BabymakerChapter 17 free porn video

It had to happen eventually. Six women had crossed the picket line tenuously held by the local cops, sliding untouched through a momentary gap. Lucky number seven, a young woman still in her late teens and clutching her boyfriend's hand, wasn't going to make it. Not with her pink t-shirt drawn tightly over her showing belly. Four months, I figured, almost five, almost too late, and I had a good eye for that sort of thing.
"Don't do it," a man said, holding a sign that proclaimed Abortion Stops a Heart! There were a lot of those.
"Baby killer!" someone spat, one of the female protesters, and the two separated groups surged towards the middle. They wanted to link arms and block off the entrance while the policemen tried to hold them back.
Someone grabbed the woman, the pregnant one. I didn't see it happen, but I heard her boyfriend's angry voice. More shouting and some scuffling. A blonde girl, tall and graceful as a gazelle, darted past me. She carried a sign as well, Abortion is Murder, and she swung it like an axe, aiming for the boyfriend's neck. She was probably lucky one of the cops had grabbed her arms at the last second. Murder is Murder, too.
There were a lot of shouts then, a lot of pushing and shoving, but the blonde had been singled out as an example to the others. The poster child of violent protest as another cop joined the fray, wrestling with her kicking legs. She managed to elbow the first one in the nose, drawing blood and pissing him off, as it would anyone, I suppose. He hit her back, putting her in the LAPD approved chokehold and popping her left cheek with his big right hand.
That was my cue and I have to admit, I did enjoy finishing the job as I broke the cop's nose with my fist. The blonde blinked at me, red-faced and sweaty, wheezing as she tried to catch her breath. We shared that one second of calm, a moment frozen just for us, and she had stark, painfully blue eyes. Taking a baton behind the knees hurt a lot worse though, believe me.
"I want my phone call," I said, wincing as the cop removed my handcuffs. Well, they were technically someone else's handcuffs, but I was glad to give them back.
"Fuck you," he replied, giving me a shove into the holding cell and locking us in. Me and that sexy blonde gazelle, alone at last.
"My tax dollar at work," I muttered, rubbing my chafed wrists and looking at her. She sat on the floor, in the corner and ignoring the bench bolted to the wall.
"Are you okay?" she asked without a smile. She nursed a real bruise on the left side of her face. Her eye had swollen nicely, a little bloodshot, but still open anyway. That was a good sign.
"How are you?" I walked over, looking down and finally squatting beside her. "Let me see that."
She didn't say anything as I cupped her chin, turning her head so I could hum softly and purse my lips. The bruise made her look older than she was, but she still looked good. Her beauty had been spoiled and that made her more interesting, in my opinion. I brushed a lock of hair out of her eyes, but she didn't like that and pulled away from my fingers.
"Why'd they put you in here?" she wondered. "I thought they kept prisoners apart, separated or something."
"Maybe they don't have a lot of room," I said, sitting beside her, at an angle because she had her back right up against the corner. "WTO is in town, remember?"
"Ha!" She tried smiling and winced. "What's your name?"
"Trent," I replied. "What's yours?"
"Yeah?" I returned her smile. "I knew a Lisa once."
"Why'd you do it?" she asked, watching my eyes. "Hit that cop?"
"I dunno." I shrugged. "It didn't seem like a fair fight."
"Fascist never fight fair," she snorted. "You're a good looking guy."
"Don't take it as a compliment," she said. "Good looking guys are a dime a dozen."
"They sell Malibu Barbie at Wal-Mart, too."
"Thanks," she said, wincing again. "I deserve that. I've seen you there before. What's the deal?"
"I don't like abortion," I said. "There isn't any deal."
"So you think showing up is enough?"
"I'm in here, right?" I grinned at her. "Felony assault on a police officer? That's more than just showing up."
"It's not enough." Lisa drew her long legs to her breasts, wrapping her arms around her shins. She wore pre-stressed jeans and a university sweatshirt. Her blonde hair fell around her shoulders as we looked at each other.
"What else is there?" I wondered. "We're going to be on the news anyway."
"Yeah! Right between the weather and a prize winning pumpkin," she said. "Gandhi would be proud."
"Oh." I nodded. "I get it. You're a cynic."
"We live in a world where abortion is birth control."
"What do you use?"
"Birth control," I said. "Pills, condoms, what do you like?"
