BethChapter 136 free porn video

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January 27, 2018

Dear Ms. Diary,

I woke curled into someone and with someone else climbing into bed behind me; stretching out against my back side; gently forcing a hand between me and, as I suddenly remembered, Rhee. That hand gently cupped my right breast. Since I doubted Celeste would be here in the J house when she could be staying in bed with Dad, I figured the new arrival as Meka, so I pulled my right arm from around Rhee and placed that hand on Meka’s hand on my breast.

She whispered in my ear, “The bed looked so empty with only five girls in it, so I thought I’d join you.”

“I’m glad,” I responded despite that that was the last thing I remembered until Rhee turned within my arms.

“Oh, Meka. When did you join us?”

“About a half-hour ago. I’ve been lying here quietly, my hand on Beth’s breast, just reveling in how ... satisfying being with you girls is. I’ve missed the closeness of really good friends, and the closeness I used to have was nothing like this closeness.”

She sighed, then said, “I’m confused about Kim. Monday was ... pretty good. At least, I enjoyed it, as it felt at least somewhat like what I remember with her. I know I need to tell her this myself, but I thought I’d run it by you, particularly Beth, so that I could get a better handle on what I’m feeling.” She breathed deeply, then added, “There’s no doubt I have a sexual interest in her, and, perhaps, I’m worrying over nothing that there doesn’t seem to be that ... whatever there was between us. I know that we’ve had only one ‘date,’ but I was really hoping that the ... closeness would just ... I don’t know ... just ... snap back into place. I know that’s foolish, but I...”

Rhee cut her off, whispering, “No. You cannot expect for something you built over a year or so to just snap back into place when you want it to do so. Love is not so accommodating. Meka, you’re going to have to work at it. Personally, I think you two should give yourselves a couple date nights a week, and one of them should be a weekend night so you don’t feel so pressed to make progress when there are so many other demands on your weekday nights. Yes, you’ll probably miss out on some interesting goings-on here, but nothing comes free.”

From the other side of Rhee, Liya’s voice said, “I agree with Rhee. I also suggest that both of you try not to put any pressure on yourselves to make progress. Maybe have your weekday night be a talking night but do something fun with her on Friday or Saturday, something that you might have done ... or something similar, anyway, when you were 15. You can’t both say you want to get back to how you were, but also insist on joining every pile of girls on this bed.”

Meka, and the room, was quiet for quite a while. Since I could feel Meka thinking, I wasn’t worried that she had had a negative reaction to something Rhee or Liya had said.

After a few minutes, she said, “Thanks. You’re right ... about everything. Bee-po-gib would be even more fun if I could love on Kim with no qualms that we were jumping the gun on that aspect of our relationship, despite that I so much want her.”

I put in my two-cents’ worth, saying, “One option for a weekend night would be you two just driving around, stopping at anything that interests both of you. I still strongly suggest keeping sex far away from you two on your evenings together. How often did you have sleepovers with just the two of you?”

“Oh, my god. You’re right, Beth. That’s something we did a lot, even when the others weren’t there. I’ll bet there were three or four sleepovers a month with just the two of us, and one or two with most or all the others. I remember the ones with just Kim being ... special. We’d lie in bed ... shoulder to shoulder ... and just talk about ... anything and everything ... just like that memory of which she reminded me.” She inhaled deeply, then let it out a bit liquidly as she said with a quavering voice, “I love you, girls. You’re so good for me. While I think she and I should not just start sleeping in bed together, I see now that we need to get to that point. Now, I can see the path. Thanks.”

Liya added, “Don’t take too long getting to sleepovers, though, but keep anything remotely sexual out of them until you feel you’re at that magic moment you two missed.”

Meka said, “If it comes. Yes, I understand that I cannot place all my hopes on getting a second chance at precisely that, but it doesn’t have to be that moment repeated. It could be something entirely different.”

I responded, “Yes, it could, but you better keep yourself aware that it could be radically different. Don’t miss it, again, just because it’s so different.”

