My first gang bang
- 3 years ago
- 21
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Primary editing by ErikThread and DaveT with my thanks. My revisions and messing with it afterwards are all on me.
Chapter 11 Up and Running
I watched as the first order to leave our plant was rolled onto a truck. The electric forklift silently moved the three pallets into the truck, then withdrew and returned to its shipping department stall. We had leased three electric units: a riding model for full pallets being lifted into our racking system, a stand up model for moving finished product from the shipping dock onto trucks, and a powered pallet mover to move work-in-progress and finished product around and off the plant floor. No noise, no marks on the new epoxy floor, and no fumes.
We took no chances and gave our first group of orders forty-eight hours to cure after lamination. After which, they would be slit to the correct width and prepped for shipment. All our tests confirmed we had excellent bonds. Our tests on some twenty-four hour cure times were showing good results as well. All the same, we decided to use the longer cure time as a guarantee of quality. We would only revert to the manufacturer’s one day claim in an emergency. Even Fiona agreed with that.
I called Leo on Friday as promised, choosing two o’clock to give myself plenty of time to talk. Leo liked to communicate and no conversation with him was ever short.
‘So how did your first week of production go?’ he asked after we had finished with the preliminaries.
‘Really good, Leo. We are up and running and producing good product. I’m waiting to hear from Fiona on our customers’ reaction to it.
‘That’s a great feeling, isn’t it?’
‘You know it. I feel like I can start breathing again, as Bobby Lee would say.’
‘The reason I asked you to call was to discuss an opportunity with you.’
‘Fire away.’
‘You remember our conversation about lidding films, particularly for the new Keurig and Tassimo equipment?’
‘Sure. It didn’t fit. Web was too narrow for our slitters, we didn’t have a good source of poly-coated foil, and not enough customers. Other than that, it was a great opportunity,’ I laughed.
‘Yeah, that was then … but this is now. I’ve have a line on a Mark Andy thirteen inch wide press, ten colour. A label printer in Winnipeg I know was talked into it by his sales manager. It was a mistake. He wants to sell it, but not in his market.’
‘I don’t know much about Mark Andy presses, Leo, other than they’re U.S. made and pretty much the standard of the paper and film label business. Are you thinking about the coffee lidding business again?’
‘Yes. I’d like you and Mike to survey the market and see what the demand is. I’m thinking private label, of course. I’ll leave it up to you to tell me if you think it’s doable. Every time I see a store flyer or look around in one of the stores I see those machines for sale. The supermarkets are carrying the coffee for both systems. And more and more, I’m seeing smaller brand labels too. This might be an opportunity for you.’
‘Yeah, but what about the poly coated foil?’
‘That’s what got me thinking again. The European supplier of the stock is putting inventory into Toronto, including the mini filters. Apparently Tim Horton’s is going Tassimo while Starbucks is going Keurig. The supplier will stock one or two sizes only and slit to order. That would solve a big part of our problem.’
‘Is Ralph on board with this?’
‘Yes … as far as the press goes, he’s okay with the equipment. He’s examined the specs and looked at both products and says the press will handle it.’
‘Okay, then, let me turn our best sales person loose on this. We’ll get some information ASAP.’
‘Let me guess … that would be Ms. Alexander.’
‘You got it in one. I’ll do some work on it too. I know several of the roasters in the Bay area. They’ll give me good information.’
‘Good. If it makes sense, I’ll get Ralph to look at slitters and go see the press for himself. Let’s not make any promises yet.’
‘I understand. Don’t worry. After all, who talked you out of that Soloflex press five years ago?’
‘Don’t remind me,’ he laughed. ‘I’m still living that down.’
‘By the way, have you given any thought to a new slitter for here? The ones we inherited are not very fast. We’ll run out of capacity if we keep going like we are. Fiona pulled in four new accounts this week.’
‘Let me talk to Dave and Ralph. It’s not a huge expenditure, but I’ve got to watch our cash flow. Growth doesn’t come cheap, but I don’t want to choke you down. Are you going to two shifts soon?’
