DóchasChapter 20 free porn video

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As Alpha1 carried Sarah's Clan back to the Enclave, they reviewed the time spent on the ship that day. Over the last several weeks, they had returned to the ship many times. Each trip was a little different but their first stops were always to see how Amy's Clan was progressing and then to see how the crew was doing with the maintenance. Also, on each trip they usually managed to spend some time on the bridge. Normally this was to review the documentation on their area of responsibility. Their inward thoughts were interrupted by sounds from Laura and Jennifer. This was their first time seeing Earth from space.

When they were near the Enclave, Laura and Jennifer looked out the windows to watch the approach. It had been some five weeks since Jennifer had exposed Amy's Clan to the virus. Even though they had exchanged emails with their friends, they had apprehensions about the reception they would receive.

Sensing their anxiety Joyce and Jill said, "Relax. They understand."

"I hope so," said Laura with barely a smile. "It looks like a very nice location."

"We like it."

When the shuttle door opened, Jennifer and Laura were surprised to see Jean's group at the front of the waiting crowd. They were all smiling and cheered when Jennifer stepped out. Her second step was difficult as her vision was clouded with tears. Seeing these both Jean and Patricia went to help her and then drew her into a hug. Laura followed Jennifer out and was nearly as apprehensive but her expression changed when Sophia and Andy drew her into a hug.

Sarah's Clan came out of the shuttle after them and was greeted by Tara and Erin along with several nannies and the babies. After kissing the babies, they greeted their spouses.

"Well Tara," said Erin, "I guess we know where we stand now."

"It took you this long to figure it out," responded Janet.

Tara then stuck her tongue out before adding, "Just wait, your turn will come soon enough." Everyone laughed.

"Oh they are so cute," said Laura as she reached to touch one, she then hesitated.

"Go ahead," said Tara seeing her hesitation.

"Jean, Andy, Patricia, and Sophia," said Jennifer, "we talked about what I did in emails, but I still don't feel I deserve forgiveness. Fortunately, the Gods and Goddesses blessed us with the presence of Sarah's Clan. I can assure you that I did not know I was doing all those things."

"Yes," said Jean, "we have been blessed. The area you were using is waiting for you. Laura, there is room for you in there as well. If you aren't comfortable with them, there are several other places where you can stay."

"Thank you," they both replied.

"As to the other, it is behind us so let's leave it there."

"Thank you," replied both with a smile.

"We'll see you all at dinner," said Sarah's Clan. "Jean, Laura needs to be acquainted with her surroundings. Will you see to it?"


After dinner Judy stood and said, "Before we begin our evening discussion, I would like to introduce Laura to all of you. She is Jennifer's twin sister. Would you two, stand, please? They returned with us this afternoon. Jennifer."

"Thank you. Both Laura and I are fortunate to be alive, as are others in Jean's group. It is largely due to the actions by Amy's and Sarah's Clans that we are here. For that we will be forever grateful. This is Laura's first time here. As for me, I hope that each of you can forgive me for what I did. The only excuse I can offer is that I did not know what I was doing. Unfortunately it put all of you at risk. I know it is a lot to ask, but I hope that you will accept me into this group as I feel I am very fortunate to still be here alive, and well. If not, I guess I will need to find somewhere else to live."

It was very quiet for several minutes then Ann stood and said, "Jennifer, we don't feel there is anything to forgive." Jennifer turned pale and Ann quickly added, "Hear me out. It may have been your body that placed the virus so that Amy's Clan would consume it, but it wasn't YOU. So on behalf of my spouses, we welcome you and your sister."

"We agree," said Nancy.

"As we've expressed before, we also agree," said Jean.

"Although we haven't specifically said it," added Sophia, "we consider you to be a part of our group, if you want to be."

"Thank you," said both Jennifer and Laura.

"Welcome into the fold," said Judy as she stood back up. "I have a couple of items before we open up the meeting to planning ahead. Amy's Clan's recovery is coming along just fine. It will be at least 5 more weeks before we see them back down here. Nannies, if you have questions regarding the background to Jennifer's comments ask Donna or check the library. Gail's recovery is at about the same stage as Amy's Clan.

"Now a question for everyone to think about. We have a different family structure than is common in Earth cultures. So the question is: How do we refer to a family group? We've used the terms Clan, group and friends. In looking at the society Amy's Clan represents, 'Clan' would be the first choice. This would also fit with some views of the Celtic social structure. Questions? Comments?"

"So for the group you are in, it would be referred to as 'Sarah's Clan'," said Ann.

"For us, yes that is what we have shifted toward doing. From our perspective, it should be a name the group chooses and it doesn't need to be a feminine or masculine name."

"Well I think referring to the groups as Clans, makes a lot of sense," said Karen. "If it's OK if I have some input, I can tell you how we think of the four groups here."

"How is that?" asked Jessica.

"Well we definitely have Sarah's, Nancy's, and Ann's Clans. We don't know that the group with Jean is formally a clan but that is the way we refer to them when we talk. We know that Zoe's group is sort of a clan."

"Why is that?"

Karen looked at the rest of the nannies then shrugged her shoulders then added, "We aren't sure."

Kennocha said, "Perhaps this will help. It is natural for us to tag a group with a name, usually it is the name of one person in the group who appears to be a key element of that group. We haven't been here very long, but when we think of a group it is in terms of one person's name. The person associated is not necessarily the dominant person. In fact now that I am vocalizing this, it doesn't seem like there is a single dominant in any of the groups we've met."

