Health 101 — Jackoff Practice free porn video

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Health 101 — Jack-off Practice (Chapter 3)

The next class period, and moments before the bell was due to ring I was still unsure about how I was going to proceed. I wanted to proceed by expelling Andy, but if I did that I should really remove one of the girls as well and I really didn’t want to lose any of them. It is possible to continue the class with an odd number of people, but that inevitably results in someone being left out of many of the group exercises, which is bad for morale.

Then there was another creepy phone call from the Dean. Again he was obviously calling only to inquire about Andy. What was going on with that, anyway? No one in the past had ever been interested enough in one of my students to bother calling me. Why now? And that’s exactly what I said to the Dean. He changed the subject and never did answer the question. Very strange… Maybe he was just hoping to remind me that it was about time for his yearly ‘service call.’ The one where he suddenly finds that he is having a problem with getting it up, or getting it off, or whatever, and he consults me in my capacity as Sexual Therapist, and then, as a ‘professional courtesy,’ I don’t bill him. At least I’ve always been able to ‘cure’ him in one session with a thorough fuck. But I guess I shouldn’t complain. That is my area of expertise, and, hey, if he asked one of the law professors to draw a contract for him, they wouldn’t hesitate to do it for free. Of course, I could weasel out of it by telling him, after consultation and a week of research, that what he needs to be cured is some kind of a pill, rather than an extremely acrobatic fuck orchestrated by me. The trouble is, that would be highly unethical. Because he does NOT need a pill. He needs, like nearly everyone does, a little strange pussy once in awhile so he can close his eyes and think about that when he’s trying to get it up for his bitchy old wife. And if the wife got a little strange once in awhile, he might not want to close his eyes. And she might not be so bitchy.

That somehow reminded me of the time a newpaper headline labeled me the ‘Sex Messiah.’ True. I was soooooo proud, although I guess it was supposed to be insulting. It was in a local paper in Alabama and came out just before a conference was to be held in that town. What idiot decided to have a Human Sexuality convention in Tightass Town, Alabama, anyway? Of course, as I should have expected, I was arrested and charged with prostitution right at the airport. Spent 3 days in the county jail. Good old Dean bailed me out. They told me I wasn’t allowed to leave town, so I spent a week in a scuzzy motel that smelled like curry. I hate curry. I started wondering if maybe the jail cell was better — at least it had room service. Then they dropped the charges. Ain’t our justice system wonderful. All it took was a professional explanation as to exactly what a Sex Therapist does, followed by a demonstration, in case the DA didn’t get it. It’s safe to say — he got it. And I did too. On videotape.

My mind wandered so that I scarcely heard the bell, but then here they all were, bright and fresh-faced and desperate for sexual relief. My burden to bear. And I still didn’t know how to proceed with this group.

‘Class,’ I began, ‘one of the important hurdles we have to get over is getting everyone to the point where they are as comfortable in their natural state as they are when fully clothed. Sometimes I just ask everyone to remove their outer clothing first, and we do a few classes in our underwear. Then we move on to having our classes completely in the nude for awhile, and after we all come to a full realization of the utilitarian value of clothing –‘

‘Yeah!’ Michael cheered, pumping his fist in the air. ‘Let’s do it that way!’

Amber was already unbuttoning her blouse.

‘BUT,’ I continued loudly, ‘We are not going to make participation in either full or partial nudity mandatory at this point. This may be even better. You should all strive to be at ease in every situation, when you are talking to a naked person, and you are fully clothed, or vice versa. So those who prefer to remain fully or partially clothed, may, for the present, do as they please. Those who wish to be naked in class are free to do so.’

‘Personally, I prefer to work in some sort of robe or kimono. Some of my clients have found it helpful to them if I wear a lab coat with nothing underneath it. I find this convenient also, and it conveys something of an aura of authority.’

‘It is a little cool in here,’ Amber noted as she examined her pebbly pink nipples. Naturally, Amber had elected nudity.

