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Sadie's three inch heels clacked smartly on the flagstone floor as she sashayed up to the reception desk of the high class hotel come spa.

She was dressed to the nines in a slim fitting dress, killer underwear with stockings and of course the heels to die for.

Fellow wedding guests milled about and she nodded her hellos to those she recognized and smiled at those she didn't as she checked in.

All checked in, she requested that her bag be taken to her room whilst she went to the bar, although only an hours drive it had been fraught with frustration due to the mid summer revelers clogging up Stonehenge as they did every summer solstice, she was in dire need of a vodka and tonic.

Stirring her drink idly after the first huge slug she settled in a bar stool scanning the room and people watching. All the guests were gathering now, mainly couples and she felt a pang of sadness. She had asked Mike if he was busy and of course he had to work. Although they had been talking and texting frequently since their first chance meeting in the woods, due to work and social commitments they hadn't actually seen one another since.

Mike was cursing under his breath and trying to stay professional as for the umpteenth time the cute little red headed five year old bridesmaid had a temper tantrum and was now being coaxed out from under the grand piano by the mother of the bride. He hated shooting weddings but it was good money in a beautiful setting. He hated this all the more because he had to decline Sadie's invitation to join her at a posh function she was attending.

He couldn't wait to see her and crush his lips against her magnificent ruby mouth and trace the outline of her body.

"Excuse me, photographer guy, we're ready again," the rather large buxom mum smiled at him

Mike shook himself and prepared his camera to shoot the wedding party as they primped and pampered, apologizing profusely. Reminding himself he needed to focus and keep Sadie out of his thoughts for the next couple of hours.

Sadie was stood at the back of the room where the very sweet but very long wedding ceremony was taking place. This was the tedious bit where everyone fidgeted but oohed and ahhed in all the right places whilst thinking about drinking and dancing the night away at the reception.

It was a beautiful room, all old worldly, like something straight out of a period drama. Sadie could almost envisage Mr. Darcy stamping through in his wet shirt and jodhpurs putting a halt on the entire proceedings. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a flash of a camera go off. Turning towards the sudden burst of light, she nearly squealed with joy, there was no mistaking that large rangy figure, floppy russet hair and lopsided smile.

Mike was losing the will to live, the wedding ceremony was long and there were only so many pictures you could take of loves young dream. Looking up from his camera he felt someone looking at him from across the room. Squinting against the bright sun blasting through the floor to ceiling windows he could barely see clearly, but smiled just so not to appear rude.

He looked back again, the sun had dipped slightly, but the figure had turned away slightly revealing a mane of luxurious blonde hair. Could it be Sadie? Then it clicked, she had mentioned about being the guest at a posh social function, and invited him, was this wedding about to get interesting? Mike fervently hoped so.

The ceremony was nearly over, he had to get that all important shot of the happy couple, walking hand in hand back down the aisle with all their friends and relatives smiling from the rows of seats.

Walking towards the door, he glanced back in the direction of where that smile had come from, hoping to catch a glimpse to clarify. It was Sadie, looking in his direction, a little smirk on her lips, those luscious lips that had the head of his cock between them only recently. Mike felt something swell in the pit of his stomach and a major twinge in his suit trousers.

He winked at her and gave her a quick grin, making her smile all the more. The music began to play, hurridly he positioned himself at the door looking back, and started to click as the couple walked towards him, smiling at each other and at their family and friends.

There was a little time before the wedding breakfast and the wedding party had asked Mike to take a break while they freshened up. This suited him fine, he stashed his equipment in the next room and rushed off to find Sadie.

Sadie was at the bar with her back to the door, Mike spotted her in the throng of guests immediately. She literally took his breath away with her natural beauty. Stood just behind her he could smell her heady perfume and images of their past tryst raced through his head. Sadie felt him behind her and could smell the familiar aftershave. Turning she grinned up at him "And there was me thinking you had stood me up"

Grinning back delightedly, "I would have to be crazy," he replied.

He stroked her cheek gently and placed a chaste kiss on her sweet puffy lips then whispered in her ear "Come with me, I need to see you in private." Taking her hand in his he pulled her through the crowded bar.

