Cheating Wives Leila Relapses
- 2 years ago
- 30
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I went in the house and took a quick bath then lay on the bed to read a little of my book. I became restless after a while and wandered in the living room. Jack was watching some zombie adventure on TV so I went in the to kitchen. I started preparing the catfish that had been laid out on the counter earlier to thaw. I had finished the potato salad and was chopping the onions for a second batch of hush puppies when Paul stuck his head in.
"Hi," I said. 'You're back early today." I handed him a warm hush puppy. I had made my mind up to be as nice as I could to Paul too. I didn't think he was going to mistreat me again. It may even give me a little say on when or how I got laid by him again.
"Hey," he said. "Thanks for cooking. Those cookies you made were really good too. I had never had them with M and M's in them before. That worked well."
"Thanks, I found some raisins. I could make some bread pudding or oatmeal cookies for dessert if you like that."
"You might get Jack to show you the pear trees if you like to bake. They are out in the side yard, behind where the garden used to be. Mom used to make pies out of them. If no one uses them, the bugs and varmits will eat 'em all."
"I'd like that. I like to cook and it's great having all this stuff to work with."
"If there's anything you need, just make a list and leave it on the refrigerator."
"Thanks Paul," he just nodded. He hugged me, nuzzling my neck and squeezing my breast, all at the same time. "Mmm, you smell good." He made his way to the fridge to get a beer then went into the living room to watch TV with Jack. I was only half listening to them until I heard my name, then I listened more carefully.
"I tell you Jack, Molly is coming on to me."
"You're imagining things. She's just trying to be friendly."
"You'll see. If she comes on to me again, I may just have to take her up on it."
"Fine," said Jack, sounding a little put out by the conversation. "If she does, you take her up on it, it's not going to bother me."
I went back to cooking, wondering why Paul was using me to aggravate Jack and if he really meant what he said. 'It wasn't going to bother him?' I really wondered if he meant that he would not be bothered by his brother fucking me senseless every chance he got.
Buster took my attention away from them. He nudged my leg with his nose. "Sit," he sat immediately. "Good boy." I gave him a half of a hush puppy that I had set aside for him to cool earlier. "Beg," I said. He cocked his head and looked at me. I took his front paws and raised him up to a begging position, let go and said. "Good boy!" before he could get down again, giving him the remaining hush puppy. I did it again. "Beg." One chomp and a swallow and it was gone. I wiped his muzzle with a towel. He was drooling.
"You can't be doing that in the house Buster"
"You didn't let that dog in the house again did you?" said Rufus, from the living room.
"He's behaving himself," I called back. "He's clean too. He came down to the river with us earlier." I let Buster in almost every day when I was in the kitchen. I made sure he stayed with me. I didn't want him to bother anybody and be told that he couldn't be inside anymore. He seemed to be housebroken, so far, so good at least. I found an old army blanket on the back porch and put it in an out of the way corner beside the stove for him to lay on.
"Ok. Just don't make a habit of it," he said.
"Okay." I looked down at Buster. "Lay Down," he went onto his belly. "Roll over," he didn't move. I pushed him over onto his side and used his legs to roll him over. "Good Boy!" Chomp, another hush puppy went down his throat in a gulp. He gave a cough and a piece of hush puppy flew across the room and under the table. He scrambled to go after it, knocking chairs aside as he went under the table after it.
"Chew your food Buster," I admonished. I was going to have to make twice as many as I had planned at this rate.
The dinner was a hit. I got compliments from everyone. I had made enough to have leftovers for lunch tomorrow. I stuck close to Jack after dinner to make sure Paul didn't get me alone and drag me off with him.
Rufus made an announcement to the room in general as we were sitting in the living room watching TV. "I don't know what's the matter with that dog. He didn't touch his dinner today. He might have worms." He glanced at me and I shrugged my shoulders and opened my hands in a "I don't know" gesture. He just nodded.
