Going to a Concert
- 4 years ago
- 24
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It was a little over a week after the battle with the Durale that the Command Staffs conferred with Leann's Engineering group. Sarah said, "Leann, how are the cruiser repairs coming along?"
"All the structural repairs are complete."
"That was quick," said Claudette of Sarah's Clan.
"The holes were easy to fix. They were first enlarged so they had nice even edges then a replacement panel was fused into them. Once the area is tempered, it is structurally identical to the rest of the panel. The fragments were a bit more difficult until we found we could pop them off. They caused significant damage to the skin but the weld wasn't solid. The bond was something like a cold solder joint, but with more adhesion, resulting in some surface damage. The weld was strong enough to create stress points, so after removing a fragment, the area was heated until the metal could be returned to its original shape. We opted to strengthen some stress points even though the repair had returned the area to original condition."
"So they are all operational now?"
"Six have been returned to operational status. The two from Dóchas and Phoenix are still being worked on."
"Why is that?"
"We are evaluating the power distribution system and the weapons systems to see if we can resolve the problems with overloading. At this point, the best choice is to rebuild the power distribution system with heavier components. This will improve power efficiency. With this in mind we have started a redesign project."
"Wasn't the plan to add a power unit?"
"Yes, but when we made that decision we weren't aware of the power distribution system's limitations. Based on our findings, it wouldn't come close to handling the additional power and may have had a spectacular failure. Our evaluation of the system with maximum power applied to a single unit, such as the shields, showed us that rebuilding the core distribution system was essential. The current system wasn't structured to allow all the available power to one system. It also makes sense to add a power unit, as that will provide additional thrust as well as power."
"This seems like a major flaw in the cruisers. Is it possible that we have similar flaws in our other ships?"
"We don't think so because the cruiser design is distinctly different to either the Dóchas class ships or the Star Fighters. We suspect the cruisers were designed and built by a different group. Your engagement highlighted several shortcomings in their design."
"Have you had time to look at weapons?"
"Yes. Our energy is currently focused on the power issues but two rail guns will be added to each cruiser before the conference. These are the four rail rapid fire units. The details are still being sorted out but it looks like these will be an addition. The idea that is currently being explored also has two lasers being placed on the hull exterior. The downside is that it makes them more vulnerable and reduces some cruiser operational flexibility in an atmosphere. All of these issues have us thinking about a new cruiser design."
"Anything else?"
"Not that I can think of," replied Leann. "Oh, wait. We are still evaluating the addition of rapid fire Gatling guns. There are several issues with this, ranging from building them to deciding how to mount them. Once we have a solution, we will do a test installation. Is there a firing range on Earth that we can use?"
"We could ask Russia or China. They will probably want to at least observe."
"Yea, from our cruiser." Several of the Command Staff laughed.
"We can do that."
"Leann, please tell your team that they have done a fantastic job," said Keriann. The same thought was echoed by all the Command Staff members.
"I will, but I think that they are all monitoring our discussion. With that, I will be off." Leann slipped out of the link with the Command Staffs.
Siobhan said, "Leann is a really good lead for the Engineering group."
"Any updates on conference planning?"
"Media representatives have all accepted," said Amy. "An Clochán Security Center will be running tests next week to make sure the sensors are working as expected. Some of them are new designs with extended capabilities."
"Has the Intelligence group determined how we missed the incoming Durale Spec Ops attackers?"
"The conclusion is that they drifted in separately, using minimal power and activity. This is similar to submarines when running silent. Their drift parameters were set so that their path would take them to a common region behind the Alliance of World ships. From there they increased their activity sufficiently to form up and attack the Iridien ships. Even with the increase, their activity was still at a very low level. Most of this has been confirmed by the Iridiens from the information they obtained from the prisoners. To address this, several modifications are being made to the Sentinel ring sensors and data analysis procedures. It will improve our odds of detecting similar entries but detection will never be perfect."
"We ought to randomize our reconnaissance flights," said Terry of Sarah's Clan.
"Flight operations have already done that. Actually, we were partially doing it before. Now it is being done a bit more seriously."
"Anything else?" said Sarah. When no one raised another topic, she continued with, "Well it looks like we are caught up. Let's do this again in five days, unless a need causes us to convene sooner."
"Suits us," replied everyone.
Sarah stood with Rusty, Aoife and Tara in the arrival area of An Clochán waiting for the first of guests to arrive for the conference. She could see the other Command Staff representatives waiting next to each of the arrival ports.
It had been a busy three Ó weeks. Repairs and modifications to the cruisers were now complete. The modifications had added additional power, improved power management and enhanced lasers. To make room for the conference, some of the manufacturing equipment had been moved to the freighters. That way An Clochán's common area was still available to the staff. Many of the site's residents had moved to their ships, which reduced the areas of An Clochán that had to be brought out of hibernation. An added benefit of their move was reduced travel time, as the focus of day to day activity was now on the cargo ships. Once the conference was over, they would resume placing An Clochán into hibernation. The rate controlling step for this was the relocation of equipment to the freighters and then setting it up.
Breacadh said over the PA, "Shuttles with the delegations from Ireland, the UK, Argentina and Brazil will arrive in 10 minutes."
It wasn't long before those waiting in the arrival area saw the four ships approach the site and then hover a short distance away. After hovering for a few moments, each shuttle moved to its assigned boarding tube. Once it was on the ground, the boarding tube extended to a shuttle door and latched onto it. As soon as the seal was complete, the pressure was equalized so that the doors could be opened.
