Malachar's CurseChapter 11: A Frosty Reception free porn video

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Monday, July 24th, 2006, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada

“You look so handsome today, JJ! And you smell yummy! Now, aren’t you glad that you let us take you shopping yesterday!” Heather gushed at me with a huge smile on her pretty face.

“Thanks, I kno—”

“Yes, he does look super hot now! And he’d better smell good, Giorgio Armani’s Acqua Di Gio makes almost any man smell sexy!” Abby agreed enthusiastically.

“Si, Hermana! He does! What a change! You look mucho handsome now, mi Gato!” Maria espoused, sounding much more like her old self than the depressed person she’d been a few days ago.

I’d been fucking her good every day since Saturday. She was by no means fixed, but the quality sex plus the good vibes that everyone was always sending her way had made a noticeable difference in her demeanor. She only moped half the time now. I’d fucked her doggy against the shower wall while Sheila had sucked her clit just before we left, so she should be even-keeled emotionally for a couple of hours.

“They’re right, you know. You look super sexy now, Jake. We’re going to have to beat off the ladies with a stick!” our mother said as she slapped my butt. “And we can finally see that nice ass of yours when your wearing pants!”

“Yeah! He’s got such a sweet butt too! BUUUUT, it always looked like he had shit himself before!” Heather quipped with a giggle.

“Hey! It wasn’t that bad!” I admonished her with a mock glare that only served to fuel her giggling.

“Or like he had cut his butt off, you couldn’t see anything in the pants he used to wear all the time! At least he actually took his shirt off while mowing the lawn or working out in the garage, or I’d never have had any masturbation fantasies!” Abby added as she gave me a wink and a smirk.

I swiveled my mock glare over to Abby, and that just made her laugh adorably.

“Oh yes, it was, Hunny-Bunny!” Sheila disagreed as she snuggled in close to where she was gripping my bicep as we walked.

“Mommy! ‘Akes a bunny? Ima goat!?” Billy stated questioningly as he laughed delightedly.

“Yes, you are! You’re mommies favorite Billy-goat in the whole world! I love my Billy-Willy!” Sheila said as she beamed at her adorable son, where he walked next to Abby, holding her hand.

“Even Billy dressed better than you, Bro!” Abby joked as she stuck her tongue out at me.

“Jeez, Louise! I bought a gazillion dollars worth of clothes—that all of you ladies approved of, by the way—and now you make fun of me? I’m wearing what you all like now, so where’s the logic in that?”

“Well, we would never have made fun of you before we had money and couldn’t buy you new stuff! That would’ve just been mean, Jake-e-poo! Now we can all laugh because you changed, literally!” Kelly said with a giggle at her unintended pun as she kissed my cheek and squeezed my arm to her breasts.

“You know, I think that I could get used to eating croissants for breakfast, man, are they ever good!” I said, trying to change the subject as we strolled down the cobblestone street.

“Mmm, yeah, they certainly are delicious!” Abby said, giving me another smirk because she knew that I wanted to change topics.

It was a bright sunny morning—although they were calling for a rainstorm later in the afternoon—and the scent from all of the flowers that seemingly grew in window boxes everywhere was delightful. We heard a lot more French being spoken as we walked towards the city hall than we had in the more touristy sections, and it sounded neat. It was kind of a flowery sound itself; maybe that’s why they planted so many. We all noticed that the people were much friendlier here than they were in Boston; people greeted us continuously as we passed. We all knew how to say Bonjour by now.

“For fuck sakes! We’ve walked by this massive castle about twenty times! And this, this is their city hall!? It’s fucking huge! And what kind of people call their city hall a hotel duh ville anyway! That sounds an awful lot like the village hotel to me! Can they rent me a room? Why don’t they at least have a sign out front?” I ranted at no one in particular as I was feeling the stress of what we were trying to do start to get to me.

“Yeah, I thought that this was another castle that they built for the battle!” Heather agreed.

“I should have remembered that hôtel de ville meant city hall. It’s been so long, I’m sorry, Hunny-Bunny!” Sheila told me contritely as she patted my arm.

I sighed and blew out a deep breath, “It’s not your fault, Pumpkin. I’m just getting stressed all of a sudden. My friend is getting nervous now that we’re getting closer, and his anxiousness is rubbing off on me,” I said while trying to refocus.

“At least that nice guy on the bicycle was able to point it out to us when he saw that we looked lost, and we’ve found it now. It’s neat that it’s like a big castle; it almost looks like one of the buildings the Royals use in England!” our Mom said admiringly.

I had to admit that the building was pretty impressive. It was made of giant stone blocks and had six floors with a spiked iron railing running along the roof. The peaked tower-like turrets and huge dormer windows really made the building imposing. Even the entrance made you feel small as the double wooden-oak doors hung huge and heavy-looking.

“True, well, let’s go and see what we can find out. Cross your fingers, everyone, and pray that we can find someone who can get us underground and into those chambers Kareen told us about,” I said with determination in my voice.

We’ve got to get the ring today, m’boy! Every instinct I’ve got is telling me that we don’t have much time before the council sends some assassins and guards here.

Usually a few wizards, but once a pack of Firedogs, I believe your ancient lore on Earth calls them Hellhounds. They are a nasty piece of business, setting everything on fire, and their bite burns like lava. Oh, yeah, and one time they sent a Methusalamar. We managed to survive the Firedogs but not the witch of the stone heart.

I asked him incredulously.

Yeah, they can exhale flames out of their nostrils, but it’s not like a dragon; they can only shoot it about six to eight inches or so. Still, they can burn you pretty badly if they get up close. If they do manage to bite you, the only good thing about them is that they cauterize the wounds, but I doubt anyone would survive for long if they did manage to chomp down on them in the first place.