"We've had a poly arrangement for some time," said Ann. "We think telepathy assisted us in developing and maintaining our relationship. We have had rough spots. Initially we didn't recognize our telepathy, we just thought of it as us being intuitive. Either way, we sensed our spouses' feelings and intent, which probably helped us through those spots. Now we now realize our intuition was the beginnings of our telepathic links." Several of her spouses nodded in agreement.

"Let's try using Clan to indicate a family group," said Nancy. "I am not sure I am comfortable with Nancy preceding Clan but it does indicate our association better than anything else I know.

"So Clan it is."

Bob then gave a brief overview of their progress on improving security. Nancy and Julia followed this with the progress in finding potential candidates to assist with repairing the ship. Sam told them the farming activity was proceeding as expected. The animals were doing well as was the garden.

It was several days later when Jennifer and Laura went to see Judy in the clinic. When Judy saw them come in she said, "How are you doing?"

"Very well. This is a very beautiful location," replied Laura. "I thought Jennifer was overstating how nice it is. It is clear to me now that she was understating it. The location is fantastic, but it is the people that really make it a dream to be here."

"What can I do for you today? As I suspect I am being setup."

"Not really. We've been talking and decided to ask for the genetic treatments that your Clan received," replied Jennifer with a worried expression.

"You agree," said Judy looking at Laura.

"Yes, ma'am."

"As a part of the screening, I have some questions to ask. It is not reversible. We don't know for certain all of its ramifications but potentially there is a significant long term risk. So we need to be sure you aren't fooling yourselves, or have talked each other into it. Why do you want to do this?"

"Well there are numerous reasons," replied Jennifer. "In a way, I see it as being able to start a new life, even though all my memories are still there. I think the change will enable me to contribute more effectively as a member of this new breed. That is both physically and mentally. The others in our group are also considering this."

"Jean's Clan?"

"Well perhaps, we aren't quite there yet. We feel like that is the direction we are going."

Laura added, "My reasoning is pretty much the same as Jennifer's. I could put it in different words, but regardless it just feels like the right thing to do. You can look directly at my thoughts and memories if you want to. Although some of them are pretty ugly. Unfortunately, we now remember the stuff that was blocked. Even though I know the memories are real, it is still hard to believe I did those things."

"Letting us look at your memories would avoid having to answer more questions," replied Judy. "To do this though, I would need assistance, which would likely be Sarah."

"That's fine," replied Jennifer with Laura nodding.

"Sarah," said Judy, "could you come to the clinic? I need assistance with a memory review."

"Sure." While waiting for Sarah, Judy shared the reason for the request.

Sarah said, "Hi, Jennifer. Hi, Laura," then turned to Judy and gave her a kiss and a hug.

"I understand you want Judy and I to check you out as you want to receive the genetic treatments."

"Yes. Judy wants to be sure we aren't deluding ourselves."

"Now that is not quite what I said."

"I know, but it is my interpretation. Besides, we don't think you will let us."

"Why do you think that? And why do you feel you must have the treatments? Judy was just responding to Laura's offer which would let us evaluate your reasoning. Perhaps it would be better if you expressed your reasons verbally while we monitor your thoughts. Actually, that may be easier."

"Okay," said Jennifer. "First we are not sure of our future here. We want to stay, but in spite of what was said at dinner, we are not sure anyone really wants us to. Initially Betsy did the health scan on me, but as far as we know Laura hasn't been given one. If we leave here looking as we do today, we will most certainly die. If those behind the raiders found us, we would be lucky if they quickly turned us into fresh meat. Any other scenario would most likely result in us being a sex or pain toy, likely the latter."

"By changing our appearance," said Laura, "we would greatly increase our odds of survival as those who sent us to Sylvia's wouldn't know what we looked like. Maybe mistakenly, we feel somewhat left out but we've attributed that to us being gone while the rest of you grew to know one another. Another part, and perhaps the biggest, is our feeling of guilt about what happened at each place. I am surprised we have not been harassed, after all everyone knows it was us that led the raiders to Sylvia's. We carried the virus here and then arranged for Amy's Clan to be infected."

During their comments Sarah and Judy listened to their thoughts leading up to them expressing themselves.

"When we joined the environmentalist group, we thought they were a great group of people. They were friendly and their objectives were realistic. Receiving the summer camp scholarship was a surprise and a welcome one as it solved our plans for the summer. We thought we would be making significant contributions to improving the environment," said Jennifer. "After summer camp, both of us had very disturbing dreams and with time they seemed to get worse. In every dream we were naked as were several other women. During camp everyone but a few of us wore clothes. Over time we there were scenes of us working naked outside, restrained, being whipped, tormented and required to sexually satisfy the others on demand. At times the scenes were sexually stimulating while also being humiliating and at times horrific. If our family knew, we would probably be severely beaten before being physically tossed out.

"We never really noticed our absences from school. The only thing we noticed is that our dreams changed. Each time they changed, we both felt a discontinuity in time. Fortunately we were able to share which probably helped us deal with them. We were always close, but our common dreams brought us closer. After a few absences, the few friends we did have at school seemed to avoid us. We now suspect this was likely due to those unexplainable absences but maybe those experiences affect the way we acted without realizing it.

"We thought of going to see the doctor about the dreams, because they seemed to be getting more bizarre. When we were awake we had fond memories of summer camp, but at night our dreams were full of sexual liaisons. These progressed from taking place at summer camp to places that were unfamiliar. In each dream our activities were similar to those from camp but we were the center of attention. We were used sexually by multiple partners, even animals, we think. The encounters were mostly forced but in some we seemed to be willing. Often our dream ended with the feeling of a tongue licking our pussy. It was usually real as it was my sister. We enjoyed our shared pleasure, but there was also guilt as it was counter to the way we were raised.

