A Smart Set Of Cheaters
- 2 years ago
- 35
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I had told her I wanted her to look like the slut she was when we went out to dinner, and she had promised me she would. It was still a shock when I saw her.
She wore a lovely dress, with a flared skirt – that was about 3 inches too short! From where I was, sitting in the car, I could see her naked pussy flashing me from under the hem of her dress when she walked. I began to wonder if we were going to wind up in jail tonight. Maybe I had been a little too – emphatic? – in my instructions.
She stopped about 10 feet short of the car, turned sideways, leaned over, stuck her bum out, and placed her hands coquettishly on her knees, arched her back, and smiled. At first, I wondered what she was up to. Then I noticed something moving – and saw that there was a white-blonde fox tail that fell to below her knees under her dress, twitching back and forth.
Oh. My. Freaking. God!
The Drive: James
I felt something like an electric shock run through me, and my cock sprang to attention in my pants. How the hell was she doing that, waggling a tail? How did she even have a tail? I wondered.
She straightened up, then clasped her hands behind her, pushed her tits out, and walked coquettishly towards me, swinging her hips with each slow, enticing step. And with each step, her hem flipped up slightly, flashing me. She got to the car, then waited, one hand on her hip, the other hanging down by her side. She must have seen that pose in a movie somewhere, but she owned it.
I finally closed my mouth, scrambled out, raced over to the other side of the car, and only then noticed that she wasn’t wearing a coat. “You silly, stupid – wonderful – slut! You’ll catch your death, exposing your – shoulders – like that!” I jerked open the car door, and handed her in to the car’s warm interior.
Because that car is low-slung, she had to bend her knees and spread them to get in, with the result that her cunt was completely exposed for a second. She smiled when she saw me notice. Then she swivelled – cautiously because of her tail – around, pulled her knees into the car, tugged her dress down, and folded her hands primly across her legs, looking straight ahead, with a “butter wouldn’t melt in my mouth” expression.
I closed her door, and laughed aloud. Then I caught the stretch teenager smirking at me. “Have fun, kids!” she shouted, then twirled on her foot and flounced away into the building, waving good-bye.
I got into the car, leaned over, and said, “Kiss me, you gorgeous slut!” She turned her head slowly, with a haughty, taunting expression on her face, then deigned to lean forward, and gave me a quick, chaste, peck on the lips.
Then she broke into a big, happy grin and grabbed my head and kissed me with tongue, glee, and passion.
“Wanna fuck?” she said, “I’m ready for it!”
I inhaled, and smelled my favorite perfume. “You smell of cunt.”
“Yes, I most certainly do. I almost failed in obeying your orders, my lord. I came within about a second of cumming in the shower. It was so bad, I had to turn the cold water on myself or else burst into flame.
She leaned close, and whispered, “I’m ready – no, eager – to fuck or suck you right here, right now. Sir.” She leaned forward, licked my lips, and put her hand between my legs, caressing my cock.
I was truly, truly tempted, but pulled back and said, dismissively, “Good. But it’ll probably be 3-4 hours before I let you lie on your back, naked, with your legs apart, and shove my cock into you. Would you like to have dinner in the meantime?”
“OHHHHHHH! MEN!” she shouted, then slapped me on my thigh – painfully close to my crotch, then smiled.
I put the car in gear, and we drove to the restaurant.
“So, tell me about almost disobeying me,” I said.
She was quiet, then her lips quirked up into a smile. “As you commanded, my lord…“
“That’s the second time you’ve said that. What’s with the ‘my lord’ stuff?”
“I like the sound of it, Sir. Would you rather I didn’t use it?”
I thought for a moment, “No, it’s OK. I like it better than ‘master’, and since you are my slave for the moment, I’ll accept it. Just don’t go overboard on it, right?”
“Go on about almost disobeying me.”
“As you commanded, Sir, I got into the shower to masturbate. I stopped after a bit, then decided that I hadn’t gotten close enough to please you, so started again. This time I was so successful that I could feel my climax starting. I panicked, and the only way I could think of to stop myself from cumming was to turn the cold water on full.
“It was a shock, but it worked.” She smiled again, then said, “It caught Sammi by surprise, though.”
“That’s the stretch teenager we encountered earlier?” She nodded, “Where does she come into this?”
“This is the only dress I have that makes me look like a slut. That kind of look isn’t something I’ve had a lot of call for. But this was my high school prom dress, and I couldn’t get the fastener at the back to close, so I called Sammi and asked her to help. She got it closed, but in the process, she had to tug the dress up – and that hiked the skirt too high.”
She looked down at her lap. “I didn’t have time to do anything else. I hope you don’t mind, my lord. I know I’m more exposed that I intended to be.” She sounded nervous.
I was silent for a moment. “We may have to get bailed out of jail, but if you’re willing to wear it, I’m willing to look.” And I smiled at her.
She looked relieved. “Thank you, my lord.”
“So, are you trying to seduce this poor girl?”
Marta smiled, and said, “I think it’s the other way around. She has what I think is a much healthier relationship with sex than I do. Certainly, must more relaxed, even eager. And no, I was not trying to seduce her.” She turned to look at me full on, “Do you want to, Sir? I think she’d like that. She sounded disappointed when I said you weren’t there with me.”
I smiled. “I think I’ve got my hands full with you, slut.”
I paused, then said, “I suspect that every mature man thinks it would be a turn-on to have an affair with an of-age teenager. I suspect that the thought is actually more interesting than the reality would be. They are probably pretty clumsy.”
