A MasqueradeChapter 2 free porn video

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The next month was slow torture. I spent my days laying around my motel room, or sitting by myself on the bus as we rolled down the road to the next set of shows. I called her from the green rooms or from the motel every night. The sound of her voice inevitably turned me on, and I'd be like a rock at the end of our conversations. I normally shower in the morning, but I started taking them right after getting off the phone with Em so I could jack off without making a mess. She would ask me about once a week if I'd seen any pretty girls. I'd tell her that I had, but that none of them interested me, which was true.

Any time I wasn't on the phone with her, or on the stage performing, I was reading one of several books I'd bought on all the ways to pleasure a woman, and was becoming more comfortable with the idea. Not just of doing it, but of doing it right, so it would be good for her. The strange thing was that it all seemed rather unpleasant if I wasn't directly relating it to Emelyne. Perhaps this was the proof she needed that it was she and not just her body that I wanted, but it made me worry even more. When it came down to the wire, would I be able to perform?

I was anxious to get home, but it seemed that Fate itself conspired against me. Possibly the worst rain and hailstorm I've ever experienced forced us off the Interstate due to a washed out bridge. We had to detour on side roads for nearly a hundred miles, and couldn't do more than forty miles an hour. I'd told Caleb that I'd be home tomorrow, and I still had hope until one of the rear duelies blew. Here I was, stranded in the middle of nowhere, miles from the nearest services, and it was raining like Judgment Day.

I spent about fifteen minutes out in the rain screaming, kicking clods of mud, and pounding the side of the bus with my fists before I'd worked out enough of my frustration to be civil with my busmates. When I climbed the steps, the guys were looking at me warily, never having seen me act like that.

"You need ta get laid, Gideon," Lonnie said.

I looked at him, "Why do you think I'm so pissed about this, Lon? I'm on my way home to see my girlfriend. We'd only been dating for a week when I had to come back on the road, which was just long enough to work up a nice set of blue balls."

"Girlfriend?" Jessie said incredulously, "I thought you were gay, man."

"Yeah, I am. What's your point?" I asked with a grin.

"Oh, I get it..." Lonnie said, chuckling, "He done fell for one of the Trasvestment type girls." Lonnie might be from southern Alabama, but he was amazingly open-minded about most everything. He was also one of the funnies guys I'd ever known and had the 'I'm a dumbassed hick' act down pat. He always managed to sucker Jessie into correcting him because Jessie was a serious pothead, and frequently slow on the uptake. He also happened to be about ten years younger than either of us.

"It's not Transvestment, butthead, it's Transvestite," Jessie said, correcting him for the fifth time today.

"'Er ya sure 'bout dat, Jess? 'Cause I'd'a sworn it was Transvestment. I thought it came from them transformin' they's selves from boys ta girls by changin' they's vestments?" he asked, utterly deadpan.

I was trying to laugh without them hearing because I wanted to see how long Lonnie could string him along this time, but I felt like I was going to bust a lung.

"Nah, man, that ain't—" Jessie saw me out of the corner of his eye and his head turned. He looked at me for a second, as if he was trying to figure something out, turned back to Lonnie and then did a classic double take, his head whipping back to me, eyes wide with sudden realization. "Awww, man, not again! That's it, I'm kickin' yer old ass, Lonnie," he said, as he got up from his seat, "And yer next, Gideon," he threatened, giving me the finger.

"What in hell did I do?" I asked through my guffaws.

"You helped him set me up, man. All that bullshit about dating a girl, that's fucked up, man," Lonnie looked like he was on the verge of wetting his pants.

I got control of myself and said, "I wasn't lying about that, Jess. I really am dating a woman, and she's terrific. Musta caught "the straight" from Lon, or something. I need to call my girl and let her know I'm going to be late getting into town. Excuse me, guys," I said, and moved to the back of the bus to sit on my bed for some privacy.

"Bonjour, chéri, you're calling early today."

"Hey, baby. I've got some bad news. The bus is broke down on the side of the road, and it's looking like we won't be getting in when we thought. If we do get in tomorrow it'll be really late, but I'm betting we won't be in until the day after tomorrow."

