Roberta Rossum free porn video

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She was sitting in the ESU library, with a stack of imposing-looking reference books on the table, and a faint frown on her face as she typed a few notes into an expensive-looking laptop.

She wasn't wearing any makeup -- not that her perfect skin actually needed any -- and her hair was pulled severely back from her face and gathered in a single flowing sable pony tail. Her sweater, while form-fitting enough to hint at a nicely-shaped bustline, was not particularly revealing, though its colour complemented her colouration, which was medium, just a hint of surviving tan. Around her neck hung a chain supporting a pair of plain black-framed glasses, which she occasionally donned briefly and un-self-consciously whenever she needed to make out particularly difficult passages in the books she was researching.

Whatever else could be said of her appearance, she certainly had fine legs and -- and here was the odd note in her appearance that attracted attention -- they were definitely on display under the table, her feet in glistening red high-heeled pumps first catching the attention, leading to contemplation of shapely ankles caressed, bound and confined by the shoes' straps, after which the eye inevitably moved a bit higher, taking in the trim calves in sheer blue hose and the dimpled knees, then on to the fine strong-looking sleek thighs, eventually arriving at the hem of her black -- leather -- miniskirt.

Those fine legs, and the contrast between their presentation to the world and the rest of her appearance, had, over the three days she had been researching at that desk, caught the attention of several other library users, and some of them had made one or another excuse to speak to her, to try to make her acquaintance. The library staff, watching the inevitable brush-offs, had quietly enjoyed the discomfiture of several young men and one girl so far, when one more young man arrived at the desk and spoke quietly to her.

"Excuse me," he said. "Do you have Asimov's 'Fundamental Laws of Robotics' there?"

Glancing briefly up, she looked down at her stack of books and said "Yes -- I believe I do. Do you need it?"

"Well, actually, I just need one citation from it. Do you mind if I borrow it for a moment?"

"Not at all." she said, just the faint trace of an unidentifiable accent coloring her speech. Handing him the book, she casually asked "Are you studying cybernetics, also?"

"Actally, it's more of a hobby with me. I'm an Electronics major, but as a personal project, I'm working on Artificial Intelligence. I'm trying to decide how Asimov's Laws of Robotics can be instituted in a real-world situation, right now. It seems to me that if the Laws are fully implemented, the constraints that they place on the actions of the AI will prevent it from ever passing the Turing Test."

"An interesting theory," she said, rolling the "R" slightly. "How so?"

"Well, if the person sitting at the terminal issues a direct order to his 'partner', then what reaction he gets to that may well help him to determine whether he is communicating with a human or an AI -- a robot."

"I had thought of that," she responded, thoughtfully -- he noticed that she pronounced "th" with a bit of a Gabor-like "ts" sound. "I too am working on Artificial Intelligence; as a matter of fact, I am working on my thesis with Dr. Capek, and the subject is how to determine whether an AI is truly intelligent, rather than merely a very sophisticated computer game. We had discarded the basic Turing Test for just such flaws and are trying to determine some better method."

"Fascinating," he said. "One idea would be to simply forbid such order-giving, but that would prejudice the test."

"Exactly," she said, turning a bit to face him where he sat diagonally across the table from her, with a small smile on her face. "What Dr Capek has suggested I consider..."

And the Discussion began, the eternal Discussion that always seems to arise whenever two academics with a true love of their subject happen to meet -- wide-ranging over the problems faced by researchers and what solutions they planned to try, touching on the perfidy of funding administrators and on the foibles and quirks of thesis advisors. Before long they were suggesting possible solutions to each others' current problems, and pointing out references in various of the volumes she had collected on the table.

In order to better share the texts, he had moved around to her side of the table and sat next to her, as they took turns looking up obscure facts of cybernetic lore and pointing them out. As they became more at ease with each other, their mutual passion for knowledge making it seem as if they had klnown each other for a long time, they drifted closer together at the table until, suddenly, with a bit of a start, he realised that her warm hip in its black leather had bumped against his.

"Ummm..." he began, but she interrupted him, speaking in a normal cheerful tone that didn't so much deny the contact of their bodies as simply make it unimportant in the Scheme of the Cosmic All.