Sarah smiled when she saw Prime Minister Thomas enter the arrival area. "It is good to see you again," she said as they shook hands and then hugged. "We hope you enjoyed your trip."
"It was a wonderful trip. Let me say hi to everyone then I will begin introductions." PM Thomas quickly greeted the others in Sarah's Clan and then introduced her delegation. Afterwards she said, "Where are the others?"
"They will be along a bit later. We've decided to have only a part of each Command Staff here at any one time."
"No not really. We are trying to keep our presence low key and let the Alliance of Worlds be the focus. Our alert level is higher than normal as we don't want to put on an unexpected show for our guests."
"Has everyone agreed to come?"
In the background there was a gentle hiss as the pressure in the boarding tubes was released so that they could decouple. Once the tubes had pulled back the shuttles moved over to the parking area. These shuttles would stay at An Clochán until the conference was over. The other shuttles would return to their ships after dropping off their passengers. The delegations would arrive in the same order that they received their invitations, with each group spaced at 15 minute intervals.
Seana of Caoilinn's Clan said, "Prime Minister Thomas, when you are ready I can show you and your delegation to your quarters, and then give your group a tour if you are interested."
Just as she finished speaking Breacadh announced the arrival of the next group.
"Sarah's Clan," said PM Thomas, "it looks like we are holding things up. We will talk later."
"We will look forward to it," replied Sarah's Clan. Everyone shook hands again as the English delegation left with Seana.
As they walked off PM Thomas said, "Seana, we will take you up on the offer of a tour. A few of our group haven't been here before, and I've always found the tours very interesting. Besides, it seems like there is often something new."
"Well, there are definitely some changes since your last visit, as we've started moving equipment up to the freighters."
When Sarah looked around the arrival area, she saw that the first groups of delegates were on their way to their quarters. The afternoon was for them to relax. This gave those who were experiencing a large time change a chance to recover. Everyone was being offered a tour of An Clochán which could be taken at any time.
It was a little over 2 hours later when the last delegation from Earth arrived; they were followed by delegations from the four Alliance of World members.
Commander Egulle said, "You all look quite relaxed."
"Well things have gone very well," replied Siobhan.
"We've only had three issues," added Tara. "The Israeli security detail was carrying firearms. We invited them to the Security Center to discuss it. They were surprised that we knew they were carrying. We explained the problem with their weapons inside the habitat, but acknowledged their concern. To resolve this, we offered to either loan them suitable weapons or exchange their ammunition for some suitable for use inside the habitat. Two chose to exchange ammunition and we loaned weapons to the others."
"So they saw the Security Center?"
"They only saw our surveillance monitors and several of the staff. By the way they were looking around, they were curious."
"I would be too. What about the others?"
"One had a large bag containing several drugs in his luggage. Another had a weapon hidden in his luggage. In both cases, the items were removed. They will be returned when they leave. Nothing has been said to either of them but they will be closely monitored. I wouldn't be surprised if we missed some items."
"What position do those two hold in their delegations?"
"Both are listed as advisers."
"Interesting," said Reyonte who had joined them during the exchange. Commander Timalta and Tuska nodded.
"Are you ready for tonight's reception?"
"Yes. After dinner when you introduce us, each of us will say a few words about our world while Breacadh projects images. We are limiting this to five minutes apiece. Once that is done, we intend to circulate among the delegations. With a couple of you joining us to make formal introductions there shouldn't be any awkwardness due to not having a receiving line. Everyone knows about this, correct?"
"Yes. After we've formally introduced you, we will move into the background. Once you've been introduced to each group, we will circulate among the groups on our own. That should keep the focus on all of you rather than us. We are more than willing to join you in discussions, but think it should only be when appropriate."
"Thank you. We think that will work just fine." The others from AW nodded their heads in agreement.
"What did you have in mind until dinner?"
"Really, nothing."
"In that case, why don't we go relax in the common area? There are refreshments in there and places to sit."
"Sounds good to me," said Tuska from the Monque World. "If tonight is like other receptions I've attended, we will have very little time to relax or sit once it starts. Are your musicians going to play tonight?"
"Yes, after dinner."
"Great. Our people like their music."
At the appointed time the delegates from Earth began entering the conference room and were greeted by Command Staff representatives. Each group was encouraged to help themselves to the food and refreshments.
Serving stations had been set up around the edges of the room and offered an exceptional variety of foods. This included selections from Earth as well as those from the Alliance. Also throughout the room were many small tables where delegates could eat, either standing up or sitting. It was organized in a way that would hopefully encourage attendees to try several offerings and mix.
After all the delegations were present, Command Staff representatives moved to the slightly elevated stage. On seeing them everyone became very quiet. Together they said in unison, "Good evening. We trust you had an enjoyable trip here. In a few minutes we will introduce our guests from the Alliance of Worlds. First we need to talk about safety. You should have had a briefing on this earlier from your escorts, however we feel it is important enough to repeat. Please listen closely as there could be a quiz later." Several of the delegates chuckled. "This habitat is pressurized, with an atmosphere that is very similar to Earth's. If the exterior is breached it has the potential for being a very deadly event for many, and perhaps all. Fire has the same potential. We say this not to scare you, but to get you to think about emergency procedures. These are not like any you've seen on Earth as our primary means of communication during an emergency is telepathy. Since none of you are active telepaths, there will always be at least one Órarduine very near you when you are away from your suite. When you are in your suite, they are in a suite directly across the hall from you. Follow their directions and you will likely survive. If at any time you need assistance ask them. We want you to return to Earth as healthy as you were when you arrived.