‘How does next week sound,’ I bragged. ‘We have enough business coming from you and from our customer base to justify it.’
‘That’s terrific, Andy. Just what I needed to hear. I’m really proud of what you’re accomplishing.’
‘You and Ralph and Dave found me some good people. I just cut them loose and let them do their jobs.’
‘Yeah … sure,’ he said.
I sat back in my chair as I hung up. It was going better than I had hoped. I wondered when the first crisis would crop up. There always would be one to test us. It was part of the business.
I looked at my watch. It was just past three-thirty and I was running out of energy. The past three months had been full of tension and trial. Finding the right people, installing new equipment, training employees, finding new business, and making marketable product. Yeah, I was running out of energy.
I could hear Fiona’s voice coming from the customer service area. It was mixed with laughter, so I didn’t anticipate a problem. I pushed myself out of my big leather chair and headed for the source of the voices.
‘It’s good to hear laughter in this place,’ I said as I sauntered up to the ladies who looked after processing and scheduling orders.
‘You expected crying?’ Sandra teased. ‘We’re back in business. Do you have any idea how good that feels?’
‘Oh yeah, don’t worry, I know exactly how good that feels,’ I assured them.
‘I think Mr. Big Shot general manager should take us girls out for a drink to celebrate,’ Fiona said, poking my sleeve with her finger.
‘Ooooh, the sales babe is getting personal with the boss,’ Myra Ramirez teased.
‘Like that’s a surprise,’ Donna added.
‘He’s all mine,’ Fiona announced, wrapping her arm in mine. ‘I found him first.’
The produced some genuine laughter at my expense. I was sure I was red-faced.
‘Okay,’ I surrendered. ‘One drink on the boss at Hernando’s Hideaway.’
‘Would it be okay if we invited Bobby Lee and Wick?’ Fiona asked.
‘I don’t see why not, since they are going to make us all famous,’ I smiled.
Sandra got on the phone and paged the two men. It took a few minutes before they answered.
I was sitting on the edge of Donna’s desk chatting with the women and mentioning how pleased Leo was with our progress. That brought smiles from them, naturally. I didn’t hear the conversations Sandra had when the phones rang, but she came over to our group smiling.
‘They’ll meet us there just after five. We can save them a couple of seats.’
‘Bobby Lee might need a couple of seats himself,’ Myra laughed. She was a diminutive middle-aged Hispanic woman, barely five foot tall, and in awe of Bobby Lee Turpin.
‘I think Wick is more your size,’ Donna teased.
‘True, but I can dream, can’t I?’
That brought about general laughter. It was harmless fun. Myra was happily married to a successful local business owner and had four teenagers to feed. She made it plenty clear that she had all she ever wanted in her life.
‘I have an assignment for you,’ I announced as Fiona and I were doing the supper dishes. Tina was nearby, putting the dishes away as I dried them.
‘What’s that?’ Fiona asked.
‘Do you know what a Keurig or a Tassimo machine is?’
‘Of course.
I almost bought one a while ago.’
‘I want to survey the coffee market to see if there’s an opportunity for us to produce the lidding material. Our survey of the retail stores says it’s a strong private label market. Lots of regional brands mixed in with the big boys.’
‘Okay, I can get on that next week. What do you want to know?’
I told her my thinking and I could almost hear the wheels churning as she listened. I suggested we divide up the accounts and approach them about what their interest in the market was.
‘Great. Can we make the product?’
‘No … not yet. But Leo has an opportunity that would get us in position to take advantage of it if it was worthwhile.’
I saw a big smile grow on Fiona’s face and knew she would jump on this like she did with every new business possibility. All I ever had to do was hand her a match and she lit the fuse.
‘I’ve got to finish up the laundry,’ she said. ‘Here, take your wine to the living room and relax. I’ll be along.’ I got a nice smile and headed off to the sofa, my usual parking spot.
