MollyChapter 9 free porn video

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I went in the house and took a quick bath then lay on the bed to read a little of my book. I became restless after a while and wandered in the living room. Jack was watching some zombie adventure on TV so I went in the to kitchen. I started preparing the catfish that had been laid out on the counter earlier to thaw. I had finished the potato salad and was chopping the onions for a second batch of hush puppies when Paul stuck his head in.

"Hi," I said. 'You're back early today." I handed him a warm hush puppy. I had made my mind up to be as nice as I could to Paul too. I didn't think he was going to mistreat me again. It may even give me a little say on when or how I got laid by him again.

"Hey," he said. "Thanks for cooking. Those cookies you made were really good too. I had never had them with M and M's in them before. That worked well."

"Thanks, I found some raisins. I could make some bread pudding or oatmeal cookies for dessert if you like that."

"You might get Jack to show you the pear trees if you like to bake. They are out in the side yard, behind where the garden used to be. Mom used to make pies out of them. If no one uses them, the bugs and varmits will eat 'em all."

"I'd like that. I like to cook and it's great having all this stuff to work with."

"If there's anything you need, just make a list and leave it on the refrigerator."

"Thanks Paul," he just nodded. He hugged me, nuzzling my neck and squeezing my breast, all at the same time. "Mmm, you smell good." He made his way to the fridge to get a beer then went into the living room to watch TV with Jack. I was only half listening to them until I heard my name, then I listened more carefully.

"I tell you Jack, Molly is coming on to me."

"You're imagining things. She's just trying to be friendly."

"You'll see. If she comes on to me again, I may just have to take her up on it."

"Fine," said Jack, sounding a little put out by the conversation. "If she does, you take her up on it, it's not going to bother me."

I went back to cooking, wondering why Paul was using me to aggravate Jack and if he really meant what he said. 'It wasn't going to bother him?' I really wondered if he meant that he would not be bothered by his brother fucking me senseless every chance he got.

Buster took my attention away from them. He nudged my leg with his nose. "Sit," he sat immediately. "Good boy." I gave him a half of a hush puppy that I had set aside for him to cool earlier. "Beg," I said. He cocked his head and looked at me. I took his front paws and raised him up to a begging position, let go and said. "Good boy!" before he could get down again, giving him the remaining hush puppy. I did it again. "Beg." One chomp and a swallow and it was gone. I wiped his muzzle with a towel. He was drooling.

"You can't be doing that in the house Buster"

"You didn't let that dog in the house again did you?" said Rufus, from the living room.

"He's behaving himself," I called back. "He's clean too. He came down to the river with us earlier." I let Buster in almost every day when I was in the kitchen. I made sure he stayed with me. I didn't want him to bother anybody and be told that he couldn't be inside anymore. He seemed to be housebroken, so far, so good at least. I found an old army blanket on the back porch and put it in an out of the way corner beside the stove for him to lay on.

"Ok. Just don't make a habit of it," he said.

"Okay." I looked down at Buster. "Lay Down," he went onto his belly. "Roll over," he didn't move. I pushed him over onto his side and used his legs to roll him over. "Good Boy!" Chomp, another hush puppy went down his throat in a gulp. He gave a cough and a piece of hush puppy flew across the room and under the table. He scrambled to go after it, knocking chairs aside as he went under the table after it.

"Chew your food Buster," I admonished. I was going to have to make twice as many as I had planned at this rate.

The dinner was a hit. I got compliments from everyone. I had made enough to have leftovers for lunch tomorrow. I stuck close to Jack after dinner to make sure Paul didn't get me alone and drag me off with him.

Rufus made an announcement to the room in general as we were sitting in the living room watching TV. "I don't know what's the matter with that dog. He didn't touch his dinner today. He might have worms." He glanced at me and I shrugged my shoulders and opened my hands in a "I don't know" gesture. He just nodded.

Sunday, we slept late. Paul was gone by the time we left the bedroom. He had Tuesdays and Wednesdays off now instead of weekends. I got Jack to show me the pear trees. There were two of them but the place was so over grown with brush, you had to know where they were to find them. There were a lot of pears on the ground but when I picked them up I found most had been ruined by bugs.

