TNWS02 A Summer to RememberChapter 6 One Confused but Happy Chappy
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Alan & Elena: The Romantic Saga
"I know you can tell what's on my mind~baby~I've been feeling this way for such a long time!" Al Green"Sha-la-la"(Make Me Happy)1974
It is a beautiful spring day in a countryside, flowers blooming the sweet smell of love is in the air, as the few members of a band play thier instruments, Alan Colegate is nervous his knees are shaking, as he stands there waiting his Brother Earl, and his best friend Larry is there as well they all have come a long way for this moment, as well as the familes, and friends that could make it, Alan has been here for several months, and Elena Shackler has been here for several years, for now they are 26, and 23, and it is now 1990, and the it is the country side of RUSSIA!
1986:A knock on Alans door to his new apartment, brings him to answer it, and it is the woman that he loves almost more than life itself, Elena Shackler," Hey! Elena, come on in!" Alan is now 22 years old, and is making a dent in the art, and advertising worlds, Elena is working on her Dancing education, and teaching minor in College, she is a lovely young woman of 19 years, he is happy to see her, he has been looking for an excuse for a break, but he sees that she has something on her mind"What's up, somethings troubling you."
"Alan... do you love me?"
"That is a loaded question, you know I do, I'll even say it. I love you Elena, why do you ask?"
"I-I don't know, It's just that we've been together for so long, and that... This is so stupid!" she says stamping her foot.
Alan now alarmed," Now I know I'm in the dog house whenever you do that, something is really on your mind. What is it?" he touches her shoulders, and he feels her trembling," You're trembling... , you came here to say something, and it's making you nervous, is it about... us?" him feeling the pit of his own stomach churn.
"Me, you, us, Ohh,... Alan I am so confused, all of a sudden I'm having... doubts, and I think of our... baby..." She says almost inaudibly, it still hurts, Alan holds her tightly, as the tears come, he has seen her like this before, no this is something different, but what?
"I'm sorry Alan"She says composing herself, sniffing back the tears"We've been together for six years now."
"Yes,... you were the one who started this relationship, do you want to now... end it?"
"No... not end it, more like taking a break, I just want to get myself together, to see if me, Elena Shackler can do it by herself, Alan you are my rock, lover, knight, and most of all my friend." She Kisses him." I just need sometime for myself."
Alan laughs nervously, he looks at the floor, then at her, in her eyes, she has lovely eyes," I made a promise to you, and I'm going to honor it, no matter what, we will remain friends, and I will be here if you need my counsul, but know you this I will always love you," then he smiles, and laughs again," You go out there, and knock'em dead!!!"
"Thank you Alan, I will always love you too, and I do love you, remember that."
!989:Doing some work for the U. S, government, in the new relations with the new emerging Repubilc of Russia, Alan lends his expertise in design, for an ad campaign to visit the former communist country, he and his partner Heather Franklin, are finished with thier business, and about to head home to America, and are saying good-bye to the delgation that hosted thier stay,"... And thank you very much for your hopitality, Mr. Vlodstoch, and May our countries have a bright future ahead." Alan says while shaking Piotor Vlodstocks hand, and wishing the other well, and they head to thier plane"Well Heather that went well don't you think?"
"Yeah, but I think they could have a little more responsive to some of the last one I really thought they would go for it!" she says with a wry little smirk.
"A girl in a RED bikini?"
"Well we never got that one back I see. Someone liked it!"
"I noticed that, I didn't want to push the issue..." then they notice a commotion. then they see a young woman running full throttle towards them, and then the woman bumps into Alan, and they both fall over, they both scramble for a moment and then they get a look at each other, and thier eyes lock, and they both recognize each other," Elena?" she's disheveled, and dirty, but it is her, she looks back at her pursuers, and then she takes off again, Alan gets up and looks to Heather. and she nods in agreeance, and he takes off after Elena, and her pursuers, as the chase leaves out of the Airport, now the authorities are on the chase as the lone woman who seem to have wings on her feet stay ahead of the crowd, and only Alan is gaining ground, but not soon enough, but she is cut off by another person in a alley, and they surround her, there are seven of them, Elena knows this may be her last stand, as she is cold, hungry, and tired, as she throws off her jacket, making the dare in broken Russian for them to get her, the first one comes at her she sides steps him, and gives him an elbow to his lower back, as the next one comes, in the same fluid motion she gives him the other elbow in the stomach, followed up with a smash to his jaw, two down, five more to go, and they decide to attack en masse, but one of thier own gets attacked from behind, by a long leather coat blinding the man, followed up by several punches, and in seconds he is out of the equation, as Elena is fighting for her young life, she sees him joining the fray, the one man who she never stopped loving, once again keeping his promise, as he grabs another man, and slams him to the ground, and steps on him to grab another, who is tangleing with Elena, by his collar, and pants, and slams him into another man, after this display of skilled fighting, they begin to peel off one by one, and run away leaving the pair alone, and after several moments go by, and sure they are alone they turn to each other, and they look at each other as if to make sure that they're real, not some imaginary phantom of the past, Elena looks at Alan, and he is so handsome, and he has gotten a hair cut, it has been, almost Three years.
Alan finally looks at Elena, she is a mess, her hair is frizzy, disheveld, she's dirty, lost an amazing amount of weight, smaller than she was when they first met nine years earlier, a lot of pain in her eyes, the eyes he hasn't looked into for almost three years, and she is still the most beautiful woman he has ever seen, and he still loves her, they slowly walk towards each other, almost cautiously, Alan feels his stomach churn, as he bites his lip gently. Elena begin to feel the tears begin to well in her eyes, as they are now face to face with each other, he touches the side of her face gently feeling the wetness of her tears, she takes his hand, and kisses it.
