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UK English is the rule: if the spellings Mum, arse or colour annoy you, don’t go any further, for the rest of you enjoy.


I was home from Uni and my final year was approaching, I needed to get a move on with my portfolio. I was studying Photography at St Martins and really needed a ‘WOW’ factor in my final submission. I had an idea but didn’t know if it would work or indeed even how to get it get started. I wanted to focus on the human form and the effects of aging, I had seen some other peoples work from previous years and wanted to build on what they had started.

We were sat at the dining table in the kitchen, me, Dad, Mum and my sister. Also our Nan, Mums mum, as she was staying for a couple of weeks. We waited for Nan to sit down and then dug into a Roast with all the trimmings. I poured wine and we toasted the Summers approach. We ate a superb meal that Mum and Kate, my sister, had cooked. After dessert I asked if I could get some help with my portfolio, as I really needed real people in my submission.

‘As long as it’s not porn!’ my sister chirped and they all laughed, I flushed red.

‘Well it’s not porn, but there is nudity,’ I said, looking down at the table.

‘Ray, there is no way I am going to flash my bits for you to snap!’ Kate laughed.

‘Ray, you can’t expect your family to pose naked for you,’ Dad said and put his hand on my shoulder.

‘Well you see it’s only the girls really. I want to contrast their skin as it ages, sorry Nan, but there’s a lot of changes between teen and older ages and I want to highlight those changes.’ I said looking round at them.

‘Well you’ll certainly get a lot of wrinkles from me,’ Nan said with a twinkle in her eye, ‘What’s the theme.’

‘Well it’s mothers and daughters and the changes from generation to generation. So like Kate and Mum, then Mum and you, and lastly all three of you. It would be figure work, but I also want faces, hands, arms, that sort of thing.’

‘I bet you’ll want tits and bums too.’ Kate challenged.

‘Yes, that too but it’s things like how your hands change, facial lines, hair, everything. I need a lot of individuals. But I really need to start soon.’

‘I’ll do it,’ Nan said, ‘I’ve never let anyone but George see me naked, so I think I’ll get right outside my cosy world and try it. What harm is there, I might get cold, but I expect you to keep the place warm to avoid that.’ She smiled and looked at her daughter.

‘Mum, you can’t be serious, Ray and Kate haven’t seem me naked, as far back as I can remember.’

‘Jude, do it, you look fabulous anyway, and it might make our son famous, and think of the celebrity status that would bring.’

‘Hey hang on, are you all mad, are you all seriously going to give Ray oxygen for this absurd scheme. No way am I joining in, I’ll be a laughing stock at school.’

‘Kate you’re a babe, I think you are hot, and I’m your brother, so why hide the body of a goddess, you’ll be the gold standard.’

‘Sod off Ray, no way, ever, ever.’ She stood to leave. but Mum grabbed her and held her tight.

‘Ray how many models do you need?’

‘Really, as many as possible, but I can’t think of a way to do it without attracting some real weirdo’s. Which is why I started here, if you can find some others I would be really grateful.’

‘Ok, what about our friends and family?’

‘Cool Mum, who are you thinking of?’

‘Well Jackie and Sue, they’re family so Mum can be with them too, Louise and her two girls, you know Becky and Lisa, the twins. Mrs Golding and Sarah, Lesley and Claire Cummings, let me make some calls, and Kate I want a word with you in private.’ She marched Kate out the room.

‘Well there you go young Raymond, looks like you might get this thing under way after all.’ Nan laughed and stood, ‘Meanwhile I think you and Geoff have some washing up to do.’

Dad and I grinned and began stacking the dishwasher and filling the sink. Twenty minutes later the dishwasher was humming, we’d dried the last of the pots and dishes too big to go in it and I wiped the surfaces down and threw the soggy tea towel into the washing machine, shutting the door with a flourish.

In the lounge Mum and Kate were laughing with Nan and seemed to have worked out a plan. I looked at them and ran upstairs to find my camera. sneaking back in I snapped a few quick shots and checked the results.

‘Hey perver, what you got?’ Kate sidled up to me and I showed her the shots. She nodded and smiled. ‘Well not bad for an amateur.’

‘Yeah, they’ll do as an introduction. Look can you grab Mum and Nam and ask them to come into the kitchen, I’ve got an idea.’

