A Reluctant GunfighterChapter 10
- 4 years ago
- 28
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I hardly recognized Bambi and I had to remember to call her Mrs. Hutchins, but seeing her dressed like a teacher made it easier. I didn't know she wore glasses, but she did, and the round, black frames made her look smart. Kind of geeky almost, but that could have been because she had her hair pinned up and wore a long, dark dress that hid her sexy body a lot better than I would have believed possible. She didn't even wear high heels.
Lisa had dressed nicely as well and she looked older than thirteen, which was weird. Her mom must have helped with her makeup and she had a new haircut, or maybe she'd just gotten it styled or whatever. Anyway, with her lipstick and eye shadow, with real earrings and a real dress, sort of a dark blue one with white polka dots, Lisa looked my age. Seriously. If I'd just met her, I'd have guessed she went to high school.
"Well," Mom smiled at her, "it's nice to meet you, Lisa."
"It's nice to meet you, Mrs. Patterson," she replied with a demure smile. "You have a beautiful home."
I just blinked at her, because that didn't even sound like the Lisa I knew! My girlfriend was usually kind of bubbly, sorta giggly mostly, and liked to stick out her tongue when she smiled. This girl stood straight and still, keeping her teeth together when she smiled, except she still got those cute dimples.
"Thank you for inviting us over," Bambi said. "I've been looking for forward to meeting you and seeing your husband again, socially for a change."
They both laughed at that, since my dad was her dentist. Lisa's, too.
"Dave's out in the backyard," Mom explained. "He's grilling steaks. It's too bad Mr. Hutchins couldn't join us."
"Oh, he wanted to," Bambi sighed. "But after Robert had that awful stroke, it's been difficult for all of us."
"I'm so sorry, uh ... Would you like to sit down?" Mom gestured towards the living room. "Trent, why don't you bring us some iced tea?"
"Sure Mom," I agreed.
Mom had told me to be on my best behavior, but mostly out of habit, and in any case, I knew I had to at least pretend like I wanted to impress Lisa's mother so mine wouldn't get suspicious. Plus, I still wanted to fuck Bambi, more than anything, especially now that she looked so ... normal! She'd turned me down two days before, though, which only made me want her more.
"Go with him, Lisa," Bambi suggested, and then turned to my mom. "It's been especially hard on our daughter, the poor girl. That's why it pleases me so much to see her happy again."
"You mean, now that she has a boyfriend," Mom said, nodding as Lisa and I left the room.
I really hoped Bambi didn't lay it on too thick, my Mom wasn't even close to being stupid. She was a loan officer and people tried to bullshit her every single day. I had to admit though, after my initial panic when I'd heard Lisa and her mom were coming over on Sunday afternoon, things were looking pretty good. I'd had visions of Bambi showing up in some outrageous outfit, but of course, she had a whole entirely normal life outside orchestrating teenage orgies in the privacy of her home. Thank goodness, right?
"Hey!" Lisa whispered when we were alone in the kitchen "Look."
"What?" I turned around as she pulled up the front of her ankle-length dress. "Where's your underwear?"
"I didn't wear any!" She giggled and twisted her hips, showing off her hairless pussy. "Mom's not wearing any either."
"Shhh..." I frowned at her. "You guys are crazy!"
"You're going to be my real boyfriend now," she said, letting her dress go as I opened the refrigerator. "I didn't get my period yet either."
"Good thing," I told her, grinning as she stuck her tongue out at me. "That would be a mess with no panties on."
Obviously, the real message had been lost on me for a second there, but my brain caught up.
"Wait." I blinked at her. "You mean you're really pregnant?"
"Probably," Lisa agreed. "I didn't want to be, I mean before, but now I do. You still love me, right?"
"Yeah." I nodded, and I wanted to kiss her, but we both knew better than that. She must have spent an hour getting her makeup just perfect.
"Good, cause you're going to be a daddy," she said, and then she laughed at the look on my face.
"Oh." I hadn't really thought about that. I mean, I had, kinda, but not like someone would actually call me "Daddy" or whatever. That seemed really weird.
"Mom said I had to wait a week before I could check with one of those home pregnancy things," Lisa said, talking happily away. "I want you to be there, okay? Like when I find out for sure? That would be so cool."
"Sure. Yeah, um..." I shrugged. "Okay."
"And I'm gonna be your real girlfriend," she said. "I know you still like Julie and everything, but we have to be kind of serious now."
"What do you mean, serious?"
"Your mom's gonna let me be your girlfriend," she told me. "Not Julie. So it would be kind of weird if you were still seeing her."
"But, um..." I licked my lips. "She's pregnant, too."
"So?" Lisa shrugged. "Lots of girls get pregnant without a boyfriend."
"She's your best friend though."
"Not when it comes to you," she replied. "Not anymore, Trent. If I can dump her, so can you."
"That sounds kind of mean," I thought aloud, remembering I was supposed to be getting tea. I found a tray and some glasses while Lisa stared at me.
