12]. Liner free porn video

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Romance on the High Seas.

When the liner stopped at Manila and the crowd of overweight American tourists trooped down the gangway bearing their luggage, and as usual talking at the top of their voices I was relieved. The trip from Colombo had not been up to my expectations. I had booked the trip with visions of slim sleek Asian boys in my mind, and had been overwhelmed by the crowd of fat middle aged American’s that had been on board. The one cute Sri Lankan steward on the ship was called Romal and had turned out to be a paid Gigolo who was only interested in the dollars he could milk from the passengers, in particular the American’s. He swung both ways and did not care if he serviced either males or females as long as a fistful of dollars came his way. I was still young enough to baulk at the idea of paying for sex and yet not old enough to have reached the state of having to do so to ensure suitable company. I certainly had no intention of spending good money to allow some gigolo to pound my ass, nor was I willing to pay him what he wanted to allow me to use his body.

As the loud group of tourists sauntered down the gangplank, I stood leaning on the railings waiting with some excitement to see what the new arrivals would be like, fervently hoping that there would be at least one or two possibilities among them. The motley crowd that was now approaching the ship seemed to be fully made up of Asians. Leading the pack was a solid phalanx of Japanese business men, wearing almost identical suits with their cameras dangling from their necks, and faces wreathed in identical smiles. Close behind them came the Filipinos, in family groups being shepherded by anxious looking fathers, all of them radiant as peacocks in their obviously new clothes. One or two of the teenage boys in this lot looked interesting. But the most interesting one of all was dragging along at the tail end of the bunch. He appeared to be a single boy who did not have any companion or parents in tow. My interest perked up immediately. He looked to be around 19 or 20, though as usual with Asian boys like this he could have been younger. He had the broad cheekbones and clear hairless face typical of the region. Unusual was the fact that he was alone and seemed to be carrying just a small duffle bag. No suitcase, no camera and no beaming face. He was dressed in a pair of scruffy jeans and a silk shirt that looked as if it belonged with a tuxedo, rather than being casually paired with jeans. As he approached the railings he looked up at me. He had a rather dull pinched look about him and a forlorn expression on his face.

I had actually tipped the steward to ensure that I would not be forced to share my cabin with some ghastly Japanese business man or a small child from one of the Filipino families. He had suspected my interest in gay sex and had, with a lewd wink, assured me he would see that I got a “suitable” companion for the rest of the journey to Sydney. He also indicated that he would be expecting me to cough up a decent amount of money if he got me the “right” kind of cabin mate. Looking at the rank and file of the new arrivals I idly wondered just who I would be sharing my cabin with over the next 10 days. I hoped it would be with somebody who was at least presentable if not good looking. And of course if it was someone whom I could get up to some “hanky panky” with, so much the better.

Putting aside my apprehensions on these matters I went forward to watch with my usual fascination the process of leaving a harbour and heading out to sea. Watching the tug boats bury their sterns almost into the water as they took up the load on the cables and then sensing the behemoth beneath me begin to move never ceased to enthral me. Feeling the rumble of the engines starting up and watching the curl of the bow wave rise higher as we got underway kept me riveted at the bow of the ship till almost sunset. I never ceased to be completely engrossed by the disappearing of land and the endless vistas offered by the open ocean.

When I went down to my cabin to change for dinner I could see no evidence of any travelling companion. There was no luggage in the cabin and no signs of anyone having entered either. Wondering what was to transpire I went to the dining room and was greeted at the door by Romal. The steward had a smug look on his face and while escorting me to my table informed me that he had allotted the second bunk in my cabin to one of the two teen aged sons of the Filipino family who would be sharing the table with me. He told me I could *********** whichever of the boys that either took my fancy, or stirred my loins. He made the introductions to the family who were already seated at the table and with a somewhat proprietary air announced that I would make the choice as to which of the 2 boys, who were in their late teens, would be sharing my cabin. During the course of dinner I studied both lads carefully. They were not very shy and were quite well spoken and extremely polite as are most Asian lads of that age. Though it was the younger of the two that was more outgoing I eventually decided that I may have a better chance to entice the older one into playing some private body games at night. When I announced my decision I thought I saw a look of disappointment on the younger boys face.

During dinner I noticed that the single boy I had seen earlier was seated with a group of 3 Japanese business men at an table not so far away from mine. He still had the dull listless look on his face and seemed to be quite lost in his own world. The Japanese men at his table tried to include him in their animated conversation but he was not very responsive and soon they were ignoring him completely. He left the table very soon, after picking at his food though hardly eating much. When I was taking my usual walk around the deck after dinner again I noticed the boy sitting alone in a quiet corner of the deck and began to wonder about him. But I did not intrude on his solitude and soon decided to go below. When I reached my cabin I found that the elder of the 2 boys who had been at the table was already inside and lying in the upper berth. As I had observer during dinner he was a pleasant looking boy and was now lolling at his ease dressed in only a pair of boxer shorts, and reading what appeared to be a comic book.

Deciding that the best way to discover whether he would be amenable to some fun and frolic would be to let him “see” me as I was changing into my night attire which was a similar pair of boxers, I started to remove my clothes and standing fully naked in front of the mirror proceeded to put on my shorts, managing to take a lot longer than usual to do so to ensure he could have a good look at what I possessed. I could see from his reflection that he was interested in what he saw and was gazing with rapt attention at my body. His attention was riveted on my penis and balls and he did not notice me watching him in the mirror. I could also see a movement in his shorts as his prick started to rise.