"We wanted to find the cause of our dreams but with no family to guide us it took us a long time to consider seeing a doctor. Just before being sent to Sylvia's, we had scheduled an appointment with a psychologist."

"To go back a bit," said Jennifer. "The people in the environmental group and at camp, we remembered as nice sincere people. However, in our dreams they used us and a couple of others as their toys satisfy their perverted desires. Some of those desires were nasty but some were enjoyable and satisfying. Even so the difference in their actions between the two situations is unsettling and causes us to question our judgment." Her eyes were filled with tears. "Now we know that our dreams were telling us what really happened to us over the last two years. Some show how they conditioned us so that we would be accepted at the places they sent us. It is like watching hard core bondage films on steroids, with us as the stars. I can replay my memories if you want to watch."

"That is not necessary," said Judy squeezing both Jennifer and Laura's hands. "We've seen enough to answer our questions. Although we said it before, we will say it again. Once drugged, you had little if any choice whether it seemed like or not."

"By comparing our memories, we think we were used to identify at least four places similar to Sylvia's. Even though we were only at each one for a short time Sylvia's seemed to be the nicest, if you can use that term."

"Jennifer. Laura," said Judy, "if either of you feel it helps to talk further about what happened to you, or your dreams, you should do it. I think anyone one here will be willing to sit with you and help you with putting this behind you. Please don't be afraid to share, as it will help."

"After hearing just a part of your story," said Sarah. "I don't think you should berate yourselves over what happened. Some of the things you enjoyed you should try again, on your terms. Those you didn't, put on the never to do again list and let it go. We know it is hard. I agree with Judy in that if you ask I am sure many here will assist you. There is a room with whips and paddles that you can use if you think you need to feel that again." Laura's and Jennifer's faces grew pale. "Oh, my goodness, I was only saying it was available. We totally believe in the rules we have regarding interactions. Those are essentially that each person involved freely gives their consent to participate, along with an escape clause. Any non-consenting actions will be punished severely. Children are off limits until they are mature enough to understand the implications and associated responsibility.

"In the rules of the society represented by those on the ship, which we are following, violators are severely punished. The offenders typically receive at least 10 times the pain or suffering they inflicted on the injured party. If they die, that is a risk they chose. No medical treatment is given for any injuries incurred during punishment. If the aggressor's actions resulted in death then, they will experience a long, slow, painful death."

"Laura. Jennifer," said Judy, "we need to do another medical evaluation on both of you before we can begin the treatment. We have the one Betsy did here on Jennifer and the one Laura received on the ship. This time we will complete the consultation before doing anything else."

"Wonderful," said both women then pulled Judy into a tight hug kissing her cheeks. After releasing her, they gave Sarah a tight hug and a kiss as well. "When can we start?"

"If I can get everything ready this morning, we may be able to do the exams this afternoon. That way we should have most, if not all the results by tomorrow morning." The two were bouncing like they were teenagers.

"Are both of you aware that you are telepathic?" asked Sarah.

"Yes," replied Laura. "However, I am not very comfortable using it, especially the sharing aspect. I do hear thoughts when they are directed toward me."

Jennifer added, "My comfort level is about the same as hers."

"I think if you look closely at it, you will probably find it is now more readily available to you than it may have been previously. One difficulty you face is coming to terms with your past. You can't change it. Worrying about what others think of those experiences could inhibit you in becoming close to someone other than your sister. Those experiences won't keep you from having loving, caring, trusting and sharing relationships, but they may make it harder to initiate relationships with others. To make it work you need to reach out and take small steps. It isn't easy, but remember, everyone has memories that they think are embarrassing or worse. Don't forget that others have the same difficulty in sharing experiences they wish had never happened."

"Thank you," said Jennifer and Laura. They stepped over, gathered Sarah into a hug and each kissed a cheek. "Our minds are open to you anytime. We sense we can trust your group with our secrets and security."

Sarah pushed back with, "Thanks for the compliment. You did very well and your thoughts were quite clear. When you first start using telepathy, it seems to work better if you are touching the person you are mind linking with. To me it seems that you already have a mind-link with each other and probably didn't realize it."

The expressions of both were totally different than when they came to talk to Judy.

"I need to get back to the project I was working on, do you need me anymore," asked Sarah.

"No, I don't think so," said Judy. "It looks like we have accomplished a lot. Jennifer, Laura check with me at lunch regarding the physicals. I suspect we can do them this afternoon, but I will give you a definitive answer then."

"Thanks. We are going to walk around for a bit before lunch."

"Wait, we have one more thing to accomplish. Since both of you are telepathic, we need to take care of some housekeeping chores."

"What do you mean?"

"First you need to know how to set up mental filters and block access to others then we can go over the rules. It won't take very long."

After Judy finished helping them with their filters and blocking she said, "If you are still going for a walk and plan to leave the immediate area, you need to ask one of the lions to go with you." Both frowned. "The lions are assigned to accompany or monitor anyone who leaves the living area. It is a bit friendlier to ask them to go with you. Besides we just don't want you to have any surprises or to get lost."


Two weeks later Sarah's Clan was on the bridge of the space ship when they realized that they still had some doubts about how well they were interacting with Star and the other AI's on the ship. In their exchanges with Star, she seemed to recognize this as well. Sarah looked at Rusty and he nodded then Sarah said, "Star, we think we need to confer with all the AIs."

"May I ask why?"

"Certainly. Asking why is always an option," replied Sarah. "We've been working on becoming familiar with operating the ship and its capabilities while repairs are in progress. All of us, including the subAIs, need to have complete trust in each other. Right now we don't feel that is true for all of us."