There were a lot more pears on the branches. I found a few that were still good and Jack threw a stick into the tree to knock more down. We also found a persimmon tree that had a few persimmons left on it. Jack bent the branches down so I could reach them and I gathered those too. There were even two big fig trees back there. It was too late in the season for figs though.

I went back to the kitchen to see what else I might need for the following week. I added cinnamon and nutmeg to the grocery list. I found an old cook book in an upper cabinet while looking to see what we had. I added a few more items to the list after looking through that. I was hungry, thinking of crawfish etouffee and catfish court bouillon with cornbread and turnip greens.

I started making a pie crust with butter and flour. Buster followed me everywhere now. "Want a treat?" I asked him. His ears perked up and his tail started a Jamaican tune, knocking against the cabinets and different chair legs. I went to the fridge and got some leftover catfish. I held it up high and waved it at him. "Come get it." He stood on his hind legs and reached for it. I held it just out of his reach and moved it around in a full circle with him following it. "Dance." I did it again with him following the catfish with his nose, turning in a full circle. "Dance, good Boy!" He loved fried catfish. I did it a few more times before I ran out of leftovers. He caught on quick.

Jack came in and saw what I was doing. "You can't train that dog. He's too old. He never does what you tell him to anyway."

"Oh, I don't know, I think he's pretty smart. "He sure took off in a hurry when you told him to tell dad that we were here the first day we came."

"I guess he can do a few things. Things he likes to do, besides, I cheated that day. I knew he was going to go running back to the house anyway."

"What kind of dog is he anyway?" I asked.

"Just a mutt, mostly Bull Mastiff. Probably some Great Dane and I think a little hound or other big dog. He gets that brindle color from the Mastiff. He's a good guard dog. He won't let anybody into the yard or out of their car if he doesn't know them."

"He is really soft when he's clean," I said. "I'm going to use some shampoo on him the next time we go to the river."

"I don't think anybody has ever given him a bath before. He may not like it."

"Oh, you're going to help," I said. "Didn't I tell you?"

"I'll walk down there with you. I may even watch from a safe distance, but I think you're on your own with this one."

I sat in a kitchen chair and rubbed Buster behind his ears. He responded by shoving his snout into my crotch and sniffing. I pushed him away. "Sit." He sat. "Lay down." I told him. He laid on the kitchen floor. "Roll over." He rolled over then looked at me expectantly. "Good boy." I told him and rubbed his ears again.

Jack was astonished. "I've never seen him so that before."

"Oh, he's smart. You just have to make him want to do it. All he wants is a little attention."

"I'm the one that feeds him," he said.

"Thats not the same as giving him attention. You would do the same thing for a goldfish. Watch this." I broke off a piece of cornbread from the leftover plate, Buster was watching me. Dance, Buster." Buster jumped onto his back legs and hopped in a circle. I gave him the cornbread and praised him.

"Wow!" Jack said. "You're going to have him eating off of a plate with a fork at this rate."

"Ding." The oven timer went off and I jumped up to turn the oven off. The pot roast could stay in there until it was time to eat dinner.

Rufus came in and said. "Molly must be cooking again. Something sure smells good. I'm taking the pickup into Covington later this week to drop off some supplies and see a couple of people. If you guys want to go along I can drop you off at the grocery and pick you up later or you can just walk to Henry's store in town."

Jack knew I woudn't go to Mr. Henry's store. He would tell my dad he had seen me and cause all kinds of trouble. "We'll go with you dad," said Jack.

The pot roast dinner was a hit. I even got a compliment from Paul. "Thats the best bread pudding I've had in a long time," he said, pushing himself back a little from the table.

"If you hadn't told me about the pear trees, I wouldn't have been able to do it. We found some persimmons that were ripe too. Could you tell they were in there? I soaked the raisins in whiskey to give it that aroma."

"I thought that was a familiar smell," said Rufus. "I never would have guessed if you hadn't told me. I thought it was from a hard sauce. You ought to enter that one at the parish fair next spring. It was good."

"Thanks Rufus. I might just do that. When Jack and I were picking the pears, I noticed a little fenced in area near by. Is there any chance that could be turned into a garden again. It would be great to have some fresh herbs, greens and tomatoes on hand all summer."