I put the wine on a coaster and put my head back for a moment. The next thing I knew, I felt a soft kiss and an arm wrapped lightly around my shoulders. I had fallen asleep.
‘How long was I out,’ I asked, looking around for some clue.
‘About an hour. You needed it, my darling man. You’ve been running on adrenalin for so long, it was bound to catch up to you.’
I pulled her to me gently and kissed her. I had a feeling of complete satisfaction and comfort. Perhaps it was the short nap, or maybe just the way things at the plant had gone in the past two weeks. Then again, the most likely reason was Fiona.
‘I love you,’ I whispered to her.
‘I love you too,’ she whispered in reply.
‘I’m going to marry you if you’ll have me.’
‘I’ve heard that before,’ she smiled.
‘I can prove it.’
‘Go ahead, prove it,’ she challenged, still in a whisper.
‘Tomorrow the ring. It’s going on your finger and you are going to show it to everyone … Tina first, then your mother, then anyone and everyone.’
‘You mean it? Already … I mean … I don’t have to wait until the end of the month?’
‘Naw, that was just a stupid rule I made up to make sure I knew what I was doing.’
‘When did you know?’ She had snuggled up to me, her head buried in my shoulder.
‘The day I met you. But, when you kissed me awake just now, I knew I had to quit stalling and man up. I love you and I want to marry you. I know you love me too, so what are we waiting for?’
‘I can’t think of a single reason,’ she murmured into my neck before attacking my mouth with hers and letting me know she approved of my plan.
We lay together in bed a little later, holding each other’s hand, turning to kiss and gaze at each other in the dim light of the shrouded lamp.
‘Andy, I have a confession to make. I wanted you right from that first time we talked. I wanted you like no other man I have ever known. When you made that speech to the people, my panties were wet. I would have fucked you in front of them if you had asked. I had to have you. I wasn’t going to be patient or cute or subtle or any of those nicey, nicey things little girls do. I set out to attract you to me and I set out to seduce you and when I did, well … I was going to fuck you into submission. I was going to make you love me because it’s what I wanted.
‘I had to have you, Gordon Bruce Andrews. I had to. I’m sorry if that sounds selfish and calculating, but I had to have you. And when I won … you … the prize … I wanted to jump and shout at the world … I got him! I set out to get him and I got him! Just like a lioness after the antelope. I got him. I hope you don’t hate me, but I had to tell you. I wanted you then and I want you now. I mate for life, Andy. I mate for life.’
‘Are you done?’ I asked, stroking her face with my fingertips. ‘Is that it? Did you think I didn’t figure that out? Okay, I didn’t realize it right away. It took me a while to understand what I was feeling before I started to wonder about you. Then … it started to become clear. I knew when you came onto me on that first date … in your living room. I knew you wanted me. The only flaw in your plan was that I wanted you just as much. To hell with how long it had been since my divorce. To hell with how long we had known each other. If I was single and on the prowl, I’d have picked you out of a crowd in a bar and put on a full court press if that’s what it would have taken to get you into bed.
‘You are an incredibly beautiful woman and I had to have you. Now … do I sound like the innocent, confused guy you thought you had on your hands? I may have been inexperienced, but I’m not a fool. I knew what you wanted and I wanted it too. So where does that leave us? Well … it’s like you said … despite my past record … I mate for life too, Fiona.’
We tore at each other in a frantic, lust-driven joining that could not possibly have gone unheard by Tina. In the heat of the moment, neither of us cared and if she mentioned it we might have found a way to explain the reason to her so that she would understand. I had never felt more powerful and Fiona had never been more aggressive. When it came to a predictable quick end, we lay panting in each other’s arms, completely sated and at the same time euphoric. It was settled. The future was to be Andy and Fiona. Fiona and Andy. And Tina.
‘What are you thinking?’ Fiona asked some time later.
‘I was thinking just how prophetic my ex-wife’s words to me were when she announced she was filing for divorce. She said something like ‘Andy, a year from now you may be thanking me.’ I didn’t even have to wait a year. I read somewhere that a man or a woman can fall in love with someone in ten seconds. I never really believed that, but you seem to be an example that proves the theory. It took me a little longer, but not much.’
