Nandita To Nandini
- 4 years ago
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Phil had first met Heather almost a year earlier. He had been asked to come over to the company headquarters to participate in the new sales rep orientation. The company was involved in a major push to hire more female reps. Most were bright, extremely cute, right out of college and totally clueless. Heather stood out in that gathering, she had gone on for an MBA and worked for another company for several years. While she had no outside sales experience she understood the products, having worked inside for a large manufacturer. She had maturity, she asked intelligent questions. She showed definite leadership potential and was respected by her peers which led to his second contact with the attractive young blond. Heather seemed very serious, worked hard in her sales territory and showed every indication of becoming a rising star. When it came time to choose which of the new hires would participate in the President’s Advisory Council, management, the senior reps and her peers all agreed unanimously.
The President’s Advisory Council met quarterly or semi-annually to discuss new trends and customer issues. The last day involved several hours of dialogue with the President and his senior management team. Heather had appointed herself extremely well and had caught the eye of management, if she continued on track she would have an excellent future within the company.
At the six month mark the new hires came back to HQ for a refresher course. Several of the young college hires had already quit or been terminated. Heather again appeared to be head and shoulders above her contemporaries. Her mock sales presentations were exceptional, she took the time to help those who were struggling. She and Phil became, ‘business friends’.
At the time, Phil was going through a nasty divorce, all of the negotiating had been completed shortly after the sales training refresher. The decree was filed, the property had pretty much been divvied up and he and his soon to be ex were not even living in the same town. All that remained was for a judge to bless the final degree, an event which would take a few minutes and one which he was not even required to attend. Due to the busy court docket, that final step would not occur for a few months.
Since the divorce was all but a done deal and his ex had already invited the first of what would become her next three husbands to move in with her, Phil had no qualms about seeing other women. As cute as the new college hires were, Phil had an iron clad rule when it came to messing around within the company, particularly with young females less than year off the college campus. Nor would he even think about fooling around in the non-exempt ranks, it just wasn’t right in his book. In a moment of weakness he had engaged in one meeting tryst with one of the operations managers. They were roughly the same age, both recently divorced and good friends and remained so after spending a couple of nights together in the sack. They were both lonely and wrote it off as a comfort screw.
Heather had impressed him, she was bright, articulate and interesting. He had never acted inappropriate toward her…never made a pass or a suggestive comment. He had traveled up to Charlotte to spend a day traveling with her as part of the new rep evaluation protocol. He had been very pleased with her progress and had given her a glowing review. They had chatted easily during the day together in her car. He had had a single glass of wine with her at the end of the day prior to driving back to Atlanta. They had exchanged a business hug as he was departing.
It was during that hug and after as he made the four hour drive home that he first began to think about Heather as other than a bright young woman with a good future. They were friends, they seemed to like and respect each other. He was a few years older than she was but not unrealistically so. She was a very attractive young woman. She kept her well appointed young body well hidden under demure business attire. Until that hug he had not realized how well appointed. He had to admit that he was attracted to her. He was absolutely sure he wanted to fuck her. It was with that lascivious thought at the forefront that he engaged Steve, the resident hunk in the organization.
‘So Steve, what’s the story on Heather? I mean, she’s certainly one of the two or three most attractive women at this meeting…she’s single, isn’t she?’ Phil knew the answer to that question, he also knew that Steve, a tall, well built and extremely handsome former college quarterback pretty much had had his way with Heather and most of the other attractive young women in the company.
Phil had expected Steve to give him a run down of her background or ‘story’. Heather had shared little of her background with Phil in their previous meetings, keeping the conversation strictly on business and the here and now. Instead he received a startlingly candid evaluation of her physical attributes and sexual proclivities.
‘She’s got an astounding little body which she tends to hide in work clothes…perfect little tits and an ass to die for. She doesn’t talk much in the sack but fucks with a sense of urgency. She’s quite possibly the best little cock sucker in the company—and I should know I’ve had every decent looking woman in this outfit. She likes cock…likes it anywhere and anytime but she’s very discreet. She’s looking for something meaningful—aren’t they all—so I broke it off pretty quickly, much to my—and her—regret. She’s not into pain, per se, but likes it a little rough and hard…likes to be treated like a slut…dominated…I tried to do her in the ass a couple of times…I’m sure it wasn’t exactly comfortable and don’t think she got off on it. Look, Phil, Heather may act like a slut in the sack, which makes her my perfect woman but she’s really a pretty neat girl…she’s just got some issues…some sadness…loneliness. If I was interested in anything serious…well, she’d be at the top of the list. She asked me about you so I know she’s interested…wanted to know about your divorce and your ex. I told her your divorce was final. She doesn’t fuck married guys or senior execs. Since you are neither she’d certainly fuck you.’
