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After Valerie got through her anger issues about the fact that her mother hadn’t told her she was pregnant, it moved on to, “Who’s the father?” That got a growled, “Who do you think, Valerie? You insisted I sleep with him!”

I can only remember seeing my wife speechless one time. By that, I mean unable to use her voice for more than a minute. Her face, though, spoke volumes. Her mouth opened and closed four or five times. She leaned forward, as if she was going to speak, but then leaned back again. There was tension in the air thick enough to cut with the fabled knife.

Then Val said, “Oops!”

And started laughing.

You’d think that with the unconventional nature of our strange three-way relationship, that this bump in the road would be taken in stride. This bump, however, was a very literal one, and it was in Eve’s belly.

While Valerie was laughing and holding her own pregnant belly, I moved over to Eve.

“You could have told me,” I said.

“And what would you have done if I did?” she asked.

“I have no idea,” I said. I blinked. “I would have talked to you about it.”

“Talking about it wouldn’t have changed anything.”

I reached, tentatively, to put my hand on the results of all those nights we spent together.

“May I?” I asked, with my hand an inch away from her body.

“Don’t be silly,” she said. “Of course you can. Obviously, my daughter isn’t incensed about this.”

Valerie suddenly stopped laughing and clutched her belly with both hands.

“Owww!” she yelled.

My hand landed on Eve’s belly and the baby in it moved, as if to acknowledge my presence.

“What’s wrong?” asked Eve, suddenly alert.

“I think I just had a contraction,” said Val.

“Sit down,” said Eve, in full mommy mode. “You were laughing a lot. Let’s see what happens after you calm down.”

“I can’t have this baby now,” moaned Val. “We don’t even have a place to stay, yet!”

“Just calm down,” said Eve, taking Val to the couch. “Don’t jump to conclusions.”

They sat and Val moaned and worried.

But she didn’t have any more contractions. In the end, Eve said it was just because of the laughter and over-use of those muscles, and that maybe the baby moved around.

It got things back to the conversation stage, though.

And the conversation eventually got around to what Eve O’Malley was planning to do with the baby I’d impregnated her with.

“I have room here,” said Eve, somewhat flippantly. “I can turn the spare room into a nursery.”

“So you’re keeping it?” Val’s voice sounded tense. I couldn’t tell what her preference about this was. I don’t know if Eve could detect it or not. It was up in the air.

“Yes,” said Eve, carefully. “I always planned to raise this child.”

Val may have been hormonal, because she had laughed helplessly, and now she cried the same way.

Basically, Val had been worried that her mother would give the baby up for adoption, and since I was the father, she didn’t want that.

It seems that Valerie, beyond not minding if I slept with her mother, also didn’t mind that I had fathered a child on her mother.

No, that doesn’t communicate well the emotion of the situation.

Valerie was elated that there were going to be two children who could call me Daddy.

You have many more options when you have spendable income. Well, maybe ‘income’ is the wrong word. We had plenty of money in the bank, so the first thing we did was get a hotel room and take Eve out for a celebration dinner. Eve was still a little off balance, because her daughter was behaving in such an unconventional way. What she didn’t think about is that Valerie was raised in an unconventional way, without dating and exposure to boys on an intimate level. She never had to obey the rules of boy and girl relationships, because she didn’t have any. Not on a level where petting or sexual intercourse was involved. If you don’t have boyfriends, nobody ever teaches you that sharing one is forbidden.

At the same time, Valerie was a little off balance, too. She hadn’t expected her mother to be pregnant, so that took some getting used to. She hadn’t expected to have a brother or sister at her relatively advanced age, but that was going to happen. She had endured what she thought was her first contraction, and it had scared her. We thought we were ready to do the birth thing, but when the contractions start, preparation can begin to erode.

“I still want you to be my birth coach,” said Val, over bread sticks.

“Who is your OB doctor in San Antonio?” asked her mother.

Valerie blinked, and the bread stick dangled from her fingers, forgotten.

“I didn’t think about that,” she said. “Crap!”

Eve looked at me.

“Have you been officially discharged, yet?”

I nodded. Basically I was retired, as if I had served a full twenty years.

“Do you still have Tricare?”

I nodded again. I had kept our military insurance because it would help with my future medical needs.

“For both of you?” asked Eve.

“Yes!” I said.

“Then Valerie is covered for giving birth in a military hospital. I know some doctors, and a few of them owe me favors. Tomorrow I’ll see what I can do.”

