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For the three years Aiken Farm operated as a refuge for homeless women, although never holding itself out in that role simply because Ryan Aiken, an attorney, never intended to operate like that.

At its peak in that role during those first two years under Ryan’s ownership, the farm of twelve lowly productive acres was home for Ryan, two young Angus steers, two retired horses, two pigs, a one-eyed dog called Mollie, a hen house of six fowl and a duck that pretended to be a hen, two wild turkey and three homeless women who between them had four children.

Ryan had been raised on the ranch. When his recently widowed mom decided to sell and move west to live nearer her two sisters he decided to rearrange his life, the timing being perfect. He agreed to the divorce his wife Julie who’d been pestering him for two months to end their marriage because she wished to marry her lover whose sudden existence came as a complete shock to easy-going Ryan.

The much admired home Ryan and Julie had designed and had built five years earlier was purchased by the Realtor who commenced private sale negotiations as soon as her salesperson arrived back at the office with the listing.

The divorce settlement left Ryan with more than enough liquidity to buy Ryan Farm from his mom at market price with the undertaking he’d allow the steers, horses, pigs, poultry, duck, doc and turkey live out their lives naturally on the land.

Rather naively Ryan assumed the animals would die off quickly because he knew as much about farming as his mom knew how to cook although she could do eggs. He didn’t know much about cooking either and with his severed wife Julie off fucking legless her boyfriend, the city’s unmarried funeral director, and driving around proudly in her new black Mercedes, Ryan advertised for a housekeeper and stated applications from abandoned mothers would be considered.

Ryan received fifteen applicants and gave the live-in job to an abandoned mother who was in dire straights. It may have been assumed by those close to him and also by the woman that her distressed situation won the day for her. Actually it was because she was good looking and had the most appealing breasts of the applicants. Wisely Ryan did not disclose his selection procedure to anyone, not wishing to be judged a sexist employer. He was aware that without Julie he was becoming very horny,

On Saturday Maggie Lynch arrived with five-month old Judd and after settling in asked Ryan is he would be embarrassed if he saw her breast-feeding Judd whom she said was taking well to solids.

‘Solids what?’

‘Special baby foods.’


Maggie smiled and said, ‘You didn’t answer my question about seeing me with a breast exposed?’

‘Oh that, not a problem. I was married you know. You can go topless for all I care providing you are alone in the house.’

‘Oh thanks. What about nude, say between my bedroom and the bathroom?’

‘No problem.’

‘What about when you are in residence?’

Ryan steadied himself not wishing to say he couldn’t was to get a big eyeful of her upper structure. Something told him to reply aggressively.

‘Are you trying to get me hard?’

Poor Maggie. She didn’t know which way to turn and so she confessed. She said it had been in her mind to work up to that slowly but knew first she had to ascertain his attitude.

‘My attitude toward what?’

Maggie stalled and said she was a little frightened to say, what with Ryan being an attorney and all that.

‘All what?’

Maggie dabbed at her brow. ‘You could use your knowledge of the law to take Judd away from me in having the authorities declare me an unsuitable to raise Judd.’

‘Why would I do that when I know you’re Judd’s caring mother? Look, you walk around me half nude or fully nude if you want to do that and it will be just dandy. I think you have a fine body.’

That encouraging comment sent Maggie’s confidence soaring. ‘You only think I have a fine body? To remove any doubt I’ll strip for you right now.’

‘Maggie don’t act sluttish. Allow it to happen naturally and don’t rush it. Let us both enjoy the expectation that it’s likely to happen.’

‘God Ryan. You are the most exciting man I’ve ever known. No man has ever told me he’s excited about seeing me expose my body.’

Ryan said he doubted if he would be alone with such an expectation but it was kind to hear her being flattering.

Maggie looked startled and said she was unaware that men liked to be flattered.

The 37-year old attorney who specialized in business law sighed and said kindly, ‘Dear Maggie, I do believe I must teach you about the ways of men. Your innocence in allowing John Arnold to sleep with you frequently with the promise he’d divorce his wife and mother of four to marry you if you demonstrated you were great in bed and really loved him is one of the oldest deceptions in the book.’

‘What book is that?’ asked Maggie who’d left school the day she turned eighteen and that was only sixteen months ago.

