PIONNEER LIFE The Neighbors Are Far Away free porn video

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“Riding to town Baby, “ We need anything?” I shouted out to my wife, she answered “See if you can get me a new wash bucket, this old one is bout done for.” I agreed to see if the store had any of the new metal ones. As I left she was standing on the porch smiling and waving. “Not a bad looking woman” I thought. It was five miles to town and it took a little over an hour to make the trip. I was just about out of water in the heat of the day when I got there. I was mighty thirsty so I stopped by the local saloon and got a nice cool drink of water. Saloons had the coolest water around and for only a penny I got to drink my fill and refill my water bag too!
I was about to leave when one of the ladies working there came down the stairs and smiled at me. I smiled back and she waved. I headed on to the store down the street.
At the store, I call it the store, everyone did, it was the only store in town but it was rightly named Calebs store. Yes Caleb owned and operated it. He and his wife were the sole owners. They had moved into town about a year ago and started the store and made a room for them to live in too! They seemed comfortable enough, even though they had spent most of their life's savings opening the place.
It was a wonder they made enough to live on. Looking around I saw a new bucket, big enough to wash clothes in and metal. But it was a dollar. I only had three dollars from selling a hog earlier and had to make do with the 25 cent wooden bucket for my wife. I bought some other things, coffee grounds and some fancy smelling soap for a nickel, some flour and cornmeal and some cloth for her to make into a dress or something. She was pretty good at sewing and deserved to have herself a new dress.
As I was leaving I saw some women's unmentionables for sale. That was something new and I took a minute to look them over. The owner, Caleb came over and explained that those were 25 cents! Worth every penny he said. Those will make her look beautiful and get your willy standing tall! I chuckled and told him she did pretty good at that without the undies on! We both laughed and he handed me a silky pair to feel. They did feel really nice and as I was fondling them he asked if I would like to see them on a woman. I looked at him funny, as if he was going to get a saloon girl to model them for me. He grinned and told me “I know what you're thinking, no I wont be renting one of the working girls for you to ogle. That would add to the cost. Tell you what, if you buy a pair I'll have my woman model them out back in our room. No hanky panky, just you looking at her. And your money back if your pecker don't stand up while you look! “ Now that was a deal I had to think hard about. My wife and I had a good time in the bedroom now and then but she really did need some new undies. After a few seconds I told him “OK but no funny business. I don't want to make trouble.” He told me that was fine and for me to pick out something my wife would look good in. He went to talk to his wife as I looked over the selection.
When I picked two pair he was back and commented that the red ones would put some lead in my pencil and the white ones would be nice for church. He then showed me the way to their room. As I walked in his wife was behind a screen and he handed her the panties I picked. She put them on and stepped out for me to see. I almost fell down when she walked out naked except for the panties! I recovered enough to say she looked great. She did actually look beautiful. My wife was a nice looking woman but his wife was a beauty! I had not noticed that when I had seen her before in all her heavy cotton dresses. But now—oh my! My pecker was indeed standing tall! 7 inches of prick were trying to bust my britches! I tried to hide it but Caleb looked at me and said “looks like I wont be having to buy those back! That pecker looks mighty hard. Doesn't it Dot?” His wife, Dot, smiled as she agreed. “Certainly looks fit to fuck!” Such words from a lady like her shocked me but I managed to smile and asked her to please give me those red undies she had on. I expected her to go behind the dressing screen and take them off. She didn't! She took them off as I stood there with my prick sticking out in my pants! Her cunny was soft brown and the same shade as her hair. My wife was blond and not as hairy but this one, for some reason mesmerized me! I just stared at it! “Whats the matter Tom?” She said, “Never seen a cunny before?” She laughed a bit and slid the other pair on herself.
A bell rang out from the store and Caleb excused himself to go wait on a customer. Dot and I were alone, her with nice titties hanging out and nothing but panties on. Nice white silky panties. Panties my wife would be wearing soon. And the sooner the better I thought to myself! Dot smiled and giggled a little and I asked what was so funny? She pointed at my crotch and told me “it's leaking”. Sure enough I was oozing precum and it had the front of my pants wet enough to see a big spot. “Great” I said, now I'm going to be embarrassed to walk around town with this wet spot.” “Not to worry” she told me, “I have a solution.” With that she came to me and grabbed my belt and before I could protest she had my pants down. My pecker was sticking straight up! Hard as a rock, harder than it had been since my wedding night when I pricked my wife the first time! As she bent to take my pants off she explained that she would hang these on a chair to dry while I was there. “Wouldn't want you to go around with cum spots on them”. Made sense so I let her put them on the back of the chair. When she turned back to me I had put my hands over my stiff prick to keep her from being embarrassed. She told me “too late to hide that pecker from me. I have already
seen it and I like it!” That shocked me, a woman telling me she LIKED my prick! What had I fallen into? I just wanted a bucket and coffee suddenly I'm buying undies and the model tells me she likes my pecker! She moved back so I could see the white panties on her. She turned so I could see her backside and cunny showing through them. I noticed she had made a wet spot in them also. Bigger than the wet spot I had made!
I stared at the wet spot as she stood there. “Hey, what's so fascinating for you to be staring at?” she said. I stammered that I never had seen a gal wet panties like that. Smiling she said “that's normal for me, I get really wet down there when I see a nice prick like yours. I'd love to have my hands on that!” Again I almost fell over. A woman, a married woman at that, talking about a man not her husband!
Another voice said “Hell Dot why not just reach over and grab it? “ It was Caleb back from the store. I was ready to run but I was naked and wouldn't have anywhere to go. So I was about to defend myself from an angry husband when he spoke again “Don't worry Tom, she does that to any man she gets back here to show off to!” I was stupefied! “She likes to show men her tits and ass and cunt so I let her. Sometimes she grabs a handful of prick and lets the guy do what he wants to her. You like that Tom?” I didn't know what to say but Dot moved over to me and grabbed my stiff prick and started moving her hands on it like she was a two bit whore wanting to get to the next man in line. It was like she wanted me to cum so she could get to the next customer! I just stood there, as she stroked my hard prick and felt my juice flowing on her hand. Caleb told me “she likes to suck on a nice hard prick too. Would you like that Tom?” I did not answer, what could I say? No? OK? Hell I was a happy married man with my woman waiting for me at home! But Dot didn't hesitate, she just knelt down and had my prick in her mouth! She was sucking it wildly as if she had never tasted cock before! Then she felt my butt and ran a finger in the crack. My God that felt great! I groaned and she did it again and again. My prick was still in her mouth when I shot my load! Sudden and violent eruption of cum right in her sucking mouth! My wife had never ever done that for me! Never had she sucked my hard prick and made me cum!
She did not stop sucking me! She ate all my cum and did not spill a drop! I was exhausted suddenly and sat down on their bed! She smiled and had cum on her lips as she pushed me back on the bed and told me to relax. I fell back and closed my eyes just for a moment I told myself.
I awoke and it was dark out! I had told my wife I would be home before dark! She would be worried! I tried to sit up but hands pushed me back down. Caleb was there and told me a storm had moved in and for me to get some sleep. It was too nasty to go out into the storm. I noticed the driving rain and laid back down. So tired I fell back asleep immediately.

