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Usually he enjoys his first visit to a new city, takes his time as he is driving to his hotel, checks out the feel of the city, what there is to see just driving through. That would have to wait this time though, his thoughts were on the restaurant he had just spotted ahead, the hour delay taking off, and the likelihood he was too late.

He missed the turnoff into the restaurant, further worsening his mood. He made a u-turn at the next intersection, hoping they weren’t illegal in this town, although not really caring at this moment. He turned into the restaurant rather too quickly, typically trying to make up seconds when already an hour late.

He waved an anemic apology to the older couple leaving the restaurant that he had just terrified with his erratic driving and searched for another long moment for a parking place. Someone else managed to get the spot the older couple vacated, he almost felt like he deserved that. Finally he found an empty spot and pulled into it.

He rushed into the restaurant lobby and to his surprise saw her sitting there. Relief began to pour over him as he ran to where she was sitting and he crouched down in front of her.

‘I am so sorry, the flight was delayed for an hour, it took forever getting my rental car, I missed the stupid turn, I almost ran over this older couple,? the words were pouring out of him.

Then he finally looked up into her eyes, and saw her smiling down at him, and the dam closed on the words.

She reached out and touched his cheek. ‘It’s ok, I made sure I checked on your flight before I came over, I haven’t been here long. And it’s nice to meet you too.’

‘Oh gosh,’ he stammered as he got back to his feet, ‘I’m making quite a first impression aren’t I.’ He heard her laugh softly as she also got to her feet. He took her hand and raised it to his lips, kissing it softly. Looking down into her pretty eyes, ‘It is very nice to finally meet you milady.’

She smiled at him warmly, ‘It’s nice to finally meet you too. I have a table for us, is that ok?’

‘Of course’, he offered her his arm and she took it as they made their way to the hostess.


They talked as easily as they always did online. During the hour they had eaten dinner they had discussed childhoods, families, favorite restaurants and covered a bit of online gossip. After the strained introduction things had quickly smoothed out. She had caught him staring at her lovely eyes, long pretty brunette hair and gorgeous smile but had simply smiled each time their eyes had met. The hour had gone by far too quickly.

‘Do you have some more time, can we talk some more?’ he asked.

‘I’d like that,’ she said, ‘but it’s too noisy here, can we find someplace a bit more quiet?’


He opened the passenger side door of her car and climbed inside. Already inside, she looked over at him expectantly.

‘I’m sorry, this is your town, and I?ve never been here. You’re going to have to be the one to decide where we are going.’ Their eyes met, she was smiling at him. There was a lot of warmth in her gaze. The look lingered, past the time when both should have become self-conscious.

He began to lean toward her, and she didn’t back away. He kept his eyes on hers the entire time, looking for any sign she didn’t want what was happening, and then he felt her soft lips against his and they kissed for the first time. His hand slid to the right side of her throat, touching her cheek as they kissed. He could feel her breath on his face as the kiss continued. He slowly pulled back, feeling their lips slowly separate, both breathing heavily.

He pulled back just far enough to be able to look fully at her pretty face. His hand still softly caressed her cheek. ‘You are so beautiful,’ he whispered.

Her eyes lowered for a moment and a slight flush crept into her cheeks. Her eyes raised back up to find his. ‘You have the warmest, prettiest eyes,’ she said.

This time it was his turn to blush slightly. ‘May I kiss you again?’ he asked.


He lowered his head slowly towards hers, anticipating the soft touch of her lips against his. As they kissed her mouth opened slightly and his mouth opened against hers. They began a deep sensuous French kiss, his hand slipped behind her neck so that he could pull her towards him a little, deepening the kiss even further.

They both scooted around in their seats, trying to get more comfortable for kissing. Soon he was on his knees in his seat, leaning over into her seat. Just then he noticed someone walking by her car and remembered where they were.

He sat up and in response to her somewhat surprised look managed to breathlessly whisper, ‘I think we are putting on a bit of a show.’

Her blush was far more intense than when he had complimented her. ‘Perhaps we should find that other place that I was talking about.’


She pulled the car into the parking lot of a beautiful tree-filled local park. The parking lot was deserted. The evening was getting late, in less than an hour it would be dark. The moon was very bright this evening though.