‘I think I should send her a thank-you note for sending you to me,’ Fiona said between kisses.
‘No … don’t. We don’t need to rub it in. She’ll figure it out when she gets the news from Phil. I can just imagine what my two boys will say in describing you to her. God, wouldn’t I love to be a fly on the wall when that happens.’
‘Am I going to meet them soon?’
‘Absolutely. We need to plan a trip to Vancouver. I can introduce you to them. I hope they’ll welcome you the way you should be welcomed. I know Bernice Cornell will want to meet you, as will the other wives.’
‘So, I’m marrying into royalty,’ she laughed softly.
‘Well, you are going to be a senior manager’s wife. That does give you special status in some circumstances.’
‘Only some circumstances?’ she teased.
‘I can’t be seen to be showing favouritism at work, you know. Someone still has to be boss. It’s one of those rules you’ll just have to learn to live with.’
‘I’m not worried. Susan and I are like this,’ she said, holding up crossed fingers.
‘Just remember,’ I cautioned, ‘in case of disputes, I get the final say.’
‘No problem. I’ve got you on my side too. You’d never want to hurt my feelings, would you?’
I was hoping she was teasing, but time would tell. I had no doubt when Fiona wanted something badly, she would pull out all the stops to get it.
‘Anyone who knows me will tell you I’m a fair man. I treat each situation with calm, reasoned logic.’
‘That’s not an answer. Do I get your undying love and devotion at the office too?’
‘Well, a situation hasn’t arisen yet, so you’ll have to wait and see. You can judge for yourself then.’
There wasn’t a sense of this being a very serious discussion, but I was thinking that there was nothing yet to test the water. It would be interesting to see what happened when we did encounter one of those situations, the first time I had to say no.
Chapter 12 The Ring, The Survey & Overloa
I don’t know whose idea it was, but Tina accompanied us to look for a ring. I didn’t object, but I wondered if this was appropriate. I looked on it as a very personal matter. Although Tina was involved in the family, this marriage was exclusively between Fiona and me, with Tina as accompaniment.
Some decisions are easy to make and some are hard. Between Fiona and Tina, they turned the ring selection into a route march to the point where we visited the same jewellery stores twice, comparing opinions I had no intention of contributing to. Man was never made to go shopping with a woman and this was no exception. After a while, I felt compelled to say something.
‘Ladies, is there any possibility that you will be able to choose in this decade?’
‘This is an important decision, Andy,’ Fiona said with a look of consternation. ‘I want something that will last me a lifetime and still make me feel no other ring would do.’
‘Are you even close to making a decision?’ I asked, probably showing my frustration now.
‘Yes, Andy. I’m almost sure. It’s down to a choice between two. I like this one,’ she said pointing to a very nice rectangular shaped stone in a simple setting. ‘Tina likes the oval shaped stone in that ring,’ she said pointing to another ring which was equally elegant.
‘Do I get a say?’ I asked, now definitely showing that I was tired of being excluded.
Fiona looked at me in surprise. I don’t think she realized until that moment that she had ceased to ask my opinion somewhere along the line.
‘Oh … of course,’ she stumbled. ‘Which one do you like?’
‘With your permission, I would choose the rectangular stone. It suits your personality. It’s bold and large enough not to get lost on you.’
I saw the confused look on Tina’s face before her mother gathered her wits.
‘Bold? Do you think I’m bold?’
‘Yes, I do. You are bold and beautiful and successful. The ring you wear should make that statement. I believe the rectangular one does just that.’
‘Oh … it does?’
‘Yes, Fiona, it does.’
‘Oh … okay then. That’s the one I want.’
If I’d known I could put a stop to the endless dithering, I would have said something sooner. I did not ask Tina’s opinion because Tina would not be wearing this ring. Fiona would.
