Mistis' Adventures Part 136 free porn video

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Everybody sat down and started eating supper. There were more than enough leftovers for everyone to get their fill, and THEN some. The only thing that WASN'T a leftover were the pies. 2 each of cherry, pumpkin, and peach. Homemade whipped cream, much better than any store-bought, was the topping of choice. Dave and Hiram were congratulating William for jumping in, and saving their new neighbors such a tidy sum of money

Dave listened to the retelling of the tale, and asked if it might be a good idea to call Carl and let him in on what had happened, so he could take steps to protect his crew. Francis told them, that, as far as HE knew, Wayne, and a couple of others carried guns for use on rattlers, or possibly rabid a****ls. Mostly skunks, foxes, and raccoons. Dave had hunted with Carl in the past, and knew he owned several suitable weapons.

Bruce commented that he, Royce, Sue, and Annie were planning on going to the site right after breakfast, so they would be there when Carl and the men arrived in the morning. Lorene, hearing the talk as she descended the stairs, chimed in that she was going out, and Essie was going with her. SHE wanted to try and get a look at their antagonist. "He sounds to me like he was eat up by curiosity, hearing, and possibly smelling, what Luke and Cathy were doing. Boogers ain't so different as us. They like ta see a couple o' us "hairless boogers" makin' bacon. I seen em sit fer over an hour, outside o' a parking place, an watch the k**s fuck. Some o' 'em would get a hard-on an jack off, jus' like a human. Only thing that stops 'em from gettin' in on the fun, is they're shy. Most o' the ones we see just fucked up an we was in the right spot, at the right time. That or we wandered into a place we wasn't supposed to be, an they're tryin' ta scare us off."

She looked over at Bruce. "Remember that time I took ya over ta th' crawdad pond? Tell 'em what ya saw." Bruce thought for a second. "Are ya talkin about that time we climbed up in th' tree, an' sat there all night?" She nodded back at him. "Grandma took me to a place she knowed of, an' we climbed up in a big sycamore tree, an' sat there for almost 12 hours. I was around 13 at the time. Finally, we heard something close to the pond, like something scratchin'. We raised up ta see through some branches, an a female bigfoot was layin' on the ground, with 'er legs open. A male came and got on top o' 'er and started fuckin 'er. Just like people do. He fucked 'er for a while, an another one that was bigger come over and kicked the first one off o' her. HE started fuckin' 'er, but she tried ta run while he was kickin' the first one's ass, an' 'e grabbed 'er leg an pulled 'er back, and this 'un fucked 'er doggy-style. He had his back to us, but we could see 'im throwin' the meat to 'er. She set up a squall, but she took it fer a long time. It was light enough to see cum smeared all over 'er ass an legs though. It was just as the sun was comin' up. We sat there fer almost another hour, and skinned down the tree, an' went home. Gran'ma tole me that if they had seen us, they would likely have killed me, unless they saw that I was a k**, an they would've fucked her."

Lorene added to the story. "If a woman goes out while she's having her period, she's puttin' 'erself in danger. They can SMELL 'er, and it's like ringin' a dinner bell in front o' a starvin' man. When THEY smell like that, it's time fer em ta git laid. Rest o' th' time all they got is reg'lar body smells. Jus like the ol' joke. If'n I ketch ya, I'm gonna fuck ya. Diff'rence is, the gorilla was 500 pounds. These kin be 12 or 13 HUNDRED pounds. An most o' th' grown ones are carryin' around 15 to as much as, that I'VE seen, 24 or 5 inches o pecker. They's REAL big. An big around as a man's arm, too."

Luke had sat listening to them. "So. If he had decided he wanted Cathy, he would have killed me, and done what he wanted to HER?" Lorene nodded. "An there wouldn't be a thing you could do to stop him. Just his weight would be like a car on top of ya'. You'd be crushed. A male couldn't breed a human. He would be too heavy to go on top of her, and it would kill her to have somethin' that big goin' inside o' 'er. A baby that's less than a month old can have 7 or 8 inches, an be as big as a BIG man."

"Something ELSE to think about. I had one run alongside my car, an NOT breathe hard, an' I was goin' 45 miles an hour, an I saw one git mad, an twist an oak saplin in two, that was 4 inches thick. I've seen 'em pick up a car, an throw it, a couple o' times. They can swim faster than most people can run, too. Seen one swim across th' Arkansas River when it was 10 feet over flood stage."

Dave was shaking his head. "How would you fight one of these things and kill it then?' Lorene snorted. "Dan'l Boone kilt one with a flintlock in th' 17 hunnerds. HE was one o' OUR FOLKS, ya know. HE was a FIGHTER, an we got 'im an made im' one o' us. Lived with us off an' on fer a while. I seen 'em kilt with a shotgun. Got shot in the face with a load o' double OO shot, an finished off with a slug. Folks take em out with .308's an' .30-06's, too. Jus' gotta hit 'em right. Best ta git 'em in the head, or in th' heart. Hard tip bullets does best. Goes through all that muscle."

Dave took out his phone and called Carl, speaking with him for a few minutes. He closed his phone and turned back to Lorene. "He's gonna arm 5 or 6 of his guys with some guns, and put them around the site. He's gonna give everybody else a whistle, so if they see or smell anything, they blow the whistle, and someone comes with a gun. He' got some combat veterans that he trusts not to choke up. We'll take 6 or 8 people out, too. That should be good enough. We can tell 'em to try shootin' over their heads, first, though." Lorene nodded to him. "With all the noise, they SHOULD stay under cover."

A motor was heard outside. Abe recognized the sound and stepped to the door to open it. It was Barbara. SHE had CHANGED since the wedding, when they saw her last. She was a little taller than Cathy, and where Cathy favored her Father, Barbara favored her Mother. She had lost some weight, too. Before, she had been a little on he pudgy side. Just enough to make her natural softness evident. From whatever cause, her hair was closer to a honey blonde, than the light golden brown previously. Her legs were toned to perfection, and were a very light tan. I was her bust line that drew attention.

