Arie and Brandon Naked In SchoolWednesday part 1
- 4 years ago
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If you really stop to feel it... Being naked is actually a really fun experience. The way the fashion industry is now, you sometimes forget that you can go around without clothes on (and what girl isn't aware of that stuff?), and until you take 'em off, you never realize how... Confining they are. It's really nice to feel the sunlight on your skin, the wind. You feel... Liberated.
Hi, I'm Arie Chang, and I'm naked in school.
I don't really know how this program came about. The Program, I mean. Well, didn't know, at least—on Monday, Mr. Wu used me as a launching pad to talk about the changes in sexual attitudes over the past twenty years. That's my Current Events class, third period. The gist of it is, about five years ago, a certain scientist named Janine Graves—yeah, that Dr. Graves. This is all her fault. Anyhow, she invented a cure for AIDS, right in time to stop what would've been a worldwide epidemic. Nobel Prizes up the wazoo. They're already planning this ceremony where, once AIDS is completely eradicated the world over, Dr. Graves will be the one to lock two bottles of it away, next to the smallpox. Anyway, since then they've also made enormous strides against most of the other STDs, as well as in non-invasive birth control—by which I mean, methods where you don't have to fit something in or strap something on or whatever. The Shot, for instance, which is so widespread nowadays that no one remembers what it's actually called. Estoserodopramazinide? Then add the giant bathroom wall we call The Internet, on which anyone can find anything. Finally, toss in a bunch of ultra-liberal politicians into office (a tidal rush in the other direction after the neo-conservative disaster George Bush the Second made of his presidency), stir, bake for forty-five minutes at 350 degrees, and voila—more and more, people are getting away with doing things that used to be considered risqué or dangerous or outrageous. And, as they tend to, those once-outrageous things are becoming more and more normal. Witness the legislation President Rodham pushed through (maybe part of some convoluted plan for revenge on her ex-husband?), changing the indecency laws. For the past ten years or so, guys have been able to run around naked and not get arrested. Most don't, except on dares or something, but what with The Program, that's starting to change. Slowly—not everyone listens to the ultraliberals—but it's changing.
This is The Program's eleventh year. There's a growing list of students who have gone through it more than once. The infamous Karen Wagner graduated long ago, but it's still going strong. And now it's come to Mount Hill, and they snagged me. But that's okay. It's kind of fun. More guys have looked at me in twenty four hours than in the rest of this year. You can't argue with that.
My mom doesn't know, of course. God, I'd never hear the end of that. She's really—well, not so much conservative, but... It's hard to describe. She just doesn't take it well when people do things differently than she did. She never went naked in school, oh noo (never mind how that was thirty years ago and they didn't have The Program—hell, they practically didn't have AIDS!), and if it was good enough for her, it's good enough for her daughter. What she doesn't seem to understand, is that, well... She's not her daughter.
But let's talk about something else. I'm in a good mood today. The sun is shining in speckled patterns through the trees, the grass is green, people are giving me less weird looks than before—or maybe I just don't care as much. It's cold out, and I can feel the breeze on my nipples and across my pussy and around the crack of my ass. Do you have any idea how tingly that is?
Where is Brandon, anyway?
See: last night, when I was up in my room and talking to people online, I realized that he had really been a nice guy yesterday, and now I want to thank him. Well, maybe not realized myself—people keyed me onto it. This one friend of mine, she calls herself Violetta, she was like, OMG Taina (that's what I call myself online) he was such a nice guy standing up for you yesterday!
I was like, what?
RedVioletta: Think about it. He's standing up for you, he's telling people your story when YOU were too scared to tell it, he let you meet his friends.
RedVioletta: Didn't you say he was like the class freak or something?
TainaGrrl0085: LOL no thats me
RedVioletta: Well, him too, right? Tai, if yOU were over your issues, would YOU want to get dragged back in?
TainaGrrl0085: o hhell no!
RedVioletta: And what did HE do?
Uhm, yeah. I think I really owe him a lot.
So that's what I was doing this morning, here half an hour before school started: roaming the halls, looking for Brandon. He wasn't at the same place he and his friends were yesterday at break (the Stetsen building, south end, under the balcony that services the second-floor classrooms); in fact, no one was there, this early in the morning, except that one girl—Kelly, was that her name? It wasn't the Indian girl and it wasn't that Jane person; it was the tall one with the boobs and the red hair. She's like seriously taller than Brandon is. And it's not really that her boobs are big, they look just fine on her, it's that all of her is big. Not fat, not overweight, just... Large. Statuesque? Oh well, whatever. Best keep looking.
I made one more orbit of the school. It was pretty cold, since it was seven in the morning, and I was getting chilly when I gave up. Goosebumps, perky nipples, the whole deal. People gave me surprised looks, and a few of the friendlier people smiled at me, but no one said anything or made any requests. Maybe it was because school hadn't started yet.
My original plan was to head to the library, which was at least indoors and warmer. But when I passed the Stetsen building again, Kelly, or whatever her name is, noticed and waved to me, and I was feeling good enough that I just went over there, just bounced over and flomped down cross-legged on the ground near her.
Kelly gave me an amused look. "Wow, you seem cheerful."
I giggled. "I'm hyper."
Kelly considered that for a minute, and then shrugged with her eyebrows. "Well, beats being dour. What can I do for ya?"
Dour? What does that mean? I plunged ahead anyway. "Nothing really, I was just looking for Brandon, do you know where he is?"
Kelly shrugged. "Don't look at me, I don't have him. He hasn't got a zero-period class, so he isn't here yet. Doesn't normally show up until about ten minutes before school starts."
"I'm really stupid, but I forgot your name," I said, "I keep thinking you're Kelly."
"Close, it's Kelsey," she said, looking at me a bit skeptically.
"Thanks," I chirped. Oh, who cares what she thinks. I'm me, I'm Arie, I'm forgetful sometimes. Especially when I've known this girl for less than twenty-four hours.
"Why do you need Brandon," Kelsey asked. "You seem to be, uh, doing just fine on your own."