Two days later we had a realtor named Judy, but that didn’t lead to immediate home-buying bliss. The first thing she asked us was what our price point was. Valerie was vague about that. We could afford just about anything in the San Antonio area, but we didn’t want a lot of people to know that. So instead of telling Judy what we could spend, Valerie told her what we wanted. We (she) wanted a swimming pool, for instance. We (she) also wanted a large fenced-in yard, with lots of privacy, but not too close to neighbors. We (both of us) wanted to be able to have a dog that had room to run around. We (she) needed at least four bedrooms. One of them would become a nursery and she had already told me she loved being “all knocked up” by me and planned to spend a lot of time, over the next decade or so, being that way. We (she) wanted a formal garden and, since there seemed to be a lot of infrastructure being asked for, maybe something with a carriage house that servants could live in.

“Servants?” I asked, as both of my eyebrows tried to relocate to the top of my head. “Now you want servants?”

“Well, somebody has to take care of the garden, and the pool. And I’m going to have a lot on my mind with a new baby. I don’t know how to be a mother, Bob, and it would be a lot less stressful if we had a maid, you know, to clean up, and do laundry and things like that.”

“I can do laundry and clean the house,” I said. “And without legs, I’m going to have plenty of time to pull weeds in a garden.”

“Without legs?” asked Judy, whose eyes had gotten bigger and bigger as first Valerie and then I talked.

I pulled up my pants legs to show her my titanium ankles.

“War wound,” I said. I was suddenly proud that Judy hadn’t been able to tell.

“I don’t want you doing dishes and laundry,” said my bride. “I want you lavishing attention on me.” She looked a little pouty, but then brightened. “I’ve always wanted to live on a farm. You know, with a big barn, and chickens and goats, and maybe a cow to milk. How about that, Honey?”

“This is a joke, isn’t it,” said Judy. “Nancy Patterson, over at Essex Realty put you up to this, didn’t she?”

“Things are a little stressful for her right now,” I said. “If there’s anyplace nice, with four bedrooms and a big yard, let’s start there.”

“I want a pool, Bob!” barked Valerie. “I feel like a beached whale and you know Mom said that aqua therapy would be good for you.”

“And a pool,” I said to Judy. “Let’s just go look at some things. Maybe we can narrow our wish list down.”

“The kind of places you’re talking about are going to be in the half million or higher territory,” said Judy.

“Okay, then,” I said. “We have all day.”

The fact that Valerie was very, very pregnant might have influenced her a bit. She wanted a house to come home to from the hospital with our baby. That was going to be a tall order in any case, seeing as how buying a house usually takes a minimum of a month. There are lots of hoops to jump through. And then there was the issue of furnishing it, once we had it. That normally takes a while. Money can smooth over some of those bumps, but we didn’t have unlimited funds.

Judy got to work on her computer, clicking and biting her lip. She finally looked up.

“I need at least a ballpark figure on price,” she said.

“One point five mil,” I said, before Valerie could open her mouth.

Judy’s eyes got big and she went back to work. She kept going, “Ahhh!” but after peering at the screen for a minute she’d say, “No, I don’t think so.”

“What seems to be causing a problem?” I asked. She looked up at me.

“I’m finding big homes, but most of them are on acreages that don’t have a great walkability rating.”

“Walkability rating?” I asked.

“It means the land around the home might be undeveloped and rough. You’d have a hard time getting around.” She blinked. “You know ... your legs?”

“Don’t worry about my legs,” I said. “I can run five miles.”

That impressed her, even though it had nothing whatsoever to do with “walkability,” which sounded like a made-up word, designed to pump up the price of something. I was to find out the real estate industry loved making up words that made things sound better than they were.

You’re not interested in all that, though, so I’ll just cut to the chase, which chase took four days and drove Judy almost insane. Her commission healed all that, though.

We bought a place south of San Antonio that was on seven acres of land with a poor walkability rating because most of it was wooded. The shape of the property was a long, skinny rectangle, and the driveway into it was half a mile long. The house was unfinished, because the guy who had been building it ran out of money when his investments tanked. He’d been building it as a high-end bed and breakfast place. What made it attractive to me was that the outer shell was complete, and only the interior was unfinished. The commercial grade kitchen equipment was on site, if not installed, and a lot of framing had been done. The builder was owed more than a hundred thousand dollars when the owner defaulted on the loan. Basically, it was a big white elephant repo that nobody wanted.