Turning away from the mirror I went and leaning against the bunk and put my hand directly on his semi hard cock. I got a reaction from him......but it was not what I had expected. Without a sound of protest or refusal he simply let his comic book drop over his face and lay perfectly still, though his cock rose to full erection and was throbbing under my hand. I squeezed it slightly and felt him grow even harder. I lifted my other hand to his chest and started to gently play with his nipples. The areolas were large and of the wonderful colour only found on Asian people. Soon his nipples were also hard and standing clear. Lowering my mouth to his chest I started to suck them alternately. I explored his thighs and lower belly and was soon kissing and licking his navel and the line of fine pubic hair that started on his stomach and disappeared into his boxers. Through all this, other than the throbbing of his cock and its extreme hardness, he made no sound or comment or movement. His hands were still holding the comic book over his face. Slipping both my arms beneath his body I lifted him and brought him down to lie on my berth, and stretched myself alongside him. But when I tried to remove the comic covering his face he made a negative sound and firmly held it in place. Having had prior experience with many Asian boys I immediately understood he wanted the cabin light turned off and was not willing to look directly at my face or body in the light.

Only after I switched off the lights and the cabin was plunged into darkness did he allow me to take away the book. In the total dark his restraint and inhibitions were cast aside. He responded to my kisses and was soon exploring my body with his hands just as I was exploring his, allowing me to probe his mouth with my tongue and then putting his tongue deep into my mouth. Very soon both of us were completely naked and with hard prick pressed on hard prick we continued sucking and French kissing. He allowed me to move down till his cock was in my mouth and then slowly pivoted his body around so he could do the same to me. But when in my eagerness to proceed further I started to explore the crack of his ass and my finger was searching for his entry hole. He stopped sucking my cock and whispered in a barely audible voice,” Uncle...Please Uncle...No anal” Respecting his wishes I stopped myself and continued to enjoy the other pleasures offered by his lithe slim body and cock. We very soon reached our culmination and ejaculated in each other’s mouths. He then turned himself around again and lay next to me with his head resting on my shoulders, his leg thrown over my thighs and his limp cock pressed to the side of my leg, my cock gripped in his hand. He was soon fast asleep. I also dropped off to sleep well pleased by the change in my luck.

Very early the next morning, before it became bright, he slid from my bed and climbed up to his upper berth. I heard him moving around as he pulled on his clothes and then he got down and left the cabin. I saw him next at the table when I went for my breakfast. He barely looked up as I sat down and a red blush spread across his face. Behaving in a very normal way I greeted the family without paying any untoward attention to the boys. I spoke to his parents and his brother and included him in some of the general remarks. I knew the situation. He was afraid and uncertain about how I would behave after our dalliance of the previous night and unwilling to look at or face me. I was eventually able to get him alone in a corner of the deck, though he had tried his best to avoid me, I told him that what we had done the previous night was nothing to be shy or ashamed about, but was of course best kept to ourselves and not intimated to anyone else. As he understood that I was not going to broadcast our connection by my behaviour or my treatment of him he relaxed enough to look at me while I was speaking and the rosy colouring receded from his face.

I also told him I had enjoyed the experience and hoped he had as well. I also let him know that unless he was interested in a repeat performance I would not demand it from him. He was eager enough to assent to having another session that night. After dinner the only difference to the previous day’s experience was that when I entered the cabin I found him already on my berth and wearing only his undies which clearly showed his state of arousal. I enjoyed myself tasting and teasing him and was able to prolong the session for a much longer time and we both achieved a number of ejaculations before we finally dozed off.

I spent much of the following day as I usually did, close to the bow of the ship, watching the unfolding sea and the dolphins jumping clear of the water before cris- crossing under the boat only to repeat their leaps of ecstasy. Towards the latter part of the afternoon when most of the passengers were resting Romal the steward approached me. The look on his face was enough to tell me that he had discovered the fact that I had scored with my fellow passenger. Not wanting to deny it or to avoid the issue I gave him the sum I had agreed to pay him for helping me. He had a smug smile on his face when he asked me if I now wanted a change of partner. He then told me that I could call upon the younger of the two brothers also if I was so inclined, as he had discovered the boy in a compromising state with one of the Jap business men during the morning and had told him he would keep it a secret if the boy would consent to sharing my cabin for a night or so. Apparently the boy was eager and very willing to sample what I had to offer and it was he who had alerted Romal to the fact that I had seduced his elder brother, which he had discovered by observing his brothers reaction to me over the 2 previous days and by questioning him about it. He also told Romal that he had been hoping that I would choose him to share my cabin and had been most disappointed when I had picked his brother.

Seeking out the elder boy I asked if he objected to the proposed change. Though knowing full well what would transpire, he quite readily agreed to allow his younger brother to occupy my cabin that night. While having dinner I studied the younger boy. I soon came to the conclusion that he was actually the better looking of the 2 and from the way he kept looking at me and grinning he also conveyed his interest in what was going to happen between us later that night. My suspicions were soon confirmed. He entered the cabin a few minutes after I did and without saying a word locked the door. Unlike his elder brother he showed no signs of the usual Asian shyness and without troubling to switch off the light he stripped off his clothes and dropping then on the floor came and stood in front of me. His young and sleek body was enticing. He had very just a small amount of pubic hair that enhanced the forward jutting penis and neat round balls that nestled close below. He climbed up on my lap and kneeling astride me started to shower kisses and licks on my face and lips.

Then he slowly proceeded to divest me of all my clothes, allowing me to do no more than raise my ass from the bunk so he could slip my pants and underwear from under me making as naked as he was. Again settling astride my lap his kisses soon had me getting aroused. He was much more relaxed than his elder brother and appeared to have absolutely no inhibitions. My cock soon rose to a stand and he settled himself astride me allowing it to slip between the soft small cheeks of his ass and as it found the entrance to his butt he pushed himself firmly downwards and surprisingly my cock slid in without any need of lubricant. It was evident he was much more experienced than his brother and had no reticence to getting fucked. He then pushed me flat on to my back and started to ride my cock with an abandon I had never encountered before in an Asian boy.