"I wanted to talk to him," I said. Which was the truth. I also thought I might jump him or kiss him. It seemed appropriate. It sounded fun. Wheeee!
"Oh, well. He'll be here soon."
After that, conversation sort of fizzled a little bit, but I was feeling way too excited to let it die. I shifted a little bit—concrete's cold at seven in the morning. Plus I had to sit carefully unless really I wanted to get dirt and little pebbles and shit on my pussy lips. I glanced over at Kelsey, who was transferring some sort of information between a textbook and a notebook. "What are you do-ooing?"
"Math homework," Kelsey said.
"Shouldn't you have done that last ni-iiight?"
Kelsey gave me a brittle look. "Do you do your homework when you're supposed to?"
I shrugged, innocent-eyed. "I have to. If I don't, Mommy won't let me watch TV."
Kelsey gave me an unreadable look for a second, and then grinned. "You're a trip. You can stop with the kiddie voice now, I get that you're in a good mood."
I giggled and grinned like a puppy expecting a reward. The sad thing being that I wasn't really playing around.
"So, uhm," Kelsey said, putting her book aside. "I... Well, I don't mean to pry, but it's been on my mind ever since yesterday. What is with your scars?"
"They're mine," I said, still in child-mode. (Astute readers will recall that Sajel was supposed to brief Kelsey on them. I guess she hadn't. Bad Sajel. No biscuit.) "I made them."
Kelsey blinked. "You... Made them."
"Did you make them yourself?"
Kelsey stared at me. "On purpose."
I held up my arm proudly, playing it to the hilt. "A-aall mine."
Kelsey let out a heavy breath. "I... See."
"See, it's when you're really unhappy," I said. "Because it feels better to have your arm hurt then to have your heart hurt."
Kelsey looked at me like I had turned into a gazebo.
"Sooo," I said, "you find something sharp. Like a razor. Aaaand..."
"You're not... Trying to... Kill yourself," Kelsey said.
"Ohhhh no," I said. "I have other ways to do that. This is just because it feels good."
Kelsey's eyebrows climbed into her hair.
Of course, that's not the entire truth. It's not like I'm a masochist or anything. I don't enjoy cutting. It hurts, just like you'd expect; it doesn't cause pleasure. But it's preferable to the alternative. I mean... Well, depression sucks. Things assail you from all directions. You're never quite sure where something's coming from, what's causing you to feel bad. At least if your arm is bleeding, you can point to that and say, "See, see, that's what's wrong with this. That's what." Whereas, if you were to ask me a year ago, even six months ago, why I was depressed... I wouldn't've known what to say.
See, depression is... Times like this, it creeps up on you. It's gradual. One day you're going along fine, and then the next day— Wham. You suddenly realize that life sucks and you haven't got the faintest idea why. Because you've been just chalking up all these little factors and things to, well, whatever—you let them slide. You ignore them. And all these bits of straw eventually break the camel's back. Sorting through the straw is bad enough; even worse, most of the time you've just been living your life, ignoring the straw, figuring things will get better. But they don't. And while you're flailing around with a broken back—while you're still shocked by the fact that it's broken—it can be really easy to lose track of the straw. What caused this? What am I doing here? Where the hell did all this straw come from? Shit like that.
When you're carrying around all these burdens that just seem to have materialized on top of you... Well, a burden you can trace back to its source, even if self-inflicted, is almost a relief.
And then there's the rest of it—coping mechanism, stress relief, endorphins, etc. Those help too. It's like a desperate man's massage or something. But really—and I can tell you this now, now that I'm on my way out of the Hole, as Brandon calls it—it's hard to say why depressed people do anything. Just call us crazy. Sometimes that's really the best way to look at it.
Of course, I didn't know a lot of this yet. And Kelsey was still giving me weird looks.
"So, uhm," she said. "You. You like the pain?"
I nodded solemnly. That was a bald-faced lie. I was playing with her mind, that was the simple fact.
"Uhm." Kelsey swallowed. "Why?"
I considered that for a moment, tilting my head, looking skyward, my mouth slightly open. It was an appropriate gesture. Partially it showed that I was annoyed—so many people had asked me that yesterday; was it going to continue? You think I want to think about this? So I fell back on my old answer. "I already told you. Because a pain in your arm hurts less than a pain in your heart."
Kelsey nodded, more to herself than anyone else. "There's some truth to that."
After that she went back to her homework, and I amused myself by running around on the grass, chasing imaginary things. I was so hyper that day. Well, maybe hyper isn't the right word... High, maybe? It's like, when you're with your friends, and everyone's really having fun, and then you start doing stupid things like unscrewing the cap on the salt shaker or putting sugar on the tip for the waiter or tossing pickles into the water glasses, and everyone gets into it and you're all on this group buzz and everyone's a little drunk? That was me. Except without the restaurant.
But Brandon never showed up. The Korean boy, Tim Kwan, did (he's really quiet, but I bet he's a firecracker in bed), and Jane Myers walked by at one point (giving me a startled look), but no Brandon. And before I knew it, the bell had rung, and that was that. Go figure—the one time I'm looking for him, he doesn't show up. I think the universe hates me.
I finally caught him in second period English. "Where were you?"
"I got caught in traffic," Brandon said. He made as if to tuck his hands in his pockets, but he didn't have any—just skin. He has blueish eyes and bronze hair and right now he looked just a little bit sarcastic. "I live in Red Plains, and I have to take the 220 south to get here."
"Huh?" I said. I don't drive.
He rolled his eyes. "The 220 is a freeway. I presume you know what a freeway—" I hit him on the arm to shut down his condescension, and he continued. "Red Plains is a suburb on the far side of Skyton Heights. Skyton Heights is where a lot of people live. Whereas here, in Mount Hill, is where a lot of the businesses are. But the people who run those businesses live in Skyton. (Or Red Plains, if they're rich.) So every morning there's traffic jam on 220, heading south from—"
"Mr. Chambers," Mr. Cavanaugh said loudly, and I realized that class had started around us without our noticing. "Unless Shakespeare's Verona has suddenly sprouted a freeway, I'd appreciate if we'd stick to the subject matter." And Brandon apologized and fell silent. I had the picture, in any case.