The ring was a little loose and had to be resized. It would be ready early the following week. Her intention to dramatically display it at the office would have to wait a couple of days, and that frustrated her more than anything. I had to remind myself that this was a first for her. She had never been married and had never been given a ring of any kind. It should have tempered my frustration at the selection process, but I forgot the impact this would have on her.
‘I’m sorry if I got a little upset this afternoon,’ I told her as we sat on the sofa before dinner. ‘I could just as easily have picked out a ring myself and hoped for the best, but I wanted you to agree. I didn’t count on Tina having a say.’
‘That wasn’t my best idea, I admit, Andy. She’s so supportive of us being together and she’s convinced she got us together. I haven’t got the heart to tell her that I was way ahead of her.’
‘Don’t apologize, love. I love Tina as a daughter I never would have had any other way. She’s a lovely, bright young lady who you should be immensely proud of. I want her to be involved in our new family to be. It’s just that the ring was something very personal. It will bond you and me. It doesn’t exclude Tina, it just doesn’t include her in a very private, special way.’
‘Thank you, Andy. I love the ring and I love you.’
I got a passionate, long kiss to confirm her happiness.
‘Does Tina have a boyfriend?’ I asked.
‘I don’t think so. Not right now.’
‘I just wondered. She’s a really attractive girl and I thought the boys would be pounding on your door after her.’
‘Oh, that’s not a problem,’ she said brightly. ‘She has plenty of young guys panting after her, but she’s pretty fussy about who she goes out with and isn’t into long-term relationships.’
‘Well, she comes by that naturally,’ I snickered. ‘Sounds just like her mother.’
‘Past tense, Mister. I waited my turn and got my reward.’
‘I’m glad you feel that way, because I feel almost the same.’
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First, I'll explain what little back story there is. For some reason, possibly because I've wanted to do exactly what I ended up doing, when the house I share with my mother, younger sister and two far younger twin brothers, I will occasionally search my sisters room for sex toys. I don't know why really, I'd always sort of told myself that I was just curious if she had them or not. So every now and then I'd search her room a little, looking under her bed or at the back of her underwear...
We got dressed and left the handicapped bathroom. I had not thought about the fact our voices could be heard in the bathroom because it as noisy and busy. However, once we came out everyone stopped and looked at Waverly. She waved and smirked. What else could she do? A guy in a wheelchair was waiting for us to come out. I apologized profusely for taking up his stall. “Not a problem at all my dudes, mad respect,” he saluted. He had obviously been listening to our conversation and even the...
CRASH!! "What the hell was that," Andy Ozinski said to himself, as he walked passed the closed office door on his way to the copy machine room! The long corridor was empty, as most of the staff were out to lunch, and Andy wondered who could possibly using the vacant office at this hour. Well who ever it was, they sure as hell were making quite a racket in there, so Andy put his ear to the door, listened for a few moments, and then slowly turned the handle and pushed into the supposedly empty...
VoyeurIt had been a routine day at work, I was coming home in a pretty good mood, feeling I had accomplished a lot and that it had been a pleasant day. Even the ride home had been easy going and enjoyable, something that seems harder and harder to come by with people’s impatience on the road and the road rage phenomena, but even that had gone nicely. Funny how some people have terrible days and then come home and either ruin everyone else’s day too or do just the opposite and make coming home their...
The morning sun hadn’t crested the horizon yet, but the sky had already lightened to gray. Shavala stood quietly, listening to the unfamiliar sounds and smelling the unfamiliar scents. The eastern half of Nysar had a climate similar to the Terril Forest, but the plants and animals were just different enough from what she knew to be disorienting. The bird calls were especially strange. The dawn chorus had begun, and even the few familiar species of birds sounded different in this place. It was...
The weather was nice as I drove up to New England. It had been a while since I had seen my stepsister and I had not seen her son since he was a toddler. Heck, I had never even seen her daughter, so this was to be a wonderful trip. My stepsister and I never really grew up together though we did spend a couple of years together after my father remarried. We did become fairly close and shared some time in our late teenage years. I dated a close friend of hers and we seemed to share a bond more...