"Why?" Lisa narrowed her eyes, frowning as that bruise must have been throbbing about then.
"Just curious. Wondering what you'd do if you got pregnant. You're not married are you?"
"I'd keep it," she said. "I don't believe in birth control, okay? It's a miracle."
"Catholic?" I grinned at her. "Me too. Rhythm method."
"I'm not Catholic, I just..." She shook her head. "Talk about something else."
"Okay. How about those Seahawks? Think they'll make the playoffs this year?"
"Oh God!" She laughed. "Shut-up."
"No football, eh?"
"No football," she agreed. "Are you married?"
"Not yet." I teased her with an appraising look. "But I'm always hopeful."
"An optimist?"
"If I wasn't, I'd never get out of bed," I told her. "What's a guy have to do to get your phone number?"
"You mean a guy like you?" Lisa shrugged. "I don't know."
"It was kind of rhetorical," I said, smiling back. "Will you write to me while we're in prison?"
"Depends on what I have to trade for stamps."
"Hmmm..." I frowned at that. "I hate community showers."
That's about the time a rattling of keys brought our eyes to the door. I could have used five more minutes, I thought, but it had been a good start. I found myself liking Lisa a lot and I hoped she liked me. Time would tell.
"Time for your phone call, Burroughs," the cop said, waving me to my feet.
"You?" Lisa stared at me, momentarily frozen with surprise as she left the court detention facility. "You paid my bail?"
"I was in the neighborhood," I told her. "I think I can get a refund if you want to go back."
"That was twenty thousand dollars," she reminded me. I fell into step with her, holding the door as we emerged into the ruddy light of the setting sun. It had been a long day.
"I still want your phone number," I said. "Do you need a ride?"
"My friend's supposed to be waiting for me." Lisa looked around the downtown street, which was one big no parking zone. "Where's your car?"
"In the garage," I replied, pointing. "It actually belongs to my lawyer."
"He left you his car?"
"He's a pretty good lawyer." I shrugged. "Come on. We should get you to a hospital or something."
"No. I just want to go home," she decided. "Are you hungry?"
"Let's go to my place and I'll fix you something."
A petite girl challenged me, posing with her hands on her hips and a black beret perched jauntily on her black, pageboy haircut. "What's he doing here?" she demanded. "I thought you were in jail? He's not supposed to be here, remember?"
"Relax," Lisa waved at her, closing the door behind me as I put on my innocent face. "This is Trent, the guy who punched out that cop."
"Yeah, I saw him," she said. "Why'd they let you go?"
"This is Petra," Lisa told me. "The kitchen is this way."
I remembered seeing her outside the abortion clinic. A tiny firebrand who reminded me of Lenin more than anyone else, she liked to throw her fist in the air and scream obscenities. I imagined that looking like a fifteen-year-old boy, albeit a cute one, had left Petra with a sizable chip on her slender shoulders. Being friends with a grown-up blonde like Lisa probably didn't help very much.
"We made bail," I told her. "It's nice to meet you, Petra."
"Brad's going to be pissed," she warned us. "You don't even know this guy, Lisa."
"Who's Brad?" I wondered, following Lisa's heart-shaped ass.
"Our friend," Petra answered, following me. She made it obvious that I wasn't included. I didn't get to be friends with Brad, or her, it seemed.
"Go away," Lisa sighed. "Get me some aspirin or something, please? We just want to eat something."
The girl huffed, giving me a dirty look, and I wondered if it was just a general dislike of strangers, or something specific about me. I didn't think Lisa was a lesbian, but I did get a funky sort of vibe from her pouting friend. That would be awkward.
"Sorry." Lisa offered me a wan smile. "A little Petra goes a long ways sometimes."
"Well, there's not very much there anyway," I joked, but my smile died quickly.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Uh ... nothing. Sorry," I said quickly. "I only meant she's kinda ... small."
"Oh. Yeah." Lisa relaxed. "Maybe that's her problem. She's got a lot going on inside, you know?"
"I believe you."
"Are you vegetarian?" she asked, opening her refrigerator. It had a large, PETA bumper sticker pasted across the front. That didn't bother me too much.
"Nope," I admitted. "I like steak and potatoes. How about you?"
"Meat is murder."
"Not the way I cook it," I assured her. Maybe it was a bit risky teasing her that way, but when Lisa smiled, I knew we were going to be okay.