Inside the car she turned to look at him. She looked lovely backlit by the moonlight, her dark pretty hair tumbling over her shoulders. It was a bit in disarray from the activities of a few moments ago.

He reached out to touch her cheek again, and she pressed her cheek into his hand. His hand softly caressed her lovely face, his fingers moving gently over her cheeks, across her lips, tracing the outline of her eyes. He ran one finger down her nose, dropping at the end of her nose to her lips. She kissed his finger.

He watched as she unbuckled her seatbelt. She dropped the pumps she was wearing onto the driver’s side floor. Sitting on her knees, this time she leaned over into his seat to kiss him.

She kissed him tenderly for a moment then broke the kiss. She stared for a moment deep into his eyes. ‘I know I don’t say it much,’ she whispered, ‘but you make me feel absolutely wonderful.’

She leaned in to kiss him again, deeply, French kissing again. He had found the release to let the seat go back, but forgot they now had two people leaning against the seat. The seat quickly fell all the way back, pulling him completely away from her as he fell back hard into the seat. She was able to catch herself and started giggling at his startled look.

‘I’m sorry,’ she managed to stop giggling. ‘Are you ok?’

Now he started laughing. ‘Yes, only thing hurt is my pride.’

‘I see,’ she said with mock seriousness. ‘Do you suppose I need to come down there and see if I can help?’

‘I think I’d like that very much.’

She very carefully climbed into his lap, and slowly stretched herself out against him. ‘Is this better?’ she asked as she snuggled up against him. Her face was just inches from his and soon their lips were pressed tightly together again.

His right hand quickly found it’s way to her left breast. His left hand slid down her back to gently caress her butt. The material of her dress felt very silky, which he actually notice for just a minute, before his brain reminded him of the wonderful lady under the dress, and that she was in his arms.

Their kiss deepened, he felt her body pressing into his, and into the hand at her breast. He slowly worked her dress up in back, until he was able to caress her butt through only her panties. He felt her breath catch in their kiss, and her body press hard against his. One of her hands covered his as he caressed her breast. She squeezed his hand gently and then removed his hand from her breast.

She stooped kissing him and sat up a bit. The hand she has just taken from her breast she raised to her lips, kissing it. She looked deep into his eyes as she told him, ‘I want to make love with you. But, not here, this isn’t comfortable. I have a blanket in the back, I want you to make love to me under the moon
light in the park.’


He lay back against the blanket as she kissed her way down his bare chest. Kissing her way down across his abdomen, he shivered in pleasure at what she was making him feel.

She wasted little time undoing his belt and unsnapping his jeans. She sat up and he felt his jeans sliding down and off. She started kissing her way up the inside of his thighs, something he had often done for other but never really experienced for himself. Her warm lips and soft, wet tongue felt incredible as she worked her way slowly up his thighs. Then he felt her kissing him over his jockeys, her mouth wrapping around curves and mouthing him softly.

Then she was swiftly pulling off his jockeys, tossing them somewhere behind her.

‘Oh my, it’s so big,’ he heard her exclaim.

Half laughing he was quickly up on his elbows looking at her. ‘What did you just say?’ he asked.

Her eyes found his and he saw the humor in them though her face remained completely serious. She had always said that her eyes could never hide her mood. ‘Isn’t that what I’m supposed to say?’

He laughed. ‘In this case I’m afraid that would be a case of false advertising darling.’

‘No, no, no,’ she lost her composure, giggling. ‘It would only be false advertising if you said it, I’m allowed to make such claims aren’t I?’

‘Good point,’ he managed, just before he fell back and moaned loudly. She had just taken him slowly into her mouth, sliding far down his erect penis. She bobbed her head up and down on him several times before slowly releasing him from her mouth.

‘Honey, I have to say you’re not exactly small, and oh my do you taste good.’ The last she said with an exaggerated lick of her lips.

He blushed again. The second time for the evening and it left him speechless.

‘What’s the matter honey, having trouble speaking? Perhaps I should do that some more, you seemed to be able to moan just fine when I was doing that for you.’ She smiled sexily at him and lowered her mouth to him again, slowly taking him into her hot, wet mouth.