I walked out of the lounge and into the kitchen, I cleared the flower vase off the table and found a clean white cloth. The girls came in followed by a curious Dad.

‘Hi, can you all arrange it so your hands are flat and palms down on the table next to each other. Yea, that’s it, Hmm not quite what I wanted, Nan can you grip Mums hand and Kate can you put your hand on Nan’s wrist, that’s it, great, thanks that’s great.’ I circled round and noted how close they were, I snapped a few more catching their faces as they stood next to each other.

‘Can you move closer so your faces touch, but so that I can see all you faces, like that, don’t move, brilliant.’

I checked the shot, with a bit of cropping it would be perfect. Might just unsharpen it a bit as a preface photo. The girls crowded round, so I angled the lens downwards so they could see the shot in the view screen. They cooed and told me how good it looked. Dad nodded wisely and clapped me on the back.

‘Well Ray, you might just have something, they look beautiful,’ he said seriously.

‘They do don’t they,’ I said, ‘ This might well be the first photo in the series, it’s perfect.’ I added and smiled.

‘Ok perver, you win, I’ll do it, if you can make all of me look that good.’

‘Cameras never lie Katey, you just need to believe in yourself a bit more.’ I hugged her to me and kissed her forehead.

Two days later Mum pulled me to one side as I slipped into the kitchen to check the fridge for goodies.

‘Ahah, just the boy, just heard from the last of them, this Saturday, we’ll have a full house, with at least two if not three generations of each of the invitees and no one’s said no. they’re all fascinated. You seem to have struck a chord within the group young man, well done.’ she ran her hand over my face and kissed my chin. ‘Now out there’s nothing here for you until tea time, out.’ She pushed me away and slapped my bottom. I yelped, although it didn’t hurt and trudged out.

Over my shoulder I shouted,

‘Can you tell them not to wear underwear or tight clothes from when they get up on Saturday, and to bring a dressing gown, I don’t want strap marks and stuff, I need natural skin.’

‘Don’t push it buster, but ok.’ she shouted.

I spent the week phoning round several studios trying to book space, with little success. In the end Dad and I sketched out how we could re-arrange the lounge to accommodate a viable studio type area, with room for the others to hang around. Then suddenly Saturday came and the girls, women, mothers and grandmothers began to arrive. I counted over twenty, all ages and sizes, perfect. They disappeared with Mum and reappeared in dressing gowns, and headed for the kitchen for coffee and danish, my Mum having been to Costco early and wiped out their bakery section. Dad was clearing and cleaning up, ensuring endless hot drinks were available and opening more packs of cakes and biscuits.

When we had everyone assembled I explained what I was going to try and do. There were whoops, cheers, whispers and mutterings and a lot of red faces, however we had to begin somewhere, so I asked Mum, Nan and Kate to start.

I positioned them side by side slightly staggered then asked them to undress. Nan’s robe
came of and a gasp went up, she was beautiful, her breasts, which were smaller than Mums, hung down from her chest, her nipples, long and pointy, stood out from her rich brown aereola. a criss cross of creases showed at her cleavage, but the breasts themselves were full and round,white and creamy with a fine light blue tracery of veins here and there under the skin. Her belly was a small bump, slightly puckered in places but mostly round and smooth, her thick mat of pubic hair a steel grey colour. She was freckled with age spots on her arms and chest and her white bottom sagged slightly.

Mum followed and there were a few cheers as she slipped off her robe. Her breasts were large and also hung down, with her nipples lighter but larger than Nan.Her breasts were also mainly white but freckled like her arms and face, where the sun had caught them. She had a pot belly larger than Nan’s and small puckers and creases showed in the flesh. There was only a thin tramline of pubic hair over her large labial lips, so she obviously trimmed regularly. Her legs were long and shapely, since she keeps up a daily walking regime.

Kate took a deep breath and unwrapped her robe and threw it at me. There were claps and cheers for Kate and she blushed, her pert small breasts high up on her chest, nipples hard and tight to her boobs, her slim tanned curvy figure had a washboard flat stomach and no pubic hair at all allowing all of us to see her large lips protruding down dark and fleshy. She twirled in delight and I saw her amazingly tight untanned buns flash past my eyeline.

