Flawed Red Silk 12 linked stories
- 3 years ago
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Jim LaCross was a lot happier when he had a full infield. Fred Hartman manned third base, another first for him. Ryan Radabaugh fielded shortstop and Rafael Mendoza gave a big target at first.
LaCross led them through fielding drills, including have Brock cover first on a few bunts. He was actually fairly impressed with way the morning went, after his carrot-topped shortstop got over his euphoria and a subsequent bout of nerves.
"It's the same game you've been playing for years," Brock cautioned. "Just do exactly what you've always done."
That seemed to help and LaCross found he was actually surprised at how well the young kid could field the ball. A couple of misplaced hits probably should have made it through but Radabaugh managed to track them down and make the plays the manager wanted. He was a gamer if nothing else.
Rafael Mendoza rarely spoke. He stood like a redwood at first base and fished out every errant throw that came his way. Fred Hartman played third cleanly and would circle around behind Brock to offer tips when Ryan was getting the balls hit his way.
"Keep your shoulders perpendicular to home plate," Fred advised. "Start to shift your momentum as the ball arrives. That way you're already moving out of the range of the base runner and can get more on the throw to first."
LaCross called a halt to the drills at one p.m. to let the players have lunch. All the men were sweating despite the fact that it was February in Arizona.
"Hey, Skip," Brock yelled. "Before we break, I want to see Rafe hit one as far as he can."
The big first baseman waited for the manager to confirm his agreement then picked up the bat LaCross was using. It looked like a toothpick in his big hands.
"Yeah, after lunch," Brock joked. "He'd snap that little thing just by swinging hard."
"Last day of camp, we're going to have a Bigfoot contest between him and Duffy," LaCross remarked. "I'd suggest a sumo wrestling match but I'm sure that would violate the Collective Bargaining Agreement."
The men broke up to head to the training room where lunch was laid out. Brock fell in beside his manager.
"You know, I sort of like these guys," Brock mentioned.
"You like everyone," LaCross said.
"Yeah, I'm a real softie, aren't I?" Brock retorted. "I was actually pretty impressed with how well Fred moved around the infield. Radabaugh has some serious leather, too."
"Hartman can't hit," LaCross said. "Still, he improved his chances of making the big club today. He showed he can play all four infield spots in a pinch. He's always been reluctant to move from second."
"You didn't give him a lot of choice," Brock pointed out.
"That's because he didn't have a choice," LaCross responded. "If he wants to play for the Dodgers, I'm going to expect him to do what everyone else does. He puts the team first. Today, the team needed him to play other positions. He did that. He also gave you some tips that will prove beneficial. He might stick as our utility infielder. I can't make any promises. But he's in the running for a job he wasn't in the running for this morning."
"What about Leonard?" Brock asked, mentioning the player the Dodgers had signed in free agency.
"What about him?" LaCross asked. "He could have been here. He knows the score just like Hartman did. He got his ass in a snit when we brought Driesbach in. You can damned well bet if he thought he'd have a real chance to play second this season, he'd have been here. If he shows up thinking he's got a spot, he'll find himself on waivers or in another team's camp before his first week is out."
Brock found Zack waiting for him outside the training area. This early in camp, everyone ate together. Once more people arrived they'd eat depending on which camp they were assigned to.
The two Major Leaguers spotted Brock's three helpers sitting at a table and Brock led Zack over to join them.
"You guys mind?" he asked.
The three players shifted to make room and Brock made introductions.
"Hey, Raf," Zack said. "I didn't get the chance to see you this morning. How's first base coming?"
"It's new," the big man admitted. "I still have a lot to learn."
"You mean that's not your position?" Brock asked.
"He was a pitcher in the minors," Zack said. "He was in the Red Sox organization. I was real thankful they used the DH in the leagues where we faced each other."
"He throws hard?" Fred asked.
"He throws wild," Zack joked. The others laughed but found Mendoza only nodding.
"My fastball was 98 or 99," he said. "But he's right. My control was terrible. I tried to back the heat down but it didn't help. That's when the Red Sox moved me to first base a couple of years ago. It was the first time I made it out of Single A."
"How'd you wind up with us?" Brock asked.
