Stupid BoyChapter 24 Christmas Dance
- 3 years ago
- 15
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I truly enjoyed my Sunday morning. I didn't have anything to do except go to church with Mom. I even skipped running, and slept in causing Mom to have to wake me up. Church was a little bit of a mad house with everyone wanting to talk about the football game. I was dismayed when I was noted for helping during the storm as part of the sermon. It had not been done it to gain notoriety. I had done it for the pies.
None of us felt like cooking brunch, so we went to Granny's. My day got even better when I saw Peggy and her family waiting for us. Mom had surprised me. After Granny made a big deal over me, Peggy and I got to talk in semi-privacy, as our parents talked with each other.
"So where did you go on your mystery vacation?" I asked her.
"We went to Key West. Dad has an old college friend who has a house there. We got to use it, and their boat, for the week. I don't think I took my swimsuit off the whole trip," she bragged.
"I hope you got lots and lots of pictures," I teased her as I squeezed her knee.
She leaned over and kissed me and whispered in my ear.
"I'll show you my tan lines."
She was in a good mood. I was happy to see my friend back. I also wanted to see those tan lines. I had a faraway look when she brought me back to earth.
"So, I hear you've been busy."
She looked a little strained when she said it. I told her we would talk about it, later, nodding towards our parents just a few feet away. I told her I needed to go to the mall and get running shoes, since mine were getting tight. I was suddenly worried when she said she would love to go to the mall. Had I just backed my way into a shopping trip?
My great day went into the ... anyways. Our moms heard the word mall, and suddenly they were going, too. Somehow, our dad's had something else to do. I think it was watch football, so they got out of going. Peggy and I were given instructions to meet at the food court at five o'clock. I looked at my phone and it was only eleven-thirty! Mom and Mrs. Pratt were laughing as they walked away. I guess I had a funny look on my face.
Peggy took me to the food court and sat me down, so we could plan our shopping day. When we got there, it was really to find out what I'd done all week. I told her about the storm and getting out of school early. We talked about the party Tracy and Pam were having in my apartment, when I got home. Peggy had me go into great detail describing what the different toys were.
I was getting hints someone had already told her what I had been up to. My guess was Tracy, so I didn't hold back. I admitted to being with Pam, Tracy and Cora. When I was done she had news for me.
"You need to buy t-shirts," she said.
That was a weird statement.
"Why?" I asked.
"It's because the girls all helped themselves to a t-shirt. I think Tracy said the rule is if you get naked at David's you get one."
It finally dawned on me this might be why girls kept stealing my clothes. I wondered when this rule went into effect, because all my friends seemed to have a t-shirt or three. I wasn't really mad about it. I was more irritated. Most of the t-shirts were free through my modeling, but a few I really liked and some were worth good money. I would have to talk to Tracy about which ones were fair game. Maybe I could just set up a drawer for the girls.
I didn't want to get too many t-shirts though, because I was going to Utah in a few weeks and I was sure I would get a lot of gear there. What I didn't have were Jade t-shirts. I knew they had a store in the mall.
I called Michael Reese, my main contact at Jade.
"This is Mike," he answered.
"Hey, it's David Dawson."
"I hear congratulations are in order. I got to watch your game on ESPN-HS. I hope you're calling to say you can do some work."
I agreed to do a photo shoot next Sunday afternoon, at Hill Marketing. He said he would call ahead to their Jade store and have them pick out some new things for me to wear. They wanted me seen in their clothes. I told him my girlfriend was with me, and he offered to set her up, also. I put her on so she could give him her sizes.
We went to the sporting goods store to get my running shoes. While I was there I got Peggy a letter jacket and we loaded up on Range gear. Peggy wanted several pairs of spandex running shorts. There was no way I wasn't buying those for her. We got more things for her, than me. I just bought things I would need before my trip. I did buy a couple more 'TEAM' sweat shirts, because I couldn't find mine ... again. I remembered to get sweat shirts for Suzanne and Beth. I also got a few t-shirts that proclaimed us to be State Champs. I used my Range credit card, because Sandy had been on me to get new gear. I was happy when she didn't call me as soon as I used it.
We then went to the Jade store. The store manager had six bags for each of us. I think she gave us one of everything. I peeked and smiled when I saw there were more of their vintage jeans, and they looked like they would fit. Peggy wanted to try hers on. I fully approved of the fit. Her ass looked great!
I ended up making three trips to the car to put everything into the trunk. I wasn't going to carry all those bags around all afternoon.
When I got back Peggy wanted to shop at Victoria's Secret. I found the sales girl and told her Peggy could spend a certain dollar amount and showed her I was giving her my debit card. Peggy thought it was too much, but I explained I expected to see said purchases. She got the idea.
I wandered around until I came up short. There was a new tattoo parlor in the mall. I went in and a freaky chick, that was strangely arousing, was at the front desk. She gave me a smile.
"Little Stud Dawson, and how are you doing?" she asked.
She was vaguely familiar. I tried to imagine her without all the tattoos and piercings. Then it hit me. It was Paula, one of Greg's exes. I would guesstimate she was five or six years older than me. I hadn't seen her in over four years.
"Paula, long time no see," I said, as she came around the counter and gave me a hug.
Dad had always told me to try and negotiate if I could. I wanted a tattoo for our state championship.
"I was thinking it would be cool to get something for winning state. Do you have any ideas?" I asked.
She showed me their book and we didn't find anything. She then got out a sketch pad and drew our logo, the bulldog, with a football under him with Football State Champ centered on the ball. I had no idea she could draw so well. I wanted it.
"Tell you what. Give me the tattoo and you can take a picture of me with it for the store. I'll also give it to my social media gal and she'll put it on all my sites. I bet every guy on the team will want one."
She went back and found a big biker looking guy who took me into the back and put it on my upper left arm. They could only do a henna tattoo that would last two to four weeks because I was only 16. It was perfect, because I wasn't allowed to do any tats in permanent ink, unless Ford, Range Sports and Jade all signed off on it. I was also pretty sure Adrienne had some say in the matter. I completely forgot about my mom.