I had them link arms and close up together. Then I put Nan on a stool and had Mum and Kate stand either side, then kneel beside her. Nan put her arms round their shoulders instinctively and I had some great shots of their contrasting skin tone. Perfect. They stood and I asked for the next volunteers. A Mother and her daughter came forward, they asked Nan to come back.

By now Nan was a natural and had the angles right each time. Behind me I heard the whispering and encouragement bandying back and forth. Looking up I noticed Mum and Kate were still naked, and quite a few of the others had shed their robes. I felt a bit self conscious until I saw Kate smile and give me a thumbs up. I smiled when she sidled up to me and whispered in my ear between shots.

‘Hey perver, why not show your own commitment and strip too,’ she laughed and her hot breath tickled my ear. I jerked upright and looked at her aghast.

‘Girls what do you think, we’re all naked, why not Ray, shall we ask him to disrobe too?’

There was a general murmur and shouts of ‘Get ’em off’ from some of the younger girls, my Mum went red but nodded. I shrugged, this was going far better than I imagined, so in order not to spoil the mood I put the camera down and pulled off my t shirt, then stepped out of my loafers, pulled my socks off, then my jeans, standing now in my boxers.

‘What the hell, we’re all friends and family,’ I said and pulled my boxers down to a massive cheer and lots of clapping.

I picked up the camera and asked for another group to come forward. Louise and the twins appeared and took up positions and proceeded to glide through the set, I saw the twins were shaved bare, but Louise was hairy as hell, under her arms too. I asked her and the girls to put their hands behind their heads and stretch their elbows out so their armpits were on show. I felt awed by their proud looks and Louise’s haughty face. Her breasts were large and full, sagging slightly, with small pink nipples and barely discernable aereola. Her stomach was flattish but a small mummy pouch sat over her hairy pussy. The hair was so thick you couldn’t see anything down there, just this large lush forest of crinkly brown hair.

Next I asked Auntie Jackie and Sue to pose with Nan. Auntie Jackie was taller than Mum, her boobs were significantly smaller, but definitely not saggy, standing firm and proud, she had a flattish stomach and was bare down over her pubis. Nan stared down then raised an eye, Jackie laughed and whispered in Nan’s ear. Nan went red then laughed and smacked Jackie’s bottom lightly. Jackie laughed and kissed Nan’s forehead. Sue was shorter than her Mum, had glasses and mousey brown hair. Her boobs were ultra small and her stomach was rounded and full, her pubis was a mass of hair , but her fleshly lips showed between her legs. They grinned and moved into position and we soon had their set wrapped up.

Gradually working through the groups I made sure everyone had posed. There was a knock at the door, Dad went I heard whispering then the sound of a baby and steps on the stairs. I shrugged and carried on. I had all the Nan’s group together and link arms, then the Mums, then the daughters. Then I asked the Nan’s to stand together, their daughters to kneel in front of them, then their grandaughter’s to lie in front of their mothers with their heads in their laps.

I had just finished when the lounge door opened and my older sister Gwen came in naked with Jane her five month old daughter also nude. I laughed and jumped up to kiss her and hug her. She smiled, I asked her to hold on a moment, did the whole group and said we had finished, but asked Mum, Nan and Kate to hold on.

The others milled round the edges, wondering what would happen next. I sat Gwen on the stool and asked her to put Jane to her large full breasts, the dark areola puckered and bumpy and her thick nipples started to drip milk, Gwen pulled a ‘sorry’ face. I waved her concerns away.

‘Gwen that’s what they are there for, and it makes a great picture, you look beautiful, hold that, ohh great, perfect. Okay, Next…’

I got Nan to stand behind the stool, then asked Gwen to stay sitting and nursing Jane, whilst Mum and Kate knelt either side of Gwen. I took several shots. then asked Nan to sit on the stool, and hold Jane to her breast, whilst Mum stood behind and set the girls on either side. Then switched so Kate sat, Nan and Mum either side and Gwen behind. Kate tenderly held Jane to her breast and I felt a lump in throat, she looked so perfect.

I took several shots, then asked Mum to sit and hold Jane with Nan behind and flanked by her daughters. I felt my eyes burning and tears rolled down, someone must have sensed it for two of the grandmothers slipped either side of me and put their arms round me. I gulped and nodded, before taking a last shot. Then asked everyone again to group round my family. I took the last group shot, with Gwen nursing Jane and our family close in on her surrounded by the friends who all looked so natural and poised.