Sally and Steve got back home around six after a tearful round of goodbyes with Ernie and Margaret. Victor and Dagmar, a German couple that lived in Number Five, should have been coming then but they had phoned on Friday to say they had to go and see a sick aunt.Victor's delight was to watch Dagmar with a couple.The two couples had become intimate in an interesting way. Victor had given them his mobile number when they agreed to let in a plumber over one weekend. Sometime later, they were...
NovelsSaturday morning we met Joni, Paula, Alica and Amanda at Morton field. We had an 11 AM appointment at Fort Lauderdale with the owner of the L100-30 that was at Lockheed. We had 10 million in cash - as stipulated by the sales contract - from the vault in wheeled carry-on luggage. The flight was jovial; we were having a good time. Today was one those days we could enjoy the class and comfort of a G5. It was a no rush flight with no pressing work after the transaction was completed. After the...
Ashley reels in her restraints. The day is a blur to her now. The last four days are nothing but a series of images in her head, teasing her desperate body, tormenting it. Ashley remains bent over the leather padded table. Her legs spread apart and, thanks to the thick leather cuffs around her ankles, unable to move. The brunette slave watches Ashley from across the room. Her hand still attached to her cage, her ass sitting in a damp pool of her juices. Miss Rose stands in front of Ashley, a...
BDSMFor the next few centuries... 'Few, my ass... 50 of the damn things.' Wendy, don't interrupt. 'Will if I want.' Wendy! 'Oh tell your damn story ... get it right. I'll be listening.' For the next few centuries ... Wendy Wanzor Austin, quit grumbling. 'Nothing quite like the full name to know when to shut up!' Well, do it then ... shut up. 'Yes, oh mighty master.' W -e -n -d -y? Laughter. Too much chatter from the peanut gallery, girl. 'Girl? GIRL? I'll have you know...
In Japan, there was a poor son of a stone cutter named Hofus. He was a good and dutiful son to his mother and father. He helped to care for his many baby brothers and sisters. It was a happy family until the Momma got sick and died, leaving the family without a mother. Then upon visiting the shrine, the answer came to Hofus. "Daddy, we need a Mother for my brothers & sisters, Let me be the Mother," said Hofus. "Hofus, my son, do you know what you are asking? If you do this, you...
Gemma kicked her leg, to try to free herself from whatever had looped itself around her left ankle, but to no avail. Then she tried to untangle herself by using her right foot to push it off. But then she felt something hook around that leg as well, coiling itself around her ankle. And the more she kicked and struggled, the tighter it held her.She kicked her legs again, trying to escape from the rubbery things that were wrapped around her ankles, but their grip just tightened, restricting her...
Monster SexI work as a personal trainer at a 24 hour fitness center in Chicago, and a majority of my clients are women who want to loose weight or guys who need to lose weight for health reasons. I occasionally get the hot girl who does it to waste “Daddy’s” money. Well I get this girl name Nadja, she was from Eastern Europe and she came from money. She picked me out of the 25 trainers we had and that’s where it got interesting. She only wanted to train at 11:00pm at night, and my clients ranged from...
Wife’s Cheating Delimma: Part 3 FF/M,ncon,1stbbc,voy This is part 3 of the story how I and a lady friend of ours got back at my wife for cheating behind my back: After snake lady had finished using that huge black dildo I had myself picked out and bought for this very purpose and giving ‘little momma’ one hell of a dose of it’s hugeness and payback for fucking around behind my back. That it now was time for the ultimate payback and such for her doing that. Because our next plan for ‘little...
Karina Gottfeld ist Auszubildende zur Speditionskauffrau. Erstes Lehrjahr, bei einem angesehenen Logistikbetrieb. Die Arbeit gefällt ihr gut! Besser als Schule zumindest. Karina brütete gerade über diesem dämlichen Buchungsprogramm, als Frau Müller quer durch das grosse Büro krähte: " Karina! Du solltest doch noch....