Before class ended, though, I realized I hadn't even managed to explain to Brandon why I had been searching for him. After class, there wasn't time either; he headed north to the Minelli Building whereas I went off to D wing of the Norter Complex for Current Events. I barely had time to ask, "Are you going to be at the same place at break?"
"Where you were yesterday."
"Yeah, we're always there."
"Good. See you then."
Current Events wasn't the greatest. Mr. Wu expects us to keep track of, well, current events—read the newspaper, watch the news, stuff like that, and he launches into each day's discussion on the assumption that we have. Which, uh, is not an accurate assumption as far as I'm concerned. So, there was this context I was missing. Mr. Wu explains things, of course, if necessary, but he keeps track of who needs that information, and we lose participation points. (I bet I have negative participation points.) Anyway, Mr. Wu pulled out a newspaper and pointed out something amusing—a number of hard-right conservatives were going to try to put a strong voting bloc together to knock out the current spate of extreme liberals in the upcoming elections. This was only sort of news; they've tried to do that for the past two elections, with basically no success. At first I didn't get what this had to do with me—what did I care who the next President would be?—but when Mr. Wu gave a rather direct look at my titties (not leering, just to make a point), I realized what he meant. The general prevalency of highly-liberal legislators nationwide was one of the only reasons he could see my titties right now. The Program is still controversial, and even moderately-liberal politicians might vote to take it down. But the youngest of The Program's first participants is twenty-five now, and responses to The Program have been strongly positive, if cautious at first. Don't ask me about the nation, but when it comes to our little corner of the universe, Westport and Skyton and Mount Hill and all that, I give it even odds as to whether someone greets the next president naked in school.
Mr. Wu's theory is: Everything is connected. It's hard to see that sometimes. We're so used to dissecting things to see how they're put together, that we can forget how to look at the organic, gestalt whole. But when it comes to you and the understanding blossoms in your mind and across your face... It's a pretty cool feeling.
Then it was recess, and time to face down the bullet.
"Brandon, can we talk for a second?" "Sure, what's up?"
But once I had managed to drag him away from the others... I couldn't. It was a little easier not to say anything. A little easier to not open my mouth, to not reach out and grab his dick, to not say, "Hey, you stood up for me yesterday and I wanted to thank you in the most mercenary and blatant of ways, mostly because I couldn't think of a better way, but I really do mean it, now stand still and let me jack you off," a little easier not to actually do that in full view of the world and all who wanted to see. Like, for instance, Jane Myers, Brandon's girlfriend, who was right now headed in this direction, where she might see me standing far too close to him, with a look in my eye she might recognize. Go figure—the one time it'd be nice for her to not be around, she shows up. I think the universe hates me.
So instead I said, "Uhm. Would you like to hang out later today? Come to my house, maybe."
Oh fuck it, what a question. Offer the man sex, and he asks why. Well, not that I'd actually offered him, but I was going to— Damn him!
"Well, I'd like to talk to you," I said. 'Kay: Arie, hon, must be just a bit more forward. "And thank you," I said.
"For what," he asked. He has a sort of mid-range voice, not too high and not too low, and blue eyes, and at the moment everything on his face read of skepticism. He's only a little taller than me, but sometimes I feel like he towers over me.
"For... For being a friend," I said. "And protecting me."
"Well, you're welcome," he said, sounding almost grudging. I couldn't say I blamed him, since here I was, making such a big deal out of something that seemed so minor. So I'd thanked him, so what? I'd have to make my point clear. Crap, where was Jane? Oh good, she was standing over there, having caught on that we wanted to talk privately. Time to put the nail in the coffin.
"I'd like to thank you," I said, stepping closer, "in more ways than one." And I slipped my hand across his penis, pulling it up with me so that my hand stroked across the underside.
He hissed breath at the unexpected stimulus, but he didn't lose it—I'll give him that. His eyes narrowed speculatively. "You don't have to."
People of course were watching by now, some of them even commenting, but I ignored them. "I want to," I told him, and that was the unbridled truth. I used to date Patrick Slade, and he was in it for only one thing. I let him have his way with me, more or less (and it could've been worse, he was pretty good to me the rest of the time), but in doing so I discovered something interesting: that I like sex too. Okay, maybe adore is a better word. I like all of it—the panting, the groaning, the way my lover fills me, the skin-on-skin—but I really like the oral. I hadn't had a boyfriend since Pat, and sometimes seeing Brandon's cock makes me drool.
"Well," he said. "Come to my house instead. We'll have privacy. My parents are still out of town." He sounded a bit reluctant, but that was okay. I might get some action today!
"Okay!" I said, reverting back into delighted-child mode. Yay, sex! Weeee! "But I have orchestra practice after school."
He gave me a speculative glance. "You haven't noticed me around the music building?"
"Why, are you around the music building?" What, am I supposed to know everything? Cut a girl some slack here.
"I'm in the choir. We've got a dress rehearsal today for the Open House tomorrow."
Oh, yeah, did I mention. Since they use Open House to show off and get parents interested in the school for the year, our music program will be making a strong showing. That means the choir, that means the orchestra; that means me over at stage right, right at the front of the semicircle with my violin. I'm first violinist—basically the acknowledged leader of and best musician in the violin section—and, since it's a school function, I'd be naked. Go figure I have to do it on Open House week. I swear, the universe hates me. Though of course Brandon would have to face the same problem. And so would Steve Proust, the footballer. I wondered if all eight of us Program participants would be there—they're selling The Program too, no doubt about it. Maybe the freshmen wouldn't, since they weren't in any of the organizations, but since Shannon Salvolestra is a cheerleader, Brandon and I are both musicians... What do those two sophomores do? A corner of my brain made a note: Why were we chosen to be in The Program this week? Bring this up tomorrow in Current Events.