As I put the camera down, I bowed.

‘I am so very grateful to you all, I have been very privileged to be amongst you. You are all very beautiful thank you. Thank you for trusting me, thank you for taking part and thank you for helping me so much with my portfolio. I hope that you will all be able to come to St Martins to see for yourself how truly beautiful you all are, thanks’

I choked and turned away and sobbed. Mum and Nan came and held me, whilst the other chatted and took turns holding Jane. Recovering and thanking Mum and Nan I took my camera into the kitchen and was surprised that no one had dressed or covered up. They were once again devouring the buns and coffee. That’s when I noticed that Dad was also naked.

‘I thought it best to get with the flow, they seem to appreciate it, is that all right?’

‘Brilliant, actually I have an idea, come on,’ I dragged Dad into the lounge and asked Gwen for Jane, I slipped her into Dads arms and sat him on the stool, I shot a few quick test shots then closed in on his arm cradling Jane.

‘Gwen, Katey, come here please.’ I heard my sisters behind me.

‘Quick go and kneel by daddy and put your arms round him.’

They went over and did as I asked. I took a few more shots, then asked Gwen to take Jane, but then sit on Dads knee, with Kate on the other, then Mum stood behind and Nan sat in fron
t. I got Aunt Jackie and cousin Sue to stand either side and had a perfect family shot, with multiple generations and sexes. The perfect end.

The others clapped and cheered as I lowered the camera again. Kate came over and asked for the camera, then she pushed me onto the stool and stepped back,

‘Open you legs Ray and cross your arms, that’s it, like a football team photo.’ she shot again and again,then took the camera from her eye.

‘There you go Bro. now you’ve got your shot for the cover, the artist himself.’

I grinned and took the camera, kissing her cheek and wrapping an arm round her waist. We looked over her shots,

‘Hey not bad at all sis, you should think about joining me at St Martins, you’d do well.’


‘Yeah, honest.’

Well it seemed that no one wanted to either dress or be the first to leave, but eventually people slipped on their clothes and left, leaving just the family. We were bizarrely all still naked, but it didn’t seem to matter. Uncle Roger had turned up, gasped then skinned out of his clothes, giving us all his traditional bear hug greeting. Roger, Dad and I returned the lounge to order, and the ladies draped themselves over the furniture. I took a few more shots. Auntie Jackie wanted one of her Uncle Roger and Sue together, then with Nan. I shot away.

I took one of Gwen and Kate bending over Jane’s Moses Basket, as she settled down for another sleep. It’s one of my favourites, my sisters, naked and bending down towards little Jane’s sleeping face.

Later I was sitting in bed, trying to work out which shots to use, when Kate knocked.

‘Hey you.’

‘Hey yourself, OK.’

‘Yeah, got to admit I had a blast today, it was cool.’

‘Good I have so much material now, more than enough to mount an exhibition, I am so pleased it came off. Look?’

I showed her the one of her and Gwen bent over the Moses Basket.

‘That’s my favourite, You, Gwen and little Jane, and look at this one, you looked so perfect holding Jane to your breast, I was welling up.’

‘It was weird, she was trying to suckle, it felt so nice, I know now why Gwenny feeds her, it must be so nice, so comforting, so rewarding.’ Kate sighed and sat on my bed.

‘You’re going to be a great Mum, you looked so at ease so, so, well maternal.’

Kate laughed and slipped her arm round my shoulder. That’s when I realised she was naked.

‘Where’s your nightie?’

‘Don’t need it, by the way I was so impressed all those gorgeous women and you didn’t get a hard-on.’

‘I did, but my cocks so small no one noticed.’

‘Liar, it wasn’t that small, and yes I did look, and at Uncle Rogers and Daddy’s too.’

I laughed and kissed her cheek. Mum came in, also naked, weirder and weirder.

‘Well I guess we’re so used to each other nudity by now, we just don’t see it,’ she said, ‘you kids ok?’


‘Yes mother.’

‘Ok Dad and I are going to bed. Nan’s in the spare room. Jackie, Roger and Sue are camping in the study on the put-u-up and the inflatable mattress, Gwen’s in the lounge with David on the sofa and Jane’s in her Moses Basket, so it’s a full house tonight.’

‘Night Mum,’ we chorused as she closed the door.