“I doubt Sammi would be, Sir. I think she dove into sex head first early on, and has been swimming strongly ever since. She told me, while we were doing my hair, that her mother is pretty cool about sex, even though her dad isn’t – but her mom put her foot down and got her way. Apparently, her mother made Sammi a deal when she had her first period. Sammi could bring boys – or girls – home and have sex safely, in her own room, if she would wait until she was 16.
“Sammi agreed – but giggled and told me she thought her mother old fashioned. Sammi seems quite comfortable with her sexuality, and not at all abashed about it. She even asked me if I’d been with any girls, which I took as a not very subtle hint.”
“What did you say to that?”
“I told her the truth, that she had probably had more sexual encounters – both in numbers, and variety – than I have, and that my relationship with you was a happy accident.”
Marta stopped, brought her hand up to her mouth, and said, “Oh my God, Sir. Did I reveal something you wouldn’t have wanted me to? I’m sorry!”
I reached over and patted her – bare – leg and said, “No, it’s fine. Let’s just be careful with our precocious teenager, shall we? I think our relationship is complicated enough without involving a third person, especially one that I have a hard time thinking of as legal, even though she seems to be.”
“She is. She photocopied her driver’s license for us.”
“Right. Well, let’s follow the KISS principle: Keep It Simple, Slut. Shall we?”
“Yes, Sir. Whatever you wish.”
She was silent for a time. “Sir, remember how, earlier you asked if I was attracted to the saleswoman at the sex shop I went to?”
“Well, the idea of having sex with her scared me, it was clearly out of my comfort zone. Hell, it isn’t even in the same time zone. But I said I would do it if you wanted me to – and I will.”
“Go on.”
“Sammi doesn’t scare me. I think she’s both fun and funny, and she’s so comfortable about herself and her sexuality that if you wanted me to have sex with her, I would feel much more comfortable about that. I even find myself thinking that it might possibly be fun.”
I thought about it, then said, “KISS for now, OK?”
“Yes, my lord. As you command.”
I Want to Fuck! – Marta
I had never felt this way before. I had always feared that I might be considered a slut, and had frequently been called one simply because people thought I was attracting too much attention, as if it was my fault.
And my mother, who I think was jealous of my youth and looks, decided, after I hit puberty, that I had immediately become a slut, and was racing around sucking and fucking my way through – Catholic! – high school. I think she was projecting her own desires, to be honest.
But the reality was I had been scared to engage in any kind of sexual activity until I met Kelly. I was shy anyway, had been brought up a Catholic, and my parents had made sure I’d bought the whole “virgin until marriage” bit, plus they made it extraordinarily difficult for me to date.
Having Kelly as a roommate opened my eyes, and opened doors for me, and I had a brief – very brief – three-year window when I became sexually active, even though I was still exceptionally shy.
I had had four partners under Kelly’s tutelage, but all of them had been disasters in one way or another. Either my own inexperience and sense of sin got in the way, or their ineptitude made it emotionally or physically awful, or, in the final case, it was a classic Wham, Bam, Thank You Ma’am encounter that left me psychologically devastated.
And then, of course, after Kelly’s murder, I had foresworn sex, which did not stop opportunistic men from trying to get me into bed. And those few times when I had taken a chance, the afterwards had all been uniformly awful, as if I was wearing a sign that said, “Use Me!” In Kelly’s terms, they had all been creepers, not keepers, so I had stopped even trying more than a decade ago.
But Sir had awakened something in me. He had enticed me into being what I had always feared: a slut. But he had made it fun, not sinful, and life-embracing rather than a deadly sin, something I now eagerly sought rather than shunned.
And, ironically, even my brief encounter with Sammi had been immensely helpful. Her Holy shit! Isn’t this great? attitude, coupled with her wide-eyed, innocent interest in sex as a normal, healthy thing seemed to open doors for me in the way that Kelly had tried seventeen years earlier.
Regardless, I found myself now being eager to fuck. Specifically, to fuck James. And it didn’t hurt that he was keeping me in almost constant heat, coming close to climaxing, then backing off. He had me yearning to fuck and be fucked, to suck his cock, to have him do obscene and unspeakable things to me, and me to do the same to him, to a degree I would never have thought possible.
I had never experienced either this quality of sexuality, nor this quantity of sexuality. Before Sir, sex was something I did to myself once in a while, when the pressure became too much for me to bear – and it never failed to add to my psychic burden of sin.
On the other hand, this was liberating – and I wanted to embrace it.
So, while I still found public exposure, for instance, embarrassing or humiliating, I now also found it a turn-on. I would never have been caught dead wearing what I was wearing, even in the privacy of my own apartment, before. Now I wanted to be Sir’s slut, not just be called one.
It was thrilling!
So, when we arrived at the restaurant, rather than being anxious about the indecency of my clothing, I wanted to walk in on his arm and fucking flaunt it! Even though it also scared me to death.
I was high on the first, real, sexual – scary – adventure of my life, and I loved it.
And that was my state of mind when we arrived.
The parking valet met them at the front door of the restaurant, and naturally opened Marta’s door for her. She swung one leg out of the car first, then, without looking at him, paused to make sure the valet got a good view of her cunt, then put the other foot out, and stood up. She turned around, and bent over to pick up her clutch purse, which she could just as easily have kept tucked under her arm. But this gave her an excuse to show her ass, legs, and – most importantly! – tail to the valet.
The poor boy almost fainted. As she wafted past him, she looked him in the eye, and said, “Thank you” in her best, demure, sweet little girl manner, the complete innocent.
James came around, holding an old satchel in his left hand, and took her arm with his right, then said, sotto voce, “Was that really necessary? That poor boy is going to have wet dreams about you for months now.”
