DóchasChapter 25 free porn video

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When Rusty and Alison entered their room they were greeted by Sarah, Sally, Terry, Joyce, Tara, Erin and Claudette. Both sighed as they slipped off their uniforms and Alison said, "These are comfortable but it is surprising how much they restrain your movement."

"Well it has been quite a while since we wore anything, so we are likely more aware of the change," said Rusty. "I agree that they are comfortable."

Sarah said, "Judy, Janet and Jill will be back from the ship shortly."

They quickly joined together on the bed in a group cuddle. Being together always brought them a sense of peacefulness and contentment. Today was the first time since they had bonded that they were apart for an extended time.

"We are just about to depart," said Judy. "Jean's Clan is going to spend the night here with Briana's friends and possibly several more days. They seem to be responding well and appear to be comfortable with the environment."

"We couldn't wait for y'all."

"We noticed, so we're going follow your example and cuddle on our way back. Star and Alpha1 can handle the shuttle. You know we haven't cuddled as two separate groups before. It will be an interesting experience." Judy and Jill sat side by side while Janet sat across their laps. It felt good to relax in each other's arms. Letting their thoughts drift out, they linked to rest of their clan. Together they relaxed contentedly, enjoying the shared sensations.

A chorus of twelve voices softly said, "I am so blessed to be joined with each of you in body and mind." They shivered as the emotions associated with the statement swept over them. During the last few months, they had grown to realize that their mind-link was the keystone to their deeply shared love. Their thoughts and sensations of love for each other reverberated between them.

Star came into the link quietly. "Judy, Janet, and Jill, we are at the resort." They slowly stood then stretched before heading to their room. Every one they passed were drawn to watch them as they gracefully strode across the grounds. Nearby both Siobhan and Maureen were walking on intersecting paths when they saw the three passing by. They were so focused on watching Judy, Janet and Jill that they collided, just as the group disappeared from sight.

Siobhan and Maureen reached for each other, as they sought to keep from falling. Once they recovered, they looked at one another, then quickly back toward where the three had disappeared. Turning back to each other again, they stared for a moment then together said, "Those must be the other members of Sarah's Clan." They busted out laughing when they realized they had both said the same thing.

When they settled down, they looked carefully at one other as their minds began to touch. Siobhan said, "I think, I will enjoy working with them and you wherever we go. I have never seen such a lovely group of people."

"Why do you think you will work with me?" asked Maureen.

"Are you telling me you haven't decided?"

"Yes, I have," she replied with a smile. "And seriously, I think I will like working with you. No, let me change that, I know I will like working with you, and them. I agree with you about the character of that group. If you have the time, we could sit and chat."

"Yes," replied Siobhan. "Why not here? It looks like a great spot."

"Suits me."

"Our groups' coming here seems to fit a dream I've had from time to time. The things that took place in the dream were so amazing that I didn't put much store in it, as it didn't seem possible. Although some of my dreams have turned out to be a preview of reality. Maybe not exactly as dreamed, but close enough." Siobhan felt comfortable sitting next to Maureen enjoying the fresh air and sun.

"Does that bother you?"

"Not really. To be honest, I usually don't really remember a lot of the details until the event takes place. The ones I did remember were general in nature and without a strong time base. Usually it was only snippets so when they did come together the details were a surprise. This dream was different. Today I've seen several people and events that seem to fit the dream. Sarah's Clan was one, you were another but there were others I haven't seen yet. The sequence of events in the dream was exciting, challenging and with some scary moments."

"Wow, I can sense your impressions. This communication is great but in a way it is unsettling. Rusty and Alison showed me how to enable it earlier today. Besides them, you are the first person I've exercised it with. Brandan, my closest male friend, is not as sure of his direction yet. I think several women in our group are leaning toward choosing this opportunity. Those women, Brandan and I are very close, but also somewhat afraid of being closer."

"Conan is the same way. The group we arrived with consists of about 20+ people. We basically hang out and do stuff together. Of course, we shared a lot of the same classes since we are all science majors. Nine of us shared a house off campus. During the first year, it basically turned into our gathering place. I suspect we would have shared one house if there had been one large enough and close to campus."

"Well if you look like the rest of your group, then you must be similar to us, as in good looking geeky nerds."

"You got it," she replied laughing. "As a group, we don't mind letting it show either, as you can see by the way I'm dressed. I wasn't sure about being naked yet, but I guess in certain lighting this dress makes it look like I am. Nancy had one on earlier that at times seemed almost transparent."

"You look delectable. There are six girls and one guy in our core group. Is that a pattern, more women than men?"

"Hmm. Could be..." Siobhan sat thoughtfully thinking about Maureen's comment. "Ours is like that."

"I love flying and the trip here was fantastic, except for a little incident on the flight. I didn't get to see very much of the view so Rusty and Alison let me go with them on the next two trips to pick up more guests. In all the groups we picked up, the girls outnumbered the guys by at least six to one."

"In some ways that doesn't surprise me. Conan and the other two guys in our group started out as fellow class mates who were more interested in doing things with us than trying to get into bed with us. You know the ones at the top end of the bell curve. We have been together for more than three years now and the thought of splitting up bothers us. You know, thinking about it, all of us would like to be closer to the guys. I think our fear is that if we try they will leave, or we will lose them to someone else. That isn't to say that all of us haven't hooked up with them from time to time."

"We kind of have the same issue. Brandan and I eased into a sexual relationship with each other and we really enjoyed it. In the beginning of that relationship, we started just being a pair separate from the group, but when we did that we felt lost something. So we backed off on being exclusive while still maintaining our closeness and spent more time with the group. We feel more comfortable now, even though we adore each other. We adore everyone else in the group as well. Complex, eh?"

