Ultrasonic Orgasm
- 3 years ago
- 26
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Not long after moving to a rural area, I started looking for a new family physician. I got a list of doctors who accepted my insurance and narrowed that list down by proximity and whether they were accepting new patients. That left two doctors, one man and one woman, both working in the same clinic. I asked around about the doctors and heard nothing but good about them, but none of the women that I asked knew anything about the male doc and none of the men that I asked knew anything about the female doc. I’m a man, but for reasons I will get to, I wanted to be seen by a woman doctor. So I called the clinic and asked for a new patient exam with Dr. F. The scheduler asked whether I meant Dr. M, but I told her that I had heard good things about Dr. F, but nothing about Dr. M. I figured that was easier than explaining why I was choosing a woman.
When I was introduced to Dr. F, she made a good first impression on me. She was probably around 50 years old and I was about 43 at the time. She wanted to get to know me a little bit before the exam and it seemed that she really was a little nervous about accepting me as a new patient. She told me that she sees other male patients when their regular doctor is unavailable, but that this was the first time that a man had requested her as a new patient and she was curious about why, presumably because most women want to be seen by a woman and most men want to be seen by a man.
I explained that first of all, she had a good reputation and that was important to me. Then I explained that I considered doctors to be ‘authority figures’ and that, as a result of my past, I often found it very difficult to trust a male authority figure. I told her truthfully that in general doctors made me very anxious and that male doctors make me almost combative, but that my past experiences with women medical professionals had been the least stressful. I said that I understand why women feel uncomfortable about being examined by males and that I think I have some of the same concerns.
Thinking that she was probably concerned that I had some sort of perverse reason like wanting to expose myself to her or something, I said that I wanted to be able to trust my doctor so that I could protect my health and that whatever embarrassment or discomfort I would feel by being seen by a woman was less important than being able to be open and honest with my doctor. I told her that I would trust her to maintain a professional relationship with me. This seemed to satisfy her and she explained that men my age really didn’t need annual exams unless there was a specific medical issue and that I should see her at age 50 for some tests and a ‘thorough exam’ but that today she would just give me a brief checkup. I told her of my concern about skin cancer because I am fair skinned (as is she). So she listened to my heart and looked in my ears and nose and tested my reflexes and then had me expose different portions of my body while she perused for lesions and moles.
For the next few years, I saw her only very rarely for minor problems like sinus infections and mysterious skin growths, but when I was approaching my 50th birthday, I scheduled the ‘big-five-oh’ exam. This exam was thorough. It included a close head to toe examination of my skin and a brief examination of my penis and gentle squeezing for lumps in my scrotum. Of course, it also included the finger-in-the-butt prostate exam. None of this intimate contact did anything for me sexually and my personal discomfort was minimal because she was very professional.
Prior to the exam, I had been experiencing nagging chronic pain in my balls for about two months. I mentioned this during the exam and after a few questions, she added an ultrasound exam to the other lab tests I would get. She also scheduled me for a follow up session so she could go ever the results of the lab testing with me. Of course, one of those other tests was a colonoscopy and she surprised me by remembering about my ‘phobia’ of male doctors. She said that there were only male doctors locally who performed that procedure, but that I wouldn’t really have to deal with him. She also said that two or three female nurses and technicians worked with the doctors during the procedure and that I would be sedated and relaxed so the stress would be minimal. She was correct about this and the colonoscopy went off without much additional discomfort. After that I became more concerned about the ultrasound exam of my balls.
The ultrasound exam was conducted at the same center as the colonoscopy, but in a different wing and on a different day. I checked in at the reception desk and waited in the waiting room. When a slender attractive young brunette woman wearing maroon hospital scrubs entered and called my name, I was still concerned that I would actually be examined by a man, so I was pleasantly surprised when she showed me to a dressing room and said, ‘Mr. P, my name is Sandy (not her real name) and at Dr. F’s request, I’ll be your ultrasound technician for this procedure today.’ Sandy explained how I was to dress in the clothing they provided. This required me to remove all of my personal clothing and basically to wear only a robe.
When she took me to the exam room, she asked me to first just sit on the exam table while she covered some preliminaries. She explained that, because this procedure was ‘intimate’, state law required that I be given certain instructions and warnings. Mainly, this meant that, unless there was a medical emergency during the procedure, I was to keep my genitals covered and she was not supposed to touch them with anything but the ultrasound wand.
When I laid back on the table, she told me that she would leave the room and I would position my penis against my abdomen and support my testicles by holding my thighs together. This was a rather embarrassing moment for me, because I had to explain that I only had one testicle and it would slip down between my thighs. She asked me how I lost the other one and I explained about the accident and operations that I had experienced. She gave me a rolled up cloth to prop my one ball up with and then left the room while I positioned everthing and covered up.