He did moan again. He also managed to find his voice.

‘Oh darling, I can’t deny that feels wonderful. However, I think at the moment I’d really love to have those incredible lips of yours up here kissing mine. Besides, you’re still almost dressed and I think it’s my turn to be the undresser. I’ve been looking forward to it all night now.’

Once again she slowly released him from her mouth. She sucked rather hard just before he slid out, causing him to moan loudly again. ‘You’ve been undressing me with your eyes all night, is that what you are saying?’

‘Pretty much, yep,’ he admitted.

She laughed. ‘No one can say you aren’t honest,’ she said as she slid up to kiss him deeply.


He finished sliding her bra off as he gently sucked on her right nipple. He teased her nipple with his tongue before sitting up between her legs. He gazed down at her, obviously letting his eyes slide all over her body. Clad now only in incredibly sexy looking Victoria’s Secret white panties, she was beautiful. Her breasts were full and her nipples as dark as she had told him. The moonlight gave all of her womanly, sexy curves an almost eerie glow.

She watched him looking at her, and smiled when his eyes finally returned to hers.

‘Do you like what you see?’ she asked him.

‘My love, you know I have always liked what I have seen.’

‘So you have said,’ she almost whispered, ‘but you have never seen quite this much of me. Are you sure I haven’t gotten too skinny.’ She laughed, a light, musical laugh that made him smile and filled him with longing to hear it again.

‘No darling, I assure you, you look absolutely stunning.’

‘Good,’ she murmured. She caught his gaze and he felt like she was looking into his soul. ‘Because I was rather hoping you’d want to finish undressing me soon.’

‘Oh you were?’ His eyes flashed mischievously as his hands slide under her sexy bottom, squeezing softly. He lowered his head and brushed his lips across the front of her panties.

‘Yes,’ she moaned softly, ‘because I want to feel those wonderful lips of yours on my skin.

His hands on her butt grasped the hem of her panties and quickly pulled them down almost to her knees. At the same times his lips found the bare lips of her vagina, and pressed into them, his tongue flicking out to trace the opening of her lips. She moaned loudly and he felt her hips pressing up at him.

He pushed her panties off with one hand so that he could spread her legs a bit more, get better access. He sucked one of her lips into his mouth, sucking on it gently. She gasped loudly and bucked her hips against him. He kissed her again softly before sitting up and smiling at her.

‘Like that?’ he asked.

‘Mmmm hmmmmm’, she murmured as she watched his eyes trace over her body once again. It thrilled her to see the look of love, desire and lust in his eyes as he visually ate up her body. ‘Unlike you my dear, I don’t mind if you do continue that.’

‘Oh my, it’s so big,’ she heard him say.

Her head snapped up. ‘What did you just say?’

‘Oops,’ he attempted to look chagrined, ‘that’s not what a guy is supposed to say is it?’

In a flash she had grabbed him and thrown him back on the blanket, straddled him, and was tickling his side and abdomen. Though he usually could control whether or not he was ticklish, he was not in control this time.

She tickled him mercilessly as she pounded him with questions.

‘What is so big my dear? Were you talking about my hips? My butt? Just what was it that you found so big?’

He tried to answer several times, but was barely capable of breathing. Her tickle attack was relentless. Finally he managed to twist around under her enough to take one deep breath and managed to gasp out ‘your breasts.’

Almost immediately she finished her attack. ‘Hmmmmmmmmmm. They aren’t that big you goof, I hope by that you mean that you like looking at them.’

‘I adore looking at them,’ he replied. ‘I especially liked how they bounced while you were tickling me.’

‘Nonsense,’ she replied, ‘you were in no shape to notice.’ She was sitting just over his middle thighs. She reached down and wrapped her hand around him, and he immediately regained most of the hardness he’d lost during the tickle ambush. This time it was her eyes that roamed over him, and he who enjoyed the inspection. Her eyes finally met his again and she held his gaze for several seconds. Her hand was slowly stroking him.

‘You have the sexiest eyes,’ she finally said to him.

He blushed again, a blushing trifecta.

‘You seem to blush a lot,’ she teased, ‘I don’t recall you mentioning you are easily embarrassed. Just what are you going to do when I tell you that I’m planning to take this very hard penis in my hand and slide myself onto you?’

