What Bad Boys Get For Christmas free porn video

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Christmas wasn't Christmas until you'd stuffed a Santa face down in a wheelie bin and set his ass on fire. That's what Rick Burton said.

Rick couldn't be out with them tonight; he was currently serving a three year stretch for beating up a moaning old bastard. Tim Selick had some sympathy. His own life had felt like a prison for the past six months.

Not tonight. Tonight he was free. Screw Denise, screw Henry Di-fucking-Novi; tonight he was gonna hang with the lads and get totally off his fucking face.

They hadn't intended for the night to be a special dedication to Rick or anything, but when they saw the drunken Santa staggering around behind Woolies, well...

It was past midnight and the town centre was deserted. Once the shops closed, most people left the main shopping thoroughfares and drifted away to the pubs, clubs and kebab shops on the fringes. Tim and his mates were here because they were too broke to afford anything other than cheap cans of special brew from the offie.

Santa was a mess. Tim couldn't tell if that was his actual beard or a fake. The long white hairs were filthy and matted. Various foodstuffs and other stains were tangled in the mess. He smelt foul--a rancid mixture of strong liqueur and unwashed sweat.

"Ho ho ho. Merry Chrissermas." Santa noticed the lads and saluted them with a bottle hidden away in a brown paper bag. He tottered unsteadily on his feet.

"Fucking disgrace," Tim heard Danny McDowell mutter next to him.

The gang ranged around the Santa like a pack of jackals. Tim felt a little thrill of excitement. He'd missed this buzz.

The drunken Santa watched them warily, fear penetrating his haze of alcohol.

"Now now, lads, you wouldn't want to hurt a harmless old man," he said, giving them a nervous smile.

Tim exchanged glances with Danny and Mikey Elfman.

"Geddim!" Danny shouted.

The gang surged forward as one. Ignoring the protests of the drunken man, they took his bottle off him and lifted him up off the ground. They carried him around the corner and dumped him headfirst into a blue wheelie bin. They stood around and laughed while Santa's legs kicked up out of the top of the bin.

Fucking hilarious, Tim thought, like one of those cartoons where Santa gets stuck in the chimney.

Danny took a sniff of Santa's bottle and jerked away, his eyes watering.

"Fucking hell, that's strong," he said.

He upended the contents over the struggling Santa.

"Should go up a treat," Danny said, flipping open his zippo.

"Do it," Mikey said. "Do it for Rick."

Danny sniggered and put the bright yellow flame to Santa's sodden ass. The alcohol-sodden trousers went up immediately, blue and yellow flames shooting up into the night sky. Drunken Santa's yelled obscenities changed to loud bellows, muffled by the plastic of the bin.

"Someone dial 999. Santa's on fire!" Danny laughed.

"Santa barbeque!" Mikey sniggered.

The gang stood around the bin. Flames reflected in Tim's eyes as he watched Santa kick out. It looked like fire was shooting out of the old bastard's arse. Tim felt a kind of savage glee. He felt powerful, part of something, and that was a thousand times better than feeling like a piece of shit as he doled out fried crap at Burger Whore.

Santa was screaming louder and louder. His muffled bellows had changed to high pitched wails of pain.

Tim blinked. Was the old tramp sobbing inside the burning plastic container?

They heard sirens off in the distance.

"Leg it!" Danny yelled.

"We gonna leave him like that?" Tim asked.

Drunken Santa was still kicking away as his trousers burned.

"He'll be fine," Danny said. "Might take his pubes a while to grow back," he laughed.

The gang dashed off down the alley. Tim glanced back at the still struggling tramp. He planted a solid kick on the side of the bin, toppling it over. Old coot should be able to get out now, he thought, before running off after the others.

Their exhilarating dash through the back streets soon slowed down to aimless meandering. It was late and there wasn't anything to do. One by one, the younger members slunk back home, until only Danny, Mikey and Tim were left.

As they wandered through the empty streets Tim caught the whiff of a strange scent. It was spicy and enticing, like an exotic perfume. He sniffed the air, trying to catch more of it. All of a sudden he had an itch he really wanted to scratch.

