My Health – 1780 free porn video

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I did not choose to write this story.

I feel like I was possessed by this eighteenth century woman whom made me write this. She stopped me while I was working on a series of stories which I felt was nearing its end and would not let me go back to it until I finished her story. I mean, she wouldn’t even let me write a complete sentence of my story during this channeling that she was imposing on me, and she wasn’t in any hurry to complete her story either. She wouldn’t even let me change any of her word choices, her turn of phrasing, to make it more in tune with my normal style or to include a more graphic description of the little sexual content that she did allow me to express. She never gave me her age or even her name. She didn’t even tell me if she lived in England or some other country, but she told me everything in English so it just about had to be England or the ‘colonies’.

***** ***** ***** *****

I had already been suffering the discomforts of my medical condition for over three years when my husband and I married. I was of a family with a good name but lacking in land and wealth. My father thought that by marrying me off to my husband, both families would prosper, and he was right. But we were in the year 1780, not back in the dark times of years long gone by, and although my husband did gain some prestige by the connection to my family name, I feared that I would be treated more as a property than as a beloved wife.

I did not actually meet my husband until I was walked up the aisle in the cathedral and was passed off by my father’s hand. Oh, all of the customs and the pomp and ceremony were truly addressed and there were several hundred people at the church and to see us off on our honeymoon trip. I had been prepared by my mother for the wedding night and told what to expect. It was still quite a shock because obviously, my mother left out some activities when she listed out what I would be expected to do.

I was extremely glad that I had also been told some things, some important things by my dressmaker. Probably the most important thing that she said to me was that I needed to remember that this man would now be my husband, and whatever he said, was what I should do. And although some things would seem very strange, eventually I would learn to love him and all that he wanted of me. As my honeymoon passed, I found her advice to be the best preparation I had gotten and I fell madly in love with my man.

My honeymoon was scheduled to last for about a month and we traveled to the estate of a friend of my husband. The estate was located in the foot hills of the mountains to the north of our own estate. My wedding night was actually delayed two days while we traveled to the estate.

We had arrived at mid-afternoon and so I had several hours for our own two maids to unpack our luggage for our stay. One of the maids was to become my personal maid and would become a dear friend over the many years that she stayed in my service. The other was merely a housemaid, she did most of the cleaning chores in the guest suite where we stayed for our honeymoon and would do the same sort of work when we returned home.

This was my wedding night and this is when I learned how inadequate my mother’s explanation of my wifely duties had been. Oh, my mother had told me that my husband would take my virginity and had even taken me on several ‘picnics’ to the ridge that overlooked the breeding pasture for the horses on our own estate so I knew something of how things would happen. She did explain that most spouses preferred a face to face positioning while mating but failed to mention that his face would look pained when he delivered his seed.

But she never bothered to explain any of the other things that my husband might request of me for this night. She never mentioned that he might request me to use my hands or, or my mouth on his, his … or, or that he would use his hands, even his mouth on parts of me that no one else had touched in many years! If not for a few words about cleaning up after my husband had taken my virginity from my maid, I would not have even known that I would bleed when that happened.

My husband made love to me again in the early morning and this time it did not hurt as it had when he took my virginity. But when it came time to get out of bed and go to breakfast, I found myself too sore to be able to walk down to eat. My husband sent my maid to obtain a tray with breakfast for me while he went to eat with our host and hostess which he felt he had to do. My husband made love to me again that night and from that day forward, we made love two, three, even four times a day, every day for the three weeks that he managed to avoid having to go take care of his business concerns. It was during that time that I learned to sleep nude when he was with me, so that I would be available to him if he awoke during the night. I loved to awaken to his kisses or caresses on any part of my body.

My husband was ten years older than I and our host and hostess were ten to fifteen years older than he. Therefore I did not have much of anything in common with our hostess and saw little of her except at supper on those days that she was not involved in her charity work, the management of the orphanage of the area. Because of this, we did not become close friends and so I had no one to discuss anything with at that time other than my husband. He quickly made it clear that he would not discuss woman’s health issues with me by changing the subject every time I tried to say anything even remotely related to my physical difficulties. Luckily, I had at least my maid to talk to, to help me since she had some knowledge of new bride’s complaints.