“I hope Tom is ok” Nancy said. “He has been gone a long while and wont make the trip home in the storm or the dark”. She turned and looked at the man she was talking to. Her neighbors ranch hand had come over to borrow a plow and got caught by the storm. Now he was dripping wet on the porch. Nancy had never been alone with a man since she had been married and was looking suspiciously at the ranch hand, Larry was his name. “Well Maam, “ he said, I'm sure Tom will be ok, he's smart enough to hole up for the night somewhere. What was he doing in town?” “He was going to Caleb's store”. She answered. Larry smiled at her and nodded. “Well, Calebs a good ol boy and will let him stay at the store till he can make it home” he told her. Nancy smiled at him and said that would be nice of Caleb. Larry stood up and a puddle formed under him on the porch. The rain was still coming down hard and he really didn't want to go out into it. Lightning flashed and the thunder followed quickly! Nancy jumped a bit and bumped into Larry.
“No problem Maam” he told her, its only the thunder. Feeling silly she apologized to him “Sorry but that was so sudden and loud!” “well, it was mighty close so it was fast and loud alright!” Nancy suddenly noticed he was starting to shiver from the wet and cold. “Larry, come inside where it's dry, I'll make some coffee”. Larry agreed and they went inside. As another puddle formed under him Nancy blushed and asked him if he would like to put on a robe of Tom's and she would dry his clothes by the fire. Larry looked at her, she was certainly a good looking gal, one of the strong prairie women that populated ranches everywhere. Blond and strong and pretty to boot. “OK” he told her and asked where he could change. There was only one room in the house so Nancy told him to wait just a minute. She went and fetched the robe Tom had been given on their wedding day and a blanket. Setting the robe on the bed she held the blanket in front of Larry and told him to change into the robe. She was holding the robe and kept her head turned as he went to work changing. As she heard boots and pants hit the floor she shifted slightly as she tried to hold the blanket steady. As she shifted she felt something poking her a bit down toward her waist. “Must be his pistol” she thought. Soon Larry announced he was in the robe. She put the blanket on the bed and picked up Larry's clothes. She was looking for his gun to pick up also but he already had it hanging on the back of the chair. She hung his clothes on a line by the fire, making sure to keep them far enough to keep from burning and close enough to dry. “I'll make some coffee now Larry” and turned to the kitchen end of the house. Larry had made himself at home at the dining table. She glanced his way and noticed the robe was a bit small for him but he did look nice in it. “Now where did that thought come from” she asked herself. “I'm a married woman and looking at another man isn't right. But he is kind of handsome. I guess if I don't tell Tom I was looking at him it will be ok”.
As the coffee was heating up she asked Larry if he was hungry. “Not starving Maam, but I could eat something.” She set about making some soup from left overs of lunch. As she was hanging the soup pot over the fire she glanced again at Larry. He had one foot up on a chair and was cleaning his fingernails with a small pointy knife. At first glance she thought “that cant' be right” as she noticed he had his cock showing under the robe. “He must have forgot he has no clothes on” she thought. But when she looked again and again, she was certain he knew he was showing off. Soon she was openly looking in his direction. “Maam, is the coffee ready now? And that soup looks delicious too! I guess I've got a bigger appetite than I thought.” Nancy thought “I bet he does have a big appetite. It would go fine with that prick he's showing”. She shocked herself when she thought that! Such a demure woman thinking such things! She told him it would be ready soon and excused herself to get something from the porch.
“I bet she hasn't had a good pricking in a long time” Larry thought. “Tom is busy all the time and probably dead tired from hard farm work, I bet he don't give her a good poke once a week!” His cock started to thicken as he thought those words but then felt guilty for thinking like that. Tom and Nancy were pretty good people and they would not like him thinking those thoughts. He relaxed and smelled the coffee and soup starting to boil.
Nancy came back inside with a few pieces of firewood from the porch. As she set the firewood down she grabbed the big ladle hanging by the fire and bent over to stir the soup. She stirred it for a bit longer than she needed to. She went to the coffee pot and set it on the table while she grabbed a cup from a top shelf, even though most of the cups were on the bottom shelf. As she stretched to reach the top shelf Larry suddenly saw her pretty butt cheeks partially exposed! “Holy shit” Larry thought, she had no undies on! His prick started to harden in earnest. She turned to him and smiled as she bent to pour his coffee. She leaned a bit farther over to him than she should as he looked down the top of her dress. She knew he could see most of her breasts and smiled at him. “I'll get the soup now Larry, I bet your umm, appetite, has grown.” As she picked up the soup pot she moved to the table and set it down. She was about to sit down she fell. She fell and her dress blew up high around her waist. Larry jumped up to help her up. He immediately saw she had a beautiful cunt on full display! She smiled and reached out to grab his hand, but accidentally grabbed his stiff cock instead. Both were embarrassed and apologized profusely. “So terribly sorry” he told her. “I was just trying to help you up!” “That's OK Larry, I appreciate your help and I'm also sorry I accidentally did not grab your hand.” Deciding this was a now or never moment she also blurted out “But I did get a nice handful to help me up.” Larry was taken back by that comment.
“I didn't know you needed that kind of hand up but I'm happy to help out if I can.” Smiling they both sat at the table and tried to make small talk but it was no use. Both of them knew what was going to happen. Soon they had moved to the bed. Laying down he let her open the robe and put his stiff cock on display for her! She stood and took off her dress, revealing her body to him and smiled. “How do I look?” She asked. “Delicious” he answered. She said nothing and moved to swing her legs over him and sat down right on his face! Her cunt was oozing juice and she pushed it into him to lick. Tom had done this for her once before and she loved it. Tom said it was ok but had not done it to her again. In truth, Tom and Nancy had both loved it but were too embarrassed to tell the other. “This time I'm not going to get off his face until I get to cum” Nancy told herself.
Larry had no choice but to lick and suck on the pussy on his lips. He was enjoying himself. He had done this with several women before and every one of them liked it. One gal had come to him right after fucking her man! He ate the pussy full of cum like it was a full meal! He found he liked doing that also. Soon Nancy had cum several times and Larry's face was shiny from her wet cunt! Nancy turned around and took his now rock hard cock in her mouth. While she was on his face she had wondered what he tasted like. She had never had a man in her mouth before. She had considered it “dirty and perverted” but now she was going to do it! She wondered what he would feel like in her mouth and now she had him in her mouth, sucking as best she could. Larry had a nice cock but not as big as her husbands. As she took it all the way into her throat she was surprised she had not gagged! Sucking even more she hoped he would shoot his cum in her mouth! “I'm going to cum if you keep that up” Larry announced. Nancy took her mouth off his cock long enough to tell him “go ahead, I've never done this before so I need to find out if I like it or not. So please cum in my mouth for me. Is it OK to eat cum?” Larry did not reply, he was groaning and began to flood her mouth with his cum! She swallowed and swallowed as he pumped load after load down her throat. “That was very nice Larry, thank you.” He replied my pleasure and you did taste delicious also. Have you ever cum that way before?” No she answered, and I have never had a man in my mouth before, let alone fill me with his cum! Thank YOU for letting me taste it for the first time!” As they lay there the storm raged.
Tom would be gone till at least morning.

