Jackstraw free porn video

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The sun warmed her face as she tipped her chin up into the blanket of summer heat. She had closed her eyes long ago, only after his bronzed chest and shoulders finally failed to block the blazing disk that made its way across the sky above them. She stretched luxuriously under him, her hands and arms exploring the hard contours of muscle and bone. Then, as if gliding through a warm, shifting sea, she spread her arms wide, hands plunging into the warm sand just beyond the edges of the rumpled towel. "Nothing should feel this good," she thought. 

The corners of her wide mouth rose slightly. A small space opened between her lips. His movements were achingly slow, maddeningly precise, wonderfully matched to her own rhythms. He floated and landed, again and again, filling her with inch after inch of firm, tireless flesh. He was a perfect fit. 

She squinted up at him, now needing to watch him as they both neared an effortless climax. His golden face showed the lines and creases of many summers spent in the Florida sun. He answered her gaze with smiling eyes, assuring her that he shared every detail of her joy. 


She jumped, startled at the intrusion into her daydream. Jack stood beside her, waiting impatiently for her attention. Eyeing her reflection in the newly cleaned window, she backed away and turned to acknowledge him. 

"A penny for your thoughts? You were a million miles away." 

Lowering the bucket and washrag to the floor, she walked to him, smiling her best smile. Her hands moved smoothly around his waist as her mouth begged for a kiss. She had decided against a bra this Saturday morning, and had left an extra button undone on the fresh cotton blouse. Susan watched her husband take a long look at her breasts and hardening nipples. She giggled as she caught him staring. 

"What's so funny?" he replied, grinning from ear to ear. 

"Like what you see?" 

"I love what I see, but I wouldn't go shopping like that if I were you." 

"Who said anything about shopping?" she teased. 

Her fingers trailed across his stomach, down to the fly of his freshly pressed slacks. She rubbed lightly along the length of the zipper, finally finding the soft bulge behind it. It thickened under her hand, and she smiled again, warmed by his response. 

"Look Hon, I'm playing golf with the boss this morning. I have to leave now to make it on time. You know how important this promotion is to our future. How about a raincheck?" 

"Aw, c'mon. Wouldn't you rather stay home and play with me?" 

"Sure I would, but this is important. Gotta go!" 

Pulling away, he hefted the bag of clubs to his shoulder as he turned and headed for the door. After two steps, he stopped, returned hurriedly to where he had left her standing, and gave her a quick peck on the cheek. 

"I'll make it up to you, I promise." 

She stood silently as she watched him dart through the door. Seconds later she heard the familiar roar of the red Corvette as he pulled from the driveway, then the dying growl as it raced away from her. 

She returned to the window, again noticing her reflection on the sparkling surface. 

"Not too bad for twenty-eight years. I'm definitely in better shape than any of my friends." 

The buttons of the blouse popped open as she pulled at them, finally baring her to the waist. She was proud of her breasts. They weren't large, but she liked the pert, round shape of them; there was just enough to jiggle when she walked. Sometimes she wondered if Jack wished they were larger, although she was sure he would never complain. But he hadn't found much time for her lately, and sex had become too infrequent as the months passed. 

"He's just working too hard," she told herself as she brushed the small, hard nipples lightly with both hands. 

"He's doing it for us, for our future. I should be happy." 

As she resumed her housework, she found her thoughts returning to the warm beach, the crashing waves, and the bronzed lover who fit so neatly inside her. Had Jack been there, he would have heard her sharp gasps and seen her hand at work inside the faded cutoffs, then watched her slim body's regular spasms as she cried out softly, "Oh God, oh God, please fuck me." 



Small droplets of sweat fell from Jack's face as he labored at his desk. He had remained at work long after the others had returned to their wives, husbands and families. 

The last rays of the setting sun entered the tall windows behind him, bathing the stark walls with a golden glow, painting the office with color. The roomful of glass and steel projected a maze of geometric shadows onto the far wall. Susan had called the decor a cross between Captain Kirk and the Marquis de Sade, but Jack was sure her dislike was more for the young, quirky, blonde decorator. 

Gasping and panting as he worked, he continued to enjoy the gleaming landscape of throat, breasts, and belly spread across the dark mahogany desktop. His hands wandered over the smooth firm curves of her body as she smiled up at him. Was it a look of amusement, or satisfaction? He could never tell. 

Her large breasts bounced sharply with each of his thrusts. Cascades of raven hair fell over the opposite edge of the desk, shimmering and coursing like a dark waterfall. 

At just the right moment, she whispered, "Come in me, Jack. Now." 

It was all he needed to nudge him over the edge. Losing control as she moaned in her own approaching orgasm, he felt the semen surge through the length of his penis, then rush into her as their cries rose to fill the empty office. 

He stood between her legs, recovering, watching her panting body finish its rhythmic spasms as she whipped her head from side to side. She finally went limp, her body relaxed, exhaling a final deep sigh. 

She opened her eyes slowly, then, after a minute, knew she would have to be the first to break the silence. 

"Mmmmm, that was great, Jack. It was just what I needed after a day like today. Thanks, Boss." 

Jack smiled back as he pulled out of her, satisfied with her praise. He glanced at the clock and winced. 

"Shit! It's late! I promised Susan I'd be home on time tonight. Damn!" 

"Jack, you're such a charmer." 

"Yeah, right Jacqueline." 

She strolled to the middle of the dark office, keeping her back to him as she bent to retrieve a dark wisp of fabric from the thick carpet. She paused, teasing him with a tempting view of her perfect ass. 

"Jesus, she's beautiful!" Jack told himself. His gaze followed the long lines of her slender, tapering legs from ankles to ass, finally stopping and at the pouting labia, still moist with his semen. 

Moving her face from behind the silky column of leg against leg, she smiled back at him, knowing the effect she had on him. 