"You know," she said, "I don't believe we have introduced ourselves. My name is Roberta -- Roberta Rossum. My friends call me Robbie." And she held out her hand.

Taking the warm, slender but strong hand, he clasped it firmly but not too tightly, and answered "Gort -- short for 'Gorton' -- Arbeit. Pleased to meet you."

Looking around, he suddenly realised just how long they had been talking -- they were the only ones left in the library, and, in fact, a library clerk was just approaching their table to ask them to finish up, please -- it was closing time.

Each grabbed a couple of important texts from the pile they had accumulated in their discussion, and headed for the check-out desk. Emerging from the exit into the early evening cool, they stood a moment breathing the fresh air after a day of musty library odors. For the first time, Gort got a good view of those glamour-grrl legs, from the almost blatantly-erotic red shoes up to the hem of the butter-soft black leather miniskirt. For a moment, there was a silence, while the way in which he regarded her modified itself, adding "sexy lady" to "interesting colleague".

A faint smile on her lips as he looked back up acknowledged her recognition of his observations and his new perceptions, and added an element of challenge; would he now make a fool of himself, as so many had at this point, or would he simply continue in an easy manner, as if nothing had changed?

With only the faintest of hesitations, he said "You know, it's awfully late; did you have any dinner plans or whetever this evening? Maybe we could grab a pizza or something and continue this discussion... ?"

"Sounds good to me," she answered easily. "Here, be a gentleman." Before he realised what she was doing she had added her armload of heavy books to his, and set off with an almost-skipping step and a bit of a merry laugh toward Jocko's, the finest pizza parlor near the campus.

"Hey -- no fair," he protested. "If I gotta carry all the books, you gotta pay for my pizza."

"We'll see..." she said.

Sitting at the table that bore the remains of one of Jocko's giant "Death by Ingredient" specials, they continued to get acquainted. She was from Eastern Europe, which explained her slight accent; he was from Chicago, which explained his cultivated air of habitual cynicism. By the time they were ready to go, they were leaning inward over the table and holding hands.

They slowly walked toward his car parked across the street, where they had stashed their books; both reluctant to part, but neither really knowing what move to make next.

"Hey -- Cowboy Mouth are playing at the Bronze!" he said, noticing a flyer on a pole by the car.

"Who?" she asked

"Cowboy Mouth -- the greatest American rock'n'roll band there is; from New Orleans. The door guy at the Bronze is a friend of mine -- I can get us in free. Wanna go rock some?"

"Sure. Why not -- I can sleep in tomorrow."

So they did.

And the show was terrific, as promised, with the pounding beat of true rock'n'roll, beautiful lyrics and downright fantastic vibes.

The Bronze was jammed -- hot, sweaty and tightly packed, the crowd surging one way and then the other in the dark. They were pushed against each other by the crush, shoved hard together.

The proximity of their bodies and the hot, intimate atmosphere and the concealing darkness of the club and the sensuality of the music was, to say the least, stimulating to Gort; at one point, when he was pushed against Robbie from behind, and found his groin pressed firmly against her shapely buttocks under the thin leather of her skirt, he found himself with a rather embarrassing semi-erection that he was sure she must have felt pressing into the warm valley between the firm cheeks.

He was reassured and a litle startled when she pressed back against him and rolled her hips a bit, adding to the stimulation and bringing him fully erect.

After a second of this, she broke the contact and stepped a bit backward, putting an arm around his waist. At that, he reached out and likewise put an arm around her waist, hand on hip, and they snuggled up against each other, dancing in place together to a raving song called "Love of My Life".

The next song was a slow one, and she leaned her head onto his shoulder and nestled even more closely against him.

It was obvious that she didn't find him repulsive; even so, he was startled when she placed her hand on his and gently lifted his hand to cup her warm shapely breast. He gently cupped the warm globe, feeling the nipple standing firm against his palm; she lifted her face to his and they kissed, at first gently and tentatively, then more passionatey, tongues touching and stroking each other.

The show was almost over; the band swung into a raving rocker of a song called "Jenny Says", with the singer inciting and encouraging the crowd to scream shout jump and dance and sing along. Under cover of the noise and activity, she reached down and her strong warm fingers stroked and played with the almost painful erection in his jeans.