He was not alone. Mikey was grabbing his crotch and staring absently around him.

They came to a junction. The scent seemed to be strongest from the right, so that was the direction they took.

It was hard to describe the smell exactly, Tim thought, or their actions. It was kind of like if you were hungry and you got the whiff of burgers on a grill, you'd follow the smell back to the burger van it came from. It was the same, but with sex. That was the best way he could describe it. You caught a whiff of it and it reminded you that you felt horny.

There wasn't a burger van waiting for them at the end but girls, plenty of girls. They came to a deserted thoroughfare with scantily-clad girls clustered around lampposts on either side of the entrance to a quiet side street. The side street was curtained off and hidden behind a pair of heavy red drapes. Lured on by the scent and the promise of sex, they approached the girls.

The girls were dressed like the street hookers Tim had seen on Skellington Road, but they looked nothing like the wrinkly monsters and worn out chav moppets he and the other guys used to take the piss out of. They looked like girls Tim would actually think about paying to fuck, if he had the money.

The girls' outfits, what little they were wearing, were clear advertisements they'd quite happily accept that money. They wore high black stilettos and black fishnet stockings that went up to the top of their legs. Above their waists was nothing more than kinky black fetish-wear. They had studded black dog collars around their necks and studded black straps wrapped around their arms and midriffs. The stretched black rubber looked glossy beneath the streetlights. Far more flesh--ghostly pale--was revealed than hidden.

They must be fucking freezing, Tim thought.

"Fuck, I'm feeling horny," Danny said, grabbing his crotch.

The girls stared suggestively at them with wide, large eyes picked out with heavy black eyeliner. They pouted full red lips and struck up poses against the lampposts like girls being photographed for smutty magazines.

"They look a little strange," Tim said.

He couldn't put his finger on it. They were skinny and very dainty. More like ballet dancers than the heavy breasted women Tim jerked off to on the internet. Pretty too. Really pretty. Far prettier than he would have expected for a street hooker.

"I bet they're Lithuanian," Mikey said.

"Lithuanian?" Tim questioned. That could explain it, he supposed.

"Yeah, I read about it in the paper," Mikey said. "They're setting up knocking shops all across Britain. The girls are supposed to be well fit."

The erection in Tim's pants agreed with that. One of the girls leaned forward and blew him a kiss.

"Fuck, I wish I had a fifty," Danny said.

"I thought you were still with Caroline," Tim said.

"She's up the duff again," Danny said, "won't let me go near her while the baby's inside her. She doesn't understand a man has needs and can't wait that long."

"Denise has got a strop on because I got fired from Burger King," Tim said.

The same girl beckoned eagerly to Tim with a smile on her lips. Her eyes were big and bright.

"No money," he said, turning out his empty pockets.

That didn't discourage the girl. She beckoned again and pouted her lips. Then, when Tim showed no inclination of moving, she and a friend stepped forward, grabbed an arm each and tugged him towards the red curtains.

"We're broke," Tim said.

The girl on his left put a finger to his lips. The other girl caressed his crotch, sending an electric shiver through him. He looked over to Danny and Mikey. Both of them had girls on each arm.

Danny shrugged. "Maybe they're nympho and business is slow tonight."

The girls led them to the curtained-off street. Another girl looked up and down the street with quick, bright eyes before pulling aside the curtain to reveal a short flight of wooden stairs leading up to a pair of big wooden doors.

Didn't there used to be a side street here? Tim thought. They walked through the doors and into a narrow hallway with plain wooden floors and walls lined with rippling red curtains. To Tim it looked like they were walking down the tunnel of a giant velvet vagina.

Fuck, he really needed to get laid.

This was all a bit too fancy. It looked like one of those VIP-type clubs he'd seen on the telly. Except he couldn't hear any dance music. There was no heavy thump of a bass drum reverberating through his body. The only music he could hear was tinkling silvery bells--sensual New Age sounds--turned down real quiet. The girls beckoned them on.