"Like what you see?" 

Her words startled him a little. His conscience rose to remind him that Susan had used the same words only two days ago to show her need for him. He was used to managing the guilt that accompanied these sessions with Jacqueline, but the uncanny coincidence caught him off-guard. 

Jack dressed faster and glanced at the clock again, now realizing it was very late. Susan would surely be worried or upset by now, and he would have to fabricate another excuse. Cursing to himself, he allowed his face to show the uneasiness he felt. 

"OK. I recognize that 'Susan will be upset' look all too well. Jack, you really should decide what you want. Your life would be much less complicated." 

Her unsolicited advice irritated him, but he knew better than to let the situation escalate. Besides, he had to get home. 

Forcing a smile as he adjusted his tie, he answered, "Variety's the spice of life, Jacqueline!" 

"I'm satisfied with our little arrangement, Jack. I just hope you are." 

"Couldn't be happier," he huffed as he patted the sheer black panties now stretched over her firm ass. He bolted for the door, then paused and glanced back at her, taking one last look at the nearly naked, statuesque beauty. 

"Oh, Jacqueline, are the McKenzie files ready for our meeting tomorrow?" 

"Yes, Jack. Don't worry, everything will be fine. Have I ever let you down?" 

He knew she was right. With her combination of brains, beauty, and cool composure under the worst kind of pressure, he was sure she wouldn't remain his assistant for long. 

Smiling with admiration, he replied, "Well, you certainly haven't this evening! Bye!" 

He closed the door just in time to avoid the black lace bra she fired at him as he left. Jacqueline stood there, her body bathed in the blue glow from the city lights, shaking her head slowly and smiling. 



Susan squeezed through the door, trying to keep the sudden fall chill from entering behind her. She was early as usual, eager to spend the day designing vacations for the clients of the small but innovative travel agency. 

She leafed through the stack of new brochures while waiting for the monitor to come to life. A quick study, she learned to use the PC soon after taking the job, but still preferred the look and feel of the slick, glossy pamphlets. Before long, lush colorful scenes from Brazil, Sweden, Costa Rica, France, and Thailand were spread across her desk as she imagined Jack and herself sweltering on a Rio beach, or exploring a Costa Rican rainforest, surrounded by tropical foliage and exotic wildlife. They hadn't been on a vacation since their honeymoon five years ago. Now her love of travel and faraway lands was spent sending others to places she longed for. "If only Jack could get away," she sighed. 

"And what did you and loverboy do this weekend?" 

Elaine stood behind her, watching Susan's wishful gaze at the pictures. 

"Oh - Elaine, I didn't know you were in yet." 

"Obviously not. Lost in one of your fantasies again?" 

Susan blushed as she gathered the pamphlets and returned them to the stack. Elaine joined the agency two years before her. She had helped show Susan the ropes, and they quickly became best friends. Susan was grateful for someone she could confide in, and was often surprised at how easily she was able to share her most private thoughts and feelings. But Elaine was like that. Outspoken and uninhibited, she possessed a natural talent for eliciting the most candid responses from those close to her. 

"Well, c'mon. Tell me. Did it work? Did he rip your clothes off and screw you right there in the kitchen?  Tell me!" 

"Not quite. He had a tee time with his boss. He's working really hard to get this promotion. It was just bad timing." 

"You're kidding! Oh Susan, I'm sorry. You must be devastated, you poor thing!" 

"Really Elaine, it's no big deal. He'll make it up to me. It's for our future." 

"But what about you? I know how horny you are. It's written all over you. You can't be satisfied much longer by those fantasy studs of yours!" 

"Shhh! Elaine! Not so loud. We have customers!" 

They both looked up at once into the amused face of the first customer of the day. His piercing gray eyes stared back at them, refusing to show the slightest trace of embarrassment. Elaine smiled and retreated, but not before giving Susan a wink and a teasing nudge as she left. 

"Hi. What can I help you with today?" Susan offered quickly. 

"Well, I'd like to plan a vacation, but I'm looking for something a bit different - something exotic, away from the usual tourist traps." 

"That's our specialty! In fact, we've just received these new brochures -" 

With a nervous wave of her hand, she managed to send the stack of pamphlets flying. In an instant, she was kneeling beside her desk, reassembling the scattered paper into a random hodgepodge of color. She could sense him close to her as he knelt to help with the mess. Looking up from the floor to thank him, she caught him staring, and tried to look away. 

There was something about his face that held her. He wasn't handsome exactly, but had a look that promised to welcome any response she would make. A thick, black mustache framed a constant smile that displayed rows of dazzlingly white teeth behind it. He projected a feeling of familiarity, and Susan found herself comparing his ability to set her at ease with Elaine's. 

Seconds passed. Or was it minutes? The busy office around them seemed to stand still. She felt as though she was emptying herself into the dark wells of his eyes. Flecks of gold floated in the surrounding green of each iris. The effect was hypnotizing. Now her world existed in the tumbling patterns that held her motionless, fixed in his gaze. 

The sensation was subtle, but unmistakable in its intent. The imagined smooth stroke caressed her thigh, finally nesting in the moist folds between her legs. She allowed the sudden warmth to wash over her. It surrounded her, dark, calm and soothing, as she surrendered everything that she was, allowing him to know her completely. 

"Do you like this?" 

"Yes," she breathed. 

"So, when might I be able to go?" he asked. The brilliant green of a tropical forest now blocked her view of him as he held the pamphlet up for her approval. 

"Oh! Um, well, let me check the, ah, the, the..." 

"The computer?" he added, smiling, as he lightly tapped the monitor. 

Back at her desk, she began the sequence of mouse clicks and field entries necessary to construct his trip. He would go alone. 

