Creating My Hot Wife 16
- 2 years ago
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The next month was slow torture. I spent my days laying around my motel room, or sitting by myself on the bus as we rolled down the road to the next set of shows. I called her from the green rooms or from the motel every night. The sound of her voice inevitably turned me on, and I'd be like a rock at the end of our conversations. I normally shower in the morning, but I started taking them right after getting off the phone with Em so I could jack off without making a mess. She would ask me about once a week if I'd seen any pretty girls. I'd tell her that I had, but that none of them interested me, which was true.
Any time I wasn't on the phone with her, or on the stage performing, I was reading one of several books I'd bought on all the ways to pleasure a woman, and was becoming more comfortable with the idea. Not just of doing it, but of doing it right, so it would be good for her. The strange thing was that it all seemed rather unpleasant if I wasn't directly relating it to Emelyne. Perhaps this was the proof she needed that it was she and not just her body that I wanted, but it made me worry even more. When it came down to the wire, would I be able to perform?
I was anxious to get home, but it seemed that Fate itself conspired against me. Possibly the worst rain and hailstorm I've ever experienced forced us off the Interstate due to a washed out bridge. We had to detour on side roads for nearly a hundred miles, and couldn't do more than forty miles an hour. I'd told Caleb that I'd be home tomorrow, and I still had hope until one of the rear duelies blew. Here I was, stranded in the middle of nowhere, miles from the nearest services, and it was raining like Judgment Day.
I spent about fifteen minutes out in the rain screaming, kicking clods of mud, and pounding the side of the bus with my fists before I'd worked out enough of my frustration to be civil with my busmates. When I climbed the steps, the guys were looking at me warily, never having seen me act like that.
"You need ta get laid, Gideon," Lonnie said.
I looked at him, "Why do you think I'm so pissed about this, Lon? I'm on my way home to see my girlfriend. We'd only been dating for a week when I had to come back on the road, which was just long enough to work up a nice set of blue balls."
"Girlfriend?" Jessie said incredulously, "I thought you were gay, man."
"Yeah, I am. What's your point?" I asked with a grin.
"Oh, I get it..." Lonnie said, chuckling, "He done fell for one of the Trasvestment type girls." Lonnie might be from southern Alabama, but he was amazingly open-minded about most everything. He was also one of the funnies guys I'd ever known and had the 'I'm a dumbassed hick' act down pat. He always managed to sucker Jessie into correcting him because Jessie was a serious pothead, and frequently slow on the uptake. He also happened to be about ten years younger than either of us.
"It's not Transvestment, butthead, it's Transvestite," Jessie said, correcting him for the fifth time today.
"'Er ya sure 'bout dat, Jess? 'Cause I'd'a sworn it was Transvestment. I thought it came from them transformin' they's selves from boys ta girls by changin' they's vestments?" he asked, utterly deadpan.
I was trying to laugh without them hearing because I wanted to see how long Lonnie could string him along this time, but I felt like I was going to bust a lung.
"Nah, man, that ain't—" Jessie saw me out of the corner of his eye and his head turned. He looked at me for a second, as if he was trying to figure something out, turned back to Lonnie and then did a classic double take, his head whipping back to me, eyes wide with sudden realization. "Awww, man, not again! That's it, I'm kickin' yer old ass, Lonnie," he said, as he got up from his seat, "And yer next, Gideon," he threatened, giving me the finger.
"What in hell did I do?" I asked through my guffaws.
"You helped him set me up, man. All that bullshit about dating a girl, that's fucked up, man," Lonnie looked like he was on the verge of wetting his pants.
I got control of myself and said, "I wasn't lying about that, Jess. I really am dating a woman, and she's terrific. Musta caught "the straight" from Lon, or something. I need to call my girl and let her know I'm going to be late getting into town. Excuse me, guys," I said, and moved to the back of the bus to sit on my bed for some privacy.
"Bonjour, chéri, you're calling early today."
"Hey, baby. I've got some bad news. The bus is broke down on the side of the road, and it's looking like we won't be getting in when we thought. If we do get in tomorrow it'll be really late, but I'm betting we won't be in until the day after tomorrow."
"Oh, Gideon, I was looking forward to seeing you tomorrow."