It had been on the market for over a year and the bank was desperate to get rid of it. We got it for a song. The only issue was getting it finished. It was no longer going to be a bed and breakfast, but we had some ideas about what to do with the room.

The modest in-ground pool was finished, but the plumbing wasn’t hooked up. The original plan had a big living room, with the requisite fireplace, though who would want to use a fireplace in Texas was beyond me. A dining room was to one side of the living room. The other direction led to six suites. Everything was on one level, which I liked, and though you couldn’t tell it by looking at the framing, there would be tons of storage space. There was no garage, for some reason, but that was a small matter.

The builder’s name was Ted Bunsen and he was surly in the extreme when I first approached him, having gotten his name from the bank.

“I’ve already lost a hundred and thirty grand on that place,” he said, his voice rough. “It almost cost me my business. I’m not interested in working on it.”

“I can write you a check for what you were owed,” I said, displaying a check book. “There will be some alterations to the original plans, but not to the extent that we need an architect to get involved. It’s not going to be a bed and breakfast anymore.”

He eyed the checkbook.

“Code will determine that,” he said.

I shrugged.

“If it’s not going to be a bed and breakfast, then what is it? It’s way too big to just be a home.”

When I told him what we had in mind, he told me to write the check, shook my hand, and said, “You’ve got yourself a builder.”

We did not get to bring the baby home to our new house. That’s because it took four months to finish it. Instead, we rented a furnished apartment near BAMC that my legs made possible. It was part of a block of property developed for families of soldiers receiving long-term care at BAMC. Jerry Springfield, the owner of the property, had a son who had gotten burns over 60% of his body in a mortar attack in Afghanistan, and had been treated at BAMC. It had taken over a year and more than thirty surgeries to get things manageable. Jerry was in the real estate business and building the apartment house was his way of giving back.

I wasn’t technically a long-term patient, but since Jerry was in the business, he heard about what Valerie and I were doing and he made an exception for us. He also offered to become an investor. We weren’t sure about that. We had planned to be a small operation, and the idea of having investors made us nervous. Jerry, though, had some ideas that were great, but which would involve serious money. And it was quite possible there wouldn’t be a ton of return on the investment. In the end, he came in as a silent partner with 25% ownership.

What we built, besides our own living space, was a retreat for wounded warriors and their families, a place they could come to and stay for a weekend, or a week. It was quiet, remote, and they would be among friends, other people who understood what they were going through. There would be physical therapy type equipment available, and the pool, and thanks to Jerry’s contribution, horseback riding. Valerie even got her barn and petting zoo. There was a playground that made me wish I was a kid again. We charged only enough to cover operating costs, with two percent for a capital investment fund.

There was also a qualified, experienced nurse in residence.

Aoibheann O’Malley quit her job and moved in with us.

It took four years before the Army decided the “R&R Ranch” met with their specifications as a legitimate rehabilitation venue. When we got a contract to place soldiers who didn’t need to be in the barracks any longer, but weren’t ready to dive back into the cold, cruel world, they came to live with us for a while. We expanded, building a bunkhouse, which resembled barracks life enough to make guys feel right at home. We actually hired two of them who were especially good with the horses. Then we hired a combat engineer named Tracy Walker, who had severe PTSD after surviving an IED that took his left arm off just below the shoulder. His prosthesis didn’t inhibit his operation of the tractor and other equipment we used to expand the riding trails into the twenty acres we bought north of us. He would have stayed on as our handyman, except that the husband of one of our “legless ladies” as we insiders called them owned a paving company and hired Tracy to work for him. A homeless vet with a bad infection was sent to stay with us for three days, and he asked if he could use the kitchen to make something. It turned out he had gone to cooking school on the GI Bill and worked his way up to sous chef before the pace and PTSD he hadn’t acknowledged made him have a breakdown. The pace in our kitchen was a lot slower, and PTSD was becoming our specialty. His name was Jake and living in the bunkhouse was just fine and dandy to him. We ended up with a four star chef and I gained ten pounds.

We didn’t make a ton of money, before the Army started giving us contracts, and we had used up all of what Val got in her settlement, but once Uncle Sam started sending us regular checks, things got a lot more comfortable. It was also a lot of hard work, but it was worth it.

Eve and I ran the day-to-day retreat operation, and Val worked outside, for an actual paycheck. The Office of the General Counsel at the Veterans Administration hires non-military lawyers to provide pro bono legal aid to veterans and there was a position open at the Audie Murphy Memorial VA Hospital, in San Antonio. We basically lived on her salary, and the retreat ran on what the contract money brought in.

