Roberta Rossum free porn video

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She was sitting in the ESU library, with a stack of imposing-looking reference books on the table, and a faint frown on her face as she typed a few notes into an expensive-looking laptop.

She wasn't wearing any makeup -- not that her perfect skin actually needed any -- and her hair was pulled severely back from her face and gathered in a single flowing sable pony tail. Her sweater, while form-fitting enough to hint at a nicely-shaped bustline, was not particularly revealing, though its colour complemented her colouration, which was medium, just a hint of surviving tan. Around her neck hung a chain supporting a pair of plain black-framed glasses, which she occasionally donned briefly and un-self-consciously whenever she needed to make out particularly difficult passages in the books she was researching.

Whatever else could be said of her appearance, she certainly had fine legs and -- and here was the odd note in her appearance that attracted attention -- they were definitely on display under the table, her feet in glistening red high-heeled pumps first catching the attention, leading to contemplation of shapely ankles caressed, bound and confined by the shoes' straps, after which the eye inevitably moved a bit higher, taking in the trim calves in sheer blue hose and the dimpled knees, then on to the fine strong-looking sleek thighs, eventually arriving at the hem of her black -- leather -- miniskirt.

Those fine legs, and the contrast between their presentation to the world and the rest of her appearance, had, over the three days she had been researching at that desk, caught the attention of several other library users, and some of them had made one or another excuse to speak to her, to try to make her acquaintance. The library staff, watching the inevitable brush-offs, had quietly enjoyed the discomfiture of several young men and one girl so far, when one more young man arrived at the desk and spoke quietly to her.

"Excuse me," he said. "Do you have Asimov's 'Fundamental Laws of Robotics' there?"

Glancing briefly up, she looked down at her stack of books and said "Yes -- I believe I do. Do you need it?"

"Well, actually, I just need one citation from it. Do you mind if I borrow it for a moment?"

"Not at all." she said, just the faint trace of an unidentifiable accent coloring her speech. Handing him the book, she casually asked "Are you studying cybernetics, also?"

"Actally, it's more of a hobby with me. I'm an Electronics major, but as a personal project, I'm working on Artificial Intelligence. I'm trying to decide how Asimov's Laws of Robotics can be instituted in a real-world situation, right now. It seems to me that if the Laws are fully implemented, the constraints that they place on the actions of the AI will prevent it from ever passing the Turing Test."

"An interesting theory," she said, rolling the "R" slightly. "How so?"

"Well, if the person sitting at the terminal issues a direct order to his 'partner', then what reaction he gets to that may well help him to determine whether he is communicating with a human or an AI -- a robot."

"I had thought of that," she responded, thoughtfully -- he noticed that she pronounced "th" with a bit of a Gabor-like "ts" sound. "I too am working on Artificial Intelligence; as a matter of fact, I am working on my thesis with Dr. Capek, and the subject is how to determine whether an AI is truly intelligent, rather than merely a very sophisticated computer game. We had discarded the basic Turing Test for just such flaws and are trying to determine some better method."

"Fascinating," he said. "One idea would be to simply forbid such order-giving, but that would prejudice the test."

"Exactly," she said, turning a bit to face him where he sat diagonally across the table from her, with a small smile on her face. "What Dr Capek has suggested I consider..."

And the Discussion began, the eternal Discussion that always seems to arise whenever two academics with a true love of their subject happen to meet -- wide-ranging over the problems faced by researchers and what solutions they planned to try, touching on the perfidy of funding administrators and on the foibles and quirks of thesis advisors. Before long they were suggesting possible solutions to each others' current problems, and pointing out references in various of the volumes she had collected on the table.

In order to better share the texts, he had moved around to her side of the table and sat next to her, as they took turns looking up obscure facts of cybernetic lore and pointing them out. As they became more at ease with each other, their mutual passion for knowledge making it seem as if they had klnown each other for a long time, they drifted closer together at the table until, suddenly, with a bit of a start, he realised that her warm hip in its black leather had bumped against his.

"Ummm..." he began, but she interrupted him, speaking in a normal cheerful tone that didn't so much deny the contact of their bodies as simply make it unimportant in the Scheme of the Cosmic All.