"A-Alan?" almost inaudibly, she finally speaks,.
"Shhhh"he goes, and then he takes her in his arms, and for the first time in three years, they kiss, deep, and long and for them the world does not exist, as the authorities along with Heather finally arrive, and all except for Heather are surprised. and when they finally part, Alan finally speaks to her,
A couple of hours, and a shower later at a local hotel, and permission for an extention for thier stay, Elena emerges from the shower in the hotel robe, Alan is on the phone with the authorities, they aren't sure why they were chasing Elena, but Alan promised that he would get to the bottom of it himself. he hangs up the phone, and smiles at Elena, who is now looking 200% better"Well?" she asks.
"They're not pressing charges because nobody filed a complaint, and they don't know themselves if that is good, or not, and you being an American complicates matters, because they may expect you to be a carrier, or mule, but for the fact that you have been here for sometime, and never left says different, now I regurgetate, what the Hell are you doing here?" he asks while both sit upon the bed.
Elena Smiles"Regurgetate? I think the word you're looking for is reiterate."
"Regurgitate, Reiterate they both come up twice." He says teasing
Elena looks at Alan, and thinks for the moment," Alan to put it simply, I was fed up!"
Alan taken aback for a moment," With me?"
"No, you're perfect as you are, you'd be the last person I'd get fed up with, it's the whole ball of wax of what we're becoming, have you ever seen that old silent movie Metrropolis?"
"Yes, yes I have."
"That's the movie where the corporation is the whole, and you work for it until you drop, while the others the rich people are in the sun having a good life off the workers backs, and the son of the head of the corporation sees this and begins to rebel against the machine, and they create this android of this woman to try to keep him in line, and defuse the upcoming rebellion, but it fall apart before the end, that is what we're becoming in the states, we're feeding the machine, and it give backs nothing."
"Elena, if the machine is broken, and if you don't like the system is going you get out there, tell people, and try to make changes, nothing is perfect.
"I know... I had to get out I was suffocating there."
"You could have come to me! That what I was there for!" He says angily"I was supposed to be your counsul, you were supposed to come to me if you were to be having difficulty, but you left, in a way you abandoned me!"
"And if said that I wanted to come to this country to stay, what would you say?"
"Let's take a look at France! DAMN IT!!!
"Alan, please... don't be upset... I-I didn't abandon you, it wasn't you I left, I didn't come to you because of what you just said, but I wanted something more, but I know now that I had it all along in you. My friend my love."
" You had to come all the way here for that?" He laughs"I can't fault you for this choice, Hell you chose me, and what were those guys chasing you for?"
"Them? Well, they were guys that I was staying with, I did some work, and was paying rent, and employers laid me off, and I tried to find more work but I couldn't find anything, and they wanted thier rent money by hook, or crook, if you know what I mean, and I wasn't going for that, so I hi-tailed it out of there, then I ran into you, now it's my turn, what are you doing here?"
Alan explains how they came to be working for the U. S. State Department for the "NEW" Russia campaign, and that they were just about to leave when they "ran" into each other.
"Oh..." she looks down for a moment not looking at Alan," I'm sorry for ruining your plans..."
For a moment Alan looks at her, and then laughs," You didn't ruin my plans, as a matter of fact you saved me, over the last three years, I've been in one bad relationship after the other, if it wasn't for Heather, and Larry keeping me together, I don't know what I may have done to myself, so I threw myself into my work, I have done work in that time some called record breaking speed, it's because I have no life! yeah, there's my family, but that goes only so far, Elena Shackler I love you more now than I ever did, and if we were to separate now, I don't think I'll ever get over it, you once said I was your rock, well, you are my all, you don't know how much I missed you."
Elena now tearing from the words Alan has spoken, this tme she had broken his heart by leaving on her own accord, she has learned. and accomplished much in her time from Alan, but her heart was broken as well, she did not want to leave, but she had to do this, she had to make her own path, and now they both have come full circle, but still far from home," and I missed you, and I still love you." She straddles Alans lap, and kisses him, and he kisses her back, taking her in his strong arms, holding her tight, she feels for the first time in several years secure in his grasp, as she takes hold of him, and continue the long passionate kiss, opening thier mouths inviting thier tongues to tango, Elena feels his hardness on her rounded bottom, as she grinds herself on it, feeling her wetness, it is aroused from its slumber, and is ready for action, as they both fall back on the bed still kissing, " I've searching much too long, I've been wondering where you are, having nearly lost my heart... Never been warned, never felt glad like this before"a few lines from a very little known song they both liked ring thier minds, as they begin thier love making, Elena shrugs off her robe as Alan unbuttons his own shirt, and struggles out of his pants, revealing his hardend member, kissing once again they both lie back, and Alan take Elena once again into his arms holding her, still almost not beliving he's back where he belongs, as she thinks the same thing, licking his ear lobe, which she knows that is one thing that makes him crazy, as he feel the tingle down his back, for the umpteenth time, he then kiss her down her neckand nibbles at it where he knows where it drives her insane, making her giggle like a little girl, she once was.
"HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE!" for the first time in so long Elena is happy, as she takes hold of Alans penis, and pumps it up, and down, feeling the hardness in her grasp, it is still hard as the day they both took each others virginity, at a young age, she looks at it in her hand, her white hand grasping the brown shaft, two different colors, other places these colors fight for stupid reasons, this is not the place, and for now Elena cannot wait, she has not had her lover for several years now, the same as Alan, and now they both are hungry, and theres a steak on the table, and you have the only Knife, and fork ready to dig in, Elena takes Alan cock and then staddles him, and places the tip to her waiting opening, and begins to slide downward moving her hips to allow the shaft into her feeling the familiar size girth, and shape of her lovers spear impaling herself bringing her pleasure, as he leans forward taking her breast in to his mouth licking the nipple with his tongue, and tugging it with his teeth gently, while massaging the other, and then switching over to the next, doing the same thing making her mewl in ripe pleasure,
"MMMmmmmmnnnn!!!" you do that so good!, now take me, and FUCK ME!!!"
