A Flawed DiamondChapter 48 free porn video

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Jim LaCross was a lot happier when he had a full infield. Fred Hartman manned third base, another first for him. Ryan Radabaugh fielded shortstop and Rafael Mendoza gave a big target at first.

LaCross led them through fielding drills, including have Brock cover first on a few bunts. He was actually fairly impressed with way the morning went, after his carrot-topped shortstop got over his euphoria and a subsequent bout of nerves.

"It's the same game you've been playing for years," Brock cautioned. "Just do exactly what you've always done."

That seemed to help and LaCross found he was actually surprised at how well the young kid could field the ball. A couple of misplaced hits probably should have made it through but Radabaugh managed to track them down and make the plays the manager wanted. He was a gamer if nothing else.

Rafael Mendoza rarely spoke. He stood like a redwood at first base and fished out every errant throw that came his way. Fred Hartman played third cleanly and would circle around behind Brock to offer tips when Ryan was getting the balls hit his way.

"Keep your shoulders perpendicular to home plate," Fred advised. "Start to shift your momentum as the ball arrives. That way you're already moving out of the range of the base runner and can get more on the throw to first."

LaCross called a halt to the drills at one p.m. to let the players have lunch. All the men were sweating despite the fact that it was February in Arizona.

"Hey, Skip," Brock yelled. "Before we break, I want to see Rafe hit one as far as he can."

The big first baseman waited for the manager to confirm his agreement then picked up the bat LaCross was using. It looked like a toothpick in his big hands.

"Yeah, after lunch," Brock joked. "He'd snap that little thing just by swinging hard."

"Last day of camp, we're going to have a Bigfoot contest between him and Duffy," LaCross remarked. "I'd suggest a sumo wrestling match but I'm sure that would violate the Collective Bargaining Agreement."

The men broke up to head to the training room where lunch was laid out. Brock fell in beside his manager.

"You know, I sort of like these guys," Brock mentioned.

"You like everyone," LaCross said.

"Yeah, I'm a real softie, aren't I?" Brock retorted. "I was actually pretty impressed with how well Fred moved around the infield. Radabaugh has some serious leather, too."

"Hartman can't hit," LaCross said. "Still, he improved his chances of making the big club today. He showed he can play all four infield spots in a pinch. He's always been reluctant to move from second."

"You didn't give him a lot of choice," Brock pointed out.

"That's because he didn't have a choice," LaCross responded. "If he wants to play for the Dodgers, I'm going to expect him to do what everyone else does. He puts the team first. Today, the team needed him to play other positions. He did that. He also gave you some tips that will prove beneficial. He might stick as our utility infielder. I can't make any promises. But he's in the running for a job he wasn't in the running for this morning."

"What about Leonard?" Brock asked, mentioning the player the Dodgers had signed in free agency.

"What about him?" LaCross asked. "He could have been here. He knows the score just like Hartman did. He got his ass in a snit when we brought Driesbach in. You can damned well bet if he thought he'd have a real chance to play second this season, he'd have been here. If he shows up thinking he's got a spot, he'll find himself on waivers or in another team's camp before his first week is out."

Brock found Zack waiting for him outside the training area. This early in camp, everyone ate together. Once more people arrived they'd eat depending on which camp they were assigned to.

The two Major Leaguers spotted Brock's three helpers sitting at a table and Brock led Zack over to join them.

"You guys mind?" he asked.

The three players shifted to make room and Brock made introductions.

"Hey, Raf," Zack said. "I didn't get the chance to see you this morning. How's first base coming?"

"It's new," the big man admitted. "I still have a lot to learn."

"You mean that's not your position?" Brock asked.

"He was a pitcher in the minors," Zack said. "He was in the Red Sox organization. I was real thankful they used the DH in the leagues where we faced each other."

"He throws hard?" Fred asked.

"He throws wild," Zack joked. The others laughed but found Mendoza only nodding.

"My fastball was 98 or 99," he said. "But he's right. My control was terrible. I tried to back the heat down but it didn't help. That's when the Red Sox moved me to first base a couple of years ago. It was the first time I made it out of Single A."

"How'd you wind up with us?" Brock asked.

"They cut me," Mendoza remarked. "I hurt my knee last year. They released me after the season. I'm from L.A., so I had my agent try to hook me up with the Dodgers or the Angels. I'm on a straight minor league deal. I figure if I don't do well this Spring, I'll be doing landscaping for my uncle by the summer."

"You turned LaCross' head today," Brock said. "Mine, too. You fielded first base like you were born there."