"You know," she said, "I don't believe we have introduced ourselves. My name is Roberta -- Roberta Rossum. My friends call me Robbie." And she held out her hand.

Taking the warm, slender but strong hand, he clasped it firmly but not too tightly, and answered "Gort -- short for 'Gorton' -- Arbeit. Pleased to meet you."

Looking around, he suddenly realised just how long they had been talking -- they were the only ones left in the library, and, in fact, a library clerk was just approaching their table to ask them to finish up, please -- it was closing time.

Each grabbed a couple of important texts from the pile they had accumulated in their discussion, and headed for the check-out desk. Emerging from the exit into the early evening cool, they stood a moment breathing the fresh air after a day of musty library odors. For the first time, Gort got a good view of those glamour-grrl legs, from the almost blatantly-erotic red shoes up to the hem of the butter-soft black leather miniskirt. For a moment, there was a silence, while the way in which he regarded her modified itself, adding "sexy lady" to "interesting colleague".

A faint smile on her lips as he looked back up acknowledged her recognition of his observations and his new perceptions, and added an element of challenge; would he now make a fool of himself, as so many had at this point, or would he simply continue in an easy manner, as if nothing had changed?

With only the faintest of hesitations, he said "You know, it's awfully late; did you have any dinner plans or whetever this evening? Maybe we could grab a pizza or something and continue this discussion... ?"

"Sounds good to me," she answered easily. "Here, be a gentleman." Before he realised what she was doing she had added her armload of heavy books to his, and set off with an almost-skipping step and a bit of a merry laugh toward Jocko's, the finest pizza parlor near the campus.

"Hey -- no fair," he protested. "If I gotta carry all the books, you gotta pay for my pizza."

"We'll see..." she said.

Sitting at the table that bore the remains of one of Jocko's giant "Death by Ingredient" specials, they continued to get acquainted. She was from Eastern Europe, which explained her slight accent; he was from Chicago, which explained his cultivated air of habitual cynicism. By the time they were ready to go, they were leaning inward over the table and holding hands.

They slowly walked toward his car parked across the street, where they had stashed their books; both reluctant to part, but neither really knowing what move to make next.

"Hey -- Cowboy Mouth are playing at the Bronze!" he said, noticing a flyer on a pole by the car.

"Who?" she asked

"Cowboy Mouth -- the greatest American rock'n'roll band there is; from New Orleans. The door guy at the Bronze is a friend of mine -- I can get us in free. Wanna go rock some?"

"Sure. Why not -- I can sleep in tomorrow."

So they did.

And the show was terrific, as promised, with the pounding beat of true rock'n'roll, beautiful lyrics and downright fantastic vibes.

The Bronze was jammed -- hot, sweaty and tightly packed, the crowd surging one way and then the other in the dark. They were pushed against each other by the crush, shoved hard together.

The proximity of their bodies and the hot, intimate atmosphere and the concealing darkness of the club and the sensuality of the music was, to say the least, stimulating to Gort; at one point, when he was pushed against Robbie from behind, and found his groin pressed firmly against her shapely buttocks under the thin leather of her skirt, he found himself with a rather embarrassing semi-erection that he was sure she must have felt pressing into the warm valley between the firm cheeks.

He was reassured and a litle startled when she pressed back against him and rolled her hips a bit, adding to the stimulation and bringing him fully erect.

After a second of this, she broke the contact and stepped a bit backward, putting an arm around his waist. At that, he reached out and likewise put an arm around her waist, hand on hip, and they snuggled up against each other, dancing in place together to a raving song called "Love of My Life".

The next song was a slow one, and she leaned her head onto his shoulder and nestled even more closely against him.

It was obvious that she didn't find him repulsive; even so, he was startled when she placed her hand on his and gently lifted his hand to cup her warm shapely breast. He gently cupped the warm globe, feeling the nipple standing firm against his palm; she lifted her face to his and they kissed, at first gently and tentatively, then more passionatey, tongues touching and stroking each other.

The show was almost over; the band swung into a raving rocker of a song called "Jenny Says", with the singer inciting and encouraging the crowd to scream shout jump and dance and sing along. Under cover of the noise and activity, she reached down and her strong warm fingers stroked and played with the almost painful erection in his jeans.