When he was done, he took my picture and sent it to me. Lily still trusted me with access to my twitter account. I sent it out. I was saying goodbye to Paula when Mom came storming in. I figured I would just play the excited teen, to try and head her off.
"Look what I got!" I said, showing my mother, who was now turning funny shades of red.
"Did he tell you he was only sixteen?" she started on Paula.
"Shhh, Mom! I had to tell them I was eighteen to get it done. Don't be getting me into trouble," I moaned.
Paula was looking at me, wondering what I was doing.
"David Allen Dawson! We are going home right now to show your father," Mom ranted.
Score! No more shopping. I think she caught on I was a little too happy. She turned to Paula.
"Is it a real tattoo?"
Crud! The jig was up. Sure enough, Paula ratted me out. That didn't stop Mom from chewing on me. She had several bags I somehow was put in charge of: i.e., taking them to the car. I mumbled something about the trunk already being full.
I was ordered to take the car home, empty it, and come back. I found Peggy and we drove to my place. I went in, and told Dad he was to pick up Mom at the mall at five, and gave him her keys. Peggy and I went up to my apartment. Problem solved.
I showed her my tattoo, and she showed me her tan lines and new outfits. She made me try on my new Jade stuff. She showed me which t-shirts to hide, so the girls wouldn't steal them. I think it was her way of saying I could still play, as long as I didn't embarrass her.
We played all afternoon. Peggy had really missed me.
Monday December 1When I strolled up to the front door at school, the guys swarmed me. We went inside because it was freezing out. Peggy was a little irritated with them. She thought this was her time with me. They all wanted to see my tattoo. Cassidy goaded me into taking off my shirt, so they could see the full effect. I played along. Suddenly the girls all wanted to see it. Peggy made me put my shirt back on.
In PE, I went to the trainers. Paige checked me out and declared I was in good health. Wolf and I lifted and he told me terrible jokes. He wanted to talk about his threesome.
"I think Jim is going to ask Piper out," he told me. Cassidy had already clued me in.
"So where does that leave things?" I asked.
"To be honest, I think I want to date someone else, also. Cassidy is more like a friend than anything else. She needs to be with someone who will love her," Wolf said.
"Have you all talked about this? I don't want to have to deal with a crying Cassidy," I warned him.
"Some. This is really all coming from Cassidy. She is encouraging Jim to date Piper, and they seem to like each other. She has been working on me too. She has suggested a few people. One of them is your ex, April," he confessed.
They would make a good couple ... if she had grown up some. Also, as a tall guy, it was hard to find a tall girl to date. Cassidy had given Wolf confidence with girls, so he should be able to handle her. The more I thought about it, the better the match seemed.
"You should ask her out. Just be careful of her little sister. She will be a man eater by the time she hits Lincoln High."
He gave me a confused look.
"Her sister is very good looking and a little Lolita in training. She'll see you as someone she can practice her charms on. Be warned, April does not appreciate it. I'm just giving you fair warning."
"Thanks, I think."
"You'll be fine. Just keep thinking she is only 12 or 13. That should keep you out of trouble."
He had a worried look and I smiled at him. Wolf would figure it out.
"So, who have you guys decided Cassidy should go out with?" I asked.
"She has found you both someone to date, isn't it only fair you guys help her out?" I asked.
I could tell the idea had never crossed his mind. I don't think he or Jim had thought about Cassidy dating other guys. Guys are dumb that way and I could tell it bothered him. I decided to see if he was really ready to give her up.
"I might want to take her out," I said and then to a half a step back, just in case.
He had a thoughtful look on his face, which was the whole reason I told him that. It was one thing to talk about dating someone else, but he had to fully realize what he was giving up. Cassidy was quirky, fun, and had a hot little body. I was a little jealous that Jim and Wolf were dating her. If her dad wasn't set on us not dating, I would have asked her out. Cassidy was just one of those people who makes you smile. You just never really knew what to expect.
We continued to lift in silence as Wolf worked it out. When we were done and getting dressed he stopped me before I left.
"I would be fine with you dating Cassidy. I know that when Jim and I start dating other people it will be over between all of us. This way we can all be friends after we go our own way. I think if the three of us go out much longer we'll be at each other's throats. I also don't think it'll work with just Cassidy and me. It'll be better if she is dating someone like you. We would know she was being treated right. I just want to be a fly on the wall when you have to talk to Coach," he said with a big smile.
"Wolf, I don't really see Cassidy and me going out. You three are good friends of mine."
"Actually Jim and I have talked. Cassidy has never made it secret she thinks the world of you. If there was anyone who could have stolen her away from us, it was you. We both agreed that if it did happen we would be fine with it. We would give you some shit, but we know you would be good to her. We also knew you would never do it while we were dating. I just want you to know Jim and I don't want you to not date her because of your Bro Code."
Wolf seemed serious, but I still didn't see it happening. I might go out on dates with her as a friend, but I didn't see any romantic hookups in our future.
At lunch I found Yuri in line. We went to our table by the window. I had decided I was going to help him find a girlfriend, and also help someone who was lonely. I'd been noticing there were a couple of girls who always ate alone. If anyone would understand, it would be Yuri.
"What?" he said, because I was grinning at him.
"I think you are ready for a girlfriend," I said.
"Piper?" he asked hopefully.
"Are you kidding me? She tried to kill you last week. Just give up that pipe dream," I said proud of my very bad pun on Piper's name.
"Have you been saving that one," Yuri moaned.
"Nope, just thought of it," I said then explained my idea. "When you told me about moving here and having no friends it got me thinking. There might be others who feel the same way. If you pay attention there are some girls who could use a friend."
I thought about it for a moment and needed to word it so Yuri didn't think this was a strategy to take advantage of lonely girls.
"What I am proposing is we have lunch with some of these girls and get to know them. If you become friends first and find you like each other, then ask them out. Are you willing to help me with that?" I asked.
"I'm not going out with some dog," he warned me.