"Oh, Gideon, I was looking forward to seeing you tomorrow."

"I know, baby, I was looking forward to seeing you too. I've really missed you, but there's no helping it. The driver's talking to a cop right now, getting him to call a tow truck, but I don't think the tires will be fixed before morning."

"Well," she said with a sigh, "I don't suppose that one day makes a difference in the scheme of things. I was just hoping... that we..." Em's words trailed off, and I knew exactly what she was thinking. I couldn't help chuckling.

"Yeah, I know, baby. I have to confess that I'm pretty nervous about that. It's sort of strange, Em, because when I think about a woman... you know... the uuh... the female parts in a purely generic sense... Well, to be honest, it's unpleasant to think about, but when I think about you, baby, just you in a sort of amorphous way I get hard as a rock in seconds," I held my breath, wondering how she would react to this.

"Hmmm... you're saying that you've become certain that you're not attracted to women at all, but you don't care that I'm one because you want to be with me, the person?" I couldn't decide if she sounded pleased by this.

"Yes, that's what I'm saying, Em. I'm completely taken with you, and gender has ceased to be an issue. I bought a bunch of books so I could teach myself how to make love to a woman."

"Oh God, chéri... you did that for me? I don't know what to say. That's so sweet, so thoughtful. You didn't have to do that, Gideon," she sounded like she was on the verge of tears.

"I did have to, Em. I want it to be good for you. You won't be able to relax and enjoy it if you have to guide me through the whole experience. Besides, I did it for me too. You think I want the embarrassment of being totally ignorant the first time out of the gate?" I asked with a laugh. "That would be a sure way to wind up impotent and incapable of doing it."

"But still..." she said, sniffing loudly and making it clear that she'd been crying, "It must have been very unpleasant. I shudder when I think of the pictures you must have been looking at," she laughed weakly.

"Some of it was, yes, but it wasn't too bad when I related it directly to you. I have to admit that I learned a lot though, and most, if not all, of the positions I discovered in the Kama Sutra would be applicable regardless of gender."

"Is that so?" she sounded intrigued now.

"Yes, there are several that I definitely want to try," I replied huskily. The sound of her voice, so sultry, and the subject matter had my cock throbbing.

"Shit!" she exclaimed, "I'm going to be late for work. I'm sorry, chéri, but I have to run. Will you pick me up for Caleb's party?"

"Uuh... well, I'm not sure that's a good idea, baby."


"Honestly? If I pick you up we'll never make it to the party and then Caleb will be pissed at me because I promised him I'd be there."

She laughed in her usual, musical way, "You're a terrible, wicked man, Gideon. Ok, I'll meet you there then, since you'll be too likely to rip my clothes off if we're alone together."

"You don't know the half of it, baby."

"Stop now... I have to go, and you're deliberately getting me riled. I'll see you at the party, and I'll miss you until then."

"I'll miss you too. See you then." I heard a final chuckle as I pulled the phone away from my ear to hang up.

"Oh, hell no! There is no way I'm wearing that, Caleb!"

"Oh, pleasepleasepleaseplease... please, Gideon?"

"I can't believe you picked out that costume for me. I was going to pick one up today."

"Oh, puhlease! There is no way you'll be able to find anything worth wearing today of all days. Besides, if I let you pick your costume you'll put on a hideous sweater and come as a straight stand up comic. You'll spend the whole party pretending to be a homophobe and telling atrocious jokes. Honestly, Gideon, there's only so many times a person can hear, 'Two fags back into a bar... '" he said. I could practically hear his eyes roll and couldn't keep from laughing.

"Hey, Tony loves that joke."

"Tony smokes too much dope, darling. There's very little left upstairs for him to work with. Maybe we should try to hook him up with that friend of yours, what's his name... Jesse? At least he'd have someone with similar interests to talk to for a change," he declared with a disgusted snort.

"Yeah, you've got a point there, but Jesse's straight."