His hand dropped downward again, caressing her round warm asscheek through the thin leather of the skirt -- as he did, she grasped his dick more tightly and pumped it firmly, which made him bold enough to reach a bit lower, lift the hem of the skirt and stroke her flesh directly. He was startled to feel that her hose were old-fashioned stockings, held up by a lacey garter belt and that she was apparently not wearing any panties! As his fingertips traced the warm crack of her ass, she pumped his cock more firmly, and kissed him hungrily again, then turned a bit, pressing herself against him, letting his leg slip between her thighs and gently humping her crotch against his thigh, her breath catching slightly, eyes half-closed.

The show closed with a roaring cover of the Who's "Won't Get Fooled Again", during which she stood in front of him, one of his hands cupping a tit, one pressed against her crotch, holding her against him as he stroked his hot cock against her incredible ass. He was about to cum in his pants, and, unless he mistook the signs, she had already had at least one small orgasm as they dirty danced to the driving beat.

After pausing in the lobby to say "hi" to the band members, they ducked out to the car.

"Well, where shall I drop you?" he asked.

"Nowhere, yet," she answered. "Why don't we drive through the park for a while?"

"Okay," he said, putting the car in "Drive" and heading that way.

As soon as the car began moving through the night, she leaned over, snuggled up against him, and took his arm and put it around her. With no urging needed this time, his hand found her breast again and fondled it gently; the feel of her erect nipple pressing against his palm was incredibly stimulating.

He wasn't driving very fast, which was a good thing, because, slow as he was driving, when her hand stroked his crotch and then cupped his balls he almost swerved the car off the road.

"Mmmm." She laughed softly. "My, my -- someone is a bit excited."

He stroked her tit again, then gently pinched the nipple, making her shudder and gasp slightly.

"Looks like more than one of us is a bit excited," he said.

Her only answer was a soft chuckle and another caress. As the stimulation brought another shiver from him, he was amazed to feel her fingers plucking at his zipper. The sound of the zipper was clearly audible in the quiet that had descended in the car, as was his gasp as her warm fingers daintily slipped in through his fly and into his boxers as she gently stroked his cock with the tips of her sharp nails.

Softly, she grasped his erect cock, bringing it into full view. Her fingers tightened a bit, then began to pump him with a slow, tantalising rhythm.

"Keep driving," she said. Her other hand plucked at her sweater, pulling its hem upward. Under it she wore no bra, and his hand easily found the warm smooth globe of her pretty tit, his fingers teasing the hard hot nipple, then stroking the perfect skin, weighing and fondling, then tickling teasingly along the underside.

"Mmmmmm..." She shifted in the seat, turning and leaning downward. Even though he knew what she must be planning, it was still a shock when her warm wet mouth closed over his dickhead.

As her caressing mouth sent incredible sensations shooting through him, he kept on driving through the park, almost in a trance. He became aware that as she sucked and kissed his cock, she was beginning to stroke herself, her short skirt up to her hips. As her own fingers shot pleasure through her, she moaned in pleasure around his cock; the vibrations sent an extra thrill through him.

She briefly withdrew, looked upward under her eyelashes, and breathed "I want to make you cum. Let me have your cum..." and went back to sucking him, harder and more insistently.

She began taking more and more of his cock with each stroke, her tongue caressing the head on the outstrokes, then pushing the head further and further into her throat until she was taking all eight inches of his thick hard dick.

Then she began to move faster and faster, sucking harder on the outstrokes, working the shaft with her tongue on the downstroke, her lips stimulating every inch of his flesh. As he felt his orgasm getting nearer and nearer, she reched down and began to play with his balls, stroking and lifting them, fondling them and tickling their tightening sack with her nails.

Finally he could hold back no longer.

With a groan and a twitching of his whole body that again almost ran the car off the road, he let go. His hot white cum gushed from his cockhead, pumping upward from his hot straining balls, spurting into her mouth as she swallowed eagerly, gulping down almost all of it. It filled her mouth, and just a trickle ran out of one corner to drop down into his pubic hair.

As he softened in her mouth, she kept on gently sucking and nuzzling at him, until she let his limp cock fall from her lips. By now he had had to stop the car in a dark shaded corner; she raised up and kissed him passionately, her tongue invading his mouth and bringing remnants and the taste of his own cum.