I looked at him and said, “And that’s a bad thing?” and smiled. I reached into my clutch purse, and took out the remote for my tail, turned it on, and set it to moving in a gentle twitch, back and forth.
James shook his head and smiled.
Emile, the maitre d’, met us at the door. “Monsieur James, it has been too long since you graced us with your presence. Welcome back!”
“I haven’t had anyone worthy to bring here, worthy of Anton’s cooking and your panache, Emile, but tonight I have. May I introduce Mademoiselle Maria Estaban?”
Emile turned to me, his eyes widening slightly at the dog collar around my neck, hesitated just the barest of instants, then bowed over my hand and kissed it lightly. “Mademoiselle Maria, welcome to Monteparnasse. We hope we can make your stay with us enjoyable. Please, follow me!”
And with a flourish, he led us through what was a classic French bistro, but richly appointed, and with astonishing Art Deco decor, including a backlit stained-glass skylight. The lighting was low, providing islands of privacy for the diners, but the highlights were spectacular. It was beautiful, and it smelled heavenly as well. Suddenly, I was ravenous.
As we walked towards the back of the restaurant, I became aware that all eyes were on us. Or more specifically, on me, especially as I was at least three inches taller than Sir with my heels. I felt myself blushing furiously – and also getting even wetter than I already was. I made a point of walking slowly, rolling my hips more than strictly necessary, and made no effort to tug my dress down at all with the result that I’m sure I would have flashed half of the diners, had the lighting been better. As it was, I’m sure some of the diners we walked by got an eyeful, whether they believed their eyes or not.
The silence that preceded us turned to rising whispers after us, some of them angry. Sir had said he wanted people to see me as a slut, and even though it scared the shit out of me, I would do everything I could to avoid disappointing him.
I acted like I was glorying in the exposure. As long as James was by my side, I felt safe being outrageous. And I had promised him I would do anything he asked, and he had asked me to do this. I swallowed hard, but kept a big smile on my face.
Emile led us to a table alone on a slight dais, half a step up, tucked away in its own alcove carved into the wall, in a corner of the room. It, too, was spectacularly lit, with a stained-glass wall behind it in colors and patterns that reminded me of Louis Comfort Tiffany’s glass art, and while the table was lit, the people sitting there – us – would be obscured by being backlit. The table had a view of everything and everyone in the restaurant. Likewise, everyone could see us, but in outline, as if we were a king and queen. Emile seated us on a banquette, side-by-side, facing the room, French-style.
At first, I gulped because I was concerned that the raised table would constantly expose what I was – or wasn’t – wearing under my dress to everyone in the room. Then I noticed that the table cloth fell all the way to the ground, and breathed a sigh of relief. I went to my side of the table, turned to face the crowd, slowly gathered my tail up out of the way to make sure everyone noticed it, then slid into the seat, legs apart, giving everyone who was watching a momentary glimpse of my pussy. And smiled.
Emile pushed the table in to seat us, bowed, then bustled away.
I had made it, although my heart was pounding and I was having a hard time breathing.
Spread ’em, Slut: Marta
“Keep your legs open wide, slut,” Sir said with a smile. “And I want you to sit directly on the banquette with your bare ass, not on your dress.”
“Sir.” I lifted myself up, pushed my dress back behind me, adjusted my tail to run straight down between my legs, then sat so that my ass was now completely, nakedly on the banquette. Then, as I was sitting on his right side, I spread my legs wide, making sure my left leg touched against Sir’s so he knew I was doing as he ordered.
“Now, lock your hands together behind your back.”
I looked up sharply. “Sir?”
“You heard me.”
I gulped, then leaned slightly forward, put my hands behind me, and clipped one to the other, then leaned back as much as I could. My hands were forcing me to lean slightly forward, and I looked out at the people in the restaurant, certain that they were all staring at me. I was starting to sweat lightly, and my breathing was shallow.
He reached over, and pulled the front of my skirt up to my waist. I was now naked from the waist down, except for my high heels, with my legs spread wide, and unable to use my hands to do anything about it.
He looked over at my lap, then smiled at me. “Love the view.” Then he patted my thigh, and pulled the tablecloth over my lap, covering me. I relaxed fractionally – until I saw the waiter coming our way.
“Good evening, Mr. Gainsborough! A delight to see you again. Can I get you both something to drink?”
Sir said, “Hello, Arthur. It’s great to see you, too.” Then he turned to me, “Would you like some champagne, Maria?”
I couldn’t speak, so I merely nodded.
“Would you bring us a bottle of the Moët, please, Arthur?”
“Of course, sir, right away!” He nodded to us, and smiled at me as he left.
I was sure he knew precisely what was going on, and my breathing became even shallower. Yet, despite my fears, my cunt was now starting to leak onto my tail and the banquette; I was so turned on.
It took about four minutes for Arthur to return with the wine and two champagne flutes, along with another waiter, who brought an ice bucket, then left. Arthur set the glasses before us, held the bottle up for Sir’s approval, which was given, then quickly removed the foil wrapper and wire, gently worked the cork from the bottle so that it barely whispered when it finally came free. Then he poured a small amount into Sir’s glass and stepped back.
“Would you like to taste it, pussy?” he said, holding the glass for me to take – if I could.
“Uh, no thank you. Please would you?” I croaked.
“Of course.” He held the glass up to the light, tilting the glass to assess the color of the wine, then sniffed it, and finally tasted it, rolling it around in his mouth. Finally, he nodded, and Arthur poured the wine slowly into my glass at an angle, topped up Sir’s, then put the bottle in the ice bucket and left.