As for Methusalamar, hmmm, how do I describe them—I’m not sure what you would call them here or if you have legends about them. They resemble Human females and are of such exceptional beauty that if one gazes upon them, then they can’t look away, even as they are slowly turned to stone. Apparently, it’s an agonizing process and starts at the feet. Oh, and they have very tiny green serpents for hair.

Yes! That’s it! Medusa’s, you do have legends about them. I couldn’t find where you had stored that in your memory index. Their species’ actual name is Gorgon’s, and the Greeks of your world had encountered them before Merlin unwittingly aided Morgana into depleting most of Earth’s magic pool. Medusa was a specific Gorgon, actually, not the name of the race itself. It’s all right there, filed under Greek Mythology. You really should work on your ability to recall information—you perform pretty abysmally in that respect, you know.

Now, now, no need to get grumpy. And, oh, not every myth or legend is real—Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny are complete fakes.

Actually, the Tooth Fairy is quite real and very, very nasty! You don’t want to let her get anywhere near your teeth—ever!

I pulled back on one of the giant wooden doors to enter the city hall and was surprised at how easily it moved. It was supremely well balanced! Right away, I could see that we were going to need help—just to find where to go to find help—ironically.

We found ourselves standing in a gigantic lobby on a white marble floor, and the vaulted ceiling was over twenty feet above us. There were various blue signs that had French words written upon them, but I was clueless as to what they could mean.

About thirty feet across from us was a partition wall made of wood with frosted glass windows. A single secretary’s desk was stationed at the entrance. Each of the side walls had two corridors that ran off to who knew where and some of those French signs had arrows pointing on them, no doubt directing a person to where they needed to go ... if they were a Frenchy.

“Hey, Pumpkin, can you understand any of these signs?” I asked hopefully because I was completely clueless.

I noticed that there were two guards stationed in each far corner. Maybe they could be of help if we got desperate enough.

“Sure, Hunny. That way’s the Library, the same side but the further down the corridor is for payments and traffic fines. Over there is for employees only, and the other passage is to the elevator bays, washrooms, and archives. Straight ahead is information, permits, inquiries, and legal stuff. I’m not sure of the exact translation for the last one,” she said helpfully with a smile.

“Okay, well, I hope that you’re ready to jump in with your French, my love; I have a feeling that they don’t get many Americans in here,” I stated ruefully as we headed towards the bespectacled overweight lady sitting behind the desk.

The lady glanced up at us as we approached, she already looked cranky, and we hadn’t even spoken to her yet. “Oui? Puis-Je vous aider?” she said, sounding bored and irritated.

“Uh, hi. We’re Americans, tourists really, and uh—I was wondering who we could speak to regarding the reservoir that’s underneath the plains of Abraham?”

“Non, ce n’est pas pour les touristes,” she stated dismissively as she looked back towards her computer screen ignoring us.

“Uh, she just said that place isn’t for tourists, Jake,” Sheila said quietly next to me with a frown.

“Well, how fucking rude!” Heather exclaimed.

“So she understood me, then?” I asked Sheila loudly, causing the fat middle-aged secretary to glance up at me again, clearly annoyed.

“Yes,” she replied as she grabbed my arm and squeezed it in a gesture of support.

“Listen here, you fat Bitch! You will help me find what I need, and be polite about it, or I will make your life very unpleasant!” I fumed at her, in no mood to be delayed by idiotic bureaucrats.


“Oui, yes, I can be helping you, excuse moi, er—excuse me. I am sorry for rude; I was very distracted by small problem. How may I aide toi, I mean help you,” she asked with a very concerned look upon her face.

“That’s better! Now I need to speak with someone who can show me the underground reservoir, preferably someone who speaks English,” I demanded in a no-nonsense tone of voice.

“Srieusement? I ... I don’t thought that they will take you down dere, dough! But, de person who need to be speaking to is Monsieur Montpetit. Him is de ‘ead of de Département des travaux publics, and him spoke English,” she said politely. “To be finding him, tournez droite ici—how you say ... er ... right! Yes, right! At the finish of de ‘allway him be dere in de office!” she finished, happy that she could help.

I led my platoon of super-models, plus one adorable toddler, in the direction that she had indicated, hoping to find our ticket to the underground treasure room—or at least that’s how I was thinking of it.

“Wow, they certainly went all out decorating this place,” Abby commented as we passed painting after painting, framed in gilded wood, as our footsteps echoed off the marble floor and down the hall.

“Yeah, they look expensive,” Sheila added.

After about a minute, we reached the end of the long-deserted corridor and found ourselves standing in front of a door with the name M. MontpetitDirecteur du Département des Travaux Publics emblazoned upon it in black lettering. I knocked hard upon the door.

“Entrez,” A deep male voice said from within, and even I understood that to mean come in.

I opened the door and saw a balding gentleman dressed in a grey suit sitting behind an elegant dark wooden desk. He regarded us curiously as we entered with our rather large party. He looked to be close to retirement-aged, and unlike the secretary, he at least had on a welcoming smile. His office was quite spacious, and it had a beautiful windowed view of the small park across the street. A picture of what was presumably his pretty wife and good looking teenaged children sat upon his otherwise sparse desk. He had a large Starbucks coffee next to his keyboard and a couple of work-related documents within his hand.

“Bonjour et comment puis-je vous aider aujourd’hui? Monsieur?” he said pleasantly as he sat back and placed his papers into a desk drawer.

“He asked how he could help us,” Sheila helpfully murmured next to me.

“Excuse,” I had learned that meant sorry in French. “We are Americans, and other than my girlfriend here, we don’t speak French, Mon-sewer Mon-pee-tit,” I replied with a warm smile of my own as I struggled while trying to pronounce his name.

