A Flawed DiamondChapter 85 free porn video

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The drive back from Erie to Cleveland began in silence. Meredith was pondering the parting statement that Chastity had left Brock with. Brock was trying to keep his eyes open. The only sleep he'd had in close to 40 hours had been on a plane and a 30-minute nap at the hotel.

He was startled when Meredith spoke.

"Do you want me to drive?" she asked. "I promise to be careful."

Brock blinked hard.

"We'll stop at the Welcome Center," Brock said, knowing there were few places to stop along the Pennsylvania highways.

"I checked the voicemail on my phone," Meredith continued after she nodded. "The network is going to run the piece on you whether you comment or not. They're going to run it Sunday night or Tuesday night."

She shifted in her seat.

"I've been thinking," she continued. "Maybe you should talk to them. I'm worried that they'll do some hatchet job on you because you stonewalled them."

"So what?" Brock asked. "It won't be the first time. Besides, I'm not sure they can do much. The facts are pretty clear. They can't change those. If they try, well, I'll own a network by the time I'm done. If you have other reasons, I'll listen to them. But that one isn't one I'm concerned about."

Meredith was quiet for a moment.

"I think I'm more worried about how the people in Wilkins will come across," Meredith admitted. "There is still a lot of hostility down there. I think my biggest concern is that the network will play up the property tax increase, the drop in school taxes because of decreased enrollment. That's about the only thing that people can point to as, I don't know, excessive. I know they will have to tilt the facts but I'm sure they could do it that way without it being actionable."

"Excessive?" Brock asked.

"I said it could be painted that way," Meredith clarified. "I didn't say it was accurate. But without you to put it into context, it could be misconstrued. I mean, if they get some poor woman who lost her house because of the tax hikes or some kid who didn't get to be on the debate team because the school dropped it. It could be bad."

Brock was quiet until they pulled off the highway into the Welcome Center. When they switched places, Brock tilted his head backward and looked at the roof liner.

"So you think I should sit down with that woman?" he asked.

"No," Meredith said. "Not her. And not that idiot who they send to the press conferences. Maybe with one of the baseball guys. Make it a condition of the interview. I think the network will give in. They've called 50 times."

"The baseball guys aren't real journalists," Brock stated. "I mean, they don't really do interviews. They know the game and the players. But they don't really do the nuts and bolts of sitting down and doing real in-depth stuff."

"Good," Meredith said. "That means there is no agenda. You'll talk about it with a guy who isn't pushing a specific point. I think it will also keep it from creeping up on you again. Next year or the year after, if they come back, you point them to what's already on the record."

"They could do it with Tara's interview," Brock said helpfully.

Meredith shook her head.

"She holds the copyright and she won't release it for use by the network," she answered. "She told them that at the start. They would never be able to dub it and edit it. Besides, I've seen it. You look a lot younger. It would be obvious that it was from years before. If you don't want to do it, I won't say anything else. I just wanted you to know what I was thinking."

"I understand," Brock answered as he reached across the small vehicle and put his hand on Meredith's knee. "I'll think about it and let you know in the morning. Do you have a number to contact the network?"

"I have it," Meredith said. "Like I said, this is the last time I'll bring it up. I know it bothers you."

"I don't mind talking about it with you," Brock replied. "I never have. It's just that I don't like talking about it with strangers. I was OK with Tara because I'm comfortable talking to her. But I don't want a confrontational session with a stranger. It's not just about my Mom or the things I saw in prison. It's about all of it."

"I understand," Meredith said, although she probably didn't. "Whatever you decide, I won't second guess."

The Indians put on an extravaganza for the opening night in their home park. Several Dodgers slipped into the clubhouse to stretch during the prolonged introduction of dignitaries in attendance – including the President of the United States, who decided to kill two birds with one stone. He got to campaign in Ohio by showing up to a game in Cleveland and make his pitch to Californians by wearing a Dodgers cap. Brock figured the guy should have just gone all out and worn an Indians cap. Ohio was a battleground state in the election – only a few days away – and California was essentially a one-party state and would vote Democrat no matter who ran on the ticket.

Cynthia Lu had permitted the president to visit with the team before the game but Brock made sure he was somewhere else during that time. He wasn't going to give the guy a photo op but it would have been bad form to ignore him in the clubhouse. So Brock slipped away and hid in the trainer's room.