As he kissed her and tasted his own cum on her tongue, he was fondling her firm, warm breasts and playing with the hard nipples.

With a soft moan, she took one of his hands and moved it downward to the top of her thighs, turning in the seat of the big old car to open herself to him. She was so hot and wet! Effortlessly, two of his fingers slipped into her open, juicy pussy, and he began to rhythmically stroke them in and out of her opening as her hips began to pump in time to their movements.

"oh... Oh... Ohmighod, I'm going to cum... Unnnhhhhh..." she groaned as her inner muscles clamped on his fingers, pulsing, milking at them in time to the spasms of her release.

As she subsided in the seat, her warm juices trickling down her thigh to stain the upholstery, she drew back, loked deeply into his eyes and said, as she placed one cool hand on his cheek, "I hope it's not too far to your place? And I hope you don't have a roommate... ?"

"Not far at all -- I do have a roommate, but he's out of town for the rest of the week. Is anyone expecting you home tonight?"

"Not at all. Drive, my good man." And, as her fingertips tickled his slowly re-stiffening cock, she said "... my very good man, I think..." and chuckled.

Arriving at his apartment, set high on a cliff overlooking the city and the River, after some minor adjustments of clothing in case anyone were looking their way they got out of the car and walked up the drive, pressed together as closely as they could manage while still being able to walk, arms around each others' waists.

As they entered and he turned on the lights, she glanced around.

"Oh, what a lovely sofa!" she exclaimed. "I want you to make love to me on that big sofa, by that big window that looks out over the River!"

"I think that could be arranged," he said, as he stepped up behind her, reaching around to put one hand on her fine firm breast and one with its palm cupping the warmth and shape of her mound through the fine soft leather of her miniskirt, pulling her back against him as he pressed forward, his again-fully-erect staff pressed tightly along the crack of her ass.

With a little sigh she leant back against him, her legs moving slightly apart as he began to massage her pussy's outer lips through the leather, and to stroke his hard cock between her warm ass cheeks. Under his palm, he felt her nipple rise to full erection, both hard and hot and flexible at once. With just a bit of fumbling, his fingers slipped inside her sweater and began teasing the nipple directly. She gasped slightly, then reached a hand behind herself, between them, and firmly seized his cockshaft through his trousers and began stroking it.

Encouraged, his fingers slipped down to the hem of her skirt, lifted it, and then slipped onward to the warm fleshy lips he had already stroked so happily once in the car. As a single fingertip traced her slit from top to bottom, pressing just slightly to tease her clitoris each time it reached the top, she moaned deeply in her throat and began pressing her groin forward and downward against his hand, trying to force more of that teasing fingertip inside her needy cunt.

Nuzzling at her neck, breathing the scent of her fine hair, he began to lick and nibble one of her small, lovely pink ears. His hot breath and hot, tickling tongue tip were the final push, and she moaned through another mini-orgasm, her pussy pulsing against his finger as her knees weakened and only his hands at her breast and her crotch held her up.

"Oh, my -- t'sat was so vunerdful... !!" she breathed, her slight accent thickening as she gave herself up to pleasure. "Now, I will..."

"No," he said, as he pushed her ahead of him and pushed her down onto the huge couch. "No, you've done enough of the work -- now it's my turn for a while." She lay there gazing trustingly up at him as he steped back and quickly shed his shirt and trousers and stood there for a moment like a warm marble statue that she gazed on, her eyes focussing on his long, hard and thick cock.

She lay there on the smooth leather of the couch, as he knelt beside her. Again, he leaned forward, kissing her deeply and lovingly, their tongues slipping over and over each other as his gentle hand again caressed one of her breasts.

Then his fingers fumbled for just a moment and found and unfastened the top button of her sweater. Then the next and the next, and, as the light sweater opened itself, that hand reached inside and his fingertips began to tease and manipulate first one hard nipple and then the other, as he broke the kiss and lightly kissed along the side of her jaw to her ear, nibbling and teasing it with his lips and tongue. She raised her hands, pulling him back to her lips, kissing him again and again, then her right hand slipped downward, finding his hand where it cradled her naked breast and pressing his hand more firmly to her tit.

