UnconqueredChapter 2 free porn video

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The sun’s eye opened and the Unconquered, the Chosen, the Breaker of Chains, the One Who Casts Down Thrones, the End and the Beginning, remained sprawled on his back, snoring loudly while his friend, June, stood up and watched him. She put her hands on her hips and thought to herself about everything she had read of the previous Cycles. According to all the legends, the last nine Unconquered had each been stricken with what the record tellers referred to as ‘the fire of a second breath’ or ‘fire fever.’

A human, granted the powers of a primordial titan and the mandate of heaven, could be forgiven for becoming rather excited about the prospect. The legends of the Second Unconquered said that she had drunk two rivers dry, arm wrestled the Mountain of Horses in a three day match, and finally, fucked silly half the women of the Summer Vale and the Flying Island. Similar tales of excess surrounded the other Unconquered – even Good King Bahul’s first banquet had stripped a forest bare as he had hunted, cooked, and ate until he had filled his belly.

June nodded. Any second now, Ember would spring up and she would have to at least try and restrain him. A little.

Ember kept snoring.

The sun continued to hang overhead, glaring down at them, while Pearl and Ruby rose over the horizon, gleaming and pure. The light was broken slightly by the waving of the trees, and by the sharp line of the Temple of the Third Unconquered.

June waited another two minutes before, at last, walking off, finding a stick, and prodding Ember in the cheek with it. He sprang to his feet, his whole body wreathed in a golden flame as he snapped his head around, punching wildly at the air. June pursed her lips as she stepped away from blows that could have shattered sunsteel, the wind of the blows disturbing a single strand of her bangs. She twitched her tail once as Ember stopped his wild punching, blinking as he saw her.

“Oh. Hey June,” he said, careless of the roiling flames of his anima. His hand cupped the back of his neck as he grinned at her. “Just. Stretching my, uh, my punch muscles.”

“You’re still naked, you know?” June asked, turning away from him to begin to strike the camp. Ember screamed – and by the time she had rolled up her bedroll and slung it over her shoulders, he had managed to get dressed once more, his hair ruffled and his eyes wild. He leaned against the massive stone toe of the Temple and tried to look as casual as he could.

“So, what’s the plan now, June?” he asked.

“Well,” June said, turning away from him as she grabbed the solar dagger she had liberated from Rataka village’s storehouse. “We need to go from here...” She pointed at the ground. “To...” Her arm swung upwards, taking in the massive stone foot, the knee, the muscular stone thigh, the carved belly, the swell of stone breasts, the stone shoulder, and, at last, the snarling face of the Third Unconquered, carved in epic scale at the top of the immense temple. “There!”

Ember rubbed his chin. “Do you have a flying potion?” he asked.

“Nope,” June said, picking up the coiled rope of her grappling hook. She began to twirl it.

“Climbing potion?” Ember asked, still craning his head back. “Spider arm potion? Potion of teleportation? Potion of-”

The grappling hook crunched into stone above them, the rope jerking taut as June tugged on it. She planted her feet against the statue’s shin, then began to climb upwards, grunting with every hand over hand motion. “Nope,” she said.

“We’re going to climb a statue that’s...” Ember chewed his lip. “One thousand one hundred and eleven yards high? With rope?”

June paused in her climbing – she had already ascended ten feet in the time it took Ember to do the mental math. And considering how fast his math was, she was really fast. She craned her head back, her hair dangling behind her, like a second tail. “You know how tall the statue is?”

“It’s obvious, June,” he said, shaking his head.

“Right, your weird math powers,” June muttered. “I wonder if being Unconquered made you any better at it...” She shook her head. “Come on, get to climbing, sun-boy.”

“But I don’t have a grappling hook!” Ember called up after her as June got herself to the top of the massive shin in ludicrous time. “Or ropes. Or anything. I can barely climb trees, June!”

“You’re the Unconquered!” June’s voice sounded distant. “Figure it out.”

She went back to climbing and Ember frowned. He rubbed his palms together, frowning as he did so. He was the Unconquered. He had the power of the Sun behind him and the mandate of Heaven. He could do this. He jogged on the spot, rubbed his palms together, then stepped backwards. He stretched out his legs, stretched out his arms. He twisted himself so his back popped, then groaned and leaned forward to touch his toes. He rubbed his palms together a third time, clapped his hands, then breathed in a slow, slow sigh. He let it out, hissing between his teeth.

June, who had reached the bent knee of the Third Unconquered, leaned over the side. She looked shockingly small. “Is this laziness or cowardice?”

“Both!” Ember said, putting his hands to his face. “That statue is unreasonably high!”

“The Third Unconquered liked big things,” June called down. “Big castles. Big battles. Big drinks. Big...” She paused. “Well, you know.”

Ember glanced down at his newly endowed bulge.

“No, not that,” June called down.

“What, she also liked to...” Ember tried to remember how June had put it. “Worship at ... the ... she liked ladies?”

“Yeah,” June said.

“Does every lady like other ladies or am I just lucky?” Ember murmured to himself.

“You’ve only met one sapphic, Ember,” June sounded tired, even from this distance. Ember snapped his head up – wondering how she had heard him. “Being under her statue doesn’t count as meeting the Third Unconquered.”

“Well, I am her latest incarnation...” Ember paused. “Am I going to remember the past lives of the previous Unconquered?”

There was a long pause – and then the grappling hook sailed up to the belly button of the statue, hooking home in a way that made him wince. Ember scowled to himself. Okay. June wasn’t going to answer his questions until he got to the top of the statue. All he had to do was just trust in the power of the Unconquered. He could do this. He rubbed his palms together – and then sprinted towards the shin. Time seemed to slow. His reflexes honed as the world shone brightly, as if the whole statue had been lit up by the luster of first love. He saw, clearly, where the rocky smoothness had tiny hand holds – small enough that it would take the full force of his arm, transmitted through the very tips of his fingers, to grip hold.

Ember leaped.

And he sailed upwards – landing on the knee with a gasp. His arms flailed and he looked back down at the distance he had cleared.

June, who was only a few yards above him now, glared over her shoulder at him.