During this entire time, though, Sir had been stroking the inside of my thigh with his right hand, then slowly separating my cunt lips with his fingers, gently running his fingers up to my clit, then pushing into my cunt to massage my G-spot.
When the wine was poured, he stopped. “Would you like me to help you to some wine, pussy?”
“I guess?”
“I’ll take that as a yes.” He picked up my flute, and carefully held it to my lips, allowing me to take a mouthful. “Tastes better than your own piss, doesn’t it, pussy?”
I choked and almost spit it out, then swallowed.
“Or would you rather drink your own piss?”
“No, Sir, the champagne is lovely. Thank you for ordering it. May I please have some more?”
He smiled, and lifted the glass to my lips again, simultaneously putting his other hand behind my head. This time I actually drank some. He continued to pour it into my mouth, though, so I had to keep swallowing furiously, until the entire glass was empty. Finally, he put the glass down.
I coughed once, then said, “Thank you, my lord. It was, uh, wonderful.”
“I’m glad you like it. It’s one of my favorites – unlike some other tipples you might have had.”
I dropped my head and looked down, blushing furiously. And suddenly, my head started spinning lightly. I was not used to drinking alcohol. If he kept this up, he’d have to sling me over his shoulder and carry me home. And I had no doubts that he would.
“We seem to be drawing a fair amount of attention, so perhaps we should play a bit more conventionally and release your hands, yes?”
I nodded, perhaps a shade too vigorously, and leaned forward. He withdrew his hand from between my legs, reached around my back, and unclipped my hands.
I slowly moved them from behind my back, trying desperately to make it look like a natural gesture. I looked up, and several people quickly looked away. One woman, though, winked at me, looked amused, then looked away and started talking pleasantly to her astonishingly good-looking companion.
Her Very Personal Perfume: Sir
So far, I was very pleased with how supper was going. I loved humiliating Marta, and, judging by how wet she was, she was loving it as well, even if she didn’t know it.
It was time to move on.
I looked at her. “You seem to have some questions. If you’d like to ask them, please go ahead.”
She ducked her head in submission, then said, “Thank you, my lord, yes. Why are you calling me Maria? I mean, I know it’s my name, but…”
I looked her in the eyes and said, “Marta, I doubt anyone from the Institute would recognize you even if they saw you, but I don’t want to leave it to chance. I love playing games with you, and using your body as my fucktoy. But your work is too important to screw around with, which is why I want to take steps to protect you, and your identity, such as asking you to dress and look like slut. That’s something the austere Dr. Rabinovich would never do.
“The same applies to your name. It is just recognizable enough that someone might notice. But I very much doubt if anyone other than a devoted fan – me – knows your middle names.
“Any other questions?”
She leaned over, picked up my hand, and kissed the back of it. “Thank you, my lord. You are incredibly kind to me.” She looked up into my eyes, “I promise I’ll show you my gratitude later…” And she sucked my middle finger into her mouth, then nipped the base.
I jerked my hand back, and it left her mouth with a pop. She’d caught me by surprise – and I liked it.
She went on, “I’m not sure what I want to ask, but this place – it’s clear they know you, but they treat you more like royalty than merely a valued customer. Am I imagining that, my lord?”
I smiled. “I own it. Or at least, a majority interest in it – 51% to be precise. The rest is shared between Emile – whose real name is Jack, he’s also from Rockland County, and has an incredible gift as a restauranteur – Anton, who actually is named Anton, is from France, and is a great chef but with no sense of money, and some of the senior staff, like Arthur.
“I put up all the money, and chose the layout and décor, which is why it’s so well decorated, plus buying the initial inventory. They work here, and get good salaries plus profit sharing, as well as a share of the proceeds if and when we sell.
“It makes them care a lot about what happens, makes this an incredibly lucrative investment, long-term, and it gives them job security, which is rare in this industry. Plus, it means I get to eat at one of the best restaurants around without worrying about how I’ll be treated, or whether I can get a table.” He smirked. “It also means they are eager to support any little – games – I might want to play.
“A last question?”
She looked down, as if concerned she might be overstepping her bounds, then, “Have you played, uh, a lot of games here?” she asked in a low voice.
Her tone broke my heart. I put my hand under her chin and lifted her to face me. “Marta, my word to you, this is the first time I’ve ever done anything like this, here or anywhere, with anybody.
“All I meant was, I called Emile and told him I was bringing a very special guest, and we might be a bit – amorous.” I chuckled briefly. “Emile was delighted. We are old high school friends, and he has long urged me to find someone serious. All of the staff here are on my side.
“If I were to pull you up onto the table and start making love to you in plain sight, the only thing they would do would be to cheer. They’re loving this almost as much as I am.”
She looked into my eyes, and tears appeared there. “Thank you, my lord.” Then she looked down and smiled, “But I doubt they’re enjoying this quite as much as I am.” And she took my right hand, and guided it to down between her legs, and pulled a finger up into her cunt.
It was not just wet. It was hot! And I was tempted all over again to just take her home and start doing things to her.
But reluctantly decided that this was, ultimately, more fun.
“Shall we get back to our – supper – then, Maria?”
“If it pleases you, my lord. Whatever pleases you, Sir.”
“Good. Then I think it’s time you applied some perfume.”
Trouble: Marta
“Sir? You told me not to wear any perfume.”
“That’s right, because I wanted you to apply it here.”
I was puzzled. “But I didn’t bring any – not that I have much. I hardly ever use it.”
He chuckled. “You have plenty of my favorite perfume right here,” and he stroked my cunt.
I wasn’t sure I knew what he meant, but was afraid I might. “Sir?”