Tom woke again in the dark and felt Dot's mouth on his prick again. This time he relaxed and let the cum flow! It flowed in great gushes. He had not had a good cum in a couple of weeks and he was full! The earlier cock sucking had only taken the edge off. Finally finished, he sighed and said “thanks Dot, that was better than the first time”. He heard the answer---from Caleb. “You're welcome Tom, Dot had to get some chores done so she asked me to suck you off this time. Hope you don't mind because I certainly didn't. You shoot quite a large and good tasting cum load!” Once again Tom did not know what to say! He stammered and sputtered as he thought. “I guess it doesn't really matter, A sucking mouth is a sucking mouth. If he enjoyed it then its ok with me.” “Caleb, I didn't know you were like that. Am I the first man you have sucked and swallowed?” Caleb chuckled and told him “No, you are not the first and likely will not be the last cock in my mouth. The Bartender is due tomorrow afternoon to give me his cum in payment for some supplies I got from him.” Tom and Caleb had a good chuckle over that comment. Caleb then asked “Tom, have you ever tasted a man?” “No I haven't' Tom told him. “and I have no desire to. But I sure did like cumming like that in your mouth!” Laughing together they did not hear Dot come in. “What's so funny guys? Someone tell a joke?” No Dot, Tom and I just were talking and found out he likes his cock sucked and I enjoy sucking it. And we both know you enjoy it too! Who was out front?” A guy from the DoubleDown Ranch wanted to get some fence material for his corral. I sold him our last bunch of wire.” “Is that all he got?” Caleb asked. Dot smiled and told him to guess. As they all sat talking they told Tom the storm was just as bad as earlier and to make himself comfy and they would both be in the bed with him tonight. “Take anything from us you like Tom” was the last words he heard as he fell asleep.
As the morning dawned Tom woke with a boner. His cock was hard again and he needed a place to put it. He poked Dot and she woke up and knew what he needed. She lay on her stomach and opened her legs to give him her cunt. He simply moved over her and slid into her and started pumping. She moved slightly and took Caleb's cock in her mouth and started sucking it. Caleb stayed asleep as she sucked him and Tom fucked her. In only a few minutes Caleb, still sleeping, shot a load down her throat. She did love that feeling as she pleased her husband and she knew he liked that she pleased other men too. In fact the last town they were in they had an orgy in a hotel. Seven men and four women. Three of the women were from the saloon and would do anything she wanted for two dollars for the night. The men were all men she knew and had sucked and fucked before and knew they would not tell nor be angry at anything that happened that night. And BOY did everything happen to everyone. But that thought left her head as Tom pumped one more time and filled her cunt with hot cum! Moaning and cumming he woke Caleb up. As Tom pulled his spent cock from Dot's cunt his cum started to flow from her. A lot of cum built up in Tom had found its way up her twat and now was flowing out. Dot simply told Caleb “OK lover, time for you to do your duty.” Caleb wasted no time and went down on her overflowing twat, sucking and licking every drop from her. Then he turned to Tom and sucked his cock clean too! Wiping his mouth, he said “Time to get to real work and you, my love, make us a real breakfast!” Smiling he went to the shop and Dot went to her stove. Tom started to dress and get ready to return home. As he left, Dot reminded him to take the panties with him. He put them in his jacket pocket and shook Caleb's hand as he left. “I'll be back for more again Caleb.” Caleb smiled and licked his lips.