I took a deep breath as I walked down towards the Immigration desks. For some reason, people in uniform have always made me a bit worried, even if I haven’t done anything wrong. Customs and Immigration officers were the two types that always had me a bit more worried. I had walked past armed soldiers that were more than trigger-happy, without flinching. But for some reason, these guys, who could make or break your day, or even your entire trip, had me worried. While standing in line, waiting...
Standing up, she stepped out of her panties and straddled me as I opened my jeans.She gasped at first and used a hand to steady herself as my penis nudged against the tiny opening."Mum, I don't want to do it if it's going to hurt you.""It won't darling," she said softly and continued to lower herself down.She was tight, very tight, but gradually the swollen dome of my cock opened and entered her, her eyes widened, and her mouth formed an "o" then the head was in, and she sighed as she sat down...
IncestThe next morning I woke up and after dad and I had breakfast I got in Scout and headed over to the game store in Reseda. I had seen something there that was perfect for what I had in mind, and had some other Birthday presents to pick up as well.Even though Linda and I had been going out every weekend, I had actually been saving my money. So I got her a Player’s Handbook of her very own, a complete set of dice (an almost fluorescent transparent pink), and a pack of player character sheets. In...
The case she's been investigating was a bust. Nothing supernatural. Just a bunch of second rate strippers and Johns who thought getting handsy with the help got them out of paying for lap dances. A smile crosses her face as she thinks of the drink she accidently dumped in a customer's lap. Not that he learned anything from his liquor shower, drunken hands still reaching for her. She was lucky Ernie hadn't fired her on the spot. Instead, the crusty old manager just laughed and said,...
Afternoon Lunch with KayI was at home doing some chores when the phone rang. I looked at the number and it was my girlfriend Kay. She asked if I was busy and I told her not really. She asked if I wanted to have lunch. I said “sure.” She said she would come over and pick me up. I told her to give me 15 minutes. She said “No problem” and hung up.No sooner than putting my makeup on, I heard her pull in the driveway. I grabbed my bag and out the door I went. I got into the car and leaned over and...
Martina wanted to do something useful with her life besides mothering. Pushed into a marriage at sixteen, when three children arrived eighteen months apart she visited the government health clinic and unbeknownst to family and spouse and church, had the operation that shut down the production line. She wasn’t yet twenty-one. Seeing the small note at the supermercado in their small town in northern New Mexico, she was intrigued and borrowed her brother’s rattletrap truck to check it out. Up in...
Sarah had been married for over 15 years when things started to go wrong. She got to the stage when she just stopped having sex with her husband Gary and eventually, just over a year ago, he left her for another woman.Although he's been fairly good throughout the divorce, she's been left high and dry with her young, 12 year old daughter Maisie and the future looked hopeless until just a couple of months ago, straight after the New Year.Sarah is just 5ft 2 inches tall, 46 years old with a slim,...
Lily Larimar has an active imagination, and with the Big Game coming up, she likes to envision herself in the halftime show. She recruits her step uncle, Damon Dice, to help her out. Once Lily has primped and preened sufficiently, she has Damon start snapping shots of her so she can create her halftime show. In her imaginary music video, Lily strips down to some hot lingerie. Drawing Damon into her fantasy, Lily play whips her step uncle and then drags him to the bedroom where she starts...
xmoviesforyou“Hezbollah is demanding that their UN representatives have access to all hospitals tomorrow at 0600 to verify if any Hezbollah fighters have been admitted and if their needs are being met. It is part of all the agreements relating to the occupied territory with the UN,” the Director said. “We have been monitoring their communications since the attack. Things went wild after the vehicles returned without the Iranians. Iran is sending a team to the Golan to find the men and interrogate the...
I had just spent the week at parent’s house in Florida, helping them do some renovations and getting a much-needed break from school. It was a sunny, bright, Sunday afternoon and I was cruising down the interstate. I started rummaging through my bag, looking for a piece of gum when I stumbled upon my electric toothbrush I had accidentally left in there. I turned the toothbrush on and listened to it buzz when I found myself getting really horny. The sound reminded me of my favorite vibrator...