"Yuri, you have so much to learn. The first thing is you trashed your reputation with what you said to Piper. Girls talk. To build it back up you may have to take out a few frogs and treat them right. You might even find out you like one."
"Okay. I came to you for help, so I will believe you on that one."
"Look around and find a girl eating alone who you think you might want to be friends with."
He picked one out and we went and to sit down with her. She had glasses and some acne, but other than that, she looked like any other girl who was trying to not be noticed.
"Hi. I'm David and this is Yuri, do you mind if we join you?" I asked.
"I know who you are: the Jock and the Mouth," she said.
I liked she had some spunk to her, and she would keep Yuri on his toes. I sat down, but Yuri hesitated after hearing her comment.
"Oh, sit," she told him. "Your fearless leader has no manners."
I was expecting a mousy wallflower. This girl surprised me.
"You don't seem to be shy, how come you're eating alone every day?" I asked.
"I've been waiting for you two to invite me over," she teased me.
"I'm sorry, if I had known... ," Yuri started before I smacked his arm to stop embarrassing himself.
"She is giving you shit. I don't think you're ready to be friends with her," I told him.
"What's that supposed to mean? Wait, did you come over here to pick me up?" she asked.
Yuri blushed. I just laughed.
I explained what we were doing, which caused Yuri to blush even more. We started talking as if Yuri wasn't there.
"Is he trainable? I heard he has a mouth on him," she said.
"Well, I have been working with him; but he does get off the leash and pee on the rug, now and then. I think with a firm hand he might turn out okay."
"He is cute, and I have been looking for a project. Do you want me to take him off your hands?"
"Okay, but you owe me," she said.
Yuri had finally had enough.
"What are you guys talking about?" he huffed.
"Ah ... what's your name?" I asked.
"You will be eating lunch with Patricia from now on."
"Slow down, Big Guy. I'm not taking him off your hands, totally. You have to eat with us, too," she said.
"Now, wait a minute. I thought you were going to train him," I complained.
"I will, but I think you need some training, too."
I pinched my lips and was shaking my head. Yuri was almost panicked. He wasn't sure what Patricia was offering, but it was a girl willing to talk to him.
"Okay, deal, but I have to be able to study during lunch."
We shook on it.
After school, I went to Cassidy's workout group. I noted who all was missing. I put Tim in charge of talking to them. Cassidy was in rare form, and worked everyone hard. Even the wrestlers were complaining when she was done.
She made me stay after everyone left. She was going to start teaching me self-defense. She told me her dad had been in Force Recon in the Marines. It was the equivalent to the Army Green Berets or the Navy Seals. Tony was moved to MARSOC (U.S. Marine Special Operations Command) when it was formed in 2006 until he retired. MARSOC was recently renamed Marine Raiders. Cassidy had learned from some of the best the Marines had to offer. She said that they thought it was cute that the little slip of a girl wanted to learn to fight.
I hadn't realized her dad was such a bad ass. I could tell from the start Cassidy was a good teacher. She was patient with me and took her time to show me the right way to do things. She told me that to be any good would take years, but she could teach me to keep from getting my butt kicked in a few weeks. Marines had to learn it in a short period of time after all. She said I was almost as smart as the average Marine. I chose to take that as a compliment. She had hung out with the best of the best. Marine Raiders were no dummies.
After we were done, she wanted to talk about her personal life.
"I hear you and Wolf talked today," she started.
"Yeah, what all did he tell you?" I asked, not wanting to break his confidence.
"That you want to date me," she smirked.
"I think I said ravage. I don't remember saying I would actually take you out on a date."
"Hmm ... this puts a whole new light on things. Wolf said you weren't willing to be naughty with me."
"Cassidy, I love you to death, but we both know your dad would kill me if I even looked funny at you. Now that I know what he did in the Marines, there is no way I'm going there."
"You are smarter than I thought. Daddy can be unreasonable at times. For some reason he thinks you would corrupt me if we went out. Maybe I should tell him what I have been up to," she teased.
"If you wish to see Jim and Wolf disappear, you go ahead. I personally like them and would hope you wouldn't."
"What about taking me to a movie or dinner?" she asked.
"I would enjoy that. Just make sure Coach knows that is all it is. My mom would hunt him down if I went missing."
We took showers, and I gave her a ride home.
Thursday December 18I had my last final today. The weeks leading up to today had fallen into a predictable pattern. Peggy and I were getting closer. We were doing everything but, sexually. On Tuesday nights either Pam or Tracy were coming over for a little fun. Friday and Saturday nights were date nights with Peggy.
At lunch, Patricia was having a positive influence on Yuri. They weren't dating yet, but they were becoming friends. The change impressed the girls enough to let the three of us join the cheerleader table a couple of times. Piper didn't have to try and end Yuri's life even once.
I'd started modeling again on weekends, and Mr. Hill had people lined up because of football. A lot of the local advertisers wanted me in their ads. We were careful not to mention football or Lincoln High. I also did some catalog work for Jade. They teamed me up with Sarah for those shoots. It was good to see her.
Tami and I had talked twice. We fell back into an easy rhythm and were working to become close again. There was an unspoken agreement not to talk about Simon. She was excited to be coming home. Tami would be flying in, next Monday. I was flying out, tomorrow, so I wouldn't see her. My family was flying out Tuesday. They would get a chance to catch up with Tami before they joined me at the Range Ranch for Christmas.
I'd wrapped up training for the movie last weekend. I would see Tish and Dylan on the set for any refreshers I needed. I enjoyed my acting class with Kate, Terrance and Cheryl. Cheryl was planning on going to Broadway and audition over Christmas Break. Kate told me she thought Cheryl had a shot at making it. I was going to miss them.
The other person I was going to miss was Paige. Her internship was done at the end of the semester. We'd gotten off to a rocky start, but I had come to like her, even after she'd put the blue goop on my balls.
Tonight I was driving up to Wesleyan for their annual Christmas Dance. I hadn't seen Missy or Harper since my trip with them to San Francisco. Sarah said the girls had plans for me, and would do an evil laugh whenever I tried to get details out of her. I think she was having a little too much fun. I told her I just needed to be at the airport by noon on Friday for my one-fifteen flight.