As he was rising and falling on the length of my cock I grasped his prick which was stiff as a board and wanked him. We reached climax almost simultaneously and he shot his sticky boy’s cum all over my chest and face as my load deposited itself deep in his hole. Needles to say we did not sleep much that night. He was young and eager to explore all I could show and teach him [which was not very much] But one position he had not experienced before was being fucked while he lay on his back with his legs resting on my shoulders and his cute ass spread wide before me and to have my cock pushed into him so deep that my pubic hair rubbed roughly against the skin around his hole. He unlike his elder brother was not shy to talk about his previous experiences and to admire the size and length of my cock and its hardness and the fact that I was able to get a rise almost as fast as he was after an ejaculation.

He told me his brother’s reason for avoiding anal sex was that he was in “love “ with another boy in their home town and was “preserving” himself for that boy. He kept me company for the next 3 days of our voyage and often would slip up to me during the day and with a wink ask me if I wanted to “take a rest”. Of course it was anything but a rest he had in mind. By the end of the fourth day I think we both felt we had done everything any 2 people could do together in bed and were both ready for a change of pace and partner.

After we discussed this he happily ran off to find Romal and see which of the Jap business men he could next seduce and to gain entry to that mans cabin. He also told me his ambition was to sleep with every available man he could before we reached Sydney.

I had been observing the lone boy I have mentioned earlier and though he seemed to be an extremely shy and diffident kind of boy his looks were attractive and there was something very appealing about his woebegone expression and I asked Romal to arrange for him to be my next cabin mate. I had absolutely no idea if I would find him to be an amiable companion or if I could inveigle him into my bed but whatever the outcome I decided that I wanted to find out more about him and why he was alone and why he continually looked so sad. That evening when I went down to the cabin to change for dinner I noticed that the boy’s duffle bag was lying on the upper bunk though there was no sign of the lad himself. He was present at the dining table for dinner but hardly responded to any of the questions that the others put to him...as they were speaking a Filipino dialect I could not understand what was being said but from the short responses the boy gave I gathered that he was not saying much. I myself refrained from saying anything other than a “Good Evening” When I returned to the cabin after my usual after dinner walk around the ship’s deck the boy was already there. He was lying on his bunk staring at the ceiling and appeared lost in though.

Even though he was not very willing to answer my questions I was able to drag some of his story from him with slow patient and simple questions. His name was Manuelle. He had lived in Manila from his birth, and was now on his way to Sidney to join a college after he had won a scholarship there. He was unhappy at having to leave everything he had ever known and to have to go to a strange and new place. His family circumstances prevented any of his people from accompanying him and he was very apprehensive of what he would find in Sydney. At that time I did not make any open reference to my reason for having him as my cabin mate for the rest of the voyage, nor did I indicate, that after seeing him at much closer range than I had in the past few days, was quite taken with his looks and that the desire to have him in my bed was getting stronger by the minute. After I had heard his story, during the telling of which he had got more relaxed and had started to respond more easily, I turned off all the lights and went to sleep.

It was well into the still watches of the night that I was woken by a sound. It was the sound of someone stifling his crying. I got up from my bunk and turning on the dim blue night light in the cabin, saw that it was Manuelle who was crying. I poured him a glass of water and giving it to him asked what the problem was. Eventually after much hesitation he told me he was feeling very homesick and missing his brothers and sisters and family. How I got him to do it I do not know, but I got him to come and sit next to me on my bunk and putting an arm around his shoulders told him not to worry too much.

At first he was stiff and resisted my comforting him but then slowly relaxed enough to put his head on my shoulder though his body was still shaken from time to time with his sobs. We sat like that for quite some time and his crying slowly came to a stop, though I could feel his whole body was tense and trembling. I got him to lie down next to me on my bunk and wrapped him in my arms. We dropped off to sleep lying like that with the blue night light still on. There was nothing sexual in our actions just one body taking comfort from the proximity of another. I woke the next morning to find his head nestled on my shoulder, his arm across my chest and one of his legs thrown across my thighs. I could feel the whole of his slim slender frame pressed up close to my body. My feelings were quite complex. I was still attracted to him and interested to seduce him but there was also something so vulnerable and fragile about him that it created a protective instinct in me that wanted to wrap him up and keep him from being hurt in any way.

When he woke up and found himself pressed up to me like that he jumped up from the bunk and started to stammer out apologies. I calmed him down and told him it was not a problem. We spent much of that day inside the cabin talking and getting to know about each other. At first it was not an easy task to get him to talk about himself and he was especially shy when it came to his emotions and experiences, but as the day drew on he started to be much more open about his life. That night when we returned to the cabin after dinner it did not take much to persuade him to come and lie down next to me. Strangely for me I never made any attempt to introduce any sexual component into our relationship and for the next 3 days and nights our relationship was platonic and consisted of spending much of the day together, chatting and learning many details about each other. The nights were spent in talking and then sleeping together in one bunk with him lying cradled in my arms. Eventually I did tell him about my sexuality and liking for boys but also made it quite clear that I would not make any demand for sex or expect him to do anything he was not interested in.

After I had told him this I quite expected him to avoid sharing my bed that night but was astonished when he himself came and lay down beside me after he had turned off the cabin lights including the blue night light that had been kept on for the previous few nights. As the darkness settled around us he hesitatingly told me that as that would be the last night that we would be together he was willing to let me use his body as I wished, as a repayment for my kindness towards him. Surprising myself despite my desire to explore his body I told him that I was not interested in such an arrangement. I was attracted to him and would have enjoyed having sex with him, but that it should be, that he wanted to do it, because he liked me and not to repay me for just a simple act of kindness. Lying next to me in the darkness he seemed to feel more secure and began to speak about his apprehension of reaching Sydney the next day and of what he was to do. His doubts about being able to find accommodation and of what would be facing him in the college. When we eventually dropped off to sleep he was still comfortably wrapped in my arms and as on the previous 3 nights slept through the night without any signs of the first night’s homesickness or angst.