Larry woke up with Nancy sucking his hard prick one more time. The two had fucked and sucked each other in most every possible way during the night and had finally fallen asleep as the dawn was breaking. Nancy finished her breakfast of cock and cum and Larry finished his with a meal of messy pussy. They both were very satisfied. Larry had just left and was only half a mile away when Tom came home.
As he rode up he saw his wife on the porch pouring water for a bath. They had moved the tub outside because the room available was not enough to hold it. They planned to make another room for the house this fall. The tub had some rainwater in it and the scalding water she was pouring into it would make the temperature just right!
Seeing Tom ride into the yard she put the bucket down and ran to him throwing her arms around him and telling him how much she missed him. How much she loved him and kissed him deeply! Tom grabbed his wife and held her tight as she poured her love out on him. Telling her the same things she told him, he kissed her back. Soon they let each other go and looked at each other. With a slightly puzzled look on both their faces, Nancy asked if he would like to bathe first. He agreed and stripped down inside then went out to the tub. He climbed in and felt the tiredness flow from his body. His muscles, tight from his ride and night time exercise, relaxed. He sat back and was enjoying the bath. Nancy came to him and started soaping him up. “Thanks for the wonderful soap darling” she told him. She worked a wash cloth all over his body, back then front from toe to head and back down on both sides. She noticed that his pecker was getting hard and playfully soaped it up very vigorously. He smiled and told her to be careful “that might go off if you aren't” she smiled back and told him that she wouldn't want to be shot with that big gun! Laughing, they finished the bath. He got out and she helped dry him off. Then it was her turn and she stripped down and got into the tub.
Tom absently noticed that she had no panties on. He thought nothing of it and started to wash her beautiful body. Tom played with her titties and rubbed her ass as he soaped her up good. As he reached for her twat he pushed a finger deep into her, marveling at how slippery she already was. Soon she moaned and told him don't stop! He didn't and she had an orgasm like he had not seen her have before. She got out of the tub and he took his time rubbing her dry all over. As they went inside they were both still naked. Tom's cock was starting to swell and her pussy seemed to never dry off. As they went inside Tom noticed her panties on the porch. Inside they held each other and then laid on the bed. Although Tom had been completely sated from the night before, he felt her body against his and could not help holding her and feeling her on his body. The woman he loved was in his arms. Soon she was on her back and he was deep in her. She was moving like never before and he was pumping a lot longer than ever. Normally he would cum in a few minutes. She took note of that as they made love. When she had her orgasm she rolled him off her and got on top! He did not protest when she sat down on his face with her wet pussy on his mouth. She thought he would struggle some but he went right to work licking her and making her cum again and again! She had never cum so much from anything he and her had ever done! She did not say anything, she was just happy to cum!
His face wet and shiny with juice from her pussy and some from his cock, they lay back, she was completely happy with the way he had licked and sucked her cunt! She was just glad she had the bath to get all of Larry's cum out of her cunt before he ate it! No telling what he would have done if he had known she had been fucking and sucking all night. As she thought that she moved between his legs and took his still hard cock in her mouth and sucked it. She had never sucked it for more than a few seconds before because she had thought it dirty and perverted. And perhaps it was both she thought, as he blasted a hot load of cum in her mouth and swallowed it all! He sat up and kissed her as he had seen Caleb do to Dot that morning. He surprised his wife but she kissed him back and shared a few drops of his cum with him. He did not complain and kissed her even harder. Soon they were both ready for chores. Dressed and going outside, she picked up the brand new bucket he had bought her. Starting to walk away she heard him call her over to him by his horse. “I almost forgot in the excitement of seeing you, here is something I got from the store for you. I hope you like them!” He handed her a wrapped package and she tore it open. Seeing the panties she covered her mouth and let out a yell of delight! “These are beautiful Tom! I'm going to put them on right now and proceeded to pull up her dress and put on the red panties. She gave him another kiss and took the white ones inside to put them away. As she started to put them in the chest she noticed something on them. Looking at them she held them close. Then she sniffed them. Then she looked shocked and realized what was on them! A woman's cum! She knew the smell from her own panties! Tom had gotten some woman's cum on them!
Outside Tom had started thinking about earlier when he was in bed with his wife. She had done some things that he had never had her do before. She sucked the cum from his cock and sat on his face! He had loved it all and even liked the cummy kiss she had given him. He was a bit perplexed. Then he noticed the tracks going off into a direction he had not gone since the storm. Investigating, he saw hoof prints and it suddenly dawned on him. She had not been alone last night! That was why she was pouring a bath and why she had sucked him off and made him eat her cunt! He kept thinking about it.
Nancy came outside looking funny. She stopped and picked up her old panties from the porch where she had left them last night to let Larry see her bare twat and take advantage of her. Had Tom noticed? As she wondered about that she suddenly decided that if Tom had gotten some pussy the night before then it was OK because she had a lot of cock and cum in her last night. Things were even.
Tom walked over to her as she picked up the old panties from where she had left them. He was thinking the same way she was. She had some cock in her last night and he had cum in a pussy and two mouths. Things were even as far as he was concerned.
Together they went back into the house. He said “Are we happy?” She answered “Yes, we are happy. Now what?” I guess we need to invite people over more often.” She smiled and told him the people over at the Double Down ranch seem nice.” “And Caleb and his wife seem nice too” he told her. They both smiled and held each other. Happy, they skipped chores and went back to pleasing each other and making plans. They were happy!