His hand dropped downward again, caressing her round warm asscheek through the thin leather of the skirt -- as he did, she grasped his dick more tightly and pumped it firmly, which made him bold enough to reach a bit lower, lift the hem of the skirt and stroke her flesh directly. He was startled to feel that her hose were old-fashioned stockings, held up by a lacey garter belt and that she was apparently not wearing any panties! As his fingertips traced the warm crack of her ass, she pumped his cock more firmly, and kissed him hungrily again, then turned a bit, pressing herself against him, letting his leg slip between her thighs and gently humping her crotch against his thigh, her breath catching slightly, eyes half-closed.

The show closed with a roaring cover of the Who's "Won't Get Fooled Again", during which she stood in front of him, one of his hands cupping a tit, one pressed against her crotch, holding her against him as he stroked his hot cock against her incredible ass. He was about to cum in his pants, and, unless he mistook the signs, she had already had at least one small orgasm as they dirty danced to the driving beat.

After pausing in the lobby to say "hi" to the band members, they ducked out to the car.

"Well, where shall I drop you?" he asked.

"Nowhere, yet," she answered. "Why don't we drive through the park for a while?"

"Okay," he said, putting the car in "Drive" and heading that way.

As soon as the car began moving through the night, she leaned over, snuggled up against him, and took his arm and put it around her. With no urging needed this time, his hand found her breast again and fondled it gently; the feel of her erect nipple pressing against his palm was incredibly stimulating.

He wasn't driving very fast, which was a good thing, because, slow as he was driving, when her hand stroked his crotch and then cupped his balls he almost swerved the car off the road.

"Mmmm." She laughed softly. "My, my -- someone is a bit excited."

He stroked her tit again, then gently pinched the nipple, making her shudder and gasp slightly.

"Looks like more than one of us is a bit excited," he said.

Her only answer was a soft chuckle and another caress. As the stimulation brought another shiver from him, he was amazed to feel her fingers plucking at his zipper. The sound of the zipper was clearly audible in the quiet that had descended in the car, as was his gasp as her warm fingers daintily slipped in through his fly and into his boxers as she gently stroked his cock with the tips of her sharp nails.

Softly, she grasped his erect cock, bringing it into full view. Her fingers tightened a bit, then began to pump him with a slow, tantalising rhythm.

"Keep driving," she said. Her other hand plucked at her sweater, pulling its hem upward. Under it she wore no bra, and his hand easily found the warm smooth globe of her pretty tit, his fingers teasing the hard hot nipple, then stroking the perfect skin, weighing and fondling, then tickling teasingly along the underside.

"Mmmmmm..." She shifted in the seat, turning and leaning downward. Even though he knew what she must be planning, it was still a shock when her warm wet mouth closed over his dickhead.

As her caressing mouth sent incredible sensations shooting through him, he kept on driving through the park, almost in a trance. He became aware that as she sucked and kissed his cock, she was beginning to stroke herself, her short skirt up to her hips. As her own fingers shot pleasure through her, she moaned in pleasure around his cock; the vibrations sent an extra thrill through him.

She briefly withdrew, looked upward under her eyelashes, and breathed "I want to make you cum. Let me have your cum..." and went back to sucking him, harder and more insistently.

She began taking more and more of his cock with each stroke, her tongue caressing the head on the outstrokes, then pushing the head further and further into her throat until she was taking all eight inches of his thick hard dick.

Then she began to move faster and faster, sucking harder on the outstrokes, working the shaft with her tongue on the downstroke, her lips stimulating every inch of his flesh. As he felt his orgasm getting nearer and nearer, she reched down and began to play with his balls, stroking and lifting them, fondling them and tickling their tightening sack with her nails.

Finally he could hold back no longer.

With a groan and a twitching of his whole body that again almost ran the car off the road, he let go. His hot white cum gushed from his cockhead, pumping upward from his hot straining balls, spurting into her mouth as she swallowed eagerly, gulping down almost all of it. It filled her mouth, and just a trickle ran out of one corner to drop down into his pubic hair.

As he softened in her mouth, she kept on gently sucking and nuzzling at him, until she let his limp cock fall from her lips. By now he had had to stop the car in a dark shaded corner; she raised up and kissed him passionately, her tongue invading his mouth and bringing remnants and the taste of his own cum.