The temperature was in the mid-40s when the teams took the field. Some of the Dodgers players were bundled up as though they were playing in Antarctica. A few of the Indians players had on long-sleeved turtlenecks beneath their jerseys and a few wore sweatshirts.

The Dodgers locker room resembled a clothing store with all the cold-weather gear on display. Brock had spent an early season in Buffalo so he thought he knew what to expect. Still, when the wind blew in from the North, he was a little colder than what he'd expected he would be.

It was a problem mainly during at-bats. A foul ball might leave your hands stinging for the next five minutes. Another problem could have been periods of extended inactivity in the field. Thankfully Wilkie Sarver wasn't known for strikeouts, so the fielders kept active.

Sarver was opposed by Shinobu Hiroshi, a player signed from Japan two years earlier and picked up in a deal from the Angels. Hiroshi was a left-handed version of Udo Jergens. He kept the ball down in the strike zone and relied upon guile more than talent.

Playing in an American League park, the designated hitter rule was in effect. Danys was back behind the plate, so LaCross started DeLeon in center field and made Al his DH. Brock started at shortstop, with Driesbach taking a seat on the bench.

The teams entered the game with differing philosophies. The Dodgers took pitches until after the first strike, forcing Hiroshi to demonstrate command. They worked deep into the count and frustrated the pitcher by refusing to nibble at his offerings that were just out of the zone.

The Indians came out hacking. The scouting report on Sarver was that he tended to be "wild in the strike zone" after periods of long rest, leaving pitches in the areas where hitters could drive them. It had been six days since his last start so the Cleveland hitters expected pitches in the strike zone but not necessarily where Sarver wanted to place them.

Each team scored once in the first inning and the game remained tied 1-1 until the home half of the fourth. Cleveland's right fielder reached on Brock's throwing error and scored on a double by the designated hitter.

Brock slammed his glove down when he returned to the dugout.

"We'll get it back," Fred told him.

He was wrong. The Indians tacked on a third run in the seventh and walked away with a 3-1 win and a 2-1 lead in the series.

Brock sat in the dugout for a few minutes after the final out of Game 3 was recorded. His teammates stopped to slap him on the back but he still felt like shit.

When he made his way out of the dugout, he faced a session with the media, along with two other players, Danys Sanchez and Tony DeLeon. He had waited too long for an early shower and was ushered into the session in his uniform pants and his undershirt. The questions started as soon as he sat down.

"Was your lack of a sweatshirt the cause of the error in the fourth?" a woman asked.

"No," Brock replied.

The group waited for more but nothing more was coming.

"What caused the error then?" the woman tried.

Brock stared at her for a moment.

"What caused the error?" he repeated. "Is that an existential question? You know, why do bad things happen to good people and all that?"

"No, it's a serious inquiry?" the woman said. "What caused the error?"

"A bad throw," Brock replied. "I would have thought that was evident. Did you watch the game?"

"I watched the game," the woman said indignantly.

"Then you know what caused the error," Brock told her.

"Did the weather affect you in any way?" a new voice inquired.

"No," Brock said.

"Let's go back to the fourth inning," a voice said. "What happened there? Should Wade Watson have fielded the ball?"

Brock let out a long sigh.

"That's a play that happens a thousand times," Brock said. "Nine-hundred-ninety of those times, that play is an out. The other 10 times, it's an error. Sometimes I might bobble the ball when I field it. Other times I might throw the ball low or into the stands. It was an error. It wasn't the first one I've made. It isn't the last one I'll make. It's probably the biggest one I've made so far. Wade Watson keeps me from making an error on bad throws nine times out of 10. On those rare times when he can't, it's not his fault. It was a bad throw. If he had pulled the ball out, it would have been a great play. He couldn't this time and that's not his fault. The blame goes to me, not him."

"What do you have to do tomorrow to even the series?" a man asked.

"Hit the damned ball," Brock answered. "We didn't hit the ball tonight. It had nothing to do with the weather. It had nothing to do with the lights. It had nothing to do with anything but how well Shinobu pitched and how badly we hit."

"The Dodgers haven't hit the ball well during the Series," a man said. "What will you do differently tomorrow?"