"I've played it my whole life," Mendoza said. "But it was my arm that got me drafted out of high school."

"You're pretty graceful around the bag," Fred noted. "I was impressed. Most big guys can't move."

Brock jerked his thumb toward Zack.

"This one takes 30 minutes to make it in from the bullpen," he joked. "I mentioned once that it would speed the game along if he ran in and he told me he was running."

Ryan was sitting quietly, in awe somewhat of players who had actual professional experience.

"How'd you wind up in insurance?" Brock asked to draw him into the conversation.

Rather than speak, he only shrugged. The table waited on him to explain.

"Ohio is the insurance capital of the world, I think," he said. "You have a dozen major companies headquartered there."

"Progressive Field," Brock said with a nod.

"And Great American Ballpark," Ryan added. "That's named for an insurance company, too. Erie, Nationwide, Westfield, Safe Auto. They all have their headquarters there."

"I had no idea," Brock said. "I mean, I was in the Cleveland organization for years and lived in Akron and Buffalo."

"Buffalo is in New York," Zack cut in. "All that education going to waste."

"That explains why I couldn't get my mail delivered," Brock joked. "So is that what you've always wanted to do?"

"God, no," Ryan said. "I have a degree in statistics. I planned to hit a couple of tryout camps. I figured that would give me an idea of where I stand, realistically, on playing more. If that didn't work, I planned to head over to SABR and see if I can't find work there."

"You have a nifty glove," Fred told him.

"I always did," Ryan remarked. "But I'm not much in the power department. I hit something like .360 my sophomore year at Bowling Green but it was all singles. No one takes a second look at a player if he can't pound out 10 homers a year."

"Yeah," Fred muttered. He had found himself in the same situation a number of times. His glove got him a look but his bat made sure the look was a short one.

"Still, a good fielder is going to get some looks as a utility guy," Brock said. "It might not be a quick route to the All-Star Game but it's a way onto a Major League roster."

"It's hard to let go of that dream," Rafael remarked. "My whole life I was the kid with a chance to make it big. My neighborhood is rough, you know. Kids my size get pegged for the gang life pretty early. They let me go, though. They expected me to wind up making the big time. I got to rookie ball and suddenly I couldn't throw strikes. If I did manage to get one near the plate, somebody hit it into the next ZIP code. The Sox wanted me to try first base after that first year. I wouldn't do it. I wanted to be a pitcher because I'd always been a star there. I stuck it out in A ball for two more years before they'd seen enough. They told me after the season that if I wouldn't shift to the infield, they'd have to cut me. So I moved over, banged up my knee and got cut anyway."

"That's the harsh part of this business," Zack said. "I know Fred's seen it. How many times you been released?"

"A dozen," Hartman said. "Maybe more. You lose count after a while. I left a couple of times on my own. Like this year, I wasn't going back to Indianapolis. I had a couple of offers from Japan but that didn't excite me either. I was about ready to go back home and see what sort of work I could find. I'd probably wind up working at my brother's used car lot or something. Then my agent heard about Guerra and called the Dodgers to see if there was any interest. They signed me pretty quick and I thought I had a real shot of making the team here. Now I guess I was just deluding myself."

"There's always a shot," Brock said. "Look, what you guys did today – and what I hope you'll do for the next couple of weeks – has got the attention of some pretty important people. I know that Skip is talking to the coaching staff and that most of the conversation is going to revolve around how I'm doing. But your names are going to come up. You'll open more eyes in the next few days. I promise I'll make sure you guys get a shot."

"That's not bullshit," Fred said. "When it was just him and me, he was already doing that. I know it pissed LaCross off but he kept making sure I got my look, too. It might not matter but at least I know I'm getting a fair deal here. That's more than I felt I got most places."

Jim LaCross appeared at the table as the fivesome finished eating.

"I'm sending you three back for your regular drills this afternoon," he said. "I need Brock for the afternoon. Radabaugh, did Brock tell you what we've got for you?"

"Uh, no, sir," Ryan replied.

"Straight one-year minor-league deal with the standard reserve clause," LaCross said. "That means we'll own your rights for six seasons. At the end of the season, we'll decide whether to roll you over or let you go. You'll get $2,000 to sign. If things don't work out, we'll find someplace for you in the organization. Does that do it?"

Ryan looked a bit bewildered.

"It's the standard rookie deal with $2,000 to sign," Brock explained. "You'll be paid for a full season regardless of whether we keep you on one of the teams. If we release you or you decide you don't like what you're seeing, we'll find a job for you within the organization in some capacity."