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“Him?” Sasha asked slyly. “You like?”“He’s … He looks fun, that’s all.” Libby cast her eyes down.They’d been buying pick ’n’ mix when Libby spotted the guy collecting tokens at the roller coaster. He wore the regulation orange security jerkin over a leather waistcoat, both sleeveless (Libby’s mum would have urged him to wrap up that autumn evening) to reveal muscled arms. A pattern of jagged tattoos ran shoulder to elbow on the left. His dark hair was pony-tailed, showing off his broad grin...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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The Jared Chronicles Jareds Brat School Part 3

Languidly, Tabitha walked through the downstairs hall, swaying her hips to maximize the swing of her well-formed ass. The cock-shaft around which her fingers were entwined was resolute in its hardness, primed for the penetration she needed. He might have grabbed her and fucked her against any surface in the house, over any piece of furniture, but he did not.This guy had restraint—he knew how to savour an erotic moment and allowed himself to be led like a lamb up the gently curving stairwell. It...

3 years ago
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My Parents Neighbors Part One

It's been a year since this little story began. It was my final year at a large university on the East Coast. My home is in a small community outside a major city in central California. I majored in sports medicine and received my M.D. I assisted the medical staff with the various teams that made up the school's sports programs; football, volleyball, swimming, track, baseball, softball, and basketball. I am a licensed masseuse as well as a physical therapist.I joined a sorority my second year...

4 years ago
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Maggie a New LifestyleChapter 4 The Daughterrsquos Neighbors

Pam and Jim had, of course, met their next-door neighbors, a couple about five years older than themselves. They had developed into “intimate” neighbors not too long after the “training” which had opened up Pam and Jim to the richness of a polyamorous lifestyle. Peggy was a stay-at-home mom with two kids in school so was looking for activity to keep her occupied. One afternoon she was in the back yard and heard unmistakable fucking sounds from the other side of the fence. She found a crack...

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The Jared Chronicles Jareds Brat School Part 2

She would have driven all the way into Philly for the hell of it, but the equivalent of about three tequila shots had made their way into her system, so she parked the Maserati on the outskirts of Furlong and made her way into town. Her mind was awhirl with conjecture. What the hell had just happened?She’d been talking to him, that was all—letting it all out because he was there, hot and vaguely sympathetic. Had she been a fool? Was this somehow going to sink another bite into her English ass?...

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The Jared Chronicles Jareds Brat School Part 1

Tabitha Chesterfield stood motionless at the granite work-top, staring across the Cranleigh Manor lawn. It rolled half an acre to the treeline and looked magnificent in its lustrous green, or would have, had it not been for the massive pit currently being dug in its centre. The sculpted rockeries would look exquisite around the edges once the transformation was complete—she might even tend the bedding plants herself—but why Grant was insisting on a carp pond she was unsure.Presumably, so he...

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Carefree Daycare

Welcome to Carefree Daycare! This story will be far more linear than regular CHYOA stories. It consists of 5 days of which all have a specified ending. Because of this you can add chapters on how the main character got into this situation, but you can not change the course of the story. There is a 6th day that serves as a free day a couple months after the original story. You can write any story line here you'd like. Because of the said restrictions, the are strict guidelines for adding new...