They quickly made their way to the bathroom on the ground floor and locked the heavy oak door behind them. They fell upon one another like ravenous animals. Lips and tongues clashing together, desperate to taste one another. Sadie wrapped her arms and legs around him, her skirt riding up her her slim thighs, holding her tightly Mike walked across the black and white tiles and perched her on the the edge of the large sink, still kissing her deeply and moaning into her mouth.

Sadie found the zip of his flies quickly and unzipped him, his erect cock sprung out, with her legs wrapped around his waist she pushed her bare wet pussy against him enticing his cock between the hot wet open lips.

His mouth left hers, trailing his lips down her neck and to the deep v of her clingy dress, his hands tracing circles over her large erect nipples that were straining through the flimsy material. Pushing his hips against her, nudging the engorged head of his hardness into her glorious wetness. She felt amazing, the soft inner walls wrapped around him as he slid further and deeper into her tightness.

Sadie's hands were clutching his tight arse, pulling him in closer, wanting his entire length and width to fuck her harder, gasping and moaning his name, the waves of pure lust surged through their bodies as they rocked together in perfect harmony.

Pulling out briefly, Mike unwrapped her legs from his waist and spun her round to face the Victorian sink which had a large mirror above it. He spread her legs and thrust his hungry cock back into her, watching her reflection as she braced herself, hands gripping the edge the porcelain basin tightly as she pushed back into him.

She re-positioned her feet, and sticking out her gorgeous pert bottom, he noted that her eyes were closed in anticipation of his next move. The antique mirror reflecting beautifully the deep flush of lust as it spread over her neck and breasts, like the morning rays of sunshine appearing over damp rolling hills.

His desire for her arse overwhelmed him, pulling out of her delicious pussy, the head of his cock coated in her wetness, he guided himself between the smoothness of her now parted arse cheeks to her private puckered hole, Sadie gasped, she knew exactly what he wanted, she slowly, at first, pushed back onto him, he could feel himself being slowly drawn inside, her muscles relaxing to allow his penetration. The tightness was unbelievable as his cock moved further into her pulsing contracting muscles within.

Mikes hands delved into the deep v of her dress and under the lace confines of her bra, his fingers searching for the erect rosy buds he had enjoyed sucking so much in the woods, never taking his eyes off of the sight of her obvious pleasure in the mirror. Their eyes locked as he thrust deeper into her, he had nearly forgotten how mesmerising her eyes were, the deep slate grey that flashed as her orgasm built up within her with fierce intensity.

Sadie could feel the slow burn of deep pleasure as it wound through her, like a spring waiting impatiently to be unsprung. With one last push against Mike's piston like hips, her orgasm hit, like a herd of mustangs galloping full pelt across a hot dusty plain. Her body went into wrenching spasms as she lost control, her legs shaking, as rivulets of extreme ecstasy shot through her body from head to toe.

He couldn't hold back any longer, his arse clenched tightly as his pent up desire exploded within her tight arse. Streams of his hot creamy spunk shot continuously as he thrust into her one last time before enfolding her in his arms and collapsing against her.

Breathing heavily together they slid down onto the cool floor, turning to face one another as they did so. Their mouths once again merged as their hands caressed their sticky sweat soaked bodies through their crumpled clothing.

Reluctantly they pulled apart, Mike had to get back to work, "I'll be finished by half nine, I'll come and find you." He checked himself in the mirror as he adjusted his tie and zipped his flies hoping the smell of sex would be covered by the flow of alcohol in the next room. He kissed Sadie one last time before he headed out the door "Make sure you do" she called behind him, "if not I'm in room 6".

Sadie turned to the mirror and inspected the damage their bathroom quickie had caused. Quickly she went to work, raking her fingers through her hair and repairing her smudged make up.

Her pussy still throbbing, she could feel trickles of cum combined with her juices trickling down her thighs, she couldn't resist dipping her fingers into the sticky nectar and tasting the shiny dew like substance loving the mingled tastes of both. She quickly finished her repair job and with a hefty squirt of Chanel No5 she rejoined the party.