“Ha! Mon-pee-tit! I love it! I’ve never heard my name butchered so funnily before! Wait until I tell my wife that she is my pee tit! She’ll either laugh or slug me!” he quipped back in perfect English with just a tiny hint of an accent, chuckling heartedly as he did so.

“Sorry!” I said abashedly. “I meant no offense!”

“None taken! That was the highlight of what has been an otherwise dull day so far! So how may I be of help?” he asked, clearly still amused at my severe lack of linguistic skills.

“Well, sir, we’d like to see the inside of the maintenance building and the underground rooms that were dug out as part of the reservoir beneath the Plains of Abraham. Kareen Doobwa”

“Karine Dubois,” Sheila interjected as she too chuckled at my poorly pronounced French.

“Yes,” I nodded gratefully to my Pumpkin, “she told us all about how her grandfather had dug them out back in the fifties, and we’re very curious to see them. Please take us there and give us a tour. It would be very appreciated, and of course, I would happily compensate you for your time,” I said politely. “I hope that you will agree to take five hundred dollars; it’s a pittance compared to our disturbing your busy workday, I’m sure.”


“Compensate? Pittance? Our brother gets a little money, and then he starts to talk like a Rockefeller!” Abby whispered loudly to Heather, causing them both to start giggling.

“Somebodies getting a spanking later,” I muttered under my breath.

I barely heard the twin echoes of, “Goody!” as both of my sister’s twittered excitedly. I frowned at them, but that just made them start to giggle even more, so I did the only smart thing I could do, which was to turn my attention back to Mr. Monpeetit.

“Sure! I won’t say no to some extra cash, I have a teenage daughter, and she cleans me out every week begging for her allowance, not to mention all the clothes that she swears that she needs! Government salaries do not make one wealthy! I must say, though, this is quite an odd request. I don’t think that anyone has ever asked for such a thing before,” he stated jovially as he locked up his desk and stood up.

“Great! Here, let me pay you in advance; it’ll save me the trouble later,” I said as I counted out five one-hundred-dollar bills and pressed them into his hand.

“You’re too kind! Thanks, mister...”

“Oh, I am so sorry! Where are my manners! I’m Jake, and this is Kelly, Sheila, Maria, Abby, Heather, and Billy!” I said, introducing everyone.

“Me! Ima Billy!” he said with a laugh. “Ima goat and ‘Akes a bunny!” he exclaimed importantly.

“He is? Well, that makes you both special then! I can’t recall the last time that I met both a goat and a bunny in the same day!” he replied as he bent down to ruffle Billy’s hair. “How would you like a lollipop? I keep a bunch above my desk just for such special occasions when I meet such handsome little boys like yourself!”

“Yay! Candy!” Billy yelled triumphantly as he eagerly stuck his chubby hand out.

We all smiled as the grandfather aged city worker opened up a cupboard on the wall behind him, grabbed a red sucker, and presented it to our grinning munchkin.

Yes! We’re getting somewhere, m’boy! I can feel it!

I could almost hear Malachar dancing around inside of my head excitedly as we neared getting another piece of his soul within our possession.

I replied, and I swear his dancing sped up with exhilarated anticipation.

“Ahh, and here we are—the mysterious reservoir maintenance building! I still don’t know what could be so interesting to see down there, but this is a welcome diversion from my paper-pushing,” Mr. Montpetit said as he unlocked the solid—green-painted—metal door for us.

Martin—as we learned his first name was on the leisurely twenty-minute walk overstepped back and ushered us in. I led the way inside the narrow doorway and looked around. There wasn’t much to see, just a big, mostly empty room with a couple of tables and some metal shelving pushed up against the walls that were holding various tools and parts of some sort. There were two grey metal doors set into the far wall, one that was marked Électricité, the other was just plain.

“Is there a way down to the rooms underground?” I asked anxiously.

“Yes, this way,” Martin said as he stepped past me and opened the unmarked door, which revealed that there was a stairwell leading downward behind it.

The walls within were just plain cinderblock, and the stairs and railing were the standard black painted metal; the bare lightbulb above flickered for a moment before steadying into its luminance after Martin threw the switch.

“Good thing that Billy went back to the hotel with Maria; he would have been scared, I think,” Sheila commented as she peered down into the dimly lit stairway.

“Maybe, but there’s nothing down there besides the basement, really. Just damp unused passageways and some old empty storage rooms,” Martin replied with a shrug. “Just let me grab a couple of flashlights, just in case the bulb below burns out.”

We waited, and I could feel the tenseness of my girls as we all watched him procure two of them from a silver metal cabinet in the corner. He tossed me one with a grin and then led the way down.

We are so close; it is blazing out to me as if a piece of the sun itself was just a few feet away hiding behind a hazy cloud!

It was a narrow staircase, and we had to go in single file as we descended. It ended at another grey metal door, which Martin opened with ease before moving on through; after a brief second, the room he’d just entered filled with light. A couple of long fluorescent tubes fluttered and buzzed with electricity in the low ceiling above, and we all had a look around. It appeared to be about the same size as the floor above us—twenty by thirty feet or so, and there was one door set into the wall opposite us. This one was rust-colored, and it looked far older than the three that we had passed through to get to where we were standing.

The cement was damp in spots, and the room had an old musty smell reminiscent of wet cloth and mossy earth. Various materials were lying haphazardly around the room: pipes, tubing—both metal and plastic, copper wiring, a molding box of long lightbulbs that matched the ones above our heads, a broken widow casement, a pile of two-by-fours, and a few sheets of plywood that were leaning up against the near wall.

“So, is the old passageways and storage rooms through there then?” I asked, nodding towards the rusty door, although it was mostly rhetorical.

“Yes,” he replied with a wry shrug as if to say—hey, it’s your dime, so whatever floats your boat. “It should be unlocked. No one goes in there anymore that I’m aware of. Probably hasn’t been opened in a couple of decades if I had to guess.”

