PatienceChapter 2 free porn video

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I watched Anna slip away. I always delighted in the way she moved, as if she were dancing.

Risa gently cleared her throat.

Right, Risa. Who I was supposed to get to know.

I turned my head to look at her. I smiled at the tiny frown. That might have been shameless of me, but I didn’t care.

She shook her head when she saw my smile, and then smiled a tiny smile herself.

“Yes, she moves like poetry,” Risa agreed. I noticed that her English had suddenly improved. The accent was still there, but only a hint of it. I looked at her, my eyebrow arching.

“Yes?” she asked.

“Why pretend that you had difficulty speaking English?” I asked.

She looked away for a moment, then looked back at me, “I expected something different from you,” she answered. I watched her, waiting for her to continue.

“I thought you would respond more favorably to me if I behaved demurely. ‘I need a white protector’ act if you will,” she added watching me. I nodded for her to continue.

“It didn’t take me long to see that it wouldn’t work on you. Anna told me it wouldn’t work, but I needed to make sure,”

“What made you think it wouldn’t work?” I asked.

“Even in the few minutes we spent talking, I could tell that you were measuring everything. One slip, and you would notice and be on guard,” she offered.

Curiouser and curiouser I thought to myself. She certainly knew how to play to my ego.

“Are you busy this afternoon?” I asked. My change of subject startled her.

“No,” was her reply.

“Then would you mind accompanying me to check out my tux? I need to retrieve it from storage, and get it to the dry cleaners. Maybe we can have some tea afterwards? I am hoping that you know a better tea shop than the ones I know, a favorite of yours perhaps?” I asked.

Yes, this was deliberate. I had been cast into the deep end, and was being left to sink or swim. I needed Risa to back off a bit, and putting her on guard like this was a simple way to give me some time to get a better feel for the situation. And by making it about her, and needing her approval, I would come across as being cooperative.

Risa looked confused for a moment before nodding.

“Let me grab my bike, and we’ll walk back to my room,” I offered as I grabbed the last of my lunch.

The walk to my bike and my room was fairly quiet, with Risa spending most of the time studying me quietly. I asked her to give me a minute to rinse off in the shower once we got back to my room. The shower let me reset mentally and me get my barrings. And then we were off to my storage room.

I’d bought an old Honda when I got to California from a student that had been leaving. It was worn, but ran well, and would be all I needed for my two years here. The storage facility wasn’t too far away by car, and I was going to be carrying my tux with me to the dry cleaners, besides, I didn’t think it would be appropriate for me to have Risa walking all over Palo Alto.

Once we were on our way, Risa turned to me, “What are you really after Eric?”

“Hummm,” I thought for a moment, “That is a good question. In fact, it was one of my father’s favorites,”

She started giving me the evil eye without changing a single expression, so I gave in, if only ever so slightly.

“Risa, I have no plans where it comes to Anna,” I offered, “I didn’t know her before I moved here for school. I didn’t seek her out on the beach, and I haven’t pursued her here on campus. If I never see her again, I would feel sad, but my life wouldn’t end,” I looked at her briefly as I drove along, “If you are looking for something from me, you are going to have to be more direct,”

She stared out the window for a few miles before turning to look at me, “You really don’t know who her father is?”

I snorted, shaking my head, “From what little I have been able to surmise, I don’t want to know. Anyone who would treat their daughter as a second class citizen is not someone I want to know, or know about,” That seemed to shock her.

“He is a very great man,” she defended.

“Then your standards are lower than my own,” I countered.

Her mouth fell open, and then she turned away. The rest of the ride was quiet, and I spent it trying to digest the idea of a father arranging dates for his daughter here in California of all places. I did not like where my thoughts traveled.

The tuxedo passed Risa’s scrutiny, and the dry cleaners were willing to take their time cleaning it, and addressing a few tiny issues, like my ever so slightly expanding waist line. With that task done, I asked for Risa’s suggestion for tea, and she directed me to a store not all that far from the school. It was only after we started returning that I was sure that I was being followed.

“Your detail?” I asked. She just looked at me in confusion. I pointed out the black suburban behind us, and she pulled out her phone and made a phone call.

“They are ... friends,” she answered after a quick conversation that I didn’t understand.