Later as the party dwindled to a close, Sadie made her excuses and said her goodbyes. She caught Mikes eye and signaled she was going upstairs. He smiled back, winking at her and mouthed, "Ten minutes".

Smiling she left the room, she had enjoyed watching him work, flitting here and there taking first posed pictures then happily snapping away as the party grew more raucous. The thought of him covered in their juices from their earlier bathroom antics made the sight of him all the more erotic. Making her tummy tighten, her pussy hot and damp as she thought of what may happen later.

Entering her room she flicked on the subtle lighting and left the door slightly ajar. She took off her dress but kept everything else on including her heels. Going to her overnight bag she hurried to the bathroom to brush her teeth and freshen up. Going back into the grandiose bedroom she again went to her bag, taking out her rose gold bullet vibe, she placed it on the plump feather pillows. Obviously she hadn't planned on Mike being there so had packed it. It would be very hot and sexy if they could play with it together.

Sprawling on the bed languidly she arranged her long lean body into a seductive pose, her legs spread a little so her pussy was just peeping out over the top of her frothy lace topped, stocking clad thighs. She waited impatiently for Mike to arrive, her hands drifted to her pert breasts stoking the hard nubs of her nipples through the sheer lacy bra.

After stashing his camera equipment in his car, Mike dashed back into the foyer and up the grand staircase, as he took the deep steps two at a time he fleetingly thought what a wonderful setting it was to take some risqué photos of the beautiful blonde awaiting him in her room. Another time perhaps?

Entering the huge bedroom he shut and locked the door after cheekily popping the Do Not Disturb sign on the handle. Turning, he was greeted to a sight he would never forget. There she was, sprawled in the middle of the oversized four poster bed, in a matching bra and garter, stockings and heels. He legs were spread slightly, her glorious silken shaved pussy completely visible to his unwavering gaze. Slowly she smiled a lazy smile as she continued to play with her magnificent tits and hardened nipples.

Taking a sharp intake of breath, Mike discarded his suit jacket, throwing it over the back of a chair, striding across the room he yanked his black tie off and unbuttoned his crisp white shirt. His cock was rock hard just at the sight of her playing with herself with that naughty seductive smile on those full luscious lips of hers.

He crawled up the bed to her, tracing his tongue and lips up the length of her until he reached her mouth. Stroking her soft flaxen hair away from her face as his mouth took hers greedily.

Sadie's hands went straight to the waistband and zipper of his trousers, freeing his cock and slipping them off. His gorgeous, slim tanned body now naked in all its glory, she felt a rush of pure dirty lust course through her.

Mike embraced Sadie tightly, crushing her body tightly to him, tracing kisses across her cheek, up her neck to her earlobe, his long fingers stroking the the slender contours of her neck. The smell of her perfume intoxicated him, invading his senses as he buried his face in the long tresses of golden hair.

Sadie had hold of his cock, grasping his fully erect length, pulling back the skin revealing the smooth sensitive head. She had an overwhelming urge to have his cock between her moist lips, to suck him deep into her mouth, taste the dewy drops of moisture of his precum and swallow his sweet, honey like cum.

Straddling her, Mike held both her arms above her head with one hand, he ran his other down her silk stocking clad thigh and started to slowly roll it down her satin smooth leg. Removing it completely he used it to gently tie her hands together keeping them above her head. Grinning widely he spots the little rose gold toy nestled in the pillow, turning it on he slowly runs it up and down the smooth underside of Sadie's tethered arms.

After their frantic fuck in the bathroom earlier, Mike wanted to tease and savour the writhing body beneath him, to take his time to lick, suck, kiss and caress every inch of her body.

Although her hands were tied, Sadie could still move her head and was nuzzling his broad chest, nipping his nipples, lightly running her tongue between the two. She bent her knees up and ground her pussy against him, whilst he continued to run her vibrator across her warm skin, finding all her secret erogenous zones. Placing hot wet kisses in its wake.