"That was Mary's garden," said Rufus. "She always had something growing in there. The fence kept the varmits out. It probably needs some work to get it rabbit tight again. It's probably about time that side yard was put to some good use again anyway." He looked at Jack. "See if you can get the tractor running tomorrow and put that area in shape again. It hasn't been run in a year or two so you may have to put fresh diesel in it and jump it off."

Oh good!" I said. "I can help you Jack."

"You can drive a tractor?" asked Rufus.

"Not yet, but if Jack can do it, I'm sure I can learn."

"You probably can at that," he said. "You better let Jack do the driving tomorrow though. It takes a while to be good at it and with that heavy clearing to be done, it's possible to turn it over."

"Y'all don't have a chicken coop hidden anywhere around here do you?"

"You're out of luck on that one Molly. We talked about it a few times, just never got around to doing it."

The next two days Paul had off and he came to watch Jack knocking down the brush and pushing it off to the side in a big pile to be burned. I wanted to help tie chains to the few saplings that had to be uprooted from the garden area and Paul showed me how. I picked up a shovel to turn the soil after it had been cleared but Paul said to hold off for a while. Jack drove the tractor back to the barn and changed out the box blade for a disc plow and had the whole thing done in 30 minutes. It was full of roots that would have been impossible to remove with a shovel.

With Paul on his days off, we would all be here for dinner for the next two days. I decided to make a special meal for Wednesday. That would be Paul's last day off for the next week. I needed a few things because I wanted spaghetti and meatballs instead of roast or catfish. I was out of tomato sauce. I had used it all up in the jambalaya and catfish court bullion. I never thought I would get tired of catfish. Spaghetti was going to be a good change. I made a list with a marker and piece of paper and taped it to the cabinet with a piece of tape. I just needed tomato sauce, garlic and peppers.

Tuesday was slow. I used it to sweep the entire house and organize the kitchen cabinets. everything was scattered everywhere and it took too long to find whatever I needed. I lined the bottom of the cabinets with fresh newspaper. The stuff that was left in there was seven years old. Paul and Jack came in and offered to help but after about five minutes I had to run them out.

They had no idea how to organize anything and were more trouble than help. They kept rubbing against me and groping me, each trying to outdo the other to see what they could get away with. They started with hugs from the back. Jack would slip his hands under my tee shirt, hold my breast then wink at Paul and say, "Look what I found!"

I couldn't work like that so I just stood there until he let go. Not to be out done by his brother, Paul would hug me doing the same thing. I knew they were trying to make me say stop. I refused to say anything. I thought it was fun at first but I was really trying to get something done with the cabinets. I finally looked at both of them, and said, "If you guys want to eat this evening, I think you need to find somebody else to help. Don't you?"

"But you're so much more fun," complained Jack. He had my butt pulled against his crotch at the time and was keeping me from moving.

"If either one of you is still in here in thirty seconds, you're cooking for yourselves for the next week." It didn't take long for them to find other entertainment. I saw them heading for the creek with a pole and a catfish trap a little later.

Wednesday morning I was in the kitchen looking for the groceries I had on the list. I didn't find the groceries but I did find the list. It had been moved and was on the newspapers lining the cabinet holding the drinking glasses. I was a little miffed. I called Jack and asked if he would go to town and get the stuff I needed. He didn't want to go but I insisted. He finally said he would go if I could go with him.

I didn't know what to do. I was afraid someone in town would recognize me and tell my dad where I was. I told Jack this and he said I could wait for him in the park while he went to Mr. Henry's store for the groceries. The park was about 50 acres and was heavily wooded. The creek ran through the middle of it and walking paths and little bridges were everywhere. There was a small fountain there with seats among the trees that was deserted most of the time. I agreed to stay in that area and we set off walking to town.

The walk was okay but I was nervous. I hadn't been to town for a couple of weeks and I was looking at everything with a view to escape if someone should come along. The road the house was on was a dead end a few miles past Jacks house so there was no traffic while we were walking. I was ready to run into the woods if I should need to though. The last thing I wanted was for Dad to find out I was staying at Jacks house. I was increasingly nervous as we got close to town. I was starting to regret my decision to come at all. One car approached us and I got on the far side of Jack trying to hide.

Jack noticed that I scared and helped by turning us around and walking slowly in the other direction so we had out backs to the oncoming car. He had his arm around my shoulders.

"I think this was a mistake coming here with you Jack. I want to go back. Someone is going to see me."