I put the camera to my eye and pretended to photograph Kate again, she joined in and threw up some comical poses and faces. We giggled, she took the camera and put it on the chest of drawers, coming back to stretch out in bed with me. We snuggled down and she turned the light out. We soon dropped off, waking in the early morning, spooning together her breasts and belly pressed into my back, legs contouring mine. She kissed me then got up to go to her room, I thought. But she needed a pee and came back into my bed. I cuddled her and she wrapped an arm round my waist. we drifted off again. Until Mum burst in with a cup of tea at eight.

‘Ohh there you are Kate, did you stay all night?’

‘Yeah we we’re talking and must have dropped off, sorry,’

‘Oh don’t worry, it was just I was mystified where you were, well we’ll need to get on soon, breakfast then lunch, hope we’ve got enough beef to go round.’ she said as she wandered out, I looked at Kate.

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Once a year or so, my company sent us to an all-company meeting where we talked about where things were now, and what plans we had for the upcoming year.  As my colleagues and I arrived, I immediately saw Debra whom I’d known for many years and always been somewhat infatuated with.  As soon as I saw her, she smiled this sexy smile that immediately brought back many thoughts of how sexy she is.  Seeing her definitely made me look forward to the conference.The hotel we were at was part of a huge...

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Big Brothers unexpected gift Pt 2

Early on Sunday morning the house phone rang. Because Alice and I were expecting Rachel to arrive shortly, we were both up and about, so Alice answered the call and a few minutes later, she rushed into my room to spoil my day. "David, Mom and Dad are already on their way back and expect to be here for lunch. You sort your bedroom out while I 'phone Rachel and give her the bad news, she will be so disappointed. She was floating when she went home last night knowing that you wanted to...

1 year ago
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Watching my mom getting fucked

100% fiction! This happened about an year ago in Chennai when I came there to write an examination. It was my mom who accompanied me for the test. Since my dad is working in Germany it was only me and my mom at home. My mom, Susan aged 39, works at a private firm in Kerala. She is such a sexy hot figure that every man wish to fuck atleast once. Of course she had relationships with some men I know which I will tell later. I was just ashamed and afraid to question her though I often heard a lot...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 70 I Think Hes Trying to Buy

March 31, 1997, Chicago, Illinois “You didn’t!” Kara protested. “She sure did!” I chuckled. “I haven’t seen Penny THAT feisty since her fifteenth birthday!” Kara, Jessica, Elyse, Maria Cristina, Deborah, and I were all in the sauna after dinner. Strangely, I ended up between Deborah and Elyse, with Maria Cristina between Kara and Jessica. “Let me guess...” Deborah said, shaking her head. “Right the first time,” I grinned. “About the first time.” “Fifteen?” Maria Cristina asked. “Yes,...

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Pledging Tau Geta Delta Part 4 Friendly Benefits

Pledging Tau Geta Delta - Part 4 - Friendly Benefits By Farleven Waking up as a girl was always a bit disturbing. For a moment, I forgot why my chest was a jiggling and why my crotch was empty. The shock would shoot through me in that fog of my waking mind and send me reeling until my memories caught up with my instincts. This morning that process was short circuited when I felt my arm was wrapped around some guy's chest. The rest of the sensations flooded into me. My breasts were...

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The Fantasy Of Rape

This, is a rather interesting subject, and can be very different depending on ones point of view. That is, male or female. I have a friend that works at a Adult Video Arcade, and has also worked at a large adult theater. He has told me on numerous occasions, and even he was quite surprised by the number of women who have expressed to him, their fantasy about being raped, most of the women he talked with were young women however their were several that were not so young! Any woman that has...

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BFFs Eliza Jane Liza Rowe Sydney Cole Bridesmaids

Eliza and Dylan were finally getting married. All her girls were so proud, and super excited to be there for her on the day she ties the knot. The girls were getting dressed and attempting to look their very best as Eliza prepared herself in a separate room. When she stepped out, not only was she in awe of how pretty her girls looked, but her girls drooling over how beautiful Eliza looked! This was sure to be a spectacular wedding. As they continued to get ready, the best man wandered into...