"That is kind of the way it is with Conan and me. We have gone a bit further in that several of us are very close and we have been intimate with each other at times. Over the last year we have shared more and more with each other both emotionally and physically. With the approach of graduation, there is a strain on all of us in that we want to stay together. I can sense at least seven of us would like to share our lives completely, but it seems like everyone is afraid to bring it up. I know I am. A complication is that not all of us are graduating. I can't believe I am telling you all this."

"Yes, it is an interesting discussion considering we just met."

"I know but I feel like we have known each other for a long time. I wonder how Sarah's Clan got together and where they came from. Maybe we will find out tonight."

"I hope so, anyway I'm off to meet my group at the pool. See you later."

"Let me know if you have a solution on getting our feelings out in the open in your group."

"See you later Siobhan, and I will."

"Bye, Maureen." Saying Maureen's name startled Siobhan. She was sure certain that this was the first time she had met or talked to Maureen, yet she knew her name. She couldn't recall exchanging names, but they did converse telepathically. She walked off deep in thought to find her friends.

The chime sounded in the room rousing Sarah's Clan from their meditation. Seeing the time, they quickly went through their exercises then freshened up. These showers were smaller than those at the Enclave so they showered in pairs. When they were ready, they slipped on light robes and shoes.

Approaching the dining hall, they met Amy's Clan and went in with them. Their entrance caused a break in the lively chatter. Once they had some refreshments, they split up into pairs and began to mingle with their guests while waiting for everyone to arrive.

When Briana saw Sally enter she headed straight for her. Without a word she wrapped her in a hug, her eyes were filled with tears. Seeing the tears, the group waited for her to relax. Briana looked up to see them around her so she pulled back from Sally, she gave each of the others a hug and thanked them.

After the greetings and emotions eased Briana said, "I want to thank all of you for the kindness you have shown me and the effort you've put into helping my friends. I only hope it is enough. When I took a nap this afternoon, nearly all of them were in my dream. They looked much better than before and it was like they were in a different place. They appeared to be very relaxed and so different than they were in my visions last night or over the last few months."

Sarah's Clan nodded, then Judy said, "Briana, Janet, Jill and I met your friends earlier today." Briana gasped. "They are on our space ship receiving a medical evaluation and resting. We will offer them any treatments they need in order to fully recover from their injuries. Earlier today several people from our Enclave went with us to meet them. These are people, who we think have had similar experiences." Tears of happiness ran down Briana's face. "That group, Jean's Clan, is staying with them tonight on the ship."

"When can I go see them?"

"One possibility would be this evening. Though, we think it would be better if you let them recover some more before you visit them. It shouldn't be very long. Considering what they have gone through, they are doing very well." Briana's face showed her feelings. Siobhan had walked over as they were talking. Briana seeing her, grabbed her in a tight hug and gave her a very emotional kiss.

"Thank you," said Briana to Siobhan when they broke the kiss.

"I didn't do anything."

"Oh yes, you most certainly did. You listened to me when others didn't. When I approached you with the warning, rather than telling me to go stuff it, you listened. After that, somehow, your friends here became involved and jumped in to rescue my friends. God, this is such a great group." She was beaming so much she literally lit up the room. Even her tears seemed to glitter. "Oh, God. I love you all, so much."

"I am glad I was able to do something. Sarah and spouses, can I ask what will be on tonight's agenda?"

"You can," responded Jill with a smile as they all nodded affirmatively.

There was a pause before Siobhan asked, "Were you going to tell us how you came to be together?"

"Yes," said Jill. "First my apologies for being so literal, it is something I have trouble resisting. First let me help you with names for the faces in this group." After she had, she continued with, "We feel you need to know a lot of our history and the background of the ship before we discuss the opportunities on it in any detail. So after dinner, Amy's Clan and ours will give a rather detailed presentation and then answer questions. We will endeavor to answer all questions, but if we don't know we will say so."

Siobhan looked at each of them for a moment. Her curiosity about the group was evident on her face. Sensing her interest Joyce said, "Siobhan, we grew into our group relationship. At first it was Rusty, Sarah, Sally and Terry and after a short time it grew to include me. When we arrived here we were eight and it has grown to twelve. Each growth step occurred a little differently, but at every turn there was no question that being together felt right to all of us." All of Sarah's Clan nodded indicating their agreement with Joyce. Several of Siobhan's group had joined her soon after Joyce started talking.

Joyce looked around then said, "I can sense a feeling of closeness among those in your group here with us and it may include others. From what I can sense, your feelings for each other are near what they were between us when we first began to form. We think that you all want to be closer but have some reluctance or reservations that are holding you back. From my perspective, in order to accomplish that you need to open up and share your feelings and thoughts. When we first began to form our group, we did not have a mind-link like we do now. The ability to mind-link makes it much easier to share with each other. Start slowly so you can equally share thoughts, emotions, experiences and other events."

"Did you read my mind?"

"No. That's not polite without asking; besides it is written all over your faces so I didn't need to. It is obvious that you love one another very deeply. Each of you is probably a bit hesitant due to past experiences, which is why I suggested going slowly. Follow your instincts and do it telepathically. The advantage telepathy provides is that now you see the emotions associated with the thought so the intent is much clearer. Like all personal interactions there are differences in depth of sharing. The members of a clan have the deepest level. I think all of you will find your feelings, thoughts and concerns are quite similar."

Sarah said, "There are aspects of the Earth society that tend to inhibit open, honest relationships. This inhibition greatly increases when more than two people are in love with each other. Add to that religious and political dictates, then it really makes it a tall barrier. I hope you can sort out the interrelationships in your group soon, because it will make your future much more enjoyable and rewarding."