"Another aspect of ensuring a safe environment is that every compartment or room contains special sensors. They are tuned to respond to specific sounds, or changes in the suite's environment, that are associated with potential safety issues. Besides loss in pressure, they can be tripped by screaming, engaging in a fist fight, hitting something or making similar sounds. On sensing those sounds, two things will happen; recording begins and a Security team is dispatched. The Security team will enter without knocking. Now before paranoia gets out of hand, let's be clear about the purpose of these sensors. They are there simply to monitor the environment and to ensure it is within set parameters. They do not listen to your conversations until they are tripped. Why do we do this? Safety. The quicker an issue can be addressed the less likely it is that anyone dies. More so than any place you've ever been, the health and well-being of everyone here depends on everyone else. An incident in one compartment can quickly involve many adjacent ones. Any questions?"
"How do we know what you say is true?" asked a delegate.
"You only have our word, but think about the situation, what do we have to gain by not being truthful? If you are uncomfortable with these arrangements, then a shuttle is available to return you to Earth. All you need to do is go to the arrival area where there is a crew waiting. Again, our focus is solely on safety and we believe this is essential to ensure every ones well-being. This was disclosed in the documentation included with the invitation. Any more questions?"
Mr. Bartlet raised a hand. When recognized he said, "I would like to comment on the arrangements. I have been fortunate to visit here several times. On our first trip many of our group were concerned about the sensors and the need for an escort. However, we were able to go anyplace we wanted to, within reason. If our request was declined we were given a reason why, and it always made sense. We were provided with secure communication links to our office and they were never tampered with. On each visit we had the opportunity to chat with many of our hosts. Most were unstructured and all were very enjoyable. As to security, I've always felt at least as secure here as I do at home. A part of this could be that our relationship with the Órarduine is uncomplicated as there aren't any security, trade, political or similar issues. In my opinion their hospitality is the best that I have ever experienced. It is a pleasure to be back here again."
Former President Ryan of the US immediately stood and said, "I will second those comments."
"As will I," said Elaine Shonnesy former President of Ireland.
Not hearing any more comments, the Órarduine continued, "We have a few more details to cover then we will introduce our guests from Alliance of Worlds. Our meals are normally served buffet style, with a variety similar to what you see here this evening. When you arrive in the dining room, please go through the serving line and then select a place to sit. Breakfast is from 0600 to 0800. Lunch is 1100 to 1300. Dinner is 1730 to 1900. Eat as much as you want. Prior to each meal time there are two chimes. One is an hour before and another when it begins. However, food is available in the dining room around the clock.
"Now, we've spoken long enough so it gives us great pleasure to introduce the representatives from the Alliance of Worlds. Commander Egulle is an Iridien and is in Command of their Task Group." Commander Egulle stepped onto the stage with his delegation. When the applause quieted, he introduced the members of the Iridien delegation and gave a brief indication of their duties.
He was followed by Reyonte of the Atewa, Tuska of the Monque, and Timalta of the Dutsuz introducing each of their delegations. Each of them followed Egulle's lead and gave short descriptions of each representative's responsibilities.
When the introductions were complete, the Command Staff group said, "Commander Egulle will now tell us a little about the Iridiens. His presentation will be followed by a similar presentation about each world, in the order introduced. Please hold your questions until you meet them later, or even better, until tomorrow during the conference.
"After the presentations, you will have the opportunity to be introduced to each delegation. Commander."
As Egulle stepped to the front of the stage, four holograms formed at different places around the room. He began with, "This presentation presumes you are familiar with the information shown in the recent interviews with Earth's media. It adds a few more details which are also in the conference briefs. Before I begin, I would like to thank the Órarduine for suggesting and organizing this conference. Since we have been here they have been excellent hosts and we have learned a lot about them. Until we arrived here we did not know of them. The reason for our visit here is the increase in interplanetary travel seen in this system. We use this as an indication of when a world has advanced enough to achieve space travel. The Órarduine are a unique people and a people we are proud to have as special friends. Now, about us." With that Egulle gave an overview of the Iridien World with a brief description of each of its planets, its population, number of species and its economic structure.
He was followed by the Atewa and Monque who gave presentations that were very similar in organization and topics. Each began by thanking the Órarduine for their hospitality and for hosting the conference. They explicitly expressed their appreciation for having the opportunity to meet and learn about the Órarduine as well as the residents of Earth. While none indicated that they had an alliance with the Órarduine, all indicted that they were special friends.
Once the presentations were complete, the Command Staff representatives said, "That completes this evening's presentations. Over the next two days each Alliance World will make several more presentations. These will contain a lot more detail than is in the conference briefs. Over the next two days, you will have other opportunities to meet with them and discuss issues of mutual interest. We ask that you keep that in mind this evening as introductions are made, as there are others wanting to meet and talk to them. Tomorrow's session will begin at 0800 in this room."
The Órarduine were pleased to see the introductions completed in a fairly short time. Once those were done they mixed with the attendees just like everyone else. In doing so they heard a lot of conversational snippets and saw an interesting mix of reactions to the Alliance of World visitors.