“I want you to go to the Ladies’ room, finger yourself, and apply your cunt juice to the places where you would normally apply perfume: behind your ears, the hollow at the base of your neck, in your elbows, behind your knees – you know, the places where it is likely to produce the most aroma. When you return, I want to be able to smell your cunt quite distinctly. Understand me?”
My mouth went dry. “Uh, of course, Sir, as you wish.” And I started to get up.
“Wait a moment, two more things.”
I sat back down, and wondered what else I was going to be required to do.
“You are not to go into a stall when you do this, plus you are not to use the toilet. Understand?”
I nodded. I also realized I was in trouble. My bladder was telling me I would need to pee within the hour, and we hadn’t even ordered yet.
“Off you go, then,” and patted my labia, then withdrew his hand.
I got up carefully, partly to make sure my skirt had a chance to fall back into place, and partly to adjust my tail so it was in the right place, then turned and walked to the Ladies’. My heart was thudding heavily in my chest, and my mouth was dry. I reached into my clutch purse and turned my tail on to a gentle swish again.
Sir watched her go fondly. His cock was rigid and leaking an abundance of pre-cum. He was making his own undershorts wet – something that had never happened to him before!
What he didn’t notice was two other women from two other tables got up at almost the same time, including the one who had winked, and went to the restroom as well.
To be continued…
(Author’s Note: This chapter is heavy-duty sports oriented. There are a few important ‘non-sports’ details but be warned, this contains much basketball, volleyball and a little gymnastics action. I hope it is realistic and an enjoyable read. As the book title suggests, this chapter is mostly about Championships.) “Look in these eyes! These eyes don’t lie. And they say that if you don’t blink, Then you don’t die.” (The opening lyrics to Def Leppard’s, Undefeated.) Alumni Hall, Western...
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Unplanned I swear… My sorority sisses used to sometimes do road trips to the mall and almost always alcohol was involved! Lots of pranks and dares and jokes and harmless fun. Inhibitions went out the window, which was why we did our philandering at another city from where our college was located, for fear of being recognized. My roomie was quite bold and risqué most of the time. This particular day was a lot of fun since I was not the designated driver to get us back to campus. I had a date...
Dan and Vicki had only been married for 4 and a half years when they attended what would turn out to the most significant office party they ever experienced. This was before Dan made his fortune, and both of them were rich enough to retire young. He was already prospering, but the millions had not quite rolled in. Vicki was working at a medical office, where she did mostly boring, clerical work, when one of her co-workers caught her eye. His name was Larry, and he seemed to return the interest....
FetishJoseph Hurley was a wealthy man looking for lucrative ways to increase his wealth. Often the least legal paid the best dividends. As his limo entered the gate of Lakeview Discount Meats slaughterhouse for a meeting, he thought to himself, “No one would ever suspect that anything was going on here. The building looks like an abandoned warehouse. And no other buildings around. Perfect disguise.” “Mr. Hurley, welcome. I have been expecting you. I am Fred Wilson, General Manager of Lakeview...
Connections. That was the name of a show that I remember seeing a few years ago on the History Channel (or maybe Discovery, who knows). It was hosted by an English gentleman and dealt with the unexpected chains of events that lead to discoveries through the ages. One of the ones that I remember was a connection from frogs to the space shuttle. In any case, human history is littered with discoveries that came about in ways that wern't necessarily intended at the beginning. It is even the case...
I am a tattoo artist and live in Los Angeles. To say my business sucks would be a colossal understatement. With Covid spreading like crazy, not many want a tattoo. I spend most of my days sitting in my shop playing games on my phone or texting friends. I am at the point that I may just need to close my business if things do not pick up. I even went and bought a giant neon sign out front with my business name on it, Tats by Tammy.One day sitting on my chair at work, almost half asleep, the bells...
CheatingCheater By Cassandra Morgan Why do men cheat? Because it's worth it, that's why. It's worth all the manipulation, all of the deceit, all of the lies. It's worth the time. It's worth the money. It's worth the guilt. It's worth the sneaking around. Don't blame me. Guys are just wired that way. It's been part of our DNA since we were cavemen. Only then, we did our work with clubs, not by going to one. It's the thrill of the hunt, the rush of the conquest, the smug feeling of knowing...
This is the meat that was provided on that late summer day...When your wife does real prostitute duties, it is rare or impossible for the husband to watch those duties being done. All those other guys are working on their own fantasies. Directly or indirectly, they are paying for the services. And entertaining the boyfriend, fiancee or spouse is not on their list.That is why I could only hear of most encounters, or get the rare extra photo that was given to my wife. I became used to dropping...
BeatriceI sat at my dressing table. In front of me envelopes, lots of brown envelopes. All bills. All unpaid, and likely to stay that way. I scooped them up, and threw them into the bin. I applied my mascara, then a little blushed over my foundation. Satisfied I opened the top draw to my right. My knicker drawer. The silver and black pair, they would do, I pulled them on, standing pulled them all the way up. I sat again, this time to buckle my shoes. Finally I stood and took the dress I had...
Distance on the face of slow Time, the vacant-window stare swallowed by Eternity, the desert burning underfoot, all around, everywhere; the lizard, too hot to move; the birds molten against the fiery sky-- I see it all, and, like you, I want to die. But a long road, running straight to the horizon, promises mirages and daydreams, if we will but follow it, through this hellish wasteland. Come; I will follow where you lead, watching you bleed and frown, watching...
I was a young man, still in school. For years, I had been drawn to penis' of all ages. I had had afew "Gay" experiences but it was never enough. Id lay awake at night thinking about cock, sucking it and even fucking it. I'd masturbate with the thought of a cock in my mouth and had even touched and penetrated my own asshole with my fingers, imagining it was a cock. A neighbor down the street from my parents house was always working on a car or two. Fixing them or hopping them up. I was also into...