After nearly a month, my husband’s business concerns demanded his attention and so he accompanied me to our estate and introduced me as the new mistress of the house. He was only able to stay a day before he had to travel to the coast to handle some business that only he could handle. My husband apparently had the schedule all made out ahead of time. When I did not come up with child in that first month of our marriage, by the end of the second month, he had me hustled off to his doctor to determine if there was something wrong with me while he had to return to his busy work schedule and was only able to visit me each weekend. The doctor examined me every day for two whole months to insure that he had his facts straight before he explained them to me. That was when I discovered that I had a medical condition and that there was a treatment for it.

Because my body was so petite, each month as it prepared itself for the implanting of my husband’s seed, the parts where our child would grow expanded and became lush with the body fluids needed for a child to be born. It became so lush and expanded, that my intestines would become cramped and twisted and so my body was actually fighting against itself. I would have to have the doctor tell me all about what I needed to do to overcome it so that I could be all that my husband wanted of me.

But that proved to be something of a problem. My husband’s doctor friend was a very straight laced gentleman and despite the fact that he had been examining my body daily for over two months now, he was just unable to discuss the treatment with me. After a time, I convinced him or thought that I had convinced him to at least explain to one of the nurses so that she could explain to me what needed to be done so that I could have my husband’s children.

What I didn’t know was that he had sent for my husband to explain gentleman to gentleman what could be done. Now after I heard what the treatment was, I can understand how the doctor was reluctant to explain to me, I was the naïve young wife of an even more straight laced gentleman and the activity was not something discussed in the salons where a dainty young wife such as myself, might be entertained.

Then my husband announced that the examinations were
over and that he had the required information for treatment. I was told to pack my clothes for return to our household within the week. He did not however share with me what actions we would be taking as the treatment and I feared that something had gone wrong between the doctor and my husband. As I packed, I sent for the nurse whom the doctor had indicated as the one who would be making the explanation to me. I did not ask my husband’s permission for the discussion, but he had not forbidden it either.

Now each time I had seen this nurse she had been in the company of the doctor and so I had heard her say no more than ‘Yes, Doctor’ or ‘No, Doctor’ or ‘As you wish, Doctor.’ Since it was tea time, I had my maid and the nurse sit and chat while we partook. I could see her actually relax as we chatted and she was a very pleasant and intelligent girl. As we sipped our tea and nibbled on some crackers, I asked her if the doctor had given her the treatment activities list for my condition. She immediately grew tense again.

She looked about the room, and seeing my trunk standing open on the floor, went over and reached in and pulled out a riding crop. She walked in front of me and got down on her knees. She pulled off her uniform and her undergarments until she wore only pantaloons. She bent over my lap and begged that if what she said to me offended me, I should punish her myself rather than tell the doctor and have her dismissed. By this time, my maid and I were exchanging horrified glances as to what she may say next.

I waited for the nurse to continue with her explanation but she just knelt and rocked to and fro over my lap. Finally I couldn’t wait any longer, even though she seemed almost terrified to speak, I made her tell me the treatment steps. First she handed me the crop and then bent back over my lap, but at last she spoke.

‘Ma’am, there are two possible treatments most widely used for this dis-ease. Both are based on the teachings of the old folk medicine practitioners of the area and in fact are known to country folk all over the land. The doctor has verified the safety and refined the first option and has written out the recipe as a standard for doctors to prescribe for their patients. Actually, it’s a simple soup and variations can be used to try to improve the taste, but nothing has been found yet that makes it smell good, and the taste is even worse. I can provide a copy of the recipe for you.’

‘The soup smells bad when it is being prepared and most cooks will not allow it to be made in a pot that will ever be used for other food cooking. She won’t cook it in the kitchen of the house, but may do so in the outside summer kitchen if there is one, or out in some other out building if there is not. She will not prepare it at the same time as any other food is being prepared. It has been known to cause cooks to become too ill to eat for the rest of the day. It is the bitter herbs that must be included for it to work.’

‘Well that doesn’t sound pleasant, but also not so terrible, why were you so reluctant to tell me?’

‘There’s more to it yet. Some men are very put off by the odor and some women carry the odor for a day or even two after they have eaten the soup. Some women try to overcome the odor by bathing many times or by using heavy perfumes before the arrival of their husband. Sometimes this works but for some the odor is still too overbearing and offensive to the husband. I have heard it compared to the smells of the stables or the stench in the estate slaughtering house.

‘And the worst part is that a woman may have to eat two servings a day for up to three days for it to work. And the last of those days would be the first of the days when a woman would be most likely to be able to become with child. The working of the soup will cause some women so much discomfort that they are unable to receive their husband during this time and so it often works against what a woman is trying to achieve.’