‘Ah, thanks, Steve. That was a lot more thorough than I expected but much appreciated.’
Steve was cocky, even arrogant when it came to women but his stunning good looks made him easily the number one heartthrob in the company…success breeds confidence. Phil, on the other hand, while a handsome guy in his own right had not been part of the pickup scene in many years and knew that his approach was painfully tentative.
‘Go for it tiger!’ Steve exclaimed, moving off to work his magic on one of the newer members of the team, an attractive, pouting brunette with a delicious little butt and killer legs.
Phil scoped out the room, this was the first day post meeting cocktail hour and people were gathered in small groups chatting. Heather was talking to their respective boss, a good guy and a good boss who always drank too much at these meetings. Phil knew that Bud had a weakness for tight little athletic brunettes but at these meetings would move on anything not tied down. Heather was a dark hued blond with a truly pretty, if sad face. When she smiled, which was infrequent, she was quite stunning. He knew that she had never been married but suspected that someone had recently broken her heart.
Following a messy divorce, he was pretty sure he wasn’t looking for anything long term…just a little comfort and a nice fuck. He liked her…respected her…enjoyed their time together. In spite of her seriousness there was an underlying sweetness which he found irresistible. She worked a couple of hundred miles away from where he did so that shouldn’t be a problem. Several of the attractive young women who worked out of the same office he did had hit on him, that could get entangling and inconvenient.
Phil was glad he paid the extra $100 a night out of his o
wn pocket for a private room, he and his boss were good friends and often roomed together as they had been scheduled to do so at this meeting. Now they both had a private room, since Phil had done his boss a favor, he knew Bud would find a way to make it up to him. Phil moved over to where Heather and Bud were chatting, Phil knew that the true object of Bud’s affection was the little Asian girl, Connie, and he had been banging her for some time…married with two kids.
Phil knew well enough not to judge other men’s taste in women. Most of his friends thought his ex was a dream and couldn’t understand why they had parted. Hell, they hadn’t had to live with her all of those years. Bud’s wife of twenty plus years, Rebecca, was a stunning blond and one of the sweetest, nicest, most interesting women Phil had ever met…the kind you fall in love with. Just as with his former wife, Phil assumed that there must be something there that didn’t work to explain Bud’s frequent philandering and his tendency to fall in love with women other than his bride.
‘Hey Phil, how’s it hanging?’ Bud said with his usual exuberance already heightened by his third Dewars and rocks. ‘You know Heather, don’t you? Well of course you do!’
‘Sure! Nice to see you again, Heather.’ Phil wished he had some seductive opening line as he was sure both Bud and Steve did, but he had never developed one.
‘Nice to see you Phil, I really enjoyed your presentation on customer requirements.’ Heather replied, with that hint of a smile which made her, well, it made her adorable.
‘Have fun kids, I need to make the rounds and kiss some ass before I get too fucked up.’ Bud said, moving off to do exactly that…and sniff a little Asian butt at his earliest opportunity.
Phil broke what might have become an awkward silence with the first thing that came into his head. ‘So, Heather, almost exactly one year ago you were just being introduced. How are things going after a year in this pressure cooker?’ God that was lame, Phil thought to himself.
‘It’s been challenging, it took me most of the last year to get my feet on the ground—in spite of your help and guidance. Bud has been great and the other senior reps have been patient, it is sort of like a family. I think I’m starting to get the hang of it.’ She replied, then added, ‘How about you Phil, you’ve been in this line of work for, what, over ten years? But you’re still relatively new to this company and this product line, even though you’ve been with the corporation for quite a while.’
‘Good and bad, I guess. Significantly fewer and less technical products to learn, a shorter list of decision makers but a lot more travel—more potential customers. There’s less time to build strong friendships with customers but more potential sales opportunities. It’s a smaller, friendlier organization. There’s a lot less micromanagement. All in all, better, I think.’ Phil said, sensing that he was talking too much. They were talking about sales…business…bullshit.