"Look, we want to, we really do, but none of us has any cash," Tim said.

Tim wanted to be clear about that. He didn't want some big shaven-headed bastard kicking the shit out of him later for non-payment of services rendered.

He reached down for his wallet, but one of the girls stopped him and shook her head.

"On the house?" Danny queried.

The girl nodded and smiled.

"Oh, oh," Mikey said. "I read about this as well, I think. They like to give out freebies when they set up in a new town. So's the blokes go and tell all their mates afterwards. Good for business. Word of mouth." Mikey tapped his nose.

"Sweet!" Tim said. It was their lucky night.

"We'll be sure to tell everyone," Mikey said.

Two girls led him through a curtain in the right wall. He turned back and smiled at them before the curtain swung back down after him.

"See you later, Ginge," Danny said. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do." He walked through the curtain at the end of the corridor with a girl hanging off each side.

Tim was left with two girls. They looked up at him with a predatory gleam in their black-limned eyes. Nasty, Tim thought. His dick twitched in eagerness.

"What're your names?" he asked.

The girls didn't answer. The one on his right put a finger to her bee-stung lips. Tim dubbed her Extreme Curls in his head, after her mop of curly black hair. She looked a wild one. Her pale complexion was flawless apart from a few cute freckles on either side of her petite little button nose. Her outfit was more than wild, it was X-rated. She wore black stilettos and fishnet stockings. Her top was a glossy black one-piece with holes cut in the side and only a narrow black thong to cover her private parts.

The other girl had her straight black hair cut in a medium-length bob. Tim would have called her Black Bob, but then he thought about it a bit more--

"What did you get up to last night?"

"I was fucking Black Bob all night."

--and decided to go with Ms Cleopatra instead. Her hair and the heavy kohl around her eyes made her look a little like an Egyptian princess. Her snow-white complexion and X-rated bondage outfit didn't quite complete the picture. She wore a tight black corset with laces on the front and a zipper over the crotch. With her high spiked heels and elbow-length black gloves, she looked like a classic dominatrix in miniature.

They led him through a curtain in the left wall and down another wooden-floored corridor. A third girl with long black waves for hair--um, Wavy Black Hair--waited at the end. She pulled one of the curtains aside and posed provocatively next to it. Her kinky black boots went up to her thighs and covered more of her pale skin than the rest of her clothing put together. Not hard as the rest of that clothing consisted of nothing more than a short leather miniskirt and some looped straps to cover her nipples.

Ms Cleopatra took his hand and pulled him towards the open curtain.

"Here?" he asked.

Ms Cleopatra turned towards him and smiled. She wiggled her hips enticingly as she took both of his hands and pulled him forwards. Extreme Curls put her dainty hands on his buttocks and gave him a push for good measure.

They were keen, Tim thought. Awesome.

Most of the room on the other side of the curtain was taken up with a massive wooden bed. It looked like an antique, like something out of an old-fashioned fairy tale that was shown on TVs every Christmas. The wood, rich and dark, was carved into swirling shapes. The bed--and the rest of the room--was covered in soft white furs. It looked like someone had slaughtered a whole pack of wolves and draped their furs around the room.

Classy. Really classy. The kind of room where you'd expect to see James Bond seducing or being seduced by a glamorous sexpot Russian spy. Tim really hoped this was on the house. There was no way he could ever afford it, especially as Wavy Black Hair had just followed them into the room.

Three girls. Really? He wasn't sure what to do with two girls, let alone three.

The girls seemed to know what to do with him. Extreme Curls and Ms Cleopatra shared a glance before rushing forwards and shoving him back onto the bed. It was deep and felt luxuriously warm and soft. He'd have struggled to climb out of it under normal circumstances; it became impossible when Ms Cleopatra scrambled up on top of him.

She must like being on top, Tim thought. He was unused to girls taking the initiative and decided he liked it. He also really liked her kissing. She bent down and pressed her soft, sensual lips against his. She wasn't afraid to give it a bit of tongue either.