I’ve glossed over a lot of what happened, and told things out of order. It wasn’t smooth sailing, but it also wasn’t like being in a rocket attack. I always felt like I was blessed. I’ll back up a little, and give you some of the details I sort of ran past in my excitement about telling you what we did.

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Inspiration Ch 02

The lights to the book store were turned out followed by Stew and Rosangela stepping out along with the store owner. The store owner locked the door. Rosangela said to her boss as he walked away, ‘Night, Al!’ She turned and looked at her ogling friend and co worker. Stew questioned, ‘Are you sure?’ She gave a definite nod. He shook his head then asked, ‘You want me to wait here with ya?’ She simply shook her head. He huffed then gave her a quick pat on the shoulder. He sarcastically...

2 years ago
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An Unforgettable Evening With Neighbour

Hello, indian sex stories friends, I’m Karan. I’m 19 years old a regular reader of Indian sex stories. I’m gonna tell you about my first sex experience with my neighbor. Let me describe her. Her name is Neha (name changed) aged 24 (now). She is whitish in color with a perfect figure. I used to call her bhabhi. She was married and lived in the next door in my building with her husband. Her husband worked in a software company. This story is about when I was 17 years and studying in 12th std. We...

1 year ago
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Sex With College Girl

Hello all Indian sex stories story readers. I am going to tell you how I seduced and fucked my uncle’s daughter in her house . Okay let me tell a little about myself my name is Aatish 21 year’s old, very fair with average built and height of 5’9” from jaipur, about the girl she is daughter of my father’s friend, her name is Anushka. She is also of age 22, fair and having nice firm boobs and round ass. This incident happened when I was 18 years old. My and anuskha’s family was real close. Her...

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ive never been a big fan of the first time stories , im very much the type that seeks reading pleasure if its teetering or fully submerged in the more advanced side of crossdressing not really that interested in how it was for me 25 years ago when i first sucked a guys cock whilst wearing stolen nylons and panties.. im interested in reading about what desires and milestones an experienced crossdresser has accumulated over a similar length of time..its the extreme that quenches my...

4 years ago
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StupidChapter 2

I was born in 1982, my parents were one among the several people I studied to understand life. Dad worked hard. He had a job that helped us have a home. He worked 40 yrs at the same place. He was intelligent, but I don't know, he always wished things were better but never made an effort. Do I wish that he made more money, buy us more things, make some friends, fight the world, and be my hero? May be, I did. Now I respect him for whatever he did. If he was happy being worried, sad, lonely,...

4 years ago
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Technically first encounter

when I was younger and when I started to get curious about sex I watched a lot of porn. This lead me to watching all kinds of porn and eventually lead me to "sissy/gay porn" after a while I stumbled upon craigslist and stright/gay chat sites. for a while I would pretend I was a female on the straight chat sites and message guys asking them what they would do to me if they were with me right then. Everything they said made me so horny. Most of them would say how they could rip my clothes...

1 year ago
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Roomies Revelation Part IV

Introduction: Sometimes you wake up and life is simply handed to you, whether or not you are ready for it. Never forget that when the epic wave comes, you better be ready to ride! Morning rose along with Garret. As for me, it felt like a daydream, already aroused and barely awake. Simple subtle moves of my hip stirred the feeling inside of me, the growing sensation of being filled. A bit more, pressing into the warmth beneath me. Oh it felt so good, encouraging me to be bolder with my moves. My...

2 years ago
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Meeting my dream maturemommy

So this is a story of my adventures with the woman of my dreams. This will be the first part of many. I had been living in a new city for almost two years, I was active on adultfriendfinder for a bit looking for mature women. I had gone on some good and some bad dates, however the best date of them all came near Christmas in 2012. I had been messaging a woman named Daniel for a couple weeks she was so sexy in her photos and seemed to have such a youthful outlook on life, she goes to a lot of...

4 years ago
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Mini Minds Eye

I spotted her walking towards me, first intermittently amongst pedestrians moving in both directions on the busy sidewalk. I was sipping a cappuccino in my favorite sidewalk cafe, which with its raised deck afforded me a commanding view of the bustling crowd. Like always, when a goddess graces our earthly domain, there's a charismatic glow around them, reducing mere mortals to a haze. Most men and a few women give them a wide berth to facilitate a lasting neck-craning view Walking confidently...