She was, as usual, wearing a tank top, that displayed a good bit of cleavage, and was wearing a pair if Bermuda shorts that matched the tank top. Both a bright Lemon yellow, and a yellow pair of deck shoes to match. She had been beautiful, before, but NOW was BREATHTAKING!!! She was carrying two suitcases, and an overnight bag in her hands. They were dropped to the floor, and she wrapped her arms around her Dad's neck, her legs encircling his waist, to smother him in tearful kisses. Her hair was MUCH longer, and was, for now, in a pony-tail, that was pulled through the back of a baseball cap, with "Weatherby Arms" logo on the front. Around her shoulder was a holster, nestled against her left breast, and holding, unless eyes deceived, a S&W Model 19, .357 magnum revolver. Her cell phone was sticking out of her hip pocket.

"OH, DADDY!!! I've missed you all so much! Where's MOM, and HOW IS CATHY?" Abe told her Mom was upstairs, WITH Cathy, and she went up the stairs at a run. MOMMY, MOMMY!!! WHERE ARE YOU?" They heard Gail's voice saying, HERE, SWEETHEART!!! IN CATHY'S ROOM!!!" Next came the sound of female squeals.

A few minutes passed and Barbara came back down. She was introduce to those that didn't already know who she was. Francis and Luke both stood and bowed, kissing her hand. She blushed at the greeting. "Had ta check if ya were gonna bite me or not. First time someones kissed my hand since the wedding." She hugged and kissed both of them, and Lorene, Essie, Hiram, and Bruce. Real honest to goodness First Nation People. A REAL honor. What nation do you come from? They told her the Cherokee, and the Choctaw nations. There was NO complacency in her voice, just curiosity.

She looked at Ricky and Billy with a big smile. "WHAT!!! NO KISS FOR YOUR SISTER-IN LAW? OR YER WOULD- BE, ALMOST BRIDE? I'M HURT!!!" COME ON AN' PUCKER UP FER ME!!! I GOT BIG WET ONES FER YA!!!" Both were already standing, and came over wrapping their arms around each other. "Ya know I STILL love ya both. A couple o' my FAVORITE MEN!" Can I talk ya inta comin' out ta the car, an helpin me with the other bags. I still got 3 suitcases, a wardrobe bag or 2, and 4 gun bags, an a carrier for el pistolas. It'll take a couple o' trips each for us to get it all. Both men looked puzzled. She giggled at them. "Got my Concealed Carry Permits a couple of months ago, and went bat-shit crazy. Got some good bargains, though. I'll show ya when we get 'em inside. She patted the weapon in a shoulder holster. THIS is my favorite, though. AH kin knock the eye out of a coyote with him at a dead run, at a hunnerd yards, by gum. DARN!!! Messin up my John Wayne voice, again."

They made it all in a few minutes, putting it in the room next to her Mom and Dad. She zipped the gun bags open, and one held a civilian type M-14 (M-1A), another contained a Weatherby Viscount .300 magnum. Next was a Heschler and Koch Mod. 98, in .7.62 NATO, the same caliber as the M-14, and a Ruger .338 La Pua. Both men looked at her, then each other. "GOD, GIRL!!! Ya goin' ta WAR OR SUM'THIN'?" She giggled. "How did I know YOU'D SAY THAT?"

Next she opened the pistol box. Inside of it was a S&W Mod. 500, .50 cal. revolver, A Colt .45 Peacemaker, and a Remington . 44 Russian. Lower, in another drawer, was a New England Arms Circuit Judge, that used either .45 Long Colt, or .410 shotgun shells, and two matched .38 cal. derringers, both double bbl. She looked at them and smiled,again. Under the back seat is a Remington Mod 870 12 ga. pump shotgun, a 12 ga. Double Barreled Coach Gun, and an AR-15 with 10ea. 30 round clips. Didn't want to get caught with my panties down." Been practicin', too! Palo Pinto County Sheriff and D. A. are both good friends. Got a couple more with Texas DPS, and they advised me what to get, and took me to their ranges to shoot. With the HK, and the 14, I can put 10 rounds in a 6 in circle at 800 yards. With the Weatherby, I can hit 9 outta 10 4 inch targets at 1000 yards, and with the La Pua, I can do the same at 1500 yards. That's as far as their ranges go. La Pua took some gettin' used to. Thing kicks like a pissed off mule."

Both brothers looked at each other. "When did THIS start? Ya wouldn't even touch a gun, before." She looked down. "When things started getting crazy, what with cops getting shot almost daily, and people shooting up churches. Got started, and found out how much fun it was, too. The rest is history. By the way, Ricky. I got my degree in Math, and another in Anthropology. The Palo Pinto b**st is drivin' ever'body nuts down there. Run some Boy Scouts out o' their campground a few weeks ago. Momma said you'd had some problems up here, too."

They discussed what had happened in the past weeks, and days. She told them that she wanted to tag along with them, tomorrow, and they agreed. That would put around 20 arms out in the morning.

She gave them a sly smile. "NOW!!! FOR THE IMPORTANT STUFF!!! WHO lays claim to the cute blonde guy? I'd like to get to know HIM, BETTER!!!" She was informed that it was he that was with Cathy, this afternoon, but, hands off the black guy. Essie was crazy over him. "HMMM!!! You ain't woman enough to take MY man." Barbara and Cathy both had nice singing voices, but where Cathy sang ballads, or lullabies, Barbara sang Country or Pop. She could knock out another Barbara, named Mandrell, or give a good showing on Loretta Lynn's music. She always broke up, though, when she tried to sing "Coal Miner's Daughter." She'd get a little more than half way, and start crying.

They went back down the stairs to the living room. She walked over in front of Luke and looked down at him, with a big smile. "Mind if'n I jine ya, Cutie?" Heard ya had some hoofin' with muh little sis, this afternoon. Mebbe, ifn ya feel like it, ya kin tell me about it. How about it? Wouldja go an spoon a little with me on the front porch? I could pertend ya was my beaux, an maybe, do a little neckin. I PROMISE not to do anything ya don't LIKE!"

It was amazing how fast Luke got o his feet. He bowed to her, and offered her his arm. They went to the front door, and he held it, and the screen door for her, and bowed, again as she went out. The others were silent. They all knew that this would be the best medicine for a lad in his condition. As the door closed, Rick and Billy described the arsenal that Barbara was carrying around, to the other men. They hadn't seen Annie and Sue in the kitchen. The two sisters gave each other a high five, and a rump bump. "Got another outdoors girl, now. We'll show the guys what for, an make em like it."

