AllisonChapter 19 free porn video

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It was early April and Ali was wondering how to celebrate her upcoming wedding anniversary. She had come to no decision and was just sitting in her office when the phone rang. It was Jennifer. Ali brightened when she heard her voice. She had come to love Jennifer deeply and knew the feeling was reciprocated. "Hi, Mom! How is the world's most beautiful mother today?"

"Honey, I don't have the first clue. I have no idea who she is. But I'm fine. How are you?"

"I'm fine, Mom, but I have a problem. Steve's got a friend in town who needs a date. He tells me he's a really great guy. But the only unattached girl I know is Connie Foster. Do you think she might be interested? Mom, this is another funny one. The guy is thirty years old and is already burning up the track making money. I think he's struggling but just making the bottom of the Forbes list. What do you think?"

"Jen, I think it's super! Honey, it looks like I adopted another daughter. I have really come to love that girl. Did you hear what she did for Joan?"

Ali proceeded to tell how Connie decorated the entire bedroom and cleaned the apartment from top to bottom. "And Jen, it was all a secret. No one knew what she was planning to do. And she has been working as a stripper to make money for school. Does that sound like anyone you know?"

Ali heard the sound of a small sob from the other end of the phone. Jen's voice was cracking as she said, "Mom, with me it was sort of a joke. Deep, deep down I knew Dad would help me if I ever got in a real jam. But Connie has no backup."

Her voice strengthened and she said, "Mom, I have two questions: First, do you think this guy is good enough for her? And you know I'm serious when I ask that. Second, am I right in assuming you're going to do a Jennifer on her? I do so hope you will."

Ali could feel tears glistening in her eyes as she listened to her daughter. "Jen, it's only one date. That's the answer to your first question. The answer to the second is that I love my beautiful daughter very much! Honey, she is really a beautiful girl and I think it would be fun. When's the date?"

"How about tomorrow night? It's a Friday and who knows what might happen. Incidentally, Mom, Steve sends his love. And he means it. He has the excellent judgment to prefer you to me. But since you're taken, he's willing to settle. Mom, I can't be happier than I am now. Now would you mind calling Connie and then letting me know what she says?"

Ali asked Kathy for Connie's number and called the apartment. A sleepy voice answered the phone. "Hi, sleepyhead. It's Ali Clifford and it's almost nine o'clock. Why are you still in bed?"

"Because I only finished work last night. I felt I had to give the club two weeks notice. It was over last night." Then her voice brightened. Clearly, she could wake up quickly. She said, "Hi, Mom. How are you this morning?"

"Madly in love with my silver-haired daughter. Incidentally, wait until you meet your future sister-in-law, Karen Gaudli, Brian's love. Her hair is as lovely as yours ... and that's saying something. The reason for the call, though, is to find out if you have any plans for the next two days."

Ali heard a low chuckle and Connie said, "You just ruined my only plan. I was going to sleep straight through until Monday morning. Since that's shot, what can I do for you?"

"Could you get down here in an hour or so? I want to plot and scheme." Connie said she would come right down and hung up.

Then Ali asked Kathy to get the girls together in the conference room. Walking in, all the girls looked up at her expectantly. Ali stood and looked at them and finally said, "I agree with a comment Connie Foster made: There is real love in this organization. I just wanted you to know that I love you all very much.

"People tease me about being a mother to a group of beautiful girls. I don't know about the mother, but they're sure right about the beautiful. I'm really very proud of you all and what you have achieved in the last few months.

"Now I have a favor to ask. You all heard what Connie did with Joan's apartment. All she said to me was that her sister needed help. Since she had never had a sister before, she felt wonderful to be able to do it. Anyway, I think we can help Connie and should. Does anyone feel like it?"

The reaction from the girls was immediate and wildly enthusiastic. It was obvious that they had quickly come to love the tall green-eyed blonde, too. Ali laid out the plan. She was having a date with the most eligible young man in the country. Ali wanted to be sure she looked the part of the daughter of one of the wealthiest men in the country. While they waited for Connie, Ginger and Sandy discussed outfits and colors. Ali had complete confidence in their judgment. When they went back to their offices, Ali called Henry Hall and made an appointment for later in the day.

A few minutes later there was a knock at the door and Connie came in wearing her skin-tight Levi's and a chambray shirt. When Ali raised an eyebrow Connie said she had been told it was the Firm's official casual uniform. Ali's eyes twinkled at Connie's reply.

