The Three Signs - Book 4 - LisaChapter 50: Rabbit Out Of A Hat free porn video

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A few days after Fiona announced her relationship with Jeff, she spent a weekend at his apartment in Pyrmont. She was back home on Sunday evening, a huge smile on her face.

“I think, well, I’m almost a hundred per cent sure, I’ll move in with him before Christmas,” she said. “He said he would love to meet you both, particularly Will, he knows of you, at least by your professional reputation.”

“Sounds good to me,” Lisa said. “When and where?”

“There’s a Vietnamese restaurant not far from his apartment, at the corner of Harris and John Street. How does Wednesday night sound, maybe early, we could all go directly from work?”

The proposed arrangement would work for all of us, I would be working at Parramatta that day, at the DLWC Valentine Street location. I could take the train from there to the city, meeting Lisa at her Town Hall office, where we could take a taxi across to the restaurant. Fiona and Jeff would be walking to the restaurant, since it was just a short distance from the museum, and from there, just a few minutes’ walk to Jeff’s apartment. It worked out well, on that day we were running some tests on the first remote office VPN connection, the Newcastle Lands office had been linked into the network earlier that week. We were running some load tests on the connection to make sure the VPN software could handle the traffic load, after we had tweaked some of the parameters, things were working well, while response time wasn’t as fast as it was for workstations in the ‘local’ offices – in the Sydney locations, performance was still quite acceptable. It was around 5:15 when I caught the train from Parramatta to Sydney, at least it was an express service, stopping at only a few stations before Central, and then Town Hall. Lisa was waiting at the front steps to the Town Hall, we hailed a cab, and travelled the short distance to the restaurant in Pyrmont.

Fiona and Jeff were already there, we found their table, and Fiona introduced us to Jeff.

“Professor Morris, I’m proud to actually meet you in person,” Jeff said, shaking my hand. “Your reputation in computer networking is quite impressive.”

“Please, Jeff, call me Will, when I was teaching even my students wouldn’t call me ‘Professor’, I said. “How have you heard about me?”

“Before I moved to Australia, when I was still in Durban, I did my Master of Computer Science at the university there. One of the subjects was on computer networking, and our professor showed us several your papers on network design, and the RFCs you had contributed to. Your reputation as one of the leading researchers into the various Internet technologies, routing, the World Wide Web, plus what you have done for the state with its internet connections and web sites; it is truly an honour to meet you in person. I couldn’t believe it when Fee told me who you were, that she had performed in a band with you.”

I felt slightly self-conscious, I thought Jeff was going a bit over the top; I didn’t think what I had done in that area was that earth shattering.

“Well, thanks for that, but I don’t think my achievements are as great as that,” I said. “You said you did your Masters, was that purely course work, or was there a thesis or some research involved?”

“Both, there was course work, high-level stuff, advanced data networking, that was where I learned all about you and your work, but also data base design, operating system theory, things like that. My thesis was on data modelling, entity-relationship models, mainly relational database management software.”

I was about to start talking about some of the data modelling software that I had used in my Database Systems subject when Fiona interrupted me.

“I hope you two computer nerds aren’t going to talk about computer stuff all night!” she said. “Lisa and I will be bored senseless.”

“Okay, I am sorry Fiona,” I said. “I’ll try to keep the conversation off computers.”

Jeff came to the rescue, he asked Lisa what it was she did in her work, and Lisa was more than happy to talk about her work resolving industrial issues at the council. Jeff was an interesting guy to talk to, he had a great command of the English language, which on second thought was only to be expected. Sure, his accent was distinctly South African, and some of the expressions he used were a little unfamiliar to me. At one stage, he commented about the difficulties he had when he was first in Australia understanding some Australians.

“What made it difficult for me was that a lot of Australians speak quite fast, and they tend to run their words together,” he said. “Combine that with the rather unique Aussie slang and expressions, and I’m sure for the first year I looked like I had no idea what people were saying.”

“You do know why we run words together, and talk without moving out lips,” I said to which Jeff – and the other two – shook their heads.

“It’s because of all the flies we have here, the longer you leave your mouth open,” I said, “the greater the chance of swallowing a fly is. So, we tend to speak fast, and run our words together. Do you remember that TV advert Max Walker did for Aerogard, the insect spray? The catch phrase was ‘javagooweeken?’ – which was ‘Did you have a good weekend?’, but with all the words run together.”

“Well, that makes sense,” Jeff said. “I know how annoying those flies can be, and there are some, those really big green ones, they can bite and draw blood!”

“You don’t have flies in South Africa like we do here?” Lisa asked.

“Oh, yes, there are, and some can carry disease, but there aren’t the same numbers as in Australia,” he said.

Our conversations were put on hold as dinner arrived, first were the mandatory Vietnamese spring rolls, then some crispy pork strips, a braised chicken dish, some spicy peppery beef pieces; all were exceptionally good. The dishes were served with steamed rice, all the better to soak up the sauces. It wasn’t just the food that was excellent, Jeff was a great dinner companion, I could see why Fiona was attracted to him. He was intelligent – not just in computer science matters, but had a good general knowledge, we were able to discuss current events, and his views seemed to be well thought out, balanced and reasonable. I asked him about how he felt South Africa would develop now that the policy of apartheid had been overturned.

“Well, it’s one thing for the Government to change the laws, and end the policy,” he said. “But it’s another thing completely before the attitude of the people change. It will be at least two generations before the inbuilt racism and prejudices disappear, that was the reason why my previous wife and I decided to come to Australia. We were planning to have children, and we didn’t want them raised in the same hateful environment that we grew up in. You have many of the whites of our generation and older who still believe that the racial segregation regime was the correct way to run the country, they will be teaching their children that as whites, they are superior the blacks, coloureds, and Indian members of the population. That will take a long, long time to change.