4 years ago
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Women Neighbors Who Are Close Share Some Intimate Life

This is a real incident that was told to me by one of my relative. Rupali and Suva were living in as neighbours with their famillys in Jaipur. Suva was good at heart and very friendly so Rupali liked her. Suva used to tie rakhi to Rupali husband and Rupali used to tie rakhi Suvas husband Although Suva was in early thirties and Rupali was also of same age as Rupali, Suva used to call her bhabhi . Suva had 3 children and Rupali also had three children and all of them were in same school nearby....

2 years ago
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Sarah Carerra 305 Red Rocks Amphitheatre

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra Book 3 - Concerto in A- By Megan Campbell (Released: February 27, 2012) Chapter 5 - Red Rocks Amphitheatre I was awakened on Saturday morning by a knock on the door to my room. After all the fun I'd had with the girls during the Starshine party, I had...

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Sarah Carerra 317 Gorge Amphitheatre

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra Book 3 - Concerto in A- By Megan Campbell (Released: June 11, 2012) Chapter 17 - Gorge Amphitheatre The bright, sunny sky belied everything I had heard about Seattle as we stepped out of the airport and onto my tour bus Friday evening for the last time...

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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

3 years ago
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Mere Husn Ko Farhan Ney Kese Nikhara

Yeh jo kahani main ap ko sunaney jaa raha hon yeh kahani meri apni or bilkul sachi hai. Meri age 22 hai ab or yeh waqaia takreeban 4 saal pehley howa jaab k main 18 kaa tha. Meri height abhi 5’6 hai or tab bhi meri height itni hee thi, main aaj bhi slim sa smart looking larka hon meri waist takreeban 29 hai or chest kafi smoth or patley hain, hips size 36 hai clr mera kafi fair hai baal silky hain or body bilkul smoth or soft hai. Jaab main 18 years ka tha to apnee is body ki wajah say mera...

2 years ago
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BSC10 Jared Reznik Becomes a DadChapter 10 Jareds Throbbing Penis

Within seconds of that loud scream and long moan dissipating the whole campus burst into one massive round of applause and cheering that seemed to go on for ages. People were standing at doorways and hanging out of windows all over the place as word had spread about this young girl’s performance going on up there on the Matterhorn. It was as if the whole college had come to a momentary standstill to applaud and congratulate Vanessa’s achievement. Even the president of BSC herself was standing...

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Theos LIfe as a Weresquirrel

Theo had been changing into the squirrel too much, he knew that now... as a pulse of heat raced through his body from his groin. He realized that he shouldn't have come to the office.He had been spending most of his days at the squirrel in his home deep in the countryside. Teleworking most of the time, as the squirrel he felt no need for clothes, his heavy furred balls resting between his thighs as his paws raced over the keyboard. The sharp claws on his paws clattering loudly as he typed,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Sister Catherines Nighmare CAW 13

This was such an exciting time for Sister Catherine. She was a newly initiated member of the Sisters of The Divine Blood. She had always felt herself drawn to a life of worship and service. Her devoutly religious Roman Catholic parents had instilled in her a love of the Church at a very young age. A beautiful and intelligent young woman, she had been sheltered from many of the temptations of youth and this gave her a innocent quality others found endearing. She had been posted to the...

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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

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Karen and Margaret

Damn it, Margaret, I bought him the most uncomfortable full body brief, and he still enjoyed it. He say's we girls just have to suffer to maintain an attractive girlish figure. I'd love to knock his girlish figure through the roof. How I wish he'd suffer the real cramps we women go through during our periods. I'll bet he'd love it. He uses his tampons and maxi pads throughout the month anyway. He takes Midol and his women's one-a-day vitamins so he can be more like me. It makes me sick to...

4 years ago
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BSC09 the Fall and Rise of Jared ReznikChapter 10 The Two Scarecrows

The scarecrow made its way slowly up to the table where Jared and old Mrs Clusky were seated. The scarecrow then sat down on one of the spare chairs then looked slowly at Jared and Mrs Clusky trying to work out what on earth was going on. Presently, that still very sleepy looking scarecrow spoke up in a soft feminine voice and asked, “Who are you guys and where am I?” Moments later another scarecrow appeared at the end of the passage way and said, “Oh, there you are Vanessa. Where are we...

2 years ago
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HH10 Areeya Wendy and Ramon who becomes Ramona

HH10: Areeya, Wendy, and Ramon TG adult fiction by talltglover. If you are offended by men or women having sex with transgenders or hermaphrodites, or live in an area where such activity is illegal, or are too young to be reading adult erotica, please do not continue. This story is unlike most of my other fiction, which concerns men turning into women (conceptually) or hermaphrodites and having sex with other men. This story was written as a special request, and is about...

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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

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Kareems BBC Prison Cock Pt2

The next couple days, my days off, I still couldn't get the scene out of my head and when home alone on a day off, I ended up online looking at porn, which wasn't out of the ordinary, but what was, is that I was specifically looking for interracial porn. There were, to my surprise, many sites dedicated to white women fucking black men... and without fail the black man had a huge cock that the white woman or group of women were completely enamoured by... as I was. The women were often...