Luke and Barbara went down to the end of the porch, and sat in the swing. Luke sat for a minute, with his hands in his lap. "I'm a little chilly, could I slide over closer to you." Luke was completely startled. Here was a beautiful lady asking if SHE could slide closer to HIM. He raised his arm and put it around her shoulder, his hand on the back of the swing. She snuggled into him, and kissed his cheek. Ya know, ya don't have ta worry about breakin' anything. It's ALL soft enough to bend." She took his hand and put it on her breast. "See! Nice and soft for ya. There's two of 'em if yer interested. An this thing over 'em comes off. REAL easy. Got more interesting things about 2 foot lower. One's a lot softer, and the other is wetter, and VERY tight. I appreciate a REAL GENTLEMAN, but I'm more interested in a real MAN, right now. Feel like a little walk? Say down as far as the barn. My bubba has a nice PRIVATE office. We could get to know each other in the BEST ways." His heartbeat was like a bass drum in his ears. GOD!!! She's BEAUTIFUL!!!

Barbara put her arm through his and they walked, or strolled down to the barn. The light was on in the office, but the rest of the lights were out. They went to the door and it opened as if by magic. The office was empty. He was too aware that he hadn't cleaned up after their ordeal. As if reading his mind, Barbara told him. "There's a shower in the back room, with towels and soap, and, unless I'm VERY wrong, some shampoo if you want it." They peeked in and the shampoo bottle was the first thing in sight.

"Let me be of assistance." she whispered. "Cathy taught me how to help someone to clean up. I REALLY enjoy that part." She pulled his shirt off, and unfastened his jeans, pulling the zipper down. He had a line of hair up to his belly-button, and a smattering across his chest. "OH, YES!!! I like feeling a hairy chest. Makes me feel like a little girl."

She finished undressing him, and since her blouse was already gone, he unhooked the waistband of her shorts, and eased them down her legs to the floor, then hooked her panties, taking them to the floor, also. She lifted her feet and he pulled them off and placed them on the desk. She stepped in first, because the locker didn't leave enough room to go in side by side. She turned the water on and let it heat up, testing it with her hand. She winked at him and opened the drawer in the center, and pulled out a long rubber band. She wound her pony tail around her fingers and put the rubber band around her head, tucking the hair under it. "Ready made shower cap, don't ya know." She pulled him to her, and gave him the kind of kiss that he had dreamed of. Long, slow, gentle, and sweet. Here in the full light, he could see just HOW beautiful she really was. THIS was the EATIN' pussy. He was almost sorry that he would mess it up. BUT NOT enough to NOT do it. He reached for the bottle of soap, but it was already in HER hand. She stuck her tongue out at him. "NOT FAST ENOUGH!!! HA HA!!! TURN AND PUT 'EM ON THE WALL AN SPREAD YER FEET, JUNIOR!!!" She started at his neck and went down his back, reaching between his legs to cup his balls and dick, and scratching her way back to his asshole. It almost made his knees buckle. She giggled at the way his knees got weak. "GOTCHA!!!" She went the rest of the way down, lifting his feet and running her finger between his toes. She directed the spray over his body, and turned him to face her. The water glistening on her reminded him of the painting, "Venus Emerging from the Waves."

She told him to close his eyes and washed his face, rinsed it and went to his neck. Lower and lower she went. She took a hand full of the soap and took his penis between them, scrubbing vigorously, but gently, with the usual results. He had an instant erection. She put her hands to either side of her face. OH MY!!! IS THAT ALL FOR ME? OH, THANK YOU!!!" She rinsed him and put it in her mouth, sucking gently. "It's DELICIOUS!!!" She finished washing and rinsing him, and traded places.

He was washing her like he was washing a car. "Slow down, Sweetheart. I'm NEVER gonna run away from you. I'll be right here if you want. We'll get someone to bring us food once in a while, and stay here together. YOU tell ME!!!" Wash me good. I want to be nice and clean, and smell good for YOU!!! This is all for you, now. Tonight is the first of the rest of our lives. You are mine, and I am yours. For forever and a day." His head was swimming from her words.

He was trying to play it cool, but his hands were shaking from his excitement. He was comparing her to Cathy as he examined her. She was just a hair taller, and her boobs were just a little bigger. Cathy's hair was such a dark brown as to look black, and hers was the color of a well-baked loaf of bread. Cathy and her had nearly the same length hair, and both were as soft as any he had felt, before. Both had beautiful shaped bodies, and especially legs, and where Cathy and her were almost alike with their pussy mounds, Barbara's had more hair on it. She had trimmed it, to the shape of a flat-bottomed shield. About 2 inches across at the bottom, and 3 or so at the top. IT was almost as dark a brown as CATHY'S hair. He was washing between her legs, and the first thing he had noticed was that she was hairless between her legs. The other hair, over her clitoris, was long enough to be as soft as the hair on her head.

HE had started washing her in front. He had lingered with her breasts, and had excited her nipples. They were just a tiny bit lighter brown than Cathy's, but, when he nibbled and sucked them, they stuck out just as nice as Cathy's had. He had figured on laying back enough money to go further west. He wanted to see some of the things he had read about. The Rocky Mountains, and The Grand Canyon at the top of the list. Of lesser importance were the Giant Redwoods, and Yellowstone Park. The White Sands would be interesting, too. NOW he was in a REAL pickle. This girl was making him want to stick around for a while. Funny how a split-tail would do ya like that.

He was washing her, and exploring her, at the same time these other thoughts were going through his head. He had, last he checked, nearly $4000 dollars in his "war-chest." He had an acceptable ride. A 1977 Cutlass Supreme, that ran good, and didn't use much gas. Few dents and dings, but nothing to get worried about. Had a cassette player, and an AM-FM radio, too.

He STILL wanted to go back to school in a few years. He had 2, almost 3 years of college under his belt, and could skate through the rest, to his degree, if he wanted. He had got a belly-full of the rich k**s trying to tell him how to talk, or think. Calling him names and trying to goad him into a fight. Their favorite, it seemed, was to call him a racist, Nazi, homophobe. He agreed with some of the others, that they should have their asses kicked. Had thumped a couple in the dorm one night. One had pulled a knife on him, but had been rewarded with a broken arm and wrist. Proctor had sided with the other and lied about it. He had been suspended. He pulled stakes and left the day he was suspended.