"Never mind about them right now, Gideon, we're supposed to be talking about you. You'll be the Belle of the Ball in this costume, darling, and we'll be a matched set," he pulled out his big guns, his pleading puppy look; he knew it was almost impossible for me to say no to him when he did.

"The operative word being 'belle'. Why couldn't I be Robin?"

"There weren't any Robins left. All I could find was this one and Will."

"Then I'll be Will."

"That won't work, darling. First off, the costume is sized for me, not you, and secondly, Will was a fop and you could never pull that off."

"But I could pull off a woman?"

"If you're in anything resembling pants you'll keep acting butch. With you dressed up like Maid Marion, you'll be in a dress, and that will keep you in character. Please, Gideon?" he pleaded, giving me that look again and cuddling up to me. "I don't want to be Will on my own, and I couldn't find any other Robin Hood character costume that would fit you. You're very average sized and all that was left were oddball sizes, either way too large or far too small."

I growled in the back of my throat, "You're such a passive aggressive bully."

His whoops of elation almost made me smile. He spent the next four hours doing truly heinous things to me. Waxing and shaving hair, putting weird, smelly stuff on my face then peeling it off, pinning my hair down under a skull cap. He loved every minute of it and I hated it. By the time he was done, I looked nothing like myself. The corset was killing me, but there was no getting around it since it was an integral part of the costume. He'd at least been kind enough not to pull it too tight, so I wasn't having too much trouble breathing.

I spent the next hour alternately watching television and his progress in getting himself ready. He certainly looked the part in his scarlet silk costume, lace hankie and crossed swords on his back.

As we set out the last of the starter hors d'oeuvres, the doorbell rang for the first time. I was fighting with the veils on my stupid hat when Caleb came bouncing back in with Adrien and Howie dressed as Catherine and Heathcliff from Wuthering Heights. Every year those two would pick a different classic novel; Adrien always took the female part because Howie refused to wear a dress. I knew I'd be catching serious shit from him over my costume. The look on his face when I sauntered over to him, batting my fake lashes, was almost worth the jibes I'd be getting all night.

"Something's wrong with this picture," Adrien said, looking between Caleb and I.

"Tell me about it. I'm too butch to play a queer, apparently. I think he just wanted an excuse to make my shave my pits," I responded, raising my arm to show them my denuded underarm through the slit in the sleeve.

Howie immediately started laughing. I rolled my eyes heavenward, and went into the kitchen to get the huge, punch bowl, cups and ladle for the Sangria.

After the first two, people started arriving in large groups or trickled through the door in ones and twos. All of the costumes were flashy and wonderful. The strangest set of costumes that I saw was on Jesse and Tony. It seemed they'd met at one of our shows a month ago and Tony invited Jesse to the party then. They'd apparently gotten together earlier over at Tony's place, painted each other olive green with red and brown streaks, including they're jockeys, and then wrapped each other in yards of cellophane. When questioned they proclaimed that they were quarter ounces of Acapulco Gold and Thai Stick. Getting him alone for a minute, I asked Jesse if he realized that Tony probably considered they were on a date. Jesse said, "Don't worry about it, man, he's cool. Do ya think he'd hook me up if I let him blow me?"

"Probably not, but he might if you blew him," he made a face.

"Blech... I'd rather fuck 'em."

"What? I thought you were straight?"

"Hey, man, a hole's a hole, and we're talkin' about weed. If doin' a hole gets me a new connection for primo shit then I'm there, man. And don't fuckin' look at me like that, Gideon. I know what yer thinkin'. That it's cold that I'd use him like that, but he'd be usin' me just as much. It'd be a symbiotic relationship; ya dig? I'd be getting' what I want, he'd be gettin' what he wants, we'd both have a new buddy and everybody'd be happy."

I just shook my head and went back to mingling. Finding Tony at the wet bar, I thought to warn him about Jesse. They were both my friends, but I'd known Tony a hall of a lot longer. His reaction shouldn't have surprised me, I suppose.

