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Alpha1 and Alpha2 slowly circled Ireland to give everyone a view of their destination. Once they had completed the circuit, Maureen contacted Ireland's ATC and identified themselves, indicating their position, transponder code and destination. After a few minutes they were given instructions for entering the traffic flow to Dublin's airport.

Maureen looked over at Rusty and said, "The link Siobhan and I have makes it seem like we are flying both ships. I would like to do more of this."

"Siobhan is doing well at the controls of the other shuttle. But I know what you mean, since I can see the link between the two of you and the AIs. Actually, both of you are pretty impressive."

"Thanks," they both responded.

Maureen and Siobhan maintained their relative positions as they approached Dublin airport. When they were over the runway, they asked ground control which was the preferred taxiway. They were told to use any once past the halfway point. When they reached the taxiway, they switched to single file as they followed GC instructions to the VIP ramp.

"It looks like everything is at a standstill," said Joyce.

"I suspect that they are all watching us," replied Sarah.

Once in position on the VIP ramp, the two shuttles settled down so the stairs would be just above the ground. The doors of both shuttles opened simultaneously, and after a few moments, the members of the Command Staff began exiting them. They timed it so that both groups would reach the Uachtarán na hÉireann simultaneously. As they warmly greeted the President in Celtic, each of them introduced themselves. Siobhan and Rusty then walked with President Shonnesy past the Honor Guard, closely followed by Maureen, Sarah, Joyce, Tara, Maeve and Aoife as they proceeded into the arrivals reception area. They were followed by the choir and Security team members.

Entering the reception area Briana and Adam approached the head of Óglaigh na nÉlreann. After introducing themselves, they asked if they could have a word in private. Once they were off to the side Briana told him that the two of them were heading up their security detail. When he heard that, he motioned for another to join them. When the man arrived, he was introduced as Commander Egan O'Reilly who would be their contact during their visit. Together, the four of them reviewed the security plans they had worked out before the arrival. As they were finishing, Egan said with a perplexed look, "Are you the only two handling the security?"

"No. There are six others in the room," replied Briana, "that have our group's security as their primary focus."

"How do you plan on dividing up the detail when the choir and the Command Staff are involved in separate events?"

"There will be one or two of us with Command Staff and the rest will be with the choir."

"You seem to think the choir is more at risk?"

"Yes, according to the most recent intelligence information we have, that is the case. Also, bear in mind that Command Staff is as proficient in self-defense as any of the security team, if not more so. Many of the choir members are also reserve Security team members."

"I don't remember you giving any indication of an increased risk."

"We only became aware of the potential about a week ago," replied Briana. "It is only in the last day or two that it has crystallized as a definite threat. Our apologies if we made an error, but we felt we should wait until it had some substance."

"It would be helpful from our standpoint if we knew more about this threat."

"We have some time tomorrow morning, and this is not a good place to say much more," replied Briana. "Our information indicates that the incident will not occur until we leave for Clifden. Could you have breakfast with us in the morning in our suite?"

"Sure. What time?"

"Well, with what is planned for today, let's say 9 AM, as I suspect we will all be up late. I believe Command Staff is to have a late lunch tomorrow with members of parliament. The choir has an afternoon rehearsal and an evening performance. So we will all be in the suite all morning. All of us will go to each performance."

"Do you want our people to stay with you all the time?"

"If they can, that way we will be less likely to create an incident, since we are not familiar with your laws."

"They are prepared to do that, and all are Special Forces members. With the phone numbers I gave you earlier, you can reach me at any time. Tomorrow night I will be at the theater in the audience, as my family wanted to see it."

"Let us know when you arrive at the theater. Right now, we ought to be walking around."

"Yes, that is true for all of us," said the Chief. With that, they began to mingle with the crowd.

It was approaching midnight when the group from Dóchas returned to The Gresham Hotel. It had been a busy day. The reception at the airport lasted longer than they expected. Once they arrived at the hotel, they had just enough time to get settled and practice, before getting ready for the evening's activity. After dinner with the President, Taoiseach and cabinet members, the choir gave a shortened version of what they had planned for their concerts. To add a special flavor, they sang two songs that would not be in the concerts. They had all enjoyed the day, but all of them missed being at home.