"They cut me," Mendoza remarked. "I hurt my knee last year. They released me after the season. I'm from L.A., so I had my agent try to hook me up with the Dodgers or the Angels. I'm on a straight minor league deal. I figure if I don't do well this Spring, I'll be doing landscaping for my uncle by the summer."
"You turned LaCross' head today," Brock said. "Mine, too. You fielded first base like you were born there."
"I've played it my whole life," Mendoza said. "But it was my arm that got me drafted out of high school."
"You're pretty graceful around the bag," Fred noted. "I was impressed. Most big guys can't move."
Brock jerked his thumb toward Zack.
"This one takes 30 minutes to make it in from the bullpen," he joked. "I mentioned once that it would speed the game along if he ran in and he told me he was running."
Ryan was sitting quietly, in awe somewhat of players who had actual professional experience.
"How'd you wind up in insurance?" Brock asked to draw him into the conversation.
Rather than speak, he only shrugged. The table waited on him to explain.
"Ohio is the insurance capital of the world, I think," he said. "You have a dozen major companies headquartered there."
"Progressive Field," Brock said with a nod.
"And Great American Ballpark," Ryan added. "That's named for an insurance company, too. Erie, Nationwide, Westfield, Safe Auto. They all have their headquarters there."
"I had no idea," Brock said. "I mean, I was in the Cleveland organization for years and lived in Akron and Buffalo."
"Buffalo is in New York," Zack cut in. "All that education going to waste."
"That explains why I couldn't get my mail delivered," Brock joked. "So is that what you've always wanted to do?"
"God, no," Ryan said. "I have a degree in statistics. I planned to hit a couple of tryout camps. I figured that would give me an idea of where I stand, realistically, on playing more. If that didn't work, I planned to head over to SABR and see if I can't find work there."
"You have a nifty glove," Fred told him.
"I always did," Ryan remarked. "But I'm not much in the power department. I hit something like .360 my sophomore year at Bowling Green but it was all singles. No one takes a second look at a player if he can't pound out 10 homers a year."
"Yeah," Fred muttered. He had found himself in the same situation a number of times. His glove got him a look but his bat made sure the look was a short one.
"Still, a good fielder is going to get some looks as a utility guy," Brock said. "It might not be a quick route to the All-Star Game but it's a way onto a Major League roster."
"It's hard to let go of that dream," Rafael remarked. "My whole life I was the kid with a chance to make it big. My neighborhood is rough, you know. Kids my size get pegged for the gang life pretty early. They let me go, though. They expected me to wind up making the big time. I got to rookie ball and suddenly I couldn't throw strikes. If I did manage to get one near the plate, somebody hit it into the next ZIP code. The Sox wanted me to try first base after that first year. I wouldn't do it. I wanted to be a pitcher because I'd always been a star there. I stuck it out in A ball for two more years before they'd seen enough. They told me after the season that if I wouldn't shift to the infield, they'd have to cut me. So I moved over, banged up my knee and got cut anyway."
"That's the harsh part of this business," Zack said. "I know Fred's seen it. How many times you been released?"
"A dozen," Hartman said. "Maybe more. You lose count after a while. I left a couple of times on my own. Like this year, I wasn't going back to Indianapolis. I had a couple of offers from Japan but that didn't excite me either. I was about ready to go back home and see what sort of work I could find. I'd probably wind up working at my brother's used car lot or something. Then my agent heard about Guerra and called the Dodgers to see if there was any interest. They signed me pretty quick and I thought I had a real shot of making the team here. Now I guess I was just deluding myself."
"There's always a shot," Brock said. "Look, what you guys did today – and what I hope you'll do for the next couple of weeks – has got the attention of some pretty important people. I know that Skip is talking to the coaching staff and that most of the conversation is going to revolve around how I'm doing. But your names are going to come up. You'll open more eyes in the next few days. I promise I'll make sure you guys get a shot."
"That's not bullshit," Fred said. "When it was just him and me, he was already doing that. I know it pissed LaCross off but he kept making sure I got my look, too. It might not matter but at least I know I'm getting a fair deal here. That's more than I felt I got most places."
Jim LaCross appeared at the table as the fivesome finished eating.