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Kareems BBC Prison Cock Pt1

I'm the prison guard and Kareem Mwangi is the prisoner, so you would have thought I had the upper hand, and until a few weeks ago you would have been right.When I first heard of the trailer addition to the prison I was furious. A few states permit conjugal visits and the prisoner has to be married (just for a start) before his application to schedule one is approved. The prisoner requests a block of time and the Warden has final approval, but giving prisoners any sort of privileges is something...

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mothers carer

For many years my mother had a full time carer, she had suffered for years with a illness and living alone she needed help around the house, she couldn’t talk or move without help,she found it very difficult cooking, cleaning and even dressing and undressing herself, and as she aged it became a such help to her having someone to give her this help, her career was a middle aged lady who came every morning. I was home for a week and as always the mums helper Sue turned up on the Monday morning...

2 years ago
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Zena and Farhan Video

Zena and Farhan VideoBy: Londebaaz ChohanAfter Walter completed his years and came out of the essential services, he only wanted to own a store. He knew with his interest in cameras and related equipment, he could make a good living. He liked the store on the Franklin Street that was one of the street busy with customers. For some reason the front entry door to the store was pushed in the store, no less than at least couple of feet making young couples to stop and do the smooching and much...

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A Day in the Life of Dr Smithers

Clayton Smithers was really glad he had listened to his mother when she told him he should become a doctor. Mom had always told him it would be a lot of work but worth it in money and prestige. She had been only part right. Hardly any work had been required, just learning the jargon and technical terms by studying books and papers written by psychiatrists who had taken the hard route to obtaining their degrees. Clayton Smithers had taken the easy route, buying his degree from the best diploma...

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His Hardware Her Software

A consultant meets a beautiful IT Manager at a conference set up by a company hoping to sell their Warehouse Management system. Max’s part of the system makes picking easy using his voice software, instead of a hand held device. She is quite eager to learn more about it, and about him. This story begins with Max, a single, 42 year old software programmer, who owns his own consultant company. He’s been working with a company who developed a software that was used for big warehouses, to keep...

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Farhan8217s morning Fantasy

Hello, everyone. This is Farhan (name changed) from Guwahati, Assam. I have been a regular reader of ISS since the last five years and this is my first story to be published. I hope you guys like it. Any feedbacks are welcomed. My email The story is about my girlfriend (name changed) who is busty and is currently with me. She encouraged me to publish this story in Indian sex stories dot net. She’s bi, so any girl interested may contact me through my mail. So coming to the story, it’s half...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 01

Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Sarah Carerra Chapter 27 Theres Something about Seeing Mary

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: March 22, 2010) Chapter 27 - There's Something about Seeing Mary "Did you hear what happened to Jared Lumbart?" Ethan asked while we were walking home. "What happened?" Emily asked back. It was obvious that she hadn't heard the...

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Kareems BBC Prison Cock Pt3

That night, I ended up home alone, my wife gone for the night as she was a pharmaceutical rep and travelled a few days a month. I ended up searching on white guys and black cocks. I found and read stories about straight white guys becoming enamoured by black cock and then turning into cock suckers and often bottoms. I then found websites dedicated to it. One even had a chat forum. I clicked on it, made an account called ConfusedWhiteBoy and asked in the forum... Do any straight white men who...

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Sarah Carerra 310 Adams Center Arena

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra Book 3 - Concerto in A- By Megan Campbell (Released: April 2, 2012) Chapter 10 - Adams Center Arena "Whoa," Madison said as I stepped out of the shower Saturday morning. I jumped slightly, since I thought she was still asleep. If I had known that she was...

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New neighbors

About 18 months ago, the Campbell's, our neighbors since we moved to the neighborhood three years ago, put their house up for sale. My wife Brooke and I were anxious about who might move in as the new next door neighbors. Sam and his wife Donna were a little older than us and both of their k**s had left the home.Donna had wanted to downsize now that the k**s were gone and informed Brooke and I that they were moving. We had grown extremely close to both of them and they practically treated us...

4 years ago
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New Neighbors

Another favorite!-----------------------------------------by watchdwagAbout 18 months ago, the Campbell's, our neighbors since we moved to the neighborhood three years ago, put their house up for sale. My wife Brooke and I were anxious about who might move in as the new next door neighbors. Sam and his wife Donna were a little older than us and both of their k**s had left the home.Donna had wanted to downsize now that the k**s were gone and informed Brooke and I that they were moving. We had...

2 years ago
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Good Neighbors Chapter 5

Todd walked out to get his mail and happened to meet Zach, who was walking up and down his sidewalk without the aid of a cane or crutches. Todd walked over to him, greeted him and walked along with him as they caught up with each other. Todd knew that Zach was making steady progress, but didn't realize that he was now getting around without assistance."Life is getting better every day, every week," Zach said, sounding encouraged. "I gave up the crutches and cane about two weeks ago and today is...

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the neighbors

Donna had wanted to downsize now that the kids were gone and informed Brooke and I that they were moving. We had grown extremely close to both of them and they practically treated us like family. I am 31 and my wife is 28. We have both talked about starting a family of our own but my job keeps me traveling and I wanted to settle down a little more before we started raising children. The house next door sold really quickly and we were excited to see who might be moving in. We were both...