Several of the boys began pulling their shirts off.

‘Jeeeee-zuss!’ Andy hooted. ‘I’ve seen smaller udders on a herd of Jersey cows!’ He was pointing at Amber. ‘You planning on going into the dairy business, or what!’

Cynthia and Anna were both beginning to remove their tops, but their fingers froze at the outburst.

Fury struck me dumb. But Amber was quicker than me, and probably more effective. She rose from her seat sinuously, and did a marvelous runway-walk across the classroom to where Andy slouched. Tossing back her silky chestnut hair, she cradled her enormous breasts in her hands. ‘Need some titty, Andy?’ She cooed. ‘Mommy has just what you need right here.’ Class titters escalated to guffaws. ‘Maybe Momma took titty away from Baby too soon? And now all Baby can think about is titty?’

Andy was obviously trying for a quick comeback, but all he managed was a feeble ‘Errrrkkk,’ as Amber was doing more than talking. She writhed as she spoke, squeezing and releasing her magnificient mammaries, and swaying her sweet pussy directly beneath Andy’s nose. ‘Baby needs to learn that titty is nice, but pussy is nicer,’ Amber crooned. ‘And if Baby is naughty, he won’t get any of the nice things, will he?’ The boys pounded their fists on their desks, Am -BER, Am-BER, Am-BER!’

I regained my voice control, finally, although a vein throbbed dangerously in my temple. ‘Thank you, Amber. You get bonus points for that.’

I pointed to Andy. ‘YOU – get – up – here.’

He sauntered toward the head of the class, smirking. He’s very lucky that I do not carry a loaded gun.

‘Lose the pants, Andy. Now.’

The attitude instantly disappeared. ‘You said it wasn’t mandatory,’ Andy whined. ‘Why should I have to take my clothes off while everybody else sits around with theirs on?’

‘You shouldn’t, Andy. And you don’t have to do it. Unless you want to stay in this class.’

Andy stripped off his jeans and tossed them on my desk.

‘Good choice,’ I said. ‘Now the shorts. Now how did I know I would see something like this?’ I held up Andy’s underpants. Emblazoned above the fly were the words, ‘Home of the Whopper.’

The boys howled with laughter.

‘This would seem to be an indication that you are quite uninhibited about your own body, Andy,’ I said gravely. ‘And that is good, and natural, and just what we are striving for. So, Class: let us examine Andy’s body. It appears to me,’ I circled around Andy, inspecting his lower body, ‘that we have here a normal adult male of average height and proportionate weight, in good health and hygiene. Would anyone care to comment?’

No one cared to comment. Good. ‘Now what do we find most attractive about this male body?’ I continued.

Amber could resist no longer. ‘I don’t find anything attractive about it,’ she squealed. ‘As long as it’s attached to Andy!’

I stifled a smile. ‘You’ve brought up an excellent point, Amber,’ I told her. ‘Women often find physical beauty only where they find an emotional attraction as well. Let’s see how the boys feel.’

‘What do you find most attractive about Amber, Charles?’ Amber rose from her seat again and twirled, her lovely hair swirling about her.

‘Everything!’ Charles gulped. ‘She’s a knock-out!’

‘But what if she was just a real snotty, stuck-up little witch, Charle

‘I’d try not to notice,’ Charles said earnestly. ‘She could get away with it.’

‘Take notes, girls. Charles, like many men, is primarily stimulated by his visual perceptions. Amber, like many women, may begin to be stimulated by visual perceptions, but this may be interrupted or negated by more complicated factors.’

‘Now Andy’s body,’ I picked up my pointer, ‘has some very attractive qualities.’ I indicated his lean but muscular thighs. ‘I find his legs to be quite, ah, pleasingly formed. Turn, please, Andy. Yes. And his ass is high and tight. Nice. Turn back, please.’