Sadie's body was aflame, every nerve ending dancing to the beat of the delicious teasing from him. She could feel the juice from her pussy saturating her lips and running down the crack of her arse. Whimpering in delight she pushed herself up towards him, trying to get closer. As Mike drew the humming toy over her nipples again and again she moaned her enjoyment.

Tracing the vibe down her tight flat tummy, around her sexy pierced belly button and over her sexy shaved mound, Mike stopped just before her smooth slit.

Sadie hoped he would run it down further, between her wet labia, and place it directly on her exposed clitoris she raised her hips expectantly, desperate for the intensity the buzzing bullet would inflict. Infuriatingly he moved it slowly down the inside of her legs, teasing her more as her pussy throbbed and her clit pulsed rapidly.

Frustration was building as quickly as her orgasm, spiralling through her, tendrils of passion reaching and stretching throughout her trembling body. She wanted his hard cock pumping into her, driving her full speed to her ultimate finish line. But she got that he needed, wanted to take his time pleasuring her, tasting her and adoring her. She felt a rush of affection for this sweet sexy man as yet another wave hit flooding her already juice soaked pussy.

Mike stood, and reached for his jacket, taking out his i-phone, he wanted to get a shot of this scene, the last rays of the late summer sun, coming through the large windows, the golden glow bathing her perfect body in its soft light.

She smiled at him, so sexy and adorable, a damp sheen of excitement cloaking her bound, semi naked lust ridden limbs. He stepped back, to take in the scene, his discarded clothing, and hers, littering the floor
click... click two great shots, perfect exposure, why don't we use these for weddings, he thought to himself, but then we have to justify the cost of our service!

Standing over her, and taking one of her ankles, he spread her legs wider click, click...another couple of shots, going back to the head of the bed, he untied the stocking which fastened her hands above her head, tenderly he kissed her neck and slid his tongue along her collar bone to the little dip above her breastbone, tasting the little salty drops of perspiration as he went.

For his next shot, he wanted her to use those long, slender manicured fingers that had so recently played with and excited his cock to boiling point, to spread her pussy lips.

Sadie knew exactly what he wanted, she marveled at how she could almost read the mind of this guy who had come into her life recently. She was totally taken by his charm and his ability to drive her wild sexually in such a way as he was doing now.

Spreading her legs wider, and reaching down, she used her bright red tipped fingers to spread herself, like a porn model in a magazine she had found recently at the stables.

Wanting him to see just how pink and wet she was for him. How ready she was for him to fuck her. She picked up her little vibe and ran it over her clit whilst stroking her outer lips and pushing two fingers into herself slowly. She climaxed quickly, Mikes delicious teasing had brought her to the edge and now she tipped over it as she fucked herself, gazing into the lens of the camera and smiling at the gorgeous man behind it as she was engulfed by another intense wave of pleasure.

He took the shot, perfectly timed as she arched her back in ecstasy. Throwing his camera to one side, Mike quickly undid the ties, kissing and licking as he went, savouring the taste and smell of her. His cock throbbed with lust as his desire to plunge into her hot wetness surged through him.

Placing himself between her legs, his hard cock pushed eagerly at the entrance to his nirvana, he pushed gently, nudging further in inch by hard inch. The soft inner walls of her pussy wrapped themselves around his hardness, Mike groaned with longing, he knew that this was not just fucking, as he slowly slid in and out of her juicy hot wet pussy. He was making love to the sexiest women straight out of his wildest dreams.

Sadie's arms and legs were wrapped around him tightly, writhing against him, urging him to go deeper. He needed no encouragement, his hips drew back and forth slowly going deeper with every stroke, his eyes locked onto hers as they slowly rocked together, the flashes of passion he saw spurred him on, he felt another spasm course through the body beneath him that was causing him to lose control, he couldn't hold back any longer.

He thrust into her hard, as his cock spurted, releasing long shots of thick hot spunk into the depths of Sadie's deliciously convulsing pussy.

Their bodies as one, sweeping desire rushed through them like a torrent of molten lava. They shouted one another's name kissing, biting and clutching each other, nails scraping soft skin as jointly they came again, gentler waves chasing after the tsunami that had just ripped through them both.