He was so engrossed in her attentions he barely noticed other hands sliding his legs into the centre of the bed. Small hands undid his belt, unbuttoned his trousers and pulled them down along with his underwear.

He sat up and took notice when the other girl put her lips around his bell-end and started to suck.


Ms Cleopatra slid off him and settled next to his side, allowing him to watch as Extreme Curls, on her knees between his legs, bobbed her head up and down in his lap. He shivered in delight as he felt her moist lips brush up and down his shaft. Oh man, she really knew what she was doing. She took him all the way in and he felt the back of her mouth contract around and squeeze the swollen head of his cock as she deep-throated him.

He was going to tell everyone about this place for sure.

Ms Cleopatra lay against him and nuzzled against his neck with her soft lips. Her fingers slid across his chest and toyed with his nipples.

Wavy Black Hair stood by the entrance curtain and rang a little bell. The silvery chime sounded like icicles in an untouched winter cave.

Her blue eyes sparkled as she looked at Tim. His thoughts on whether she'd be joining in were quickly answered as she jumped up onto the bed and lay down against him on the other side to Ms Cleopatra. Sandwiched between two cute girls while a third sucked his dick, how fucking awesome was this?

He wondered if they were sisters. They looked a little similar. Maybe it was a Lithuanian thing.

Ms Cleopatra took his hand and placed it against her warm crotch. He knew what she wanted, dirty bint. No princess this one for sure. Her crotch was covered with some kind of smooth, glossy material--latex or vinyl. There was a zipper above her pussy. Tim eased it open with his finger. His questing forefinger slipped over a ledge of cold metallic teeth and found itself another, softer, ledge. He played there for a while, stroking his finger along the soft flanges of flesh lining her pussy. Then he plunged deeper, into the moist crevice beneath. The girl stiffened. The tight walls of her vagina squeezed around his probing finger. She sighed into Tim's ear.

Wavy Black Hair didn't want to be left out of the fun. She took his other hand and brought it up into the humid space underneath her short leather skirt. She wasn't wearing any underwear and there was nothing to impede Tim's finger as he wormed it up into another warm and deliciously soft crevice. He moved both of his fingers around, enjoying the little gasps his motions elicited from the two girls. He gasped himself as Extreme Curls, Mistress of the Blowjob, lightly rubbed her teeth against the ridge of flesh where the mushroom head of his cock emerged from its shaft.

Fingers in two different pussies, another girl giving him an incredible blowjob, this was beyond fucking awesome. Christmas had well and truly come early.

And brought with it Santa and a huge sack of prezzies.

Okay, not Santa. It was one of his little helpers--another Lithuanian girl. She even had a pair of prosthetic elf ears. They were pointed and stuck out from the side of her head. Metal studs and even a safety pin adorned their length. Her short black hair stood up in punky spikes.

Punk rock elf, Tim thought. Santa's Naughty Little Helper. Her outfit was very naughty indeed. As explicit as the other girls' outfits were, they at least hid their bits. Naughty Little Elf's nipples and the shaved cleft of her pussy were on display for all to see. They were surrounded by polished metallic hoops. These hoops were connected by a complicated series of black straps and buckles, and the whole outfit looked like some kind of perverse harness. A spiked dog collar encircled her slender neck.

Wavy Black Hair extricated herself from Tim's finger. She bounced on her knees, clapped her hands and giggled with excitement. He was a little bit disappointed when Extreme Curls, Mistress of the Blow-Job, stopped sucking on his cock and turned her attentions to the sack. It was probably for the best. He was very close to making a mess in her mouth and--after feeling how tight their pussies felt--he wanted to save that for when his dick got to visit where his finger had been moments ago.

And still was, at least with Ms Cleopatra, Princess of Perversity. She snuggled up close and kissed him while his finger had a good roam in her hidden crack. She gripped his erection with a black-gloved hand and stroked up and down.