When she came back in, she was wearing rubber gloves and had a tube of some sort of gel that she applied to the end of a wand that was connected by cable to a box that was connected to a personal computer. She laid a cloth cover over my genitals and them slid the wand under the cover and under the flap on the gown and pressed it against the side of my scrotum. I could not see the screen, but as she moved the wand around and pressed it against different areas, she occasionally tapped the keyboard and I assumed she was saving a snapshot.
I should explain that none of this was the least bit erotic for me. It was a little painful as she pressed the wand against me and because of that and the fact that the room and the wand were a little chilly, my winky was pretty small, so small in fact that it didn’t stay back against my stomach. It ‘retracted’ and nested vertically in my pubic hair at about an inch and a quarter height. If this was a breech in protocol, Sandy didn’t seem to mind and the wand did seem to stray up alongside where I assume she imaged my little friend.
‘I see you’ve had a vasectomy,’ she said. I confirmed that and joked about how I should have gotten a 50% discount. She smiled and said, ‘It’s good to have a sense of humor about these things.’ I explained that I really hadn’t suffered noticeably over the long term as a result of the missing nut. She said, ‘I see that the other one is much larger than average. It probably grew to take over the duty of the one you lost.’ Eventually, she moved to the other side of me and repeated all of the pushing and keystroking.
After imaging from both sides, she surprised me by saying that the next part of the procedure gets a lot more intimate and I could refuse to do it if that bothered me for any reason. She explained that my doctor had added ‘CNF’ to the instructions which meant ‘Check Natural Function’.
‘Your doctor must like you,’ she said, ‘If she had written ‘CF’, that’s not as enjoyable.’
I asked what the procedure was and Sandy told me that she would use the wand and a probe device to attempt to induce an erection and an orgasm while recording the functioning of my prostate and erectile systems as an ultrasonic video. I told her that I had never heard of anything like this and she said that the medical profession hadn’t found any better way to get these images and that they wanted to keep the procedure confidential to avoid complications for patients and ultrasound technicians. I said that if it was doctor’s orders, I would have no objection to that, but that I sure wouldn’t tell my wife about it. She gave me a sly smile and showed me the other device. She said that by state law, she could not not insert it but that she would slip out of the room and that I should lubricate this small egg shaped plastic bulb and insert it into my rectum. It was on a thin curved stainless steel shaft that had a handle on the end of it and a cable went from there to what I assumed was a battery pack. I lubed it and pushed it in, thankful that I’d had a good bowel movement that morning. She had also given me a shortened condom that I was to put on my penis ‘like a shower cap’. My penis was small enough that it was completely covered by the ‘shower cap’. I called to let her know that I was ready and she came back into the room.
She maneuvered the bulb around and watched it on the screen as she held the wand way down in my crotch. To do this, she had to reach her hand well in between my thighs. I think she must have positioned the bulb on my prostate, because when she flipped a switch on the handle, it started to vibrate and immediately my winky woke up and started to grow. It didn’t feel particularly good, so I began undressing her with my eyes and that helped, not that she noticed, because she was so intent on the screen.
About the time I was mentally sliding her panties down, my cock rose and moved the flap and when she glanced away from the screen, she suddenly gasped. Apparently, she could now see under the flap. She said that she didn’t expect one that started so small to grow that much. ‘I was feeling a little sorry for your wife,’ she said with a smile, ‘but not anymore.’ She pulled the flap over to cover me and asked me to rearrange my penis so that it laid flat against my stomach. I complied and also checked to make sure the rubber cap was in position. It was getting quite tight and now only covered only the swollen tip.
When Sandy resumed, she maneuvered the probe around and when she hit just the right spot, I started to cum. It was a long and very satisfying orgasm and Sandy seemed smugly satisfied also. Unfortunately, my cock failed to shrink back to normal afterwards. I’d heard of a condition called priapism (or something like that), so I said, ‘Um, I think this might be a medical emergency. It’s not shrinking.’ After waiting a few minutes, Sandy clearly became more concerned. ‘We can try two things,’ she said. ‘We can try to trigger another orgasm and if that doesn’t work, we can pack ice around it for 15 minutes. If that doesn’t work, I’ll have to call a doctor.’