‘I see. So a woman may have to go through eating a terrible smelling and tasting soup for several days and then be too sick from eating it to be able to lay with her husband after all that effort, or he may decide that he cannot stand the odor. But if the woman can stand it, if she overcomes all of these negative things, does it allow her to become with child?’

‘Yes, Ma’am, it does work or it would have been abandoned many, many years ago. Some women are able to stand up to all of this and still entice…’

‘Wait! Wait, you said there are two possible treatments. I need to hear the other possible treatment so I can make a considered choice of what is best for me. Please explain what is involved in the other treatment.’

She had been slowly relaxing as she described the awful steps and possible consequences of the first treatment. Now she started to tense again and I felt sure that she considered the second treatment to be even worse than the first. But I had to hear for myself and be able to make a decision, I would have my husband’s children.

‘Ma’am, the other treatment, the doctor will not tell to any of his nurses and never to a patient, as far as I have ever heard. I understand that if demanded by the husband of a patient, the doctor will reveal the treatment, but only to the husband. But as I said, it also is based on an old folk medicine treatment.

‘Are you familiar with the nursery rhyme about the care of babies, infants and children that the country folk sing to their children even in the crib? The one that starts with the story of how to treat a baby’s upset stomach by giving it just a ‘spot of rum with mint for the baby’s tum’, and it has the story of fixing broken bones, ‘bind the limb straight and true, and the child will grow to work for you’. Most people never learn even half of the complete rhyme, but the old folk medicine healers keep the whole song to teach their students the basic ideas of how many of the different illnesses are identified or treated.

‘The portion that is important to you right now is a short verse and much later in the song and was probably never spoken in your home as it is considered to be rude even among the lowest of the poor. I had hope that the knowledge of this verse had been whispered to your maid, probably by an old maid who was too old to continue to serve, who would have passed the information below the stairs so it would be available to the house, but not be of the home. It is never repeated in the mixed company of men and women and this is where I fear you will beat me with the crop.


‘The verse goes like this:

Some women small

Though full of heart,

At fertile times

May barely fart.

But for child to catch

The flow of life,

Must sometimes be

Through a buggered wife.’


She quickly placed her hands on my knees and bent her head to the back of her hands apparently waiting for me to hit her with the crop. I repeated the verse in my head. Yes, the word fart is a rude word but even my father’s insistence on the seclusion, the gentility of my education did not keep me from hearing that word. Surely, she did not expect a beating for the use of that word, that would be barbaric. And the first half of the verse did indeed accurately describe my condition.

So, it had to be the last line that frightened her, and I had no idea what it meant, none! She still had her head resting on the back of her hands trembling on my knees, waiting for the stroke of the crop. I placed the crop on the seat next to me and taking her cheeks in my hands, I raised her eyes to mine.

Although she may have been a few years older than me, I addressed her as though to cajole information from a small resistant toddler, ‘Child, I know that you are very reluctant to continue in the explanation, but I must know the full meaning and have a complete understanding of the steps of the process. I need for you to explain more fully what the verse means as
this wording is unfamiliar to me. I will not punish you for giving me that which I am demanding from you. I must know!’

I think she still expected that as she spoke I may choose to punish her for what she was about to explain and she returned to that submissive position, her back exposed, ready to receive strokes from the crop. I of course meant exactly what I had said, that I would not punish her for giving me the information that I demanded. Still she remained bowed as she spoke to me.

‘Ma’am, you know that most times, the husband and wife fit together as key and keyhole and with normal manipulation, a child is made and after nine months, is born to the couple. In the condition you have, the keyhole is blocked and sometimes a child cannot be made. The second part of the verse refers to the process of using the husband’s key to break through the blockage and allow the normal flow to resume thus allowing the making of a child.

‘The term ‘buggered wife’ refers to the other passage from between your legs and means allowing the husband to push into that opening and through manipulation, clearing the blockage so that normal mating is possible. The husband must put his penis into his wife’s asshole and manipulate it to clear it. This clearing process, this buggering, must sometimes be done several times, maybe even on several days to be affective. And if proper preparation is not used, it can be a painful experience for the wife.

‘Many ladies feel the whole procedure too dirty and disgusting to even be considered and some husbands feel that as well. Even the mention of it may make some ladies ill, and may incite some husbands to violence. If you insist, I can give you further explanation of the preparations required for this procedure.’