“Ah,” I offered, “They know where we are going, right?”

“I told them,” she confirmed.

“Good, good. They are welcome to some tea as well,” I offered, a sly grin on my face.

“No! Their job is... , “ she began until she saw my face, “You can be a very difficult man,” she huffed.

“Aww, you say the sweetest things,” I chuckled. Risa huffed again, and turned her head, but I caught her slight grin.

We parked in a plaza, and walked into the tea shop. Risa ordered green tea with jasmine. I ordered Earl Grey. Risa was gave me a look when I placed my order.

We found a place to sit that was out of the way, and Risa studied me for a bit, apparently making up her mind.

“You do know that if you hurt her, you will most likely be killed,” she started.

I couldn’t help it. I laughed. Risa was not amused.

“I believe that I can handle myself, Risa,” I offered.

“Yes, many on the detail are quite impressed with your training routine,” she stated. I wondered how she had gotten that information.

“I was once a soldier,” I explained, then looked at her; my unspoken question apparent. I wanted to test a theory. Risa seemed very capable at reading body language.

“Anna told me,” she offered when she saw the question on my face. I nodded, my mind working through several bits of new information. Not to mention that it isn’t everyday a beautiful young woman threatens your life.

“Why are you really here Risa?” I asked. She looked down at her tea, and took a breath.

“Anna ... feels very strongly for you,” she started after a moment.

I translated this to, “I am performing a threat assessment,”

“She says you have a very strong spirit, like a warrior monk of old. She feels very safe with you. She told me that you have never pressured her about anything, and that you are always very gentle but firm with her,”

Again, I translated this to, “I am hoping that you are a good thing in her life,”

“Her father has many enemies around the world. The security detail is there to protect her. She asked that some of them keep an eye on you, so she would know where you were when she wanted to find you, but I also think to keep you safe,”

Keep me safe, or keep an eye on what I do, I wondered.

“Suki doesn’t like it, and she is second in charge of the detail. She thinks Anna is acting disgracefully, though she would never say so directly to Anna or any of her employers. It has come to the point where Anna needed to make alternate arrangements,” she finished.

“You?” I asked.

“I can keep an eye on you, and call for help if necessary,” she began, “Also, I am Anna’s lover,” she paused to gauge my reaction to that. I shrugged. Sex with Anna was never going to happen until I had a handle on what was going on. I tried to make it a habit of not sticking my cock into bear traps.

I also didn’t doubt for one moment that if Risa thought I was a threat to Anna she would kill me in my sleep. She had that assassin cool thing going for her. Or maybe I just think competent Japanese women are hot.

My lack of reaction stopped Risa for a moment.

“You do not care?” she broached.

“I don’t own her, or you,” I started, “In fact, if I remember correctly, that kind of ownership is illegal in this country,” I teased, though I started fitting tiny bits together. She frowned.

“She thinks that you are suffering from her teasing,” she started again. I laughed softly, shaking my head, “What?” she demanded softly.

“If that is suffering... , “ I began, but couldn’t finish, it was just too funny. Risa’s eyes sparkled as well, nodding.

“Anna wants me to be a companion for you, perhaps to make up for all of the teasing she has put you through,” she smiled.

That statement stopped me cold, and my eyes hardened. I felt like someone had dumped a bucket of ice down my back. Risa sat back slowly, as if seeing a wild animal for the first time, and wondering at the best way to take it down. Like I said, assassin cool.

“Risa, I am a big boy now,” I began, once I had a handle on my temper, “I don’t need bedmates out of pity. That is insulting, and dishonors my relationship with her, and I hope with you. I am no rapist, and I will never force anyone into my bed,” I spoke with a forced, clipped tone.

Her eyes widened slightly, and she nodded slowly.

“Perhaps I spoke poorly,” she began.

“Or perhaps you spoke correctly,” I countered.

Risa took a slow breath, as she thought furiously.

“Eric, these kinds of arrangements are very common in Japan among those who lead,” she began, motioning for me to be quiet when I tried to interrupt, “Please, let me continue,” I nodded, “Anna is supposed to remain pure until she is married. We became lovers out of mutual need. But where Anna is expected to behave a certain way because of her father, I am more free to pursue outside interests.