I told her that I wanted to avoid ice or seeing a doctor so I would do what she wanted. She threw back the flap and told me to lift my knees and spread my legs so she could get just the right angle. She maneuvered the probe around and I began to feel another orgasm approaching. It seemed that she brought me right to the brink but that I wouldn’t actually have a second orgasm, but then she asked me to help her out a little by stroking my penis. I was so embarassed that I threw one arm over my eyes while I tugged on my cock with the other. Fortunately, that triggered a second orgasm which was even more satisfying than the first and it even blew the rubber cap off the tip of my cock. Sandy switched off the vibrating bulb and covered me again and after about five minutes, I let her know that the second procedure had been successful.
Sandy was actually apologetic about the ‘unfortunate incident’ with me, but I assured her that I would have fond memories of this day and that I wouldn’t tell anyone else what happened if she wouldn’t. She slowly pulled the bulb from my ass and retrieved the loaded rubber cap from my stomach and gave me some tissues to clean myself with.
When I saw Dr. F for my follow up exam, she gave me the good news about the colonoscopy results and said that the ultrasound results also looked normal. Then she asked if I was still having the pain in my testicle. I told her that it had gone away about two days after the ultrasound and said that maybe the CNF had something to do with it. She looked a little perplexed and said, ‘I don’t see how a Close Neural Focus could have any influence on the pain. Oh well, I guess it’s just one of those things.’
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There's no way you can't love The Female Orgasm. If it's a girl you truly enjoy and care for, you'll want to make her cum. You need to make her orgasm to see how her body reacts and she's tongue-tied just trying to mutter a single word. You can even feel how her pussy contracts, how it squeezes around your dick when she goes from feeling good to orgasm. Those contractions are what The Female Orgasm loves about watching women masturbate. It's a site that's all about female masturbation and how...
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Straight SexFind yourself a beautiful girl and make her cum. It's essentially a Quest for Orgasm. This website delivers premium porn for those who love watching hot girls rub their wet pussies or use a vibrator on them until they cum. Quest for Orgasm is a part of the LetsDoeIt brand of porn. So, initially, I'm already going in expecting something pretty good. On the surface, starting with a masturbation genre and seeing how the site is presented to me, I'm pleased.As I start to unravel what this site is...
Premium Female Masturbation Porn SitesHi friends. I’m Arun. I’m 25 years old and I’m here to share with you how my colleague in head office forced me to give her an orgasm after she got to know my sexual intercourse with my colleague at factory, Thulasi. In fact this story is unexpectedly a continuation of my earlier story “Dirty And Desperate One Night Stand At Office Guest House” where I shared my unforgettable sex experience in April 2014 with my sweet looking colleague, Thulasi who works as an accounts assistant at the factory...
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Reddit Forced Orgasms, aka r/ForcedOrgasms! Most of us usually think that orgasms are a good thing. Like, you're solo, or you're with a chick, and after a while of banging, you nut. The same thing goes for women, it's pleasurable, it feels good, and we all look forward to it. But, of course, as usual, nothing in this industry surprises me anymore. Today, I have to announce that some psychos even managed to turn orgasms into something frightening. Of course, and it's obvious to guess by this...
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I am lonely and really horny at the same time. Have been for the longest time. But if I had a choice to mend just one, I would choose the loneliness. I need a woman to hold me all night. And when I wake, her legs and arms would still be wrapped around me in a full body hug. I try so hard everyday to be humble and sincere in every second of my life but there is no substitute in the way a woman's embrace can raise a man spirits into the heavens. Ok with that being said, lately I have been getting...
"THAT'S ENOUGH!" The Orgasm Queen's scream of fury made everyone freeze and stop what they were doing to turn and look at her. Those familiar with the Orgasm Queen knew what that look of pure wrath and rage meant. Hannah actually jumped up and got in front of Ron's naked body, not wanting her Master castrated any time soon by Lana's dark side. "Umm," Trixie said nervously from on top of Roberto, not liking the look Lana was throwing at her at all," now don't get mad, we're all...
I had been dating Tony for a few months. I was only 19 and he was 28. We lived next door to each other. Well, more specifically he moved in next door to the place I grew up. He was a very sexual and sensual man, whom I had many 'firsts' with. This is my favorite.Tony got paid every week on Thursday, so for a few months he got into the habit of bringing home a little payday cocaine and we would party together. This being one of the indulgences I allowed myself at that age. Every time we got...
As this is part of a series, the story is long and request you to read it with patience. I assure you that it will make your dicks hard and pussies wet while reading. Please read all the previous parts of this story if you have not yet read them. Thank you all for your lovely responses to my stories. I am overwhelmed by the lovely responses to this series. I thank all the guys and gals who read through the stories and appreciated their emails. Your love and criticism are accepted and cherished....
