Lauryn Tras La Pista free porn video

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Kate y sus amigas hab?an llegado a la peque?a mansi?n poco antes del medio d?a.  Su padre le hab?a dejado la casa para una peque?a fiesta de fin de semana. Kate llevaba pidi?ndolo meses. Hab?a esgrimido toda clase de argumentos para lograrlo. Un merecido descanso, aprovechar con sus amigas para alejarse de la universidad, la recompensa por tanto tiempo de dedicaci?n a los estudios. Al final, en el ?ltimo momento, su padre hab?a cambiado de opini?n. Kate cre?a que al principio hab?a estado intentando evitar la mala imagen de cara al p?blico. Albert, su padre, se presentaba a la alcald?a de la ciudad. Toda la familia deb?a dar muestras de compromiso y austeridad. No importaba, hab?a acabado cediendo.

En realidad, la joven pod?a entender los motivos de su padre. Era rubia natural, al igual que su hermana y su madre, con melena por debajo de los hombros . Ten?a los ojos entre azules y verdes, p?caros a la vez que risue?os. Labios carnosos, un lunar por encima del superior, completaban un rostro casi angelical. Sus medidas tambi?n eran de infarto. No ten?a la t?pica figura de quien se desvive por cuidarse. Nada m?s lejos. En su caso era natural. Las piernas y las caderas, sin ser su mayor atractivo, luc?an casi como las de una modelo, un poco menos escu?lidas. Sobretodo destacaban los pechos. J?venes, grandes, y firmes. El tama?o justo para destacar sin resultar vulgares.

Desde luego era una preciosidad. La prensa la hab?a seguido desde los inicios de Albert en pol?tica. No hab?an encontrado ning?n esc?ndalo c?mo tal vez pod?a esperarse de una joven de belleza tan explosiva, Kate no daba motivos. Le gustaba una buena fiesta tanto como a cualquiera, pero salvo alguna peque?a borrachera, siempre hab?a sido una buena chica, discreta en cuanto a su vida sexual? que tampoco era tan activa. Tan solo se hab?a acostado con su ex novio, pero este la hab?a dejado unos meses atr?s, cuando empez? el acoso de la prensa.

Para Kate esta era la ocasi?n ideal, el momento de dejar atr?s el trasiego del d?a a d?a. Disfrutar de la playa privada, sin periodistas carro?eros cerca, pasar el tiempo con sus amigas, montar una fiesta en condiciones tras un par de noches, y tal vez invitar a unos chicos. No hab?a ido all? pensando en conseguir un ligue o en dejarse seducir, pero tampoco se cerraba esa posibilidad.

Le result? f?cil convencer a sus amigas de toda la vida. Todas quer?an unos cuantos d?as de independencia y diversi?n. Tambi?n se parec?an en algo m?s, todas ven?an de buena familia, incluso del mismo barrio.

Alexandra, a la que todos llamaban Alex, era casi como su hermana. Llevaban toda la vida juntas. Ten?a el pelo casta?o claro, siempre recogido en una cola, y los ojos grandes y grises. Su rostro tambi?n era bastante jovial, aunque ten?a un aire m?s inocente que las dem?s, tal vez por ser la ?nica virgen del grupo. Aunque era un poco m?s bajita que Kate, ten?a los pechos casi igual de grandes. Su piel era tal vez demasiado p?lida, eso s?, sin afearla un ?pice. Con respecto a su amiga, Alex sal?a ganando en el trasero. Siempre hab?a tenido montones de pretendientes. Siempre los hab?a rechazado. Ning?n novio le duraba mucho tiempo. Ten?a la firme convicci?n de llegar virgen al matrimonio. Algo as? echaba para atr?s a la mayor?a.