It was after we woke the next morning and having finished breakfast returned to the cabin to pack our belongings in anticipation of the landing at Sydney that I began to broach the idea that had been germinating in my mind from the previous night. I had learnt that the college Manuelle was to attend was very close to my place of business and in the area I had been allotted a company flat. Though I was alone the flat allotted to me was a 2 bedroom one. So I proposed that instead of him occupying a room in the college or trying to find digs or staying as a paying guest in some rooming house he could come and share my flat till he was settled in the college and had found his way around Sydney. Of course I made it quite clear to him that I would not expect to receive any sexual favours from him in return for this. Our arrangement would allow him to feel secure as he would have me around in the evenings and since he was now somewhat familiar with me he would not feel so alone or become too homesick. I expected him to hesitate or show some signs of his earlier aloofness, but as I made the proposal, I saw his face and mood lighten and for the first time since I had laid eyes on him 10 days previously I saw a big smile spread across his face. Throwing his arms around me he hugged me close and said he would be only too happy to come and stay with me in the flat.

It was past 6 pm when the ship berthed and when the landing formalities were over we were almost the first ones to disembark, catching a cab we went directly to the flat. Getting the keys from the building super we let ourselves in. It was a pleasant east facing flat and from the balcony in the front we had a nice view of the beach dappled with the shadows of the buildings thrown there by the setting sun. On the right side there was a large bedroom also facing east, with French windows that opened to a separate balcony and a slightly smaller bedroom on the left side of the sitting room. I offered to let Manuelle use the larger room as his need of space to keep his books etc was more than mine. But he said he would prefer to have the smaller room and was soon busy unpacking his merger belongings in it. I unpacked my stuff in the master bedroom and flopped down on the broad bed and without meaning to, was soon sound asleep. It was well after midnight when I awoke to find that I was not alone. Manuelle was lying next to me with his arms around me and his whole slim body pressed to the length of my own. It was quite a familiar sensation since we had spent the last 4 nights sleeping in somewhat the same manner, thought the bed in the flat was large and broad with plenty of room unlike the berth on the ship.

Next morning it was quite early when the pearly light of the rising sun coming through the open window roused me from my slumber. Manuelle was still lying next to me though now it was my arms wrapped around his body and his pert bottom pressed back into my crotch. Over the next few days and weeks this became the position we almost always woke up in. I would come home from the office to find Manuelle deep in his studies. We would either cook ourselves a meal or go out for dinner and come back to the flat. I would read for a time and he would study or we would sit together and chat about our day. I would usually go to bed before he would and when he had finished his study he would slip into my bed and press against me. It was a pleasant sensation but still without any form of sexual excitement. For me to be in bed with a nubile youth and yet not to want a sexual release was something I had not yet experienced in my life

This platonic sort relationship was something very unusual for me. I was more accustomed to having sex than doing without it. But for some reason I did not want to be the one to initiate any form of sexuality into our relationship. Normally I would have been very aroused by the presence of such a attractive boy, for Manuelle was very much of the kind of boy I always liked. Since his face had lost the worried and pinched expression he had carried when I first saw him he had over the intervening time blossomed into a very sweet looking and attractive boy. His slim lithe body was without a trace of hair [or at least what parts I had seen of it were] and his face had taken on a radiant look with a beaming smile forever hovering around his full lips. And though both he and I were often semi erect in the morning when we woke I had no idea of what he had hidden beneath his shorts.

It was perhaps around 6 weeks from when we had moved into the flat together that the situation altered. It was a Friday evening and the next 2 days were holidays. I was quite late in returning to the flat having stayed in the office to clear all pending work so that Saturday and Sunday could be spent just lazing around on the beach or wandering around Sydney seeing the sights. As was my want when returning from work I went straight to my bedroom and stripped off my clothes and headed into the bathroom for a shower. Standing under the streaming flow of water I was quite unaware of the bathroom door opening and the entry of another person into the room, until I felt someone press up against my back and 2 arms came around and gripped me in a tight embrace. It was of course Manuelle and he was still fully dressed. Holding his body hard against mine he began to speak. He told me that he had expected me to make the first move towards introducing sex into our relationship.

In fact he had been expecting me to do this for over a month and had even tried to entice me by wearing skimpy shorts around the flat and when sleeping next to me he had tried to show me he was ready by often pressing his ass against me. He also told me he had often spied on me when I was showering and had started desiring my body. He then proceeded to ask me if I still desired him in a sexual way or if I had lost interest in him or if I had found another lover.

Unclasping his hands from around my chest turned to face him and then kissed him fully on the lips. His body melted into mine and I could feel him trembling much as he had been when we had first touched on board the ship on the night he had been sobbing in his bunk. But this time I knew that the trembling was not fear or apprehension but from desire. How much time elapsed as we stood deeply kissing I really don’t know but it seemed to be aeons.

Eventually we pulled apart and then I slowly removed his wet clothes revealing for the first time, to my hungry gaze, his beautiful body. He stood patiently under the needle spray of the shower as I traced the lines of his face and chest. My fingers followed the contours of his flat belly to the junction of his legs where a light dusting of hair drew my attention to his cock which was at half mast, then down his slim legs to the perfectly proportioned feet. Turning his pliant and willing body around I then examined his back and the shape of his arse which fitted my hands to perfection. All that I saw only server to enhance my sense of completion.... this is what I had been seeking all of my life.

Despite the number of boys I had seduced over the years and the number that had seduced me what I was experiencing with this boy was something totally alien and wonderful. Of course the fact that we were both naked created its own separate fission in our bodies and the mutual desire now took the upper hand. Turning off the shower we hurriedly dried off and lost no time in repairing to the comfort of the large bed where we spent the rest of the night exploring each other. Though he was shy and diffident at first as desire drove him onward he soon became open in the search of the ultimate pleasure derived from another’s accepting and willing body.

The feelings I experienced when I penetrated his backside for the first time were unprecedented for me as were the feelings he had when I first took his beautiful cock in my mouth that day. We have been together for over a decade now and yet every time we make love it is just like the first time.