"Sam do you know where I put my ducky at? I need him to go to the beach with me. Sam are you listening to me?""Yes k*d, I am," said Sam. "Look you left him over there on counter." "Oh yeah," Cat said. "Sam look at my bathing suit, what do you think?""It’s pink," Sam replied, "and a bikini.""Well of course it’s pink, I love pink," Cat said all happy. "And Jade said if I wore a bikini I would get lucky tonight, whatever that means. Jade is always saying weird things like my br*ther does."Jade is...
I had a 4 hour layover as usual, which would normally be when I read and sleep, hating life. But the whole flight across the country all I could do was think about this insane idea I'd given into. Meeting this hot guy I met on Hamster for real. We'd talked on the phone a few times. His voice told me a lot. His intelligence, how he articulated things.. I am good at reading people, and he definitely liked to be in control. Had the confidence and general nature of someone who not only likes being...
By PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 CHAPTER 1 Jill and I got dressed quickly for the ‘introduction date’. Neither one of the participants knew ahead of time that they had already met their dinner date. That was my own little joke, at least it was funny in my head. When I told Jill about it, I got a huge eyeroll and a shake of her head. As usual, Dakota had everything set up. The limo arrived at the perfect time, complete with Fred driving. Jill whispered in my ear that she felt better having...
Everyone who worked at the Weather Institute, which was located just outside Fortree City in the Hoenn region, were passionate about their job, but none more so than the young manager Bart. Despite being younger than nearly everyone else who worked there, Bart was polite, kind, driven, modest, trusting, and selfless to a fault. No one doubted Bart's abilities, and everyone liked him for his personality. Bart was also incredibly open and easy to read, almost embarrassingly so. For...
I boarded a flight from Washington D.C. to Seattle. I took my window seat in the first-class section. There was a pink carry-on under the aisle seat and a fashion magazine on the seat. It was apparent that my companion was a woman. I wondered what she would look like. A very attractive well dressed green eyed natural blonde entered carrying a Vogue magazine in her left hand. She wore no wedding ring. She was a bit busty for my liking but otherwise not at all hard on the eyes. Could I get...
Straight SexIt had all started back in the winter of 06. I had been working at a Hotel as a Guest Service Representative, GSR’s they called us, for about 4 months. Having just past my probationary period 4 weeks previous I was loving my job. Earning a ‘higher than minimum’ wage I was finally able to start saving some money for my future. My girlfriend of a year and a half was extremely proud of me as well, exclaiming how she couldn’t believe the progress I had made in my life, being that I had had...
It had all started back in the winter of 06. I had been working at a Hotel as a Guest Service Representative, GSR's they called us, for about 4 months. Having just past my probationary period 4 weeks previous I was loving my job. Earning a 'higher than minimum' wage I was finally able to start saving some money for my future. My girlfriend of a year and a half was extremely proud of me as well, exclaiming how she couldn't believe the progress I had made in my life, being that I had had...
Gay MaleFirst, a shout out to Audrey X for correctly Googling, I mean answering the previous obscure movie reference "A Clockwork Orange." She even said it was "easy." "Vanity thy name is woman." The alluring Audrey will receive her bonus points plus five White Castle coupons honoring the return of GOT.And now...The Adventure ContinuesI'm Emma Gravel. You might know me from such Lush stories as, "I Found My Heart in San Francisco" and "Put on Your Easter Bonnet." For the uninitiated, I own a...
HumorWhether it was the sunlight shining through the window that woke me, or the sound of the clicking at the keyboard, I don’t know. Either way, I propped myself up on my elbow and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. The girl that I had spent the night with was sitting on her desk chair across the room with her back facing me. She was wearing the same black Nirvana t-shirt that she had worn the day before. I could see by the two sexy globes pressing against the seat that she had nothing else on...
Chapter 1Tom Johnson stands in the door of the bedroom he shares with his wife Heather. He knows this will be he last time in at least 4 years he will see her. The driver will be here is less than an hour. Tom and his wife had gone broke and lost everything. Heather had found the ad for Slaves Incorporated on line. The corporation offered to pay the 33 year attractive woman 10 million dollars for her to work that their resort for a minimum of 4 years, longer if she was well liked by the...
The sloshy sounds of water rippling along the top with each step until a new smell hit Jace’s senses. His hand tightening around the hilt of the sword while letting his eyes adjust to the dim light that pierced through the thick fog. Breathing slowly with the rise and fall of his chest was the only movement Jace dare attempt while trying to figure out the source of the new smell. A soft split splat, split spat, sound crept closer and closer. Turning towards the sound Jace saw the...
Heather ? Capd'Any Heather -Cap desetmana 1 Heather 2 El Cotxe 4 La Festa 5 Dissabte 8 N?ria obeeix 9 Dinar 9 Proves A 10 HabilitatArt?stica 1 10 Bellesa iSeducci? 11 Forma F?sica 1 13 Sopar 15 Nit Dissabte 16 Proves B 17 HabilitatArt?stica 2 17 Compenetraci? ambla parella 18 Forma f?sica 2 20 Proves C 23 HabilitatArt?stica 3 23 Dolor 25 Capacitat Sexual27 Sopar i Premis 31 L'ad?u. Va alPalau 33 31 de Desembre de2000 19:00 Heather La Heather t? 23anys i ?s una bona concertista de piano i intel...