“The other thing that worried us was how most of the population, the blacks, and coloureds in particular, might eventually try to take revenge for decades of repression and prejudice. Many of them are angry, and believe Mandela was too willing to compromise and forgive past injustices. He suffered more than most, being imprisoned for twenty-seven years, and to me, it shows the strength of his character that he was willing to forgive what was done to him. But many others aren’t as magnanimous as he is, and at some point in the future, all those years of repression and prejudice and mistreatment will boil over into racial violence. You only need look at race relations in the United States to see what a possible future for South Africa might be; I’m sure you remember the Rodney King beating in Los Angeles several years ago?” We all nodded. “Well, incidents like that happened every day under the old regime, and still happen to this day from some police officers who are stuck in the old Apartheid way of thinking. I can’t see much changing there for the better, at least in my lifetime.”

I thought his perspective was interesting, what he said made a lot of sense; while a government can quickly change the laws governing race relations in a society, it takes a long time for ingrained attitudes to change. It was certainly interesting to hear from someone who had lived through that recent history and seen the changes in their society; it gave a different perspective from that which had been presented on the TV news and in the papers. When we had finished our mean, Jeff asked if we would like to go to his place for coffee, but I said perhaps another time, when I didn’t have to get to work the next morning. Lisa and I caught a taxi back to Central, then the train back to Artarmon, where we then drove back home. Fiona was spending the night at Jeff’s place, so it was just the two of us going back to Lane Cove.

“He seems really nice,” Lisa said. “I can see why Fiona fell for him; I think he’ll be good for her. I certainly hope he will be good for her; Fiona deserves to find happiness and true love. I can see her moving in with him in the next week or two, they will be married within a year, and she’ll be pregnant soon after that.”

“I agree, I like him, he’s a decent guy,” I replied. “That makes it even harder to deal with her leaving us, the guy she’s fallen in love with is a nice, likeable guy.”

“Are you saying if he was a real bastard, you would be happier? I don’t follow.”

“No, but I can’t really get pissed off at Jeff, because I like the guy. If he was a bastard, then sooner or later, Fiona would realize he’s wrong for her, and maybe come back to us. But I’m seriously hoping that everything works out for them. It doesn’t worry you that one of the reasons why she left was to have children?”

“No, not at all. When we married, sure it wasn’t a church service, but in my head, I recited the traditional wedding vows, so I also made a promise to God, that I would be with you through better or worse, sickness and health ... So, how could I turn my back on that vow before God? Fiona never made that sort of promise, at least not to my knowledge, so there wasn’t the same compunction to stay with you.”

“Remember, I told you that if ever you feel you need to have a child or two ... Something we know I can’t give you, but if having a child is important to you, then I won’t stand in your way,” I said.

“I know, and I love you even more because of that,” she said. “Do you mind that now you are back to just me, and Alexa every few days? I know you need multiple women in your life.”

“It’s not needing multiple women, in the sense of I want to make love to different women all the time,” I said. “It’s just that each woman brings something different into my life, they have some skills or a way of thinking, or they have a different outlook on life that makes me a more rounded person, if that makes sense.”

“Yes, I can understand. That’s what was so great about Fiona, not simply the fact that I enjoy making love with another woman, or she was just so damn sexy and really knew how to use her tongue on my pussy. I’m not complaining, Will, but her oral skills were better than yours, which is very high praise. But the orgasms that she would give me were different from the ones you give me, making love with her was ... it was just different, I love feeling your prick inside me, I love feeling you opening my cunt wide, the thrusting, the feeling when you spurt inside me. But feeling her lips on my tits or my pussy, it was something else. I can’t explain it, it was a similar body part, being used in a similar way, but it was very different. Alexa is different from you, but she’s not as good at making me come as Fiona is ... I mean, was.”

“I guess that’s similar to how I feel, too,” I said. “Making love to her felt different, satisfied me in a different way to making love with you. And even with Alexa, too. It’s not just the differences in your bodies, or breasts, or how your pussy feels when I’m inside each of you. With you, I feel like I’m complete, like I truly belong inside you when we make love. I didn’t get that feeling with either of them, don’t get me wrong, it was still very nice, still incredibly satisfying, but there wasn’t that sense of us being the one person.”

“What was the saying in the Bible – ‘The two shall become one’?”

“Yes, exactly. We’ve experienced that several times, and it’s impossible to explain how it happens, but it’s like we are sharing each other’s feelings.”

“I know, and when that happens, it’s so amazing. The first time it happened with us, it freaked me out, but then the combined sensations ... it blew my mind. I don’t know if any other couple has experienced that, but it is so incredible.”

I wasn’t going to tell her that I had experienced that with Lori, Mary Beth, Chrissy, and particularly Jillian, I didn’t like gossiping about my ‘activities’ with other woman, it sounded too much like bragging.

“Now, back to Fiona,” I said. “I think we can assume that Fiona is – sexually at least – no longer a part of our relationship. We still have Alexa, once or twice a week, I don’t think she wants to change the arrangements. Are you going to be happy with that?”

“Happy? Of course, I’m happy, as long as we have each other, that’s all I need to be happy. The time we have with Alexa, that’s just a bonus, the icing on the cake, so to speak. Seriously, Will, do you really think I need multiple partners to be happy? You’re all I really need.”

Michelle stuck her head in my office in the middle of the morning, asked if she could come in.

“Sure, you know you don’t have to ask,” I said. “Take a seat, what did you want to talk to me about?”

“I heard that Fiona is moving out, she’s found another man,” she said. “Seriously, how are you feeling about that? Are you upset or angry?”

“News travels fast! But yes, she is likely to move into with a guy she met at her work. Lisa and I had dinner with them last night, he’s a nice guy, a widower, a year or two older than me. Originally from South Africa, of Indian ethnicity. I can’t be angry at her, she said that she’s feeling her biological clock ticking away and wants to have a baby or two. Which, of course, she can’t with me. But she seems to really love Jeff, he seems to be good for her. Of course, I’m upset, sad that she has left Lisa and me, but there’s not much I can do about that.”

“I know the feeling about wanting to have a child, and not being able to,” she said. “That’s something you and I have in common, we both can never have children of our own, we have no choice but to play the cards that nature has dealt us, but for Fiona, she shouldn’t have to suffer. Well, not that you and I are suffering, but...”