Ember grinned fiercely. He sprang upwards – and snatched June as he flew past her. His feet slapped against stone as June clung to him, her tail wrapping around his waist, her claws digging into him with terror. But Ember could only focus on the running: His feet slapped against the stone as he used his momentum to run a curving, upwards arc. He reached out with the arm that was not holding June, grabbing the tiniest crack, then heaving himself upwards. He sailed to the out-thrust arm of the temple and landed in the crook of the elbow joint.

“Fhew!” Ember wiped his arm across his forehead – and felt the heavy gemstone that was set there, thrusting out from the space right above his nose. He yelped and leaped backwards in alarm. This, as he was standing in the crook of a statue’s elbow almost seven hundred yards off the ground, with nothing but a sheer drop between him and a remarkably hard forest floor, proved to be a bad idea. Ember scrabbled at the open air while June, who had detached herself from his grip with a quick twist of her hips, remained standing. After a heart stopping moment, Ember’s fingers caught just barely onto a fissure in the stone that was nearly invisible. He clung by his fingernails, his arms roiling with golden flames as his muscles knotted and his shoulders clamped.

“June!” He yelped.

“Yeah, I’m getting to it, hold your horses,” June said, looping her grappling hook down and securing it to the stone. Only once she was rooted did she reach down and grab onto Ember’s wrists. She hauled upwards and Ember found himself planted, face first, against the stone forearm of the statue, his cheek mashing close, his arms wrapped around as much of the stone as he could, clinging tightly, his eyes closed. June, sighing loudly, released his back and said: “Just for future references, if you’re going to jump, go up. Not back.”

“Right!” Ember screwed his eyes shut. “Why do I have a gem stuck in my forehead?”

June shook her head. “Sometimes, I forget how provincial you are.”

“Thanks?” Ember pushed himself away from the arm and turned, leaning backwards against the stone. The wind brushed at his shift and he felt his hair tugging in the breeze. Now that he was aware of the gemstone, he couldn’t stop feeling the faint pressure of it against his skin. Except it wasn’t stuck to his skin like a pebble stuck to him with pressure and sweat. It was like it had grown out of him – rooted solid as his teeth.

“It’s not a compliment,” June said, then reached up to her forehead. She flicked her finger against her pale forehead, smudging ink that he hadn’t even seen. A shimmer came and went, like the heat haze off a dark roof during the height of summer. Once it was gone, a small opal was set on her forehead, in the same place, the color of inky blackness. “This is a soulgem. All Unconquered have them, as do their Lunar Wives. However, they’re so useful that the Regency mass produced them and affixed them to all citizens.”

“Oh.” Ember reached up, then tapped at his gemstone. “What does it do?” He asked, his finger feeling out the edges gently. He noticed, firstly, that his gemstone was more angular than the curved, smoothed opal of June’s. This one had segments. Vertices. He was able, fairly quickly, to chart out the dimensions: It was a diamond in shape, though he had no idea what the hue was. He frowned as he lowered his hand, looking at the golden flames that still flicked along his fingers. “Also, why am I constantly bursting into flames?”

June pinched the bridge of her nose. “The purposes of a soulgem are many – there’s a reason they’re mandatory. We can deal with them later. You’re not on fire. That’s excess mana being discharged through your anima – a human does not channel the amount of power a primordial being like the Sun can put out at full efficiency. To prevent the ludicrous amounts of magical power coursing through your every chakra and dragon line from cooking you alive, it is shunted harmlessly into your anima. Got it?”

“Right, got it,” Ember said. “What’s an anima?”

“Uuuugh!” June pointed at the still fairly distant seeming head of the Third Unconquered, glaring off into the middle distance. “There! Jump! Now!”

Ember scowled, then slung June effortlessly over his shoulder. He knelt down and leaped as hard as he could. The stone under his feet cracked and he sailed upwards. Vast nothingness yawned beneath him as his legs wheeled at the air. Then he landed on the carved head of the Third Unconquered, skidding a few feet to his stop. Endless blue stretched outwards in every direction: The sky, dotted with a few puffy white clouds. Below it, the endless forest. He could see, very distantly, the tall swords that marked Rataka village.

June brushed herself off as she stepped away from Ember. “An anima is the invisible field of ... it...” She scowled. “You know how houses have blueprints that lay out their design, so we know what they look like before we build them?”

“No,” Ember said.

“They’re like that,” June said, waving her hand as she walked towards the center of the huge head. Ember frowned, then started to walk forward after her. They came to the very center of the Third Unconquered’s head, where a detail was carved that didn’t look as if it was entirely accurate to that ancient heroine. Unless she had had a pillar, maybe three feet tall, thrusting out of the center of her scalp, with a depression in the center of it. Of course, considering the size of the statue, the pillar would have been only the size of a pimple. But then it’d also be hidden by the hair, not growing out of it ... June drew the sunsteel dagger that she had snapped from Rataka’s prize spear.

“Lets see if this works,” she said.

Ember grinned and rubbed his palms together. “It’s like a key!”

“Yes, that is the idea,” June said, then slid the knife into the socket on the pillar. She twisted it to the right and the entire statue began to shudder. The pillar glowed with the same golden light that Ember did when he flared up. But rather than being wild and chaotic flames, the light solidified into a disk, about three feet wide. The disk was partitioned into three rings, each one nested one inside the other. On each ring was a set of symbols and colors.

“Uuuuuuugh!” June scowled. “Of course the paranoid bitch locked it. Nevermind it’s at the top of a one thousand yard high statue in the middle of nowhere, with a key that only one in a million people might actually have. Still gotta fucking lock the Temple.” Her tail lashed viciously, nearly cracking Ember in the head. Ember laughed as he stepped away from the twitching tail, lifting up his hands.

“Listen, June, there’s only ... twenty symbols on the outer ring, ten symbols on the middle, and eight on the three,” he said, nodding. “Assuming that this-” he pointed at a large white line that thrust out from the center of the three, like a spoke. “-indicates what is selected, then that means that we only need three of the symbols. That means that there are only eight thousand four hundred and thirty six permutations!”