‘Here we see an example of normal male genitalia,’ I lightly touched his limp cock with the tip of the pointer. ‘Andy has not been circumcised. Personally I find this natural state most attractive. I believe that circumcision is nothing more than ritual mutilation, unless it is done for legitimate medical reasons. Notice that I do not remark on the size of Andy’s equipment. That is because I am not particularly interested. I should also make a note regarding my use of the word ‘normal.’ I use it in a strictly medical sense, to mean ‘somewhere near average,’ or ‘within statistical norms.’ I do NOT want to hear anyone use it to indicate the acceptability or repellent quality of any sexual practice or preference. Now what is the normal size for a male penis, Jennifer?’

‘Between four and eight inches when erect,’ Jennifer replied instantly, obviously quoting the book.

‘Experts agree that this is a surprisingly wide range, considering the apparent societal preference for large ones. Is there any advantage to having a rather large one?’ I inquired of the class. Several people shook their heads. ‘You’re right,’ I told them. ‘Size really does NOT count, except for pornographic movie actors and male strippers. When I remember what I most enjoyed about past lovers, or choose future ones, the size of their cocks is not even on my list. What does count is — what, Cynthia?’

‘How long it stays hard,’ Cynthia blurted, muffling giggles with her hand.

‘That would be one factor,’ I agreed. ‘There are many others, and we will go into that later, but in general what counts is simply what he can do with it.’

‘Andy, please show the class how your foreskin works. It would be helpful if you had an erection when you do that.’ I slapped a tube of K-Y into his hand. ‘This may be helpful. Class, oddly enough, many men have never discovered the value of lubrication when masturbating. If you do not usually use a lubricant when you masturbate, I would suggest that you begin using one. You will find it far more enjoyable. And it is surprising how closely a slippery palm can be made to simulate the action of a hot pussy.’

Andy had tossed the tube of K-Y back onto my desk and was slowly stroking his dry cock. So let him get callouses on it, see if I care. It looked like he was going to have to do a lot of yanking to get it up.

When he had achieved something of a half-master, I continued. ‘Now Andy ‘s cock is partially erect. See how much it has grown. Note how the foreskin moves across the head of his cock as he strokes it. I would imagine that this feels quite good to him. Am I correct, Andy?’

Andy shrugged. ‘I guess,’ he said.

‘The foreskin protects and lubricates the cockhead,’ I explained. ‘A circumcised man is not so fortunate. He will almost certainly need a lubricant to obtain the maximum comfortable stimulation. You may stop pulling your prick, Andy, if you want. No, wait here with me for a few minutes. The rest of you will pair off, boy-girl, and go into the cubicles in the adjoining classroom.’ You can believe I had a helluva time getting funding for six cubicles outfitted with comfortable couches. ‘Samantha’s Little Whorehouse,’ the Dean once called it. ‘Amber, you go with Jennifer and her partner. She may need some support.’

‘In the cubicles, you will have a frank discussion with your partner regarding what you find attractive or unattractive about your own body. You will show each other as much as you are comfortable with showing at this time. You will then each describe how you masturbate, HONESTLY stating frequency, duration, and describing sensations. You will engage in masturbation as you describe it. You may do this without removing your clothing, if you prefer. You do not have to achieve orgasm if you do not feel up to it, but it would be helpful if you did. You may touch each other if you both wish to do so, but that is not really necessary at this time. Your homework assignment will be a description and assessment of this exercise. Go now, please. There are lubricants and tissues in the cubicles. Please clean up after yourselves.’

I turned to Andy. ‘I will be your partner for this one, Andy, since I can’t trust you with one of my girls. Let’s go.’ I took his hand and led him to an empty cubicle. ‘I would like you to remove your shirt now.’ As he did that, I shimmied out of my dress. My underwear was something I got at Victoria’s Secret. It did NOT say ‘Home of the Whopper’ anywhere on it. ‘I’ll go first,’ I told him. ‘I like my body a lot, which is good, because it’s the only one I have. I like to look at it in the mirror when I play with myself. I usually make myself come at least once a day, sometimes in the morning before I get dressed, and sometimes in bed at night. If the class is especially stimulating, I often want to come again right afterwards. Sometimes I even get to come during class. As I have already stated, masturbation during my classes is always acceptable, and that includes me. Is there anything you would like to see more of, Andy?’ I turned in front of him, giving him the 360 degree view.