“I admit my curiosity and to a bit of jealousy when she first started talking about you. That is natural of two people who have supported each other over many years. But I could also see how she started to blossom. You are like a warm light that sooths her, and while you do not see it, she has come to need you a great deal.

“We have had many discussion about what kind of lover you might be. There is no denying the power you posses, not only of strength, but also of spirit and conviction. There is also a playful gentleness in you as well that I see for myself. I understand how Anna can feel safe with you. I sit here at this table, and can feel your anger, yet know that you would never hurt me deliberately. Though, where Anna feels you give her warmth and peace, I feel your presence like a big brother.

“No one would force me into bed with you. I am curious. And our brief time together with has made me more curious. Should we make love, I would share my experience with Anna, and she could know another part of you through that sharing. It would bring us closer together, like two sisters. She would also feel less guilty about her teasing, knowing that even if she herself could not partake of you, at least I, her sister and lover, could partake, and we could share that together,” she finished.

I sat back slowly. It was a lot to digest. I looked around the tea house to see if there was anyone paying too much attention to our conversation, but the place was mostly empty. I nodded my head in understanding.

“It is a cultural thing I take it?” I asked.

“I believe that it is, though it isn’t uncommon in other cultures, say France and Italy,”

I took a deep breath, and nodded. I looked out the window, wondering, and then I smiled a small smile.

“My reaction was not what you were expecting,” I stated.

“No,” she agreed, “I believed that you would be ... happy to have a bed mate,”


“Again, the security detail has been keeping up with you,” she began, “You are not like most of the American men I have met. You keep in shape. You are attractive in a rough sort of way. And you are well mannered.

“You have the confidence and the ability to seduce most of the women on campus, but you don’t date. There are two girls here on campus that would gladly bed you and have made their interest quite clear, yet you are polite and distant with them.

“Eric, it is not healthy for men to forgo sex. Anna sees this and it concerns her. I believe that you are simply waiting for Anna, but a union between the two of you could never be,” she finished.

I chuckled softly.

“Those two girls you mention would bed almost anyone,” I offered, “And after my father’s death, my desires are not what they once were,”

“You still grieve?” she asked delicately.

“It is more than that.” I began, the pain that I kept from my thoughts coming to the surface, “Both of my parents are dead. I have no brothers or sisters. I have one uncle, but we were never really close and the same with my cousins. I feel ... uprooted,” I paused, remembering the events of what happened when I finally managed to get back home and to my father’s grave.

“There was a friend, a girl I used to date. She tried to comfort me, to give me some peace. We made love, but it felt empty. It felt like a lie. I became more aggressive with her. While she seemed to enjoy it, she was fairly bruised afterwards. I hurt her. She tried to tell me everything was alright, but seeing those bruises, and feeling the emptiness of the sex we had... , “ I trailed off.

Risa sat watching me. Her face was inscrutable. I contented myself with sipping my tea and watching the traffic pass. I felt very raw exposing myself like this to someone who was still a stranger, no matter her desire to become my lover.

“And if it were Anna?” she asked after several minutes.

“Anna?” I chuckled, “There are still far too many road blocks between Anna and myself before I would consider taking her to my bed,” I stated.

“What do you mean,” she probed.

“Something has happened, or is happening to her. That she would attach herself to me so strongly is an example of that. Considering how important she is, and all of the resources at her disposal, or at least at her father’s disposal; why would she chose an outsider, and why would she bond so strongly to an outsider that, for the most part, is simply being polite?” I began, but could not continue with that line of thought without admitting some very dark and dangerous truths, and until I knew for certain one way or another, I wasn’t going to admit them, “I am not sure what I feel for her, aside from being happy she seems to be getting better. I hope she continues to get better. But, considering the implications about what is happening to her makes the thought of being her lover difficult to pursue,” I finally finished after a moment, somewhat lamely.

“I see what you mean,” she offered after another long moment as she processed what I said.

Again, there was a long moment of quiet as we both sipped out tea, lost in our respective thoughts.