As they were waiting for the elevator, Sarah said, "Could all of you come to our suite for a bit?" Everyone responded affirmatively. "We want to confer with Intelligence, and would like some background sounds while we do it."

"So you think our suites are bugged?" asked Laurin.

"We haven't found any," replied Briana. "However, considering everything, we think it would be wise to assume there are still some there. We will continue to monitor the room, to see if we can detect any hidden microphones missed on our initial sweep."

When they reached their private floor, the choir and security team dropped their things in their rooms before going to Command Staff's suite. Several brought musical instruments, while others brought a game. Once everyone was in the suite, Sarah tapped a glass. The room was soon very quiet. "We are very pleased with your performance this evening," the Command Staff said together. "It was one of the best, if not the best you have given." They then gave the group a small bow, together.

"Yea, but Joyce and Sam were off key all evening," said Laurin, loudly.

"We were not!" they replied. That began a loud teasing session, as they chided each other about the small mistakes they had each made that were never noticed by the audience. Command Staff smiled, as the noise would suit their purpose perfectly.

"Well, Shannon and Danny, how are things developing?" asked Rusty, as the Command Staff in Ireland telepathically linked with those on Dóchas.

"We know all of you are tired," replied Shannon, "so we thought we would summarize today's events, and include our response as we go along."

"That's fine."

"Our two bots and their friends were kidnapped this evening while on their side trip. They were given a drug at a night spot. The drug made them very receptive to suggestions. The bots sensed the change, and went along with their friends' reaction to it. They will have to remain very alert, since their systems do not react to biologically based drugs. Their tracking devices are working. Currently, the four are in a van with a number of other women. The van is headed toward the Fudan estate. While in the van they are being given more food and drink, which is also laced with drugs. The van should be at the estate by mid-morning."

"Besides making them submissive, what are the other effects of the drugs?" asked Joyce.

"The medical staff is assessing that now," replied Muireann.

"Cathan's team intercepted the van just after midnight," said Danny. "Their plan was to stop it just as a line of thunderstorms moves across the area. A lightning strike near the van will, apparently, cause the engine to quit. At that point, the team plans to show themselves and once they have control of the two bandits, those in the van will be released. After the captives are in the shuttle, they will be given an antidote to the submissive drug. Once Cathan's team is back in the shuttle they will go to Comrie."

Shannon continued, "With respect to the estate, we have come to the conclusion that there is some kind of electronic shield keeping us from communicating with our drones. Our engineering wizards think it is a passive device with the same shape as the building. The strong weather front that is going to pass over the van also will pass over the estate. As it passes over the estate, its intensity will increase, and a severe electrical storm will occur, with the buildings being struck multiple times. We are going to use this as a cover to place repeaters for the drones."

"We take it that this fits with the weather events of the area? How are you going to place the repeaters without them being seen?"

"Yes, the storm will be on the severe side but not unusual. As for the repeaters, engineering will create openings in the corners of the shielded area that won't be detected without physical inspection. Once repeaters are placed, they will appear to be part of the building. The repeaters also improve the quality and rate of data transmission, which will be a great help.

"Our drone in the Fudan President's office picked up a conversation regarding a weapons dealer. From what was said, they believe he is stiffing them. They are planning on getting even, but didn't go into details. They are apparently holding his mistress/office manager, and have been interrogating her. We think the other man in the conversation with the President was his security chief. The security chief said that it hadn't taken much to get her to talk. He then told how they had placed her in a cell with a window facing an interrogation room so she could watch others being interrogated. After that, it only took removing her two little fingers, one joint at a time, before she answered questions without hesitation. She signed a confession then appeared before a judge. In response to a suggestion made earlier she begged for the court's mercy. The court offered her twenty years in prison or twenty years working at a state farm.

"She chose the farm and after signing the documents, they took her to a cell in nearby room. In the cell were three other women. A short time after another woman was placed in the cell those running the court room entered the room with two guards. Each prisoner was stripped and then had cuffs placed on their ankles and wrists, which were then welded closed. Next, each had to place their hands in a device to remove their ring fingers. One managed to refuse. After she was bound, the Security Chief told them where to take her. The other three, including the mistress, were taken by a guard to the estate we've been watching."

"So, they mutilate people like the group in Afghanistan did?"