Ryan was working in his home office that evening when Maggie called that Judd was happily asleep.

‘I’ve decided I can’t wait.’

‘Can’t wait for what?’ Ryan asked, stretching as he turned and rubbing tired eyes. Those eyes popped right open then saw Maggie not wearing a stitch, hands behind her back demurely, head high proudly as if knowing Ryan was seeing the most perfect pair of tits of his life.

‘Christ Maggie, you’re top shelf.’

‘Are you hard?’

‘Getting that way,’ he confessed.

Maggie darted forward, dropped to her knees in the manner that women excel at and unzipped her patron while licking her mouth wet.

Wearing a beautiful smile, Ryan settled back on the swivel chair, hands clasped behind his head. He half-expected to fire as he watched saliva drip from Maggie’s healthy pink tongue as it traveled up the shaft from his hairy balls.

‘I must shave you and do it as regularly as you wish,’ Maggie smiled, pulling a curly hair from between her teeth.

Ryan’s balls rumbled as he watched that erotic action but he manfully averted firing by thinking of a red-hot poker being pushed into his rectum by the insanely jealous John Arnold, father of Judd and proprietor of four of Crest City’s florist stores.

Ten minutes later he wiped Maggie’s mouth and kissed her before sliding his still dripping shaft between her magnificent tits with Maggie gurgling happily she couldn’t wait to get him inside her.

‘Patient Maggie, you’re jumping ahead too fast. Just concentrate on what your guy is doing to you and talk sweetly to him about how well you believe he’s doing and what you are feeling.’

‘What a guy is interested in what a women thinks? You have to be kidding me.’

‘Maggie dear, a guy knows he has only a limited number of shots available to him each sex session and is interested in knowing that his effort to be primed to blast off semen is being encouraged and appreciated. Remember any man determines his vulnerability by the amount and frequency of significant shots he can deposit in his women’s mouth, pussy or butt or anywhere else on her body.

‘Omigod, you said butt. I was hoping you did butt.’

Ryan gently worked a finger into Maggie’s butt to indicate no part of her would be neglected.

‘Oh damn, I better go and attend to dinner as soon as you fire from between my breasts into my mouth.’

Feeling his balls tighten Ryan panted, ‘Fuck going off to cook Maggie. I’ll make us scrambled eggs later.’

Three hours later they staggered off to their respective beds, Ryan having set the rule they were not to have sex in their bedrooms to maintain some sense of proprietary.

‘I don’t wish you to start believing I favor you over any other woman or that we are likely to marry.’

‘Okay I can live with that,’ Maggie sighed. ‘At least I know w
here I stand. Will you help me prepare for marriage? I like to think I can build a family around dear wee Judd.’

‘Sure Maggie and believe me, that will happen.’

Maggie sighed, having already learned from John Arnold just how shallow males were with their assurances.

Sunlight pouring into her bedroom next morning awoke Maggie whose first thought she felt like she’d been totally fucked and then she remembered that was the truth. She smiled and stretched and then froze, horrified. There was no sound from Judd. Even happy gurgling would have been something. She looked at the cot and saw it was empty. Maggie fought a rising panic attack, telling herself to keep calm. She threw on a robe and raced to the kitchen.


Oh god. Judd had never been away from her since his birth. He’d be terrified.

Maggie hurried outside and looking across at the hen house saw the side door was open. She looked left under the maple tree and took in a wondrous sight. Her baby was dressed and held sitting on Ryan’s knees. Ryan was stretched out with his back against the tree trunk and the big and little guy watched the hens and a duck surrounding them pecking away fallen leaves to uncover edible items. Her heart melted.

Maggie returned inside and made coffee while the bath was filling.

A few minutes later Ryan knocked and entered with Judd who to Maggie’s astonishment showed the briefest interest in her and no eagerness to leave the arms of his benefactor.

‘Good morning, I hope you don’t mind me looking at your tits?’

‘No it’s fine, I want you looking at them. Did you change Judd’s diaper?’


‘Have you ever changed a diaper before today?’

‘No but I thought it must be logical and easy otherwise women wouldn’t be able to do it.’


‘Thanks. I find women often benefit from a little wind-up.’

‘I see.’

‘How did you find my dick?’

‘All right.’

‘Maggie please. When a man asks that he waits breathlessly for an ego-massaging reply.’