"No shit? He told you that? Wow, thanks for passing the word, Gideon, you're a true friend. Gonna get some tonight," he practically sang the last sentence, and started whistling Mack the Knife as he grabbed their drinks and headed for Jesse. Again, all I could do was shake my head in astonishment and circulate some more.

Sylvia, a transsexual who'd yet to see the sharp side of the knife where the 'boys' were concerned, had a perfect Dolly Parton going. The enormous breast implants and equally huge, blonde wig definitely helped, since they made it difficult to focus on anything else; the effect was almost hypnotic. I was chatting with her about how uncomfortable my corset was when I heard the distinct sound of Em's laughter behind me.

I turned just as she said, "Oh my God... I can't believe he got you into a dress." I froze when I saw her.

"That little bitch lied to me," I said indignantly, "He told me he couldn't find a Robin Hood costume when there was no way he'd have gotten me one if he could because he knew that's what you were coming as. You two planned this between you, right?" I took her in, and caught myself faintly wondering which the illusion was, the man standing in front of me, or the woman I'd kissed on the Ferris Wheel.

She crossed the ten feet separating us, "No, chéri, I had no idea what costume he would pick for you. He asked me what I planned on coming as and I told him I was going to be Errol Flynn in his role of Robin Hood. I actually expected him to get you Will Scarlett, or maybe Little John. This never crossed my mind, I swear."

"He's a twisted, little shit. He's playing Will tonight," I said, pulling her against me and seized her mouth for a hello kiss. Holding her tightly, caressing her back, I decided that I liked the way she felt without a bra breaking the smooth lines of her spine and ribs. ¬I was nearly lost in her taste when Sylvia violently cleared her throat to get my attention.

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December 1958 Two Delicious Goodies All At OnceSomeday for Jackie and Victor wouldn’t come for another five years. In December of 1958, his loving stepsister brought this beautiful creature back to his life in a most unusual way. It began while Josie was giving him a blowjob to remember. While sucking and licking, his hot fuck filled him in on the current life of her old and best friend, Jackie.“She’s twenty-five now and separated from her husband. Uhmmmm, mmmm! She’s separated because she...

1 year ago
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Feminised by My Boss Part 3

She didn’t stay the night with Mr Albert but they had dinner at a nice Italian followed by some amazing sex in his bed. She had an important day on Monday as it was her medical with the company doctor. After her shower she sat in pink bra and panties to do her make-up. She then put on sheer black hold-ups with sexy lace tops. A back mini skirt reached just below her stocking tops and she wore a pink nylon blouse. She slipped her dainty feet into 4” heel black scrappy sandals. The journey on the...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 92

these are compliments of hal NAME YOUR PENIS This guy walks into a bar and takes two steps in; he realizes it's a gay bar. "But what the heck", he says, "I really want a drink." When the gay waiter approaches, he says to the customer, "What's the name of your penis?" The customer says, "Look, I'm not into any of that. All I want is a drink". The gay waiter says, "I'm sorry but I can't serve you until you tell me the name of your penis. Mine for instance is called Nike, for...

1 year ago
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Shadi Mai Aai Aunty Parking Mai Chudi

Hi friends, how are you, I am karan rajput from delhi. Aapne meri purani desi hot sex stories ko bahut pyaar diya uske liye thankyou so much friends. Meri age 26 yrs hai abhi. Lund size 8″3 hai. Or mera email id hai kisi bhi 18-50 age ki aunty ko mujhse chudna ho yaa mujhse dosti karni ho yaa mujhse sex chat karni ho toh plzz email bhejiye mujhe. Aapki privacy meri privacy hai or mar jaunga but privacy kisi ki bhi nhi todunga ye ek rajput ka promise hai. So aaiye friends story start karte hai....

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Every guys dream1

My wife and I eventually divorced and I moved out. It was not easy being on my own again especially being in my 30's but I was able to rediscover my fetish with the help of internet shopping. I could buy all of the women's panties and bras I wanted and they would arrive at my door without anyone knowing my kinky little secret. I collected all kinds of sexy panties, garter belts and thigh high stockings. I even started to buy dresses and perfume and would spend my day taking a long hot bath,...