"The amputation was apparently a part of her sentence. A comment was made about an upcoming event. The drone's data from the President's home doesn't indicate any special preparations. It found a high-quality video link to the estate. In one room of his home there is large flat panel monitor, along with a large padded platform, several large cages, an assortment of restraints and other similar equipment. Our drones also found a room containing cages, and several of them held a person. The woman who refused to amputate her finger is in one of the cages. At this point, we don't think the party will be at the President's home.

"The estate appears to be expecting a large number of visitors, as sand was cleared off more of the paved ramp area greatly increasing it.

"The arms dealer has been at the estate for the last two days. During that time, he spent a lot time making calls to Ireland. From those conversations, it is clear that he is arranging for a group to kidnap some of you. We are trying to clearly identify who has been hired to do this. The kidnapping is to take place while you are traveling to Clifden. They intend to take those kidnapped to a plane waiting at a nearby airport. Using this scenario, we have identified a couple of locations on the highway to Clifden where this is most likely to occur. In doing a background check on the arms dealer, we found that his office manager has not been in the office for more than two weeks. His wife, two daughters and son left on vacation over two weeks ago on a private corporate jet."

"Seems to be a pretty strong coincidence. How old are the children?"

"Yes, it seems very likely that the arms dealer at the estate is the same one mentioned in the Fudan President's office. We are still trying to track his family's movements, but they left by private jet, so we don't have a lot to go on. As for age, late teens to early 20's."

"Pat said to tell you that they are ready to either provide support in Ireland or move against the estate, as needed. They will do a run-through of the plan for the estate tonight, up to the point where they enter it. He said the teams are doing very well. So well that he thinks they could do a similar mission from scratch without any major problems."

"That is comforting, but I hope we never need to commit them to another mission like this."

"I think he was speaking in a broader context than the estate. It seemed to us that he meant the teams were now so well connected that they could do a mission successfully on an ad hoc basis, with minimal risk to the teams and a high chance of success."

"Good. Anything else?"

"No, I don't think so. We would like to have more information on the group in Ireland."

"We told Commander O'Reilly," said Adam, "that we had information that a group in Ireland was a threat to our safety. We indicated that this group appeared to be planning to kidnap some our group, after we left Dublin for Clifden. He told us that they didn't have any intelligence indicating a threat toward us, and asked to see the information. We asked him to join us for breakfast tomorrow morning at 9 AM, at which time we plan on sharing the information we have."

"Okay. We can send you a summary along with relevant details before your meeting?"

"That would be great. How soon could we give them all the data?"

"We will continue to update the information as we get it. We will only include what we can either confirm or feel is reliable, so you may want to give them what we have, and tell them we will probably have more details over the next several days."

"What is the status of our information package regarding the estate?" asked Sarah. "If we need it, we don't expect to have much time."

"It is coming together. Right now, it would take us several hours to have it ready. We expect that by noon-time tomorrow we should have it organized enough that we can keep it current, and can get it transferred to you in less than 30 minutes."

"Great. Let's call it a night." She turned to look at the group, then motioned with her hands that it was time to go to bed. With that, they all began to say good night and share hugs before leaving for their rooms.

Earlier a lone van moved across the dark arid plains of Western Africa. To the east, its drivers could see the approaching weather front, outlined by a line of clouds filled with nearly continuous lightning. Even though it was just after midnight, the lightning in the clouds silhouetted their rolling movement. As the front moved toward them, the flashes of lightning lit the area around the van, making it as bright as day. Gusts of wind buffeted the van, causing it to slow in order to stay on the road. The occupants were fascinated by the light displays from the approaching storm. The two bandits kept glancing at the storm with growing apprehension as there was no place to take cover. All of them could see the lightning striking the ground as the clouds moved toward them.

As the clouds passed overhead, there were two lightning strikes just in front of the van. The thunderclaps were deafening, enhancing the quiet that followed. It took a few moments before the bandits noticed that the engine had quit as the van rolled to a stop. Both swore, but before they could move some of Cathan's team in tactical suits appeared in front of the vehicle. The van's front doors were jerked open by team members and the two bandits were pulled from their seats. During this time not a word was said by Cathan's group, as the two bandits were forced to stand in front of the van. They shivered in fear as they looked at the large human forms with shiny domes for heads.