"I know, baby, I was looking forward to seeing you too. I've really missed you, but there's no helping it. The driver's talking to a cop right now, getting him to call a tow truck, but I don't think the tires will be fixed before morning."
"Well," she said with a sigh, "I don't suppose that one day makes a difference in the scheme of things. I was just hoping... that we..." Em's words trailed off, and I knew exactly what she was thinking. I couldn't help chuckling.
"Yeah, I know, baby. I have to confess that I'm pretty nervous about that. It's sort of strange, Em, because when I think about a woman... you know... the uuh... the female parts in a purely generic sense... Well, to be honest, it's unpleasant to think about, but when I think about you, baby, just you in a sort of amorphous way I get hard as a rock in seconds," I held my breath, wondering how she would react to this.
"Hmmm... you're saying that you've become certain that you're not attracted to women at all, but you don't care that I'm one because you want to be with me, the person?" I couldn't decide if she sounded pleased by this.
"Yes, that's what I'm saying, Em. I'm completely taken with you, and gender has ceased to be an issue. I bought a bunch of books so I could teach myself how to make love to a woman."
"Oh God, chéri... you did that for me? I don't know what to say. That's so sweet, so thoughtful. You didn't have to do that, Gideon," she sounded like she was on the verge of tears.
"I did have to, Em. I want it to be good for you. You won't be able to relax and enjoy it if you have to guide me through the whole experience. Besides, I did it for me too. You think I want the embarrassment of being totally ignorant the first time out of the gate?" I asked with a laugh. "That would be a sure way to wind up impotent and incapable of doing it."
"But still..." she said, sniffing loudly and making it clear that she'd been crying, "It must have been very unpleasant. I shudder when I think of the pictures you must have been looking at," she laughed weakly.
"Some of it was, yes, but it wasn't too bad when I related it directly to you. I have to admit that I learned a lot though, and most, if not all, of the positions I discovered in the Kama Sutra would be applicable regardless of gender."
"Is that so?" she sounded intrigued now.
"Yes, there are several that I definitely want to try," I replied huskily. The sound of her voice, so sultry, and the subject matter had my cock throbbing.
"Shit!" she exclaimed, "I'm going to be late for work. I'm sorry, chéri, but I have to run. Will you pick me up for Caleb's party?"
"Uuh... well, I'm not sure that's a good idea, baby."
"Honestly? If I pick you up we'll never make it to the party and then Caleb will be pissed at me because I promised him I'd be there."
She laughed in her usual, musical way, "You're a terrible, wicked man, Gideon. Ok, I'll meet you there then, since you'll be too likely to rip my clothes off if we're alone together."
"You don't know the half of it, baby."
"Stop now... I have to go, and you're deliberately getting me riled. I'll see you at the party, and I'll miss you until then."
"I'll miss you too. See you then." I heard a final chuckle as I pulled the phone away from my ear to hang up.
"Oh, hell no! There is no way I'm wearing that, Caleb!"
"Oh, pleasepleasepleaseplease... please, Gideon?"
"I can't believe you picked out that costume for me. I was going to pick one up today."
"Oh, puhlease! There is no way you'll be able to find anything worth wearing today of all days. Besides, if I let you pick your costume you'll put on a hideous sweater and come as a straight stand up comic. You'll spend the whole party pretending to be a homophobe and telling atrocious jokes. Honestly, Gideon, there's only so many times a person can hear, 'Two fags back into a bar... '" he said. I could practically hear his eyes roll and couldn't keep from laughing.
"Hey, Tony loves that joke."
"Tony smokes too much dope, darling. There's very little left upstairs for him to work with. Maybe we should try to hook him up with that friend of yours, what's his name... Jesse? At least he'd have someone with similar interests to talk to for a change," he declared with a disgusted snort.
"Yeah, you've got a point there, but Jesse's straight."
"Never mind about them right now, Gideon, we're supposed to be talking about you. You'll be the Belle of the Ball in this costume, darling, and we'll be a matched set," he pulled out his big guns, his pleading puppy look; he knew it was almost impossible for me to say no to him when he did.
"The operative word being 'belle'. Why couldn't I be Robin?"
"There weren't any Robins left. All I could find was this one and Will."
"Then I'll be Will."
"That won't work, darling. First off, the costume is sized for me, not you, and secondly, Will was a fop and you could never pull that off."