"That's what I said," LaCross groused. "Look, kid, the pay is shitty. It's $1,200 a month in rookie league – before taxes. You find your own place to live. You get $20 a day on the road to eat. So if you sign on, try to make that two grand last, you hear."

Ryan couldn't help the smile that broke across his face.

"I'll sign," he said.

"Do you have an agent?" LaCross asked. Contract negotiations weren't part of his job description.

Ryan laughed.

"Yeah, dumb question," LaCross replied. "I'll ship you over to legal. They'll get you set up. We'll pay for you to share a hotel room while you're in camp. Someone will let you know where it is and who you're rooming with. It won't be the Ritz but you won't be expected to sleep in your car either. We provide lunch and $20 a day for meals while you're here. I'm going to keep you where you are for the next couple of weeks then we'll move you to our minor league camp for assignment when we get a full house."

"Good enough for me," Ryan said. Brock pulled Zack aside while LaCross was filling in Ryan on the details – or the details the manager knew about.

"Can you go to my locker?" he asked.

"I guess so," Zack replied.

"I have some sunscreen in my bag," Brock explained. "That poor kid is going to spontaneously combust if he's not careful. I'll jot down the combination to the lock."

"Thirty-three, twenty-three, thirty-eight," Zack said. Brock looked up with his mouth open.

"Come on, its Meredith's measurements," Zack laughed. "You don't think we all know that?"

"You kill me," Brock said. "It's my last three uniform numbers. But wait until I tell Meredith you said she had 38-inch hips."

"Hey, wait," Zack said, "Don't tell her that."

Zack had zero interest in earning Meredith's wrath. Who knew what sort of retribution that could lead ... and if Tara found out. He just cringed.

"Too late," Brock said. "You already said you think I'm dating a pear. You'll just have to take whatever punishment she dishes out – or whatever she convinces Tara is appropriate."

Zack's face fell and Brock burst into laughter.

"Just get him set up," Brock said. "I'll keep the secret of what you really think of Meredith."

"No problem," the pitcher said. Brock gave his small group fist bumps when they left and he pulled Ryan aside for a minute.

"Zack is getting you some sunscreen," he said.

"Thanks," the kid replied. "I got a late start this morning."

"You can store your stuff in my locker until they get you straightened out," Brock added. "Zack has the locker combination. That way you won't have to tote your stuff all over the complex."

"Skip said they'll have a locker for me as soon as I sign the paperwork," Ryan told him. "But, really, thanks. I can't wait to call my Dad to tell him the news."

Brock gave the new player a pat on the back and headed off to join Jim LaCross in his office.

It took Brock a minute or two to get his bearings but he soon found Jim and Steve Morris in conference with a woman he didn't know.

He rapped on the doorframe and was ushered in.

"Brock, this is Julie Archer," Steve Morris began. "She is one of my assistants."

Brock extended his hand to the woman and took a chair.

"What's up?" he asked. He remembered the last time he had sat across from Steve Morris and Jim LaCross. It had ended with him in the hospital several months later.

"We want to talk to you and make sure we're all on the same page," Steve began. "I guess the first thing I'd like to address is some of the rumors we've heard."

Brock glanced at Jim LaCross for a clue but got nothing in return.

"Some people are saying that what happened in October has left you wanting to leave Los Angeles," Steve began.

"You can tell 'some people' they should keep their damned mouths shut if they don't know what they're talking about," Brock cut in quickly. "I've never said that and I've never felt that way. I like it here."

He saw a look of relief cross his manager's face.

"I'm glad to hear that," Steve said. "I really am. I would understand completely if it had left you disillusioned but I'm happy that this is where you want to be. We want you to be here. That leads me to the second thing that's been going around. We've heard that you aren't entirely happy with the move to second base and that the position change will affect our ability to keep you long-term."

"Well, the second part is false," Brock said. "The first, I guess it's partially true – although I don't recall every saying it publicly."

"But you're not happy about the move?" Jim asked.

"Not entirely," Brock admitted. "Today helped to alleviate some of my concern."

"We want to address your concerns fully," Steve said. "I know the move might affect your Super Two status. That's why I have Miss Archer here. She's our arbitration specialist. She's put together a proposal we want to submit to the union and to the commissioner. First off, it is not our intention to send you to the minor leagues for any reason. I do not foresee that and it would take an extraordinary set of circumstances for that to happen. But if it does, we're willing to offer you arbitration at the end of the season regardless of your accumulated Major League service time."