He moaned as she began to rub his head against her. Partially pushing him into her. ‘A moan,’ she murmured, ‘I rather like that reaction much more than blushing. I’m planning to have that reaction in just a moment myself.’

With that she lowered herself slowly onto him. Taking him deep inside her. They both moaned.


They lay side-by-side on the blanket, kissing softly. His hand softly caressing her breasts, sliding gently all over, teasing her nipples.

‘I’m ready for more already my love, if you’re interested,’ he whispered softly in her ear.

‘So I noticed,’ she laughed softly back, before kissing him hungrily, deeply, pressing her body hard against his.

His free arm went around her and he allowed the weight of his body to push her back onto the blanket. He kept himself off her, putting his weight on his arms on either side of her. Her legs spread and he felt her hand guide him into position. He kissed her long and deep as he slowly slid into her.

It wasn’t anything
exotic, they simply made love, slowly, tenderly. They didn’t speak beyond moans, kissing almost the entire time. He just slowly moved in and out of her, while she squeezed him and moved her hips with his to take him very deep. The act itself may have been very simplistic but the pleasure generated was far from it.

She reached orgasm slightly before him. She had to break the kiss as she moaned loudly, her body shuddering with the intensity of the pleasures coursing through her. That was more than enough to send him over the edge not long after, thrusting into her as his pleasure built to a crescendo. He found her lips willing to kiss again as he exploded inside her, feeling her muscles working with him in her, making the pleasure last.


They kissed outside of his car. A deep kiss that recalled for both the pleasures they had so recently shared. A very long kiss, but one that had to eventually end.

‘I’ll be here all week,’ he whispered to her once the kiss had broken.

‘I know,’ she whispered back as she pressed a piece of paper into his hand. ‘Call me at work tomorrow, let me know how to contact you.’

‘I will.’ He kissed her once more and got into the rental car. He watched her walk away in the side-view mirror. He wondered if she might glance back, but she didn’t. She walked to her car, got in, and drove off. As she drove by she did look over and smile, so he blew her a kiss.

He took a deep breath, parts of him still tingling from the amazing evening he had just experienced. Time to get to the hotel, he thought, good thing I got a late check in.

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Erica Ranch Wife pt 7 lost cucumber

Introduction: impromptu toying and anal fun Mf, anal, oral, incest, vegetables Erica, Ranch Wife, Ch 7, cucumber incident Yes, shes 14 now. Consider it a flashback or STFU. Erica carefully guided the big dually pickup through the parking lot and into the drive-through lane. She had been wanting to drive the previous summers here. Now at 14, she wasnt the youngest driver on the road, especially in farm and ranch country. Erica had never driven so much as a go-cart until she got to me. Big...

4 years ago
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The Day He Finally Fucked His Sister

Amy picked up at a young age of the special way her brother looked at her. At first not understanding why, but as she grew older she soon realized it was her sexuality which caused her brother to treat her differently. She did what all sexually attractive women do, and that was to use her looks for her advantage. She would get her brother to do things for her like take her and her friends to the mall, almost anything she would ask for, he would do. Around the age of 16, she now had breasts a...

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My Moms Friend1

I was almost 11 when it first happened. My Mom owned a small two room summer cabin in an older resort beach area. Her best friend, Anne, who lived at our house, also had a young son, Rob, he was only 8. Anne, would stay at our cabin through the week so us kids could have a holiday and my Mom would come down on the weekends. So all week we’d be there alone with Anne. Anne was about 40 at that time. Dark hair, nice looking and a robust woman. One night about a year before, at home, I...

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A Night Out

Sarah stepped out of the bathroom, straightening her black skirt, and light cashmere sweater. Kevin watched her move across the room, admiring her legs. She was very proud that she had regained her figure from her early twenties, and enjoyed showing it off. "So what time are we meeting them?" Kevin asked. "Ann said they'd pick us up around 6:30, the movie is at 8:30, so we should have plenty of time to eat." "Ok, are we going to Tommie's again?" "Probably, Jim like's it", Sarah...

