Tears and Healing
- 3 years ago
- 22
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We made it through the weekend and the only damage was to my waistline. Friday evening with Mike's barbecue and the Saturday night dinner at the catfish place and by the time Cindy and I were flying away Sunday she recognized our problem.
"Baby, bicycles and walking EVERY day this week. We ate too good this weekend."
We kept our promise to each other. Bicycling around the park was a bit of a bore, but we knew a stretch of road that was used by a couple of local bicycle groups and they actually set us up with one of the less strenuous of their group rides.
I spent a considerable amount of the following week at Don Spears' office. We talked about a couple of cases he had previously worked, how the technical consultant played a part in those, then we talked about a couple of active cases. It was interesting. Engineers naturally view lawyers with some trepidation, but I found Don to be funny and intelligent and we hammered out the outlines of an agreement for me to bill him for some of my services.
"You do realize of course, that if you bill me a hundred and fifty an hour, I bump thirty percent on that when my client pays."
"I figured that out all by myself," I laughed. "Man's gotta make a living."
We talked about the protection I got for my testimony, a 'hold harmless' arrangement, then started talking about our two middle-school students, his daughter Kaylee and my Cindy.
"I've heard some of the stories," he said. He looked at me, gauging my expression. "About her life before her mom left town. More than one case coming through my office had to do with acquaintances of her mom. Kaylee tells me how Cindy was last year, and how she is THIS year, and all those stories I keep hearing about abused teens just don't seem to apply."
"Judge Charlie's a good fellow. I don't think he'd have offered help if he thought it was abusive. He'd probably be the one telling how to tie the rope to hang me."
Don laughed. "You got Judge Charlie pegged. He's a real judge. Hell of a good man to be trying a case in front of if you're right. But I've watched him rip one of my colleagues apart for trying to bring some humbug suit, too."
"He's like a surrogate father to me, or a grand-dad, well, technically, I guess, foster dad to Cindy. Just good people, is all."
"I can see that. His housekeeper, Eletha? Her daughter's going to law school. I offered her a summer internship." He grinned. "And not just because I want the free help. Speaking of interns ... Cindy's scholarship? In engineering?"
"Yeah," I said. "You gotta know that I tried pointing her in other directions. She got letters of interest from MIT and Stanford. She's got a mind I only slightly comprehend and I thought she might be a good match for hard science or mathematics, but she dug in her heels and said electrical engineering."
"Kaylee's a little jealous of Cindy graduating. Me, I'm just surprised. I never heard of that before. I've heard of skipping a grade or two, but the whole high school?"
"Did Kaylee tell you that Cindy had the highest ACT score in the county this year?"
"Noooo. No joke?"
"Yep!" I said proudly. "And this week she's supposed to get the results of her high school exit exam, and assuming she passes it, next fall she's in Auburn."
"I would imagine that she's not worried?"
"Don," I said, "last summer when I first met her, she was shy and unsure, almost scared. Now she's the least worried person I know of."
We talked about our proposal for the new business. "I know Judge Charlie will be glad to help on all the legal stuff, but I am all too happy to offer my own services, you know."
"I appreciate that, Don," I said.
Wednesday morning I got a phone call from Jim Hardesty.
"Yeah, Jim. What's up?"
"I just printed a document from the school board. I think you ought to be here so I can show it to you and Cindy together."
I assume from your tone that it's good news."
"Oh, yeah," he said. "You'll like it."
I'd shown up at the school office enough times throughout the year that I was immediately recognized when I walked in. The lady at the desk saw me and sent a student helper off to retrieve Jim, then hit the public address system, "Would Cindy Richards please come to the principal's office?"
"I remember when that announcement would have been a death knell for ME," I said to her.
She laughed.
The principal came out of his office. "Hello, Dan! Jim called you?"
"Yes he did," I answered. About that time, Jim came through the door with Cindy right beside him. She was smiling, but I know it got a bit brighter when she saw me.
"You folks come into my office," Mr. Bresser said.
Jim beat me to the obvious comment. "Every time I heard that from the principal when I was in school, it was never a good thing."
"I can imagine," I said.
Cindy just giggled at the two of us. We went in and sat down.
Mr. Bresser took a page of paper off his desk and smiled. "Cindy, this makes it official. These are your test scores for the high school exit examination, and you scored 'mastery' in science and math and English and 'competent' in social studies. Looks like you're gonna be the first student I ever had graduate from high school out of the eighth grade."
Squeal! Cindy bounced. I got a kiss and a hug. Jim got a kiss and a hug. Mr. Bresser smiled expectantly and she bopped around his desk and pecked him on the cheek.