Jaimie era la que menos llenaba el sujetador, tambi?n la m?s alta. Sus facciones pod?an ser algo m?s duras que las de sus amigas, pero resultaba igual de atractiva. Ten?a ese aire de mujer inalcanzable y elegante, a pesar de su corta edad.  La melena, negra como el ?bano, llegaba a mitad de la espalda. Tend?a a rizarse un poco y Jaimie ya no luchaba contra ello ni intentaba alisarlo. Hab?a descubierto que encantaba a los hombres. Gran ventaja para una chica presumida como ella. Sus ojos, generalmente m?s serios e incluso un poco arrogantes, eran del color de la miel. Sus pechos eran m?s peque?os, aunque tampoco estaba plana, al contrario, su figura resultaba bien proporcionada, estilizada, elegante. C?mo Kate, no era virgen, pero su car?cter exigente le imped?a tener una pareja estable y ella se ve?a por encima del sexo espor?dico. Ten?a un gran concepto de s? misma. Quien quisiera disfrutar de sus encantos deb?a gan?rselo a pulso.

Ya atardec?a mientras las tres disfrutaban de una tarde tranquila junto a la piscina. Al d?a siguiente bajar?an a la playa a tomar del sol antes de comenzar los preparativos de la gran fiesta. Antes, solo quer?an pasar un tiempo solas. La universidad ya no les dejaba tanto tiempo para hablar c?mo antes.

Kate estaba sentada al borde de la piscina con las piernas dentro del agua. Llevaba la parte de debajo de un bikini verde. A parte de eso solo vest?a con una camiseta blanca que marcaba sus deliciosos pechos a la perfecci?n.

Jaimie jugueteaba con su m?vil mientras permanec?a recostada sobre una tumbona a pocos pasos del jacuzzi. Ninguna de las tres entend?a por qu? el jacuzzi no estaba a nivel de suelo, c?mo la piscina. Tal vez lo hab?an a?adido despu?s. La joven vest?a un sensual bikini morado, y tambi?n llevaba una camisa negra, ahora abierta, preparada para cuando comenzase a refrescar.

Alex se hab?a tumbado directamente sobre el c?sped, boca abajo. Llevaba unos shorts vaqueros y una camiseta negra, sin mangas, tambi?n ajustada.

Las tres hablaban sobre cosas intrascendentes. Los nuevos moscones a los que Jaimie hab?a rechazado, los progresos de Alex en la carrera de medicina, o lo atareado de la agenda de Kate desde que su vida hab?a pasado a formar parte de la campa?a de su padre.

Ninguna de las tres esperaba lo que iba a ocurrirles.


Lauryn era una periodista de ?xito. A pesar de su corta edad, se hab?a ganado el respeto de sus compa?eros por sus arriesgados reportajes. A ella no le interesaba quien se acostaba con quien, ni los desvar?os del famoso de turno. No, ella era periodista de investigaci?n. Hab?a destapado varios esc?ndalos. Corrupci?n, desfalco, estafas a gran escala. Todo peri?dico serio se peleaba por tenerla. Ella los ignoraba, prefer?a el trabajo de freelance.

Al principio no hab?a sido f?cil. El resto del gremio la consideraba una cara bonita que, sin duda, hab?a avanzado en la vida a base de mamadas. Hab?an tardado en darse cuenta, pero se equivocaban. S?, era cierto que Lauryn pose?a gran belleza. Ten?a el pelo negro, dej?ndolo caer en una corta melena hasta los hombros. Su figura era envidiable, la de una bailarina, no en vano hab?a dedicado varios a?os, incluso durante la universidad, al baile. Casi se hab?a convertido en profesional? pero decidi? seguir en el periodismo. Tal vez los pechos no eran demasiado grandes, algo m?s peque?os de la media. El culo compensaba con creces. Sin embargo todo palidec?a en comparaci?n a sus ojos. No era el color, marr?n oscuro, nada fuera de lo normal. Era el tama?o. Ten?a unos ojos grandes, expresivos, seductores y tiernos, c?lidos. Muchos pod?an pasar horas mir?ndolos. Todo su rostro era simplemente hermoso, con una sonrisa preciosa, facciones dulces, delicadas? pero sin duda los ojos hac?an que muchas veces la gente olvidase fijarse en lo dem?s.