"I don't like the idea of you walking back by yourself Molly. There's not much left before we get to the park anyway, only a few blocks." He finally talked me into it and escorted me to the park, right to a remote bench. It was in a grove of gum trees with a nude, bronze statue of Diana with her dog and bow on a pedestal. I told him I would wait for him here and he left to get the groceries.

I sat there for a while looking at the statue and thinking 'I had nicer boobs than than that statue.' Eventually I heard voices approaching from the foot path. I could hear a girls voice saying "But what if I am. I'll have to leave." then a guys voice talking in a low voice trying to console her saying. "You'll be alright. You'll probably start up next month." I got up and stood beside the bench, hoping they would pass by on the path and not see me. They turned and entered the little grove where I was standing beside the bench.

"Molly! What are you doing here?" It was Cynthia, one of the snob sisters from my graduating class and Hank, one of the popular guys from the football team. That was the problem with a small town. You knew everybody and everybody knew you and your problems.

"I'm doing the same thing you're doing here, I'm sure."

"Oh. Well, we were just looking for a quiet place to talk. This looks like a good place. It was nice to see you Molly. Maybe we will see each other later."

I continued to stand by the bench, holding on to the corner. After that obvious dismissal, I was not about to leave.

"Yes, maybe we will. I'm sure you will find plenty of other places for your quiet talk."

Hank decided to put his two cents in the conversation. "Take a walk Molly, We don't need you here."

"I'm sure you don't Hank. You seem to have enough problems already don't you think? I'm here and I'm staying here. If you guys want a private talk, you're going to have it somewhere else. And for your own sake, keep your voices down. You don't want the whole town knowing you're going to be parents do you?"

Cynthia blanched to a pale white. I thought she was going to faint. Hank looked at her and put his arm around her and tried to bluster.

"You don't know what you're talking about."

"Knock it off Hank," I said. "You only have a few months of freedom left anyway before school starts again. Cynthia, you've never liked me because you're such a snob. You're afraid to offend your snob friends by saying anything civil to me. I've never had any other reason to dislike you but I wouldn't wish your problem on anyone, even you. If you don't catch next month, go see the sheriff, he can help and he will keep it quiet. Now go somewhere else. I came out here to be alone." I sat down, crossed my arms and faced forward, leaving them standing at the entrance to the grove. Cynthia finally took Hank by the hand and lead him away. I sat there for a while thinking about Cynthia and wondering what she could do. Then I started wondering about my situation. What was I going to do? Did I really want to stay with Jack at his house with all the stuff going on there? Jack was eventually going to discover I was being used by his brother and father, sometimes both at once! I didn't know what he was going to do then. I didn't want to be turned out on the road. I decided I really liked Jack and Rufus. I even liked Paul. I still had a little resentment about him. I thought he would turn out okay with a little more time. He had been pretty nice to me lately.

Jack returned for me a little later and we had a nice walk back. I was quiet and didn't worry too much about seeing anyone I knew. We got back to the house in time to eat a simple lunch. I started the pear pies right after that so they would be out of the way and I would have time to make the spaghetti sauce. I formed the meat balls and put them in the fridge until I needed them and made the tea with some mint added. I found them growing in a damp patch behind the barn.

Rufus came home for a late lunch and I served him a meat ball sandwich on French bread with the tomato gravy. It was messy but he said he loved it. Jack and Paul had already eaten and were in the living room with a glass of tea watching TV. After Rufus ate he came up behind me, putting his arms around me and kissed me on the cheek. "Thanks for the lunch Molly. How's my little sex kitten? Do you think you have time for a quick trip to the back bedroom?"

It had been most of a week since Rufus or Paul had me so I knew this was coming sooner rather than later. I turned to peek out the kitchen door and saw the others watching the TV. One of their shows had just started. I grinned at him and nodded. I thought it was about time that he took an interest in me again. As long as he was being so nice as to ask me about it, I was willing. I needed to talk to him about Cynthia anyway.

"Meet me in my room in about 5 minutes." He turned and went to his room. I looked around the corner and saw Jack still watching TV with Paul. His back was to me so I took a chance, slipped my sandals off and snuck down the hall to his dad's door. I went in and closed it behind me. Rufus had already taken his pants off and was leaning back against the headboard of his bed. I crawled on the bed and got between his legs.