"But I could pull off a woman?"
"If you're in anything resembling pants you'll keep acting butch. With you dressed up like Maid Marion, you'll be in a dress, and that will keep you in character. Please, Gideon?" he pleaded, giving me that look again and cuddling up to me. "I don't want to be Will on my own, and I couldn't find any other Robin Hood character costume that would fit you. You're very average sized and all that was left were oddball sizes, either way too large or far too small."
I growled in the back of my throat, "You're such a passive aggressive bully."
His whoops of elation almost made me smile. He spent the next four hours doing truly heinous things to me. Waxing and shaving hair, putting weird, smelly stuff on my face then peeling it off, pinning my hair down under a skull cap. He loved every minute of it and I hated it. By the time he was done, I looked nothing like myself. The corset was killing me, but there was no getting around it since it was an integral part of the costume. He'd at least been kind enough not to pull it too tight, so I wasn't having too much trouble breathing.
I spent the next hour alternately watching television and his progress in getting himself ready. He certainly looked the part in his scarlet silk costume, lace hankie and crossed swords on his back.
As we set out the last of the starter hors d'oeuvres, the doorbell rang for the first time. I was fighting with the veils on my stupid hat when Caleb came bouncing back in with Adrien and Howie dressed as Catherine and Heathcliff from Wuthering Heights. Every year those two would pick a different classic novel; Adrien always took the female part because Howie refused to wear a dress. I knew I'd be catching serious shit from him over my costume. The look on his face when I sauntered over to him, batting my fake lashes, was almost worth the jibes I'd be getting all night.
"Something's wrong with this picture," Adrien said, looking between Caleb and I.
"Tell me about it. I'm too butch to play a queer, apparently. I think he just wanted an excuse to make my shave my pits," I responded, raising my arm to show them my denuded underarm through the slit in the sleeve.
Howie immediately started laughing. I rolled my eyes heavenward, and went into the kitchen to get the huge, punch bowl, cups and ladle for the Sangria.
After the first two, people started arriving in large groups or trickled through the door in ones and twos. All of the costumes were flashy and wonderful. The strangest set of costumes that I saw was on Jesse and Tony. It seemed they'd met at one of our shows a month ago and Tony invited Jesse to the party then. They'd apparently gotten together earlier over at Tony's place, painted each other olive green with red and brown streaks, including they're jockeys, and then wrapped each other in yards of cellophane. When questioned they proclaimed that they were quarter ounces of Acapulco Gold and Thai Stick. Getting him alone for a minute, I asked Jesse if he realized that Tony probably considered they were on a date. Jesse said, "Don't worry about it, man, he's cool. Do ya think he'd hook me up if I let him blow me?"
"Probably not, but he might if you blew him," he made a face.
"Blech... I'd rather fuck 'em."
"What? I thought you were straight?"
"Hey, man, a hole's a hole, and we're talkin' about weed. If doin' a hole gets me a new connection for primo shit then I'm there, man. And don't fuckin' look at me like that, Gideon. I know what yer thinkin'. That it's cold that I'd use him like that, but he'd be usin' me just as much. It'd be a symbiotic relationship; ya dig? I'd be getting' what I want, he'd be gettin' what he wants, we'd both have a new buddy and everybody'd be happy."
I just shook my head and went back to mingling. Finding Tony at the wet bar, I thought to warn him about Jesse. They were both my friends, but I'd known Tony a hall of a lot longer. His reaction shouldn't have surprised me, I suppose.
"No shit? He told you that? Wow, thanks for passing the word, Gideon, you're a true friend. Gonna get some tonight," he practically sang the last sentence, and started whistling Mack the Knife as he grabbed their drinks and headed for Jesse. Again, all I could do was shake my head in astonishment and circulate some more.
Sylvia, a transsexual who'd yet to see the sharp side of the knife where the 'boys' were concerned, had a perfect Dolly Parton going. The enormous breast implants and equally huge, blonde wig definitely helped, since they made it difficult to focus on anything else; the effect was almost hypnotic. I was chatting with her about how uncomfortable my corset was when I heard the distinct sound of Em's laughter behind me.
I turned just as she said, "Oh my God... I can't believe he got you into a dress." I froze when I saw her.