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first time

I had always thought of myself as a normal teenager - I had messed about with a couple of girls, but hadn't really done anything too serious. I certainly didn't see myself as anything less than a straight teenager. So a few weeks after my 18th birthday I had to travel to London to see some people. I got on my train, and settled down to watch my journey pass by through the window. I supposed I must have dozed off because I woke up to feel a hand between my legs gently feeling me up!! The hand...

2 years ago
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Chronos ChroniclesChapter 24

Camulus' smile is the same as his sister's, friendly and warm. "The names we picked are all gods of war," He warms to his subject. "I am Celtic, Gun is African and Seth is Egyptian. He was going to with a more Asian god but I think the god of war for the Hindi is a woman. Seth say it was" "And you three just knew that you were going to be grouped together?" I throw my head back and laugh. The gods of war how sophomoric but then all the names were like that. A great deal of thought,...

3 years ago
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Alice meets Veronica

Alice came home one evening after two weeks in Cabo really excited to see her cousin Sophie. Sophie lived with Alice seeing both of their parents had died in a car accident together. Alice was 20 and had been her 18 year old cousin’s guardian since then. But now that Sophie was 18 she didn’t think it would be a problem leaving her at home alone for two weeks while she was in Cabo partying. How wrong she was. She came home to an empty house finding a note with an address and saying that Sophie...

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Falling Down Climbing UpChapter 2

About one year after dumping my cheating wife I had got a new neighbor, a single woman with a girl in the same age as my daughter. The girls became friends within a short time and for practical reasons regarding the girls I invited in her mother for a coffee break. She was a very easygoing and gorgeous, a newly divorced lawyer. We almost immediately got some kind of friendly relations and that was why I after a while got warm feelings for her and suggested a date. She said a kind "No...

3 years ago
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Love is a Drug Part 1

Love is a Drug. Part 1. By Tanya H. Chapter One. One week after I turned twenty four, Lennie McGovern came into my life and my railway station on the 0837 terminating service from Manchester Piccadilly. The 0837 was one of those unregarded services the travelling public might have referred to as a trundle train. Its crew, a driver and conductor, got a 40 minute layover at my station, waiting for a path back to Piccadilly between other, more prestigious services. Usually they...

2 years ago
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Wife fucking a friend

We have a friend named Jim that we have both known for years. He is a nice fellow, and reasonably good looking, but, in all those years, my wife had never mentioned that she was attracted to him in any way. He is an artist, and has, on several occasions, drawn her nude, even using her as a model in his art class. Despite the fact that they had spent literally hours together with her naked, the two of them had never acted like there was anything sexual between them. Jim and his wife had...

4 years ago
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Surprising the Visitor

Surprising the Visitor I had the entire day to myself and intended to take full advantage of it. I called the local massage parlor in the area and requested an outcall that included role-play scenarios. I explained I was looking for someone that was a little dominant and who enjoyed cross-dressing. I was offered two names. I decided on Lynn. She was described as a younger woman, blonde hair (long in length), tall and very busty. I made the appointment for three hours from...

2 years ago
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A Tuscan Holiday Chapter Three

Chapter Three. Doug takes my hand and guides me to the bedroom. I walk a little awkwardly as my muscles adjust to the plug buried deep inside my flesh, and am relieved to reach the room. Doug lifts a brand box from the bed and holds it to me with a smile. I read his script across the top, ‘For my darling Mel.’ I undo the sage green ribbon and open the cream lid. Inside, a folded expanse of fuchsia silk gazes up at me. Gently, I lift the dress from the box and find that it’s a sleek dress with...

1 year ago
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The Prostitute

The woman of 26 years swallowed the semen and zipped up Kirk’s pants. She kissed him lightly and smiled as she gracefully inserted her breasts into the cups of her bra. “Was it as good for you as it was for me?” Caitlin asked. Kirk smiled. “Always! How many times did you cum?” he asked. “Eight this time.” She was a brunette, short hair, slim and sexy of a 25 inch waist. Her breasts were rounded and perky and her ass was so tight that it was hell to enter her anally at first. She kissed Kirk one...