I could feel Meka nodding behind me. I reached behind me flailing my hand around trying to find her right arm. She gave it to me, after which I pulled it around me and snuggled further back into her. I reveled in having her wrapped around me with Rhee and me looking into each other through our eyes. Rhee smirked, at which I lifted my eyebrows in question.

“Dad has obviously gotten over his hang-up about having more lovers.” Rhee looked around at us and at the others on the other side of her, then continued with, “Last fall, I wasn’t convinced this would be good, but my opinion has changed, as she obviously got into the skimpy-outfit competition and was also obviously into Dad.” She looked around again, then said, “She fits with us, and... damn, can she kiss!”

Liya replied, “God, she’s hot and, as Rhee said, what a kisser! On a related note, Sandy got another of her wishes fulfilled. So far, she’s nine for nine.” She asked, “Meka, will you make it ten?”

“I wanted to jump his bones in the hot tub last week.” We goggled at her, so she said, “Nothing will happen while Dad’s around. I didn’t tell you this last week, but when we had our long talk about me and sex, he said that he was almost expecting me to have sex with Charlie. When I demurred, he said something like ... umm... ‘You’ll need to move on at some point, and I’ve talked with him. He cares for you ... a lot. I think he’s interested in you, and why not?! You’re pretty and incredibly sexy. He’s got two wives and both of them seem somewhat like wild children or, rather, wild women. I think that is a three-way marriage. As long as you don’t have any qualms about sex with women, I wouldn’t be surprised if you could join them.’ I just about lost it.”

Again, we goggled at her, and Rhee said, “Jim’s right. Our three parents would love you involved with them.” She grinned at us as some of us giggled and Meka pretended to be outraged, then added more seriously, “I understand and agree with you, Meka. If I were in your shoes, I’d probably do things the same way, for a lot of reasons.”

Meka looked long at Rhee, then said, “Heather and the rest of your sisters are right, which I’ve known, but this is the best example I’ve seen of you being deep and understanding. You really do wear that ‘null’ façade well. There are a lot of reasons that I refuse to do more with Charlie than show him my Amazon body [she smirked at me] and kiss him with all my soul.” She glanced around, then added, “It was more tempting than usual when we were kissing in the hot tub, his cock rubbing on my belly. It was all I could do just to keep my hands from running up and down his back and slide them over his ass.

“Anyway, I wasn’t going to tell you this, but I feel honor-bound to do so, because I sort of used you girls.” We looked at her with surprise, and she held up a hand and said, “First, I’m not used to sharing my sex life with anyone, but because I sort of used you and because this group thing you’ve lured me into against my will [a smirk all around this time] has me sharing a lot more than my body with you, I feel less uncomfortable sharing this while I also know that I should come clean with what I did.”

When various of us exclaimed and tried to comfort her that we felt not at all used, she responded, “Just listen.” When we fell silent, she sat up against the wall and said quietly, “After Dad came the second time when I came for about the fourth time, I still wanted more of him, but he was having trouble getting hard again.” She clenched her jaws, then continued, saying, “So I began a little fantasy for him. I said something like, ‘But my new girlfriends wanted to watch us once and I told them I wanted to get you twice before they got to watch. They said they wanted to watch us make love while they were nude so they could play with themselves while we’re playing with each other. So, I told them that they could watch me ride your cock while they played with their hairless white and brown pussies.’ I’m really embarrassed telling you that.”

“I assume,” I said as I sat up, “that it did the trick, that he got hard enough.”

“Uh, yes. I was just a little put off by the amazing response, but I got over it on my ... what had to have been a twenty-minute ride. I don’t know how many times I came, but I came again when he went off, and we were both really loud. I’m really glad Celeste stayed on campus that night, but that was probably the best ever for me. God, it was ... fucking incredible!”