"There are some concerns. From my perspective, my concern is with commanding the ship in less than ideal circumstances. The subAIs have a different view. It is more of whether you will really understand the information they provide, and then respond with timely workable instructions. As to conferring, it will take about half an hour to organize it."

"Let's do it."

It was exactly half an hour later when they began their conference. Sarah said, "We asked to have this discussion in order to decide the best way forward. We need to work as a team. As you know, both Rusty and I have worked with computers on Earth which aren't as advanced as you are. We expect there will be differences in the way we solve problems and react to situations to those you've experienced in the past. This brings us to a potential paradox."

"We've seen that paradox before," said the subAI for Intelligence. "We are all impressed by the effort you've made to learn your duties on the bridge and the underlying systems as well as their capabilities."

"We need to go further than that," said Rusty. "We need to learn to work together seamlessly. Our situation is tenuous even with the effort we are all making. With this in mind, we need to avoid any mistakes or surprises."

"We agree," replied the Systems-AI. "Since the incident on the bridge, we've evaluated all the pieces involved in that event several times. In doing that we found an undocumented subAI inserted between the Bridge Command-AI and the Security-AI. This rogue AI had inputs from the Navigation and Propulsion AIs. When the darts and their holder were melted it isolated this rogue AI, and we were unable to access it in any reasonable manner. We did detect a self-destruct mechanism so we had the crew isolate it and then expel it from the ship, as the potential for another event was too great. An analysis indicates that the rogue AI was programmed with a set of parameters that when met would assassinate those on the bridge then initiate an event sequence that would cause the ship to destroy itself. This conclusion, while speculative, is based on the evidence and both events that occurred on the bridge."

"Based on what we know," said Erin, "we agree that is a reasonable conclusion. We need to think about how we can defend against similar events."

"We agree," replied the Intelligence-AI.

"After that experience," continued the Systems-AI, "we had the crew examine all circuits looking for anomalies. Fortunately, the saboteurs did not alter the drawings. Actually considering the procedure to do that, they probably couldn't without exposing themselves. Several undocumented subAIs were found in less critical spots. Those have all been isolated then powered down as they didn't have a physical self-destruct device.

"As you requested Star to have us do, we have reviewed each other's coding. We have not found any code that appears out-of-place. We have found some coding that we think is poorly done. None of it is critical but our assessment indicates that it reduces our efficiency."

"Excellent, summary," said Sarah. "Is it possible for you to test changes in your code to see if the change is more efficient while still fulfilling your function and maintaining safeguards?"

"There are restrictions on what we can do."

"You didn't really answer my question."

"Yes. We can run simulations to test the effect of changing the code. Implementing a change, is fairly complicated."

"Just how self-aware are you?" asked Rusty. The AIs were silent for a long time and the clan could feel them examining the question.

Finally Star said, "We think that in some respects we are all very self-aware. One difference we see is that at times our intuition differs from the crews'. From our stand point the difference in logic is only apparent afterward, and sometimes not even then. We see some other differences as well. I am not sure you realize this but our designers and builders feared us becoming self-aware. There are parts of our coding that appear to be designed to block or impede self-awareness."

"They aren't the only ones," said Joyce. "There are similar stories in Earth's science fiction literature when there are bots or advanced computers. I don't remember any, where the two entities were as interdependent as we appear to be though."

"That is an aspect not many realize," replied the Intelligence-AI.

"Okay, for the inefficient code issue" said Rusty, "let's do this. Identify the code segments that you think are inefficient and then define an alternative. Once it is defined we will discuss it before testing.

"Now let's go back to our original intent for this meeting. It seems to me that the best way to solve our problem is to run some realistic simulations together. These should be specific for individual sections as well as for the ship as a whole. The difficult part is how to make the exercises realistic for all of us. One possibility is to use the logs of previous voyages, both of this ship and others, that are in the library."

"What kind of voyages?" asked Star.

"Travel to another system, a simple exploration, commercial transport, skirmishes, etc. Even though we are using ship's logs to set the initial starting point, the outcome may or may not be the same as the conditions or subsequent events could be altered."

The Flight Control-AI said, "This sounds similar to simulations we use for training the Star Fighter pilots."

"Yes. Are you indicating this hasn't been done in the past?"

Star said, "Maybe during ship's officers training. When we did the shake down voyage, we ran drills to make sure everything worked. All of this was done with a skeleton crew."

"Would that information be in the library?"

"It should be. If it is, do you want to see it?"

"Most definitely."

"Are all of you happy with taking this path?"

"Yes," responded the AIs.

"It is not a path any of us, except maybe Star, expected," added the Intelligence-AI.

"You all have other duties today," said Joyce, "so for now we would like to prepare for a voyage, right up to initiating FTL."

"We can do that," replied the Systems-AI. "The easiest log to use would be one for an earlier segment of our travels or the one when we started our shake down voyage."

"Let's do the shake down."

Together with Star and the AIs, they made several simulated run-throughs initiating the shake down voyage. This included bringing the ship to cruise status from standby, plotting the course, then preparations to begin the voyage. As they went through each simulation random equipment problems arose to be solved.

When they finished Star said, "Very well, and very smoothly done. All of you handled the out of tolerance situations very well."

"Thank you," replied the Clan. "How were the problems added?"

"The Flight Control-AI took a quick look at the training simulation programs then asked us for a list of potential problems. She then added them to the later simulation runs, but let the program randomly select them. Some of those would not have happened when they did."

"I wouldn't bet on that."

"Rusty, I feel I must apologize to you."

"Why is that?" asked Rusty with a grin.