He shook his head slightly to get these thoughts out of his head. HE had something WORTH thinking about. Right in front of him. He took her in his arms, and pulled her to him, giving the best kiss that he was capable of giving. It must have been good enough. He could feel her melting into HIS arms, and grinding her pubis into him.

He reached around her and turned the water off, and she reached through the plastic curtain and got a towel. He dried her off first, re-examining everything she had, and she had dried him in the same way. She took a blanket from the locker and laid it over the top of one of the futons there.

She stood looking at him, a strange look in her eyes. She finally spoke. "Well, what's it gonna be? We gonna have some fun, or are ya gonna stand there lookin' at what COULD be the best ya ever had? It's up to you." She stepped over and put her arms around his neck, looking into his eyes. "I wasn't entirely truthful with you on the porch. There IS one thing you could break." She patted just above her left breast. "It's right here. MY HEART! PLEASE!!! Give us a chance. Give us a couple of months to see if I'm right, or we really weren't meant for each other. Please?"

He smiled at her plea. For the first time in his life, the girl was having heart throbs over HIM, instead of the other way around. He asked her, "Do you want the lights off or on?" She smiled in return. "ON, please."

She had taken out a second blanket, just in case, and she folded it to use for a pillow. He reached down and pulled two that were laying on a footstool. "Lookin' fer these?" She took his hand and pulled him over and they laid on the futon. His arm under her neck, and her leg across his body. His other hand was filled with a delectable breast, that he was squeezing easily, and bent to take the nipple into his lips. Her breath caught for a second, then she purred.

He sucked the nipple, and felt her hunching into him. He raised his face, and she was waiting and gave him kiss after kiss, her tongue reaching into his mouth to fight the lovers duel. Her breath tasted like fresh mint. He knew she would taste the cherries on his. He had eaten 3 pieces of the pie. She commented, "She DOES make some wonderful pies, doesn't she? Annie made those. Her Mom makes the best spice cake you ever tasted. I just make love, and a mess in the kitchen. Nobody ever complains, though."

Luke rolled her over to her back, and went back to kissing her. Everything from her collar bones up, then her breasts. AGAIN! He couldn't get enough of them. He tarried over them for the longest, and discovered, to his joy, that he could bring her to orgasm from sucking and licking them. She came so many times that she was panting. He decided that there were more, and more interesting, things to discover, and went down to kiss her tummy. She jumped and broke out in wild laughter. "I'm ticklish, I'm ticklish. Gimme a break!!!" He stroked her, hoping to calm her down. She kept on breaking into giggles, at remembering. He went down, kissing her hipbones, and following the creases to her Mons. He nuzzled the hair, delighting in the sweet musky scent of a hot woman. The lower he went the further her legs opened. He kissed the flesh that enfolded her clitoris, and she pushed up into his face, and her hands went to the back of his head, to push down. Her soft brown thighs were around his ears. He nibbled and licked the tiny pink folds that opened like a flower to reveal the opening to her body.

She had stopped any semblance of giggling, and was moaning as he kissed her in such an intimate manner. He licked and kissed her in every spot he found, each time causing her to gasp or sigh. His nose had brushed her clit and it had raised up to see who had disturbed it. His tongue made the ambush, and his lips surrounded it, making her cry out in response. Her legs had gone around his body and was puling him as close to her as she could. She was humping his face and begging him. GIVE ME MORE!!! GIVE ME MORE!!! I WANT IT ALL!!! THIS IS HEAVEN!!! YOU EAT ME SO GOOD!!! OH. MERCY!!! YOUR TONGUE IS PURE MAGIC!!! REAM ME OUT!!! LICK MY TWAT FOR ME!!! I'M GUSHING JUICE, JUST FOR YOU!!!"

His tongue was inside her passage as far as he could reach and she was humping against his nose. Her hands were pushing him closer, and her legs were wound around him like a boa constrictor. Her head was back and she was almost in a paroxysm of joy. She was getting something few had EVER given her. PURE, AND UNDILUTED PASSION!!!

He ate her until her legs straightened and released the hold she had on him. He moved up and paused for a split second to place one of the pillows under her hips. He wasn't so big, or long. HE was the first to admit he was no Adonis, but he was aware of how to use what he DID have. He kissed her many times, and she returned the kisses, through the fog in her head. He put his lips to the base of her neck, and kissed it. Not enough to give her a hickey, but enough to excite her even more.

This time she sobbed from the new contact. Her legs were open more than enough to give him room to "work," and he hooked her knees around his elbows, and got into just the right place. He parted the tiny pink lips, once more, and this made her eyes open to look into his. She nodded to him. "YES, MY LOVER. TAKE ME!!! USE ME FOR YOUR AND MY PLEASURE. DON;T HOLD ANYTHING BACK FROM ME, PLEASE!!! FILL ME LIKE A VESSEL WITH YOUR LOVE!!! POSSESS ME IN EVERY WAY!!!"

He began to put pressure, and slide slowly inside of her. Her hips moved slowly to clear a path for him. "OH, DARLING!!! TAKE ME!!! TAKE ME!!! TAKE ME!!!" It felt like waves breaking on a shore, from the motion of her hips. He was all the way inside, and lay motionless, absorbed in the feeling of her surrounding him. The only movement was from her. She cooed and whimpered. He began to thrust, more gently that he ever had, into her. "YES, MY LOVE. YES!!! GIVE ME YOUR SEED!!! MAKE ME A REAL WOMAN!!!"

She had pulled her legs up, and her heels were resting lightly on his butt. He continued to drive into her, determined to make it last as long as possible. She covered his face, shoulders, neck, and arms in tiny kisses, as they danced the dance of love. Minutes, unknown to them, passed Their lips met, time after time, and shared kisses. Their eyes closed in passion, but stared into each others, looking into each others souls, seeking truth.

Finally a climax was reached. She was the first to give in and her head went back, her eyes wild, her mouth open, as if in pain. His teeth gritted as he attempted to last just a few more seconds. His eyes clinched and his butt did likewise. He gave it his best try, but it was too much to bear. Suddenly he felt the tingle and pressure of his ejaculation as it shot inside of her, causing her to scream with joy. She willed herself to open to the fullest, to receive his sperm as deep within her as it would go. She would move Heaven and Earth to coax him into being her MAN, for forever, and ever, and a day. They collapsed into each others arms, enjoying one more long, tender kiss. They could wait until morning to clean up.