"Are you gonna be my boyfriend or Julie's?" she finally demanded, and I remembered Bambi's warning about making a choice, but I really didn't know what to do. Friday night, less than 48 hours ago, it hadn't been a problem
We'd been sitting in the living room, eating pizza, drinking soda, and acting like typical teenagers. Even Bambi, or especially her, maybe. She didn't seem like anybody's mother I'd ever met. She didn't even seem like an adult, really. Being at her house was like joining a secret club and she was the leader.
The only thing that made it really weird was her husband, sitting in his wheelchair with his lopsided face. Bambi and Lisa made sure to include him in everything we did, too. I mean, they constantly talked to him, fussed over him, and gave him their boundless attention. Obviously they loved him a lot, but they also teased him mercilessly as well.
The poor guy couldn't even raise a finger, but Bambi walked around in her thin, pink panties and open housecoat, while Lisa wore a silver thong and a ragged t-shirt that she'd cut almost too short. The baby blue cotton barely covered her budding breasts. Even Julie, who I always figured to be totally innocent, at least until I'd popped her cherry, was hanging out in teal camisole thing that she'd borrowed from Bambi. It looked sorta like a silk t-shirt, but it had lace and spaghetti straps, and she wasn't wearing anything at all beneath it.
I knew because all three of the girls had been dancing around the living room to Black Eyed Peas songs for the last hour or so. They'd dance with each other, like dirty dancing, or just dance by themselves. Sometimes they'd dance for me, with one of them getting on the coffee table and doing a bump and grind thing. Jules liked to wiggle her narrow hips and pull her camisole upward, giving me sexy peeks at her pussy and butt. Bambi danced behind her for awhile, holding Julie's tits, really squeezing those small mounds and pinching her nipples while the girl rode her thigh.
Lisa gave her dad a lap dance, with her mom's encouragement and Julie's playful teasing. She bent over in front of his wheelchair and planted her nearly naked butt right on his blanket covered crotch. She had her hands on her knees while she moved her ass around in circles, grinding her pussy around his unseen dick, which may or may not have been hard. I knew mine was. Lisa kept smiling at him over shoulders, turning her head back and forth to toss her auburn hair like a sexy little gypsy or something.
I was pretty shocked, as you can imagine. I grew up in a very normal house, you know? Nobody walked around naked or especially in sexy underwear, which would probably be worse in my parents' opinion. Mom never gave my dad a lap dance, at least not in front of me. Lesbians, so far as my family was concerned, were people on television. I had to wonder about all three of these girls, because Bambi wasn't the only one grabbing tits. Lisa and Julie didn't mind copping a feel of each other and if they caught me watching, they'd do a lot more than that. The first time I saw Lisa giving Julie some tongue, I must have looked pretty funny. They were making out!
"I kissed a girl and I liked it!" Lisa sang, and then Jules and Bambi joined in, even though Fergie was singing about her humps.
My family didn't watch home sex movies, either. Nobody had bothered to change the channel and I wondered if Lisa's parents had made a video every time they had sex, because it never stopped. They must have been crazy in love for a long time before the man had his stroke. Once in awhile Bambi would stop everything so we could watch a particularly good scene, like Robert blowing a load all over her smiling face. Lisa didn't seem shocked at all and Julie only giggled, but they'd been best friends for ten years or something, too. She'd probably seen the movies before.
I finally figured out that Jules felt quite at home with Lisa's family and I wondered how she'd kept it a secret from her uptight PTA mom. How had any of them kept it a secret? Except ... What was it they were keeping secret, exactly? I didn't even know, that's how screwed up it was. I mean, Bambi could probably be in trouble for having sex with me, since I was only fifteen, and maybe for letting a couple thirteen year old girls watch home porn videos. That might be kind of bad in some states. But, I dunno, maybe it just seemed really bizarre because my house seemed like a museum compared to this one.
"Come on, Trent!" Julie took me by the hand. "Dance with us!"
"Yeah!" Lisa giggled, grabbing my other arm and the two girls pulled me off the sofa.
I'd tried to keep my bathrobe closed as much as I could, because my cock seriously ached. I didn't think I'd ever felt this horny before in my life, not even when I'd been grounded. My girlfriends must have been feeling it, too. The air was ripe with the musk of female sweat and arousal, that tart, oily perfume rising from between their legs. Bambi was definitely wet. Her panties clung to her vulva as if someone had thrown a cup of water on her. I mean, they were soaked, and her thighs would glisten as the moisture caught the light.
The same was true of Lisa as her thong rode tightly between her plump pussy lips. She didn't seem self-conscious about it at all and I think she'd pulled it tight on purpose. The nylon crotch seemed just as thin as the strip of stretchy material that barely covered her asshole. She'd been teasing me with her butt, knowing how much I liked it, and Lisa had some kind of anal fetish thing anyway. She was totally into playing with her ass. Her T-shirt, what little of it there was, didn't even cover her plump brown nipples anymore. It had gotten pulled up in the front and down in the back. I wanted to bite her tits for some reason.