Andy stared. I waited. His cock was still doing its noodle impersonation.

‘Your, uh, breasts,’ he finally whispered. ‘Could I see them bare?’

‘Of course you may, Andy,’ I said sweetly. ‘Could you remove my bra, please? It snaps in the front here. Just unfasten that and push the straps back over my shoulders. Good.’

Andy stepped back and looked at me. ‘How does looking at my breasts make you feel?’ I asked him. ‘Knowing that you are looking at them makes me feel a little tingly,’ I told him. ‘I like that feeling.’

‘Makes me feel like…’ Andy stammered, ‘like, like I want to touch them.’

‘You may touch them gently, Andy,’ I said. ‘Go ahead, examine them carefully.’

Andy cautiously lifted one of my girlishly firm tits. He squeezed it gently, massaged it with the palm of his hand, and stroked the nipple with his thumb. It obligingly began to stiffen. He then did a comparison check with the other one. ‘That feels very nice,’ I told him. ‘Is there anything else you would like to see?’

His eyes dropped immediatedly to my bikini underpants. ‘Please remove my panties, Andy.’ He dropped to his knees, reverently slid my silk panties down over my hips, and I stepped out of them. ‘You can just stay down there,’ I suggested as I sank back onto the couch. ‘I assume that you are interested in my pussy,’ I said. ‘I don’t think that I want you to touch it though. So I will just show it to you.’ I spread my legs wide, parted my pussy lips and gave him a brief guided tour. ‘And when I masturbate, I concentrate mostly on my clit,’ I concluded. ‘Many men think that women masturbate by shoving things into their cunts. I don’t think I have ever met anyone who did it that way. You may have seen pornographic movies that indicate otherwise. They are inaccurate. Watch how it’s really done.’ I placed two fingers of my right hand over my clitty and massaged it with a deft circular motion. ‘I can do this quite unobtrusively inside my panties when I need to. And sometimes I can bring myself off just by crossing my legs and swinging my foot, like this.’ I showed him. ‘Now that you know where my clit is, and how the rest of my pussy is arranged, you can see how this might be stimulating, can’t you? Now you show me some things.’

Andy backed off and sat tentatively on the other end of the couch. ‘Gue
ss you’ve already seen everything,’ he grouched. ‘I don’t see any point…’

‘I want you to show me for your benefit, not mine,’ I told him brusquely. ‘Show me what parts of your body give you pleasure when you touch them.’

Andy immediately grasped his cock. It had apparently liked the pussy examination. ‘What about your nipples,’ I asked. Andy stared at me. I sighed. ‘May I touch them, please?’

He shrugged. ‘I guess.’

I lightly caressed his nipples. He had sparse, silky hair around them. First one popped up saucily, then the other. I then stroked a cool finger down the side of his neck. He jerked as if I had applied an electric shock. ‘And here,’ I murmured. ‘This is a common erogenous zone.’ I traced a line down the middle of his chest, circled his navel, and lightly scratched my fingernails along the tops of his thighs. ‘And here…and several other places, which I want you to identify for yourself,’ I concluded. ‘And what have we here?’ Andy’s cock had surely risen to the occasion. The carmine head had emerged from its cowl and was staring at me. If it hadn’t been attached to Andy, I would have been sorely tempted to kiss it.

‘Would you like to show me how you jerk off?’ I asked him in a business-like tone.

Andy pulled at his meat listlessly. It began to wilt. ‘Tell you what,’ I said, clapping him on the shoulder. ‘I’m going to go check on the rest of the class, and you can stay here and work on your masturbation techniques. Remember: your goal is to give yourself pleasure, but that does not necessarily have to include orgasm. It should, though, when you need the relief, and we will get there later if not sooner. So go with it, and don’t forget to do your report for the next class period.’