"That little bitch lied to me," I said indignantly, "He told me he couldn't find a Robin Hood costume when there was no way he'd have gotten me one if he could because he knew that's what you were coming as. You two planned this between you, right?" I took her in, and caught myself faintly wondering which the illusion was, the man standing in front of me, or the woman I'd kissed on the Ferris Wheel.
She crossed the ten feet separating us, "No, chéri, I had no idea what costume he would pick for you. He asked me what I planned on coming as and I told him I was going to be Errol Flynn in his role of Robin Hood. I actually expected him to get you Will Scarlett, or maybe Little John. This never crossed my mind, I swear."
"He's a twisted, little shit. He's playing Will tonight," I said, pulling her against me and seized her mouth for a hello kiss. Holding her tightly, caressing her back, I decided that I liked the way she felt without a bra breaking the smooth lines of her spine and ribs. ¬I was nearly lost in her taste when Sylvia violently cleared her throat to get my attention.
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xmoviesforyouAs the camera crew and costume girls began to pack up, Sally approached Griff. “How did I do? I felt so self-conscious, especially at the end there. I’m glad Marg and Marie are here to help with the clothes.” “Sure, sugar. They are a good crew and they loved you. You know, Joey over there said that you’re a natural, and I agree. You have a natural freshness, an outgoing friendliness, and wicked sense of humour. And you have a tanned and fit body. You would do well as a nude model. Did...
I first became really interested in sex was when I was about fourteen years old, and I discovered that my penis was good for more than just relieving myself of pee. It also felt good to fondle it and play with my balls, and then I discovered that it would get hard and feel even better when I rubbed my hand up and down on it and made it shoot that creamy stuff out. What a thrilling feeling it was to have my whole body quiver in pleasure as the stuff rose up from my groin and spurted all over...
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1991 Whatever noise Mom, Dad and Josh had made getting ready for church simply wasn’t enough to wake me from a dead slumber. I woke up with a smile on my dry mouth and a slight headache throbbing in my temples. Sundays are mine. I think I’ve mentioned that before. But I still had stuff to do. It was nearly 10 a.m. and Jen was coming over for Sunday dinner. That’s lunch for those of you who didn’t grow up on a farm. The savory smell of a simmering pot roast in a...
I turned over in bed and pulled the pillow down from under my head and thrust it hard into my crotch, crossed my thighs and humped it, feeling its rougher edges, where the sewing was, rubbing where my clitoris was and with each movement until I experienced that very nice feeling.My parent's divorce just before my eighth birthday, was, according to our doctor, what spurned on my precocious puberty. Suddenly, having breast buds and pubic hair on display, for my father's friends, who were...
Your pictures never fail to paint fantasies in my mind, you are such a naughty muse. They inspire me to write and, if you feel offended by graphic descriptions of sexual acts I urge you to stop reading now. This message has already served its main purpose which is to thank you for the pictures you shared If not, go on reading I think you might find the read appealing.I often find myself thinking about tying you up just like in those poses I ask you to make. I imagine pinning you down against...
I cleaned up the office after she left, stopping to look through her portfolio again. Jill had a lot of talent, but almost immediately, I stared at the dressing room pictures she had left in the folder.I tucked the picture into my desk drawer and locked it, then grabbed a digital camera I had bought about a year ago.I tried not to sprint across the backyard to the poolhouse. I knocked lightly on the screen door."Yes?" said Jill from the back room."Uh yes, I'm Warren from the agency, here...
MatureA View to a Thrillbyblaster666©(found on the net)Jimmy Morris listened to his friend and neighbor Greg Norton blabber on enthusiastically while finding it impossible to believe a word he was saying. Greg was known to tell some whoppers from time to time, but what he was saying now was way beyond anything he'd claimed before. "It's true I'm telling ya," Greg squeaked. "Yeah right, whatever dude," Jimmy shot back while fixing Greg with a look that clearly showed he thought he was full of shit....
I’d been feeling really good lately, sort-of on cloud 9. There’s something about getting laid well and often that really makes a guy feel alive, y’know? Anyhow, I was hanging out in the living room playing some video games and listening to music, having a good old time, when I heard my Mom come in from the Garage and from the sound of it she was carrying some plastic bags. That meant she’d been to the store, and that meant maybe she had some potato chips or something – I’d looked for some...