Bathed in sweat, their bodies sticky, and tender they kissed long and passionately holding each other tightly, never wanting this night to end.

Mike grinned. "Usually I hate shooting weddings but this one was quite the exception."

"I will always be the exception to the rule for you," Sadie replied with a seductive smile. Sliding out from beneath him, she dived under the tangled bed sheet, taking the little vibe with her.

With a huge grin Mike settled back as the buzzing toy started gently grazing across the soft sensitive underside of his balls and Sadie's luscious lips kissed and lovingly licked his cock, slowly lapping up their combined juices.

"Luckiest day of my life, falling off that damned bike in the woods," he sighed contentedly.

Her mouth full of his semi hard cock, Sadie could only nod in agreement as she drew the little gold tool over his skin towards his arse.

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Making My Wife Happy

Introduction: He got what he wanted, but lost what he had… Part I Charlie and Janet had been married three years and they were very happy together. He was a successful business-to-business salesman and she was a loan closer for a large Texas regional bank. They purchased a home less than a year after they married in a suburb west of Dallas six miles from DFW International Airport. They worked hard and had more than enough money, not to mention Charlie had money when they married. Janet was...

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Making Cathy Happy

MAKING CATHY HAPPY By Tammie Anne Freeman It wasn't fair. Why should I have to go summer school just because I didn't pass the state test to get into ninth grade? I had worked hard and got passing grades in eighth grade after having failed eighth grade the previous year. Now instead of summer fun I would have summer school. I would just as soon have dropped out of school, but my mother and dad insisted I remain in school. I didn't see the point. Even if I passed the state test...

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Slap Happy

                                      SLAP HAPPY – Part 1HE STOOD naked, in the position he had been taught, while awaiting her appearance. That was rigidly upright, his hands clasped behind his back, resting on his bare buttocks. His feet were about a yard apart – an important part of the stance for what he knew was to come.He looked down at his body, and despite himself, felt a tremor of pride run through his athletic, bronzed frame. He worked out every day, often under her supervision. His...

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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 8 Irsquoll Make You Happy

The three of us spent a delightful morning in bed; I guess that sort of made up for not going down to the park. After lunch, we were all up in the Studio; the two guys from Midnight Oil arrived mid-afternoon, and we took a break to discuss possible songs for the end of Rocktober gig we would be having with them. “This sure is a cool setup you guys have here,” Martin Rotsey said. We knew the guys from Midnight Oil pretty well; like with most of the major Aussie bands. We all sat down to plan...

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Theyre both pretty happy

They're both pretty happy.Sperm Can Make Women Happy. No Really, It's ScienceLA WEEKLY | JUNE 15, 2012 | 4:00PMHere's one for the "controversial sex studies" files. Apparently women who regularly come into contact with semen are happier than those who don't.The study appeared in Scientific American, an article about the various and sundry benefits of semen. Among them is the natural antidepressant qualities of semen. Note that the study didn't refer to sperm, but to semen, so it's not your man...

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Keeping the Boss Happy

It is Saturday night, and I should be up at the pub with my mates, instead I am stuck at work with my boss.  It is not what I want to be doing and I am expecting the next two nights to go very slowly indeed.  I like my boss, but really, working nights at the weekend?  What a bummer.I suppose I should not complain too much as normally life at this private health club is good.  The pay is fine, the facilities awesome, I get on with most of the staff and as a bonus, some of the female clientele...

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Make Me Happy

I woke suddenly with panic filling me, a hand was pressing over my mouth stifling the cry I was about to make, a dark body loomed over me and a low voice spoke to me. "Do as your told and you won't get hurt." the voice said, "I'm going to move my hand, don't make a sound." Fearfully I kept quiet as his hand moved from my mouth, I saw his teeth flash in the darkness then something covered my eyes. Wishing my husband was home I lay in the darkness, light suddenly showed at the edges of...