"You want me to fuck you?"
Alan turn them both over he is now on top, between her legs, inside her deep, and he know he belongs there, and they both know it is right, he curls, his arms under hers, and grabs onto her sholders to get a good grip on her, and then he finally answers, with a wry grin"HANG ON!!" as he begins to pound his hard dark dick into Elenas hot sopping wet, beet red channel, at almost inhuman speed, driving into her like well... faster than a speeding bullet!, giving her more power than a locomotive, making her scream higher than the tallest building in a single thrust! Alan is no Superman, but to Elena he's all the super-hero she needs, as she screams out in pleasure, the feeling of his hard cock thrusting in, and out of her.
"YES!!! YES!!!! FUCK ME HARD!!! ALAN PLEASE! I LOVE YOU! LOVE YOU, LOVE YOU, LOVE YOU!!!" Meeting him half way raising her hips to meet his pounding rod going deeper, and deeper, as they give of each other thier love, sweating, breathing, moaning, groaning, holding, kissing, loving, especially the loving, as they release the last three years of pent-up emotions, and energies, as they both release in orgasm"Alaaaaaaan! AHHHHHHHHHHH!"
"Arrrrggghhhh! ELENAAAAA!!!!!" they kiss passionately holding on to each other, vowing thier love to each other, and to never let each other go again, now that they once again have each other.
Later on at the dining room of the hotel, Elena is alone, waiting for Alan, when she woke that morning Alan wasn't there, but left a note that he would join her for breakfast, and that he had something to do, but wonders what could be, his business here was over when she ran into him, she wonders what he is up to, then she is joined by Heather"Hey Kiddo!" she says with her North Carolinian accent"Where's Alan, I thought you two would be together like crazy-glue!"
"Hello Heather. I don't know, he wasn't here when I woke up. I suppose you don't know where he went?"
Taking a seat at the table"Naaah, we're supposed to be home with jet lag, did he tell you about the dog?"
"Dog?" Elena says with her eyebrow raised in question.
"Yeah he has a dog. He's a doberman mix, he's georgeous, but spirited, and he spends a lot of time with him. but then from what I heard last night, I supposed it didn't come up, other things considering." she says with a knowing grin.
Elena blushes looking away, for a moment with a grin," Is anything private?" she asks sheepishly.
"I have the room next-door, and the walls are thin, I forgot that you can be a screamer."
"Have you, and Alan... ?"
"Not since that time with us together, and he has went out with other ladies, but none that make him crazy like you." she says while pouring water from a pitcher on the table.
"Really, how about you?"
"Me? You already know I'm Bi-Sexual, and I have to say you tasted good!" making the sign with her two fingers on her lips, and tongue between them in a licking motion.
Elena laughs at her motion," You weren't bad either." she says with her patented mischievious grin.
"I hope you ladies aren't talking about me." Alan says walking into the dining room," Hello Gorgeous!" he says while kissing her.
"Hi back at you, where have you been?" Elena asks as Alan takes a seat from another table, and sits.
"Been looking around, you know politics, and propaganda aside this is a pretty nice place, all the old buildings have this crazy musty smell to them, but I never got around to seeing the city, so I took a little walk, and have you seen some of the sites around here?"
"I have been here for almost three yearsAlan I have seen them!" looking at him with her eye brow raised.
"So, I guess you don't mind playing tour guide?" he says with his own mischievious grin.
"What are you up to?" she says suspiciously.
"Moi? I don't know what you mean?" he says... innocently.
"Come on let's see this crazy town, and Heather you come too!" grabbing Elenas hand, and off they go. First getting Elena a new outfit, then off, going out see the the city of Moscow, seeing the legendary sights of an ancient city, full of history of battles, of kings(Czars), ideals of Marx, the rule of Lennin, Trotsky, Cruschev, the new ideals of Gorbechev, the archetect of Red Square, and the Kremlin, all acting like the Kids they once were, playing, running to one spot to the other, and playing in the massive fountain kicking up the water before the Guards stop them, they run away laughing like teen agers, and then getting around the corner they slow down to a walk to a little shop that have all kinds of curios, a place that you have to have money to go to, they all go in, and look around, Alan takes Elenas hand, and looks into her lovely eyes, as they look around the shop, owned by a little old couple that look at the odd trio, and motions them to come over, speaking fluent Russian, Elena translates what she can.
"Hi")Translated from Russian cuz I don't know the Language)"you're American, yes?"
"Yes." Elena responds
"You speak Russian?"
"Yes, I know a little not good yet, but learning!"
"Good, good! Him you in love with?" pointing to Alan.
Elena smiles, and blushes," Yes I am."
"What did she say?" Alan interjects.
"Never you mind!" Elena playfully says to Alan, then back to the old woman.
"I see it in your eyes, you look at him with love in your eyes, and he does the same, how long have you been together?"
"Nine years." Elena says proudly.
The womans eyes go wide with awe"You must have been children!"
"Practically we were, I fell for him when I was thirteen, he was six-teen."
"True love at a young age, and you're still with him, but you're still not married? How is this?"
"My choice, I left for a while, now we're back together." at that the old woman smiles.
"Let me show you something, this is something that came in, but we never sold it, for some reason it we can't give it away, nor throw it away, and it never get's lost, it is a crystal."