"How about a salad?" she said. "I can make some garlic bread, too."
"A little wine and we'd be all set," I agreed. "How many brothers do you have?"
"How do you know I have any brothers?"
"You're way too comfortable," I said. "It's either a lot of brothers or a lot of boyfriends, and I'm an optimist. Remember?"
"Four brothers," she told me with a shrug. "How about you? Girlfriends, I suppose."
"I've had a few," I admitted, watching as she began washing vegetables in the sink. "Can I help with something?"
"Who the fuck are you?" a man's voice surprised me.
"That's the guy who punched that Nazi," Petra said, and apparently she'd gone running for Brad instead of aspirin.
"Trent," I replied, turning around to see a tall, gangly fellow with a pronounced Adam's apple bobbing up and down. "I'm Lisa's friend. You must be Brad, right?"
"Is that right? You smell like a pig to me," he decided, sniffing the air as if he might actually catch the aroma of sizzling bacon.
"Six hours in a police station will do that," I offered. "They're not big on soap, I noticed. How about you?"
"How about me ... What?" He squinted down his long nose at me, being several inches taller than my six foot even.
"Ever been arrested?" I asked, smiling over my shoulder at Lisa. "We're going to start a little club for felons. Can't get in if you don't have a record."
"Shut-up!" She giggled and Petra frowned, and Brad looked at me as if I might be crazy.
"Look, I just want Lisa's phone number, man." I stared him right in the eyes. "I already got arrested for it. I mortgaged my house and I'm gonna give up meat ... So if you want to arm wrestle me for her, let's get it over with."
"Fuck!" He grinned at me.
"He's not my boyfriend, Trent," Lisa said, still smiling and shaking her head.
"Well, if I have to wrestle Petra, then..."
"God! No wrestling over me, okay?"
"We're not queer," Petra informed me, and she could have pouted professionally. "We're just friends."
"You want a beer, Trent?" Brad asked.
"Stop it," Lisa said, giggling as she pushed my hand away.
"What? I'm just doodling," I protested, hugging her against my chest as I traced my finger around her thigh. I was drawing invisible curlicues and flowers, writing my name across the faded denim.
"What do you do?" she wondered. "For a living, not for fun."
"They can't be the same thing?" I smiled at her. "Insurance. Life, home, auto ... Stuff like that."
"What about you?"
"I dream a lot," Lisa sighed, and we were quiet for a moment.
We'd had our salad and garlic bread, her and Petra drinking wine while I'd nursed my one bottle of beer. Brad had emptied more than a couple and he liked to talk. He'd quizzed me on my opinions of everything from religion to politics, but politics mostly. He seemed especially interested in what I thought of Ruby Ridge and Waco, ancient history like that. Lisa didn't say much, but Petra liked to interject with her own thoughts about how America was really a fascist police state run by corporations and all that. It had actually been kind of boring; flirting with Lisa seemed much more entertaining.
"How's your cheek?" I wondered, examining it by the blue glow of her bedside lava lamp. "It looks a little better."
"I'm okay," she said, watching as I drew my finger towards her hip. She lay half on her side, facing me as I'd propped myself up with her pillows.
"I want to kiss you, but I don't want to hurt you."
"What makes you think I want to be kissed?"
"This..." I touched my mouth to hers and when she started to smile, I kissed her for real. My tongue slipped between her lips and she opened for it, sliding her hand from my chest to my shoulder, squeezing me.
"Firm," she said, moving her hand to feel my bicep. "Muscular."
"I work out a lot, you know." I shrugged. "Arm wrestling."
I looked at my watch and sighed. "I should go."
"Big day tomorrow?" Lisa teased.
"I was thinking of your reputation."
"I was thinking about this..." She pulled me into another kiss and I leaned into it, rolling Lisa onto her back. I held her down, with my chest against her breasts while our tongues danced from my mouth into hers.
My hand moved up her thigh and between her legs, cupping her sex through her jeans. I could feel her warmth, the humidity of her arousal seeping through the cotton, and I closed my hand to press my fingers against the source. Lisa moaned, tugging at my shirt and pulling it up my back. The air felt cool and welcome. We broke our kiss just long enough to get it over my head, the rolled up sleeves turning inside out. My tie had been loosened all day and it came off as well.