"To be blunt, I didn't see a need to do this. Now the benefit is obvious. When we started there were occasional long pauses when we were interacting. As we progressed those lessened. This should greatly improve our ability to effectively operate together."

"Are you saying our predecessors never practiced procedures?"

"I am only familiar with the details of this ship. The original Command Staff made one dry run of each standard procedure before we departed on our voyage. They never did any ship wide emergency drills. Nearly all the crews that used the shuttles and the survey ships routinely carried out emergency drills. Amy's Clan was one of those."

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Edited by Red Martha. In ‘Joanne’s Metamorphosis’ my male protagonist was a successful writer of country music, I’ve only borrowed a sliver or two from that story theme. My musical tastes are eclectic, I enjoy classical, jazz, blues, classic rock, alternative rock and country—pretty much anything other than gangsta’ rap. My son reintroduced me to country several years ago, from Patsy and Hank to Toby and Brad, I love the stories and the tunes. Those who follow modern country will note that...

4 years ago
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Double GlazingChapter 3

Eve was waiting for me when I arrived at her home. It was a very different woman to the one I had seen before. The gold chain was there, over a check shirt, and she was wearing jeans. You can tell with jeans, good brands fit well; cheap ones look as if they are a sum of parts not actually related. Eve's jeans were more than good, I doubt if there was much change out of four hundred quid for them. Her lips were glossed with just a little lipstick; apart from that her face was bare of make-up....

1 year ago
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Adventures of Seema and Anita Part 4 off the highway

To add to my list of adventures is this another evening where I cheated on my husband again. I hope by now you must have read all my previous stories namely loyalty test, just before the wedding, negotiating a pay rise, spa incident. You surely by now are aware that I cheat on husband a lot. Not because he can't satisfy me, he surely can but I love having sex. I am 5'7, 36c boobs flat stomach and long slender thighs and a lovely ass which my husband loves to fuck. It was a Saturday late evening...

Cheating Wifes
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Wild Sister

When I was growing up and still at school, my older sister Tasha was a bit of a wild thing, often grounded by my parents for her outrageous behaviour; coming in late, drunk and such. Her boyfriends were also very wild, causing my parents many nightmares. It was a happy day all round, when she got married to what seemed like a nice guy and she moved out. It didn't last, thank God no kids, and after the split up she bought her own flat to live in. Being much younger than her, I always thought of...

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The Junior Deputy US Marshals 7 in STOPWATCHChapter 8

In 1940, Las Vegas was a dinky little town of eight and a half thousand. By 1950 the population was almost twenty-five thousand. Immediately after the war, it was swelled by gangsters and physicists to around ten thousand actual inhabitants. Such a combination ... guns and nuclear weapons. The single shot execution of one and the multiple murderers of thousands. The visitors ... from all over the country sent the weekend population soaring up in the fifty thousands. Even then, what happens...

2 years ago
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Facing Destiny Pt 1 of 2

“I assume we have reached a bargain, then?” Darkniciad asked.The man before him pursed his lips for a moment and his brow furrowed. He took a breath, nodded his head, and said, “It’s a square deal.”“Excellent,” Darkni said while extending a hand. As he shook hands to seal the deal, he said, “We shall stay in touch so you know when to be ready to take delivery. There is, of course, the matter of the advance payment.”His customer nodded. “I’ll go fetch my gold.”“My father will handle that. It has...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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OHGIRL Pregnancy 2

Two more months passed by as Lou continued to push me to get pregnant. I had been off of my birth control for over three months and even though I had engaged in sexual intercourse nearly every day of the month, sometimes multiple times a day with multiple partners, I hadn't yet been able to give him the good news. Not that I thought that it would be good news. I enjoyed the sexual excitement of tempting fate and winning. It was not unlike a person gambling their last dollar on a high odds bet...

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College tour2

Hi mai kusum meri ye dusri story hai. Pehli story aap sab ne pasad ki thanx to all.meri umar 17-18 saal ki hai mera figure 34-28-34 rang gora hai. Maine aapko bataya tha college tour par meri aur hema ki chudai hui ab aage.hum sab bed par nange pade the sandeep nai mer chuchia par hath rakha. Kya bat jijju hema se man nahi bhara. Wo bola yaar chut marne se kabi man bhara hai. Nahi jijju hema ki hi maaro.jitender bola aise nahi raat ka programme banao tab dekhte hai kon sali kon jijja. Theek hai...

1 year ago
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Ryan Part Two

Since R.J., our son, was born, Joe had made an effort to be home more often. This weekend, though, he had to go out of town. I didn't really complain since he had been home almost non-stop for about a month or so, which was a new record. Joe left on Friday and I got up early Saturday morning to meet the construction crew downstairs. They knocked on the door a little after eight. I opened the door and there were two middle aged men standing there. "There was no chance I'd be tempted by...

4 years ago
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Park Adventure

We meet in town for lunch to catch up and have a laugh..I arrive early and order a drink from the bar and take a seat in a quiet corner....I see you come through the door about 15 mins later....and stand up and wave.....our eyes connect and we smile as come over and we kiss.I ask what you would like and go and order from the bar.....I return and you are looking as gorgeous as ever.....today you are dressed in ankle high heeled boots, tights or stockings (yet to find out), long dress for a...

3 years ago
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Cover UpChapter 4

Ed was driving fast on Interstate 15, about ten miles west of Baker, when he suffered a blow out of his right front tire. He fought the car as it careened crazily to the right, off onto the soft shoulder of the road. By the time he got the car back under control again, the front wheel had come off, and the exhaust system had been knocked off as well, when the car passed over a large rock. The Highway Patrol radioed into Baker for a tow truck, and Ed and Maria were forced to get a motel room...