"I just need to escape for a while," he had told her. "Unless you'd like to join me...". 

He grinned. 

"Don't I wish!" she thought to herself, then nervously hit the "Exit" menu by mistake. Apologizing, she started over. He sat back in his chair, almost amused she thought, and watched her work while the gold flecks rolled and sparkled in his green eyes. 

Soon the arrangements were completed, and he left just as suddenly as he had arrived. The rest of the morning was a blur - a few more customers, the usual paperwork, and of course Elaine's relentless questions and suggestive ribbing. 

At 12:01, she plunged into the biting wind again, this time not seeming to mind the sting on her cheeks, and wondered how she could have accepted Winston Dunne's not-so-innocent invitation to join him for lunch. 



Jack didn't mind at all when Jacqueline sat him in the large comfortable chair and proceeded to tie his wrists to the heavy wooden arms. She had collected several of his best ties during his frequent visits to her lavishly appointed home and secured him tightly with two of her favorites. Jacqueline had never shown a penchant for bondage before, but Jack was always game for a new adventure. 

She smiled wickedly as she circled him, pacing like a hungry lioness. When she was satisfied with her handiwork, she stopped and looked down at him, almost able to hear his pounding heartbeat from the short distance that separated them. 

Without a word, she slowly stripped in front of him, never taking her eyes off his unbelieving expression. Finally naked, she dropped to her knees, and then crawled toward him. Her hungry hands unfastened his belt, opened his fly, and pulled the stiff shaft of rubbery meat into the dim candlelight of her bedroom. Taking the hard purple head into mouth, she circled the flared edge of it several times, then explored the gaping opening with the pointed tip of her tongue. She brought him to the edge again and again, always stopping when his thighs began to shake and his head fell back onto the padding of the high-backed chair. 

Just as Jack thought he would finally find relief from her torture, Jacqueline stopped, rose to her feet and walked to the TV, six feet from where she had placed Jack's chair. She tapped the switch, filling the room with the set's blue glow. 

"Ummm, Jacqueline. Dirty movies?" 

"Yes, Jack, dirty movies." 

He stared intently at the image of couple, barely discernable in the dim light. The girl was naked. Slim and long-waisted with velvet skin, she stood with her back to the camera, facing her lover as she slowly removed his clothing. The camera zoomed closer, now showing more clearly the rising of his chest as he breathed deeply, and his masterful eyes as he watched her. 

Trembling fingers undid button after button of the crisp white shirt. Her hands found their way inside, damp palms testing the warm flesh of his shoulders, arms, and belly. She moved a step closer and rested her cheek on his bare chest, her arms now clinging to his lean torso. He smiled and moved his hands down her long back, stopping to lightly caress the silky firmness of her ass. She stiffened slightly and allowed a soft cry of surprise to escape when his fingers worked their way lower into the damp crevice between her legs. 

Click. The screen went black. Jacqueline stood between Jack and the TV, remote in hand. Again, she went to her knees, crawled to him, and sucked the dripping head of his cock into her mouth. He chuckled, finally seeing her little game. She brought him to the brink of orgasm one more time, then stopped, looking up into his pleading eyes. 

"Do you like my little movie, Jack?" 

"Christ, Jacqueline, you've outdone yourself this time! You have to give me the title when we're done. Looks like a must for my collection. Where'd you get it?" 

"Want to see more?" 

"Hell yes. I can play this game as long as you can!" 

"We'll see about that, Jack." 

The screen flickered for a few seconds, then came to life again. Jack returned his attention to the screen, wondering how much longer he could possibly hold out as Jacqueline sat at his feet and gently stroked his genitals with both hands. 
The girl's lover was naked, his hard angular body now a silhouette in the surrounding shadows. She was on her knees in front of him, again with her back to the camera. Reaching into the darkness, she moved his erection into the light, milking and stroking it just inches from her face. 

Soon it was obvious that she had taken him into her mouth. The muscles of her neck and back hardened and twisted and her hair danced to her even rhythm as she pulled at his meaty cock. Although her face remained away from the camera, the regular wet sucking sounds left nothing to the imagination. Her body jerked and swayed as she devoured him with abandon. She continued tirelessly, until finally, his hips rocked frantically as he came in her mouth. Long moans rose from the darkness while she greedily swallowed every drop of her warm, salty reward. 

Click. The screen went black again and Jacqueline's mouth was on him immediately. She licked and nibbled his stomach, tracing the creases of his groin past the stiff shaft to his tightened sac. One at a time, she sucked his balls into her mouth, firmly licking and prodding them with her tongue. Jack chuckled as he tried to free his wrists from the arms of the heavy chair. 

"Give up, Jack? I know you're ready to cum." 

"You've got it all wrong, Jacqueline. I could enjoy this for hours." 

"Well then, it looks like I have no choice but to force your surrender." 

"Do your best, my dear. Now, can you do that thing with your tongue again?" 

Click. The girl was now on her hands and knees, suspended over his lean, naked body. Slowly but deliberately, her delicate fingers lifted his cock, positioning it just under her glistening slit. She lowered herself onto it, letting it enter her, an inch at a time, until it completely filled her. Then, very slowly, she rose and fell on it, gradually increasing the plunging of her narrow hips to a frenzied pace. Quiet little grunts and sobs echoed through the room, a predictable cadence to the nearly blurred motion of her small hungry body. Her cries turned to louder whimpering, then to a series of long moans as she continued to bury him inside her. 

It was more than enough to overcome Jack's best attempt to prolong the game. Jacqueline's hands were on his erect shaft, her mouth and tongue working feverishly on the sensitive head.  He felt the sudden surge of semen gush through the length of his cock. Moaning, he watched her mouth and throat convulse as she refused to allow one drop to escape her. He moaned again, louder this time, as his eyes returned to the TV where the girl was now screaming in her own orgasm. The intensity of her climax was unnerving. Like some outside force, it seemed to control him, smothering him in a continuing blanket of unrelenting release. 