‘Oh. God Ryan it was so long and fat I almost couldn’t cope with it.’

‘That’s my girl. My mom often said men are not unlike babies. You must remember that.’

‘When can we fuck again?’

‘Oh Maggie. You’re a very quick leaner.’

‘What? I was asking because I want it.’

‘Maggie believe me, I know you have the makings of a perfect bride. Guys really like women who laugh easily, don’t moan, always look good, obviously enjoy preparing and serving food and never appear to get enough sex.’

‘What about intelligent conversation?’

‘That would be a secondary consideration. More important is to let him know you don’t mind him going out with his buddies and if you really want him to focus on you just slowly sweep a hand over a tit when he’s watching and drop that hand lower and pull it across your stomach twice and ever so slowly.’

Eyes practically bulging over that revelation she asked, ‘What does that do?’

‘Programs his mind.’

‘God that is so pathetic.’

Ryan scratched his nuts instead of replying and based on the way Maggie was now looking at him was confident he’d just programmed her.

‘I’ll feed Judd and then put him down.’

Ryan smiled. ‘And then what?’

‘I’ll think of something,’ Maggie said through a rising blush. ‘You must have given Judd something to drink because he’s so passive?’

‘Yeah I didn’t want him squawking and waking you. I thought he mightn’t be up to orange juice yet and cow’s milk might be unsuitable and beer would be a no-no as would be chilled water. I grabbed bottled water from the pantry and partly filled his bottle and thought room temperature would be okay. He drank the lot, staring at me the entire time. His eyes are incredibly blue.’

‘You did extremely well.’

‘Thanks. There’s no need to reward me, he’s a pal.’

‘Oh god,’ Maggie cried and pulled the flannel over her face to hide the seeping tears.

* * *

Three weeks later Maggie was wheeling Judd in his buggy along the riverbank and through trees saw a female around her age with a baby sitting outside a dilapidated cabin that was partly collapsed.

She waved and called, ‘Hi, it’s a lovely day.’

The young woman looked across at Maggie and didn’t reply.

‘Come for a walk with me. How old is your baby?’

The woman said shyly, ‘Four months.’

‘Judd here is five months. I’m an abandoned mother.’

The thin and wan young woman didn’t reply.

‘Come on, come walking. You and your baby need company.’

The woman said nothing but picked up a shawl from the doorway, wrapped her baby and walked over to Maggie.

Looking depressed, the woman said shyly, ‘I’m Kim Lewis and this is Anna.’

Maggie introduced herself and Judd and they began walking. Within ten minutes Kim was talking freely.

That evening Maggie told Ryan about the totally unsuitable conditions Kim and Anna were living in and as soon as they finished eating he said, ‘Come on take me to Kim.’

Half an hour later they arrived back with Kim and Anna.

Within two weeks both mother and daughter were practically blooming. Kim said her parents never wished to see her again and she had no money and offered Ryan sex as a contribution towards food and lodgings but he just smiled and said it was a pleasure to have her on vacation with him and soon she’d meet Mr Right.

‘Oh no that will never happen. I’m doomed to live the life of a unmarried woman living on the breadline.’

‘Be a believer,’ Maggie said. ‘Ryan will tell you things that he says will make men interested in you.’

That night when Kim went to her bedroom with Anna who now had a new cot, Maggie seduced Ryan on one of the sofas, riding him cowgirl.

Looking nervously at the door to the passage, Ryan said, ‘What if Kim comes out for a drink of water?’

‘Still she’ll know about sex. We can ask her to join us.’

Maggie smiled and kissed Ryan when feeling him pulsate into a premature ejaculation.

The next day Ryan initiated support for both women from the Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services. Two days later when the first checks were received he agreed to accept some payment towards household expenses but refused to accept payment for room rent, suggesting the two women use that money towards the upkeep of themselves and their child.

That evening Kim came out into the lounge to discover Ryan with three fingers up Maggie who was bent over the arm of the sofa gurgling happily.

Maggie turned and saw Kim and smiled.

‘Come and join us.’

Kim, poised to take flight, managed to say, ‘Ryan is that okay?’

‘Sure baby. Have you had a threesome before?’