She was treating him like a mentor not a man…keeping it on a business footing. Just being cautious…propriety… or is that the only way she could see him? ‘In spite of seeing you at various meetings and training programs I’m ashamed to admit I really don’t know that much about you. I mean, the real you. So, Heather, tell me about Heather.’
‘Not much to tell, really. As you probably know, this is my second job out of college. I worked inside for a huge consumer products company for four years, I left when I realized that they were never going to let me get out in the field. My dad works—worked—for another huge company, telecommunications…he got forced into early retirement a year ago…it’s been pretty rough on him…had to take an hourly job to make ends meet…my mother had to go to work.’
Phil got the first glimpse of a possible cause of Heather’s apparent sadness…concern over her parents’ future. She had never mentioned it before. ‘Where’d you go to college again?’ Phil asked, hoping to steer her away from things that apparently saddened her.
‘Wake Forest, then an MBA at a small business school which you have never heard of. I grew up in the Southeast, just North of Atlanta, mostly. I really like where I’m working now…Charlotte.’
Stuck for words, Phil was gratified when the President announced that it was time for dinner. Technically, Phil and Heather worked in the same region, he hoped the dinner didn’t include assigned seating. He and Heather walked together the short distance to the hotel dining room. There were no name tags at the tables, they sat down next to each other at one of the large round tables. There had been dinners at other training meeting and such but the two of them had never been dinner partners.
The overcrowding, so common at these affairs, placed the two of them closer together than would normally have been comfortable. As was typical, each diner asked who was left handed or right handed to make the cramped eating arrangements a little less annoying. There would be little opportunity for intimate conversation during dinner and after there would be a few—hopefully short—speeches. Still, their thighs, feet and legs touched repeatedly during dinner.
Heather touched his arm on several occasions…friendly…not seductive…they were ‘business friends’. Phil found himself hoping desperately that the evening would end with the two of them in the same bed together but he was beginning to have his doubts. How to change from being a mentor and business friend to a lover? He was pretty sure he didn’t have a clue.
‘So, Phil.’ Heather asked, lowering her voice and moving her lips very close to his right ear. Her warm breath excited him…her delicate hand rested on his bare arm…it was electric…his cock responded accordingly. ‘Who are you rooming with?’
‘It’s not that I’m antisocial, but frankly, no one. Bud and I usually room together, we’re old friends, but he snores when he drinks too much, leaves the TV on half the night and passes out from too much Scotch so I did us both a favor and kicked in out of my pocket for a private room.’
‘That’s convenient.’ Heather said, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. Phil was suddenly feeling better about his prospects. How to tell her that you’re the only woman in this room I really want to share that king size bed with? Had she hinted at that? Did she assume that he was on the prowl and expected to bed down someone tonight…someone else? He was frustrated at his inability to pursue the object of his affections with some sort of witty and seductive repartee. He was still being so damn formal.
Fortunately the speeches were short and within half an hour of the dinner dishes being cleared away, the evening meeting was over. This was the difficult part, Phil thought to himself. I need to make a move, but what move? He could steer her to one of the many resort bars…maybe ask her to dance…
‘So, Phil, what are your plans for the rest of the night?’ Heather asked, almost coyly.
‘Well, I’m not much into the after dinner hotel bar scene…plus I’m an inveterate wine drinker and the stuff they have at the bars…’
‘Red or white?’
‘Either, but always red after dinner.’
‘Am I to assume you brought your own as opposed to the Sutter Home in the mini bar?’
‘And you also brought your own glass—or do you have more than one glass?’
‘Always an extra glass for a special friend.’
‘Are you the kind of guy who likes to drink alone?’
‘I hate to drink alone.’
‘Am I a special friend?’ Heather asked, taking his arm in hers.
‘I thought you’d never ask.’ Phil replied, thankful that Heather had elected to do all of the work as it applied to the early stages of his anticipated seduction.
‘Do you mind if I change first? ‘Business casual’ isn’t very casual and I’ve been in this outfit since I left the house this morning.’
‘I was having th
e same exact thought. Is half an hour adequate?’
‘I’m very speedy…let’s make it fifteen.’
‘I can work with that schedule.’
‘Room number?’
Phil removed one of the two electronic keys from his wallet and wrote the room number on it. ‘Will this work?’
‘Should I knock?’