Finally, the noon bell rang to set us free for break. Peggy walked me to my Jeep and gave me a reminder as to what I was going to be missing for the next three weeks. I finally got into the Jeep and drove to Wesleyan.
I called Tami, because she had made me promise we would talk on my ride up to see our friends.
"David, how did your finals go?" she asked.
"I aced them. I'll be getting straight A's this semester. I have some big news," I told her.
I was happy Tami was not as plugged into what all was going on at Lincoln High. It felt more natural now that she wasn't stalking me.
"Oh, do tell."
"I think something is in the water. Couples seem to be breaking up and new ones are forming. The big one though is Alan has a new girlfriend. He broke up with Gina."
"No way! What happened?"
"They're not saying. I don't think it's really a big deal or Jeff would have clued me in. Jeff told me they had just figured out it wasn't working anymore and it just happened. I never heard any drama, and you know Alan, if there was something he would have blabbed it."
"That's too bad. I thought they made a cute couple. Who is he going out with now?"
"Stacy Clute. I got to know her in art class last year. She is shy, so I guess opposites do attract."
"I don't know her."
"She went to a different middle school than we did. You would like her. She is super nice and Alan seems to be happy."
"Who else broke up?"
"Well, the threesome of Cassidy, Jim and Wolf is no more. The surprising thing is they didn't kill each other," I said because I had predicted it wouldn't end well. "Jim is going out with a freshman cheerleader named Piper. Wolf is going out with April," I said.
"Did you warn Wolf?"
"She has changed since I went out with her. She and Wolf seem to be doing well. Cassidy is going out with Jeff."
"What? Jeff has a girlfriend?"
"Yep. We were all shocked. You should see Jeff now. He's become a little stud. Between working out with Cassidy, lifting weights and playing football he has really changed. He is also showing a lot more confidence. Jeff is a good match for Cassidy."
"I'll have to make a point of seeing him when I get back," Tami said. "What about you?"
"I'm still dating Peggy. We are good for each other."
"Is she still a virgin?"
"Tami! You know I don't talk about stuff like that," I complained.
"I'll take that as a yes. Are you still seeing Tracy and Pam for sex?"
"Okay, enough. That is not something I'm comfortable talking about."
"Sorry," she said.
The sadness in her voice kind of summed up where we were with each other now. We now had limits on what we would discuss. That used to not be the case. Looking at it more closely, it was me who had set the limits. I didn't want to hear about Simon and I didn't want to share my most intimate feelings.
We talked for a while longer. I missed Tami, but I wouldn't actually see her until she came home in May.
I got a hotel room at the Hyatt, which was the same place they were having the dance. Teddy Wesleyan had invited me to his suite at five. The dinner started at six-thirty, and I was meeting Harper and Missy at six. I had come up early, to surprise them. I was checked in and unpacked by two o'clock. I went downstairs so I could go to their dorm. I wanted to see the rest of Tami's friends while I was here.
I was surprised when I saw Missy in the lobby. I wondered if Tami had tipped her off. I snuck up behind her and wrapped my arms around her as I kissed her neck. She stiffened when she felt my desire rubbing her butt.
"Come on. Let's go have some fun before the dance," I whispered.
I took her hand and we went back up to my room. It was a race to see who could get undressed the fastest. I missed my redheaded bombshell. She was hotter than I remembered as I feasted on her delectable body, and she responded with an enthusiasm I had never seen in her before.
When I buried my condom covered member into her it was like taking her virginity again. She was marvelously tight. I had to go slow and work to get her to the point she could accept all of me. When we finally were joined, and she could accommodate me, we began that age-old dance in earnest.
"Fuck YES!" she yelled.
I began to chuckle because I'd never heard Missy cuss. She came hard, so I slowed down to give her a break. I pulled out and flipped her over and took her from behind, which allowed me to get in deeper. Missy became a hellcat in bed. Always before we had been slower and gentler, but I guess we just missed each other.
I reach under her and played with her breasts, and as I squeezed her nipples and she went off again. It was more than I could take and I came hard. I rolled off of her and got up to dispose of my condom. I came back to cuddle and I noticed a mark under her breast.
"I'm sorry, did I hurt you?" I asked.
"No, that's a birthmark," she told me.
I froze. She got a big smile on her face.
"Hi, David, I'm Lisa," Missy's sister told me.
"Oh, Fuck! I'm so dead!" I cried.
I felt physically ill. I'd just slept with Missy's sister, how was I ever going to explain this to her.
"What are we supposed to say to your sister?" I asked.
"She said to invite her up when we were done," Lisa said.
"She knows?" I blurted out.
My mind was not catching up with this. Then I remembered when my mom had first met her. Missy told her she and her sister sometimes switched.
"Okay, talk to me; and use little bitty words, because I'm freaking out right now," I begged.
She grabbed her phone and sent a text. There was an immediate knock on my door. Lisa jumped up and answered it with both of us still naked. Missy saw me and ran into my arms.
"I'm so sorry... ," I started with tears in my eyes.
I felt like I had cheated on her. Missy saw my reaction and I could tell she felt bad.
"David, it's okay. Lisa wanted you to be her first. I told her you would never do it, if you didn't get to know her first. I feel bad we hurt you."
"You're not mad at me?" I asked.
"No, honey, we set you up. I wanted you to sleep with my sister. We normally do most things together. She has been jealous of you and me making love, so I figured it would be an early Christmas present for the both of you," she said patting my hand. "Did you have fun?"
I looked at Lisa and she had a worried look on her face. I smiled at her, which made her relax.
"Yes. You two are very special women. I was afraid I ruined our friendship. I care for you too much to ever want to hurt you," I said as I pulled her into a kiss.
When the kiss finally ended I saw Lisa had picked up her clothes and put on a robe. She came over and kissed me.
"I have a room here, also. I'll let you two spend some time together, and see you at the dance," Lisa said and then left.