"Nothing," Brock answered. "We've won this way all season. We knew we would be facing solid pitching in this series. We knew that Cleveland's starting staff is among the best in the league. We understood that we would struggle to put runs on the board. We knew this would be a close Series from the outset. We knew we would have to play solid defense. Tonight, I committed a mistake and it cost us the game. Tomorrow, that is the only thing I hope is different."

Brock took a seat after his shower.

"Don't let it bother you," Al advised. "We've all been there."

"Really?" Brock asked facetiously. "So, tell me, when was the last time you cost your team a game in the World Series?"

"Tonight," Al answered instantly. "I was 0-for-4 with two strikeouts. I was the DH. I'm supposed to hit. I didn't hit. My failure is just as glaring as yours. Everyone is at fault. Yeah, you made a bad throw. It happens so rarely that it's a big deal. It'll be different tomorrow."

"J.C. is back on the mound tomorrow," Brock replied.

"And we beat him in Game 1," Al said with a shrug. "Every game has turned on one or two plays. J.C. lost because of one or two plays. Javier lost because of one or two plays. We're evenly matched. That's no surprise. We're built differently but we're both really good teams. So tomorrow it might be Chavez who throws one away. Maybe it's Alby Schexnayder who whiffs four times."

Brock's frown didn't leave but he nodded.

"It's why you have teammates," Al continued. "You're quick to share the credit when things go right. Well, we all have to share the blame when they don't."

It was after 1 a.m. by the time Brock made it the few blocks to the team hotel.

"Hungry?" Meredith wondered when he came in and sat down. He shook his head. "Are you going to shake this off before tomorrow?"

"I hope so," Brock relied. "I know it's only one game but, Jesus, to make an error in the game's biggest stage is not something I've ever dreamed about."

"Think about all the players who are sitting at home wishing they had the chance to make a mistake like that," Meredith replied. "Who was that guy from the Cubs? He's called the best player never to play in a World Series."

"Ernie Banks," Brock answered.

"Think what he'd give for just the chance to make an error in the World Series," Meredith told him as she sat beside him. She was too short to put her arm around his shoulder so she snuggled in on his chest. "He'd take the error just to get the chance to make up for it the next game. This series isn't over."

"Yeah, I know," Brock admitted. "It's sort of the whole last month. I haven't played well since I came off the DL. My batting average is in the .220s and my defense has been erratic. Yet LaCross keeps trotting me out there every day and putting either Fred or Matt on the pine."

"That's his decision to make, Brock," Meredith replied, sitting up to look him in the eye regardless of how much she would have preferred to stay closer to him. "Yeah, you struggled early when you got back. You had a rough patch at the start of the playoffs. But the middle – when the team needed it – you were great. You hit 10 homers in 14 games."

"And I've committed six errors in 40 games since I've been back," Brock said. "And that's only the ones I've been charged with. I could have easily had 10 errors if the official scorer wanted to look at things that way. Almost all of them have been throwing errors, too. I only had six throwing errors all of last season. I could live with hitting like shit if I was helping in other ways. But I'm not."

Meredith chuckled to herself.

"What's the team's record since you got back?" she asked.

"I don't know," Brock said. "I mean, we won something like 22 of 25 to end the year. We swept St. Louis in three games. We won four out of six from Washington. We're one and two against Cleveland."

Meredith could see Brock was counting it up in his head and she saved him the trouble.

"You've won 30 and lost 7 since you came off the DL," she told him. "Jen said that's better than a .800 winning percentage. Over the course of a full season, you would win 130 games."

"A pace like that couldn't be sustained for a full season," Brock said with a shrug.

"And you shouldn't have been able to sustain it for a quarter of a season either," Meredith said. "But the team has. They played eight games over .500 while you were out. You were three games under .500 with Al and John gone. So John and Al together are worth 11 games. You're worth 15. Your wins-above-replacement (WAR) is higher than 7.0 and you were replaced by some damned good players."

"How do you know that?" Brock asked. "I mean, not the good players thing. The rest of it. I don't even know how they figure it out."

Wins Above Replacement is a relatively new statistic that measures how many more games a team wins with an individual player in the lineup.