Respecto a esos primeros rumores, totalmente infundados. No era ninguna mojigata, disfrutaba del sexo como cualquier persona, pero no era una herramienta para ella. Era incluso un tanto pudorosa y tradicional, falta de ganas de experimentar. Desde luego distaba mucho de ser la puta que algunos afirmaron cuando a?n no se hab?a labrado un nombre. Tal vez muchos simplemente quer?an acostarse con ella y acababan decepcionados al no conseguirlo.

Lauryn estaba en el dep?sito, releyendo el informe de las autopsias y a la vez el informe policial. Ambos eran clasificados, pero ella sab?a qu? teclas tocar para conseguirlos. Miraba fotos, bastante asqueada. Le?a y le?a. Aquello no ten?a sentido. Kate Lacroix, hija de Albert Lacroix, uno de los m?s firmes candidatos a la alcald?a, hab?a aparecido muerta en la casa de campo familiar. Junto a ella sus dos amigas de toda la vida. Los cuerpos castigados, ultrajados, con abundantes restos de semen, sobretodo el de la joven Lacroix. El forense hablaba casi de tortura para las tres chicas. Por supuesto, siendo las tres ni?as ricas, una de ellas hija del posible nuevo alcalde, la polic?a hab?a comenzado a investigar r?pido. El propio comisario, amigo personal de la familia, llevaba las riendas del caso. Su informe hablaba de un grupo de ladrones. All? empezaba a perder sentido todo.

Lauryn sab?a que hab?a grupos c?mo esos dedic?ndose a robar en casas de lujo, sobretodo en fincas aisladas como esa. Algunas bandas utilizaban niveles alarmantes de violencia, pero no mataban a sus v?ctimas. No hab?a motivos. De hecho, en la zona se hab?an denunciado varios robos pero ninguna violaci?n en las v?ctimas. La versi?n oficial es que de alg?n modo las chicas hab?an identificado a los asaltantes y estos las hab?an matado. Eso podr?a parecer profesional. Un gesto tan profesional contrastaba con dejar los cuerpos llenos de semen.

Su instinto de periodista se hab?a disparado. No era por ver un informe descuidado, no era el primero ni cre?a que fuese el ?ltimo. Lo que le chocaba era que estuviese firmado por el mism?simo comisario, sin admitir pegas ni correcciones.

Aunque detestaba este tipo de cr?menes, decidi? investigarlo. Se ol?a algo interesante. Por desgracia necesitaba un poco m?s de informaci?n para ir empezando. En seguida llam? a su amiga Rebecca. Era polic?a, detective de homicidios. No pertenec?a a la misma comisar?a, pero podr?a ayudar. Lo malo ser?a deberle otro favor. El d?a que decidiese cobr?rselos?

Rebecca estaba tumbada de espaldas sobre la cama, desnuda. La detective era una de esas mujeres hermosas sin propon?rselo. Era rubia, de pelo corto aunque con peinado femenino. Sus ojos azules resaltaban en una cara hermosa y redondeada. En aquel instante los manten?a entrecerrados mientras se mord?a el labio inferior y agitaba la cabeza de un lado a otro, llegando a morder la almohada, con el rostro torcido de placer, gimiendo despreocupadamente.

Arqueaba la espalda agitando as? a?n m?s su glorioso par de tetas. Algunos compa?eros bromeaban diciendo que si se cansaba de la polic?a, pod?a trabajar c?mo modelo de lencer?a. No les faltaba raz?n, sus pechos eran casi perfectos, y muy sensitivos como demostraba la mano de su amante mientras jugueteaba con el pez?n izquierdo. Sus piernas, bonitas y musculosas, se encontraban entrelazadas sobre los hombros de un tipo grande y pelirrojo. Este se afanaba en utilizar la lengua con maestr?a, causando orgasmo tras orgasmo.

Rebecca ya no sab?a c?mo retorcerse. Su novio, o m?s bien prometido desde esa misma noche, siempre hab?a sido h?bil con el sexo oral. Una cualidad que Rebecca ve?a escasear entre los hombres ?ltimamente. Ted era distinto, sab?a complacerla y lo estaba demostrando. Ella hab?a tratado de contenerse, de aguantar un rato m?s. No le gustaba parecer demasiado poco exigente. Ya no pod?a m?s. Simplemente se abandon? a la lujuria mientras se agitaba m?s a?n, moviendo las caderas para incrementar a?n m?s el placer. No estaba segura de si era amor o solo sexo, pero era un sexo por el que merec?a la pena arriesgarse.