Missy and I took our time and made slow gentle love. I wanted her to know how much I cared for her. When we were done, I fell asleep with her caressing my hair. I could get used to this, as long as I could figure out a way to tell the twins apart!
I woke up alone, as I rolled over the clock said ten. I heard movement in my bathroom and then Tracy came out and gave me a weak smile. There will always be something between us. "Tracy..." I started, but she shut me up with a kiss. I pushed her away and smiled at her. Something wasn't quite right. We had been friends. No, that wasn't right, we were more than friends. So it was easy for me to detect her moods and I could tell something was bothering her. "What's wrong?" I...
I was dreading this week. It was Homecoming, and Eve Holliday was coming back to shoot her video for Hometown Hero. I was still not happy about her breakup song, as it made me look as though I'd cheated on her. I had told Kendal that I would help her any way I could, and that promise was about to be called in. They were supposed to meet me at the park this morning, and follow me on a run. I grabbed some running clothes, and I made sure I had my Range Sports gear. I went out and stretched...
I woke up and ran with Peggy. We hadn't talked on Sunday as she had some family thing to do. I soon found out that she had more calls than I did. We had run for almost a mile when she said something that brought me to a dead stop. "David, I didn't realize what dating you involved. I think I need to break-up with you ... almost before we start dating," she said and then looked back to see where I was. "You're kidding me, right?" I asked hopefully. "No. I need to think this out...
Tami and I drove to Lexington Kentucky to visit my friend John Phillips in the hospital. He had torn his Achilles tendon stepping off a curb. We decided to take the scenic route, so we could drive by horse farms in the area. The windows were down and you could hear the distinctive grumble and whine of the Charger as it ate up the miles. I was amazed Tami hadn't gotten a ticket yet, but she seemed to have a sixth sense as to where the police were. I was about to drop off into a nap when Tami...
Tami and I had arrived in Columbus the night before, because the football staff wanted to show us around before sign in at eleven that morning. We were directed to the Woody Hayes Athletic Center. The facilities had been originally built in the late 80s. Recently they did an almost twenty million dollar upgrade and expansion. If there was a better football facility in the country, I wanted to see it. Tami and I went to reception to meet our guide who turned out to be a guy that looked like...
By lunch, word of Peggy and me no longer dating was all anyone wanted to talk about. I had grabbed Yuri when he saw Peggy and Mitch holding hands. My little Russian tough guy had to be convinced I was okay with it. I appreciated he would be willing to deal with something like that. Peggy nodded to me to say thanks. Luckily, Mitch was none the wiser. I walked into lunch late, because I'd had to fend off Lisa Felton. She'd gotten it in her head I should take her to the Valentine's Dance on...
When I got to school, Tracy was waiting for me. She gave Peggy a hip check to let her know she wanted to talk to me alone. Peggy gave me a kiss, and left for her locker. "I need your help," Tracy said. I just raised an eyebrow. "You have to yell at the freshmen. They think it was cute, touching you at the dance. They don't know how quickly they can destroy their reputations. Piper is already having problems." "I think I can handle that. I wasn't happy they were grabbing...
Tracy had another breakdown, mid-week. Her depression didn't seem to be getting any better. Tom talked to me, and there was talk where she would drop out of school for a semester and get some extensive treatment. He never came out and said it, but I suspected they were worried she might do something stupid. I had gone over to see her Thursday night, but she was asleep. I never got a chance to talk to her. One unexpected result from last Saturday night, was Brit's new bodyguards: her...
I was packed and ready to go to camp. The plan was for Tami to pick me up to take me to the airport. I had loved up on Duke, and explained I would only be gone a few days. I was surprised when Harper walked in the back door. I didn't ask any questions until we were in the car. "Where's Tami?" I asked. "She'll see you when you get back. You get to talk to me on the way to the airport." "Okay, what am I talking to you about?" "My job is to talk you out of being Tami's boyfriend....
Today was the beginning of one of the most important weeks of my football future. The camp was being held at Nike's Corporate Campus, in Beaverton, Oregon. Beaverton was located just seven miles from downtown Portland. I woke up with an uneasy stomach, which was a good sign. It meant I was ready. All I needed now was to puke, and I was good to go. Tami was in my bed and I watched her sleep. I was still confused about us having sex last week. There was something in the back of my mind trying...
It was good to be home, and to sleep in my own bed. I was sick of dorm and hotel beds. You just seem to sleep better at home. I was also happy to see Duke. You would have thought I'd been gone for years by the way he acted when I got home. I would have to a talk with Brit and Precious about what they had done to my poor boy. As I walked down the stairs to go run, I went through a mental checklist of what I needed to do before I left for my last football camp. I wanted to get the oil changed...
I was kissed awake. "You're so cute when you sleep," Nancy said as she ran her fingers through my hair. I looked at the clock. There was an hour before my alarm was to go off. I grinned, having an idea why she had awakened me. "Good morning, Sunshine. Why are you so happy this morning?" "Because my man was so good to me last night I couldn't see sending him off to the salt mines without a little loving," she almost purred. I rewarded her by giving her a deep soulful kiss. Nancy...
I had called Peggy last night and we arranged to run this morning. She explained that since I was now dating her, I should come pick her up. That was why I found myself jogging up to her house. Mr. Pratt was coming out the back door to go to work. "Morning," I said in way of a greeting. "I want to talk to you," he said in an unfriendly way. I just stopped, and tried to figure out what his deal was. "Who do you think you are taking my daughter out and getting her drunk?" he...
I was on my way to the airport with Kendal. We were going to be gone for a four day weekend to finish up the on-site work for the movie. Our destination was the Northwest Territories. We would be staying in the small town of Yellowknife. It was called The Gateway to the North. I was excited about finishing up my portion of the movie. There would be some big chase and fight scenes that would allow me to use my newly acquired gun skills. Craig had called me earlier in the week and told me he...