The others sat up, and Heather chuckled, then said, “I can see what he might have seen. His beautiful daughter with the Amazon body posting on his cock, his daughter’s five under-age girl lovers lounging and sitting naked on the big bed around you two playing with their and the others’ breasts and pussies, with at least one of us cumming each time you came.”

“Oh, god. I didn’t think anything like that, but that sounds hot! Fuck.” Then she looked surprised and said, “Oh, god. You girls are turning me into a slut ... or something. I would never have thought of something like that, and I certainly would not have gotten turned on by it. You’re turning me into a reprobate,” after which she rolled her eyes blatantly and exorbitantly.

Liya responded, “That does sound hot. Did you think about us at all while you rode your daddy’s big, black cock to orgasm after orgasm?”

“It’s not all that big. At least, now that I’ve seen Charlie’s so ... up close and personal, who’s probably a bit bigger, and why am I telling you about my daddy’s cock?”

“I don’t know,” replied Liya. “Why are you telling us about your daddy’s big, hard cock that you like to stuff into your beautiful black-and-pink pussy?”

“You’re messing with me.”

I replied, “No, I think you liked the idea of your five young girlfriends watching you make love with your daddy from only inches away, perhaps running their hands over your lovely Amazon body, maybe even kissing you intensely while you post on that thing, while two girlfriends try to keep their mouths on your nipples as you rise and fall, your daddy watching us make love to you while you make love with Jim.”

Meka and my four sisters stared at me for what seemed like minutes but was almost certainly less than ten seconds. Meka ended her stare by lunging at me, knocking me onto my back, lying on me, kissing me hard, and running her hands up and down my sides. I kissed her right back and ran my hands around, onto her back, and down onto her ass, where I squeezed her cheeks hard as I inserted my tongue into her mouth. When we first started, I wasn’t sure what it was going to be, but I rode with it as it became lovemaking, and then my sisters got involved. Their hands were on us, their fingers were between our legs. It was hot, and fast, and furious. Meka came first but we kept going and she came again shortly after I went off. At that, she settled her weight on me, kissed me softly, then ducked her head face-down on the bed next to my head and softly sobbed once or twice. She quickly got herself together, wrapped her arms tightly around me, then rolled to her left, putting me on top.

“Oh, god,” she cried plaintively, “I did think about that. I’ve brought shame on us.”

Rhee immediately responded with heat, “No, you haven’t! We’re your lovers. You’re permitted to fantasize about us; we certainly do about you. So, what! You got turned on by imagining your five girl lovers watching you make love with your male lover. That’s perfectly acceptable. Meka, we’re your friends and lovers, and we’d do almost anything for you. There are some things we wouldn’t do. But watching you make love with your man, watching you and making love to you while you make love with your man, that’s something that we’d have no qualms about doing for you, although we’d probably draw a line at having sex with him.”

Meka looked past my head at Rhee. I lifted my head to watch the tableau, then slowly skootched a bit off Meka on the side away from Rhee so as not to be in their line of sight.

“W-wh-what? You’d be willing to do what Beth said?”

“Me? Absolutely. I love you, Meka. I love making love with you. I’d have no trouble making love to you while you loved Jim. You must understand that we’ve probably been naked nearly as much as we’ve been clothed since our family went clothing optional. We don’t have a lot of body shyness left, at least in more-personal situations. While I can’t absolutely speak for the others, we really like your dad, and I doubt any of us would have any real trouble being naked in the same room, even the same bed, with him, so long as we weren’t the ... physical sexual objects. Mental sexual objects? No prob.”

Heather jumped in to say, “As Rhee said, we all like your dad and we love you. Rhee can certainly speak for me with what she said. I can’t speak for the others, but I’d have little or no trouble with him running his hands on me, but I’d draw the line at anything blatantly sexual. Well, at least for now. It would sort of depend on how often we’d do something like that, if we did it at all. I’d get pretty turned on doing something like that often, and who knows what would happen. I’m not saying that I might be willing to do something blatantly sexual with him, but I wouldn’t rule it out at this point. I’ve learned in this life I’ve lived with my sisters that we get into situations that I would formerly have considered surprising, at the very least.”