2 years ago
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Alice takes her first strangers cockshes becoming a very good whore

“Hey sexy, you ok?” “Yeah yeah I’m fine”. Alice seemed a little quiet still so I probed a little more. “You want picking up again tonight baby?” There was an uneasy silence for about 10 seconds “Yeah ok, 10 o clock out back again”. “Hey Alice don’t wear your bra again, I’ll be in at 8”. And hung up the phone before she had time to answer me back. I was testing Alice, if she went to work braless again after a bollocking from the boss the night before and getting molested by a...

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Cant Pick Your FamilyChapter 8 Roman Decadence

By mid-February it became obvious that Deirdre's eighteenth would not be like any of her previous birthdays. There were expectations by her small circle of friends. They expected a party, a birthday bash, and Deirdre was at a loss. This was something she had never done, not even before Karen killed her social life in her freshman year. It was a sad fact that there had been little social life to kill. The parents of her class mates had always been suspicious of Deirdre's unusual living...

1 year ago
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Vixen Lana Rhoades I Had Sex With My Boss

Lana had recently moved to LA from Ohio and got a job as a PA to a famous French actor. She finds him charming and has a really big crush on him. When he leaves for a meeting, she is left to clear up his office. It is a really hot day and she decides to take a dip in his pool to cool off. Knowing this is completely unprofessional, she is feeling adventurous and takes the risk. When he comes back unannounced and finds her swimming naked, she is so shocked, but when he joins her in the pool, she...

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Robledo MountainChapter 19

At the hotel, we found the buggy still hitched near the stable. We told the stable boy we were taking it back out, climbed in, and rolled out to the street with Mr. Mendoza driving. I knew that what was now called El Paso and El Paso del Norte, had originally been a series of small missions that had grown together, and that our hotel was really in the Anglo area, just north of El Paso, called Franklin. Even with that understanding, it was amazing how spread out El Paso was. We pulled up to a...

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Girlish By Karen Singer Steve is a college freshman who just wanted a normal life. His new roommate however had other ideas for him. She decided to make him as absolutely girlish as she possibly could. Written in 2005, this was the third story I ever finished and by far my most controversial. It's also one of my personal favorites. Like my other early stories, I'm presenting it here in its entirety so you can enjoy all of it. I marked a couple of sections in this story for...

1 year ago
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DaughterSwap Lily Larimar Kylie Rocket Extra Love From Stepdaughters

Best friends Kylie Rocket and Lily Larimar are hanging out together and talking about their respective stepdads Billy Boston and Rex Ryder. Lily points out how cool Kylie’s stepdad seems and complains that her stepdad Rex is super strict, so Kylie suggests that they should meet. When Rex meets Billy he notices how affectionate he is with Kylie and, after sending the girls for some food, Billy tells Rex all about that extra love he gets from his stepdaughter. Once the girls get back it’s time...

3 years ago
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Breaking in the New Probie

It was just before 0300 as Leah was backing the ambulance up into the firehouse bay. She and her crew had just returned from an accident call that took two and half hours to deal with. A truck full of teenagers were on their way home from a party, when they slid of the road and down the embankment on some old gravel back roads. They had five patients, all with significant injuries. They had taken care of four of the kids with out a problem and had them helicoptered to surrounding hospitals. But...

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First Night With Her

Hello, everyone. This is a virgin attempt to pen down my experience on a website like Indian Sex Stories so pardon for any errors…… A short description to start with. I’m a Professional Chef hailing from Mumbai. Working with a reputed luxury business hotel brand makes me shift my base after few years. I’m a well built guy, 5 11 in height, who believes in healthy living and light workout. Working in hospitality can get you frustrated at times. Clocking in long hours, physical tension can get to...

2 years ago
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Gfs sis

This story is about my ex gf's sister. My ex gf was the 'young malay milf'. The main cause of my unfortunate break up was becoz of her BITCH sister. Really a bitch. Her mouth needs some dicking all the way up to her fucking brain. So this was what i saw on that particular day.One fine day, my (then) gf went home looking tired and stressful. Yeah who doesn't right? But that evening it was rather different kind of stress that i could sense. I welcomed her at the door. Gave a kiss on her cheek and...

2 years ago
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Sair ke choba men swargak sukh

Hamra taraf san sab maithili bhasa bhasi ke jankar aur padhnihar khas ka navyauvana uffan marait jawani ke rakhnihar nari aur navyuvak sab ke pranam. Aena ta ham yehi site par bar puran lekhak chhi..muda yehi ber pahil ber maithili yani ki appan bhasa men likhbak man bhel aur ummid achhi je ahan sab ke har e anubhav jarorr pasand aaot. Hamar nam thik Sitesh Kumar Mishra, umar 36 sal, dekhba men bahut sundar aur aakarshak, aur ham bihar ke Madhubani jila ke rahai wala chhi aur bartam men...

1 year ago
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Listen Very Carefully You Might Become Pregnant

by aliveinpr My stories do not necessarily reflect my personal proclivities, desires, wants or fantasies. Please read and enjoy this fictional writing. Mary and James Wilson, both 26 years old, have been happily married for three years. They met while attending the state university and married after graduation. James was able to obtain his employment immediately as a financial advisor, but Mary had to search for employment as a graphic designer. James was fascinated with the graphics...

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Truck Stop Encounter

I hated long drives. It was the reason I so rarely visited home during my four years in college. If I could have gotten away with it I would have skipped holidays at home too, but my mother would have none of that. So that December I got into my car with a couple of suitcases and started the five hour drive home. I really wanted to drive straight through but around 3:30 I just couldn’t drive anymore. I was starving and there was no way I could wait the two more hours I had until I got home. The...