Kathy brought in coffee for her and winked. Connie looked her over and said, "Kathy, I don't know. You're starting to show signs of internal wear and tear. Didn't you know that men appreciate women more if the women keep their distance? I understand separate bedrooms are the way to go. Then you may invite your husband to share your bed every six months or so."

Kathy pretended to think about it. Then she said brightly, "I tried that. It wasn't worth a shit! Actually, in this office we now have one shared talent: We can all do a split on the floor and have our legs out flat. That's because the only way we're really comfortable is with our thighs spread as wide apart as they can go to welcome our men inside us." She grinned and added, "But it is an interesting thought." She closed the door behind her as she left.

Connie shook her head and said, "Ali, the funny thing is I know what she said is true. Never in my life have I seen a group of girls who look so fulfilled. They're so damned relaxed! You know, I'm scared about joining now."

Her face had gotten very serious as she continued, "I've been reading files and now I can see why you're so damned effective. It's because the only thing you all need to prove is how much you love your men. I can see you and Sandy and Ginger just being totally honest with clients and as a result, totally convincing. My problem is I've been living like a nun."

Ali explained about the phone call from Jennifer without mentioning the wealth of the young man. "Anyway, do you think you could tear yourself out of bed for a couple of hours?"

She grinned and agreed immediately. Ali called Jennifer and told her, then took Connie back into the conference room. When they entered she told Connie to strip. Connie looked at her strangely, then just shrugged and removed her clothes. Although the girls had watched Connie strip before, it had really been a dance. She had an exquisite body but it was only now, as she stood like a model and they took her measurements, that they realized how exquisite she really was. When they were finished, the girls scattered and Connie put her clothes back on. She was puzzled but still didn't ask any questions.

Ali took her out to lunch and then to Henry's. Again, she was greeted warmly and Henry looked Connie over carefully and then looked at Ali. He said, "Ali, where in the name of God do you find these girls? I think you've cornered the world market on beauty and brains. What's the story this time?"

Ali told him that he had to dye Connie's pubic hair and do a full hair styling. "Henry, Connie is very rich. She's also a lawyer in the finest law firm in town. I want her to look very sexy and very classy. How's that?"

Henry took Connie into a booth and drew the curtains. He looked at her and said, "Young lady, this is a first for me. Would you please undress?"

Connie stripped off her clothes and lay down on a chair that had been extended out to permit her to recline. Henry and Ali studied the girl's hair with a magnifying glass and discussed the likely degree by which her pubic hair would be darker than the hair on her head. He whispered to Ali that Connie's body was essentially perfect. "There's not an apparent ounce of fat on her. Just beautiful skin and finely-toned muscles. This is another real pleasure." He was amused to see Connie fall immediately asleep in the chair and not move at all as he worked on her. Finally, it was finished and he touched her on the shoulder. "What do you think of it?" he asked.

Connie looked down at her loins and saw her pubic hair was now a darker shade of the white-gold of the hair on her head. She looked at Henry and beamed, "It's been a long time, Henry, but I think it's perfect! I can't thank you enough. It's a pretty tacky thing to ask you to do, though. Thank you."

She got dressed and he opened the curtains. Ali wandered around exchanging movie gossip with the other people while he worked on the hair on Connie's head. Finally, he drew back the curtains with a flourish and Ali came back in to look. He raised the back of the chair and turned it around. He had been completing the styling with the chair's back to the mirror to keep Connie from being able to see it until he was finished. Connie's jaw dropped. She was absolutely stunned. Her new hairdo was magnificent. She jumped out of the chair and kissed Henry solidly on the lips.

Henry turned scarlet, then grinned. "May I take that to mean you think the styling is okay?"

"Henry, I'm speechless. I can't possibly look like that! That girl is beautiful."

Henry shook his head and put his hand out to Ali. "I don't know how you do it, but you always bring me girls with the loveliest hair its been my good fortune to see in years. All of your girls' hair is full-bodied and naturally wavy. Incidentally, how is that little girl, Joan, doing? She is a delight."

Ali grinned and said, "She's marrying my son in June. And it's at least partially your fault. She'll be back before the wedding for sure, and undoubtedly before that. I'll tell her you asked." Ali turned to Connie and smiled warmly, "Are you all set?"