Same as A Flawed Diamond
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The Antebellum South was a period in the history of the Southern United States from the late 18th century until the start of the American Civil War in 1861. During this time, the southern states saw large growths in agriculture, dependent on abundant and cheap slave labor. While sexual relations between white slave masters and black women were more common, there are also recordings of sex between white women and black slave men. One of the most famous relationships between a white man and a...

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pt 1 baby sitting a teen

Introduction: a new lover has fun As I enjoyed the ass fucking Sue was giving me with our 9-inch vibe, I though how lucky I am to have a beautiful wife that is a good fuck as well as a good fucker. I had taken my time giving her a good licking and fucked her pussy and ass to a good orgasmic finish, how she was taking her time to fuck my ass hard, I just love the way she works my ass with our toys, often taking more than an hour to fuck me with many different toys before fist me Just as I was...

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BugsChapter 8

It was hard to believe that they had been lost in time for that long, but it was 16 years ago that Jeff and Julie had been struck by lightning as they hurried to get Julie home from their date before her curfew time. Since then, they had produced 10 children, all of them girls. Julie was beginning to show the strain of bearing so many children, besides trying to make a home for them all under such primitive conditions. She and Jeff both wondered how much longer they could produce offspring...

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Bath For Babygirl

He knew her name was Molly, he knew some of her past wasn’t very pretty. Her life so far, at such an early age, had been less than pleasant. Now she is 18, even though she looks alot younger. She had endured abuse from a very early age. It had continued as she lost her home and was on the street, no one cares about you on the street, that he knows for sure. She began to feel like maybe they were right, she was nothing, just something to be used. Worthless in her own mind.After talking to her...

First Time
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Hunting DelightsChapter 23 Chastisement

There was a curious backlash from Zubeydeh's striptease which affected the Emir's hunting. Not all the women raised and trained for the hunt were satisfactory. It was necessary for a good quarry to think independently and invent tactics 'on the hoof' to make good sport for the hunters. The balance between this independence and the training was a fine one. Some of the women never achieved such independence of thought and were predictable in their tactics; others of them were too...

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I now own this slut Part 4

Between my oral ministrations and her obvious arousal, both of her holes were dripping, relaxed and badly needing attention. As I stood, I gazed down on this sexy beauty. Her knees were still up at her chest, held there with her hands behind her knees and her body raised and lowered with each excited breath. I dropped my pants and my erection sprang straight out and I gripped my cock and took aim at her wanton hole. For a smaller woman, her pussy lips were quite meaty... something that I found...

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Maid Enjoyed Me As Her Toy

Let me introduce myself 1st. I am 19 year old boy with an average body. I live in Bangalore with my parents. To tell about my maid she is in her mid of 30’s with curves 36-34-38 big ass lady.. Let me come to the story. I was busy with my 12th exams as it was very important to get good college. So I had study day and night for scoring good marks. so I didn’t notice about my maids action as I was knowing nothing about sex and I was a innocent boy till then. After three months of hard work I...

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A Bolt of Love

Jason Jenson is playing golf with three of his buddies. He is 6 ft 4 in tall, weighs 220 pounds. He is ruggedly handsome, with bright blue eyes. His cock measures 8 in. soft. He has short pitch to the green. In the middle of his back swing and lightning strikes his wedge. He wakes up four days later in the ICU of the hospital. He opens his eyes and sees a nurse looking at him. ‘Welcome back, Jason. We have been waiting for you to come back.’ ‘What…where..’ ‘You’re in the hospital. You were...

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It was September of 2009 and I was coming home from my high school when my mother called me with the details. Hi mom, whats up? Lex, you remember the Jones right? Sure, they have the twins right? How old are they now? Well, I think they just turned twelve last month&hellip,but anyways, Mrs. Jones just called me not ten minutes ago to see if you could head over to spend the night. They received an emergency from the hospital where her mother lives and they need to leave now and they cannot...

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Looking back I see it so clearly now , the longing the lust the total slut , I craved to be started the minute you walked past me heading out to lunch never seeing me as you passed by. I saw everything about you your height   6 ft 2 or 3 weight maybe 210 your eyes hypnotic   and clear your shoulder’ s were broad your arms massive hands and fingers long and clean manicured your waist narrow you butt tight and very firm long legs and you walked with a strong stride. Your aftershave smelled manly...