I held myself above her on stiff arms, smiling as I watched Lisa's eyes roam my naked chest. She touched me with her fingertips, exploring and obviously enjoying my well-defined physique. I hadn't lied about working out. She smiled as her hands pushed against my muscles and licked her lips, nodding with approval.
"You've got a nice body," she told me. "Nice and smooth. I like that."
"Yeah. I hate hairy insurance guys, too."
"Any tattoos I should know about?"
"And ruin the surprise?" I sucked at my cheek. "I thought you were more adventurous than that."
"Oh, you're going to make me look?"
"I think it's my turn." I reached for the hem of her sweatshirt with one hand, pulling it up her tummy with Lisa's help.
She wore no bra underneath and I took in her firm tits, neither large nor small, but wonderfully pert and blessed with pointed brown nipples. She shook her blonde hair free and tossed the sweatshirt aside, onto the floor to join mine. We were naked from the waist up and I got comfortable on my side, with my head propped on my elbow and my other hand stroking the faint hollow of her tummy. She seemed much more slender, almost fragile without the sweatshirt to hide behind.
"Why are you smiling?" she asked.
"I'm trying to imagine you starting a riot," I told her truthfully. "Taking on two cops. How old are you anyway?"
"How old are you?"
"I'm twenty-three. If I tell you something..." Lisa paused, sucking at her bottom lip. "Will you promise not to laugh?"
"I won't ever laugh at you," I replied. "If that's what you mean."
"That's what I mean. Yeah," she cleared her throat. "I'm a virgin."
"Oh." I felt my heart skip a beat or two at those three little words. With the possible exception of 'I love you', they were undoubtedly the ones I least expected.
"This, uh..." Lisa looked down at her breasts and giggled. "This is about as far as I've ever gone with a boy."
"So, if I pulled down your pants?" I smiled at her.
"That would be new." She nodded. "I just wanted you to know that. Okay? In case we, um..."
"Take off our pants," I said. "Absolutely."
"You're laughing at me."
"Nope." I shook my head. "I'm definitely not doing that."
"Teasing me then," she decided. "When you should be kissing me."
"And kissing when I should be teasing," I agreed. "It's the secret of my success."
Lisa's fingers popped one of the buttons on her jeans. "Oops!"
"See?" I brought my hand to her left breast, caressing the pale underside and finding her nipple with my thumb. "I'll have your pants off in no time."
Another button came undone and I could see the white of her panties. With only three more to go, it was time for that kiss. I wanted to undo them myself.
I replaced Lisa's fingers with my own, tugging another button loose as I filled her mouth with my tongue. Her hand went to my stomach, trying to pinch the firm flesh between her fingers and palm. When my tight abdominals proved too lean, too firm and difficult for that, she followed the trail of thin hair leading from my navel to the waistband of my trousers.
A fourth button was undone and I could feel her nylon panties beneath my fingers. Lisa tugged at my belt, a quick jerk to give her only as much room as she needed. I pulled at my gut as her hand pressed under the waistband and into my boxers. My penis had been erect for some time, straining for freedom and not finding it quite yet. Lisa fingers brushed my cock and recoiled as I undid the last button of her jeans. The crotch was still tight, but my fingertips moved across her panty clad vulva, curling downward to discover the wonderfully female contour of her sex.
She found my cock again, exploring me cautiously, bravely, the way virgins always do. Even if Lisa hadn't told me, I would have recognized her innocence. I'd known far too many girls, young women, really, who tried to pass themselves off as something they were not. Experienced or otherwise, it sometimes seemed as if none of them could be happy with who they were. Lisa, at least, was honest and it lent her a quality lacking in so many other attractive women. A beauty beyond the physical.
"I want to see it," she decided, both of us catching our breath and warmed nicely by then. I'd felt the heat leaking from her pussy as she'd grown moist beneath the nylon.
"You haven't seen one before?" I teased, reluctantly removing my hand, but only so we could finish undressing.
"Not yours!" She laughed lightly, nervously. "Maybe we should stop."
"Do you want to?" I asked, getting on my knees beside her.
"Would you, Trent?" Lisa looked up at me, slender and beautiful with her stiff nipples and quivering tummy. "Would you really stop if I asked you to?"
"I'll do anything you want," I promised, placing my hand on her belly as if I could feel the emptiness inside. I wanted this girl as much as I'd ever wanted anything in my life.