As he kissed her and tasted his own cum on her tongue, he was fondling her firm, warm breasts and playing with the hard nipples.

With a soft moan, she took one of his hands and moved it downward to the top of her thighs, turning in the seat of the big old car to open herself to him. She was so hot and wet! Effortlessly, two of his fingers slipped into her open, juicy pussy, and he began to rhythmically stroke them in and out of her opening as her hips began to pump in time to their movements.

"oh... Oh... Ohmighod, I'm going to cum... Unnnhhhhh..." she groaned as her inner muscles clamped on his fingers, pulsing, milking at them in time to the spasms of her release.

As she subsided in the seat, her warm juices trickling down her thigh to stain the upholstery, she drew back, loked deeply into his eyes and said, as she placed one cool hand on his cheek, "I hope it's not too far to your place? And I hope you don't have a roommate... ?"

"Not far at all -- I do have a roommate, but he's out of town for the rest of the week. Is anyone expecting you home tonight?"

"Not at all. Drive, my good man." And, as her fingertips tickled his slowly re-stiffening cock, she said "... my very good man, I think..." and chuckled.

Arriving at his apartment, set high on a cliff overlooking the city and the River, after some minor adjustments of clothing in case anyone were looking their way they got out of the car and walked up the drive, pressed together as closely as they could manage while still being able to walk, arms around each others' waists.

As they entered and he turned on the lights, she glanced around.

"Oh, what a lovely sofa!" she exclaimed. "I want you to make love to me on that big sofa, by that big window that looks out over the River!"

"I think that could be arranged," he said, as he stepped up behind her, reaching around to put one hand on her fine firm breast and one with its palm cupping the warmth and shape of her mound through the fine soft leather of her miniskirt, pulling her back against him as he pressed forward, his again-fully-erect staff pressed tightly along the crack of her ass.

With a little sigh she leant back against him, her legs moving slightly apart as he began to massage her pussy's outer lips through the leather, and to stroke his hard cock between her warm ass cheeks. Under his palm, he felt her nipple rise to full erection, both hard and hot and flexible at once. With just a bit of fumbling, his fingers slipped inside her sweater and began teasing the nipple directly. She gasped slightly, then reached a hand behind herself, between them, and firmly seized his cockshaft through his trousers and began stroking it.

Encouraged, his fingers slipped down to the hem of her skirt, lifted it, and then slipped onward to the warm fleshy lips he had already stroked so happily once in the car. As a single fingertip traced her slit from top to bottom, pressing just slightly to tease her clitoris each time it reached the top, she moaned deeply in her throat and began pressing her groin forward and downward against his hand, trying to force more of that teasing fingertip inside her needy cunt.

Nuzzling at her neck, breathing the scent of her fine hair, he began to lick and nibble one of her small, lovely pink ears. His hot breath and hot, tickling tongue tip were the final push, and she moaned through another mini-orgasm, her pussy pulsing against his finger as her knees weakened and only his hands at her breast and her crotch held her up.

"Oh, my -- t'sat was so vunerdful... !!" she breathed, her slight accent thickening as she gave herself up to pleasure. "Now, I will..."

"No," he said, as he pushed her ahead of him and pushed her down onto the huge couch. "No, you've done enough of the work -- now it's my turn for a while." She lay there gazing trustingly up at him as he steped back and quickly shed his shirt and trousers and stood there for a moment like a warm marble statue that she gazed on, her eyes focussing on his long, hard and thick cock.

She lay there on the smooth leather of the couch, as he knelt beside her. Again, he leaned forward, kissing her deeply and lovingly, their tongues slipping over and over each other as his gentle hand again caressed one of her breasts.

Then his fingers fumbled for just a moment and found and unfastened the top button of her sweater. Then the next and the next, and, as the light sweater opened itself, that hand reached inside and his fingertips began to tease and manipulate first one hard nipple and then the other, as he broke the kiss and lightly kissed along the side of her jaw to her ear, nibbling and teasing it with his lips and tongue. She raised her hands, pulling him back to her lips, kissing him again and again, then her right hand slipped downward, finding his hand where it cradled her naked breast and pressing his hand more firmly to her tit.

As his hand moved downward again, she continued fondling and caressing her own breasts and nipples, moaning in the pleasure she gave herself as she tweaked at the erect nubs.