Connie just nodded her head and followed Ali back to the car. Ali was amused to see the girl recline her seat in Ali's convertible and go to sleep as she drove back to the office. She thought the girl was really one after her own heart. Ali had previously called Bill and told her what she was planning. He approved wholeheartedly and said he would meet them at the office later in the afternoon.

When they returned to the office they went to the conference room. Connie still had no idea what to expect. What she found was a collection of magnificent outfits which she tried on and modeled. Sandy and Ginger just frowned and shook their heads. Finally Ginger said, "Sandy, it's no use. We'll just have to keep them all."

Sandy looked sad — or tried to. Her eyes were flashing with glee. "I'm afraid you're right, Ginger. One looks about as bad as the next. We'll keep them."

Connie's face fell. "I think they look lovely. Who are all the clothes for, anyway?"

Ali said, "It's part of your wardrobe, silly. You have a date tomorrow and your family wants to be sure you look presentable."

Connie's jaw dropped. "These are for me? But that's insane! I couldn't buy one of those outfits with a year's pay. I thought you were just using me for a model."

"We were," Ali replied. "I think it's only appropriate, after all, that you try on your own clothes. Actually, we did try to hire a model. It turned out there is not a model agency in town with a girl with your measurements. When I gave them yours, they just laughed. They said I didn't want a model, I wanted a slim young Venus. As far as the cost is concerned, you don't have to pay for them. They're paid for."

Ali dropped her joking tone of voice and looked at the girl with her love showing in her eyes. "And Connie, they are yours. They're from people who love you. Please accept them."

Connie's eyes filled. "I don't know what to say. Thank you all. They are the most beautiful things I've ever seen ... anywhere! I've never drooled over anything this nice in the finest fashion magazines." She turned to Ali and held out her arms. Ali embraced the girl and held her tight. She could hear the girl whisper, "Mom, I love you!"

Ali took her arm and led her to her office where Bill Clifford was sitting in a chair waiting for them. He rose as they entered and Ali said, "Connie, I want you to meet your new father, Bill Clifford. He loves you deeply, too, and it's only fair to give him a chance to meet you."

Bill smiled at the girl warmly and extended his hand. Connie ignored the hand and went into his arms. She hugged him tightly and Bill put his arms around her. Ali could hear the sound of crying as the girl just burrowed her face into Bill's shoulder. She could see the girl's shoulders shaking from her weeping.

At that instant her love for Bill Clifford increased again. She could see him whispering endearments into the lonely girl's ear, as he gently stroked her hair. It was exactly what he did with her and Jennifer. Ali knew how much she loved it. Connie was reacting the same way.

Finally, she pushed away looking upset. She reached into a pocket and pulled out a handkerchief that she used to try to dry the tears from Bill's jacket. He stopped her and kissed her lightly on the lips. He said, "You don't know men very well, young lady. Nothing makes a man feel better than to have a beautiful young woman cry on his shoulder. It gives us a chance to get our arms around her and hold her tight. Connie, welcome to the Clifford family. I know your mother has given you some things. Well, I wanted to give you a welcome present, too." With that he reached behind a chair and picked up a large box which he presented to her.

Connie set it on Ali's desk and opened it. She removed the cover and set it aside. Then she folded back some tissue paper revealing the contents. She gasped. Her hands came up to cover her face. "This can't be for me!?"

Bill reached in, took out the mink coat, casually shook it out and then held it for Connie to try on. The girl slipped her arms into the sleeves and Bill pulled it up on her shoulders. He went around in front of her, took the lapels and pulled them together. Then he lifted the collar to frame her face.

Ali gasped, "Bill, it's perfect. Would you look at the way that dark fur sets off her glorious silver-gold hair? Honey, if we took a photograph and let the furrier run it as an ad, we could have the coat for nothing. Connie, you look gorgeous! Take a look."

There was a mirror behind the closet door in Ali's office. She positioned it so the girl could see herself. Connie looked in the mirror and they could see tears start to roll down her cheeks again. Bill took her back into his arms. He whispered, "Connie, it's beautiful. It was made for you. Please accept it as a small token of the love your mother and dad have for you?"

Connie wrapped her arms around his neck tightly, kissed him, and said, "Thank you so much, Dad! It's utterly exquisite."