Tras el ?ltimo y demoledor orgasmo, uno casi capaz de hacerla perder el sentido, comenz? a sonar el tel?fono. Rebecca dud? en cogerlo. No lo habr?a hecho si la melod?a no hubiese interrumpido la labor de Ted.

-Sigue - intent? empujar la cabeza entre las piernas otra vez. - Ya llamar?n otra vez.

Ted sonr?o con malicia y le acerc? el tel?fono a la preciosidad rubia que se derret?a en oleadas de lujuria y deseo. Rebecca lo cogi? entre decepcionada y frustrada. Vio el nombre de Lauryn antes de descolgar.

-M?s vale que sea importante, zorra, o te voy a patear el culo. S?, s? interrumpes algo. ?Si era importante?, pues s?, ten?a la lengua de Ted en ?l? oye, t? has preguntado, y me has interrumpido. - Se notaba que estaba de mal humor. Solo era tan grosera cuando estaba de mal humor.

-De acuerdo, te escucho, pero esta vez me la debes bien grande. ?Qu??, esa ni siquiera es mi comisar?a? vale, vale, es verdad, aciertas a menudo. Har? unas preguntas, pero no prometo nada, ?vale?

Colg? a tiempo para ver a Ted buscando su ropa. La vida de un bombero tampoco era f?cil? pero no estaba dispuesta a dejarle ir as?.

-Eh, grandull?n - dijo con voz lasciva - no quiero que te vayas as?.

Se levant?, a?n desnuda, y camin? despacio hacia su prometido. Le acarici? el pecho con la punta de los dedos, suavemente. Necesit? ponerse de puntillas para darle un beso tierno y apasionado, saboreando sus propios jugos vaginales.

-Creo que te debo un favor, solo por ser justos.

Se arrodill? poco a poco mientras comenzaba a masturbar el pene del grandull?n. Mientras este alcanzaba la erecci?n, Rebecca lo lam?a suavemente, acariciando los test?culos con la mano izquierda. Cuando ya estaba completamente duro, introdujo el glande entre los labios. Comenz? poco a poco, apretando con suavidad, jugando con la lengua, y sin dejar de masturbarle con la mano derecha. Entonces fue ella quien se encontr? las manos de Ted agarr?ndola por el pelo, y con las caderas de su amante bombeando. El ritmo de ambos, perfectamente acompasado, fue aumentando progresivamente. Ambos perdieron la noci?n del tiempo hasta que Ted, por sorpresa, comenz? a correrse. Rebecca no tuvo m?s remedio que tragar las primeras eyaculaciones. No las esperaba. Despu?s pens? en sacar el miembro de la boca, pero Ted la mantuvo sujeta. No hizo falta forcejear mucho, Rebecca sab?a ser justa. No le gustaba para nada trag?rselo, sin embargo con el servicio que ella misma acababa de recibir, estaba dispuesta a ser m?s comprensiva por una noche.

A la ma?ana siguiente, Lauryn conduc?a su peque?o coche hacia el centro. Si ten?a raz?n y los asesinatos no eran consecuencia de un robo, deb?a investigarlo como cualquier otro crimen de alto perfil. No pod?a ir a Albert Lacroix, acosado por una legi?n de otros periodistas, y preguntarle por sus enemigos. Decidi? preguntar a Brenda Lacroix, hermana de Kate. La joven tambi?n deb?a estar afectada, era su hermana despu?s de todo. Seg?n sab?a ambas se llevaban bien. Los Lacroix no eran el t?pico ejemplo de familia escandalosa que salta a los medios. Brenda, que cursaba su ?ltimo a?o de estudios, ten?a un ?tico propio, regalo de pap?, en el centro de la ciudad. Confiaba en poder encontrarla all?.