I awoke about 8am to a quite house and a massive hard on. I dreamed about the three girls and how I soaked them all over their bodies with my cum. I had to lay in bed for 10 minutes so it would go semi hard. Putting on my under pants, shorts and polo top I went to the bathroom to relieve myself. Mum and Dad were siting in the lounge watching the TV morning news. They both said “Happy 16th Birthday Son” I thanked them. I got some toast and juice for breakfast and sat at the dining table to...
Exploration of a Darker SideIntroductionSarah Patterson is a 35 year old mother of two, happily married to Bryan for 11 years, together for 13. He is a hard working carpenter with his own business. A successful business and one that affords them a very comfortable lifestyle, a nice 4 bedroom detached house in a leafy rural suburb of Birmingham and a luxury holiday caravan in the Yorkshire Dales.Sarah is a qualified teacher who lectures at a local teacher training college 2 days a week. She...
First TimeROBIN GIRL WONDER part 2 - KNIGHTS AND LOVERS This story is based loosely on drawings done by Fraylim. This is a work of fan-fiction that includes characters owned by DC Comics. It is not intended to damage their copyright in any way. Note: Read part 1 first or this won't make sense. The feminized Tim Drake stretched out in the sun by the pool at Wayne Manor. She was nude. Alfred appeared and cleared his throat to get her attention. "Would the lady like me to fetch her...
Pete and I are friends that did a lot of partying in our younger years. Living in a rural area cantering to tourism gives way to a lot of areas for entertainment.Pete and I would go about 30 miles out of town to an area where there were good fishing lakes where there were little resorts and bars around the lake. One sure place was Smity’s where Smity have a bar and some cabins for tourists.Just about every night, we would go and drink beer and entertain ourselves with the locals and...
Gail Roberts looked at herself in the mirror. Truth time, she decided. Nothing like checking yourself out while nude to decide just what shape your shape is in. Overall, she decided, her shape wasn't too bad. Yes, her breasts sagged some but still looked good. Her nipples were chewed from nursing her children and her butt was bigger than it should be. Her legs still looked pretty darn shapely she thought. She stared closely into the mirror. Eyes still blue, hair still brown. Face still nice....
Book Two: Rogue's Wicked Harem Part Four: The Faerie Queen's Court By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Chapter Ten: The Faerie Queen's Court Sven Falk – Palace of Queen Sidhe, Faerie Awe spilled over me at the sight of Queen Sidhe sitting upon her crystalline throne, her silver hair fell about a face that was at once both as young as a maiden newly blossomed into womanhood and yet so ancient, possessing the weight of eons of existence. She perched with a regal bearing, her back straight,...
this is very true,few years back my mother passed away,left me a bunch of money,afterward,i now had money,but no family,so i was wild,parting,having alot of,hot man sex,by the way,im a chubby,very fem. tan, smooth,i look, act,an love to be treated,like a girl,an love it when a well hung horny man is turned on by me..i was at a riverboat casino,staying at a very nice hotel..i always,had plenty of very sexy,outfits an loved to dress up an leave the curtains,half open (pretending i didnt realize...
After the big game: Returning home from the football game, Alex lit up a joint, sat back and reflected on what happened to him earlier that evening. Some horny ass nypho just draged him under the bleachers and let him fuck her brains out, and he never even got her name. Finishing his joint he had a great idea, he would start his own private video collection. He will film several shots of various girls masterbating for his camera. He set up his tripod, got his camers ready, and called...
The meadow of grass was alluring; it beckoned me closer, tempting me to lay myself down in its embrace and take pleasure in the warmth of the afternoon sun. I had slipped away from the hustle and bustle of the village about an hour ago and have since been wandering the nearby woods, relishing the solitude that would, undoubtedly, dissipate the minute I returned home. I crouched down to study a patch of buttercups, picking just a few and rose up to continue my walk to the meadow. I’ve made many...
EroticThe Road to Jericho By Scott Ramsey Author's Note: This story deals with topics relating to Christianity in a respectful way. If the idea of God offends you, read no further (I will pray for you though). If you are not, I invite you to take a journey down the road to Jericho.... Lightning split the night sky as the rain came down in sheets, obscuring the two lane black top. Jerry Harris strained to see the road ahead, the wipers of his Dodge Ram pickup struggling vainly to...