She trembled again, I think she still felt I might grab up the crop and apply it to her as punishment for saying those words that I needed to hear. I again placed my hands on her face, raising her chin to look into her eyes. I had to make her realize that she was safe from abuse, that she would not be beaten for giving me the knowledge that I needed to improve my health and allow me to provide children to my husband.

That is when I saw it, a flicker of fear in her eyes. No longer fear of me or the crop, but fear that she had shared with me information that was not something that the doctor had shared with me, and maybe not even shared with my husband. If the doctor did not share this procedure with my husband, or knowing of it, my husband chose not to share it with me, then there should be no way that I could know about it.

I needed time to think about this and so I bade her to dress again, to repair her attire to her full nurse’s uniform. I still needed her to give me more detail for the preparation for the procedure so that if my husband did share it with me, I would know how best to make sure I suffered as little pain as possible. And I wanted to have an explanation of how I knew of the procedure if he chose to share it with me.

That part came quickly to me. My husband sometimes traveled to handle his business interests, sometimes a few days, sometimes as long as a fortnight. I could twist my ankle while he was gone and to save myself the discomfort of a two day trip to the doctor’s estate, I could send one of our groundskeepers to locate one of the folk healers in our area. I could say that for my permission to her to gather mushrooms, and herbs, and berries in the woods of our estate, she had provided a poultice for my ankle and that we had talked of many other things as well.

The nurse was thrilled with my idea as I related it to her as she finished dressing. We then sat back down, much more relaxed and she told me much more about the preparation required to avoid pain for the ‘buggering’. Being an unmarried woman, and therefore inexperienced, the nurse told me what she had been told by the folk healers that she dealt with in the doctor’s research.

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Long LegsChapter 2

Greta is dreaming. She dreams she's lying on her back, looking up at a cloudy sky. One of the clouds looks like the head of a dog. Yes, it's a dog with big ears, and his tongue is sticking out. Mariah lies between Greta's legs, licking her pussy. It feels wonderful. Greta shivers with pleasure and closes her eyes. When she opens them, the sun has come out from behind the clouds. She found herself awake, staring up at a skylight in the bunkhouse. Mariah lay asleep next to her, her large...

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No Where To Be

[ This is for Cumcontrol2000! Hope this meets with your expectations! ]It began when 'Walter' (not his real name) had said, upon arrival at Dominique's apartment, that he had no where in particular he had to be for the next three of four hours."Oh really?" Dominique had replied, smiling faintly pleased to hear that. "Well then, in that case, I have something very special in mind for you!""What is that?" Walter had inquired."Just get undressed, and you'll find out," came the terse, but not...

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African Gangbanged Bride

The first time that I ever had a black cock was when I was 18 and on a trip to Africa with my new husband Ben. We were on the 2nd week of our Honeymoon when one night in the hotel bar, Ben, my husband who is an anthropologist and is 43 years old, was talking to a group of old black men about their tribes and customs etcetera. It was very warm, no, very HOT. So I was wearing a bikini top and mini-skirt, no panties or stockings as I was longing for a cool breeze to waft up between my legs and...

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Taking Matters into My Own Hands 2

I stood up and moved towards Lyana’s unconscious body. I stroked my fingers on her soft, auburn hair. I stared at her face. Holy shit. She is so beautiful. My fingers left her hair and found her neck. I gently stroked my fingers on her neck. Fuck. It’s so smooth. I stepped away and took my chair and placed it beside her. I caressed her neck passionately. My fingers moved lower and found the top button of her shirt. My heart was pounding so hard against my chest. My erection feels like...

2 years ago
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Divided at Division OneChapter 17

Jared couldn't wait to get home and shower after his little workout with Marv Hudson. It was invigorating to get out and run a bit, catch a ball and fill his lungs with the rich country air. He would work himself into better shape as practice began in earnest but he anticipated being a bit sore the following day. While in the shower he heard the phone ring and cursed the probability. Once out and dried off he went to the blinking machine and pressed the play button. "Good afternoon Coach,...

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Into It repostChapter 3

We lay together on that blanket for a long time without speaking. I hoped she was enjoying lying against my body half as much as I was enjoying having her long, lean frame plastered beside and over mine. Karen said, "Brad, what are you thinking about?" I answered honestly. "How much I enjoy this position. I am very comfortable here with you. I'm also giving some slight thought to the story we are writing. I think we can make it erotic without making it explicit. It just depends on how...