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Want to see tiny porn at Exxxtra Small? The term “spinner” has become increasingly popular in the last few years. For those of you whom are unfamiliar, a spinner is a term of endearment used to describe extremely petite girls—tiny girls who you would love to fuck. Why are they called spinners, you ask? Well, that’s easy. Because of the fact that these girls are so small that one could, conceivably, sit them on his hard dick and spin her ‘round and ‘round like a top. Although really small girls...

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Reddit Trashy Boners, aka r/TrashyBoners! What is it about Reddit that brings out unique, slutty content? There is a subreddit for nearly everything, but when it comes to smut, Reddit always fucking delivers. That’s proven when you visit – the destination for confused boners you’re still not sure about the next day. If you’ve ever watched daytime television and found yourself with a confused boner when the big tittied blonde bitch in sweat pants cursing her man while...

Reddit NSFW List
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Reddit Exxxtras, aka r/Exxxtras! Have you ever wondered what it’s like to work behind the scenes on a porn shoot? Of course, you fucking have! What horny mother fucker hasn’t?! What do you think it’s like? Is it all professional and ‘stuffed shirt’ like a goddamn Spielberg flick, or is at fucking dirty and naughty as the pornography that’s being filmed?While you’d have to actually work behind the scenes on porn sets to get the answer, may be the closest thing you’ll come to...

Reddit NSFW List
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Exhibitionist for trash collectors

So for those of you who have followed some of our stories are stories wrong real and you will see that we like to do a little exhibitionist whether it's in the car and adult bookstore or at hotel we moved about 3 years ago to a new subdivision that has about a hundred homes and has a few streets at Vero off the main road we happen to live on I'm one of the side streets that has 10 homes on it that is shaped like a j and dead-ends we happen to live in the middle of that street so when you drive...

2 years ago
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Kathy white trash whore part 4

Kathy (white trash whore) part 4 It was 12.45pm on Saturday. Kathy was in the bedroom dressing for work. Well………. she was actually dressing as if she were going to go to work. She unwrapped the towel around her, then gave her freshly shaven snatch a careful inspection in the mirror. It looked as smooth as it felt. She put on her blouse, at Lenny’s request she did not wear a bra, then sat on the bed to get into her sheer black tights. She would have preferred stockings, but Lenny had...

3 years ago
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Trashday WTF Used Condom Wife Blacken

"Tomorrow is trash day!" my wife called down to me in the kitchen. "You need to get the trash out to the street.""No, problem, I'm on it." I returned to her request. I started picking up the trash room by room, in the large trash bag. When picked up the kitchen trash and dumped it into the collection bag, I got the surprise of my life. A used condom from the middle of the kitchen trash can fell onto the floor. I picked it up, looked at it and started to call to my wife. Before a word came out...

3 years ago
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Trailer Trash

Chapter 1 The sun had set about an hour ago when I heard a banging on my front door. Out here in this corner of the state, people don't have too many neighbors so when there's banging, it's either the cops or the trailer trash down the road. I was hoping for the cops myself as I eased out of my desk chair and walked to the door. Damn, it was the trailer trash. I don't want to brag, but I am one of the few natives of the county that actually went to college and got a degree. Unfortunately,...

4 years ago
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The Abduction And Traing Of Kitty Part 4

Vanion. The Abduction And Training Of Kitty Part 4 1. It had been very late, or perhaps very early, depending on how you looked at it, before Kitty had gotten to sleep. She woke slowly, at first not knowing where she was. The girl who was snuggled up spoon fashion in front of her with her ass pressed into her brought the previous...

4 years ago
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FemDom Traing Club part 2

To pick up where I left off I was getting ready for the second meeting of the club and this is what I did to get ready. Saturday came and I had CUB up and working early while I took a long hot bath and then had him to put on a pair of shorts and a polo shirt and we went to the mall to do a little shopping. We went into a couple of department stores and I had him stay right next to me as we shopped for bras and then we went and looked at make-up and perfume then we went to look at some...