"Thank you. I think at least one other group is at a similar cross roads."

"Okay," said Rusty. "We will make sure we touch on this issue tonight. Also, as Joyce alluded to, we expect lots of questions about what is said this evening. We will have a question and answer session after breakfast as well. Actually, we have been doing that at the Enclave ever since we've been there and I suspect we will continue."

"Enclave?" said Briana.

"It is the island where we currently live," responded Erin.

"Why are you taking so long before you give us the details on the opportunity regarding the space ship?" asked Conan.

Sarah said, "Simply because, we want you to be sure you are comfortable with us and this society before you are confounded or overwhelmed by the desire to work in space. The opportunity to fulfill your fantasy of working in space may cause you to overlook critical personal issues. Life on a space ship is quite a bit different from what you have grown up with. This society is also quite different from what you have experienced. You should have a much better understanding by tomorrow evening."

"All the guests have arrived," said Star.

"Are you in a position to be here for the introductions after dinner?" asked Terry. "Donna, is your visual construct ready for this evening?" Sarah, Rusty and Sally had surprised looks on their faces. "We determined that the systems could easily support two visual constructs at times with a careful allocation of resources."

"Yes," responded Star and Donna. "Ann is indicating dinner is nearly ready to start as well."

Nancy and Julia went over to, then stepped up onto, a low riser. A light chime sounded in the room causing the crowd to become quiet. "Good evening. We hope you have settled in without any problems and have found everything you need for your stay. Dinner is nearly ready but before we begin, we would like to make a few introductions." She began with Alison and Rusty then the rest of Sarah's Clan then the other clans. "You probably won't remember all their names but you now have a face to put with the name when you hear it. After dinner, we give a presentation that covers our background and what to expect this week."

Julia began, "Nancy has introduced the people that are here this evening. There is also a group back where we normally live taking care of our children. We refer to that location as the Enclave. Also there are currently about 90 people on the space ship. To be a bit more explicit about the presentations: The first will cover the ship's history and its crew. This will be presented by Amy's Clan. Following that Sarah's Clan will tell you more about how they came to be here and our current situation. The society represented by those on the ship has different customs, physical attributes and interpersonal relationships than those you are familiar with. Betsy will take this part of the presentations. Our last presenter will be Erica. She will review security here as we have some rather unique assistants. We hope you have enjoyed the day. For this evening and every evening, we are going to spread out so we have the opportunity to sit at each table. All our meals will be served buffet style. If you get hungry between meals there are snacks available. So, if you will find a place to sit then we will have each table go through the line. You can have seconds, but please wait until after everyone has made it through the line." That brought several chuckles.

Dinner went very smoothly. When everyone was seated, there was at least one host at each table. Conversation was lively as they shared their common interests and backgrounds. Donna and Star noticed several guests seemed to be a bit uncomfortable and alerted Sarah and Amy's Clans to their location.

After dessert and coffee were finished and conversation had started to die down Amy and Jim went up to the podium. "Good evening. To start, we would like for you to meet the rest of our Clan." As they introduced each spouse, the spouse stood. "Notice we said Clan. We've recently started using the term Clan rather than group to refer to a family. In our society, it is normal for us to communicate solely by telepathy. With telepathy the mental cues and visual objects are associated differently than in verbal communication. Since Sarah's Clan has joined us, we've chosen to make verbal communication easier by naming each group or family. Clan names used so far are the same as one of the members, which can initially add some confusion. An alternative to using a member's name is to choose a unique Clan name. If you form a Clan, you need to inform Star of the family name and who its members are."

They then gave a lengthy review of where they came from and the accident that happened to the ship to bring them to this galaxy and solar system. It was noted that one of the side effects resulting from the accident was that the crew were sterile. They explained that once it was clear that the medical staff couldn't find a solution within their own resources, they felt the only option was to find people to join the ship's crew.

While Earth was the closest inhabited planet, this was seen as problematic because crew members need to be telepathic. Their data indicated a potential for Earth's humans being telepathic, none seemed to use it. Besides telepathy, for some crew positions, other unique attributes were desirable and some were critical to operations. This led them to consider seeking women to be surrogate mothers. With some adjustment in their genes, it was thought that these babies would have the attributes needed to become crew members. Using their knowledge of genetics, they identified women and men on Earth who had a high probability of producing offspring with the needed traits. Once the babies grew to be teens, they would be approached and offered spots in the ship's crew.

When they finished, the room was very quiet. Jim asked if there were any questions. Two hands went up immediately. Jim nodded.

Both Brandan and Conan stood, Brandan said, "We've heard your ship mentioned many times but we haven't seen it. Can you show it to us?"

"Where is it now?" asked Conan.

Jim said, "Okay, last question first. The ship is now at the Sol – Mars L5 position. This is sometimes referred to as the trailing Trojan position or L5 Lagrangian point. For a view of the ship, we have video that was made during Sarah's Clan's first trip there. Following this will be a time lapse series of images showing the changes since then."

As he was speaking the lights dimmed. The show began with a view from a shuttle as it lifted away from the Enclave with Donna narrating. As the shuttle passed the moon, it showed a view back toward Earth which included the moon. The view then turned back in the direction of the ship. Both Mars and a green circle showing the ship's location were noted in the view. When they passed Mars, it was near enough to be seen clearly. There was a collective gasp when the ship became recognizable then quickly filled the screen. The soft sounds of whispering grew as it increased in size. In some respects, the ship looked like a large decrepit object floating in a black void with Saturn just barely visible behind and off to one side.