As his hand moved downward again, she continued fondling and caressing her own breasts and nipples, moaning in the pleasure she gave herself as she tweaked at the erect nubs.

Now all of the buttons of her sweater were open, and it fell away to the sides, showing him for the first time all of her lovely breasts and her slim waist and flat tummy as far as the waist-hugging band of her skirt.

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XeneRoberta Lives Forever

It was XeneSusan9984 that gave me the idea to write this. We were playing one night and I had driven her to her twentieth or thirtieth orgasm for the night. Susan is a painslut and I had her tied up tightly against a Saint Andrew’s cross and was flogging her with a Devil’s hair flogger. The strips of leather for a Devil’s hair flogger are cut so thin and there are so many of them that it is almost like flogging someone with a wig. Except a wig isn’t that heavy and the hairs of a wig don’t swing...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
1 year ago
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Jealous Girl

There I was making out with Sandy, a gorgeous tall blonde beauty that I'd met two nights ago. She was wearing an awfully short skirt and tight little top. I was really into it with her hoping to maybe get her into bed. I was about to put my hands up her shirt when I heard a loud bang on my bedroom door. "Shit. What is it now." I said quietly. Sandy looked at me innocently and started to put her shirt back down. She remained laying on the bed as I got up to see what was going on. I opened my...

2 years ago
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13 October 2008Chapter 2

Ten minutes later, Karen noticed a group of men and a few boys approaching. She and Lilly smiled as the group approached. “I count twelve, six each,” she said quietly to her. “Did you take the Viagra I gave you?” she asked Dan. “Yes, but I’ll only be fucking you last.” “It’s also in case you get your cock sucked off by young Tom if he shows up with his dad. Actually, I asked Jeff to bring his son for you.” “Thank you. I should have given Derek and Peter a blow job yesterday before they...

4 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 369 Can I Get That for You

Off to dinner. April came to hug Kona and told us to go away. I found six cars and two minivans in the drive when I got back to the mansion. Inside I heard talking from the dining room. Inside I saw eight sets of adults sitting dressed around the table. Everyone under eighteen was naked and sitting on a towel. I’m sure Yuki has some magic potion that works on adults too. You fucked like rabbits most of last night and today, yet these naked teens have your juices flowing. “Ah, there you...

1 year ago
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Gayatri 8211 Part 2

Hello All!!! This is part 2 or continuation of the old story I wrote a few days back. I would request you to read it first to know more about the character and get a better feel of the story and its characters. This is a real story. I did not masturbate as Gayatri had told me not to cum. I waited for four long days before receiving a call from her. I thanked God that she still remembered me! I talked to her and she asked if I had cum. I replied in the affirmative confirming that I had not cum....

4 years ago
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Intrusive DelightsChapter 25 The Crown Princes Playground

The Emir decided to inspect the torture suite of the Ruby Palace in more detail. Accompanied only by the Golden Palace's Chief Eunuch, he let himself into the suite and proceeded to tour the rooms, of which there were six, placed three on either side of the corridor with the sloping floor and the drain. In the first room, containing the rack, he wasted no time, merely ascertaining that the equipment was all working satisfactorily. The mechanism moved easily and smoothly and the cuffs locked...

1 year ago
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Lene the Whore of the WeekChapter 7 Day 7

I vent over to take an early shower; my skin was covered with dry sperm. My chin - neck and tits was all covered with a thick layer of sperm, the inner side of my thighs was cowered with a mixture of black- and donkey-sperm. While I was taking the shower I realized, that it was my last day here in Miami, to morrow I had to take back to Denmark. It was a little bit sad, I love cock and I had got a lot of it here, but on the other side, I want to go back and have sex with my husband and my...

3 years ago
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The WolvesChapter 43

Earth Unknown Location August 18, 2019 14:27 EDT We all ate while we waited for Mason to get out of the med chamber, and then sat around and chatted while he ate as well. He took a moment to jump up and down to see how his leg felt and found that it was good as new. The area where the bone had broken through his skin was a little lighter than the rest of his ebony skin, but there was no sign that he had been injured a little more than an hour beforehand. When he was done and everyone...