"Let me see your cock," she whispered.
"I'll show you mine, if you show me yours," I suggested, caressing her stomach as she held my wrist and forearm with both hands.
"Are we gonna play house?" she wondered, smiling like a little girl.
"Do you want to be the mommy?"
"Hmmm..." Lisa sighed, stroking my arm. "Is Daddy gonna teach me how to make a baby?"
"He didn't bring any condoms," I warned her. "And Mommy looks so pretty, I don't think he's going to stop and pull out."
"Maybe Mommy won't want him to," she said, reaching for my trousers. "Maybe she finally found a Daddy she likes."
"He likes you," I agreed, watching her fingers. "Are you sure you've never done this before?"
"Uh-uh." Lisa shook her head, tugging my pants down my thighs. "I got really good at saying no to men like you."
I helped her, hooking my thumbs in the waistband of my boxers and pushing them down. My erection resisted, caught briefly before springing free to jut upward above my heavy balls. I'd always had a large cock, although I hadn't always believed it as a teenage boy. I'd thought my girlfriends only said that because they were always so much smaller than me, usually younger and inexperienced. College had finally convinced me and so I felt justifiably proud, and I'd never been very shy around girls in any event.
"Ummm..." She giggled, staring at my penis. "That's a big dick."
"I told you, Lisa. Daddy like you a lot," I said, pulling her hand to my erection. "He's been looking all over for you."
"Now that you found me," she whispered. "What are you going to do with me?"
"Everything," I breathed, letting the words go with a slow sigh.
Lisa's couldn't quite encircle the swollen shaft with her fingers. My cock was long enough that she could hold it with both hands, one above the other, and still leave a healthy inch or two beneath the glans completely exposed. I used to tell the coeds back in college that I was a porn star, which sounds like a ridiculous line, but more often than not it worked like a charm. Every woman wants a monster fuck, even if they won't usually admit it until afterwards.
She squeezed the shaft with one hand, while the other went lower to fondle my balls. Lisa had never touched a man this way and I hadn't known a lot of twenty-something virgins. I have to admit that it added to the thrill, watching her face as she explored my scrotum, dark with pubic hair and warm beneath her fingers. My balls were proportional to the rest of me and she held them like a pair of eggs, just a little too large for her hand as she let one drop with another giggle.
"They're heavy," she told me, sounding slightly awed.
"I never noticed," I said with a chuckle. "Turn this way a little. Lift your butt, Mommy."
"Ha!" Lisa grinned as I pulled her legs around, pinching her denim thighs at the seams and tugging her pants downward. It was awkward, but fun, and she refused to let go of my cock. She didn't really do anything with it, just held it in her fist as we turned her jeans inside out. I lifted them over my head as Lisa kicked her feet and laughed, eventually getting free and laying on the bed in a pair of thin bikini panties.
We took off my pants as well, and my boxers with them. I pulled her closer with a hand on Lisa's back, the other in her fine, blonde hair. I urged her to kiss my chest and she licked my nipples, grazing them with her teeth and gnawing at my firm flesh. She didn't resist at all as I pushed her lower. She licked my stomach, kissing my body until her mouth was only inches away from my aching erection.
"Kiss it," I whispered. "Suck my cock, Lisa."
"I've never done it before," she said, but not in protest. She only wanted to make her excuses up front, and a second later I felt her lips touching the tip of my penis.
I cradled her to me as I sat against the headboard of her bed. She'd curled up beside me, resting her cheek on my stomach, letting her left leg, the top one, lay across my thighs with her knee bent. I followed the curvature of her spine, from her shoulders to the dimple just above her ass. My fingers played over the nylon and then beneath, sliding between the pale globes of her ass and bringing her panties down with them.
She opened her mouth, taking me inside, but only the head of my cock as that proved a real mouthful for the girl. Lisa teased me with her tongue, washing away the precum leaking from the tip. She kept one hand on my chest, enjoying my body just as much as I enjoyed hers. Her other hand stayed on my cock, pulling at the soft skin covering the hard muscle beneath. The constant tugging at my balls felt good and Lisa had to swallow as she accidentally coaxed more of the clear fluid into her mouth.
"Uh hmmm..." she sighed, giving her butt a wiggle as a fingertip brushed across her anus. I took encouragement as she brought her knee higher, giving me more room to work with. My finger circled the silky bud of her asshole and pushed inside her, gently, carefully, just the tip of my finger stretching her sphincter.