"You're not hard yet."

"I'm sure you know how to fix that Honey."

I grabbed his cock and sucked it vigorously, pulling his foreskin back to look at it every now and then. I managed to get it all the way down my throat several times, before it got too hard. He liked that. He was growling and holding my head in his hands. He kept saying "I love watching all that go down your throat." and "You're so good at that." After he got too hard for me to do it easily, I wrapped my hands around the base of his cock to control the depth.

Same as Molly
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Fire the Nanny-(cam)Here’s a fun little story about something that happened whilst I was backpacking around the USA in 2005.I was travelling with a girlfriend, Carly, and we’d just checked into a youth hostel In San Diego. We both had working VISA’s and took different jobs as we travelling and I remember one occasion when my girlfriend had got a two month long nanny job looking after some rich folks baby. After a few weeks she’d walked in on the husband watching footage back from a nanny CAM...

4 years ago
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The dildo was in the bag

Claire had never had a panic attack, but she felt a kinship with those thusly afflicted as she stared through the windshield of her car at the establishment called "Christie's Toy Box."She'd never done anything like this. In her opinion, had someone looked up the entry for "good girl" in the dictionary, her picture might be there. Not that she was completely innocent. She'd giggled with her friends as they watched the occasional porn video, but that had been years ago, decades, in fact.And...

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Time for School Ch 16

Note: All characters in this story involved in sexual situations are 18 years of age or older. ***** I followed with Samantha off the elevator after we reached her floor. I took a quick glance at the windowed wall by the elevators to see the rain picking up. ‘Man, it is coming down now,’ I said. ‘Good thing we got out of there when we did,’ she replied, turning to me with a smile. ‘Looks like we’re in for some rough weather. Don’t worry though, we’ll be safe at my place.’ ‘My savior,’ I...

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Room for Rent Part 8 of 14

The party resumed pretty much as it had been going half an hour earlier. The only difference was that all of the women were naked as they chatted in small groups. I was naked as well. My clothes had been taken away, and stored while the women had jumped me in. Helen promised they'd be returned to me when I left. I found many of the conversations pretty boring. There was a lot of talk about politics, the economy, vacations to exotic places, work, saving for retirement, and so on. As a grad...

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Button Fly Jeans

This is just a little story about how I ride. I mean, the way I like to live my life. And one of the things that really defines me a lot is what I wear. If I'm awake and kicking then I've got on my 501 jeans. And not a stitch underneath them.When I was young I would wear almost any kind of jeans. Just as long as they fit and I could afford them. But as I aged and lived my life I learned what I needed to do to make life good. One thing I learned is what button fly jeans could do to make life...

Quickie Sex
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Accidently checking into an adult playground

While out of town we got lost looking for a motel and ended up in what turned out to be an adult only motel and it was our lucky day. In the early eighties, my wife Lynn and I had been married for only a few years and were only twenty-one at the time. But we had been involved in exhibitionism, voyeurism, threesomes, and wife swapping since we'd been married three years prior. Coming from a small conservative town we'd had to reserve most of our fun to weekends where we'd go out of town and we...

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Gang Membership

I got to be a probie after one day while walking down the main street, a young guy ran out of the jewelry store chased by the owner, and I barged into the shop owner just as he was going to grab the guy. The shop lifter was able to make his escape, and next day he and a couple Spartans saw me and said I had done good. After that for a couple of days I kept seeing Spartans about and figured they were keeping an eye on me. And soon after I was out with my twin Sis Danii and across the street...

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Bar Room Dancer

My business meeting had run late. I was to meet Susan an hour ago. She had talked me into letting her come along to my most recent company convention. For years I had gone alone, as most of the men in the company had done. But this year she insisted on seeing just what went on at these conventions. So, reluctantly I agreed. We had an early dinner together because I was to meet with the CEO of the business that evening. I assumed it would be a short meeting so I told Susan just to go ahead to...

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Triplet X Love Times 2 Book 3 The Pleasures of CampingChapter 24 Home Sweet Home For A While

Three hours after Lana's sudden terror attack, everyone was gathered in the Recreation room looking horrid, they had finally gotten some words out of Lana, and what she said was, "Get out of the BED room, leave me alone please!" Joyce had tried talking to her but she said, "Later, when he arrives, not now!" "What did she mean, 'when he arrives'," Ana asked, "Who's he?" Just then, however, they heard a noise nearby, and it was getting louder and seemed to be passing right...