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I’m off for another 2 hours” announced Raj to the 80 years old receptionist, who made a note of it in his register. Dr. Raj, at 40, was the most good looking doctor in the medical fraternity of the state and had the reputation of a womanizer.” I’m going to the on-call room to relax. So if there are any emergencies, give me a call there. Got that?” He didn’t even look around for the receptionist’s approval. He was more interested in the two nurses standing there, Sarla and Kavita. He had been...

3 years ago
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Coffee Tea or Me Chapter 23

Murmured voices in the background and a faint beeping noise awoke me. My eyes felt heavy and crusty, and as they started to open a little, I winced in pain from the light. A few more attempts and I was able to blink them open. My mouth felt dry, and I definitely had a headache, as well as other new pains. There was a ceiling above me, and I could just make out tracks and wire runs like you see in hospitals. An indistinct head shape popped into my field of view, and I heard someone say,...

3 years ago
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A girl i met at school Part 1

I’m 5 foot 9 with a fairly slender body, I’m 15 years of age but most of my friends are 16. Most of my life I haven’t been sure on my sexual orientation, but I have come to decide I’m a Bi-sexual. I live on an island of only 10’000 people; my school is located right in the middle. A lot of my friends at school called me Alsy. This is a story of a girl I met at school. My best friend Riri who is like a brother to me, always used to hang out with the lower level grades at lunch time. My other...

2 years ago
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Adrian HunterChapter 4

August fifteenth--it was a Wednesday, I came home and Dad was sitting on the deck to my trailer. "Hi Son." I didn't answer him as I unlocked the door. I motioned him to enter. "You son-of-a-bitch. I was worried about you. I know you got out of jail when you were supposed to. Where in hell have you been?" He was shocked at my outburst. "I said you would see me. I'm here. I didn't think I meant that much to anyone anymore." "Damn it Dad, some day you are going to realize that in...

2 years ago
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The Descent of a Man

The Descent of a Man By Janet Baker Here I was, John Baker, standing in the vestibule, virtually immobile, wearing my maid's dress and ballet knee length boots, festooned with chains, a rather cruel chastity belt under my dress, waiting for my mistress, actually my wife, Alice, to arrive home after shopping. I was instructed to be ready at three for her arrival. It was already four and I was in misery but I could do nothing but follow orders. I am afraid that when she arrives...

1 year ago
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Femdom Shorts

Summertime With FemdomShe bumped the double fold of her cunt against his crotch, feeling the comfortable tautness in her thighs as she straddled him, kneeling and squirming on top of his supine body. Somehow, in the bump and crash of stripping and making out between the door and the bed, they’d ended up that way, him on the bottom the way she liked. He was naked, except for the black band of the collar at his throat and one sock, and she was stripped down to her skin, smooth, sticky with summer...

2 years ago
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Wendy Scores

I wanted so much to score with Adrian: the problem was how. My name’s Wendy, I’m 20, and Adrian is one of the boys in our church youth group. I say “one of the boys” but to me he was THE boy. Adrian’s 21, a good six feet tall, slim, muscular and athletic and so good looking. I could tell he had an eye for the girls, the problem was he had an eye for all the other girls, not just me, and all the other girls had their eyes on him. It isn’t that I’m not pretty. I’ve got neat dark hair down to my...

3 years ago
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My first time MFM

First TimersMy first time was with my friend and his girlfriend from out of town staying in a hotel on vacation. They seriously overbooked and we all three had to stay in one room. One of the last nights, we're pretty broke, so we decided to stay in and party that night. We get really drunk and playing the 'never have I' game. Well, my friends says, "never have I sucked a dick". Of course his girlfriend drinks, but I do too. Both of them: "Dude - what the fuck ? You sucked a guy's dick?"Me,...

2 years ago
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Mindless drivel stoned and horny

They placed an add on CL under the heading MF4M - "What dreams may come true" Their add talked about dvp and creampies. I answered and low and behold... they chose me. It was a really terrible run down little hotel. It was the middle of the night. Deep after with witching hour. No, those witches ain't shit. He met me at the door, in boxers, a raging hard on in his hand and a beer in the other. He smelled like weed and cum. He said "the other guy just left. you are right on time." The room...