Anyway. That solved that problem. We're playing for a couple of the choir efforts on Wednesday, and then we split off to do our own thing, then the choir comes back and does their own thing. Since we'd both be in the dress rehearsal this afternoon (Shouldn't it be naked rehearsal for me and Brandon?), we'd be able to find each other after.
"Oh," I said. "I hadn't noticed. But okay. That's fine."
"All right, I'll catch you after school then," Brandon said. And that was that.
... Except, that that was not that. But we only found that out later. But really, that's Brandon's part of the story.
T .2
And it wasn't a whole lot later. Because the moment Arie and I came back, and Arie got herself involved in some other conversation, Jane pounced. Though maybe 'pounced' isn't the right word. More like, fidgeted. And scuffled her shoes on the concrete. And sort of lingered near me in a way that told me something was up.
I turned to her and said, "Hey, you okay?" And, for the moment, everything else fell away, all the other constrictions and definitions. It didn't matter that I was Brandon Chambers, suddenly friend of Arie; Brandon Chambers, class freak show; Brandon Chambers, naked in school. Instead, it was just me—Brandon—and Jane. Whom I loved (or at least cared about a hell of a lot), and who was clearly unhappy. Whom I wanted to be happy.
So, "Hey, you okay?"
She looked at me for a moment, and I thought that she might not say anything, which would just clutter things up. See, the thing about Jane is, she wears her emotions on her sleeve. I don't think she realizes it (she'd probably stop if she did), but she does. It's pretty easy to tell when something's bugging her (though it can be a lot harder to figure out what, or why). If she chose to deny that something was up, I'd have to respect her privacy—that's what I do—but it'd be a waste of time, because I knew, and since I too wear my emotions on my sleeve at times, she knew I knew. Who did she think she was fooling?
But she decided that it was worth the go, and said, "Can we talk? Alone?"
"Now?" "Y-yeah." "Umm, okay."
We went halfway down the stairs to the basement (same place as my English class, for those who are wondering), where we'd have a little privacy. No one uses those stairs by choice, because homeless people pee there sometimes. I was glad to be wearing shoes.
What did Jane want to talk about? I doubted it'd be the same thing Arie had just said to me. In fact, I'd lay good odds on it being the opposite.
"What was that between you and Arie?" Jane asked.
I shrugged. The truth is best. "She wants to hang out after school today."
"Did she say why," Jane asked.
This wasn't like her. I've never known Jane to be at all possessive. She's very blasé about our whole relationship—take it or leave it, it's fine with her. (As you can imagine, that doesn't make me feel particularly special.) So part of me simply marveled. Hallelujah: for once she's paying attention to me.
"She said she wanted to thank me for being a friend." Which was the truth, though not strictly all of it.
"Does this have anything to do with the way she touched your... Uh. Your. You know. Down there." Jane blushed solid red.
I looked at her, motionless, for a few seconds. "What, my hmmhmm? My pecker? My dork? My cock? My penis? That thing?"
"Yes, that thing," Jane said in a strained tone of voice.
"It's not like you can't talk about it, they do have words for it, you know."
"All right, your, your penis," Jane said, her face mottled, "okay?"
I didn't say anything, and there was silence for a long moment.
"So what are you concerned about," I asked.
Jane gave me this look, a look I can't describe. Well, that I can try to describe. It was annoyance, partially, and chagrin, and maybe even some... Attraction? There might have been some of that. That too would be a first. So, yeah, I can dissect it for you, cut it up into little pieces, but you ask me to put it back together? Give you the whole, This is what her face looked like: no, I can't do it.
"Why was she touching your... Penis," she asked. The word dripped from her mouth like a distasteful morsel.
I decided not to answer that directly. "Well, it's not like I can stop her. Rule Three and all that. Why, does it bother you?"
"Doesn't it bother you," she asked.
It took me a moment to put my answer together. It was a complicated answer. "Well, yes, but... Yes, because I'm not quite sure why she was touching me, and what she meant by it." Did she have a crush on me? Did she really just mean to thank me in such a blatant, mercenary way? Did she habitually take friends to bed with her? "Maybe in the province of China she comes from, if a guy lets a girl touch his dick, it means he's agreed to marry her." That got a giggle out of her. "But if you're asking if it bothers me that she touched my penis at all... No, it doesn't. It's there, it's what God gave me, it's meant to be touched, you know?"
"Well," Jane said slowly. "I don't like it."
"Don't like what?"
"Her touching you."
Pause. "Because she shouldn't."
"Who should, then?"
"Well," Jane said, uncomfortable. "I don't know. Can't she find someone else to touch?"
"Why," I said wryly, gesturing down at my privates, "is this supposed to be yours and yours alone?"
She colored again.
"Because if it is, you haven't hardly been taking advantage of it."
She said nothing.
"And regardless, I'm kind of in The Program right now. I have had people touch my penis—Ruby Berringer yesterday, though I'm never gonna let that happen again. And Zach too, though I think I'm going to have to kick him in the balls to get back at him. And if someone does stop me with a reasonable request, well... Rule Three." I snorted. "Let's not even talk about Psychology class yesterday. Felt like a fucking lab rat, dashing around through a maze or something."
"No, that's not... That's not what bothers me," Jane said.
"Then what," I asked, keeping my voice patient.
It took a while for this to come out. "Well, it... It bothers me that... You'd let her. That you said yes. Because it sounds like... Just from what you've said, it sounds like she wants to... You know. Do something... Sexual. With you." God, the way she had to hesitate over that word every time. "And she wants to because you're friends, and she wants to... It means something, see. If someone just stops you in the hallway with a request, they're just playing around. But this is... Different."
"You don't like that I may do something sexual with someone I have an emotional connection with," I said softly.
"Yeah! Yeah. That's it."
"You want it to be you."
She didn't answer, just nodded, but she didn't blush either. In fact, all in all she just looked miserable, which made me feel bad. I wanted to reach out to her and comfort her, but I wasn't sure how she'd react—I didn't want to rile her up by doing anything which could be construed as sexual, and I was naked. Honestly, I thought it was a major breakthrough for her to admit that she had any interest in sex with me at all.