Sunday, we slept late. Paul was gone by the time we left the bedroom. He had Tuesdays and Wednesdays off now instead of weekends. I got Jack to show me the pear trees. There were two of them but the place was so over grown with brush, you had to know where they were to find them. There were a lot of pears on the ground but when I picked them up I found most had been ruined by bugs.
There were a lot more pears on the branches. I found a few that were still good and Jack threw a stick into the tree to knock more down. We also found a persimmon tree that had a few persimmons left on it. Jack bent the branches down so I could reach them and I gathered those too. There were even two big fig trees back there. It was too late in the season for figs though.
I went back to the kitchen to see what else I might need for the following week. I added cinnamon and nutmeg to the grocery list. I found an old cook book in an upper cabinet while looking to see what we had. I added a few more items to the list after looking through that. I was hungry, thinking of crawfish etouffee and catfish court bouillon with cornbread and turnip greens.
I started making a pie crust with butter and flour. Buster followed me everywhere now. "Want a treat?" I asked him. His ears perked up and his tail started a Jamaican tune, knocking against the cabinets and different chair legs. I went to the fridge and got some leftover catfish. I held it up high and waved it at him. "Come get it." He stood on his hind legs and reached for it. I held it just out of his reach and moved it around in a full circle with him following it. "Dance." I did it again with him following the catfish with his nose, turning in a full circle. "Dance, good Boy!" He loved fried catfish. I did it a few more times before I ran out of leftovers. He caught on quick.
Jack came in and saw what I was doing. "You can't train that dog. He's too old. He never does what you tell him to anyway."
"Oh, I don't know, I think he's pretty smart. "He sure took off in a hurry when you told him to tell dad that we were here the first day we came."
"I guess he can do a few things. Things he likes to do, besides, I cheated that day. I knew he was going to go running back to the house anyway."
"What kind of dog is he anyway?" I asked.
"Just a mutt, mostly Bull Mastiff. Probably some Great Dane and I think a little hound or other big dog. He gets that brindle color from the Mastiff. He's a good guard dog. He won't let anybody into the yard or out of their car if he doesn't know them."
"He is really soft when he's clean," I said. "I'm going to use some shampoo on him the next time we go to the river."
"I don't think anybody has ever given him a bath before. He may not like it."
"Oh, you're going to help," I said. "Didn't I tell you?"
"I'll walk down there with you. I may even watch from a safe distance, but I think you're on your own with this one."
I sat in a kitchen chair and rubbed Buster behind his ears. He responded by shoving his snout into my crotch and sniffing. I pushed him away. "Sit." He sat. "Lay down." I told him. He laid on the kitchen floor. "Roll over." He rolled over then looked at me expectantly. "Good boy." I told him and rubbed his ears again.
Jack was astonished. "I've never seen him so that before."
"Oh, he's smart. You just have to make him want to do it. All he wants is a little attention."
"I'm the one that feeds him," he said.
"Thats not the same as giving him attention. You would do the same thing for a goldfish. Watch this." I broke off a piece of cornbread from the leftover plate, Buster was watching me. Dance, Buster." Buster jumped onto his back legs and hopped in a circle. I gave him the cornbread and praised him.
"Wow!" Jack said. "You're going to have him eating off of a plate with a fork at this rate."
"Ding." The oven timer went off and I jumped up to turn the oven off. The pot roast could stay in there until it was time to eat dinner.
Rufus came in and said. "Molly must be cooking again. Something sure smells good. I'm taking the pickup into Covington later this week to drop off some supplies and see a couple of people. If you guys want to go along I can drop you off at the grocery and pick you up later or you can just walk to Henry's store in town."
Jack knew I woudn't go to Mr. Henry's store. He would tell my dad he had seen me and cause all kinds of trouble. "We'll go with you dad," said Jack.
The pot roast dinner was a hit. I even got a compliment from Paul. "Thats the best bread pudding I've had in a long time," he said, pushing himself back a little from the table.
"If you hadn't told me about the pear trees, I wouldn't have been able to do it. We found some persimmons that were ripe too. Could you tell they were in there? I soaked the raisins in whiskey to give it that aroma."