June frowned at him. “Only?”

“I ... I ... thought ... the number would be smaller when I started that sentence,” Ember admitted.

June sighed. “All right ... let me think.”

“I can help-”

June lifted her hand, in the age old gesture that June used to mean ‘let me think, be silent.’ Ember opened his mouth – but she waved her hand dismissively. The message was clear: Let the smart one think. Ember started to walk away, crossing his arms over his chest. He sighed, slightly as he looked out at the vast forests – trying to play through the images in his head. Well, the twenty symbols ... he had recognized at least one. It was the symbol for good. And there had been its mirror inverse. The symbol for evil. Those were the symbols used to indicate gods, under the twenty purviews that sages had devised to describe each god and their position in the world. And he was pretty sure that the ten symbols had been the moons – two per moon, indicating their ascending and descending. Moons slept only when they were out of sight, as they wished to keep their naked bodies invisible from their own children.

And those four symbols had been clear: An open eye, a half shut eye, a closed eye, and an eye with a diamond cover in the center. The Sun had four ways of being. Full zenith, shutting, closed, or eclipsed by one of the moons paying him a ... visit.

Ember grinned. “If you know what I mean.” He wiggled his eyebrows. “Heh. They’re doin it.”

He rubbed his chin. “Well, the Third Unconquered was a craftswoman. She made artifacts. So, the gods of crafting. She was bright and blazing, like the sun at his full glory. And ... she loved fucking hot ladies and Ruby is the hot moon!” He turned and sprinted towards the pillar, beaming. June was still looking down at the hologram. “I’ve got it, June! It’s Crafts, Ruby Ascending and the Full Sun!” He pointed at the symbols in question.

June frowned at him. “Do you really think that the Third Unconquered would password lock her temple with the most obvious password in the universe.” She rubbed her chin slightly, her brow furrowing. Her tail had slowed in its lashing. “But you are her latest incarnation...”

“I could meditate and remember my past lives,” Ember said, slapping his palms together, trying to assume the pose he had seen a traveling mendicant take: Palms together, fingers clasped, one leg lifted up to press the flat of his foot against his other knee, said leg having the foot pointed, so that he balanced on a single large toe. This had been shortly before some of the more unruly kids had thrown mud at him. June gently reached out, then flicked his forehead. Ember yelped, cartwheeled his arms, and collapsed onto his rump.

“I rest my case,” June said. “Now, if we had access to the Third Unconquered’s writing...” She slung her backpack off her shoulder, flipping it open. “I do have some third hand documents-”

“Well, gee!” Ember snapped. “I’ll just pull that out of my ass.”

A sudden heat and light blazed from his forehead and a thin scroll of velum shot from his forehead. Ember’s hand reacted faster than his conscious mind. He grabbed it from the air and unfurled it. His eyes widened. “Aha!” he said.

“What is it?” June asked.

“I cannot read this,” Ember said, rolling the scroll shut with a rasp and clack.

June snatched it from his hands and began to read it with a focused intensity.

“Also, what the fuck?” Ember sprang to his feet. “A scroll just came flying out of my head!”

“Soulgems can store items and possessions,” June said, her voice growing clipped and distracted as her eyes swept up and down the scroll, reading the long columns of letters. “Via shunting it into your Otherspace using a metamagical construction, shaped and controlled by imagination inputs and shinamatnic fluctuations, mostly modulated by mana expenditure.”

Ember nodded, his hands on his hips.

“Okay, I have some questions...” He said.

June snapped the scroll shut, her lips twisting into a scowl. She glared daggers at him.

“What?” Ember asked. “Listen. I can’t help that I was raised in Rataka village. We don’t have soulgems or ... or ... whatever in the brass we’re going to run into. For all I know, every day is going to get me a whole new load of bizarre weirdness dumped onto my head. All I can say is that I will try and fucking follow it if ... if...”

June grabbed onto the solid light of the disks, swinging the symbol of the Crafter Gods up to the white spoke. Then she slipped Ascending Ruby home. Then the large zenith sun symbol. The whole ring system glowed once, folded shut like a fan, and then the Temple began to shudder and quake – stone heaving and moving as the head of the Third Unconquered began to open up like a puzzle box, revealing a flight of marble stairs leading into glorious, golden light.

“ ... I was right,” Ember whispered.

“Not. One. Word.” June’s jaw was tight.

Ember strutted all the way down the stairs.

The interior of the Temple was as enigmatic as the exterior was obvious. The first chamber they entered was made of ornately carved marble. Unpainted scenes from what looked like ancient legend covered every wall. The first that he saw, immediately to the left of the entrance, was of the Third Unconquered, her body wreathed in artfully designed flames. She held aloft a hammer, her palm held out before a truly hideous array of monsters. The message was clear: The Unconquered stands against villainy!

The next few were a smooth, flowing cavalcade of amazing achievements. Ember walked, slowly, past each one, taking in the marble details. He saw the Third Unconquered, standing above a twisting snake with hundreds of heads. She held a sword in one hand and carved droplets of blood flew into the air, arcing upwards, then landing – and more snakes grew from where they landed. He saw the Third Unconquered standing on what looked like a sailing ship, cutting through the waves. But the sails looked rather ... odd. He wasn’t sure how or why, but they did.

He saw the Third Unconquered...


“Uh...” Ember flushed as he looked at the image of the Unconquered, her hands midway through tearing off her tunic, standing in the center of what looked to be almost a hundred incredibly naked, fox tailed, fox eared women. Some had large breasts. Some had small. Some looked older and more motherly. Some looked as if they had only just reached eighteen. All of them looked upon the Unconquered with love and devotion, but one of them, sitting off to the side, had a gemstone set on her forehead and looked haughty. The next carving showed, in graphic detail, the Third Unconquered kissing the fox woman with the gemstone in her forehead, thrusting into her with, well, it looked like June’s pleasurer, but affixed to a set of straps around her thighs and hips.