"This is the way the ship looked when Sarah's Clan arrived there some five months ago. To be honest, it hasn't looked much different for the last 200 years. The only changes in that time were the addition of a few more nicks and bangs from small meteorites. The trip shown was completed in 10 minutes. A normal trip takes between 30 and 60 minutes depending on orbit positions."

Donna waited until all sides of the ship had been seen then said, "Next are the changes that have taken place since then." The second video consisted of several sets of images which showed the exterior at about 4 week intervals. As each set was shown the progress of the repairs became more apparent. In the most recent view the ship looked to be in much better condition than in the initial video. Even so it was clear that much more needed to be done. During the show there was nary a sound in the room except for Donna's voice.

"We know that computer aided graphics on Earth could create what you have just seen," stated Amy. "But remember the plane you rode in coming here today and the sights you saw during that trip."

Conan raised his hand and Amy nodded. "I can tell you that the jet we flew in today was not made on Earth. I have a pilot's license as a few of you know and I have never read about or seen anything like it. Sure it looked like a normal executive jet when we entered it, but did you see a runway where it landed here? Well don't bother to look because there wasn't one. Did you notice it vanish as it left?" Several people nodded their agreement.

"Thank you."

"Where is Donna? She sounded cute," said a male voice from the back. A smack was heard followed by, "Why did you do that?" This was followed by laughter.

"Donna, would you join us." With that there was a shimmering of blue light and a female shape took form standing next to Amy.

"Hi." The group applauded at the sound of her familiar voice.

As the clapping died down, the male voice was heard to say, "Wow, what a fox!" His comment was followed by another smack, and more laughs.

"This is a new form for me so I will stand here next to Amy and Jim so they can catch me if I start to fall," continued Donna. "What do I mean by new form? My fundamental entity is what you probably think of as a computer. This is a visual construct. We thought it would aid our interaction. This is something new being offered by our new Command Staff to those AIs with a high degree of self-awareness. My contribution is to oversee the site where this group normally lives on Earth to ensure that it functions as it is supposed to. Currently, I perform the same function here but with more support. Thanks for asking about me." And she stood back a bit.

"Are there any more questions for Donna, as she needs to return to focusing on her tasks?" asked Amy. "Hearing none, let me turn this over to Sarah's Clan so they can make the next part of the presentation. First will be Judy." With that Jim and Amy sat down, while Sarah's Clan gathered at the front.

"Amy's Clan did find some people willing to have babies for them and they did so for about 10 years," said Judy. "That group consisted of seven women and one man. During that time they had some 185 children." There was a gasp. "Yes, they usually had twins, roughly every 10 months. About a fourth of the children went to the ship to be raised by the crew there. The others were carefully placed with families that had the resources and love to raise them. Why do I say resources? For one, the children have very high IQ's. It was anticipated that they would become tall geeky nerds based on their birth parents, which appears to be the case. The women and man were rewarded nicely for their contributions to the program. What were those? Lifetime medical care and elimination of any chronic or hereditary diseases. For the women, no lingering effects from being pregnant for most of ten years. Their aging process was altered so they look nearly the same now as they did when they started. In addition to this they received a chunk of money to start a new life. Not surprisingly after 10 years together, they decided to stay together. They bought a farm in the Mid-Atlantic region of the US.

"We know them as Ann's Clan and they came to join us at the Enclave about five months ago. They are taking care of food preparation this week and helping around the resort in other ways. Not all of them are here at any one time, due to things that need to be done at the Enclave. Also, at the Enclave are a group of young women caring for our babies.

"Getting back to the story, with Ann's Clan's contract expiring, Amy's Clan began to look for another group. Shortly after beginning their search Betsy received an offer to assist them with acquiring a group. After sorting out the requirements, the acquisition appeared to be successful. A new group arrived shortly after Ann's Clan departed. However, it wasn't long before Amy's Clan realized that this new group wasn't suitable. They informed their agent and gave the participants the early termination package as agreed to.

"It was during this time frame that Sarah's Clan began to form. It started with Sarah coming to live at Nancy and Bob's home and then started working for N&R Security. Sarah, Rusty, Sally and Terry formed a family group. At the time, Joyce was in her 3rd and 4th year of high school. As the weeks passed she spent more and more time with them, eventually becoming the fifth member. They were together for about a year before coming here, but let's hear about it from them."

Sarah, Rusty, Sally, Terry and Joyce then took turns telling of how they became a family. It began with Sarah meeting Rusty at Nancy and Bob's house right after she moved there. They described how their group began and how they dealt with the fact that not all of them were telepathic at the time. It included how they were brought to the Enclave and a brief description of the medical issues that Amy's Clan had to resolve. Sarah closed with, "We think that our telepathic connection greatly aided our adjustment to our current situation. Yes, waking up was a shock, but we were with people we loved. The other aspect is that except for Joyce, none of us have any living relatives. So in some respects, we woke up with our family. Shortly after that, Alison, Tara, Erin and Claudette arrived at the Enclave. They can tell you about that."

Alison, Tara, Claudette and Erin briefly told of their experiences before arriving at the Enclave and how they came to be part of Sarah's Clan. When they finished Tara said, "As you can see, we look similar to our spouses. This is because we asked to receive genetic treatments similar to those they were given. Why? We were given some body modification treatments before our arrival there. After our physical, Betsy told us that while those treatments did what they were supposed to, some aspects weren't done correctly. She described how this would impact our future health. It was scary as we had seen other people with those problems and it hadn't taken long for them to develop. After discussing it, it boiled down to one of two choices. It didn't take the four of us very long to decide that the smartest thing to do was to ask for the genetic treatments. We recognized that this could cause some difficulties if we chose to leave the Enclave and return to Earth society. We knew that this was very unlikely. We've shared this short summary with you so you know how, and why, we went from looking similar to you to our current appearance. If you want more details, they are available in our library. Rusty."