They agreed that Jen and Steve would bring the young man to Bill and Ali's suite, so Connie dressed in the spare bedroom. A few minutes before the others were due to arrive, she came into the sitting room. Bill jumped to his feet while Ali just sat in her chair. Connie looked stunning and Bill was quick to say so. She looked at them and said, "Mom and Dad, I don't know what to say. I don't recognize the girl I saw in the mirror just now. She is sophisticated ... even beautiful. Thank you so much."

Ali winked at Bill and said to Connie, "Aren't you forgetting something? Where is your jewelry?" She turned to Bill and said, "Bill, would you please speak firmly to your daughter? She just leaves it lying around and it is expensive. It's right there on the sideboard. Why don't you help her put it on?"

Bill winked at Ali and opened a box. He placed a magnificent diamond necklace around the girl's neck and gave her two diamond ear studs. She put them on and turned to face them. Tears were flowing down her cheeks. "Mom, you gave me money to pay off my student loans. But in the last day you and Dad have spent far more than the entire cost of my education on things I can wear! This necklace is priceless! What if something happens to it?"

Ali said, "That's very simple, dear. Your father will probably speak to you very sternly about the need to take better care of your things. He probably won't even replace it for you until Christmas, either." Ali looked at the girl thoughtfully and added, "Maybe that is rather too harsh, though, as I think about it."

Suddenly the tears passed and Connie started to smile her own sunshine smile. Bill just glowed and Ali realized why it was Bill loved to see hers. She lighted up the room. Then she said, "Mom and Dad, I give up. I'll knock him dead!"

Just then the doorbell rang. Bill went to open it and was immediately greeted with a warm kiss from Jennifer. She said, "Hi, Dad."

Bill shook hands warmly with Steve who entered followed by another tall young man. He had the same build as Steve and was also six feet three. Steve said, "Dad — Mr. Clifford — I would like you to meet a good friend of mine, Chip Cartwright. Chip, this is Bill Clifford, my future father-in-law."

Chip was introduced to Ali who rose and said, "Chip, it's my pleasure to introduce you to another daughter, Connie Foster." Connie had been hidden behind Jennifer and now came around with her hand outstretched. Ali's eyes twinkled and she winked at Bill as she saw Chip's jaw drop. He put out his hand and Connie gripped it firmly. She stood and looked at him with her eyes dancing.

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RuneswardChapter 07

Ardt stood to the side of the doorway in a slight cubby formed by the door’s wall and a metal shelf. The shelf was heavy with ore and scrap metal waiting to be melted and used but it wasn’t the contents of the shelves that held Ardt’s eye. He watched in wonder as his young apprentice worked the metal, smoothing it with gloved fingers dripping with a mix of oil and flux. The boy had created the mixture himself, pulping olives to extract their oil and mixing it with finely crushed potash salts,...

2 years ago
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Knock on DoorChapter 5

"Before we count the money, honey," I told Jhoni, "let's clean up here. Then I'll give you a quick tour of the Loft so you know what's what, and we can hang up our clothes." I gestured over toward the dining table and our folded clothes and jackets. "Are you comfortable right now?" I asked her, wondering if I could do anything for her. "I can get you a robe." "The, ahhh, temperature is, you know, is not too cool, and not too warm ... It is, mmm... just right. And, I'm, well ......

1 year ago
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XSFGCChapter 14 Loose Ends

The week following Rogue's kidnapping and Phillip's assault went slowly. Professor Xavier kept the mansion hopping with activity as he tried to track down his missing student. On the fifth day, Wolverine's nose and other extremities had not healed enough to be functional, but that did not stop him from attempting to track down Rogue and Phillip's attackers by their scent. As was expected, he could not track Rogue since she flew away, apparently under the control of Sinister. Phillip's...

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The Trailer Park The Fourth YearChapter 1

"You look beat," Tami said as I skidded to a stop on my bike. "I am. Had a four o'clock game for Babe Ruth on the city field, then a seven o'clock for American Legion on the high school field. Not to mention the four miles on my bike in between." "You know, most kids, only play in one league at a time." "Where's the fun in that?" Tami shook her head as I gingerly eased myself off the bike. I was stiff and sore. Bike ride into town, game, bike ride to school, game, bike ride...