And Jules turned around in that slinky, clingy camisole so that her butt rubbed my stiff cock and my chest was against her back. I held her with my hands on her tits while we danced. Or she danced anyway, mostly I moved as if we were fucking and the sensation of my cock riding the crease of her silk covered buns was going to bring me off quickly if I wasn't careful. I'd had an erection ever since walking through the door and only one orgasm in Bambi's mouth. I needed another one and I didn't care that we were in the middle of the living room.
"Dance with me!" Julie said, giggling rocking her hips, rolling her ass until my cock somehow worked itself beneath her camisole.
Her pussy had gotten just as hot and wet as the other girls' and I slid my cock beneath it, so that Julie's pussy rode along the shaft. I didn't know if I really had a big dick or not, even though all my girlfriends kept saying I did. They were just thirteen, though. I knew I didn't have a little one, put it that way, and maybe I was big for my age or something. But my erection was long enough to poke out in front of Julie, tenting her camisole as if she had a cock of her own.
"Julie got a boner!" Lisa said with happy grin. She'd started dancing with Bambi, waving her arms in the air and riding her mom's thigh with her pussy.
"Poor girl!" Bambi laughed, pushing and pulling Lisa's hips as the girl fucked her leg. "Maybe you should take care of it for her."
And just like that, Lisa pushed herself off her mom and knelt on the carpet in front of us. I sill held Jules, pinching her nipples and fucking her hairless, dripping slit without actually getting my cock inside her. She pulled up her camisole with one hand, exposing my cock and her pussy, and reached for her best friend with the other. There was only the head of my dick and maybe an inch or two of thick shaft poking out beneath Julie's pussy, but that was enough for Lisa to suck on.
She was giving me a blowjob, right there in front of her parents. I mean, her dad had no choice but to sit there, staring at us while Jules pulled Lisa's nose flat against her mound. The girl took all of my cock between her lips, or the first few inches anyway, since most of it was trapped between Julie's thighs. I felt her tongue swirling around the head, cleaning off my other girlfriend's juices. My dick had gotten seriously wet, but Lisa didn't seem to mind at all.
Julie turned her head and we started kissing, which felt awesome for me. Making out with one girl while another sucked my cock, and feeling Julie's hot pussy cradling the top of my shaft like a thin, fleshy hotdog bun or something. I had to move, if only because it felt too good, and I started fucking Lisa's face, sliding my cock beneath Julies cunt and then pushing forward to find the other girl's open mouth. When I pulled back, Lisa would chase my cockhead with her tongue and give Jules a couple quick licks across her clit. I sorta wished someone else was having the sex, just so I could have gotten a better view of what was going on in front of Julie. I couldn't really see much, but I felt everything.
"Don't stop," Bambi whispered, and I suddenly felt her hugging me from behind.
She reached past me to hug Julie, hugging both of us so that I couldn't move as much. Bambi kissed my cheek and ear, teasing me with her tongue as she urged me to cum in her daughter's mouth. Jules was getting off as well, between my cock rubbing her pussy and Lisa's tongue teasing both of us. She held the other girl with both hands, her fingers entwined in Lisa's auburn hair as if she was really getting a blowjob. She started cumming, shaking and mewling, sagging in our arms as Bambi and I held her up. I had to cum as well and my cock seemed to explode with a rush of semen into Lisa's hungry mouth.
I heard her gagging at a first, making muffled choking noises before she was able to swallow a big mouthful of sperm. Lisa had never sucked my dick before and she'd definitely never swallowed down a boy's orgasm, but she had little choice as Julie refused to let her go. All I knew was that my cock was bathing in a warm, wet bath of spit and cum, being massaged by a soft, delicate tongue while my balls eagerly emptied. It had been the strangest, best sex I could have imagined, being sandwiched between Bambi and Julie while Lisa ate my cum. Heaven would probably be a disappointment after an experience like that.
Especially when Jules let go of Lisa, allowing her best friend to stand up and share my orgasm in a sexy, lesbian sort of French kiss. All four of us were hugging and I turned my head to make out with Bambi, even though I really liked watching my two girlfriend's tongue wrestle with milky semen drooling from their lips.
"I feel like I'm drunk," I told Bambi, giggling like a little boy. "This is really ... Wow!"
"It's better than being drunk," she whispered back. "The best drug in the world, Trent."
"Sex?" I breathed, letting go of Julie as Bambi tugged at my shoulders, turning me to face her.
"And love, right?" she suggested, and I had to agree with that. I loved all of them, Bambi, Lisa, and especially Jules. If I'd had to pick one, I wouldn't have wanted to. It would have spoiled everything.