The receptionist stuck her head in the door. "I assume from the happy squeal that we just graduated Miss Cindy," she said.
Cindy's answer was a grin that measured on the Richter Scale.
"I take that as a 'yes'," the receptionist said.
We let Cindy go back to class. Somebody's class. Cindy had a half-dozen younger kids who needed math help and she had her own corner of the library.
"Dammit, Dan," Mr. Bresser said, "I'm proud of her, but I sure hate to lose what she's brought here. If only we'd've known two years ago..."
Jim said, "She was just trying not to be a problem, didn't want anything that would drag her mom into the school. Wasted her daughter's time, really."
"Well, she's on her way now," I said. I'm gonna have to run to keep up."
Bresser smiled. "You know what the great thing is, Dan? She is so level-headed. We had that gifted kid here about three years ago and he was a terror." He looked at Jim. "What's that medical term you used, Jim?"
Jim shook his head. "Nuts!"
"Yeah, nuts," Bresser said. "In his own little world sometimes, and wanted to be the center of attention." He sighed. "And Cindy? She has a way of being the center of attention sometimes, but look! She's in OTHER kids' worlds, helping them out. If the school board was smart, THEY'D hire her for a summer program as a teacher."
"Oh, that's probably further than they'll go," I said. "Besides, I promised her that she'd go to her sisters' graduation and then be there when one of 'em got married."
"Sisters? I thought she was an 'only child'" Bresser said.
Jim knew a good bit of the story. I filled Bresser in on some of it. "And after the wedding, I promised her that we'd go fly the Rockies."
"She's a jewel, Dan," Bresser laughed. "If I were you and she wanted the moon, I'd be in the back yard building a rocket."
"I've been that way since we decided to get married," I said.
I was waiting in the school pickup area when Cindy got out at the end of the day. She bounced into the truck, wrapped me up for a G-rated kiss, then buckled in. "You didn't tell Mizz Helen an' Mister Charlie, did you?"
"Of course not. I'm about to split, though. I called Sara and told HER. She's proud of you. EVERYBODY'S proud of you, darlin'."
"It's YOUR fault, guy," she smiled. "If you hadn't come along..."
"People would've noticed sooner or later, little one," I said.
We walked, well, I walked into the park office to see Helen and Charlie. Cindy veritably skipped and bounced, waving the test results.
Helen beamed. "I'm so proud of you, baby!"
Charlie grinned. "Wonderful news, little daughter!" That comment earned him a gentle hug and kiss on the cheek.
Cindy turned the 'demure' switch on. "You ALL made this possible."
"Oh, no, dear daughter," Helen said. "We got out of the way and let you..."
"Well it's wonderful and I thank all of you. I love you all." She latched onto my arm. "Especially my Dan!" She was grinning as we left the office, got in the truck and drove to the opposite side of the park, to OUR little home.
Inside, with the door closed behind us, I got what I expected, a giggle, and a happy, excited Cindy being a precursor to a naked and excited and eager Cindy, which in my estimation was the most wonderful thing on the planet. She jumped into my arms, wrapped her legs around me for purchase, and showered my face with a dozen little kisses before her teeth gently latched onto my ear. She backed off just long enough to whisper "TV dinners" before resuming, and I had the happy task of maneuvering the two of us up the narrow hall to the bed. Clothes were still fluttering to the floor as our mouths welded together, completing our embrace.
From a distance of inches I looked into those green eyes. She sighed. "Dan, Dan ... I am in school with five hundred kids and sixty adults and there's just ONE human being that I think about naked all day." She kissed me. "And here you are." She wiggled underneath me, her legs spread, a delightful young pussy searching for something that I had, and I had a bit of me that was searching too. We slid together with a familiar hunger. When I was fully inside her, she was purring.
"You're exactly perfect there, Dan Richards."
"That's because I am in the possession of a perfect Cindy." I was. The little redhead spreading underneath me was my ideal. There was nothing I'd change even if I could. Her short red hair splayed out beside her head.
She could read me like a book. "I like it when you think about me when we're coupled up," she said. Giggle. "Even when you're missing half your blood supply, you still think about me." She wiggled, thrusting upward, knowing that I could stand about three of those before I started my own counter-thrusts, feeling our pubic arches touching as I bottomed out, feeling the hard knot of her cervix against the head of my dick deep inside her. There was another hardness in the equation, too, a little pink nubbin of a clitoris, rubbing as hard as she could get it against the base of my dick.
Her breathing took on a timbre of urgency. "OhgodDan!" Her hands grasped at my head, pulling me closer to her and her mouth latched on my chest. I felt teeth. Suction. The vibration of her tiny cries as she came. And the tremors took me over the precipice with her. When her mouth let loose, there was a soft "Oooohhhhhh!"