We are about a hundred feet away! Go, go, go!

I walked forward and grabbed the handle and was surprised when it turned with complete ease; it looked rusty, so I had been prepared to have a bit of a struggle. I pulled open the door and stared into a dark corridor, I couldn’t see much farther than twenty feet or so, and it smelled much mustier and damper in there—it was colder too. The floor was a rough cement as compared to the basement we were in, and the walls were a crumbling red brick, no cinderblocks in that hallway. I’d bet my bottom dollar that they were shoved right up against dirt, which would explain the rot and the smell. Brick will deteriorate eventually if left damp for too long.

“Where’s the light switch?” our Mom asked curiously as she stepped up next to me and peered in.

“There is none, I’m afraid, the wires rotted out a long time ago, and we never bothered replacing them. I wasn’t sure that you’d actually want to go in, but that was a part of the reason that I grabbed the flashlights. Do you still intend to go all the way to the old storage area?” Martin asked with polite interest.

“Yeah, gotta get our five hundred dollars worth!” I exclaimed with a chuckle. I flicked the light on and shone my beam down the cramped tunnel, and started on my way. “Come on, my gorgeous ladies. Nothing to be afraid of; it’s just damp, dark, cramped, and underground!” I pointed out with a laugh that echoed eerily back at me as the sound bounced off the walls.

“Yeah, thanks for making it less scary! You jerk!” Heather accused, sounding partially serious as she scurried upfront to grab my hand.

“Now be nice, Jake! It is creepy down here, and you know it!” our Mom admonished me—it was almost like old times when I’d bug my sisters for no reason.

“It’s not scary per se, but I hate feeling claustrophobic, and it’s very tight down here,” Abby moaned quietly and involuntarily; it was true I’d forgotten that she had a mild phobia of tight places.

Not as tight as your ass, Honey! You gotta fuck it again, Jake, it was sweet! Now get the ring, m’boy! We’re so close that I can taste it!

I asked him as I laughed.

Heather’s right! You’re a jerk! Now move it!

I quipped at him.

You’re a real comedian. Har de har har har as you said to me once.

Abby scurried forward as well, only she grabbed Heather’s freehand instead of mine. I saw that our Mom did the same as she hurriedly reached out and took Abby’s, and Sheila took our mother’s in turn. I guessed that they all were apprehensive about being down here. I’d have to make it up to them later, especially Abs. I turned and led them onward as we formed a Human daisy chain, with Martin following in the rear; his light was a welcome addition for the girls, I was sure.

“It’s also freakin’ cold down here!” Sheila commented as she shivered a little.

It was too narrow to walk more than one abreast, but at least the ceiling was seven feet tall because if it weren’t, it would have made it feel much worse. We walked for about eighty feet until the corridor ended at an old rotten wooden door that stood slightly ajar on severely rusted hinges.

“Are there any more chambers after this one?” I asked curiously as I turned my head to look back.

“Yes, there are three in a row, all separated by about ten feet of hallway. They used them to store building materials when the construction was underway. Afterward, they decided that leaving the rooms in place and just covering them over at the same time that they covered the reservoir itself was cheaper than demolishing them. So here they stand—a window into a time long past,” he said in his lecturing voice that I noticed he tended to use when instructing us on the history of the area.

He was a likable guy, and he made a good teacher; I was glad to have given him the five-hundred it sounded as if he could use it. Maybe I’d invite him and his family out to dinner at the Le Saint-Amour, that place was awesome. I’d ask Karine and John-Pierre to come again as well; they were fun.

“Hurry, JJ, please! I wanna do what we came here for and then get back outside! It really is scary down here!” Heather begged as she squeezed my hand almost painfully tight.

“Okay, Peanut. Let’s go,” I agreed.

I stepped forward and pushed on the door; this one was stuck. I put my weight behind it and shoved hard; it barely moved a couple of inches. I grunted in frustration, yet at the same time, I was thankful that it didn’t open in our direction, then I would’ve been stuck pulling on it instead. I pushed hard again to no avail, so I turned sideways, braced myself, and doubled my effort. I dug in my heels and put my shoulder to it, grunting with the amount of force that I was using. It reluctantly gave ground—slowly at first—then, without warning, it grated free. A loud raspy scraping sound caused by wood on stone echoed throughout the area. I lost my balance at the unexpected shift and fell forward through the doorway, landing roughly on my hands and knees while cursing in embarrassed anger.

“JJ!” Heather screamed in startlement, echoed by a nervous Abby right after her.

“Son of a fucking bitch! You scared the fuck outta me!” Abby grumped angrily, wanting to vent her fear turned to anger at something or someone.

“Oooh, Baby! Are you all right?” our Mom asked as I picked up the flashlight from where it had bounced out of my hand and stood back up, dusting myself off.

“Hunny-Bunny! Are you okay!” Sheila screeched at the same time.

“Oooh, that looked hard on the knees, young man! I’m glad it wasn’t me! At my age, a fall like that would have me bed-ridden for a week—at least! I hope you’re okay!” Martin exclaimed sympathetically.

“Yeah, I’m fine! Just a couple of scraped palms, I’ve had worse,” I grunted, feeling a bit flustered at falling. “At least it’s open now,” I quipped with a wry chuckle as I scanned the room that I had just crash-landed into.

It was large, about forty feet by forty or so, and as I ran my beam of light around the walls, I saw that there was another wooden door opposite from where we stood, this one closed tight. I sneezed at the dust that my fall had kicked up and stepped further into the room, allowing the others to crowd in behind me. I think that they all wanted out of the confining passageway; I had to admit that it was pretty unpleasant in there. I was cold, damp, and now bleeding a bit from my scraped hands; rough cement hurt like a bitch when flesh skidded over it.

I asked Malachar as I was getting pretty anxious and just wanted to get the ring and get back to the warmth and sun.