Deb had decided that due to the lack of fun recently she would join her friends on a night out clubbing, having spoken to a couple of the girls it was decided to make the evening fancy dress.Deb Phoned her best mate Sally, “Hi Sal what you wearing tonight?”Sally replied “oh I don’t really know, I think I may go with my St Trinians outfit, you know short skirt, stockings etc, what about you?”Deb replied “yours sounds sexy; I will probably wear my kinky Police woman outfit”“Sounds hot, are you...
Yankee Swap, Chapter 7: Kelly At the party Stacy was swept away by a crowd of women as soon as they made it through the door. Kim looked around the hall and decided to make her way over to the punch table. As Ken she would have known exactly how to behave in this situation, but Kim was somewhat at a loss. She tried to remember what Cheree had done at the company functions they attended and realized aside from wanting to dance at least once, they had simply enjoyed the evening...
Ve knelt beside her Jeff, eyes on his face. They were closed again. Had been, for quite some time. Time was new. She understood time, she thought. Time was what was between things. Ve was also, slowly, coming to understand understanding. What she saw meant something, and if she tried, observed more, that meaning would come to her. She still did not understand Jeff. The room was dark, the only faint light coming in from a glass covered opening in the wall. His face was mostly in shadow, but...
Leading me towards the bed, Nick pulled me into his arms and I willingly let him. I lifted my face to his and parted my lips, inviting him to kiss me. Our tongues probed each other, our lips moist and eager. Nick was moving his hands all over me – to my face, my neck, then travelling firmly down to my sensitive waist and kneading my panty-clad buttocks.I couldn’t help myself from melting into him – I felt as if he was all over me, consuming me, and I loved it. I could feel his prick begin to...
CrossdressingIt had been a long day...the bitter cold snow, the driving wind, the frozen mud and the endless forest. He still wondered why he chose logging as a profession. The hours are terrible, the conditions awful. The only thing that seemed to make it worthwhile was the loving arms of his amazing wife. Although she worked, she was home every night when he got home. Today would be different though, he was home early...he had planned the whole afternoon and evening. He would get home at 2:00, get a hot...
Love StoriesLife is funny, folks. Case in point? Me. Steve Acier. Mr. Big and tall Black man of Haitian descent living in Nepean, a suburb of the capital city of Ottawa in the Province of Ontario. I moved there from my hometown of Boston, Massachusetts, at the end of 2009. Since then I enrolled at Carleton University and I also work part-time as a security guard at the local art gallery. Since I moved to Ottawa, I experienced a lot of culture shock. Ottawa is a city with a growing population of...
So I am horny all the time. I can cum and stay hard usually. But quite often because of work, I don't have the chance to get out. So I will watch some porn and yank one out. But last summer while I was on vacation, I decided to head out to a bar that is known for white guys to go there and meet black guys. So there I was scoping out the guys were there, specifically the black guys. I saw one that I thought was hot looking, but he was on the dance floor and I'm not that good on the dance floor....
Chapter I. It had been a tough couple of years and Bill was relieved when he found a tenant for the upper floor of his duplex. This was the final step in the rebuilding of his life after the divorce. On his own for the first time after 22 years of marriage, he had decided to make a new start. A new city, a new job, and the restoration of the duplex had provided a complete and welcome break with the past. He was pleased with the new tenants. Lisa was a single mom in her late thirties and a...
TabooNext week Ramya came to my Shop to get back her stitched blouse. She was in a blue transparent Saree through which her cleavage is clearly visible but today she was wearing her bra and nipples were not visible. I told her that only hook work is pending and it will be ready in another half an hour. She said it’s ok you make them ready and bring is to my house tomorrow after 11.00 A.M. I asked her ‘are you going to give the full meals tomorrow. She smilingly said oh now sir has got enough courage...