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"My name's David and I've lived in the same neighborhood my entire life. There's always been something kind of off about it though, like something is always looming in the darkness during the nights or something hiding in the woods. " I said as I sat in front of Alan's camera. "You need to add more emotion to it man, it has to seem real, like you're actually scared." Alan nagged me. Alan had always been super into videos and movies, he's probably taken every single class related to it that our...

Group Sex
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SweetheartVideo Serena Blair Leda Lotharia Extra Messy

Serena (Serena Blair) is baking chocolate cake for her stepdad’s birthday. It’s a lot of work and she could need the help of her stepsister Leda (Leda Lotharia). Unfortunately for her, Leda is not in the mood to help her sister, she’s even acting like a spoiled brat. Her attitude annoyed Serena a lot and she decides to confront her, she wants to know where all that frustration comes from. When she moves closer to Leda, she smashes a cherry pie on her. Shocked, Serena respond by throwing...

3 years ago
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the mcdonald daddy

It was one of these boring nights playing video game home and going out to get some Mcdo round the corneri smoke some weed walking there and was about to order when i realised I had forget my walletcursing i was stupid and going out when between doors i passed a black daddy smelling loudly saying i must had smoke some good stuff''do you wanna sell some boy''and i told him i had more home i could sell if he paid me a burger since i forgot my walletwe ate kist talking about where i get my stuff...

4 years ago
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The DST Agent part 13

The DST Agent, part 13 By; Malissa Madison I had a nonstop procession of visitors during the two weeks I was laid up in the hospital. My girls would arrive every afternoon after school and keep me company until Top took them home. Toni was enjoying having someone who cared about helping her do homework. Mina was enjoying getting gifts from the people in the hospital who viewed her as an Angel. She seemed to have tripled her doll collection in the two weeks I was...

4 years ago
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492 look Ian I wish

492 look Ian I wish It was not to be the only time that week that they made love, it was unusual, but it was welcome, and it was on Saturday afternoon after he returned from his usual fishing with Rufus that they found themselves considering the topic again. To his surprise she, started it, by saying that, “she had had these fantasies of theirs on her mind all week,” and “she found herself imagining enjoying pain at another man`s hand, and real pain at that, as it was a very real turn on,” in...

2 years ago
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Alterist 2 Return to the SourceChapter 12

I don't know what I expected but it didn't happen. He just lay there, not breathing, his heart stopped. We did all the usual tests as soon as he died. I laid my head on his chest for over a minute, listening for a heartbeat. Bev was checking for a pulse on both his wrist and his neck while I was doing that. After a time, she pulled out a mirror (it wasn't on the list but women always have mirrors and Kleenex) wiped it off on her shirt, then held it near his nose for a minute or two. It was...

3 years ago
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Holly Dr Hartley

'It's going to be a long job,' said Dr Hartley. 'I need to make a list of everything we own and quantities so we know what to order. As you will be working here permanently, I hoped I could show you what to do so you can take responsibility for it.' 'Ok, I guess it's my job to do it. Maybe I can devise a more efficient way of doing this?' Holly suggested. 'I'm certain you can work your magic here. Fetch the stepladder and we'll start counting stock in the medical supplies...

3 years ago
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Jerking off with Karen

The April before my senior year, just turned 18, and there was a lot of change in my life. One of the biggest is that instead of having a large stand of woods behind my house there was now a small strip and then a development of new houses. This was a really big deal, I spent a lot of time in those woods as a k**, and now it was one more sign that I was not a k** any more. I would often take walks in the early evening and I still did, just with a new route. One night as I was walking behind...

4 years ago
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Company Executive PT2

People do not change. They just don’t. At least she hadn’t changed. Not much that is and although like most people there were the little things which she did differently here and then, but nonetheless she always knew she wanted it all life and she felt it was time to pursue those after all these years had passed. See, Marielle was always a “closet” slut in a manner of speaking. No, she didn’t flaunt it or dress up and act it out like in her younger years, but even then when she was younger when...

2 years ago
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131 Avis`s Birthday bash Jon had treated me to a fine restaurant and bought me a beautiful antique cameo for my birthday, but said after dinner was through; he had one more surprise for me. He had made me dress in a black silk bustier with straps for my black hose and 6” stiletto heels, no panties; over which I wore a short black dress showing off my nice cleavage. On the way home he made a detour and I knew he had planned a meeting for me with at least someone else. We stopped at a nice...