"I'm sending you three back for your regular drills this afternoon," he said. "I need Brock for the afternoon. Radabaugh, did Brock tell you what we've got for you?"
"Uh, no, sir," Ryan replied.
"Straight one-year minor-league deal with the standard reserve clause," LaCross said. "That means we'll own your rights for six seasons. At the end of the season, we'll decide whether to roll you over or let you go. You'll get $2,000 to sign. If things don't work out, we'll find someplace for you in the organization. Does that do it?"
Ryan looked a bit bewildered.
"It's the standard rookie deal with $2,000 to sign," Brock explained. "You'll be paid for a full season regardless of whether we keep you on one of the teams. If we release you or you decide you don't like what you're seeing, we'll find a job for you within the organization in some capacity."
"That's what I said," LaCross groused. "Look, kid, the pay is shitty. It's $1,200 a month in rookie league – before taxes. You find your own place to live. You get $20 a day on the road to eat. So if you sign on, try to make that two grand last, you hear."
Ryan couldn't help the smile that broke across his face.
"I'll sign," he said.
"Do you have an agent?" LaCross asked. Contract negotiations weren't part of his job description.
Ryan laughed.
"Yeah, dumb question," LaCross replied. "I'll ship you over to legal. They'll get you set up. We'll pay for you to share a hotel room while you're in camp. Someone will let you know where it is and who you're rooming with. It won't be the Ritz but you won't be expected to sleep in your car either. We provide lunch and $20 a day for meals while you're here. I'm going to keep you where you are for the next couple of weeks then we'll move you to our minor league camp for assignment when we get a full house."
"Good enough for me," Ryan said. Brock pulled Zack aside while LaCross was filling in Ryan on the details – or the details the manager knew about.
"Can you go to my locker?" he asked.
"I guess so," Zack replied.
"I have some sunscreen in my bag," Brock explained. "That poor kid is going to spontaneously combust if he's not careful. I'll jot down the combination to the lock."
"Thirty-three, twenty-three, thirty-eight," Zack said. Brock looked up with his mouth open.
"Come on, its Meredith's measurements," Zack laughed. "You don't think we all know that?"
"You kill me," Brock said. "It's my last three uniform numbers. But wait until I tell Meredith you said she had 38-inch hips."
"Hey, wait," Zack said, "Don't tell her that."
Zack had zero interest in earning Meredith's wrath. Who knew what sort of retribution that could lead ... and if Tara found out. He just cringed.
"Too late," Brock said. "You already said you think I'm dating a pear. You'll just have to take whatever punishment she dishes out – or whatever she convinces Tara is appropriate."
Zack's face fell and Brock burst into laughter.
"Just get him set up," Brock said. "I'll keep the secret of what you really think of Meredith."
"No problem," the pitcher said. Brock gave his small group fist bumps when they left and he pulled Ryan aside for a minute.
"Zack is getting you some sunscreen," he said.
"Thanks," the kid replied. "I got a late start this morning."
"You can store your stuff in my locker until they get you straightened out," Brock added. "Zack has the locker combination. That way you won't have to tote your stuff all over the complex."
"Skip said they'll have a locker for me as soon as I sign the paperwork," Ryan told him. "But, really, thanks. I can't wait to call my Dad to tell him the news."
Brock gave the new player a pat on the back and headed off to join Jim LaCross in his office.
It took Brock a minute or two to get his bearings but he soon found Jim and Steve Morris in conference with a woman he didn't know.
He rapped on the doorframe and was ushered in.
"Brock, this is Julie Archer," Steve Morris began. "She is one of my assistants."
Brock extended his hand to the woman and took a chair.
"What's up?" he asked. He remembered the last time he had sat across from Steve Morris and Jim LaCross. It had ended with him in the hospital several months later.
"We want to talk to you and make sure we're all on the same page," Steve began. "I guess the first thing I'd like to address is some of the rumors we've heard."
Brock glanced at Jim LaCross for a clue but got nothing in return.
"Some people are saying that what happened in October has left you wanting to leave Los Angeles," Steve began.
"You can tell 'some people' they should keep their damned mouths shut if they don't know what they're talking about," Brock cut in quickly. "I've never said that and I've never felt that way. I like it here."
He saw a look of relief cross his manager's face.