I rolled sideways, carrying her in my arms, so she ended up laying full length on top of me. I sighed, "My lovely little Cindy. I love you."
Soft lips touched mine. "I love you, too, Dan. Always did. Always will."
"Forever." Yes, some people might think our conversation about love is sappy, but I am perfectly happy with it, and from Cindy's sweet, post-orgasmic smile, so is she. The words only verbalized what our bodies had just spoken. Lucidity returned to her and the eyes went from dreamy, half-lidded post-orgasm dreaming to wide open, bright, happy green.
"You gotta know that I love this on a happy day. And this is a happy day."
"Yes it is, little kitten. My baby is headed on to the next adventure."
Giggle. "Right now your baby is headed for a towel and a TV dinner."
"I suppose that's a good idea," I said.
The soft, fluffy towel we kept beside the bed was just for such purposes, although most sessions we didn't use it, preferring to 'clean' each other with our mouths, but that often led to another session. My cutie had dinner on her mind. I watched her dab herself clean, then she handed me the towel.
I felt guilty the next day as I dropped Cindy off for school and returned to the trailer. With my laptop fired up on the work table, I started emailing and calling former acquaintances and business associates who might be in positions to offer us new business. Took a break in mid-morning to go drink coffee with Helen at the office, then back to the list. Emailed Alan, both to crow a little bit about my life of leisure and also to see if he had a list.
"I'll send you what I have. We need to talk to Susan's mom, too. She's got a lead on a building for us."
"A building?" I asked. "We just all move into a BUILDING?"
"She said she's getting more information, but a couple of investors were almost through construction on an apartment building when a couple of other investments went sour. We have ourselves an opportunity."
"Interesting," I said. "Where?"
"Auburn. They were angling towards some mid-scale leases, so it's up-scale from a lot of the apartments in town. And since it hasn't been completed, we don't have to deal with occupants."
"Sounds good. Let's get some more information. Maybe Kathy can set up a visit."
"Talk to her. Work around YOUR schedule. I'm rather flexible at the moment," I picked. We talked a bit longer. I fully expected to be looking at the new building in the next week.
I retrieved Cindy and Kaylee after school. Dropped Kaylee off at her parents' house, then Cindy and I ran a few errands together before ending up at a restaurant for dinner. Then it was Friday evening and our quiet routine. Cindy was showering when HER cellphone rang, the ringtone easily identifiable as a call from Tina.
Cindy heard the phone. "Answer it, babe! Tell 'er I'm in the shower!"
Í flipped the phone open and answered, "Hi, Tina! Cindy's in the shower."
Tina's voice was excited. Really excited. "Tell 'er to call me as soon as she gets out. I think we just got us another SISTER!"
"Another sister? Who?"
She was breathless. "I wanna tell Cindy, but it's a girl I knew in Louisiana before I dropped out of school. Dan, when you hear her story, you're gonna think we're making this stuff up."
I heard the shower stop. Cindy stepped onto the bathmat. I handed her a towel with one hand, talking to Tina with the other. I watched as my delicious little redhead assaulted her glistening body with the fluffy towel, then she smiled, extending a hand.
"Here's Cindy," I told Tina.
"Hi, Tina," Cindy chirped. "What's up!" Pause. Squeal. "REALLY?!?!?" Pause. "Tell me the story. Wait. Do you mind if Dan listens?" Pause. "Okay. I'm punching you onto the speaker. Wait a sec until we sit down." Cindy sat the phone down on the shelf beside the sofa and slipped her nightshirt over her head. The fact that this hid a pair of the prettiest titties on the planet did wonders for my concentration. She sat next to the phone and said, "Okay! We're listening!"
Tina was right. If it wasn't for the fact that I knew her to be trustworthy, the story she told of her lost friend WAS a bit hard to swallow. I knew about the devastation from the hurricane down there. As a matter of fact, Cindy and I had done an aerial tour over the Christmas holidays, finding the landscape rife with ruble from demolished houses and little white FEMA trailers and larger mobile homes sitting on lots with bare slabs where real houses once stood. Tina's friend was a survivor who was rescued and subsequently married to another survivor. Something about his house weathered the storm. I didn't ask questions."
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This is a true story.This took place back in the late 1970s when my wife at that time, we're now long divorced, and I were very horny young adults. We both had strong exhibitionist tendencies and, even though we had young k**s at home, we managed to do a lot of playing at night after the k**s were in bed upstairs.We liked to have sex down stairs, both in the living room with its big picture window, (the curtains open – of course), and in the dining room with its big sliding door that opened...