Giggles and a buzzing sound shunted Tim's attentions away from his dirty little princess. Santa's Naughty Little Elf had brought a big sack filled with all kinds of naughty little toys. Oh boy, was he ready for this? he thought, watching as Wavy Black Hair switched an egg vibrator on and off with a bright gleam in her blue eyes.

Of course he fucking was. Bring it!

He closed his eyes and relaxed as the girls attacked with little buzzing bundles of pleasure. Ooh, ticklish, he thought, squirming as Wavy Black Hair ran the little egg vibrator up his side. Hmm, that was nice, he thought as Santa's Naughty Little Elf rubbed a pleasant-smelling gel into his chest. Oh fuuckkk!

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A Merry Kyla Christmas

Winter had finally arrived and the snow was falling generously outside. It looked so serene as the white fluffy specks fell graciously to the ground as I looked out my kitchen window. The fresh coffee brewing sent the aroma through the air of the kitchen and brought my senses more to life as I waited for the dark liquid to finish dripping so I could pour some in my awaiting mug on the counter. I knew it would warm me up. It had too. Looking out the window made me feel the coldness surround...

Straight Sex
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All I Want For Christmas

Merry Christmas Everyone!!! I just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Chanukah, and any other celebrations taking place all over the world at this time. The story below is based on emotions and fears that are near and dear to me. I hope all of you like what I have written, and I welcome your comments. A.P. All I Want For Christmas By Alexisandra Phaithe All Rights Reserved, Throughout Existence. December 13th, 2000 Alexis...

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Oh Just Fck Fckin Christmas

I think I was five or six when the magic of Christmas began to be destroyed for me. Before that, it was all sitting on Santa’s lap, parades, Christmas village at the mall. Small, penny candy canes were for the asking and there was always a tree. Never the greatest tree but we generally didn’t have a Charlie Brown tree either, so yeah, it was a Merry Christmas at the Thompson house. Ah, sorry … apartment. We lived in an ancient apartment building in midtown. To a kid growing up it was a...

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Warming Father Christmas

Warming Father Christmas Copyright Oggbashan November 2016 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. +++ It was late afternoon on Christmas Eve. I had wrapped all the presents for the grandchildren and made sure all the ingredients for the dinner on Boxing Day were in the...

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Merry Christmas

Christmas day dawned bright for Katie Shaw. Her clock radio had awakened her to the sound of Christmas carols and news of snow falling since 2:00 that morning. There must be at least three inches on the ground. The prospect of the roads being covered didn't dampen Katie's spirits as she turned on the shower while she brushed her teeth.Stepping from the shower Katie took down the oversized towel and rubbed it briskly over her skin. She could feel the electric tingle she created as she rocked the...

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A Family Christmas

Trevor Lloyd was the nicest man I’d ever known. He was kind, compassionate and genuinely cared about other people. So it was no surprise to me or the rest of the neighbourhood that he couldn’t bear to leave his wife of fifteen years when he found out she was having an affair. The rest of us, including his children, all knew what was going on, but no one was willing to break the poor guy’s heart and tell him. Mr Lloyd had a few house staff who he was extremely generous to. He had a housekeeper...

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I Hate Christmas

(If this story ends up in the Romance category, it would be a guy’s concept of romance, so ladies, just bare with me here – I’m doing the best I can.) * I hate Christmas. Is that so wrong? I hate the stupid music, and the greedy children, and the traffic jams that begin on Black Friday and extend through New Years. And Christmas trees? What is that all about? Down here in the desert, if you put up a Christmas tree, five days later it’s a bone-dry skeleton surrounded by a pile of brown...

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The Most Wonderful Follow Up The True Meaning Of Christmas

The Most Wonderful Follow-Up: The True Meaning Of Christmas By Katharine Sexkitten I left the security guard clothes in the public washroom. They smelled. In fact they reeked. No doubt about it. Up until earlier this morning, I would have thought the odor was unusual, and not altogether attractive. Now I thought they smelled like heaven. They were completely covered in my own cum, more or less dried. I remember vividly making the mess. It was more cum than I'd ever...