It’s in this chamber to your left at the far wall; it must be behind a loose brick or something. Have you ever played the game hot or cold when you were a child?

I said as I had a flashback of his big happy grin as he spent time playing with me. God, I missed him, and not for the first time; I wondered what he’d think about me—his son—being sexually intimate with his wife and daughters.

Good, because I want you to slowly run your hand over the bricks, and I’ll direct you with up and down and hot or cold.

Just as I was about to move towards the wall indicated by Malachar, the room exploded with a burst of blinding light and freezing cold, and I was frozen stiff. I tried moving and realized that I was bound up tight within something exceedingly sticky; it almost felt like being wrapped up in freezing cold spandex.

We’re under attack! That was a blinding flash spell followed by a sticky web! Fuck! I knew it seemed too easy; they set a trap! We’re up against a sorcerer, m’boy!

I cried out within my head in a panic.

Same as Malachar's Curse
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The Wedding Reception

My sweet virgin bride, Bridget and I had just gotten married only an hour ago and were going to our reception at a nice club. We were both still dressed in our wedding clothes. Bridget had on a long, lacy flowing white wedding gown, blond hair in a French twist and blue eyes sparkling with happiness and love. She was a stunning, beautiful and sexy 23 year old with one of those fantastically super sexy figures. Her measurements were a firm 38DD-24-34 that turned heads where ever she went. Her...

4 years ago
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in a wedding reception

This all started about three years ago. My wife Julie and I had just past the age of 40 when we experimented sharing her with another man. It all happened very quickly and once we got in to it there was no stopping. Julie was and still is a very attractive woman. She has that aurora to her that drives men crazy. Julie has the perfect body for fucking as her tits are fantastic and her ass is firm and round. It was late one night and the k**s were in bed. I said to my wife, “Let’s do something...

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RansomeChapter 19 The Reception

“How come Martha is invited to the wedding and the reception?” the bride inquired of her husband, “and what is the real quarrel between you. How did it start?” “It started because I wouldn’t tell her my baptismal name, and expected her to call me Mr. Ransome, as most of the community do. My chief argument with her is that she then tried to make me look mean and foolish in public. She failed, of course, most spectacularly in the most blatant case, the famous episode of the five pence piece....

1 year ago
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The Wedding Reception

We were attending a wedding reception at the country club my husband belongs to. As I looked over at him across the room, he was well on his way to getting drunk, laughing with his redneck golfing buddies who were his fraternity brothers and now businessmen. The common theme in all their appearance was that they were drunk, overweight and successful. They were talking too loud, leering at the bridesmaids and making fools of themselves. My husband is 5' 9, 265lbs, balding, 55 and very out of...

4 years ago
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Fighting To Stay Frosty

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Jason!! You got school in an hour, get out of bed NOW!!!" Opening his eyes to the blinding light shining through his window blinds, Jason Frost groaned loudly as his hand fumbled to his nightstand, where his phone rest, and pulled it to his face as he checked the time. "Damn," he thought, as he realized his mother was right, it was 6 o'clock...

2 years ago
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Fighting To Stay Frosty

Follow me on instagram @raqm0900Fiction, Consensual Sex, First Time, Teen, Teen Male/Teen Female, v******e, VirginityIntroduction:A teenager discovers that his ability to fight can bring about many of his desires to become a reality after he fights in the defense of those he holds dear and those who need it."Jason!! You got school in an hour, get out of bed NOW!!!"Opening his eyes to the blinding light shining through his window blinds, Jason Frost groaned loudly as his hand fumbled to his...

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Story Of A Male Escort One Frosty Morning

My mind is constantly on sex, and being bisexual, my dirty mind doesn’t spare anyone ;) However I’ve never met anyone for real until the incident with Anu which I mentioned in my previous story, this story is a continuation of the previous, so read the previous story if you want all the details :) This story is 100% real and any woman, girls or mature aunties are welcome to contact me if you are in Bangalore at Please read my previous story Anu, Me, And Hershey’s: Story Of A Male...

3 years ago
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I came home late that night from a business engagement. I was tired, hungry, and annoyed that things had not gone well. My husband was in his recliner reading the paper looking all relaxed, and somehow this annoyed me. “Look at you, just sitting around, I bet nothing was done while I was slaving away at work today,” I grumbled. “Actually,” stated my husband as he looked up at me over his glasses, “The kids are in bed, the laundry is finished, and dinner is made....

3 years ago
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Frosty and the Reindeer Game

Brandy lay curled up beside Grant, sipping on her Bailey’s spiked hot chocolate and watching the gas flames lick around a ceramic log that never seemed to burn. It was an odd Christmas for them. No cuffs and no blindfolds to keep her from peeking into the gifts scattered underneath the tree. The blonde missed that more than she first realized. The only thing salvaging a bit of that feeling was the iron lockbox mocking her attempts to find out what was inside. It was already past midnight and...

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Wedding reception

Wife and I attended wedding at upmarket establishment. The reception was a seated affair with round tables , named places and somewhat cramped almost as though they included an extra couple per table. Seating was M, F , m etc, my lovely wife seated on my right , on my left was a larger lady, stranger , with well endowed blossom and shapely full derrière. Wine flowed and inhibitions lowered in the somewhat dim atmosphere. This shapely lady intrigued me so much that my manhood turned upward and...

2 years ago
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They saw my pussy at a wedding reception

I had dated this guy and went with him to a wedding reception. He took me shopping for the occassion, and we both settled on a cute form fitting beige tank dress, and matching heels. He kept the dress until the day of the reception and it was then that I discovered that he had the hem shortened. The dress was cut very short, well above mid-thigh when I was standing, and I'd really have to be careful when I sat. I didn't wear panties, because he didn't want me to (and I don't wear them hardly...