"I thought that was a familiar smell," said Rufus. "I never would have guessed if you hadn't told me. I thought it was from a hard sauce. You ought to enter that one at the parish fair next spring. It was good."
"Thanks Rufus. I might just do that. When Jack and I were picking the pears, I noticed a little fenced in area near by. Is there any chance that could be turned into a garden again. It would be great to have some fresh herbs, greens and tomatoes on hand all summer."
"That was Mary's garden," said Rufus. "She always had something growing in there. The fence kept the varmits out. It probably needs some work to get it rabbit tight again. It's probably about time that side yard was put to some good use again anyway." He looked at Jack. "See if you can get the tractor running tomorrow and put that area in shape again. It hasn't been run in a year or two so you may have to put fresh diesel in it and jump it off."
Oh good!" I said. "I can help you Jack."
"You can drive a tractor?" asked Rufus.
"Not yet, but if Jack can do it, I'm sure I can learn."
"You probably can at that," he said. "You better let Jack do the driving tomorrow though. It takes a while to be good at it and with that heavy clearing to be done, it's possible to turn it over."
"Y'all don't have a chicken coop hidden anywhere around here do you?"
"You're out of luck on that one Molly. We talked about it a few times, just never got around to doing it."
The next two days Paul had off and he came to watch Jack knocking down the brush and pushing it off to the side in a big pile to be burned. I wanted to help tie chains to the few saplings that had to be uprooted from the garden area and Paul showed me how. I picked up a shovel to turn the soil after it had been cleared but Paul said to hold off for a while. Jack drove the tractor back to the barn and changed out the box blade for a disc plow and had the whole thing done in 30 minutes. It was full of roots that would have been impossible to remove with a shovel.
With Paul on his days off, we would all be here for dinner for the next two days. I decided to make a special meal for Wednesday. That would be Paul's last day off for the next week. I needed a few things because I wanted spaghetti and meatballs instead of roast or catfish. I was out of tomato sauce. I had used it all up in the jambalaya and catfish court bullion. I never thought I would get tired of catfish. Spaghetti was going to be a good change. I made a list with a marker and piece of paper and taped it to the cabinet with a piece of tape. I just needed tomato sauce, garlic and peppers.
Tuesday was slow. I used it to sweep the entire house and organize the kitchen cabinets. everything was scattered everywhere and it took too long to find whatever I needed. I lined the bottom of the cabinets with fresh newspaper. The stuff that was left in there was seven years old. Paul and Jack came in and offered to help but after about five minutes I had to run them out.
They had no idea how to organize anything and were more trouble than help. They kept rubbing against me and groping me, each trying to outdo the other to see what they could get away with. They started with hugs from the back. Jack would slip his hands under my tee shirt, hold my breast then wink at Paul and say, "Look what I found!"
I couldn't work like that so I just stood there until he let go. Not to be out done by his brother, Paul would hug me doing the same thing. I knew they were trying to make me say stop. I refused to say anything. I thought it was fun at first but I was really trying to get something done with the cabinets. I finally looked at both of them, and said, "If you guys want to eat this evening, I think you need to find somebody else to help. Don't you?"
"But you're so much more fun," complained Jack. He had my butt pulled against his crotch at the time and was keeping me from moving.
"If either one of you is still in here in thirty seconds, you're cooking for yourselves for the next week." It didn't take long for them to find other entertainment. I saw them heading for the creek with a pole and a catfish trap a little later.
Wednesday morning I was in the kitchen looking for the groceries I had on the list. I didn't find the groceries but I did find the list. It had been moved and was on the newspapers lining the cabinet holding the drinking glasses. I was a little miffed. I called Jack and asked if he would go to town and get the stuff I needed. He didn't want to go but I insisted. He finally said he would go if I could go with him.