3 years ago
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All She Wants for Christmas

"Please Mommy! Can't we go see Santa?" cried the twin girls. Victoria Kramer was wishing she was anywhere but the mall right this moment, but here she was, and of all days, she was there on Christmas Eve. She was here because her mother called her in a panic asking – no begging – her to pick up those special cheese nut balls that only Hickory Farms sold in the mall during Christmas. Victoria had agreed before she realized two things: first, it was Christmas Eve, and second, the twins would...

4 years ago
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Snow for Christmas

‘Ok, that’s it for today. Remember guys…’ ‘We know Mrs. G! You’ve told us a hundred thousand times’ called one of the exasperated students. ‘More like a million’ murmured another under his breath. ‘Have fun! Be safe! And take care of your library books!’ chorused the class in a loud, sing-song voice. ‘All right you wise guys, I get it. But I don’t want to see any books with candy canes stuck to them when you come back,’ she chuckled. ‘Now get lost. Shoo. Back to class with you. Have a Happy...

1 year ago
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Deja Vu Christmas

‘That’s what I saw on the TV news just now. So maybe you’d better . . .’ ‘It’s Christmas Eve, Stella,’ Nadine answered, the stubbornness in her voice almost palpable. ‘Those guys were really cute, and I’ve never skied Winter Park before. Gotta do something to get out of here.’ ‘Yeah, well, if the snow really hits up there at Berthoud Pass, there wouldn’t be any skiing, they wouldn’t find you ’til spring,’ Stella said. She was fiddling with the crooked plastic Christmas tree in the corner of...

4 years ago
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All I Want for Christmas

Just a quick little something I put together for the holidays. Hope you enjoy it. One of my favorite songs when I was a kid was that silly one about a kid wanting his two front teeth for Christmas. But then again, I was that kid missing his two front teeth. And no, Santa Clause didn’t give them back for Christmas and I spent the next few months looking like a boxer who went up against Muhammed Ali without wearing his mouth guard. Yeah, I know. What does a two year old know about Muhammed...

3 years ago
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A pussy for Christmas

Paul asks for a pussy for Christmas, without realising that "pussy" has a double meaning. Just a short Christmas gift for Fictionmania readers. ***** "What's the best looking pet?" asked Joe. "I dunno," said his friends. "A pussy!" he said. His friends all laughed. Paul wasn't quite sure why the joke was funny, but he laughed along to avoid feeling left out. Paul was 12 years old. He was very bright, but also very naive. He had started school at a young age, so most of his...

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Tales from a HustlerAll I Want for Christmas

Tales of a Hustler---All I Want for Christmas“All I Want for Christmas is a ten inch dick” LOL that fits perfect with “two front teeth” It was Christmas eve, and the middle of the week. I couldn't go home, cause I would need off more than 1 day. Mom said it's no big deal—she had volunteered to pull a double at the diner anyway, and she said Dustin didn't spend much time at the house anyway. Said she didn't know where he was most of the time. I told her I would get home the weekend, and I would...

3 years ago
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Sing A Song Of Christmas

SING A SONG OF CHRISTMAS A Play For You to Act by an Unknown Writer from 1972 CHARACTERS: SANTA CLAUS JACK FROST NICK, a young boy SNOWMAN DAVID, a Boy Scout BAD BADDER Three Mischievous Imps WORST GOOD BETTER Three Good Fairies BEST PROLOGUE: (In front of the curtain. It is Christmas Eve and excitement is in the air). (JACK FROST dances onto the stage) JACK FROST: Jack Frost's my name - a Winter Sprite In whom the boys and girls delight. And...

2 years ago
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Treasury Men in Action A Counterfeit Christmas

TREASURY MEN IN ACTION: A COUNTERFEIT CHRISTMAS © 2020 by Anthony Durrant and Unknown At a small toy shop on Ffith and Main Streets, the front door was closed, and Minna and Murray Jefferson were moving toys from the basement up to the main store to prepare for the big Christmas rush, starting December First. "Move that large crate of dolls over this way, darling!" Minna shouted, and Murray moved a large brown crate containig some dolls that the shop's former owner had bought...