‘No but the thought has always appealed. I like you both so feel I’m really ready for this,’ Kim said, dropping her robe and revealing floppy tits and a jungle entanglement.

‘Sorry about the bush. You guys must understand I haven’t had a guy near me for a year. I’ve only been artificially satisfied.’

‘Good girl and welcome to the team,’ Ryan said, kissing her deeply.

‘God that was a real kiss,’ Kim said breathlessly, wiping her mouth.

‘Wait till you feel his real man-sized dick in you,’ Maggie tittered as Ryan moved over and suggested that Kim sprawl on her back over Maggie to have her butt chewed while Kim gobbled him.

‘Anal sex? I’ve never engaged in that.’

Ryan reassured, ‘It’s not a requirement. Maggie will be able to push through to lick your cunt.’

‘Um I didn’t say I was against anal play. Let’s see how we go, huh?’

‘Yeah we should take it slowly,’ Maggie said, preparing to burrow through hair. ‘When you want a finger up your butt just ask or simply lick my middle finger and push it in.’

‘Oh this is so exciting,’ Kim giggled. ‘I have been using a thick dildo lately Ryan so you should f
ind no problem sliding into me.’

Maggie groaned and came over Ryan’s probing fingers.

Later Maggie held Ryan back from penetrating Kim too deeply after she’d guided the dripping penis into the long-neglected vagina but as Ryan picked up the pace Kim pushed forward and smacked her pussy against his balls and they were away.

When Ryan was attending to Maggie for her second round Kim went off and made scrumptious mushroom and onion omelets. When eating they agreed they had a lovely thing going.

Ryan almost felt he had a family. He’d grown accustomed to the kids crying night and day and their mothers occasionally panicking over prolonged crying bouts or spots or regurgitation of food, having washing about the house drying or airing and Kim and Maggie occasionally bitching but the upsides were huge.

Both kids now had buggies and Ryan bought an aged SUV for the two women to go off window-shopping or to park and walk alongside the river or in parks.

As to be expected, Kim and Maggie became very close. Kim was a fine singer and Ryan bought her a cheap guitar and they would sing as a threesome. Kim only knew songs she learnt from her mother, or at school or off the radio and Ryan and Maggie combined to expand Kim’s ‘songbook’. Ryan contributed some dirty drinking songs remembered from his college and law school days and Maggie contributed a few really filthy songs that they sang, breaking the songs into parts and ending up screaming in laughter and usually moving on to group sex.

Two welfare officers arrived on their first scheduled visit and the senior woman who’d interviewed both women at the time of their applications for financial assistance was amazed at the improvement in their healthiness and personal grooming.

‘Mr Aiken has taken it upon himself to treat us almost as if we were his dependent daughters,’ Kim said.

‘Yes Mrs Childs,’ Maggie said earnestly. ‘He likes us, adores our children and spends rather heavily on us to ensure we eat healthily and refuses to accept rent for our rooms and says we are to spend that money on our babies and to keep ourselves healthy and looking good because he hopes we might eventually attract suitors.’

Mrs Childs said carefully, ‘So neither of you is planning to move on any time soon?’

‘No simply because this is a haven for us and as you can see Judd and Anna are blooming in this environment.’

‘Yes Maggie I can see that. May I ask what kind of relationship do you have with Mr Aiken? There is no requirement to answer.’

‘Oh excellent,’ Kim smiled. ‘He is so kind.’

‘She means do we have sex with him,’ Maggie murmured.

The other women looked at the now red-faced Kim who looked straight at Mrs Childs and said, ‘Yes twice when Maggie had taken the children to the park.’

‘Did you know about that Maggie?’

‘Yes Mrs Childs. Ryan and I have a bit of a thing going but I suggested to Kim she ought to have a crack at him because we all know young women need sex occasionally. Kim told me she’d scored on those occasions and if you must know Ryan also told me.’

‘Well I can scarcely disapprove of such behavior. I daresay that’s partly why you both a looking so much improved. But you don’t have three-way sex?’

‘Oh no Mrs Childs,’ Maggie lied. ‘That would be so dirty to us wouldn’t it Kim?’

‘Oh yes, absolutely repugnant,’ Kim said, managing to not look guilty.