“That’s true, I look at things like that, the sterility, and Fiona leaving in the context of the Serenity Prayer, you know, the one that Alcoholics Anonymous use – ‘God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.’ Being sterile is one of those things that I can’t change, and Fiona leaving, I can’t change that – at least I don’t want to force her to change. She has very good, personal reasons for her choice, and forcing her to give up something really wants, that’s not love.”

“That’s very true, I’ve always admired you for your truly unselfish attitude,” she said. “Would you like to go over the road to that little Greek place, and have lunch with me, so we can talk? I am worried about how you are dealing with this latest loss, and I want to make sure you talk things over with me, and your other friends. I don’t want to hear you crawling back into your shell, or worse, into a bottle.”

“I won’t do that, Michelle, and lunch sounds good. Let me wrap a few things up here, and we can go then.”

Michelle was right – as she pretty much always was. There was always the potential for me to dwell too much on my sad situations, look inward to myself. That was something Margaret Sleigh taught me, to rely on my friends, sharing with them. Michelle seemed pleased that I was eager to go to lunch with her, I didn’t have the heart to tell her that the reason for me desire to have lunch there was not because I would be being with her, but because I would be able to treat myself to one of their delicious iced chocolates.

I finished what I was working on, and headed across to the restaurant with Michelle, we found a table at the back, and ordered our food. I wanted a gyros salad and (of course) an iced chocolate.

“I could have wagered a small fortune on you ordering that,” she said. “You are totally predictable when it comes to food, Will.”

“Dependable, that’s what I am,” I replied, taking a spoonful of the whipped cream from my drink. “Would you like my cherry?”

“That was what you should have asked me, when we first met back in the summer of 1978,” she said. “I would gladly have given you my cherry. Oh, you mean the maraschino cherry on your drink? Yes please!”

“Have we known each other that long? I guess it must be, that’s almost eighteen years, more than half of my lifetime,” I said.

“We have known each other for a long time, and yes, more than half of our lives. But if you were to get my ‘cherry’, you would have had to have met me a few years before that. I’m sure it would have been a far more enjoyable experience with you, though. That’s not what I wanted to talk about with you today, Will.”

She reached across the table and took my hands in hers.

“You know I care deeply for you, Will,” she said softly, looking into my eyes. “You are my best friend, not just someone who I’ve worked with closely for many years as a peer. You, unlike most of the academics at the university, never treated me as someone less important than you, just because I wasn’t an academic. You have always treated me with the utmost respect and professionalism, I’ve felt that you’ve regarded me as an equal, and you have no idea how much I appreciate that. Here, in the company, you will refer to me as the project manager, all our clients know that you regard me as a key member of the management team. I never imagined that I would have the sort of career that you’ve given me, I started as a base-grade administration clerk at the university, and now ... I guess I’m your right-hand woman.”

“I’ve always regarded you as that,” I said. “From the first day I met you, I realized that I would be lost at the university without you; when I started working there, you were incredibly helpful and supportive of me. I owe my successes there to you, completely. You have been indispensable to me, not just professionally, but as a close friend, someone who has kept me sane, who pulls me up when I’m about to go off the rails.”

“And that’s why I wanted to talk to you today,” she said. “I think I know you well enough by now, when unexpected things happen in your life, things which upset your plans, or where you suffer some sort of heartache or disappointment, you tend to bottle things up inside you. Like when Megan and Lori left you, and you started drinking, lashing out at everyone. Mary Beth told me what you did, what you said to her. I was on the receiving end of your lashing out one time, too. You’ve been better since then, but only because you keep talking about your feelings to your close friends, including me.

“When I got the cancer diagnosis, you gave me lots of support, even as others who I would have assumed would have stuck by me, you were steadfast in your support. I’ll never forget that, and you help me get through the surgery. You set up a recovery room for me in your house, something that I would never have expected from you, and you and Lisa made sure I was cared for, did everything for me. I wouldn’t have made it through as well without your love and care.

“You are the closest to family that I have, and I would dread to think of anything bad happening to you. That’s why I’m worried, well, more concerned that worried, actually; I know how upset you are at Fiona leaving you and Lisa, I know you love her, and say you want what is best for her, but what are you going to do? I know what you are like, you need multiple lovers, not because you’re some sleazy man-slut that must screw any woman he meets, but you need love – physical and intimate love – from multiple women to be truly happy. I know you have Alexa on a part time basis, but I’m worried you might start to look around for some casual flings, with women who really aren’t suited for you. I don’t want to see you getting hurt again, Will.”

“I appreciate your concern, Michelle, I really do,” I said. “I’m not quite sure how I can answer your concern; this isn’t the first time a woman who I love has moved on to another partner. Allison has Sandra, Mary Beth is married to Chris. Merry and Ange are together up in Dubbo, Georgina is married to Ross. I guess that’s just how it goes, sure, you are right, there’s something about my emotional make-up where I need different women, women who complement each other to make things ‘complete’. I can’t explain why, and you got it correct, it’s not because I’m some sort of man-slut, who has to fuck anyone he can.”

“I spoke to Mary Beth about you,” she said. “I asked her why she married Chris, rather than staying with you. Well, I didn’t put it that bluntly, but she admitted that all things being equal, she would have chosen you, except for one thing – she wouldn’t be able to handle sharing you with other women. Even if you promised to her that you would be faithful, and only sleep with her, you have this magnetic attraction, women flock to you, there’s something about you, there’s this aura you give off, which makes women want to sleep with you. Did you know that if I don’t catch myself, when we are together talking, like this, I start to fantasize about us together, and I get so horny, my panties get soaked...? I physically need you to fuck the living daylights out of me! And that’s how Mary Beth feels about you, and lots of other women, too.”

“But I don’t consciously try to do that, I don’t actively flirt with them,” I protested.