The night wrapped loving arms around them. It was the time to sleep and dream of true love.

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The evening with Rhonda and Sholandra stayed with Laura for days. It had been far more thrilling sexually than she had ever anticipated, and the thought of another episode with Sholandra and Eric and Jamie was enough to give her the shivers. God, I don't know whether I can take it either, she thought. But I know I can hardly wait. As part of her job responsiblities, she had to meet now and then with various vendor representatives. A new one had called to introduce herself, and when Laura...

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Sheriff PorterChapter 136

During those months I rode around the town and out on the island with a sign on the trike. It alternately advertised The Pub and the Hot Dog Heaven and the Gift Shoppe. I loved it even in the cold. I would park the trike on the island and have coffee on the pier. It was just as good a billboard in the parking lot as moving up and down the streets. The TV show I hated ran during those months so by the end of tourist season the Gift show was flooded. The Old Men were so popular they had to...

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Runaway TrainChapter 136

The professor called me just as I was coming out of the workout room on Monday morning. “Good morning to you, Grasshopper,” he said. I looked at the time on my phone. It was a little past six in the morning in San Diego. “What in the hell are you doing awake?” I asked. “Didn’t you get the memo that you’re on vacation in the summer?” My normal entourage, minus Conny and Melissa, gave me a strange look but I shook my head. I made sure to watch Jill, Skye, Liz and Bobbi as they headed off to...

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 136

Saturday morning NSA sent me the morning updates while we were eating breakfast. I assumed there was something I should look at. The thing that was highlighted was Iran - again. They were up their old tricks again - now they were flying drones over the Strait of Hormuz. They were entitled to by a mutually agreed treaty that gave them air space rights that in places went to the center of the waterway. They were testing the response to excursions over the lines. It was normal intelligence...

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Double TearsChapter 136

“There’s no tragedy you can’t profit from.” —Henry Mosquera, Space Fandango: Backstabber’s Blues We all headed for Kokomo to watch Livy play basketball in the regionals. I mean a lot of people, not just my pod. Livy’s and Rachel’s parents, my parents, all the kids. Somehow, I ended up with Sophie in the front seat next to me and four kids taking the other options—Pey, Richard, Donnie, and Barb. Joyce and Lisa were a little miffed about not being able to ride with us but I couldn’t take...

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Daze in the ValleyChapter 136

The three women were chatting amiably and smiling widely when Adam exited the shower. Ekaterina had almost asked him to join her while she cleaned up – and he might have – but she decided the scene had ended and it was time to go back to being friends. The smiles continued until Mira Nagy arrived in a van to pick up Anya for the drive to Las Vegas. Anya gave Katya a warm hug and spoke some sisterly advice into her ear. Then she pulled Adam down for a long embrace and a kiss on the...

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Some of the Dogging adventures that we have partic

Some of the Dogging adventures that we have participated in we did not tell anyone who my husband was, he was anonymous just one of the guys that showed up. Those are some of the most exciting dogging adventures we have because the guys do not know my husband is watching and participating. My husband say’s the guys treat me different, nastier and sexually erotic when they don’t know he is my husband. Now my husband wants to take it to the next step. He wants to hide and watch me with 2 guys...

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The Astounding Adventures of Timmy Johnson part 2

The Astounding Adventures of Timmy Johnson Part 2 By Nikki Mouton-Cadet Introduction Welcome back to the story of my adventures with the wonder-drug 'Re- juve'. In case you don't know, it was a brand-new therapy designed to rejuvenate old people. What it actually did was to regress men down to the age of adolescents while turning women into the dominant, masculine gender. I don't think that's what any of us expected when we started on all this but that's what happened. My name...

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Rati And Ryan8217s Adventures 8211 Part 1

The real-life adventures of Rati and Ryan (names changed) would be spread over multiple parts, slowly highlighting the live-in couple’s adventures to spice up their sex lives. I am Raj, Rati’s colleague and I am writing about Rati’s adventures, as told by her. FYI, this is my story and I own the rights to the story. This first part is on Rati and Ryan pleasing each other orally. Ryan understood Rati very well. He now lifted her face by putting his forefinger under Rati’s chin to lift her head...

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Yukios Adventures Part 2

Introduction: Continuation of series. You may want to read Chapter 1 first. Yukios Adventures Part 2 **I want to take a moment to thank all the people who have taken the time to read my stories thus far and who have given me so much encouragement. Your PMs and comments really have made me smile when I didnt think I was doing that well. Special thanks to JetiJah, workingman, Stillagood1, and BadinAGoodWay for their time and suggestions to a new writer. To all the Unknown people who took the...

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The New Adventures 8211 Part 1

Hi all, This story is about myself. And all feedbacks are welcomed at I posted this story, which is a very long story in Couple section because it involves both my girly side and my masculine side. So put your hands inside your pants and rub it. The story begins now. I was born like any other boy, but as soon as I entered my adolescence, I understood the other side of me. I was a cute boy back then, and whenever I started masturbating, I imagined myself as a girl fucked my strong men. My...

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Night Adventures With Didi 8211 Part IV

Dear readers thank you for liking my first story “Night Adventures With Didi” Part I,II,III. So many readers wanted to know what happened next. Next Sunday I reached Delhi in the morning and reached my Didi’s place at around 10 in the morning, Anjali with her parents came there at around noon. Anjali was looking gorgeous, she had everything in right proportions. She was wearing a pink salwaar suit. I could not resist ogling at her, and her melon sized boobs packed inside pink suit. After some...

1 year ago
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KAROLINA’S ADVENTURES – PART TWO: KAROLINA AND THE INTERN Karolina sat in front of the computer typing, bored as can be. It had been a week since her adventure… KAROLINA’S ADVENTURES – PART TWO: KAROLINA AND THE INTERN Karolina sat in front of the computer typing, bored as can be. It had been a week since her adventure with Ben, and to say things had been rough at home was putting it lightly. Will had raged at her for hours the night after her adventure with Ben....