Now all of the buttons of her sweater were open, and it fell away to the sides, showing him for the first time all of her lovely breasts and her slim waist and flat tummy as far as the waist-hugging band of her skirt.

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XeneRoberta Lives Forever

It was XeneSusan9984 that gave me the idea to write this. We were playing one night and I had driven her to her twentieth or thirtieth orgasm for the night. Susan is a painslut and I had her tied up tightly against a Saint Andrew’s cross and was flogging her with a Devil’s hair flogger. The strips of leather for a Devil’s hair flogger are cut so thin and there are so many of them that it is almost like flogging someone with a wig. Except a wig isn’t that heavy and the hairs of a wig don’t swing...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
4 years ago
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ClareLet me introduce you to Clare, I met Clare on xHamster and wrote her a short story just for her entertainment, to my surprise she wrote back with a continuation of that story. This has been going on for some time now and with Clare's full consent we would like to share this fascinating journey with you.Neither Clare nor I are professional writers as we are sure you will see, but if you can excuse the appalling grammar you may enjoy the concept of a story written by two people one male, one...

2 years ago
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Monkey WrenchChapter 6

I had wanted to wake up as angry as I had gone to bed. Angry at myself for thinking so much of a stupid dream, no matter how vivid it had been. Angry instead of feeling hurt or cheated. I almost cried over Xiomara teasing me. Yet, I was ecstatic. I felt cool fingers on the back of my neck and a warm body along my spine. It was dark. There was soft breathing and no snoring. The first of the overhead lights came on. “Good morning,” Renée yawned and a few of the girls muttered back. There was...

4 years ago
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They were both shy nerds. Neither dated much and neither got laid often. Their lives revolved around their work so neither was aware that they were lonely. He was twenty-five and she was twenty-four. Each had graduated cum laude from their high schools and universities. Each had a good job and made more money than they needed. Each lived in modest apartments two blocks from the park. Their jobs were one block from the park and they ate lunch in the park. The problem was that their jobs and...

4 years ago
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Ed BiggersChapter 13

Looking up from between Kelly’s legs, Ed watched as Kelly sucked on Ling’s breast. As always, the sight of his wives kissing or touching each other excited him. He turned his attention back to Kelly and slid his tongue between her pussy lips. The heady aroma and rich flavor drove him renew his efforts to please her. On the floor next to Ed, Leroy and Linda were engaged in sixty- nine. Leroy was working on her with his full attention trying to bring her to orgasm before she was able to make...

4 years ago
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Having a brazilian waxing

I had developed a bit of a fascination for male waxing after watching a few videos on the internet. I am an exhibitionist and it having it done appealed to me. I figured that if a girl is prepared to do it she will be comfortable with a naked guy. My first time I entered the ther****ts and was told to wait. There were about 6 girls working and being treated and they all seemed to have a little smile on there faces and I felt a little uncomfortable. Then I was pleased when a girl about 23ish...

4 years ago
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Baby And The Stranger

I twiddled my nipples, the way some people do with their thumbs. They were erect, buzzing with the anticipation I felt in waiting here, fully nude for the date my master set up for me. He was a cuckold of a Dom and he loved watching me get railed before ravishing me himself.I didn’t know what he would look like. I didn’t care either. My breasts rose and fell with each excited breath I took. My blindfold was secure against my eyes, though the light from the lone candle on my bedside table...

3 years ago
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A bitchs fall episode D

If megan had hoped that she'd be let down once the lovemaking was over, she was wrong. Trish had, in half an hour, made her brother come thrice, and was now cleaning his dick with her tongue, rolling it on his dickhead as John lay back enjoying the best blowjob of his life. For a moment, this thought made megan forget her pain. Hadn't she given him atleast 3 blowjobs since her, err....Her mind failed to find a word for the shocking events of the day. But it told her that trish was the...

4 years ago
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Naked Lisas StoryChapter 13 Two Couplings And A Reappearance

Lisa and Giles had been out walking after Lisa had done her usual six mile run and training in preparation for her next fight, which was scheduled for eight days' time. It was against her toughest opponent yet - she was giving away quite a few pounds as well as three inches in height. Although it was not going to be easy, she was confident enough of at least giving the other woman a run for her money before she suffered her first knockout. Having Giles out of the way would be a good thing,...