Two Security team members held each bandit. "Strip them," said Caoilinn in a harsh metallic voice. A team member stepped in front of each bandit and cut their clothes from them. They let the shredded clothes fall in a pile at their feet.

"Take off your shoes, now," said Sal, in their own language. Both bandits were released and quickly slipped off their shoes, adding them to the pile of shredded clothes. When they stood back up, their knees were shaking and their skin was covered in goose bumps. The quiet tension was broken when the bandits began to urinate on their shoes and the rags that were once their clothes.

"Mark them," said Melanie. A team member held each bandit's head, while a tattoo was placed on each cheek. The tattoo spelled 'pimp' in their native language. In several days, the tattoo's appearance would change to a scar.

While they were dealing with the bandits others were assisting the captives out of the van. Before this they had changed their suit settings to make their helmets transparent. Once everyone was out of the van the Security team members hugged the two bots and were introduced to their two friends.

"Come with us," said Abbie as she reached out to hold their hands. As they moved toward the shuttle, their two friends and the others followed along. Everyone followed Abbie as she stepped into the shuttle.

Sal told the Security team to pull back to the shuttle. As they moved back toward the shuttle the area around the van darkened and the wind picked up again, as the storm reasserted itself. A strong gust of wind caused the van to rock and sent the bandits' clothes and shoes tumbling into the darkness. As the hail began to fall, the shuttle lifted quietly away. It was clearly illuminated by the flashes of lightning.

Commander O'Reilly joined Briana and Adam for breakfast, along with several members of the Irish Security detail. Over the meal in their suite, Briana and Adam shared the information on the group planning the abduction. After discussing several scenarios, it was decided to just monitor the group's activities until they began to assemble. Briana told the Irish security that she expected to have more information and leads for them before they left for Clifden. With the taped conversations and a description of the weapons they were planning to use, Óglaigh na nÉlreann had more than enough evidence to arrest the group, along with the pilots they had hired.

Briana passed a summary of their meeting on to Intelligence, Security and Command Staff. She advised everyone that this had not changed any of their operational plans for the visit.

"Looks like the van has arrived at the estate," said Lydia, to the Intelligence staff. Other members of the staff joined her watching the screen.

"How did the download from the drones go?" asked Danny, as he walked into the room.

"Perfect," replied Muireann. "We lost some information from the first drones, because they were beginning to rewrite their memory. Fortunately, they were programmed to do so selectively. The AIs are sorting through the information now. We now have dynamic links with all the drones."

"So if we needed to go in, Pat's teams could go in now?"

"Yes, but there are some parts of the complex we don't yet have data on. We know from the information our drones collected that there are many other captives there. It is still not clear where they all are."

"What the heck is that?" said Cathal, as he saw the monitor.

"Oh, that is the arrival area at the estate," replied Lydia. "The van that was carrying our family members and crew candidates is just arriving."

"So we have live communication with the drones now?"

"Yes," replied Danny. "Lydia, why don't set that video stream to record, so we can look at some of the video we obtained last night."

When Cathal arrived in the security team's practice area, everyone stopped and looked at him. "Pat, we are still running this event as a drill, correct?"

"Yes, but I have made an adjustment in team assignments and added another team. You will go with Cathan's team, as you expected. They are now assigned the President of Fuda's home. Edana's, Caoilinn's, Darcy's, and Nicola's Clans are assigned to the estate. Any questions about assignments?"

"No, sir!" responded everyone.

"Let's not go overboard," replied Pat with a smile.

"We aren't, SIR!" With that, the group began to laugh which released the tension that had begun to build.

"Tonight we will go through the entire plan, right up to zero hour minus 15 minutes. After that, we will come back here and review how we did."

"Good," replied Cathal, "by the way, Caoilinn's Clan, you should have heard the two kidnappers trying to tell those at the estate what happened to their captives. The story of the captives and their rescuers disappearing into a lighted door in the middle of nowhere wasn't believed. I can't understand why, since I saw it happen!"

"Yea," replied Caoilinn, "and would you have believed it, without seeing it happen?"

"Sure, there is magic in this world. People disappear through doorways all the time."

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A few nights later they took him to the drive-in movie with them. The small drive-in was one of the few left in the state and Randy wanted Trent to experience movies ala outdoors. The three sat in the front seat, Marsha between the two Kahn men. The movie was a stupid slasher flick with the usual blood and gore and victims doing the most idiotic things to put themselves in danger. They were all laughing half way through and would have become bored if there hadn't been a fair amount of sexual...