4 years ago
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SoixanteTrois Airlines part 18

Sophie tried to smile as she took her seat in the vast, modern Wembley Stadium. It wasn't the first time that she'd been to Wembley to see a game- from a certain perspective, anyway. From a different perspective, it was undoubtedly the first time that 'Sophie Connelly' had ever set foot in the legendary stadium, something that the English girl found impossible to forget as she sat down and felt her tights begin to sag while her thong rode even higher between her buttocks. The last time...

2 years ago
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One of my first times

They say you never forget your first time. For me that’s kind of true but in my attempts to seduce over the years I’ve claimed to have so many first times and I definitely don’t remember all of them. Being bisexual and, of course, with my dual gender identities I have probably had more first times than most though. I was still cross-dressing in secret in my late teens and I’d never had an experience with a guy but I had fantasised about it. I’d been on a night out with a couple of friends and...

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Lovely daughter

ngela stood at the head of the casket holding on tightly to her dad’s trembling hand. She was so proud of her father’s indomitable courage. The long line of well-wishers saw only the pretense facade of determined acceptance enlightening the man’s face.This daughter of a tender, sensitive, and passionate man knew her father was holding on to his nerves by only the thinnest of threads. Angela knew how precariously close her dad was to breaking down in tears again.Seeing tears welling in her...

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Accustomed to Her Face Ch 29

Lovely Little Secret The house was quiet but no longer silent. Beyond the ticking of the clock here in the library where you sat at your desk — beyond the sound of your pencil’s graphite point gently scratching your notebook paper — there was the distant sound of movement in this old Victorian manse. It hadn’t been this way last year when you arrived. Then there was just me roaming about — and you occupying the room you had rented in the servant’s wing. Then we had fallen in love and you had...

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Maine Apni Married Cousin Ki Virginity Loose

Hi friend’s I’m Money from Kanpur main ISS ka daily reader hu or sabhi stories mujhe bht pasand hai.sabhi choot waliyo ko mere khade lund ka praanaam and I’m 20 year punjabi boy and doing B.sc final year and my dick size is 6.5″ long and 2.5″ is thick and this is my first story about me and my cousin sister and how to fuck her and I will tell you in Hindi friends please comment me my e-mail id Ye baat aaj se 5 month purani hai jab meri bhua ki ladki kanpur mere cousin brother ki shaadi me aayi...

4 years ago
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Annie Get Your Girl

The morning after Ding-dong-ding-dong. The sound rudely invaded my dreams and woke me. A look at the clock through half-opened eyes told me it was 10.15 in the morning. There was a momentary panic that it was a school-day, then relief as I remembered it was Sunday. I pushed down the duvet and slid one foot off onto the floor as a gesture towards getting up. Immediately the stale smell from my pussy reminded me what had happened earlier that night. Ding-dong-ding-dong. It wasn't going to go...

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Charlie and the Seven SistersChapter 8

The fact that the FBI had taken over the investigation of the carnage in the valley led every news story in California from Sacramento to San Diego. The female AIG (Agent in Charge) was a closet lesbian and she seldom wore male clothes for fear her secret would leak out to people that mattered. Her room-mate and best friend, Doctor Angie Murphy was a skilled rug eater but still had deep-seated liking of cock in any form. Doctor Angie was on a fast-track to County Coroner and she was willing...

3 years ago
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Justice Is Served

JUSTICE IS SERVED By Trixie Delabarte [email protected] Ray and Carl were always up to no good. They were always shoplifting and started breaking the law at a young age. Recently they robbed a gas station attendant at gunpoint, and got away with it. They eventually decided to take their criminal ways a step further. It was a slow summer night for a taxi driver named Phil. Phil was in his late 20's, and engaged to a wonderful lady. He was currently driving taxi to get through...