Now Lisa stood in my kitchen with her arms crossed over her small tits, looking and acting like an older version of the girl I thought she was. She wanted a decision, except maybe she really didn't, although I figured Bambi had been talking about Friday, not forever. Like, don't make a decision tonight because they're just fooling around, but come Sunday you'd better make up your mind, Trent. I mean, Bambi was out there selling her daughter to my mom! Obviously she wanted me to be Lisa's boyfriend, but what about Julie?
I'd really gotten in over my head this time.
"Are you gonna be my boyfriend or Julie's?"
"I don't know yet," I replied after a moment, and that was the truth. I sorta expected Lisa to get mad, but she only pursed her lips.
"That's alright," she said, following me out of the kitchen. "Julie's probably gonna breakup with you anyway."
"What?" I almost dropped the tray as I looked over my shoulder at her. "Why would she do that?"
"I don't know," Lisa replied, smiling extra sweetly. "It must be that intuition thing. All girls have it, you know."
There were worse things in the world than being Lisa's boyfriend. In fact, it was sort of hard to think of anything better, except I knew I loved Julie. I sorta loved the twins, too. All in all, however, once I had a chance to be alone and think about things without anyone else there to push or pull me in one direction or another...
My mom seemed pretty impressed with Lisa, and her mother, which kind of shocked me. They chatted all afternoon, along with my dad, of course, but mostly Mom and Bambi were getting along like old friends reunited after the war.
"You're Lambda Pi?" Bambi gasped and then smiled.
I didn't even know my mom had been in a sorority, but it turns out they were sisters from different chapters. I wondered if they had a secret handshake.
Lisa and I were sitting together by the pool, kind of away from the adults, and we just blinked at each other when our moms started singing their sorority song. Dad even joined in after a chorus or two, and I blamed it on the wine. My parents, and Bambi, were working their way through a second bottle. I knew none of them were drunk, and Mom certainly wasn't going to lose control the way she had a couple weeks before, but they were all definitely relaxed.
So, yeah. Mom thought Bambi was just great and Lisa looked so grown up and acted so sweet and mature, it wasn't even a question. I definitely had a girlfriend now, a legal one that my parents approved of. I wondered if Dad would give me more condoms, not that we needed them. Lisa was almost certainly pregnant already and I wondered how well that would go over. I almost wished they weren't getting along so well, if only because it would make it easier on my mom later, when she got angry.
"Look at them," Bambi sighed. "Don't they make a cute couple?"
"You have a very pretty daughter," my dad told her, but he knew Bambi and Lisa anyway. Sometimes it seemed like he knew every girl in the city, but that would probably be impossible.
"She seems so grown up," Mom said. "Don't you worry about that?"
"She doesn't know you very good, does she?" I whispered, teasing Lisa with a grin.
"No." Bambi shook her head, not offended at all. "We're very open with each other and I know Trent is a very responsible young man."
"A very horny young man!" Lisa whispered back, squeezing my hard dick through my pants. Our parents couldn't see her doing it, but it still made me nervous.
"I hope so," Mom said. "Teenage boys don't always think before they act, and Dave's right, Lisa is a very lovely girl."
"And Trent is a very good looking boy," Bambi said, and that was another reason I had for surrendering my love for Julie.
Bambi, I mean. She caught me later, alone after I'd used the downstairs bathroom. My parents were cleaning up in the kitchen. Lisa wanted to help, but Mom wouldn't dream of letting a guest do anything but relax, so she sat in the living room waiting for me. Except her mom was waiting as well, and as soon as I opened the door, she pushed me right back inside the small bathroom and locked it behind us.
"Uh ... Hi." I smiled nervously, mostly because my parents were on the other side of the wall washing dishes.
"I think it's going good," Bambi said, putting her hands on my shoulders. In her low heels were almost exactly the same height and her eyes were looking into mine.
"Yeah," I agreed. "I guess so."
"Lisa's your girlfriend now," she assured me. "Just like we wanted. Right?"
I didn't say anything as my hands went to her hips. On the outside, Bambi looked ready for a church picnic, but underneath I felt her sexy body all soft and warm. Her glasses had slid down her pert nose, just enough so she could tilt her head and look at me over the top of them. She looked gorgeous, I thought, like a real woman instead of the teenage girl she so often pretended to be at home. I liked that for some reason and she reminded of my mom, actually.
"You have to give up Julie," Bambi told me. "I know Lisa talked to you about it, Trent. The time for sharing is over."
"But you said I didn't have to," I protested, whispering. "I love her."
"Mmmm..." She smiled. "Do you want me?"
"What?" I swallowed hard.
"Do you want me, Trent?" she asked. "Let Julie go and you can have me instead. That's the deal."
"You mean, like a girlfriend or something?"
"Exactly like a girlfriend," Bambi whispered. "Just me, nobody else and nobody has to know."
"What about Lisa?"
"I think you knocked her up," she said, sliding her hand down my chest to find my hard cock. "You fucked a baby in my little girl. That's going to be bad for my reputation."