"Christ! Oh, God! Jesus, Jacqueline! Ohhhhaaagh. . ." 

It was though he was riding a speeding wave, an equal mix of pure lust and a terrifying loss of control. It gave no sign of stopping. Gratification and anxiety hit him in equal measures with increasing intensity as the orgasm seemed to go on and on, until finally draining his energy to the point of exhaustion. 

Just when he thought he could no longer endure it, the wave that carried him flattened and washed him quietly back to shore. He gasped for breath, grateful for the slowing of his racing pulse. On the screen, the girl had also finished, finally collapsing onto her lover's chest. The slowing of her heavy breathing seemed to match his own. After a long, deep kiss, she rolled off him, still winded as her small firm breasts rose and fell, swollen pink nipples casting short shadows onto the moist mounds beneath them. 

Jack watched as Susan's eyes fluttered open. She was smiling a smile he had never seen, one hand exploring the contours of her lover's chest. He was drawn into the image, incredulous. An icy chill hit him as he struggled to comprehend what the glowing screen presented. 

Shock. Paralyzing confusion. Unbearable pain. Uncontrollable anger. Furious rage. All these things swept over him in the short time it took Susan to return her hand to the man's erection while she covered his mouth with hers. Within seconds, a second milky river of semen slowly covered her small fingers. 

"God damn it, Jacqueline! Where did you get this tape? Who is he? Let me out of this fucking chair, you bitch!" 

Jacqueline rose with an icy grin and circled to a position behind the chair allowing Jack a better view of the couple, still clutching each other, mouths locked in a deep probing kiss. 

"Why Jack, don't you like my little game anymore? Just a few minutes ago you were cummimg in my mouth while you watched Susan climax on another man's cock." 

"You fucking bitch! Untie me! You drugged her! Susan would never..." 

"Jack, Jack, Jack. You didn't recognize her? No wonder she has to find strangers to satisfy her. How long has it been since you've fucked her, Jack. How long since you've even looked twice at her breasts or that firm little ass?" 

Jack pulled and twisted at his bonds, now feeling an ever-increasing exhaustion that added to his frustration and defeat. 

"Jacqueline, you? Why? I trusted you. We... How could you - " 

"So many questions, Jack." 

She moved closer to the back of his chair and rested her hands on his shaking shoulders. Sliding beneath his collar, she began to massage the straining muscles of his back and neck. 

"She didn't need drugs, Jack. Winston is a very attractive man, and can be very persuasive. I've known him for a long, long time. Oh, and it wasn't a tape, Jack. That's right, it happened while you were watching, in another room here in the house. I'm surprised we couldn't hear her screaming downstairs while he fucked her senseless." 

"You're finished, you cunt! You're not only fired, you won't even be able to find a job in a whorehouse when I'm done with you! So untie me, pack up your shit and get out tomorrow, or I'll see that your ass ends up in prison! UNTIE ME, YOU PIECE OF SHI-" 

The sharp pop stopped Jack in mid rant. A thin hollow spike shattered the back of his skull and entered through the small ragged hole. Her hands clutched his neck tightly, keeping a hardened digit close to the entrance while the attached tendril wove a path deep into the soft gray matter. His body spasmed and his eyes bulged as surrounding tangles of neurons were liquefied and extracted through the advancing probe. Genetic material was removed, ingested, and analyzed, but not before mapping each connection, every cell's size and location, everything that made Jack Jack. 

After a final shudder, Jack's body slumped in the chair, eyes staring wildly from the front of his empty skull. Jacqueline stood frozen, her hand fixed to the back of the lifeless body. Almost imperceptibly, her svelte figure began to widen, the soft skin rippling with pulsing changes. With increasing speed, her body took on its new form. Within minutes, the new Jack released the dead husk and turned away, ignoring the faint thud as the shriveled corpse leaned forward, then collapsed onto the floor. 



They arrived unannounced, almost ignoring the small blue and white marble orbiting a star like so many others. Fleeing the catastrophic end of their own civilization, they descended to marvel at the backward but passionate creatures inhabiting the fertile world below. 

They had evolved beyond the tenuous construction of atoms and molecules, now beings of formless energy. Although time meant little to them, both began to feel a weariness from their endless journeys. They discovered an unexpected sustenance from the rampant emotions escaping the fragile creatures. A constant flood of anger and fear attracted them at first, and they reveled in the new sensations as the addiction established itself, then grew. 

Soon they began to understand the distinction of gender. To them, the differences between male and female were subtle but intriguing. At once they found the burst of sensations from the humans' reproductive rituals irresistible. Before long, they thought nothing more of taking a human host than a human would of threading a wriggling worm onto a rusty hook. 

At first, interacting with the fleshy beings was trying and monotonous. Sex alone held them close to this civilization, its attraction eventually responsible for the weaving of their new lives into the hominids' culture. Their bodies were prone to disease and short-lived, and had to be discarded often. As the flesh aged, they found the attractiveness to the opposite gender waned, and the frequency of varied sexual encounters declined. But this world was teaming with a growing supply of fresh young hosts, all eager for the same orgasmic thrills, all easily taken for as long as necessary. 

As time went on, they traded bodies frequently, savoring the uniqueness of each new host. They had no preference for male or female. Their existence became a quest for a human subject with the greatest sexual desires. Once found, it was exceptionally easy to bond, then mate with the simple creatures. The rush of energy from the brief but powerful climaxes was like nothing they had ever known. During the ages that passed since their initial contact when they had helped these people build towering stone monuments to their dead, to the present time, when their numbers had grown exponentially, along with the variety and frequency of their sexual needs, "Winston" and "Jacqueline" never tired of the search for a novel source of raw emotion. 