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The next couple of weeks I was at Paul's house everyday, sometimes just the 2 of us, but more often Mark would be there too. I was getting cummed in or on or swallowing 4 to 6 times a day when they were both there. My favorite was when one of them would be fucking my ass and the other one fucking my mouth. 18yo cocks get hard over and over and I was insatiable. I loved every minute of it, and I really loved getting high with them too. Mark started giving me a joint to take home with me once in...

4 years ago
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Ed BiggersChapter 11

Now that the groceries were put away, Ed took a moment to sit on one of the folding chairs on the back patio while the tea was brewing. Looking out over the desert, he thanked God that John was returning home the next day. The day after that, they would move Beth into his house and life with Kelly could return to normal. He was so horny that he was now jacking off in the bathroom daily. It was a safe bet that Kelly was doing the same, but they didn’t talk about that around Beth. She got upset...

2 years ago
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Always Finding TroubleChapter 14

I woke at five thirty. It's amazing that my body will wake up when I need to. I hopped to the bathroom, peed, shaved, brushed my teeth, and showered. I was hopping out to get dressed as Bobby came in with a cup of coffee. We kissed and she said, "I hope that wasn't too far out for you. It was heaven for me. I hope Marie is okay with it. I can't wait to enjoy Wanda, she is something." The conversation was causing my dick to rise. I said, "Cool it; I don't have a lot of extra...

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Megan By Paris Waterman It was a typical wedding. Two hundred or more guests, most from Sully’s side. I learned that Shelly had a very small family and that only a few of her friends were making the trip from Philly to Jersey City. As best man, I was to be paired up with Tracy, the Maid of Honor. I wasn’t getting laid there. She was engaged and her boyfriend was going to be there. Now I had banged Sully’s kid sister Megan a couple years before, but between college and my baseball career it...

3 years ago
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Mom punished by cops for boozing

Once there was a marriage function in Kerala and its dads friends son marriage and dad wants mom too accompany him and she was also ok with that it was of sudden arrangement there wont be tickets in train nor flight and he planned to go by car and both went on attending the function.There was a great party at function and dad enjoyed boozing a lot.Mom was frustarted with dads act and she was so annoyed.Every men in the party had an eye on mom she was wearing a red saree and her...

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Im Bettys Bitchboy and Love it

Wife Betty was sitting on my chest and she was looking down on me with that special, sexy smile. My hands were tied to the bed and under her weight I couldn't move an inch.I was aroused as I always was when I was under the control of my Wife Betty. It was enough to know her near me and to see her erotic appearance to make my cock hard as rock. The position I now had – being tied to the bed and completely under her control – made me moan with lust and anticipation without being touched. I could...

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BSC08 How Jack and Susan Became NudistsChapter 10 Jacks Secret Revealed

Eventually these four tourists found a small cafe and sat down and waited to be served. They were soon approached by a young eighteen year old waitress wearing nothing but a very short, red and white apron tied around her trim waist. If you’d asked the waitress she wouldn’t have even had that on but health regulations stipulated an apron as minimal apparel in commercial food preparation establishments. In the first year of Cedarcrest’s Nudity Friendly status these regulations had been a lot...

2 years ago
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BrownBunnies Alicia Reign No Dates Allowed

Damion Dayski is here to pick up Alicia for their first date, but everything changes when her father answers the door. He slams the door in Damion’s face and explains to Alicia that she won’t be going on any dates while she’s living with him. Damion gets an idea and sneaks around to the back of the house and quietly enters the home. While Alicia’s father is watching TV, Damion sneaks up behind them and Alicia tells him to stay quiet while she sucks his dick. She gives...

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Vigilantethe Beginning1Chapter 8

November, 1949 Time to beat 'Bama! Dad bet $250 at 11 to 1 odds that Auburn would beat The University of Alabama in Birmingham. The bookie, out of the goodness of his heart, actually tried to talk dad out of the bet. The bookie maintained that there was no way Auburn could win and Dad was throwing good money after bad. Auburn had done so poorly that season, that the bookie was embarrassed to take Dad's money. Nevertheless, Dad stuck to his guns and made the bet. Needless to say, we won! We...

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Monkey WrenchChapter 20

I was out of bed before my brain was awake. The girls swarmed me as I staggered and blinked. I grabbed my arm around Suzi’s shoulders; she was a perfect height to hold me vertical. The kicking of the cupboards started. “Zoë’s in there.” I muttered. Xiomara walked me forward two steps before my brain had caught up to my waking up. The energy I had taken to bed with me should’ve kept me awake all night. I was here. I was with my girls. I let go of Suzi and I dashed. “We weren’t sure if we...

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Smoking Blues

Smoking Blues by Brenda @2019 "Hey Bren," called my assistant Sarah. The home office called while you were out smoking. You Better call Mr. C back. He didn't sound happy!" "Okay, thanks dear. I will call him back straight away," I replied as I headed to my office. As I was opening my door Sarah continued. "You know, you really have been taking a lot of smoke breaks lately. We are all concerned about your health. You are the first boss we have had here that knows how to treat people...

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New Sex Companion

I think to myself... Tonight could be the night I get to fulfill one of my fantasitys. I can feel my body getting excited and aroused just thinking about it, as I have wanted to try this for a few years, but had not found the right partner to do it with until now. And to actually have my lover involved in it also, what more could a women want. I had just gotten a call from my bodyfriend, Steve, saying that he had finally found what we had been looking for and was bringing it over to my place...