3 years ago
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Owning my Aunt and Cousin 3

Raghav looked at himself in the mirror. He was dressed in a traditional sherwani with headgear. “It’s been a while since I’ve cleaned up,” he thought. He took a sip of water and sat on the bed in his room. Downstairs, preparations were being made for a marriage ceremony. The pyre was set up in the living room by the pujari. He also happened to be Raghav’s closest friend Aashish. Raghav thought back to when he first told Aashish about his ‘situation.’ He smiled, remembering how Aashish’s jaw...

2 years ago
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The Adventures of Tim The Beginning

Tim and five of his friends are heading to his uncle’s cabin for the weekend. They live in Colorado and the cabin’s about three to four hours away. It’s a quick vacation and everyone needs the time away. They all rode together, enjoying each other’s company. “You always say that, Tim”, Tim’s girlfriend, Stephanie, said with a laugh. They were discussing the differences of two comic book companies, DC and Marvel, or rather debating which one was better. It was Tim’s opinion that DC...

4 years ago
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His Wife finds out Now she my Whore

But last week I got a call from a woman to pick up her husband car about 3 miles from Dave's house. I stopped and picked Dave up. We drove to the customer house. Her husband had a nice Corvette. It needed new tires and brakes. We hooked it up to the flatbed and went and knocked on the door. There was the lonely house wife answering the door with a pair of tight Daisy Dukes jammed in her big ass crack. I adore voluptous woman. She was wearing a tight white sports bra. The top of her large...

2 years ago
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Sindhi sex

This happened when I was hunting for a house for a cousin of mine. He was in the US and wanted to buy a house in Pune. He had a good budget and wanted to buy a luxurious flat in Koregaon park area. He wanted me to look at a couple of places and shortlist them for him. He was planning to come down within a month’s time to finalize the place. I started calling up a couple of adds and saw a couple of nice apartments. Then one day my broker took me to the house of this Sindhi lady who was fair,...

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Allies Introduction

{As my first post, please forgive the length..... Hope you enjoy!!} She could feel her internal tempo quickening as her feet met the cruel hard pavement. Running was the only release Allie got in moments like this. She pushed her muscles harder, forcing all of her internal chatter into the slick blackness beneath her. She cherished the cold sharp breeze flowing through her running pants, it seemed to be the only thing cooling her down. She felt her stomach muscles hardening with the strain of...

3 years ago
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Teach Me To Dance Mom

Copyright© 2004 A newly-wed man of Peru Found himself in a terrible stew: His wife was in bed Much deader than dead, And so he had no one to screw. Mom took my right hand and placed it upon the indentation of her waist, trying hard all the while not to laugh at my obvious discomfort. I pulled my hand away and whined, "Mom please!" She forced her near-laugh into a gentle smile and spoke while looking up at me, "Sorry honey - lets try again?" Again she guided my hand to her small...

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A Coachs Dream

I'm in charge of the college girls swim team, I've been doing this for the last three years, before this I worked as aerobics instructor at the towns only gym for men and women. I decided it was time for a career change, it was getting a little distracting there with most of the women hitting on me, it was getting hard for me to keep turning them down, I might of taken anyone of them up on their proposal, if it weren't that I was happily married.Now this years swim team was one of the schools...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Adria Rae Anal Penetration

Adria Rae gets an ANAL pounding for Manuel Ferrara! Naughty newbie Adria Rae can’t get enough of Manuel’s huge cock and is back for more hardcore action. She’s dressed in sexy red lace lingerie that wraps her up like a spider web and shows off all of her tight body. Adria makes her way down the stairs and after a short tease, she crawls over to Manuel to let him inspect her assets. He fingers her ass, then Adria takes off her top and pulls out a glass toy and starts fucking both her tight holes...

3 years ago
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They say that getting on the cheerleading squad can change your life ... well, it certainly changed mine! I was just over sixteen, and a pretty cute little number if I say so myself. Not too tall, at 5 foot 4 inches, quite slim, but getting the curves that were getting the looks. I always had a really good ass – I had slim, boyish hips, and it jutted out behind and bounced along nicely when I walked, especially in my favourite tight blue jeans or cut-off denim shorts. Now I was...