Cheating Wife
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Adventures in Astral Projecting Part I

Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2010 14:04:11 -0700 From: William Steps Subject: Adventures in Astral Projecting Part I ADVENTURES IN ASTRAL PROJECTION Episode one; Accidental Revelation I had been experimenting with astral projection since I was eighteen years old, back in 1999. I had no success whatsoever at first, but the more I practiced the more I had some results. I pursued it as more of a hobby, but after a few years I was able to correctly see things in...

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Episode 4 of the Adventures of John and Holly

Of the Adventures of John and Holly Part 37: Light My Fire A few months passed before we broke our pledge of monogamy. Seriously, In this house, with Stephanie and Sandy just a few feet away, that’s quite an accomplishment. I bet if you put Stephanie in a convent, in a month you would have a whole bunch of bi-curious nuns. Of course it was Stephanie that ended our monogamous relationship. It didn’t matter though; Holly and I had gotten back the confidence in our relationship that had...

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Yukios Adventures Part 2

**I want to take a moment to thank all the people who have taken the time to read my stories thus far and who have given me so much encouragement. Your PM's and comments really have made me smile when I didn't think I was doing that well. Special thanks to JetiJah, workingman, Stillagood1, and BadinAGoodWay for their time and suggestions to a new writer. To all the Unknown people who took the time to rate my stories, thank you for taking the time to read them and to register your...

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Erikas Adventures Part Seven The Next Day

All of my stories are complete fiction, all the characters and situations are also fiction. You should be at least 18 yrs of age to be reading this. This is the adventure of a young twenty something tgirl, who is on a journey of self discovery, and her adventures and mishaps along the way. Some stories involve sexual content and the main story is about sex, while other stories involve Erika's day to day routines. I hope you enjoy it. Erika's Adventures - Part Seven - The...

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Yukios Adventures Part 5

Introduction: Yukio continues her adventures and makes her neighbour happy! Yukios Adventures Part 5 ** This is the fifth story in this series. To really understand what she is doing I suggest you read the other four chapters first, but it is not essential. This chapter has some kinky sex and some genuine love making. The character development having occurred in previous chapters… along with lots of nasty sex. Comments are very much appreciated. I have tried to be careful with my use of the...

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P90SEX adventures part 2A

The P90SEX Adventures Part #2A What an experience, last night was simply incredible! Who’d have known that this type of thing happened behind the closed doors of none other than the Penthouse suite of a reputable downtown hotel? Such beautiful views from both the inside and out! Allie and I laid in our own bed back in our hotel room, not saying a word. We had spent a lot of energy last night and were taking the time to rejuvenate and enjoy each other’s company. She felt so good lying...

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P90SEX adventures part 2A

The P90SEX Adventures Part #2A What an experience; last night was simply incredible! Who’d have known that this type of thing happened behind the closed doors of none other than the Penthouse suite of a reputable downtown hotel? Such beautiful views from both the inside and out! Allie and I laid in our own bed back in our hotel room, not saying a word. We had spent a lot of energy last night and were taking the time to rejuvenate and enjoy each other’s company. She felt so good lying...

Group Sex
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The adventures of Cassy the reluctant magical whore Part 1

The adventures of Cassy the reluctant magical whore Part 1 Cassius Maylea is a young mercenary in the Fantasy realm of Sakaris. He is very proficient in sword combat and earns his money by offering his fighting capabilities to those who need them. Mostly to get paid but he does enjoy helping people as well. But one day his life drastically changes as he takes on a quest to slay a mighty minotaur. Warning this story contains involuntary male to female gender-bending and rape/non-con...

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Brandis Slutty Adventures Ch 01

The elevator doors slid close and I looked up into Tony’s piercing blue eyes. Here I was a mature married professional woman, alone in an exciting big city, heading toward a young, handsome stranger’s apartment. Soon the elevator doors would open and I would have to make a decision. Do I do the mature responsible thing, respect my martial vows and stay on the elevator or do I give in to the uncontrollable animalistic lust driving me wild and sleep with him? Who am I kidding, of course, I’ll...

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Mom Me and Our Adventures with Spunk part 5

Things like fucking your own Mom. Now a complete obsession in my life. Whatever I do. Wherever I go. It's all I think about. Are we going to fuck, suck, lick or fondle each other when she gets home from work and me from College? Where are we going to do it? On my bed? Her bed? In the shower? In the kitchen? On top of the washer dryer set to spin? Fuck, I'd even do it in the back seat of our car in the middle of the local Wallmart parking lot. Like I said. Obsession. Anytime. Anywhere. So...

3 years ago
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Wonderful Adventures of Miss K Part 4

This is yet another installment of the pure pornography that I love to call "The Wonderful Adventures of Miss K." So far, people have been loving my over the top sex romps, and I hope you fair fans love this one too. If you are not legally permitted to read this work in your legal jurisdiction, please do not read this. Also, I retain all commercial and non-electronic rights to this work. If you want to use this work, just ask. So, without further ado, let's get on with the...

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Adventures of the exhibitonist girl part 2

Sorry for bad English, not my native language Brief summary of the first part. Kadri felt at 11-year old, that her passion is exhibitionism. She was cautious at first, but then more and more daring in her exhibitionism adventures. She was naked at the beach of the lake in front of almost hundred people, then took shower with boys. Her football coach noticed Kadri’s habits and proposed her to take shower with him. Then Kadri got first sex experience at 12. After that she also tried winter...

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More Black Adventures With Wife Lisa Part 3

More Black Adventures With Wife, Lisa Part # 3 This is the third installment of Lisa, my beautiful wife who loves to fuck young black men. Lisa is a blond hair, blue eyed beauty who I talked into fucking two young black studs as her first adventure. This is another story of her journey into the world of black erotica.After her last adventure, where she was gang banged at a secluded cabin, I thought Lisa would be happy for awhile and she was, for awhile. But it didn’t take long for my young...

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Juans Crazy sex adventures in Puerto Rico Part One

Introduction: Sex Crazed part One / Juans Crazy sex adventures in Puerto Rico Im a lawyer, and I know right from wrong, but this year has been really hard on me. Being 34 years old, standing at 62 and weighing in at 170 lbs. Dark reddish blondish brownish, Low Cesar haircut. Im a mixed man, mothers Italian, fathers Puerto Rican and Indonesian. I dont know my parents, they were killed in a high jacking in a airplane coming from Italy visiting my grandparents on my moms side. All I know is at...