Some delegates inquired about what life was like on their home planet. Others were interested in space travel and what other solar systems were like. A few were more interested in gaining assistance in advancing their own technology. Several delegates had obvious difficulty with the alien's appearance. This was apparent by both their actions and the tone of their comments.
As the end of the reception approached, delegations began returning to their suites accompanied by their Órarduine escort.
The Command Staff and Alliance of World representatives gathered together once all the delegates had left to compare notes as they walked to the arrival area. After a few comments Orgaine said, "Tomorrow will be interesting. I think we made the right decision to include examples of civilizations that self-destructed. Unfortunately, I think some delegates will see the information in a negative perspective.
"On another topic, do you have any objections to us continuing the global technology conferences you started on Earth, with the same conditions?"
"We don't," replied the Órarduine. "Actually that would be quite helpful as it would provide another perspective on paths to innovation. As far as we can tell, all of us rely on the same fundamental physical properties of the universe. While many of our solutions or implementations are quite similar, some have significant differences."
"We've noticed," said Marika of the Monque World with a smile.
"Do you think the examples that we are presenting are too much like Earth?" asked Tuska of the Monque World.
"No," replied many of the representatives. "We think you have a good balance between the successes and the failures that you've seen. The aspect we like is that the successes aren't perfect and some failures are horrible. One or two who sorted out their divisive issues had problems similar to those on Earth."
"You must be referring to the Iridiens," said Timalta, a Dutsuz, with a smile. "It's obvious that we still need to work on our issues. I will touch on our recent problems and how we are trying to resolve them."
Orgaine laughed and then responded with, "We still have significant issues in some areas between breeds. Small sores can easily become boils if ignored or picked at."
Egulle said, "Since those presentations aren't until the morning of the second day we still have time to make some adjustments. Remember, our purpose is to show how others solved their problems and what happened when they didn't. The tricky part will be doing it without being seen as lecturing them on their issues."
Everyone nodded indicating their agreement then Laonize added, "If we stick to the facts, we should be okay. Actually, if they ask for specific details, arrangements can be made for some to be provided. However, in some cases we don't have much more information than we are already sharing with them."
"That is a good idea," replied Timalta.
"Sleep well. Morning will be here before we know it," said the Órarduine as they went to the boarding door. "See you all tomorrow."
It was just before 0600 the following day when the day's Command Staff representatives began returning to An Clochán for the conference. As on the previous day when their visitors arrived, only half of each Command Staff came to the conference. Except for two from each clan, it was planned for everyone else to switch half way through the day, and then again during the evening, so that all command staff could personally participate. They thought that always having two from each clan there would give some continuity to their presence.
Even though it had been mentioned the visitors were surprised by the range of foods available at the buffet. No one bothered to tell them that it all came from synthesizers. The Israelis were a bit hesitant until they were given more information on the foods source. Others with dietary restrictions simply avoided items that they thought were on their exclusion list.
An Órarduine and an Alliance representative joined each Earth delegation for breakfast. In many cases it was the Órarduine who initiated the conversation. Once those at the tables realized that the aliens could speak their language, the conversations began in earnest. Sarah smiled as she looked over at Aoife. They were pleased by the sound of multiple conversations taking place around the room.
At 0730, Siobhan tapped a glass and waited for the noise to quiet down before saying, "In 30 minutes our conference will begin in the room where we had the reception last night. At this time I would like to introduce some special guests who are not part of any delegation. As I introduce you would you please stand. Elaine Shonnesy, former President of Ireland. Mr. Bartlet, former Prime Minister of England and his wife. Mr. Ryan, former President of the US and his wife. J. Thompson from England. Egan O'Reilly and his family from Ireland. Eilidh Carroll from Boston. Blaine Jackson and his wife Selena, also from Boston.
"They have all visited us several times. Blaine and Selena's son and daughter have joined us.
"This may not affect any of you, but our calendar is a little different to Earths. Our day, or clock cycle, is exactly 24 hours long. We generally reserve using the word 'day' to when we are referring to time on Earth. Our week consists of ten clock cycles. Our month is 4 weeks long with twelve months in a year. All of this adds up to give our calendar 480 clock cycles in a year. In your suite there are two clocks. One shows the current time and date in your country, and the other is the time and date here. There are similar timepieces in the conference room. With respect to phone calls, you will be immediately informed of any incoming calls. You will be offered a secure location where you can take the call, or you can take it in your suite.
"Please wear your name tags at all times. This helps those you meet know who you are. Unless there are any questions, have a great day."
Blaine stepped up to Maureen and put his arm around her saying, "How are you my beautiful Irish-Órarduine friend?" His touch caused her to jump, so he said, "I didn't mean to surprise you."
"You didn't. I was just focused somewhere else," replied Maureen as she turned to him to give him a tight hug. "It is good to see you. Hello, Selena. Hello, Eilidh." She then gave each of them a hug and a kiss.
"Hey, where is my kiss?" asked Blaine smiling.
"Right here." Maureen gave him a kiss. "Your children will be pleased that you came. They are doing real well."
"Great. Would it be a problem if we stayed a few days longer?"
"Not at all. Stay as long as you can. Besides, the three of you should know that you are welcome here any time. You really do have an open invitation to visit us any time, and to stay for as long as you can."