'Made of it anyway, but look. it is the most beautiful! Like you, and your man." She reaches down, and pulls out something... and Elenas jaw drops when she sees it, she loves it when she sees it.
"Alan, it's a crystal of two lovers kissng, I love it! how much is it?" she asks as they all look at the figurine.
The woman waves her hand"PFAGH!, Take! It is yours, share it with your man, he looks like a good man! Make many babies with him!"
Elena blushes, Alan see's this"What did she say?" he asks again.
Elena with her hands on her hips, with her head cocked "Never you mind! Mr. I-Can't-speak-the -language! For your information the nice lady just gave this to us!"
He looks at it"Yeah?" He looks at the old lady, she smiles at him, he smiles back then says"Thank you."
"you are very welcome!" she says in broken english at that they leave.
They look at the figure it is an exquiste piece, the facets almost glow in the sunshine. It is a figure of two lovers kissing, it almost looks like them in a passoinate moment," That is a beautiful piece!" says Heather looking at it," and she just gave it to you?" she asks.
"Yes she did." Elena replies," Alan, have you seen anything so beautiful?" Alan looks at her, and smiles...
"Yes, it was only you." she smiles, as they walk by a water fountain, Alan takes out a coin, and tosses it in.
"Making a wish?" Elena asks.
He looks back at her, he has a wry grin on his face," Yes I am, and I'll know it'll come true in a few moments." he takes a seat at the fountain, and she follows suit, and Heather still standing watching them both in silence.
Elena cocks her head in curiosity," Why do you say that?"
"Well, while you were sleeping last nightI got to thinking, about way back then, when we met, that first dance. the break up, the make up, the way we were in and out of our lives, the way people look at us, good, and bad, our child, my career, your hiatus from dancing, which of course I hope you'll go back to, all this in a matter of nine years!" the butterflies in his stomach are doing the cha-cha
"And a half!" she interjects. with her mischieivious grin, and is lovely as ever, barley able to contain a giggle, as she takes his arm in hers.
"and a half, I was so worried of what others would have thought, when you first did that. and now it feels naked with out you there, Elena Shackler, I loved you the moment we met, and I'll always love you, to the day I die, and long after that..." his mouth is now like a desert, and his throat is parched, and he really want something to drink, but presses on"... for the last several years I have seen other ladies, but none could compare with you, I have found what I wanted a long time ago, and it was always you, and I think you always knew that." as he speaks he also thinking how much he has to go to the bathroom, and he is almost trembleing trying to go ahead with what he is trying to say. Elena is now looking at Alan with a smile, but still not knowing what he is up to, but a nagging suspiscion is growing as he speaks the next crucial words as he takes her hand in his
"Elean Shackler..." He drops to his knee, her eyes grow wide in thier sockets," Will you... MARRY ME?"
Elenas jaw drops a she is silent, not believing what she just heard," You said I would know when,... twice!" As he produces a RING, matching the lockette she wears, that he gave her that many years ago.
Elena is still silent as she tries to speak, but the words she want to say don't want to come out, as afraid that she'll mess them up, as the tears well in her eyes, she nods her head many times, finally the words finally come," Yes, YES!! YES!!! ALAN YES I'LL MARRY YOU!!! YES, YES, YES. YES, YES, YES, YESYESYES!!!!" she presses her point kissing him between each yes.
Alan to Heather," I think she said yes!"
"NOOO, Do you think?"
"When we get back in the states we'll get to planning the wedding or we may just elope," then Elena remembers as he just made the statement
"Oh no!" her eyes go wide with horror.
"Oh no? What do you mean, oh no?"
Grimacing for a moment as she thinks about it," My stuff!"
"Your stuff?"
"Back where those guys were, where I was living." looking in the direction of where she was living, but it is several blocks away.
"Well we can buy you some new stuff back at home."
"it's just that, me getting back, with all my stuff, is also my Passport, without it I'm stuck here! "
"Hey thats o. k. we can go over there and see if we can get your stuff, and your passport, I have enough to pay for your back rent, get your gear, everything will be fine!
"What do you mean you threw all my stuff out?" Elena yells at the skinny young man, at the door of thier as they used to call a 'Flop House! Brandishing a shiner from the fight from the day before'
"You'moved out' so we confiscated your stuff, and we saw it was just worthless junk, so we tossed it, the trash man came and took it an hour ago, Hey I recognise you, you're that guy that she was mooning over in her pictures she has, or had." he says in english pointing at Alan
"Ohhhh, you speak english!"
"Yeah, I spent sometime in your stank country, with it's foul lanuage, and disgusting habits of flaunting it's money. around, as if they have it all just like you!" he says poking Alan in his chest, and Alan does not like it.
Elena looks at Alan, as he looks at the skinny man. Moments later "O. k. Elena let's grab a cabbie and get to the American Embassy, and see what they can do." as they leave, the skinnyman hangs at his window with his hand in the sil and the window closed, and LOCKED, and writhing in pain.
"What do you mean it's going to take several months to get her another passport? I just did a shit load of work for the state department, and this is the thanks I get?" Alan says angrilly.
"I'm sorry sir, but it dosen't make the delivery system get any better, with the security of this country the way it is, and what we do with our own secrity check with the mail, it takes time to go through all the clutter, we're backed up as it is."
Elena interjects," But I'm an American citizen! I was born on Long Island, my family is there, and we want to get married, can't you do something perhaps something temporary?"
"And if you're not a citizen, and you disappear? Then what? We'd have to spend money to track you down. I'm sorry Miss, you're going to have to wait. Just fill out the papers, and we'll do what we can, in the mean time you'll have to stay in the country, and if I were you I'd try to make the best of it, we have seen situations like this before and we sympathise."