The Futa Empire continues to conquer the small isolated Free Male States one by one. Your story takes place in a border territory of the Empire, in a medium size city of 500,000 or so people. The male population of the territory has been shrinking and if the trend continues, major problems could arise. A small mountain range separates you from a Free Male State (FMS). Although this protected them from the Imperial Army for many years, the end has begun. The state is large for an FMS (just under...
TranssexualMarion sat upright on the bus seat, knees together, shoulder bag on her lap. She watched the dark streets pass by through her reflection in the window. Christmas lights shot their electric streams of coloured energy through the blackness, creating islands of cheer in the gloom. Some streets the bus passed through were more affluent, with lots of competing displays, making a cheerful vista to walk arm in arm through. She and Jack would have to do that some night. Other streets, poorer and...
I don't want to do this, I never do. I must have given two dozen or more presentations and lectures in the last year, but I'm still not used to it. The butterflies are fluttering in my stomach as I walk through Embankment Gardens towards Savoy Place. "Good morning Michael," I say as I reach my destination. Michael Faraday says nothing; statues are like that. He just stands looking out across the gardens and the river. 'You haven't seen a nice young lady have you? About five eight,...
Do you have a filthy POV? I know I do, and I’d like to think most of my fans share a similar perverted perspective. Do you know who else has a dirty mind and an arguably obscene way of looking at things? The fine folks at Filthy Kings, a humble bunch of deviates who have apparently declared themselves lords of dirt, muck, grime, or maybe they’re just talking about really good porno. Hey, it sounds like my type of bunch!Filthy Kings have a number of pornographic brands under their umbrella, but...
Premium POV Porn SitesOver the next month, my Mother’s humiliations and tortures became almost routine to the rest of the family and our neighbors. My father and I routinely beat her and had our cocks licked. I frequently paraded my mother around like a circus animal for guests. I also made her sit up and beg and act as the family dog quite often. Fabienne requested that I attach a leash to her collar and let her lift her leg and piss and shit in the yard. I milked her like a cow and made her squawk like a chicken...
DID THAT JUST HAPPENI decided to stop and see a new band at the club. On my way I drove right past my in-laws house and saw the light on. So I turned around and knocked to find my wife"s mother home alone, as always. I knew she liked to dance so I asked if she'd like to join me. She agreed and to the club we went. I just wanted to hear a few songs to see how good the band was but she just got up and started dancing and could move quite well mind you. After the bands first set I said we need to...
I just had another fight with my boyfriend, and decided to hop on a bus to see where it would take me. I got on the first bus that came my way. The driver appeared to be middle aged, and very stern looking. He told me to hurry up and find a seat, and sit my ass down. I could tell this was going to be a fun ride. I still can’t believe my boyfriend cheated on me, again. This time, I’m going to get even with that creep . I looked in the back of the bus, and saw two guys, that appeared to be...
Group SexHello friends, I’m your Sritha J. I am of age which is 24 years. I have a fair complexion, with a good height of 5.7” (Yes I am tall) with black medium eyes and medium hair just below my shoulders. My stats (which means my measurements) are 34-28-26 and I maintain my figure by regular work out and diet. I’m also a regular visitor of Kerala Erotic & Indian Sex Stories (ISS). Thanks a lot for your valuable feedback about my previous story Brother-in-law rode me to heaven. Today I’m going to...
IncestImagine yourself in a similar position: A 12 or 13 year old girl ... a kid ... fer chrisake ... never met her and she knows you have a time travel watch?!? To make matters worse, there's a man coming up behind the girl who looks an awfully lot like Professor Timothy Leary. "But ... but ... but," Andrea stammered, "Timothy Leary's dead." Junior and David both said, "Oh no. He's on the outside looking in." They looked expectantly at Andy. She was stunned. Tim grinned and laughed....
After I had performed oral sex on my neighbor who we will call Bob for convince. We had a talk a few days later. He had never had someone suck him off to completion. Nor had he had anyone finger his a**.He had seen me out a few times earlier in the early morning when I was going to get the newspaper in what he thought was a dress.I explained to him that what I was wearing was a mu mu. My wife and I had gone to Hawaii a few times before. I saw the women there wearing them. I thought why not a...
We arrived at the mall. The first place we went was Victoria’s Secret. I quickly realized that Beth was shopping for clothing for her, too. She wasn’t buying clothing for work and was buying for warmer climes. Alicia was a little shocked at some of the choices. She was even more shocked at what Beth was choosing for her slight body. Some of the outfits were truly tiny. Beth even picked a few that were matching for the two of them. One of those were dresses that were short on bottom and low...