Introduction: Heather is an inexperienced wife who seeks revenge from a cheating husband. The Education of Heather Part 1Heather is surprised The school day had been over for two hours, but Heather Thompson was still at her desk, finishing the never ending work associated with teaching first grade. As a first year teacher and recent college graduate, she still felt overwhelmed with all the preparation time required to maintain a positive teaching environment. Positive teaching environment??!...
Part 1—Heather is surprised The school day had been over for two hours, but Heather Thompson was still at her desk, finishing the never ending work associated with teaching first grade. As a first year teacher and recent college graduate, she still felt overwhelmed with all the preparation time required to maintain a positive teaching environment. Positive teaching environment??! What was she thinking? There were days when the best she could manage was controlled chaos. But at the end...
Wormwood, as the disease became known, ravaged the world. No-one knows the precise number of men who died of the Demon Plague, but estimates are 1.02 billion. One-third of all the men living on the planet succumbed before the disease ran its course five months later. –excerpt from 'The History of the Tyrants' Theocracy', by Tina Allard Monday, November 18th, 2013 – Lilith – Sangi, the Democratic Republic of Congo I looked proudly at my assembled daughters, most newly matured, as they...
HeatherMy Wife, Heather, and I, Dave have been married for 25 years and have brought up 2 k**s, who no longer live at home with us and we recently down-sized our big house for a 2 bed-room mini-home that is 68 feet long and 14 feet wide and very nicely laid out as we designed it ourselves. She is 45 years old and I am 46 years old and time has been on her side as she looks at least 10 years younger than she is.After the k**s went to college and university, Heather decided to go to the gym and...
Keith Johnson pushed the two wheeler filled with bins of supplies across the dirt parking lot towards the distant set of barns and stables. He was anxious to get set up before too many arrivals for today’s rodeo, and as a stable hand, he needed to be ready when the riders showed up. Behind him, his wife Heather was gathering her own supplies, arranging food in her coolers so that she could wheel them to the opposite side underneath the metal bleachers where her hot dog stand was located. She...
My stomach lurches as I read her text:This is Felicia, you fucking cheater. Yes, I know you are married. Unless you want me to tell your wife, meet me tonight at my apartment, to fulfill the fantasies of my choosing. Then, I will free you. Maybe.I keep reading and rereading her text as if it will somehow suddenly change. I am profusely perspiring. This can't be happening. How the fuck did she get my phone number? Of all the women in the bar last night, I pick up the blackmailing bitch. Okay....
Hardcore#1 ‘Dear Diary, Today it begins. Love.’ _________________________ The entry was as simple as that. 6 shots of Amarula, Bruised bones, Catfights, and a day later, Vienna was almost smearing war paint on her face. Her new air of confidence and new lease to life made it easy for her to lead this madness she had caught. She picked up her phone and dialled a number. The phone rang twice before an unfamiliar voice answered it. ‘I thought you blacklisted me?’, he said ‘It’s time for some sex,...
#1 "Dear Diary, Today it begins. Love." _______________________ The entry was as simple as that. 6 shots of Amarula, Bruised bones, Catfights, and a day later, Vienna was almost smearing war paint on her face. Her new air of confidence and new lease to life made it easy for her to lead this madness she had caught.She picked up her phone and dialled a number.The phone rang twice before an unfamiliar voice answered it. "I thought you...
NovelsHeatherHeather found herself on a beach, pounded by the surf and lashedby the wind and rain. She supposed it must be the coast of Spain,but all that mattered at that point was survival. She crawledupward and hid among some rocks, her shoes lost, her clothingsodden with sea water. At dawn, some peasants, searching forvaluable jetsam after the storm, found her. She could not run fromthem, for her bare feet and full skirts, wet, heavy, clinging,impeded her, and she was, in any event,...
SEASON’S BEATINGS Well, the Holiday Season is upon us again. Don’t you just love this magical time of year? I find it so exciting. I look forward to it each year with breathless anticipation. I can’t wait to see all the lights and decorations and to party with old friends. The music of this Season is a special treat. You cannot escape the nostalgia and romanticism of it all. Particularly if you were raised in northern climes, ?Sleigh bells ring, are you listening, down the lane snow...
The girls all scattered to the four winds to talk to their parents about the impending move and what it would mean for their future careers. Their parents had always been extremely supportive of their daughter's musical endeavors so there was very little chance that any of the parents would object to the move. They did try to quell some of the enthusiasm by giving them some sobering statistics about success vs. failure in the music industry. They let them know it would take a lot of hard...
We headed back to mine after our afternoon by the seaside and after showering to get rid of all the sand we were sat on the settee watching TV in our dressing gowns. “So what do you fancy for tonight then?” I asked Lisa “I don’t mind visiting your local if that’s where you’d normally go” she replied. “But before we go I want to know something” “Go on” I said “Do we have a future this time, or are you just gonna sail off into the sunset again?” “I don’t have the k**s to think about so much now”...
There was a time before marriage and becoming parents that my wife and I partied almost every weekend. We would work our fingers to the bone during the week and spend Friday and Saturday nights out with all types of friends. This led to quite a few erotic encounters during those formative years of our relationship that helped lay a solid foundation for a healthy and fun sex life. However, there was one that still stands out in both of our minds.Just shy of fifteen years ago, my then fiance...
Jason Wells is confused not remembering anything about that fateful night. He woke as a shemale with huge tits, nice ass and very pretty face. He still had his manhood but would never father a child. Jason had been brainwashed, drugged and hypnotized into becoming a blonde bimbo. His sentence for dumping an old girlfriend was to become a bimbo like her and be the ex's sex slave forever. Jason turns into a prostitute and is rescued only to realize the importance of life. Bimbo Time...