"Well, just relaxing while everyone is working gets kind of boring after a while," responded Eilidh.
"Ah, so you want a working vacation," replied Maureen with a big smile. "That can be easily arranged, although I should warn you that some people have found working with us addictive."
"We would be willing to take that chance," said Selena with Eilidh nodding in agreement.
"Several of your special guests indicated to us last night that they were thinking about extending their visit."
"All they need to do is let us know. If they want to work, we can find something interesting to keep them busy."
"I'll mention that we are staying if the opportunity arises."
"Fine. See you in the conference room." Maureen smiled as she watched the three visitors walking off holding hands.
Siobhan, Maureen and Sarah started the conference off by introducing Commander Egulle. Commander Egulle's presentation focused on the Alliance of Worlds organization, who the members were, where the member worlds were in relationship to Sol and each other and while noting how the Alliance of Worlds started, he deferred the detail to later presentations. He showed that a key gain from the Alliance was the increased security it provided, along with dependable trading partners. He pointed out that even the largest AW member on its own would be hard pressed to defend itself against some of the universe's marauders. "To summarize we have 11 worlds in the Alliance and only five consist of more than 1 planet. There are four worlds represented in our fleet, which are Atewa, Dutsuz, Iridien and Monque. The six single planet worlds are that way for two significant reasons. First, they are just becoming space travelers, and second, there aren't any stars near them with planets with a suitable biosphere. It will be interesting to see what their future holds.
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xmoviesforyouSusy Gala hasn’t had her pussy licked or fucked in more than a week, so she decides to visit her bisexual friend and erotic masseuse, Julia De Lucia. After having Susy take off her clothes and put on a towel, Julia begins the massage. First, she rubs Susy’s back, then her legs, and then her feet. Once Susy is totally relaxed, Julia removes the towel and starts sensually caressing her ass, tits, and pussy. About halfway through the massage, when Susy is thoroughly oiled up and her pussy is...
xmoviesforyouAs fall drew ever and ever closer, Clipper began to plan an epic hunt. He wanted at least one more deer for the winter, mostly for jerky for dog food. He’d take whatever he could get. He knew Dylan would be able to bag squirrels and rabbits, but it would set his mind at ease to have a large supply of jerky just in case. Dylan was eager, never having hunted on that scale before. Girl was ho-hum, but she wasn’t going to let herself be left behind. One crisp cool morning they set out, having...
McGrew's last action nicked Jesse's humerus bone in his left arm. The bullet from McGrew's reflexive shot entered Jesse's arm midway between the elbow and shoulder. While the blast didn't shatter the bone, the glancing shot did cause quite a bit of damage. I was at Jesse's side in an instant. I quickly tore his shirtsleeve lengthwise up to the bullet hole. He was bleeding profusely right now, so I had Juan's boy run to get me a stick about a foot long. He thought for just a moment and...
Hello all.. Again back with mu new experience at Pune,Kharadi with my maid. From my last experience of hyderabad I got this experience with my maid .. After my engineering at hyderabad I came to Pune for job now also living here in kharadi.. From last year I am staying here away from home and I am a bit lazy about domestic work like cleaning and wiping my flat as I live alone here… My company has provided me with 1 bhk here so it is hard to maintain.. My house owner had a maid for our...
It was my fantasy, but I was glad to have my fiancé Tina there with me. She snuggled her body with its curves and round hips and breasts up against me and I inhaled the scent of her hair. She nibbled on my collar bone as I felt her hands mover down between my legs. My rigid cock filled her hands and she slid them over and over again across the sensitive velvety tight bulge of my cock head and I groaned. She looked up at me and smiled. It was a wicked smile, full of intent!“You agreed to...
I love fucking Paul. I was eighteen the first time he pushed his monster cock deep in my cunt. I was laying naked on his bed with my legs spread wide. He had one hand rubbing my nipples on my double D tits as his other hand fingered my clit and my fuck hole. Then he said to me. "Are you ready for a nice big cock to fuck that tight cunt?" I nodded and he then said "ask me for it." I said "Please fuck me. " He then said "Tell me where you want my cock." I replied "Please fuck my wet throbbing...
Olivia pulled off his scratchy wool tunic. It had covered him to just below his cute girly ass. It was uncomfortable to wear, made by Orcs. Yet for some reason it turned him on. His tiny sissy bump was now revealed to the world. It was erect, yet not quite two inches long. He slipped into the cool river water. In a natural pool where the water moved slowly. Lara grinned at him from where he waited. A ginger Elf, who had become a sissy. Much like the young human. His penis was a bit bigger....
Times had been tough since the family breakup and my mother did what she had to do to make ends meet. She spoke of how some of her dates were "professional" and since it was evident that she liked sex and needed money, then so what? At least she was discreet. Early in life, she had been a runaway and a prostitute, so prostitution was by no means a new thing. Then, she married a smooth-talker who, like so many men, was a philanderer but, unlike many, not a good enough one to get away with it....
I had been visiting the nursing home ever since Dad was moved into it from his marital home, and it's been tragic watching a strong and vibrant personality, with a terrific sense of humour, slowly fade away in front of my eyes. In a twisted sort of a way, it reminded me of my own marriage and widowhood. You see my husband had died of cancer. Prostate cancer.They reckon all men will get it if they live long enough, but he hadn't. He was only fifty-six when he died. I nursed him at home for the...