I didn't know what to do. I was afraid someone in town would recognize me and tell my dad where I was. I told Jack this and he said I could wait for him in the park while he went to Mr. Henry's store for the groceries. The park was about 50 acres and was heavily wooded. The creek ran through the middle of it and walking paths and little bridges were everywhere. There was a small fountain there with seats among the trees that was deserted most of the time. I agreed to stay in that area and we set off walking to town.
The walk was okay but I was nervous. I hadn't been to town for a couple of weeks and I was looking at everything with a view to escape if someone should come along. The road the house was on was a dead end a few miles past Jacks house so there was no traffic while we were walking. I was ready to run into the woods if I should need to though. The last thing I wanted was for Dad to find out I was staying at Jacks house. I was increasingly nervous as we got close to town. I was starting to regret my decision to come at all. One car approached us and I got on the far side of Jack trying to hide.
Jack noticed that I scared and helped by turning us around and walking slowly in the other direction so we had out backs to the oncoming car. He had his arm around my shoulders.
"I think this was a mistake coming here with you Jack. I want to go back. Someone is going to see me."
"I don't like the idea of you walking back by yourself Molly. There's not much left before we get to the park anyway, only a few blocks." He finally talked me into it and escorted me to the park, right to a remote bench. It was in a grove of gum trees with a nude, bronze statue of Diana with her dog and bow on a pedestal. I told him I would wait for him here and he left to get the groceries.
I sat there for a while looking at the statue and thinking 'I had nicer boobs than than that statue.' Eventually I heard voices approaching from the foot path. I could hear a girls voice saying "But what if I am. I'll have to leave." then a guys voice talking in a low voice trying to console her saying. "You'll be alright. You'll probably start up next month." I got up and stood beside the bench, hoping they would pass by on the path and not see me. They turned and entered the little grove where I was standing beside the bench.
"Molly! What are you doing here?" It was Cynthia, one of the snob sisters from my graduating class and Hank, one of the popular guys from the football team. That was the problem with a small town. You knew everybody and everybody knew you and your problems.
"I'm doing the same thing you're doing here, I'm sure."
"Oh. Well, we were just looking for a quiet place to talk. This looks like a good place. It was nice to see you Molly. Maybe we will see each other later."
I continued to stand by the bench, holding on to the corner. After that obvious dismissal, I was not about to leave.
"Yes, maybe we will. I'm sure you will find plenty of other places for your quiet talk."
Hank decided to put his two cents in the conversation. "Take a walk Molly, We don't need you here."
"I'm sure you don't Hank. You seem to have enough problems already don't you think? I'm here and I'm staying here. If you guys want a private talk, you're going to have it somewhere else. And for your own sake, keep your voices down. You don't want the whole town knowing you're going to be parents do you?"
Cynthia blanched to a pale white. I thought she was going to faint. Hank looked at her and put his arm around her and tried to bluster.
"You don't know what you're talking about."
"Knock it off Hank," I said. "You only have a few months of freedom left anyway before school starts again. Cynthia, you've never liked me because you're such a snob. You're afraid to offend your snob friends by saying anything civil to me. I've never had any other reason to dislike you but I wouldn't wish your problem on anyone, even you. If you don't catch next month, go see the sheriff, he can help and he will keep it quiet. Now go somewhere else. I came out here to be alone." I sat down, crossed my arms and faced forward, leaving them standing at the entrance to the grove. Cynthia finally took Hank by the hand and lead him away. I sat there for a while thinking about Cynthia and wondering what she could do. Then I started wondering about my situation. What was I going to do? Did I really want to stay with Jack at his house with all the stuff going on there? Jack was eventually going to discover I was being used by his brother and father, sometimes both at once! I didn't know what he was going to do then. I didn't want to be turned out on the road. I decided I really liked Jack and Rufus. I even liked Paul. I still had a little resentment about him. I thought he would turn out okay with a little more time. He had been pretty nice to me lately.
Jack returned for me a little later and we had a nice walk back. I was quiet and didn't worry too much about seeing anyone I knew. We got back to the house in time to eat a simple lunch. I started the pear pies right after that so they would be out of the way and I would have time to make the spaghetti sauce. I formed the meat balls and put them in the fridge until I needed them and made the tea with some mint added. I found them growing in a damp patch behind the barn.