Duke and I walked out my backdoor to run, when he darted into the backyard to do his business. I heard the low rumble of him growling, so I decided to go investigate. I found Precious guarding something, something furry. Oh Dear Lord, she caught one of Duke's squirrels. You have to understand, there was a sacred bond between dog and squirrel. It was the squirrel's job to torment the dog by bouncing around and then running up trees. The squirrel then twitches its tail and chirped at the...
Tami: I saw David as he walked out of the terminal and into the pick-up area. I waved, and when he saw me he gave me one of his dazzling smiles. I was sometimes amazed I knew this boy who was in all the magazines. I'd not been prepared for how good-looking he had become. He had really grown into a sexy young man. Before the summer of his growth spurt, he had been a slightly pudgy nerd. David was now six-four and a hunk. He had a lean, muscular build and a noticeable bulge in his loose...
When we got up, Nancy and I walked to the main house so I could say goodbye to everyone. We all had breakfast together, and they told me their plans for the day. Devin was taking them all horseback riding in the morning. In the afternoon, the guys were going to watch football bowl games. The girls were going to go to another movie. I caught a ride with Sandy to the airport, after Nancy gave me a kiss or three. It was a bittersweet ending to the vacation. I liked her a lot, but we were in...
A New Christmas Mommy Part 9: The Spring Dance (March 6-7, 9-11 2019) "Oh goodness, what a busy day...." Diana said wearily as she opened the door to her condo. She took a moment to take off her high heels, rubbing her stocking clad feet for a moment. Ah, Jane isn't back yet.... as she noticed no other sound coming from the condo. Ah well, she figured, I can unwind with luscious mistress of wine, as she placed her clutch purse down and walked over to the kitchen fridge. Opening it up,...
When I went to school this morning I had an extra bounce in my step. I had a girl whom I loved, my movie obligations were done, for now, and best of all was baseball tryouts started today. I was excited about this season. We were finally going to get to play varsity ball. The other thing I noticed was they had broken ground on the new Field House. They planned on having it done by the start of the coming school year, next August. I could hardly wait to be able to use it. Dad was also...
Tim, Kim and Pam had been invited to Tracy's lake house for the day. There wasn't going to be a repeat of our last trip, because her parents were coming. The five of us played on the Jet Water Board all morning. Pam taught us some tricks she had learned skateboarding. I was going to New Orleans next week for a Range Sports shoot, and they planned on filming all afternoon with me on the Jet Water Board. Naturally, I was trying to learn everything I could. Sandy told me the more wild things...
Maybe it was how free the boy was with the boisterous crowd on Saturday afternoon in the Bamberg, Germany, beerhall, with him touching them and they touching him and patting his bottom as he passed. Despite the close quarters and the hands-on flirting, the boy was managing to swing up to six full beer steins in his hands without losing a drop of lager. The array of steins looked almost as big as he did in his short-legged leather lederhosen despite it being in the middle of December. He looked...
My phone woke me up, and when I checked it was Tami. "Happy Easter!" I heard her and her host family call out. I looked at the clock. It was six-thirty in the morning. I tried to remember if she was five or six hours different. Anyways, it was too damn early for Sunday morning. "You are all evil. You do realize it is the crack of dawn here," I complained. "I know, but you love me, anyway. We are off to see historic folk dancing by the Morris Dancers. They assure me it is an English...
Spring had arrived in our sleepy little town. Mom's tulips were in full bloom, and the trees were greening up. I was taking in the signs of change of season as I saw my first robin. It was predicted to be in the low 60s this weekend. I was looking forward to the warmer weather, because we had our baseball tournament. Lincoln High lost their first game on Wednesday. Our record stood at 7 – 1. I had started three games and my record was 2 – 0 with a 1.37 ERA. Justin was also 2 – 0 with a 2.43...
When I went to school in morning, I had an extra bounce in my step. I had a girl whom I loved, my movie obligations were done for now, and best of all, we would play our first baseball game this week. I had just finished lifting with Wolf, when Jeff came in. "Moose posted the varsity team on his door." Wolf and I followed Jeff, and checked the list. Varsity – Starters (batting order) (8) Tim Foresee – Catcher (4) Wolf Tam – 1st Base / Right Field (5) Mike Herndon – 2nd Base / Pitcher (3)...
Finals week! Just the whisper of that phrase caused the brightest of students to tremble. I sat at our lunch table and watched everyone lose their minds. I had never seen such stage fright since I was twelve, and had to piss off the back of my uncle's fishing boat, while everyone watched. This was ridiculous. We had all survived finals before. I didn't understand why everyone was suddenly freaked out. Being a man of action, I needed to solve this. "You're all a bunch of wimps," I...
I was beginning to understand the meaning of the word entourage. I was a little embarrassed when I saw how many people were boarding the plane to New Orleans for my Range Sports photo shoot. From Ford modeling I had Tiffany, my agent, and Deb Thomas, their Vice President of Talent Development for their Chicago office. Deb arranged to join us, because she wanted to talk to Devin and Sandy Range about their corporate relationship. It had been on shaky ground ever since our shoots in the UK,...
I'd gone out with Peggy Sunday night to celebrate her coming in third at State on Saturday. Mitch had come in second for the boys. She admitted he'd tried to hit on her again, and I was free to kick his ass. I saw him in the parking lot before school about the same time he saw me coming, and made it inside before I caught him. Peggy gave me a reward for being her hero. The kiss was nice, but she was still confused. She asked why all the varsity cheerleaders flirted with me, while we talked...
After living in the Netherlands for 33 years I was ready for a big change. I had been toying withthe idea of moving to another country to get away from the stress of it all for a while.I had girlfriends in the Netherlands. Wives.I had one nighters and 2 nighters. I wasn't doing bad for myself.But, there was something missing on the girl side. I love variety. I think I've been withevery kind of girl I COULD be with in the Netherlands. I started thinking about other countries.Other girls. Other...
I went to lunch and found Wayne and Ray at our table, again. This time they had been invited. I had gotten to know them over the past few days. Wayne had been a snot, at first, but soon learned that I could kick his ass (mostly due to Cassidy's teaching). Once that was established, he was a much nicer guy. I was less happy to see Maggie was back, and unfortunately nothing had changed on that front. I still felt she was too young, and I was not interested in letting her practice her games on...