“And I do mean graphic,” Ember whispered, leaning in close to look at the artful detailing of the fox girl’s stone cunt. He turned away, his cheeks flushing as he realized that oggling another girl’s carved harem of gorgeous fox girls might have been rude. Or at least pissed June off. But then he realized that this was his previous incarnation. In a past life, eight Cycles before, this had been ... him. Or at least, a part of him. Right? He rubbed his chin, frowning. Then he pressed his palms together, focusing. “Meditate, meditate, meditate, come on, meditate!”

A soft giggle echoed in the air.

“I wasn’t trying to remember my past life lesbian foxgirl orgy!” Ember yelped.

June, who looked as unsmiling as ever, glanced back over her shoulder at him. She was standing before a statue carved into the wall, which had four outstretched arms, each one containing a small blue gemstone in it. Each gemstone projected a different glowing string of letters, which flowed past like water out of the eyes of a goddess. “What?” she asked.

“Nothing!” Ember said. “I didn’t say anything.”

June nodded, her tail stilling as she looked back at her screens.

A long, awkward silence filled the air. June only moved to reach out and touch the occasional letter, which glowed, floated away from the scrolling lists, and hovered about her head like a friendly hive of butterflies.

“Kitsune, by the way,” June said. “They weren’t foxgirls. They were kitsune.” She smirked over her shoulder at him. “The orgy, they say, lasted sixty nine days.”

“Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuh-” Ember felt his entire face going red. Redder.


Something hit him.

“June doesn’t giggle,” he whispered. “She smirks, looks wry, scowls, shakes her head, sniffs, sighs, scoffs, but she doesn’t really giggle.”

“What are you talking about?” June asked, touching another glowing letter. It floated away from the rest, joining them in the haze around her head – which all strobed gold, then silver, then slapped into the wall beside the statue. Stone opened with a quiet hiss, revealing another corridor beyond.

“I heard a giggle!” Ember said.

“You might have just been giggling to yourself thinking about the kitsune harem orgy,” June said, her voice dry.

“I don’t giggle like a girl!” Ember said, thrusting his thumb against his chest.

June arched an eyebrow, slowly.

“It wasn’t me!” Ember shouted.

“Right. Well, this corridor will lead to the security center, so we can check on the Starshrike.” June stepped through the door. “While there, I’ll scan for any giggles.”

“The what what?” Ember asked, following hurriedly after her.

“It’s a ship,” June said.

“Uh, June. We’re in the middle of a forest. What the fuck good is a ship going to do for us?” Ember asked, glancing back over his shoulder. He didn’t see anyone following them. The door shut behind them with a soft rasp – leaving them alone in the corridor, which was decorated with yet more of the Third Unconquered’s exploits. There she was, seated upon a throne, listening to kneeling dignitaries. There, she was chained up with a wicked smirk, watching as a beast advanced towards her. There she was, making love to a woman in a wedding gown, while a shocked man stood nearby. Ember tore his eyes from that, looking after June. “I mean, we’re not on an ocean. Ships need oceans. Right?”

June ... smirked.

The security chamber – whatever security meant – was closed and cramped. It had a curved, black pane of obsidian set in the far wall, a sweeping desk that reminded Ember of all the world of the desk that the apothecary used to do his figures and his sums. But rather than being bedecked with papers and scrolls and styluses and slates, it had more of those glowing gemstones. A pair of stools thrust from the ground before the consoles. One of them contained a skeleton. Skull hung back over the rear of the stool, barely attached by gristle and cartilage to the spine, and the sightless eye sockets gaped at Ember. A small green gemstone was set in their forehead – but it lacked the luster and shine of June’s. Ember yelped.

“W-Who was that?” He whispered.

“One of the Third Unconquered’s servants,” June said, casually shoving the pile of bones off the stool with a clattering crash. Dust exploded into the air.

“June!” Ember squalled, then coughed in horror. “His ghost! You- we have to bury him properly, right? Or ... he’ll ... come back and haunt this place?” He started to look around wildly – if the man was mad about being left behind, he might have still been there...

“The Second Unconquered beat up the gods of death and reincarnation and forced them, in the submission contracts, to guarantee that all of their servants, across all incarnations, would be reincarnated into beautiful bodies, with pleasant lives and wealthy futures. But only if they died, loyally, in their service.” June sat down on the stool, then started to press down the gemstones. Each time she did, the gemstone flared. “This guy wanted that guarantee. So he sat here until he starved. Or dehydrated. Which would have been faster, actually.”

“That’s horrible!” Ember said. “I ... he just sat here and died?”

“Yeah, so he could be reincarnated into a better life,” June said, sounding a tiny bit exasperated. “If the chance comes, I’m throwing myself between you and a knife.”

Ember grabbed onto her arm and swung her around. “No!” He said, his voice fierce. His eyes flared and he spoke at lightning speed, practically shouting. “No! I won’t ever let anyone hurt you, June. You’re my best friend and have been since ... since forever! You are going to die of old age in bed, surrounded by your fifty wives, and then, and only then, will you get to reincarnate into a better life, but the gods of the underworld are going to throw up their hands in frustration, because there will be no way that it’ll ever be better.”

He panted.

June blinked at him. For just a moment, Ember swore he saw her eyes glisten. Then she jerked her arm out of his grip, turning back to the console. “You dummy,” she muttered. But her tail was twisting in a way that Ember had only seen once before – when she had gotten a kiss from Korrine. Ember grinned. Then he looked at the pile of bones. The soulgem had popped free and was rolling slowly along the ground, coming to a rest against the far wall. He picked it up, then sighed.

“What about everyone else?” he asked. “It ... I mean, shouldn’t everyone get a happy reincarnation?”

June snorted. “What kind of incentive would that be to serve you loyally?” she asked, her voice dry – and holding a very faint edge of bitterness.

Ember frowned at the gemstone, then slipped it into his pocket. “Maybe it’s time we renegotiate some contracts...” June shrugged – not responding. Instead, she pushed a trio of gems along thin tracks. Once each reached the top of their track, the obsidian pane turned transparent. And all worries about reincarnations and futures and even where they were going to find food faded from Ember’s mind as he slowly started to walk forward, to stand near the window and looked through it at the Starshrike – for that was the only thing that it could have been. The only name it could have born.