"Ummm..." I drew a sharp breath as she squeezed my dick through my pants.
"I'm going to send her to my mom's," Bambi said. "She hates me, but she loves her grand-daughter more than anything else. Lisa can have her baby there."
"She already knows about that?"
"Not yet," she said with a shrug. "We have to make sure she's pregnant first. No more girlfriends, okay? Just me."
"Okay," I breathed, wincing as she let me go.
"Good boy." Bambi kissed me lightly on the mouth. "We'd better go out there before someone misses us."
"Yeah." I nodded, wondering what it was I'd just agreed to, exactly.
Bambi was my girlfriend now? Lisa would be moving away and I had to dump Julie, and probably the twins, too? I'd kinda wanted to see Lisa pregnant, though. Getting big with a baby growing inside her. Kissing her and feeling her tummy, watching those small tits of hers filling with milk. I wouldn't get to see any of that. But, I wouldn't have to worry about taking care of a baby either. My mom wouldn't even have to know I'd knocked Lisa up, which was a huge relief. I mean, Bambi could make any excuse she wanted and I guess it would be kind of bad for a teacher if her thirteen-year-old daughter got pregnant.
I'd never thought much about how it would affect anyone else. We were just kids, basically, but our parents had jobs and reputations and responsibilities. What would my mom's boss at the bank think if her son was running around knocking up every girl in the seventh grade? Reality sucks and I decided to ignore it.
But I did have another reason for breaking up with Jules. I kinda loved Bambi a lot. More than I loved Lisa, anyway, which was kind of hard to admit, but true. I liked Lisa. She was fun and I loved fucking her butt and knocking her up and all that, but I wasn't ever going to marry her. I wasn't going to marry Bambi either, since she had a husband already, but that was kind of cool, too. I mean, fucking a guy's wife behind his back, that seemed kind of bad, but at the same time ... I thought about my dad and sorta felt guilty, but it had been his fault anyway for getting so drunk.
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Once again, Nick was home from school. It was six weeks after his perfect graduation gift. Mid-term exams finished earlier and there was time off to come home and visit his adopted family. He missed them a lot. Sam and he were roommates at college and slept together every night. The sex was great, but Nick desired to be with his adopted family. Now was his chance again. Sam desired to be with Ashlee again. Her first encounter of sex with another woman left her wanting to explore more the...
College SexMy Name is Nessa. Today I finished writing early. I want to write more so I'll tell -you who come after- about me. I don't remember where I was born or what my familiy was called and I'm the only Nessa around so never needed a nick. My familiy were serfs. Elder Brother was older than me. I think he was married. Sister was older than me but a lot younger than Elder Brother. Brother was younger than me and Mother was pregnant. When I was five Father took Sister and me to the fields...
AUTHOR’S NOTE: This chapter contains straight sex, bi-sex, gay sex and lesbian sex. Late Friday evening Kent received a phone call from a woman named Catherine. She told him that his mother was enjoying herself so much that she had decided to stay the night and that she would be staying over on Saturday as well. Kent was thrilled to hear the news and as soon as Catherine hung up, he called his gay friends and invited them over for Saturday. He was excited because they would have the whole day...
Hi friends, I am penning down my memories after a very long time. I hope you like this story too, as in my earlier stories. I am a 52-year-old man presently living in Bangalore. This particular incident happened in Mysore. During summer vacations, I had been to my dad’s younger cousin sister, Padma Aunty’s place. I was studying Engineering and was about 19 years old. I took a bath, had my lunch late and slept like a log as I was tired. Padma Aunty and Priya took a bath and went down. I didn’t...
Meg let out a relieved sigh as she kicked off her sandals and leaned on the balcony railing of her second floor hotel room. She tucked her russet-coloured curls behind her ear and gazed at the tropical gardens below. Butterflies hovered over lush plants and the breeze carried with it distant laughter from the swimming pool. Her skin gleamed with moisture and her long hair clung to the back of her neck. She absently trailed her fingers over her shoulder, wincing at the tenderness there. After...
I am new to your club. I like to tell you a real incident of my life. This took place a few months back. I hail from a conservative family of India-Bangalore. I am 25 single. Fozi baji is 36 (eleven years elder to me). She has a kid of six. As our family bonds are very strong so she was too close to me since my childhood just like my real sister (she is my first cousins). Our friendship and affection grew stronger when sometimes back her husband was posted to my city. We were only two of our...
IncestLunch was in a fancy Washington restaurant in a private room, a working lunch discussing events of the morning. Discussions that were going to be heated when we got home, I was sure. While the presentation was informational this morning, a zillion questions needed to be answered that were going to affect all JBG divisions. It was going to take a vision to even see how the pieces would fit. Could we grow that much at one time and survive? The underlying question was - why was the Federal...