I could've comforted her, verbally at least. Things would've probably turned out different if I had. This was one of the great pivots on which my life turned. But I chose the other recourse: instead, I made my point. "Well..." Not meanly, mind you. I don't do that. "Jane, if you... I dunno. We've talked about this before."
Open House was hardly a new experience for me; I've done three of them so far. But in some ways it was utterly new, because for the first time, I, Arie Chang, was naked in school. Naked in Open House. And boy, did people stare. I was just glad that none of the parents could see my scars. We musicians were the opening act, so we had to be seated and ready on our metal chairs under the gaudy yellow-white neon lights before Dr. Zelvetti went up on the little stage that had been erected...
Goddamn Brandon and all his sappiness, hurry up and get to the sex! —Oh, yeah, hi, I'm Arie Chang, naked in school, and I'm getting horny. The crazy thing was, this was a new development. Though not an unexplainable development. I stay out of people's way, I spend lunches and passing periods and breaks in out-of-the-way places so that people won't talk to me. The less people there are around you, the less chance there is of you getting pasted with a reasonable request. Though I haven't...
The cake solution was far less grand than I have suggested. It was a boxed affair, already a little smushed to one side by the treacherous car ride, with the Safeway logo on the box. Brandon grinned at my frown and said, "What, you expect miracles? Give me more than an hour's warning then." Brandon looked really weird with clothes on. He was wearing a blue T-shirt with brown stripes and some tan khaki slacks. "What, what's wrong?" I shrugged. "It's so odd not seeing skin from the...
I felt a lot better after lunch. Shannon and Steve had done their job well in terms of cheering me up, and it was good to hear them support what I'd said in English. Evidently, making Brandon Chambers go naked in school hadn't been an entirely futile effort. And then there was that photo thing with Claire Redecker, that I almost forgot to go to, by the way... But remembered just in the nick of time, and rushed over to the art building to find her waiting. She'd heard about my little...
Around the time my lunch came surging back up my esophagus was when I also got my brain back. Meredith was a dear—she drove slowly and carefully, trying to avoid sudden starts or stops, and never once complained about the mess I'd made. Forget Brandon Chambers, Naked in School: let me be Brandon Chambers, Boyfriend of Meredith Levine for the rest of my life, and I'll be happy. Except for that whole nausea-in-the-aftermath-of-anti-pot-treatment. Ugh. Have you ever tried to drive the 220...
It was a short walk, only a couple minutes, between the Nurse's Office and Dr. Zelvetti's. None of us said anything, and Steve and Shannon, one of the school's most recognizable couples (completely aside of their lack of clothes) weren't holding hands. I guess we were feeling subdued. It was only in the actual office (Had we truly all been in here only thirty-six hours ago?) (Oh, and fancy that: as it turns out, she too graduated with a degree in Psychology) that we finally spoke, and it...
As Arie and I and the dark-eyed girl walked away from the cafeteria, it suddenly struck me that, for the most part, I hadn't noticed all day that I was naked. I hadn't asked for relief, I'd barely had a hard-on. Considering the circumstances, that was probably okay. Arie and her stories—me and my stories—were hardly conducive to things getting hot and bothered. Basically the only time I'd gotten an erection all day was during break, when Jane was near. (I wonder why Zach hadn't teased me...
Arie always hated it when they asked, “Do you prefer a man or a woman?” Arie had gone to massage ther****ts for many years. He was a workaholic who brought worry upon himself, and while others might carry their stress in their stomachs, he carried his in his body. His muscles often were a ball of tension that even his foam roller at home could not work out. He hated their question nearly as much as the phrase that every masseuse he had ever had said to him after a massage: “How do you feel?”...
This is a story about seduction and transformation that’s written about a real-life sissy named Brandon Hippel, Brandon’s a cute little limp-wristed sissy-faggot from Abington Pennsylvania that loves to be humiliated and exposed online. She loves feminization, crossdressing, being exposed online, humiliation, anal play, degradation, being captioned, taking pictures, and talking to new people, so feel free to contact her through these various social media; Her kik is; HumiliationSlut2Her email...
Hi, To all Iss reader this is my first story hope U all would like it a complete self raj i live in Mumbai this story is about my aunty nandita,let me describe her she is in her 30s,lives with her husband and daughter.She is born beauty with an awesome fig of 36.28.40 ..her assets are her huge melons of 36 d and her ass that will give a hard on to any guy who looks at it So now my story starts this was like 5 years ago when I was appearing for my 12 th HSC examination at that time my...
Brandon was the shy one, whenever he came over he’d always look away when I was sunning or swimming. Richard and his friends teased him about being gay or a virgin.Which I always put and end to. The other boys were in swimming and Brandon came out of the house. I asked him if he would put some lotion on my legs and back. I expected him to say no, but to my surprise he said sure. I lay there loving the feel of his hands on my calves. Eventually he made it to my thighs, which were slightly spread...
By Bob Chapter 15: A Thanksgiving to Remember Part 1 As we came closer to my house I started to stammer. Brandon knew me well enough to know that I had something I needed to tell him. He asked me a couple of times what I wanted to say. He also asked if I had found someone else and was afraid to tell him. I laughed at that and told him that no one could take his place. He did smile on that one. But I did need to talk to him and was trying to get up the nerve as we pulled into my...
By Bob Chapter 18: A Thanksgiving to Remember Part 4 Brandon came over and put his arms around me. He held me close and kissed my ear and then my neck. "I love you Bob," is all he said and we fell to the bed in each other's arms. We fell asleep until Mikey came in to let us know it was time to get ready for our dates. Man, why did he have to remind me. I dreaded the evening to come, but knew that Brandon and I would soon be back in our room and be able to be ourselves. ...
By Bob Chapter 17: A Thanksgiving to Remember Part 3 Brandon was still licking the shaft of Mikey's penis at the same time. I could tell that this wasn't going to be a quick night, as I knew what both Mikey and Brandon wanted. Again the jealousy took a shot at me, but I also realized I wasn't going to be left out of the equation. This was going to be one hot evening and one that I know that all of us would remember as the beginning of a great developing friendship. The lights...