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A happy wife with a little help

My wife as far as I know has only had two cocks in her life, mine and one previous. Due to a host of reasons, my dick actually getting hard is a rapidly fading memory. I had gotten her some big vibrators and dildos, but she would usually get things over with before we ever got to them, or express her distaste. Besides, if 4 or 5 is the best I can manage, I did not want to use a huge cock on her and then be the Volkswagen in the airplane hangar. One day she was being bitchy, a sure sign that she...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 287 Handed Over

Wednesday, January 25 to Friday, January 27, 2006 The guard's shift changed at 6am again, just as tersely as the time before. Most importantly, with no mention that I wasn't to be fed breakfast. I crossed my fingers. The time for breakfast came and went. I moved around so he'd hear that I was awake, but I got no response. What was worse, I also got no breakfast. I gave it half an hour, then asked, "Excuse me, is there any breakfast or just a drink of water this morning?" "No. No...

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Boy in a girls brat camp

Boy in a girls’ brat camp A fantasy of women using a man.Part one Bob was seventeen and failing badly. He had at school got in with the wrong set and had been in trouble with the police and also with the school. Finally that summer his parents had given him an ultimatum. Either he left home and school or he spent the summer on an outdoor programme designed to change the way he acted. Bob was not at all keen but his parents would not be moved so that summer he packed a rucksack and looked...

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A Darker UniverseChapter 7 English Class

As they walked to the next class, Paul continued, "I want to go with you back to your house after school and talk to your parents about what they want to do. If they don't want it to continue after school, then that's fine with me. If they do though..." His voice trailed off and he started to think about being alone with her at last. She noticed his mind had wandered somewhere else. Jennifer stopped and waved her hand in front of his face to regain his attention. "Well, it's going to...

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My Uncle Mikes Magnificent Flag Pole

Like so many other women of today, I have a hidden sexual skeleton in my closet from when I was a lot younger. Although I must say that I am one of the lucky ones, who doesn't suffer due to it. I wasn't raped or treated badly at all. My first sexual experience as a freshman in high school with a male was quite pleasant, and so were the events after the first time. I was at that age when a girl starts experiencing many changes in her body and her mind. My breasts were developing and my...

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Padosh Wali Babita Nikli Randi

Mera nam rahul hai . Mai 2nd year undergraduate student hu .Mai apne bare me apko bta du .Mera height 6’feet hai aur mera lund ka size 8’inch lamba aur 3’inch mota hai. Ab mai apko apni padosh wali babita ke bare me btaya hu. Babita ko mai aunty kehta tha.Uske gand bahut bda hai.Uska chuchi bhi bahut bda hai ap dono hath se nahi pakad paoge uska ek beti bhi hai jiska nam kavita hai aur wo bhi bahut sexy hai. Ab mai story pe aata hu winter ka season tha aur mai apne terish pe padh rha tha.Us...

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Hotel Pool Tranny

As I headed toward the office, I could see the pool, and immediately thought about taking a swim after checking in. After getting my room key, I decided to cut through the pool area. It was a large pool for a hotel, there were plenty of chairs, and it looked very clean and inviting. Casually looking around, there were only a few people, and as I continued toward the other end where my room was, there was an attractive younger lady that caught my eye. She was laying on one of the loungers by...

2 years ago
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Leave It To Bea Part Five

Part Five The weather was getting warmer. My new hair didn't cause any major stir. A lot of girls liked it, and the guys were too busy looking at girls to notice. I had a standing appointment with Steven every two weeks. He must have been giving me the "queens' discount" or something, because he only charged me ten dollars a visit. Visiting Steven was like going to another college class after he introduced me to makeup. He started out showing me about eye shadow and mascara, and...

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Trailer Park Twink Gets BBC Part II

“Sup, bo,” the mid-thirties dark-skinned man spoke into his cell phone.“Shit, man. Where you at,” Lamar asked quickly.“I’m over at my cuz house chillin’.”“Which one?”“Q. What up,” asked Devonte Jones.“I got a li’l white punk over at the crib wanna get gangbanged.”“Word,” he inquired with noticeable excitement“Real talk. You got a ride?”“Naw, my bitch got tha whip. Q get down though. Let me see if that nigga wanna get in.”“Aiight nigga. Let me know ASAP,” Lamar advised.“Hold on and I’ll ask him...

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Her breath came in short, sharp pants, shallow and sporadic. Her face was flushed a fiery red, tears were filling her eyes and spilling over the lower lashes onto her burning cheeks. Her breath caught involuntarily as the wide leather collar was abruptly yanked back and held...forcing her to arch her back. She knew better than to cry out, the consequence would be swift and merciless, so she had to be satisfied with the silent tears that were washing down her face. Just minutes before, she had...