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The Meaning of Christmas

Gloria sat watching the package laden people of Christmas from her office window. She never understood the idea of Christmas, spend until you cannot spend anymore and pretend to be a great person for one day when you’re an asshat for the other three hundred and sixty-four. Grabbing her coat she prepared to leave for the day. ‘Hey Gloria. What are you doing for Christmas?’ ‘Oh hey Jim. Same as usual, sit at home, watch TV and have a normal dinner.’ ‘Well you know, you are always welcome at...

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Merry Fing Christmas

(This, dear reader, is Jack, a man become bitter, cynical, broken by disappointment, hurts, and disillusionment, about to be disposed of by life. A man in need of repair. Can a toy workshop on a street of repair shops repair even broken hearts, broken dreams, broken people?) * Jack sat in his pickup truck in the factory parking lot staring vacantly out the windshield, not really seeing anything. He alternated between replaying the events in his mind and wondering numbly what to do next. The...

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A PANTYHOSE CHRISTMASThe year of my twelfth Christmas was the first one in which both my parents worked and therefore Mom had asked me to help more this year with getting the house decorated. We seldom decorated more than a week before Christmas other than Dad and a neighbor putting up the outdoor lights over the Thanksgiving weekend.After arriving home from school one afternoon I raced up to my room, jumped out of my shoes, socks and briefs and slipped on a pair of off-black STW pantyhose Nick...

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Coming Together at Christmas

I have received so many emails lamenting my removal of Dire Straits from this site that I thought I would write a follow-up to the story of Judah and Emma (Dixie) and the entire Hunter/Dixon clan. This is how I see their first Christmas together. Daniellekitten was kind enough to allow me the usage of her Hunter characters and I am grateful for that. This is my Christmas gift to the people who have been kind enough to read my work. I hope you enjoy this little story and I hope it leaves you...

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A Rose for Christmas

‘I won’t be bitter for Christmas.’ Paul Curtis had said it again and again through those dreary weeks alone in his one-room flat, with the miserable Northern European winter just outside and his empty broken heart inside. Now, for the most part, he figured he’d succeeded: he wasn’t bitter. Much. Alone, distrustful, and still plagued with memories of the recent hard times, but less bitter than he’d felt in weeks at least. Of course, he mused, he now had plenty of reasons not to be bitter —...

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State of ChaosChapter 18 A Home for Christmas

Kyoto, Japan December 1985 The glass walls of a corner office on the thirty-second floor of the Kymo Electronics Ltd. headquarters provided natural lighting for the spacious ultra-modern office of its CEO. Curved statuettes of chrome and glass met incomprehensible wall hangings that were someone's idea of "modern art". The decorations only added to the sterile feeling of the place. Behind a huge desk of chrome and glass sat an aging oriental man. Only three items were on the desk: a...

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SRU All He Wants for Christmas

Following is a little Christmas story for your enjoyment (hopefully). This story can be posted on Fictionmania and any other free site. Happy Holidays! SRU: All He Wants for Christmas By JDCopyhack Jeff Marsden shuffled through the mall, which bustled with holiday shoppers. It was Christmas Eve, and Jeff had just finished buying a gift for his mother when he decided to stop by Video Warehouse to check out the new PlayStation games. The store was packed, as was every other...

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Twelve Days of Christmas

Twelve Days of Christmas by BobH (c) 2010 On the first day of Christmas my true love sent to me A set of black lingerie. * And it was a big surprise, let me tell you. When she and her twin brother had set off for Europe to visit family in the Balkans for the days leading up to the holidays, Katya had told me at the airport what she had planned. "So that you don't forget me I've arranged for a gift to be delivered to you on each of the eleven days...

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Merry Christmas

Christmas day dawned bright for Katie Shaw. Her clock radio had awakened her to the sound of Christmas carols and news of snow falling since 2:00 that morning. There must be at least three inches on the ground. The prospect of the roads being covered didn't dampen Katie's spirits as she turned on the shower while she brushed her teeth. Stepping from the shower Katie took down the oversized towel and rubbed it briskly over her skin. She could feel the electric tingle she created as she rocked...