He finished his college and got a job here and though his parents have often said they want him to return he refuses. I completed my stint in the company and was able to wangle the ownership of the same flat as a part of my settlement. I think the greatest gift we have given each other is the feeling of contentment and fulfilment that permeates our lives. I can look at the most beautiful boy I see today without feeling even the slightest bit of sexual desire. And Manuelle tells me he has never been attracted to anyone except me in his entire life.


The events recounted in this story occured in the late 1980's. It may interest readers to know that Manuelle and I are still together as I write this story. {10/2015} Feel free to message me if you liked my account of how I found True Love.


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Jake had been eyeing her all semester long -- the girl who always sat at the front of the class, eager to answer the professor's questions about literary allusions, metaphors and all of that other stuff that flew right over his head. If there was one good thing that came out of this boring, mind-numbing class, Jake thought, it was that he got to stare at her as she hunched over her notes, playing with her hair and biting her nails in concentration. How anyone could find this stuff interesting...

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My second time

Introduction: Some people wanted a part II so heres the 2nd time Josh and I got intimate. Almost a week after Josh and I first had sex, we were at it again… Josh and I had spent the entire day at the local mall. Shopping really wasnt my most favorite thing to do on a Saturday afternoon, but Josh insisted since he had the money. If it was my choice, Id be at home locked in my room, either playing Xbox or sleeping. (Im not really a social butterfly.) We stayed at the mall for a good while up...

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Fender Bender

Lainey’s fingers dashed across the phone screen. She hit send on her message and began to type out another lengthy response before Dylan could reply. That bastard had spent the better part of her shift at the coffee shop arguing with her over text. The fact that she was now driving home did not stop the argument. It was now in full swing now.Lainey had called him out for flirting with his coworker. She found the text messages to prove it. Of course, she should not have been snooping in his...

4 years ago
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RedTails A Night Out A Night In Chapter 9

RedTails: AwakeningsA Night Out, A Night InByScarletdownChapter IX : Tails UpFrelic sat down on the couch in front of the fireplace. "Go fetch the training paddle from the bed chamber, young lady," he ordered.Hansen disappeared through the southeast door, returning less than a minute later with the paddle Frelic had purchased from Varo reverently held in front of him in both paws. He presented it to his Master and submissively stood before him. Elf quietly patted his bare thigh, and Squirrel...

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South Beach The Closing

The story I'm about to tell you happened two months ago. My name is Margie Nelson, my husband's name is Jack. Jack and I have what is called an open marriage. I was faithful to my marriage until I caught Jack with another woman in my bed. I beat her ass, slugged him and walked out. I took a trip to Miami, FL and ended up in bed with a handsome young black man named Javon. Turns out that he had the biggest cock that I could imagine and I loved fucking him. My time in Miami was spent more in bed...

3 years ago
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My Mom Pleasuring My Dad

This is a true incident. I was 14 at that time, I used to live in pune. My family consisted of my younger brother, me and my parents. Let me describe my mom, she is 5ft 4 inches tall, her figure is her boob size is 34C and her waist is 36, fair, good looking. She usually used to wear kurta and Pyjama, what typical Indian ladies wear. She has a ass to die for. When I was younger I went to the market with her, there I saw many men looking at her boobs and that wonderful ass. As I was young I did...

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The Teacher

The teacher! Hi, this is writing this story. Your comments and feedbacks are welcome. This is the story of a teacher initiating a student into sex for one and only one time to satisfy her urges. It is rarely that our village side school gets a chance to participate in the state youth festival. And this year we had a small group of artists including me, who were raring to participate in an event in the competition. But we had a problem. It was my parents. They are not letting me go with the...

2 years ago
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The Three Sides Of A Triangle 8211 Part II Thursday And Friday Night Games

Author’s Note: This is in continuation of the story ‘The Three Sides of a Triangle – I’ where in the first chapter Koushik narrated his part of the story, the events up to a Thursday night when he had an incestuous relation with his cousin sister. It is suggested that readers first read the previous part and then read this part of the story. In this part, Ratna narrates her past sexual activity with Geeta and then Koushik tells about his and Ratna’s further sexual play during the night. Geeta...

3 years ago
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Fantasy about my little Chinese wife as a party sl

My fantasies of my wife being a party slut are always more anonymous. A regular beat-off fantasy is that we are going to a monthly swing party at a friend's house. It's after work so of course I'm late and my wife has gone ahead without me - it's a turn on that she's so eager to suck and fuck that she goes unescorted. I show up two hours late I'm greated at the door by the hostess who proceeds to say:"Your wife is such a little slut. She found one of the young single men almost right away and...

2 years ago
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Totally spent Part I

I laid there, breath more labored than if I had ran a 10K. My cock was raw and slowly shrinking back to normal. She laid there with my cum dripping off of her breast. Can I lick the last couple of drops off of you she asks? I do not think there is anything else coming out I laugh. She laughs, and curls up in my arms. That was insane she said. I nodded in total agreement. We both laid there exhausted, but almost silly in our post sex haze. This was how it started. 10hrs before it was a...

2 years ago
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Game of Thrones How I Wish the Series Had EndedChapter 7

Once the atonement was over, Queen Daenerys did not feel any more satisfied than she had after her victory in King’s Landing. There still felt like there was more to be accomplished. The women apologized for things they had done in their past. The Queen knelt at Samwell’s felt and asked his forgiveness. Samwell smiled like a giddy child that was being fawned over and immediately offered his forgiveness. Daenerys was shocked; it had been that easy as well. She said a few words of remorse,...

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The Work Colleague Part 2 Her POV

The same storyline/situation as 'The Work Colleague', but from her perspective this time. Feel free to read them side-by-side!I was still pretty new to the place, but I'd been there long enough to know that there was a cute guy working in the office adjacent to mine. I'd caught the odd glimpse of him through the window, and I thought I'd seen him looking at me too but couldn't be sure. From where I was he seemed like a fairly handsome guy, about 6ft tall and slim, not overly muscular or...