I stood and walked deliberately away from him, bending from the waist to retrieve my underwear so that my naked ass was right in front of his face. I casually stroked a finger along my moist slit before I straightened up, giving him a good view of my drooling cunt and my puckered asshole winking above it. I left without stopping to see whether his cock had revived after this display. Sometimes you just KNOW.

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I'm the bad girl who loves the ballers. I love sports, I love hip-hop, and I love the boys that do both. When I got to college last year, the first thing I did was find out how to get student tickets to the football and basketball games. I had to support my team, and if I could meet the boys, even better. Ours is a big school and I never did meet any that first year, but just as final exams were ending, I saw a flyer in the student union that grabbed my attention and didn't let go: the football...

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Art ProjectChapter 3 Practice Practice Practice

The day I was dreading finally came. Professor Leitner called on me in Lib Arts seminar. “Arthur, what are the principles of good communication?” he asked. I panicked. Be clear. Be concise. Leave room to respond. I had them written down somewhere in my sketchbook and if I could find them, I could read them to him, but my heart was beating in my throat. “Professor Leitner, if I may...” Kendra started. She was sitting right beside me. “No, Kendra. I understand your concern, but this one is...

3 years ago
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Whoa Did That Really HappenChapter 5 Whoa Jason Attends Cheerleader Practice

Wednesday afternoon Sharon called. "Jason, would you like to attend one of our cheer practices? The coach said it was okay, I can point out which girls claim to be virgins. You can tell me which girls to bring to your place Friday evening." "That sounds like a lot of fun. I'll be there." An hour later, Jason was sitting in the auditorium near the floor as Coach Russel got ready to put her girls through their routines. Coach Pam Russel was in her late thirties. Though she was nearly...

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"Ooops!" Sandy said as she retreated into the hall, "I thought you were still in bed." Bob was seated at the kitchen table with his back to the hallway door. At the sound of his cousin's voice he turned. "Still in bed," he asked, "At 9:30 ... why would you think that?" Sandy was mostly hidden behind the door frame. "Well uh ... your bedroom door was closed, so I just assumed -" Bob's parents had recently relocated to another city and Bob had moved in with Sandy, (his cousin), and...

1 year ago
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Basketball Practice

Hey my name is Lachy; I am originally from a country town in Australia. My dad got offered a new job in the city so I have just moved. I am 18 and not very tall (bout 5’7). I have brown hair, tanned skin and blue eyes with an average body. I am very insecure. Not emo though just an average 18 year old, that’s been persuaded to exercising more from my friend Josh. Josh is shorter than me and has a little bit more muscle than me too. He is the common sports man, footy in winter and Basket ball in...

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Transgender 101

Transgender 101 ? by: GSElvis Why do I try? Imagine something you love to do, and you try the best that your talents allow. As soon as you are done, though, you see the flaws in what you've created. You realize that there is always someone else who can do what you did, only better. It's tough being mediocre. Take becoming a woman, for example, other guys can change their gender, and turn themselves into a beautiful woman--the kind with big boobs, a great ass and legs, and the...

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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 34 Runins at Practice

The sunny skies and warm air were attracting more and more people to the park as the day wore on. After lunch, Ashley, Lenore and I decided to avoid the growing lines on the slides and spend several hours in the wave pools and on the endless river. We woke Angelique and spent the next three hours splashing each other as we explored the park. We stayed at the park until the setting sun and diminishing light signaled that it was time for the park to close. Morgan gathered everyone up and led...

4 years ago
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Patriot Games v20 Chapter 5 The Key to Success is Practice

A NOTE REGARDING THIS STORY. This is a fictional chronicle of a normal hardworking guy named Jack. The federal government made him an offer he couldn't refuse. All they asked was for Jack to go undercover to help the U.S. Government ensnare a terrorist. Any resemblance of the characters depicted in the story to actual individuals is coincidental. All events are the sole responsibility of the author. None of the scenes in this story depict minors engaged in any sexual...