"George," the female voice shouted as he closed the door. "Come back to bed." The lothario smiled as he looked down the hallway to see two naked teenagers staring at him. "Sure." "Who was that?" "Some old girlfriend," he replied, dismissively. "She's leaving town." "At this time of night?" the taller, blonde girl asked. "Is she in trouble?" "You don't know the half of it," George grunted dismissively as he discarded his dressing gown and strode towards them. He...
Charlie and Alan had arrived early at the home they were going to make over and they were getting pretty tired of waiting for Tommy to turn up. Alan showed Charlie the plan for the garden and decided that they could get their parts done while they waited and when Tommy eventually arrived they could then do the bits they needed him to do like the decking and the new fancy concrete path. Charlie got her shovel out, and started digging the border, while Alan put in the new fence panels. Alan...
Aap sab ladke khub louda hila rahe ho our sab ladkiya bur me ungali dal rahi ho story pad ke.. To chalo mai bhi apni life ki ek real story batata hu.. Par karam hai tumhe tumhare choot ki.. Call ya mail jarur karna.. Mail Ye baat hai koi 3 saal purani.. Mai apne friend ke bhai ki barat me nagpur gaya tha.. Ab aap to jante hi hai shadi ki raat har ladka-ladki kya chahti hai.. Choot our lund.. Bus yahi mai bhi chahta tha.. Chuki mai ladke walo ki taraf se aaya tha to vaise bhi thodi chhoot thi....
Monday, at work, I discovered that there had been a round of pink slips handed out quietly on Friday at the end of the business day. My job was apparently sacrosanct -- even without Tony's sudden approval of everything I did -- but others weren't so lucky. Women seemed the hardest hit -- something I again attributed to good ol' Tony and his chauvinism. Well, there was nothing I could do about it. The girls had a gig Monday night; they prepared for it during the day by going out to get...
Maria looked in the mirror on Saturday, October 30. This was the night every girl in her residence was probably doing the same thing. Looking in the mirror at their scantily clad reflection and wondering about the nights activities. Maria was heading downtown to a local strip of bars that always had the best costume parties and the best dance music in the city. Her girlfriends were all getting ready around her but she couldn’t hear them… the only thing on her mind were the last minute regrets...
Kai Taylor can’t believe his eyes when he’s invited to some after workout pussy eating and fucks Layla Price in the ass until he blows his cum all over her anus! Well, that’s the very short version of the story, so here we go: Kai happens to workout at the same gym as Layla and meets her in the locker room. They exchange phone numbers which leads to an XXX hardcore adventure extraordinaire just hours later. The long-haired blonde can’t get this handsome stud out of her head and agrees on...
xmoviesforyouMa was properly dressed when we came in for supper. I couldn’t help examining her torso, wondering how she hid the breasts that had stood out so proudly when she bathed and that moved so enticingly beneath the underdress when she moved. Did she bind them up somehow? When she was peeling potatoes at the sink, Ma’s hips wiggled but the intriguing shimmies I had witnessed at the back of the underdress at lunch didn’t surface. After supper, Ma put two huge pots of water on the top of the stove...
Tony felt desperately angry, as he reviewed his options. He was late when he got home and he managed to get to bed without waking anyone. When he arrived downstairs next morning he was surprised to see Mary and Arleen her sister having breakfast with Freddie. " Look who's here." Freddie said excitedly " I thought you would be in Brussels arranging your fathers funeral. "Tony said, as he sat down and reached for a slice of toast. "No darling he's in good hands with Debbie and the...
Jim introduced me to Marcus. I guess he had all ready met Sarah, and Amy. He is a very big black man, he is like, 6 foot 7 inches tall, 225 to 250pounds. Jim told Sarah, Amy, and I to undress. We then all went down stairs. Once there, Jim opened a hidden door, that is behind a book shelf. We walked into a hallway, there are 4 doors on each side of the hall. We went into the 3rd door on the right. The basement looks to be a lot bigger then the house. In this room, it looked like a little...
“Why don’t you finish getting things in the car while I get ready for bed,” I suggested to my husband as I finished drying the dishes. Daylight was starting to fade, but I still gave him a come-hither smile that he immediately understood. “Alright. Make sure to bring your flashlight.” “Always,” I said, leaning in and giving him a quick kiss before heading on my merry way to grab my hygiene kit and pajamas, then go to the campground facilities to change and get ready. I had a spring in my...
Going north on 87 I settled in for a long ride. Sonja had indicated that the road was under construction to Lubbock so I took her seriously and made sure my water was filled and the music was good. I had switched to Sirius and was listening to a 70's station that played good music without living at a disco. I was just pulling into Lubbock when I switched the Sirius to a local station to see what was going on in town. I did want to see if there was a Buddy Holly museum. I saw a couple of...
I waited for a while. I don't know how long. The sun heated me up almost as much as my crotch, though it dried me out too. Then, I heard the sound, or perhaps the vibrations of someone coming towards me. Again, I pulled at the stakes, without effect. Then I froze as I heard voices. Horror flooded through me at the thought of being found like this by some middle-aged couple and their children. But then I head Al's voice and I groaned in relief. He came into view, a big, taunting grin on...