I love going to Porn Theatres and sitting in the back row a fews seats from the corner. I wait for a Hot Scene and then look around to see who is aroused-who is touching their cocks or who is Brave enough and Hot enough to take it out and slowly stroke it. I was next to an older man who looked like a Banker type- probably about 60 or so- wire rim glasses-typical Banker Look. He pulled his zipper down on a scene where a white girl was on her knees waiting to suck 3 hung black dudes. I love those...
Ever since I was sixteen, I found myself attracted to girls. I would sit in class and fantasize about being intimate with them. I would sometimes go to the restroom during study hall, go into a stall and quietly masturbate. After school at home, I would masturbate to the fantasies I had about some of the girls in my classes and even a few of my female teachers.This went on for two years, I was too afraid to act on my desire of being with another girl or woman. The thought of coming out...
TabooThe story below is fiction, but the character "Heather" is based on a lady I have fantasized about.I met Heather at work. I was new to the office, and met her when the boss took me around to introduce me to my new coworkers. She is a tall brunette, with blue eyes that I immediately lost myself in. Once I was able to look at the rest of her, I found she had an athletic figure and nice firm tits up high on her chest. After our introduction, she said she had to attend a meeting. I made sure...
Phil had first met Heather almost a year earlier. He had been asked to come over to the company headquarters to participate in the new sales rep orientation. The company was involved in a major push to hire more female reps. Most were bright, extremely cute, right out of college and totally clueless. Heather stood out in that gathering, she had gone on for an MBA and worked for another company for several years. While she had no outside sales experience she understood the products, having...
Heather loved doing Gymnastics she had been doing it since she was 3yo and she was now 16yo. Heather is 5ft2 tall and has long brown hair and green eyes her weight is 70lbs and she has full 16C Cup tits that she first grew at younger age she was an early bloomer just like her mum who at 35yo and 5ft8 tall with black hair and brown eyes she has 36 D Cup Tits and she works hard to provide for her daughter since her husband died 3 years ago. Since Heathers mum works so hard and sometimes for...
I’m in my 50s and lead a loose group of guys who meet now and again to use mature sluts. Vicki was recommended to me by a friend of a friend who had gangfucked her a few times and I was impressed with photos and a video of her being used . Mid 40s sexy curly bonde hair, quite attractive, slim but with decent tits and a dirty smiles. Anyway, I emailed her, mentioning who had suggested her, and she got back to me a week or so later. I told her that we are all doms and quite brutal at times but...
We made many trips to the adult theaters in the Denver area where Cheryl spent many hours entertaining the various males there. She would always wear a slutty outfit so the guys knew she was there to suck and fuck as much cock as she wanted.On several occasions I took her to the adult theater during the day, dropping her off and picking her back up an hour or so later. The guys there during the day were a different crowd, not in a bad way, just a different set of men who normally did not visit...
After my wife was real comfortable going to adult theaters she asked me if I was okay with her sitting alone after we got in I said yes she was kinda happy about that situation. Adult theaters in our area would not let women in unescorted by a man there was a for that my wife would've been in several times by herself.The first time we tried this she their reach you close on with a long jacket over that was to hide what she had on until we got in the theater she we give me the jacket and parade...
Every time I travel with my job, the opportunities are endless. Businesswomen at bars, wives stopping at Starbucks, stay-at-home moms shopping for husbands and family, the urges are everywhere. My problem is, I can’t just walk by without making myself known. I am a man. I can’t help it. The woman that you see at Starbucks is a woman on her way home from work. The woman that I see is a private fuck party waiting to meet someone that will make them lose all control of their inhibitions. The woman...
“No more Ilish maach, Maa. (A famous Bengali fish) I have a flight to catch, I will miss it if you make me eat so much.” Nisu is a VP of Bank of America in Seattle, USA. She is a tenacious woman (very firm in her decisions), with a lot of wit and intelligence. Nisu had a perfect life in terms of all materialistic feelings. She drove her Audi to the office while sipping her coffee and had a glass apartment just like Harvey Spectre in ‘Suits’. She lives with her husband, who is also a...
Every time I travel with my job, the opportunities are endless. Businesswomen at bars, wives stopping at Starbucks, stay-at-home moms shopping for husbands and family, the urges are everywhere. My problem is, I can’t just walk by without making myself known. I am a man. I can’t help it. The woman that you see at Starbucks is a woman on her way home from work. The woman that I see is a private fuck party waiting to meet someone that will make them lose all control of their inhibitions. The woman...
ReluctanceIt had taken some time to get over my divorce, not that it had been particularly messy or sordid, quite the contrary as we had settled everything in a business-like and polite manner. It was simply that after 15 years of marriage, I found the transition back to bachelorhood to be difficult.I had always thought myself to be fairly open and friendly and enjoyed meeting people and good conversation, but now I was conscious of the fact that I was treated with some degree of scepticism. I could...
Heather was 12 years old when I married her mother, and although Heather was young, it was a treat being around her. She had such a bubbly personality, that some times it was almost comical watching her. But then again, it was a joy being around her. As Heather grew older, she began to look very good to me. She was always walking around our house in mini skirts, short shorts, halter tops, tube tops and T-shirts. When it was close to her bedtime, she would change into a T-shirt and panties, then...
Granny HeatherI was lucky to be offered a places at Durham University Gran on my Mothers side offered to have me stay during my time at University although I hadn’t seen her for a couple of years.I wasn’t too pleased to accept the offer, Gran was sixty six although very good looking and had taken care of herself looked about fifty over the years when visiting Gran I enjoyed the time spent with her she was good fun and more importantly she took my side against the family I Just wanted to stay in...