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College sex Adventures Part1

College sex Adventures Part-1After breaking up with the love of my life, things soon got better and in a short time, I was on my way to college. It was my first day. I wanted to do my registrations on time so that I wouldn’t need to rush it. After I had settled down, I went in search of my departmental building.I slowly pushed the main door open and saw the wide hallway right in front of me. There were clusters of people in groups and some solitary, resting their backs on the walls. In my rush...

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The Adventures of Grace and Anna Erotic Classic Ch2 Part 1

In part 1 to 11 of Chapter 1,. you have read that the author meets a girl named Anna and he Invites her in his car for a ride. In-car he kissed her and boldly squeezed and manipulated her breasts and erect nipples. Then he molded and caressed her bare and electric thighs and felt the bare lips of her sex and the crinkly pubic hair and have sex in Car. and then he meets her again next time and takes her to an apartment that was maintained for just such incidents. Anna proposes to introduce him...

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Mom Me and Our Adventures with Spunk part 3

Yesterday had been quite the day by the time it had ended. I glanced down at my Mother wondering what she was thinking as we walked over to a bench and sat down with the most perfect view imaginable in front of us. There is nothing like an ocean and the wide blue yonder to make you understand your place in the grand scheme of things. "Beautiful," said Mom, smiling, "I could spend all day here like this." Stretching out my legs, I crossed them at the ankles and tried to bring myself back...

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Night Adventures With Didi 8211 Part V

Thanks to all the readers for appreciating “Night Adventures with Didi” Part 1 to Part IV. Anjali ne mujhse pahle apni saari shaadi se pahle ki baatein sach sach bataane ko kaha aur wada kiya ki wo bhi sab kuch bina kuch chupaaye mujhko bataayegi taaki hamaari married life bina kisi shak ke bharose ke saath chal sake. Maine Anjali ke saamne bhagwaan ki kasam kha ke kaha ki jo kuch us story mein likha hai wo sab kuch bilkul sahi hai aur didi ke saath main 18 saal se hi sex karna chahta tha. Aur...

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Adventures Of Pinkie

A beautiful teenager with naturally huge tits, young Pinkie becomes a prisoner of her new found lust when she joins a biker gang and volunteers her bountiful breasts to become subjected to their bizarre bondage and perverted torture games. Once exposed to the exciting and glamorous world of nude dancing, Pinkie repels her inhibitions and thrusts herself into a non-stop quest for extreme sexual experiences including gang-banging, cat-fighting and severe bondage rituals. As new-born...

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mother daughter lesbian adventures part 2

lias woke late the next day, she hada shower and headed down stairs she pored herself a coffee and went outside, to where kim was again sunbathing naked, lisa sat on the next sunbed opened her robe and laid back, "mornig mommy, or should i say afternoon" "morning sweetie" replied lisa "sorry if i woke you when i came in last night" kim said "no i didnt hear you come in what time was that?". "about 12ish" "oh no wonder i didnt hear you i didnt get home till 4". "wow you...

3 years ago
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Wonderful Adventures of Miss K Have you had your break today Part 1

Welcome to the next installment of my wonderful adventures. I hope you enjoy reading this one as much as I enjoy writing it. I reserve all non-electronic and commercial rights to this work. If it is illegal in your jurisdiction to read this work, please do not read this story. THE WONDERFUL ADVENTURES OF MISS K: HAVE YOU HAD YOUR BREAK TODAY? ? by: Brett Lynn Miss K brushed a strain of hair out of her face as she backed her SUV out of her parking space. For the last time for...

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The Wonderful Adventures of Miss K DEVASTATING AND DOMINATING Part 6

Hello, fans, and welcome to another installment of the adventures of the 'feisty, glamorous, and quick-thinking' Miss K. Well, she is according to my latest review from LadyCyrrh. If you want to read that review, as well as all my other stories, please visit my site. I reserve all commercial and non- electronic rights to this work. Also, if you're not legally allowed to read this work in your legal jurisdiction, please do not read this story. Without further ado, let's get it on....

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Sexual Adventures Part 3

Hi friends, My name is Sagar. I am regularly writing my experiences here. If you are first time reading by story than I suggest you to go to the profile and read the previous stories first. In my last story I have mentioned that how I was fucked very hard in the railway yard. It was my first big cock and he fucked me so hard that I decided to not to do gay sex. One year I remained as straight guy. Being bisexual I can enjoy both gay and straight relations. When I later transferred to Rishikesh...

Gay Male
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Brandis Slutty Adventures Ch 04

Once Todd left I turned and looked in the full length mirror on the closet door. My hair and makeup were a mess, my ponytail had come loose, my hair was damp with sweat and cum and my lipstick and mascara were smudged. I had dried cum on my face and neck. My pussy and thighs were caked with cum. I turned around and saw a line of cum running down the backs of my legs, from my ass to my ankles. My whole body was covered with layer of massage oil, perspiration and cum. I looked like a woman who...

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The Adventures of Ultra Woman and Mega Girl

"If you don't need me for anything else," the blond young man said as he picked up the small pile of folders off his boss's desk. "I'll put these away and take off." "Of course Tim," Jacqueline Kirby smiled. "Enjoy the weekend." As the 22-year-old assistant closed the door behind him, Jacqueline leaned back in her chair and pulled a magazine out from the top drawer of her desk. It was the latest issue of "The Adventures of Ultra Woman and Mega Girl", a book she'd looked forward...

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Ratna The Beginning 8211 Part 2 Exploring The Sex Adventures

Hello Everyone! Greetings of the day. This story is a continuation of my previous sex adventures, ‘Ratna – The Beginning’. For a better experience, please read it. I’d like to pay gratitude to readers who liked it and the ISS editors for publishing it. Coming to the story. It was around 8:30 in the morning when I woke up. As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw Ratna sleeping beside me, stark naked with a comforter covering her upper body. The sunshine falling on her body was making her look so...

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Alices Adventures in Wonderland Part 1

Author's Note: Despite the numerous rip-offs from both "Alice In Wonderland" and other children's stories, this tale is decidedly NOT for children, as it involves adult/sexual situations. So, if you're under the legal age, please stop reading right here. Disclaimer: This story is based on (of course) the Lewis Carroll children's classic, "Alice in Wonderland," however it does include "cameo" appearances from other stories - most notably, "The Wizard of Oz." If you look...