Quickie Sex
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Changeday In The Beginning

We all remember where we were on that day, the day everyone in the world switched genders except for pregnant women. Four weeks later we all switched back...except for those former men who had got pregnant in between. I was one of them. ******************** CHANGEDAY: THE BEGINNING BobH (c) 2014 - 1 - I don't need to ask if you remember you where you were on that Monday in June when it happened. Everyone in the world remembers where they were...

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Absinthe Seduction

from my supernatural~romantic novel set in Regency England from the diary of Betsy Corning, Darlington, England, September 1815 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I am undone! I have given into temptation and trod the left-hand path. I did not tarry there long, I yet have a semblance of a conscience. But little good will it do me – I will be punished for it sooner or later. But oh, should any ladies read this, perhaps you, at least, will understand what provocation I had endured and grant me some...

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Amanda Ex part 2

About two weeks later, on a Friday morning, I was standing naked in front of the sink shaving, having just got out of the bath. By this time, Amanda and I were sleeping in separate bedrooms. She appeared at the bathroom door, leaning on the doorframe. Her long black hair was tousled, and her pretty face still showed the signs of tiredness. She wore only a short blue robe, which showed a lot of cleavage, and accentuated her long white legs, and pretty feet with their scarlet painted...

4 years ago
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Alexandra part four

I couldn't tie the boat off to the dock fast enough. After eating her out, having her suck my dick and fucking both of her holes I figured we had done it all. I couldn't wait to do it all again as soon as we got to her cabin. Like I said, I thought we had done it all, but as it turns out she had other plans. As soon as we got through the door of her families cabin we were all over each other. Our lips were locked together and my hands roamed freely over her body. I have never felt such passion,...

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Conjugal Vegas

In almost every respect, I'm an ordinary thirty-seven-year-old guy, tall but not too tall, good looking but a chiseled jaw short of handsome. I've got my health but not much wealth. I'm just to the right side of being a median average male.My job is as a curator at a natural history museum in California. My passion is digging for fossils in places no one would visit unless they are a scientist or deranged. Come to think of it, the two are synonymous. Who else would hike four miles into the...

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Soaked panties

I love it when I can taste you once you’ve soaked through your panties. The white darkened by the moisture showing through. Slipping in behind you and kneeling down. You can feel my breath on the backs of your legs all the way down. The inside of my thighs rubbing against the outside of your smooth legs. Letting my hands run up and down each one with an occasional pat on that sweet ass. Pushing your feet apart with just a little bit of force makes you catch your breath as I hold your ankles...

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Rhythm and the Blue LineChapter 9

Ryan had just saved her work log when her phone rang. She answered, hoping it wasn't a last-minute request for anything. She was anxious to finish up and get out; Brody was going to pick her up and they were going to get one last, quiet celebration in before the tour and the playoffs started up. It was her supervisor, but luck was with her—the work was already done. Relieved, she sent the files and copied them to the shared drive on the network. She looked at the clock and groaned; the end...

1 year ago
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mind controller chip 7

We then left them to it as I fitted the new chip to sue. “Hows that feel.” “Fine. I will just hook up to shep and becci” After a few seconds Sue was becoming quite excited. “Wow this feels the same as being hardwired I can feel the pair of them.” “ I feel like joining them.” “Not yet youre not. You have to fit mine” Sue strapped one of the old chips on my spine to control the pain and then removed the old chip and inserted the new one and replaced the old charger under my arm pit. When she...

3 years ago
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Five Little WordsChapter 4

Returning home late Monday afternoon I turned on my phone and almost immediately it started ringing. Looking at the caller ID I realized it was Katie and I let it go to voicemail. As soon as it stopped ringing, and voicemail picked up, it paused and then started ringing again. This went on for several minutes. "Well I have to talk her sometime I guess," I thought as I thumbed the connect button. "WHERE ARE YOU!" screamed Katie in to the phone as the connection opened. "Why do you...

4 years ago
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Uncle Frank Helps Out

I only get to L.A. once in a blue moon. It had been years since the last time I was on the west coast. Anyway, I was going to be there for a couple of days so, of course, I had to visit my sister. She has lived out there for ages. She is quite a bit older than me and we were never very close. She got married and moved out there while I was still in my early teens. I'll be 25 in a few months. It wasn't that I wanted to see her that much, but she is family so it was kind of an obligation to...

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First Time With Neighbour Friend Suma

Hi to all, after reading more and more stories from past 3 years in ISS. Now I’m here to share my encounter with you all. Which happened to me with my neighbor friend Suma, who is 3 months younger to me.This will look like a long story to some readers but I need it,to express how all started this to me My name is Vignesh completed my engineering and working in Bangalore and my hometown in near to Bangalore. Coming back to the incident which happened to me last September. Suma is my neighbor...

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Just Let it Happen Harry

THE SETTING is New Zealand, errors and grammar are copyright to the author. * CHAPTER 1 Bored stiff and facing another weekend home alone and not being asked to parties because it was known she was currently without a guy, Chelsea Rhodes was passing the reception desk late Friday when a tall guy in a blue shirt and yellow jeans for goodness sake was being turned away. ‘As I said sir we don’t hire executives here. Our agency is Executive Search International and here is their card.’ Chelsea...

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John and Valerie

The front door opened, Valerie straightened herself and took a deep breath, her soft blue eyes shun beneath the sun kissed locks she had brushed just the way He had always liked it. Her knees came to the little mat she was allowed to use on the linoleum floor of the kitchen, her back straight with the pride she held for Him, palms up in her silent offering of servitude, and she waited. The noises she could hear from the hall were tell tale signs of her Master, John, removing his shoes, keys...