Peggy and I walked up to the front of the school. Pam saw me and hurried over. She didn't look happy. "Tracy withdrew from school," she blurted out. "Okay, I take it she is in treatment," I said. "Her parents took her, Friday. She is in a depression treatment center." "What can we do to help?" Peggy asked. "I don't know. I wish there was something," Pam said. "Have you talked to her or her parents?" I asked. "I talked to Mary for a minute. They were a little busy, so I...
It felt good to be home for the week. I didn't have to fly out to Oregon for the Elite 11 camp until Saturday night. Of course, that was the same day as my birthday, and also Uncle John and Bonnie's wedding. Last year Beth had staged a Birthday Week that would be hard to top. She had introduced me to a different girl each day. The kicker was the blindfold ... now that was fantasy. I wasn't planning on trying to top that, because I had Bo Harrington in town. He was preparing for the Elite...
"Get up! Get up! Get up!" Kara shouted as she ran into my room and bounced on my bed. I think somebody was a little over excited for six-thirty in the morning. Of course somebody had flown in from Italy, and her internal clock was messed up. I guess I should feel lucky that I got to sleep this late. "Should we go wake everyone up?" I asked getting into the spirit of things. She nodded with a gleam in her eye. I got up and went to put on my boxers. "No, let's go naked and wake them...
I opened the door to my apartment to let Duke out. I was surprised when he went towards the back of the garage, like he was stalking something. I had a mission though, so I let him have his fun. Mom bought doughnuts yesterday. She always bought us two each and only two Bavarian Creams. Dad and I had made a game of hiding them, because they were our favorites. We both knew we were not allowed to eat them, because Mom explained what would happen if we did. As I walked across the front of the...
Coach Hope called me before I went to church. He wanted to talk to me, and my parents, before he made his final decision about what to do with the drinking issue from last night. We had agreed to go to Granny's for a late breakfast, after Mom and I came back from church. When we walked in, Granny spotted me. She made a big fuss about my chin and thought I needed a cinnamon roll to make it better. "I see why you come here," Mom chided me. Before I could respond, the Hope family joined us....
Sophomore year is an interesting year for most students, in that this is their first really independent year, at least academically speaking. Not in lifestyle, of course, since that occurs freshman year. Freshman year is a huge change for the average college student. For the vast majority that are now living away from home for the first time, this is a massive culture shock. They are now treated as adults and need to learn discipline quickly. Mommy and Daddy are no longer going to be there to...
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1991 I woke up long before my alarm clock was set to go off, feeling sick to my stomach. The anguish was physical, not just emotional. The events from the night before played out in my head while I considered what to do. I hadn’t missed a school day for being sick in years. And if I did call in sick, I couldn’t participate in any sport or activity that day. That meant missing the Homecoming game and the dance. The idea didn’t really seem so bad at first, but a larger...
At the end of my college freshman year my good friend Jerod, his roommate Kyle and I decided that we were going to move off campus our sophomore year. We found a nice small house to rent not to far from the college. I was excited to spend my sophomore year off campus but was a little unsure of Jerods roommate Kyle. He seemed a little arrogant and I just didn't really hit off all that well with him. Jerod assured me it would be fine as I got to know Kyle. We got along fine but his arrogance...
The Kick Part 2 - As a Sophomore (Drew switches from Track and Cross Country to Soccer, is injured during a match, and begins to live with the consequences of his injury.) For my sophomore year I wanted to try a different sport. Like, Track and Cross Country were fun but, for Cross Country especially, they were more individual sports than team sports and I missed being part of a team where everyone depended upon everyone else if the team was to succeed. Jeff was on the soccer team...
A boys Christmas Letter By Princess Dear Santa I do not know if you will ever get this letter. All I want for Christmas is to be a boy. I do not know if you even exist. But if you do exist, or if God exists please hear me please. Maybe I was very bad and I deserve all of this and If this is some punishment for what I have done can you please help me understand. I do not know if you even know me or if you have forgotten me. All I want for Christmas is to be allowed to be a boy again....
** This story is completely fictional. Please Enjoy! Rebecca could see up her skirt as she held Amy high above her head. “Nice ass, Amy.” That got a few chuckles from her fellow cheerleaders and a blushing face from her best friend. Rebecca and the other cheerleader holding Amy up released her feet and caught her as she twirled into their arms. Amy gave a death stare to Rebecca once she got back onto her feet. Rebecca just smiled back and laughed. She always enjoyed teasing Amy since she knew...
** This story is completely fictional. Please Enjoy! Rebecca could see up her skirt as she held Amy high above her head. “Nice ass, Amy.” That got a few chuckles from her fellow cheerleaders and a blushing face from her best friend. Rebecca and the other cheerleader holding Amy up released her feet and caught her as she twirled into their arms. Amy gave a death stare to Rebecca once she got back onto her feet. Rebecca just smiled back and laughed. She always enjoyed teasing Amy since she knew...
Group Sex“Hi—I'm Matthew Dillon. You know—a championship happens due to a team effort. And here at Carlise Chevy, GMC, Jeep—our team is out for you. We got them all—Camero, Corvette, GMC trucks, and my favorite, the Jeep CJ. Our award winning service department is open till 7:00 each night, Monday through Saturday. We have special financing for first time buyers, like high school and college students. Let us develop that perfect play for you, so you can score that winning touchdown, and drive home...
This story is quite outside my usual genre. It is hot, sexy and full of twists and turns. Fair warning, it is also a LONG story. Still, I hope you will enjoy it. Steffi the Sophomore Part Two I had no idea what Steffi was thinking at that moment, but I was practically terrified. Steffi and I had just gotten caught by my girlfriend while we were having sex. When I say caught, I mean CAUGHT! We were both naked on the bed in the guest room with Steffi laying spread legged on top of me...