“I know, and that makes it all the more of a turn on,” she continued. “There’s nothing fake about you, you’re not trying some sort of pick-up line, you are being your natural self. Mary Beth realized that, and even if it was the two of you together, and you remained faithful, there would be all these other women throwing themselves at you. Women like Alexa, for example – and I don’t say that in a mean or nasty way, she’s just been caught up by this aura you have. I would be like it, too, but like Mary Beth, I couldn’t handle all that competition, all of the other women wanting you. Even if you ignored them, it would still be too hard for me to handle. Which is a crying shame, if you and Lisa weren’t married, we would be perfect for each other. You wouldn’t care that I can’t have kids, since you can’t yourself. You wouldn’t believe how hard being infertile makes dating. That’s my third strike, the first is being a short arse, the second is the red hair...”

“What do you mean, the red hair?” I exclaimed, interrupting her. “I think redheads are so sexy...”

“No guy wants to marry a Ranga,” she said. “We’re seen as fun for a one-night stand, a quick fling, but no one wants to marry one, particular someone as short as me. And once guys learn I can’t have kids, that’s the death sentence for any sort of relationship. I know you don’t care about any of that ... so if you were single ... well, I would have to deal with lots of other women flocking to you, flocking for a fantastic fucking!”

“Michelle, I don’t ... I don’t know what to say to that,” I said. “I know there’s always been a strong undercurrent of attraction between us. I’m not sure about what Mary Beth thinks is this magnetic attraction that affects woman, I don’t think I’m all that special, all that desirable, I certainly don’t go out of my way to try to attract or flirt with other women. But with you, I’ve always felt that you were someone special. When we first met, you were working for Alonzo, and as my thesis supervisor, if we had got together, and things went sour, then it might make things difficult. Once I was working there, and you were in the team with me, the same would apply. So, I don’t know how to handle that concern you first Mary Beth, and then you have raised. I can’t control how other people react to me, but I can assure you that it’s not something that I deliberately go out and try to do.

“I’m not going to ask you to consider stepping into Fiona’s place, and I’m sure that isn’t why you asked me here today to talk about how I’m doing. I can respect your views that you’re not the sort of person who could handle a polyamorous relationship. Not everyone can, it goes against all of society’s rules and standard behaviour. The other thing if you were to be the ‘third’ in our relationship, and this is something that Fiona found hard to accept, is that even though she was – and you would be – an equal partner in our eyes, society wouldn’t see you as that, and wouldn’t accept you as having the same ‘standing’ as Lisa.”

“I can see that, there’s the saying that someone is the ‘red-headed stepchild’, I guess I would be the red-headed step-wife, or whatever the right term for a second wife would be. Not that legally I would be a wife ... I can see how complicated it quickly becomes. I will be content to remain your good, close friend, it’s simpler, and safer that way,” she said. “But that’s not my main concern today, I want to make sure you don’t go crazy in the wake of Fiona leaving you. Maybe I’m worrying about nothing, but I’m going to continue to fuss over you, if you don’t mind me doing that.”

“I don’t mind, in fact I understand and appreciate your concern,” I said. “What we need to do is make sure that at least once a week, we make the time to talk about our personal issues – not work stuff, not how projects are going, what stuff needs attention or how many extra staff we need. Just talking about ourselves, the things that are going on in our personal lives, how we are feeling. Just like we are doing right now. Deal?”

“Deal,” she said, and reached across to hold and shake my hand. “We both need to commit to each other to keep this agreement. I’m still in debt to you and Lisa for everything you’ve done for me.”

“We can have lunch together pretty much any day when we are both here, and not on site,” I said. “Plus, I don’t feel guilty about having one of their iced chocolates.”

“You and your iced chocolates,” she said, laughing. “If I ever had to lure you into a trap, I know what I would bait it with. Should we get back to the office now? Thanks for the talk, let’s try to make this a regular event, at least once a week.”

When I got back to my office, there was a note from Monica that Allison had called for me. I returned the call, and was tickled to hear her identify herself

“Mona Vale Hospital, Pharmacy Department, this is Allison Thornton, Pharmacy Director, speaking,” she said.

“Hey, boss lady, how are things going?” I said.

“Will! Thanks for calling back,” she said. “I heard about Fiona, I’m so sorry for you and Lisa. You’re not too upset, I hope? Can I do anything to help you?”

“Thanks, I’m a bit upset, not too bad. You can do what you’ve always done, be my friend, be around to support me, you’ve always helped me in the past.”

“I will certainly do that, and I’ve got some news that might help, as well. The Pumphouse wants us back for Friday and Saturday nights in January, starting on the 5th. Are you interested? Silly question, I guess.”

“Hell to the yes!” I exclaimed. “That’s just the news I needed to hear. From the 5th, every Friday and Saturday? Isn’t the 26th, Australia Day a Friday? We need to work out some sets, are you free this Sunday? We’re doing some training for the Coffs race on Saturday, but what if we set the next three Sundays aside for rehearsing? Bring Sandra around if she wants to come.”

“I was thinking initially just you and I, maybe once we get back into the groove, see if Stewie and Traci want to join us,” she said. “I’ll leave it to you if you want to have Fiona playing with us again this time, I don’t know if things between the two of you are strained. I know she adds to the sound not just playing trumpet and sax, but with her vocals. But it will be simpler, and a more intimate experience for the audience with just you and me. I’ll let you make that call, I’m happy either way.”

“Okay, I’ll start thinking about some songs we can do, maybe base it off the sets we had last time. We can refine that list on Sunday.”

“Cool, I’ll let Lisa and Mary Beth know, so they can start thinking about what audio equipment we’ll need. See you on Sunday, love you.”

That evening after dinner, I spent time up in the studio with Lisa going through the sets from our previous Pumphouse gigs. We considered whether we should ask Fiona, Lisa made a very good point that if we excluded her, particularly considering she was performing with us the last time we played there, and on the live album, should she find out we had excluded her this time around, she would take that as ‘punishment’, or at least a slight.