By Bob Chapter 9: The Game is Over I slept well that night. I really needed it too, since the game was going to be very grueling and was very important to all of us. As the biggest game at CBS any year, this year would be crucial to all of us. We weren't a very good team, and beating Oskie would make our season, we all knew that. I knew we had a very good chance after watching the films. We actually had a couple of secret weapons in Jerry and Brandon. Oskie didn't know that we had...
By Bob Chapter 7: The Coming Out! The next thing I remembered was Brandon's voice. "No, no, not this. Oh, please. Coach, Coach," he yelled. "Bob's God, he's out! I don't want to loose him! Help him, Coach...Help him!" Coach Marsh came running onto the field. Along with him was the trainer and luckily, for me, the team doctor. Brandon was kneeling on my left side, holding my head and talking to me. Coach Kistner was keeping most of the team away, but Tom and Dave were...
By Bob Chapter 14: Becoming Part of My Lover’s Family As I lay awake trying to get to sleep, I reviewed in my mind the conversation that Mikey and I had had earlier in the day. I was excited to know that in the morning I would be leaving to pickup the love of my life. I also was happy to know that my brother and I shared not only a secret, but shared a better understanding of each other. I was very thankful this Thanksgiving for so much. Of course, with all this running through...
“I don’t think we need to go through what we did in October, do you?” I asked. He shook his head no. “It’s just I wanted to bring back a memory for us,” he said as he got up and we made our way back to the locker room. We both dressed, and being very hungry decided to go to Luigi’s and complete what we started back in our own new suite. We made sure all was locked and walked, hand in hand to our favorite, well only open, restaurant. As we arrived at Luigi’s we noticed that there...
By Bob Chapter 8: Did it Really Happen? I remember dreaming about what had happened all day. I was hurt, my roommates came out to me as to their love for each other and I had my first experience with a man inside me. It was a very interesting day. I knew that the days to follow could never measure up to what this day had brought to my life. There was a knock at the door. Not just a knock, but a banging that startled both Brandon and I out of a very deep sleep. We both jerked up in bed...
Introduction: The Game is On – More to everything leading up to our Boys love MENTORING BRANDON By Bob Chapter 6: The Big Game, Part 2 This was the practice to end all practices, or so we were told. The coaches were going to make sure that we all were ready for the game with Oskie. Coach Kistner, the defensive line/linebacker coach worked the varsity group, while, Coach Marsh was with Jerry and Brandon, teaching them their responsibilities in the new system. After 45 minutes, we took our...
By Bob Chapter 6: The Big Game, Part 2 This was the practice to end all practices, or so we were told. The coaches were going to make sure that we all were ready for the game with Oskie. Coach Kistner, the defensive line/linebacker coach worked the varsity group, while, Coach Marsh was with Jerry and Brandon, teaching them their responsibilities in the new system. After 45 minutes, we took our first break. Brandon came over and we all knelt down trying to catch our breath. We began...
By Bob Chapter 16: A Thanksgiving to Remember Part 2 As I turned and walked toward the two hot guys in the beds at the other end of the room, I couldn't help think about what was happening. A new turning point in my life was about to begin, I was positive. Unlike the last one when Brandon and I fell in love, this one was more unexpected. I knew I wanted Brandon, but this was something I never in my life thought would transpire. I had to admit, there was much apprehension going...
The following morning they wake-up, once again entwined in each other’s arms and legs, with Brandon up moments before Tracy. He is again watching her as she comes up out of sleep and opens her eyes. Seeing him there, looking at her with a smile, Tracy cannot help but to kiss him deeply, followed by her grinding herself against him, as he is covering her with his body as he supports himself on his elbows. Though aroused and full of desire, they quickly get out of bed, get dressed and head to...
As the bus rolled down the highway, our conversation diminished and finally ended. We all laid our heads back onto the headrest and closed our eyes. For the remainder of the 4 ½ hour trip, not much was said. As I drifted off into a light sleep I couldn't help but dream of what it would be like to finally be back in our own room back at school. How I wanted to just hold Brandon close to me, hear his heart beating, feeling his body head next to mine and smell his boyish odor. As we felt...
Introduction: Continuing Story of Brandon and Bob MENTORING BRANDON By Bob Chapter 3: An Afternoon to Remember! Are you okay with this? I asked Brandon as I was sliding my fingers closer to his manhole. Oh, yes, it feels good, was the reply I wasnt really expecting. I thought, with him having never been with another male before, this might be a bit too much. But, with his verbal reaction, as well as the reaction I was feeling with my fingers, I knew that he was ready. As he continued to...
Reluctantly breaking the kiss Brandon slid off the bed pulling Yeong’s skirt and leggings down her legs and casting them to the floor in one smooth movement, so that she was now clad only in her underwear, lacy black panties to match her bra. He swallowed nervously, wondering how many times Yeong had worn sexy underwear on their dates, hoping he would finally see them. Since he was already standing he took a moment to drop his boxers to expose his slowly swelling cock before crawling back onto...
It takes balls to hit on a pharmacy cashier who's ringing up the condoms you're buying to fuck someone else. Brandon Jamison had no shortage of balls. Danielle Smith was blonde, cute, nineteen, a student and new to town. Brandon chatted her up while he laid out the cash for a box of twenty-four Magnum condoms and offered to show her around. He left with five ninety-five in change, a box of condoms clearly intended for a fuck session with someone else, and her phone number. Several days later,...
First TimeBy Bob Chapter 3: An Afternoon to Remember! "Are you okay with this?" I asked Brandon as I was sliding my fingers closer to his manhole. "Oh, yes, it feels good," was the reply I wasn't really expecting. I thought, with him having never been with another male before, this might be a bit too much. But, with his verbal reaction, as well as the reaction I was feeling with my fingers, I knew that he was ready. As he continued to bring me up to a full erection after our first ,...