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Reshma Ke Adventures 8211 Part 1

Hey friends ye meri iss par first story hai i hope you guys like it and encourage me to write more stories. Mujhe hindi utni acchi nahi ati par desi sex story ka maza hi alag hai isiliye i try to write in hindi. Mai apne characters ke perspective se stories likhti hu. Reshma ki ye 12th class ki kahani hai jab use pehli baar sex ki knowledge milti hai aur kaise vo aage badhti hai. *reshma with her friends* Rashmi- reshma tu itni sundar hai ab tak koi boyfriend kyu nahi banaya? Reshma- yaar koi...

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Night Adventures With Didi 8211 Part VII

Dear readers thankyou for liking my first story “Night Adventures With Didi” Part I,to VI Ab meri anur Anjali ki shaadi ko teen mahine ho chuke the, for a change we decided to go to South India Banglore, Mysore, Ooty & Kodaikanal for some fun. We booked our return train tickets. Ek din didi ko phone par humne bataya to unhone kaha ki unki family bhi kaafi dinon se ghoomne ke liye kahin nahi gaye hain, agar humko koi problem na ho to unki family bhi hamaare saath chale. Maine turant haan kar di,...

5 years ago
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Night Adventures With Didi 8211 Part VI

Dear readers thankyou for liking my first story “Night Adventures With Didi” Part I,to V Anajali ki shaadi se pahle ki daastan uski jubaani continued: Jaan boojh ke maine saaree ke marketing ka programme weekday ka banaya jab ki Nitin Bhaiya office mein ho. Jab main Nitin Bhaiya ke ghar 11 baje pahunchi to Bhabhi mera wait kar rahi thi. Bhaiya office mein the aur bachee school mein. Main aur Bhabhi ne turant Metro pakad ke Karol Bagh ke nikal pade lekin khareed daari ke baad shaam ko lautne...

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Adventures With Young Married Maid 8211 Part 1

Hello everyone! Myself Abhay, I have been a silent member of this forum since a very long time and it has helped me make many sexual adventures in my life. So I would like to share with you guys one of the adventures with my maid and the things that followed. This is an incident when I was still studying. I had returned home from Mumbai during my 2nd year of college for the Diwali holidays. I am 6’1 tall, decent build man with wheatish complexion. We live in Ahmedabad. I am the only child in my...

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adventures with a familypart 1

If you like arousing stories that have plot and character development too, you don't want to miss it. It takes some time at the start of the story to develop the characters and plot, but the payoff later is a story that's emotionally satisfying as well as very arousing. There's also humor, romance, and deeper themes. The plot naturally appeals to men, but many women and couples have enjoyed it too. This story is about me (sameer)…it takes place in bangalore in an upmarket society wher I...

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Gullivers Planet 4 The Continuing Adventures of a Sex Doll Part 1

Gulliver's Planet 4 The Continuing Adventures of a Cyber Sex Doll Part 1 by [email protected] "Mmmmm," she cooed, all blushing and warm and melty and wanting. "He's entirely fuckable!" He smiled, brought up the price per profit chart and studied it, smiling absent-mindedly. "Yes, Amy, I'm sure he is." She pouted. "You might as well have said, 'Yes, Dear'." He chuckled, wiped the monitor, sipped his tea and thought about checking the nav-chart to see how many days...

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MAU The Adventures of Supergirl and Dawnstrike Part 2

MAU: The Adventures of Supergirl and Dawnstrike By Civilmage Everything in here is fictitious and bears no resemblance to anything living or dead. The MAU universe belongs to Elrod W. Superman, Supergirl and Dawnstar belong to DC comics. Wolverine and Deathstrike belong to Marvel. The story is mine and may only be posted to free websites. Elrod W asked me to include a note about the characters and here?s what he said: I would strongly recommend you get this story out to the...

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Mom Me and Our Adventures with Spunk Part 6 End

A short while later.There was a knock on my bedroom door."Come in," I called as I sat there at my computer desk fiddling with my tie. It was going on late morning and the blinds were closed with my overhead light on. I was suited and booted to go. White shirt. Black pants. Black shoes. I looked good enough for church.The bedroom door opened and in walked my first and only patient. "Mrs. Peterson," I said with a smile, "Please take a seat. How may I help you?"After a little hesitation, Mom...

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Mom Me and Our Adventures with Spunk Part 6 End

A short while later.There was a knock on my bedroom door."Come in," I called as I sat there at my computer desk fiddling with my tie. It was going on late morning and the blinds were closed with my overhead light on. I was suited and booted to go. White shirt. Black pants. Black shoes. I looked good enough for church.The bedroom door opened and in walked my first and only patient. "Mrs. Peterson," I said with a smile, "Please take a seat. How may I help you?"After a little hesitation, Mom...

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Sexual Adventures 8211 Part 2

Hi Friends, This is Sagar here once again with another real experience. I have received some good response so far and I like that people are reading and enjoying it. Earlier I have written about my experience at theatre. As the end was not very good but it was good experience as an adventure. I was in college at that time. Computers are not easily accessible but cyber café was good option. I tried to find cyber café little far but not so far from college. I started going there to see some porn...

Gay Male
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The Wonderful Adventures of Miss K Part 2

Welcome to the next installment of my wonderful adventures. I hope you enjoy reading this one as much as I enjoy writing it. After all, I sure did As always, you can read the previous installment. I reserve all non- electronic and commercial rights to this work. If it is illegal in your jurisdiction to read this work, please do not read this story. THE WONDERFUL ADVENTURES OF MISS K ? Chapter 2 - By Brett Lynn LOVING, INNOCENT & VIRGINAL "Wake up! Wake up!" Miss K...

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Mom Me and Our Adventures with Spunk part 4

"Take that, Mom!" I moaned out loud as the first visceral stream of juice blasted out from my cock and landed in a long icky strand just above her right eye, across the bridge of her nose and over her parted lips before dripping off the end of her chin. More followed with Mom squeaking as I coated her blushing cheeks with more hot fresh jizz until she was covered with frothy gloop. "Henry Peterson!" she gasped as she knelt there with her eyes firmly shut, "What are you doing?!" I was...

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