Same as The Three Signs - Book 4 - Lisa
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The Rabbit at Midnight

The Rabbit at Midnight By Jennifer Hutchinson This is the incredible true story of my new life. It is so incredible, I am not sure I truly believe it myself. It all started on Friday night. My wife had gone to her mother's for the weekend. I had to work late Friday, so I told her to go on without me. I would stay at home this weekend and get some work done on the yard, which really needed it badly. This was just a cover. You see, I am a crossdresser. That was hard to admit, but I...

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Me and my Rampant Rabbit

Introduction: What happens when you replace a vibrator! My husband used to work away a lot a few years ago and this true story is from when he was away for a month. I left out the frustrations of the previous two weeks as it appears readers want action more than narrative so this is a short story. Enjoy! =============================================================== It had arrived! The postal service had just dropped of a package about the size of a small shoebox in a padded mail bag and I...

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Me and my Rampant Rabbit

Enjoy! =============================================================== It had arrived! The postal service had just dropped of a package about the size of a small shoebox in a padded mail bag and I knew what it was. It was my Rampant Rabbit! I had always had a small vibrator that I used for my clitoris from time to time but it was on its last legs and would cut out at that vital moment making me frustrated as I was about to come. A Sex Toys advert had promised the ultimate in...

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My Mothers New Rabbit

My mothers new rabbitMy Mother Comes To Stay It has been one week since I ended up fucking my mother. Later that day we found a rabbit and strawberry lube on the internet and it arrived on Saturday, she has not had a chance to use it yet, so today is the day.My mother has been coming around every day to help me and is quite happy for us to do things together after seeing some porn on the internet of old and young, mother and sons while we were looking for the rabbit for her. I’ve had a bath...

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The Three Signs Book 1 CathyChapter 8 Three in a Boat

The next day, Garry and I were going into town; we both had some final Christmas shopping to do, and he wanted to look through Palings, the large music store with me. He arrived at my place on his bike just after breakfast, and together we walked down to the main bus stop. We had waited till the morning peak hour had passed, that way we would get a seat all the way into town. Standing all the way on a one hour bus trip isn’t much fun! Our bus was a double-decker, and we made our way...

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The Three Signs Book 1 CathyChapter 20 Janelle Tells The Truth

It took me a few minutes to fully wake up, even with the alarm radio going off. Ten a.m.? Why had I slept so late? I finally remembered, last night, actually, earlier this morning at Janelle’s place, we had decided to resume our relationship. I could have even stayed there, sleeping with her, but I would have felt a bit uncomfortable when we got up if Beth was around. I knew Janelle had said that her mother was happy, even encouraging us to get together, but I still felt a bit strange about...

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The Three Signs Book 2 LoriChapter 4 Moving on Out

We woke up with the alarm; made love, had a shower together, then ate breakfast before we drove into Surry Hills and the recording studio. When we reached the studio; I parked at the side in the loading area, and went inside looking for George. We found him in the administration office, speaking with a brunette. “Hey, Will, good to see ya, Mate,” he said. “And this is...” he asked, looking at Lori. “You remember my girlfriend, Lori?” I said to him. “Of course, I remember now. Will, here’s...

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The Three Signs Book 1 CathyChapter 31 Presents

I picked Cathy up from her house just after 8:30; as she slid into seat she gave me a big, passionate kiss. “Where to first?” she asked. “I was thinking about Warriewood,” I replied, as we headed up Mona Vale road. “There are lots of places there, provided we don’t trespass on one of the market gardens.” We headed up a side street from McPherson Street, towards the Catholic girl’s school, “Mater Maria”. Being school holidays, the place was deserted, of course. We parked under a tree,...

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The Rabbit Hole Ch 15

The Rabbit Hole Chapter 15: Taking By Trixie Adara Edited By ALewdEditor Penny "Tell me a story," whispered Penny. She could hear Nadia smile as she stroked her hair. "A true one or one made up?" "What's the difference?" Nadia shrugged. "One from my life?" "Sure," said Penny. "Tell me about little Nadia." Nadia laughed. "I'm not sure I want to think about little Nadia." "Please?" asked Penny. "For me?" "Fine," sighed Nadia. She got more comfortable curled...

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The Rabbit Hole Ch 02

Chapter 2: The Question By Trixie Adara Nadia Nadia looked at the door to Penny's penthouse. She was surprised the hypnotist returned her call and even more surprised when the hypnotist invited her to come by. The building had an honest-to-god doorman. The elevator had a doorman. Security guards were roaming the hallways on the lower floors. But the top floor, Penny's floor, was empty. Nadia stepped off the elevator onto a small landing in front of a large oak door....

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The Rabbit Hole Ch 04

The Rabbit Hole Chapter 4: By Trixie Adara Edited by Abby H. Penny "Just try to relax," said Penny. "That's pretty cliche," said Nadia. She opened her left eye and stuck her tongue out at Penny. Penny rolled her eyes but couldn't resist a smile. "Do you want this to work or not?" "I do," said Nadia, opening her eyes entirely. They were back in Penny's office. The sound of rain and bells surrounded Nadia, along with a gentle music she couldn't quite identify or...

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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 27 Back at University

On Saturday, we had all gathered in the studio for a planning session and rehearsal for the new album. Phil had invited several others, DonWalker and Ian Moss (ex-Cold Chisel), I had invited Mike Franz, and Mary Beth had invited Chrissy Amphlette. Don had brought his Yamaha DX7 synthesizer and a Yamaha Clavinova electronic piano, Ian had a Fender amp and two of his guitars and Mike had a Yamaha stage organ. After a bit of shuffling equipment around, we had room for everyone; although we were...

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Kylie and Chrissy Part 4 Rabbit Hole

PART 4 - RABBIT HOLE The two friends chatted like nothing had changed. Although the subject matter was very different than it had ever been before. Music, skateboarding and hot girls were gone, replaced by girl's clothes and crossdressing. Although they did fall back upon an old tried and tested classic in their relationship: dating talk. Chris revealed how he had met Vicky, his rebound affirmation to convince himself that he was 'normal'. He admitted to liking her, but not being crazy...