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Bobbies Wedding The Reception

A Sissy Wedding Day Part 2: The Reception Chapter 1: Meeting the guests 'Ladies and Gentlemen. Please be welcome Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ragan.' The assembled guests, the men, handsome and virile, resplendent in their tuxedos, their escorts, shimmering in flowing gowns, paused their conversations and turned towards the far end of the banquet room. As the large oak doors swung open, the three piece string orchestra broke into the wedding march. The groom, tall, well built, full of...

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Wedding reception

This is Reema from Hyderabad. I am 26 years old young lady with sexy looks and voluptuous body, 36-29-37. I am 5’2” in height and my weight is proportionate to my height and distributed well at the right places. I am fair in color and have silky black shoulder length hairs. My boobs are round and tight and stand out on their own, even without my bra. I love the way they fill my blouse and my t-shirts. I have got fleshy full ass and smooth round buttocks. I am aware that I get lots of stare at...

4 years ago
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The Reception

Reposted after editing by Rexford Dam. Further screwing with it by me. As always, all mistakes and mine. Author’s note: The Bluetooth app mentioned in this story is a figment of my imagination and may not even exist. I received an anonymous video in my email that ended my marriage. I am Jeramy Weston, 45, once widowed and remarried, and am an inventor of many mundane little things that everyone uses every day, without even thinking about it. I have more money than I could spend in 3...

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Thewedding Reception

After years of reading slut wife stories in various magazines and on Internet sites I finally have one of my own to tell. It is not about my wife, at least not this time, and it happened at a very unlikely place - my daughter's wedding. The slut? None other that the mother of the groom. Rick and Anna had been a couple for several years before Rick popped the question and Anna said yes. Jean (my wife) and I had met and had socialized with Rick's parents for over two years. There was nothing...

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A WellLived Life Book 10 The WifeChapter 28 A Reception

March, 1985, Chicago, Illinois After what could almost be called a fantasy weekend in Ohio, reality hit me in the face almost as soon as I arrived home. I had bills to pay, homework to finish, and laundry to do. I also needed to do some shopping, as well as some other things around the house. But the first order of business was to call Larry Higgins. “What happened?” I asked, after we greeted each other. “I don’t know. Mom’s trying to find out, but nobody’s talking. I thought my grades and...

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An Encounter at a Wedding Reception

Another Saturday night and another wedding reception, these functions were beginning to be a bore. Now most of the people I met were nice and the money was good, but they had become all too routine. I arrived early as I normally do to setup my equipment. The bride, groom, wedding party and a number of guests arrived shortly after I did. I had met the newlyweds when they signed the contract and they advised me this would be one of the easiest gigs I ever did. All of their friends and family...

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My Mom at my Wedding Reception

There comes a time in every boys life when he realizes Mom is more then just Mom. Mom is a woman with the same needs as other women. For most boys it never goes beyond that point. But for some of us that point of realization coincides with the beginnings of our sexual awakening. We come to see Mom not just as a woman, but as a sexual creature. A woman to be desired, lusted after, the object of our masturbatory fantisies. For most thats as far as it ever goes. But a very, very, very few of us...

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After the Reception

“Man, that is nice,” Todd muttered to his cousin Steve as they watched the bridesmaid bend down to set the armload of presents she was carrying in the trunk of Brad’s car. Todd had been paired with her in the wedding party, and had danced with her quite a bit. As the evening wore on, with each dance his hand rode lower and lower, and she repeatedly pulled it back up to her waist. But after a while, when she was turned away from the guest tables, she let it rest low on her hip, fingers caressing...

Group Sex
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The Reception

I had to attend a family wedding a few months ago. By the end of the service I was more than ready for a few beers a meal and a quick goodbye.  Standing in line for the open bar, I noticed an attractive woman in a red dress.  I spent several minutes enjoying the way it seemed to cling to her firm hips and ass. That's when one of my cousins caught me staring. I managed to play it cool and got my beer and shot. On my way to my table, I saw the woman in the red dress again and realised it was an...

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Wedding Reception

I grew up in a close knit family, brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, and a lot of cousins. I was close to one cousin in particular, a boy my own age named Reggie, and we were good friends. He had nothing but sisters so when I'd come around he was excited about it and I was a bit spoiled by his attention, but kids don't think that way. We were just a couple boys messing around mostly and if he acted a bit girlish sometimes, like how he acted and especially talked, that wasn't his fault....

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A Cool Reception

The heat in this town can be stifling. Every February, as the pressure systems build in the south, temperatures rise and the humidity is thick and sticky. There is no breeze, just sweat. Clothing is minimal. In shorts and thongs I ambled home from the pub. After a few hours respite in the air-con with a couple of beers, I was now perspiring and my head began to throb. Down the road I could hear rock music coming out of an old Federation house, so I crossed over to avoid the din. ‘Don’t you...

2 years ago
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The Reception

I had to attend a family wedding a few months ago. By the end of the service I was more than ready for a few beers a meal and a quick goodbye.  Standing in line for the open bar, I noticed an attractive woman in a red dress.  I spent several minutes enjoying the way it seemed to cling to her firm hips and ass. That’s when one of my cousins caught me staring. I managed to play it cool and got my beer and shot. On my way to my table, I saw the woman in the red dress again and realised it was an...

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After the Reception

“Man, that is nice,” Todd muttered to his cousin Steve as they watched the bridesmaid bend down to set the armload of presents she was carrying in the trunk of Brad’s car. Todd had been paired with her in the wedding party, and had danced with her quite a bit. As the evening wore on, with each dance his hand rode lower and lower, and she repeatedly pulled it back up to her waist. But after a while, when she was turned away from the guest tables, she let it rest low on her hip, fingers caressing...