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CourierBabes International

CourierBabes International is a parcels company much like UPS, but the delivery personnel are all great looking women. One such, is Amber…She’s 22, great figure, long sexy legs, and platinum blonde hair. Her navy blue jumpsuit uniform is unzipped, the temperature way too hot for long sleeves. Underneath, she’s wearing a hot pink thong and matching bra. She walks up to the door and knocks on it. ‘Who is it?’ I ask. ‘It’s Amber with CBI, I have a package for you,’ her voice singing through the...

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Ashwini 8211 My New Office Manager 8211 Part 2

Hi friends I am back with the next part of my story “Ashwini – my new office manager – Part1!!!”. Just to brief you, I have done my MBA and I have my own training institute. I train corporate people for various personal grooming and as well as professional etiquette. Ashwini became my office manager cum business development tool (to seduce clients). And of course satisfy my sexual desires also. So we reached the airport at 6:30 am and collected our boarding pass. I was getting noticed as I was...

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Brads LifeChapter 3

I usually only worked till noon on Saturday. I closed up and headed to my sister Sue's house. Barbara, my niece was going to be six. We called her Barb or Barbie. I headed into the backyard where the party was supposed to take place. Looks like I was early. Only Sue's family was there along with Mom and Dad so far. Bill's mom and dad came in right behind me. I was thinking, there's another marriage of over thirty years. They were nice people also. When Sue saw me, she gave me a hug....

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Martins Easter

"Martin's Easter" A Special Edition This is a special holiday edition of Martin. It isn't actually part of the storyline, but uses existing circumstances in the story to present this short story. "Martin's Easter" "Well I think it just lovely Mrs. Vargos," Leanne said admiring Martin's Easter dress that was designed for him by Felix. "It is childish Leanne. It's a little girls Easter dress made...

1 year ago
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Conceal Me What I AmChapter 13

They say that in the nanosecond or so before death, your entire life flashes before your eyes, probably so that you can panic and be seriously concerned right from the start of your journey into the afterlife that you've fucked up royally from start to finish and shouldn't be trusted with another rebirth into life, let alone be granted white robes, a halo and harp for the rest of eternity. Well it didn't happen to me ... probably because I was so already so brain dizzy with all of my...

2 years ago
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Teased Dripping Helpless

He knows I'm horny, he's known since the moment he saw me, and now he's just going to make it worse.I wrap my hands around his thick arm and strain up to kiss his neck as we stand in the queue for the theatre. He smirks impassively as I desperately try to get his attention. I'm wearing my sexiest clothes, had my hair and makeup done, especially to turn him on. How dare he even try and resist me."Later, Suzy," he says, his deep voice reverberating through my body.I pout at him, annoyed and...

4 years ago
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Andreas big cock lust

Andrea was the most depraved and fun woman I have ever been with. For seven years, we pushed each others sexual boundaries constantly. It got to a point where our sexual urges were getting us in increasingly dangerous situations, and although we would periodically swear off our swinging lifestyle and talk ourselves into living a 'pure' life, the rest of the time the pendulum swung to the other extreme.Filed away in my mind are all the great memories of our debauched times together. I also have...

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The Adventures of Peter and Louise ndash A memor

My name is Louise, a 52 year old slim attractive brunette. This is a little memory I have in a time before I met Peter my partner. Peter who loves me very much and says “for your age you still have the body of a twenty year old”, which is rather sweet, however I do keep in shape and I am very proud of it. After my twelve year marriage ended in the mid nineties, I decided to quit my boring 9 – 5 civil service office job in the midlands and become a holiday rep for a major tour operator, a job...

3 years ago
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my cuz and I

when I was thir#teen, my 15 year old cuz and I where checking out this new house that was being built. It was a Saturday afternoon and no one was around.The house had just been framed and there where just 2bi stud walls. The carpenters had just put the pull down srairs to the attic in and they had left a sheet of 4X8 plywood up in the rafters to work from.So being the two horny teens that we where, we went up and started to get naked on the plywood.This was realy the firstime we where...