"Did she please you?" 

"Her release was the most intense I've experienced. This female shows exceptional potential - so many secret, unfulfilled desires waiting to be offered so willingly. Again, you have outdone yourself, companion." 

"I knew you would be pleased. Will she be enough for the both of us? Her very breath fills me with impatience." 

"Be on your way, companion. She waits for her husband to return to her. Together, we will give her a future of satisfaction she could not have imagined. Her soft, whimpering body will serve us well, until she can whimper no more." 


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They drove slowly. Plenty of trucks pipped their horns and she saw the drivers laughing.At one set of lights a truck pulled up alongside Jim’s open top car. Janey went to pull down her skirt but Jim growled “Don’t even think about it slut.”Janey sat giving the lorry driver a view of her nylon clad legs and her white cotton panties.Before the lights changed a piece of paper dropped in the car. Jim grabbed it. The note read follow me.He laughed and said, “we have time so why not.”The lorry moved...

2 years ago
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Worlds of ProbabilityChapter 3 Building the Transfer Pod

Now that Jason had some information about the process of translating between probability levels and what to expect in some of them he began making plans for a transfer pod which would be large enough to carry him between levels. While he had some idea of what he might encounter during a transfer he thought it would be prudent to be as prepared as possible for anything he might encounter. To this end he set to work designing and building a suitable vehicle which would allow him to visit and...

3 years ago
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Coaching From MomChapter 2

"What? Fuck me? What do you mean, fuck me?" "Real simple, Jackie, just lay down and Greg is going to fuck you. We sure know he's ready. Now get your bikini off and lay down." "What if I don't want to." "Get it off and lay down, you got him all hot, now let him fuck you. You might just enjoy it. Go on." So, I pulled off my string bikini and lay down on a cushion she had put down. Greg got down on his knees next to me as I spread my legs apart so he could get up between them. He...

4 years ago
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The club femdom Exgirlfriend

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi, I'm Daniel, a 32 year old average looking single guy. For almost a year or so now, I regularly visit a sex club. It's an extraordinary place, visited by couples and singles, where your wildest dreams and fantasies can become reality. It is quite a private society, and it is near unknown to non-members, so most members were...

3 years ago
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Sisters Fate Emilys Ordeal

With all of that - here is part two. Emily’s Ordeal Rosalyn went to bed early that night, by 11pm she was sound asleep hoping that a good night’s rest would help ease her pains and also give her some clarity as to what she was going to do about Billy and his friends. There was no way they were going to get away with this! A sound night of sleeping wasn’t in the cards though. Billy came to her room around 2am. His parents had long since gone to bed and were fast asleep. Billy pulled...

3 years ago
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Paul picks me up at 2:00 P.M. We are going for coffee at the pizza place on Coventry. The lunch crowd is finished and we are the only customers. It’s my first time here but Paul has been here often. He likes the waitress. Her name is Mona.Mona is cute, about twenty-five, 5’8” and has a nice full figure. She is wearing a flowered dress and it shows off her tanned legs really well. When she bends over, I can see a tattoo running down, or up, her inner thigh. I wonder how high up it goes.As we...

Group Sex
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MyPervyFamily Helena Price Horny Stepmommy Consoles Heart Broken Son

My mother always knows the best way to make me feel better.. After my girlfriend broke up with me, mom was there to help relieve some of my sexual tension. I woke up to her rubbing her pussy while stroking my rock hard cock. But I didn’t mind when mommy climbed on top and grinded her mature cunt on me! Mom’s bush was so sexy, I love teasing her clit while I pound her tight wet hole! I bend her over and fuck her doggystyle, admiring her perfectly plump ass while I make her pussy cum...

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Daddys Nympho Daughter

"God, but you're beautiful!" Paul Logan said as Lisa tucked her long legs up under her ass and pulled down on the hem of her short skirt. "How does it go?" she asked, smiling. "I'll bet you tell that to all your lady friends…" Paul laughed and gathered her into his arms as she laughed with him. He looked into her dark eyes for a long moment, then ran his hand from her shoulder to her chin and cupped it gently as he kissed her. Pepper watched as her father's hand moved slowly to...

1 year ago
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And the dogs were still barking

I know that some people have had sex in some rather unusual places. Well, I don’t know if my story takes the cake or not, but it’s most definitely the most unique place that I’ve ever heard of. My boyfriend, Curtis, lives in West Virginia. He’s not a hick, or anything like that, and doesn’t have a twang accent. He does however, own a farm. It is quite literally in the middle of nowhere. It’s about 45 minutes off of the highway on unpaved roads, and it’s almost impossible to find unless you’ve...

1 year ago
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Tending The Gardens IV

His eyes were glazed as he continued to watch her every sensuous move. He thought he must be dreaming. Never could he have imagined this going so well so fast. She looked like every red blooded american males dream model and by the look in her eyes she was ready for whatever it was he desired at that moment in time. She couldn't take her eyes off that slow caressing hand of his, strong, large, unhurried. He continued to carefully stroke his pulsing cock as it strained at the material of his...

2 years ago
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Amanda paced the room. This was her time. Her stage. To reveal her true self. No more being Tom. That was the past. She wanted to stop living as a boy. No more cross-dressing as a girl in secret. She openly wanted to wear girly clothes and shout out to the world that she should have been born as a girl. Of course, her first hurdle sat on the couch. Her parents. Sitting in their khaki-colored delivery uniforms. Even when it was their day off. Both worked for a big delivery company. But...