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Cum Covered CD In Hants Gets A Surprise

I love writing about my best gay experience ever so here goes for my favourite site!There is a well known place just outside Basingstoke which is descrete, safe and popular which I go to.This one time, I dressed up in a black balcony bra, thong panties, suspender belt and fishnet stockings and headed on over.I took my place and took off my overclothes waiting for someone to peep through the gloryhole.5 minutes later, an eye appeared and stayed as I stroked my cock for it. Eventually, I zipped...

3 years ago
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Lost Virginity To An Older Man

My name is Shakthi. I am female from Chennai, Tamil nadu. I am now 25 years old and I am going to narrate a true story of how I lost my virginity to a 52 year old man when I was 18. About me, I am based in Chennai, working in an advertising firm. I am short and appear plump and have full boobs. 36E-31-36. I am just 5 feet tall and so my boobs appear hugely disproportionate for my body. I am interested in older men, bus or train sex and exhibitionism. This happened when I was in school, 12th...

4 years ago
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The Gift

It was a mistake. I felt like crying. I couldn't. She'd gone without a word. I still held the gift I'd bought her. She hadn't even looked at it. Maybe my breath stank of alcohol. Maybe it was just me. The street was an alien place. I didn't belong. I walked. I drank. I smoked. I got angry. I still couldn't cry. I called her. Of course I did. She didn't answer. It was time. I'd be taking a big step. I knew that. But never again would I feel as alone as I did now. I dialled the...

3 years ago
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Mummy Nase Me Chair Pe Chudi Papa Se

Mera naam ADITI H mera figure 32,30,34 h meri kahaniyo ko aap logo ne padha or pasand kiya kai logo ne mail kiye mujhe achcha laga thanks aap logo k comment padhkar mujhe aur kahaniya likhne ko prerit kiya h isiliye aaj fir se nai kahani lekar mai hajir hu Aap log jante hi h ki meri mummy hamesa se lund ki saukeen rahi h papa ho ya koi or ho unko fark nai padta wo kisi se bhi chud leti h wo iske liye kuch bhi kar leti h aap logo ko ye jaankar yakin na hoga ki meri mummy saadi k baad karib 6...

1 year ago
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Julie and Debra

(This following piece is an extract from my novel "The Slaves of the Amethyst" and as such is not a complete story in its own right. I include it in case the erotic content appeals to our readers on Xhamster) Chapter Sixty Nine.Thursday morning dawned grey and overcast and there had been rain overnight. From the windows of Waterstone House the view was unappealing. The outside was dark and damp and a light drizzle streaked the windowpanes. It didn’t seem likely to be...

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Helping a mate Voyeur my Girlfriend

From my teens I had always enjoyed going swimming at the local indoor pool. Being surrounded by girls clad only in a think layer of skin tight material, all but revealing what they look like naked was such an exciting environment! When I started dating Anna we used to go fairly often. I loved catching guys having a sly look at her in her swimsuit, guessing what they were thinking.... On this occasion my best mate, Paul had come with us. I knew how much Paul fancied Anna. It was easy to see,...

1 year ago
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Kinky purchases and hot public masturbation

Black Friday… a day to indulge and justify all kinds of extravagant purchases. Not. I detest Black Friday, but it seems that every year I find it irresistible to make purchases. $150 off a new phone, 60% off here and there. Big purchases that I could never otherwise justify are just irresistible on the infamous Black Friday. I wake from my food, wine and comfy guest bed – induced stupor at my parents’ house. A night of laughter, family time, and great food replays itself in my head. My sister...

4 years ago
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SerenaChapter 9 Obedience and Worship

Serena danced around the room her energy seemed boundless. I'd tried to exhaust her with oral sex, but I'd wasted my time. Well okay, not wasted exactly, but you know what I mean. It was late and the car would be here soon to take her to the estate. Earlier I'd removed his rings from her and replaced them with small studs. Tomorrow I'd put my rings on her and then, apart from giving her a slave name, she'd be mine. I'd felt that this was needless and melodramatic, but Serena had been...

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A 100 TRUE story of how I had sexPt2

When I woke up, the clock next to my bed said it was 7:50. I had woken up late. I only had ten minutes to throw on some clothes, my backpack, and rush down to the bus stop. My sister Rachel was already gone by now—her bus left at 7:00. The fact that I had missed talking to her that morning didn’t make me feel bad, though. The longer I could delay talking to her, the better. School went incredibly slow that day. I couldn’t stop thinking about what I was going to say to Rachel. How would she...