4 years ago
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3Day Stand Part III

The only remarkable times in a 3-day stand are that first glorious moment of reunion and the last horrific moment of separation. Heaven and hell. Any time in between is irrelevant, at best. Want breakfast at 3 p.m.; go for it. Want to get snockered at 8 a.m.; be our guest. Want to have some fun, have at it, at 2 a.m., 4:30 a.m., 8 a.m., 9 a.m., noon, 3 p.m.... have at it - nothing and no one is stopping your from indulging. Ruby slips out of Ron’s arms, roused from a deep sleep with an...

3 years ago
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Never thought Irsquod love being his cuckquean

He must have finished work by now, I know he will be heading to the pub shortly. I’m sat at home waiting for him, doubt he’ll want dinner though. As I sit by the dinner table I see a text come through on my phone. It’s from a number that I don’t recognise. It must be her. I open the message to see a picture, it’s my husbands cock wedged perfectly between her perfect breasts. My heart sinks jealous she gets my husband in that way but I can’t help but feel a flutter in my pussy. My clit begins to...

3 years ago
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It Shouldnt Matter

I noticed her the first day of school. Casually working her way through the quad. Oblivious to the stares that followed her. She definitely was attractive. Long, thick, black, curly hair that cascaded down her back in thick luxurious waves. Eyes that danced with a mischievous light, and a smile that would light up the darkest, deepest cave, in the very deepest bowel of the earth. She looked Latina. Even from where I was sitting, reading "The Kite Runner," I could see how self-assured she...

4 years ago
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Giving In

She sat crosslegged on my bed. Dressed conservatively but still looked so beautiful. I only snuck quick glances but I knew she knew I was admiring her.The white dress wrapped around her showed off her filled out, but gloriously curvy body, and I had a hard time stopping thoughts from coming into my mind. They shouldn't have been going into my mind but I couldn't stop."Mike?" my name tumbled out of her mouth. God, that voice. One other thing I also loved about her. So calming and just...her...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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Campus Life Spring BreakChapter 8

Sunday evening--Catherine and Jay. The Upstate New York Sigma Lambda Tau team members linked up with Larry Mixon in the lobby a little after six in the evening. After eating the late brunch in the early afternoon, the four had returned to their rooms so they could rest a bit. None of them had availed themselves of the sexual charms of their partners, opting just to rest together in the queen-size beds for a bit before showering and changing into nice clothes for dining and socializing. They...

1 year ago
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Cheerleading alone with Daddys Friend

Bill Sullivan woke at noon that Saturday morning. As he got up he couldn't help but think about how fortunate he had been over the past few weeks. Only a month ago his boos had assigned him to a terrible job. He was sent to a small town in the mid-west to work on the construction of a new highway section. Usually it would mean months of tedious work, boredom away from the city, but as Bill found out it wasn't all that bad. he got in touch with his old high-school pal, Joe O'Reilly, who lived...

4 years ago
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Daves Australian OdysseyChapter 57 The Red Centre

Thursday Week 31 Woomera, today's destination, was only 172 kilometres. This took Dave less than two and a half hours. He didn't stop on the way, opting to go straight there in time for a late morning tea. But first Jill had cooked them a substantial breakfast of scrambled eggs and sausages. "That was great, love. Nothing like a full tummy before setting out on a drive" Peter said with a sigh as he finished his second cup of coffee and Dave concurred. After checking in to the caravan...

3 years ago
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Brother in laws wife 3

Hi friends, I am raj back again to continue my story about how I fucked my brother in laws wife meera and her sister kiran. As I wrote in part 2 of Brother In Laws wife 2, meera and self had a very good time the day we reached back from Mumbai. After having fucked each other for so long that day & due to the long journey meera and self went to sleep early. At night we fucked twice again. It was the next day that the fucking session became more thrilling and enjoyable. Next day meera got up...

1 year ago
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The Brunette across the street

My new neighbour walked over across the road and introduced himself as James. He told me that he and his wife moved over from Adelaide as he has a job here with the Customs department. He told me that his wife Rachel had wanted to live in this neighbourhood as she had it was a great quiet place to live in. James told me that they were both 24 and looking to start a family here. I welcomed James to the neighbourhood which he said thanks. We talked a while about work and the kind of social life...