1 year ago
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Not Quite a White Knight Book 2Chapter 19 Driving Miss Resha

Friday May 30 The Law Offices 2 in the Afternoon. Friday I put in a long shift, 2 in the morning to 2 in the afternoon. At around Noon I got Resha as a service girl. She got naked but I said I just wanted to sit on the couch, share some scotch and talk. She said that would not be fair unless she was in my lap, so I let her have her way. In the past she would have been hesitant about such a request, but today she was more open with me. It was because of Li; Resha said Li was “changed” since...

2 years ago
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To Reign in Hell Book 2 Hollywood Be DamnedChapter 36

9 am PST, Friday, January 10, 2020 Los Angeles, California Secret Establishment/Elites Conclave, Hosted By CAA/UTA “Alright, let’s come to order! As you know, recent developments, especially the Rapture, the particular disappearance of Bryan Lourd in it, among a few others, the Celestial Mandate Uprising in China, the Second Chinese Civil War that was caused by said insurrection, the collapse of most Christian and Islamic sects around the world, the now prohibitive front runner status of...

2 years ago
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Just a dirty fantasy I have

On the drive back to my apartment we stop at a red light, my attention turns to you, the lights of the city shine upon you, in such a way as I have never seen before, I begin to drink you in with my eyes, your flowing crimson hair, your gorgeous emerald eyes; I brush through your hair with my hand gently leaving it on your rosie cheeks, I draw you in for a kiss, as we embrace your lips quivers ,slightly, with anticipation, my kiss tender and soft, as tasting of the chocolate cake we shared for...

1 year ago
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BangBus Camila Reyez Pussy Popping

Camila Reyez is sitting on some steps behind an apartment building. Tony Rubino is there to save the day and picks her up on the Bangbus. She was waiting for some guys with money so she could get to work “stripping” because she is most definitely not a hooker. She likes to pussy pop when it starts raining fake- I mean real money. She takes Tony’s cock out when her pussy gets wet and gets to work. he fucks her so hard she needs a water break. She sucks his dick really well,...

2 years ago
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Team RWBY is an excellent example of teamwork and diversity of huntresses within their generation. Yet even with their members as the future defenders of Remnant, they still have personal lives as individuals. And not everything would go out in a "normal" and safe way. And in every life-story there are those "funny" moment to occur that are not in their favor. So now we should begin following these unique girls in their lives, but a bit not on ther finer moments or appearances.

3 years ago
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How I Taught My Sister To Masturbate

Hi. This is the story of how I taught my sister to masturbate. She is older than I am, and has good body, really big boobs. She’s also really fun to be with, especially after this incident. Now I play with her boobs really often and call those my melons. Her name is Mahini and we live in Kerala. My father works abroad and I live with my mom, sis and grandma. Sis has biggest boobs among the three. We are really close. Well she’s really close to me and shares with me everything that happens in...

2 years ago
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Casey and I

Chapter 1 Well I saw her first in the kitchen store. She was browsing around in the high dollar cookware section and examining things at length. Her hair was that beautiful Julianne Moore red color, fine and thick. She was blue eyed and a slim, but by no means skinny 5' 5". She looked to be a B cup bra size and her nipples appeared to be large as they were prominently visible through the tank top in the coolness of the cooking store. She also wore a short denim skirt that came to about...

4 years ago
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My stepsister Sara

Note: This is my first story so it probably won’t be the greatest and I am happy to receive comments or PM about how I can make future stories better, if this story turns out horrid then it might be a while until I decide to try writing another, Thanks! Hi, I am Ryan, I am 16, have dark brown eyes, dirty blonde hair, I’m 5’ 11”, but the best thing about me is my 7 inch dick, I am still a virgin but I didn’t know that it all was about to change. Well, enough about me and on to my step...

4 years ago
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careful what you wish for

a saturday afternoon hanging out up in the balcony of the old mid town theater in mobile alabama, under my street clothes, i have on a pair of sexy tight bikini panties, training bra, and a slip. as i stand up to the wall behind the seats i'm approched by two men, one on either side, they have apparently noticed that my shirt is open and have seen the top of my slip, bra, and the collar around my neck, before i can do anything, they are all over me feeling me up, and strip my street clotes off,...