“I guess it’s my turn,” Gracey said softly. “I agree with my sisters. If you wanted us to be with you, even naked, while you make love with Jim, I’m there with my sisters loving your body, letting your handsome man get a hard-on looking at my naked body, and giving you a mind-blowing session of lovemaking with your first love. In fact, I’ll bet the session you had with him while you only imagined something involving us will pale in comparison if we ever do join you and Jim in bed.”

Meka just stared, incredulously, at Gracey, the most conservative of us, for a while, then broke down. Since I was still partly lying on her, I put my right arm around her and pulled myself more tightly into her right side, my right breast on hers, my right leg on hers. The others laid on hands, and Rhee kissed her forehead gently.

As her sobs declined in loudness and intensity, I said quietly, “Meka, we’ve watched a lot of sex. We see Dad knotted up with one of his women or girls more days than we don’t, although recent weeks have not been like that at all. We’ve each found that we like watching, although all of us like joining in even more. The only thing different for us would be the man, and that the man’s cock is inside you rather than one of us or one of our moms. As Rhee said, we have little body shyness remaining. In fact, my mind often rails at me because the big LTG get-togethers have everyone clothed. I’d love it if we could get to a situation in which we were all comfortable being naked together and without the boy in our group thinking that he’ll get sex out of it.

“You need to think about this. You obviously reacted sexually to it, so it may be something you want to do. We do understand that some imaginings are good only when they stay in the imagination, and you’ll have to figure out if this is such a situation for you. However, if you decide you’d truly like to do this, and if you think Jim won’t have a negative reaction to it, we’d happily do this for you. Hell, I’d also do it partly for me. I like your dad and he is handsome. I’d have butterflies, but a lot of things that I’ve liked have given me butterflies. Not only can we do this for you, but I’m also sure we’d all enjoy it, so long as our lines aren’t crossed.”

Rhee quietly responded, “Hear, hear.”

“Oh, god. You girls ... are ... You’re just ... too much. No, you’re not too much, but you’re certainly much more than I imagined five months ago. Hell, two months ago. When I realized that I’d actually fantasized about that while I rode my dad, I thought I’d ruined something that I only just recently allowed to get going, and something that I really like.”

“We really like it, too,” responded Liya. “We’re crazy about you and we’ve really enjoyed the past couple weeks with you. We do worry about being too much, as we’ve really gotten into this three or six or nine girls in a bed all loving one another in myriad ways and we can understand that others may not like that. However, we grew into that slowly, whereas for Brit, Cera, Char, and you, we came at you without much preparation. Of course, Brit and Cera confided in us that that was their secret desire, although more so Cera’s than Brit’s, but Brit is certainly into it. I’d really like it if we could make Cera’s full fantasy come to life, but we’re short a guy or two for that ... at least for now.”

That got Meka’s mind off her current dilemma, as she came back with, “Oh, I’m sure she’d be perfectly happy with Brett and Charlie. Of course, that would require you girls solving the white-elephant problem with Brett and possibly convincing Charlie he’s not losing his young hottie girls to a young hottie guy and cooperating with that other guy. Of course, if we were to get that to become reality, we could probably sell tickets to Sandy and Carol to watch their husband romp on a huge bed with nine or ten girls along with a particularly comely young male hottie.”

Same as Beth
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“Why don’t we start this off with you telling me the earliest of it you can remember Jacquelyn, take your time.” She said and by she, I mean Dr. White. I was coming to see her after a life altering incident ... Or incidents and this was part of the debriefing process I guess you could say. Working towards coping with it. I take in a breath and slowly exhale, “Okay, Doctor ... I’ll do my best...” I reply to her, feeling nervous about it all together. This will be the first time I truly discuss...