3 years ago
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Subservience of the Mind Body and SoulChapter 6

The altar has been completed and Marshall has worshiped just like the book has instructed. His changes have ceased. Nothing more grows. The last change he experienced was his voice. Just as he no longer looks like a man, he no longer sounds like one. He figures that since he still has a cock, it means it will be used to please his master. All this time, sucking and fucking the Big Black has been a means to degrade him into submission. But to be cut off from it after having a taste of it would...

2 years ago
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Seduction At Its Peaks With Classmate

Hi everyone..This is Rohith.A young fellow of age 22. I am good looking and slim guy who is working for good MNC in chennai. Basically I am from Andhra Pradesh. Coming to Story it was happened few weeks back. She is Reshma. She is having good figure and pretty looks. I don’t know exactly about her measurements but once she told her sizes were 34-26-34. Send me your feedbacks at She was my class mate in my college. I never had any feeling for her since the day which changed total momentum. We...

1 year ago
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Moving Day with Kelly

“OK.” It started. “Here we go again. That was embarrassing.” “Why was that embarrassing? Everyone has stalled a clutch once. It’s no big deal.” I comforted her. “My dad is teaching me to drive on a stick shift and I stalled it quite a few times. Don’t worry about it. “Yeah, I know, but still. Everyone is staring at you and waiting for you. It just sucks. I hate driving a stick. Stick SHIFT Brett. As in a truck with a clutch. Don’t get any ideas.” “Too late. You know me. You know...

1 year ago
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Mere Dost Ki Mom Rohini

Hi dosto mera naam Raj hai aur main Delhi mein rehta hu aur meri age 21 saal hai. Main paas mein hi ek college mein padhta hu. Meri height 5.10 inch hai aur main dikhne mein average hu but kaafi friendly hu. Aur dost jaldi bana leta hu. Toh college mein mera ek friend tha jiska naam Sumit tha. Hum dono ko hi bhabhiya aur aunities bahut pasand thi. Hum dono achhe dost ban chuke the. Ek din humare college mein kuchh event tha aur hum sab apne parents ko leke aaye the. Tabhi maine dekha Sumit ke...

1 year ago
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Coed Conqueror

Its amazing what calling in a few favors and a couple fake credentials can get you. Take my path for example, for years i did whatever it took to rise up in the world. I've lied, cheated, and stole every chance i got to get a little further ahead. Made a lot of enemies but made more powerful friends. After spending years dealing with the some of the worst of the world you learn to pick up on tells and and gather information. Like information to overthrow a powerful mob leader and take his...

2 years ago
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And His Heart Melted

A word of warning before you proceed any further. These pages contain works of fiction, the religious nature of which may be offensive to some readers. Please use this site responsibly. By proceeding further you affirm that you are at least 18 years of age, and that the viewing of such material does not violate the immoral standards of your community. * * * * * And His Heart Melted Part I 1 — The Idea ‘John?’ ‘Yes, Angie?’ ‘You’re a virgin, aren’t you?’ ‘Yes–yes I am.’ They were...

3 years ago
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My First Anal Fuck

I had been living with my boyfriend for about a year our sex life was great we did it whenever we had the chance.I remember one day I had been sunbathing in our garden I was wearing my black bikini and had loads of oil coating my body,I had just remembered I hadnt taking anything out of the freezer for our supper so I jumped up and went into the larder, I was bent right over my peachy bum tight and taught my bikini bottom slightly embedded in my crack then suddenly I felt his hands rubbing my...

4 years ago
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my sexy sister lingery

She was gone for a full monthWe both lives in our father condo he bought as an investment but still made us pay it never occured to me my sister was sexual until i endup looking at her stuff in her roomcurious of what i would find in my older sister drawerand looked throught all of her undie , some where so sexy i coudnt believe it was hersi coudnt resist after the night shower . i was dressing up in her smooth crochless panty and lacy camisole watching porn, feeling good wanking of in my...

1 year ago
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A World of My OwnChapter 8 Programming Emily Part 1

Emily was always a bit late to everything so when eight o’clock came and went I wasn’t surprised. This was one of the things I was going to correct. At twenty after, James called up to announce her arrival and a minute later she was walking through my door and her new life. As usual, she was looking great. Emily is five-foot six, about 120 pounds, and has a perfectly balanced figure. Everything flows just as it should and she was dressed perfectly to show it all off. Her blouse was a...