Rufus came home for a late lunch and I served him a meat ball sandwich on French bread with the tomato gravy. It was messy but he said he loved it. Jack and Paul had already eaten and were in the living room with a glass of tea watching TV. After Rufus ate he came up behind me, putting his arms around me and kissed me on the cheek. "Thanks for the lunch Molly. How's my little sex kitten? Do you think you have time for a quick trip to the back bedroom?"
It had been most of a week since Rufus or Paul had me so I knew this was coming sooner rather than later. I turned to peek out the kitchen door and saw the others watching the TV. One of their shows had just started. I grinned at him and nodded. I thought it was about time that he took an interest in me again. As long as he was being so nice as to ask me about it, I was willing. I needed to talk to him about Cynthia anyway.
"Meet me in my room in about 5 minutes." He turned and went to his room. I looked around the corner and saw Jack still watching TV with Paul. His back was to me so I took a chance, slipped my sandals off and snuck down the hall to his dad's door. I went in and closed it behind me. Rufus had already taken his pants off and was leaning back against the headboard of his bed. I crawled on the bed and got between his legs.
"You're not hard yet."
"I'm sure you know how to fix that Honey."
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Sending a message The church spire was perhaps the windiest places you could find in this small town. Not to mention the hardest to get to, or the most uncomfortable to cling to. But Shay found keeping his balance here an easy job. Besides it gave him a perfect view of Palais de Versailles which was his next destination. His assignment for the last year or so had been to track down Charles Dorian, a high-profile Assassin working in France, and then eliminating him. The Templar order...
It's true that in this world, costumed heroes have been prevalent for a long time. Ever since the Skymaster appeared in Century City shortly after WWI, superheroes have appeared for years. From The Real Thing in Atlanta, to the Stormchaser in Seattle, to the Silversmith in Boston, Century City, a major East Coast metropolis, has been a big haven for super-heroes. The Centurion died during the Techno War in this city; and the revelation that the nighttime vigilante known as the Dark Stalker had...
Square Enix has some good sets of franchises and works to follow and play with. With unique and interesting characters to know, love and enjoy. But now let's take them some unexpected situations of the unfortunately fun and bare. Well fun for us and others. Pick a franchise and then character/s and have fun.
Robert, my wife’s lover has been out of the country now for nine days and was due home in a day or two. I arrived home from work at my usual time after calling her to let her know that I would be home in twenty minutes, this gave her time to get dressed following her naked video call with Robert. I went in our house and found her sitting on the couch, fully dressed and she had tears in her eyes. “What’s wrong baby?” I asked as I gave her a kiss. “Robert will be away for another five days.”...
CuckoldHey, Everyone, This is JJ and I am a regular reader of ISS for the past 7 years and This is the First experience that I am gonna share so if there are any mistakes kindly adjust. My name is Siddharth and I am from Coimbatore. I am 5’6 ft tall and have a decent 6.5-inch cock. The story is about my Classmate, Her name is Disha and Her stats are 36-32-34. Yeah, she’s a curvy busty girl with muskmelon sized boobs, you can’t have them in one hand. We started talking in the first year casually and we...
The roommates pt2When we arrived every light in the house was out. We figured that 2am was a little late for poor Mark and Josh. Mark snoring like a lumberjack and Josh playing soft music and burning inscents burning.Smiling we entered our bedroom and closed the door. The next morning Dash and I had ALOT to tell Mark and Josh, but wehesitated to tell them until we got a feel for what our to new roommates were into, we decided to start doing little things to gauge how comfortable they were with...
Reddit JOBuds, Jerk Off Buds, aka r/JOBuds! How many times have you been lying in your bed awake, horny, and wishing you had someone to interact with while you jerked off? Ideally, that would probably be a female, but what about the dudes that enjoy jacking off with other straight men? Hey bros, ThePornDude is inclusive of all kinks, and if you enjoy jacking it with other straight dudes while you watch straight porn, think straight thoughts, and help the two of you ejaculate like a good bro...