3 years ago
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mother traing

visit on website to see top rated stories like theseI was sitting in my dark living room sipping on a mixed drink and fuming. It was nearly midnight. Because my fifteen year old daughter had been caught sneaking out in the past I had checked her room before I went to bed and found that she was out again. Now I was sitting in the dark and staring at the clock on the VCR and waiting for her to come home so that I could kill her. Well, not really. But I was furious and she was...

2 years ago
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Teen Girls first attempt at masturbation tra

Stranger: is this justin bieber??You: don't get any p*o on my weinerStranger: xDYou: pleaseStranger: umYou: This is Biebs. What's up girl?Stranger: um...You: I can prove itYou: Baby baby babyYou: OhhhhStranger: wow very niceYou: So what's up?You: Is your clit tingling?Stranger: no o.OYou: How old r u?You: 12?Stranger: 15 -.-You: Your clit hasn't dropped yet.Stranger: what does that meanYou: You have no sex driveStranger: well if you're "justin bieber" than yours hasn't dropped eitherYou: Are...

1 year ago
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Traped by boyfriend

It was a warm evening in August. The evening was going just as planned for me and for my boyfriend Jason and as we had gay sex often as possible. We two would do everything to be as close as possible. And since Jason spent a good deal of time out of town on business, he wanted to make-up for lost time whenever he could work it into his busy schedule. At 29 years of age, Jason looked very good for a mature, middle age man. He was trim and fit and his wife was a pretty lady of the same age as...

3 years ago
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A man finds treasure in the trash behind his favorite bar

I’m an average guy nothing much to look at 5’10” about 250 not huge but not small either. I don’t get laid much but when I do its usually some sloppy drunk fat whore who nobody else will touch. Which explains why I don’t even go to the club until closing time on Saturday night. I was cruising downtown last Saturday night looking for a skank to bang when I found myself outside a real dive called Rick’s. Rick’s is so sleazy hookers don’t even go in...

2 years ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 263 Euro Trash and Drugstores

Since Eve just turns off and stays turned off until I start moving around, and Leon had the operatives trick of sleeping like the dead, when he felt safe, I was the one who showered first. When I came out my hair was soaked and laying flat against my head in clumps. I wore my morning outfit just as if I were home alone. I wore grey sweat pants and a red sweat shirt. The were shapeless but they were warm and easy to maintain. I could wear them an hour or two in the morning for a week before I...

2 years ago
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A Worthless Filthy Fucking Smoking Trash Cunt Whore chapter 2

“‘Number One Ladies Detective Agency’ – so it actually exists,” mused Tracy as she read the brass plaque on the door. “Wasn’t there a TV programme or somethink? Oh, what the fuck…” She rang the doorbell. It was answered by a strikingly attractive black woman – older than Tracy by a few years perhaps, but slender, glamorous, and with large breasts straining at the jacket of her rather fine red skirt suit. “Tracy? Come in. I’m Billy Webb,” said the woman with a broad smile, as she proffered her...

4 years ago
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Trailer trash teen ch7

Razor's parked SUV just outside his strip club, EZ's. An enormous wave of anxiousness washed over her as she stared at the blinking lights that encircled the building; she studied the entrance, the Budweiser beer banners, and the large, well-lit marquee that promised the "most beautiful women in town". Looking down at herself, the teenage girl could only sarcastically think, Women? Razor was on his cell phone. From what the girl could gather he was speaking to one of his...

2 years ago
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One Mans Trash is Another Mans Treasure

It tickled as the glob of conditioner slipped from my long wet hair, ran down the indentation of my spine and landed with a resounding splat on the shower floor.  I closed my eyes for a moment and imagined it was a lover’s tongue softly gliding slowly down my back. I shivered as I reached for the bottle of expensive hair product to try again while contemplating the last time anyone touched me anywhere with a finger, a tongue, a throbbing penis.Twenty-two years of marriage and the last five...