1 year ago
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Melodic RedemptionChapter 20

Stoney: She loves me. She REALLY loves me. We're married. I killed a guy. I'm supposed to feel remorse. I'm supposed to receive counseling by caring professionals who will help me grieve or some such crap. Therapy? I'll tell you what therapy is. It's having the woman you just protected put her arms around you and tell you that she loves you. And when the thought crossed my mind that this scum wanted to touch my Johanna, I tensed up. "Stoney?" a little voice said. "Yes,...

1 year ago
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ExploitedCollegeGirls Amber Adams 21 Years Old

Choking, cum tasting, face fucking, squirting and toy play. All good stories begin this way and that’s just a few of the things today’s fresh as fuck first timer did for the first time on the ExCoGi bed. Now wait a darn tooting minute Steve. You expect all of us to believe that in addition to this being this girl’s first sex on camera ever, the things you just listed are also things this girl never done before? Yes, and let me explain that unfortunately this gorgeous girl’s always been in what...

3 years ago
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The Caged Experience

My crush finally accepted my love. She is my classmate and luckily my neighbor too. It was those days at high school. It has been weeks since she accepted my proposal but I didn’t get a chance to even kiss her. I was longing for an opportunity and then one day she suggested to sneak in to her house at midnight. I was so scared to even think about that but lust overtook fear. The night came. I cautiously opened my house door at 2am when everyone is sound asleep. It was the month of December and...

4 years ago
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Femme Your Husband FAQ Part 4

Title: Femme Your Hubby - FAQ #4 Author: A. K. Remenko Questions should be e-mailed to [email protected]. Flames and the like will be ignored and cheerfully deleted. Questions will only be accepted if in the form of standard text email. E- mails with attachments will NOT be opened. Questions don't necessarily reach the list predicated on frequency only, those that are especially illuminating or illustrate basic concepts well or are of special academic interest...

3 years ago
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Sallys New and Improved Life

AUTHOR'S NOTE: this story is a work of fiction. It is very sexual - if such things bother you, don't read it! DO NOT hard copy, repost, or retransmit! Violators will be punished. I reserve all rights to this story! This is my first story, so I know it isn't great. I give full credit to Sarah Brandt for the Stepford link - I've loved her stories for years. Thanks for the plot mechanism! Please read Stepford wives first! Any constructive feedback is needed and valued! Leave it as a...

1 year ago
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Third Shift

"I slapped her tits with my cock, rubbed my balls on her nose, and sprayed all over her face." That's the reason no one liked working with Leo. Not that he was a bad guy, he just had no filter when it came to speaking. Lines like that, to Leo, were as normal as "Good morning," or "Extra sugar with my coffee please." The early fall was the busiest time of the year for the factory. They would often run a first and second shift on the production floor and a second and third shift in the warehouse....

Gay Male
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Outside Chance

"I don't want to marry you, stupid boy," she said with a grin. "No?" I was a little confused. "No! You seem to have an issue with understanding. I want someone to take me and give me a proper seeing-to, outside, in the fields. Are you man enough, or should I call for further assistance?" I broke my promise to myself, my vow to her father, and my chance to live a blameless life. When she walked out the front door, I ran after her. I followed her to the edge of the wheat field, and I...

1 year ago
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Junior Peeks Out of My shorts

Junior Peeks Out of My ShortsI love being naked outdoors and i also like shocking people. I live in the country so running around nude is easy. What is really fun is going to town in my very short loose shorts commando style. One day I was in my shorts running errands. I went to the carwash to get my truck cleaned. I was sitting in the waiting area by myself reading the newspaper when a nice looking milf with two older teenage daughters came in and sit down across from me. I pretended not to...

2 years ago
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Couples Play Date

Joanne cleared away the breakfast dishes, poured another coffee and walked to the bedroom. She removed her nightshirt and headed for the shower. As she passed her dressing table, she saw a red envelope with her name printed on the front. She opened the flap and removed the page in Rick's handwriting.“Good morning Love. I thought you might enjoy one of our Play Dates today and I know that I will be aroused all day thinking about you. I want you to take the day to pleasure yourself. When you...

1 year ago
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Fuck Buddies Part 3

This story is true, the names are not, this story may not have happened to me, it may have. Hey again, im Damien, so far ive told you the true story of how I first lost my virginity at my prom after party to my friend Laura and how I finally got to fuck the girl I really wanted to, ashlie the morning after, if you haven’t read Fuck Buddies Parts 1 & 2 then look them up, ive posted them both on this site. When I left the last time I had made ashlie cum so hard on my couch that she had...