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Twist of the Knife Ch 34

Fall 2016. I was hoping I wouldn't see him today, I mean really! There are twelve rooms on this floor and only one bathroom with four stalls and four showers. You would think we could work it out, so this doesn't happen, but sure enough, he was in there. The son of a bitch looked at me like it wasn't his fault, and I got so pissed I just went off on him! They say I have to take some of the blame before I can move on, but he really pisses me off! Anyway, where were we? Oh yeah my beautiful...

1 year ago
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Lost Virginity to teacher part 6

I must have slept well that night because when I woke I found myself tied up with a couple of pillows wedged under me making my ass point into the air and I was tied in a way that I could not move an inch and I could not move my head round to see what was happening.I felt some wet and soft touch the entrance to my ass and I could feel it circling my hole still nice and slow and soft and then it stopped and I felt movement on the bed between my legs and then the distinct feeling of lube being...

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The AdministratorChapter 5

It was some four months later from when they first opened for business that Doug could honestly say that the business was operating as it was intended. The applications they were receiving covered the gamut of businesses people wanted loans for to start or expand. The ads they had placed were the reason for this influx of applications not all of which were approved. Besides doing the initial interviewing of the applicants Doug would also review the completed credit checks they ordered on the...

2 years ago
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Just Another Average Night On the Farm

A tongue in cheek look at what happens when sissies, along with those who love them, get together for a fun-filled evening. "Just Another Average Night On the Farm" By: Simonne Danielle © 2008 - 2009 All Rights Reserved [email protected] Tonight was gonna be a special night as far as I was concerned. My plan was to help Laurie's mom get ready for her date and get her out of the house as quickly as possible. Once Evelyn was gone we'd have all evening for...

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Me and Mum starting again

"They're lovely kids mum.""They're your brother and sister Danny.""Yes."They were happy kids, a boy, and a girl, beautiful children who would be spared the terror I endured as a kid. They'd never lie in bed at night listening to their father raping and beating their mother as I had and as I lay in the hot sun watching them playing happily, I decided to try to be a surrogate father to them, at least until mum met a nice, decent man and remarried.I turned onto my side and looked at her, it was...

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Christmas for Carole

It was a beautiful personal library. Two walls of the room anchored dark wood shelves that held numerous books and knickknacks, and the sort of awards and honors and sporting trophies that a successful man earned in a lifetime. The room's other wood paneled walls were decorated with hunting prints and landscapes. There was a rock-faced fireplace hissing with the flickering flames of gas logs. At one end of the room was a large wood desk stained to match the walls and shelves. Seated at the...

2 years ago
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Slave Part 1

Email id : sab kuch sahi chal raha tha kal tak. Mera name sameer hai, me 1 average lean guy hu, me kuch din pehle hi 18 years ka hua tha. Puberty ka mujhpe jyada asar ni hua, me abhi bhi 5’6 ka rha, aur mere face aur body pe bohut kam hairs the. Jaise hi vacation start hua me completely free ho gya, aur mere dost ke yaha chla gya jiska naam arun hai. Hum baith k game khel rahe the Tbhi uski gf urvashi aa gyi. Urvashi class ki sabse hot ladki thi, medium long hairs , apple eyes , sharp...

1 year ago
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Ambush at Willow RunChapter 7

The trip back to Willow Run was uneventful, a fact for which I was grateful. Here I was, carrying about $1,200 in my money belt—all I needed was more excitement! Shit! I like excitement, but that kind I don't need! But, now I had an unusual problem, at least, unusual for me. I had TOO much money. Scattered in coffee cans around the house, I had nearly $1,500. That was way too much money for a doctor to accumulate on short notice, but I was really uncomfortable just leaving it lying around....

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Motherrsquos my pimp ndash 2

Hi I’m daisy, I’m 34 prostitute and in first story I told how my mom made me a slut and was my pimp at the age of 17. As time moved on we had a lot of regulars who loved the idea of mother-daughter fun. When I was 19 I had my first couple experience. This guy contacted my mom looking for someone to join him and his wife. My mom worked out a price for them. The guy wanted sex bareback, after my mom agreed but only cum over her body or in her ass. It was arranged for me to their house ( I’ve only...

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