1 year ago
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Riding the Bus

I was 45 years old at this point and using public transportation. I worked the swing shift and got off work at midnight. One day while on the bus in the afternoon, I noticed a very large older woman. She was 60 years old, 5'2" with short grey hair, blue eyes and somewhat homely looking. She had a small female child on her lap and hugging and kissing the child. This turned me on and I decided I'd like this large woman to kiss on me. I was 6'3" tall at 185 lbs., hazel eyes and long brown hair and...

2 years ago
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Who knew what the river would bring Part 2

‘Get dressed’ he says! Seriously?! I’m just getting started and he tells me to get dressed?!?! But I knew we had to get going so I began to pull myself together.“Ya, Ya,” I said, “I’m getting there, but hey, could you help me with this first.”Before he had a chance to respond, I leaned over to him and slowly brought my sticky, recently pussy fucked fingers up to his mouth and inserted them for a quick lick and clean up. Not really paying attention to why I was sticking something in his mouth,...

Oral Sex
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The Seeingeye Dog and the Shy StudentChapter 5

The prim and proper prissy unsighted and undeniably pretty prima-donna princess called Patricia had just been mounted with precision by her precious pet Sampson. Sampson was a common-sense seeing-eye dog with a no-nonsense attitude about licking and satisfying human female owners according to their personal needs and desires. He had developed a doggy style of humping that most human females found refreshing after the boring missionary poking of uninspiring males with a macho attitude that...

2 years ago
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A CSIers story

Callie awoke...slowly...gently....she slowly opened her eyes and paused, her CSI mind taking in all the details. She didn't know where she was, which was typical results for the pill she had taken last night. Ahh, one of the pills her friend Julie had given her, starting so many years ago, and with typical results.As her eyes went over her location, things started to register in her mind. It was obviously a hotel room, and judging from the decor, likely a higher dollar room in the same hotel...

1 year ago
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FamilyStrokes Jillian Janson Second Cousin Loving

Bambino walked into his bathroom only to find the sexy ass Jillian Janson in there. He had no idea who she was, but damn did she have a nice ass! Bambino went to his mom downstairs to ask why there was a strange girl in his bathroom. She told him that she was not strange at all, she was his second cousin! Boy has she grown. She grew so much that she even showed cousin Bambino how her tits have been coming in. Very nice! At this point neither of them could help themselves and they started...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 476

This one is compliments of Ron CHANCE An old west town One dirt street Boardwalks Cowboy leaning on a post, whiling away the time. Indian sitting leaning on the front of the store, Blanket over his shoulders, hat pulled down, looks like he is asleep. Cute young squaw, coming up the street, wow is she built. Cowboy is all eyes and a BIG smile. As she gets about even with the Indian he stands, walks to the edge of the boardwalk, holds up his hand and says “CHANCE!” She giggles and...

1 year ago
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Reife Lust

"Hallo Jules, komm doch herein ...", hauchte Martina mit leicht nervöser Stimme, bevor sie ihm ihre zierlichen Arme zur Begrüßung entgegenstreckte. Jules wunderte sich über Martinas leise und zaghafte Art. Zwar umarmte er seine Schwiegermutter wie immer, doch dieses Mal fühlte es sich anders an. Ihr Körper war warm, glühte fast, während sie sich förmlich an ihn presste. Jules spürte ihre üppige Oberweite viel deutlicher als sonst und auch ihren Bauch hatte sie noch nie zuvor so deutlich an sein...

4 years ago
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Menage a Trois

Menage a Trois. It was just a couple weeks before my 18 th birthday. I had graduated from high school in June. Because of the poor job climate, I put a notice on the “Jobs Wanted” board outside a local market. “Hard working young man willing to mow lawns, clean garage, basement, and attic, pick-up truck for hauling trash, odd jobs. Reasonable Rates with guarantee of satisfaction!” along with my name and phone number. A few days later, I received a call from a Mrs. Jacks. I knew the name,...

2 years ago
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Never Trust a Genie

We've all heard the story, Boy walks into mysterious cave, finds magic lamp, summons witty charismatic genie, a few events happen to test their loyalty and friendship, and then everyone lives happily ever after. This isn't one of those stories. In reality genies are devilish tricksters that find amusement in punishing whoever is foolish enough to cross their pass. In many cases a person would not know the error of their wish until years even decades later. Never trust a genie

1 year ago
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Sorority Pledge 1 A Devil in Disguise Part 3

When sorority pledge, Addison Montgomery, gets caught chucking eggs at a mansion at the demand of her sisters on Halloween, she’s punished by the rich man’s son, Logan, a hot junior at her college, and they get swept up in the delicious power exchange and a tumultuous squall of passion. But where it leads may be way too hot for them to handle.  * * * * When my time was up at the notification of Old Man Thorndike, I put on my shoes and panties, gathered up my crap and fled the house,...

4 years ago
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Too Much LoveChapter 20

Monroe stood in her bedroom, staring at a dress she’d hung up against one of the big bay windows that looked out over a hundred miles of green nothing, dotted with herds of cattle all the way to the horizon. Actually, she wasn’t staring at a dress. She was staring at the dress - the perfect black dress with the deep V neck that dipped almost parallel with the top of the side slits that showed off her long legs so well that she had to wear very specific underwear beneath it if she bothered to...

3 years ago
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Walters Huge MistakeChapter 7

Audrey and I walked out to the truck quickly after school let out. I didn't wait around for Carla at all either. We got to the truck, hopped in, and drove straight out onto the street. After lunch, Audrey had told me that Brenda wanted us to come over to her house after school for a little fun session. Jimmy was working right after school, and Brenda had gone home early with Dana, another one of her girlfriends. Who needed Carla anyway? I figured that she'd be trying to phone me at home...

3 years ago
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Meat Packers

Meat Packersby BigSteve Who could believe the good luck I have had at this out of the way rest area? Its not even a major highway, but I guess all roads lead to someplace and this one lead to a really great time for me. This Monday had me driving through central Texas taking in the beautiful scenery of the hill country. Texas has had a lot of rain this month and everything looked green and fresh. I was on a black top, two lane road between Llano and Austin. I’ve stopped at this little...