4 years ago
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Trailer Trash

Tommy was sitting in his old well-worn recliner reading the paper one hot steamy Alabama evening. It was always hot and humid this time of year and Tommy sat there with the old electric fan running, trying to stay cool. He looked up from his reading as Bobbie Sue, his pretty young wife, came into the room. His eyebrows furrowed as he watched her walk towards him. She was not dressed in her usual around-the-house sweatpants and oversize t-shirt, but instead had on a cute little mid-thigh length...

2 years ago
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James and His Trailer Trash Mom Part 2

This story is a complete work of fiction. This work depicts acts between two persons who are both the legal age of consent. For background into this story please read James and His Trailer Trash Mom Part 1 Since the day Crystal had caught her son James masturbating in her room she had not spoken to him. Being much taller, stronger, and heavier than him, she had overcome him physically and shoved his face into a dirty pair of her panties while verbally taunting him. When he escaped she had...

4 years ago
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James and his Trailer Trash Mom Part 1

This story is a complete work of fiction. This work depicts acts between two persons who are both the legal age of consent. The trailer house had walls as thin as the layers of an onion. No matter how one tried any sound seemed to carry from one end to the other. In this case it did not matter because Crystal was moaning and screaming as loud as she could while LeRolondo was giving her his BBC without any notion of restraint. The headboard of her bed was slamming up against the wall with the...

5 years ago
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Daddy Issues Memoirs Chapter Three Trailer Trash

“Next!” said the lunch lady. “Excuse me, that’s not what I wanted.” Viciously she raised her eyes at me. “You think I wanted a job where I had to serve ungrateful brats like yourself? Let me tell you that the answer to that is NO! Welcome to life, where we don’t always get what we want – NEXT!” Her whole being was so stereotypical that it almost seemed as if she had walked straight out of every high school movie I had ever seen. From the muddy posture to the snappish attitude. “Jeese,...

2 years ago
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Poor White Trash

I wasn’t sure what he wanted, he knew fucking well how old I was. “Seventeen” was my puzzled answer. “You ever get laid?” “What?” “Laid! Screwed, fucked, had sex, done the bed bounce boogie! Or are you still as pure as new fucking snow?” he growled with heavy sarcasm. I was shocked into silence, even for my asshole father this was over the top. I looked at the five empty beer bottles beside his chair and shuddered, it was going to be another long night before I could escape to my room. ...

2 years ago
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A Worthless Filthy Fucking Smoking Trash Cunt Whore chapter 1

Tracy liked to smoke. And she liked to fuck. And she liked to smoke and fuck. And fuck and smoke. In fact, she loved smoking and fucking so much that fucking without smoking just wasn’t quite the same. Though smoking without fucking was still pretty fucking good.The only problem was, Tracy’s boyfriend Charlie didn’t like smoking and fucking. Don’t get me wrong – he liked fucking. But he didn’t like smoking. And he didn’t like Tracy smoking. And he didn’t like fucking Tracy when she smelled of...

3 years ago
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Kathy white trash whore part 1

Kathy opened the front door and walked in taking off her coat and hanging it on the hall stand. She was surprised to see the light on in the living room and even more surprised to see her husband sitting at the computer. “Thought you’d be in bed by now Jeff” “Hiya sweetie, didn’t realise it was this late…. how’s your day been?” One thing Kathy really didn’t like was when he called her sweetie, but she kicked off her shoes, walked over to him putting her hands on his shoulders before...

3 years ago
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White Trash

The best sissy transformation story I ever read :White TrashBy The ScallywagsI’ve been a cross-dresser since about age thirteen. It’s not something I’mproud of. I’d like to stop, but it’s like a d**g and its sleazy allure soondrags me back from my latest attempt at abstinence. This time, withhorrific consequences.Me? Well I’m a white male, a lot shorter than I’d ideally like at 5′ 6”and weighing in at about 145 pounds. I’ve never been one for sports andhave always steered well clear of v******e...

4 years ago
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The black gang of a white trash whore

Disclaimer: This really happened in the spring of 2014I had since long a fantasy of being brutally and violently ****d and humiliated by a bunch of well hung black guys. I fantasized about it often during masturbation and decided it was about time it really happened. I had a good relationship with the owners of a local sex club that had arranged gangbangs for me before. So I called them to see what they could do for me. I asked them if they could get a few well hung black guys to really...