1 year ago
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Private Kiara Gold Afternoon Fuck at the Student Flat

Kiara Gold is a dedicated student in Private Specials, Cheeky Teens 2, she’s keen to study, however, she’s also keen to fuck! This young nympho knows exactly what she wants and how to get it as she slips on her sexy glasses and tight little mini-skirt and looks to lure in her flatmate, Oliver Trunk. Of course it’s no surprise that he gives into temptation and soon enough Kiara is getting the mouthful of cock she craved before going on to enjoy an intimate fuck that has her moaning all the way...

2 years ago
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The Pregnant Bride

[ This is dedicated to Alicia and Oscar, who in January will become husband and wife, but by then Alicia will already be pregnant---but, not by Oscar, but by a young African immigrant by the name of Ahmed! This is the sort of 'interracial' cuckolding that is becoming more and more common as the 21st Century goes on. Alicia and Oscar are merely one of many such young white couples who seek to do something truly significant in the fight against the centuries of racism that has plagued our world...

2 years ago
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Fairly CAPableChapter 21 New You Two

Sophia entered next, but Calix still wasn’t over what Julia had said. He looked at Sophia with his eyes wide and his face startled – like a deer in the headlights. Sophia couldn’t help but almost double over in laughter. “Oh, my god. Oh ... my ... god. She did it, didn’t she? She said she was going to melt your brain and she did. God ... the look on her face when she came out ... and the way she was wiggling her hips as she walked! And now the look on your face. God, I wish I had a camera so...

2 years ago
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My Best Friend Brother and Me Part 5

What the hell was mom and dad going to say was all I could think as I quickly picked up the towel and wrapped myself in it. The towel was heavy at the end due to my gushing orgasm and it wanted to slip off of me. I had to hold it up.Missy was literally shaking as she tried to wrap the other one around her. She was also scared to see what my and Brantley’s parents would do.Poor Brantley did not have anything to wrap himself in; he had to just go back naked to the house since his clothes were in...

4 years ago
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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 3 Paradise Regained and LostChapter 16 I meet my Waterloo

Six days after my birthday Ffion and I were sat together at a table in the opulent surroundings of the Officers Mess dining room in Trenchard Barracks. We had met on every one of the intervening six days, taking foolhardy risks of discovery as we made love where ever and whenever we could. We had even made love in Ffion's house, when Gareth and Geraint were away for the night at some motor cycle rally. I had crept into the house through the garden, after Ffion had left the gate in the panel...

3 years ago
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Tattoo By Margaret Jeanette Susan Reid was getting ready for work. She was in the bathroom putting on her make-up and reached into her make-up drawer for her lipstick. It wasn't in the corner where she always kept it. She looked down and saw it in the center of the drawer. She grabbed it and applied it to her lips. She wondered as she was applying it if Richard, her husband had been in her drawer. She dismissed it as she thought about what chore she would leave for...

3 years ago
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Journey From Bus To Bed

Hello ISS readers, I am conveying a true chudai story that has happened with me few days back while travelling from Delhi to Dehradun by bus. This is my first chudai story so please bare with me. Firstly, about myself, I am a good looking 27 years guy from Dehradun, 5’10” height with good gym like physique. Starting with the story – I boarded a ac bus from Kashmeri gate ISBT at 10 pm to dehradun. The bus was full. I didn’t get any ticket at first, but after requesting to the conductor, usne...

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Cumming of Age 1

ugly nor hot. People could say that I'm tall and that I'm smart, but as far as I knew people didn't notice me enough to say such things. I have two older brothers that are 4 and 5 years older than me. They always hung out together, and I ended up either being the third wheel or being left out. I've learn to be okay with this as I don't have much in common with them anyway. Both brothers are the “Coors!” and “Motorcycles!” types, while I played D&D and read books. And...

2 years ago
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Ananta Bhauja O Mo Rasalila

Aama Ananta bhauja bayasare tike bada helebi cheherata abibahita jhia pari disuthae karana tanka patala sarira ku andakruti muha re laal otha khub maanuthae hele tanka sarira tulana re tanka dudha mane tike tike bada Gora sarira ku dui dudha re gol gol tike dhurasara rangara duita dudha topi taa upare duita nipples chhida hoithai khub sundara disuthae Jete bele se langalaa hoithanti taank kala kala pudii baal dekhi kou rishi madhya rahiparibe naai jataa chhindai tanka pache pache dhaaibe aau...