He could see why June called it a ship. It had the curved, cutting prow of one of the faster ships in Rataka. But rather than paddles or even sails, it had a series of fluted wings, extending outwards like a raptor’s. The articulates were all done in bronze and metal, and they connected to a silvery hull that looked more polished than any suit of armor that he had ever seen. He could see that the prow had a pair of narrow tubes thrust from the front, while the belly (which would be underwater) had a pair of glass beads the size of houses stuck to them. Tubes thrust from those, in the same parallel pattern. The rear of the ship rose upwards, into a kind of smoothed, castle. He could see windows set into the front and the sides, making it look more like a manor house than a part of a ship.

“Behold the Starshrike...” June whispered, her voice as awed as Ember had ever heard it. “The finest weapon crafted by the Third Unconquered. She took ten years and nearly half the treasury of the Kingdom, but she built the damn thing ... just in time to be assassinated. But still!” She started to push more gemstones down. “It has been waiting here for someone to claim it ever since.”

Same as Unconquered
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 242

Many thanks to Allan for the following: My wife and I were both members of PETA, only different organizations. Mine was People Eating Tasty Animals. Anyway, early in our marriage, her doctor told her he wanted to run a test on her that involved the death of a small animal. When she didn’t think much of the idea, he asked her what she would use. She thought for a minute and responded with politicians, lawyers and convicted felons. After the doctor stopped laughing, he asked her why she saved...

3 years ago
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Nivedha yields 8211 2

As the marriage was to take place in the morning guests were coming all night and Nivedha had to share her room with friends, and she couldn’t further speak freely with Rahul. Rhaul cleverly avoided her in the college in the pretext of preparing for exam. After studies they contacted thro e-mail. Nivedha noticed that when her mails were expressing love and affection he was very cordial in his replies. Situation reversed, and Nivedha was begging for meeting him and asking for affectionate...

4 years ago
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Other than her not being on the pill, I couldn’t think of a practical reason to say No. I turned to Jenn who had a very strange smile on her face, and she mouthed, “I heard that.” “Let’s wait until we are home alone to talk about this, OK Sis?” I said. “I guess so, little brother,” she said without giggling. She’s growing up, that is certain. I looked through the rear view mirror and saw why it was so quiet. Peter and Katie were locked in a kiss. I tried to not look, but it was quite...

2 years ago
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The Redheaded Stepchild

My name is Suzy Chambers. When my Mom, Patty told me that she would marry Scott and we would move into his house I had no idea how my life would change. At the time I was seventeen, Mom was still an attractive 38 and I guess Scott was a few years older. He was fit and handsome. The house had a large downstairs with a master suite on one end and a large kitchen and living area. Upstairs were three more bedrooms, one of which was now to be mine. Josh and Ginny had the other rooms. The twins,...

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Hot Tubbing With the New Neighbors

My girlfriend Barbara and I wanted to do something nice for our new neighbors. She had been living with me for about 3 months when the house next door finally sold. We decided to take over dinner and a bottle of wine. We made a simple pasta dish and went over and rang the bell. Penny answered the door. She was about 5'6" and had a runners body. Thin and lean. Bright red hair and freckles on every piece of visible skin. She was very excited to have a meal and meet new people. She called to her...

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True exwife story Jacuzzi Lover

This won’t be the only story worth telling about my ex-wife, nor is there any particular reason I posted this one, except it’s on the shorter side and I’d recently came to mind while think of stories about her to write up. First off notne of this is meant to trash my ex-wife, that’s not the intent so I hope none of what I’m saying comes off that way.So my ex-wife is a good looking brunette, blue eyes. She’s got small breasts, barely A. With beautiful nipples, very nicely shaped. A nice flat...

3 years ago
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The Festival

Introduction: Family of five attends a wild festival! THE FESTIVAL My wife Mandy, my two daughters, Nikki and Gina, my son Jack and myself wandered around the festival seeing the sites. It was a pretty wild place, women flashing their tits for beads, some even their ass or pussy, guys showing their dicks. I had suggested to my wife that maybe the kids were too young for all of this but Mandy insisted that they were fine. After a while we separated, Jack and I going one way, Mandy and the girls...

4 years ago
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April Fools Joke or a New Way of Life

Was I ever surprised last night? I never in my wildest dreams ever figured my wife would be involved with what happened last night! But, maybe I better start at the beginning. My name is Steve Cummings and I'm currently 24 years old, 5'-11" and weigh about 180. I have been married to my wonderful wife Amy, for almost two years, now. She is now 22, 5'-7" tall and weighs about 125 pounds. She's slim, and trim, and sexy as all get out. We met at her work, where she's a receptionist at...

2 years ago
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Black Labrador Gives Me Pure Pleasure

I trust as you read this true story that you will be encouraged to try it for yourself.First I begin by saying that I love sex and would only cross the line if one of my fantasies presents it's self then I would not hesitate. My story begins in June 2008.I am a hard working lad,well respected and married but no kids.My wife is very good to me in every aspect of life.But for a long long time now I have been strongly interested in the pleasure from sex with a dog. I have a 4 year old...

1 year ago
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An Unexpected Threesome

At the Matthews’ apartment Topanga was with Riley and Maya for the weekend. Cory and Auggie were away. Topanga was watching TV until she heard some moans coming from Riley's room. She wanted to check if Riley and Maya were ok. When she reached Riley's room, she noticed that the door was closed and she heard sensual moans again.Topanga feels like masturbating right now with the thought of what may be occurring. She opens the door slowly and sees that Riley and Maya were having sex. She was...

3 years ago
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I Love Older Women Chapter Seven

May and Sue were very excited about the response from their texts. May said, "To cut a long story short we will have tomorrow the complete mailing list with all email addresses and spending data. We will also have all their preferences. We have ten's of thousands of email addresses. All the nuns were released without charge as all could show they were being blackmailed. The school will reopen on Monday and a new headmaster will be appointed.” “All the staff are willing to come and work for us...