"I'm glad to hear that," Steve said. "I really am. I would understand completely if it had left you disillusioned but I'm happy that this is where you want to be. We want you to be here. That leads me to the second thing that's been going around. We've heard that you aren't entirely happy with the move to second base and that the position change will affect our ability to keep you long-term."
"Well, the second part is false," Brock said. "The first, I guess it's partially true – although I don't recall every saying it publicly."
"But you're not happy about the move?" Jim asked.
"Not entirely," Brock admitted. "Today helped to alleviate some of my concern."
"We want to address your concerns fully," Steve said. "I know the move might affect your Super Two status. That's why I have Miss Archer here. She's our arbitration specialist. She's put together a proposal we want to submit to the union and to the commissioner. First off, it is not our intention to send you to the minor leagues for any reason. I do not foresee that and it would take an extraordinary set of circumstances for that to happen. But if it does, we're willing to offer you arbitration at the end of the season regardless of your accumulated Major League service time."
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Hi friends! Now I am back with the second part of my real life experiences with my sisters. First of all I would like to thank all who liked and appreciated my first part. Again I am requesting all of you to leave dirty comments after reading the story. To dosto mera sex experience apni badi didi Soniya ke sath start hua tha. To us raat excitement me aa kar wo sab harkate karne k baad jhad kar mai itni gehri neend me so gya k I was almost ‘Behosh’. Us din se pehle mai didi ko chhup chhup kr...
Introduction: skinny Cousin Amanda first time, well lets see she was younger like 5 years younger then me, we always played around like wrestle and video games, well we started to text and what not and joking around and both her parents worked mornings and she would skip school sometimes and one day she asked me to come down bc shes bored. so i did i though there rents would be home and they were not.. i was playing on the computer and she needed to check her email so she said can i use it for...
Kat and myself were at home watching TV on a week night when the door bell rings looking at Kat I ask if someone was coming that she knew saying no I open the door to a couple a woman about 30yrs. maybe 5'7" thin but good in the right places the man 6' maybe 150lbs. but kind of nerdy looking. He ask does Kat live here and I showed them in they introduced themselves as Steve and Lori Jennies he was the sister-in-law of Helen Toms one of Kat's ladies. Kat and I ask them to set and they took a...
His touch was always pleasing, never any pain in his movements. That is unless you wanted pain like Louise did sometimes! He slowly pumped his thumb in and out of my pussy fucking it as slowly and gently as he could do it! My hips were rocking on it now and my pussy was squeezing it as it entered my pussy all the way every 2 or 3 seconds. He was also rotating it around as it moved in and out! The feeling was sensational. I began to rock faster and faster until I wasn't able to speak any longer....
EroticCheerleader Slaves Chapter 1 - Ensnaring Christy Bob sat on the bench at the center of the mall - watching the crowd of shoppers milling about. It was a Saturday and the mall was jammed. Everyone seemed to be there since the weather was too cold to do much outside. Bob was doing what young men have done for ages - he was girl watching. Saturday was prime time for this. It seemed that every teenage girl in Columbia was at the mall that day. Bob looked across the center court area...
Hammer's the name, Michelle Hammer, I'm a P.I. Being an ex-cop I know official procedure in dealing with crimes, but more often than not I'm riding the ragged edge between legality and what it takes to get the job done. My office is above McGinty's Tavern in the circa 1930 Sanborn Building which is convenient for both of us since he's my landlord and his corned beef on rye with mustard sandwiches are first rate. I was having a beer and a sandwich and shooting the breeze with McGinty, a...
To the women's surprise, the President had ordered out one of the presidential aircraft to pick up Colleen in Chicago. Since the cabin was set up in a VIP configuration, the two older women were sitting side by side on a sofa talking while Maureen slept. Vangie looked at her friend and said, "Colly, you never told me anything about your husband and I was always too selfish ever to think to ask. When did you meet?" "Twenty-three years ago this June," she replied. "I met him in Dublin....
November 15th By CtrlAltDelete The following is a transcribed record of a session with a woman with no identification and Dr. Timothy Keller, resident Psychologist at the Chicago Institute of Mental Health, Chicago, Illinois, between November 12th and 16th, 1989. This transcript is property of the Chicago Institute of Mental Health. For case study records, please contact Dr. Keller for a copy available for publication. [Session 26-61082. Keller, Timothy J. November 11th, 1989] [D...