"Jen and Ryan got into a discussion about it the last time he was in Los Angeles," Meredith explained. "He explained the concept and showed Jen how to calculate all the stuff that goes into it. She's decided to do her doctoral thesis on baseball statistics in relationship to salary arbitration offers. Her adviser is excited. Not only does it cross traditional gender lines but it also gives a real-life application to the theory behind the concepts. She's been updating your stats on a daily basis along with about a dozen other arbitration eligible players. Her goal is to be able to create a formula that will predict the upcoming team offers using Sabermetrics."

"That's all great but what does it have to do with what we're talking about?" Brock wondered.

"Do you know what the highest single-season WAR in the modern era is?" she asked.

"I have no idea," Brock said in exasperation.

"Twelve," Meredith announced. "That was in the late 1960s by a guy who won the Triple Crown."

"Yaz," Brock replied absently, "Carl Yastrzemski."

"Him," Meredith confirmed. "You're talking about a statistic that compares with some of the all-time greats when you talk about what you add to the team. But it's not just numbers. Look at those guys. They're a winning team without you in the lineup. But they're a World Series team because you're there. If you don't believe me, listen to them sometime. Right now, they're all in the rooms kicking themselves because they didn't pick you up later in the game. They feel like they let you down."

"That's silly," Brock interrupted.

"It is," Meredith agreed. "But it doesn't mean I'm wrong. What did Wilkie say to you after the game?"

"'Shit happens'," Brock quoted.

"He told you not to worry about it because if he started to keep track of runs saved versus runs cost, he would come up looking like an idiot if he blamed you," Meredith put forth.

"Uh, yeah," Brock replied, wondering how she knew what the pitcher had told him in the dugout after the game.

"It's exactly what he told the reporters after the game," Meredith said, answering his unasked question. "It's how all of them feel. If you go in there tomorrow without forgetting about tonight, they'll feel pressure and they won't perform up to their capabilities. You have to let them know in the locker room that tonight is over and tomorrow is a new game."

"I'm not much of a rah-rah guy," he said with a frown.

"I'm not saying that you should tell them," Meredith said. "You show them. You walk in there tomorrow afternoon with the confidence of knowing you're one of the best players in the game. You walk in there knowing you beat J.C. Michaels at his best last time and, by God, you're going to do it again. If you do that, the guys in the locker room will respond."

Brock's frown deepened. He knew Meredith had a degree in psychology. He knew she had been around the team for the past year and half. But he still thought she was full of shit.

"You're one of their leaders," Meredith said, interpreting his thoughts from his expression. "They look up to you. You set the tone for how this team plays. When you were gone, they won because they were better than the teams they were playing. You're not better than the Indians. You're just as good though. So now you have to win with more than talent. You have to win with heart and you have to win with desire. That's you. If you go in there tomorrow still thinking about today and worrying that you might make another mistake, you'll lessen your chances at success."

The most difficult thing for Brock on the Saturday of Game 4 wasn't pretending he wasn't disappointed about his performance in Game 3. It was sitting down with Mike Carver to talk about life in Wilkins. Brock had considered what Meredith had said to him and had come to agree. So he had her make the call to the network and let them know he'd agree but with caveats: Brett Corday wouldn't get an exclusive; Brock was willing to talk to a baseball guy.

Mike Carver had been retired from baseball for almost 25 years. He wasn't a journalist. He wasn't an interviewer. He analyzed one specific thing: baseball. He carried a clipboard that Brock was certain held questions Brett Corday wanted answers to. Brock was also pretty certain that the woman would be disappointed.

The men shook hands and both took seats in chairs opposite the other.

"I'm a little surprised you agreed to this," Carver said before the cameras were rolling. "Your camp was pretty adamant."

"You forced us," Brock said with a hint of bitterness. "You told us it was going to run with or without comment. I talked to some people and came to realize that you people were going to force me to be distracted by this. I could either do it before it aired or spend time afterward correcting all the mistakes in your segment. But, rest assured, I'm not talking to you because I want to. I'm doing it because it will be easier to set things right before I let you dick them up."

Same as A Flawed Diamond
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“Better then that Mary-Kate, you’ve got to lick me clean. Remove all traces of your sisters blood and my semen, you have one minute and if it’s not clean you will be punished!” Mary-Kate looked up with fear and started to lick my shaft with more vigour, I watched as she swirled her tongue cleaning all traces of her sisters’ rape from my cock. I looked over at Ashley who seemed to be slowly coming to herself. “ I told you that you might enjoy yourself Ashley and from your reaction a good...