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Make Me Happy

Alan & Elena: The Romantic Saga "I know you can tell what's on my mind~baby~I've been feeling this way for such a long time!" Al Green"Sha-la-la"(Make Me Happy)1974 It is a beautiful spring day in a countryside, flowers blooming the sweet smell of love is in the air, as the few members of a band play thier instruments, Alan Colegate is nervous his knees are shaking, as he stands there waiting his Brother Earl, and his best friend Larry is there as well they all have come a long way...

2 years ago
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Seeing My Wife Happy

My wife was always out of my league. I couldn't believe when she agreed to go out with me and when she kept going out with me, or when she suggested we get married. See my wife is a senior partner in huge corporate law firm and she paid her way through law school modeling. She's a full head taller than me and I've always been sort of skinny. It's not that I'm bad looking; I'm even sort of cute but not compared to Jessica. As for my job Jessica, got me a position in the law library of...

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Keeping My Boss Happy

The day I came home from the interview, my parents were elated that I had finally gotten a job after almost a full year of sending countless resumes to every business within driving distance that was hiring new employees. I was unlucky enough to have graduated from college in the midst of an economic downturn with a degree in Liberal Arts that made prospective employers scoff at my lack of vision. It seemed a bit unfair as I was a pretty good student studying all of the required reading...

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My Former Succubus 2 A Holiday to RememberChapter 6 Making My Brother Happy

"Hey. I've got some bad news," I said to my brother. "You talked to AM, right?" asked Dave "Yeah." "She told you she wants to break up with me?" "Yeah. She said that since you both are going to different colleges..." "Her college being ten miles away from yours," he sneered. I didn't bother to respond. "That's why you should end things now," I finished. "Why?" I responded, "Because she knows that you like somebody else ... somebody who'll be going to State with...

1 year ago
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Coming out Happy

To say I was curious would be an understatement. As a teenager I would dress up in my older sister's clothes. Whenever I got the chance I would wonder into her room to play dress up. It was intoxicating, the feel of her panties snuggly fit over my erect penis, the sensuous feeling of her stocking's sliding up my hairless leg's, shaking as i clipped on the garter belt. I was so excited as I easily brought myself to climax. The thought of being a sexy little lingerie slut consumed me. My orgasm's...

4 years ago
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Keeping mum happy

Hello, i am arun here. I am 25 years now.i want to share my sex weakness stories with you. I saw from this website, there are so many in this world sex starved male and females existing in this world. Some are desires to fuck their own mum, some are interested in fucking their own sisters ,some interested to fuck others ,some interested in getting fucked by males only. I am also among them and i want to share me experience with like minded persons so that it may give them some pleasure. I...

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Making daddy happy

She was nervous but excited. Emily tiptoed across to the bathroom door and listened. She could hear the splashing of the shower and her dad’s tuneless hums from inside. Her eyes closed and she pictured her handsome father with water running from his blonde hair, down his beautiful face and running trails down his toned chest and stomach through to his thick manhood. Emily began to get wet at the thought and she slipped one hand down to her pussy and started to rub her clit with her other hand...

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Mom Blackmailed and very happy

Chapter 1&2 Barbara was a short woman 5’ at 36 years old she had put on 10 extra pounds which her husband joked was on her chest and ass. She had a 38d tits and wide tight ass, and long red hair. She was always horny. Her husband was a long-haul trucker, so he was gone three weeks out of each month minimum. They fought about sex because when he came home he was usually way too tired for her. Her son Billy was turning into a pervert, but young boys get like that, he did good in school....

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Making Mom Happy

Making Mom Happybyjohnnymindcrime©He was sitting on the couch playing Madden 2005 on Playstation 2. His 18th birthday was last week and the game was a gift from his parents. He had been playing it nonstop since he got it and was now in the Super Bowl playing against the Green Bay Packers with the Pittsburgh Steelers. He was trailing by five points and needed a big defensive play to keep his hopes alive. On the next play, he got what he needed. Joey Porter intercepted a pass and returned it to...