1 year ago
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MagicChapter 12

Sean was tempted to stop by Suzie's house on the way home from work, but after being in the hot kitchen at Dairy King for a couple of hours he stank. It was so bad that even he could smell it. It was a mixture of grease and sweat that would have brought tears to Superman's eyes. It wasn't a mild little odor, but a true stench that was capable of killing any mosquitoes that ventured too close to him. Upon reaching the path to Suzie's house Sean stood there thinking about the beautiful...

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Bent Slowly

They had always been an active couple sexually. They constantly sought new and interesting way to please each other and had created a playful activity called “hot dates” for the last 3 years of their 5 year marriage. Activities on these dates ranged from crude sex in the backseat of the car, to blatant exhibitionism. Veronica had once removed her panties as they had eaten dinner at a restaurant, even letting Darin feel her up to see how aroused she was. They had tried many new things as they...

4 years ago
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All for Mr Redman Chapter 2

In the morning I woke up slightly disoriented. I opened my eyes and glanced around. I knew my dorm room didn't look this nice. The gorgeous furniture, amazing decor, the tranquillity of silence. I smiled sleepily and it all came back. I had just had the most amazing night of sex with Mr. Redman, my favourite highschool science teacher. Well, no guilt there. I had a strong crush on him when I was in highschool and I had discovered last night that this way more than a crush. Much to my...

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BiCouple Going Crazy

We cannot believe how it's so hard to have the craziest orgy with another bisexuel couple or even just a bisexuel girl or bisexuel guy to come and join our wildest 'n' craziest dreams of sex!!!!!!!!My wife is a real bisexuel nympho and I love making her pussy really creamy,hot & juicy that she'll dripp for ever then I'll make her cunt squirt like a water fountain explosing for hours on end!!!!But now she has made me want the more 'n' more for a bi-guy to tease her pussy while i watch then i...

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Passing the Baton 2 Lilas StoryChapter 10

"I'm afraid it's time for your piercings." "Why should you be?" Lila asked tartly, "I'm the one getting them." "The Sheik will be here to watch. I can't do anything to make it better; I'm sorry." "I wouldn't let you anyway," Colette concluded. Colette set up the brazier with the iron rods that would be used to cauterize her piercings. She also set up the piercing clamp. It was a punch borer, much like the device leather smiths use to punch holes in pieces of leather, only...

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Time of Eden and ElvesChapter 15

MOUNTAIN CITY Tarifa sat on the edge of Aihola's bed, her eyes gazing on her new Drow lover and Mistress as the sun began to creep up in the horizon and cast light into the small window. Aihola's face was quite peaceful as she slept, her soft pink lips open slightly as she breathed. Tarifa remembered vividly the taste and texture of those wonderful lips as they had kissed her passionately and explored her body. Tarifa shifted her eyes and watched the rise and fall of her chest, Aihola's...

1 year ago
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Daddys poker night

This is just a fantasy, I don’t condone sex with minors Daddy’s Poker night My name’s Bill Krants. I am writing this because I don't know what else to do. Sombody needs to know what happened that night and I guess I am the only one willing to tell. It began innocently enough. Doug Seers has a regular Friday night poker game at his house. The only thing different about this poker night was that Martha had informed Doug on Monday morning of this week that she wanted a divorce....

2 years ago
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I just want to share with you guys what I've experienced yesterday. It was another satisfying GANGBANG with a group of guys I met.I did a webcam show in Naughty Pinay room in room around 10 pm i think, and as usual, it was another great performance considering the comments thrown by the wankers watchers in the chatroom. Since there`s a lil problem on my room, I rested for a while, washed up my pussy and lay down.I received a phone call from someone who have seen me live in chatroom that night...

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Britney makes brother feel good

I was standing in the doorway between the kitchen and the garage; I’d just got home from a date that didn’t go as I’d expected… I sighed and leaned against the door frame for a few moments. Finally I returned dad’s keys to the hook next to the door so he wouldn’t know I had used the car while he and mom were away [and I added gas to the tank, too]. My little sister, Jamie Lynn, was at a sleepover so she couldn’t rat me out. I closed the door to...