3 years ago
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Meagans Journey Into Business She Decides To Take The Job

Meagan rode the elevator down to the lobby but couldn’t get her mind off her last view of the secretaries’ office floor, those two red circles between the desks. She strolled across the floor towards the door and didn’t even hear the man at the reception desk wish her a good day. As she neared the doors to the outside she saw the black town car parked there with the driver standing beside the back door. He opened the door as she came out and slid into the backseat.Meagan sat there as the driver...

1 year ago
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Don’t you cucks wish that you could get your hands on high-quality porn comics without having to keep track of all of the artists and creators individually? It’s a pain in the ass trying to remember all of their sites, and it can get fucking expensive if you’re dishing out dosh every month to a bunch of Patreon pages just to get your hands on this content. Thankfully, you cucks have me to figure out the easy way. I went out and waded through all of the shitty comic sites out there, searching...

Porn Comics Sites
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Baby SittingChapter 5

All four of us are in shock, but Dad is the first to recover, striding over to me and pulling me away from you. He throws me to the floor, but I’m back on my feet the moment you start to cry. You’re sobbing as I pull you from the bed and into my arms. Dad is about to pull you out of my arms, but Mom grips his arm and whispers something in his ear. He looks as though he’s about to explode with rage, but somehow she quietens him down, but only for a moment. ‘What the fuck were you doing to...

4 years ago
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Lavinia by CtrlAltDelete LAV. "O, Tamora, be call'd a gentle queen, And with thine own hands kill me in this place! [...] T' is present death I beg; and one thing more That womanhood denies my tongue to tell: O, Keep me from worse than killing lust, And tumble me into some loathsome pit, Where never man's eye may behold my body! Do this, and be a charitable murderer." from Titus Andronicus by William Shakespeare In Titus Andronicus, one reads...

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A Mothers Treat part 1

It was about 2.30 on that warm Thursday afternoon when I walked into my bedroom after having a shower and, since I was a 72 year old grandmother living quite alone since the death of my husband some 12 years earlier, I didn’t need to be modest when it came to walking around the house naked. Walking passed the dressing table I caught sight of the reflection of my body, in the mirror, and I smiled at what I saw. Okay my breasts were a bit on the saggy side but they had fed a couple of kids when...

1 year ago
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After School Activities pt2

"See you tomorrow, Miss," and, "Have a nice day, Mrs. Thompson," or, "Bye, bye Miss," were just some of the pleasant greetings reverberating around the rapidly-emptying classroom as the more civilised pupils of 2A shuffled out of the door to their next class. These nice, innocent thoughts were quite contrary to the ones running around in my head as I waited for 4B to take their places for the last class of the day.Mine were of an x-rated adult nature and involved Mr. Dean Harrison, the student...

Oral Sex
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How my shy wife became an showoff

A little about us my wife Judy is tall at 5ft 10in 150lbs nice 38d chest she keeps her pussy trimmed me I'm 5ft 8in tall 165lbs nice firm body and a 9 in cock that is bigger around than most and I im more experienced sexually. We have about six other couples that we hang out with. Anyway our washer broke down so we had to wear our last set of clothes it was a Saturday so we decided to go to a laundromat to wash clothes and as we were dressing she said to me we don't have any clean...

3 years ago
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Found My Master On Omegle

I wanted a kink in my life. A kink which will change my life and make me involved in it every time. I use to read and see BDSM porn only. How slave girl is being torture was the fun part for me an orgasm every time. I was regularly looking for a master. Even on a tinder date, I use to look for the master who was able to control me properly and able to satisfy my needs. Every day I use to masturbate while seeing the BDSM porn which use to excite me so much. One day I found the best thing. Omegle...

3 years ago
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General Hospital Gang 1

Carly reluctantly walked over and knelt in front of me. I pulled my pants off and pulled her face to my cock. “Jocelyn , come over here and learn how from your Momma.” She stood nearby and watched with her big eyes as her mom took my cock in her mouth. I reached over and stroked her young ass. It felt so smooth. I reached between her legs and slowly rubbed her labia. She felt warm. Carly was going deeper on my cock with each stroke and gently played with my balls. “See how your momma...

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