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Mister Muscle and LoveBug Issue 2 Taking the Bull by the Balls

Mister Muscle and LoveBug Issue #2: Taking the Bull by the Balls Chapter One: A Bug in Cheap Clothing “What the heck are you wearing, Squirt?” I did my best to keep my voice level as I looked her up and down, not even bothering to hide the stern frown creasing my face. At least she had the good manners to blush before she started playing with her zipper. I made a mental note to take her shopping as soon as possible. Apparently, the girl (not that I would ever call her that to her face unless I...

Straight Sex
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Dont let on

“Hello and welcome back to another episode of, “Don’t Let On!” I’m your host, Johnny Johnson! Remember, the goal of the games is to avoid responding to or letting on that someone’s advances is affecting you! Every contestants can play a total of 3 games, plus a Double-Or-Nothing Round, and a Challenge Round! “Now, before we get started; I just want to remind everyone that all contestants are of legal age AND are here by their OWN FREE WILL! The crew, producers, and 3rd party sponsors have...

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Lets Play Tresspassers

Let’s Play TrespassersAfter a late lunch out, Lisa, Ashley, Suzi and I were out walking in a park on a warm Sunday afternoon in July. The park was beautiful. There was a lush lawn and the flowers all around were in magnificent bloom. We were just walking around, talking and gossiping and giggling, probably a little too loudly. We were feeling a little hot, and decided to go walk in the nearby woods, to take advantage of the shade. The woods was mostly a pine forest. There were lots of tall pine...

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It Happened to me

The following story happened in 2006, it’s not that I’m some kind of a stud, it happened because I was lucky and was in the right place at the right time. I’m sharing it with you because I can’t very well share it with my wife. I’m in my mid 50’s with a few extra pounds around the middle and bald but I do try to stay in shape I run five miles four times a week. I try to keep in shape with a weight routine but I am what I am. It all started with a recommendation I received for a commercial real...

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Influencers Gone Wild

InfluencersGoneWild is exactly the way I like to see my favorite internet celebrities. I’m a fan of Twitch gamer sluts, Instathots, Snapchat whores and even the lovely babes of YouTube. I’ll have to admit, though, I’m a bit of a pervert. They don’t call me ThePornDude for nothing! That’s why I’d much rather see those girls in social media porn like nip slips, nude galleries and OnlyFans vids than in SFW viral videos.InfluencersGoneWild.com scored a good name and a killer domain, if you want my...

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
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Paula and Tina Memories

I think it was a fleeting smell that transported me away from Ian. He lay over me working his cock inside me like a slow lazy jack hammer. I barely felt the smooth and nauseatingly predictable in-out movement but I caught a sugary sweet smell. It was that chemical sweet smell of blue razzberry Icee that transported me back in time. I felt my body rocking slowly, Ian grunting and sweating on me. In my mind I was with Tina at the Handee Hugos down from her house. She had been swimming with her...

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TimeChapter 27

I was up to almost three in the morning with the engineers. The atmosphere at 'Fish 'n' Chips Works' was contagious, to say the least. I had clean clothes and got up after a few hours' sleep and went to grade nine classes once more. There was one more chuckle before I got to court. We had a surprise electronics quiz that dealt with current through a series of resistors. Before the court started Derrick said, "Look at the faces of the lawyers." "They don't look so sure of...

1 year ago
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Part 2 of Horizon

This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to anyone's real life is purely coincidental. Part 2 I can’t believe it. I don’t think I ever will. After I ask Allison on a date, she ran out of the room, left the dorm, and I haven’t seen her in two days. I’m so worried about her. I pace the common room for hours hoping she will show up. I can’t sleep, because I wish I could just talk to her. She didn’t have to leave. I would have. I’m so sorry. That was the dumbest mistake of my life. It’s about...

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What my sub wants

You hear that knock at the door that you've been waiting for all week. Your heart skips and your cock twitches in your panties that I have told you to wear. They're a pair of your slut wifes that she thought it would be funny for you to have to wear.It's your master and he's there to claim his slut and take her on her first dogging trip. She's spent the day getting ready, shaving her pussy and ass and making herself look at her slutty best for her stud... she knows he loves her to please him...

2 years ago
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SLUT ASHLEY 9The next day, it took all her willpower to not rush over to Keenum’s house at one o’clock, but Ashley managed. It was Thursday now - just eight days after her first “date” with him. It was hard to believe that her first sexual experience with him was a mere eight days ago – they have fucked so many times since!Today was her first day of her part time job. In a few days, Monday to be exact, she would commence school. She would be quite busy at that point, but she knew that she could...

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When Farmer let his wife divorce him and take his only daughter away, he was angry, bitter, and full of self pity; but he also knew the catharsis of such an event would allow him to move on with his life, and it lent hope for things to come. Farmer was born Terence Farmer (Terry), but he never liked so androgenous a nickname and quickly dropped it. When he got to high school, it was even easier to use his last name as a nickname because he grew his own pot! He had dark, well defined features,...

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VACATION with Bridgit Mendler

VACATION with Bridgit Mendlerby jerojerome'Finally....I'm home', i thought to myself as I arrived at my mom's house.I couldn't believe that my first year on college was already over. My mother wanted to know everything about it and I certainly told her everything about it..except for my encounters with some college girls. After dinner I headed straight up to my old room because after the long drive home I was very tired.It was very hot on the next day and my mother certainly wanted me to work...