1 year ago
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Seduction at 36000

The voice overhead said, “American Airlines flight 84 to Washington Dulles is now boarding at gate 55.” It was 10:30 on Sunday night and Spencer was taking the Red Eye to the East Coast. He never liked taking these flights, but getting in early on Monday morning was certainly better than arriving in the afternoon and being totally out of it for the week ahead. He would arrive in Washington around 6:25 local time and be at his hotel by 8:00. He would have some breakfast, check some email and be...

First Time
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Wife Loves to Serve

You come home from work. I greet you at the door with a hug and a kiss, just what you wanted after a busy day at work. Your eyes travel up and down my body, taking in each detail from head to toe. My hair, a wonderfully cute frame for my face. Around my neck, the delicate leather collar you made for me. My sheer white blouse that hints at the detailed lingerie underneath trying it's very best to keep my ample soft fleshy curves at bay. And my tight pencil skirt, that hugs my hips and...

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Supermodel Slave Sale

“Ladies and gentleman! It’s an honour and great pleasure to be able to welcome you to the first, one and only The Supermodel Slave Sale!” The audience clapped enthusiastically. “My name is Heidi Klum and with me on the stage is Naomi Campbell.” “We’re happy to host this unique event for you” added Naomi “I hope that we’ll all have as much fun as the girls who’ll soon walk on this stage.” Not only the show was unique, so was the audience; obviously it was purely adult, but also significantly...

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In Search of ParadiseChapter 12 Southern American Dilemma

Celeste sat dangling in the bosun's chair half way up the mast, camera in hand, and her entire concentration on the composition of a shot of the Gon Waki 2's bow as it skimmed through the South Pacific. She'd had this picture in her mind for days, and this morning, both the light and the weather were perfect for what she had in mind. Having selected her initial subject area, she was now exploring the various elements of the overall scene. It was Brandon's voice that broke her...

4 years ago
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New Journey 8211 Part II

By : Sid.Nikita Hi friends. This is Sid back after almost 4 moths. I am sorry to them who sent me many mails to post the continuation to my previous story ‘New Journey’. I do not had time to write it down. So now when I have some time I wrote it for all me beloved readers. For those who haven’t read ‘New Journey’ I recommend plz read that one first. After reading this story plz send me your lovely comments and views at Our train reached Mumbai in the early morning. Aliya was feeling hungry so...

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MySistersHotFriend Charity Crawford 23719

How big is it? Charity Crawford wants to know. She’s hanging around her friend’s house, and her friend’s brother JMac, who’s always hitting on her, is up to his old tricks again. This, of course, occurs when Charity tells him she’s having boyfriend trouble, inviting JMac to pull his cock out, both figuratively and literally. After telling her how exactly how well he’d treat her, Charity calls him on the size of his dick, which he claims to be quite...

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What a FamilyPart 5

I started calling mother every few days; just to check that she was getting the therapy. I also asked her about Tracy, and it turned out that Tracy was scheduled right after mother for all her therapy meetings. The holidays were only 2 months away, and I was really hoping I'll be able to bring Sarah and the kids to meet the family. Asking through my friend the psychiatrist, I learned that progress was slow with my mother and Tracy's situation was a bit more complicated because of the...

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TeenCurves Kitty Caprice ASS Seen On TV

Introducing the world‘s most versatile ass! Kitty Caprice has an ass this guy can stuff a smartphone into the crack of. The crazier thing is shoving a phone in that booty redefines what booty call is in a very literal and perverted way. Later, they were chilling on his new couch and he notices there aren‘t any pillows. This hot teen with killer curves turns over and offers up that ass for pillows. The man is stunned at the buoyant, firm, and somehow soft ass before him. He takes some time...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 493

With the folders on the rear seat I made the drive to Washington. Traffic was always heavy and was getting heavier as the date moved closer to Christmas. I guess the word was out to the transit authority who I was or what kind of vehicle I drove, or else someone in the office had flagged my easy pass. Almost every morning and evening one of their officers pulled up beside me, hit the light package then waved or gave me thumbs up and then drove on. I started coffee and then sat at the big...

2 years ago
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Train Of Thought

When it came to my sexual preferences I never considered myself to be anything but straight. Sure, I looked at women, I admired their beauty, studied their hairstyle, clothes, shoes, make-up, but there was never the slightest spark of sexual or romantic interest. In the summer of 2015 something happened with no prior warning or build-up of self-doubt that freaked me out. I was suddenly thrown into a sexual confusion where I felt that I didn’t know myself anymore. Surely these are the type of...


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