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Making My Darling Happy

I am Anand from Bangalore age 33, its my third story. This happened during Last month. Aunty whom I made Happy making her feel real joy of sex, Indu (Name Changed), she is 30 have good figure and more over I was attracted by her boobs. I was living with my Family and kids, opposite to our building there is House where my lovely Darling lives, she used to stay with her husband and kids, her husband works for a security agencies and was busy during days. I am working for a logistics company in...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 7 SakurakoChapter 15 Learn To Be Happy

November 20, 1993, Chicago, Illinois “Do you want me to drive you to Bucktown for breakfast?” Kara asked. I shook my head, “No. I told Dave and Ed the same thing when they asked. Doctor Barton was adamant about me taking it easy. Next week will be pretty hectic with going back to work part-time and Thanksgiving.” “I’m glad you finally came around to my point of view,” she said with a smile. “My big complaint is that I can’t cook with this damned cast on my wrist!” “I think your idea of...

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Buffy The Slutty SlayerChapter 5 The Pleasure Of Feeling Happy

The next morning Fink was looking over the file on Dawn Summers. She seemed an intelligent young woman. Her sole form of rebellion tended towards shoplifting. She wasn't acting overly promiscuous. A concentrated dose of the happy gas and some new clothes would certainly set off warning bells for the Slayer. Maybe he'd throw some new hair into the bargain. And a set of pillowy fuck-lips. He scratched out the tit enhancement. "Later," he mumbled. Fink grinned. He picked up the phone....

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Romanticism I know how to make you happy

Over us the hot summer sun, the blue sky on which white dancing clouds, and around the warm dark blue sea float. It is our desert island.We, having joined hands, absolutely bared we lie on warm gold dust, we luxuriate under beams of the southern sun and listens to surf noise. From the sea the light breeze blows, it envelops niches of a body an invisible matter, from pleasure on a body I run ants.From a shining sun my hair have burnt out and became more light, than usually. Now they have become...

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Dont Worry Be Happy

He sits in the darkness upon the enclosed balcony, looking out across the city. The hustle and bustle, the neverending traffic, the plethora of people upon the sidewalks… Everyone seems to have someplace to go, someone to meet, someone with whom to share the night. The city is alive, its sounds and its lights evidence of humanity, of companionship. Taking another sip from his mug, he looks to the north. Even the sky is full of life, evidenced by the dual lines of airplanes dipping from the...

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Young housemistress keeps all the family men happy

As she wiped herself after peeing, Rita saw the white pearly liquid on the tissue. It was there quite often these days. She reached with her middle finger to the source and spread more of the male juice up to her clit with gentle motions. Another climax was hardly necessary as her pussy was still swollen from the vigorous and thorough fucking she had just finished, but it always felt good. She cleaned her neatly trimmed red pubes as well. Getting back into bed with her sleeping sex partner,...

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My Stepbrother and I He Made Me Happy

It wasn’t a good day for me. I had a fight with my friend, and my class test didn’t go well. I came home from the college and like always, Mom offered me some fresh juice, but I preferred to go to my room and take a shower. As I entered my bedroom, I saw my younger stepbrother. Standing near my closet, he had my new red panties in his hand. “What the fuck are you doing? Don’t you see… these are my new panties. And you already have my black thongs to jerk off to,” I said, trying not to be very...

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Making him happy

I've learn quite young i love to be in smooth sexy panty, not that Im feeling i should be a shemale , i just like the smooth feeling on my small freshly waxed ass as i get on my knees to suck some cockI mean why do boy have to all wear boring boxer while girl all have sexy cute undies availableI mostly like the boyshort types and have a full collection in my drawer , of colors and stylemost are made in spandex and a single bright colorI can wear em and not be worry as they look like boy pantyi...

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Double crossed by my wife and happy

My wife is a pretty blonde five foot four ninty five pound spitfire. The entire time we dated she always wore either tight shorts or short skirts. All my buddy's used to joke about how she was a tease. I never had a thought of her cheating on me. When we where alone she was always very passant, her pussy would get soaking wet very quickly.After we married I begain to show her my more kinky side a little at a time. I bought her corsets , garter belts and stockings and even a pair of thigh high...