1 year ago
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Truth or Dare Neighbors edition

Characters: Black family - The Johnson's Husband: Thomas 40-years-old, 6', 200 lbs, 12-inch cock Wife: Jasmine 35-years-old, 5' 7" 150 lbs, 44DD breasts, 34-inch waist, 48-inch booty. Daughter: Kelly 14-years-old, 5' 2" tall, 95 lbs, 32C cup, 18-inch waist, 28-inch booty. Son: Marcus 15-years-old, 6' 3" tall, 195 lbs, 12-inch cock Grandma Pam 64-years-old, 5' 8" tall, 240 lbs, 44F breasts, 52-inch booty White family: The Smith's Father: Jim 38-years-old, 5' 11" tall,...

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Neighbors Daughter

Another boring day at my home office working with clients and spreadsheets. It was nice outside and as I looked out my window, there she was again, my neighbors 18 year old daughter. In their backyard, wearing those black short shorts again cavorting with a couple of her friends. As they continued to talk, chat and fool around I kept watching. Sometimes they would wrestle a little and my neighbors daughter continued to show flashes of her hot thighs. I started to get hard in my pants as I...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 02

My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...

2 years ago
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Good neighbors Indeed

Good Neighbors IndeedBy: Londebaaz ChohanWe have come to strange times. It is said that in case of any emergency, the ambulance will come, even the fire and the police department will respond as soon as possible but the first response always is, will be and should be from our neighbors and mostly from the next door neighbors but these days we are at a far distance from our next door neighbors. We hardly say hi to our neighbors and almost never meet them or know them well. A case and point....

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Maren Im Einkaufscenter Teil 1

Verschlafen wachte ich am Samstagmorgen auf und gähnte erst einmal herzhaft. Dann bemerkte ich meine volle Blase und wollte aufstehen, um mich zu erleichtern. In dem Moment klingelte mein Handy. Maren! „Guten Morgen, Maren“, sagte ich noch ganz verpennt. „Guten Morgen, Kleiner! Na steht die Morgenlatte und ist die Blase voll?“, fragte sie ihn belustigtem Tonfall. „Äh… ja, der Schwanz steht und ich muss dringend auf die Toilette.“ Maren antwortete bestimmend: „Nichts da, die Pisse bleibt schön,...

4 years ago
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My sister and Our Neighbors

My sister and Our neighbors.I had finally done It and now the with the last debug finished, it was working perfectly, I had got 1 + 1 to equal PLUS 1, not two, my old Maths tutor would have a fit. I looked at the sign above my work station, 'A MACHINE DOES NOT THINK'Let me explain, I write computer programs, C++ and I had been working on this one for a month and a half after a friend complained that just enlarging something was not good enough, you loose contrast, definition, everything goes...

3 years ago
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Sisterinlaw Meets the Neighbors

(This was published a couple years ago with an alternate ending. For those who read it before, only about a third of it is new.) The first few months in our new house had been a bit of a nightmare. My wife nearly qualified as having multiple personalities. To the general public she was a fairly normal woman. Then our neighbors got involved. Whenever Jeremy or Shelley were around, Debbie transformed into their bitch. In that state she did things for them that she would never do for anyone else,...

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Fallen Angel Chapter 11 Althea the School Girl

Chapter 11: Althea, the School Girl The infernal screeching of the alarm clock awoke Cal from his reverie. He had been up for about a half-hour, but he had only been lying in bed next to the love of his life. Althea's arms were still clutched about him as he stealthily clicked the snooze button, assuming that it was six o' five in the morning, his usual waking time during the school week. He had been thinking long and hard about the previous two nights. Evan... what have you become? He...

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The Devils Pact Sidestory Miss Blythe Is Hot for Her Students

edited by Master Ken Wednesday, September 4th, 2013 "Hi, I am Miss Blythe," I said to my class, writing my name on the whiteboard with a red dry-erase marker. "I will be your World History teacher." It was the first day of the new school year and, as I launched into the course syllabus, my thoughts kept drifting to that day in June at the end of the last term, when my Living God, the Holy Mark Glassner, walked into this very classroom and changed my very outlook on life. I didn't know...

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A normal suburban family of three gets new neighbors

Bonnie entered the house from the garage carrying two bags of groceries. “There’s a sold sign on the Mitchell’s house,” she told me, excited. “Really! That was fast.” The Mitchells had lived next door for about three years. They were great neighbors. I really liked Stan. It seemed like he had two of everything. Anything I ever needed around the house he always had it. I’d miss good old Stan. Carrie was okay, too. Kind of plain though....

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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My Big Fat Farty Friend 4 Festive Farts

I love Christmas. I love the presents, giving and receiving, I love catching up with folks and friends, I love lazing in front of the TV watching movies I've seen a dozen times before already and all the festive specials, but most of all I love the food.Christmas Day saw me blitz everything on my plate. As is tradition I go back to the folks where mum lays on all the trimmings; turkey, roasted potatoes, mash potatoes, carrots and turnips, stuffing, pigs in blankets, parsnips and of course...

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Athena Corp Chronicles A Mothers Love

As he approached one of the hall's long mirrors he stopped to inspect himself. It was a familiar sight, the flowing, billowy French maid outfit surrounding his body. His arms and legs were outlined in silky, white stockings and arm-gloves. He wore pearl earrings and the lacy white collar around his neck was adorned with a beautiful pendant. It was a gift from mother that he wore every day, without fail. Jon's painted red lips and neatly applied eyeliner and blush were evidence that he was...

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