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1991 “I’m out in the cold (out in the cold) Body and soul (out in the cold) There’s nowhere to go (out in the cold) I’m out in the cold (out in the cold)” Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers had it about right. I was out in the cold. Of course, I still slapped the snooze button and shut him up anyway. I had a riot of feelings to deal with. Two rejections, were weighing heavily on my mind. Sure, I had sort of patched things up with Shelby. At the same time, we were...
August-September 1978 The next week flew by. On Sunday, we used my tickets and went to another baseball game. The Reds were hosting the Cubs. Tom Seaver pitched a lousy game and the Reds lost 7-1. Bethany joined us this time, because Mary wasn’t able to go. As luck would have it, the same guys were sitting behind us. “Hey, what happened to the sexy blonde?” “She couldn’t make it today, but this is another one that he’s had sex with,” Melanie said. “Melanie!” I growled. “Oh stop, Steve!”...
A boys Christmas Letter 2 By Princess Dear Santa and anyone else: I am writing to thank you for helping me. It has been six months since I last written to you, and a lot has happened since then. Thank you. I didn't mention it in the first letter, how ever my mother signed me up in a all girls school and I was attending school as a girl named Kristina. I got along well with the girls but it never felt right. Several of the teachers noticed things that were weird about me...
Introduction: This is my entry for a Xmas pantomime story competition. Its in the form of a play, and is intended to simply be a spoof adult play, on a Xmas theme. If youre looking for a sexually stimulating text, please look elsewhere, but if you want something that will make you smile then (I hope) this one is for you. MARY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY A pantomime play in three Acts. Cast (In no particular order): Narrator (The easiest part of all), Mary Christmas (An attractive woman in her early...
A pantomime play in three Acts. Cast (In no particular order): Narrator (The easiest part of all), Mary Christmas (An attractive woman in her early 30’s), Carole (a young trainee), Rudy The Red Knobbed Reindeer (a reindeer), Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Comet, Cupid, Vixen, Donner and Blitzen (more reindeers), Foo-Kin Thin (a small box of electronics from Japan), Santa Claus (a red faced obese old inebriate wanted for questioning by police forces in 92 different countries on suspicion of...
The Magic Of Christmas By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers "Oh so you are awake?" said his mother poking her head in his room. "Morning honey. I hear the tv on." "Yeah, I didn't sleep so well," said Brayden rubbing his eyes. "Too excited about Christmas," said his mother coming in. "Well that and what I told you last night," sighed Brayden. "I still feel horrible." "Well not that I want to be negative on Christmas but you should honey," said his mother folding her arms....
(Merry Christmas everyone. This is last years Christmas story from up on my Patreon: A new Christmas story, along with two additional parts to this one is already up on my Patreon, so if you're interested go and have a look.) Intro Valerie and Vince had been very close all their lives, not surprising considering they had shared the same womb for nine months. They had a very good bond often knowing how the other felt without them even...
Are you looking forward to a merry Christmas this year? Of course, you are! But how is that supposed to happen when you have to deal with family over the holidays? Fuck, you can’t even say ‘the holidays’ without some dipshit falling over and having a heart attack because you used the phrase ‘the holidays’ instead of Christmas.Do you know what stands between you and a peaceful, fantastic Christmas? Well, people! People ruin everything. So instead of dealing with people over Christmas, the...
Big Tits Porn SitesI know what you’re thinking. It’s Christmas time, so that means lots of snow with carols and an unlimited supply of hot chocolate. But in reality, with mother nature never being able to make up her mind. It’s a semi chilly boring night, filled with the usual run of the mill people, scurrying about spending all their money. On the plus side, I have the night off, and I’m able to spend it with my beautiful baby girl as she lounges around in a loose tank that her mouth-watering breast keeps...
BDSMMy first Christmas in Slavery My first Christmas in Slavery A short story for the festive season It was my first Christmas as a slave girl. I was looking forward to the special day because I was hoping my master might have something special planned to celebrate my first Christmas of slavery to him. Only last Christmas I was a young innocent 15 year old girl, enjoying normal life as a teenager. Now I had recently passed my 16th birthday and I was a permanent slave girl to a dominant...
Christmas wasn't Christmas until you'd stuffed a Santa face down in a wheelie bin and set his ass on fire. That's what Rick Burton said. Rick couldn't be out with them tonight; he was currently serving a three year stretch for beating up a moaning old bastard. Tim Selick had some sympathy. His own life had felt like a prison for the past six months. Not tonight. Tonight he was free. Screw Denise, screw Henry Di-fucking-Novi; tonight he was gonna hang with the lads and get totally off his...
By PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 Chapter 1 As my eyes opened on Christmas morning, I felt as if a weight had been lifted. As usual, Dakota was all snuggled into me and Jill had her back to my back. I woke both my sleeping beauties with little kisses. I started first with Jill. She wore herself out the past couple of days getting Diane ready for the wedding. I gently kissed her neck, her shoulders, and her chest. My fingers gently glided over her beautiful body. It took a few minutes but...
Here we are at the precipice of, yet, another happy holiday season and, after so many of us have looked forward to and experienced the excitement of Christmas as children, we had the fun and the joy of buying toys for our children, and, later, were allowed to spoil our grandchildren with generous gifts. Now that we are older and mired neck deep in a poor economy that threatens to ruin the holiday for too many of us, a holiday season that used to be fun, has suddenly become a tiresome chore, a...
A Christmas Tale (the fourth) Kyorii Chapter 1 Goodbye to a Childhood Friend. It was late October, the trees in the graveyard were giving up their final leaves to the brisk autumn breeze as Linda Anders stood well back from the main group of mourners at the graveside, she watched the vicar read from a large screen tablet in his hand as the coffin was lowered into the ground by the funeral director's staff. Linda sniffed and dabbed at her eyes as the coffin vanished from...
Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- The Christmas Wish By AngelJedi (Megan Campbell) (Released: December 24, 2020) My mom was screaming - again. It was like the third time today or something. She clearly wasn't enjoying Christmas break as much as I was. Thankfully, she wasn't screaming at me...this time....