2 years ago
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Kumar Apartment Season 2 Part 43 Papa Ki Pari Ya Fir Nanhi Shaitaan

Narrated by Swati Hi friends, mein Swati. Kaafi din ho gaye aaplogo ko apni kahini suna kar. Pichle baar episode 23 me apni zubani bataayi thi ki pichle raat mein kayse apne papa ke saat kaamukta bhari khel khel kar unka dimaag kharab kar rahi thi. Chaliye ab aage batatai hoon ki agle din kya hua. Agle din late se uthi, kareeb 12 baje ke aas paas, time dekh ke sochi ki bhala maa uthaayi kayse nahi mujhe, har din to 10 baje se hi darwaza khatkhatake thodna shuru kar deti hai wo, aaj kya hua? Uth...

2 years ago
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Sarah Chalke has her first lesbian experience with a guest star on the set of Scrubs

This story is only a fan fiction, not real. Sarah threw herself down on her couch and took a deep. She was exhausted after a long day of shooting. She really loved to work with Scrubs and she was grateful for the fame it had brought her, but sometimes the workdays were just too long. The reason for today’s long hours was the fact that it was the last day they were shooting the last scenes of Amy Smart’s guest appearance and they had to get all it all done tonight. Sarah was in no...

4 years ago
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The Devil and the Deep Blue SeaChapter 8 Wakeup Call

We took Gretchen back to our suite in a wheelchair and I tagged along to give her a more thorough examination of my own. We girls stripped her down in her bedroom. Given the already visible signs of bruising, it was obvious that Gretchen would be a sight in a few days. Unfortunately, it wasn't going to be her usual beautiful one. I sighed and shook my head. "I'm sorry, Gretchen, but there's going to be some bruising. You must have bounced all over the side of the ship because you have...

3 years ago
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A Fathers Story

Once again, Death had raised its ugly head and taken the one person who I had loved all of my life. This woman, who gave birth to me; who loved me; who took my virginity; who gave birth to two of my children; who gave birth to my sister, my wife, my Rachel; who loved me after I lost my Rachel; was taken from me in a senseless accident with a drunk driver, two and a half times over the limit. He walked away unharmed. I wanted to kill him. I was no stranger to killing. I had been in the infantry...

1 year ago
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The Present...Hannah gave me a ride to the hotel to change from my 'wedding rehearsal clothes' into my 'day wear for Danny's house clothes'. I think she appreciated the brief, quiet time she had to herself while I changed clothes before she drove us to the farm. While I'd treated the ladies to Mimosas, Danny had gotten a haircut before returning to the farm to wait for me. He looked pretty good dressed in slacks with a button-down shirt instead of jeans and a ratty, old t-shirt. If anything the...

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Free Universal Carnal Knowledge Pt 16

XVI ‘Just like Sue’ I allowed myself to fall asleep next to Alicia knowing that sexual desire would awaken me in the small hours. When it did, instead of turning for relief to the gorgeous and compliant little creature next to me I went to the main bedroom where Wendy was sleeping. She was my wife, after all, and had been wonderfully understanding and supportive all evening. There are wives in this world, I reflected, that might object if their husband brought home a big-titted...

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Thomas grew up in Ayrshire, Scotland, the home area of the Great Bard himself Rabbie Burns, of Souter Johnnie and Tam o'Shanter; and so it was that his nickname was Tam. Tam was a pretty ordinary lad, with an older sister; but one bored day she dressed him up in her clothes, and that kindled in him a yearning he could never dismiss. He would secretly dress in her clothes at any opportunity from then on. No-one can have failed to notice the dreadful depression we are in and when Tam...

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NeighborAffair Kimber Lee 23347

When Peter overhears his neighbor Kimber in an argument with her husband again, he takes it as an opportunity to try to slide right into her red-hot pussy! He sees her alone outside and tells her that she can come over to his house for some coffee and a chat, and that he’ll show her how such a beautiful woman as herself should be treated. Kimber laughs it off, but a few nights later she shows up a-knockin’ at Peter’s door, ready to make the place a-rockin’! Chillin’ in his boxers, Peter can’t...

3 years ago
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Lucky Jim 1FirehairChapter 3 On to Independence

Jan 20, 1857 In the morning, Madison joined Dawn and me again. A light mist began falling just before we mounted up, so we pulled out our canvas ponchos to help keep the rain off. Madison didn’t have a warm hat, but Dawn hurried back to her wagon and returned with the new hat she’d made for me from the bobcat pelt. I traded and gave Madison my rabbit fur hat, getting a smile bright enough to rival a beautiful sunrise. We made good time since we didn’t have to hunt today. The rain got...

2 years ago
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End of a Rivalry

Warning! This story contains extreme depictions of brutality. If you aren't into violent fighting/sex fantasies, then don't comment on how you didn't like it. With out further adeau:Leya and Alyssa hated each other. The two women are opposite in every way: Alyssa is overweight, Leya is fit, Alyssa is an irresponsible bum, and Leya excels at whatever she does. The crossroads of these two opposites is boxing. Both of these girls fight in the same manner and style. Both women shamelessly...

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Babysitting Heaven

Well the day that my cousins were supposed to arrive got here and I had to go pick them up from the airport. I hadn’t seen my cousins in 4 years and wasn’t sure how much they had changed. Last I remember they were little girls playing with dolls and always fighting. Since I didn’t know how they looked I had a cardboard with their names on it Hannah and Claire. When the plane arrived I just waited for them to see the sign and come up to me. When I saw the girls coming towards me I was...