‘Special friends never need to knock.’ Phil said. Out of some warped sense of propriety they separated as they approached the bank of elevators, each taken a different one.
Phil raced down the hall to his room, jumped in the shower, deftly removed his five o’clock shadow, brushed his teeth and slipped into a tee shirt and a well worn but comfortable pair of shorts. He worked out, during the divorce he had done so obsessively. The outfit worked on his lean, muscular frame. Just as he was opening a favorite cab and wiping off two pieces of stemware, he heard the electronic lock on his door. And there she was, her hair still slightly damp and hanging free, not a spec of makeup and pretty much the same type of comfortable tee shirt and favorite shorts that he had chosen for himself. She was smiling, she was absolutely adorable. He felt his heart skip. He was staring…speechless. She grinned.
‘Cat got your tongue old man?’ Heather said. He wasn’t that old, only five or six years her senior.
Phil struggled to come up with something smooth and witty. In then end he just spoke his mind.
‘Phil, you’ve seen me in several hundred dollars worth of designer resort wear, hair perfectly coiffed, my better than average legs ensconced in twenty dollar nylons with over priced makeup expertly supplied and this gets a wow?’
‘That wasn’t the first word that came into my head…the first word was…adorable…you are absolutely adorable…breath taking…I’m babbling…’
Heather moved in close and kissed Phil on the lips, mashing her firm young breasts against his chest. ‘Thank you, Phil, that’s very sweet…it doesn’t sound like a line when you say it. It isn’t a line, is it?’
‘I haven’t been doing this long enough to come up with any good lines….since my divorce. It’s been a few years since I dated…I’m still learning the ropes.’
‘Don’t try to learn the ropes, just be you…be real…that in and of itself is pretty adorable.’ Heather paused. ‘Phil, let me take all of the pressure off. I’m eying that bottle of California’s best you just opened and looking forward to sharing it with you…just two normal people, two friends, getting to know each other…no work talk…no angst. And then when the time is right…when we’re all talked out…I’d like to spend the night with you. Are you okay with that?’
‘Uh, huh.’
‘Great! Get pouring.’
It took less than half an hour to finish the excellent cab. The conversation was very relaxed and comfortable…hobbies…music…art…favorite foods…favorite cities. She was incredibly bright, witty and absolutely charming. She was beyond adorable, if that was possible. As he hung on her every word and watched her smile he was completely smitten. At the perfect moment Heather was in his arms, both of them were consumed by the sense of urgency. They kissed and touched for some time, ultimately moving to the king sized bed, holding on to each other for dear life, not wanting to let go of the comfort and security which the other provided. Very quickly their sexual yearning got the best of them. Heather made her intensions perfectly clear as she moved her warm, soft lips down his body…nibbling around and under the object of her desire. She stared at him for a moment, smiled and then engulfed his hard prick in her warm, wet mouth.
Steve had been right on target, Heather proceeded to give Phil the blow job of his life. Her own sounds left no doubt that she was enjoying the activity every bit as much as Phil was. She teased him…ran her finger nails gently under his balls…brought him so close so many times. When she had tired of the play, her pace accelerated and he came quickly in her mouth…growling her name in response to the exquisite pleasure she gave him.
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Heather ? Capd'Any Heather -Cap desetmana 1 Heather 2 El Cotxe 4 La Festa 5 Dissabte 8 N?ria obeeix 9 Dinar 9 Proves A 10 HabilitatArt?stica 1 10 Bellesa iSeducci? 11 Forma F?sica 1 13 Sopar 15 Nit Dissabte 16 Proves B 17 HabilitatArt?stica 2 17 Compenetraci? ambla parella 18 Forma f?sica 2 20 Proves C 23 HabilitatArt?stica 3 23 Dolor 25 Capacitat Sexual27 Sopar i Premis 31 L'ad?u. Va alPalau 33 31 de Desembre de2000 19:00 Heather La Heather t? 23anys i ?s una bona concertista de piano i intel...
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TabooThe story below is fiction, but the character "Heather" is based on a lady I have fantasized about.I met Heather at work. I was new to the office, and met her when the boss took me around to introduce me to my new coworkers. She is a tall brunette, with blue eyes that I immediately lost myself in. Once I was able to look at the rest of her, I found she had an athletic figure and nice firm tits up high on her chest. After our introduction, she said she had to attend a meeting. I made sure...