2 years ago
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Married coworker part 5

When I go home I kept thinking about how I had never had my dick sucked quite like that. I really loved fucking this woman. In the first four parts, I have never mentioned our connection outside the bedroom because I figured most wanted to read about sex. I won't bore your with the details, but we actually developed a close friendship. I liked her a lot. She was not who she initially projected to be. When we had sex, our time between sessions was filled with very stimulating convo. Back...

2 years ago
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The Bookshop Part 2

Chapter 4Amanda’s eyes were closed and she was trying to get her breathing back under control, the memory of Nick’s hands on her bum lingering in her skin. Knees weak, she found that she was taking most of her weight on her elbows, planted still on the desk surface.Standing over her, watching her breath heaving, her small ass barely hidden under her short skirt, Nick took the printed piece of paper and placing it on her back started to slowly read it through again. Every thought, every emotion...

1 year ago
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Mansi Ki Chut Ka Pehla Lund Poojan

Hi to all friends and readers of ISS and ye meri pehli story. I hope apko pasand ayegi. Ye meri aur mansi k pehli chudai k kahani h mansi mere se 3 saal badi h vo mujhe apna bhai manti h apr mai to use mansi ka figure kuch khas nai h par ha uske boobs acche h. Story- ye baat 1 saal pehle k h jb mai delhi gaya tha college mai admission lene. Vaha pe mai sbse pehle mansi se mila jo k meri senior thi usne hi mujhe help k sb arange karne mai admission se le k flat dhudne mai maine Ek 2bhk ka flat...

2 years ago
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Shobana With Old Man Ramu 8211 Part 2

The entire evening I was dreaming about the events that happened. My pussy became wet thinking about my sexventures. I wanted more from him. I took bath again and slipped myself into a nice saree. It was around 6.30 evening. I heard someone to my door, it was none other than ramu. He came in to the house. Saw me playing with my son and watching tv. He asked if I can get him coffee since he was tired of the work he had done today noon. I laughed at him and said you got tired for this itself. I...

3 years ago
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Kisses Sweeter Than Wine

My name's Alexander Nwabudikae Morgan Sexton and way too many of my male friends think I'm a damn lucky son of a gun. When I turned 21 I was struck by the Sexton Family Curse: my lips and tongue taste like the best red wine in history to any woman whom I willingly kiss that has ever tasted a red wine before: and will get them drunk like it too. You'd have thought that would be a blessing, but it's not, oh boy, it's not! Just for starters, sure, girls throw themselves at me looking for a free...

4 years ago
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The Office

‘How do I get myself into these things?’ she thought absently as she spread her thighs even further apart.Sarah Jones was sitting on the edge of her desk with her skirt hiked up and her hose on the floor alongside her panties. Her co-worker, John Harmon, was crouched on the floor in front of her with his face buried between her legs.The little electric shocks going off in her mind were brought on by the flicks of his tongue as he munched on her beaver.‘Beaver,” she thought with an inward...

Quickie Sex
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HussiePass Melody Foxx Busty Natural 18 Year Old Interracial

18yo Melody Foxx makes her debut with us today and this juicy inked cutie wanted to start out with a BBC. Enter Lil D, who’s anything BUT little! After the interview, Lil D gets Melody all slicked up in oil before she gets on her knees and makes his long dark dick disappear! She then gives him a nylon-clad footjob before it’s time for some good ol’ balls deep fucking! Lil D knows that sometimes you gotta choke a bitch ? After Lil D fucks her cross-eyed, he pulls out and coats...

2 years ago
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The Pact Episode 5 the ClubhouseChapter 12

'Charmin' Harmon' Thornton swept his eyes over Donna Travers' mother and nodded to himself as he finished the introduction, "My name is Harmon Thornton -- your daughter Donna is dating my son Mac." "Is there a problem?" Noreen asked. 'This isn't going to be one of those 'Your daughter isn't good enough... ' conversations, is it?' she wondered. "Oh, no!" Harmon declared, "I was impressed with young Donna the instant I laid eyes on her!" 'Something about the way she sucks...