2 years ago
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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 2 RelationshipsChapter 16 Operation Granby Kuwait November 1990March 1991

We flew out from RAF Brize Norton on the 14th November in some huge Yank aircraft, a Galaxy I think, they all look alike to me. As I sat in my relatively comfortable seat I thought of the last time I had gone to war; in a luxurious cruise liner no less, the QE II. Of course we had travelled squaddie class and didn't have white coated stewards waiting on us hand foot and finger. It took nearly 5 weeks to get down to the Islands, and I made some good mates amongst 3 Para, my travelling...

3 years ago
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Ice StormChapter 7

Reid looked out the window of the Greyhound coach as it worked its way to the Church Street bus terminal. "Elmira," the driver announced as the coach slowed to a halt. He opened the door and hopped out. Reid stood and awaited his turn to exit. He stepped onto the pavement and waited for the driver to haul his suitcase from the cargo hold. He picked it up and headed inside where he spotted Monica's red hair. She saw him at about the same moment and ran to him. He put his arms around her...

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sx in wiss

My name is Arjun. I am 37, married to a unremarkable woman and having 1. I am mostly above average in those departments that count. What I believe I have going for my is my quick wit, intellect, and disarming smile. I'd probably score an objective 7/10 in the looks department too, and my pepper salt/bearded face making me look like a dark Jason Statham. I'm dark/balded and tall 6'1, by Indian standards anyways, and weigh in at about 210 lbs. Whereas Sushma was 5"5 and weighed in at 115 lbs. So...

2 years ago
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A Long Day At ldquoWorkrdquo Part 1

Standing outside the door at a few mins before 8am, full suit and tie, briefcase in hand I glance around at the neighbors and wonder if anyone spotted me if they would think I am an insurance salesman or perhaps a lawyer. I’m positive of one thing that they have no idea of the real reason I’m there. Before I contemplate that further I press the door bell and a few moments later I’m greeted by the super sexy face of Susan, who smiles brightly at me, reaches out her hand shaking mine while...

3 years ago
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The Belt

The flowering of our S&M fantasies has been one of the highlights of our sex life for Kathy and me. We began by using the telephone. I would call her at work and describe in vivid detail what I planned to do to her sexually that night. To my delight, I discovered that this excited her and she walked around at work all day with a wet pussy. Knowing this turned me on. Gradually I began to smack her ass during sex play, as she sat on top of me or as she lay on her stomach sucking my cock. I...

4 years ago
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Please Give me Something to Remember you by greatest generationChapter 6

In the community of Cedar Grove, Iowa they were known as “The Sons of Thunder,” the infamous Cross twins, Jericho and Joshua, sons of Reverend Amos Cross, pastor of the Bethel Baptist Church. Typical of pastor’s children, those of police chiefs and other men of authority in the community Jericho and Joshua Cross were rebels of the first magnitude always in trouble though never felonious. They weren’t identical twins, but the outside world had difficulty telling them apart. Technically...

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Fucking The Hot Goth Girl

It was a hot July day as you hurried to your first class of the day, you were eager to get there early so you could have a good view of the only good thing about college. That good thing being Raven Darkworld, the hot as fuck 20 year old goth girl who was in your English class with you. She was the most attractive woman you had ever seen and starred in many of your fantasies while you were alone jerking off. You liked to get a seat next to her so you could watch her giant tits instead of paying...

1 year ago
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Lingerie sales man gets lucky with his cousins

Hi guys and girls! This is a story about 20 year old guy named Rafee and his cousin sisters. It was in the end of Ramadan in the crowded city of Dhaka where Rafee works as a product… [email protected] And MALES don't send in your feedback. Its very weird to look at you emails because they they sound weird and awful. Sorry.

3 years ago
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A Fantastic RingChapter 18

That gang in Marietta really got my goat. I asked Dad why I could not go ahead right now and clean their clocks. He thought about it for all of 30 seconds before saying for me to go ahead. He just warned me to be careful. He was certain that these guys would have no qualms about killing me or anyone else in the family. I hadn't thought of that last little bit, but I thought that my concubines could take care of anything that showed up. That may have been the enthusiasm of youth, but I really...

