revelation...Oedipus ComplexThe first happened in early November.I was in my freshman college psychology class when all my unhealthy obsessions, well at least the biggest one, suddenly made sense. My professor discussed Sigmund Freud's Oedipus complex which he believed was a universal psychological phenomenon that all boys...

3 years ago
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Wasps 1 Invasion EarthChapter 5

Now that John had worked out how the humans could use the antigravity belts and they had enough tubs and belts on hand, Bill wanted John to teach others how to pilot the ridiculous looking, but effective, craft. John reluctantly agreed to take time out from hunting Wasps to teach some new pilots, but he was in a hurry to get back to hunting down the enemy. Two men and one woman volunteered to be the first class of pilots, so John spent three days introducing each one to the controls and how...

3 years ago
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The Maiden and the Minotaur Part 4

The next day, Ariadne got ready to go back to the village to talk to them and tell them about the ending the Lottery. Erinyes lit the torch again and showed her the way to the old door. After winding their way through the maze of the Labyrinth they reached the door. The Minotaur studied it for a couple minutes testing the chains that held it secure. Then he hooked on horn under a point in the chain and with a mighty twisting pull the chain broke! Then he repeated the same thing to the second....

Monster Sex
1 year ago
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Jonothons smelly brainwashing

Two high pillars of have been erected where Jonothon is to be given his treatment. He is clothed in nought but a short, thin skintight little cotton shirt. His head has been shaved of all hair except for a little slime-gelled cone of blond hair in the middle of his forehead. He has been restrained between the pillars with thick, wet tentacles around his legs and arms, his arms are raised at his sides, his legs are wide. Above his head, a big block of thick yellow slime like vaseline is...

4 years ago
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Jonothons smelly brainwashing

Introduction: Jonothons masters wish his brain to think only of obedince to them. Jonothon is to be slime-treated by his Masters, the spiders. Two high pillars of have been erected where Jonothon is to be given his treatment. He is clothed in nought but a short, thin skintight little cotton shirt. His head has been shaved of all hair except for a little slime-gelled cone of blond hair in the middle of his forehead. He has been restrained between the pillars with thick, wet tentacles around his...

4 years ago
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Aunties Hunger

Im 27 yr old from Mumbai, the most celebrated and happening city on earth and this story is about the adultery (I still love to call it so) that I committed when I was 18 with my aunty (my mom’s friend), Suja. Flash back – 9 years ago, Summer of 2000 Suja was then 27, unmarried virgin, who used to address and treat my mom as a sister and we used to call her aunty. Till I was 16, I never had any thoughts for her or saw her with lust in my eyes. Suja used to stay with her sister’s family in a...

3 years ago
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My Minotaur Part X

(Story resubmitted with objectionable content removed) My story draws near its close, dear reader, and I shall do my utmost to do these final moments justice in their detail. The first thing I shall say is that Oluth was clearly born for the mantel of leadership. While I’d thought him to be little more than a beast when we first met, I had since come to recognize what a being of great power, intelligence, and patience he truly is. Even then, it was not until after the business with Aryth I...

4 years ago
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My Minotaur Part X

(Story resubmitted with objectionable content removed) My story draws near its close, dear reader, and I shall do my utmost to do these final moments justice in their detail. The first thing I shall say is that Oluth was clearly born for the mantel of leadership. While I’d thought him to be little more than a beast when we first met, I had since come to recognize what a being of great power, intelligence, and patience he truly is. Even then, it was not until after the business with Aryth I...

2 years ago
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Mrs Cartwright

I’d always had a thing about Mrs. Cartwright. There was something sexual about her, but it was impossible for me to explain what exactly. I’d once tried telling some close mates about how she made me feel, but they just laughed. They told me she was way too old for me and probably not very interesting. “She’s into potted plants, for fuck’s sake,” said Stewart, “It doesn’t get much more boring than that!” I figured my friends were probably right, but I still had this thing for her. She was what...

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Beasts Chapter Four Minotaur

"It is still two days to my home lands." he told her, "I am fine living on the lands but Tempest you are a carnivore." she nodded. for the last 5 days she had only been eating what they had been able to find. she had stashed the oranges from a tree the day before. her stomach growled, she knelt down digging through her bag yet again, hoping to find a piece of dried meat that have perhaps gotten lost but found nothing. Brick moved to her side and knelt beside her, "drink." he told her...