Love StoriesYoung beautiful blonde Ukrainian Naomi Swann, face covered with cum after having had sex with two cocks, backstages shows us her beautiful cheerleader body, nice little tits, and a tender and innocent smile, and tell us about her sexual preferences and dreams before starting slavery and submission section as she likes. Starting with a hanging and clapping on her buttocks and face to warm her up, she is willing to submissively fulfill her master’s wishes, making her suck his dick,...
xmoviesforyouIt was during this interregnum after I had assumed the title that I turned my attention to Edward. Edward appeared older than I even though the years were reversed in truth. He thought of me as a younger brother, though he never did presume upon that relation and in fact had never given even hint of it to me. I appreciated his discretion. I determined to put such plans as I had decided upon into effect. I invited Edward for dinner one afternoon. Elizabeth was there as well. Over dessert, I...
Title: Greener grass Synopsis: A single young man who thinks he's living a dead-end life gets to experience just how different things can be one Friday night after he body swaps with a well off yet repressed college girl. Part one. I opened the door to my apartment, tutting a little at the worn scratches on the door handle but otherwise happy to continue humming a little out of tune as I stepped inside. The apartment wasn't big by any means, but it was in an old yet still nice...
The reunion was just as passion driven and all consuming as Colby had suspected it would be, after six weeks apart and within ten minutes of stepping into her apartment, Justin had her new dress cast onto the floor in a pink heap while she was stretched out in a recliner, her long legs dangled over each arm as Justin buried his face in her cunt. He went to work in an instant, licking…kissing…sucking…he ate at her with such intense vigor he soon had her lost in a sensual haze that felt heaven...
THE RETURN OF MY WIFE. This is a true story about my wife and me. We have been married for twenty years and our lives are good and happy in those days. However, the last three years thing had changed. She had become very aggressive cool and avoiding me. She refused to have sex with me each time I approached her. She even slept alone in another room. My life was very miserable and hopeless all these years. I love my wife very much and I do not like to use force with her. I just hope one day she...
Jack Bender finished off with the red-headed, red bushed Linda at Sandy Cliff and started out in search of lovely Dawn, his ride home. He crossed the Sandy Cliff grounds and ran smack into Dawn's farewell to the tall blond she'd so wanted to fuck. Once they'd said goodbye, Jack took Dawn bye the arm and said: "Let's get our clothes and get out of here. Believe it or not I'm supposed to meet my wife in twenty minutes. Dawn smiled her deep and mysterious smile and followed jack into the...
For a special girl in my life. Sorry if the quality is kind of bad, this was written from my phone. ***** It was in a furious haze that I kept my bloodied knuckles under the running water. The altercation which left me in this situation had caused a lot of mental and emotional distress. I had been walking back to my apartment, fumbling with the keys in my hand, when my neighbor, a gorgeous girl I’d been harboring a crush for since she moved in, flew from her front door to the opposite wall...
With our fingers intertwined, we lay facing each other, sharing tender kisses as we gazed into each other's eyes. "I guess I didn't misunderstand your feelings about me," she said. "Not in the least," I said, knowing this was what I'd really wanted for a long time but couldn't allow myself to accept it. "It's all I've thought about ever since I first saw you naked, reaching for the sun like that. I fantasized about how you would feel next to me. When we were masturbating together, I climaxed to...
Paul awoke with a gasp, his senses alive. The sounds of the city came at him in a thunderous rush of racket. Cars driving by, the train in the distance was loud and clear to him. What was more his body felt hot, almost feverish. Like a living furnace he gave off heat that spread across the room, and then he felt him. Images flashed to him as cats and dogs in the city they noticed him for the first time, and it was not as a man. Thousands of little voices spoke to one another. Some fought for...
Keal Atonuff was a retired Army medic. He spent the last 9 years working with Special Forces Operations as a member of the support teams. This allowed him to be around all the training but kept him from having to go on actual missions. Keal retired after more than 20 years in the military. Bought a ranch and became a kind of recluse. He lived just outside a small town called Rockville, some where in the middle of the Rocky Mountains. The planet passes through a strange meteor field that...
Introduction: Eddie Spedman thought he was living the American Dream, owned his own business and married to his highschool sweetheart with two wonderful kids. Until a freak event made him realize that he was living the American Nightmare. However that freak event also gave him something he didnt believe in, Sex Slaves This isnt my story, however I enjoyed it so much I wanted to share it. It has 24 chapters and you can find it on storiesonline. If you dont like any of the themes, you dont have...
February, 13th, 1990 Winnipeg, Manitoba: Jennifer MacDougal screamed and screamed as her vagina stretched and stretched wider than any cock had made it. Sweat and tears streamed down her face. She hated having the tears. She was a dominatrix, she DID NOT show any signs of weakness. She wasn’t a dominatrix anymore being only 23. She had stopped being a bachelorette slut. Though she had wanted to have a c***d for the past two years and she was not going to let her own selfishness get in the way....
Mera naam Amjad Aala hai…aur mein Nawabshah-Pakistan ka rehne wala hoon…parhne ke liye mujhey mere parents ne Karachi ke aik college mein daal dia tha….aur mein idher hostel mein rehta tha….mere gher walley tau bahut door rahtey thay…..mein iss waqt first year inter science mein parhta hoon…..meri age isswaqat 18 saal hai….. Mein 5’8″ lamba….dubla patla larka hoon….meri class walle muhe “chikna” keh ker chairte bhi hain….Ek din mein humare kooch doosto ke saat unke gher birthday party per gaya...