He woke slowly, first to the constant hiss and sizzle, then to the familiar smell of bacon, teasing him from his sleep with a hint of a perfect breakfast made just as she knew he would want it. Sleep had finally come to him sometime early in the morning, but the lack of it hung about him as he lifted his legs over the side of the bed and stood to face the day. She had drawn the blinds so he could sleep late, and waited until mid-morning to start his breakfast. He would shower first, buying...
Uxbridge, West London. June, the same year. It was a little thing that started it, but lots of little things eventually become a big thing, and big things have a habit of causing untold consequences. This little thing started in a pub on the edge of Uxbridge, not far from Heathrow Airport. “Come on folks, almost time to go home,” the landlord was reminding the last of his patrons before the eight pm curfew that had been in place for some six weeks now. It was a lovely sunny evening, and at...
Anya Olsen is looking fabulous in her bright purple bra and panty set with her matching thigh-high stockings. She is ready to be a slut wanting to suck and ride that big hard cock that Lucky Fate has hiding in her shorts. She makes her eyes water choking all that dick down making sure it is nice and wet so Lucky can slide deep in her. Her pussy is so tight clenching onto his cock as he grinds in and out of her. He knows just how to make her cum on his dick flipping Anya around so he can fuck...
xmoviesforyouI’m a thirty-one-year-old Filipino female married to a fifty-six-year-old American man named Michael (Mike). Mike is a good man who treats me well and is financially secure. He is a financial Business Manager with his own business. He also has done very well in the stock market. We live just north of Dallas and have a nice home there on the lake. Our house is huge, and we have a small dock, swimming pool, and a yacht further down the lake parked at some country club docks.My name is Rosalie...
Wife LoversAs the title suggests, this is the prequel to my "Our Babysitter" story. I think you will enjoy it lot more if you read the original before you continue reading this story (unless, of course, you have read that one already!). However, the way I have tried to draft this one, it should flow just fine as a standalone story. So without further ado, here we go … --- The next day after my discovery of Nikki's secret affair with Crystal, our babysitter, was rather quiet. I knew she must have felt...
LesbianThe transit bus ground to a stop at the curb, and Lissa Tilo hoisted her book bag over her shoulder, pushed open the front door of the District 7 Public Library, and walked out into the sticky summer heat. Almost immediately, she could feel her polyester school uniform start to stick to her skin. Lissa was a strikingly beautiful girl with smooth skin the color of honey and sensual features that reflected her Latina heritage. A little shorter than average, she had a ripe, womanly body that...
My wife Sarah is one of the sexiest women I know. She has always kept herself in great shape and loves sex. I have had a hard time keeping up with her sex drive. I really enjoy showing Sarah off and she has never seemed to mind. Dressing her up in little dresses minus and under garments was something we do while away from home. Sarah becomes almost insatiable away from home so I love vactions. They can be a weekend trip and by weeks end, I am sore and tired, and typically my balls are...
It all started when Jenny left her phone in her best friend Tammy's car. The timing was just unbelievable, she thought. Her laptop had been shipped off to Applecare for repairs the day before, so she was basically without any Internet access for hours and hours—pure torture for a teenage girl. Tammy was lifeguarding at the club for the summer, and said she'd drop the phone off until after work, but until then...Jenny just had to make her own fun. It didn't take long for her to tire of TV and...
Sammi looked for Bob before school, but he was nowhere to be seen. She waited for him outside the entrance, and only gave up at the last minute, sliding into her seat in Home Room just before the bell rang. She thought of checking with the office, but decided that if she did that she'd look like some kind of a fool. She was just going into the bathroom before Sex Ed when she saw him in line ahead of her. "Hi there," she said, coming up behind him. "Hi, yourself," he said, slipping an...
Mira Destovsky was sitting at her desk when I entered the office, ushered in by her tall, svelte, Russian secretary, Ivanova. She was all business, looking at her watch to confirm I was on time. I could only see her top half and she looked as gorgeous as I remembered her although her hair was drawn severely back. Her pale blue silk blouse was buttoned to the neck and she wore a man’s tie, loosely knotted and dark blue. Her jewellery was silver, ear rings and a bracelet on her right wrist, a...