2 years ago
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How I lost My Virginity

This happened when I had just turned fifteen. School had just let out for the summer. My friends and I would go to the public pool and check out all the girls and women and then I would go home and lock myself in the bathroom and jackoff while pretending one of those women was taking my load in her mouth or pussy. On this day I had lifted one of my dad's fuck mags and had it open to a very attractive woman's picture. She had huge tits and was holding her pussy open. I was stroking my pecker...

1 year ago
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Wife likes what she wants

She was very wet and hasn’t had a good cock in months .. right now anything and anyone that will do her husband said just get next man she sees... and then....... True story A horny wife gets what she wants. It started like any other weekend in a resort town before summer crowds come streaming in. It was a Saturday evening sun was going down the owners of their shore house were cleaning getting ready to rent out to vacationers. I was local 20 yr old walking to a party in town. As I pass this...

3 years ago
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Home on the Range

Home on the Range Not long before the first, cloud-like fringe of mountains rise above the plain, the train -- it hasn't run for years -- used to curve south, following the easy line of the coulee and, a 'ways on up, letting you catch, amongst the rolling sweep of grey-green grassland, the fastest glimpse of cottonwood and aspen by silver water, tucked in among the hills. Sometimes, the train might stop, and, if you'd picked a seat on the right-hand side, you'd have a chance to set...

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Lesbian Sex

Her 32D breasts bounced up and down in front of my face. Her brown eyes stared at me as she moved herself down onto my body, down across my breasts, my stomach, my mound, and finally she made it to my vagina, where she set her lips onto my clit… I woke up from my dream immediately. I had never dreamed of lesbian sex before and it started to make me curious. I moved my hand towards my vagina, it was soaked with my pussy juices. My nipples were rock hard as well. My dream had actually turned me...

4 years ago
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The Quest for the Black QipaoChapter 11 Kngzh Rn The Culture of Dominance

“You come with me!” Liu Wei barked as she unfastened the door to Bernard’s cage. The others had already been taken. Bernard wasn’t sure where they had gone, only that ten minutes ago three other girls in Sunrise uniforms had come and unlocked the the others’ cages and taken them away. All that had been said was one of the girls asking “Where’s Liu Wei? She should bring fat one.” Liu Wei had obviously just arrived at the Sunrise Tea Parlour. Her hair was wet from the rain outside and water...

4 years ago
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Sophias Showcase 1Chapter 4

They sat for a while, without talking. John seemed to be daydreaming, while his daughter Sophia, sprawled naked on the living room floor, clicked through some of the pictures they’d taken earlier on her laptop. A little bit out of the blue, Sophia returned to their previous conversation topic. “Do people really do that? I mean, be nudist?” John considered. “I guess so. You hear about it, but I guess it’s kind of one of those things people don’t publicize if they do it, because other people...

4 years ago
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After the medication

She smiled as I ran my hands over her body, breasts soft and round and her ass firm. I kissed her neck as she laid silently on the bed, her dress now discarded on the floor, the red lace hugging her curves. I remove my shirt and kiss her neck again, my hand slipping underneath the waistband of her panties, rubbing in circles over her already moist pussy. I sit up and undo my pants, my cock revealing itself as it slips out of the top. I grab her waist and turn her over, pulling her ass up...

1 year ago
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The Girl With the Dirty Undies

Betty McCord was not what could be described as a “hot number” by any stretch of the imagination. She actually went through the first three years of college with zero dates and was never even propositioned by one of the randy college boys to drop her drawers. Still, she had that bedroom look to her pretty blue eyes that some found intriguing even if they were put off by her tasteless and shapeless wardrobe that made her look more like a ripe pear rather than a luscious strawberry hanging low...

2 years ago
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Be My Love

Watching the stars as they showed themselves in the moonlit sky, curling up on the sofa with a glass of wine, sitting there by myself in front of the crackling fire and the swirling flames that stirred up wistful reminders of romance, that could have been loneliness made me shiver. In the perception of an absent confidant my mind turned to distant recollections for comfort. Thoughts of a time so special to me came to the forefront of my mind like so many times before, and as I sat and...