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AgainChapter 6

"Shit!" "I didn't ask you to do that!" I said. The odd thing ... I was wearing leather ... kind of like a uniform. It came with a helm and a sword. "Uhm ... this is true," she said. "Where are we?" "What you mean to say is, Where did everybody go?" "That too." "That guy on the hill ... No! Don't look!" She did. "Damn it, I said don't look," I said. "The one with the horse is coming our way," Wendy said, "Is that a spear?" "I think it's called a lance," I...

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Discipline Maintained

                         DISCIPLINE MAINTAINED        At the time my story begins, I was in the habit of thinking of myself, to some extent at least, as a man of dignity and reserve, not given to an inordinate amount of emotional display; and yet I must admit that I was unable to completely disguise my astonishment--I say nothing of other, more complicated and perhaps darker feelings--when Mr. John Brummel, after a pleasant and quite sociable dinner at his house, to which he had generously...

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Jennas first ever threesome adventure

Jenna was an average teenager. She was a senior at the local high school and was likeable among her friends in the year, especially the sex craving teenage boys. Jenna, however, only had been in a couple relationships throughout her high school years. The last time she was in a relationship was with her ex-boyfriend, Josh, who moved out of town to go to college. Josh and her were never in a romantic relationship, their relationship was more sexual but they enjoyed each others company very much....

1 year ago
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The Collapse A New Beginning Book 1Chapter 4

Day Four: Wednesday I was wrestling with an octopus that was holding me under water where I couldn't breathe when I felt something pulling on my shoulder trying to help me return to the surface. I couldn't get my hands up to touch my benefactor, so I struggled even harder against the forces trying to pull me to the bottom. That's when I awoke in a sweat. Kari was shaking me, trying to wake me from my nightmare. In the dim light from the bedside digital alarm clock I could see the concern...

4 years ago
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Hardwork Pays Off Cathys time to shine encount

On the journey back from work all sorts of things were running through my mind. I had built up many feelings, guilt - poor dad had no idea just how much of a naughty women Cathy was. Lust, I kept fantasising about Cathy and her perfect body. Excitement, the chase of of going after an older women and succedding was a big adrenalin rush. Looking out the window gave me time to reflect on what I wanted out of life. People might say why don't you go for someone closer to your own age but women my...

1 year ago
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Anjan Sucks My Cock 8211 And Janani Owns Our Balls 8211 Part 4

This is a continuation from my previous stories in the Anjan series (links on top) so read them first. Comments welcome at I saw Janani hiding behind the door jamb and looking at us with eyes wide open and filled with contempt (We would discover later that her extra classes got over the previous day and she was home since half past five, about the time I started drinking Anjan’s pee). She saw me looking at her and put a finger to her lips motioning me to remain quiet; her eyes conveying the...

Gay Male
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Big Baji is Horney Part 3

Second night when I entered her room she was lying naked on her bed and I could very clearly see her each and every curve of her body, her boobs were perfectly toned and her ½ inches long dark brown nipples pointing up. I could see trimmed pubic hair of her. I was totally aroused but I asked her to continue her story from where she left last night. She nodded kissed me and asked me to listen then. What she told was. Fatima gawked at him. Taimur just gave her another of those devastating sexy...

2 years ago
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SRU The Mirror

SRU: The Mirror By Robyn "I look horrible. Look at that girl. How could anyone love a girl that looked like that?!" Gwendlyn looked hard into the mirror before her. The image of a girl her hair in tangles and braids wearing an old flannel shirt that did more than cover her stared back at her. She dressed like a boy. She always had. And though her parents and her friends had tried to help make her over, she refused to look any differently. A young man came to stand beside...

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Taffeta Torment XII

As John sinks and wishes ever deeper into a world of nylon, satin and taffeta, Joyce finds new ways to further stimulate and arouse her young captive and bring about his utter subjugation to womankind and the contents of their wardrobes "Now I know you are watching me you gorgeous little baby boy but I want to hear your nylons swishing up against each other. Can you do that for me darling? That's it, rub your little legs together and get that nylon rustling up against that oh so so...