2 years ago
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First Cousins

Jack and Joe were two of the most popular baseball players on the team at the small junior college where I was teaching. While Jack was only two months older, he was in his sophomore year while Joe was only a freshman. It had to do with the state law about starting grade school. The two were inseparable. We had no offical dorms, but the baseball players all lived in an old hotel near the campus. Naturally, Jack and Joe roomed together. The girls followed them around like bees around the...

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A Transsexual in Bollywood Ch 01

‘I’ll need you to pick up a new girl from the airport tomorrow.’ ‘As you say, boss. Domestic or international?’ ‘International. She will be coming in from Bangkok. Photo dekh lo (see the photo).’ I leaned over and took a look at the photo he was showing me on his phone screen. It showed a lovely girl with olive skin and shiny black hair wearing a denim top. I had been working with the old man – ‘Daddy’ as his colleagues in the film industry called him – for just over three years. He might...

1 year ago
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LeashChapter 3

A soft, warm glow from the bedroom lamp poured out into the hallway and served as a beacon as I led Sarge to the open doorway. The long, black leather leash wound tightly around my palm creaked intoxicatingly with each flex of my hand and served as a reminder of my dominance and connection to his carefully-bound scrotum. As I strode through the familiar entrance, my turgid member led the way, having been drawn out through the fly of my trousers by our guest a few minutes earlier. I wondered...

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NotSoSuper ModelChapter 10

Harper was not happy, of course. I’m a little ashamed that I wasn’t in the same mood. Part of me enjoyed painting Hannah’s breasts with my cum, even if they weren’t bare. Part of me is also ashamed that I was glad Hannah had abused her poor little girl, because part of me had really wanted to spurt way up there in Harper’s defenseless womb. In other words, I felt like I had dodged a bullet. Harper, on the other hand, felt like somebody had taken her to the gun range and handed her a pistol...

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Summer of 86 pt1

I was 18 & spending the summer with a friend house sitting his parent house and property in Topanga canyon. Back then Topanga use to throw a weekend long event called Topanga Days. Live music, local artist selling their goods, lots of beer and and you could smell kush in the air.Well its Saturday the second day of the event, as we were leaving I had noticed a woman with a small rhesus monkey on her shoulder, I’d seen her throughout the day already, I now decided to go talk to her. She was...

4 years ago
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Tara 4 AntsChapter 16

Bette looked at the man, shocked by his anger. Gazza stood abruptly, “No, he is a baby. I’ve seen a very interesting future for him but it can go several ways. You can treat him like the special child he is, treat him like the abomination you say he is and suffer the consequences or you sign him over to Bette and me, and we will make sure he has every opportunity to become what he can be.” “I will go get the magistrate,” Nat said abruptly and stormed out of the room. He was a tall,...

2 years ago
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Young Fun 2

Introduction: Part 2, Please read part one first! A 6 year old learns how fun sex can be… Young Fun… #2 Info that was in #1. I am 6 years old. A girl, her name is Suzy, the same age as me lives next door. She has two older sisters. One, Jess (about 13) and the other Robin (about 11) not talked about so far… I got up off the lawn chair I had just lost my virginity on and looked at my two new friends. Suzy was just now getting her panties back on. Even though we had just fucked for what felt...

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The SparkChapter 24

After Burt ended his call, I was out the door heading to the store to get a paper to see for myself if what he had told me on the phone was true. Finding the story I discovered the facts and rumors of my exploits were well known in school as Julie, Rachael, Sierra as well as the other girls on the softball team all contributed. Julie of course knew or suspected the most, as she spent a lot more time with me than any other girl, including Sierra. That was only the beginning of my problems, as...

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rescuing Tamara

TRUE STORYMY GIRLFRIENDS ROOMMATENEEDS RESCUINGBack in 1984 I was at my girlfriends just finishing dinner, when her phone rang. Chris answered & after a few words handed it to me." Tamara (her roomate ) wants to talk to you. puzzled I took the phone. "hey Tam, whats up?" Her voice was slurred badly, she was hammered! " Guy I need you to come get me please, I'm so fucked up I will get arrested if I try to walk home.""Tam, I just finished a 12 hour shift, I'm beat, take a cab.""I'm broke,...

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Day of DestructionChapter 11

BOB We all arrived at our house in less than an hour from town. Elaine and her children could pick a house and come by ours again. My wife, Doris, wanted her to come to our house for supper. We parked at our house and Doris suggested that Charlie take Elaine, Jack and Alice out to pick a house. Melody volunteered to go, also. "Okay," Doris said, "Bob, you and Angela can help me prepare supper." "Okay," I replied, "Charley and Mel can show them around. Elaine, you don't have to chose...

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Sexual Fantasies Practice

DISCLAIMER: This particular series of stories will be one-off adventures. Some long, some short. Some straight, some lesbian, some bi, some sissy, some gay (probably most). But hopefully you’ll find them arousing!Sexual FantasiesPracticeJake was the last one in the locker room after practice and stepped into his coach’s office.“You wanted to see me, coach?” Jake asked.Coach Chris Turner was seated behind his desk. “Yes. Shut the door and come have a seat.” He said, motioning to the young man....

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A Little Night MusicChapter 8

“Make a hole with a gun perpendicular to the name of this town in a desktop globe. Exit wound in a foreign nation, showing the home of the one this was written for.” -They Might Be Giants, “Ana Ng[“ The other tourists who’d witnessed the attack were still being held for questioning inside Castle Finzione when Lady Maria returned and the castle went into lock-down. La Policia seized their phones and electronic devices to examine the footage as evidence; however, it was several minutes before...

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