2 years ago
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Dark Roots Chapter 2

Ch. 2 – OriginsSeattle, Washington7:30 pmDeSanto Residence“Huunhh! Aahh!! Fuck, this feels so good!!” Indigo groaned deeply as Lisa and Albert thrust their hips together, slapping against her bare skin.Lisa's large cock stirred and stretched Indigo's vagina, even pushing past the ring of her cervix that caused her a lot of pain but strangely a lot of pleasure too. It was a fiery burning sensation that pained her but also brought her to new heights of pleasure she never thought was possible....

3 years ago
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Birth of a New Sissy Part II Refinement

Birth of a New Sissy Part II: Refinement By DarkPrince67 [email protected] My life had changed so suddenly. One encounter with Jeff and everything was different. A week ago I was just an average married guy, with an average life. Sure I had the occasional Bi fantasy, but outside a college encounter all it was a fantasy. Suddenly I found myself falling into one of my fantasies. I can't doubt it anymore, I am very much Bisexual. Any doubts were wiped away last week while bouncing...

3 years ago
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Wicked Wife Sleeping Daughter

The bathroom door opened right as I reached for the doorknob. I froze. A cloud of steam washed over me as my eighteen-year-old daughter stepped out, still damp from her shower, her brassy hair wrapped up by one towel, another towel wrapped about her budding body. I blinked at the sight of her swelling cleavage and then noticed how sleek her legs were.They glistened.The towel hardly fell down low enough to cover her rear. Up until that moment, I had seen Tiffany only as my daughter. Now she...

1 year ago
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Leaning back in my comfortable pillows, I watched the two naked women lounging and chatting playfully. They were lying a mat in front of me half turned towards each other, their outer knees raised and an arm behind the others neck. Loni suddenly stole a playful kiss; Caly glanced at me and catching a nod hastily returned the smooch. Spreading their soft fleshy thighs wide, revealing to me the smoothly shaven intersections where thighs converge. Their lower bodies undulated slowly yearning for...

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Dynasty Hentai Warriors

Author's note: All characters except for the original characters belong to Koei. The original characters, however, belong to me. Hello and welcome, John Doe! This is the Dynasty Warriors Virtual Reality Simulation, a sister project to Samurai Warriors Virtual Reality Simulation. In this simulation you can fuck any of the numerous men (if you're female) & women (if you're male) from the Dynasty Warriors series. (see add new thread for more information)

2 years ago
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Towards an Advanced Degree Part One

At age eighteen I had finally made it into one of the best universities in the country, yet my true life lessons and deepest learning would ironically take place for me during the weekends. I’ve had the complicated urge to dress up as a girl since my early teens. Eventually I consciously chose to act on my need to do so. Though I live a mostly normal existence and also do enjoy my male side, I was driven to find out more about the feminine side of my persona. A year ago at age seventeen my...

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Heidis Perfect Marriage

I first met my wife whilst I was on a break in Durban, South Africa, five years ago. I was based in Lusaka in the final year of a four year assignment in Zambia and I needed a week or two in a somewhat-normal country, and found a small but elegant beachside guest house on the internet and booked it for a week. The owner promised to send her daughter to meet me at the airport in Durban and drive me to the guest house. There was no direct flight from Lusaka to Durban so I had to fly into...

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Kellys Passion Ch 7

Kelly walked along the shore, listening to sound of the waves as they crashed upon the sand. It was growing late in the afternoon and the beach was now almost completely deserted as the days revelers moved off to prepare for whatever entertainment awaited them on a Friday night during the California summer. The mournful cry of a lone seagull carried over the pulsing waves and the young woman looked up to watch the white bird as it circled gracefully overhead. It, too, felt the shadows creep...

2 years ago
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Beti Bani Ammi Ki Sautan 8211 Part II

Kahani ka pehla bhag pad kar iss bhag ka maza adhik milega mujhe apne vichar zarur likhan sislover_man2yahoo in Subha Yousuf uttha to Nasim rasoi mein khana bana chuki thee aur Sajid ke ghar jane ki taiyari kar rahi thee. Saira ka koi pata nahin tha. Saira ke nange jism ki tasveer Yousuf Mian ke man se hat nahin rahi thee. Pajame se lund bahar niklane ko machal raha tha. Jate hi ussne apni biwi ko peechhey se bahon mein bhar liya, aur chuchi dabata hua usski gardan ko kiss karne laga. Yousuf ka...