5 years ago
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Your Wish Come True revised Chapter 19 Practice

Your Wish Come True by Pol Roger Chapter 19 Practice She learns about trust and about power. MANDY gave up on the game she had been playing. None of the games on her phone were all that interesting, anyway. She looked bleakly at the magazines on the side table in the surgery's waiting room. The first time she had visited the gynaecologist's she had been ushered straight in....

4 years ago
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The best way to relax after a hard practice

Introduction: Three volleyball players hit the showers after practice… then Peter walks in Practice was rough today, so most of the girls went home to rest afterwards. Amy, Sara, and I, however, couldnt wait for home for a shower. We were all juniors in high school, and all good friends. The three of us decided to go ahead and take a shower at the gym as Coach finished up some work in her office. We finished helping putting up the volleyballs and net after practice and headed toward the locker...

3 years ago
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Sex Kop 101 P3

The bike cams detached and flew silently around the scene unfolding; 101 was being spit roasted and the man with his cock in 101's mouth had cum too and now 101 choked as she gagged on torrents of thick sperm! Priapism was also a side effect of vein and there was no loss of libido. Consequently, the old man who had just shot his load in 101's cunt, now stabbed at her anus with the tip of his engorged knob. Gripping her hips firmly, he thrust his shaft between her arse cheeks; the zipper which...

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Sucking Brown and Black Cock at Softball Practice

The weather is normally warm and sunny in the Houston area, especially compared to the usually bleak weather in Seattle where I was born and raised. But I decided during high school that I wanted to be a petroleum engineer, and since I wanted to leave Seattle anyway, as I’ll explain shortly, I went to college at Texas A&M.Then got a great job in Houston with a top oil and gas company. I met my wife, Jennifer, at Texas A&M, and we were married right after graduation when we both got jobs in...

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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 18 A Rather Odd Choir Practice

“Well, kids” began Mr Claxton, “that was a spectacular performance this morning. You guys were just awesome. Reverend Marsden was just so proud of us all and has even given permission to increase our allocated budget to help with our chances in the upcoming competitions. Like me, he reckons we stand the best chance ever of coming away with winning trophies in more than just one category. So once again thank you all and especially to you, Jessie and to you Carrie and Troy - you guys were...

2 years ago
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Just for Practice

Abby stared into them, trying not to be obvious about it, but the lips below curved into a sly smile, and she blushed. Those eyes twinkled, showing more than a hint of suppressed deviltry, and one set of lashes slowly lowered as Corina winked at her. It was too much, and Abby closed her eyes, blanking out the cakes and their friends and the world. She needed to collect her wits; how did Corina do it? They were the best of friends, unlikely as it might seem. Had they met later, perhaps...

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More than Just Practice

I had had my fare share of girlfriends and had dated every girl on the varsity Cheer team except her, and I knew she was waaay out of my league. Even though we had been friends since 6th grade six years before. I had flirted with her and she flirted back but we never really got anywhere. She had been the only one there for me when my dad was killed in Iraq in ‘91. Now sitting in that hell of a class room the only thing I would do is sit there and look over her perfect body. Finally the bell...

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Target Practice

Franck lined up his rifle and took aim. His girl had a fat and round ass, he basically couldn’t miss. He let the first bullet fly, which impacted in the girls butthole. He aimed again, this time at the girl’s pussy and fired. The shot missed just by an inch, the bullet going through the wooden paneling and the girl’s chest. Jack obviously had the best shot and fired two quick shots. Both shots hit target, one bullet going in through the girl’s ass, the other entering via her cunt. ...

4 years ago
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The best way to relax after a hard practice

During practice, I couldn’t get my mind off of sex. I became so horny watching the volleyball girls in their tied off shirts and short, tight, black shorts as they lunged back and forth and jumped up and down. I had never thought about being with a girl sexually before, but still, so many hot, toned, sweaty girls around was getting me a little worked up. I knew what I really needed right now was a nice, long shower to clear my head Amy and Sara began to undress as I turned on a few of...