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Twas The Night Before Christmas

If I were asked what my favorite things in life are, Christmas would be close to the top of the list. I just love Christmas. I love everything about it. The smell of a real pine tree, the music in the stores, the fabulous decorations, and the whole festival mood is so enchanting. I usually start preparing a month before. I’ve been hand-making most of the ornaments and constructing a gingerbread house with my kids. This Christmas is very special because my boys are four and six, and it could be...

Straight Sex
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The Miracle of Christmas

The Miracle of Christmas Another sleepless night, another Christmas fraught with worry. There wouldn't be many packages to open for the kids this year. I've been telling them that Christmas is too commercial and we are starting a new tradition of just one present per person. The reality is that we can't afford even one. They had watched the polar express for the umpteenth time, and I was tired of hearing that simpleton message: “You just need to believe.” Belief is a luxury for children and...

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Sarah Carerra 337 A Very Carerra Christmas

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra Book 3 - Concerto in A- By Megan Campbell Chapter 37 - A Very Carerra Christmas The stage was dark. The only noise to be heard was the dull roar of the crowd as they waited. I stood calmly between Jenna and Michelle on the second row of the riser that...

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A Home for Christmas

Renee Pryor placed the star at the top of the tree just so, then looked down at the smiling face of her daughter. As always, Brianna was beaming back at her mother with her eyes wide, the brown eyes sparkling with life and intelligence. Even though she had just turned 4, Renee was considering starting Brianna in kindergarten in the fall, because the girl was already reading and already knew her numbers. Renee felt that holding her daughter back a full year until she was legally old enough...

2 years ago
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Helping a friend for Christmas

Me and my cubicle partner, Derek, became very close this year. He’s a bit older than me so he tells me a ton of stories throughout the work day which usually winds up slowing my work but I usually get yelled at any way cause this job is really hard. I’m actually surprised they hired me cause I never went to college. Derek told me the only reason they hired him is because he’s 55 and black so they got two birds with one stone he said . And old man and a black man. He said they have quotas.We...

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Three Days Before Christmas

It’s three days before Christmas, and I am shopping for that special something. I’m Lucy, twenty-nine years old, tall, slim and blonde with 34D boobs. I’m a legal secretary and I’m married to Dan. He is two years older than I am, ex-army, he has a rock-hard body and works for the government. Officially he’s a security adviser, which in his case means flying off to far-flung corners of the earth at very short notice, where he “problem solves” and more than that he won’t tell me. I do know he...

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Spirit of Christmas

‘Good morning, Mrs. Stewart. It’s good to see you out. How’re doin’ today?’ ‘Oh, you know, Mr. Baxter. Each day just sort of nudges the one before it. It just all sort of goes on—a bit too long, if you ask me.’ Clem Baxter watched Louise Stewart from 12A move arthritically down the walk between the two old, red-brick apartment houses facing each other. Clem had been the super for these buildings for nearly twenty years, and he knew most of the tenants by their apartment numbers, but he’d...

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The True Spirit Of Christmas

The True spirit Of Christmas (or the awakening of Katie) By Paul1954 Prologue Clare Warrington was sitting on the sofa in the large living room, holding a cup that contained the last dregs of the coffee she had just finished, and staring at the Christmas tree that stood proud in the corner. She had always loved this time of year as she and her husband, Thomas, brought up their young family. She couldn't really narrow it down to any one thing - it had been everything and...

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Seasons Greetings A Carol Christmas

Based on the characters and situations presented in "Seasons of Change" by Joel Lawrence, Copyright 1989. This story is archived in its entirety at Fictionmania (go to search by authors and select Joel Lawrence). This story takes place approximately one year to a year and a half after the conclusion of "Tales of the Season: Darla's Story" in the branch of the "Seasons of Change" Universe that I started with "A Losing Season", also archived at Fictionmania. Of course, this is a play...

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