4 years ago
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The Wedding Reception

I was recently in Atlanta on business and I flew in the night before my meetings and so I decided to throw on some decent clothes and head down to the hotel bar for a few drinks. I wasn't expecting anything but thought, “Why the hell not?” so I put on a pair of skin tight, dark denim skinny jeans, knee high black patent boots with 5” heels, a short sleeve green satin blouse with a leather underbust corset on top. Needless to say I did my hair and make up – I opted for a deep red lipstick on...

2 years ago
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Royal Reception

“You look beautiful, princess,” Harper said, standing in the mirror behind Amelia. Her shoulder-length hair hooked behind her left ear, but the majority swooped over in a voluminous cascade to the right. A simple, subdued red dress hung off her small frame. Bunches of excess fabric clumped up where she didn’t quite fill the article.Amelia tore her eyes off Harper and gave herself another once-over. The plunging neckline of the forest green dress drooped, tailored for someone with a more than...

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Racing the ClockChapter 10 Two More for a Grand Reception

Alex and his entourage entered the restaurant where they were meeting Patricia. They'd stopped to pick up Peter and David again so they numbered quite a few people, but Alex was confident that Patricia had reserved a good portion of the restaurant for that. When they entered, Patricia was already waiting for them and she got up and kissed Alex, welcoming him warmly. "Have a good time last night?" she asked teasingly. "I'm not sure I'd describe it as a barrel of laughs, but I can't...

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Jacqui Space WaifChapter 14 Reception

The porterbots who were moving the cages into the terminal were rather badly scratched and looked, and in some cases sounded, in dire need of repair. The one moving her cage had a squeak that would not have been left uncorrected for ten minutes on Earth. Jacqui thought that this was perhaps because the Authorities were uncaring of the prisoners' welfare, but it didn't make sense in terms of efficiency to use defective equipment. Jacqui noticed with a sinking heart that the women prisoners...

2 years ago
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No Accounting for TastesChapter 15 A Friendly Reception

George's next summons arrived on Erica's headed notepaper but was signed, "Rebecca Phillips, Personal Assistant to Erica Wilkie". He was intrigued to see who this new individual was and when he arrived, exactly on time as by now he knew the penalties for tardiness, he hoped he'd have an opportunity to meet her. "You'd be Mr Franks," said a curly haired blonde, cheerily as she opened the door. "Come right in, Ms Wilkie won't keep you a moment." She ushered him into the front room....

4 years ago
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Journey into the PastChapter 11 A cold reception

With Eastorhyld leading, since she was the one who knew the way, followed by Marjorie then Hild and Jane, I was left to bring up the rear. We went towards the stream and to the small path near the outcrop of saplings. This was a path I had seen before and thought it was just a path that had been made by wild animals coming to drink. Marjorie was seen talking to Eastorhyld for quite a long-time. She then turned and said, "This is a Druid highway, these criss-cross the country and by keeping...

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The Receptionist

Even as a relative newcomer to the surgical staff, Dr. Roxanne Tremblay had already heard rumors about the 'Cutters Club' of the male surgeons. At first, she dismissed the rumors as folklore, propagated by bored nurses and resentful administrators. With massive egos, chauvinist attitudes, and salaries that often didn't match their skills, the male doctors certainly gave enough ammunition to their detractors. Until she heard it straight from another female surgeon, she didn't put too much...

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The Receptionist

Loud footsteps echoed amidst the quiet late evening... A person walking... and dragging a luggage... Footwear? Sandals... thin, with flat soles... Pace? relaxed but hurrying... Jiggling sound... must be bracelets... A woman... Without taking his fingers off the computer keyboard, Tamers averted his eyes towards the glass front doors waiting to confirm his guess. Three seconds later, she appeared out of the corner. The woman was Caucasian. Her long dark hair was tied into a bun with a...

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hi frinds main namit frm ambala is back with my new story. this time i m coming with a story of an engineer n the receptionist. complete karney ke baad mainey bahut dhakey khaye. ek hi mahiney mein ek city se dusre city lekin mujhey kya pata tha job mere bilkul pados mein hi thi. main pooja vihar mein rehta hoon. ek din yun hi kisi ne keh diya industrial area mein try kyun nahin kartey. main industrial area mein chla gaya. wahan subah se shaam tak koi 4-5 company mein interview diya hoga...

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RECEPT.TXT by Cindy V. TV, Fem dom, humiliation When someone describes a girl as having a nice personality, that usually means that she's not much to look at. But our receptionist Kathy is quite the exception. First of all, she truly does have a nice personality. She always has a smile and a cheery word for everyone, and it's sincere. Guys just seem to congregate around her desk in the receptionist area, partly because she has such a sweet disposition. Well, maybe that's not...

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I Fucked The Plumper Receptionist

As the only employee for my company in the Utica area I have what is known as “shared office space” . That means that I have my own office and a meeting room where clients can come and we can discuss their projects . However all twelve of the different companies that have offices on that floor share a receptionist and there is a large meeting room with all the latest audio/video equipment and a small kitchen . We all have our own phone numbers but the receptionist can tell who the call is for...

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The Naughty Receptionist

“Miss Johnson, would you please come into my office?” Tracie rolled her eyes, thinking What does he want now? It was fifteen minutes before five--her purse was out, her computer off, and her mind had already left the building. Her friends had a fun night planned--some good food, a few drinks, and of course a great deal of dancing. Mandy even had a 'cool' guy she wanted to introduce to her, in Mandy’s never ending quest to help her get over her ex, Jason. I’m not going to stay a moment past...

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First my boss and then the receptionist

Everyone was hard at work and I was on my way to get some done myself before the weekend started, I got to my office and after logging into my computer I went down to the kitchen to get some coffee to help me get through the rest of the day. I had a brief conversation with a co-worker and it was back to business. The screen saver was on when I got back to the office; I sat down and moved the mouse to clear the screen. After putting down my coffee I saw that I had an email from my boss...