Reddit NSFW ListJimmy had an older sister about 35 that had got married and moved out but lived just down the street and would often leave her two daughters at Jimmy’s house. Kathy had quit a reputation on the block but I will leave her story for later. This one is about Kelly and Kim. Kelly was 13 and had just got her rack that summer. She was a fair haired blond sweetie with big blue eyes and a tight little ass. Kim was 12 and while her tits were just starting to show she had a nice little ass that...
Where I grew up, just outside of town, there was a huge stand of poplar trees and I went there often. I had a favorite tree which I would sit in for hours, contemplating things and life. I even jerked off up there a time or two. One afternoon, I had sort of dozed off when I was suddenly woken by voices. Looking through the branches and foliage, I saw Sam and Betty from school, sitting under a nearby tree. I kept still and quiet, hoping that they would not see me. Betty and I had never dated but...
VoyeurVanessa Moon walks in to where her stepbrother Juan Loco is hanging out. She asks if he made the Varsity team and then declares that she did and she’s good luck. She tells Juan that if he does something for her, she’ll rub her good luck off on him. Later, Juan is busy folding Vanessa’s laundry when she comes back to talk more about his bad luck and how bad it makes her luck. To make herself look better, Vanessa announces that she thinks it’s time that she helped Juan get...
xmoviesforyouOlive Glass has a little thing for her stepbrother and comes up with a way to see that beautiful hard cock of his. “How about a little game of strip pool”, she asks. “You miss a shot and off it comes!!” Olive purposefully misses her shots and soon she is completely naked tempting her stepbrother to come and fuck that beautiful trimmed pussy of hers. Olive knows just how to distract him to miss some shots, but he will not be missing his final shot that has him blowing his...
xmoviesforyouHi Friends This is v s Maine yeh story English me start ki hai par sex chalu ho ne ke bad Hindi me likha hai. You all must have read my Narattion About Fucking a Fatty Aunty. This story is in continuation of that story. Once Again Reminding you……If any Aunty or girls around Baroda want to have sex or Friend ship Please contact me at —-“”—–This incident happened to me when i was around 19.Aunty was around 45-47. So Aunty is A Fat lady with big boobs and wide pussy and round wide Butts.This story...
IncestIt took her less than an hour to pack her stuff in the car, and it was still only late afternoon when we arrived at the cottage, she was enchanted with it, and Mickey took her all around the vast, rolling gardens."You've got a river Dave," she said excitedly when, after about half an hour they reappeared hand in hand."Yes, I'd noticed," I laughed dryly. "It's called the Thames.""She caught the note of sarcasm and laughed. "It's a really beautiful house and the setting's perfect, it must be...
IncestShe had just come home from a busy night at work, she was sitting on the sofa having a quick fag before she went up to bed, she was shattered and getting into a nice warm bed was the only thing on her mind. She finished her cig and went up the stairs she went straight into the bedroom where she striped of and slipped on her satin nighty. She made sure the alarm clock was set before she got under the covers and got comfy before she slipped of into a nice relaxing deep sleep, but she never got...
Annie Velez strolled past the nondescript club for the third time in the last half hour. It had taken all of her courage for the nineteen-year-old college student to even come this far. According to the information she had been able to get in the chat rooms online, Scarlett's Rose was probably the best Lesbian Club in the entire city, especially on a Saturday night. Not that she would have anything to be able to make a comparison against, since she hadn't been in anything like it in her...
Beth and I were reclining by the pool when her parents got home. "Ellie, look at this," Mack said in mock alarm. "The body snatchers have grabbed the occupants of our house and replaced them with these two." "Very funny, daddy," Beth said. I told Mack and Ellie that Beth and I decided to try to get along better — at least for a little while. Ellie looked at me and shook her head. "It looks to me like you two found common ground last night," she said. "If you get my meaning." I...