Heather loved doing Gymnastics she had been doing it since she was 3yo and she was now 16yo. Heather is 5ft2 tall and has long brown hair and green eyes her weight is 70lbs and she has full 16C Cup tits that she first grew at younger age she was an early bloomer just like her mum who at 35yo and 5ft8 tall with black hair and brown eyes she has 36 D Cup Tits and she works hard to provide for her daughter since her husband died 3 years ago. Since Heathers mum works so hard and sometimes for...
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Heather was 12 years old when I married her mother, and although Heather was young, it was a treat being around her. She had such a bubbly personality, that some times it was almost comical watching her. But then again, it was a joy being around her. As Heather grew older, she began to look very good to me. She was always walking around our house in mini skirts, short shorts, halter tops, tube tops and T-shirts. When it was close to her bedtime, she would change into a T-shirt and panties, then...
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Wednesday June 19 Susie and Tara eagerly provided Matt with benefits in the morning, afterwards hugging him and lying with their mother and Matt. “How long will we be part of your harem?” Aimee asked afterwards, and then started laughing. “As much as I would love to keep the three of you forever, you each have your own lives to live. Aimee, you have a husband that you need to reconcile with. Until then, I’m more than happy to have you as a temporary member of my harem. Susie and Tara will...
Heather was on pins and needles waiting for her husband Tim to say whether he would or wouldn't join me and Heather when we met for our next masturbation session. Tim had come home from working on the food plots for deer where he hunts every year, and Heather had rushed home in only her robe. When Tim asked where she had been with only her robe on, Heather honestly explained where she had been and what she and I had been doing, and then she just hoped for the best. She had told Tim that she is...
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The first time she noticed anything Heather had just been amused. She didn't know about Cole's ex yet, who she was and what she looked like. Heather and Cole had been dating for a while and that day was the first time he took her to his place. They had been sleeping together already at her place and their relationship had reached that endorphin-rich state where they felt like butterflies were going wild inside them and they couldn't spent more than a minute without kissing each other. On that...
This story is a sequel to my first story, “Dream Girl Heather”. I suggest reading that story before continuing with the post below. I was disappointed when I hadn’t heard from Heather after a few days. She was friendly at work, but made no mention of my visit to her home, or what had happened. I was worried that my premature ejaculation problem had ruined any chance of another encounter. I had decided that if another opportunity presented itself that I would jack off several times before...
Part 1This narrative is a letter from a close friend who asked me to publish it for her. I cannot authenticate the story but I have never known her to deliberately give me false information. I shall call her Debra for the purpose of identification. She is 39 yrs old and has a daughter of 17, Lena who is studying at a college near to the family home.A few days ago, Lena went away with another girl on her course, Francine Renshawe, to study their subject within the industry. She asked me to pick...
I had been so busy at work that my first time back to the bank was the following Friday night. As I walked in, Red was taking care of another customer, so I turned and waved to Heather. We exchanged "hellos" before she curled her finger at me discreetly. As she silently beckoned me to her cubicle, I quickly glanced back at Red. The other customer still occupied her, so I stepped toward Heather. "Where are Goldy and Lisa?" I inquired. "It's Goldy's day off, and Lisa is at a late appointment...
Straight SexPlease Note: This is a reworking of an earlier story now with an option of two different endings It was mid afternoon on yet another bleak English Saturday and I was trying, and failing, to get some work done, I was a self-employed IT Consultant advising companies on all things computer related. The previous seven days had been hectic and I was already a week late with my report. The incessant rain hitting the window and reverberating across the still room wasn't helping my already wavering...
Seeing Heather It had been a really hard week, a hard few weeks in fact, so he was really looking forward to his first weekend off in a long time.. just a couple of days of relaxation and lounging about by the pool.. oh and some quiet time with his live in girlfriend. He parked the car in the drive, grabbed his bags from the boot and strolled into the house already relaxing as he went. As he entered he called out just in case Jane had returned from her trip and as he heard her reply he smiled....
The Finding of Heather By H.M.C. Chapter 1 Exactly how it happened First off let me tell you about me I'm a 36 YO male. Working in a bank in the stocks exchanges and acquisitions department I wasn't well to do and I was struggling for the most part as you can seen here in the picture the suit looks good but it wasn't Armani just Woodsbridge. I lived in the city but never very far from my mom...