2 years ago
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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 69

Thursday morning at 0800 we were standing at the door to Federal Court House. We had a 0815 meeting with all the Feds at this time, before meeting in full court with Black and Bear in attendance. Curtis Warren was with us again for this session. Marty Coeburn informed us that the FBI with DHS was at ‘Pelican Marsh’ - the Black Bear southern training camp in Louisiana - in full force at daybreak. Federal Judge Patton had ordered the full inventory that was carried out by the FBI just seven...

4 years ago
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Slumber Party Sluts

SLUMBER PARTY SLUTS by Melissa FCD Hello Melissa dearest, this is Mistress Katrina. And how are you sweetie? I trust you're all dolled up and looking forward to hearing all about my plans for you. So snuggle up and we'll begin our story. You've been a particularly good girl lately and I think you deserve a little fun. I'll be taking you out tonight, but first we need to get you dressed. Strip down to your birthday suit dearie. My, my, my. Under my strict supervision your...

2 years ago
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Frozen in a kiss part one

It was a rather busy day at work and I was having a hard time shaking it off so I stopped at a bar nearby to have a quick drink, not to actually get drunk, I just needed something to put that shiny hue back into the world. I decided to go to this little place I have never been. There was really nothing particularly interesting about it but the sign said “Longest bar in town!” Hmm …Is that really a selling point? I walked through the squeaky saloon style double doors and took a seat at the bar....

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Taking the Class Part 4Chapter 19 Monday Evening 602PM

Will stiffened, his eyes becoming slightly wild as he stared back at his girlfriend. “William!” his evening gown-wearing, [Model] mother exclaimed, a beautiful smile that didn’t reach her eyes appearing on her exquisitely made-up face. “It’s been so long!” She held her arms out expectantly, making no move to go towards him. “Give me a hug, dear.” I can’t deny that she looks beautiful, Class or not. Will twitched, and the door closed slightly as he took a step towards his...

4 years ago
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Horse WhispersChapter 2

The next day I felt a little apprehensive about seeing Robert, but as it turned out he had been sent out on an errand and would not be back until evening. Elaine and I worked side by side cleaning the stalls after turning out the horses into the field. She was pleasant company and I listened to what she said with half an ear as she chatted on about things, the most of which I can not remember. Eventually she stopped and asked me what was on my mind. I tried to shrug it off saying that I had...

3 years ago
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Big Brothers unexpected gift

By: teufelturm An older brother unwraps his presents When the cat's away...David gets the cream It had been my 20th birthday yesterday and I had been enjoying one of the books that I had been given. I finished a chapter and came downstairs to watch my favourite TV show and as I passed the kitchen door, I saw Alice taking the keys to the motor home from the hook in the meter cupboard. Alice is my 17yrs old sister so there was nothing to be bothered about except that she was...

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The Dare

A couple of years ago, I went on a trip up to Cape Reinga, in the North of New Zealand.  My wife and I had separated two years previously, and I had just bought myself a small Ford Transit camper-van to travel the country in.This particular day I had spent at a beautiful Beach called Matai Bay, swimming and sunbathing.  Then drove to a free camping reserve called Ramp Road, to spend the night.  The reserve was a strip of mown grass, about half a mile long, alongside a long sandy beach.  There...

Wife Lovers
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In The Rain

The rain was torrential; droplets of water bounced off the pavement by nearly six inches which thoroughly soaked my stockinged feet. The open toe shoes did nothing to protect me and the skimpy one-piece dress that I was wearing was wet through. Even a single-celled amoeba could establish exactly what I was wearing underneath. The umbrella was a pointless addition to my attire, for whichever way I tilted it, I seemed to get even wetter. I crossed the road and stood under the nearest lamp post...

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School sluts

I was sat in p.e pushing my boner down secretly. I kept thinking of my hot teacher Ms.Jule. Just imagining her gagging on my dick was incredible. After our dodgeball game I went over to the teachers lounge where I found two of the hottest and sluttiest girls in our school, Lexy and Emily. Lexy with thick black hair down to mid back normal height for a 16 year old and Emily. 6" blonde hair down to her ass. Emily was more tanned as lexy was a nice white. I take a seat as the teacher calls out our...