This began as any normal, relationship between my wife mother and I. No names will be mentioned in this true real life story. I woke up just in time to get my stepson ready for school, once he left I went about my day. Around 8 am my phone rang and it was my mother in law asking if I would come over and help her move some stuff around. I said sure give me about ten minutes, she said great thanks, I'll see u then. I arrived and was let in. And my mother in law was in her normal attire of...
Hello readers!!! I am Deepti.I am 32 yrs old.I am a regular reader of ISS and it prompted me to send a real experience of mine.I used to read the incest stories a lot and I used to rub my pussy while reading the bhabhi-devar stories.The primary reason for that was my attraction towards my devar.His name is Sandeep.He is 24 yrs old and is quite handsome.He had a muscular body and attracted me much more than my husband.My sex life was not satisfying at all.My husband is overweight and by no...
IncestHello Friends, this is Shravan from Bangalore. The following new story is completely a FICTION and it’s not related to real life. I hope you will like it and please do send your feedback to Enjoy my latest Fiction story….. I was 19 at the time and my younger sister, Sheetal, had recently turned 18. Sheetal and I were pretty close as brother and sister go. Occasionally we would hang out in the same overlapping circles of friends. So when my parents went out on the town one evening, leaving us...
IncestHi!!! This is Raj here currently in Mumbai but basically from Kolkata. I’ve been a regular visitor to this site but I agree with all those guys who say that most of the stories are fantasies rather than the truth. Anyways, I thought I’ll share my first time as they say that you can never forget your first time. It all began when I was 4 or maybe 5 years old. The girl Ishtu was one year older than me and boy was she aggressive!! She was my dad’s friend’s daughter and the closest thing to a...
I have masturbated to numerous sex stories based on the premise that two horny people have sexual intercourse like there’s no tomorrow on an interstate rail journey. So, I was on cloud-fucking-nine when the following incident took place. I still can’t believe that it happened… During the pre-lockdown railway trip to my hometown in the north, I was busy ogling married ladies from the top berth as and when they passed by. By the end of day 1 of the journey, I had jerked off fantasizing about...
Dorie Gust is bored with her life. She has been for quite a while. She literally lives in the middle of nowhere. Her parents had taken a job opportunity in Alaska when she was just 8 years old, and eleven years later here she is still stuck in nowheresville Alaska. Dorie is beautiful. Her long black hair cascades down her back in loose immaculate curls, her bright green eyes are a color that could only be found in the height of summer. (The vivid color of grass the brilliant green shade of...
FantasyPaul Chapter 1 - Introductions This is the story of a person who is very special to me. First, I should introduce myself and tell you about my family. We come from a small rural town in Gloucestershire, England. My name is Elizabeth Bunden. I am 22 years old. I have brown wavy hair and I am five feet six high with what I think is a nice figure. I took a vocational course in media studies at the local college of further education and I'm now working as an assistant, well tea girl,...
I don't quite know how it happened but I found myself, on my knees, my panties soaking wet staring directly at my teenage son's large, thick throbbing erection.......Matt had been with me even before he was born. I had carried him inside me for 9 months, I could feel his heart beat, his arms & legs moving inside me.His drop kick dad had left me for some married slut before Matt was born. For 18 and a half wonderful years Matt had been the only man in my life. I can clearly remember looking...
I saw Mike coming down with a separate chain to wrap around the beam. He secured it and told Joe to raise it very slowly, because it was on my leg and that my leg was broken. We watched as the beam was raised and moved out of sight. As the beam was raised, I felt the searing pain in my leg. The basket stretcher came back down. Mike helped me into the stretcher. After fastening me in the basket Mike told Joe that we would be coming up together so he could control the movement of the basket....
I've been asked, by a several reader's of the previous 5 chapters, what happened after that first weekend. If you recall, i had been seduced by Tanya and my wife had been heavily used by James and Tanya together.. all as i watched. later, in the early morning hours, my wife had asked me to leave her there, at their home, and to wait for her call to come to pick her up. she added that her car was still at the salon, Tanya's ad my wife's earlier rendezvous location. I reluctantly left my wife...