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Real cousin ke saath sex ek shadi main

Hi, I am Monika main kanpur main rehati hoon ye meri aap beeti hai jise sonch kar main exite ho jaati hoon isi liye aap sab ke saath apni real story share kar rahi hoon. Main apne baare main bata doon meri age 23 saal hai main apna MA compleate kar cuki hoon.meri hight 5.3 hai mera rang kaafi gora hai mere baal goldan brown hain meri aankhen kamzor nahi hain phir bhi main brown contect lence lagati hoon.mera figure 35 27 34 hai main apni tareef nahi karna cahati phir bhi main hoon to kaafi...

1 year ago
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the besr walk of my life

I live in a small country town and I go for a every morning and night one night I am walking down the road just outside of town and there is a house with a very hot girl who lives there and she forgot to shut her curtains one night so I desides to stop four a second and I see that she is taking off her bra and panties so I hidi in the bushes out the front and watch her undo her bra and while she is doing that my cock is getting harder so I pull it out and start to jerk off while watching her...

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Old Friends New Lovers 31

The girls grabbed their coverups while Mike and I pulled on our trunks. We were covered up by the time Tiger pulled along side and I helped secure his bowline. . We exchanged greetings and I asked Tiger “What can we do for you?” Tiger replied “I wanted to know if you all wanted me to prepare another beach meal tonight.” While Tiger was talking to me I could see that he was stealing glances of our women. They were facing him and the sun was behind them. The view from his vantage point was...

2 years ago
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CUM lover for real

well it starts about a year ago.hidden somewhere inside me I discovered my submissive nature when it comes to my sexuality.OH MY GOD! now Kurt really got into this but he WAS a mild dominant.well it seems things were not as nasty as we wanted them to day he told me he was gonna take a very dominant role and really slut me out.I was both nervous and excited.then it happened.about 2am one morning he called to tell me he was bringing a co-worker home.I thought he was joking.he was not.he...

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The Submissive HousewifeChapter 4

Sue was quite happy in her role as a submissive housewife. She took care of all of her husband's manly needs and was obedient to his every instruction. The fact that he required her to service his boss and his boss's horny son Adam as well as other friends and acquaintances as he so desired was more a perk to her rather than a burden. The last session with the pair of college jocks sent to test her obedience made her realize just how much she liked the liberating lack of guilt when she was...

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The Unknown Lord Pt 02

Chapter 7 We just finished the groceries and we called a cab to take us back waiting at the door was Jenna. She and Sheila carried the groceries up to my apartment where I had slave put on the coffee and while she was doing that I give Jenna a kiss, which of course Sheila felt in detail. Jenna upset saying, ‘What is she doing here?’ ‘Why don’t you ask her?’ Jenna see’s Sheila come in and said, ‘You know Sheila, Derek was looking for you why don’t you call him.’ ‘Derek was adequate in bed and...

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The Neighbour 3

In summary for those who haven’t read the other parts. Starting in 2010 just before my 30th birthday, with the collusion of my husband I had become a sex slut for a neighbour of ours. What started out as just a rough sex game had developed over the following months to my humiliation and submission to this man who was 22 years my senior. But I loved it! this was so far removed from the gentle love making I’d experience from men in the past. On that very first day he had wound up my sexual...

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Summer Advantage With My Cousin 8211 Part 2

Hello to all readers, this is Zak (Pen Name) welcoming you to my second sex story. About me I am 24 and stay in Navi Mumbai, a developing metropolitan in India. I am an engineer by profession working in a leading MNC. Do comment your views on my story. This is in continuation to my Story Summer advantage with my cousin. For new readers you can go through the link above and check the first one. I would recall the story for you. Within our 2 days at home I had got the opportunity to fuck my...

1 year ago
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Sex With Stranger In Goa

Hi, this is Phantom from Goa… I am very secretive so that’s why the name phantom. I am going to tell you the sexual encounter I had with a mature lady from Delhi who was traveling with her husband on a flight. If any comments then please email me on I first saw the lady when she was check in inn her baggage coming to Goa at the Delhi airport. I was in Delhi for my family friends wedding. I was just behind them while they were in the line. I over heard them fighting over something which the...

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Golden GuardChapter 7

Roberta And Paula "I wonder how these people will react to your nudity, Roberta?" asked Paula. "I hope you don't collect another whipping just yet! A really satisfactory and aesthetically pleasing lashing needs to be done on a nice fresh back in my opinion! I know you don't get to watch, but I do and you should always try to think of others, darling! And, thanks mainly to you, I've seen quite enough to have a right to form a judgment in such matters! You need at the very least, a...