The next morning, I was again roused by Raz’s noisy exercising. I had no reason to believe that she wasn’t doing it just to get a rise out of me. My complaints fell on deaf ears, and so I got dressed and headed into the mess to get some food. Most of the trainees were already there, and I located a group of my friends, chatting with them as I wolfed down my breakfast. Before long, Vasiliev’s voice came in over the P.A system, and he summoned us to the briefing room. Once there, he informed us...
June got home early that evening to find Autumn in the living room watching TV alone. “Hi, Autumn. Where’s mom and dad? Working late at the store?” “No. They got home earlier than usual and decided to treat themselves to dinner out and to see a movie afterwards. They asked me if I wanted to go with them, but I didn’t feel like going. I made myself a bowl of soup and settled in here to watch TV.” “Good for them. I can’t remember when the last time they went out to dinner without us kids, or...
The conversation in the King's study began with much less formality. The Princess sat down in a high-backed chair and gestured for Jorgarn to take the one opposite to her. "My mother is a Longview woman," she began without preamble and before her father and her uncle had the chance to sit. "She is probably a distant relative of yours," the King intoned. But Sir Torbert shook his head in disagreement. "Longview's Lords are not always hereditary, King Landor," he said. "I believe...
© 2001 Today started out as not a very good day. It was my birthday, but I had just moved and didn't really know anyone to celebrate it with. So here I sat on a ladder, painting the trim of outside of my garage. However my crappy day started getting better when I overheard my neighbor talking on the phone in her bedroom. I stopped paying attention to what I was doing, so I could listen to her conversation. "Well he refuses to go down on me. He says real men don't do that kind of...
Avery Black lets her downstairs neighbor, Robby Echo, into her apartment. Robby’s been having a hard time living downstairs because of all the noise from Avery’s place keeping him up at all hours. Avery is apologetic as she admits that she does massage work from home. In fact, she’d be happy to give Robby one of her specialty massages to make up for all the trouble. Although Robby hesitates briefly as he eyes the nearby air mattress, he ultimately decides to give it a try. But...
xmoviesforyouPrologue This is a story based on historical events and dates although the main story is fictitious. I served in Singapore and I visited Rangoon in Burma shortly after the war, and saw for myself some of the atrocities that were committed by the occupying Japanese. I was in Singapore to see the Japanese loaded on to the ships to return to Japan. One ship I remember well was the SS Satsu Maru. We loaded the prisoners on until there was no more room. During the war the Japanese dropped small...
Erotic FictionHi readersI am harjeet from delhi.you I like to tell all of you one true incident which happened in may 2017.I am 27 year old happily married saying with family at south delhi.I am staying here from last december, there is already a family at opposite of my flat, priya, sam and their son om(all name changed).As i am doing job , i used to leave home in morning and come at evening, When i had taken this flat wife was already pregnant and at previous flat there was no lift so changed flat where...
Introduction: The following story is true. I have read and re-read this story over and over and each time I think, ?Did it really happen like that? Am I that cruel? The following story is true. I have read and re-read this story over and over and each time I think, Did it really happen like that? Am I that cruel? My favourite comments from my previous (first) story from anonymous readers: &hellip,&hellip,..Your opening words, Im not a writer. Keep it that way and dont bother writing again....
Well it was one fucking long winter. It was one of the worst and coldest on record. I was sick through most of it and because of that I missed my regular winter runaway to some place warm. It was finally really getting warm out the snow was all gone the grass was green the trees were all fully leaved and it was a great day to go for a run on the Hawg. I had worked on it through the winter and it was going to be my maiden run with its new paint and style. I had spent a small fortune on raking...
Hi dosto, aap sabhi ko mera pyar bhara namshkar mai anish indore (M.P) ka rehne wala hu ye chudai story me or ek aunty ki hai jo mujhe ek mall mai mili thi bat karib 31st dec ki night ki hai sab log apni 31st dec ke celebration mai chur the masti me mast the…But me akela tha to soch ke mai kese celebrate kruga 31 ki night .To kyu and chalo ja k movie dekhta hu..Mai ek mall me movie dekhne ka plan banaya,,bas akela tha to jada mood b nahi kuch ho rha tha or…..To mai movie dekhne gya us samay...
I took Amys hand and together we walked to her mothers bedroom. "Amy, lie on your back on the bed, and leave your clothes on, I want the pleasure of eating your pussy through your thong." "Aren't I going to suck you too?" Amy asked as she lowered herself onto the bed. "Yes, we will do a sixty nine, but first I want to just concentrate on your pussy, I've never kissed it or tasted it and I want to." Amy laid down on her back and spread her legs. Her skirt covered her thong, but her...