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A Walk in New York

I was walking down a busy street in New York City. The hustle and bustle a far and distant cry from my own corn-shucking surroundings. Knowing that everything was an option for me now, I went walking down Broadway hoping for the off chance that I might bump into someone worthwhile. I had dressed comfortably, but more revealingly than I would have normally done. I wore a thigh length skirt that hugged my derriere and a deep purple blouse that revealed a great expanse of cleavage from my more...

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Craig HillChapter 74

Victoria quickly settled in. She had worried that without helping Jean Whitty she would be bored just housekeeping but, with Mark's help, she met several of the 14th/20th wives and rode with them. That in itself made for a wider social life. She also made it her business to team up with Simon Hartley's wife, Moira, and get involved in the Wives' Club, something that Janet was absent from. Inevitably she saw more of Janet. They did not return the dinner hospitality immediately but Victoria...

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EchoesChapter 2 Reservoir

It took a couple long minutes, laying in bed the next morning after my eyes opened, to wipe the silly grin off my face. I hadn't been sure what I would find come morning. Hell, I wasn't sure I'd find morning! Ned popped his head over the edge of the bed as soon as he heard me moving around, and I reached down and patted his head. He'd need to go out as soon as I was dressed. In fact, that made me think about what I'd have to do starting tomorrow. His big exercise of the day usually...

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VeronicaChapter 3

Veronica Harmsworth had just been given a parcel of clothes to put on, before embarking on a day of trial which, she hoped, would see her at the end, a rich and independent woman. A woman of substance. The underwear had pained her greatly. It was swimwear - of a somewhat unusual sort. The kind of thing some bimbo on the make might wear in order to entice some sad bastard of a rich, but not very attractive, man. Her flesh had literally crept as she had put these items on. With loathing and...

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My wife Pari, her younger sister (by one year), Ara, and their Mother, Mae. 3 Ladies – and me, man of the house so-to-speak, our family. Quite an exhausting role it has become.Where we live in Asia, I am a foreigner, being born way down-under. But I have lived in Asia a long time now, and understand how important family is.In the case of my wife’s family, her Father died (of smoking and drinking-related illnesses) over 15 years ago; since then, the 3 Ladies have been together, hiccups and...

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SAGN Chapter OneThe Empty House of Cecil Barnes

Chapter One: The Empty House of Cecil Barnes ================================================== The last cup of coffee lurking in the pot was already vile long before Jim Brighton picked it up and peered through the brown stained glass at the oily sludge swirling in the coffee pot. He wondered if it would even be worth it at all and considered just standing there and waiting for a fresh pot to brew; but he couldn't, he already had too much on his plate and the day was just getting...

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Porn Dune! Porn movies are still big as fuck. I know plenty of you horny betas just fap to 30-second clips since that’s about all that you can handle before you blow your load. But movies will always be king. There’s nothing like sitting back and jerking off to an hour-long movie with foreplay, a plot, and some nice hard fucking at the end. Why are you cucks in such a rush anyway? Sit the fuck down and enjoy yourselves. It’s not like you have plans or friends to meet up with anyway.But most...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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from couples to three someand loving it

It was rather tough because my wife is rather picky but I placed an ad on this sight any ways. We got a lot of requests from single or married guys even though we were asking for couples. The couples we chatted with became rather disappointing either she liked the guy and I didn't like the woman or they liked my wife and not me or visa versa .I thought we never would find the one so to speak. I kept looking though not giving up hope, It took a while but we were able to meet a couple that...

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The Man of Sin Chapter 80

As usual, Helena’s friends all noted the sudden lack of vitality on her face. She had been fine recently, but today, it was embarrassment that had left her despondent. The previous night, Xavier had snuck into her room and molested her until she climaxed. The man she hated more than anything else on the planet had invoked indescribable pleasure in her. Even worse was when he jammed his fingers in her mouth, forcing her to taste her feminine essence. It made her want to throw up in...

1 year ago
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The Girl Stories Uncle Ben 4

When Ben woke up, he went to the toilet, still very sleepy. Only when exiting it, the reality of what he done the previous day, hit him. He run into the kitchen, where he was welcomed by a smile. --- "Lilly!" --- he said, with his voice breaking --- "Lilly, yesterday .... did I ..." --- "Oh, yes you did." --- she said with a giggle. --- "And then did I ..." --- "Oh, man, you sure did." --- she said gestured pulling at her collar. --- "And then ..." --- he said on the edge of...