It was after midnight when I finally made it back to my own bed. I don't know if I felt a little guilty about what I'd done, or guilty that I didn't feel worse. I guess this is where I should say that I never intended things to go that far, but I don't expect you to believe it. I wouldn't. I mean a guy just doesn't "accidentally" seduce his little sister. Then again, as a senior in high school she isn't exactly little anymore, and I'm only four years older. That was a big gap when I...
I Think every guy in his teen age years has a favorite aunt, I did and my feelings for her were of a sexual nature as well as just loving her for the way she is to me and I really just like being around her. Aunt Heather is moms brothers wife but he is no longer in the picture. Having smoked like a chimney since his teenage years he aquired a bit of lung cancer. I had always gotten along very nicely with Heather and remembered her birthday. She is in her early sixties; has long brownish grey...
Here's one from the past ... twenty years goes by so fast! I first met Heather when she was 12. We were in Leo club together. She was just a skinny little short kid then, nothing like the beautiful young lady she would later become. We were friends but nothing more. I was 15 then, and Leo club got boring after I got my license, and I left it and Heather behind. Fast forward three years, and my little sister, who's now 12, keeps talking about her friend Heather, who's in the grade ahead...
Vampire uses Halloween to charm, glamour, and hypnotize his victims. Other than admiring the realistic Dracula costume he wore, no one paid any attention to Count Dracula walking down the street on Halloween. Unlike the other trick or treaters on the sidewalk that mingled and congregated, while going house to house, intent on where he was going, he walked with a purpose. It should have been suspicious that he was walking alone and not meandering with some kid and trick or treating. Maybe they...
The day before she had a scheduled camshow, and she got ready and dressed as planed. With her blonde hair in messy curls and her make-up flawless, heather slipped into the minuscule cutoffs she had made the day before. The shorts had started off extremely short, and ended smaller than most skimpy panties. Heather added a hot pink bra, and a small white T-shirt, and 6" pink heels. She was ready to go. As she rolled around on her bed on the cam, the crotch of her shorts kept rubbing roughly...
A few weeks after I’d had the threesome involving Mary, Cindy came to me and said “I didn’t think you were like that” “Like what” “You know what you did to Mary” “How do you know about that” “Me and Mary are best friends”, that’s something I didn’t count on. Later on that day Steve came and asked if I’d do some tidying in the store room, obviously I said Yes.At around 3pm Heather came to me and said “Right you and Cindy go down to the store room and sort it out Ok” she was a right little...
My wife, Beth and her mother, Ruth, were flying to Colorado today to visit Beth's brother. They were downstairs packing. We had to leave in about twenty minutes for the airport. After dropping them off I had planned to go to a party our firm was throwing for some clients. I was in my home office upstairs answering email when Ruth appeared in the doorway. I said, "Ready to go?" She leaned against the doorframe and pulled up her dress to show me she had no panties on. Her grey pussy hair was...
Heather grinned with a gleam in her eyes, told me she would be over to my swimming pool within five minutes, and then quickly disappeared into her house. I went into my house, took off all of my clothes, wrapped a large beach towel around myself, and then went out to my swimming pool to wait on Heather. I didn’t have to wait long until Heather came through the gate in the wooden privacy fence between my front yard and the back yard where my pool is just inside the fence. She was wearing a...
MasturbationDressing with Auntie Heather It all started when I was a young, teenage boy. Just discovering my sexual urges by fantasizing about the girls in my class. For some reason I kept flashing on their cute little skirts and legs. Oh, how sexy their legs looked to me. Once in a while, I'd catch a glimpse of them while crossing their legs; you know that little flash of panty. It would just send shivers up my spine and then down directly to my cock. Thus the start of my fetish for woman's...
Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...
Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...
We hit it off right a way. She was a very bubbley person and it was hard for anyone not to like her. She had lots of guy friends and most women were jelouse of her, and I was no exception. At night she had her boyfriend, whoever it was for that week, over and they would fuck whether or not I was there awake or not. I tried not to watch but she made love like art. Every move was like a dance and every sound she made was beautiful music. I had never been with another women beforr, but i was...
Musclee encounters 2- Goddess HeatherBy lilguy Man trapped and abuse by the real life Goddess HeatherA man lay in dungeons. He was shivering with fear and pain. His ass was bruiselike two g****s. His penis stretches out from hours with a penis pump eachday. Whips market covered his body and a tattoo that said "Goddess Heather"was on his ass. Tears ran down the young black man eyes as he dangled in theair. The were a drain under him that watch away any fluids. His cock rockedhard and body...