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The Three Signs Book 2 LoriChapter 32 Another Year Ends

There was only another five weeks of classes before the end of the semester; well, before the study break that led into the exams that would be the end of the semester. We all found that time had a habit of shrinking; at the start of each semester, the end of the semester and the exams seemed so distant ... but before we realized it, there was only a matter of weeks left; and a pile of assignments and projects to complete. Having David, Claire and even Garry living next door made the study...

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The Three Signs Book 2 LoriChapter 42 University Ends

I had already planned my work schedule for my thesis; the date that the completed documents had to be submitted to the Faculty’s review committee were fixed, so I worked back from that date. I would have to work out the best way to produce the master copy of the thesis; I could always use Lori’s electric typewriter; but I thought it might be worthwhile playing around with the troff / nroff document processing software we had on the Unix system here. One of the PhD students was writing a...

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The Three Signs Book 1 CathyChapter 6 Getting an AllOver Tan

Thursday dawned clear and sunny, and promised to be another hot summer’s day. I decided to start with some laps of the pool before breakfast, and swam about forty laps – maybe half a kilometre – and went inside to eat. After breakfast, I grabbed the things that I would need for the day; towel, sun cream, some cold drinks, and lunch, and put them in my backpack. Around ten minutes before eight, I got on my bike, and headed towards Cathy’s place. I was full of apprehension; while the thought...

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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 47 Service NSW

When I woke up, I gathered some documents to show to John about how we would tackle the project. My main aim with today’s meeting was ‘project qualification’, that is, to get more details about John’s requirements, what were the key deliverables and results that he wanted to see, plus some feeling on what was he felt was a reasonable budget and timeframe for the project. I was also wanting to get some idea about how the project would run; what accommodation would be provided, would there be...

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The Rabbit Hole Ch 16

The Rabbit Hole Chapter 16: Closure By Trixie Adara Penny "Yes, I'd love some water. Thank you, Gloria," said Penny. She put her hands in her lap nervously as Nadia's family buzzed around her. Gloria zipped out of the room after getting everyone's order. They were heating up after shopping downtown together for the last few touches before the wedding. Penny turned and faced the room crowded with her inquisitors. Nadia never said she had a large family - and she didn't - but...

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The Rabbit Died Chapter 2

In the morning, Jeanne and I woke up to the sounds of people stirring, talking, striking their tents, and packing their gear. For a while, we lay there together under our blankets, enjoying the closeness we felt, spooned together, naked, sleepy, and happy. We considered repeating the pleasure we had shared the night before, but contented ourselves with kissing, holding each other, and talking softly. As the activity outside increased, we knew it was time to get up. “Jeanne,” I said,...

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The Rabbit Hole Chapter One

When I was a little kid my favorite story was “Alice In Wonderland.” I’d have my parents read it to me all the time. I’m pretty sure it drove them crazy constantly having to read and re-read the adventures of Alice, as she foolishly followed the rabbit down that hole. My most vivid recollection of all the times my parent’s read it to me was when I was about six-years-old. I remember my dad shutting that book, staring me straight in my eyes and saying, “Never go down the rabbit hole.”I laughed...

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Who Fucked Jessica Rabbit Who Fucked Her

Author's Note: All characters are 18 years or older. So, yeah if you plan on writing your own paths with certain characters from whatever media, make sure to age them up! Over the past decades, the world of entertainment has expanded. Such a boom in multimedia ventures has lead to new cities similar to Toontown appearing near said city. There's Odysseytown, named after the Magnavox Odyssey, the first video game console to commercialize video games, and home to the "pixels," the general term for...

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I had been reading lots about rabbit vibrators and how much good they do for women around the world and how many women still prefer them over other conventional sex toys and I knew I had to try out the most popular one there was and give you my 411 on what the fuss is all about even all of these decades later.I had read a lot about combined orgasms and whilst I had dabbled in this sort of play before I don’t think I had ever tried it with all in one type of sex toy. I was aware combined orgasms...

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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 25 WTM Consulting

The lead up to the end of the semester was busy – really busy. Not only did we have to get ready for the contract with Alexa’s company, preparing the ‘Banksia Room’ as our computer staging area, tweaking the training notes from the university to suit the contract, but there were examinations to prepare for – not that I had any, the last two ‘Science and Society’ subjects had their assessments based on the assignments and class work. But I still had to vet the papers, make sure the questions...

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The Three Signs Book 1 CathyChapter 36 I Got You Babe

It was late on Saturday morning when I woke up, still feeling down in the dumps. I looked at the clock next to me bed; 9:30 am. I guessed Cathy would already be on the road; they wanted an early start, getting to Goulburn for lunch, and then on to Canberra by early afternoon. She hoped to get everything up in her dorm room before dinner time. I deliberately averted my eyes from the photo of her on my desk; the fact that it was Valentine’s Day didn’t make me feel any better. After a quick...

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Dads Rabbit Rescue

I remember one time when I was in high school, we lived in a garden apartment in Pompton Lakes, New Jersey. The superintendent had just cut the grass on the lawn, and disturbed a nest of four baby rabbits. Those little fuzzy soft baby bunnies were only about three inches long, tops. And they scattered about for a bit, and I was able to catch three of them in my hands, and get them inside of a big cardboard box. But there was one little baby bunny that was missing, and we searched and searched...

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The Three Signs Book 2 LoriChapter 22 Off to the Race

It took a while for us to wake up on Christmas morning, by the time we had all cast off our sleep it was close to eight; leaving little time before the others arrived for some yule-tide fucking. Just enough time to have a shower, and start to prepare things for breakfast. Lori had suggested we make pancakes; scrambled eggs, toast, coffee and her ‘home fries’. After we had finished our showers, I started to prepare the potatoes for the home fries; peeling them, dicing them, and chopping up...

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The Three Signs Book 1 CathyChapter 33 Performances Part 2

After our early morning love-making, shower and breakfast, I dropped Cathy off at the bus stop. She wasn’t sure just how late she would be working, and I suggested that she let me know maybe 45 minutes before she was due to finish, and I could drive in and pick her up, to save dealing with the night time buses. At Mike’s, we started talking about the actual sets we would play. “We want to start off with something to really get them going,” Mike said. “Something to kick them in the balls, so...