First time wife touching some one elseHi my name is J and my wife’s name is M this story is about when I saw my wife grab another mans dick. If you have read our other story you know what’s going on at the story goes on. Me and M where having a great sex life he had sex almost every day for about 2 years and one day I started to tell her during sex would you like to touch another mans dick and possibly have him fuck you really good. The first time she didn’t say anything but she did get very...
Two groups ... evidently one group was mine and the other group were conflicted ... my next of kin, and the State. The State wanted their big bucks because we ran a stop sign ... my next of kin was ready to spend my money ... there was a lot. Bunches and Bunches. Stinking piles of filthy lucre. Enormous estates, homes all over the world, yachts, private aircraft ... money money money! More every minute. David Austin was a piker ... David Anderson walked in higher realms. The State sent a...
If any of those people featured in this story is offended by what I havewritten, I apologise. The people featured are incredibly attractive men,and while there is no reason to believe that any of them are gay one canalways fantasise. Hope you enjoy this....It was the PFA awards night, Steven Gerrard sat there as young player ofthe year and he was happy as anyone could ever be. He sat with his matesMichael Owen and Joe Cole. The award ceremony was coming to an end and thethree young stallions...
Dear Mr. Doe, On behalf of everyone, I would like to welcome you to our organisation. Hopefully you have found the transition to your new location to be smooth but we are fully aware and understanding that life on the island can be disjointing at first. Please do not hesitate to let us know if there is anything we can do to make your time here, whilst under our employment, more comfortable. In regards to your role here. As explained to you before during my visits, you have been specially...
My neighbours are very nice well about from the husband how to but this hes a prick I think is the best way, hes one of those guys who has lots of money and treats his wife and daughter like crap, only cares about them when they can make him look better, like I said total prick.Well one day he was out at work and his wife came round, I answered the door and could tell right away she had been crying, "whats wrong donna" I asked, she told me she had had a fight with her husband before he had went...
There’s a bit of an introduction but it helps with this and the other parts of the story. We’d known Sam and Anna for years and had occasional sexy dalliances when we lived nearer each other, but my job took us 200 miles away and we subsequently rarely met up. This weekend however we’d arranged to meet halfway; to rent a cottage and catch up on the past. They’d asked if they could bring along another couple of ‘sexy friends’, as Anna described them, to which we readily agreed. I was delayed...
Group SexGronnus forced a smile as his fellow Overlord stepped away from the Portal and kept his voice as congenial as possible. "You are looking as lovely as always, I must say." Freya's dress swirled about her thighs as she stepped up to Gronnus. She placed her hands on her hips. "And you look like a pig. You were never a prizewinner, Gronnus, but you've let yourself go to the hells since the Conclave." "Now ... now that is uncalled for, Freya!" Gronnus stammered, shaking a finger at...
From the moment Alexandra and Margaret left the Student Union, their only thoughts were of the coming evening. Hugh seemed interesting, and quite interested in them. “Jesus, Alex, he couldn’t take his eyes off your tits!” exclaimed Margaret as they got in their car. “Except when he was trying to look up your skirt,” Alexandra replied. “Not that I minded.” “I know. I wonder if he noticed you tugging it upwards whenever he looked over at me.” “No more than he noticed you trying to push your...
Brad and Abby walked hand in hand into the master bedroom. “I can see that you’ve met my family,” Brad remarked of Tina between Jessica’s legs and Dan kissing Sandra. “They sure have and I think we can count on Sandra and Jessica becoming new members of our sexy family,” Karen mentioned. “We are now!” Sandra replied with confidence. Jessica couldn’t take her eyes of Abby standing only inches from her. “You are definitely Little Caprice’s twin sister.” “You’ll easily get between my legs...
The next few days were pretty boring. Well, at least they were routine. I was starting to get used to waking up surrounded by, and often trapped under, an abundance of incredible female flesh. And of course rarely did I wake up without some warm mouth wrapped around my cock. And on a few occasions, when I was very tired, I had even awakened inside the warm wet sex of one of the women. Take this morning for instance. I'd not gone to bed until late, because I'd been working on the...