3 years ago
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Day Off Pt 1

Nacho sat up quickly when he heard the doorbell ring. His head was pounding, and he immediately began to regret drinking so much last night. "Who is ringing the bell so early?" he thought, before he looked at the clock and saw that it was 11 am. Shaking out the cobwebs, he threw back the sheet and stood up, just as the bell rang a second time.Nacho was naked, the way he always slept, and his thick meat hung heavily between his thighs. He usually awoke with his prick fatter than it would be...

2 years ago
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The Submissive Side of Lust Part 1

“Take off your robe and get in the tub.” It’s only a few simple words but they’ve transformed me into a blushing little girl. I can feel it happening, the blood is rushing to my face as I start to turn red, my head is dropping down, my shoulders are rolling in and I’m biting my bottom lip. The thing is I’m not a school girl, I’m a grown woman in my mid-twenties. I feel as if the boy I have a crush on in high school looked at me in the hallway or when I was a teenager about to doing things for...

3 years ago
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The Devils Pact The Tyrants Daughter Chapter 14 Highway US12

Introduction: Chase and her family have entered Washington State, drawing ever closer to Mount Rainer and the confrontation with Mark and Mary. The Devils Pact, The Tyrants Daughter by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Chapter Fourteen: Highway US-12 Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Saturday, July 9th, 2072 Rex Glassner Longview, WA I liked Longview, Washington. The city was built along the Columbia River right where it turned back west for the Pacific, leaving the ruins of I-5...

2 years ago
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Cuckold Fantasy

My wife started early. Three weeks after our wedding , a neighbor fucked her in our trailerShe was 16 and I was 18, The neighbor was 19. He, his wife, my wife and I were all from the same town and went to school together. We were living in a married student trailer park at a state university. He dropped by one evening when I was gone to a night class. He wrestled her down on our sofa and date ****d her.My wife went out on a boat with a builder to sell him the carpet for some houses he...

4 years ago
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An Unexpected Ending1

After reading this I decided to head over to the book store to see what was happening. Upon arrival there were only guys, which is not necessarily a bad thing, , walking around the video sales and sex toys. I decided to head back to the video booths. I found the usual just guys cruzing in and out of booths and hearing a little fun activity taking place. So I figured since I was here I would enter a booth and see if I could get a blow job and maybe even suck an nice cock. Well it...

2 years ago
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Slaves Ch4

He was right to be terrified, of course! This was a big moment for him. "You should consider yourself honored," she told him as they walked the long hallway. "The Queen asked for the most beautiful of new boys." Of course he did not understand a word. She laughed, grabbing his firm ass cheek, giving it a slap. His beauty really was something else. Of course all slaves had to condone to certain standards of attractiveness (who, after all, wanted to rape or torture an ugly boy?) but there...

4 years ago
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Queen Alicia

( A Darkniciad story. About a year 9 mos. after King Thakkorias ) Queen Alicia stood before the doorway of her parlor, bidding goodnight to the last of her guests. Naturally, Christi and Arilee had stayed later than any of the others, more accustomed to late hours than the other ladies, by far. The men would likely continue to carouse for a few more hours, but the informal meeting of Egoria's noble ladies was typically more reserved. Alicia hugged the blonde Baroness of Dalebord, and then...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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A Very Extreme Hardy Reunion

This story is written by both Dice Casden and Kristi as part of the D&K Universe. ****** Inside Team Extreme’s locker room, after their reunion match on the November 21, 2006 edition of ECW on SCI-FI, Matt and Jeff Hardy are relaxing after defeating the Full Blooded Italians in a hard fought exciting match that wowed fans in the arena and all over the world. Matt, dressed in his old-school Hardy Boyz-era pants, smirks at Jeff, ‘Damn Jeff… it was great out there just like out times…’ Matt...

5 years ago
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Accidental WerewolfChapter 11

Wayne was not looking forward to this. After the big “fuck-buddy” blow-up, Sara seemed really hurt and had insisted that he come over for dinner and be introduced to her parents. She also told him this was a really bad idea and that her father might forbid her from seeing him ever again. Wayne had tried to point out that this presented a contradiction and maybe he shouldn’t meet her parents, but Sara argued that it was his fault he had to meet them in the first place. This reasoning made...

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