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Moral Model Mom No More

It was a Wednesday, one of the days of September in 1997. Usually I just walk home from high school once the classes end. My mom has stopped picking me up like she did in middle school because my high school was very close to home. Usually the classes ended at 3:16 as they usually do in most schools in America. But that Wednesday our English teacher who was supposed to teach the class that begins right after lunch was sick. We were told there was not going to be any class after lunch but...

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The PropositionChapter 4

Breakfast Sunday morning was slightly later than Saturday and she was tense throughout, although that didn't affect her appetite. When we had finished it was half past ten. "OK," I said. "Time to get it done and over with. Can you give me your home number?" I handed her a pen and a pad of paper and she wrote it down. "What are your parents' names?" I asked. "Nora and James," she replied. "But I'm sure Mom will do all the talking." "That's fine," I said and headed to my...

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Meri Mallu Mummy Leela Part 17

Hello dosto. Main aapka dost Kartik fir se hazir hu ek story leke. Aap sab logo ka shukriya jinhone meri stories ko pasand kiya aur mujhe messages aur emails bheje. Ye jaanke acha laga ki kitno logo ne meri Mallu mummy Leela ki chudai ki stories padhke apne lundo ko hilaya aur meri mummy ke naam ki muth maari. Story achi lage to mujhe emails pe message kare ya hangout pe mujhse baat bhi kar sakte hai – . Aap logo ki requests pe hi main fir se ek aur chudai story share karne jaa raha hu. Isme ek...

2 years ago
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Albany NY Part 2

When my guest was done with his third beer bottle, it seemed that he was ready for the main course. He dropped the bottle on the floor next to me, stood me up, took off my boxers and jersey off, turned me around and made me climb on the bed, where I ended up on all four. He, then, spread my ass cheeks, and licked my ass crack. He alternated that treatment with small bites and spanking on my cheeks. It felt wonderful. I felt his eagerness, and I could tell this was not the first time this guy...

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Maison Des Lilas 2

Daphne stood in front of the gate. Prima had just vanished behind it. It was cold in the night, but Daphne body had tasted Prima and burned for more. She starred at the iron gate and the letters which read Maison des Lilas. It was old and Gothic. She had a sense that whatever it was, Prima did not want her to know. It was surely gloomy. Daphne was not about to let that kill her curiosity. She pushed the heavy gate open and tried not to make to much noise. It was squeaking terribly. The small...

4 years ago
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Chaos Calls 05 Island GirlChapter 02

We all enter the vault and I immediately move to my lock box to start handing out weapons as soon as the rest of my team are all through the portal. Several minutes later we’re all armed so we enter the main bank room where we stop so I can open accounts for everyone and I have them rent their own lock box for later use. This will ensure they all have access to weapons and money, regardless of what happens. It will also mean the new Heroes will have an easier start when they begin their own...

3 years ago
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Michelles Story Part 8

Michelle's Story - Part 8 February arrived and Michael's time at school was improving, even if it was only down to Billy not trying anything. Even so, Michael was aware that Billy wasn't finished and would try anything if he could. Billy's chances were becoming less though, as Michael was accompanied by his brother and sister both arriving and leaving school each day. Still, he kept his eyes peeled for any slim chance that may appear. "Don't forget mate, my party is this weekend,"...

2 years ago
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My GF and Her Male Housemates

My girlfriend Twyla moved into a house with two guys. This was all fine to me as I knew both the guys she was living with. I’m 3 years older than Twyla - who just finished highschool - and we had dated 2 years by this point. Max and Blake were both chill guys - pals of mine before i met Twyla - and I secretly fancied them both. My fantasy was pretty half baked: we’d get stoned and then i’d suck their cocks. Once i’d finished they’d both dress and we’d go back to getting high. Twyla had no...

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Exploring sexin young years part 2

When we got home, both of us still half naked,it was a strange feeling after what just happend. Bengt went to his room, and I went to mine. I started to think it over, and realized I just had analsex with my own b******r, and on top of that with some spectators. Was a bit worried that someone should get to know about it, but it did also turn me on a bit. Once again I inserted the buttplug, and I could feel Bengts load leaking out of my anus. I couldnt resist touching my self a bit, before I...

3 years ago
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The Apartment Part 5

“We need to talk,” Denise said to my wife Carol as they nibbled on their lunch in the trendy Georgetown restaurant. “That’s an understatement,” replied Carol as she sipped her tea. “Where do you want to start?” It was late Saturday morning. Carol and Denise were out doing some Christmas shopping together. Roger, Denise’s husband, and I were back at our pied-a-terre across the Potomac River in Northern Virginia. We were getting ready to watch some college football and also for the playtime that...

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The Honeymoon BluesChapter 6

Julie sighed as she stretched and relaxed. She smiled as she realized she had a lot to learn about men. She'd gotten a lot of it right, but there were nuances of manhood that she didn't expect, or understand yet. She was learning, though... learning quite quickly. Bob's reaction to "the getup" had vastly exceeded her expectations. Like a whirlwind, he had enveloped her. It had almost seemed like she was never quite able to catch her breath. That, or maybe she had been a little tipsier...

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A Fantasy Finally Fulfilled Part 2

A couple of evenings later that week we were attending a beach barbeque just along from our bungalow. We were usually the some of last ones to leave the beach bar which closed when the last guest left, this particular night I had been flirting a lot with the a beautiful young black barman called Jess and James my new black lover. At about midnight I told Rob I was making a move back to the beach bungalow, he said he would be along in a few minutes, as a parting shot I asked him to bring a...

3 years ago
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College Holi Celebration Got Me A Big Dick

Hello Old Friends! Your favorite writer (I guess) is back with another of her sex episode during a Holi celebration that will leave you wanting for more. I thank you all wholeheartedly for appreciating so much. It is because of you guys that I keep coming back to this platform to share more stories. For those who are new to my sex escapades, let me tell you a bit about myself. I am Chahat Khanna, 5’7″ tall, fair-complexioned, and have big eyes always looking out for hot sex partners. I have...