2 years ago
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Seasons of The Heart Fall Ch 05

The week following the incident in the museum was like a living hell for Michael, she was constantly goading him on in the class room, many time causing him to cower behind his podium or his desk to hide the growing erection she aroused. The things she wore to his class, he knew were meant to tempt him. He had never seen her in anything but jeans and sweaters, but all of a sudden she was wearing tiny little skirts, very low cut sweaters, and jeans and t-shirts tight enough to make him have to...

1 year ago
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It Aint Halloween

Foreword While I don't believe in Ghosts per se, I do believe there are lots of things happening that we can't explain. If these 'events', 'occurrences' or 'happenings' ARE ghosts at work I don't believe they are harmful in the normal person. Why? Simple, I believe in God. To do so is also to believe in Satan and I do NOT think that Satan would allow one of his captured souls to wander around 'lost' without claiming it immediately. Therefore IF there are ghost they are either good...

2 years ago
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The Masseur part 6

***Learning to fly*** When I walked into my new home in Park City, Utah, I was impressed by the work that had been done. Jacobsen had hired the best for me. I had the workout machines I wanted, and they were in their own room next to the indoor pool. The place had been cleaned top to bottom. He'd also put on contract a pool service, house cleaning, laundry, and food service company for me. I would never have to go to the grocery store or liquor store unless I needed something special! The...

3 years ago
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A search for a vibrator leads to sexual a adventure in bookshops and the adult cinema

I suppose it all began over a Rampant Rabbit. I’ve never really been much of a fan of sex aids though I know lots of men like to see women using them and I’ve occasionally been happy to use a variety of them even the larger ones at the request of the man of the particular moment if that’s what gets him going. However as a general rule I prefer the real article and it was only because a couple of my female friends raved about how good the RR was that I even heard about...

3 years ago
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Metaxa MadnessChapter 4

I was half awake and heard Annie in the bathroom. I heard her wash her face, brush her teeth and pressed my face deeper into the pillow. The bed was still a mess and I could smell her, and the scent of her made me shiver. I was up once during the night to rinse my mouth and swore that come morning I would put an end to the insanity. It had to stop. Just had to. And now it was morning and the thought of her naked a few feet away sent chills through me, and I told myself that I would wait a...

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Hot Aunty

so all unsatisfied women and always unsatisfied boys have a good day!! I am Raj from Surat,Gujarat continuing my engineering just 21 years old and love to stare at old aunties. i like matured aunties very much. here i am going to tell u true incident of my life. this incident happens just 2 weeks back.i am staying with my parents and an elder brother. we are living in a row house type society. my house’s backward is lying in another society. my rooms is also at last of my home. my one window is...

2 years ago
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Fun With My Lovely Aunt 8211 5

Hello, guys and girls, this is your friend back with another series of the story, I am thankful for those who responded to my previous stories. About me, I am 5.7 tall, from Bangalore. For more description of mine, you can refer my previous stories. As you know I was having an affair with my aunt that is my mom’s brother’s wife, now we got into trouble as my another aunt that is my mom’s sister got to know about us. This story is about how she humiliated and used me. Coming to the story, a...

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Canoe CanoeChapter 5

The next morning we awoke to rain. Not a nice gentle rain. Not a warm misty rain. No, it was the hard, bone chilling rain. I put on my rain suit and went out into the nasty weather. Fortunately, the water appeared to be draining nicely away from my tent. It was a good quality tent. It had high sidewalls, so I wasn’t too worried about water getting inside. I remembered those camping days from my youth. Hard rains would tend to creep inside the tent. Somewhere in the night, your air mattress...

2 years ago
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Things Get BetterChapter 2

Several tedious months later, the dust had settled on the divorce. After all the wrangling it came out exactly how I predicted. Our assets were split down the middle, meaning that the house was sold off and the proceeds divided. Each of us had our own retirement accounts and, even though mine was worth more than hers, the judge left them alone. Probably the only bright spots in the process were that Rose hadn’t given me an STD and the DNA results proved Ellie was my biological daughter. Just...