1 year ago
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The Most Amazing Sex

She had to be the most gorgeous girl i'd ever seen naked. She grabbed me by my hand and led me to her room... I had been stayin with her and her father and she and I hadn't been dating long when her father decided he was going boating for the day. We started out in the shower... she really turned into something else in the shower... I couldn't help but notice how beautiful... how sexy she was with hot water running down her perfect body and down her stomach, between her legs and onto the...

1 year ago
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Private Mischelle Klein Horny Teen Debuts With DP

Today in Private Specials, Teenagers Want it Up the Ass we introduce to Mischelle Klein, a horny teenager that shows off her beautiful pussy and sexy lingerie to Oliver Trunk and Andrew Marshall, enticing them both in for the hardcore threesome that she craves. Watch as Mischelle gets started with a double blowjob, gagging on both cocks before offering up her pussy and ass for a good fuck and some great anal action. Then watch as Mischelle will only be satisfied by two cocks at once, fucking,...

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My fourth nigh as a sex slavepart one

John messaged me and told me he wanted to meet the upcoming Friday. I said ok and asked where. He told me that he had a surprise for me and he had plans for me, but that it had to be done at his house. This would be the first time we met up at a non-neutral location. I wasn't worried though. If he wanted to keep me or seriously harm me he had plenty of chances to do so already. He told me to dress like a slut, not just slutty but like an actual prostitute. A cheap one. He said no underwear,...

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A Dream Come True

Tracy could not believe how good it felt to feel Eric’s breath on her cheek, the rasp of his skin against her face, the smell of his masculinity enveloping her as he dipped his head and nuzzled her neck. She ran her hands up his bare, muscular arms as he held himself over her. The sense of the strength and power she felt coursing under the tan skin gave her a tingle deep inside. She had wished for this moment for months and as he lifted his face to hers, she kissed him hard on the mouth,...

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Rainy Sunday after noon

Rainy Sunday after noon. So we are in the bed room watching this porno movie when there is a knock at the door and I say to you "will you go down and answer it , you do and I say who is it? ....And it turns out to be your friend Dan the producerSo I invite him upstairs and he walks in and sees that you have your nightie up and your hand still rubbing your pussyhe sees how excited and wet you are and I tell him to feel see how wet you have got so I lay down at your side and kiss you and fondle...

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PRISCILLA’S FIRST CANINGDr. Stanton’s Philosophy and Practice of CaningEdited by AlexDear Reader:Some interest has been expressed in the recovery of documents surviving from what on might call the regime of Dr. Stanton, a Principle of St. Swithin’s School for Girls who pursued with remarkable enthusiasm a disciplinary policy of corporal punishment. So we will proceed to post Section II here. However, and precisely because of the interest aroused, we will take the opportunity to review the...

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Leanne Cum Slut

Leanne yelped as the first slap struck home on her bare arse cheek, leaving a red hand mark and a stinging sensation she hadn’t felt since she was very young. The second slap caught her other cheek and brought tears to her eyes. The heat was making her wet. Her embarrassment of having her arse stuck way up into the sky heightened her arousal. Being bent over a car bonnet with her pants around her ankles and her skirt hitched up over her waist was bad enough, but knowing that at least twelve men...

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Behen Ki Chudai Ka Intzaar

Hello bhai log…..Kaise hain aap log……Mera aap sabhi lund waalo ko namastey aur choot waaliyo ke liye mera 8”ka lund…… Mera naam amit hai. Main lucknow ka rehne waala hu meri age 18 hai. Mere ghar me main meri mummy aur chacha chachi rehte hai. Chacha ke ek ladka aur ek sexy si ladki hai… Hum sab me wahi sabse hai unka naam shaily hain.Unki age 22 saale hai. Uske boobs ka size 36 hai.. Aur halki si moti hai Ab sidhe kahani par aata hun Ye ghatna aaj se karib 2 saale pehle ki hai. Sardi ka time...

1 year ago
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Hungry for white cock

Since my last encounter I've been having the strongest desire and need to have a white cock in my mouth sucking it with great passion and desire for it. I have talked to guys locally online we plan to meet up we may have even text each other a few times but when the time comes to meet up i don't hear from them for awhile asking how's it going cocksucker and i tell them how it's going .... that i would still like to pleasure them orally they say ok and nothing.. Today after work i decided to go...

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