Oral Sex
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My Dear Sweet Slave Chapter 2

‘I don’t want to get up, this bed is so warm…’ Feeling like he was coming out of anesthesia, Isaac could hear activity in the background of his apartment, but he didn’t have the strength to open his eyes, especially after how hard he had “worked” the night before. ‘I don’t hear my alarm going off and I don’t have to take a piss, thereby proving that I don’t have to get out of bed.’ He pulled up the blankets over his face, but even while covered, he could smell something...

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Webcam Rips

Webcamrips.com is a free porn site with full-length rips of cam shows. What’s the worst part about camsluts? No, it’s not that they never pay attention to you. It helps if you’re attractive, wealthy, or not a neckbeard. The answer is that you can’t catch every single show, since it’s simply not possible. We’ve all been there. You run to log on and try to fap to your favorite whore only to see that she’s closing her legs and shutting down the show. It fucking sucks. But what if I told you cucks...

Free Cam Girl Video Sites
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Poodle ButtChapter 2

Three hours later I was exhausted. But ... it’d been kinda fun. I’d came so many times I’d lost count, and I was all wet and sticky down there. Darla and I’d even jumped in the shower for a second to try and wash all the cum out of our cunts. Jeezus, these boys were young and full of the shit. After we got out of the shower, I shut the door and took a healthy shit, because of what one of the guys had asked me. I hoped he could get it up again. Back in the room I singled out Mr....

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The Family Attorney

I waited in the kitchen for lovely Amy while her weeping mother continued to do what was necessary. She terminated the cleaning and gardening contracts, paid off her cook and handyman, kissed her maid farewell, arranged to have the Bentley picked up and then called her real estate agent to come inspect and then list the house. I had put the Manhattan apartment on the market, and we had been discussing, between other duties, how to deal with the house which cost about $3000 a month to maintain...

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Oscar MeyersChapter 3

The blood was pounding in his ears as he struggled to regain consciousness. He could hear Betsy say, “I think they’re coming around.” He tried to remember what had happened. Ling had picked a pole as her weapon and they were evenly matched. Once the round had begun, the poles had moved fast as lightening, reaching out to invade the space of the opponent. For three minutes, it was swing, thrust, counter-thrust, sweep, block, and parry. The sharp clicks as stick met stick sounded like a Geiger...

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My First Threesome Part One

When I was in my mid-20’s, I was dating a girl that I’ll call Sarah. Sarah was in her early 20’s. She was tall with long curly gingery blonde hair, blue eyes and had lovely pert boobs (34c) with raspberry-like nipples, oh and a gorgeous bum too. She wasn’t the best looker, but was pretty in her own way. I was totally in love with her.We had often chatted about our fantasies and one hers was to have a threesome with another guy. Sarah had often teased me with asking if I’d like my mate Steve to...

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No Names No Regrets

No Names, No Regrets I hadn’t been out of town on business in several years. Back then I used to sow my wild oats but since then I had settled down, gotten married to a wonderful woman, and had two lovely daughters. As I flew non-stop from New York City to Portland, Oregon my mind wandered back to the old days when I would try to pick up a girl in every bar that I entered. That brought back some memories. The woman across the aisle from me was staring at my crotch so I looked down....

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My Neighbour Janice

In the last while I have got to know my neighbor Janice quite well and we started to learn about each other. We are both divorced she has two grown daughters out on their own. I do not have any children and have been divorced for ten years. As we were talking one night over some wine, she asked me what was the reason for my divorce. I told her that my X was not a sexual person and had a lot of issues that affected our relationship and grew apart beyond repair to make it simple. I told her that...

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Naked Society

The Naked Society consisted of a group of wealthy influential individuals that have existed since the mid 2020s. They believe that the more puritanical rules that were inherited from the old world stifled the evolution of man. The most important being removing the boundaries of shame that most people impose on exposed flesh. They funded several nude studies over the years, not just in the U.S., but all over the world. In the early 2050's they convinced the federal government to implement a nude...

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A Sissy Manifesto

In the light of recent comments in reviews to some of my stories, I think it's time to nail my colours to the mast. And perhaps it's not too difficult to guess what shape and hue those colours would be when displayed on the Good Ship Sissy. Although there is a great deal of variation in body shapes and sizes, there are still some generalisations that can be made about the differences between men and women. I emphasise the word generalisations. Women tend to have breasts, men tend not...

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