‘Hmmm,’ Mrs Childs said. ‘Look I was pleased to learn that Mr Aiken expects you two to attract suitors and neither of you objected when Maggie mentioned that aspiration. As you are aware our support programs have a philosophy of rehabilitation. So I will be recommending you both receive a clothing allowance on top of your current payments. Mae and I are very pleased to find you both looking so happy and so well adjusted. Thanks to the generosity of Mr Aiken you two appear in the top echelon of our success stories.’

As they waved off the visitors Kim said, ‘I almost died when you forced me to admit Ryan had been having sex with me.’

‘That woman is very experienced and probably knows Ryan. She would have had her suspicions and so I decided we ought not lie and admit some fucking was going on.’

‘Then who not admit we have three-way sex most nights instead of denying it totally?’

‘Because people in that department would be either disgusted or jealous or both and I had the thought that Mrs Childs believed we were probably having group sex.’

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Sister finds my toys Pt2

Comment welcomed and appreciated… I awoke early next morning. Sometime during the night Chris had gone off to her own room. I was glad because it was easier to prepare to see her again after our wild night of electronics and rubber dolls. As I got out of bed I stumbled and bumped against my closet door. Chris must have heard me because she called out from the kitchen. “Hey hot-stuff! You up yet?” “Yeah,” I said. “I’ll be right there” As always, Chris had breakfast ready with plenty of...

3 years ago
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Intimacy With Friends Ch 06

Week after week of the summer was going by. Clara gave Eric her work schedule so he would know which days she was not working. He would mow her yard and visit her during the day for sex. John would be at work while Clara and Eric could enjoy leisurely sex in private. Joan was still working five days each week. Eric was seeing her most every evening except Friday evenings when she was visited by her older man friend. Sometimes Eric stayed overnight with her. Eric always went over to Clara and...

2 years ago
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Taboo Orgy

Well here we are again. Me and my wife, Ann in the car and on a two hour drive home from her sisters house after another argument with my brother inlaw.Every time we plan to stay the night Rick starts talking like he knows it all better than anyone and with a few too many under his belt he starts to get loud.When he told me that I knew nothing about politics I told him to go fuck himself, said good night to Anns sister Jenny and then left totaly pissed off.Ann tried to calm me down by telling...

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Wife unknowingly creampied by a stranger

This is a true story. Short but true. My wife loves cum especially inside her an she really likes being fucked when she has cum in her pussy she said she loves the idea of being full of sperm as much as the slippery lubed feeling. We normally only get to fuck on the weekends do to are work schedules so she tells me y don't you start cuming in a condom when you jack off during the week an keep the condom in the refrigerator an we. An use it on the weekends as lube so I did just that she would...