4 years ago
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Summer CampEpisode 4 The plot thickens

Heather hesitated, and then answered. "Well, our father forced us to come here. He said that being with other kids our age would do us good. We've been coming here for two years now, but I've never noticed any difference." "I see ... How is it at home?" "We live in a large house, some fifty kilometers south of here, on the shore of the river. The property has a large stone wall around it with a large gate. We have about twenty rooms, a butler, four maids, a cook and a chauffeur. For...

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No Words Needed

I sit at the bar and sip my drink slowly. I scan the room while half-listening to my friend, talking about some new guy in her life. I’m not really interested in her latest lay, as I am looking for mine right now. This is usually such a good place to come and meet someone. I’m about to give up and just go home alone, when I spot you from across the room. You are sitting in the back of the bar all alone. It seems as though you are looking for someone and when our eyes meet it becomes clear, you...

Quickie Sex
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My Binight

So heres a story for all you that goes a bit both ways.After meeting a couple here online on the fabulous hamster and chatting for a few weeks about our fantasies, they are keen to meet and see how we go at fulfilling them.I'm a bit bi but am new to it and want to learn to suck some cock, ive been fucked by my wife before but wanted to try the real thing. I love the cock up my arse its such a great feeling never thought i would but hey its great.So we arrange a meet at their house for some fun....

3 years ago
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Bobbys Rainy Day Adventure Chapter VIII

Bobby's Rainy Day Adventure Copyright 2006 by Heather Rose Brown CHAPTER VIII It felt like I was crying for ages as I rocked in Aunt Joan's arms. Between sobs, I tried to describe the dream I'd had about my fifth birthday party. Even though it had been a dream, most of it was just like what had happened on that day. When I got to the nightmare part and told her about what my father had done, it brought back up all anger I felt towards him and reminded me of why I was afraid of him....

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Tweaking Leads to Fucking Part 4

So like I said, with Kyle in school I was working on cars a lot more in front of the house, which did me pretty good for money. I know my work and by charging less than a shop would charge brought people in. Of course, people like myself if you know what I mean. So one day I was working on a car but I was horny as fucking hell and thinking about fucking some hot ass and wondered where I could find me some, but some that I shouldn’t have. Know what I mean? Then it dawned on me…my...

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Amber Pays the Rent Reposted

Amber was shocked at the news! She was just told by her boss that her job was being eliminated. What on earth was she going to do now? Even with a regular paycheck she barely got by.The next day she went to the unemployment office and she was told she would get some weekly benefits but then they told her how much. That would never pay her rent or put food on the table.As the next few days went by she dreaded telling her landlord that she would not be able to pay him. He seemed like a nice...

4 years ago
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Deadly Dames

I'm not gonna sugarcoat it or pretty it up any- Wilma Fingerdoo was a cast iron bitch on wheels but she was one hell of a looker and that was part of the problem that had gotten me into the predicament that I know found myself in. That and the fact that I was down on my luck and on my last dollar. Having a moral centre might have helped but what can I say I'm a shitbag and I move in shitty circles in a swamp of a city and if you're not careful enough, not devious enough or just not downright...

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Going to a Concert

Goingto a Concert My boyfriend and I are going to a concert in North Carolina; it’s about a three hour drive. It’s the middle of summer so it will be a hot day and night. I start getting ready by trying on different clothes to wear. I finally decide on a denim mini skirt with a black top that says “stay dirty my friends on the front” I love this shirt, it fits me perfectly and I don’t need to wear a bra with my small breasts, which I hate wearing bras anyway. I slip my black lace bikini...

2 years ago
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The Naked GardenerChapter 4

Kathleen sat at her kitchen table the following morning. She wore a white cotton blouse and a khaki skirt. At the moment, her feet were bare but she had sandals waiting by the door to wear when she decided to leave. She just gazed out the window at her back yard. She would have preferred to be outside in her gardens but she was afraid to. Things were spinning out of control and she had no way to stop it. She felt that Marge was becoming more and more controlling with her and she was feeling...

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6 My High School Sweethearts Little Sister pt 6 Cindy and her cute friend

A few days after Cindy came down to my office, she called me at home. “Jeff? I only have a few minutes... I think dad must have seen your car the night you followed me home. He came home a few minutes after I got back and grilled me about seeing you. I told him I was at Stace’s, and she backed up my story, but I don’t think he believed her. He told me I couldn’t see you. I got a lecture about my age and innocence, and that you were too old, and that you were Chloe’s boyfriend anyway.” I...