1 year ago
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I left Rose Ann to sleep it off on the bathroom floor. Returning to the kitchen, I'd just cleaned up the last of the mess we'd made when I heard her retching up another offering to the Porcelain Goddess. I hurried to hold her hair out of the way and gave her more water in a glass to swirl and spit when she was done.Afterwards she was leaning against the wall next to the toilet paper roll and moaning weakly. I asked her if she wanted help to her bed. Keeping her eyes shut she shook her head no,...

3 years ago
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Becoming His Public Slut

I’ve always been shy, overly shy to the point it can be annoying. You know, like those little kids who hide behind their mother’s dresses? Yeah, like that. I’m not sure why I am this way, but Master has told me I need to learn to break free from it. He doesn’t want to push it on me. He doesn’t ever push things that are to extreme, but does test my limits. As of late, he’s been drawing more attention to me when we’re out in public. He’s even making me dress a little sexier, so people will...

3 years ago
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The redhead coworker threesome part I

Since our son is old enough to go his own way, we finally have more time and more moments to enjoy our bodies in a sexual and erotic way. A couple of weeks ago, my husband and I had such a great sexual weekend again. We had a full weekend for ourselves and the week before we made sure we both got heated up to make it an intimate and horny weekend. But this weekend would turn out to be completely different than I would have expected. It all had to do with a fantasy I have for already a longer...

4 years ago
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The Overdue Report

When your boss asked you to prepare a financial report that she could present at the quarterly stockholders? conference call, she gave you plenty of advance warning. Ms. Wu gave you the assignment on Monday morning, and the conference call was scheduled for end of day, Friday. A full week. No problem. Except that now it?s 4:00 PM on Friday afternoon, and the report?s not finished. It?s almost ready. Despite a series of unlikely and unexpected obstacles, you managed to pull together all of the...

1 year ago
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GreeniesChapter 11A

MPG Base, Eden July 24, 2146 The office of Major Frank Jorgenson overlooked the flight line. Down below, on the floor, ground crews were busy doing pre-flight inspections on a group of Mosquitoes that would soon be launched on a training mission. Up above, Jorgenson himself, commander of the 27th Attack squadron, was sitting behind his small desk, his Internet terminal showing a screen saver of vaguely pornographic images. Standing before the desk, dressed in his uniform shorts and T-shirt,...

2 years ago
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A Gentleman and the Widow

We met online, innocently, really, instant messages on a forum, a simple hello at first and welcome to the site. I replied with a thank you and how thoughtful. He sent another message, ‘I found your bio interesting.’ Of course, I had to ask, ‘How so? What makes it so interesting, different from the rest?’ A simple reply came from him, ‘Your honesty.’ I was trying to write stories, erotica, and I was unsure of myself. He offered to help. How could I refuse? I sent him a writing sample. He...

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BBs Nursery and Daycare Chapter 6

BB's Nursery and Day Care Chapter 6 April decided it was time for lunch. Her schedule was flexible and she had the sudden desire to surprise James and sneak up on him at his lunch. James hardly ever took a lunch to work. She knew he looked at lunches as an excuse to escape the office and the inherent stress. She pulled up her family app on her phone and was soon able to find the location of James phone. Perfect timing he was on the move. When she got to her car she noticed he was...

1 year ago
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Day TripChapter 8

They started out with John leading the way, most of the women bunched up as close as they could while dragging travois, and Adel in the rear to encourage stragglers. It didn't take John long to figure out how the object was being dragged, but he could not identify the object in question. They passed several of the campsites of the movers, and it rapidly became obvious that three people were doing the moving. They were very lucky and did not meet up with any dinosaurs on their trek. They...

4 years ago
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Waiting at the BluebirdChapter 10

Cal sat alone in his office after business hours were over. Delores had gone home; he didn’t care but he was hungry as he hadn’t eaten all day. There was a full pot of fresh coffee his secretary made just before she left for the day. That would be enough. His hunger did make him think for a moment about the Bluebird Diner, and then about Roxie’s bank note that he’d cosigned that afternoon and the used car she’d just picked at the dealer’s lot that went with it. He was sure that she was...

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The 10000 Blowjob

When I saw those two girls walking the downtown bar scene, I knew right away that they were who I was looking for tonight. Young, obviously freshmen at the local college, and both wearing very poor clothes, they were wondering outside the bars because they were either too young to go in, or too poor to afford the cover prices. What I especially noticed about them was their blatant greed. Every time someone walked by in nice clothes or a nice car went by, their heads swiveled and a look of...

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Hot Wife

After twenty years of marriage, my wife confessed to a three-year long affair with a co-worker. This happened after the co-worker’s wife learned of the affair.After my wife confessed to her affair, I was a wreck. I left her (and my sons) and moved in with our bachelor friend, staying there about four months. We both discussed divorce; my wife said she was sorry and did not want a divorce. With two sons getting ready to go to college, I decided to stay. It came to a point where it was affecting...

Wife Lovers
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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 11 Making Ashley Mine

I knew of the grove and tree houses along Milford, but this was my first time looking past the road. The few times I had come out with friends, we had concentrated on the houses on the far side of the street. I scanned the trees ahead, watching for tree houses as Ashley and I moved away from the road. At first I saw nothing more than a couple of wooden platforms in the branches of a few of the bigger trees. Most of the trees on this side of the road were young and lacked the branches to hold...

2 years ago
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Into It repostChapter 3

We lay together on that blanket for a long time without speaking. I hoped she was enjoying lying against my body half as much as I was enjoying having her long, lean frame plastered beside and over mine. Karen said, "Brad, what are you thinking about?" I answered honestly. "How much I enjoy this position. I am very comfortable here with you. I'm also giving some slight thought to the story we are writing. I think we can make it erotic without making it explicit. It just depends on how...

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