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After cheerleading practice

You come home from cheerleader practice still in your hot little skirt and half top. I smile, greeting my eighteen-year old daughter warmly, holding you close. Your firm young breasts pressed against my chest as I inhale the smell of your soft silken hair. “Hey honey, how was practice?”You smile up at me, returning my embrace. “It was good, daddy. How was work?”“Boring as usual, but I’m better now that you’re home.” Chuckling as I slap your hot little ass playfully. “Let’s get you something to...

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Crisis at IshtarChapter 25 A Chance to Practice

The next morning I woke slowly. Arms were draped over my body, pressing me into the mattress. Raising my head, I found that Kitty was snuggled in tight to my right side while Bethany was on my left side. My motion caused Kitty to shift in her sleep and I was able to crawl out of the intertwined limbs. The door to the bedroom was open and I could hear a baby stirring in our living room. Taking soft steps to avoid waking my family, I eased my way to the door. In the living room, I found all...

1 year ago
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Gala Practice

I had always been a horny child. Ever since my first innocent fumbles I can remember the sensation in my cock when another boy was with me. I would always want to see what they had hidden away in their trousers. This was no truer than when I started at my new school. I had lived in the city for the first 18 years of my life and had always attended the same school and been friends with the same people, and now I was to start at a school in the country with new friends and more importantly…new...

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Feminism 101

Feminism 101 It started when I realized I was one credit short of graduation ..... ****** "I can't believe this!" "What happened, Alan?" my best friend Kate asked. "They're saying I'm missing a credit. I gotta pick up an extra course next term, or I wont graduate!" "That's not going to be easy." "No kidding. I better look and see what classes I could get into. Hey, here's one. Feminism 101. I could get into that one. My mom was a big feminist, I could do okay...

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Healthcare Reform A nurse fantasy

As I drove over to the new healthcare clinic, I was a bit apprehensive. I truly hate going to doctors. I usually only go to a doctor after I've either broken something or I am bleeding so profusely the blood threatens to change the color of my shirt. In fact, I don't even have a regular doctor. When I had to choose a primary care physician for my HMO, I believe I threw a dart at the page and chose the one it landed next to. I didn't realize until much later that he was in a different state. So,...

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E101 Somethings blue

Similarly, Donald knows that Emma likes the anal sex, her longing for plug up in her seems to be a regular thing now.  So like Emma with her strapon for Donald happening every several weeks, more regularly, Emma will enter the bathroom to see the enema bag set out for her.Each times delight runs through her knowing what this is going to lead to.Sometimes Donald will come in to help her.  Then it would be at least three bagfuls filling her abdomen so completely that Emma feels like she will soon...

Love Stories
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Mistis Adventures Part101

Patti and Rick went up the stairs, Patti giggling about something she had failed to share, SO FAR. Rick figured, rightly, that she would tell him sooner or later. The main thing they all shared was that besides all being beautiful girls, they were all chatterboxes. They could hardly go a minute, unless their mouths were otherwise occupied, without saying something. They all, he noticed, loved sharing their most intimate stories of each other, regardless of whether it might be embarrassing to...

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A TRYST with wen2dreamaol michellekelly101

In 2001 or do I was fed-up with not getting any pussy –so I decided to advertise myself for casual Sex on the ol’ “INTERBOT”I posted some good-looking nudes of me with an erection, on Craigslist>Personals>Casual-Sex and didn’t think anything would come of it –but, well,…yeah…I got a bunch of spammers responding, Also a few gay men responding who wanted to “suck my gorgeous cock”.So I was near giving up hope, when I saw one from a woman named Wendy –she said she was up in the 45yr-50yrs...