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EvilAngel Zlata Shine Gaping Anal Elegance

Tall, sexy, blonde Euro-beauty Zlata Shine returns home in cutoffs and a tank top. Finding her in sexy stockings and garters, porn director David Perry gently blindfolds her. He twists her nipples through her bra, and he fingers her cunt. David’s wet digits feed her a taste of twat tang. He stuffs his big cock into her hungry mouth for a blowjob. With her eyes covered by the thin black mask, David bangs her doggie-style, fucking both her pussy and her asshole. Unmasked in her boudoir,...

4 years ago
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New neighbors Pt 2

I went back to their house I went out back and Buster quickly came around to greet me. I rubbed his head and talked to him. I then went and got his bowls, filled one with fresh water and the other with his dry food. As I bent down to put his food bowl down he quickly climbed up on me and knocked me down. He was in a playful mood so I played with him a bit and then he went to his food bowl to begin eating. I went back to my house and waited til it was dark out before going back...

1 year ago
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Jennifer and DonnieChapter 2 Caught by Mother

"Oh shit!" said Jennifer, as she hugged the towel around her and jumped up from the couch. "It's mother ... quick, out the back door. She can't know you've been here." By the time Jennifer's mother came in from the garage, Donnie was long gone, into the woods at the back of the house, and Jennifer was in her bathroom getting dressed. "Jennifer ... I'm home," Judy Grafton hollered. "In here Mom ... I'll be out as soon as I dry my hair," Jennifer replied. Her mother had...

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The Making Of A Gigolo 14 Erica BradfordChapter 10

The next morning, Erica’s feelings were complicated. She left for work without looking in on Will. Some of that was because of the embarrassment she felt. What had happened the night before had been a huge step for her to take, feminist or not. She thought about it as a step she had taken, even though he was intimately involved. His position had already been established, years ago, and she was the one who had done something out of character with who she thought of herself as being. Going to...

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A Shy Kid Ch 06

When I got home the house was dark as usual except for a couple of night lights, I found my mother lying on her bed wearing a see through negligee waiting for me to get home. Even after the night I just had, my mom looked so hot lying on the bed. She had on one of her mini negligees that didn't hide much at all. You could easily see her big beautiful tits and nipples through the material and it came down to just barely below her crotch thus showing off her beautiful legs. When I stepped into...

4 years ago
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Taken Not StirredChapter 2 Live and Let Lie

Every week Roger got a letter. It was politely written asking about his health, etc. It also had a still picture of him being taken by Miss Penelope with a strap-on. It was her way of reminding him that she had not forgotten him or her hold over him. People in Roger's life noticed that he had changed since the charity dinner two months ago. He was distant; less self-assured and jumped when the phone rang. Several of his girlfriends had left him and even his manservant knew something was...

1 year ago
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Moaning Maid

Notes:my first time writing sorry if I suck.INTRO: The rich langot family was always away so they hired a young sexy Asian maid named Kate. The only son the langot family had was Chase. Chase was a young and handsome 18 year old and a virgin. But that will soon change. Chase was tired of toys and wanted real pussy. And once Kate arrived Chase knew he wanted hers and badly.Chase soon creates a plan to seduce Kate. Kate was cleaning the house one evening while his parents where on a business...

4 years ago
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Hi, I’m Sarah, married to Ted who has posted several Tales of our exploits, with my permission of course, however with me having lots of time on my hands, due to the current situation, I thought I would start telling a few of my own and compile a “Sarah’s Stories” series. Obviously these will be written with Ted’s permission and a little help. Enjoy!!xSo Ted and I got into the whole playing with others thing in our early fifties and the first couple of guys I had fun with were very well...