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Branded Heroes

The universe is a vast yet violent place. Surprisingly, it is crowded and full of violence and bloodshed-different races and intergalactic empires and factions fighting for control. Humanity didn’t know this for many years. Even when they looked at the greater universes, the shifting and earring energies of the universe, and the various technologies particularly in cloaking and light manipulation, resulted in humanity missing these other races. But at the turn of the 22nd century, two major...

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Absorbed the dance commitees sabbat goes w

Absorbedby oggbashan © Copyright Oggbashan October 2004The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.* * * * *You know how it is. If there is an event to be organised everyone wants to enjoy it. No one wants to do the work.So it was with our Sports Club Halloween Dance with a 'Goth'...

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Spring Break

Spring BreakChapter 1: The VideosIt all began the spring of my first year in college. Spring break was a week away, and my friends were planning a road trip to florida for the week. Seeing as how I was completely broke, I couldn't go with them, and was forced to spend the week at home with my mom. I figured I could at least watch some Girls Gone Wild, maybe feel like it was really spring break. I was pissed that my friends would be getting so much action, while I sat at home and played scrabble...

1 year ago
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Two Birds with One Stone

Gary was waltzing his way generically through the mall. Samey same old. It took a blonde in a miniskirt to raise his awareness, if not his eyes, of a brand new shopfront which she was just leaving. His eyes followed her away from it, only to narrow at the male who followed her out of the shop and jogged momentarily to catch up and take her hand. As mini and maxi as she appeared, so he was all Alpha and OhmyGod. Gary hid back inside himself. Inside the shop an old man in a bathrobe...

1 year ago
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What A Gift

Putting the finishing touches around the bedroom Sue stood back and took a look. It was perfect! Joe will be so surprised and pleased, he would be home any minute. She must hurry. Pulling in the driveway, Joe thought,'I wonder what she has in store for me now,not every day is your birthday!... Grabbing his briefcase he headed to the house. Please don't let there be a bunch of friends and family on the other side of the door he prayed to himself as he turned the handle. The last surprise party...

Group Sex
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Meghan a Love StoryChapter 4

I woke at about 2:00 AM to find Meghan standing in my bedroom doorway, stifling an occasional sniffle. “Meg, honey, what’s wrong?” “I woke up in the strange bed and it scared me, and then I remembered but I got sad and lonesome so I just wanted to look and make sure you were really ... Oh, I’m so stupid. You must think I’m a real sissy!” “C’mere, Sis.” I held back the covers. Meghan crawled under the covers with me. “Thanks for not laughing at me, Jack! I’ve never had to be on my own and...

3 years ago
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Chosen Frozen IIChapter 1 News Hound

The Tribune sat behind the desk in the office he was borrowing at this Earthside CAP testing centre. His eyes were happily taking in the astonishing sight sitting across from him. A petite blond with B cup breasts, shining blue eyes and a winning smile, the vision wore a fairly conservative two-piece business suit – at least by Swarm Era standards. The creme-coloured blouse's buttons did not go all the way up to the neck, but ended just below the xiphoid process. This made her lack of...

2 years ago
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Return to the Fold

The sudden, strident clang of the bell plucked Mathieu from what had been a very pleasant dream. Looking round, he found that, as usual, all the beds held one single occupant, the women having returned to their own tent before sunrise. This was for the benefit of any bible-bashing fanatics who might, by chance, pass by and witness both male and female exiting the same dormitory, the idea of gawping at these strange specimens of humanity was in no way disturbing to them, indeed it reinforced...

1 year ago
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My step mom

100% fiction! I just turned 18. I usually stay with my mom but one weekend a couple of weeks back I was staying round my dad's place. My dad had to go out on business and it was just me and my step mom. She always walks around in tight skirts and I can't help but drool over her D cup tits. She was being real nice to me this weekend. She was just making me a sandwich and something about the way she spread the peanut butter made me wild. She got a bit on her finger and I nearly creamed when she...

Erotic Fiction
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Doing the Laundry part 2

After that hot fuck in the laundry room, I couldn’t stop thinking about how slutty and dirty I felt, and how good it was, and how I only wanted more. It was like having anonymous sex turned a switch on inside me. I started to fantasize about fucking both men: the guy who bent me over the dryer and fucked me, and the guy I saw in the hallway afterward. Having one fuck me while I lay across the dryer and sucked the other one’s cock. And if I was feeling really nasty, take their cocks up my pussy...