2 years ago
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The Promise Part 3

Charlie's small, delicate hand slowly touched the soft, smooth skin of her cheek; letting it brush aside a dark lock of hair that had fallen into her view. Her wide, almond eyes stared back at her in a bewildered expression, barely feeling the cool draft that tickled across the her sensitive nipples. Each one stood one end, fully erect and sending small spikes of pleasure through her. Her fingers slowly rose up to her chest, lightly brushing up against one of the stiffened areolas. A...

3 years ago
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A Vacation REality

I was busy getting packed for our annual summer trip. We were going to Chicago this year, because my dad had to do some work before we could do much actual vacationing. I was upset and did not want to go on this trip because my cousin was not allowed to come with me. We usually spend every moment we can together, and in past years we have been able to vacation together as well, but not this year thanks to dad’s business. Just the night before, my cousin and I took our masturbation session...

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One Little Bite

Emily “Well, damn,” I whispered, as I checked my watch, “this is not good Em’s.”I closed the ledger with a bang that sounded loud in the cavernous warehouse; I had been going over the books for my new boss. The warehouse sat in a part of the city that during the day filled with workers moving about, seemed relatively safe. But after the sun goes down, it becomes a dangerous area to be. The homeless and addicts used this area for their home, sleeping in between dumpsters or using the spaces...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Velaikaari Jakitil Karupaan Poochu

Namathu tamil kama kathaiyil indru parka povathu velaikaari house owner paiyanudan eppadi thagatha uravu vaithu matter seigiraan enabathu thaan ikkathai. Sexiyaana mulai vaithu irukum velaikaari muthugil karupaan pochu eera aval pinbu ena velam seithaal, ena nadanthathu enathai indru tamil kama kathaiyil paarkalam. Vaarungal kama kathaikul selalam. Vazhakam pondru velaikaari veetu velaigalai seithu kondu irunthaal, aval peyar rasathi. Vayathu 38 irukum, intha vayathilum parka sexiyaaga irupaal....

2 years ago
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Lost on the Dance Floor

You grin nervously at your girlfriend, Sarah - dressed in an eye-stealing red 'dress' that clings tight to her braless, perky B-cup breasts and only barely hides her hips. "I can't believe we're actually doing this," you say, glancing up the stairs as you wait for your mother to come down. Sarah shrugs, "Your mom's always been pretty cool with us, though... I mean, she's always telling us to go out and party, so..." "As you should, John," answers the voice of your mom, appearing at the top of...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 101

We were up early. Patti was going to make her first solo driving trip to the college this morning. I wanted her to have plenty of time so she would not have to speed. Wendy was going to come in this morning and work until noon and then Kim noon till closing. Jenny and I were going to work from 7 AM until 10 pm. Vicky, Marcy and Ching Lee were going to split the day up between them so we would have an additional person there to help. We planned to do the same thing Saturday and Sunday...

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A Business Trip The Husbands POV

Hi, Everybody! I wrote this as an exercise, to try things from a different point of view. It was recommended by a friend that I try it this way, as my writing has been in sort of a rut. In this case, I tried a man's POV. I find writing in this view very hard for me, as I am constantly wishing I am the bad girl in this scenario... but oh the fantasies! I'll let the reader discover the plot and perhaps you will leave me comments on it? Oh, and please don't forget the usual copyright blah,...

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Vacation TwoChapter 37

Monday morning is always exciting as it's the beginning of a new week. New challenges, new goals, and new projects are waiting for all of us. This morning I got Ryan off to the side and asked if he was up for me to go through our dealerships and distributorships, one at a time, to see how they were doing. He became excited, saying he would love to show me how they were doing. I asked him to make up an itinerary for us and we would fly around to as many as we could get to in a week. If we...

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Revision of a true life Sex murder

Revision of a true life murder.  Daniel Sylvester murdered Alicia Ross, in real life.His trial in currently ongoing in Toronto, Canada.I dreamed I was Daniel Sylvester and this is how the encounter with Alicia Ross should have gone down.This is a work of fiction.    Page 1. ???? ?????? Life was a bitch and one lived right next door to me. ??????????? While I'd secretly watched her and fantasized often about raping and torturing her, it was all just in my imagination and I did my best...

1 year ago
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Another Sexy Weekend Away

Number 2 of a series of individual stories. Another Sexy Weekend Away, 2 ? by: Sonia_en_femme Chapter 1 - Plans I arrived home from work and Sally Anne, with a smile on her face said "I've booked up a weekend in the country, lets go upstairs and make plans". On the last weekend away our game of dare ended up with us both going out to the pub wearing nothing but sexy lingerie under coats and that was my first time at wearing women's panties ?what a memory! While I went to...

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Vanessas Island Chapter Ten

"Does it feel good when I do this?" Vanessa asked, briefly clenching her pussy muscles around my cock as she pumped up and down on it. "It feels like your pussy is wanking me off," I cried. "My pussy is wanking you off and sucking you off and fucking you all at the same time. Isn't she a naughty, clever little pussy," she explained, her voice quavering and breaking in the ecstacy of the fuck. I grasped the cheeks of her bottom, wet as they were with freely running sweat, and rolled her over on...

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Malachars CurseChapter 8 Screwing in Style

Tuesday, July 18th, 2006, Boston Massachusetts “Jesus! I would never have thought that it’d take almost twelve hours to actually get on the road!” I grumped as we were finally leaving the Boston area. We were traveling north, which was the direction that the ring lay, at least according to Malachar’s vague pull that he felt drawing him towards it. We had maybe two and a half hours left of daylight, but I was determined to at least be entirely out of Boston. I wasn’t spending another night...

4 years ago
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Ryans Story Part 2

Eventually Monday morning arrived. He sat with his mum as they both had cereal for breakfast. "Are you nervous?" "I'm nervous and excited at the same time. I don't really know what to expect this morning and I don't know if I'll be able to give them what they want. I want to succeed, and I'll be disappointed if I don't, but life is going to be so different if I do well." Ryan smiled. "To be honest, I'm trying to think of it as just something new and different to do on my day...