1 year ago
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Sandy and Jos chocolate coated cum Part 1

Sandy, the gorgeous little blonde bank-teller, is doing better and better and having more and more fun working as a prostitute. She has been working with JoAnne, Nadene and Heather for about three months now, and is doing everything she can to spend more and more time at it. In fact, she only is working at the bank half-time now, so she can spend more time working the streets and taking calls. And, even when she’s at the bank, she spends about half of her time on her knees… blowing her boss,...

Group Sex
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Mind Controlled Janice Pt 07f

Robert my husband and Val's husband's were away for a long weekend (Friday to Monday) to watch motor bike racing. Val was my neighbour and lover, the two of us were planning a passionate weekend while our husbands were away. Friday afternoon Val and I were in my front room, naked making love to each other. As we were expecting my friend Tess to join us I had left the back door to the house unlocked. Unexpectedly my father (Ted) made an unannounced visit. My head was between Val's thighs...

4 years ago
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08 TogetherChapter 105

Present – Thom and Samantha – Driving Vic and the news crew to the tunnels Shit! I was hoping that Victor would take me up on a martial arts fight with the twins since I would love to see him get his ass kicked since he was such a RPITA. But he said he had fought them before, then I remembered where he had a run in with Ira: It was when Stacy shot Ben so I taunt, “Yeah, Ira really kicked your ass when Stacy shot Ben, you’re lucky she didn’t kill you.” Vic grumbles, “It was fortunate I...

1 year ago
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DominionChapter 16 The Strength to Fight

In a passage made from a post office, a young woman was struggling to open up the wall of mailboxes. Nineteen, chestnut hair, short, and even skinner now after two weeks of little food. She was using a screwdriver and a brick to bust them open. With how the food was distributed in this pyramid, checking mailboxes had been a surprisingly lucrative search method. She had already found a bottle of water, a jar of peanut butter, and some beef jerky. She had to be careful, though. The banging of...

3 years ago
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Steve and ChuckChapter 74

Chuck When Steve called to tell me that men in black were at the patio to see me, I was almost apoplectic. I was really mad that they would come for me, especially knowing I was about to leave on an extended leave of absence. When I found them in the patio having some iced tea and acting like gentlemen, I felt a little better. They did need to get a new wardrobe designer, though, as the black suits and black ties were a little much. When they finished their iced tea, we went outside where...

2 years ago
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Moonlits Midnight Fantasies

The dance 2 Well? I lead You into a private room lit only by candles, and as we are talking I cross the room to a window.  You take a seat in a soft leather chair in the middle of the room; sitting next to You on a table is a glass of wine.  I'm wearing a short black dress that has spaghetti straps with a low neckline and is made of a thin gauzy material.  I look out the window at a full moon as we are talking and then I turn a bit and turn the stereo on, you hear Type O Negative come on and...

4 years ago
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My exwife Chapter 2 My Cheating wifes story

It was a Wednesday afternoon that I came home early from work. My best friend and water skiing buddy, Merv was laying tiles in our bathroom at that time so I was not concerned when his car was parked in the driveway. I parked on the road and walked up the driveway to the house. I could hear no noise in the house which was unusual as my wife usually listened to music during the afternoon. I knew that she was home because I could see her car in the garage. Because it seemed so unusually quiet I...

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The affair with my exboyfriend and sex on the balcony

I was living alone for a while now and didn’t have a permanent partner. I did enjoy casual sex once in a while and had a vibrator ready in my drawer. Lately I had been dreaming of my ex a lot and had dreamt about having an affair with my ex-boyfriend too. I don’t know why, it just happened. And then something unthinkable took place. He moved in next door! The first day I saw him, I was surprised. I hadn’t thought that of all places in the whole world, he would be in my city, in my locality and...

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first experiance with a guy

i wont say the age ill just say we were young. me an my friend from school hung around quite alot with each other when we were younger i don't see him any more which is a sad thing lol. he used to sleep over alot at my house we made tents out of sheets and slept in them an what not. i cant remember how it happened but we measured each others dick size by putting are dicks together i think mine was slightly bigger but his was a bit thicker. we started from there we only did it a couple of times...