They both take a deep sigh, and fill out the paperwork, Alan looks at Elena he see that she is very upset, and he understands why, they want to go home to get married, but now she's stranded here"Alan I'm so sorry, if I hadn't left we'd probably..."
"Have some other malady to deal with, and we'd be no closer to being married than we already are, let's go back to our hotel, and see what our options are." they leave the necessary paperwork with the person, and they head for the hotel.
there Alan makes a desicion"I'm staying!"
"Alan what?" they both say.
"I-am-staying! my place is with Elena, we'll get a small place while we're here, I have put away a bit of money, and that will sustain us for a while, but you Heather I know this is asking a lot of you, but I will need you to co-ordinate things for us, I will need to set up so I can work from here, and get things out to our major clients at home, only if need be you may have to fly out here weekly, but grab all the work that you can carry, and telephone us what you can, and fax us what we may need, this is going to be trying times Heather, can you do this?"
"Hey Babe, have I ever let you down?" with that they all smile
"Alan?" Elena asks
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Now let's get something straight (pardon the pun). I love girls. I love looking at them; I love their lips wrapped around my cock; and I love the feeling of my cock buried deep in their tight pussies or round asses. But I still get a major thrill from taking a straight man and making him a cocksucking faggot and bottom loving homo. Philosophically, I am not gay. I have never sucked a cock or taken a cock in my ass...although I have fucked many, many men. My cock doesn't see a distinction...
Training of Skip continues as his oral skills improved it was time to take his ass. Invigored by the idea Skip came over , I slid my muscular torso out of my tight V-neck and grabbed both of his wrists with one of my hands. I used the shirt to tie his wrists together, and Skip's aversion to this, a small gasp, was surprisingly minimal."Um," he heaved. "What are you doing?"I didn't answer him, choosing instead to take off his clothes. I unzipped his pants and yanked them off, before he could...
I kept telling myself, "how the hell all of this happened?"I was a common straight guy which likes to do weights at the gym where I had been for years. John was the coach there, and we became friends. He had a girlfriend and I wanted to have one, everything was normal until the day I saw him naked in the locker room. "Wow, what a lucky man!" I thought when I saw his cock. I felt envy and shame, because mine was tiny compared to him.I could not help staring at it while we were talking. He caught...
We’d managed to get away to the Florida Keys for a few days, just my wife and I. She was enjoying a little quiet time reading on the beach and I was getting in some much anticipated tarpon fishing. I’d spent the day on a boat with a guide and had great success, landing my first tarpon ever. My guide and I had just parted ways at the dock and I was getting ready to walk back to the hotel to meet my wife. I really had to take a leak, it’s kind of a pain in the ass to go on a small boat. There was...
I was happy now that Kasia and I had moved in together. Not only did it mean that we no longer had to take turns going to each other’s place, but it also meant that I had closer access to a supply of her soiled panties. Kasia was a cute Polish girl, 23 years old, with deep blue eyes, shoulder-length hair trimmed in a cute bob, and a body to die for. We had decided trying to live together to see how we would manage as a couple, with the intent of marrying the following year if all went well. So...
CrossdressingRopemaker Aftermath ( RopemakerStory III)by C The band of fifty or so fairieshad waited at the northern border of the kingdom for three days. Likeall fairy military personnel, they wore uniforms: a shift, sleevelessbut with epaulettes, along with the usual panties and pumps, all matchingtheir hair.A messenger reported to the commandress, a strong-featured fairy withsilver tresses: "No word yet, Mistress."The commandress turned to her officers. "Your assessment?""They've been caught most likely,...
Omake - Devilla and Lucy in the woods - (Not) Demon Queened 6.1 =============================================================== not written by Princess Kay, but posted "somewhere" with Princess Kay's permission (c) B.Lowe License: If you can imagine a use for this text, I allow it. If you are Princess Kay and can imagine a use for, I would feel honoured :-) This story is inspired by Demon Queened written by Princess Kay. It is not written by Princess Kay, nor is it cannon. It...
Rick Johnson is wellknown businessman. He owns many companies and has a lot of money but there is one downside he is ugly. Rick has wrinkled pimpled face, yellow teeths and he is fat. Lately he discovered that he loves ntr or more specificaly netori and since he is rich he may try to do that. He post an advertisement on his website that he will rent a part of his house for some family.Nobody found that strange since he lives alone in a huge villa. So imagine his hapiness when wellknown model...
FetishThe first time I came inside a girl, I was hooked. Not only because it felt great, but more because I imagined my sperm swimming around one of her eggs, a million of them wriggling like crazy until one got through. I'd seen a video at school just a few days before, in health class, and I'd thought that had to be the coolest thing ever. Seeing a girl get pregnant. After that, all I could think about was knocking someone up. That might sound a little strange, I'm not sure, but I was only...
Sunday afternoon probably wasn't the best time to be sneaking my thirteen year old girlfriend up to my bedroom, but I was just fifteen anyway ... What did I know about it? I'd never had a girlfriend before and when Julie told me she wanted to "do it" again, I wasn't going to try and talk her out of it! Jules was a little hottie anyway, except she was just in the seventh grade. That pretty much sucked because I was in high school and having a little kid for a girlfriend wouldn't impress...
"Ummm..." Lisa sighed into my mouth as she reached between us. The thirteen year old girl smiled at me, nodding her head and she had the most amazing hazel eyes. Her auburn hair was beautiful too, not very long, but kind of loose and wild around her cute face. Her breasts were small, just hard bumps topped with incredible nipples. I loved her nipples, all puffy and dark now that I'd been rubbing and kissing them for almost an hour. Lisa had a soft, warm body too and I held her perfectly...