2 years ago
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Hopping Over the Fence or My First Bi Experience

I didn't have any clue how to find a partner for this, until I saw that my local rag had a 'seeking friends' section in the Personals. It was filled with people seeking fuck buddies (although, obviously, they didn't put it in those words), including guys seeking other guys. Striking up my courage, I answered the ad of a bi guy seeking other bi or bi-curious guys. He didn't take long to reply to my voicemail message, and before I knew it, I was heading to his place. As he lived with...

3 years ago
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Sister is horny

My sister lost her husband so I being a good brother have been mowing her lawn. She is apt to come out with her PJ's on or a pair of shorts and no bra with her big tits and nipples poking out. Now mind you she is a big girl and overweight. When we were much younger I had played with her then very small tits and pussy just getting hair.I know that because of her husbands medical problems she hasn't had sex in a few years. One time after mowing lawn as I hugged and kissed her before leaving I let...

3 years ago
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Fantasies Coming True With My Bhabi

Hi friends! I am a regular visitor of ISS and I love reading Incest Stories. So I thought I will share my real story here mixed with few fantasies. This story is about my sex goddess, my Bhabi(my elder brother’s wife). She has got an amazing figure of 34 28 36. And I am a young 25 year guy with a gymnastic body and a pretty 6 inch dick.So let’s go to the story. It all started when I was in my 2nd year of My brother marriage got fixed to her long time girl friend ruby. She is a very...

1 year ago
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The Biker Babe

Leah had always liked motorcycles. Every since her uncle took her for her first ride when she was a little girl, she had liked motorcycles. The feel of the wind in her hair, the vibrations coming from the seat, and the freedom to go where you want whenever you want. Whenever the family would get together, she would pester her uncle until, laughing, he weakened and took her for a ride. It was her uncle that bought her her first minibike. Then, a few years later, she got her first motorcycle, a...

2 years ago
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North Fucks South 8211 A Tale Of Alcohol And Role Reversals

I had just moved into Mumbai and it was paradise for me; a new job, a place for myself, and absolutely no supervision from anyone. To give you a brief detail about myself, I’m Arjun a Malayalee, lived my whole life in Kerala, that’s till my campus selection. Physically I’m a pretty smart chap, 26 years of age, 5’10 height, slim, I sport a beard at times and sexually I was straight (at least that’s what I thought) and active. So to cut to the chase I got my campus selection and my company posted...

Gay Male
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Chorizo for Dinner

Chorizo for dinnerby BigSteveLiving and working in west Texas, its pretty hard not to meet a lot of good looking, sexy Latino men. In some parts of the state they come fresh from the “frontera” or have lived in Texas for several generations. In either case, they are generally some of the friendliest, easy going men you’d ever hope to meet. I grew up out in a small city in that part of the state and my dad owned his own business. To his credit, he chose to hire, as a matter of preference,...

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My Sisters Sleepover

Staring at the time and not wanting four o’clock to come around anytime soon, I begin to make myself a ham sandwich with a side salad. Finishing up, I slowly drag myself to the kitchen table and start to eat, then I hear it, the key in the front door, what I’ve been dreading all day. My twin sister’s sleepover is about to begin and I’m stuck in the same house with nowhere to go or hide. ‘Hey, Mum! Me, Laura, Penelope and Sarah are going up to my room to watch a few movies!’ she carelessly...

4 years ago
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Unexpected Encounter With Neighbor8217s Wife Varsha

Hi, this is Chakri ( name changed), I am a 5.9 feet handsome looking guy, I have passion towards good looking girls.The first time I met Varsha ( name changed ) on my first trip to Kerala. The sex story starts here. I have recently completed my bachelors and got a campus placement in its organization, my posting is at a place called Munnar. It’s actually a very beautiful place to hang out. I am relatively new here, so got into an apartment where there are many people from all over India. I just...

2 years ago
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Horse Women

My father had got me this job working for this man on his mini ranch. Mainly doing everything he did not want to do. But I really liked it. It was hard dirty work but I liked the a****ls and his wife, Terry, and the mother inlaw, Laura. The man had very little to with me and I guess he did not want anything to do with the day to day operation of the property and seemed to have little interaction with his wife or mother inlaw. Any way things went along and I learned alot. And I became close to...

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My girlfriends mom a real good fuck

I was dating this cute petite girl, she had long brown hair, freckels, little tiny a cup tits, and a SLAMMING ASS! She has one of my favorite asses to this day. At on time she was a gymnast, so she could throw that thing all over me, splits, spread eagles while I was eating her little pussy. Sex was great. She had one if those pussies that never got bigger. To beat it all I was her first. So I had that whole mind control thing over her. LolHer mom was always bugging the shit out if us. ...