3 years ago
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A Long Day1

~~~~~~ "Raymond Couch, you have been found Guilty by a jury of your peers for the charge of murder in the first degree..." As a defense attorney those are the last words that you want to hear during a case. Especially when you had promised the family that you could get someone clear of the charges. That one sentence had been on my mind for the last four hours. As a woman in a mostly male profession it is hard enough to get the respect of other lawyers in town, and get business....

1 year ago
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My summer job

This happened to me last year, the summer after my junior year in high school. Sometime around November of the previous year, I realized I still liked girls, alot, but also had an attraction to men. I had turned 17 about 3 months before school ended, so I was old enough to work cutting grass for my uncle's landscaping business. I had been working for about a month, doing a house a day, 5 houses a week, and repeating every week. About a week before this, one of my customers moved and no longer...

3 years ago
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Foursomes and MoresomesChapter 7

Very quickly, I retreated from the bed. I pulled on a t-shirt and a pair of pajama shorts, then covered myself in a terrycloth robe. When I got upstairs, Gabi had settled down. She had a life-sized Elmo doll clutched in her little arms. Gwen was in the next bed over, snoring softly. As silently as I could, I stroked Gabi's hair, wishing I could will away the bad dreams that still haunted her. After a few moments, I went back downstairs, all libidinous thoughts pushed aside. Stopping in the...

2 years ago
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The Great Shift Genesis

Some of you may have noticed that I have a tendancy to do a lot of body switching stories. I tend to enjoy the idea, as well as messing with families a lot, due to the multiple relationships suddenly changed. Because of my fondness for body swapping stories, I decided to create the ultimate body swapping situation. And as a result, I came up with a story challange/open universe. This is one that I'm calling the Great Shift. The premise is that somewhere in New Mexico,...

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The ReturnChapter 2 The recce

Marjorie and Carol both thought that I was reading something into these disappearances that wasn't there. So at dinner that night I again brought up the subject. "I think there is a further three sites where the time warp is showing, I've looked at all these times and they coincide with the 92-day cycle." "Charlie, you are wasting your time, the police have thoroughly investigated all the facts." Marjorie said almost with a laugh. "Carol will you come with me, I want to go and...

1 year ago
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Enjoying Mom in front of dad

My mom Deborah is not like most moms. She's 54 years old but she has a body like a 24-year-old. Big tits, slim waist, and no cellulite anywhere. At her age, most of her friends start cutting their hair short and start to focus on gardening. Not my mom. She's got really pretty, long sandy blonde hair, and if you see her from behind, you'd be forgiven if you thought she looked like a young twenty-something girl. I know it's weird to think of your mom in a sexual way but it's hard not to with my...

2 years ago
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Houston II Ch 0910

John & Argie – Different Partners Chapters 9 & 10 After a time, the two women began alternating in sucking his member. First, Norma took a deep suck, and then Felicia would deep-throat him, pulling off as slowly as possible. The feel of two different mouths taking turns descending upon him struck John as magnificent, and he laughed as they paused between exchanges, and kissed one another hungrily. After the kiss, Felicia licked the side of Norma’s face, and then returned to him, devouring...

1 year ago
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Sucking Cock in Saudi

I am a petroleum engineer working for a major oil company headquartered in the Houston area, and at the time of this story I was 40 years old and preparing for a one year consulting assignment at one of our affiliates near Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. My wife Joan and our two children weren’t happy that I would be away from home for that long, but they also understood that this was a great opportunity for me to enhance my work credentials, and the salary premium was very substantial for this...

4 years ago
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The PiperChapter 12

Deb was ready with a warm washcloth, cleaning my cock then sucking me until, I was hard again. Ronnie was lying beside me, her right hand resting on my chest as she nibbled at my lips. “Ronnie, I need my new girl to sit on my cock and fuck me like her sister just did. As soon as Connie pointed you out to me - playing third base - I wanted your sexy ass. Now, you’ve helped us fuck your sister and it’s your turn to get some cock for your first time.” “I am so ready for you, Lucien. This has...

1 year ago
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MoneyChapter 42

We didn’t run into a bunch of traffic at JFK and only had to follow the pattern and get in line at twenty miles out. Lisa smoothly put the aircraft on the runway and taxied to an Agency hangar. John Scott, Sam Nightfox, and Tom Crowfoot were all waiting for us. Tom was restricted only to Marshal activities because of his value to the Service now. John and Sam both warmly greeted us. John said that I need to visit him on Key West so that he could show his home off. He said that CJ can’t visit...

3 years ago
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The Family Reunion