1 year ago
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Confessions Part 2

This is the part 2 of a story I am working on with WorkAlone. We will be alternating parts. I really hope you all enjoy this story. WorkAlone will be writing from the priest's point of view, and I will be writing from the girl's point of view. Hope you enjoy it as much as we did writing it!! I walked into Mass thinking about the night before with my boyfriend. I had worn my favorite green dress and left my curly out of control red hair down for the night; just the way he liked it. We had stayed...

Straight Sex
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Bright Star Quest I The Book of BaysilChapter 8 Kargh the Dwarf Soldier

He slept poorly, images of a fist sized gem glowing among his disordered dreams. Again and again he had it within his grasp, only to have it wrenched away by shadowy figures who laughed and jeered as he stumbled after them on legs that were too short to match their speed. He awoke with a start, reaching for his axe, but the hand on his shoulder was only Anji's. He wolfed down his breakfast, answering the others with grunts or not at all. "It is agreed that we continue?" Furdick asked,...

1 year ago
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Vinnys Mistake

Well, as you may have read in my last fun encounter with Vinny, like an idiot I allowed some pictures to be taken. Big mistake! If my husband sees them, I could be in a lot of trouble, maybe even jeopardize my marriage. Yes, we have a “don't ask, don't tell” polyamorous relationship but I love my husband with all my heart. The latest sex I’d had was with my husband followed by a swingers’ party — and, before that, it was my awesome night with Vinny. That said, let me go back to what happened...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 7 SakurakoChapter 57 Land of the Rising Sun Part III

June 23, 1994, Oguni, Yamagata Prefecture, Japan My first week in Japan flew by, and a routine developed. Sakurako would wake me; I’d exercise and run, then shower and have breakfast, and share tea with Sakurako. After breakfast, I’d meditate, and then have my training session. After lunch, I’d work in the garden, or, as I had this day, wash the floors in the house. Hiroshi would accompany me back to the cottage and we’d talk while I washed up and dressed for dinner. After dinner, I’d spend...

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Mommy and Me

Mommy and Me I was too old to be renting a room but it was convenient and cheap. It came with its own bathroom and it was a large house with high ceilings. I preferred to work from home when I could and with the excellent broadband and the space for my computer equipment, it was actually ideal. Even if the owner/landlady was, well, somewhat strange. When I first came in to have a look at the room (having found a card at the local post office, a random but fortuitous discovery),...

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Anne Makes the Grade Chapter 2

Anne woke to the sound of her cell phone ringing. The water was lukewarm now. She must have nodded off right away. She looked at her fingers. Yep, good and pruney. It was time to get out anyway. She pulled the plug to let the water out and stood. Water flowed from her body leaving droplets to bead on her smooth shoulders. She watched rivulets of water course down her belly to disappear in the soft black hair of her pussy. She stepped out of the tub and started drying off. She worked her way...

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Carls Moms CookiesChapter 2

I had just driven over to Carl’s and was in need of a good wank and a blowjob. I rang the bell, and his mother answered. Now Carl’s mother is not my ideal woman. She is about five-three and could lose a few pounds. I think she ate a lot of her own baking. I would not call her fat. Just a little round in spots as far as I could tell. She always wore sweatshirts and jeans around the house. Her brown hair was in a ponytail. I guess you would call her plain. Mrs. Cane told me the bad news,...

3 years ago
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My Wifes Pussy

I have made it clear to my wife that I adore her! So relax. I am going to give you pleasure and I will worship you for as long as it takes, as long as you need. I want you to enjoy it. Don't push yourself, don't be anxious that it will end before you cum. It won't. I am here to give you pleasure, to bring you to an exquisite climax. I want to worship you; worship your pussy. And in that act, I will find my pleasure.She understood that. She slipped out of her clothes, just as she peeled off the ...

1 year ago
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The PromotionChapter 9

Cathy and Chris continued to talk about the situation, but Chris seemed reluctant to give any hint as to his feelings for Cathy. He didn't evade any questions, but his answers were mostly quite general and could really apply to anyone. Finally in frustration, Cathy blurted out, "This isn't working." "What is it that you want me to tell you, Cathy?" "I want you to tell me how you feel about our relationship. Do we have one? Is it strong? What do you want to see happen to it? That's...

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Taken Wife

This story was written by another author but the end really left me and a lot more people hanging, so I have written an ending.Here are the simple facts. I'm 30 and I've been happily married to my hot 26 year old wife, Melanie. She's really slim, but with curves that talk to you, long black hair that goes half way down her back, and a really pretty face with big sincere eyes.The fact is she's also a bright woman who works as a grade 3 teacher in a local public school. For me, Melanie is the...

1 year ago
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Private Belle Claire Extreme Interracial Threesome With DP

Returning in Private Specials, Extreme Belles is the redheaded star Belle Claire and today she comes hot and ready for a breath taking interracial threesome with John Johnson and Erik Everhard. Watch Belle as she interrupts the guys boring poker game for something more fun as she offers up her incredible body and gets to work with two sloppy blowjobs. Then enjoy the sight of those big natural tits in action as she takes turns getting pounded before some hardcore anal and DP action that has her...

1 year ago
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More Sex in the park wanking and young love

Although my friend Trevor and I spent a lot of time spying on the toilets (see the story about sex in the park) and wanking each other off, there was also an area of rough ground and bushes further down the hill at the bottom of the park and backing onto the railway line. There was a cul de sac leading up to the park from a trading estate which was used during the night and at daytimes during weekends by the local prostitutes. Most of the 'activity' obviously took place in the punters car and...

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A night at Gabby

It was winter, during our mid year varsity exams when Gabby invited me over to her place the friday night. Her parents went away for the weekend, leaving her home alone. During the stressfull time of exams I was rather happy to go have a night out to rest the mind before my final exam on the Thursday. I arrived by Gabby about 4pm the Friday afternoon with an over night bag some meat and a bottle of whiskey. As i got out the car, she greeted me with a warm kiss, welcoming me in. In we went to...