I was doing my homework, sorta, but mostly I was just laying on my bed and thinking how my sheets smelled like Julie after we'd had sex twice. I'd cum inside her both times too and I wasn't exactly sure if her plan was a good one or not. I mean, yeah, I wanted to knock her up and everything, that would be seriously cool, but she made it sound like after that we'd get married or something! There was no way I could marry a seventh grader though! Man! My parents would kill me if I told them...
"Hey!" Lisa smiled extra brightly as she flung the front door open and I couldn't help but smile back. "Hi," I replied, taking in her gorgeous auburn hair as it fell around her cute face, those amazing hazel eyes, and best of all, Lisa's tight, thirteen-year-old body. "I missed you!" she said, grabbing both my hands in hers and practically yanking me off my feet. Lisa might have been small, but she had a lot of energy! "Me too," I agreed and that wasn't any sort of lie. I'd...
Thursday morning I woke up and it took me a minute to realize my dick ached, stiff and swollen just like it should have been. I'd kinda worried about it actually, since cumming five times the afternoon and night before had been a whole lotta cum! I'd gone to sleep figuring I wouldn't get a boner for a week probably, but there it was! Everything was okay and even though I sorta wanted to use the bathroom just then, I gave my dick a little squeeze and spent five minutes thinking about...
"Hi Trent!" Stacy grinned at me, or she could have been Angie. "Hey boyfriend!" Angie said with a delicious smile, except she might have been Stacy. "Uhhh..." I blinked between the two of them, twin thirteen-year-old girls. Tall, slender, beautiful with golden hair and bright blue eyes. They looked like angels to me, but with horns instead of halos! "We were just in the neighborhood..." Stacy sighed, sort of holding one lonely textbook against her tummy as she thrust her hips...
I half-expected to come home from school and find Julie waiting for me, but she wasn't. That both surprised and disappointed me, since we were supposed to be making a baby and I hadn't thought about much else that day. None of my other girlfriends were waiting for me either, which was probably a good thing. One of these days, I thought, I'd come home to find all four of them on my doorstep and that would really be bad, but until it actually happened I didn't worry about it too much. My...
After a week of being grounded, I was getting desperate. I hadn't complained at all. I hadn't whined or pouted, but followed my dad's suggestion and took my punishment like a man. I worked extra hard around the house, doing chores that I normally hated well before my mom told me to. My homework was done before dinner and to all outward appearance, I'd given up my girlfriends, all four of them. I did all that in the hopes of an early parole and my lawyer thought I had a good chance. I...
My parents were in the kitchen when I woke up Sunday morning. I almost didn't go in there, but I didn't really have a choice. The world seemed different now that I'd had sex with my own mother. I waited for something terrible to happen and I felt sick with fear and guilt, or maybe just fear. I might have only wanted to feel guilty, because that would be normal, right? The fact was that I was afraid of the future, of the consequences, but looking back, I kind of enjoyed remembering the...
I hardly recognized Bambi and I had to remember to call her Mrs. Hutchins, but seeing her dressed like a teacher made it easier. I didn't know she wore glasses, but she did, and the round, black frames made her look smart. Kind of geeky almost, but that could have been because she had her hair pinned up and wore a long, dark dress that hid her sexy body a lot better than I would have believed possible. She didn't even wear high heels. Lisa had dressed nicely as well and she looked older...
"Trent? Randy's on the phone," my mom said. My towel almost slipped out of my fingers as I turned quickly, dropping my boxers so I could clutch the towel with both hands. I hadn't been too worried about it a second ago, but now she stood in the doorway of my bedroom, smiling at me. I'd just come out of the shower and Mom had opened my door without even knocking. She'd been acting kind of funny lately. "Aren't you going to talk to him?" she asked, holding out the phone and shaking...
My mom paid little attention to me the morning after she'd tucked me in with a bedtime story and some quick, hard sex. I wasn't sure if we'd been making love or fucking. That might not seem very important to most people, but I'd been learning to appreciate the subtle differences. If I knew what we were doing, I hoped, I might almost know what I should be feeling. As it was, I felt a little bit of everything. "I don't want any phone calls today," she said, walking into the kitchen and...
"That was pretty weird," Molly decided, giggling as we sat together at the back of the bus. We hadn't really talked about the twins, Angie and Stacy, and how I'd made them pregnant. I'd expected them to be a little more angry with me for breaking up with them like I had, but on the whole, they'd seemed pretty cool about it. Except for calling me a butthead and a jerk, which I was, the twins had been their usual silly selves. Sexy too, and I have to admit that seeing them again had...
"Trent, what's going on?" my mom asked. "Julie's mother called three times looking for you." "She did?" I hadn't even taken off my shoes yet, but only stood inside the kitchen doorway wondering how I'd explain that. "And Bambi called twice." "Bambi?" I swallowed hard, using the cranky zipper on my jacket as an excuse not to look at her. It liked to get stuck. "Lisa's mother," she reminded me, as if I could ever forget. "Why would they be calling you?" "Uhhh..." I...
I saw a bright light. Blinding. I couldn't even open my eyes, I had to squint and blink a whole bunch of times. My toes itched. Fuck. Pam shot me! A tunnel of light. Was that heaven? I wanted to call Molly first, just to say goodbye. I wanted a peanut butter sandwich too. What? Did they have fluorescent lights in heaven? "Trent? Oh my God! You're awake!" I turned my head and saw my mom. She looked tired, like she'd just woken up, but she was smiling too, as if she'd never smiled...
It had to happen eventually. Six women had crossed the picket line tenuously held by the local cops, sliding untouched through a momentary gap. Lucky number seven, a young woman still in her late teens and clutching her boyfriend's hand, wasn't going to make it. Not with her pink t-shirt drawn tightly over her showing belly. Four months, I figured, almost five, almost too late, and I had a good eye for that sort of thing. "Don't do it," a man said, holding a sign that proclaimed...