Harry let sarcasm slip into his next comment. “Isn’t that just kinda paranoid” The maid spoke quickly with anger, “I will tell the mistress of your insolence slave!” She then turned back to the door and unlocked it. She stepped through and Harry hesitantly followed. She spoke again in a much casual manner, “There are also cameras on every corridor turn and on the stairway. Oh and by the way I am a gold-collared slave and Mistresses most loyal servant. And my name is Jessica but you will always...
My name is Lisa and I’m a total absolute slut. I just love sex, any type. I love to suck cock, have a cock pound my pussy, have a cock stretch my rosebud and fuck my ass fast and hard. I also like to lick and suck a nice juicy pussy, nibble on her clit, kiss lick and play with a woman’s breast and nipples. I like making love to another woman feeling the softness and the taste of their bodies. I have sex with white man and women, black men and women, Asian, hell it doesn’t matter where a person...
Well, I didn't have to wait very long. Two days later our parents announced that they were going to a business meeting Dad had on the west coast and that Marilyn and I would be staying home. Oh darn... I had just gotten my driver's license so it was my job to take Mom and Dad to the airport. "Take care of your sister," Dad said, " and no parties!" A little voice in my head said, "No problem!" When I got home Marilyn was out laying in a chaise by the pool. She was wearing a thong...
This new cavern was surprisingly warm. Micky was amazed by the pits full of just damp, sand. Paths of various widths, and made of volcanic rock separated the ten sandpits. They were, in fact, all different shapes but roughly 3m square in area. The pits had thin spirals of slow rising steam coming from them. “How full is the new nursery, Fleur?” Ricky asked as looking at the innocent-looking plots of steaming sand. He had built the new nursery after he had learnt that Fleur had left...
I had always fantasized about sex in public places with my gf but she was never willing to try it. So this would be my first chance at trying it and I decided to take it. However, it would be with a guy. We brainstormed ideas of something we both would be comfortable with and after much talk, we decided to hit up a late night movie showing. I was nervous and ended up arriving early as I waited in my seat. The wait was killing me as I texted him, asking if he was there yet. He told me to wait a...
After that, Val didn't want to talk for a while. She didn't want me too close, but she didn't want me far. That is until her stomach started to growl. From the look on her face and body, I could tell she didn't want to get up. "Can I go and get you something to eat," I asked? She gave me a slightly ticked off look and said, "I'm not helpless you know. I don't need a prince in shining armor to come to my rescue. Just because I was raped by my own daddy..." She stopped from anger or...
By : Pradeep Mukherji Hey, there.It’s my first and real story of some cozy moments with Rashi,my first ever bed partner.I am currently studying in IIT,Delhi and live with a small gujarati family there as paying guest.They are extremely generous towards me.They have their daughter named Rashi,who is a beautiful college going girl with mind blowing assets.Long flowing hair,blue eyes and an everlasting beautiful smile on her pretty face. When I first saw her I was mesmerized.Within a few days we...
(Warning: this will contain various forms of rape/sexual assault.) The Star Wars universe can be a scary place. Especially for a hot scavenger/wannabe Jedi. I've pictured plenty of scenarios over the course of the Sequel Trilogy where Rey's bitchy attitude, and foolish decisions could've gotten her raped. Now it's your turn! This will span The Force Awakens, and The Last Jedi. Thought that Rey's victories came to easy for her? Turn them into messy defeats. This isn't limited to bad guys either....
As I entered the lobby I took in the décor. It must have been an antique. Old furniture and paintings were tastefully placed around and I noticed a sign advertising the ghost town next door. Walking over to the front desk I see a man and woman arguing. The woman behind the desk wears a name tag telling me her name is Connie. She seems nice enough, early thirties, short blonde hair tucked behind her ears and from what I could see from behind the desk, an okay figure. The guy she’s talking to...
September, 1985, Chicago, Illinois On Tuesday, the 24th, Cindi, Julia, and I headed to Midway for our flight to St. Louis. This was a one-day trip - a flight down in the morning, a meeting in the afternoon, and then a flight back in the evening. I had on my charcoal gray suit and the girls had on nice dresses. We had brought along a copy of our inventory system, as well as the estimation software, and a newly-produced beta copy of our client management software. Julia had also brought along...
I would have thought there would be a tug-o-war between the interests of Centurion Matthews and Marshal Pope. As it developed, our missions all had a common core - rescue embattled humans. Some were to be Confederacy volunteers, others were for the EDF, and still others just because they needed to be saved. Adversaries ranged among Earth Firsters, plain bad guys, and even inertia. Missions one and two were virtually identical. Rachel and Cathleen had each served a turn as team leader, and...