3 years ago
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Trophy Girlfriend Part 3

by Vanessa Evans Part 3 FRIDAY That Friday evening, Caleb told Cora that the guys were breaking the sequence of watching a football match at each of the guy’s houses in sequence and again doing it at their house. “Does that mean we will be playing the games as well?” Cora asked. “Of course, it’s what you wanted isn’t it?” “Yes Caleb, thank you.” “Don’t thank me yet, when Emily first played the full game she spent the whole of the rest of the weekend in bed recovering. Harry was pissed...

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I may have mentioned this before one of my previous stories, but anyway, I love the Fictionmania story, "Forced Into Babyhood." I admit to liberally taking ideas from that story, as well as a few others. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, right? Warning: This story is a bit harsh and not for the faint of heart - or stomach. A sequel is being polished off as we speak. I welcome your emails about this or my other stories at [email protected]. Thanks. Enjoy. Mariah By Verna...

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Her New Master

Amy is sitting at her desk trying to focus on the job at hand but it was Friday and well who can focus on Fridays never mind that she had been distracted by the new supervisor that started this week. She tries to go back to her office work but again thoughts of Ms. Jones keeps entering her mind. Her short black hair and her blue eyes that seem to see right into her very soul. Amy doesn't understand it would be one thing if she was single but she is very happy with her girlfriend of the last six...

2 years ago
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First Time at the Glory Hole

The wife and I have been kind of tame lately in that we haven’t played with others. We both are on Tumblr and are constantly sending each other hot pictures and videos. We were bored Saturday night and decided to head out. We had been fantasizing about going to the local toy store and trying out the glory hole. This is something that we have never done, but the thought of it was driving each of us crazy. I read up a little bit on etiquette and we headed out. We went to the first toy store, 8th...

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Accepting an invitation

On the third day of house sitting, I awoke to a nice surprise. After my neighbour, Daniel, had unexpectedly visited, I had decided to work on my make up and mannerisms. After a day of walking in heels, I had perfected my sexy walk as well as getting my make up just right. I was feeling in the mood to show off my new found skills so was excited to see a note waiting by the front door. It was from Daniel. It said that his wife and daughter would be out all day and he would like me to come over...

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My First Experience With Moina

Hi, all my name is Rajeev I am 30 yrs old from bangalore . I have read a lot of  indian sex stories in this forum.This has motivated me to share my experience which I had during my teenage.Hope you will like it pardon me if there are any mistakes as this is my first time. To start with the story the names have been changed for privacy Moina was my aunt’s caretaker and they use to stay about 100 km away from my house they use to visit our house every now and then as both my mother and aunt are...

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Miss Cartwright

My Story begins 40 years ago when I was a pupil at school, as this story is true I will not name the school and the name of the teacher involved has been altered as well. I was not that good at Art but I really fancied the Art Teacher Miss Cartwright who I think was about 24 years old I was at the time 18 and in the 6th form. I had been given a project to complete a pencil drawing of a life model and I had made a real hash of it, I had however been working for weeks on a pencil drawing of Miss...

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A Command Performance

It had previously occurred to the army that placing Over 30 teenage girls in the custody of army instructors could be an invitation for abuse, and indeed there had been what was referred to as incidents as well as rumors throughout the army of the goings on in the troop blocks of the Army Foundation College.But so long as the girls in all these rumors were willing and the training and recruitment were not affected well the army wasn't going to risk the disruption that any investigation would...

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You sighed as you came all over your hand and crotch area as you stared at a fake picture of Britney Spears. You wiped yourself clean and walked over to your bed, and lied down, staring up at the ceiling. God, you wished you could actually fuck Britney. You'd give anything for that. Anything. "I would sell my soul to get busy with that woman." Suddenly a fire blazed at the foot of your bed. You jumped out of bed and started to run, but the fire disappeared as quick as it had appeared. However,...

Mind Control
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Opening Earth Part 1Chapter 5

I am now the Multiverse’s Ambassador to Earth. It is my responsibility and mission to ensure Earth joins the Multiverse with a minimum of difficulties. Now, all I have to do is figure out how to accomplish that mission! I like the people of Earth, and do not want them harmed by the Multiverse taking over their planet. I doubt the Multiverse Government would force itself on Earth, but, I suspect the Guilds will push to open trade with Earth at too fast of a pace, and I will need to resist...

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