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Cop Too Far

Little by little consciousness seeped back into the happily addled brain of Special Agent Barbara Black. She thought it must be afternoon. The night seemed so long ago; she didn't remember much about it. She felt good -- relaxed and ... satisfied. That was it; she recognized the feeling. She had gotten laid and well laid last night, totally sated sexually. The man who had bedded her must have had a prick the size of a donkey and the stamina to match to do this kind of job on her, she reflected...

1 year ago
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At The Gym A True Story

was 27 when this story happened. If I had not experienced it myself, I would nothave believed it could happen, but it did happen. He and I are still occasional fuck buddies to this day. I am 60 now, so this was 33 years ago. After college, I had let myself get out of shape and gained some weight eating badly and living a stress filled life. Deciding that something needed to be done, I joined a local branch of a national chain gym. They had all the weights and circuits as well as an indoor...

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The Unlucky Adventuring Party

They were an odd party to be sure; a mysterious mage, a couple of newlyweds, a catgirl, and an orc. None of them knew each other prior, but they had formed a sort of kinship, if you call it that, once forming their group. Of course, some were closer than others. Carla and Michael, the newlyweds, were obviously inseparable. Amanda, the catgirl, looked up to Ethelia, the female mage, as if she were a big sister, much to the witch's chagrin. Then there was the orc: Bash. He was a crass, uncultured...

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Lifelong Exhib 5 the two sisters

During the summer I turned 15, before my fun with Sinead and after myself and Chloe began our adventures; my friend James had a free house for about a week while his parents were on holiday. They left the charge of the house to his sister Marie, she was 18. We were really looking forward to the week, as we had many boozy parties planned. The only downside was Marie. She was a bible freak. No offence to those with faith, but she was a busy body, looking down on you if you weren't a practising...

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Awakening Lindas Lust

He watches wife with a black man & lesbian couple.Having just finished work, I decided to stop at a local bar, have a few beers, and unwind before going home. The bar was full and I was looking for a place to sit and relax. "Hey Nick, over here." It was a friend of mine, his name was Ken.I joined Ken and Leon, a black guy that I also knew from the bar. They wanted to know how my marriage was going. Linda and I had been married for four months now."Great, Linda is the best thing that ever...

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Tail of Mina dogging with Alfie

Quite a few of you wondered what happened with Mina, from the previous tale. Now Mina’s husband wanted her to give it a go, he had loved watching me and he wanted his beloved to have the same. He asked Harry for some advice on how he might persuade her and Harry said that it was everyone’s cup of tea. Steve, Mina’s hubby said that she was scared of being hurt and that the last bit looked weird. But, she was turned on about the idea. Harry offered to have a word with Mina. Steve wasn’t too keen...

2 years ago
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Clementine in HellChapter 2

"I still can't believe we saw that savage whipping last night. That poor girl - she looked so lovely and delicate. But I suppose she submitted willingly, as James said. Didn't she?" Stella sounded doubtful! Clemmy nodded. "I guess so, Stella. There are certainly twisted people around who love pain. I've even fantasised about it myself before now, though I hope these particular dreams never come true! We just can't get inside their minds to see things their way. But I would rather like...

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The Knight and His SquireChapter 5

Pyar paced about in her tower. She had been reading up on the history of dark magic, but had failed to learn much in terms of details. It seemed that the history scrolls contained only second-hand information of dark magic and its effects on the populace. The most common theme was death and dark feelings it brew in those who were in the vicinity. The more she thought about her encounter with Rohea, the more puzzled she felt. Pyar instinctively grabbed the necklace that Cyler had given her,...

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An Evening of Firsts1

"You are mine tonight. To do with as I please. Be good and obey and you'll enjoy it. I promise you an orgasm that you'll feel for days. Fight me, and you will regret it severely," you coo in my ear. "Understand?" Your words are playful and soft, but I can sense the stern tone behind them.  "Yes." "Yes, what?" you ask.  "Yes....mistress," I reply hesitantly.  "Good boy." I barely have time to fathom what might be in store for me later before I feel something warm and...

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Hardcore with neighbours wife

Hey there it's ink here.To know my details view my profile.This story is based on how i fucked my neighbour's wife. My neighbour's name was Raj and his wife was a hot figured her name was Suvitha.Her age was around mid 30's her stats are 36-32-34.She was hot as hell with a fair skin mallu girl. The story starts here,when i returned home from my college hostel for my study holidays i was so determinant to work hard towards my academics.So i asked my mom to help me out with the unsolved problems...