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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 10 Party Party Party

Thursday night we were having a Thanksgiving dinner at Mary Beth’s suggestion; instead of a complete turkey, which would have been far too much food even for the seven of us, she had baked two large turkey breasts in the oven. Patrick had helped, making some traditional side dishes, a green bean casserole, and somehow he had found a source of candied yams. As we sat around the dinner table, Mary Beth spoke to us all. “Well, I know Thanksgiving isn’t really an Australian tradition, but it is...

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The Rabbit Died Chapter 1

I certainly didn’t. I grew up in an era where you did not play with yourself. Not good girls and boys. So all these years, I never masturbated. Sometime around my fifty-third birthday, I just happened to wake up horny as all hell. I had been single for years, and I dated very little, so I was pretty much living the life of a nun. Just when I thought I should be through menopause with a dead libido, all I could think about was sex. Christ, I tingled all the time. A good-looking man made my...

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The Rabbit Hole Ch 12

The Rabbit Hole Chapter 12: Submit to the Procedure By Trixie Adara Edited By ALewdEditor Penny Part of Penny's mind heard the click of the phone. The rest of her could only hear the silence. "Hello?" she asked, but knew the answer. Nothing. There was nothing. She called the number back. It was the same motel, but she didn't know Nadia's room number. She had resisted before, but now she could be there in minutes and make the staff tell her where Nadia was. She didn't need...

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The Rabbit Hole Ch 11

The Rabbit Hole Chapter 11: Brainwashing By Trixie Adara Nadia "You ready to sleep?" asked Nadia. "Is Joanna there?" asked Penny. "No." Nadia bit her lip and curled deeper into the covers of the bed. They were in their new motel room. They switched hotels every other day, trying to stay safe. Joanna was at work. They both worked at the same bar under false names. Joanna tended bar, and Nadia worked as a server. Nadia much preferred teaching but it helped that she was paid...

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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 29 ChCh Changes

With the New Year’s Eve only a few days away, we spent the Saturday afternoon reviewing the set lists for that gig. We had been asked to play for a total of four hours – well, four fifty minute sets, with a ten minute break between them. Then at midnight, we would lead everyone in singing ‘Auld Lang Syne’, then play a final thirty minute set before calling it a night. It was going to be a pretty intense, tiring evening, and right after that we would have to travel to Gosford for the first...

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Vignettes V I Married Jessica Rabbit

She first caught my eye when I visited the classroom of a professor who was a friend of mine. Her easy smile caught me by surprise and it took me a while to realize how voluptuous this ivory figure was. A dead ringer for Jessica Rabbit. That's not her real name of course, but it'll do for the story. It was the early 80's and she had her shiny copper hair full and high in front and it cascaded around her shoulders. Another surprise was that, as bright a copper that her hair was, her...

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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 44 Unexpected Results

We pulled up in the car park for Lilianfels, it was more in Katoomba itself than Leura, close to Echo Point lookout and the Three Sisters. It wasn’t all that far from some of the other scenic lookouts over the Jamison Valley, or some fairly energetic walks, including the ‘Giant Stairway’, some 800 or so steps descending into the valley. There were some more leisurely walks, including one around the cliff top to the ‘scenic railway’, and Katoomba falls, or the other way to the Leura Cascades....

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The Three Signs Book 2 LoriChapter 23 Welcome to Gresham Terrace

“Mr. Morris, glad to see you’re awake and back with us. I am Doctor David Pickett, and I’m one of the cardiologists here at the Prince of Wales hospital. I guess you’re wondering what it was that happened to you? First, I need to make sure you understand just how the human heart works; it’s basically a pump whose purpose is to circulate blood around the body.” I nodded; that was pretty basic human anatomy. “The blood carries oxygen and nutrients to the rest of the body, and also carries...

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The Three Signs Book 2 LoriChapter 34 Murder and Music

Lori was overjoyed to have us back home; as was Tracy. Even though we tried to be quiet, we woke them as we got into bed. Despite being tired, we made love, and then I slept soundly until nine in the morning. I would have preferred to have gone back to sleep, but I had to get across to the university to enrol. I grabbed a quick breakfast, got my organizer folder from the study, and drove across to the University. I parked behind the Electrical Engineering building, and went up to Professor...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 139 Rabbit Run

Only a few hours later, inside the more mundane portions of the Misaki home, Hero looked up expectantly from where he knelt at table side. Waiting patiently within the small dining area, he nodded respectfully to the queen as Funaho was first to arrive fresh from the bath. Noting Misaki trailing less than a step behind. Taking the moment also of delighting privately as any man would upon the arrival of so many healthy females, attending Tanzuru aside. "And where have you been all this...

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The Three Signs Book 3 JanelleChapter 9 Engagement and

After a busy few weeks filled with gigs most nights of the week, it was back at University. The fibre optic installation was proceeding; there had been a few minor issues, but the company supplying and installing the cable had worked around them. The University – mainly through the School of Physics – had a long term relationship with Crown Corning; they had worked together on a number of projects, particularly in developing reliable connectors for their single mode fibre. The first set of...

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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 1 Joining the Australia Dream

“Hey, Will. Paul Ramos here,” the voice on the phone said. “I guess you’re at home at the moment, I called your office at the University, but that cute short girl in your office said you weren’t in over the summer break.” “Paul, comrade. Great to hear from you,” I replied. “No, I’m taking a couple of weeks off; we’ve got a bunch of gigs heading up to Christmas, and into January too. So, to what do I owe the pleasure?” “I’ve got a proposal I’d like to discuss with you; are you going to be...

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The Rabbit Hole Ch 09

The Rabbit Hole Chapter 9: Condone & Control By Trixie Adara Edited by ALewdEditor Nadia Nadia climbs on top of her desk while the water rises, filling her office. Everywhere she looks, everywhere, there is water. She looks up in panic, and everyone else in the office works as though nothing is happening. Her mother and father type away mindlessly on a keyboard, smiling at each other occasionally as the water covers their knees. Her sister works on a drawing, humming a...