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Pigs Cant Fly

In our initial survey of Sly Bucks’ massive bedroom, one of the uniformed cops discovered a laptop computer under one of the pillows of the billionaire’s bed. It was several days before I had the time to consider what it might contain. I called one of the nerds in our computer section and asked for some help, assuming that everything on the laptop would be password secured.I had completely forgotten about the computer until three days later, one of the computer geeks showed up at my door. “I’m...

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TeensLoveAnal Ziggy Star Stepdaughter Anal Seduction

Curly haired cutie Ziggy Star is always trying to get her stepdads attention, but the grumpy guy is too busy working to pay her any mind. So, the sexy teen gets a devious idea. She fills her asshole with a bedazzled buttplug and launches into some serious stepdaughter seduction. She spreads her asscheeks, exposing the special surprise, and her stepdad simply cannot resist. He fucks her teen pussy sensually before moving to the bedroom. Then, he replaces the buttplug with his throbbing cock and...

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As the person with heels came closer, I was able to glance at her through the small barred hole on the cell door. Even from afar, she seemed like a formidable woman – beautiful face, long black hair, dressed in black from head to toe, and she somehow had this air about her… I can’t explain it, except that maybe the best word to describe her presence would be ‘charisma’. As she spoke to the jailor, her hands emphasized her words with vivid gestures. The jailor seemed scared, but showed...

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Natasha Gets Redneck

J.J. was perfect for Natasha. He was a poor substitute for John, but any “fuck port” in a storm.J.J. wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed, but he was a decent piece of ass. And sometimes he’d pass her around with one or two of his dumb friends when they got drunk. Which is what he was doing now. Melvin had his hands on her tits, while Billy Bob was feeling her pussy. J.J. watched while sipping a cheap beer. Three cocks ALMOST made up for having John use her.They drank crappy beer, said stupid...

Group Sex
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MrLuckyPOV Whitney Wright Madison Morgan Cock Sharing Cuties

Big booty redhead Madison Morgan introduces cock hungry brunette, Whitney Wright, in this hot threesome. These pornstar queens love to touch and feel each other and have been waiting to share a dick together for the first time ever. They suck, spit, stroke, and fuck getting pleasure from each other’s pleasure. Madison slams her big juicy ass down on the dick and sucks it clean after Whitney gets her tight hole pounded hard. And they wouldn’t be true friends if they didn’t cum swap with...

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Continuing my sexual education

I stated my youth in the first part. But remember this was a time when c***dren were to be seen and not heard. And you submitted to everything. I was never hurt by anything done to me as it was loving friends and family. For you purists out there I neither condone or disagree with, I just enjoyed!The adult world for me was huge cocks wanting in my ass or mouth. As long as the cum flowed and some entered my mouth all was great. One day the phone rang and mom answered. They wanted to know would...

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Crimson Kiss

A small red headed woman stood in the back of the church and sent of book hymns flying towards the casket that lay covered with roses underneath the altar at the front of the church. The book hit the casket, hard, and bounced onto the floor, sliding to a stop at the feet of the man who was currently speaking. He knelt, a grin hidden beneath his veil of blonde hair, and picked the book up, cradling it to his chest. People stared in disbelief at the small woman and a few women cried with renewed...

Erotic Fiction
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Help colleague

Hi ! This is my 1st story which I am posting on the net and my English is not so well so there can be some grammatical error in my posting so pls forgive me. This is happen when she was joined in my company.she was married but always feeling uncomfortable.everytime there was stress on her face which she always trying to hide from us.one day i asked her is there any problem in her life because always there is some stress on your face then she told me that she want a baby but her husband is not...

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The Piano A TWILIGHT ZONE story

"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE." - Rod Serling The Piano - A TWILIGHT ZONE story By Anon Allsop Chris Blake had one wish, to appear on stage in front of a vast multitude of fans and experience the thrill of their applause and adoration. Chris is about to find out what happens, when you open the door...

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Immune To My Beauty Chapter 2

‘Wow! That was the hardest I’ve ever been spanked.’ My ass was really burning and I wasn’t looking forward to tucking it back into my dress, but I knew I had to at least try to get back to the party before my big sister left with her new hubby. ‘Sorry about that, but it seemed like what you wanted. My hands are a little sore, too.’ ‘You did great, Brett. Best fuck I’ve had in two weeks. Hey, I don’t mean to rush you, but we should both get down there to say goodbye to the happy couple.’

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Wanting Primal Sex Again

My cock impales her from behind, thrusting hard and deep. Determined not to let her escape, I'm thrusting harder and deeper. She continues to howl in pain and pleasure but it's different now, softer. My guttural primal scream is loud. I release her neck, convinced she isn't going anywhere and place my head on her shoulder. I took a deep breath and held her in place, steadily pushing myself into her. Half way in I stop and exhaled. Celeste winces and groans in pain as her tightness gives...

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When he woke up at seven, he went through his daily routine for getting ready for work. He was counting down the days when he could retire, only two weeks to the day exactly and he was free from having to go to the job. While he was in the bathroom, freshly showered and groomed he heard the footsteps of his daughter on the hallway floor. God he was going to miss that sound every morning, Gabriella, Gabby for short, was in her finally days of high school. She would be graduating next month and...

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In Praise of Older Women Part 3 My Awakening

  Meg’s StoryToday was the day. Today I would be going home after three weeks in the hospital following a car accident which left me in a coma along with two broken legs. The last two months had been a total transformation for me. Widowed three years ago, I had set out to change myself from ‘Sad Sack Meg’ into a new woman.Art lessons, self-help courses, diet and working out had been the start of it. Seducing a young man more than twenty-five years my junior had been my new venture into...