Sometimes an Adult Match Maker is all you need to help get your dick wet, or at least that’s what I’ve read on the Internet. I’m guessing you’ve heard the very same thing, and I bet we’re both thinking about the very same website that puts it right there in the name. There are plenty of sex dating websites, but this has been one of the stronger brands over the years, outlasting a lot of the competition who’ve come and gone along the way. The question is whether that popularity is related to the...
Hookup SitesMakeoverby Vickie TernIt really was the most amazing birthday my wife could ever have given me! Even now my eyes fill with tears just thinking about it. It seemed overwhelming two nights ago, when she first proposed it. But sincethen?She'd sat me down and told me the whole thing was arranged, never mindthanking her, there was nothing for me to do but enjoy myself. I wouldbe spending the whole of my birthday downtown, doing wonderful thingsall Saturday long dressed as Jenny. Being Jenny....
All comments welcome -- [email protected] Don't read this if you can't, or can't claim you can. Makeover by Vickie Tern It really was the most amazing birthday my wife could ever have given me! Even now my eyes fill with tears just thinking about it. It seemed overwhelming two nights ago, when she first proposed it. But since then? She'd sat me down and told me the whole thing was arranged, never mind thanking her, there...
Makeover Roleplay By Deborah Lewis-Smith Synopsis: A recently divorced man decided to try a makeover service advertising 'role-play'. He gets a little more than he expected and has to rethink his own sexuality. ------------------------------------------------------------ I sat in the car, my knees shaking as I turned the key, killing the engine. I'd arrived twenty minutes early, and now sat in my quiet car, trying to get my heart to slow it's rapid beat. My legs felt odd and...
I woke suddenly with panic filling me, a hand was pressing over my mouth stifling the cry I was about to make, a dark body loomed over me and a low voice spoke to me. "Do as your told and you won't get hurt." the voice said, "I'm going to move my hand, don't make a sound." Fearfully I kept quiet as his hand moved from my mouth, I saw his teeth flash in the darkness then something covered my eyes. Wishing my husband was home I lay in the darkness, light suddenly showed at the edges of...
Makeover by Selena Pride I had been watching him for years, studying his strengths and weaknesses, making my plans, waiting my moment. He wasn't ideal -- too big, verging on fat, with all the inborn grace of a ruptured hippo -- but he was all I had to work with. And at least he was pliable. I'd already had some success in planting suggestions in his mind. I'd made him grow his hair, to the despair of his elderly parents: the beard had been his idea, and he'd resisted my efforts to...
Here is another story that I have decided to write. If anyone has any suggestions that I should write about, please feel free to send them to me and I will make sure to mention you as a way of saying thank you. Enjoy!! Talk about getting picked on all of the time. That is how Jamie Willis felt every day that he went to school. Jamie was an average guy who was not bad looking at all, his crystal blue eyes made him stand out but he was more wrapped up in his studies and playing Halo 2 online than...
Straight SexHi, amar naam Raj, ami kolkata te thaki, amar age 28 ebon ami Software niye kaaj kori.ami Iss er member ebon eta amar prothiom story. Amar ghore amar maa,baba ebon ek didi royechhen, amar ek masi Krishna nagare thaken,masir biye hoye gechhe aaj theke 3years aage kintu kono bachcha hoyni. Ami 4months aage Krishnanagare ekta software-er kaje giyechhilam. Kaj shesh kore masir barite gelam, giye dekhi Baari khali. Mesho office-e kaaje baire gechen firte 5-6 din deri hobe. Masi amake dekhe khub...
Chapter 1 - Prelude: Serena's Problem Hi, I'm Dave. You don't know me, but there's not very much to know about me. I am an engineer, and I work in one of the most powerful companies in the whole, I can't say its name. I'm 25, and so I'm younger than my average collegue. I don't know what I'm doing around here, with a salary with more than 6 figures, but they say I'm pretty smart. During the interview they made me do one of that strange tests, and they say my IQ is 148....
Growing up on the outskirts of Philadelphia, Graham had always looked forward to spending the summer at the beach with his family. The Jersey shore may mean big hair and Guidos everywhere else but for him it meant the boardwalk and miniature golf, pure family fun. Ocean City, Wildwood and Cape May were indelibly burnt into his c***dhood memories. However, this year it looked grim for any family fun.Sitting on the couch, the evening news played in the background as he ran things over in his...
My name is Melissa. Ever since my marriage last year, my sex life has been difficult. My husband is serving in the military and since our honeymoon he has only been back home one time to fuck me. I am faithful to him. But I can't live like a nun. I need my kicks.So far I've been getting my kicks by masturbating while I think about other men fucking me. Or by getting on xHamster and looking at cocks and guys jacking off. Or by playing sex games with Holly – my girlfriend in town.I've decided...
John sighed at the sexy way that his girl friend Sophie's huge double-D boobs bounced while they were looking for a spot for their towels on the beach. "I wonder if she will let me see them and/or more of her body today?" he thought, eyeing the skimpy little bikini that she was wearing, the top little more than a small strip of silver lace with tiny see-through straps on her shoulders, which barely held in her huge chest. He glanced down at the matching silver lace thong that served for a...
Mind ControlHi all. This is a guy ( let me call this ) from Bangalore, working in a pvt bank. I’m 25 yrs old and based out of btm layout in bangalore. Coming to my looks. I look very good, charming face, perfect height and weight and fair in complexion. Now this incident happened last week. I returned home from office early and was bit bored and thought to video chat with someone. I went to this website called omegle and I got a girl from a nearby locality. Let me call her anu ( name changed ). We...