Lisa didn't even look up, she only pushed her mouth down another fraction of an inch. Her lips were tight around the shaft and that small tongue of hers never stopped moving. She began bobbing up and down, not taking much of my cock at all, but eager to give me her first ever blowjob all the same. As a younger man, I would have been tempted to move my hips, to hold her down and fuck her mouth, but I had a lot more patience now. I was older and wiser, perhaps, and blessed with self-control. I wasn't going to cum in her mouth anyway, not with Lisa's virgin pussy so close and vulnerable.
I slipped my hand lower, letting my finger slide across her asshole as I found her tropical vulva from behind. The warmth radiated out of her plump, damp pussy in waves and Lisa's outer labia were nested in a thin bush of fine pubic hair. She spread her legs even more, inviting me to massage her sex, but I reminded myself to be careful. Lisa may have broken her hymen sometime in the past, but if she hadn't, if that thin barrier remained to be broken, I wanted to save it for my cock. So, I had to content myself with teasing her pussy from the outside while she concentrated on worshipping my straining manhood.
"I don't do this," she whispered sometime later. "We just met. I've never..."
"I'll be careful," I promised, stroking the hair out of Lisa's eyes as I braced myself above her. "You're amazing to me."
"Do you love me?" she asked, squeezing my shoulders as my heavy cock lay cross her mound and tummy.
"How many different ways can I prove it?" I wondered, touching her nose with mine, sharing her breath as our lips only teased each other.
"I want to hear you say it," Lisa said. "I'm scared."
My balls pressed against her pussy and she almost smiled, wide-eyed and nervous with my erection stretched well past her belly button. It seemed impossible to imagine my cock so deeply inside her, but girls stretch. They're surprising that way, wonderfully endowed by Mother Nature with a resilience Lisa hadn't yet discovered. But that wasn't what frightened her, not really. She'd never given herself to anyone before, not like this, and I could see the last minute doubt and uncertainty playing across her lovely face.
I reached between us, pressing my cockhead along her slit until I felt the mouth of her cunt trying to open.
"I love you," I whispered, pushing into her with a quick, sharp jab of my hips and covering her mouth with mine.
I drank her muffled groan, felt Lisa stiffen as her knees came up and her fingers dug into my shoulders. I tore through her hymen easily and pushed the walls of her sex aside. That would be the worst, I well knew. Not popping her cherry, but forcing her vagina to stretch around my cock. She felt unbelievably tight and I gave her half my cock before I relaxed, letting Lisa gasp aloud and draw a ragged breath. I kissed her cheeks and eyes, kissed her lips as I began to rock myself into her. Back and forth, just a few inches at a time.
She didn't cry or giggle, the way some girls do. They're all different that way. Lisa only looked at me, pulling her heels into the back of my thighs, kissing me when my lips touched hers. I lay on my elbows, holding her shoulders as the bed moved in time with my hips. I fucked her slowly, claiming her virginity one scant centimeter at a time until she hitched a sharp breath and held it, cumming around my cock with the tip pressing against the very bottom of her sex. I'd found something sweet down there, something soft and sensitive, and I still had a little more to give her. I pulled Lisa down and pushed again, thrusting one last time to get that last inch inside.
"I love you," she panted. "I love you. I love you."
She recited the words like a mantra as my cock pulsed and my balls emptied into her womb. She had another orgasm, joining mine in a moment of perfect sexual harmony. We were playing house for real now and I really hoped Daddy was planting a baby in Lisa's belly. It was all I wanted, to tell the truth, to knock Mommy up, and knowing she wasn't protected only made it that much better for me. My orgasm lasted a long time and by the end of it, I was fucking her again.
"Good morning," I said, stepping into the shower to join Lisa. I'd woken up as she'd left the bed, waiting until I heard the water running before deciding to get up.
The next morning can be a little awkward sometimes. I've had girls kick me out before, but not because they were angry, just self-conscious. I suppose it can be somewhat embarrassing waking up next to a man they might have known for all of three or four hours. Some girls are fragile that way, not wanting to believe they'd given up their sex so easily, so quickly to a stranger. Surprisingly, virgins always seem to fall at the other end of the spectrum, and so I wasn't surprised to see Lisa smile shyly as she made room for me.

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