 I have been married 2 1/2 years, and believed my wife to be conservative. She comes from a big family with 8 aunts & uncles and lots of cousins. There is this one cousin named Shannon, she is a year older than my wife and I. My wife and Shannon are best friends they are constantly talking on the phone, texting, emailing, and doing the facebook thing. Shannon lives 2 hours away from us and about every 6 weeks or so my wife will go visit her for the weekend. I don't go with her because I can't...

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Power Overwhelming

Your name is John. For the past few years you have been a graduate student at your university in the field of bio-mechanics. You have slaved day in and day out on one project, only known to you as Project Zeta. Every day you head in and work tirelessly to meet the requirements of the project. You are on the lowest rung despite being brilliant. Each day you are ridiculed by your colleagues and your Professor. One morning you head into the lab and sit down at your terminal. You don't know why...

Mind Control
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Kaise Main Pati Ke Samne Chudi

Hello all, I am Nita Virsingh and thank you all for your feedback on my first story kaise maine pati k dost se chudwaya. Itne sare reply maine expect nahi kiye the bahot logo ne apne photos bhi mail kiye hai, kafi interesting poses haha. ek ladke ne apne khade lund pe mera naam likhkar photo khincha hai aur muze mail kiya, to ek ne kisi aurat ke boobs pe nita ke tarbuj jikh kar bheja hai aur kaha hai ki ye uske behan ke boobs hai pata nahi kya hai, delhi ke ek ladke ne photos send ki hai aur...

3 years ago
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Elegance Ch 3 The Second Hour

Sara lifted her head, leaned back slightly and looked over at Dewayne. She shook her head no. At the same time she felt a gentle tap on her bottom and sheepishly realized she was totally covering CJ’s face with her ass, smothering him. Still holding on to his cum covered cock, she lifted off him and rested her backside on the sheets next to his head. He looked up at her and took a deep breath. Dewayne walked further into the room. Sara wasn’t sure when he had entered but she knew he'd seen CJ...

1 year ago
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Captivated In The Caribbean

The cool evening breeze brought welcome relief to the hot, muggy October evening on Barbados’ south coast. I’d arrived at the restaurant early to ensure I wasn’t a sweaty mess when my date arrived and to secure a prime beachfront table.Sipping my rum punch I stared nervously at the menu, not concerned about the wonderful list of tapas in my hand but that I’d end up eating alone. The minutes ticked down, I sipped my drink, probably slightly too fast, but I had nerves to kill. With every second I...

4 years ago
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A Weekend in the Mountains Day 3

Nathan's Story After we had all agreed to swap partners for our last day on the mountain, I couldn't help but steal another look at my wife. Though it was only going to be for 24 hours, it felt as if we were going to be parting for much longer. I couldn't help but steal one final glance at her firm sexy body, and we quickly exchanged winks. Suddenly I was brought back to the real world by a sharp slap on my naked ass. Leslie said "Remember me? I thought we had a date." Then she turned her back,...

Wife Lovers
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The Ring AOChapter 69 Xrays

The next few days just seem to disappear. On Wednesday morning, Lisa asked Helena if she would like to attend Tim’s retirement, Helena declined saying it was for his workers but if you or any of our staff want to attend she has no problem. Fred came into the unit advising “I have been trying to find out some information about the cargo from Vanuatu but their web site tell you nothing. How about we see Tim and the Customs/Border force people to find out the best was to process. Tim did...

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my fantasy26

i am sitting alone on a park benchin a very secluded area of a parkjust relaxing & soaking up sum sunwearing running shorts & a t-shirt...suddenly i sense that sumone is behind me& i feel your hands slide on2 my shouldersthen down 2 caress & tease my nipplesthen further & further down my body2 squeeze my suddenly hardening cock...i reach back & squeeze your armsas i whisper" what took u so long ?? "i stand up & take a step 4wardas u step over the bench & stand...

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Adventures With Jasmin The Masochist Part 2

My First Session with Jasmin the Masochist By the time I met her when she was twenty-three, Jasmin was pretty experienced with S&M. She had had multiple lovers. Many of the guys she met in her civilian life, including boyfriends, were too tame for her. They were not prepared to treat her like dirt, slap her around, choke her, beat her all over with paddles and whips. She was really a wild girl, into drugs (mostly hash and coke), sex parties, and kink.Despite the vast differences in our lives...

4 years ago
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BenjamandaChapter 20

Mandy’s turn: Okay, it’s been nine days since the last boat trip. Let’s just call it like it is – a family bundle. Yes, Bink and I avow that we’re effectively married to Ben. And always will be. And Aunt Barb is legally married to Sara. Two women can do that now and few people give it a second thought. It’s not like one of ‘em wears a buzz cut and overalls with a dip can in the back pocket. I’ve seen a few of THOSE kind of lesbians. Just like I’ve seen a few flaming homosexual guys....

3 years ago
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Little Isy ruined me

Isabel. Was sitting next to me on the couch. She was used to my presence now. Since I started to date her mom. She gets up and comes back. And ask if she can sit on my lap. Sure if you want. So she sat on my lap. All 40 pounds of her 6 year old frame. Right on me. I have been eyeing her a bit ever since I met her. She is just a cuter smaller version of her mom. She has light blond hair with a bit of a wave, blue eyes. She sits right on my cock. But didn’t seem to notice or...