2 years ago
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Casefile 6101 Synergy vs Sanura

Casefile 6101 October 2058 Case file 6101 "Sanura, would you mind if we went out to dinner? I've heard so much about that new place 'Everybody's place'. They advertise that you can even take children of all ages with you there" Sanura frowned at Amy, "You mean you want to go there with Faline and Blaze? I don't know, should we? You know how Faline gets when she's excited." Faline walked up and commented in her high child's voice, "I promise to be on my best behaviour. My friend...

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Everyone knows that OnlyFans has taken the world by storm. These days, it seems that everyone has an OnlyFans account! Well, except for people with real jobs. Nonetheless, it appears that some of these girls are really having a hard time breaking through the endless onslaught of new OnlyFans accounts. How can chicks manage to stand out in this saturated market? Well, no matter how many girls there are who have an OnlyFans account, there are always dudes who are ready to start paying up to see...

Reddit NSFW List
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Straight Practice

Angie and I had been friends since freshman year at Clinton State when we lived on the same floor of our dorm. I was hanging out reading and listening to music with the door open to the hall, as it usually was. My roommate had gone to class. A couple of girls walked past, looking in at me. I waved, just being friendly. They waved back, and continued down the hall. A minute later, one of them popped her head back in the door. "Hey," she shouted over the stereo. "Hi," I said. "What is this?"...

Straight Sex
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Medical Practice

I was never much of a student, when I finished High School it was a relief to be done with all that study. My friends all went onto University while I went out into the working world. I got a job in a a call centre, I was on the lowest rung on he totem pole, so I worked a lot of nights and weekends. Subsequently I had very little social life (not that I was Mr popularity when I was in High school) but I was earning money and the job was relatively simple. One of my friends from High school,...

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Lavanya Blowjob Practice

Hello, sex story readers. This is the true sex story. As Lavanya changed out of her office clothes, she wondered if she would be able to go through with her plan. Outside her bedroom, in the living room, Ajay waited for her to return. He was as conflicted about what was about to happen as Lavanya. He couldn’t believe that he was here to get a blowjob from his best friend’s wife. He had known that Lavanya’s marriage to his friend wasn’t going well. From the heady days just after the marriage...

5 years ago
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Target Practice

Target Practice. Hitting the Pink.Page 1.        She wasn't a tough broad, not by any stretch of the imagination. She looked strikingly like the young snot on 'Gilmore Girls' and was about the same age at twenty-five. She had a similar  delicate, ethereal girl/woman quality that made her seem vulnerable and she was so much more vulnerable in my twisted hands. I'd snatched her from her garage, early in the morning before it was light, as she headed off to a modeling assignment and she was...

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Private Practice

I met my friend Lesley during the first two weeks of working at Temptations. We were dancing on the same shift and I noticed the first few days I was there that the guys went wild whenever Lesley walked out on stage. She’s a slender, sexy girl with long, dark hair and small, hard nipples that drive the audience crazy. And her eyes…when Lesley stares at me with those beautiful eyes, I can almost feel her tongue burrowing up my pussy…but I’m getting ahead of...

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Amys Junior Year AbroadChapter 8 No One Likes to Practice

It was still early evening when Alexander bundled the girls into a taxi. He sat behind the driver and gave him directions. No one spoke as the cab made its way across Paris to a back street in Montmartre. They stopped in front of a dismal looking strip club. Alexander ushered the girls inside to a seat in a booth toward the back. He told them not to move and left behind a curtain at the opposite side of the club. There was a waist high runway jutting into the center of the room with three...

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The Devils Pact Chapter 15 Practice

by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 Chapter Fifteen: Practice “Theodora…” the ethereal voice whispered. “Awaken…” I realized I was dreaming as the voice blew away the fog of sleep from my mind. In my dream I was with my family, having dinner. Sean, my husband, was sitting opposite me at the dining room table. Between us sat Shannon on my right, or oldest daughter, happily chatting to Mary who sat on my left. And past Mary sat our youngest, little Missy, who was feeding her baby doll...

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