2 years ago
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Summer HeatChapter 4

I nodded and followed her inside. She had to disarm the alarm and then we sat down. The house was beautiful looking like it could be in a magazine. “Beth, this place is gorgeous.” She gave a sad smile. “If you have enough money, you hire an interior decorator and turn her loose. Then, you have a cleaning service come in regularly. When you do, it looks like this. Gerald, it is truly nothing. This is only the second time there have been people in this room.” She shrugged. “It’s said that...

3 years ago
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Blind Choice

Michelle did exactly as she was instructed and was sitting on an ottoman in the middle of a hotel suite naked, save a black cotton blindfold over her eyes and black knee socks.  She’d dreamt and fantasized about this very moment for years.  Tonight she was finally going to be with him for the first time.  The thought sent a shiver into her core as she nervously shifted on the velvety white ottoman which she was currently soaking with her arousal.Michelle had met Aaron online when he had noticed...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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The Beach Holiday

The holiday. I have always loved the beach. There is always a cool breeze blowing from the ocean to help to compensate for the hot sun overhead. Inland it is just hot, hot, hot. But here is a delight. There are the smells of the bush and the birds chirping away. Kookaburras laughing in the nearby forest. To be quite precise I have been camping in a tent in a camppark here. It is so much closer to the environment than a holiday house ever could be. And of course there are the...

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Anuja Meri Sali Aadhi Gharwali 8211 Part 2

To friends main ranjit mishra,hazir hu phir anuja meri sali,adhi gharwali- part 2 lekar, ha dosto to anu aur mai hum dono dukan me dakhil huye,aur anuja ne bras aur panty dekhne shuru kiye.. Lady-what would u like sir and mam? Anu- actually i wanna buy undergarments for my self. Lady- yes sure! Your bra size mam? Anu- its 36.. Meri taraf dekhkar anu hansne lagi.. Me- hmm jaldi karo,i hv some patients lined up in clinic… Jb anuja ne choose krna start kiya to lady ne kaha aap ki wife bahot...

3 years ago
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The Gathering Book 2 continuedChapter 8 Rollercoaster Ride Part 5

6:18 Ann moved Rosa's hair aside, and planted a series of soft, warm kisses along her neck and shoulder. Rosa tilted her head, to give her access, and said, "What brought all this affection on?" "I woke up, heard you talking to Dutch... you know... how you told him you were going to take his hand and make him feel how wet you were." A shiver of excitement ran through Rosa, then she wondered what Ann would think if she saw, or tasted her son's come in her pussy. Ann was still...

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Making Mom SuckChapter 8

"And we didn't even have breakfast," Johnny laughed as his mother scrubbed him in the shower. She slapped his ass playfully, saying, "You always get breakfast, asshole." "Hey, that was good, Mother," he said. "You sure have a tight asshole. And it is so hot, I thought you were gonna burn my cock off." "I'm always hot for you," she said, dropping to her knees to rinse the soap from his ass. When she finished she began to kiss and lick along the crack of his asshole, running her...

2 years ago
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CHAPTER ONE                Sally and Dave had been dating since high school, it was a turbulent relationship, and at this moment in time they were having a few arguments, Sally called them dicusions. They were both nineteen and in love with each other, and both were jealous and possessive of each other. Sally was the one with the ideas, and Dave let things fall into place as he could never emulate her suggestions. They were sitting in the lounge of the flat they rented, they were not married...

1 year ago
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Shes a Dentist but She Didnt Pull My T

On a return flight after a week of business, I was seated next to a very lithe, lovely woman in 1st class. She immedately engaged me in conversation, and I was flattered to receive the attention.Our discussion began before push back from the gate. We eventually became airborne, and before we knew it, we were landing at our destination. During the conversation, I discovered she was a dentist. I was fascinated at her life story, and how she chose her profession. It was clear we were connecting...

1 year ago
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Brits Rehab

1>?Her MOTHER set this up???Yup, said she didn?t want her grandkids raised by that moron Federline.  So we get her tonite for about a week or 10 days then once a month or so from then on.  The story is, she?s in rehab, again, then goes back for a ?refresher? every month or so.??And the moron???When the bimbo is ready, Federline is ours.??So, what?s the plan???Mom?s going to make sure she?s out of it, we put her in the van and take her to the old storage place.  The second basement we fixed up...

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