4 years ago
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Trailer trash

My boyfriend is sitting on my face No offence against trailers intended. I love trailers. Lived in one, would happily live in one again, so, you know, shut up.  Trailer trash  My boyfriend is sitting on my face. I?m not too happy about it, but there?s not much I can do ? he?s a scary guy, and I?m not brave. He bounces, presses down harder on my face, and that?s his way of saying my tongue isn?t working hard enough inside his ass. I hurriedly stiffen my tongue even more, wiggle it faster...

3 years ago
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Trailer Park TrashChapter 2

Mister Hamilton was well-aware of Tammy’s improvement in the matter of conversing in complete sentences with proper pronunciation. Her usage of slang words and outright obscenities was curtailed to the bare essentials. He was so satisfied with her improvement and her dedication to following his program of better conversational skills that he gifted her with a diamond bracelet that did a lot more to impress her than his skilled rimming of her hindquarters performed with great gusto underneath...

3 years ago
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House For Sale With Extras

Julie Simmons nodded appreciatively as the house came into view. She turned to Victor Manners, who had slowed the car. "This looks rather special," she observed, and the older man's wrinkled face regarded her with a kindly smile."I thought you'd appreciate marketing a more up-grade property," he told her. Julie had been overjoyed to be appointed junior partner of this well-established estate agency just three months ago, after several years with other smaller outfits.Up until then, life...

Love Stories
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massage with extras


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Cafe with extras

It was a lovely morning so I decided to have a ride through the local countryside, down country lanes and all very quiet. I came across a clearing with a small cafe, I stopped and fastened my bike to a tree, went in the cafe and looked around. After a few moments a slim young lady came from the back of the cafe, I ordered a coke and went to sit outside. The young lady came out to me, she said it was very quiet today, I asked for the toilet and she said she would show me, it was inside the...

3 years ago
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New Car With Extras Continued

Mercedes unexpectedly enjoyed her drive home that evening, despite the fact that she was held up in a traffic jam for almost two hours. Her normal twenty minute journey had grown five fold. Her mind was elsewhere, repeatedly reliving the moment when Kevin took her completely by surprise and covered her face and cleavage in a steady stream of cum. She couldn't stop herself from laughing out loud forgetting momentarily that she was ALONE in the car. (I hope no one saw me, she thought). It was...

4 years ago
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New Car With Extras

She had been driving past the same used car sales forecourt for the past three years and still there was no sign of the car she had longed for. For as long as she could remember Mercedes wanted to be the owner of a Ford Cougar. A sexy black one with a leather interior preferably. A leather interior looked classy she thought and so would she when she was sitting behind the steering wheel. Not that she didn't look classy in her own car, but she was bored of it and felt that a Ford Cougar would...

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This is true, some time ago, to give you an idea it was the time of the yuppy in London the time the mobile carried like a brick .my wife had a friend who had married the said yuppy who at the time worked in London but commuted to his home in Yorkshire, so his wife was at home for some time on her own, my wife June would go to see here while I was also working but not as a yuppy, we would go on some Saturday nights out with here for a meal or drinks. both my wife and June were very stunning...

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Extras at work 2

As brian stayed at the hotel for 2 nights every week due to his commute to work it soon became a regular thing , nothing sensual and barely sexual , we chatted as normal like two life long friends and he received a handjob before he left .it even took a few times before i had even removed my tunic top and bra ( yes id remembered to wear a sexier one from that first time ) .i had set rules from the start and he was totally happy with them and had never tried to cross them like no touching below...

4 years ago
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Massage with extras

It had been a long hard day, so I decided to treat myself to a massage. My husband wasn't at all happy that I got massages from a man until he turned up the first time. Andrea couldn't have been any more camp. In fact he was visibly excited when hubby answered the door, because he Andrea thought he was going to get his hands over Jacks lean tanned body. Well...Jack couldn't get out the door fast enough.Anyway, that was months ago, and Andrea,whose real name I later learned was actually...

2 years ago
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Massage with extras


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