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An Adventure in Infidelity

WHILE THE CAT’S AWAYThe mouse will cheat with another guy’s wife…. My wife had taken the k**s back up to Montana for some family function, and Sue Ellen and I planned a rendezvous at my place (the first and only time we would have a bedroom to fuck in) -- I think she told her husband, Clifford, that she was going to be at an evening class or something.When I got home from work (the Houston commute was always terrible) I was already running late, and took the garbage out to the...

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Stacy TAP Kidnappedpt 2

After being half-dazed by chloroform, Stacy the Asian pharmacist is carried out to the parking lot of her store at night, the one holding her in his arms--Duke is his name--resting Stacy's head against his chest. In spite of the mild fear Stacy feels in her chloroform-induced haze, Duke's lightly thudding heartbeat subconsciously sets her at ease, and she almost drifts off to sleep in his arms. That is, until one of the other guys searches her pockets for her car keys and unlocks the...

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I am the man for mom

My dad has passed away and I am now the man of the house. tonight i planned to teach my mom what a big man I am. I have watched her for several days and I want her body so bad. I watched her go from the shower to her room and she has an ass made to fuck. I plan to move into her bed and fuck her every night.When she came home we had dinner and chatted for a while. Soon she decided to go to bed. i heard her shower turn off and I then entered her room. She was naked not yet into her night gown....

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Meri Teacher Mom

Hello indian sex stories dot net friends, mera naam Raman hai or mai Punjab se hun. Meri umer 22 saal hai or mai yaha roj chudai story si pad ta hun socho mai bi 1 kissa share karu apke sath. Ye sex kahani meri maa ki hai. Jo ki ab chuddkada ban chuki aa hai.Meri mom dekhne me bahot sexy hai, unki figure 38-36-38 hai. Wo bahot hi bold lady hai. Ye chudai kahani tab ki hai jan mai 18 saal ka tha. Ayo sex kahani par ate hai. Mere papa jyada kaam me busy rehke hai or mom pishle 5 saal se kisi...

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Ellens Outer Banks Gangbang

“Well, I’m pretty busy,” I responded, “but, yeah, I guess I could.” Agreeing on a time and place, I hung up and returned to resolving my shipping problem. About five fifteen I walked into the bar and saw Bobby nursing a bourbon and water. Sitting down, I ordered a drink and asked him, “Okay, what’s so Important?” Bobby didn’t immediately respond, just continuing to revolve the glass on the table. After a few moments he began, “Well, I don’t know how to bring this up.” He paused...

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Freezing time

It was a cold November afternoon, and I was on my way home from school, it started raining. The rain soon turned to a thunderstorm, and I could barely see as I drove. I soon began to worry about wrecking, and then I hydroplaned right before I crossed a bridge. I flew off into the frigid water below, and couldn’t seem to escape the car as it starts to sink into the river. All of a sudden, there was a bright flash of light all around me, and everything went quiet. Lightning had struck my vehicle....

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diary of the naughty school girl day one part tw

‘aahh, hello phoebe,’ says mr tompson. he spanks me hard too, but just with his hand. ‘stand phoebe,’ says mr tompson and i do. he unbuttons my blouse and pulls it off for me while mr baxter takes off my skirt. ‘sit on the desk please phoebe,’. ‘sir,’ i say ‘that was not an invitation miss parker it was an order, obey it,’ said mr baxter. i sit on the desk without another word of protest. mr baxter opens my legs and gets to his knees. mr thompson removes my bra. [b]what mr baxter does: he...

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Teaching Millie Shes Hot Part V The Magazines

It was a long couple of months till the magazines featuring Millie came out. We got them, both at once–the regular monthly, and the special edition devoted only to her–maybe a week before they hit the newsstands, by overnight mail direct from DeMarco’s office at CURVY. I tore the box open eagerly. It contained two copies of each, wrapped in those plastic bags that mask out everything but the title. It wasn’t hard to tell the difference, one said ‘CURVY’ above the black square, with a very...

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Nude Day at School

I woke up with a start one morning, I realized that I had overslept, and quickly rush to take a shower and get dressed. My name is Laura, I'm a senior at a high school, but I won't bother telling you the name, it isn't a very famous one. I'm 18, and still a virgin, but I had no idea that was going to change today. I did know that there was a famous movie director coming today to scope out new talent, and that it was the one day of the year that the seniors got the school to themselves, so I was...

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Stacies Mom

"No Mark you cannot go out on a date with this Stacie Girl: I have never met her OR her folks and don't want you getting in some kind of trouble." Luke Barrister said from under the body of the 89 Buick station wagon he was working on while his younger brother Mark and younger sister Wendy asked him if Mark could go out with Wendy's new friend Stacie Downs. Luke had been reluctant enough to let Wendy hang out with her at the mall, that was at least a public place and Wendy was the more...

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BareDivas FBB story

Sometimes when I'm alone I think about how far I've come. I used to feel old, I'm over 30 now and I'm not going to tell you just how far over 30 I am, but ever since I've been going to the gym I feel young again. Sure I'm mature in what I'm looking for and my life, but something inside of me changed when I started working out. The stronger I grew, the more excited about life I got. And not just life, sex. I think my sex drive had died just before I started my workout program, but now after a...

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The Little Black Choker

My boyfriend and I were cuddled together in my bed enjoying the post coital bliss that followed a nice, but not spectacular fuck. I was gently fondling his rapidly deflating penis as he softly massaged my labia – both slippery with various sexual fluids. Devin broke the moment asking, “On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate this?” “Sssh,” I sighed, “let’s just enjoy this.” “Seriously,” he said, “1 to 10, with a 10 being mind blowing.” “Devin, let it be,” I protested, “Just be quiet.” ...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 842

These are compliments of Al B. When the store manager returned from lunch, he noticed his clerk’s hand was bandaged, but before he could ask about the bandage, the clerk had some very good news for him. “Guess what, sir?” the clerk said. “I finally sold that terrible, ugly suit we’ve had so long!” “Do you mean that repulsive pink-and-blue double-breasted thing?!” the manager asked. “That’s the one!” “That’s great!” the manager cried, “I thought we’d never get rid of that monstrosity!...