4 years ago
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The Kinky CouplesChapter 8

Julie Spencer grinned lewdly to herself... now they're ready for me, she chuckled softly, moving through the secret passageway into the second bedroom. "You didn't think you were going to leave me out, did you?" she smiled seductively to her lover and her husband as she approached the bed and the satiated triangle strewn across it. "OH NO... OH MY GOD!" gasped Janet as she saw Julie's obscenely grinning face. "Julie baby, I was wondering when you would make your entrance. Want one...

4 years ago
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Broken PromisesChapter 43

I answered the door and stared. “Bea?” I said. She smirked and slid by me into my front room. I closed the door and turned to face her. She suddenly looked serious. “Bea?” It’s 10:00 p.m. I have to open tomorrow,” I said. “I know. It’s always the same for you on Mondays,” she said. “Okay?” I said. ‘You know I work for your brother, and that Ava and I have been friends for a thousand years, right?” she said. “Yeah, so?” I said. “So, you wanna marry me?” she said. “Excuse me?” I...

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Latex Sex Drone Factory

Thomas was in the laundry room of his apartment building when he realized that he felt an odd breeze. Some work crews had been down here moving some water and HVAC piping around, but it seemed that something wasn't sealed up correctly. He felt around with his hand, and discovered the breeze was coming from an completely different area. He moved aside a thick partition and discovered a concrete passageway leading away from the laundry room. He followed the passageway for several hundred feet,...

Mind Control
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Claire Part 1 My First Time

Claire: Part 1. My First Time By A.GreyFoxxx I walked up to the door of this pleasant looking ranch house, in a nice neighborhood. I pushed the button, and , as I heard the chime from inside, my mind drifted back nineteen years, to when I was in high school. After a lackluster, uneventful (and sexless) career as a public school student, my parents, in their infinite wisdom, packed me off to a year of post-graduate study at a private school in rural Connecticut. The class sizes were small,...

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Perfect Stranger Part 2 Close call

******************************************************************* Violet reacted very strangely when I told her that I planned on running away with her. She seems relieved; like she’d known that I would the whole time, and was just waiting for me to say so. But that was the thing about my relationship with her; she almost knew me better than I knew myself. We got up from the seats that we had fallen asleep in, and stretched. I watched her as she bent over to stretch her back. It...

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A Sheltered LifeDay Four

Lauren helped me get dressed. Rather than shoulder my pack, which only hurt, I simply carried it down to the fire site. “Morning, John!” François said cheerily. “Ready for the day?” “Morning, François. Going well. You’ve got Lauren first thing, then back with me in the woods with only a map and a compass for company. “Looking forward to it!” “What’s breakfast?” “Oatmeal. Something to stick to your ribs,” Roger said. “The only way I like oatmeal is with plenty of cold milk and heaps of...

2 years ago
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Sex inside Hospital

I am going to narrate an incident, which happened in the hospital when my mama was hospitalized. As the charge of special room was very high, we preferred to take a semi special room there is a partition in between the room and also curtains but the door is same. So that relative of the patient staying in night can stay in the other part of the room. If you put on the curtains you can stay privately. Uncle was admitted for having some problem with his k**ney and has to operate it. He was around...

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Bla Book 3 Wrinkles in TimeChapter 2

Frank Junior wearily flipped the switch, turning off the autopilot. He gently set the van down on the landing pad near Jake's cabin. Katie stirred from the tiny bunk in the rear and looked through the portal (rear window?) to see if her little Lincoln had survived the trip being towed halfway across the continent from South Carolina behind Frank's van. 'Well, it's a Continental, after all. It should be all right, ' she thought, amusing herself with her little play on words. 'Are you...

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Camping trip that I will always remember

I recently went on a backpacking and canoeing trip that I will always remember. On a recent trip going canoeing and camping I had an experience that I will never forget. I went with 5 others, Teri my sexy brunette friend from high school, Claudia, Teri’s friend from college, their friend Rebecca, a very petite redhead. Rebecca’s boyfriend Tom, a tall slender guy. And his friend Keith.The first night out we all hiked about 15 miles, so when we set up camp, we basically had some dinner and went...


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