2 years ago
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City Guardsman Chapter 6

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER SIX ---------------------------------------------------------------- We were sitting with Peter and Mona in front of the tavern. Mona was feeding the baby as Sam tried to get our son to eat. I turned at the approach of a woman, she looked like one of the poor but the look in her eyes was what drew me. I nodded as she bowed, “My lord Kristin, I came to beg your...

4 years ago
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Tantrum Controlled

I don't anger easily, but today I am pissed off with a capital P. Work has been simply awful, and my bosses are making my professional life a living hell. I count on being able to talk to my Master on my way home every day to help me blow off steam, but today, of all days, he didn't answer his phone. Now I am pulling into his driveway, and spoiling for a fight. I completely ignore the rug by the front door where I am to kneel when I get home, and wait for permission to enter Master's...

2 years ago
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Loves True ObsessionChapter 34

He moved to lay between her legs, parting her legs gently. Ariel placed her legs over his shoulders as he parted her flesh and stroked her lovingly with his tongue. He located the swollen bud of her sex and flicked his tongue over it, sending shockwaves coursing through her body. He slid a finger into her wetness as he continued licking her. He closed his lips over her swollen clit and tugged on it gently. Ariel moaned and pressed her hands to the back of Jack's head, pressing him into her...

3 years ago
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How I Met My Master Ch 01

Author’s note: This story is a little ‘spinoffy’ from ‘My Best Friend Blaine,’ but I don’t think you need to read that before this for it to make sense. Just know that our main character and her friend Blaine have both been sexually/romantically involved with Mark and each other. But on another note, this story is a deviation from the one’s I’ve done already. It’s going to be multi-chapter, not ‘slam-bam’ like my other ones, so if that happens to be what you’re in the mood for, I apologize....

4 years ago
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Gordys ProblemChapter 18

Author's Note: I was asked about a time-line. Well, right now it's April/May 2010. Gordy and Weena were married in 2002. Patrick was born on Easter Sunday 2004. Sarah was born at the end of October 2009 and is now just over six months old. After dinner, Jacky rang up to confirm that all four of them would be coming for lunch. Then David called to say he'd leave the winery around two. "That means 'before three'," Mum said. "So he'll be here before five." I laughed. David was notable...

1 year ago
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Visiting the library

This is a story of a visit to a public library. Because I wanted to try a suggestion from a fan, I decided to embellish the story with an alternative although fictional ending.As always - I'm Danish and therefore not responsible for native English speaking peoples strange desire to have us all speak and write their language fluently. I have decided to refrain from furher proof reading of this particular story. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.-----------------------------------Have you ever...

1 year ago
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Just this once Part 3

I don’t know if it was love, or lust or a combination of the two. I don’t know if I was so drawn to her in spite of “her” being a “he” or maybe even because of it. If it was just a one time curiosity, then why could I not get enough? I was obviously attracted to Kasey, my cock getting hard just from seeing her or being near her was a sure sign. Kasey is a very pretty, very feminine boy, but still a boy, with a rock hard, cum shooting cock to prove it. Yet, I loved to have sex with her. The look...

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Jesse and Marie and the WindChapter 7 The First Battle

Once again, his strength and agility amazed her. Jesse stood up on the wagon seat, crawled up the side of the stacked bales and held on with one hand while he jerked two hay bales down onto the bed of the wagon. Snow flew from the bales when they landed. He pulled himself over and grabbed one bale and dropped it in the wagon. Then she saw what he had done. He had begun to create a series of steps up the side of the hay in order to get to the top with the least amount of effort. It amazed her...

1 year ago
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PornWorld Brill Barbie Asia Ferrante Lesbo Blondes Brill Barbie and Asia Ferrante Share Glass Dildo For Pleasure

Gorgeous blonde lovers Brill Barbie and Asia Ferrante have scheduled a steamy lesbo session together and can’t keep their hands off each other as they start to strip and kiss passionately. They tease and lick their nipples before the real fun starts as these sex hungry lesbians take turns to munch on each other’s pussies before breaking out a glass dildo to share! They are busy enjoying their sex toy when they are interrupted by a knock at the door. Stay tuned to find out what...


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