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Her Father In Law His Old Friend

Hi this is Sultana Sinha, 36 yrs old healthy Male from Patna Bihar along with 49th story. My friend with a request to get it published on ISS has forwarded this story. If you like, the story, please say so via mail or This happened recently. My name is Latha, father in law is Rakesh Prasad, husband is Vijay who lives at Kuwait, and mother in law is Sarita Devi. I am 29 yrs old having one kid 2 years old. I got married 8 years back. Earlier I had written my real story about how I was being...

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Abby TwoChapter 31

I was just getting comfortable when... Knock Knock. Atrocious French Accent“Who es et?” Even more atrocious French Accent“Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries.” (About that ... Daddy has the series and all the movies. A regular feature on Saturday nights. It never got old.) “Alice ... what do you want?” “I want to come in,” she said. “Alice,” I said. “It’s dangerous out here,” she said. “All right ... if you must,” I said. The door opens ... the light...

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Just for FunChapter 2 Just a Fetish

Emily and I had fought before, but never like this. We were both lawyers, not that it helped. Some people have this idea that lawyers always argue like they’re in court, presenting evidence and rationally posing objections. When Emily and I fight, we get mean. I recognize it in myself - I’ll snipe at her, never letting her finish a point. In turn, she’ll change the subject ... typically onto some slight I’d performed in the last few days. I’ll get mad at her for changing the topic, she’ll...

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A House of Thrills

Picture it: A house full of celebrities, each one wanting sex. It's a massive mansion, out in the "backyard" of Hollywood, if you will. The only way you're getting into this mansion is if you're famous. All celebrities are informed about it upon their rise to fame. Movie stars, TV stars, music stars, sports stars ... you name it. If they're famous, they're invited. Now, the biggest day ever: Literally hundreds of celebrities invited to have the biggest celebrity fuck session ever seen on the...

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Thirumana Functional Usar Seithen

Oru naal nanum en nanbanum iravil receptionirku sendru iruthom, en vayathu 25, peyar Muthu, en nanban peyar Naveern vayathu 26. Iruvarum nerungiya nanbargal, naveen niraiya pengalai kaamam seithu irukiraan. Avan oru pennai eppadi usar seithan, ena velam seithaan enbathai anaithaiyum solli konde irupaan. Aanal naan ithu naal varai entha pennaiyum oothathu kidaiyaathu, athanaal eppozhuthum yar kidaipaargal eppozhuthu ookalam endru yosithu konde irupen. Niraiya pengalin suuthai paathu avargalai...

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Big Chris

Ok now we have another little story to share with everyone. We had a party a few years back when we lived in our appartment. Our appartment was a duplex with two very small rooms that connected to the living room/dinning room. So anyway there was a lot of drinking as usual, and we had about 4 of our guy friends and 3 of our girlfriends there. It was a small party, more like a social get-together. Anyway, so as the night went on we drank, played guitar hero, drank, danced, and drank some more....

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for his love

He said hello and my heart skipped a beat, his voice low , deep and seductive had my complete attention. His intense stare warned of danger, his crooked smile froze me in place. "Come here often" he asked as he leaned in closer....GULP!" No, not too often you?" "Often enough" was his vague reply. He studied me like an open book of information he was hungry for. He leaned even closer and took a deep breath , let out a growl of satisfaction...".you smell like heaven" he said.....I couldn't...

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Birthday Present1

This is my special birthday present to you, my sexy husband. I know how much you love to hear about my early sex life and how much it makes you cum. Maybe tonight for your birthday, while you read this you and I can masturbate together. I know how much you like that too. LOL. I was 13 and had already lost my virginity to a neighborhood boy but not the same boy as the boy I told you about who first rubbed my little pussy slit. I was visiting my aunt and uncle in Oakland. I loved them...

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Just Right

Note: This story was inspired by The Brothers Grimm, Thomas Hardy and Bill Willingham, though I don't doubt they would all be horrified to know it. This contains a kink not normally found in my stories. Suffice it to say, this is an erotic tale and there are only the two characters. This is heading exactly where it appears to be heading from the introduction, so if that is going to creep you out, stop reading before you get to that point. For the rest of you degenerates, I do hope you enjoy...

3 years ago
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10 October 2008Chapter 16

Dan and Paul were lying on different beds when Susan, Rita and Andrew enter the room. “Look who we found,” Susan smiled, escorting Andrew to him. Dan looked at the handsome boy who would soon fuck his girl. He glanced at his crotch, the outline of his cock plain to see. “I must say I surprised when Susan and Rita showed up at Chandlers. I’ve had a few women offer to meet me after work but never showed.” Andrew said unable to avoid seeing Dan’s naked body and accepting his handshake. “Thank...

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Work Life And Fun With Sexy Colleague In Pune 8211 Part 1

Hello! This is Chaitanya from Hyderabad and I  work in an MNC company at Pune. I was really lucky to have gotten a place in such nice company, good co-workers, Western culture & amazing atmosphere. I am 5.5 feet, with 67 kgs and good looking and innocent looks. (Now I moved to Chennai working in good company). If anyone in Chennai girls is interested then drop me an email. I won’t disappoint you. This is the story of my with my hot colleague during my 8.5 years of tenure in Pune. I joined as...

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Spring of 39

In the Spring of 1929, Ivan Jones had regained his self esteem when, after a year of unemployment, he was taken on in a new Government incentive to find jobs for unemployed South Wales miners. It meant leaving his beloved home, his mother and father for the first time but it made a lot of sense and also gave him the opportunity for leave the nest and fend got himself, he was a young lad of with teen in his prime and this new opportunity gave him renewed impetus to make something of his – up to...

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