The basement of their home that housed the laundry equipment had been partitioned to provide a small recreation area with a bed in the centre and screened dressing area where his mum kept her collection of sexy lingerie recently purchased from an Internet sex site. Everything relating to their incestuous relationship was kept in that basement room, so that when they finished their sessions she could dress in day clothes, walk upstairs, shut the door, and return to ordinary life. At the...
Back then, My buddies and i we would always kick it at the homie Kengi's apartment (not his real name) We drink about every weekend and you see most of the time i would stay over. Sometimes I would bring my gf along and do what we do over there. Having a few drinks and you know it goes down when you're feeling it, taking risk pretending you're drunk, early headache kicked in or a false argument to check out the room real quick ahah Well that was us, just doing me and having a few drinks. I...
They all left two hours later. We had had breakfast, sat around chatting as all girls do, and promised to meet up the next night to go out. Just a night with the girls. So I went upstairs, and finished watching my total-chick-flick-crap movies. I was in a bad mood, once again. I knew they were right. They were my best friends, and always had my back. They always had the best advice. Where the fuck was Henry? And then I realized. He had been due home on Rachel's birthday. Was he there? Had...
He’s weird like that, he has a tendency to make up his own words and languages, and refuses to tell me their meanings. Ethan works along with me in Hot Topic, we both are cashiers, we both have gages, we both have colored hair, we both love black clothing. He’s adorable in his mindset. Sometimes he’ll create a game that we’ll play all throughout the day and I won’t even realize it till he tells me if I won or he won, and what the prize is. Because I rarely know of...
CHAPTER 4 - The Not so Great Escape The train ride down was put to good use. She went over her plan again in her head. The issues of smuggling in an extra dress was settled by her wearing them both at once, one over the other. A similar solution solved getting underwear for Heather. Ellen had on her normal panties, under a pair of padded panties that she would give to Heather to enhance his girlie figure. The issue that haunted her for a long time was his bust line. He...
Anna gets what she wanted for her fifteenth birthday: her own camera with a tripod and remote control for her hot sexy scenes.Anna gets what she wants. She has hardly time to reflect and update her private diaries with all erotic and sexual 'dirty' details.Anna has a new focus. Her best friend Irene soon will be sexy sixteen. Knows that the rich upper middle class girl has one wish.Anna has a new focus: To fulfill Irene's intimate wish: Publicly losing her virginity & Get a first orgasm in...
Gypsy Healing A Short Story By Maryanne Peters "Before I answer your question, I must tell you that I am not a religious person, and I do not believe in miracles," said Dr Solander. "But spontaneous remission is a fact. It does happen. It happens rarely, but it does happen. Even without treatment, cancers can disappear." "But that is exactly what I am asking," said Emmet. "How can it happen? Can there be some external influence? I am like you - not at all religious. I am...
My wife, Joanna, pulled me into her arms for a passionate kiss. Another kiss, this one slow and tender, as she unbuttoned my shirt. We’d just returned from our favorite restaurant where we had celebrated my birthday, and were still in the front hall. “It’s time for your present, handsome. Be a good boy, and do as I say. And, don’t say a word.” She reached for my tie, slid the knot loose, and pulled it off. I watched as she straightened it, smiled wickedly at me, then raised it to cover my eyes....
I wake up before the alarm, as usual, and lay quietly, enjoying waking up gradually. The room is mostly dark, the shutters closed, and it’s cool. I pull my sheet up to my neck and lay on my back. My dick is very hard, as it always is when I wake. I circle it with my thumb and middle finger, not stroking, just holding it. It feels wonderful. Still fuzzy with sleep, enjoying my soft bed, my cock throbbing with pleasure as I hold it. One of the most erotic feelings in the world. I slip off my...
Quickie SexLily Larimar and Molly Little are fucking with Molly’s stepbrother Codey Steele by pretending to be elves frozen in various positions. They want Codey’s cum, so they first try to get him to jack off into some clingwrap on the toilet. Then they put together some free elf pussy for him. When Codey finds an elf planetarium that shows off Molly’s anus through a telescope, he’s had enough. He decides to have some fun. Pulling Lily’s elf costume aside, Codey shoves it in...