2 years ago
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The AccidentChapter 23

Val was completely unfazed by two rescues. It was like we were expected ... all three of us. When we walked through the portal, she was waiting with restorative, three robes and a preheated healing chamber ... a warm Sam ... if you will. “Hello. Timma, you’re first ... you’ve been there longer,” Val said, ushering the dust pile into the chamber room. We could hear Sam bitching about the dirt before Val shut the door. “We’ll get to you next,” Val told Eloise. “Refreshments? Sparkling...

1 year ago
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BigTitCreamPie Karma RX Massive Creampie For The Busty Karma RX

Karma Rx gets her special package delivered and asked the guy for some help inside. She checked him out before she pushed him to the couch. She asked him if he can help her pick an outfit from her new delivered package. She dropped her towel to get his complete attention. She takes out some very naughty outfits before her took his cock out for her. Her jaw dropped when she saw the size of his cock. She gave a great blowjob with some hot tit fucking action. She finally got what she craved for...

2 years ago
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What a vacation 2

The next day Sue and I went hiking in the mountains. We saw a couple deer, some turkeys and even a fox. We saw a waterfall that fell from about 100 feet. It landed in a pool of water that was crystal clear. Sue said, let's go for a swim. We took our clothes off and jumped in the water. It was cold, but we soon got accustomed to it, and it was just fine.We floated around for awhile enjoying nature. Sue was floating on her back and I could see her almost hairless pussy glistening in the sun. My...

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Second ChanceChapter 43

Midnight. The video screens were alive with activity. Hawk Dryden and his tech staff had out done themselves this time. We were in my private office, inside the War Room, under the Pentagon. Technically, that meant I was in charge, but I had made it clear that I was a spectator. The Secretary of Defense was in charge of our forces as they assisted the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Jordanian Army against Iran's Imperial Guard. Hawk had put up impressive air cover to shepherd the joint...

1 year ago
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Son Swapp Part 2

Nancy was slightly hesitant but was aroused my Claudia's offer. Claudia then took off her t-shirt and shimmied her shorts off until she was completely nude before easing Nancy, "See, now I'm nude. You will be comfortable now. Come on over." Nancy's loved Claudia's long pointy nipples inside her tanned outline from her bathing suit. Nancy sat on Claudia's bed. Claudia lifted Nancy's see-through nightie up and over her head before tossing it on the floor, "There. Now we are both are free. We...

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BigTitCreamPie Ella Knox Busty Ella Knoxs Sibling Creampie

Ella Knox is in front of the mirror admiring her big juicy tits. She can’t help rubbing and squeezing them. She is a lucky girl and we are lucky to get to see her this way. She calls up her boyfriend to tell him how much she misses him and wishes he was there to fuck her. Then she starts taking nude pictures of herself to send to him. The bathroom door is open and her stepbrother Tyler comes by and sees what is going on. He hides as he continues spying on her. She then decides to take a soapy...

3 years ago
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A Dreamless Sleep

Author’s notes: This is my first attempt at writing a short story, please give both positive and constructive feedback and rate the submission at the conclusion of reading. I may also note that grammar is British English as opposed to American. Disclaimer: all people in this story are over the age of 18, characters are based on figments of my imagination, any resemblance to people true and living is purely coincidental. ***** I’m not even sure why I got on that plane. No, I lied....

1 year ago
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Say CheeseChapter 3

I pulled into the garage and went inside. We hurried upstairs and I told him I’m going to take another quick shower. I went to my room and undressed while Tyler stood in my bedroom door and watched me. The fun is starting already! As soon as I was naked I went over and took his hand and pulled him down the hall to the bathroom. I turned the water on to let it warm up and then I turned back to Tyler and started to undress him. He grinned when he realized what I had in mind and started...

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Emerald Princess Chapter 2 Whateley Fan Fiction

This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated. As such it is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Please keep in mind this story is a work of...

2 years ago
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Tale of Two MothersChapter 2

Patty refused to fuck her son again that day, as often as he pestered her for another chance to slide his seemingly always hard cock into her pussy. Refusing him wasn't easy. She spent most of the evening finger fucking, locked in her room and feverishly rubbing her wet pussy, all to thoughts of the joy she'd experienced with her son's huge prick. The next morning, Walter came to the breakfast table completely naked, with an enormous throbbing hard-on that was already leaking tasty...

4 years ago
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Damsel in Need Meg

Ian is a 55 year old really retiree who kept himself in good shape by regular sessions in the gym. He had just finished a workout session, and had showered and changed before heading to have some lunch. He was having his lunch in the food court of the local shopping center when he first observed Meg and her infant son. She looked to be in her mid-twenties, tall and slim with long blonde hair, and dressed in a colorful mid-thigh length skirt and a loose fitting white top. Her child was asleep...

4 years ago
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my upskirt teasing in public

i just got all dreesd up in my mini skirt it barely coved my back side, i didnt wear any panties only my skirt and pumps skirt was pink and white i also didnt wear my bra only a pink top which was pretty thin , showed my boobs, i had my hair two pony tails with two punk ribbins . red lips stick some lite blush and eyeliner.my showed up with herhubby and his brother i got my purse and we left we went to a restuant the black angus. everyone one as we went to the bar side and ...

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Himura Battousia Book 2 Kenshins PastPart 210 Oibore Man of Unknown Origins

(An old man walks down the road, carrying a fishing pole; a small flock of songbirds surround him.) Old Man (singing): Oh, well, what the hell. Oh, well, what the hell. Oh, well--mm? (He sees Misao and Yahiko ahead of him, entering Rakuminmura.) Old Man: A couple of young ones. Come to join us? Doesn't look that way... (Misao and Yahiko reach the gate.) Yahiko: All right! From here on out we can't afford to slip up! Give this all you got! Misao: Let's charge 'em! (A group of...

2 years ago
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Plan to fuck my Sister

It really started when I saw Colleen my sister sunning herself one summers day. She was wearing a bright orange halter neck bikini with triangle bikini bottoms separated from front to back with a with a strip the same material with bowed ties which showed of her tanned legs all the way to her thighs. She looked amazing, the top showed off her ample 36 inch bust and I knew her hips was 33 inches and being tanned the sight was so awesome and gave me a semi. I took some secret shots of her on...

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