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Sonia Ki Mazboot Si Choot

Hey everyone, my first story submission. Hope you’ll like it. So, here it goes. Mera naam arjun (changed) hai. Mai delhi ke ek college se engineering kar raha hu, age 21. Aap sab jaante hai k engineering college mei ladkiyo ki quantity zara kam hoti hai aur jo milti hai woh toh pehle se hi committed hoti hai. Ab story shuru hoti hai jab mai 2nd year mei tha . Story ki heroine ka naam hai sonia(changed). 1st year se ok-ok friends thay but she was committed. Hum dono alag alag departments se...

4 years ago
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True exwife story Nude Hiker

True story about my ex-wife and some guy who wanted to take her nude hiking.This won’t be the only story worth telling about my ex-wife, nor is there any particular reason I posted this one first, except it’s on the shorter side and I’d recently came across the pics again. First off none of this is meant to trash my ex-wife, that’s not the intent so I hope none of what I’m saying comes off that way.So my ex-wife is a good looking brunette, blue eyes. She’s got small breasts, barely A. With...

2 years ago
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Keeping It in the Family

My mother-in-law, Beatrice, is one fine looking lady. In fact, I was trying for Bea when I met her daughter Mary who eventually became my wife. Bea was working behind the bar at my favorite watering hole and I had been trying for months to get her to give me a tumble. She would just laugh at me and remind me that she was an old married lady, but I sensed that she would eventually cave if I just kept after her. One night I was sitting at the bar watching Bea's fine ass wiggle as she walked...

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Saali Seduction 8211 Part 3

What she said next really turned me on. She said,”Jiju, make me your slut today. I am all yours’ I gave her a nasty smile. I asked her,”you know who is a slut? And what would I do to you to make you my slut?” She replied,”Jiju, I know what it means to be your slut.” She smiled and bit her lower lip, staring at me like a slut. I told her,” You must be hungry. Let us first eat something. Get dressed and come to dining table.” Niharika replied,”Jiju, will you fuck me after having food? You will...

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SRU The Womanizer

Yeah, it's a predictable little story from me. So sue me :-) Spells R' Us: The Womanizer by Stephanie Josh saw the slap coming, but could do nothing to avoid it. "You're scum!" said the girl he had been talking to. She turned on her heel and stormed out of the bar. Josh shrugged and turned back to his drink. It had been a long shot, but it had been worth a try. He checked his watch. It was nearly quarter past five. He had left work early so he and his wife could go...

3 years ago
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They pulled a polyethylene drop sheet over his body as he lay in the trench. Demonic laughter merged with the sound of heavy plastic. “Dancin’ with the devil now, motherfucker,” somebody said up above the crinkle. More laughter, voices fading off toward the outer fringes of the junkyard. They left the knife in his thigh, along with three bullets in the trunk of his body. Officer Townes Baylor was rat feed. Everything was a swirl of nothing and darkness. No angels showed up to lead...

Straight Sex
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Playing A New Hand

Playing A New Hand My husband, Clint, and I now practice what is known as an open marriage, but this has not always been the case. I was a virgin when we got married, 13 years ago. My husband was the first man to ever see me nude much less to have sex with me until about five months ago. Since then, things have really changed. My husband and I now enjoy sex with others. I am only sorry we waited so long to discover the full range of sexual opportunities. Last Labor Day weekend, Clints brother...

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Oscar MeyersChapter 32

Oscar walked up to the door of the house and entered confident that Debbie and Georgia waited inside for him. The separation of three months had been very hard on him. Despite meditating most of the time he had been there, his thoughts had remained with the two women in his life. They were more important to him than returning to the school and, as a result, he had to stop by the house to be with them. Stepping inside the house, Oscar was greeted with silence. Frowning, he had expected that...

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Gym Pleasures

My life has gotten super busy since my move. I love my newjob, I’m decorating my house. I joined a gym, and have started to work my ass off. I’m finding muscles I didn’t know I had. That was where I met her, at my gym. I was in the locker room, mid-afternoon, on a Wednesday, getting ready to do my circuit. I had seen Marcy around the gym, but never really took notice. Until I realized my locker was right next to hers. I was unbuttoning my blouse when she came in. I couldn’t help but look up...

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Lou the babysitter takes control

Once more -- Missy ( Wendy ) tells us of her exploits with her Babysitter LOu !!! enjoy .............................It was a typical Welsh summer’s day --pissing down and cold -- cold enough for the gas fire to be on.I was feeling pretty shitty as I had one of those summer colds that just hanging on and can't seem to shake...Charlie had taken our son to school so I could stay in bed and try to sleep it out...Charlie hadn’t long gone and I heard the front door open Hello!! I knew the voice and...

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Wife Conversion Part 2

Since the next day, Friday, was a work day and spent from the night's activities, Kathy and I decided to go to bed early and try to get some rejuvenating sleep. Even so, we woke up late and I had to rush off to work. My wife and I agreed that we would talk about Thursday night's events when I got home from work.All day my mind would drift off to Thursday night's events and I found myself with a "hard-on" most of the day. I couldn't wait to get home and fuck my wife, but then it dawned on me, I...

4 years ago
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On the beach with Petra part 3 of a day on the be

After a nice adventure in the dunes behind the beachclub, we had found a nice table just in front of the dancefloor. The weather was still good, one of those gorgeous summer evenings with 25°C on the thermometer, a bright sky with a view on the sun, sinking in the sea, creating a fabulous red colored sundown. Petra, Amber and Sarah went to the back to change their clothes into something more suitable for the party.... As the dresscode was "sexy summer night", I was curious how their translation...

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