Robert’s made happy Donna waited anxiously in the arrival hall for her husband. “I am going to be the biggest slut for Robert, and he’d better act accordingly!” she reminded, convinced, herself over and over again as she shivered in the chilly hall. The short skirt was too cold for the just slightly warmed hall. However, she did look hot in it. She stood tall in her black high heels and shifted seductively from one leg to the other. Underneath her half open jacket her tight red blouse and...
Homework at Big Sur Even with determination, it was hard not to think of the brainy, beautiful woman with whom I had suddenly fallen in love. Who happened to be my lab partner. Eric wandered in and suggested that Lisbeth and I could move on, while others filled in more blanks on the trail of the copper problem. We followed to his office and sat around the small conference table. ‘Xilent needs a new direction. We’ve made a ton of money off the original design, but the market is saturated,...
Chapter 1 – She Knew Chips I was having coffee with Professor Harrington in the Packard building lounge. John and I were going over a few fine points in my master’s thesis. After several months of heavy grinding, it was going to press in a day or two. Both of us were a little tense, because it was really a small research paper on a new technique for epitaxial deposition and had been accepted for peer reviewed publication. Our names were on it, and both of us wanted to make sure we had fully...
Introduction: He got what he wanted, but lost what he had… Part I Charlie and Janet had been married three years and they were very happy together. He was a successful business-to-business salesman and she was a loan closer for a large Texas regional bank. They purchased a home less than a year after they married in a suburb west of Dallas six miles from DFW International Airport. They worked hard and had more than enough money, not to mention Charlie had money when they married. Janet was...
Please note : This story is completely fictional! Dave Matherson was in his late thirties, thirty-seven to be exact. It had been about three years since Dave had even touched another woman, much less had sex. His wife had died 18 years ago, while giving birth to his daughter, Garnet. Dave didn't blame Garnet for his wife's death, it wasn't entirely her fault. She was only an infant, it wasn't like she had killed his wife, her mother, on purpose. Sure, he had gone on a few dates, but none of...
IncestMAKING CATHY HAPPY By Tammie Anne Freeman It wasn't fair. Why should I have to go summer school just because I didn't pass the state test to get into ninth grade? I had worked hard and got passing grades in eighth grade after having failed eighth grade the previous year. Now instead of summer fun I would have summer school. I would just as soon have dropped out of school, but my mother and dad insisted I remain in school. I didn't see the point. Even if I passed the state test...
Being Happy I've always found it pretty easy to be happy. Of course, it didn't hurt that I had gotten a good job right out of college or that I had the sort of body that drew girls like flies to honey (and they were always willing to eat my honey). But then one day, everything changed, and it threatened to take away all that happiness I had gotten used to. It started when I stepped out of my apartment building and found myself staring at a tight, round ass. A girl in tight...
Lee woke to the feel of a hand sliding over her arse and acted instinctively. She rolled away from the hand, grabbed it in a vice-like grip and bent it backwards. Her brain finally registered whose hand it was so, she didn’t continue with what she was going to do. “Sorry,” she said and pulled on the hand before letting it go, so Sean could arrest his fall. He landed on his knees beside her. With one hand beside her head and the other by her other side. “Damn girl, remind me not to surprise...
Note : This story is completely fictional! A side note: Heidi’s Punishment Chap 2- “The Rules” was added in the Bisexual section accidentally, if you have not read it yet, you might want to. Thank you. They’d been on the road for a couple of days now, when something unbelievable happened. Heidi began to worship her Daddy, the way he wanted. But that wasn’t the strangest part, it happened late one day, on the last leg of their journey to their new home. Daddy allowed Heidi to rest in the car,...
IncestMy step-son’s grades had dropped drastically and it was all due to bullying. I would often see boys laughing at him when I picked him up and it had gotten so bad that he no longer wanted to attend school. I wanted him to get away from everything, so I had left him at his grandma’s home for the weekend. It would give me a chance to search his room for any clues as to what exactly was going on with him. I cared about his grades but I cared more about his well-being and happiness.I cleaned his...
TabooSLAP HAPPY – Part 1HE STOOD naked, in the position he had been taught, while awaiting her appearance. That was rigidly upright, his hands clasped behind his back, resting on his bare buttocks. His feet were about a yard apart – an important part of the stance for what he knew was to come.He looked down at his body, and despite himself, felt a tremor of pride run through his athletic, bronzed frame. He worked out every day, often under her supervision. His...
The three of us spent a delightful morning in bed; I guess that sort of made up for not going down to the park. After lunch, we were all up in the Studio; the two guys from Midnight Oil arrived mid-afternoon, and we took a break to discuss possible songs for the end of Rocktober gig we would be having with them. “This sure is a cool setup you guys have here,” Martin Rotsey said. We knew the guys from Midnight Oil pretty well; like with most of the major Aussie bands. We all sat down to plan...
She was nervous but excited. Emily tiptoed across to the bathroom door and listened. She could hear the splashing of the shower and her dad’s tuneless hums from inside. Her eyes closed and she pictured her handsome father with water running from his blonde hair, down his beautiful face and running trails down his toned chest and stomach through to his thick manhood. Emily began to get wet at the thought and she slipped one hand down to her pussy and started to rub her clit with her other hand...
IncestThey're both pretty happy.Sperm Can Make Women Happy. No Really, It's ScienceLA WEEKLY | JUNE 15, 2012 | 4:00PMHere's one for the "controversial sex studies" files. Apparently women who regularly come into contact with semen are happier than those who don't.The study appeared in Scientific American, an article about the various and sundry benefits of semen. Among them is the natural antidepressant qualities of semen. Note that the study didn't refer to sperm, but to semen, so it's not your man...