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Rahul 8211 Encounter With Arabic Virgin

Hello Reader, I have been an avid reader of many sex stories site and have decided to pen down some stories, these are not actual happenings, however the situations / scenario’s are true and have happened, it’s more like you find yourself in perfect situation where you day dream what – if scenarios and then snap out of the dream. I am Rahul aged 33 Yrs from Noida, average looking may be a sidey to your crush in school but a very good listener & conversationalist, 5’5” with average build & tool...

1 year ago
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JourneyChapter 5

April said, "Some of them. There are many more dry planets than wet. I know of several that are wet but have no seas." "No seas?" Vee asked. "Rains like a sonofabitch," April said. "The ground reached saturation a million years ago ... it rains ... the water runs off into gullies that end in caves and those caves run perilously close to the core and turn to steam ... the steam vents ... the altitude condenses it ... it rains. Over and over again." "That won't work..." Vee said,...

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Pakistani Couple In Chicago Part 4 The Final Step In

“Well, we are new and would take our time. So thanks” I replied but in these 5-10 seconds, my dick was massaged and Saima boobs were pressed several times perhaps. Saima was totally surprised but interestingly she did not resist much. We looked at each other, there was some sort of approval for going on with the situation. We did not want to get out of the club, which was encouraging in a way. We walked into a side corridor where there were several cabins. In each cabin, there was a big couch...

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MyPervyFamily Macey Jade My StepDad Takes The Bait

My new stedaughter keeps walking around in next to no clothing, she is too comfortable and its driving me to all kinds of shameful thoughts! I’m literally telling my friend this when she walks up in a cutoff shirt that exposes her huge tits & nipp… inappropriate! I tell her I’m going golfing for the day, she seems a little disappointed & says she plans to stick around and was hoping we could hang out. I’ve booked 18 holes, but all I can think about are my...

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Truck Stop RendezVois

“I’m not a slut.” Or so I thought. However, at the precise moment of thinking that I had a thick, veiny cock between my lips, and my tongue probing the inside of a complete stranger’s foreskin in the middle of a public restroom. So yeah, I guess I can now be defined as a slut. Allow me to introduce myself: I’m Jeff. A 36 year old trucker from Pennsylvania. I like doing what most guys like doing: I drink beer, watch football, eat steak and love to fuck women. And now men. I’m what you would call...

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I am in your bed. I am naked. I have showered and my skin is clean and smooth and fresh smelling. My hair is perhaps still a bit damp. I lie under crisp, clean sheets listening to the water run as you shower, preparing yourself. I try not to think about what is to come, but i can't help listening for the water to stop, knowing you are out of the shower and closer to being with me.I feel my cock begin to get hard and i try to clear my mind of all expectations. I don't want it hard now. I want...

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The Lesbian Film Part 8211 2

This is the last part of the two-part story. [A brief recap: I, Reema, sign a hot lesbian movie deal with a famous director of the B-grade film industry. Sheetal, the director’s top heroine, plays the lead. The raunchy actress comes to my house to discuss the script, and we end up having steamy sex with each other.] My eyes scanned her flawlessly curvy body… only with her thin panties on and otherwise fully naked… my hands were dying to wreck havoc over it. Sheetal was lying with her eyes...

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My sexy cousin and her friend

Hello readers here are Sameer again. With a new story. Let me don’t waste ur time and directly lets come to story. My cousin age was 22 when this story happened. She got married last year in April that is in 2006. She was a beautiful women with a nice face and with a sexy figure. Her face was like Amisha Patel. So let me call her Amisha. Her figure was about 36 26 36. She was having a very nice and big boobs as well as nice and big ass. I was very free with her before the marriage as well as...

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Giving up my butt to a black man

I had gone alone to that party at my office building. My Boss had got a nice contract with new clients and I had been part of the lucky team; so he had invited me to join him and celebrate our triumph.My loving husband was a bit tired and stressed to come with me; so he decided to stay at home and wished me luck and enjoy party.The celebration was nice and after midnight, Jim, one of my nice coworkers, a very king and lovely black guy, offered to take me home; since I had taken many margaritas...

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