2 years ago
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My Nice Niece

This is my second story. Readers can revert with their comments at I come from a large family – five brothers and two sisters. My eldest sister got married while I was in third. She had five children, two daughters followed by three sons. I hit together very well with the youngest daughter of my sis as I was good in my studies and Mona looked at me as her role model. Since she lived near our house we played together whole day. When she was 7 years old, her father got transferred to another...

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First Meeting Ch 01

1st Meeting – In Public This story is one of three – my Trilogy on Internet Love: One Erotic “1st Meeting – In Private”, one Non-Erotic/Romantic “1st Meeting – In Private”, and one a letter “1st Meeting – Letter After”. All were written five years ago when I met and fell in love (the only time in my life) with a woman I met online. The first two were written before our one and only real life meeting. The last is a letter I wrote to her afterwards. The wonderful experience remains my most...

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Hot Teacher

I wanted to fuck her so bad. She had golden blonde hair, with streaks of brown in it, and she always had it in a crazy bun. Her eyes were blue, and her face was smooth. She talked with a whisper in her voice too. Her body was great, with huge tits and a nice ass. She was young too, age 28, junior teacher. This was my chance. I had to report to her office, because I ‘accidentally’ grabbed her ass when she wasn’t looking. I sat down on the chair in the middle of the room, as we all did when we...

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Three Square MealsChapter 10 The trio finally arrive at Karron Some mysteries revealed

Alyssa looked down over her lovers and saw that she had their undivided attention. They listened to her eagerly, intrigued to learn more about the beautiful blonde girl they cared so much about. “As you know, I grew up on Karron. It’s a bleak inhospitable place, a massive asteroid that’s been gradually hollowed out as the mines have dug deeper. Slums have built up in the old abandoned tunnels and there’s thousands of people living there now.” Calara didn’t know much about Alyssa’s history...

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Chennai Boy Sex With Biology Teacher

Hi all Indian Sex Stories Readers.! I am Ranga (((((((((((((((name changed)))))))))))))))))) from Kodambakkam, Chennai. I am doing my engineering right now in a reputed university in Chennai. This incident happened before two years when i was doing my high school in one of the most reputed residential schools of Chennai. Women in Chennai are partially hot. Not all of them are busty and hot. Middle aged women are the ones to look out for in Chennai. This is my first story that i am writing down....

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Meri Bhabhi Aur Wo Kaala Chota Aadmi 8211 Part 2

Kripya pehle part ko padhe tabhi samjh aayegi aapko ye kahani aur comment jaror karein pe. Phir bhabhi ne usko palang pe lita diya aur uske nipple ko chusne aur chumne lagi uski chhati pe bohot baal the wo balo pe haant bhi phere ja rahi thi aur dhere dhere neeche ki aur aane lagi uski nabhi jo ki balo se ghiri hui thi uspe apni jeebh ghumane lagi wo to saala lete hue jannat ki sehar kar raha tha phir uske lund pe wo apne boobs ko ragadne lagi uska lund dheela tha tab bhi bohot bara tha Aur...

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Mom Becky AndChapter 2

About two weeks later, I woke on Saturday about 7 AM and immediately discovered no mom. I wasn’t worried as some of the Friday nite business ran very late. I was just finishing my cornflakes when my mom and another couple staggered in. The three of them were in that stage of drunkenness where you couldn’t get angry at them. They were having a helluva good time and they wanted everybody to join in. Mom made introductions, he was Harry Brown a guy famous in Chicago night clubs, I found out that...

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DirtyWivesClub Melissa Moore 22595

Hungover again. So it goes for Melissa Moore’s husband, following a night of hard partying once more with his college bro Lucas who’s been crashing at their pad for way too long. His bored wife is over it, so she takes matters into her own hands and gets all gussied up in stockings and sexy red lingerie and heels, then creeps into the room where Lucas is slumbering. And she’s not bringing him coffee to wake him up! No, Melissa slips her warm hand down under the bed sheet and gives Lucas the...


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