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The Hotel Receptionist

I’d arrived later than expected. As I dragged the useless suitcase through the revolving doors, I could hear my heels clicking on the floor.She glanced up at me, her long hair hung over her face like a veil until she straightened. I watched as it hung straight down, perfectly framing her face. She was certainly pretty. She looked young, in her early twenties at most, I figured. Her brown eyes sparkled as she smiled and welcomed me to the hotel.“Here you go, Ms McDonald,” she smiled as she...

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First my boss and then the receptionist

Introduction: I had always admired my boss but today she went from a boss and friend to a M.I.L.F. I had just gotten back to the office from a late lunch meeting with a senior client and was quiet please with how everything had played out. I was sure the deal was final and we were guaranteed some additional business here on the west coast once all of the paper work was signed. I have been working as a sales associate for one of West Coast top design firms for the past 2 years, I use to work as...

2 years ago
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First my boss and then the receptionist

I had just gotten back to the office from a late lunch meeting with a senior client and was quiet please with how everything had played out. I was sure the deal was final and we were guaranteed some additional business here on the west coast once all of the paper work was signed. I have been working as a sales associate for one of West Coast top design firms for the past 2 years, I use to work as a draftsman when a position opened up and my boss taught I would be the right fit for the position...

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Intimate Experience With A Receptionist

Hi horny guys of ISS. Firstly I would like to thank ISS for publishing my two experiences. My earlier experiences were true and this is my another true and sexy experience. One can reach me on : for their valuable comments. This is a bit lengthy description, please be patient to read it. This incident happened couple of years back. I used to travel widely in connection with my work. I was 36 at that time. I stand 5’10” tall and an average built body. During my visit, I used to stay in one...

3 years ago
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Fucking My Office Receptionist

Hi guys and girls this is women hunter from Bangalore .I have been reading the stories in this site from many years and finally i got an opportunity to write my real story which I had few months before with my office receptionist Shashikala .If any spelling mistake please don’t be angry .Any girls aunties bhabis want to have physical sex secretly can contact me on Let me describe her she is a typical south Indian girl but had a very good asset like 34-28-34 that I came to know when i had sex...

2 years ago
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BSC04 Educating KatrinaChapter 2 The Receptionist

Katrina was musing over this train of thought when she was approached by a very young and, of course, nude receptionist. The girl introduced herself as Carol Williams and told Katrina that unfortunately Ms. Grimes had been delayed by a good half hour at another meeting on the other side of the campus. Carol gave Katrina the option of waiting or rescheduling. Katrina opted to wait. She didn’t have any classes until later in the afternoon so a half hour wait would not interfere with...

3 years ago
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Elsa the receptionist

Strange how it all started I was 28 years old was married and working with my in-laws company as a Director involved in sales, This was back in the 80’s when everything was booming and we all believed we could get what ever we wanted. The property was going up and up with that and business doing well we moved the company to a new factory unit in Rugby Along with the new premises we needed to increase the workforce and we needed office staff we decided to recruit a receptionist and an account...

2 years ago
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Shakuntala My Receptionist

This escapade happened very suddenly but the taste of the same stayed back in my mind soul and body for the longest of time. I could smell her everywhere I went and as much as I smelled her I wanted her more and more. Shakuntala was a mid age woman with body stats of 34c-28-38.She worked as a receptionist in my office and was a woman who was pure ravishing by the word of it. she would be mid thirties ,definitely 38 or 39.i fell in love her name too, shakuntala ..and like I said I wanted her...

2 years ago
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Gym receptionist

Hey ladies. I’m Bedroom Basher. The story I am about to narrate is my own and true. This is my first story here on ISS and I hope you guys enjoy it. I’m 27, 5’ 9” (180 lbs), and working at a prestigious firm. This incident took place in Bangladesh, my home country. I’m not conceited in anyway, but it has always been the case that wherever I went, there would be a crowd of people attracted to me – sometimes they would do it so much, that I’d be left uncomfortable. I am not gorgeous but I have...

4 years ago
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Tittiefuck looked up from her long, purple-painted nails to greet the latest client. As usual, it was an angry woman with a flier. "Hi, I'm Tittiefuck! Welcome to Bimbotech Inc.!" she said, smiling wide. The woman stopped and stared. They often did. Tittiefuck was so pretty since they fixed her! Her titties were so big and round now, her ass so full and firm! The company had taught her how to spray her hair and blow it big and wild. They had given her new clothes like this shiny purple...

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Joy Was a Great Receptionist

Joy was a very cute petite Asian girl, probably about twenty-one or twenty-two. She was the receptionist at my office. Always perky and cheerful, I often wondered what it would be like to spend some private moments with her. I knew my fanciful thoughts were just a pipe dream, so when I had the chance to get to know her on a more intimate level, I was a bit surprised, especially since I didn’t think she even noticed me. My office is in the back of a multi-tenant office building. Joy is stationed...

Office Sex
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Sally The Doctors Receptionist

Hi, I am Sally. I work as the receptionist at the local surgery, I am looking to go to medical school but until then I have a very mundane job at the surgery. I am single and live with my mum and step-dad. I never really knew my dad and mum at thirty remarried when I was nine and my step-dad who was much older accepted me as his own. We were always an open family and my parents often lounged around the house in their underwear and encouraged me not to be afraid of nudity, I came to accept it...

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Tights from the Receptionist

I've already posted a true blog experience about how when i was in my mid 20's i worked in a large office and managed to get hold of a large number of pairs of navy tights (pantyhose) from an older female who was in her early 40's that she had discarded and left in her locker when she used to go out jogging at lunchtimes so she must have always brought fresh ones to put on when she got back and ended up leaving the other ones in her locker which i eventually took all the pairs from after she...

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