This is iIn response to my story named How I got my wife to become a PROSTITUTE & A WHORE Today I received a nice note from a friend. Here is a copy of it. fantastic story you wrote, plaese give regards to mary, I hope one day she will tell her side off the story. Well I thought that was a great idea so I asked Mary herself to let you know what she thought. First of all before Mary gives you her side of the story I want to make a few...
My name is Samantha. I’m 41 years old. My story begins one afternoon this last July. My son Steven asked me if I would take him to the sand Dunes to do some dirt-bike riding.This was something his father used to do with him ever since Steve was eleven. Now, since his father {My ex.} had married his twenty two-year-old secretary, three days after our divorce was finalized, he hasn’t had time for his son.Steve is fifteen now, almost sixteen, and loves to ride that dirt bike. I don’t ride with him...
Angel Prez is my wife's newest cunt lapping bitch. Angel is 32yrs a body that would give a 80yrs man a hard-on. she was in a dress shop buying a new dress for a party for her husband' new job. Kat my wife seen her go in and up to her old tricks acted like a sales cleck and soon had Angel naked in the try-on room, Angel never had a chance and soon was eating her first pussy. Kat keep her well fucked over the next two months they were together three days a week. Kat and her 11" strap-on...
He lay beside he beside her, the fire warming her pale skin. He slowly stroked his hand across her skin, savoring the sight of her body stretched there before him, her entirety bared to his eyes and his hands. She slept soundly, the exertion from earlier weighing heavily on her, her body taxed. She roused only a little when he teased the tips of her reddened, tender nipples. He smiles, leaving them alone, returning to gently caressing her. He can still smell her scent from their love making...
The rain beat down hard on the roof. Cindy and Will waited anxiously in the living room of their suburban Houston home. Although the heater was on and a fire was burning in the fireplace, she felt goosebumps on her bare arms; he hugged himself to keep warm.Thump! Thump! Thump!Cindy and Will looked nervously at each other as the loud knocks echoed through the entryway.“Will,” growled Cindy after a few seconds. “Be a man! Open the door!”Will stepped up and pulled the door wide open…Ominously,...
CuckoldDecember 3, 1995, Chicago, Illinois “Hi!” Melissa exclaimed when I arrived at her house on Sunday afternoon. “How are you?” “Good! I’ve missed our relaxation therapy sessions!” “Things have been busy. Next weekend is busy as well. You’ll have to come by one evening this week.” “I’d ask you join me in the Jacuzzi, but you’re here for Michelle. Are you staying the night?” “I don’t know,” I said. “It depends on Michelle, and if she hasn’t told you, then nobody knows except her.” “If you...
Charlie had had a productive day, by his standards. He had finished sequencing another song, and was now sitting at his desk in his study sorting out some sundry paperwork. He was surprised Tracy was wasn’t back yet – it was nearly five o’clock. And after all she had been fired from her last job, hadn’t she? And it was just a job interview this morning, wasn’t it? Oh yes, she’d been in a bad mood first thing, hadn’t she, about her smoking? (Charlie had almost forgotten.) “Girls,” muttered...
FetishRuth had never felt quite as aroused as she was now in her life, and the delicious taste of Dan's piquant cum juice seemed to filter through her flesh, teasing her nerves deep down between her legs. Dan watched Ruth. He knew her well and could tell that she was more than ready to be fucked; he might have even teased her enough. He caught the almost imperceptible trembling of the young woman's muscles as she fought to control the fire in her body so that she would not spoil the act for him,...
In the days following their initial tryst, Debbie taught Jim a lot about human sexuality. In public, they were discreet, never overly affectionate, no hand holding, no midnight fucks in the Chris Craft, and no grabass at the beach. At home behind closed doors though things were different. Class was in session and Jim was Debbie’s star pupil. He was more than happy to accept her tuition, because the lessons were all so pleasant. Jim was a quick study and he was VERY motivated. Within a week,...