Smart hose My mom says it's a good idea sometimes to write down stuff, even if nobody else sees it. She says it's a great way to get your thoughts organized, and boy do I need to do that, so here it goes. My life just got turned upside down, and I'm still processing. But I should begin at the beginning, as my English teacher says. My name is James Michael, I'm twelve, and I live in Sherwood Park, a small town just outside of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Several years ago, I...
I looked at the kitchen clock as I finished cooking dinner. ‘Seven pm.’ I said in a mutter, ‘Kevin should be on his way home’ Kevin and I have been married for five years. Its no secret that we met on a website for erotic stories. It took three days of talking online and texting, before we both realized that we were in love. I have to admit, when I found out that Kevin was in the Army, my heart skipped a few beats. The first time I saw my soldier in ACU’s my pussy oozed my juices. He had a way...
_________________________ Fulfilling Jesse’s Fantasy My wife Jesse is a complete knockout. She's 5'9, with blond hair and blue eyes. She has a great physique that she maintains by jogging and yoga. Even though she's 34 years old, her d-cup breasts don’t sag- it’s as if she was still eighteen. Her butt is firm, with no apparent cellulite. Guys say I'm a lucky man to have her, but the truth is that our lovemaking was now routine, bordering on boring. It happened once a week on the...
When Cindy saw Prince, she knew she would gladly babysit for the Turners. She smiled sweetly for Mrs. Turner while Mr. Turner's eyes secretly ran all over her young body, sexy now in a tight little T-shirt and a brief miniskirt. The Turners had heard from the Jensons that Cindy was a very reliable babysitter. She never let boys into the house. "So, you'll watch Annie and Kitty until we get home?" Mrs. Turner said. "Oh, yes," Cindy said with a big smile. "I'd be glad to." "We'll...
After my little chat with Brewer (see Bending Brewers' mind) a few weeks past. It was a critical time, one in which he could take a real hiding or he could start down the road of committed cuckold. You can bet, I wondered what happened to him! Then my mistress updated me, it was whilst I was manicuring her toe nails. MY Mistress sent me on a two day course, to learn proper pedicure, so so she trusted me to look after her feet, to paint her nails, bright red in the way that my master Wesley...
Cuckolddrunk and horny i walk in my room holding the box , my soon to be first ever cock like thing going in me, i was anticipating it for the whole delivery process, the nice black realistic cock daddy choose mei turn on the cam and daddy Mike was waiting in his bed, legs spread his laptop between . showing his white tight boxer and the half hard bbc i start to fantasize about way too much, daddy wanted me to have a toy so i could try''hello my sexy white boi''''hi daddy''''you didnt open it without...
"Are you sure you don't want to go?" Holland asked, already knowing the response that would be coming. "No, thanks," Miriam replied before handing him his wallet and earphone. "Why don't you like these things?" "Because unlike some people, I don't need the constant validation of others," she said with a slight taunting tone in her voice. "I have an allergic reaction to people sticking their heads up my ass ... Besides, I think I'm going to take a couple of days off while you...
It's the school holidays and I receive a text from a number " Looking for work Mr Chapman can you help"Sitting in my office I reply "Who are you?" My phone beeps " Cherie "Cherie ! I remember her, my son's ex girlfriend ,staying at my house six months ago. On my way to bed I found her masturbating and had taken advantage of the situation, fucking her that night and in the morning.My phone beeps again. I open the message to find Cherie's beautiful face with a big cock in her mouth. "ITS SO...
I rose from the bed knowing we were alone, his Father had an early flight. As I soaked in the tub my thoughts were of Michael, my son and lover as well. The last few days have been rather idle but today has just begun. I began to wonder what my Son must be thinking. He's aware his father is already gone and his thoughts must be enticing. Over the last few days his Father was home our secret was again, well hidden. My suitable attire didn't alter his thoughts, his memory served him...
Tom looked out on to the terrace of his condominium and saw Carla and her mother enjoying the morning light. He looked over in to the kitchen and saw that they had made coffee and that one of them had gone out and bought fresh chocolate croissants. He knew that he likely should watch his weight, but those two hellions would help him work off the calories. He got up and threw on his robe, grabbed coffee and pasty and went to join the pair of women. ‘Don’t you two ever sleep?’ He mock-complained...
Maria wasn’t at school, but I doubted if Lucy could resist telling her I was now pregnant. I tried phoning her at break time but I didn’t get an answer. Anyway when I got home after school mum would be home. I guess that was more than enough to be going on with. Martin walked me home after school. ‘Can I come in with you?’ ‘No, I don’t think mum would cope with that very well.’ He shrugged his shoulders and handed me my school bag. Mum looked at me for a few seconds as I just stood in the...
Total seduction. That’s what the ad said. This was an uncharacteristic adventure for him, but then anything would have been out of the ordinary. He played it very clean and straight, never wanted to get in trouble, and he’d never thought about actually going to a place like this. Was this even true? Did the subtle wording in what he was reading mean what he thought it meant? Only one way to find out. With the appointment made, he found himself in a clean waiting room all by himself and a young...