Thoughts I had no idea when I first stepped into Lady Heather's establishment that it would become the center of the Universe - and my own center - for so many years to come. Some people will say that I regressed right back to where I once started. I'd once been a sex-toy in a whorehouse, and here I was looking to be the same thing in another one. To say that gives no value to all to how much I've grown and accomplished since Anna rescued me and sent me off to live with Samuel. Nor does...
That’s what I was planning to do, anyway, but I heard noises coming from her bedroom. She was already here! Fuck, I thought. There go my plans for the afternoon. I started toward the bathroom, hoping to jack off quickly and quietly. It wouldn't be the same without Heather's panties, though. My sister was so fucking sexy...I wished that I could just storm into her room and fuck her. A little voice in my head said, Well, can’t you just do that? The idea was crazy. You can’t just fuck your...
I had a party at my house. Everyone got really drunk. my friend Heather included. I had always had the hots for her--she was a sweetheart with a killer body and huge boobs. I had always wished I could get a look at those huge jugs, and I finally got my chance. Everyone else had gone home, except for Heather and my friend Kristen. They were both wasted and got on the subject of a guy they had both dated; things got really heated until finally Kristen lost her cool and slapped Heather in the...
Fetish“God, you’re so gorgeous…” I trailed off, thinking out loud. Heather’s dark brown locks were longer than she could handle sometimes. They weren’t straight, but not curly either, just like her. She identified as bisexual, and maybe her hair had something to do with that. I smiled to myself, realizing how silly that sounded. I pushed back a strand of her from her face and grinned when she frowned in her sleep. She wore the white sheet tucked under her bare arms, her shoes forgotten somewhere in...
Love StoriesAs I pulled away from my parking space outside my house I heard the harp tone on my mobile alerting me that I had received a text. ‘Typical’ I thought to myself ignoring the text and continuing to drive. I was on my way to baby-sit for my daughter Katie. She was going to check out one of the local play schools with a view to sending George there for a couple of mornings a week. Katie lives just a few minutes away from me and I was soon pulling up outside her house. I applied the hand brake...
Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...
Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...
i find it difficult to focus,cant seem to remember where i am or what day it is.all i am aware of is my cock is errect and someone is rubbing me up and down.i see the bright light shinning through the window and the face of a woman,young but i cant distinguish her properly.she is pretty and smiling at me and now appears i was in a car accident.i had only been in belfast a day when(i remember now)a lorry side swiped me and thats how i ended up in here.the accident is fuzzy but...
I met Heather in High School and we hit it off right away. We were both perverts in our own way and open to just about anything. We did a lot of video taping and I kept all of the tapes after we split up. The best tape was the one in which we tried anal for the first time. It was great for me but she didn't enjoy it as much as she did later on in life. We always took turns tying each other up and this was one of those times. I had her lying on the bed face down tied to all 4 bed posts. It was...
Anal"Jason, what do you think you're doing here? You're not invited to my party!" I'd actually just been heading to the basement, which meant passing through the living room on my way, but now that she'd made an issue of it... "Yeah, well I helped clean up for your party. And it's not just your house. I live here too!" "Well it was all your mess anyway, and you're still not coming to my party!" "WOULD THE TWO OF YOU PLEASE GROW UP," Mom yelled from the top of the stairs. "How old...
Heather Sunday June 16 Matt awoke in the middle of the night to Carla gently sucking his cock. Pulling her on top, he slid into her well-lubricated sex. “I love you,” he whispered in her ear. “I know,” she sighed into his neck as he continued thrusting into her. She came twice before he did. After Matt came, she stayed on top of him, enjoying the skin-to-skin contact as much as he was. “Unless there’s a reason not to, I should probably meet your parents one of these days,” he suggested....
I was sitting in my office, bemoaning the fact they I had not made it out golfing that day., and was getting ready to go home When the receptionist buzzed in announcing that I had a visitor. I walked up front and was amazed to see Heather, dressed in a ladies black business suit, with a knee-high skirt. I had not seen her since she had left her job at the restaurant (not by choice) I frequent for lunch. After the initial hellos and hugs we moved to my office. I asked her what I owed this visit...