I had gone on a business tour and returned back by the morning train. At about 10 AM the train pulled into the station. I decided not to go to office and decided to take the day off. I had rented a small room in a bungalow. The accommodation was good and had a separate entrance from the side. My landlord and his wife were a nice couple. They had two sons one aged 10 and the other aged 7. My land lord was also a business man running a business in car accessories. While I was entering my room, I...
A bunch of us got together over at Josh's house on Sunday afternoon. Austin, Tessa, Josh, Andrea, Jake, and I were in the basement. The television was on, tuned to a football game, but nobody, not even Jake, was paying any attention to it. "So," said Austin, "what did you girls find out?" "Molly's scared practically out of her mind," said Tessa. "I was able to talk to her for a few minutes yesterday, right after the football game." Andrea added, "From what I could find out, the...
After a long day of school, I was walking to study hall with my friend Ashley. We had always been really open to each other and talked about sex a lot and neither of us were a stranger to it. Ashley is a hot 17-year-old junior and has to have at least 34 DD tits but not much of an ass. She was dressed in a thin shirt covered with a thin sweater and wore a pair of tight jeans. It was a chilly day and you could tell her nipples were hard through her sweater. I offered her my sweater because I...
After hours on the computer doing homework, I turned in my final assignment and was free for two whole months. I got done and began browsing some fetish sites, the ones that drove me absolutely crazy. I checked out a few sites, but just didn’t feel in the mood so, I decided to take a break and go for a walk, nothing extreme, just around the block to clear my head. I had lived on my own for the past couple of months, a gift from my parents for my 17th birthday, and was enjoying taking the time...
Friday, December 29, 2007 Ground School Starts We all were up at 6:00 AM. We had a quick breakfast and I snagged Sam, Abe, Joe and Rick and headed to the classroom. We set up the tables in a large U. We set out 17 chairs and two highchairs for Tiger and Squeaker. We were ready. Cynthia brought a tub of sodas and bottled water and ice and a one hundred cup coffee maker. Bob and Mary/Fran brought Mat Clemens to the room. We were all there waiting for him. Mary/Fran introduced Mat. We were...
Note : This story is completely fictional! When I was young I always fascinated about my beautiful mom. She is really beautiful even now at 50 and during that time she was marvellous. When I was quite young, she use to call me to scrub her back while bathing. I always do it willingly and happily as it allow me to have the glimpse of her beautiful back and her butts even though sex was never in my mind at that age. I have quite fair complexion but she was extremely fair and her skin has milky...
IncestLuna:. -walks up to the front door and ring the doorbell- Mikayla: *i walk up and open the door* oh good, your here, come on in Luna: -walks in- Thanks for hiring me ma'am I really needed the money. And Tyler is such a sweet boy, I love babysitting him. Mikayla: *smiles* well thank you Luna, and youre welcome, youve got a great record. ill be back before 12, there is money for pizza on the counter. and Tyler needs to be in bed by 9:30 Luna: Okay, where is Tyler? Mikayla: hes...
Michelle was a hard one to crack. She was the purchase manager of one of the largest sex shop chains in the north of England. He had met her a number of times and so far never managed to sell her anything. She appeared interested in his stock but told him if he could demonstrate how the toys and equipment worked in a more practical fashion she would be more minded to purchase some of his items. He just had to figure out how to show her that his firm’s items were better than anyone else’s. Let...
After a few moments, Bob realized that the atmosphere was a bit too quiet, even for a mortuary. "Wonderful," he grumbled to himself. "These sentimental relatives and in-laws of mine fuss up a storm to get me down here, then the fuckers can't even show up on time themselves!" What with his rising blood pressure, the heat which had only a minute before seemed comforting now began to feel stifling. Bob removed his overcoat and hung it on a nearby, heavy wooden coat rack. Paying 'respects'...
It was a Wednesday morning, I woke up about 8 o'clock.There she lay next to me in a pink night dress, the strap that normally sat on her right shoulder had sagged down to the middle of her upper arm.I put her hair on the side so that I saw her bare shoulder, I kissed it.I lowered the blanket a little, her beautiful full breasts came out in her thinner nightdress.her thick meaty nipples pierced through, not surprising because her nipples were hard and erected all the time.I can not resist...
I was beginning to believe that Cynthia was a trooper. She did at least her part in our daily living and she coddled me when I was hurt and slightly disabled for a day. She will still have to change bandages tonight. Maybe by tomorrow, I will get these off my fingers so that I can do it myself. She fixed a tasty green salad and steamed some broccoli while I grilled the chickens. We watched the evening news as we ate dinner. She had some nice Australian white wine and heated some hard rolls....
Something brushes her leg. She reaches down to brush whatever it was off of her but feels nothing, yet she can still feel that something on her leg. She rubs her leg, wondering now what it could be, but the something starts to slowly travel up the inside of her thigh. A thrill runs up Emily’s spine as she now franticly tries to brush whatever the thing is off, but her hand feels like it passes right through it. The girl next to Emily looks across at her. ...