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gangbang sissy

Back in the eighties I used to frequent an Adult Theater in DC. This was one of the places I frequented where I could dress openly as the woman I had always known I was as far back as I can remember but ever so tried to live in my pretend world as a man. They had a huge theater with a runway down the center for the many drag performers as well as the guy strippers. The movies were always decent and the performances awesome. So over the years I had enjoyed both the movies as well as the many...

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The Pet Connection

“I’m so glad humans don’t greet each other like our pets,” Tasha remarked.Tasha was an accidental meet-up at my local Starbucks. I was going out an entry door, as she was going in and I held the door open for her. Tasha was being lead by an oversized gigantic poodle. It wasn’t really the huge poodle that caught my eye, in as much as it was Tasha, who sported a nice black sundress and a had the cutest angelic-like face I had ever seen. Her Asian cheeks belied her oval eyes, that seemed to...

Love Stories
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Mind the TimeChapter 48

Like I said, it all started on Labor Day. Midnight 0:00.01, September 7th, 2210. That's the Day the world stopped. A planet is a planet unless there's intelligence living on it. With intelligence it's a world. By the time the eighth of September started the world was a planet. Not one single living thing survived. Nothing that flew, walked, crawled, swam ... if it used oxygen ... it was gone. The stench was unimaginable. The only reasonable thing that could be said about it? Nobody was...

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Coffee and Cream

She walked into the corporate clean Starbuck’s, the chairs all neatly swept of crumbs, the faux mahogany inlay tables sparkling, as if they had never had a cup of coffee rested upon them. The store was crowded, relentlessly polite baristas working furiously to satisfy the needs of caffeine-deprived customers, and she fell into queue behind the last of these customers. She was dressed for work, although unlike most, her work uniform consisted of scrubs and white clogs, not suits and heels. Her...

Oral Sex
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Take my picture

"Jake, your two thirty is here," Kiki informed her boss, photographer, Jake Klein. Without looking up from the proofs he was reviewing, he replied, "Set her up in studio three, and get the lighting set up!" "Sure thing, boss," Kiki replied, "you're gonna enjoy this one, she's a stunner!" Hearing that, he put down his viewer and said, "Well in that case, get the video camera started, after all, she said she wants to be in pictures, so let's not disappoint her!!!" Ten minutes later Jake breezed...

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I Shouldnt Have But I Did

It had been months since my divorce, and though I had recently started dating again, I was more than just a bit gun-shy about some of the men my best friend and sister had been trying to hook me up with. Only one of which I had actually had sex with, primarily because he had been good looking ... and I had been horny. But that too had been a mistake. He was lousy in bed, looking out only for himself. Like I had been doing, I then swore another oath of chastity on myself (at least through a...

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my first back seat fuck

so there i was all alone one night hitch hikeing home one drunkn night,,i had got into a fight with my girl friend in which it ended up that i left her place since she picked me up at the bar,,,iwas flirting with danger with her best friend and her other friend,, there names were Candy and Sheri, and my god was she ever so sweet, her friend Sheri was alright as well, so like i said she picked me up cause like a dumbass i need her ass,,,but she had caught me flirting with her two friends,, i had...

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Without You I Have Nothing Ch 11

‘Hey Boss!’ Turning the buffing machine off, Joe pulled at Peter’s arm. ‘There’s an angry customer in the office.’ His grin broadened into a laugh as Peter stared at the lipstick on his cheek. After washing his hands free of grime and grease so that Ted would have nothing to complain about, Peter slowly made his way to the office. Angry customers meant bookwork. ‘Jennifer!’ Racing around the counter, Jennifer hurled herself into Peter’s arms and kissed him. Surprised by her actions, Peter...

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Unexpected Visitor

Daddy's working away again, I really miss him when he's gone. I miss his snuggly cuddles, I miss his deep sexy voice, his gruff, grizzly beard. I miss the way he can make my panties soaking wet just by looking at me... I just miss him!I have my stuffies to keep me company and all of the wonderful, naughty toys that daddy and I play with but none of them do it quite like him. I lie awake most nights trying to play with myself and make my clit feel like it does when he caresses it or trying to...

2 years ago
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Classroom Dare

Denise pulled into her assigned spot in the faculty parking lot of the high school. She put the car into Park and turned it off. She opened the car door and turned her body to get out of the seat. As her legs split she felt the cold chill of the wind all the way to her bare pussy. It served as a reminder of what she had planned for today. She’s been so horny lately and her online friend had taken full advantage of the situation. ‘Wear a short skirt to school today and do not wear panties,’ he...

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