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Delightful Days With Double Sisters

This happened in 1989 /1990 when we lived in a common tenancy house. I have already written an earlier account about it under the title "NICE TIME WITH A NEIGHBOR WOMEN" which appears in this very site. I have referred to my sexual happiness with my neighbor lady Soundarya there. I had also said that she left that house when her husband was transferred to another place. In their portion which is next to us, a new tenant came. His name was Parthasarathy and his family comprised of himself,...

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Absolute DelightsChapter 7 Harem Problems

After breakfast the next morning, as Zubeydeh was about to leave the Emir's presence, the traditional moment for asking favours, she ventured a question, "Have you decided what to do about the children? You really should decide soon." "Children?" he asked, "What children? None of the women I have used can expect to give birth for another eight months if the rumours I have heard of the human gestation period are accurate." "Did they not tell you?" Zubeydeh asked, "There are...

3 years ago
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War of the Women

War of the Women The thing between Marcia and Tara had been going on for some time. Marcia was quite friendly with the rest of her neighbors in the Close, but she continued to snub Tara. Possibly because Tara was suspected of having seduced several of the men in the area. Revenge was now a question of when, rather than if. With Tara, revenge would involve the seduction of Sam, Marcia’s husband. Her juices were in full flow at the thought of it. Imagine seducing that great hunk, with the...

2 years ago
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Truth Or Dare Leads To Friends With Benefits

Hi guys. This is my first story, so bear with me if there is any mistake. My name is Abhay. I am 20, currently in Hyderabad. My friend Sivani (name changed) is 21 now with a figure 34-26-34 and fair complexion. This story happened when we were 19 i.e., last year. Sivani’s father divorced her mother when she was 12 and her mother brought her up since that time. We were friends since we were 18 as we joined in the same college and she was my classmate. She is a good friend of mine but her beauty...

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Daytona Beach DesireChapter 3

Mickey told me the next morning that he was having trouble fucking Hanna. He said she was just too tight or he was too thick or both. Either way, it actually hurt them both when he was inside her. She was becoming depressed because she was certain that there was something wrong with her. That Caitlin and I were having such a good time actually made it worse. He then admitted that she had told him she had faked her orgasms because she didn't want to disappoint me and she knew that we were...

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At first I thought `what have a gotten myself into?' I had agreed tobabysit for the neighbours whenever they were going out, since I was homealone in the evenings anyway. I had made the mistake of telling Peteand Judith, who lived in the adjacent townhouse, that my wife workednights and that I spent most evenings watching cable and playing gameson the computer. Their eyes had fairly lit up when I said that, andthey had immediately asked if I could babysit their two k**s from timeto time, so...

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Memories of My Return to Belfast

Occasionally, a story has to be written. This one is mostly true. The incidents really happened much as portrayed. For my loyal readers, this story has been in my head for a number of years waiting for its time. Its time is now. Hopefully you will understand it and the bitter memories I have carried most of my life. * ‘Have you heard from Sean? He was arrested in ’79.’ Jenny shook her head. That was all she could do. So many dead or arrested. Arrested was the same as dead back in those days....

2 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 499

???????????????? Therapist: What would you say to your dad if he were alive today? Client: Sorry for cremating you. I honestly thought you were dead. ???????????????? Another gem from Biiguy Apropos “the speed of darkness’ The speed of smell is faster than the speed of light. After all, when you’re baking a cake and open the oven, you smell it before you see it. ???????????????? And this gem is from Alphqwe I know that the voices in my head aren’t real, but sometimes they give me some great advice. ⊹⊹⊹ ⊹⊹⊹ ????...

4 years ago
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Loving FamilyChapter 4

Paul woke up with the sunrise the following morning feeling better than he could ever remember. He opened the window to drink in the fresh mountain air and couldn't wait to get outside to explore the area. It occurred to him that the best way to do it would be on horseback, remembering the dude ranch Tom had told them about. He quickly donned his Levi's and boots, wondering if it might be a good idea to invite Linda along. It would be a good chance to find out what sort of people live...

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