Readers don’t be astonished with the title of the narrative of the story. You may think this is the story of how wife of a person was born through surrogacy. No it is different and you will come to know it soon. Read …. In fact the story is entirely a fact. I got married when I was only twenty and my wife was eighteen years. We tried to have an early issue but even after five years of attempt my wife did not conceive. That made us worry as to whether we can really get our children or not. I...
IncestHome Alone 9 By Susan Brown Kindly edited by Angel O'Hare I woke up suddenly. I was curled up in a ball and was shaking slightly. I didn't know where I was for a moment and then I remembered. I shot up off the floor and ran into the corner, looking wildly around me for the rat. The room had a few bits of junk in it, but no sign of the rat anywhere. I rubbed my leg and suddenly felt a pain. I looked at where I had rubbed and noticed bite marks and traces of blood on my...
$400 for three days work, and a chance of more,when I was so broke I was bumming smokes, I would do anything for that. I was sitting in the passenger seat of a Mercedes, my skirt up round my waist, rubbing my pussy gently with an order not to climax, going to spend three days at where I didnt know, with a guy I only knew as Johnathon, but who gave a damn , there was a pandemic on, fucking Corona Virus 19, and as a street walking hooker I was starving to fucking death. I had only pulled my...
Normal 0 Chapter 1 “Coming To Korea” Eggy rolled up her sleeves and pants as she waited for host to meet her; the train was hot and crowded. The sweat rolled off her cheeks and down to her neckline. She was disappointed that she wouldn’t look graceful to her host, she had seen his picture many times and he always looked pale even in summer. She held her suitcase tightly and swayed with the carriage. Korean summer wasn’t like Eggy’s Australian summer, it was hot...
InterracialBy the time I went home, changed clothes, and drove to the job site, I was two hours late and the foreman wasn’t happy. He yelled for at least five minutes, repeatedly threatening to fire me, before telling me to get my ass to work. While he yelled, my mind drifted, recalling the sight of Riley’s perfect nude body on the bed beckoning me. I tried to hide my smile from him as I started up the ladder to the second floor. Despite the lack of sleep, mad dash to the job site, and the foreman’s...
AnalI´m going to tell you about when I visited a slave women I know.This story is true so maybe somebody would like it to be something different or more hardcore but I decided to not change anything.We talked a little bit about what was going to happen but decided not to decide everything before, so it wouldn´t be boring.Helene was a bit older than me or 39. She wasn’t thin like a supermodel but she had a good looking body and long blonde hair and she took good care of herself and was shaved in...
Jeff held the door open to the building in front of Ship, then followed Ada and Charlotte through. As soon as the door closed and they had walked a few feet, they were in snow again. “Every time I see this ... building it just seems weird,” Ada said as she unconsciously took Jeff’s hand while trying to look behind her. “It looks so real from the outside. I mean, you actually held the door open for us, but when I look back, there’s just open snow, the Escalade sitting there, the parking lot...
As a typical 20 year old guy your extraordinarily horny. Armed with about an 8 inch long cock you masturbate just about every day and sometimes twice. You live at home with your 40 year old mom, 18 year old niece, and 19 year old nephew. Your niece, Sarah, is a little bit of a thing with C tits, brown hair/eyes, an unshaven bush of brown pubic hair to match & the tightest virgin pussy imaginable. She has noticed boys for quite some time but has only teased them by wearing revealing clothing &...
IncestJeffrey looked himself over. He realized how lucky he was. The bayonet that rebel had thrust at him only gave him a deep scratch, not an opened wound. The wound was ugly looking but the doctor said there wasn’t much chance of infection. Though it bled quite a bit, he simply cleaned it and put a clean wrapping on it. He told Jeffrey to keep it clean and wear a fresh shirt. Not much advice under these conditions. Jeffrey had already removed the dressing and decided to keep it off. As he...
Last summer my wife had to go overseas and I was to follow her a week later for a vacation. The day before my flight I stayed at an airport hotel as my flight was leaving very early. My sister-in-law decided to join us on our trip and so my wife asked if me if she could stay with me at the hotel and fly with me the next day. Of course my wife joked with me a bit: “Is she going to stay in the same hotel room? You’re not going to do anything naughty?” “Of course not!” was my answer. In fact, I...
TabooMy New Life, a story by Dee Ramone © D. Ramone 2018 My New Life is an erotic novel by D. Ramone featuring themes of chastity and cross-dressing and descriptions of sexually explicit acts which those of a sensitive nature may find not to their tastes. It is not suitable for such readers nor for anyone considered a minor by the authorities in their country of residence. My New Life is entirely a work from Dee Ramone and any similarities to places or people, either living or...
My father was one of those people who believed that if you were less than 15 minutes early, you were late. After a shower, getting dressed, and a light breakfast, we were on our way. We pulled into a client’s parking space about 25 minutes till 12:00. All the way my mother and father worked on my self confidence, making sure I was ready for this meeting. I am usually confident in myself, so I just buried my fear deep down as we walked in like I owned the ground I walked on. My mom whispered...
I couldn’t believe my eyes. I live in a small town, that’s true, but never would I have imagined that dr. White was a member of the same gym I regularly went to. He must have just joined, I thought as a reason for not having met him before, or perhaps he had recently changed his visiting hours. Whatever the reason, he had just entered the locker room, having apparently finished his session. Perspiration coated his body, his skin glowing on the shoulders, arms and upper legs. His blond hair...