2 years ago
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Hot Times With Cute Raju

Greetings Fellow readers! I am Achyut, a software professional based in Bangalore. The story I am about to tell you is all a fabricated lie. It is a fantasy I have with young boys/men. A brief introduction about me. I am 29 years old, a bisexual guy having an average body, average cock and…basically I am an average guy. I am that guy you would not care about in a train/bus. I stay alone in an apartment, which gives me many opprtunities to invite guys and girls for fucking sessions. I love...

Gay Male
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The Playdate with Ruby Part 3

The big night finally arrived. I was holding hands with my sexy, slutty girlfriend Ruby, riding up the elevator to a high floor suite to meet up with Ruby's college lover Dmitri and his boyfriend Andy. I had butterflies in my stomach and a buttplug in my ass. Tonight was going to be my first time getting fucked by real cocks. Ruby had prepared me thoroughly. I was nervous, excited, scared, turned on... The anticipation had become almost painful and I needed for this night to happen. For the...

3 years ago
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The Schools Most Popular Girls

Crystal woke up gasping, covered in sweat and her sheets soaking wet. She lay down in pleasure, unable to even move. Yesterday she had witnessed the most beautiful sight she had ever seen. Crystal was 22 years old and about 5’5 feet tall. Athletics had given her a nicely shaped body. Her hair was beautiful, a natural brown with soft red in it. She had a beautiful shape from running track, and playing volleyball. All in all she was an extremely nice, out going and caring person. What she had...

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Freshman Confidential

The minute hand of the clock on the classroom wall completed one last agonizing circuit and reached zero. The bell rang, and immediately twenty-five high school freshmen jumped out of their seats. At the front of the class the English teacher called out "All right, class, remember, I want Chapters Two and Three read by tomorrow. There's going to be a quiz, so neglect them at your peril." There was a general groan, and the students began filing out of the room. Among them was Keith O'Donnell, a...

1 year ago
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Autoloading ShotgunChapter 6 A new job

That first night with Leah was all that I had hoped for. She was enthusiastic, but totally inexperienced. I had fun teaching, and Leah demonstrated that she had fun learning. Yes, we were noisy, but we heard no complaints from our elders. We "slept" until nearly noon, and Anna had a big grin on her face that turned into a laugh when she saw Leah walk into the room. Anna assured Leah that her pain between her legs would soon pass, and she would probably never be bothered by it again. We ate...

1 year ago
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Uncontrollable Cock 8211 Part 8 Flirting With All The 3 Women

My stepmom just helped me lose my virginity, and she guided me throughout the process. After reaching the climax, we were both lying down on the bed. She smiled at me as I looked at her. I turned towards her and put my hand on her boobs. “You are such a naughty boy, Pratyush,” she laughed as she rubbed my dick. It was all we. As she touched it, I started to get hard again. Then I asked her how she found the site. “Actually, that day, you haven’t locked the door. So when I went inside your room,...

3 years ago
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Dominant Younger Sister

Hi this is Ajay im regular reader of this site . Here im going to explain abt the sexual exp me and my younger sister. Eventhough she is younger she is taller and powerful than me. She is Archanaaged 19 and im Ajay aged 22 she is 5.8 inches taller . But im only 5.4 . All our families are in Bangalore. But we both are in Chennai for studying. We both living in seperate apartment . We are studying in college. Till 4months before we are normal bros and sister . When we both walk outside everyone...

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PenthouseGold Lexi Luna Squirting Housemaid

Lexi Luna is horny housemaid by day, naughty stripper by night, and today she decides to combine the two with boss Tommy Pistol. The well-hung stud can’t believe his luck as the busty brunette stuffs his face in between her deep cleavage, as well as her curvy ass cheeks. Then it’s the hardworking Penthouse star’s turn to lay back, but she won’t necessarily be relaxing because she gets fingerfucked until she’s screaming and squirting. Watch her get pounded until...


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