By Bob Chapter 13: A Real Reason to be Thankful That night, Brandon and I cuddled and fell asleep very quickly. We discussed Thanksgiving break and decided that we would spend the first couple of days with our families and then I would drive down to his home and meet his parents and brothers. Then, on the way back to school, we would spend the night at my house where he could meet my mom and dad. We knew that this would just be a time for us to meet each other's family, not a time...
By Bob Chapter 12: Fantasies Finally Realized As I drifted off into a deep sleep I couldn't help but think about what Bran and I had talked about. I knew I was more experienced than Brandon in the area of sex, since I was his first sexual experience. I also could tell that he was quite intrigued about a multiple sexual experience. I also believed that would be a lot of fun, but I didn't want to push too hard, since I didn't want to loose the love of my life. I was just about...
NOTE TO READER: The following story is a first attempt at anything like this. I hope that it at least is interesting. It is basically a true story, with the names/places changed to protect the guilty. Please let me know what you think and give me any suggestions that you may have. I tend to be long-winded and re-reading this, I am afraid that it may not “get to the point” quickly enough. Any and all feedback will be appreciated as I have a lot of stories to tell, but I want people to read them...
GayBy RAA049 Chapter 1: There's More to Life than Football As years go by, there are certain things that become a blur. Our lives take various paths until we settle on the one with which we feel most comfortable - if ever. As I sit here in my 5th decade, I can not help but wonder if my life today would be better or worse. It would be different, for sure, but can we ever look back and make a determination on a momentary shift in direction. I do digress, however in this, because today...
I noticed one day at work that a new young man had been hired and over the course of several days noticed he had been eying me from time to time. So one day I wore a particularly short dress which showed off my cleavage very well and went into the copy room. After a few minutes I went back out and asked if he could help me with some papers. Once inside, "You're new here aren't you?' I asked him "Yes maam" he replied. Smiling at his formal answer, "Carmen's my name" I followed "You can call me...
The outpost is a thriving and busy place known as Riverbend Outpost. There is a good sized market near the gate, multiple inns and pubs, at least one blacksmithy, and myriad other businesses to be found within its walls. The first order of business, the two agree on is finding food. They’re not starving, but it sure feels like it to them and they have finished the rations they were provided with a day ago. Neither of them has ever had to go any significant length of time without a meal...
By Bob Chapter 10: Is Jon Really Mad or Covering Up? "Where the fuck is Tom?" Jon asked in a very stern tone. I really didn't know how to answer so I told him that Tom and Dave had spent the night in our room so that they wouldn't bother him. He seemed to accept that for which I was very grateful. I stepped up to the urinal and went about my business. I really had to pee and I wasn't really concerned about what Jon was feeling at that moment. As I started to pee, I felt that...
By Bob Chapter 11: Being True to My Love and Myself "Ah, Jon, can we talk somewhere else," I said knowing that chances were that others would be coming into the bathroom. "Sure, let's take a walk," Jon said as he made his way to the door. "Maybe we can hit the lake and talk." There was a very bright glimmer in his eye as he said that. I wasn't sure whether that was a good idea, but getting out of the washroom was. I followed him as he made his way down the stairs. As we left...
The three of us sat there for a while relaxing from the session; me sitting on Brandon's right side while Joe sat on his left. After a bit I reached over and started to caress Brandon's cock, gently rubbing it and lifting it up in my hand. I knew Brandon was going to be my new lover and from the look he gave me as I fondled his cock, he knew it too. "What a nice fuckin' cock you have" I finally said to Brandon as I took it more in my hand and started to jerk it. I moved my hips over away from...
As they exit Riverside Outpost for one last time ( at least for the foreseeable future), Brandon and Tracy head to their nest, where they cultivate, non-stop, for nine days and nights while immersed in their tub of HCSE. This is made possible by having reached the Yellow Earthen Temple stage of cultivation, which allows them to cultivate/meditate for three days, without the need for food, water, or rest, per stage obtained. At the end of the nine days of cultivation, the amount of Běnzhí...
After our first "encounter," Nora and I had fallen into the practice of meeting for coffee about twice a week at her house. We would sit at her kitchen table sipping coffee and swap gossip and share fantasies. Sometimes they would get us both quite horny and we would end up in her bed. One time we didn't even make it that far, finding ourselves naked and pleasing each other on the cold kitchen floor. But one Monday morning upon my arrival, Nora warned me that her son (Brandon) was home that...
Arriving back at the inn, Tammi flashes a signal to the other Hei Guer sect members in the area around them. The sign that she gives them is the “All is good” sign as they enter the Twisted Oak. Upon receiving this signal all but one of her brothers and sisters depart, leaving a single watcher across the street. Inside the inn, Brandon leads the rest of them to the room. Once inside, Brandon takes a moment and sets up the sound canceling shell so they can speak without being overheard. The...
It had been three long years since that special summer when I was introduced to the glorious world of sex with an older woman. That's actually incorrect, as I had the pleasure of fucking two of my Mom's best friends during that same time period. For those of you who don't remember, and those who never knew at all, my name is Brandon. I am a concert sound engineer for some of the most popular rock, pop and country acts in the music business. During that summer I was involved with both Jeri and...
Straight SexBy Bob Chapter 5: The Big Game, Part 1 Morning came too soon. I didn't want this night to end, but as the sun shone through the window my normal instincts to wake up were initiated. I turned to find Brandon also beginning to awake. I put my arm around him and kissed him. It was almost like Sleeping Beauty, because as I softly pressed my lips to his, he awoke. "Ummmmm," is all I could distinguish. "Good morning my love," I whispered. "Time to get up, Bran." "As if I'm...
We arrived in Sunnyvale the day before Mom's procedure. She was happy to see us, but saved her biggest joy at finally meeting Sasha for the first time. To say that Mom was impressed with Sasha would be a major understatement. The way she carried on with her, you'd think that she was her long-lost daughter. In a way, I believe that probably summed up Mom's feelings, because I had never seen her quite so happy in a long time. Sasha certainly did her part, making sure that Mom's favorite flowers...