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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 54 Reboot

The words that Mary Beth was saying to me somehow didn’t register, everything after the ‘she’s dead, Will ... she was drowned in the floodwaters’ was just noise. I understood what she told me, the troubling dreams I had experienced the night before made sense. There was a loud rushing in my head, and I was wracked with loud sobs. I was aware of Traci standing next to me, her arms around my shoulders, and Mary Beth was on the phone, talking to someone. “Let’s get you down to bed, Will,” Mary...

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The Three Signs Book 1 CathyChapter 10 Sweet Sixteen

I was half awake, and remembering that I was in Dianne’s old bedroom at Cathy’s place, I rolled over to look at the clock next to the bed. 5:30! Far too early to get up; but I needed to have a pee, so I quietly crept out of bed and into the hall, not wanting to disturb anyone. I tiptoed down the hallway, and tried to open the bathroom door quietly. Not being completely familiar with the house yet, I had already started to open the door when I remembered about the squeaky hinges. Oh well, too...

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The Three Signs Book 2 LoriChapter 39 Songs of Injustice

With the wedding out of the way, we got back into the work on the songs for the new album, as well as various gigs around the place. They were starting to take shape, but the real challenge was to ensure that the songs were musically as good as our previous work, and could stand alone as rock songs. We didn’t want the lyrics to be too ‘preachy’ and turn people off. There’s no point in making a protest song, if people don’t like it and refuse to listen to it. After my talk with Alonzo’s...

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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 16 Babies and Bullets

“It’s on,” Mary Beth said. “Their baby is on the way!” “Oh, I had better get up to the hospital then,” Mrs. White said. “Where should I put my case?” I showed Mrs. White where her bedroom would be; told her that this afternoon we would get the bed made with fresh sheets, and put some towels out for her. Mary Beth was ready to take her up to the hospital; I would clean the bedroom and make her bed with some fresh sheets. At least the room was ready for her when she returned from the...

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The Three Signs Book 2 LoriChapter 33 Summertime Tours

We spent the morning going over the ‘Sister Angela’ scenario with Lori; she wrote down all of the lines that we could recall, our descriptions of what happened overnight, even my rather sacrilegious thoughts on nun-fucking. While Megan and I would be out of town on the tour, Tracy and Lori would flesh out the story, even starting to write it. Around lunchtime some of the others returned home; Mary Beth was pleased to see us. She showed us the final schedule for the first country tour, we...

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The Three Signs Book 1 CathyChapter 7 Four in a Boat

The next day, Sunday, I spent time playing the piano and swimming in the pool. After dinner, I walked down to church; hoping Cathy would be there. I wasn’t disappointed; both she and David were there; David, of course, sitting with Gina. “How was your lunch?” I asked. “Not too bad,” Cathy replied. “But I kept thinking about what we may do tomorrow. Are you sure you are comfortable with being with the other two as well?” “Yes, but can we talk about it afterwards?” I said. “You don’t have to...

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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 38 Bicentennial Year ndash Part 2

For our visit to Brisbane for our week-long gig at Expo, most of the people were flying, leaving Sydney early on Saturday morning for the hour and a half flight to Brisbane. Lisa and I were taking the train, the XPT left Central at 2:40 pm on Friday, getting into the main station in Brisbane just before 5:00 am on Saturday. We had booked a sleeper cabin for the trip, and the return journey would leave Brisbane just before 6:00 am in the following Sunday, arriving at Central just after 8:00...

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The Three Signs Book 1 CathyChapter 11 Friends and Lovers

I was dreaming, I must have been, lying in my bed, when I felt a person slide under the sheets next to me. A hand slid over my mouth, and I heard a voice whisper in my ear. “Quiet, don’t make a noise,” she said. “I just want to lie next to you for a while, and feel our bodies together.” Lori? It couldn’t be her, but it certainly felt real; her body was pressed against my back, and I could feel her warm breath on my cheek. My buttocks were hard against her lower stomach. “Lori?” I started...

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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 7 Itrsquos Just a Casual Encounter

Don’t ask me what my name is I know what your game is It’s just a casual encounter It’s just a casual encounter It’s just a casual encounter Christina Amphlett & Mack McEntee Free Falling Late September, 1982 I landed with a hard thump on the ground, knocking all the air out of my lungs. I felt a stabbing pain in my shoulder, and then more pain as my foot slammed against the back wall of the house. I heard Lisa scream, and come running towards me. “Everyone! Help, please! Will’s...

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The Three Signs Book 2 LoriChapter 31 Second Semester

On the last day of July, we took Alonzo, Paul and Patrick to the airport. At least for Patrick and Wendy, it was only a temporary separation, he would be back in two weeks’ time; but for Ros it was a very tearful farewell. The five months before Alonzo was back for his sabbatical job teaching at the University would really drag out for her. Patrick said that one of his first projects would be to get a remote data link set up in our study going back to the office at St. Leonards, ostensibly so...

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The Three Signs Book 2 LoriChapter 2 Lori Finally

“Hi Lori, Will here,” I said when she answered. “Will Morris, where have you been these last four days?” she yelled down the phone line. “I’ve been worried sick about you; every time I called it was just that stupid machine, I even drove around to see if you were at home; your car was in the garage, but there was no answer. What have you been doing?” I told her briefly that on Monday morning, I had been hit by a car as I was crossing the street. I quickly told her that I hadn’t been badly...

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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 52 Developments in Canberra

Late December 1996 – January 1997 We had the big Christmas Day party at Banksia Lodge, much as we had done in previous years. My father again played ‘Santa Claus’, handing out presents to all the children present. On Boxing Day, we watched the televised start of the Sydney to Hobart yacht race, there were some impressive boats; a huge Reichel/Pugh maxi, owned by the head of the software company SAP. ‘Morning Glory’ was first out of the harbour, followed by ‘Condor of Currabubula’,...

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