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So excited Really happy

So excited really happyThe man comes home tonight. I can’t wait. He has been gone for almost a week. All I can think about is when he comes home I will be sitting here on the couch naked or semi naked waiting for him to walk in the door and see me playing and caressing my sweet wet pussy. I want nothing more than to jump up and run into his arms, but instead I force myself to stay on the couch sliding down more so my night gown rides up and everything is exposed more.This is our...

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Husband Wants To See His Wife Happy

Hello to all specially the fans thanks for mailing me.Please read and enjoy the story. Jyoti was lying on bed with her beautiful round boobs and spread legs. Rajesh was entering his cock in his beautiful wife Jyoti’s pussy.Jyoti moaned “ahhhh Rajesh plzz aaj ache se chodna ahh”Rajesh went inside jyoti,he started moving in and out it was hardly the fourth stroke when Rajesh began to cum”ahhh Jyoti ahh”He fell down with his dick going soft.Jyoti was frustrated,her husband couldn’t last long...

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Being Happy

A number of you have asked me what I have been up to. One thing I can tell you my friends is that I have been busy - but happy! School's a bitch and with heavy (hairless) hips, i have never been sportsy type thus making it harder for me to earn my grades. What's keeping me satisfied is that I am still good at studies and my mother rewards me nicely when I do well. Just recently, she picked up a new boyfriend - hispanic and muscular he is a short guy with lot of energy. Night after night i hear...

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I made my wife happy

My name is Ejaz. I have a car rental company in Islamabad. My office is in G-8 market. I am married and have two kids. My wife is very beautiful, creamy white, nice height and extremely sexy built. I love her very much and try to keep her happy. For the last few months my business was not going well and I was tense as it was getting difficult to pay my bills. There was another thing even worse bothering me a lot and that was my reducing sex urge with my wife. I was always trying to keep my wife...

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Bill Sutherland 6 in STOPWATCHChapter 13 If Momma is Happy Everybodys Happy

I suppose I shouldn't mention that's it's two months since Bill got laid. Now, I realize that most women can get it nearly anytime they want it ... but, just the same ... it has been Bill and nothing but Bill for almost a year and it's kinda hard to go from..."Jesus, Bill ... STOP ... STOP ... NO MORE. Please ... Go fuck someone else!" ... to "You're through? When did you start?" The girls kept their pussy home ... even Laurel and Megan. Carl did get a little every once in a while...

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Joerg IsebrandChapter 8 Joerg Isebrand Escapes Marriage and Makes a Man Happy

Over the next three years, Joerg Isebrand became a fixture around the Count Reinhardt. Wherever the nobleman went or rode, he insisted on Joerg accompanying him. Joerg was in no way connected to anybody in Merseburg, and certainly not to the Countess Irmgard. After two years, the Feldweibel Bodo raised Joerg to Corporal. The Captain Grumm was all for it, too, as he had come to appreciate the loyalty and the sense of duty the young man displayed. Joerg was never late for duty, was never...

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Keeping an older client happy

Sara and I were just getting ready to go out for dinner when the phone rang, it was Vicky a new wealthy client I had been closely working with for just over a month, I had been spending a lot of time with her while designing new interiors for her chain of restaurants. Vicky was about ten years older than me putting her in her late forties, she was a fine looking curvy woman, with a lovely firm ass and large breasts, and she had caught me on more than a few occasions looking at her gorgeous...

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Finally son made me happy

Note : This story is completely fictional! Things have been started since his first year in college. His wild love floated me very often. I can imagine he has inherited this libido from me. After all he is my lovely son and born out from my womb. I got separated from my husband when my elder son was on 18. He was weaker in sex and at after couple of years he became completely unable. In fact he divorced me with settling all separation benefits. During my marriage life, I used to have sex...

3 years ago
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Mom Blackmailed and not that unhappy

Chapter 3&4 Kong called Carol around four, “hi baby can you talk”? “Not at this minute can I call you back in about an hour”? “Sure, lover talk to you later”. Between her kids and husband, she was busy for at least 2 hours. The kids were playing in their rooms and her husband was asleep in front of the TV. She walked outside and called Kong. He answered on the first ring “sorry hon hubby was being a Pain it the ass”, “Carol Jamal and I talked we’d like to get together Monday at your house if...

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