Love StoriesThe telegram from Jeri unnerved me a little. I'm sure that she and Brenda meant well, and a night in bed with the two of them would be perfect here in Paris under ordinary circumstances, but these were no ordinary times. I have fallen in love with Sasha, and I had to let them know that sex was out of the question. The band had a three-night engagement in Paris, so I could have passes held at the door for them. I quickly composed a reply to give them this information. Jeri, thanks for the offer,...
Love StoriesLater that afternoon, Brandon and I were back in my room sitting on the bed together talking about what had happened between us the past 24 hours. I was still dressed in my plaid skirt white panties and nothing else. Brandon had his boxers and a t-shirt on.I gotta say, Taylor, your mouth is amazing. You know how to please a cock.Thank you, Brandon. I rubbed my hand over his bulge. The thought of your cock makes me so horny.Since your mouth is so good a pleasing my cock, maybe your ass is too.I...
I get out of bed, grab my clothes for school and head into the bathroom and quickly take a shower. I step out, towel off and put on my clothes and head downstairs to make myself breakfast. I grab a box of frosted flakes out of the cabinet along with a bowl, and a spoon out of the drawer and the milk out of the fridge. I put it all together and start eating my breakfast. Brandon comes down the stairs and into the kitchen and I hand him a bowl and he starts to fill it with cereal. “I want you...
By Bob Chapter 2: My Dream Comes True! A knock on the door - FINALLY! My heart had been pounding for quite some time and now was nothing different. I began to walk to answer the door when Dave jumped out of his bunk and ran over. As he opened the door, I saw Brandon standing there in the hallway. "Hey Dave. What's up?" the voice I had been waiting for resounded. "Not much guy, just doing some crap for history," was Dave's reply. "Yea, hear that. Actually I need...
Brandon and I weren’t able to see each other as much as we wanted to the rest of the summer. Between his work schedule and my baseball schedule, it was hard to find time. When we could find time, it was hard to find a place. We would send each other sexts every so often. I dressed up in my yellow bikini from our first night, remember this?He texted back with a picture of his hard cock, now look what you’ve done!Brandon was a student manager for the college football team so he had to get to...
A knock on the door – FINALLY! My heart had been pounding for quite some time and now was nothing different. I began to walk to answer the door when Dave jumped out of his bunk and ran over. As he opened the door, I saw Brandon standing there in the hallway. “Hey Dave. What’s up?” the voice I had been waiting for resounded. “Not much guy, just doing some crap for history,” was Dave’s reply. “Yea, hear that. Actually I need to talk with Bob about my science. He has Mr. Knop and I know that he...
GayFollowing the aborted orgy with the women, I hurriedly apologized to Jeri and Brenda for our abrupt departure and took Sasha's hand. We never looked back as we made our way to the car. On the way back to Mom's place, I focused on driving. Sasha sat in the passenger seat, quiet except for an occasional sniffle. She was silently crying as I drove, but I wanted to wait until we got back before I spoke to her. Once I pulled into the driveway and shut off the car I turned to her. "I feel that I owe...
Love StoriesOver the following months, Tracy and Brandon train daily. Three days a week in how to manipulate mana and use it to cast spells, and learning new spells. Both of them become proficient with Brandon’s original three spells and add a set of spells that will imbue their weapons with various elemental boosts for a period that is dependent on the amount of mana they use when they cast it. They also learn spells for concealment and camouflage, creating food and water, and even elemental armor that...
Brandon is one of my husbands best friends. Why is it that it's always the best friend that makes the moves on a guy's wife? Well, it happens to be the case with us, too!Brandon is just an average guy, but with a strong build. Not tall, not fat, but stocky. He doesn't really even know his own strength.He has always been the "touchie, feely" type, giving me a hug every time he sees me. I didn't realize it, but often when he would come over in the evenings, I would already be in "comfortable...
Everything started a few months ago, if I was stressed at work I would quickly silently get an orgasm out when nobody was in the bathroom. Now it's a normal office setting so I make sure nobody else is in there,( try and predict nobody will go in) and started as a way to calm down in the evenings when I worked late. Anyhow, when I would feel really slutty sometimes I would do it on lunch in my car or in the bathroom but over months I found myself looking forward and doing it routinely. This all...
“Brandon is home already from hanging out with his friends?” Julie asked. “Yeah, he got home not longer after me. Which is surprising considering he’s normally home late on Tuesdays. What are we having for dinner?” Kathy asks. “I was thinking of making Lasagna if that’s okay with you guys”. Julie says as she sets down the groceries. “Can you grab the last couple things from the car? And I’ll start dinner”. They both look up at the ceiling as they hear the water shut off in the bathroom. I...
We met in summer school last year, I was an honor roll student trying to take summer classes, so I could graduate early, and he was a stoner who only took summer school because he had to, so he could graduate on time. We had most of the same classes, and he was/is the class clown. He always made me laugh, which drew me to him. We started talking and hanging out, and before I knew it we were having sex in the back of his car on school property next to the football field. He asked me to be his...
Brandon was a friend of mine that grew up just down the block from me. He was a year older than me and just finished his freshman year in college. He came back to town to work at his old construction job over the summer. I had just turned 18 in April and graduated in May. I couldn’t wait to get out of that town. In the fall I was going to the same college as Brandon. We weren’t going to be rooming together though. He was an equipment manager for the football team and lived in the student...
Brandon Jamison liked many things about hanging out at the gym. Not the least was taking off the tight constraints of proper underwear and letting his cock swing free in flimsy gym shorts. He liked to feel his cock swinging in his shorts. He was big and liked being big. It made it far easier to get girls into bed and Brandon really liked getting girls into bed. Of particular interest was a tall brunette he'd seen at the gym. Her workouts made him chuckle. She didn't take her workout too...
Erotic FictionI was 52, retired, and living in a small town in Montana. My wife passed away last year and I was falling into a depression. I didn't really have a lot of friends in the area. Social events were more my wife's thing. I'd tag along on occasion, but mostly she bore the brunt of talking to people. After she passed, the friends slowly stopped coming around to check on me. That was fine, since I enjoyed my solitude. Heck, I bought this house in the countryside just so I wouldn't have pesky...