IncestJanet was laying on her back, knees pulled up and spread wide, feet flat on the bed, while Jason slid his dick in and out of her pussy. They had just started actually screwing, and already her mind was wandering. In all of her more than 19 years, she had never had an orgasm. In fact she wasn't sure that all the talk of orgasms wasn't just hype. Or perhaps, it was just her who was different than everyone else. But she wasn't thinking of that at the moment. She was thinking of other lovers. Other...
Ladies – Have You Ever Had An Orgasm With Attention Only To Your Breasts?I have been fortunate to give a couple of women orgasms with me only giving them attention to their breasts and her delicious nipples. It does not happen to every woman I know but I know it sure can. The first time it happens to her surprises her but it is real. The beautiful look on her face, the way her skin flushes, and those lovely sounds, such a wonderful moment. No touching her pussy during breast play but after...
True story about causing an orgasm and having an orgasm for the first time with another personIt is hard to believe that this story took place 10 years ago, but there are still so many vivid memories that are simply unforgettable. It was the school year of 2000 and I was an awkward 16 year old. I wasn’t the most popular guy in school by any stretch of the imagination but I had my small, tight group of friends made up of 3 girls and 3 guys.Early within the year I found myself attracted to one of...
Being a guy, orgasms are as common as the sun rising. Having talked with female friends over the years I discovered how many women have not had an orgasm during sex or in some cases never even while masturbating. It was my goal that every woman I was with would cum.This particular woman at the age of 34 had never, ever had an orgasm. Having had sex since she was 17 with different men over the years made it seem even more unbelievable that one of them couldn't get the job done.One night while...
Straight SexI never once known what it felt like to get anal sex from girl But today it all changed When i met Leona and Shannon ! I know i fancy them at first site and i start feeling wet around my pussy hole I’ve got to go over and get in there I am attractive with massive tits the size of balloons and a shaved pussy i might get the chance to tonight at my 18th birthday party My party Every comes but no Leona or Shannon maybe they didn’t want me or like me Then there a ring at the door it them Hey Emma...
Lesbian"What's the worst thing that could happen to you?" asked Frank. The five men were sitting on Frank's rear deck having a beer in the Sunday afternoon sun, leering at a 24 year old bombshell while their wives prepared the barbeque."I guess it would be if my dick was so small, I couldn't have sex," laughed Henry."Well, I haven't been getting much lately, so I guess it would be the loss of my right hand," countered a morose Greg."Hey, both those things must be true for Jimmy," laughed Dave.But...
" No reason to be embarrassed and certainly no reason to cry. Your ability to achieve an orgasm is probably based on your previous poor relationship and your emotional reaction as being inadequate." I called the babysitter and arranged for her to care for the child all night. I went to a near by motel and got us a room. I put a blindfold on Diana after she undressed and laid on the bed. I undressed and she feels me shift myself closer to her. I brought my palm up to rest on her throat, my...
This is a story from about a week ago detailing how I was overtaken with lust in a public place. This is my first ever attempt at writing a story so please let me know what you think.I love orgasm control and often make myself cum with no hands, a quick peek at my profile will show you the extent of my efforts. To achieve a hands free orgasm I usually have to save up a lot of cum so I often don’t masturbate for a period of time. Sometimes I can hold off for a few weeks, sometimes it only takes...
I've been around for a while, and lived in several countries, cities and town. The one thing I can never get tired of is hearing people orgasm. I decided to write this story after an incident this morning. I was getting ready to leave for work and as I exited my apartment and fished my keys out of my pocket to lock the door, I heard that familiar sound. The sound of pleasure. The person who lives across from me was in sensual bliss. Now I know that there is a single guy who lives across from...
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please note, that English is not my first language. So the following might be full of misspellings and horrible English ;)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Why not try something new from time to time? That was what I thought before fucking with my first xHamster user last month. She was great! But that is not what I want to share with you...
Friday night and a rare thing was happening for me; I had the house completely to myself for the night. Parents off at a great aunt and uncles 50th anniversary, sisters off at sleepovers, and little brother at our grandparents. Moments like these often seem to end in a story.Of course I considered the usual, having a party, but after a few disasters and me being on my parents last ounce of trust, I opted for just having my best friend, Acacia, over. We decided to have a chill night,...
LesbianHi, Its Irfan again from Delhi This story is about my very beautiful cousin Jiya aged 25. She is a babe with lots of attitude and the body any guy would give his right hand for. She is 25 and her vital stats are 36C-28-35, she has all the curves at the right place. She is fair and looks pretty sexy when she wears those figure hugging clothes. Her breasts are round and huge yet very firm. Her ass is enormous, anyone would be tempted to grab them from behind or just brush his body with them. The...