2 years ago
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Dancing with the Hypnotist

‘I am now going to place my penis in your mouth.’ Annabel was appalled but she could not move so much as a muscle without his command. She had watched as the man had quietly undressed, neatly folding his clothes on the chair, and been so relieved to see his penis flaccid. She had thought he intended her for sex but the physical evidence showed otherwise: how wrong she had been! ‘You need to open your mouth, yes, that is just right.’ He had come closer and closer to her, his hand reaching...

2 years ago
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Hypnotism Doesnt Work

Michelle Williams was a smoking hot 22 year old legal secretary. She was tall, blonde and had a killer, voluptuous body that drove men wild. The busty blonde still lived at home with her father and stepmother, as well as her young 18 year old stepbrother Hugh. Michelle was currently single, but never had too much trouble getting guys, most of them easily drawn to her curvaceous body and open sexual nature. Where Michelle was popular and outgoing, her Hugh stepbrother was the exact opposite....

1 year ago
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A Cuckold Story Part 1 The Hypnotism Show

I have been told that under hypnotism, you cannot be forced to do what you don't want to do. You can only do what you yourself consent to do. And that was what I've believed all along too. Then what the hell was happening?I was going out for a fun night with my wife of 3 years, Marisa, a brunette beauty, 5 foot 5 inches tall with nicely shaped C cup breasts and a gorgeous body to die for. She was wearing a sexy red dress while I was in my typical jeans and T-shirt.It was a Tuesday night, but...

1 year ago
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Childbirth Hypnotherapy

I was feeling much better. I usually don’t take sick days, I’m the kind of girl who shows up completely trashed sneezing and coughing, determined to make at least one coworker sick in exchange for a sick day. This one destroyed me. I couldn’t move, I was shivering, the coughs actually hurt, the medicine did nothing. I was getting older. I was twenty-nine. I know, that’s not old, but it’s the little things at first, those tiny little things you don’t notice, or at least that you shouldn’t...

2 years ago
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My Minotaur Part IX

Without Valsivale, our journey had grown much more dire. We were forced to march long hours during the day, and barely slept at night. As we traveled North the weather grew cold and my flesh felt somehow too thin to protect me any longer. But Oluth was a beast possessed! He set a fast stride and at night fucked one or more of us to sleep with a newfound vigor. It was a good thing we moved quickly, I hated to admit. There were days when we could hear the great mob in pursuit of us, the legion...

2 years ago
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My Minotaur Part IX

Without Valsivale, our journey had grown much more dire. We were forced to march long hours during the day, and barely slept at night. As we traveled North the weather grew cold and my flesh felt somehow too thin to protect me any longer. But Oluth was a beast possessed! He set a fast stride and at night fucked one or more of us to sleep with a newfound vigor. It was a good thing we moved quickly, I hated to admit. There were days when we could hear the great mob in pursuit of us, the legion...

2 years ago
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The Bank Notary

I got out of my Jeep and headed inside. The marine layer was still thick this morning, clinging onto that June Gloom mantra. I stepped inside and was greeted by a young gentleman. I let him know I needed the services of a notary. "No problem sir, our notary is with another customer at the moment. You can just have a seat here. Can I get you a bottle of water?" He asked. I accepted and took a seat in one of the awkwardly uncomfortable chairs. He soon returned with the water as I...

4 years ago
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Aunty Ne Jagayi Hawas Ki Aag

Hello my friends, I know you must be really horny now, that’s why you are reading this chudai story. Before the story let me introduce myself. Meri age presently 19 hai aur abhi B.Tech 2nd year ka student hu. Main Ghaziabad ke uss part mein rehta hu jo ki Delhi-NCR mein aata hai. Yaha ki ladkiyan bohot sexy hain aur aunties to pure totta maal. Meri height 5’4” hai aur skin colour brown hai. Mera lund 5.5 inch lamba hai aur 1.5 inch mota. Mejhe pata hai ki ye story padhne waale ladke apna lund...

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